The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7
vrwj ,rW'lf - m a-.ifffnjj.. t 'i'ffff-yttfff ?(?', ' " ' "A M rtEJTJ t" i. mw ' .vX g V 'f1"H M " m THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 19Q0. fWW LACKAWANNA ' COUNTY. SrtAm. CARBONDALE, CONTRACT LET. Councils mut In Joint session last evening ittul awarded tho contract for paving North Church s rent to V. V. Woran on condition that tho vo:l: lie deferred until next Hprlmr It city engi neer and eounells think It ndvlcnblu. tn select council an opinion from the city solicitor was road statin; that warrants, slRiied hy the city controller, for extra work on the tax duplicate and for board of revision and appeal's clerk have not been sinned, contrary tn law as the controller said. The ordinance anncxltu; territory lo the Third sewer district was punted on third reading In common council. Commoners also concurred In the reso lution piovldlng for electric light bracket In front of Trinity church. An ordinance providing for n license tax was Introduced by A. T. Thomp son It fixes $100 for bankets and banking Institutions, $2. for auc tioneers, stock brokers, bouses of amusement, opera houses, exhibitions, circuses, transient retail business, mer chants selling goods by auction or ad vertising fire or bankrupt sales; $10 for insurance agencies and undertakers. Others get off for $3 and ?2, The ordi nance was referred to the proper com mittee. MADE THEIR OFFERING. Tho congregation of tho Korean Unp tlst church yesterday morning made their offering toward the endowment .of Keystone academy, and with some personal subscriptions added, the to'al offering amounts to the handsome sum of $1,200.50. The pastor hopes to have the even sum of $1,!X0 secured by the end of the week. The Interests of the institution were presented yester day morning by Dr. J. W. Putnam, who first preached one of the most nlo quent 'sermons ever delivered from a Carbondale pulpit. Principal Ilulley, who is well known here, and always welcomed as a pieacher, delivered a most able and helpful sermon In the evening. If generosity like this be comes general among tho Baptist churches, Keystone's endowment will be large enough for all Its needs. DEATH OF P. J. COLLINS. P. J. Collins, the well known mer chant tailor of South Main street, died at Emergency hospital early yesterday morning of heart failure. Deceased came to Carbondale eighteen years ago and secured employment as a cutter. A few years later he succeeded G. S. T. Alexander and conducted the busi ness up to the time of his death. Mr. Collins was born in Ireland In ISoG. When eighteen years of age he Dame to this country, landing In Bos ton. He was employed In Boston until 1SS2. lie was a member of St. Hose's Catholic church and was a leading spirit in many congregational socie ties. He was an enterprising and pub lic spirited citizen. Two brothers and one sister survive him, Daniel J., who lias been connected with his business here for years: John, In the West, and Mrs. Nellie McKlhlll; of Boston, Mass. LOOSE COAL DISAPPEARING. Scores of persons short of coal, who have more time on their hands than anything else, are digging through the culm piles around the city for a win ter supply. Six men and a boy were at work yesterday afternoon In the culm at what was known as Dick Jones' breaker, near Wayne street. With small screens they separated the coal from the dust and carried it away in bags. A little stream runs through the pile and In this a miniature wash ery had been constructed. Tho assiduity with which the men applied themselves would do credit to a placer miner panning out $10,000 worth of dust a day. It has been learned that from fifty to one hundred tons of large lump coal which lay near the mouth of an old slope on the Last Chance and Kdgerton railroad, has gradually disappeared. CAMBRIANS INSTALL OFFICERS. Cambrian lodge, No. 5S, installed thu following officers Saturday evening: Noble grand, Frank Kntrol; vice grand, William Barber; secretary, C. A,; assistant secretary, Marvin Whiting; treasurer, S. N. Bayley; war don, W. M. Ken worthy; conductor, W. R. Hughes; inside guard, A, F. Fey; outside guard, It. Holland; chap lain, William Ople, sr.; right side no ble grand, J. F. Bohlnrmi; l3lt s-!ds noble grand, 10. A. Dllts; Tt. S. S James Boyd; L. S. S.. James Smith; It. S. V. G., I. H. Colvln; I S. V. G., R. H. Blair. FATALLY BURNED. Dr. D. L. Bailey was called lo While's crossing near No. 4 yesterday afternoon to attend a little 0-year-old Hungarian girl. The' child was play ing around a huge (Ire of leaves when her clothing caught tho flames and before assistance could reach her she had been horribly burned. The doctor ordered her taken to Emergency hos pital .where sho was not expected to survive "the night, LOCAL AND PERSONAL. John J, Hrennan, of Sand street, was a guest In Scranton yesterday. Mrs. A. Cramer, of Scranton, was a guest of Mrs. A. It. Jones, of Wayne street, yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Webber und daughter, Hazel, of Trenton, ?f. J are guests of Mrs. Ella Colwell, of Sev enth avenue. Mrs. Itobert Blair, of Itoblnson ave nue, is 111. Employes of tho llepdrlek Manufac turing company went on full time yes terday, after two weeks of short time, Mabel Curr has returned from Port Jcrvls, now II. J, Whalen reud it paper at the Baptist pastors' meutlng in tho Penn avenue church, Sctunton, yester day morning, on "The Basis of Wor ship." EVERY WOMAN 6oaUe3 needs reliable, monthly, regulating medicine! Only htratao 12& the purest drugt ckould be Bte4, If jou wtat the bue, get Dr. Poal's Pennyroyal Pills Thoy are prompt, safo and certain la result. w w Tho mnulno (Dr. real's) never disappoint. Sold for 11.00 ner box. r rx Sb. For 8la by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, ccr, Wyoming avenue and Sprues street. I JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Clornld, the six-year-old son of Mr. niul Mrs. John O'Malloy, of Mnyfleld, who was operated Upon on Snturday for appendicitis, nt the Onrlianrtalo Kmergenry hospital, died at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The remains were removed to his late home at Mnyfleld yesterday, and ihe f uncial will take place this afternoon. Interment will be made in Kt. Hose cemetery, I'arbon dalc. Mis. Nellie Uurheart, of Honoifdale, was yesterday the guest of Mr. and Mis. Theodore Spettlgue, of Cemetery street. A ttcpubllcan mass meeting will be held in Enterprise hall on Krltlny even ing, at which several of the candidates will speak. The principal speaker will be Major Hancock, of Baltimore. A. J. Cnlboiu, oHi,, of Ket anion, wilt also speak. .1. D. Stacker and son, Frank, wit nessed the Princeton-Lafayette foot ball game at Huston last Saturday. Thomas K. Warwick and John Wood worth have returned home from Con necticut. Mrs. Jneob Hlller, of Third street, Is confined to her home by sickness. The friends of Will Mellow will be glad to hear that the young man has recovered sufficiently to bo able to sit up a little each day, and if ho con tinues to progress it it expected he will bo able to leave the hospital next week. Supplementary notices, informing tho employes that tho previous offer of ten per cent, advance would remain In force until April 1, were posted on Sat urday at the Olenwoiid, Uric and Key stone breakers of the Hillside Coal company. Mrs. J. D. Stocker, w ho has bppn vlsltlnsr at North Carolina and other portions of the South, Is expected home today. Born, to Mr. and Airs. Herbert Ar nold, of Greenfield, a daughter. Clarence Blakesleo, of New York, Is vMtlng friends here. PECKVILLE. Misses Jennie and Mabel Williams and Messrs. Harry Gaurd and Thomas Williams, of this place, attended a tea, Friday, at the home of lie v. and Mrs. J. Coleman, at Throop, in honor of their guest, Ethel Williams. Mr. and Mis. Decker, of Nicholson, visited their daughter, Mrs. George Claik, of Brook street, last week. The Epworth league of the Methodist Episcopal church will give a fine and interesting programme, Tuesday even ing, in the lecture room. Miss Mary E. Wise, of Mlddletown, N. Y., has returned home, after visit ing Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Callender, of Irorth Main street. " A special meeting of class No. 9 of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will be held at the home of Fiank Gen dnll this evening. All members are re quested to be present. The borough is constructing a new barn for their road engine on Jail street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ledyard re turned home from Stroudsburg on Sat urday evening. All the ofliceis and teachers of the Methodist Sunday school are requested to be present next Sunday, as business of importance is to be transacted. Miss A. C. Wise, who hus been the guest of Mrs. Judson Callender for sev eral weeks past, has returned to her home in Mlddletown. .Mr. William Seymour has returned from West A'irglnia. Miss Callender, of Scranton, was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Ed ward Jones, on Sunday last. Mr. Fred Peck, of Scranton, was the guest of Ulakely relatives on Sunday. Mis. George Thomas has n-tumed home, after several weeks spent visit ing her daughter, Mrs. John Bone, of Union, N. Y. Mrs. LIuderman and daughter, of Archbald, called on Miss Stage on Sun day. A grand entertainment is to be given on Thanksgiving eve. Something en tirely new. Watcli for it. MOOSIC. Miss Hannah Rehblne, of Peckvllle, was a caller in town Sunday. Mr. Howard Luckey and sister, Mls Lillian, of Port Jervis, spent Sunday In town. Mr. Harry Snyder, of Gracedale, vis ited his brother, C. S. Snyder, on Sat urday. Mrs. Dr. Heppeiien starts today for her home In Beatrice, Nebraska. Sho will be accompanied by her brother, H. L. Warner, of this place, Hev. and Mrs. C. B. Henry, of Tay lor, are visiting at the home of Rev. J, N. Bailey. Mr. Plumley, of Coin's school, Scran ton, occupied the pulpit of the Presby terian church on Sunday. Messrs. Aaron Bllllngton and Mllo Coolbaugh have returned from Phil llpsburg, in the western part of Penn sylvania, where they have been work ing. Mrs. James Millar and daughter. Miss Laura, of Carbondale, spent Sunday at tho home of Mr. J. W. Levan, of Main street. Quinine for Colds, Many people who use quinine for the cuie of colds say that the effect of this drug Is mote disagreeable than the disease, Krause's Cold Cure Is pre pared In a convenient capsule form, and will cure tho most deeply seated cold In 2i hours without' any Interrup tion to business. They are pleasant to take and give you a clear, fresh sensa tion while operating. Price 25c, Sold by Mutthews Bros, PALTON. Miss Hat tie Jackson, of Knst Lemon, spent Sunday in this place, Victor Northup, tho 10-year-old son of George Northup, sustained injuries on Saturday last by being run over by ti loaded wagon. Tho Methodist church hud services conducted in It on Sunday for the first time slnco the improvements have been made In the. interior. Tho steel celling has added much to the attiuctlvencss of the church, In the evening a union temperance bervlee LIEUTENANT PETERSON Says Peruna Is the Finest Tonlo and Invlgorator He Ever Used. lilontennnt Charles Peterson, Hoolt and Ladder Co. No. 21, writes the fol lowing letter to The Perunn Medlolna Co., from S27 Belmont avenue, Chicago, "Last year I had a severe attack of la grippe, which left me Very weak, ro that 1 was unable lo perform my duties. Several of my friends advised mo tn build up on Peruna, and I found It by far the finest tonic and lnvlgor utor I had ever used. In two weeks I was strong and well, and If ever I am exposed to unusual hardship Incident with my duties at fires I take a dose or two of Peruna nnd 11 ml that It keeps mo In good health," Churles Peterson. - The above is only one of fifty thou sand letters we have on file attesting the merits of eruna. There are a. great multitude of people in all parts of the land who have en tirely lost their health as a result of la grippe; who have recoveied trom an attack, but find themselves with weak ened nerves, deranged digestion, and with but very little of their former powers. There Is no disease known to man that leaves the system In such an out rageous and exasperating condition a- la grippe. For this class of sufferers, Peruna Is a specific. Peruna should be taken ac cording to directions and In a few weeks the sufferer will be entirely ie stored to his accustomed health. Address The Peruna. Medicine Co , Columbus, O., for a free copy of "Facts nnd Faces." was held in the church, which was largely attended. Mr. Foster, president of tbe Interna tional Correspondence schools, and who has been spending the summer here, has moved his family back to Scranton. Miss Mabel Purdy gave a party on Saturday evening in honor of her guests, Miss Mexble, of Cooppfstown, N. Y. There were a large number of young people present and the even ing was enjoyably spent. Mrs. Joseph T. Somers and Mrs. Ira Kresgp were visitors in Scranton on Saturday. Mrs. Susan B. Fessenden, of Boston, Mass., and formerly president of the State Women's Christian Temperance union, of that state, will deliver an address in the Baptist church on Fri day evening next. Mis. Oliver Mason entertained rela tives from Northumbeiland on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Swartwood, of New ton, were visitors hero Sundny. Thomas Hall, of Olenburn, has taken charge of the Baptist church choir. The members of the choir will moot for rehearsal on Thursday even ing at tho close of the prayer ser vice. They will prepare special music for the Harvest Home services (to bo held in the Baptist church next Sunday. Mr&. Charles Purdy has returned from an extended visit in New Jer sey. Airs. John Dershimer entertained her granddaughter from Scranton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S, E. Finn entertained on Sunday Miss Gertrude Finn, of Keystone academy, and Prof. Green and wife, of Clark's Green. . Mrs. Henry W. Northup will sorve a supper on Wednesday evening at her home for the benefit of the Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist church. Dr. J, W. Prlco has moved into Mrs. Slade's' house, where he will make his future home. Rev. A. W. Cooper and wife left yes terday for Harrlsburg, where they win attend the state meetings of the Metho dist Episcopal church. PRICEBURG. Miss Annie Summers upont Sunday In Providence. Herbert Drowning anil son, of Peck vllle, called on friends In town yes terday. JIlss Grrtle AVntklns, of Brook .street, was a visitor in Jermyn Sun dny David Thomns, of Carmalt street, is vJHtlne friends in flreen Dldfje, Miss Jessie Hill, of Providence, "pent Monday with Miss Annie- Sum mers, The Ladies Aid society of tlie Primi tive Motbodlst church will meet to morrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock nt tho homo of Mrs. Ur, Hllheltner, on Main street. . Miss Sarah Cooper, of Albert street, was a business callor In Olyphant yesterday, OLYPHANT, Tlie funeral of Mrs. Sarah Williams will take place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Services will be conducted by Dev. Dr. Spencer n the Dlakely nan. tlst church, Rev. and Mrs. D. n. Hanton. of I Wallsvllle, spent yesterday with Mrs. waiticnne -4 nomas, or Delaware street, Mr. and Mrs. K. J, Hull and children have returned from a visit to Factory- Vllle. Miss McCrartten, of Scranton, was tb&- jS t Unit. Chan. Peterson, "" the guest of Mr. II. B. Bush on Sun dny. Miss Grace Pettlgrew spent Sunday at Jermyn. Mrs. Winifred Mites, of Youngstown, Ohio, nnd Mis, Mnry Lewis, of ttvde Park, arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Jones, of Lackawanna street. Mrs. II. B. Hammond and daughter, Genevieve, left Saturday to spend two weeks at Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. John II. Williams, of Second street, Blakely, Is quite III. Mrs. W.M. Heraon, of Jermyn, vis ited friends In town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gllhool, of Scranton, were Ihe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dearie on Sunday. Willie Toad, of Wllkos-Barre, Is vis iting Mr. nnd Mrs. Matthew Mnckey, of Lackawanna street. John Dempsey, of Forest City, Is spending a few days at his home here. Mrs, h I, Thomas has returned from a visit with relatives at Providence. DUNMORE. Mrs. Susan B. Fessenden, of Boston, Mass., delivered a forcible and elo quent temperance lecture last even lug In the auditorium of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Fessenden Is one of the most active temperance lectures of the country, having been for ninny years president of the Mas sachusetts State Women's Christian Temperance union, nnd is endowed with unusual"glfts as a lecturer. A grand mass meeting of the Repub licans of this borough will be held on Thursday night In the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' hall. Speakers of prominence wll Inddress those pres ent, among them being Hon. John R. Furr and Major Hamjock, of Bal timore, Md. The funeral of Lydla Fotanell, the little 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fotanell, of 228 Elm street, who died yesterday, will be held tomorrow. The services will bo held at the home. The borough policemen are endea voring to keep the walks at the "Cor ners" free from loafers, having started anew last evening. Ta Collector Keilly will be at the borough building to receive taxes every afternoon from 2 to G o'clock until October SO. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sterner, of 317 North Blakely street, are at South Bethlehem, where they will spend the week. Many Thanks. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such a won derful medicine," says W. W. Massln gili, of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must nlso feel thankful. It is for sale by all druggists. Matthews Bros., wholesale and retail agents. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. TCKSDAY "le IPs Auction." THURSDAY "The Gill fiom Maxim's." Academy of Music. ALL WI:i:K Schiller Stock Company. Gaiety. PI US r TllItKi: DAYS. "A Lucky Coon." LAST TllltKi: PAYS. America's Ciiealest Vaudeville Stars. Schiller Stock Company. The Schiller Mock company opened u week's engagement at the Academy of Music la-it even ing, piescnting a first class lnclo-dr.ini.i entitled "Pnl-cly Accused." Thu piece was handsomely slai;ed and magnificently cotuinul. Miss Ellu in the leading feminine lole as Kate lli'iiby, pcitu.ved the- pait witli exceptional taste and ability and won tlie favor of the audi ence in a client space of time. Mr. 1'iarier, us tho aitist, and Mr, Noa as the polished villain, wric excellent in their respective roles. Thu lumse was well rilled and the patrons en jojed the play immensely. Specialties vme in tioiluced between the nets by Louis (.'mint, a whistler who is !t whistler. The Cluppelle sis tus Iiitioduced tlie acrobatic dancing and Hal oid Kenedy, tlie luonologuht, made the lilt of the eveninar. One of the biggest novelties ever presented at tlie Acailinv 01 Music was seen last evening. Lit tle John, the colored midget, made a decided hit by the cieier manner in which he did his pe culiar cake walk. The boy only stands one foot nod one-half high and could hardly be seen on Ihe stage. He received several encores nnd will appear at each performance given by the Schil ler Stock company this vvek. This afternoon "Past Lnne" will lie tlie bill, and tonight "Vc '11ns of Tennessee." "A Lucky Coon" Company. A company composed entirely of colored per fotmcis began n lluee days' engagement, at tlie Oaloty yi'sterday afternoon pircnllng a Ivvo-nct musical toniedy entitled "A Lucky Coon," which Is heavily spiced with very entertaining special tics. The company contains a number of good per fouuers and tho entertainment given i. clean and bright, The specialties of Simpson and Pitt man, fanny Wise and Walter PKon and Midget Prlco called forth unstinted upplauso yesterday. The peiformance will be upcated this and to. 11101 row afternoons und evenings, A new departure will be Iiitioduced ut the Oiltty begir.nlng with this afternoon. Smoking will not bo permitted during the afternoon per formances and ladles will be admitted fiee to these matinees. "Devil's Auction" Tonight. This season's pi eduction of the "Devil's Auc tion" will be Hie best ever given by Manager Yale, and is brim full of novelties, special fea. lures, etc., etc., besides the niaulra scenery, tiun.Mmination, funny triek scenes and so on. In conjunction with tlie above may be men tioned the high clavs specialties: by M'lle bene and Zaa, the gill with the dog with tlie auburn hair, tho three biothers Leando, comedy aero hate's and gymnasts, the Sisters Clements in songs 11 nd tutUtic dancing, tho Sldonla ttoup'i of Diglish biugeis and dancers, imported for this season's tour; Richard T. Itiowu, the com. iilianj Miss Annie Lloyd, known as "Tlie Vital Spaik"; Amelia Maverotlcr and Hilda Maccarl, ruiope.111 picnilere;, and numerous othcis. At the Lyceum tonight, "The GUI from Maxims," 'ilio funniest of I'leiieh faiccs Is "The fllrl from Maxim's, will be piesenled at the I.y ceuni on Tliuisday evening by a special ram. pany of farceurs oiganUcd for this play, "Tho dill f 1 mil Maxim's" in IU oilgliul Prcnih foun has been runnier In ('ails (or the pa.l tlnee .vi'.us. In lis Ameiican veulon which preseivvs all he Jolty fun and blight lines ut tlie original, It had a long and prosperous run at the Cil terlon theati'i, New Y01W. The company l nu unusually ilever one. Tlie ttenie pioducllon is to bu the same a; seen at the Cilterlon theater, New Yoik. 'flits is a letuin eniMKCiut'iit of the farce, laving been ecu belli last season. The Vaudevtle Stars, Two tavoiites bum the New Yoik Casino will be seen at tlie llalety theater, Oct. W, i and 27, in connection with Amci lea's Oieat Vaudeville Stars. They arc Jjiiicm f, MacDoiuld and Annie Martcll, and will appear In a fane comedy sketch, piouounced by all who have seen it to bo the peer of any similar act now bclni? tiroiluepil mi Ihe 11mfotlll0 ,hu. Tl.ta orgsnlnstlon Is composed of stiktly high class The People's Exchange. i A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE fop ths lleusm ot VII Vlir ffnvo Houses to Rent, Rent Estate or Other Property tn Bell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or HatpThso Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Sltttntioru Want oil, Which At'j In serted Free. FOR RENT. fou rtKNT-A surrn ok iiooms and also a .. . front loom .it tlie uncien, &w i.imini street FOR SALE $10,000 W1M. DIJY-MODfJ. 110MK, rllUlIB mlnnti'H ualk to Court House. Per paitlcti lni rail nt lllic. M, It. Ilolgatr, Common wealth llullJlnir. i'OIt HALIl-COXTKXTri 01' HOIMI I'tlltXP lure, ciqiet', Ir-dillng, etc. Ote WhiIiIiirIhh avenue. run sai,i:-om: iii:uiii,atios hihi: nnt'.ss- nick iool lalile. AJdiesi A. H. l'rlldiaiil, ti'ij Court sticcl. WANTED-TO BUY. WAVTRn-. rinnti iavixo. wf.i.t. kstah. ivrArtAfAVS' Milled business, or uoutil purchase one-halt ot nny uooil legitimate buslnrsi (ctecpt wlnei or whiskies). HcfcicucN nskeil anil mulshed to be gilt edge. Address A., Titlnine. WANTEDSnCOND HAND SLOT MACHINES) mint bo in Rood order: etntc pnltlculars oi to make and price. Address, L. M., peneral de livery, Scranton, l'. ROOMSMNTJzD. vXNTEl2'ott""3 FUKMBUnD HOOMSrrOlt lllit housekeeping; centrally located. Ad dress, J. W., Williams building, City. MONEY TO LOAN. MONHY TO LOAN-STRAIGHT t.OANS AT once. Curry, Connell building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONEY TO f.OAN. QUICK, atralght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-315 Connell building. SAI.KSMKXVANTEO TO SV.Ui OUIl COOPS by xamplc to wholesale ami retail trade. We are tho Uigest and only manutaeluiers in our line in the u-oild. Liberal salary paid. Address CAX-ORX Mfg. Co., Saamiah, Oa. IMPOUNDED. IMPOUNDKD-AT BULL'S IIRA1), ONI! HAY mate, weight about 1,000 pounds; will bo old October 24 ut 10 o'clock a. in., if not called for. O. O. Brink, pound master. L , CITY SCAVENGER A. B. BRIOOS CLEANS PltlVY VAULTS AND less pool: no odor. Impioved pump uicd. A. B. BllltiCS. Proprietor. Leae orden 1100 North Main nvenue, or Kicke's drug More, cor ner Adams and Mulbeiry. Telephone 0340. LEGAL. THK ANNUAL MLUTIXO OP TllK STOCKHOLM- era of The Wyoming Coal and Land company will 1m- held at the cilice of the company, W.I Meari building, Scruntou, Pa., on Saturday, Oct. 27, 11100, at 2.30 p. in. 11. C. SHAFF.R, Secretary. NOTICi: TO OWNKRS OF PROPERTY ON HAST MarKct fctieet, between the Laclsawanna river and North Main avenue. The following U a copy of a resolution of Citv Councils of the City of Scranton, Pa., approved Oct. S, 1000. Resolved, by tlie Select Council of the Citv of Scranton, the Common Council concurring, That it is hereby declared to be the purpose of the City of Scranton to ordev that, that portion ot a certain stieet in said city, known as Last M.11 ket street, lying between the hiidge nossing the Lacknwanna liver and the paxe nlieie said Market street and North Main avenue intersects other, sliall be pjicd at the expense of the abutting propel ty, in .iiconlance to the foot front Mile. Provided that three-fourths ot all the members elected to each branch of th councils shall ote in favor theieof. On tlie passage of tills lesolution lv tho above named vote, and-tin- approval of tlie Mayor, the City Cleik shall publish a copy thereof, for ten dajs in two newspapers published in the City of Scranton, stating that unless a majou'ty of the ovvneis of piopeity abutting upon said Kast Mai ket street between the points above named, shall signify to councils in writing within sixty days from Hip date of the approval of this lesolution, their preference of tin' material de siied for such pavement, Councils will proceed to pais an ordinautc directing the paving of said street with such material us they sec fit. Approved Oct. .7, 1000. JAMES MOIR, Mayor. Published in puisuance of the provisions ot the foregoing resolution. U. T. LAVKLLK, City Clerk. vaudeville acts only, and each and every mem ber is an aitist par excellence In his" or her particular line. Matinees daily. ENGINEERS PROTEST. So Not Like to Assume Responsi bility for Railroad Accidents. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Oct. 22. The Phila delphia and neadlns Railway com pany has issued a paper which en gineers of the Now York division have been asked to sign. It is as follows: "I undestand that I am to handle my train carefully, approach stations and obscure places with the train un- I dor control, and exercise such vlgl- utiiL-e; aim care innx an accident on account of my carelessness or ne glect of duty shall not occur. I fully understand that an engineer can make or prevent nine-tenths of tho accl donts on the railroad," The men are said to be signing the paper under 'protest, claiming that by It they are compelled to shoulder the responsibility of nine-tenths of all ac cidents occurring on the rood. DOWIE MOBBED AGAIN. From 00 to 700 Students Handle the Faith-Healer Roughly. By Kulmivo Wile from The Assoelatod Press. Lonelon, Oct. 22. John Alexander Dowle, the Zionist, of Chlcnco, was mobbed at a meeting; at St, Marten's town hull this afternoon, From 000 to 700 students attcmptoel to prevent the fuith-healer from enter ing the hall, but a strons- force ot police pulled Mr. Dowle through the mob of students, and urrested the ring leaders. ECUADOR TO .PAY ITS DEBT, Congress Arranges to Liquidate the Republic's Foreign Obligation. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Piess. Panama, Columbia, Oct. 22, In a dispatch from auuyatiul! It Is an nounced that the Kcuadorlan congress has made arrant'ements hy which tho country will pay Us ontira foreign debt. Theic is more Cutairh in litis section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until tho last few jcai.s was supposed 10 be li.eurable. For u great many jears docters pro nounced it a local dlwiisc, and prescribed local icinedies, and by constantly falling w enie with local tieatment, pronounced it Incur fole. Se. nice has proven catarrh a cotutltutiunal disease, and therefore requite constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufacture) hy F, J. Cheney k Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cine on the mailed. It is taken Internally ill doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon. ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollar for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonial.. Address, F. J. CHENEY k CO. TaIhIo. O luift family fills aic'the best , . . ' , - i WASTKUSMAftT YOIJ.NO MAN 'O TKNtJ phootlntt gallery. Dean, YU I'etin uvenuc. MUSICIAN'S VANTKI)C!.Attl.ST,T, COUNTI, baritone )ilaers wanted ut the llixtmi nml Montana Smeller, ( Kails, Mmit, llthel mti write; union wages paid; only Hist clu ss men need tn apply, Leader lilac k Kagle band, 211 nth Mieit, north. WANlLMIIOOl), sritON'O HOY, HI TO IS cars ot aire, lo Irani tinners' trade. Wolf k Wcurel, 210 Adaim auuuc. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTF.U-A 0001) WOMAN' TO Kl'.t:!' IIOI'MI! or wants a ho-nc. Atldiiw I'.tl Mniitnii, .Mm cow, 1'a. RECRUITS WANTED. MAHINR CORPS UNlTP.t) STATI'.S NAVY til! erultii wanted Able-bodied men; serilco on our wnralilps In all parts ot the world nnd on land In the Philippines, when required. Lieu tenant Colonel n, 11. Tlussell, N. W, Corner Lark awanna and Wyoming avenues, Scranton. DRESSMAKING. CnnSRMAKtNO FOtl CMLDItEN TO OltDKtl; also ladies' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. SITUATION WANTi:U-lIY YOl'XO. Ullth AT light homcuotk. ITlll Summit liM'iiue, Si. rn n ton. SITUATION WAXTi:il-UV A YOl'XO HN VO drhe, Hired 21 jeam. Addicts U Jones hloik, lear 711) Pi Ice tieot. COLORED OIIU.S WANTS POSITION AS NUlShl'. or vlijiiibiimald. Mi. Annie Coh-nun, 'Ml I'helpj street, city. WANTKO POSITION OY A .MAN OP 2s; ANY honorable woik; ufeuiKei. Address P. O.., gri.crul delivery. ANTi:i A POSITION AS COLLECTOR. OR any outdoor woik. Can lefetcnees. Addie-s 1717 Sanderson avenue, city. SITPATIOV WANTKD-AS A CASHIER OR wellness: would like to get woik as soon as possible. Addicss A, Tribune oillce. A COLORED CtRL WANTS WASHING TO HO at home. No. S.M Phelps street, Scianton, Pa. BOOKKEEPER WOULD LIKE POSITION; TEM- perate and reliable; would assUt in sluie; low saliny. Bookkeeper, 11H l'alifleld stieet, city. SITUATION WANTED-I1Y YOUNfl 01111, IN doetoi's or lavvjei's office; salaiy moderate. Address "Maggie," Tiibune oillce. SITUATION WANTED A GERMAN COOK wishes situation as vegetable and meat cook, M. K., Tribune ottlce. SITUATION WANTEH-ltOOKKEEt'ER WISHES a situation. K. K., Tiibune otlice, COPYIST EXPERIENCED YOUNG WOMAN would like extia coplng, deeds, bonds, mortgages, etc. Adelicss C'upjlst, Tiibune ottlce. hlTUATION WANTKD-A FIRST CLASS LAUN- diess would like Monti ey and Tuesday; steed-. Aeldrrss M.i.y Donnelly, Scranton P. O. SITUATION WANTED-nY A COLORED MAN to drive team or to woik on the farm or in a piirate family, or any kind of work. Poieat eouit. PROFESSIONAL Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD O SPAULDINO, C. P. eis' Dank building. A., 21 TRAD- Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCTHTEOT, CONNELL building, Si ranton. FREDERICK L IIROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE builuing, 128 Washington avenue, Seranton. Cabs and Carriages. KUHRER TIRED CARS AND CARRIAGES; BEST of servile. Pinnipt attention given orders, hy 'iilione, 'Phones 2072 and 5332. Joseph Kclley. 121 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. EH.E.VUEIIUEIt, PAULI BUILDING, Spiuce 6treet, Scianton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE IIOS. pital, coiner Wjomlng and Mulbeiry. DR. C. C. J.AUIlACTI, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. DR. 11. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THU ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AT nuc. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAU D.. L. k W. PAS senger depot, Conducted on tlie European plan, VIOTOlt KOCH, Proprietor. Lawyers. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL, lor-ut-law. Rooms 312-313 Meats building, 1). B. UEPLOGLE, ATTORNEY -LOANS NICGoi Hated on leal estate security. Mcais building, eorner Washington avenus and Spruco street, WILLARD, VARREN & UNAPP, AriORNEYS and counsellors-at-lavv. Republican building, Washington avenue. J2SSUP i: JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COU.T fellors-at-lavv. Conimoiivveallh building, Rooms 10, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. Rooms 514, 015 and 610 Boaid of Tiada build ing, EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY, 003-004, Otli floor, Mcars building, ROOMS L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa, C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT LAW, of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. BOARD PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. C. CO.MEQVS, 8-13 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BERTIIOLF, ATTORNEY, MEA11S BI.DG. Physicians and Surgeons, DR, W, E. ALLEN, 511 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S, W, L'AMOHHAUX, OFFICE fS'i W,SI Ington avenue, Roldcnce, 1313 Mulbcrrv. Chronic dlsva(s, lungs, heait, kidnejs and geuitn-urinary oigaui a specialty, I Joins, 1 to I p. m. Schools, SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, SCRANTOV, Pa. Couisc preparatoiy to college, law, nicdl line or b.islncse. Opens Sept, Utlt. Send for catalogue. Rev Thomas M ('ami, LL. I)., prin eipal and pioprietor; W. E. Plumley, A. n l.eadnustcr. Seeds, fi. It. CLMtK A- CO., SEEDSMEN AND NURS, er.Miun, stoie C01 Washington avenue; stem houses, 1050 Noilh Main avenue; etoiu tele, phone, "ii. Wire Screens, Joseph KUiirriiL, rearou lckawanna avenue, beiatitun, Pa., niaiiufaeturci o( Wile Screens. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S" OKCIIKSTRA-MUSIO "for llALLS, picnics, pattio ice cptiens, vve-ddlngs and (on. celt well; furnblicd, Fur tiims addns R. .1, Bauei, couduetoi, 117 Wyoming aniiue, ovei Ilulbert's luudc store. MEOARCEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN. velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 W'.iuingtuu avenue, Scraiilon, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE , PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAf Schodule In Effect May 87, 100d. Trntns leave Scranton! 0.45 a. m week days, for Sunbur. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, BaltV more, Washington and for Pitt burgr and the Woit. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hasleton, Pottsvllle, Reading Norrlstown, and Philadelphia! and for Sua bury Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Bttltimore.Wnshington and Pitt burg and the West. 2.18 p. "jn., week days, (Sundays 1.D8 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington nnd Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts vllle, Reading, &c. week days. 4,27 p. m,, week days, for Sunbury, Hnzletort, PottBvllle, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J, it. moon. on. Pan. Agt. J. 11. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect June 10, 1900. South Leave Scrnulon for New Yoik t 1.45, 3.00. 5.J0, 8,0(1 and 10.itt a. tn., 12.S5. .1,'I3 nnd 8.10 p. in. For Philadelphia at 5.10. 8.00 slid loo, , m.j yijk; 3n, p. in. for Strouds burg at (1.10 p. m. Milk and aeeommodatlon ot , ?- '' '" Anlve at Iloboken at (kfiS, 7.IH. 10.13 a. tn.: 12.01. 2.,7, 4.4R, 7.111 and 0.43 p. in. Arrive at Philadelphia at 10.00 a. m. 1.08, 3.. 0.00 and 9.i p. ,. Airlve fiom New ork at 1.0.V J.0D , ui.-JO a, m.: 1.00, 1.52. 5.43, 8.4J and p. n,. tiom SUnudsbtirg at S.Oj u. in. .Noith Leave Scianton for nutfnlo and Inter mediate stations at 1,10, 1.10 and 8.30 a. m.i ', o.4S and It. S3 p. 111. For Oswego and 8r use at u. in, and l." p. m. For Utlca at Lie a. ni. and 1,.V p. in. For Montiose at 8,30 a. in.; LO.-, p. in. mid s,4S p. in. For Nlchel (on at 4.00 nml 0.15 p. m. For niiighamlon. lO.rJ and 8.50 p. m. Airlve In Scranton from TlulTal t 1.J0, 2.55. 5.35 and 10.00 a. in.; 3.30 and 8.01 P m. Fiom Oswego and Syracuse nt 2.55 . m. 12..iS and 8.00 p. m. From 1'lica at 2.35 a. m.f l'-.-iS and 3..10 p. m. 1'roni Nicholson at. 0.60 a. in. and ei.00 p. m. Fiom Montrose at 7.53 nrt 10W :i. in.; .-1.20 and S.00 p. in. llloninslmig Division Leave Scranton for Noitliunibriland nt O.n, 10.05 a. m.; 1.31 and 5.50 p. m. For Plj mouth at 1.05, 3.40, 8.55 and 11..1.; p. in. For Nanticoke at 8.10 a. m. ArriT at Nnitliiinibeiland at 035 a. in. ; 1.10, 5.00 and 8.45 p. in. Auhc nt Nanticoke at 11.10 a. m. An he nt Pl.vmoiilh at 2.00, 1.32, fl.50 p. m. ard 12.30 a, in. Anlve at Scranton from Northvmi. beiland nt 0.12 a. in.; 12.35. 4.50 nnd 8.4J p. in. From Nanticoke at 11.00 ,i. m. From I'lj mouth at 7.50 a. in., 3.20, 5.35 and 11.10 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. South Leave Seranton 1.40, .1.00, 5.40, 10 05 . m.: a..ll, a.w and 8.10 p. in. Noith Leave Scranton at. 1.10, 4.10 . m.i 1.55, fi.48 and 11.35 p. m. Itloomsbuig Division Leave Seranton t 10.S6 a. in. and 5.50 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect June lltli, l'KX). Tialns for Cailiondale leave Scranton at 6.M, 7.5.1, s.51, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.23. 2.2(1, 3.02, 5.16, 0.21, 7.57, 0.15, 11.15 p. m.: 1.10 a. in. For Honcsd.ile and Lake Lodoic (1.20, 10.13 1. tn.: 2.20 anil 5.25 p. ni. For W'ill,cs-n.iric 0.45, 7.48, 8.43, 0.3S. 10.43 a. in.; 12.0J, 1.2S, 2.1S, 3.33, 1.27, 0.10, 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. For L. V. R. R. polnts-0.45 a. m.; 12.01, 2.18, 3.33 and 11.30 p. in. For Penii-jlvanli II. R. points 0.45, 0.38 a. ni. : 2.1S and 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all points north 6.20 a. ni. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale 0.00, 11.33 a. m.j 2.25, 3.52, 5.17, 10.52 p. m. For Wilkc-naiic 0.38 a, m.; 12.03, 1.38, 3.23, 0.27, 8.27 p. m. For Albany and points noith 3.52 p. in. For Honesdalc and Lake Lodore 0.0O a. nt. anil 3.52 p. in. Lowest lates to all points in United States and Canada. ., .1. W. IH'RDICK, C. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. II. W. CROSS, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect May 27, 1900. ( Trains Leave Scranton. For Philidclplila and New Yoik via D. !c II. R. It., ut 0.45 a. in. and 12.0.1, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Diamond Expicss), ami 11.30 p. in. Sundays, V. & II. 11. 11., 1..VS, 7.18 p. m. For White Ilavcn, lf.i7lcton and principal points in the coal legions, via D. & II. It. R,, 0.45. 2.18 and 1,27 p. in. For Pottsvllle, 6.45, 2.18 p. in. For Bethlehem, Easlon, Reading, Itarrishurg and principal inteniicdiate stations via D. k II. R. R., 0.13 n. m.i 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Express), 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. & II. It. It., 1.58, 7.4S p. ni. For Tiiiikliannotk, Tovvanela, Eluiiia, Ithaca, Geneva and principil intermediate stations, via 1)., L. & W. It. II., 8.03 a. m.; 1.05 and 3.35 p. in. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chle-ago, and all points vvckt, via D. II. H. R., 12 0,1, 3.3.1 (Black Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundays, I). k II. 11. R., 12.03 p. m.i 7.48 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley pallor cars on all trains between Wilkes-Barre nnd New Yoik, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sun pei.siou Bridge. 110LL1N II. WILP.UR, Gn. Supt., 28 Cortland stieet. New York. CHAHLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 78 Cortland street. New Yoik. A. W. NONNEM.VCJIER. Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Rctlilelem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reseivatlons apply to 309 Lrckawanna aronue, Scianton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In New York-Toot of Liberty street, N. ., and South Feny. Antlnacito coil vised exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFEC'T MAY 20. l0i). Tialns leave Seranton for New York, Newark, Elizabeth. Philadelphia, EaMon. Bethlehem, Al-lontou-n, Maiieli Chunk and White Haven, at 8M a. m.i cNpiess, 1,20; espicvi, 4.00 p. m. Sun days, 2.15 p. in. For I'ittston and Wllices-Barre, 8 30 a. nt.; 1.20 and 4.00 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. lit. For Baltimore und Washington, and points South and Wet via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m,, 1.20 p. in. Sunda.vs, 2.15 p. in. For Long Branch, Ocean Glove, etc., at 8.30 ,i, in, mid 1.20 p. in. For Heading, Lebanon and Hairiiburg, via Al lent'ivvn, S..!0 a. ni. und 1.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For PolUvllle, 8.30 i. m., 1.20 p. in. Through tiel els to all points east, south and west at lowest t.ites at Hie station. .1. II. OIILIIAUSEN, fihii. Sunt. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agt. New York, Ontario nnd Western R,R. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE 24, North Bound Trains, Leave Leave Seian- Carbon- Arrive, Tialns. ten, ehle, Cadoaia, 0 10.10 a, in. 11.20 a, ill.1 1,05 p.m. 20.1 3.45 p. tn. 4,32 p.m. 5.45 livDi. 207 0.00 p, in, Arrive Carhondale, 0,10 pm. South Hound Trains. - " Leave Leave Cadosla, Cailiondale, Scianton. 2(12 7.00 a. in. 7,40 a. m. 201 8.10.1. in. I0.0'2 a. in. ID. Ha. ill, 200 2.01 p. in. 3.31 p, in. 4.20 p. m. blNDAYS ONLY, North Bound. Leave Leave y Seian- Caiboti- Arrive, ton. dale, Caeloils, 2a-, ,,.,,, S.50 a. in. 0.10a. m. 10,45 a. ni. 200 7.00 p. in.Aiilvo Cubondale, 7.45 p. ni. South Pound. Leave Leaves Cadosla, Carbondale. -rinton, 202 7.00a, in, 7.10a, m. "OS 4.30 p: in. 6.54 p. in, 0.35 p. ni, Tiain No. 201 makes connection for polnti Noith mid South on Main Line, at Cadntia. Tialns Nos. 205 and 2.08 make Main Line con- pee lions on Sunday, For futtlier Infoini.ition. tonsiilt tic Let' sgsnta. .1. l. ANDERSON, Hen. Pas. Agt,, New York. J. E. WELSH, Tiaveling Pajienger Agent, Scran ton. i Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Table In Effect Sept, 17, 1000, Trains for llaulrjr and lo at points, connect' Ing at Haw ley with Erie rallioad (or New York, Nevvlniridi ad intcrnie'dlate points, leavo Seian- tun at 7.05 a. in, and 2.2.5 p, in. Tialu arrive at Scranton at 10.30 a. m. and ( p. in. NEWSPAPERS THE WII.KESDARlIi: RECORD CAN llTHAD In Scranton at the news stands of Rebjman Bios.. 405 Spiuee ami MM Llndcnt M. Norton, 322 Laekaw a avenuej J. S. SchuUer, 211 Spiiuo street. mrs.'l. t, KEi.LER.simiTTfliaTireriTrwo tluiuiiooiug, 50c. : fsaclal mumn uulaa, I Ing, 25c; chiiopody, 701 (Julncy, 1.' H i l i.' f& Wtebv.'.'.y.y.jf isCfatt". W. , t? Wi , Ml' - U-4w( -Mm, .. .'CW-iihA, s, J "fX' si&S i . 1