The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' V,
f! W
s '
WaBhburn-Drlnker nnd Euryea Cars
' Collide nt the Corner of South
Main Avenue and Washburn
Street nnd Ono of the Passengers
Was Injured Another Republican
Mass Meeting Scheduled Cases
Before Alderman Kelly Weekly
School Deposits Notes and Per
sonals. A collision lust night resulted In two
trolley cms being damaged, one pas
fcenger being Injured, and nine others
narrowly escaping Injury.
Duryoa car No. 31C and Wushburn
Drinker car No. 308, both of the new
vestlbuled, air-braked pattern, the for
jnor In charge of Conductor D. Cat tor
and Motorman Robert Monuhan, and
1ho latter Conductor "C. Perry and
JMotorman Charles Newcomb, were duo
t the corner of Washburn street and
.South Main avenue about the same
time, shortly after 10 o'clock.
Motorman Newcomb claimed to have
the right of way, and tried to run tha
curve leading out of Washburn street
into Main avenue, but Motorman
Monahan was running Ills car too fast
for him, and thinking he could make
the switch ilrst, put on more power.
He succeeded an ordinary car's length
nil right, but evidently did not proo
crly estlmuto No. 31G's i length, and
when all but a few feet to the good of
No. 308, he reversed the motor and
turned on the air pressure, bringing
his car to a standstill, just us No. 30S
crashed into the rear end on the right
hand side facing north.
Newcomb claimed ho could not stop
Ills car in time to avoid the (collision,
alleging that the rails were wet.
Monahan also alleged that the rails
were wot, and claimed that his car had
the right of way into the switch at
that point. The vestibule on No. 30S
was damaered to some extent, and the
front trucks were derailed. Several
windows were broken in Car 316 and'
the window casings damaged.
Only one passenger was In car 316
nt the time, and nine weie In car SOS.
Mrs. Hobbs, an aged woman, residing
at 520 Harrison avenue, was the only
ono injured, and she was slightly
bruised about the head and shoulders.
Special Agent Stephen Dyer assisted
her to the ofllce of Dr. W. Rowland
Davles, and after her injuries were at-
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour's French
1i ; -;,.t. .. j
J. ar IS WUat you need.
The Woman in Black Is
Always a Woman of Fashion
For black is never out of style and never will be as
long as good taste and present ideas as to what is cor
rect in woman's dress remain with us.
But the Phrase, " Black Dress Goods,"
Has a wonderfully broad significance these days. It
covers the whole realm of textile fashion, and does it
more thoroughly than cau ever be attempted in a col
ored or fancy stock.
Let Us Prove This Fact to You
Any day this week, during our special display of all
that is newest and best for the adornment of women in
the weaver's art in our Black Dress Goods Department
Some of the Most Attractive Weaves Shown
Full lines in cut and uncut Pierolas, without doubt the
most beautiful and fashionable weave of the eeutury.
Zebalines, Pebble and Plain Cheviots, Uucut or Fin
ished Worsteds, Corkscrews, Broadcloths, Prunellas,
French, English and Domestic Serges, Camel's Hairs,
Venetians, Kerseys, Melrose, Westra or Luxor Suit
ings, Poplins, Canadensis Cloths, High Lustre Bril
liautines, Henriettas, Etc.
But the Good News Does Not End Here
We will make it well worth your while to visit the
Black Dress Goods Department this week. Here are
four great specials without a parallel, and they're right
in line with fashion's every day ideas:
45-Inch Pure
Wool Fine Serges,
A beautifully finished medium
weight cloth for skirts or entire
suits, and worth a long shot
, more than the bargain figure,
50-Inch All Wool ORn
Heavy Weight Cheviots D3U
A better cloth for rough weath
er suits or skirts is not made,
and at the price named this is
really a bargain surprise.
,..' These Bargains Tuesday
Globe Warehouse
tended to, she was conveyed to her
home In n carriage,
John H, McDcrmutt, of "17 Hampton
direct, also claimed to be Injured, Ho
Intimated that thoio was "it large
lump on his chest." where he came
In contact with a scut, but 13r. Davles
stated after examining him, that them
was nothing thu mutter with him.
The collision delayed tralllc for some
Three Aldermanic Cases.
John Slnco nnd Peter .udlteh, both
of Seventh street, were each prosecu
tor nnd defendant in two assault and
battery cases before Atderman Kelly
yesterday. Tloth arc now under ball
to appear at court.
John Phillips, who resides In the rear
of 723 West Lackawanna avenue, had
Oeorge Houstln arrested yesterday on
the charge of robbery. The prosecutor
alleged that Houstln took $3.!0 from
him while both were drinking In a
saloon. Tho evidence was lnsutlleient,
and Alderman Kelly discharged the
Mary Jones and Clara Blndlo, of
Christ court, quarreled yesterday and
the latter threatened to kill the for
mer. Alderman Kelly placed her un
der $200 ball to relate her troubles In
court. i
Another Mass Sleeting.
The voters of West Scranton are to
he favored with another opportunity
to hear the doctrines of Republicanism
espoused by leading campaign orators
before election day. St. David's hall
has been secured for Tuesday evening,
Oct. 30, and a rousing mass meeting
will bo hold.
The orator of the occasion will be
Hon. Hugh Gordon Miller, of Virginia,
whose reputation as a campaign speak
er is A No. 1.
Assistant District Attorney W. Gay
lord Thomas will also speak In behalf
of the local candidates, and it is ex
pected several others will participate
In the speechmaking. The local He
publlcan clubs will take an active part
in the meeting.
Trouble on Scranton Street.
Eva Spangenburg, who resides on
Scranton street, between Seventh
street and the railroad, got mixed up
yesterday afternoon with Maiy Jane
Matthews, Mrs. Payton Tayl-r and
Mrs. Robeit Jonc3, and during the
melee, "Little Eva" was somewhat
disfigured. It was three to one, and
naturally tho latter was the ag
grieved person in the contest.
The Spangenburg woman went be
fore Alderman Kelly and asked for
warrants for her asaillnnts, but in
asmuch as they have already been of
much expense to the county, he re
fused to Issue any. Miss Eva then
asked to be committed for thirty
days, and when the commitment was
made out, she changed her mind and
went her way peacefully and alone.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The T. jr. c. club, of tho young
Women's Christian association will
serve a lea at tile rooms this evening,
commencing at 6 o'clock. An admh-
serve a tea at tho rooms this evening,
56-Inch Pure Wool cr A
Heavy Homespuns, ODD
This lot will at once command
your attention. The intrinsic
value is so apparent as to appeal
to sensible women at a glance.
65-inch Pure
Mohair Brilliantines,
Here is a dressy fabric of un
questionable merit and at mod
erate cost which will prove sat
isfactory under any and all con
ditions, and Balance of Week.
slon of 15 rents will bo charged! and
the public is cordially invited.
The rooms committee will hnve on
sale nil kinds of chocolate rake at
the rooms next Saturday evening, for
the benefit of the association. Tho
cakes will bo disposed of at l!5 cents
There Is a renewed Interest 111 the
association work nmnug Hie young
women of AVcst Hcranton, and Iho
classes aie gradually Increasing In
membership. Many girls who now
spend their evenings on tho streets
can find profitable woik In tho
Weekly School Deposits.
Only two public schools are now rep
resented In tho weekly school deposits
nt the West Side bank. These tiro
Nos. IS and 10, the originals In the
movement. A totul of !l.ii!) was col
lected yesterday by 'the different
teachers, us follows:
'No. 13. David Owens, C0c; Martha
Wat kin, B0c; Elian Lewis, $2.0.-; 1M
na D. Evans, 3."c! Nelllo Richards, 55o;
Catherine Phillips, 51.55; Nelllo Kelly,
7c; Eliza Price, 72c; Sarah McDonald,
51.01 : Mary Hauls, 13c; Bertha Kel
ly. 25c; total, $7.(18.
No. 19. mIhs Lees, SOc; Miss Mur
ray, 82c; Miss Nichols, 15c; iMIa
Heumlsh, $1.75; Miss Morgan, COc; Miss
Hutton, $1.38: Miss Evans, 72c; Miss
Davis, 73c; Miss Kollow, $1.12; Mlsd
Flynii, $1.79; Miss Murphy, 90e; Miss
Wade, $1.05; Miss Perber, $1.91; Mlsa
l'cctv Mi totul, $14.01.
Notes and Personals.
While jumping from a street car,
whllp In motion, Mrs. Fisher, of 226
South Tenth street, fell in front of
Fnlrehlld's hotel und sustained severe
Injuries about the head and body.
' After the puradc tomorrow evening
the Columbian will hold a social ses
sion ut thulr cjuaitors on Division
street. The committee In charge will
be Albert Lewis, Albert Davis, Evan
Walters, Joseph 'Oliver and Stephen
The members of the Plymouth church
Christlnn Endeavor society will attend
the rally in the North Main Avenue
Baptist church this evening, leaving1
the church at 7 o'clock.
George Pfelffer, of 024 Oxford street,
fell down a flight of stairs recently nnd
fractuied several ribs.
Abel Stover, or Lafayette street, has
accepted a position on the Journal at
Ithaca, N. Y.
A private dance will bo held this
evening: at the Electric City Wheel
men's club house.
Mortimer Hogan, of Fairvlew avenue,
will leave tomorrow for a visit with
relatives at Corning. N. Y.
Peter McCoy, of Tenth street. Is In
Bradford, Pa., whore lie expects to per
manently locate.
John U. Barrett, of Ninth street, has
been appointed district deputy for the
Scranton branches of the C. M. B. A.
T. Fellows Mason, John W. Ritten
house, Jacob Warnke and George F.
Eynon have returned from the Grocers'
state convention at Pittsburg. Mr. Rlt
tenhouse was elected state secretary.
JINs Ann.i V. Miiiscliiun, bouelaiy of the
Young Women's Clmstian association, his matin
nut tlic following schedule for the elates, dining
the week: Mondiy, 7.80, plain wwinj and shin
waist miking, -Miss Jennie Owen-, teacher;
Tuesday at 3 o'clock, Knidisli branches, Miss
(Irace Putney, tcarhci; at 4 u'clock Bible btudy,
llcv. 0. J,. AlHc.h, teacher; at 7.30 o'clock,
Chautauqua circle; Wednesday, at i o'tloiK,
(ilano, JIliS H:nvvoud, teacher; ut :i o'UocU,
millinery, Mrs. Van'lcrmark, teacher; 'ihursday,
at 1 o'clock, Mtchon carden; at 7.80, study of
Sunday tchol lesson; Fiiday, 7.30, gill's club;
Saluidiy, 1,30, piano; 2 80. sevvins school; 7.30,
cachexia and choial club; bunday, 3.30 o'clock,
Gospel p'. rv ices.
The Xoith Hnd Mars and the Olyplianl HaAct
ball club nill play this evening in tho Audito
rium. The K.iiuu will begin at S o'clock shaip
and will be followed by a social.
Miss (intrude Emery, of (lunch avenue, is
entcrtaininjr Mm Mabel Hobbs, of South
fl. W. Simons, of lianihnlon, who has been
the c-uist of Mr. nnd Mi. 11. M. Almoin,, of
Church au'iiue, lias returned Lome.
'llic team drivers of thia put of the city will
meet re.t l'riday evenin? in Oaterliout's halt
for the (impose of furmine; an oiRaniMtion to
be a blanch of the Team Dilveia' International
Mrs. Samuel Haw. s, of North Main avenue,
has returned fiom Ilaltimoic, Md., where she
has been with her daughter, Miss Knima, who
lias leiently entered tho college of pharmacy in
that ciiy.
Ilev. Dr. MacArtlmr, of Dunmoie, will pile
a Ilible leading at tho North Cnu Young Wo.
men's Christian association rooms this nftcinoon
at 4 o'clock. It will he free to all. Tuiiiidit a
Chautauqua cliclo will be organized. This will
bo fieo to membeis.
Heller's Testimony.
Albert Heller, llvlntj nt 1114 Furnhnni
St., Omaha, bays: "I have tiled most
every thing; that Is used as a pre
ventive or cure for headache, but noth
ing: did me so much grood as Krause's
Headache Capsules. Others who have
used them say the same thlngr," Prlco
25e. Sold by Mul'thew Bro3.
Tho filciidd of JIIv, Lillian l'ustn IvmUrcd Iilt
a HirpiUu luily ul lia liume oil w York
tliiLt Saliiulay cu'iiiuir. A (Ac walk, puim-3
ami ilaiiciiitt lointitutiul tliu cciiiiiK's cntorlutif
incut ui.d a ileliKlitfully social time wjs m
joyi'ri l,y all juru'iit; 'Hie itucts wcip: Oliu
I'lius Ikle Wcrrt t, (!un Om'IiIi.uIi, Aiiitle
hlmmoii, MaiKairt Junes, I'loicnce Miut.v, I'.lalc
l-'ikt, JljrUu JailMon, Slury Colib, Kllii'l l'lill
lips, .Icsslc bhoemakor, Hojd I'crry, tlobtrt Lee,
fiiorRe 1'KliU, AUIiijjtun Hii'sc, l'runk UarU,
(laimcc I'hilllps, rhailes llrdiit, Norman C01.
vln, 1'rcil Warren anj Clurli". Toby,
lie, mnl Mm. A. 11. Tlioniason, .Mr. and Mrs. 11.
.S. 1'jlile!;, Mr, and Mm. Maswcll Cluinnan ami
Mr, ami Mrs. 11. T, l.jroy liato ictuinnl home
aftir nn outliij; o 3CU"ial days at Lake Winola,
llcv. W. (I, SliiiflOii left )tcitlay luornlnij
for llarrislmrp, hcro lie will icpiibcut, a
bury MathfdUt i:pional clmicli in the confer
eneo now in sr,toii tlicie,
S.wlney II, llllsq duiliu Koch, of C'apouse
mciuie, me cspcctcd homo tomorrow on the
Ouauic of the White blar line. Tho bujs rj
poit haWm? a iiiafnli.ccnt time, taking In nil tho
points of iutercbt in Duglaml and the continent.
When iltlnff Homo nnd cnlciini; bt. Peter's with
a lame body of pilmlins tiny were fortunate to
tee the pope officiate at mass. Mount Vrsmhtf,
at tho time of tlulr ilt, as in her beet (oim.
Tho J'rohlbltionUU of till) pait of the ty will
bold foith tonight In Oak hall, on ('apouio ae.
line, when an addiess will be dcllmcd by Will
iam V !aitliropi on "MiKlnlry as a Man and as
President." Alter tho address, a nieetlnsr of tho
John II. rordlum 1'nihlbitlon club will be held.
Somo people can't drink coffee ;
everybody can drink Graln-O, It
looks and tastes liko coffee, bu it
is made from puro grains. No
coffee in it.
Grain-O is cheaper thuu coffee j
costs about onc-nuarter us much.
All grocer : He. and Wc.
Test for Yourself the Wonderful
Curative Properties of Swamp-Root
To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy Swamp-Root Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of "The
Tribune" May Have a Sample Bottle Free.
Reporters Have Convincing
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.
Gentlemen :
I feel it my duty to send you an acknowledgment ol the receipt of the sample bottle of Swamp
Root you so kindly sent me. I had been out of health for the past five years with kidney and bladdar
trouble. Had our best physicians prescribe for me. They would relieve me for the time being, but the old
complaint would in a short time return again. I sent for a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and found it did
me a world of good. Since then I have taken eight sm.ill bottles bought at my drug store, and I consider
myself perfectly cured. It seemed as though my back would break in two after stooping. I do not have
to get up during the night to urinate as I formerly did, three or four times a night, but now sleep the sleep
of peace. IWy back is all right again, and in every way I am a new man. Two of my brother officers are
still using Swamp-Root. They, like myself, cannot say too much in praise of it. It is a boon to mankind.
We recommend it to all humanity who are suffering from kidney and bladder diseases.
My brother officers (whosesignatures accompany this letter), as well as myself, thank you for the
blessing you have brought to the human race in the compounding of Swamp-Root.
We remain, yours very Iruly, JAMES COOK,
Officers of the 58th Police Precinct, Greater New York JOHN J. BODKIN.
Nov. 16, 1899.
THEODORUS VAN WYCK, former Editor of the Alt. Vernon News,
and now one of the most prosperous real estate brokers in New
York, 128 South Eleventh Avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y.
I had been a sufferer for over four years from severe attacks of
rheumatism and Kidney trouble, probably contracted by exposure on
hunting expeditions and wading trout streams. I tried many reme
dies, the patent and other kind, but none of them to do me
any good. I was persuaded by an old and valued friend to try
Swamp. Root, and frankly confess it lias benefited me as no other
medicine has. I now fesl like myself a;ain. I do not have the con
stant aches and pa(ns which at one time seemed to make life un
bearable. It is a positive benefit in ailments of this kind. I always
keep it in the house, as it is just as necessary as bread and butter.
Very respectfully.
(lAg76zt -
EDITORIAL NOTE. Swamp-Boot, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder remedy, is so remarkably successful that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of The Scranton Tribune, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mail. Also
a book telling all about kidney and bladder troubles and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men
and women cured by Swamp-Root. Be sure and mention reading this generous offer in The Scranton Tribune when sending your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N, Y.
Excellent Entertainment Given Last
Night Under Auspices of Camp
430 Drum Corps Notes.
That the Soutli Scianton people np
pieciate a good thins: when they have
one, was fully demonstrated last even,
ins by the largo turnout at Camp 430,
Patriotic Order Sons of America, Bu
gle, Fife and Drum corps' concert and
ball, which was held in Atheltlo hall,
on Alder street.
The members of the drum corps
were ubly assisted by the famous Jun
Kor Mnenncrchor, whoso rendering of
Kromers' "Guisse an die H'elniat,"
was lecelved with much applause. The
Jlaonuerchor also rendered nnother
number, which added greatly to the
evening's entertainment. It was a
competition song or "vocal combat,"
between the tenors of the society, who
sang "Then You'll Itcmember 5re,"
nnd the bnssos, who rendered ubly,
"Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep."
The tenor solo by Alfred Outhelnz,
and tho bass solo by John Kcmpter
wore of high order, while the mono
logue by Prod Jones was enthusiastic
ally received, After the entertain
ment tho hpaclous hull was cleared
and dancing begun to music furnished
by Professor Johnson. Tho commltteo
In charge of the arrangements were:
"William J. Melster, H. C. Same, Wil
liam Klrchoff, F. C. Delslng nnd A. Ij.
Other Entertainments.
Under the auspices ot the Abetter
Fortbeldungs an entertainment nnd
ball was. given last uventng in Work
tngman's hall, Alder street, a largo
assemblage being present,
Tho evening's entertainment con
sisted of chiuacter sketches, recita
tions and songs, and ended with a
farce comedy entitled, "Menlch Ar
gero Dlch Nlchl," participated hi by
tho following: Carl Hulsa, Clara
atunzenberg, David Schnur, Carl Slbel,
Sophia Huppertss and Ernst Kos
ohlnskl. Tho benefit and entertnlnment by St.
John's society nnd Division 22, An
cient Order of Hibernians, In St,
John's hall, Stone avenue, last even
ing, for tho benelit of Patrick Collins,
tho young mun who was very badly
injured last September In the South
mill, was a big success. The mo
giammo prepared wus exceptionally
fine, und consisted ot monologues, re
citations, solos and duets, all by local
talent. Tho committees In churge
were: Reception, M. J, Nealon, Thom
as Q11I1111, J. J. iiunnoii, John Laugun
and John Mulheiiu; door committee,
Murtln I-nvelle, Walter Ulbbs und
Philip Mullierlu; check 100m, Michael
Reap, James Kane, Martin Jmnney;
(loor committee, Will Judge, Thomas
Mclntyre, Albert Kraft. John Raf
ferty, Robert Roland, Martin Snyder
und Junies Johnston.
Interviews with Prominent
I" 5
The Society Moniuszko, one of the
leading Polish literary and social so
cieties of this section, gave a fine en
tertainment last evening before a
large audience for the benefit of the
Polish band In their hall on Kim street.
The entertainment was under the di
rection of Professor Rakouzy.
The fiftieth anniversary of the or
ganization of the Lackawanna German
Reneflcial .society will be held this
evening in Athletic hall, Alder street.
The Defenders' Rasket Ball team
will meet the strong Black Diamond
team of Plttston next Thursday even
ing in St. John's hall, Stone avenue.
As these teams are both In the same
class a battle royal can bo expected.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Cedar
Avenue Methodist church will hold
their sewing circle Wednesday morn
ing at a o'clock In tho lecture room
of the church.
The classes in arithmetic and gram
mar under the auspices of the educa
tional department of the South Sldu
Young Women's Christian association
mut in the association rooms last even
ing. The third lecture under the auspices
of the Brotherhood of st. Paul of tho
Cedar Avenue Methodist church, which
was to have been given Thursday
night by Rev. W. G. Simpson, has
been postponed until the following
evening, Friday, Oct. 26.
The Neptune Engine company have
engaged thu RlnggiUl b'liul for the
parade Wednesday.
Andiew J, Meulll, formerly a member of the
firm of lioian .V Merrill, dltd ut 8 o'clock jebtti
day morning at his residence, 1JH Mulbeny
street, Mr. Menlll was attacked by a parabt'o
stroke, last Wednesday, and weakened as be was
by a similar stroke which occurred In Vcbruaiy,
he was unable to withstand the shock and from
tho start bis recovery was despaired of. lie
was tu jeiiM of a'o and was bom ut llopbottoin,
Susquehanna county, While jet a (uiiK Wan ho
came to this city, nnd engaged in the grocery
business on Franklin avenue, as bculor partner
of tho film of Meulll & Johnson. Ho later con.
ducted the business on Lackawanna avenue and
then engaged in talloilng on I'enn avenue. In
JSTct )iu entcicd the llliisdell (lothluj bouse as
a salesman and remained theie until 1S01, when
A Skin of Beauty la a Joy Forover.
ciiUAM, vii niv'Aimneu.
lteinovn Tin, I'luiplci. FreclcML
Moth 1'uU.Juij, U1x.l1, onil Bkla
cUmm. uiil vrf blimlih oa
uviiuij, ua uvaco
dUtcUon. It til
itooit ta tt of U
Tears, tnd U m
hrmles we ttsto II
fi en sure II la prop.
ly nude. IccepJ
Do counterfeit of
Imllir uuue. Dr. U
A. 8yro wild to m
Udr ot the lu.ut-toa
( rl!ent)i "Ai jo
Udlci will eiw them,
I rocommend 'Uour.
aud's Cream 'Mth
least harmful o( all
the fln Prep-
tlouf " Tor sale bt
all PruKibU an)
ttaocj-Oooii Dealeri to the V. ft, Canada, au3 Kuropa,
- JM jS-CI
wnrw if
m& I. aoTKUiS. iWr. K Gnat tmm e. H.T.
People in Greater New York
Greater New York.
His Physician Prescribed Swamp-Root.
NEW YORK, Noy. 18, 1899.
I was all run down in health and spirits, from overworK on
the Exchange floor. I developed nervous neuralgia and also suf
fered from an acute attack of rheumatism.
Of course, I had careful medical attendance, but while conva
lescing my own physician himself ordered me to take Swamp
Root to build up my nervous system, and put my kidneys in
shape. It helped me more than any curative or tonic I ever used,
and now I always keep it in my medicine chest. With best
wishes for sufferers,
Dictated .
lie entered the clothing business with M. J.
Iloran, ut 41tl Lackawanna aenue. Sonic time
aijo he ritiicd from the Hi 111. Hii wife, survives
him. The funeral will take phec at 2 o'tlock
Wednesday afternoon from the residence with
interment in (lie Forest Hill cemetery.
Adelbcrt, the 3-j ear-old son ot Mr. and Mrs.
Kdwaid O'Mnllcy, of Victor, Col,, unci Rrandion
of l'rof, and Mis. A. b O'llojle, of William
slicct, und Mrs. Alice O'Mallcy, of Ilrick auntie,
died at tho homo of Mr. O'lloile jestciday morn
ins at 7.30 o'clock-. Mrs. O'Mallcy and her child
weie visitors lieic while tho child's f.itlici is in
Alaska, Adelbut was a most Interesting thild
and attracted all who knew him by Ins pleas
ant dispusltinn. Mr. and M. O'Milley hive the Rjmpatliy of Iholr many friends in
their sad bcicncmciit. The will take
place tomouow afternoon at 3 o'doek fiom the
ribldence of Professor O'BojIe on William slieet,
Xoilh Siraulon, Interment will be made In the
Cathedral Catholic ccmelety.
A laige audlc-nee was present last
night at the Railroad Young Men's
Christian association rooms and thor
oughly enjoyed tho concert given by
the orchestra of tho Sunday school of
the Second Presbyterian church. Pro
fessor J. M.i Chance acted as leader,
nnd Charles Doersam was accompan
ist. Meyerbeer's "I.e Prophet" inarch,
Haydn's minuet und Beethoven's
march, the Flower song and selections
from tho "Ameer" were all excellently
rendered by the orchestra, and among
the enjoyable Individual numbers were
solos by Miss Bluch and Miss Garagan,
and duets by these two young ladles.
Mr. WIdniayer gave a splendid vio
lin solo and Will Stanton played "Tho
Holy City" on the comet, accompanied
by tho orchestra, In capital style,
City Knslnoer Phillips has decided
to allow tho Glrard Construction
company to lay out its paving ma
terial on North Main nvenuo as fur
as Throop streeS, but no further.
Tills action is taken because tho en
gineer believes that by tho time the
pavo Is laid as far as this point, the
weather will bo too cold to proceed
any further and tho streets beyond
would bu only unnecessarily blocked
if ho allowed the bricks, etc., to bo
piled up.
It Is so cold In tho afternoons now
that no "grouting," or filling tho In
torclscs between the bricks with ce
ment, Is donu after 2 o'clock, for fear
that Instead of hlowly hardening, tho
cement might freeze before It bolldl
lied, Throop street Is 7,100 feet fiom the
beginning of tho pave and about three
(luurters of tho entire distance to bo
paved, It Is about 3,000 feet beyond
thu square.
By Excluiive Wire from The Auoclalcd Preu.
l'ltLburf, Oct. Si. Thei following; per curiam
decisions were handed clown toda; Common-
Regarding Wonderful Cures
How to Find Out if You
Need Swamp-Root.
It used to be considered that oniyj
urlnnry and bladder troubles were to
be trnced to the kidneys, but now
modern science proves that nearly alt
discuses have their beginning In tha
disorder of these most Important or
gans. The kidneys Alter and purify thd
Blood that Is their work.
So when your kidneys are weak op
out of order, you can understand howl
quickly your entire body Is affected,
und how every organ bcems to fall to
do Its duty.
If you are sick or "feel badly," be
Kin taking the famous new discovery.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, because as
soon as your kidneys arei well they,
will help all the other organs ta
health. A trial will convince anyone.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys ara
responsible for more sickness and suf-r
faring than any other disease, and if
permitted to continue fatal results ara
sure to follow. Kidney trouble Irrl
tates the nerves, makes you dizzy,
restless, sleepless and irritable. Makes
you pass water often during the day
nnd obliges you to get up many times
during the night. Causes puffy op
dark circles under the eyes, rheuma
tism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder,
pain or dull ache In the back, joints
and muscles, makes your head ache
and back ache, causes , Indigestion,
stomach and liver trouble, you get a
sallow, yellow complexion: makes you
feel as though you had heart trouble;
you may have plenty of ambition, but
no strength; get weak and waste
The cure for these troubles la Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the world
famous kidney remedy. In taking'
Swamp-Root you afford natural help
to nature, for Swamp-Root Is the most
perfect healer and gentle aid to tho
kidneys that is known to medical sci
ence. If there is any doubt In your mind
as to your condition, take from youfl
urine on rising about four ounces,
place it in a glass or bottle and let
it stand twenty-four hours. If, on ex
amination, it is milky or cloudy, if
there is a brick-dust settling, or If
small particles float about In It, youp
kidneys are in need of immediate at
tention. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and
is used in the leading hospitals, rec
ommended by skillful physicians In
their private practice, and Is taken by,
doctors themselves who have kidney .
ailments, because they recognize in
it the greatest and most successful
remedy for kidney, liver and bladder!
If , you are already convinced that
Swamp-Root is what you need you
can purchase the regular fifty-cent
and one dollar size bottles at the drug
stores everywhere.
-Hurt;under & Rcls, Lessees and Managers
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
One Night Only.
Tuesday, October 23.
New This Year
Allied and Madame l'hasoy's Sidonla Troupe of
I:iik1UIi Snivels and Dancers. Irene and Zaza,
the i;irl with the doc; with the auburn hair.
The Brothers Leando, great trio of comedy
auobaK Tho Caverns of the Evil One. Beau
tiful valley of Andochc. Castle Insomnia.
Thiee maud 1 ml Ids. This year the best evci.
PRICKS 25 cents to !?1.00.
Advance sale of scats will open at box of
fice Saturday, Oct. SO, at 0 a. m.
One Night Only, Thursday Oct. SB.
Roups Through an livening ot Mad-Cap Fun
Funniest French Farce.
Roars A Jolly Affair New York Herald.
AS lien the hlsbly iucce-,sful and lively comedy
was here last beosnn it made a decided kucceu.
I'lenuited with tho bip exit and comphtt Crl.
tciion Theater, New York, Production.
I'lites. 25c. to $1.H).
Advance talo of teats oa sale Tuesday it
0 u, m.
H. A. HROWN, Manlier.
Schiller Stock Company
Supporting tho Accomplished and Talented
in ecenic productions.
I'lCscnting tonight, We 'una ot Tennesste
WcdncMlay inilinee, Carmen; Wednesday night,
A Soldier of the l.'mpiic.
Matluco prlcei, 10 and 20c.; night pricti, 14,
20 and SOc,
New Gaiety Theatre
II. It. LONG, Lcanet d Manager,
Thrco il!.S, commenclnir, Monday, Oct. it,
Cail Dante's Hmulnj;, Uollicking, Muilcil Fsrc
introducing the well known inlorcJ comedians,
W.S HUNS and WALTJIU HI MIS'. A chorus o
twenty voiin;r, uictly and shapely Creole Maid,
ciia. i'ieic produced by peunulson of Williams
and Walker. Dally Matinee.
Three da)s, commciiclui; Thursday, Oct. 18.
Daily Matinee.
America's Greatest Vaudeville Stars,
The Cream of American Vaudeville.
Pliccs, 15c, 23c, 35c, 50c. ,
wealth of Pennsylvania u. haao Blrrloll, ojer
sue) terminer of Tioga county; Judgment at
firmed. The follow Ins orders were made: Elec
tric company of Amciica et al. VI. the Edison
Electrical Illuminating company, of Altooua, ct
al.j order to advance dissolved.
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