I u V, 1 i. ' ? i tribune. cranton NTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1900. WO CENTS. ROOSEVELT AND THE HOODLUMS Bu Wit and Sarcasm the Governor Drives Disturbers Irom a Meeting at Kingston, A DINNER PAIL PRESENTED Pleasing Incident of the Meeting at Newburgh An Immense Crowd Greets the Speaker and Great En thusiasm Prevails An Appeal to the Democrats Who Have Admira tion for the Principles of Jefferson and Andrew Jackson The Evil Influences of Tammany Hall. ty Exclusire Who from The Associated Pri-ss. Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 22. Governor Roosevelt finished the first day of his flying campaign hero tonight, after travelling eighty-nine miles and mak ing eight speeches, the longest being at Newburgh and Kingston. At the former place, the home of the ltcpub llcan candidate for governor, he talked to a vast assemblage, having to speak in two places. Spectators interrupted the speaker with questions, In every instance receiving a reply. At West Nyack a man close to him cried "Hur rah for Bryan," and Mr. ltonscvelt re plied, "Why don't you hurrah for Alt geld and Aguinaldu." The cheering ceased. Another called "what about the Ice trust," and he answered: "This election will be decided by the patriots and men of sense in the country who outnumber the junker shouters of your type. The Ice trust will be attended to in a proper legal way." A man in the crowd at Newburgh said in a low tone of voice: "Why did you call Democrats cowards and dis honest?" Roosevelt heard him and flung back quickly this characteristic reply: "It's a lie, I never .said .such a thing. It is Democrats, good Demo crats who will swell our majority." Towards the end of his icmarks, at Newburgh, the governor was Interrupt ed a number of times by home shouts of "What is the matter with Bryan?" "Down with trusts." Governor Roosevelt rcmuikcd: "That gentleman has all the symptoms of a Bryanitr," which tally was greeted with laughter and applause. Then walking over to one side of the plat form, and speaking directly towards the point from which the shouts ai o-e. the governor said: "You look like one of those men who work exclusively With their mouths. What do you mean to do with the cotton bale trust of Jlr. Jones, or the ice trust of Mr. Croker?" (Cries of "What is the matter with Bryan?" "He's all right.") That is an argument of wind." (Great applause,) "You are afraid to hear the truth, you interrupt this meeting because you nro a hoodlum and nothing else. You represent the disorderly class, that is naturally against us. You represent those people who object to prosperity. You don't get any part of It, because you won't work. (Applaus-e.) Now, then, go back to juur fellow-hoboes (applause) and learn after this (moie yelling, and the man evidently tuined to depart) that you stand against the flag. You haven't got a particle of pa triotism in you. I am. .glad vou are go!n away: I think you have learned enough to not hereafter monkey with the buzz-saw. (Long continued ap plause.) Now gentlemen, in the tem porary absence of the local police, I have driven off the disturber of the meeting." (Applause.) Appeal to Good Citizens. At Congeis, Governor Roosevelt epoke brlelly from the rear of his spe cial train. He said: It pecnis to me lint in Hilt, anip.ii-n, we have a right to appeal as we do appeal, not tti men as Republican, but us Kood citizen., 'I hem ire certain piinciplcs tint uudeille Itqiuhlltaii Ism and Democracy alike, that underlie the De mocracy of JcfTi ison nnd l.icUon, tint umltiilu tho Wlilfc'hm of Henry I lay and WYIMer and tli Republicanism of Abrilum Lincoln am) it is upon those principle that we male our uppeil lor honesty in the stale nnd In tliu iiition, lion rsty in making promUo and pcifoi mince bun no, honesty in not prophcajliu: Hut which we Know or ought to know will not ouur, honesty In not hurting the nation's debt by halvimr Hie nation'ii dollar, rceolvlns: to picwun Hie eondltioiu un der which we have koiio upuauK ami not to j;o back to the condition of IWj'h army nod tin free soup kitchens nnd ii'olln- to do tho vvcuk of a (treat nation in the fate of (he world's greatest powers without lllnchiiiir. Newburgh wus In gala at tiro when the Roosevelt train arrived at l.LS o'clock, Bands played, an Immense crowd cheered at tho fetation, ond tho Btreets woro Jammed with people, res idents and visitors who had come on excursion trains and boats during the morning, This Is the homo of tho Republican candldato lor governor, n. tt, Odell, nnd at tho head of tho crowd tt the depot waiting to receive Mr. Roosevelt was Mr. Oiloll himself. Tho court house square, where tho speak ' Inar took place, was Jammed with thousands of people anxious to see and hear tho ,tvo candidates, and When at 3 o'clock they appeared arm In arm on tho platform, a great cheer went up. Mr, Odell intiodueed Gov ernor Roosevelt In a short speech. As the governor stooped forward ho was presented with a dinner pnll filled with farm produce of various kinds. The governor sulci; "This Is what Mr. Bryan calls an assorted argu ment," and. noticing It was wrapped around with nn Amerlcun Hag ho con tinued; "Now, gentlemen, I want to call your attention to ono fact they have presented mo with a full dinner pall and the American Hag." (Ap plause.) I come here to appial to )ou, no nutter what nay have been jour political uftiliattons in tin. fast, to appeal to joii us Americans, us honut lien, is fod citizens, to support Wlllam Mc (iuley tor r 'lection to the presidency. (Great ipplausc). I appeal to cut man who Is keiultlve as to (h good nam ol both atato and nation, to tup- pott im when we ataml aifslnsl Bryanlsm and niralnsl that local foun ol llrjanlim, Crokcrlmn (Applauie). t appeal to Loth Itcpulillcans and Democrats, mind J oil, because the principles of Sir. Bryan mid Mr Crolier hac nothlnf In com mon with I)cniotra(-y m llemocracy was under stood In the days of Jefferson and Andrew Jack son. Jefferson hud It Uon as a rule that this nrt of Rood government was the art of being honest. Hour would Tammany hall (eel It that principle will read and applied In Its oriranlsra tlon? And now Tammany lull, which hat re duced flip ctovcrnnicnt of New Yoik rlty to n lij woid and n hlwlnir. ii crrninlnir for the uovcrn- tnrnt of N'cvv York state nnd 1 appeal (o every noncit Democrat, I appeal to every TJemocrat whoie lojaliy to Jefferson and Jackson is a lovalty of the heart nnd not of word', I appeal to eviry Demociat north of the Harlem to ire to It that Mi pirty It not prostituted as it has been prostituted south of the Harlem. ELECTION CONTESTS ARE DISPOSED OF Certificates of Bradford-Wyoming Senatorial Rivals Are Thrown Out Other Cases Decided. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Hnrrlsburg, Oct. 22. The Dauphin county court today disposed of the last of the election contests by de claring valid the certificates of Dr. Daniel P. Geberich, candldato for senator, and Dr. Thomas T. Zerbe and Samuel Groh, candidates for assembly In Lebanon county, and declaring In valid the certificates of Robert S. Ed mlston nnd Bradley W. Lewis, rival Republican candidates for senator in the Bradford-Wyoming division. Thd nomination of Messrs. Gerberlch and Zerbe were contested by Senator Samuel Weiss and Ej Benjamin Bler man, who received a majority of the votes at tho Republican primaries last June, but an Investigating committee threw out enough alleged illegal votes to give Gerberich and 55erbe a major ity and certified their nominations. The court holds that under tho party rules this committee is entitled to certify nominations, and that, there fore, the cei tlficates are valid. The certificates of John S. Lambing and J. S. Spaulding, People's Party candidates in the Se.-oiid Erie assem bly dlstiict, who weie objected to by William Albrecht and Greeley G. Marsh and Andrew J. Palm; Joint L. Wilson and L. D. drown, People's Party nominees in Crawford county, which were objected to by John p. PrAmer and G. Hiram Blistone and Charles Perkins, arc also declared valid. ADLAI STEVENSON'S NEW THEME He Contends That President McKin- ley Could Have Prevented the South African War. By Exclunvc Wire from The Associated Press Gland Rapids, Mich., Oct, i!2. Adlal 13. Stevenson arrived here from Chi cago at 1.30 p. m., and an hour later addressed an open air meeting. A drizzling rain commenced to fall a few minutes before he appeared on the platform which soon drove to lielter all except a few hundred people who weie within immediate hearing. Tho speaker put on his hat and talked for a half hour upon the Issues of trusts and Imperialism. A noticeable feat of his handling of the latter topic was tho emphasis which he placed upon the Boer ques tion, which, owing to the great pro portion of Holland-American voters In this section of the state, Is brought to the front by nil Democratic orators who visit the Fifth congressional dis trict. Mr. Stevenson took the ground that President McKlnlcy would not have exceeded the bounds of interna tional diplomacy by intervening In the war, like Cleveland did In behalf of Venezuela, and he expi eased the opin ion that the effect upon England would have been the same and there would have been no South African war. NEW SPISHCABINET. Formed by General Ascarrago Dis tribution of the Portfolios. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Madrid, Oct. 22. General Ascarraga has succeeded in forming a cabinet, with tho following distribution of port folios: President of the council, General As canaga; mtnistor of foreign affairs. Marquis Agullur Campo; war, General LInaies; finance, Scnor Alltir Do Snln jar; interior, Sonor Ugarto; Justice, Marquis Vudlllo; public instruction, Senor Garcia Alix; agriculture and public works, Senor Sahnchez Toca, Tho post of minister of marine has not yet been filled. General Ascarraga presented tho list to the queen regent this evening, and tho ministers will take the oath tomorrow. Tho under secretary of tho crown, tho prefect of Madrid and tho mayor of Madrid, as well as several prefects of departments, have resigned, HANNA ADDRESSES COLORED VOTERS. By Inclusive Wire from The Assorjited Press. Chicago, Oct. 22, A ciowd of 3,000 colored voters listened to an address by Senator llanna at tho First Heidnient armory. He tpoko briefly and bU remarks wcro at all times urttcd with applause. "There i,ccr was a, time," i-ald Ben ator Hauna, "when thoso whose Utlzciuhlp camo with the birthday of tho Itcpubllcan party had greater cause to rejoice. The colored troops are alwajs in line and ready for action As lonif an the !teHibllcau party' is true to tho prin ciples which attracted to it the colored popula tion of the United States the colortd otc vil lieer bo divided." -STEAMSHIP ARRIVAXS. - By Exclusive Wfie from The AuocliM Vtr New York, Oct. 22. Sailed: Aller, for Naples and (ienoa. Bremen Arrived: Travc, New York via Southampton. Cherbourg Arrived: Deutsch land, New York via 1'1 mouth for Hamburg, bouthampton Sailed: Fiicdriih der Orosse (from Broncu), New York via Cherbourg. Stilly Passed: Maasdam, New York for Boulogne and Uotttrdam. WANAMAKER ON THE STUMP He Vloorouslu Reopens the Battle Against Senator Qiiau and His Followers. CRYS GOOD GOVERNMENT In a Speech at Pottstown the ex PoBtmaster General Says That There Is Not the Slightest Ques tion as to Pennsylvania's Vote for Mr. McKlnley His Whole Atten tion Is Therefore Turned to the Alleged Republican Machine and ex-Senator Quay The Troubles of, the Day All Laid at the Door of the Organization. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presi. Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 22. Former Postmaster General John Wanamaker tonight made his tlrst appearance In two years as a political orator. His mission here was In the interest of the candidates of the Republican party for the legislature who are opposed to the Quay wing of that party. Mr. Wana maker arrived here at 6 o'clock and was the guest at dinner of Professor John Meigs. The meeting was held at tho opera house, which was crowded to the doors, hundreds of people being obliged to turn away. Among the au dience was a fair gathering of women. Seated on the stage in addition to Professor Meigs, who presided, Tvete the foIVowing candidates for the legis lature: A. B. Miller, of Pottstown: Jason Sexton, North Wales; II. H. Fet lerolf, Collegevllle; Jesse L. Krelblf, Worcester, and Dr. P. L. Jones, of Narberth. Mr. Wanamaker's appearance on the stage was the signal for great applause and his address was punctuated with much enthusiasm and cheering. In introducing his speech Mr. Wan amaker said that he made his llrst ap pearance in Pottstown four years ago to speak for McKlnley against Bryan. He said he would have acted similarly this year If there had ever been the slightest question of Pennsylvania's vote for McKlnley. Mr. Wanamaker called attention to tho fight between tho Quay and anti Quay forces during the legislative ses sion of 1806 and stated that until the election of the legislature of 189S he had ceaselessly sought to prevent the re-election of Matthew Stanley Quay to the United States senate. In this connection Mr. Wanamaker took occasion to reiterate his state ment that at no time since 1896 lias he been a candidate for the senatorship. He said, however, that had the ofiiee come to him at that time he should have accepted it. Continuing 'Mr. Wan amaker said: During the present content for the legiidature 1 have not been in tctivc manage mint of the cam paign. Impaired health and ab.-eme in Kuiope have for nearly half a jcar prevented my activity in political matter". Jvovv, on my recent icturn with improved health I am asuicd by tue active woikiiH who have been engaged in promoting the clittlcji of an anti-Quay legislature that tin smccs of the movcimut i certain and -.hat the re election of M. S. Quay Is not within the realm of practical political possibility. In cuntiadistiiclion to the asacition of Colonel Quiy during u recent npcch that he was not a tandltlate in the ordiniry sene o( the term .Mr, Wunamakcr said he was not a candidate in tin- extiaordinury dense of Hie term nor in any other miisc; nor am I quoted for any otlur of tlce. The cvsenator horn whom I have emoted is an c.lraoidiuary, ordinary candidate. I am simply not a candidate nt all. My piuposc is to bi freer than ever hefoic to fight ho forces of evil in this plundeied and de bauched state, Succi salve disclosures of the widespread and laboriously sjstematited corrup tion have convulsed the state, Twecdlsni at ita worst was no woise than Qinylsm at its best but Hiiro iu no best Quajhm, as there can he no good to bad. Good government means equal tights for all nnd special pilvllcaes for none. Such govern ment would not dchtroy voted righto. I have great respect lor vested rights, but good govern, ment would prevent thU confederacy of predatory wealth ond would subject the richest torpnia Hon equuly with the poorest and feeblest citUcn to Hie authority of the laws and enforce upon all men respect for the rights of all. Benefits to Be Derived. Tho speaker then enumerated tho benefits to be derived from good gov ernment. Ho said that schools and be nevolent Institutions would not bo sac litlced for tho sake of confederated In terests that maintain tho machine, be cause they need It to control legisla tion In their Interests. Transportation companies, Mr. Wanamaker asserted, would bo brought under the mastery of tho state; would prevent the flagrant violation of tho constitution bv the companies constituting , themselves miners, shippers and Jfnerchants In coal, keeping company stores, paying wnges at long Intervals, denying check welghmen, employing children of ten der years at deathly tasks, and endan gering tho lives of inlneis by Ignoring precautions for their safety, "in tho light of recent revelations by the miners In tho coal regions the vlea, of Ignorance will not stand," said the speaker. The poor man and Ids child shall not sutler forever because of Hie concealment of ids cm plojcrs behind a charter ol incorporation. Good government would leinovu this unspeak ably small and sordid pillaging of the Indus, tilous poor Ir. tho mining regions by men who fancy that they can escape the consequences of guilt by banding themselves together in i col lective capacity. Good government would enforce the laus which foibld discrimination in transitortatlou, and re lieve mining opcritors from the robbing system which charges them four times as much for haul ing a ton of hard coal as for hauling a ton of soft coal. flood government by removing Hits indefensible discrimination, would have icmoved the chief cauie of the strike of 160,000 which baa deprived them of their wages and wasted tho capital of such of their employers as are at the mercy of the railroads. Mr. Wanamaker said the dairy In terests of the state would be pro. tectcd by good government nnd tho farmer would be protected against the criminal non-cnforccinent of the law. He declared that the machine stood before a stuffed ballot box, "armed with this, bludgeon of Its crim inal power," and this, ho assorted, was the heart of the whole business, for who so possesses tho ballot box governs the state. Ileal ballot reform, ho declared, Is the Key to good gov ernment. "A legislature must bo elected over whelmingly hostile to tho machine nnd all Up works, and to Its whole corrupt and sinister Importance, In order that tho present piotoctlon to fraud nt the polls shall be swept away by an act enforcing thorough ballot reform." DEATH OF JOHN SHERMAN The Well-Known Statesman Passes Away Sketch of an Active Political Career. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 22. John Sherman, who for a period of forty years occu pied an eminent place In the legisla tive and administrative branches of public affairs, died here at 6.45 a. m. today In the seventy-eighth year of his age. His death had been expected for several days. Its Immediate cause was brain exhaustion incident to extreme weakness due to old ago and to several attacks of sickness from which he had suffered for the last year and a half. John Sherman was born In Lancas ter, O., on May 10, 1823. His paternal ancestors came from Essex county, England, and settled In colonial days In Massachusetts and Connecticut. His grandfather, Taylor Sherman, was born In tho Nutmeg state and became a judge of Its Supreme court. His father, Charles ltobert Sherman, was born In -XorwalU, Conn., and studied law, being admitted to the bar in 1810, when he married Miss Mary Hoyt. of Norwalk, and subsequently removed to Lancaster, O., wheic "Old Tecumseh" and John Sherman were born. The father In his day was hardly less famous than tho two sons. He was a Judge of the Supieme court of Ohio In 1823, but betoie achieving the fortune which his legal talents merited he died in June, 1820, leaving n widow and eleven children to battle with the world. William Tecunibeh, the third child, after his father's death, vas adopted by Thomas Ewlng, a neighbor, who obtained his admission to West Point. In March, 1877, he was appointed secretary of the treasury by Presi dent Hayes, and gave universal satis faction by an administration which re sulted In the resumption of specie payments two years later. Ono of his most brilliant achievements as a fi nancier was the ro-ostabllshment of the country's credit by placing $200, 000,000 of government 4'f! per cent, bonds. John Sherman was prominently be fore almost every national Republi can convention sincp the civil war, as a possible presidential nominee. Ho desired the nomination, and once or twice it seemed! probable that ha would obtain It. He was very; near It In 1880, when he had for his chosen advocate In the convention, James A. Gariield, of Ohio. But Garfield's elo quent and impassioned appeal for his chief resulted In a stampede of tho convention to himsdli. No one has ever charged that Garfield had that end In view, but, very naturally, Sher man was greatly chngrined. In a per sonal letter he exonyintcd Garfield. Again in 18SS he had hopes of winning the prize, but It went to Harrison. Tho unfriendliness between Senator Sherman and General Russell A. Al ger dated from that convention. Sher man believed that Alger was largely responsible for his failure to obtain the nomination, and accused Alger's friends of bribing poor negroes to vio late tho Instructions of their constitu ents. The funeral arrangements so far as they pertain to the services In Wash ington were completed late this after noon, They will tako place at the lato residence of Mr. Sherman on Wednes day afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev,.Mac kay Smith, of St. John's Episcopal church, being the officiating clergyman. Immediately after tho services tho body will bo taken to Mansfleld, O., where tho arrangements for the sad rites have been put In the hands of Congressman W. S. Kerr and other friends of tho family. Services will bo held Thursday at Mansfield, probably in tho Episcopal church, usually at tended by Mr. Sherman, and the Inter ment will be made In tho family bury ing plot besldo the grave of Mrs. Sher man. The party going from hero will include relatives and friends and also representatives of tho state and treasury departments. THE M'KINLEYS LEAVE FOR CANTON. By Exclusive Wlie from The Associated Presa. Washington, Oct, ?2. President and Sirs. Mc Klnley left the city at 7.43 o'clock tonight via the Pennsylvanlt railroad for Canton, 0,,whein they will remain until Mr, McKlnley casta Ids voto on Not ember 0, when they will return to Washington. Aecompinjlng them were Secre tary Corteljou and Dr. 1'. M. HUey, of Hie navy, the parly occupying tho private car l.ucaula, 'llicy will reach Canton about 10 o'clock In the morning, Secretary and Mrs. Hoot also bad ex pected to go with the presidential party but the former was called o New York on private busl iicm and will start from that city west tomor row, ilt. Hoot is to make an address at Youngs town, O., on tho 23th instant. KILLEY BY A TBOLLEY CAB, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated 'Press. Camden, N, J., Oct, 3J. Thomas lUrmau, a leader In Republican politics of this city, rode his blcjclc in front of a trolley car today awl vvas run over and killed, lie was presi dent of the board of excise commissioners and aerved several terms In city councils. lie vvas 50 years old. CORPORATIONS CHARTERED, Oy lCxcliulve Wiie from The Associated Press. llarrisburg, Oct. 22. Charters wre issued by the state department today to the following corporations: West Coal aud Mining company, I.oLk Haven; capital 1(1,000. Brush Ruu Water company, Mount Pleasant; capital fl.OOO. Gran ville Water company, Lowlstowu; capital 100. END OF STRIKE IS VERY NEAR Miners Will Work as Soon as All Operators Post- Notices Guaranteelnu Increase. COMPANIES ARE BALKY They Show a Disposition Not to Issue a Second Notice Guaranteeing the Payment of the Ten Per Cent. Increase Mr. Mitchell Appears Cheerful Lnrgest Labor Demon stration at Hazleton A Disturb ance at Wilkes-Barre Working men Are Intimidated. By Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Press. Hazleton, Oct. 22. President Mitchell, In an Interview tonight, practically ad mitted that the anthracite coal miners' strike would end as soon as all the operators posted a notice guaranteeing the payment of a ten per cent, advance in wages until April 1. President Mitchell said: The prospects of an early settlement of the coal strike is becoming brighter. Some of tho opciators hive not jet posted notices nig iiifying theii willingness to fall in line cither with the Heading company or with the propo sition made by the Lehigh Valley company in tin! Hazleton legion. If all of them notify their employes by posting notice's or otherwise that an actuil advance of tin pel cent, will bo paid each mine iiuplo.ve aud guarantee its continu ance until April 1, logethci with tho abolition of the slidng scale, 1 believe that tho terms would he accepted by the mine worhon. The I eduction In powder from ii.l'i to $1,50 lull confused the minds of the miners but some of the optratois have su fully o-.pl lined how con tract miners could lccelve the full .ldvjiuc of III per cent, an will as all other cinplives that 1 believi- that this obstacle can bo mm nine. Although, as President Mitchell says tho outlook for an early settlement of the htrlkc Is bright, it Is dlflicult to make a prediction as to when the end will come. Some of the coal companies are showing a disposition not to Issue a .second notice guaranteeing the pay ment or the ten per cent, increase in wages until April. Among these are the Delawaic, Lackawanna and West ern and the Delaware and Hudson, the officials of which companies are report ed to have declined to Issue a supple mental notice. The labor leaders, however, hope that the companies will in some way make known that they will guarantee the payment of the ad vance until April 1. Mr. Mitchell Cheerful. Piesident Mitchell appeared quite cheerful tonight when he made the announcement as above and his man ner indicated that the time is near at hand when all the anthracite miners now on strike shall return to the mines. As soon as all the notices guaranteeing the payment of the ad vance until April 1 ate posted, Presi dent Mitchell will call a meeting of the national executive board at which it is believed the strike will be de clared off. The largest labor demonstration ever held In this city took place today when nearly 7,000 miners paraded the streets. In a carriage at their head rode Presi dent Mitchell who received an enthu siastic ovation all along the line of march. Thousands of miners accom panied by their families came to the city from every mining town In the region to view the parade. Besides the miners from this vicinity there were 150 men In line who had tramped eigh teen miles over the mountains from the Panther Creek valley. They, with the McAdoo miners, who are famed throughout the coal Melds for their perseverance in marching and closing collieries, were the heroes of the par ade. Three bus loads of tho marching women of McAdoo and 100 small break er boys, dressed in their working clothes, and with lighted mine lamps in their caps, were at the head of the line, immediately behind the carriages containing the United Mine Workers' olllcials. Many mottoes expressing the sentiments of the strikers were car ried In the procession. President Mitchell reviewed tho pa rade at the end of the route, after which a mass meeting was hold at which President Mitchell was the principal speaker. Ho f-aid tho strike was in such a peculiar position that It was hard to outline just what the result would be. Ho believed the time was not far distant when every mine would be In operation and that tho men now had practically won tho strike. Among other speakers were W. D, Mahon, of Detroit, Interna tional president of tho Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Em ployes of America; Ilenjamin James, of Hazleton; Fred Dllchor, of Ohio; AV. D, Falrley, of Alabama; Oeorgo Purcell, of Indiana, members of tho national expcutlvo board of the United Mlno Workers; John Fahey, R. N, Courtrlght, of Scranton; Edwurd Sap pltt, of Pittsburg, national organizer; "Mother" Jones, of Chicago; Angela Pprrln, an Italian, and Anthony Slnss cber, a Slavonian, An Appeal for Aid. Shamoklii, Pa., Oct. 22. For the first time slnco the anthracite coal strike, a public appeal for aid was niadu hero this afternoon by a commlttco calling on business men and collecting money and provisions for ImpoYeilshcd fam ilies of strikers. WABHERY HEN ATTACKED. Discontent Reigns at 'Wilkes-Barre, Men Anxious to Work. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rcss. Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 23. Discontent among the striking miners of the Wyo ming valley 13 growing, and unless the strike Is settled soon they will be hard to control. A majority of tho men are willing and anxious to go to work, and TUE NEWS TIIIS MOttNINO Weather Indications Today, GENERALLY fAllt. 1 flcnerat-Kml of tho Dig Strike Uraws Appar. ently Nrarer. Operators Hny Time (limrantccr Is Superfluous, ltuoscvclt Quiets the Hoodlums. John Wanamaker Heird From. 2 (leneral Northeastern Pennsylvania. riiuiicl.il and Commercial. 3 Local drier Case In Jury's Hand. The .Men's Union and Convicted Offenders. 4 IMItortil. New 8 and Comment. 0 Local Hoard of Control Wilt Sland.unus the City Controller. Thieves Make a Itlcli Haul on the "Hill." 0 Local West Scranton and Suburban. 7 ltound About Hie County. 3 Local drier Case In Jury's Hands (Con cluded), if President Mitchell should call the strike off tomorrow, even with the powder question unsettled, he would receive more credit fromhls followers than to allow the contest to drag on, with ttjo chance of losing In tho end. , Tho strikers say they are well organ ized now, and they can afford to wait awhile before demanding other con cessions. But, In the opinion of many, a prolongation of the strike will mean only a repetition of history. Tho com panies will starve tho men out the same as they have In other strikes, and then when they do return to work It will prtfbably be at the old wages and without a union back of them. The discontent of the strikers was shown nt the works of the Lehigh and Wllkes-Bnrro Coal company, In the eastern part of tho clty,thls morning. A gang of men were going to work to screen coal on the bank of the Empire mine, when they were set upon by a mob of men, women nnd boys. John J. O'Hara, foreman of the gang, was knocked down with a stone and his nose fractured. Ho .had to run away to escape with his life. Several other workmen were slightly Injured. During the melee several shots were fired. One bullet grazed the ear of Coal and Iron Policeman H. C. McCall. The mob destroyed all the tools of the workmen. The disturbance took place within tho city limits, and a detach ment of police were sent to' the scene. When they arrived they found a largo crowd of women and boys, but very few men. The local otlicers of the United Mlno Workers say none of their men were engaged in tho tight. The police found an effigy of O'Hara hanging to a telegraph pole. There was a placard on It which read: "Here are the remains of O'Hara." Owing to tho trouble, there was no nork on thn coal bank or at the Stan ton washeiy, operated by the same company, today. The company used the coal screened on the bank for their boilers, and heretofore the strik ers have not objected to the men gathering it for that purpose, as it was necessary to procure fuel some where In order that the pumps, which keep the mines free of water, might be kept running. In Is said O'Hara made himself ob jectionable to the wlve3 of the strikers by boasting that he would work, de spite all opposition. This angered tho women, and on several occasions they pelted him with stones. One woman told him Saturday night that if ho attempted to go to work this morn ing he would be killed. A number of Polanders who have been working at tho West End Coal company's colliery at Mocanaqua all through the strike were returning from Glen Lyon last night, when they were held up by somi strikers and their sympathizers, who called the Poles "scabs." Tho foreigners at tempted to resent the insult, but they were overpowered and had to retreat to a place of safety under a shower of stones. Ono man was badly cut on the head. Mayor Nichols, of this cloy, sees trouble ahead If the strike continues. He Is seriously considering a proposi tion to arm tho police force with guns, ho that they will be able) to cone with a mob, should they bo called upon to quell a riot'. ANOTHER RIOT AT WILKES-BARRE A Mob, Numbering 5,000, Attacks the Workmen at Stanton Wash- ery No One Injured. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 2.', This evening thoro was another riot at the Stanton washcry of tho Lehigh and Wllkes Barro Coal company. When the woik men started to go to their homes, under tho protection of coal and Iron police, fully 5,000 people had gathered. A tele phone message was sent to police hend quartors In this city for help and Chief of Police Kline and a number of offi cers responded, The men who had been at work woro put on board a small mlno locomotive, but beforo the loco motive could get under headway some one fired. The police returned tht lire, but no ono was struck. Another volley from tho windows of some houses fol lowed. Every pano of glass In the cab of tho locomotive was btoken, but no one was wounded. Two of tho woik niun on tho locomotive Jumped off uud wero knocked down nnd kicked, but weio lescuod by the police, Tlo names of tho Injuied men tire Biudley Hoffman and John Dellnskl. Hoffman was so badly Injured that he had to bo taken to Mercy hospital. Ah tho oniceiH were returning to headquartcis, tho electric car on which they rodo was stoned, all tho windows on ono side of the car bioken, and Police Sergeant Hall and two other passengers, slightly Injured. Mayor Nichols s,oon i cached tho scene and warped the mob that they wero doing tho cause of labor more injury than good. He said tho law would be upheld und he wus there to help up hold It. The mayor's speech had a, good effect and the mob slowly dis persed to their homes. AtI0 o'clock all was quiet at the wushery, SOME VIEWS OF COAL MEN Not One Will Sau the Mitchell State ment Will Impel tils Gompanu to Modify Its Offer. SAY IT IS SUPERFLUOUS Operators Who Have Refused to Comply with the Agreement of Thursday's Conference Seem Dis posed to Persevere in Their Re f usal, Though a Compliance Would Mean n Settlement of the Strike all Onoe -Reasons Why They Do Not Want to Specify a Time Xlmit to the Ten Per Cent. Offer President) Nichols Thinks Another Conven tion Is UnnecessaryMove Against) the Washeries. Word of President Mitchell's Jnten tlon to announce that a general com pllanco with the demand for a six months' guarantee on tho ten per cent, offer would end the strike, reached The Tribune yesterday afternoon, and was transmitted to such of the larger operators who could be reached, with a request for an expression as to what effect this would have on the situa tion. They would not say that thi would Impel their companies to make any amendment to the original notice. The public and tho mine workers officials wero led to bellevo that the operators were willing to compromise by according their men a guarantee that the offer would remain in force nt least six months, if the men would waive their claim for a straialit ad vance, and bo content to have a de crease In tho cost of powder llgurc as part of the Increase in the wages of contract miners. Now, however, It would appear this Impression is an or roneous one. The Temple Iron company; the Hill--side Coal and Iron company and tho Conncll Coal company aie the only Im portant operators of tho Lackawanna region who have compiled with tho agreement of their own conference of last Thursday, that an amendment should bo made to the notices alreadv posted, explaining that tho offer would remain in force until April 1, 1900, and thereafter till further notice. Not Done as Yet. President Truesdale, of the Lacka wanna, and President Olyphant, of the Delaware and Hudson, wero quoted lit ono of tho Philadelphia papers yoster day as saying spccllically that their companies would post the time guaran tee today. General Superintendents Loomis and Rose, of the mining de partments of these companies, do not admit the accuracy of this story. One of the most prominent men on the operators' side of tho conflict said he was quite positive his company, would not post tho amendment and wn satisfied other big companies and most of tho smaller ones would also refuse to make tho modification Mr. Mitchell Is demanding. "There Is no question," said he, "but that the offer will continue till April I and long after, and no one has anv reasonable grounds for supposing It won't. The companies, therefore, con tend that tho guarantee is of no prac tical use, and as it will only servto lay grounds for the Mine WorkcVs coming on with a demand for another readjustment on April l.JIwe do not propose to make It. No sano man is going to glvo any credence to a story that tho offer was mado with a view of modifying it after tho men would get back to work. "It's preposterous. Kvcn though tho companies wero disposed to deal double with their employes, they would bo re strained from so doing by tho knowl edge that tho moment they attomptcd It they would bo Inviting another strike. Lot tho men go back to work and they wlll'llnd very likely thut the companies will not bo tho llrst to at tempt to make any chango In tho wage scale," What the Conference Said. Another operator, who was In a somewhat conciliatory framo of mind, said: "I hardly think nny more oper ntois will add a time limit to the notices they have posted. That, how over, ought not bo a bur to Mr. Mitchell calling off the strike. Tho operators' confeiencu on Thuisday gavo out a statement, prepared by themselves dur ing the conference, setting forth that they had Intended that their ten per cunt, offer was tt) contlnueMndellnltely, und, that as there seemed to bo somo misunderstanding on that score, they wuuld, by way of explanation, say specifically that tho offer would hold good until April 1 and thereafter until further notice. The names of tho oper atois and tho companies they repre sented were published with tho Btate ment, and for all practical purposes .. i , i Continued on 1'ago 5.) m f -f t t WEATHEB FOBECAST. Washington, Oct. 22. Forecast (of j -f Eastern fentuylYanla: Geiwrally lair 4 f Tucadsy and Wednesday; frcali southwest- -f. 4- eily winds. 4 'T i v . 4. . .- .". f.ftl iuft,; ':,.. kWli&i& , Mimdv a, isL'd! Ei'lSUl ?
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