The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Special (o tlie Scranton Tribune.
, Factoryvlllo, Oct. 22. Kev. J. E.
Johnson, of Philadelphia, was a guest'
Inst Sunday at the home o Mr. una
Mra. Whllden Foster. He occupied
the pulpit nt tho Methodist Episcopal
church bath morolmr and (evening-,
nnd delivered two Interesting pci
inons. Tlin missionary conference that will
he held nt the Baptist church next
Thursday and Friday promises to be
a very Interesting affair. Some of tho
best speakers and lecturers of the
slate will be present and take nn ac
tive part.
J. A. Hurtsnllth has opened a meat
market In the old fnctory butldtiifr,
on Mill street.
The Baptist p.iMonngo Is unaer
RolnBT much-needed repairs and ls'be
ln& repainted.
Mrs. Sarah Freeman died Saturday
night at the home of her son, at
AVest Nicholson. She was a member
of tho Methodist Episcopal church, of
this place, where tho funeral will be
conducted this morning at 11 o'clock.
Interment will be made In Evergreen
Tho Blnghamton district of tho
Methodist Ministerial meellng Is now
In session nt East Lemon, commenc
ing yesterday and closlns today. It'
It a' fine literary and religious treat
to all who uttend.
Susquehanna numbers among its
Inhabitants u boy who has leprosy,
but tho fact Is not generally known.
According1 I to the loid soose bona
weather 'prophet of Berks county.
Kilns Hartz, we are going to have a
hard nnd a long winter (and no coal).
Our enterprising merchants. Bliss &
Hunt, are 'improving the lnterlorUof
their store by having it repainted.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Oct. 22. An Important
matter to come before the people on
the 6th of November Is the proposition
to bond the borough for $3,000 to erect
a town building. The structure now
used as a jail, and for the fire company
and council, is not suited to the pur
pose, notwithstanding the high rent
If. M. Joseph has moved to the rooms
over his store.
Joseph Mayers was In Pottsville last
week, called there by a serious Injury
to his brother, John.
A large number from Forest City will
go to Susquehanna, Saturday, to hear
Theodore Roosevelt, who is to make a
.speech .there. An excursion train will
probably bo run.
AV. T. Burdlck delivered two lectures
on temperance In town Sunday. That
of the morning1 was at the Methodist
church, and the evening discourse was
given to a union congregation at the
T. lJ. .bavin lias moved his livery to
( T. A. Suid.xm, cashier of the First
National bank, spent Sunday with his
'parents in Scranton.
MiFs Elizabeth McLaughlin, who
underwent an operation at Dr. Wheel
er's hospital, Is gaining strength rap
idly. A. J. Lowrie is again able to be
'about, after his siege of typhoid fever.
Mrs. W. J. Pentecost and daughter
.nnd Mrs. AV. S. Bryant have been vis
iting their sister, Mrs. Shafer, at A'ar
den, AVayne county, the past two
To Cure a Cold in One Say
jTalce Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
'if it falls to cure. E. AV. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
'Special to the Scranton Tribune,
' Hopbottom, Oct. 22. The Ladles'
Aid of the Unlversallst church will
meet with Mrs. W. E. Brown for dln
,ner, October 24. All bring thimbles
.and come early. Baking commutes,
Mrs.E. E. Smith Mrs. AVIIllam Rhodes,
'Mrs. J. Hartley and Mrs. Bert Ber
tholf. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benjamin spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Titus.
The funeral of Mrs. N. M. Finn,
which occurred on Thursday last, was
largely attended. Fiitndn of the de
ceased were present from Hallstead,
.Pactoryvlllc, Dalton, Scranton, Ash
ley and Fleetville. Mr. Finn and
daughter wish to extend their thanks
to the friends and relatives who as-
He can't
Believe H.
He's blowing with
'all his might and cau
oarery stir the record
ing hand from zero.
There's many a big,
healthy looking man
who s weak m the
lungs. Probably half
or two -thirds of his
hint' surface hnrolv
knows the contact of oxygen. He's the
kind of man, who, when a cough attacks
him, goes galloping down the road
toward consumption. Many such a man
has found strength aud healing for weak
Jungs and tissues lacerated by coughing
and drained by hemorrhages, in the use
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dicov
ery, The healing power of this medi
cine in pulmonary dases seems little
,.short.of'marvelous at times, so extreme
are the conditions which it cures. The
"Discovery" contains no alcohol,, and
no narcotics.
When I started to take your ('olden Med.
ical Discovery,'" writes MrA. I'. Noxotuy, of
New York. N. V,. Box im J had a regular
consumptive cough, of which I Wa3 nirald"and
every body cautioned me and warned mc con
cerning; It. I was losing-weight rapidly, was
very pale aud had uo appetite, whatever. Now
ray coudltioo is chouged entirely. I do not
oui(h at all, have gained eight pound in
my appetite la enoriuoua. I caa recommend
your medicine to everybody wVo may betoneed
uf toe same, s It Is sure curt."
JDr. Pierce's 1'ellets cure conrtipation,
JKf -t 'issitf
i B
slated them during the sickness of
Mrs. Finn.
Mrs. J. Hartley visited nt Mrs, J. D.
Davis' In East Lenox tho past week.
Mrs, Arvllla Stanton, who has been
spending the summer on her farm In
Lenox, has returned to her home In
Mr. und Mrs. Leroy Carpenter, of
Blnghumton, nre visiting friends and
relatives In town.
Airs. L. U. Corey und Mr. and Mrs.
A. Alonzo Tiffany, who have been
visiting friends In town, returned
home Monday.
Mr. and Mn. Freeman Hughes and
son Heglnald, arc visltlnrij their
mother, Mrs. M. M. Bell. They wilt
return to their home at Junction, N.
J., the last of the week.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
TUnkhannock, Oct. 22. According to
a telegraphic report, lecelved here this
morning, the Dauphin county court has
handed down a decision in the sena
torial contest In this district, declaring
invalid the nomination certificate of II.
"S. Edmiston, of Bradford county. Mr.
Edmlston was Uie choice of Bradford
county for the office, and B. Ar. Lewis,
of this place, was nominated by the
AA'yomlng county Republicans. At the
conference which was held at AVyalus
Ing, the conferees lepreuentlng the two
counties were not able to get together
on account of a disagreement in regard
to tho representation to which each
county should be entitled, Wyoming
clalminir that she was entitled to an
equal representation with Bradford,
and the latter alleging that u. uile or
custom had been established giving
Bradford Ave conferees and AVyomlng
two. The conferees of the two counties
each held a conference and nominated
their men, and the matter came up be
fore the Dauphin county courts on ex
ceptions filed to both certificates. The
court immediately decided the Lewis
ceitiflcate Invalid, and held up the de
cision on the Edmiston certificate until
this time. The result of the decision
Is that the Republican party In this
district will have no candidate for sen
ator unless the state committee should
fill the vacancy. The light of AVyo
mlng county to an equal representa
tion in the district conference is also
established, and in the future she will
be able to get what belongs to her from
Bradford. Bradford has held the nomi
nation for t enty-slx years, ever since
'the district was formed, and the claims
of AA'yomlng for the nomination have
been ignored.
E. J. Jorden, esq., is up in Braintiim
township at his old home on a hunting
County Commissioner's Clerk George
N. Doyle will move his family down
heie after election, occupying the house
of Mrs. Catheiine Townsend, on AA'yo
ming avenue.
The county commissioners are await
ing the certificate of the state depart
ment as to the candidates to be voted
on in this county and upon the receipt
of that will advertise for the printing
of the ballots for the November elec
tion. There, will be nine columns on
the official ballot in this county.
Special to the Scianton Tribune.
Pittston, Oct. 22. Bishop Hoban ad
minlsterel the rite of confirmation to
200 children in St. John's Roman
Catholic church Sunday.
There is a special revival of ac
tivity among the Catholic temper
ance societies here, due, no doubt, to
the determined stand and expressed
sentiment of Father Eugene Garvey
along this line. A short time ago, the
St. Aloysius society suspended initia
tion fee for membec.ihip into their
society, and as a result took in over
ISO new members. Yesterday the
Father Matthew society did1 the same
thing, and yesterday its membership
was Increased by 120 new members.
Tomorrow evening the Ladles auxil
iary of the St. Aloysius society will
hold a rally and as they have suspend
ed the inlatlon fee temporarily, It is
hoped to gain a large addition, to the
roll of members.
Tho funeral of the late Albert Gow
nn will take place Tuesday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, with Interment In Pitts
ton cemetery,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Greenwood arrived"
home this evening from their bridal
This morning, John Itouck, a middle-aged
man residing on Ann street,
West Pittston, fell from the first door
of the new addition being built to tho
Luzerne Knitting mill, where he was
employed as u carpenter, tn the cel
lar, twelve feet below. He was pain
fully, If not seriously, hurt, and his
Injuries consist of a gash on the head
a cut on the hand and bruises 'to the
Rev. Mr. Houl has been conducting
very successful revival services In tha
West Pittston Congregational church
during the past fnw weeks, and the
meetings will be continued every night
this week, except Saturday night.
Why Experiment On Yourself
With remedies of doubtful utility when
you can get Chamberlain's Cough
Uemedy, which has stood the test of
time? Twenty-five years' sale and use
liavo proven that remedy to bo a
prompt und certain euro for colds. It
will cure a cold in n day If taken as
soon as the cold has been contracted
and before It has settled in the system.
Sold by all druggists, Matthews Bios.,
wholesale and i eta 11 agents.
Special to the Scranton Tilbuue,
Towmida, Oct. 22. A defective chim
ney caused the destruction by (lames of
a valuable dwelling In last Towanda
on Saturday afternoon,
A Bradford county delegation visited
William J, Uryitn at Kliulru mi Satur
day, A heavy gas vein was struck In well
No. 2 at a depth of 745 feet, The mem
bers of the liieat Eastern Oil und
compuny are more thatujubllunt. The
well is at Boutli Umtitth.
A new Lehigh Valley order bus been
issued, by which a passenger can buy
tickets to Philadelphia and elsewheie
at mileage rules. ,
J. W. Stone, of Canton; P. K. S
Stephens, of Sayre; W. I Wilson and
C. M. Culver, of Towanda, are candi
dates for district attorney,
The Cayuta Wheel und Foundry com
pany, of JJayre, luBt week shipped sixty
Eaton Engto engraving; machines for
distribution to the Inventors In New
AVIIllam J. Henry, of Sayre, who Is
serving n ten years' sentence In the
Eastern penitentiary, has become a
raving manlnc, and tho Judge will no
doubt order Sheriff Drake to remove
tho prisoner to an asylum.
Burglars made a raid on the depot
at Monroeton, but secured little booty.
S. D, Townsend, general manager of
the AVIIIIamsport nnd North Branch
railroad, paid a visit to Towanda Inst
week, .
Mrs. E. A. Coolbaugh and son have
returned from a visit nt Scranton.
Hon. F. y. Fleltz, of Scranton, gave
nn eloquent address on interesting top
ics at a meeting of the Republican
club on Friday evening. Addresses
were also made by Judge A. C. Fan
ning and others. Towanda notnblcs
will address meetings nt Athens and
elsewhere this week.
Mrs. George Best nnd Miss Alice
AVelles nre spending a few weeks with
relatives nt Buffalo.
AV. F, aionn, of Orwell, recently made
three unsuccessful attempts at suicide.
At first he endeavored to cut his
throat: again he wanted to bleed to
death by cutting his arms, and finally,
the third time, he went to u barn and
tried to end his trouble by shooting
himself Jii the mouth, but the gun
failed to go off. Ho Is now under tho
doctor's care. It Is supposed he Is be
coming Insane. He Is a sober and in
dustrious farmer, about sixty years of
age, und for many years had lived
The No. 1 well of the Monarch OH
and Gas company has made a showing
of oil, much to the financial encourage
ment of those Interested, and new ter
ritory is being leased. All indications
still point that a new oil belt has been
struck In the far eastern part of Penn
sylvania, nnd the sands are thick. Troy
well, No. 1, is producing several gal
lons a day, and besides this, another
well gives signs of a good producer.
Another well is now being bored, and
startling results are shown by the
flowing of salt water and slush oil. In
all probabilities the Troy belt might
extend as far as Canton, as has been
prophesied by some prospectois.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New Mllford, Oct. 22. Call Glllet.
of Clifford, will spend the winter with
Dr. Snyder and attend school here.
Miss Maud Aldrich visited friends at
Harford Friday.
Leon Shelp, of Rochester, N. Y..
is visiting his parents, Air. and Mrs.
C. M. Shelp.
A free temperance lecture will be
given nt the Baptist church, at South
New Mllford, next Sunday evening by
F. A. Sisson.
C. J. Moffat, of Blnghamton, visited
his mother In this township the fore
part of the week.
C. G. Wirth was in Montrose on
business last Monday.
Miss Alice Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
John Roberts, of Klrkwood, and James
Englebert, of Conklln, were guests at
the Shelp residence Saturday and Sun
day. A meeting of the "Y" society will be
held at the home of Miss Isa Dar
iow on Thursday afternoon at 3
Mrs. D. B. Cook, of Stevens Point,
was a guest of her son, J. V. Axtell,
over Sunday.
Sirs. Fred Moore, of Klngsley, vis
ited her mother, Mrs. I,. AV. Moore,
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Alice Cook, who has been vis
iting relatives in town the past week,
leturned to her home In Starrucca
Saturday evening.
Men-It Ilayden Is suffering with a
broken arm.
Mrr. A. M. Aldrich and daughter,
Maud, spent one day last week In
Mrs. Amelia Buttei field entertained
the Ladles Auxiliary at her home last
Thmsday afternoon.
Misses Nina and Jennie Aloore vis
ited at Blnghamton Saturday.
A'aughn Axtell, Mr. and ,Mru. David
Van- Busklrk. Miss Alice Cook and
Maud Trumbull attended a lecture
given by Byron King at Susquehanna
Saturday evening.
Airs. David Davenport spent Tues
day with Blnghamton friends.
Air. and Airs. Edward Tiel, of Scran
ton, are guests or their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Tiel.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alannlng, of
Norwich, N. Y., are guests of Air. and
Airs. John Hayden.
Tho Young People's Christian En
deavor society will hold a business
meeting in the prayer meeting room
of the Presbyterian church on AVed
nesday evening.
Fred Stone, of New York city, was
In town a few days last week.
The Home Mission of the Primitive
Methodist church will meet at tho
home of Mrs. J. P. Bose, on Thurs
day afternoon. All are requested to
be present as business of Importance
will be transacted,
Tho Daughters of St. George will
meet In O'Mnlley's hall on Wednesday
evening to transact Important busi
ness. Messrs. John Houston, James Early
and Michael Gilroy returned yesterday
morning from Newport News, Va.
Wiconlsco tribe, Improved Order of
Tied Men, will meet on Wednesday
evening. After the session a reception
will be tendered Walter Jeffrey, who
recently returned from England,
A mpeting of the school board was
hold on Friday evening to receive bids
for supplying No, 3 building with
water. The bids were as follows;
Wobber, lAi Dunn, $21.7fl, for
plumbing, Tho contract for digging
the ditch was given to Webber at 25
cents a yard for dirt and $1 for rock.
The board then adjourned to meet' the
first Friday in November.
George Bradbury left last week to
procure employment In Idaho,
The children of Mr. und Mrs, Thomas
Redgolly, of the West Side, are critic
ally ill of scarlet fevPr.
Mr. Kasper, of 'Alt. Jessup, will suc
ceed Mr, Alucklow as mine foreman
for the Florence Coal company, Air.
Alucklow will remove his family to
West Virginia In a few weeks where
he bus accepted a more lucrative posi
tion. Aliases Elizabeth AlcCarthy and Alur
guret Barrett have returned home, af
ter spending sovoiul days with friends
In Archbald.
John Burns left yestera .y for Home-
Cures Cough or Cold at onoe,
Conquer Croup, Wuooping-Cougli, llrouchltij,
Grippe and Coutumptlou. Quick, urc results.
Dr.K.irpmcuConUpUeo. MpHU Itte
stead, where he enters tho college of
that city to coach the foot ball team,
Frank Flynn has returned, after a
visit of two weeks In New York city.
Walter Wollever Is spending a few
weeks with relatives In Hackottstown.
Miss Mary Ollroy, of Lincoln Hill, Is
spending a few clays with her cousin,
Miss Knlley, of Scranton.
Special to tho Soranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Oct. 22. In Windsor,
on Hnturday afternoon, the Susquo.
hnnna foot ball team was dofcatcd by
the Wilson team, S and 0. It was the
first time tho Susquehanna team had
all lined up together. A return, game
will bo placed In Susquehanna on
Saturday afternoon next.
President Byron AV. King, of King's
School of Oratory, In Pittsburg, lce
tured In Hogan Opera House on Sat
urday evening, before a large and de
lighted audience, under tho auspice
of Grace Episcopal church in Oak
land. '
Bryon A King, of Pittsburg, on
Sunday morning gave a Bible talk In
tho Methodist church.
George Rymer, of Cleveland, O., Is
visiting In Susquehanna, his former
For Female Complaints.
and diseases arising from an impure
state of the blood Llchty's Celery
Nerve Compound Is an invaluable spe
cific. Sold by Matthew Bros.
Wall Street Review.
New Yoik. Oct. 92. Today's furiously active
and buoyant speculation wai brought up .with a
sharp turn In the filial hour of the trading by a
Hurry In the late for call money which curried
it up to 0' per cent. Thli was accepted as an
admonition that the bpecul&tion was overrunning
the newly acqulicd lcsouice of tho money mar
ket and very heay silling to roalie proHU im
mediately sot in. In some of the Htock-4 most
affected by the late selllnp; the earlier Rains
ucro entirely wiped out and the aicrago level
was carried down sonsldcrably below the bent "t
the day. The effort of the bulls to letrieie their
loss caused aery uiicttled tone, but the clos
ing was on tho whole cay, with the buoyant
snap apparently taken out of the market. .Not
withstanding this late setback then- ucio some
a cry striking upward moemenU of prices, es
pecially In the steel group and (lie largest dav's
business in btocks since the culler part of the
year was transacted at a kcl of pikes well
above those of Saturday. Speculators leveled
in the rcviifylng streams of gold width aio
pouring into the New York money maikel from
many quarters of the world. Yt-studa)'s in
coming steamers from Km ope lnought the total
receipts of the god engaged there for Import
to ocr $J,000,000 and Saturday leccipts of M,
SOO.OUO at San Francisco can be made imme
diately available to the New York market by
telegraphic transfer. The balance of the total
engagements In Europe, which amounted to up
waids of ls 'a8l: following on the
heels of the shipments already rccched. Neither
on Saturday nor today was there a single dol
lar deposited at the sub-treasury for trinsfer to
the south or west, which Is a conclusho demon
stration of the marked decline of the Interior
needs of cuirvncy. The spurt In the call money
latp was all that was needed to precipitate the
general selling moement. This' dcielopment
seived as areminder that It may not be ex
pedient to lend all the newly available money
resource at once for speculative purposes. The
time money market was dull today, borrowers
expecting lower rates and lenders holding out
for the higher rates, but bankers looked for con
sideiable additional requirements for loans to be
met in the near future. Total sales, 8fl7,700
shaics. There was greatly increased activity in
bonds as well as In slocks, and prices advanced
vcrv ccnerally. High Erade bonds were not con
spicuous in the dealings. Total sales, par value,
?2,705,000. United States 3s registered advanced
M per cent, on the last rail.
Tlie following quotations are furnish1 Thf
Trlbunp bv M. S. Jordan It Co.. rooms "03-700
Sleare biilhlirf-, Scranton. Pj. Telephone 5003:
Open- lllRh- Low Clos
intr. est. est. inc.
Amoilcan 121-Ji HUVa 121 12)k
American Tobacco !K !) 'Jfi !)7?i
Am. S. & W 3()i4 7'4 3.1 (.
Atcli., To. S. IV !ll JllOs 0Ts 31
A., T. & S. I".. I'l 74'j 7Ss 71 li 7tVi
UrocKhn Tiaction .... :7i4 .Vi W ."W'fc
Halt, t Oliio 74i,j r, 711i T,yj
Cont. Tobacco U'ja'i 30V4 2'iVi 'H4
Che, k Onio 30'f, 31 30!, 30
Chic. & 0. W 12 12'i 12 12Vi
Chic, 11. k Q 129 12'!?; 12S'i 123'..
St. Paul 110 llMi ltj IWi
Ho-1: Island 10ss W) 10'lVj lOflVi
Delaware & IhuNou ....112 112 112 lli'li.
Federal Steel KK I0T& SO',4 .W,i
Tedcial Steel, Ir 0S;i ( ost; fiVH,
Kan. Tc., I'l 32 32 !UVi 31
Louis k Nash 7( 7f.V4 7'iVS TU
Manhattan Ho OS 100 117 08
Mot. Traction Co IBS 102 1"S Ml
Missouri Pacific .11 G.V4 5H1 .'!
People's Gas 03 ft !U,J M
N. .1. Comnl 137 137 1MH4 1.U
Southern Pacific 30 3014 S5 33H
Norfolk . WVslcin .... 37 3SH 37'i 37"i
Noitli. Pacific (51 .r"'6 OUt "'!
North. Pacific, l'r 73W. Wj 73 73
N. Y. Central 133 134Vi 13! 13JH
Out. k Wct 22',s 22- 2V-i 'Uj
Ponni. It. U 13354 131Ws 13 lj
Pacifc Mail 3W 40Vi 3014 40Vi
neatlinp Wft IT'S 17'g 17
Hcartlwr, Pr r.S r.n .-,s r,5
Southern Tt. It 13 13'J 13 13
Southern H. R., Pr .... iV7ii f.7 30 57
Tenn., C. Iron 59 01 55 CO
II. S. Leather ll'fi 1254 11 12
IT. R. Leather. Pr 71'.i 72 714 72
Dnlihcr m14 34 3'S 33
Union Pacific 02 fi'4 "',1 fil
Union Pacific, Pr 70 70H 75 70
Wabash, Pr 111J Wi 10 10
Western Union 80 R05s SO S0
Open- High- Low- Clos.
WHEAT. inf. est. est. Inpr.
December 7016 7Wj 7S 78
May 32 82J4 62 82
December 42 42 12-H 42
May 42 42 42 42
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
First National Bank 600
Scianton Saving? Dank 300
Scranton Packing Co
Third National Dank , 421
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank .. 200
Uconomy Unlit. II. k P. Co ,. ...
Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co, ... 150
bci anion ruint co.
Clark & Snover Co.. Pr.
Scranton Iron Fence k Mlg. Co. ...
Hcronton Axis Works
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr
County SaWnua Uank k Trust Co.,.
I'lrst National Dank (Carbondale),,
Standard Drilling Co. ,,
Traders' National Hank
Scranton Holt and Nut Co ,
Scranton Passenger Hallway, first
Mortgage, due ll20
Peonlc'i Street Railway, first mort
gage, due 1016 115
Pcoplo's Street Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1021 .,. 113
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lacka, Towmhlp School 5 per cent. ,,,
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
cent ,
Scranton Tiaction 0 per ecnt. ,,.,, 115
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Counted by II, a. Dale, 27 Idckawauna Ave.)
Itutter Cicamery, 2Ja2lc! dairy tubs, 2Sc.
Kggk-Sclect western, 17c. i nearby elate, 10c,
Cheese Full cream, new, UHc
Beans Per mi., thoiie marrow, f2.40; medium,
$2.80; pea, 2.:S0.
Onions 00c, per bu.
Flour-Bust patent, M CO.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce,
Philadelphia, OU. 22. Wheat-Sstcady; ion.
lutt Etude, llitobu, 7J?4J73c, Corn Film, ?Jc,
high r; No. 8 mled October, UMalJttc OaU
Qulil hut blcady; No. 2 white clipped, 2b!ic ;
No. ;Wa , do., 27u271ic Flour Dull and weukj
winter superior, it2.4uj2.0O; do. eitrai, $2.b3a,
3.00; I'l'im.jhiuil.i tullir cltJr, i.l,p,4i).u'S; do. do,
straight, $J,M5j1.50; western whiter cleat,, ).23a
11.10; do. do. Miulght, $.1. Ua'I.W; do. do. patent,
.I.Ojaj.00; h'aiikus straight, in muM H25a3.l0;
do. patent, in sacks, SJ. I'u.'l.TO; spring clear, &ia
3.25; do. Kluight. ir.).U.j.).'l.l); do. patent. Vt.i4.21;
do. (atorlte bunds, 1.30.11. 40; city inllli, cilui.
J,05a3.Wj do. clear, ?25a3.40; do. straight,
J.45a3.0O; do. patent. J.75aL31. Ite Flour
Steady at $.1.10 per barrel for ihoicc I'entuy).
vsnla. Butter Firm, good demand; Jancy
western creamery, 23',3C.; do." prints, 27c. Kge
Finn; fn-eli uearby, 20V. j du. western, 20c j
do. soutlmestun. 19c; do. southern, 18c. Cheese
Bauer's Orchestra
At the Big Pure Food Show
Several New Demonstrations have been added today. All of them are of'
Interest to you. Among the new ones is Tey Brenin. one of the Host
Famous Brews of Teas. Come in ami Sample it. Watch
the Papers every day for this week's Musical Program.
Every day Something New and Novel.
Jonas Long's Sons
J 424-426 Spruce St., Bet.
Ladies' and
Children's Wool Underwear
We have devoted time
it stock of Underwear, so
J customers a line of goods of superior merit. Fit. finish
v and purity of material are the three essential elements
J that go to make up a first-class' line of Underwear. We
tt possess all these requirements in our Underwear stock.
'For Instance :
We offer Wool Union Suits, in grey and white,
thoroughly sanitary, worth anywhere $1.25. Our
Special Price
A line of AH Wool Shirts aud Drawers, in all
sizes, garments positively worth $1.35. Our
Special Price
Buy early of this line, as quantities are limit
ed at this price.
Egyptian Fleeced Lined Shirts and Pants,
Far superior to the ordinary garment at this
price. Others heavier and silk bound at
I Corsets
Special display this week of
Form, so much in demand.
We have them at
we aiso nave lines ot ine SZfln vt 7Cr
popular styles at DODular prices OUC dllU OC
Special Display
Quiet but htcidy; New York full ciranw fancy
small, llftallHi'.; do. do, do, fair to ihoho,
lO'.inll'ic, Kenned hugara Unchanged. Cotton
IMtic, lonei; middling uplands, !) U-lOc. Tul.
low dull and weak; city prime. In liognhcuN,
lnlTAc,; lountiy do., barrels, fi'c.; dark do.,
c.; cakes, 5c Ll(j Puultrj Firm and In
fair demand; fowN, OHalOc.; old looitilw, 7c;
spring chickens, lulOc.; ducks, OalOc Dieted
Poultry Firm, fail demand; fowls, chohc, lo'fc
allc; do, file to good, O'alOc; old loosteis,
H',ia7c. ; nearby spring thickens, llallir.; writ,
em do.. 10al2c. Hctelpts Flour, '2,000 barrels
nnd 1,500,000 pounds in wclv.; wheat, 8.000 limh.
els; com, 118,000 bushels; oats, o,W buslicR
Shipments Wheat, .12,0110 bushels; corn, ISO,.
bUO bushels; oats, 4J,(W bushels.
New York Grain and Produce.
New Voik, Oct, '.'2. Flom V'tiy slow aud
ui'.iKir (u sill, following the depiction in wheat,
Wheat Spot eatyj No, 2 red, 78T4C. f. o, b.; 7u7ic elevator; No. 1 iioilhein Dulutli,
bt7ic, f. o. b. alloat; options opened In in, sub.
hniuuitly declined and ilosid weak at ',:
net decline; Slaich eloscd b2!4.; May, 82'ii.!
Octobei, 77c; December, 7dWc Coin Spot linu;
No. 2, lO'jO, delator und li'. f, o, b. atkut;
options after a sliiuly opining dtii'lopid a (or
n( Ik ruber blimU and mUamcd vigoiousl) later
In the dry; closed him at l&aHc .idwiuc; May
t03ed 42!ic; Oilobci, lGe. ; Ikvemlm. 429e,
Oats Spot steady; .So. 2, 25'ic; .No. a, 25c;
No. 2 white, Sliai'.; No, ;i white, 27c; luib
mUrd western, 23a20!Sc; wlitli; wflcin
and state, 27a He; options featuuless and ne.
Ircted, holding ltady with coin. Mutter Finn,
cicamery, lila22Vic; faetoiy, laaluc; Jmm
cirainery, lba21ck Imitation rieameiy, lHs-ilSf ;
statu dairy, Uj21c I'lucbV I'liuii laue while,
lUc: small wliilc and eoioied, lie; iJigc col
ored, lie; laigo white, 10V. Kbits; 1'liiiij btate
and IVnnsjhuulj, 20a2lc,; westuu icgiilai paik
lug, JtUlOc.; wcslun, lo.s mi, li
Chicago Grain and Produce.
hleaito, (let. 22. Liberal rmipts and an in.
ciease in the' llble, together with outside
apathy told tho wheat prlee todaj de
spite tho bullishness of early news and Decem
ber cl"sed aHc. under Saturday. Coin rlqwd
He and oats a shade' bbrhcr. Provision closed
unchanged. Cash ijuotsjions were as follows;
Washington & Wyoming Aves
and pains in selecting our
that we can place before our
the Famous Erect
c -t f j i r
JJ) I .UU atld $1.5U
All kid gloves look
on the counter. On the hand
they are different. Some bag
at the thumb, others break.
No necessity for either. Those
with the Cluze Patent Thumb
fit snugly and do not strain.
These at $1.00 aud $1.25
in Show Windows.
I'loiii Dull and steady; No, 3 spiing .wheat, 6Sa
71)ic; .No, a red, 7Uia7Sie; No. 2 coin, 40
lO&e; No. jellow, 40V4alOi&c; No. 2 oats,
a2.i221$i; Nn. 2 w kite, 2tVii.i2JH:c; No, a white,
aJttJJMe,; No. 2 ije, 10i,c.; barley, a'lc; No. 1
Ila seed, ifl.Ml; No. . noilhwest, t,siial,82;
tlmotliey, ipl.2,ij4,a'i; uoik, ifll.SOalLT.'i; laid,
$7.02!; illw, if7a7.IS; nhoulden, OViaOc;
hides, t7.i7.10; whUkey, 1,J7; sugars, &U.00;
Bianulated, 0,10.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
C'hlcasfo, Oct. 22. Cattle IteeclpK 17,500, n.
finding 2,000 wistcui-t and 610 'ixnn good to
choice n.ilUu steers, OalOc," lilulin; common,
about steady; buteheis' stoek, sliom;, actlte;
wi'gltrn.s, steady to slow; Tpadw, steady; hialltn
beit on salo today, two ens at Vi; s;ood to
pilnio Meere, R3,0i0; poor to medium, $I.Aki
S. 10; seleeted feeders, steady, f.t.T.'kil.IO; mlxicj
ktotkeri, slow, $2,7&i:i.M tows.,ao; helf
CIS 2.8Ja4,7; cannus, 2a2.03; bulls, stroiif,
V!.(in.i4.U; oahes, steady, fliU.2j. Tcans-Ite.
teliits, b'J; Iw.t on sale tod.1,1, 10 tar loads at
W.70; Texas fed stieri, Mal.oil; Tevns Krast
Stitis, W.Mai. II; Texas bulls, ?2.j0a:i,2'i. IIoks
Itccelpls todjj, :tI,tK); tomoiiow, 21,000; c.
tiiiuted left our, 4,WW; stnuiff tn .', hlshei;
liiM, M.l'.l; mixed ami liutdieis, l.liOilul; wood
In iholrt' lieatj. I.o-Jij, ; imiuh heatv, $I.n
4.U; liuiit, l.rAiJ.M; Jbulk of sales, Jl (l.-,j.8i).
Hhctp-ltcuipt., 20,000; sltady; lambs, Heady
to lUc lowei; Kood lo iholu- wethew, M.8"n
4.10; filr In iholic mixed, iSI.; wcimi
slieip, i.T.IJl.l'l; iiatlte lamln, !(.V23.i'iOO; west,
crn Ijmbs, I.7'.i5..'i0.
East Liberty Stock Mnrkot.
Kit l.tbcil, (Jit. 3i.-ralllL Slow; iliol.c,
1.I4U5.6U; inline, .30alW; loiiiinon, .Tial.SO,
IIok Fall ; inline heavies, $j.iJ.t)',; .lu.nlid inc.
tliuuis, l.0a4.0.1; best Voiken, 4.S4; light
do., f 4.TA14.SO; plus, us to uualil, el.lOal.iU;
IuukIk, .).21a4.70. Sheep-Slow jiud lower;
rhoiiu sheep, fJ.l4UI.IU; rlioitc lainltf, $.Vi.V.";
loimnon to Koud, J.4ViJ.7.5; eal lahcs, ti.ailu7,
New York Live Stock Market.
Kcw York, Oct. 22. Ileees Stetu, active,
steady to a fraction higher; bulls und cont,
stetdy; steirs. l I0a5.70; bulls, $2.80aa.73; co,
1.50aJW; thoice fat, do., $; stoekers ai.d
The Popular Housefurniahlng Store,
Puzzled About
That Wedding Gift?
Probably we can aid you
with a suggestion. Those
Carving Sets made by
Landers, Prary & Clark
are nt to put before a
king. They are a necessi
ty, cause remembrance of
the giver at least once a
day.and when quality and
high class workmanship
are considered are ex
ceedingly reasonable in
Foote & Fuller Co.
140-42 Washington Ave.
Fast Time to
fUE Duluth Limited and St. Pant Fast
Mail leaves Chicago dally io.oop.m.,
arrives Duluth 10.30 a. m, next morning.
Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Observa
tion Parlor Cars with Cafe and free
Reclining Chair Cats. Fast train to head
of lakes. The best of everything. Call
on any agent for tickets or address
461 Broadway - Ntia York
001 CAos't St.,Phlhdilphh
ilSVImSI.. - Cincinnati
S07 Bmlthfldat.. PltUbura
388 WaiKlnalon St., Bolton
301 Ualn St., Bugalo
S34 Suptrlor St., Clivtlar.d
II Campat Martin; Ootrolt
112 Clark St., Cicajo,
2 King t.,f m, 7oronfo,0t,
DR. DRNSTRN, 311 Spruce Street. Serin
ton, !' II cute aiU Chronic Dl.tceses ol
Men, Womtn an I Children. Consultation and
examination free, Office Hours Dally ana
found ay H a. m. to 9 p. ru.
S Prof,Q,FJHEEL,H,D, N.m
L31)eaftpra(ti,j,0cri)int)ulciprKn,eliilciiniH J
$l.,Vlab.5D; litili lalics, ilal.JO' kumsi.. 2.50a
:i.l2'i; feil and mixed (.lUcs, M.2"ul. Sheip -VI
ui'te, lowei; lambs, SJaWic, on; miiiie sales
00c. oil; luii, 2.50jl.:iO; few cx"Jit do,, $1,1)
.'11.75; lulls. Uai.25; lambs, W; Ktmeiat
sahs, lal.73; Canada lainb, $.! lilil.ix); culls, &i
11I. Hoks llail et Hiak at ?5a5.u; iholie nJ
faniy state hoy, ts.41ui.ll.
Oil Mnrket.
Oil City, Oit. :. riulit balanocj, tl.lOj cet
tllUates, no bid; shipments, loo.ooa lairels; sv.
erJtte, S9,70.' bauds; luus, 125,7vU bauvlsj ax
eiJKO, U1.7S1 bun Is.
fecdeis, $3a3.0Q. Cahes-JIarl.ct firm; veals.
if1 ',! wB
?JSyH J"5r3aT ikT553fr?h
if ,
. . 2