The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 20, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Representatives of Various Churches
Pledge Their Support for the Asso
ciation Work Mrs. S. S. Fessen
den, of Boston, Will Spenk at Ply
mouth Church Republican Clubs
on Parade Attempted Robbery at
Tlceman Residence on Chestnut
Street Chrysanthemum War.
Tho pastors of th various West
Scranton churches unit their wives
were cntertatnoi at the rooms of tlio
Young Women's Chrlbtlnn association
Inst evening nt n G n'clocK (en. A very
ilalnty lunch was .served by the en
tertainment committee, under the hu
rorvlsion oC Mrs. George B. Hey
nolds. Mrs. George Howell, president oC the
wecutlve committee, presided, and
Mrs. Gates, Mrs. Hippie nnil Mlsd
Savago presented the work being done
liy the association. Kueli oC the minis
ters spoke upon the needs o the
"West Scranton association and
pledged their hearty support In be
half of their respective- churches.
The pastors present wore: Hev. J.
B. Sweet, D. 1")., of, the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church; Hev.
Thomas do Gruchy, I). ., of tho
Jnckson Street llaptlst church; Rev.
J. P. Moffat, D. D., of tho Wushburn
Street Presbyterian church: Hev.
James Bennlnger, of tho Hampton
Street Methodist Episcopal church;
Hev. S. P. Mathews, of the First
Haptlst church; Hew Prank J. Mll
intin, of tho Sumner Avenue Presby
terian church; Hev. Hugh Davis, of
the Welsh Calvlnlstlc church, and
Hev. C. J. McHenry, of St. David's
episcopal church.
Republicans on Parade.
When the Republican county cam
paign committee want men to boom
the ticket, they always come to the
, Gibraltar of Republicanism in Lacka
I wanna county and the enthusiasts are
never found wanting. This fact was
clearly demonstrated last evening by
the Immense throng of marchers that
went to North Scranton to participate
in the parade.
Tho West Side Central Republican
club, the Edward James club, of
Uellevuc. and the T. J. Reynolds
club, of the Fifteenth ward, turned
out in largo numbers, and, headed by
the Nay Aug drum corps, paraded
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour's French
Tar is what you need.
Ladies, Just a Few Words
on Seasonable Underwear
Experience lias probably taught you that all under
wear is not the same and that it makes a very great
difference to the intelligent buyers where the garments
that are so essential to comfort during the trying sea
son of the yeaf are bought.
Of Course, the Main Points
in Satisfactory Underwear Are
a perfect fit, absolutely pure and clean yarus, so that
there may be nothing to irritate or annoy, and finish
ing that is beyouud criticism.
Our Complete Line Will Stand
That Test to Your Satisfaction
no matter what price you pay, what make you buy or
what quality you select, and the reasou therefore is
many that experience has taught us how to select out
the best goods made. Mills of the country are open to
us, it requires only watchful care on our pait iu the
On Saturday and, for a
Few Days During Next Week
we will devote one of our show windows to a display of
the latest and best iu Ladies' Underwear, while the de
partment will also make a special showiug to enable
ladies to intelligently to go through our eutire line
and perhaps learn a little ou this important subject
that they have had no opportunity.
You Will Be a Welcome
Visitor. Do Not Hesitate to Come.
Globe Warehouse
Main avenue and marched lo North
Scranton in a body. ,
riynn-Mnlloy Nuptials.
Robert Plynn, Jr., of Meridian
street, and Miss Mary Maltoy, of Pel
lows street, were united In marrlogo
Thursday evening by Rev. Father
O'Donnell, at Holy Cross church,
Mn ntfotwlftnta w.trn Pnfrlpk Plvnn.
brother at tho gtoom, end Miss Anna
uerruy. tho urine nrai iiriuuBuium
wore suits of brown broadcloth. A re- I
ceptlon followed at tho homo of tho I
bride's parent1). The newiy-marriea
couple will reside on' Mcildlan street.
Attempted Robbery.
Tho family of Max Tlceman, resld.
Ing at 309 Chestnut street, were
startled by peculiar noises in tno
house last evening, and when one of
tho sons went upstairs to investigate
he encountered a burglar.
The intruder threw an o,crcoat over
Tlceman's head and made good his
At St. David's Church.
The chrysanthemum wnr at tho St.
David's Episcopal church has been a
complete success and the attendance
has been very gratifying to the pro
moters. The refreshments served
have been much relished by the pa
ti (ins.
Tho programme last evening In
cluded vocal solos by Messrs. White
house, Rlttenhouso and Deckelnlck;
piano solos by Mrs. Casterlln, Prof.
Williams and Irene Roberts. Miss
Helen Markwlck sang, and twelve lit
tle girls executed a hoop drill.
St. Cecelia's Ladle society havo
made arrangements for their annual
social, to be held In M ears' ball on
Thanksgiving evening. The Star or
chestra will furnish the music for
The socinl committee of the Electric
City Wheelmen met last evening and
made arrangements for their Hallow
e'en social, which will bo hold at the
club house.
Mrs. R. M. Roderick will conduct
the gospel service at the Young Wo
men's Christian association rooms to
morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Spec
ial music will be rendered by the
club chorus. All women and girls are
invited to the service.
Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Pittston, is
visiting relatives on North Bromley
Tax CollPctor William G. Williams,
of tho Fifteenth ward, denies having
had any connection with the Ben
Johnson-Tim Jones horse controversy,
and wishes The Tribune to contradict
the published statement to that ef
fect. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Kimble, of
Hampton street, have returned from
n visit with friends at Berwick.
The choir of the First Baptist
church went to the Hillside Homo last
evening and gave a sacred concert,
which was enjoyed by the inmates.
Airs. S. S. Pessondcn, of Boston,
president of the Massachusetts AVo-
miui's Christian Tcmperanco union,
will preach at tho Plymouth Congre
gational church tomorrow morning.
Mrs. George Threlfatl, of North
Everett avenue, Is visiting relatives
in Michigan,
i ..i i
Mi). Thomas II. Join nnJ daughter, M.ulon,
of Atlanu airnuc, am In New York city,
Mu. V, II. Peck nml daughter, Urnce, left
ymlenlay for Philadelphia, where Mij Owce
Mill rater a hoarding school for jnunit ladle.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Prank SI, Smith will take
plate from the residence, of her oon, 1'. C llaz
rani, lot:! Dickson uremic, this afternoon at 1
Dr. .t, I,, fonlham. of Cupoiue auntie, spent
yesterday In Cnrhondalc
Alfred llancy, of Wyoming avenue, Is In
Jllw Stone, of Philadelphia, li the , truert
of Mm, t.'lcarwater, of Momi-y anemic.
The Phlnney Knglne company, No, 4,
will hold an oyster supper In llornlukcr's hall,
Nov. 2, from 0 to 10 o'clock.
Mr. and Mm. Mono, of Wilkes-Banc, aio Uilt
Itiff firecn Hldjre friend.
Mrs. Mcrrltt (lardncr, of Dlckon nietiue, was
tendered a cry pleasant surprise on Thursday
night by a number of friends who gathered at
her home and participated In merry-niiklnij
until a Lite hour, when lefrcshments were sencd.
Those present were! Mr, and Mn. Walson,
Mr. and Mm. Walter Williams, Mr, ami Mm.
Rcorge nailry, Mrs. Hinds, Mis. Tuttlo, Mrs.
Oeorgo Soiilliiitl, Mlsca Marie Carroll, IMna.
Ilajmond, Until Homer, Mzzlc Cohen and Jessie
'I.utitj Mcr. Kilnnnl and Willis and Waller
Leonard, Waller C.ipwcll, George Woolcy and
Arthur Monies, .Ijtk Color.
Committee Reported to Councils Its
Efforts to Get n Better Supply of
Water for the Borough.
John J. Urogan, Thomas Pay ton anil
'William Jones, the committee appoint
ed by the borough council to confer
with President Ueorse II. Snitth. oC
the Duninora tins und Water company,
and President W. W. Scranton, of the
Scranton (las and Water company,
met the other members of council last
evening In tho council rooms and told
their tlndluBS. President Scranton told
the committee that ho would report
to them at 7.30 o'clock that evening
(Thursday), but would also state that
the Scranton .Gas and Water company
would not turn Its water into the Dun
nioro Water company's pipes unless
the latter agreed to sell. Tho commit
tee, however, reported no official noti
fication of any sale having taken place.
Tho fact that the water from the
Scranton company's excellent system
is now supplying the needs of the peo
ple of the borough was tho point that
council wished to gain. Paylon was
chosen chairman In the absence of
McAllister, and David, secretary, In
tho absence of Clerk Gllligan. Imme
diately after the report was heard
Chairman Payton adjourned the meet
ing. Services Tomorrow.
Dunmore Methodist Episcopal church
The pastor. Rev. A. J. Van Cleft,
will preach at both the morning and
evening services. The subject of the
morning sermon will be "Pervice That
Coits." Tho .subject of the evening
sermon will be "The Happiness of
God's People." The other ssrvlces will
be held as usual. Seats free and all
made welcome.
Tripp Avenue Christian church Rev.
J. D. Dabney. pastor. Preaching ser
vices at 11 o'clock a. m., by tho pastor,
on the topic, "Seeking the Lost." In
the evening the subject of the seimon
will be "What Makes a Disciple?" Sun
day school at 10 o'clock. 12ery one
made welcome.
Presbyterian church Itev. William
F. Gibbons, pastor. Services both
morning and evening at 10.30 and 7.30
o'clock. At the morning service the
topic will be "Steadfastness," while in
the evening the pastor will preach
from the words, "Abide with Me."
Dudley Street Baptist church Rev.
J. L. Krcamer, pastor. Preaching by
the pastor at 10,30 o'clock a. m. on the
subject, "Apostolic Prayer .Meeting."
In tho evening tho subject will bo
"Sowing and Reaping." The other
services aro as usual.
Political Clu Elects Officers.
The American Independent Political
club met iu Its rooms last evening In
the O'Boyle hotel and elected the fol
lowing officers to preside over the club
for the coming campaign:
President, John A. Cottle; vice-president,
Joseph Delaney; secretary, Mark
Mullen; treasurer, John River; com
mittee, Christopher Walsh, John Well
man, Patrick E. Smythe, William Cot
tell, William Stopf. The club numbers
128 members und are very enthusi
astic over the coming election.
Party Strawrldes.
A number of young people from this
borough enjoyed a straw-ride to Elm
hurst last evening, the ride to and
from Elmhurfct being immensely en
joyed. At Elmhurst supper was served,
which was followed by dancing.
Those, who enjoyed the occasion were
Aliases Powell, Van Camp, Schultz,
(hillock, Zimmerman and Belle, Mabel
and Myrtle Watrous; Messts. Zim
merman, Marsh, Watrous, Swan,
Bishop, Schultz, Adams, Stevens und
Tlio bocial uml driwnitf for J koM uattli, held
iimler tlio auspicn of Company O, KiiIrIiU of tin
lttle Chain, Xliurailjy turning in Jlcclilcr'a
lull, proved a lil" huucis and furiiUliol un non
Ins of plia'-iiio fur ,i law numlirr. At an In-tcnm.-Im
ilurlrn,' tlio iIiiioIhk the lir.iwln wai
lioM, rcbtiltln!,' In llcki't No. ffl, hold liy Albert
Sdilacer, of IninBim-nuc, Krantcn, winning the
Kohl vntili. A ki'touilary prim, a luirol o ap
ples, was won by Mrs, John Hammer, cf tlili
borough, The nociul pnneil n hrillhint utraii mid
netted the Knlk'hU a bum in the neimiumhood
oi ?I50.
The funeral of the l.ilo Hohert l.en will lake
placo tomorrow utlernoon at 3 o'clock, iioni liU
late realdenec, roiner o( Dlooni nii'iuii' and
Illakely btieit, 'lho-u wMiIiib to iw the ie
malm may do mi between tho bonis o( 1 uml
,".i) o'llocl: tomorrow ufterroon,
Tlio luneial o lbm Parlriu, tlio li)
dmiditcr ! M, und Mrs. Dtilmzo, n no Smith
etrit'l, who died fiom appi'inlltltU jcsliulay,
x. ill be Ik 1,1 thU morning'. Kenieci, will be held
in St. Anthony's chuuli, anil Interment made In
XI t. Cjunel cimcliry.
Professor C. (I, Cole, of Cahln rimer, Ins ie.
turned home ufter a stay of seuial iliyi In New
Vorl: city,
Mr, T. 1, I.ilfliworth, of Chestnut street,
lcoes thU inornlm,' fr Philadelphia, wluro be
will tpend a weik with friend.
Mr. and Mm. 1). J. Quartz and family, of
Clark's Summit, ate guest ut the homo of the
former's parents, Mr, and Mm, II, J, Suartz,
of Kleitric arnue,
Mr. Isaac Letehuorth, of DuhoU, l'a., will man.
aire the undertaking business of T, P. r.eliliuorth
during the lattcr's stay in Philadelphia.
fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Chester, Pa., Oct. !!. Henry Drum, a prize
fighter of local note, was shot twice and seriously
wounded thU afternoon by John Mills. Doth
nun are toloicd, The shooting ws the mult
of a 6,'ht.
Very Enjoyable Exercises Hold In
the Rooms of tho Young Women's
Christian Association Features of
the Interesting Programme Ar
rangements Made for tho Republi
can Mass Meeting to Be Held
Thursday Evening, Oct. 25-iOra-tors
Who Will Address tho Voters.
The Loyalty club of tho South Scran
ton Young Women's Christian associa
tion is three years old, The occasion
was fittingly celebrated last nlgfit in
the rooms on Cedar avenue, whore a
light collation woh served, toasts re
sponded to and an entertainment given.
Tho rooms, gracefully adorned with
ferns and potted puling, together with
tangled masses of autumnal leaves,
presented u most Inviting appearance
to the club as they marched in and
to'ok their appointed places to tho
strain of tho club march played by
Miss Frances Klaumlmser.
Covers were laid for fifty, and tho
tables were arranged In the shape of
a largo U. After it Jolly social hour,
spent In partaking of the good things
ptepared, Miss Mary Chrlstophel, who
was toastmaster, called tho meeting to
order and called on Mips Frances Klau
mlnzer, who responded to the toast',
"Our Name," In u brief but exceed
ingly clever manner. Miss Cora Young
then recited "How Mose Counted the
13ggs," and was followed by tho toast,
"Our Members," by Mlfcs Lizzie Ilonch
ler. A song by the club was next In
order after which followed tho toasts,
"Our Motto," by Miss Barbara Gob
hardt, and "Our Future," by Miss Llllle
Miss Anna Seheuer rendered a piano
solo, after which came a number which
was not upon the programme. It was
one of the surprises in store for the
members as well as for Miss Van Nort,
the secretary, who was presented a
bouquet of roses of white and red, rep
resenting the colors of the association,
and also representing the fourth anni
versary as secretary of this branch of
the'Young Men's Christian association.
The presentation speech was made by
tho retiring president. Miss Mary
Chrlstophel. Miss Van Nort responded
In a neat speech, thanking them for
their kindness and urging them to be
like roses, smiling and cheering con
tinually, and have an upward and on
ward aim In life.
As this was the first entertainment
given by tho Loyalty club under the
new self-managing and self-governing
regime, credit should bo given where
credit is due. The committee In charge
uf the arrangements and reception
were: Miss Knte Opper, Lillian Miller,
Barbara Gebhardt, Lizzie Horbach,
Anna Seheuer, Fred Kornacher,
Frances Klaumlnzer and Mary Chrls
tophel. The refreshment committee
was Miss Louisa Sticmele, Emma
Renchler, Barbara Christophed, Lucy
Huber, Mollio Helm. Dora Seheuer,
Emma Webber and Cora Young.
Republican Rally.
Airangements havo been made for a
great Republican mass meeting and
rally next Thursday evening, October
25, to be given under the auspices of
the county Republican committee In
Athletic hall.
The speakers engaged for the evening
are Dr. Emll Schneider, a famous phy
blcian of Hoboken, N. J., and a German
orator of note, and our own "Jack"
Colborn, who will address the meeting
in English.
The List masnue ball of the Andica IniuiiiB
rlav, was conducted hot liihl in (icunanli hill,
Cidar aunue, and was attended by a laijje num.
bre of inisquciadcrs.
A farewell reception in honor of Mia? Maine
Killy, who Ieaes Monday tor Concoul, N. II.,
,i('5iiin bv a lame number of her friends li.t
ctriiii.t,, in M. John'b lull, Mono ,ntnu
The .!.) p. in. U"Micl nicctlnK huud.iy alter.
iol,ii at the Youni; Women's t hrMlan issnchllon
roomi will be in ihnrco of Mm Kate Mhr.
Special initio has been prepared. All women and
KilN invited to these sin Ice".
The .hinuer Maenrieiihor will hold a ichcnrtul
at 2 p. in. suiidiy afternoon in ttermania hall.
Harry Itiggins, of Piopect aenue, has ic.
turned' afler t-piiidlim' several daji in I'ottailllc,
His brother Will, of the bJine plare, i home on
a short lll.
John Dour, of Prospect avenue, bai piiRhaBed
of a (Inn in llliwlnmlon, for H.OOO, the well
known trotter, Jaiko M. Oeortte, with n teeord
of 2.11i. , i
Charles Cor.rad. of Cedar avenue, has relumed
from a Milmr trip to Maplewood.
Mi-rf Minnie r.imt, of Prospect aenue, Is Us-
itlns friends in Maplewood.
Mr. .Tohn Walters and Mrs. Isaio (iile-t, of
Wllkea-Ilarre, were siting, thU ucck, at tho
homo of ltev. W. 1'. Dalies, Summit avenue.
The funeral of Mr. Mao- Moran, uf Putnim
Micef, was held , cstcrduy morning nt 1 o'eloik.
A solemn high mas of icnuicm was celebrated
at the Holy ltos.iry chuuli. by tho Ttcv. It. J.
McManui; Rev. J. .T. O'Toole, deacon, ami Rev,
,7. V. Mojlan, sub-deacon. Mrs. John Lynch King
tho oflertorv, and as tho body was bein' boino
Iniui the church she bang "rice as a Illid" in n
rich soprano oiec. Interment was niadd in the
Cathedral cemetery.
At tho meeting of the rinks of this section
Thursday evening the following olhcers wcie
ekcttd: President, William E. Thomas; lice
incident, Ilcrt Powell; lecordlng set rotary, Chas,
II. O'lloe; financial sir-ictury, John O. ttllboy;
ticniiier, William A. McDonough; sentinels. V.
J. Ilanett und John Jeil. Thcio will bit a
iiicclliig net Thursday turning, at which time
till tho cleiks of thb section aro etiieeted to
btcomn iiiembcrs.
Whllo plajlng with Ills kchooluutes at recess,
at No. S5 fcho'il, ye.terda-, Ma-ttr Edwin Dawes
fill ami fiactuied hU left aim. Tho fiacturo
Is a bad one.
At the Christian church lonionow, pieachlnir
will be by the put or, Rv, It, V. Cljiuvr, at
U a, in, and 7 p. m. Morning tubjeel, "The
C.iu,e of the Clnirtli'. Debllltj": evening sub.
Jul, "Tim EUl of lleing Ililf ltrligluus." Sun.
day school .it 10 a. m.; Y, l S. C, E at U.I5
p. in. All aro welcome.
YmtcicUy uftcinoon, the lioro belunging lo
VlnMcstcln, th butcher, iau away on HollUter
uieniie, tlcmolUhl ig the wagon and injuring the
ilrhcr, l.llas 'I nomas, sllnhtly,
Thu funeral of Martin Gannon, of Illoom ae.
nue, will be held this inoining at 0 o'clock.
Deieuscd was well known In this section ami 11
sin-ihed by three om, Anthony, of Crtppio
Creek, Col.; Edward, ot New York, and James,
of this place.
Tho Epwoilli League of the Proildenco Metho.
dUt chinch icqucsts all thosu baling
old clothing to bring It to the prajer meeting
Wednesday culling, M) that It may be distributed
among tho poor.
Mlsd fllodwjn Moigau, of HazUton, Is the guest
of Mr. and -Mis. E. W. I.ewl., of iummlt aunue.
Mis llaker. who has been tho guest of Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Reindict, of North Main aunue,
has returned to her homo in Carbondate.
ScheJule of Young Women's ChristUu associa
tion classes: Monday, 7.30, plain sewing nd
shirt waist making, Miss Jennie Owens teacher;
Tuesday nt S o'clock, tlugtlsli bramlic, MtM
Orace i'ntmy leather; 1 o'clock, niblc study of
lte elation, by I'.utor 0. b. Alrlthj T.30 o'clock,
t:liautniua circle) Wednesday, .1 o'clock, mlltln.
rty, Mm. Vntulciinark teacher j 2 o'clock, plann,
Mls lletiwcod tcae'icr; Thiirtiy, I o'tlock,
kltclieii Rsnlenl 7.W o'clock, lllhlc study of Sun
day school teswn and (.'. t. Pcnllfld currcpohd.
rncc course! Friday, 7.!W o'clock, rUIs' rttibi
Kattirdaj, I.J0 o'eloik, tilanii; 2..10 o'lloik, sew
Inir scliooll T.30 o'clock, orthesliit nfd choral
ilub! Hundiy, 3.:M n'cloik, Ro-pel scillce.
The Scrantin Mill's society completed Ito or
Raiiltatlon the oiler neiilnjr In tho l'ro Idence
I'resliitcilnn ocl,iI ruoins. A (omlltullnn and
bylaws wa adopted mid officers elected ai fol
lows: PrHdcnt. Captain Dolpli II. Atlierton'
leo pirsliteiit, Pr, llrrnnn Itcsey! secretary,
Oeorpo Aiidersoni treasurer, Stephen C'lnppell,
The committees are. Literary and phllanthlople,
social, nicmhcrelitp and prfnllnir, and will be
announced by the prcldcnt In a few thy. Tin
opening meellrB will be on the evening of tin
second Monday In Nocinber, and will Include nt
ndnrcM, music and a weii'i social, with Huh!
rcti chntcnH. The programme for Hie Janunr,'
nieetlnir Includes an "open pnllitncnl" on tli
subject of "flood ritlemliip mid Munlilpal (lov
eminent." It I b!mj cpecled to hive a Utiles'
nlnlit during the ?eton.
I'atiiik Morau, of Plttshiug, fornitilt of thl
place, Is Usltlna: Irlcnilt hero.
No. 10.W, local brululi of the Mine Worker,
held a mei'tiiitt at M. .Inepli'ii hall to conbU
the nthliiiblltly of alluwlni; the Cllhboin Cor
company to ccminenco operations The lntru
tlrm from headqii irtera were to the effect III.
thu woilm tould ko on prcxbllnp: they Kiipi
the school only. Woik was resumed at the ti
lltry jcMriday mornliiff.
Tommy tli" bulcher, whoso place of Inniii'
wis destrojed by the recent tonltiuratlou in thl
pinto, Is eret-tliiK a new plate of Inijini'ti,
The ht. Joseph's Tempeianie society of th
place li.u vrginl7etl an nthhlic club imone; Hi
joiniKcr nuiiihers of the soilety. This white
tiny iuteiiil fitting up wine of their 1:101ns fu
B.Mnnasluin piiipwes, where the .wuiu? men en
Hicntl tl elr lclsura ceiilni?ii.
A numbir of the juuns men of the houtli rn
of town are making efforts tow.ud orrf.inlln
b.irhclor club In thl iilnlly. The proiuolirs t
the new club aie making a canvass aingnK tli
eligible ounir fellows and t.ptct to triurc quit
a number within the circle In .1 short lime.
Joseph Walsh und John l'hilhiti, both of th
phce, ingatjeil ill a game of alley ball jentcitl.i.
nfttrnoon, which pronl mtj ln(tie-ttiig lor M'et
t.toi-s, as the (Mine was tho oiittonis of all arai
nitnt bctwotn tli- fonte-lants to lest their wipe
Icrity. I'hllhin was iclorltnn. The game wa
for ?.l.fi2 a pitle. The score was 19 to !!1. M
J, McC'iea, who done smne fine plilng nfier Hi
gimo wis ner, has rhalleiigetl the winner tt
play next week for a purse of $".S1. The gam
will be teiy Inteicstlng as Mike Is a eiy pope
hi fellow and bis ahillly us ar. amaleur is we'
known in this Ueinlty.
t'cntnit tor Alike MeVarlsb has succeeded ill se
cering the work of icconstnittln the biiildinr
on the Connelly estate, he being the lowest ri
sponsible bhhlcr. Mr. MeV.ii Mi has n force f
men ei gaged in remodeling the bun. 'Iheie wl'
be woik for most of the idle nilntrs dining tli
Consludeil from Page ".
the amendment und voted against 1
but voted Iu favor of the ordinance a'
amended on final reading.
Calpin said ho paid two visdls to Har
rls' room In the Rudolph, tine liefor
the meeting at Kohrwasser's and th
other afterwards. He first met Harrl
at a ball In Music hall when he wn
introduced by Coleman. Calpin at one
began to Inquire about a suit Calpl
had against tho Scranton Hallway com
pany. Harris said Silliman's manage
ment was not satisfactory and u
not for the best interests of the com
pany. He said if Silllman did th
proper thing he would settle the Oalpii
Calpin was asked if he did not te'
Harris that ho was going to support
the original ordinance and could
nothing for Harris but that ho would
introduce him lo a man who won.
take his money and work for him. Till
the witness said was not true; tha
Harris had olfcred him his expenses I
he would Introduce, him to councllmep
Harris offered to give him $200 if lit
would vote for the ordinance and pulle
nut a roll of bills and wanted to give
him ?."0 to show hu was in earnest
Calpin said ho refused the money an
Harris beged his pardon for the at
tempt to bribe and told such a pitlt'u
story that his sympathies wore arouse
and he forgave him. He felt ho ha,
no desire to injure a young man situ
ated iis was Harris.
Select Councilman Thomas J. Coyne
of the Twentieth ward, wart next .sworn.
His examination was conducted by Mr
O'Brien. Ho said he has been a schoo
teacher for twenty-one year,, and ha
been a member of select council for six
years. One evening In April ho went
to Kohrwasser's bakery with Harris,
where they met Coleman and Harris.
After some talk, Harris said thev
would pay $200 a vote for fourteen
votes, und Grier told him he would
have nothing more to do with him, tha
he had said something that he could be
arrested for. The witness told Harrl
the same thing. Coyne 'walked out of
the room, and as lie did so he saw Har
ris' hand on Grler's shoulder and heard
I!jTWkV thc up-to-date KITlWa
Grler say he would Bmash his face. Jle
did not see tiny money. After ho left
tho bakery he Walked down tho Btreot
With at lor nml told him that Smith's
real name was Harris, that he had
been offering money to him, and that
Hi T. Fellows hod received money
fiom hltn nml placed It In tho hands of
his attorney.
Under the cross-examination of Mr.
Newcoml), Mr. Coyne denied that lie
hud contributed money for tho defense,
but said ho had mot with tho defend
ant and his attorneys for consultation
about tho defense. He said that soon
after ho met Harris the latter, totd him
ho wanted to get twelve or fourtcn
select coiinclttnen together und offer
them a retainer of $50. He did not
know nt tho time what this was for,
but he had Ills suspicions. Ho did not
sot any money from Harris then or at
my other time. The first time Harris
ifforod him money wan in tho cafe of
.ho Hotel ntidolph. Ho told Harris
ihen that tho money he (Harris) gave
to Follows was on' file with an attor
Ho said ho did not make tiny
'omplalut before council about the al
empt to bribe hltn, hut he went befora
Inyor Molr and told him about It. The
nayor foiled lo act In tho matter,
ibout that tlino ho was summoned be
no tho grand jury, which was then
lolding nn investigation, but lie was
at asked about this matter and did
ot think nbout It himself. Ho was
ffored a bill by Harris In tho olllco of
he Hudolph for expenses. Ho did not
snow the denomination of tho bill, but
.old Harris ho would not aecopt It.
After ho vnn at the bakciy with Har
ts ho called on tho lntter In his room
n tho Rudolph. Ho thought it was
tiny 12. Harris offered him a $5 bill,
vhlch ho said was for expenses. This
'oyno refused to accept. Coyne nd
.iltted that though h knew Harris
vns In the business of 1 Ibltig councll
nen, he saw him frequently. He ad
nltted that he had an appointment
.1th HarrlH on May 21, tho day he was
UTosted. Hairls f.ald ho was going to
eavo tho city, und thanked him for
lis kindness to him, nnd they went to
he bar. Ho denied that his frequent
'Islts to Harris were for the purpose
if getting money to handle the amend
nent to the tax ordinance In select
ouncll. He also denied that $1,400 was
iver mentioned between them. After
eavlng the bar of the hotel he started
ownrd the Mears building with Har
ds, and was arrested on tlio way. He
enied that on May 9 he .accepted $20
torn Harris In tho latter's room at the
When the ordinance got to'tho select
ouncll he supported the amendments
o It, but did not solicit other councll
nen to vote for It. The ordinance died
n council with Its expiration In Ad.I1.
?oync said he met Harris twelve or
'ourteon times, and on seven of these
ccaslons ho was summoned by u note
ent by Harris.
After the examination of Coyne was
oncluded, court udjounied for the day.
t will convene at 8.30 this mornlnfr,
nd an effort will be made to get to
ho jury tonight. A night session may
ie held.
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Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets.
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tain 100 Pills, lOo boxes contain 40 Pills,
Co boxes contuin 15 Fills. 13ewaro of sub
stitutions and imitations. Sent by mail,
Stamps taken. Nkkyita Mkdioazi Co.,
Gliuton und Jackson Sts.. OhicuRO. 111.
-'niifiiinder A Rl, LeiMiwd MnM
A. S. Dully. Btnlno Manager.
Mallnco and Evening-, SututtSiy, October 1,
Wgenliati tt Kemper present tli Orttt Trl
Actrets, Midtmo
ajted by 11. I). Maclean mil Odette. Tyler, a4
brilliant supporting company, prctentlnc Mat
inee, "Matbeth." and at th evening perform
ance "Ring John."
Special matinee prices Orchestra, 1 orehea.
tra circle, 75c. j drees circle, 60c. t cntlr balconiy,
SO- ....
Night prlcre-Orehcstra, 1.60 orchtetra droit,
U drew circle, 7Cc. llalcony First tsro rowaj
75e.; balcony circle, 60o.
Scats now on sale,
One Night Only.
Tuesday, October 23.
Kcw This Year
Alfred and Matlume Phascy's Sldonla Troupe of
Kncllsli Singers and Djiiccrs. Irene and Zssa,
the airl with the dog with the auburn haia.
The Profilers Leando, great tl lo of comedy
arrobatH. Tho Caverns ot tlio IMJ One. Beau.
Three irrand ballets. This year th best ver.
rillCES-M cents to $1.00.
Alliance Bale of scats will open at bo
flee sauiruay, vcu -, uv . uu
ACADEnY OF nusic,
BimuUNDBR & KBIS, Lessees.
tl. A. BROWN, Manarsr.
Tonight and balance of week, special engagement
"The Bowery
After Dark."
The play with a moial.
Etnlng price, 15. 25, M and CO cents.
Jlatlnee prices, Friday and Saturday, 15.2SO.
. 4
Schiller Stock Company
In Repertoire.
Montlav eienlng, "Falsely Accused" will ba
presented. Regular prices.
New Gaiely Theatre
It. R. LONG, Lessee and Manager.
Ualanco of week, commencing Thursday Matln
Oct. 18. Chandler & Bobinson'a
King's and Queen's Burlwquers.
America's Famous Deauty Show. The Newest
of new things. Matlneo every day.
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Three days comencing Monday, Oct. 22,
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