.- . &l i ., THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1900. s 1 3 :S' ,'t r Store f ' The early bird gets therecome in before . the assortment is broken. We want every man who has heretofore depended on the merchant tailors to examine these new gar ments. They are a revelation and an education to see the perfect tailors' craft that is displayed in these goods. Nothing like it has ever before been at tempted in ready-to-wear clothing. Our clothing is Every j garment bears the Corcoran & O'Brien, Also Pittston, Pa. 408 Lackawanna Ave. LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE TALKS ON FRANKLIN. Next Tuesday evening the first of the scries of studies o the lives of famous Americans will be tiik.cn up by the (Young Men's union. There will be ten flve-hilnute papers on the life of Ben jamin Franklin, on the following1 top ics: "His Birth," "Newspaper Adven ture,'' "Business Prosperity," "Scien tific Investigations," "University of "Pennsylvania," "The Poem," "The (Quakers," "Member of Continental Con gress," "Treaty of Peace." "Domestic Life," "Constitutional Convention" and "His Death." There will be several vocal and Instrumental selections in addition to these papers, so the event will no doubt prove Interesting to everyone who attends. "STEVE" DIDN'T LIKE IT. Stephen Gllby, constable, didn't like the story published to the effect that the Polish women of Simpson nearly killed him. He says they simply in spired the men to light. Those who came to the rescue, however, declare that In ferocity the women eclipsed the men completely and that each one of the enraged matrons was equal to a pair of the bread-winners. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Rev. W. M. Hiller, formerly pastor of the Methodist church of this city, and nt one time presiding elder of the Ilonesdale district. Is hens visiting his sons, Frederick and Harry. Mrs. F. C. Munn and daughter, Ro mulnc, will go to New Yoik today for a two weeks' visit. Charles Thorne Is a guest of Hlns liamton friends. I. Vnl Hollenbeek, who was one of the pall-bearers at the funeral of Flor ence Kllgour, has returned from New York. Delaware and Hudson surveyois are running lines for an ice switch to con nect Lake Lodore with' the Honesdale branch. P. F. Hughes spent yo.-lerday in Waynuut. Reuben Klnback, of Hcranton, is a Bucst of friends In this city. Don, young son of Mr. and Mis. Plerco Dovore, of Park street, Is in with scarlet fover. The Young Men's union of the Con gregational church Is making arrange ments to receive the returns from the different parts of the country on elec tion night. All young men are urged to go and get the news direct from the wires. The police wish to suggest to the owners of horses that they make sure the statilo doors uro well secured and that extra enro be taken to Insuro the safely of their stock, as horse thieves are now decidedly bold and active, JERMYN AND MAYFIELP. Captain Heuwood had a force of men engaged yesterday In elenring the now foot ball Held, near Maple Grove, If the grounds nre in shape, u game will be played tills afternoon. Nov. V. H, Williams, tlm Drummer Evungellst, will speak here In the First Haptiat church on Sunday morn ing at 10.30 o'clock. Mis. William Seymour, of Third street, was u Scranton visitor yester day. St. Luke's Day was observed lost evening In St. Jumcs Kplscopal church. The Democratic rally In AVIndsor hall last night was largely attended. Several of the candidates were pres- WHEN IN OOUBT, TRY STRONG iniiu i Ti?sfiw "zzj Tlgor to the whole b.ieg. Alldralas and losies are cbtcVti ttrn'amtly, Unless patlina are Prope'V eujfd, their condition often worries them Inro Inaanliy, Cooiumption or Death Mailed sealed. Priee ti per bon 6 boxes, with tnulnHMii..,.,;., ,V.....V.T.j.l! uoaev, fc.oo. Send for free book. W r Sals by JOHN H, PHELPS, PbormacUl, ccr. Wycmlng avenue and 8prU?trMt. No. 2. made by union tailors. union label. ent upon the platform and made short addresses. The meeting was pre sided over by Hon. Matthew Leslie, the well-known Third ward lender of the party. Ontario and "Western Conductor Day has been confined to his home on Cemetery street the past few days with Illness. Mrs. Toman and grandson, V. J. Penrose, returned home yestoiday from a week's visit to Scranton friends. Excursion from Jermyn. Sattnday, to the Pure Food show at Scranton. Fare for round trip, 40 cents. Special train over Delaware and Hudson at 10.09 a. hi. and 1.49 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. William Puckey, of Peckville, have taken up their resi dence here. TAYLOR. On Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock Mr. Cornelius Ludgate, u, popular young man of this town, was united in marringe to Miss Alice L. Reilly, an estimable young lady of Ashley. The ceremony was performed in St. Leo's church at that place by the Rev. Fath er O'Reilly. The bridesmaid was Miss Agnes Reilly, sister of the bride, and John Ludgate, brother of the groom, was best man. At the conclusion of the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the bride's home and afler receiving the congratulations of their numerous friends they left for New York and other points of Interest. On their return they will go house keeping in a neatly furnished home at Lackawanna, where the groom is employed as station agent for the Del- j aware, Lackawanna nnd Western com pany. The congregation of the Calvary Bap tist church are busily engaged pro paring for the coining fair nnd festi val to be held in Weber's rink. A quoit match between David Re van and William Powell for .113 a side will be held nt Ridgeway's hotel on Satur day. Oct. '27. Ituv. Thomas Butland.'of Piovldence, will preach at lo.lio a. m. and C p. m. on Sunday at the First Congregational church, North Taylor, James Reed Injured. Mr. James Reed struck his leg against a cake of ice In such u manner as to bruise It severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of mutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whisky In bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until lie began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in u week's time and he believes that had he not used this remedy his leg would linve had to be ampuUUcd. Mr. rtecd Is one of the leading merchants of Clay Court House, W. Vn. Tain Balm Is unequaled for sprains, bruises nnd rheumatism. For sale by all druggists. Matthew Bros,, wholesale and retail agents, OLYPHANT. A Boys' Riigade will be organized In the Blukely Baptist church this evening, under the direction of Rev. David Spencer, D. D, John D, Bol ton will bo appointed drill master. Meetings will be held every Friday evening. It Is expected a largo num ber of boys will Join. The Independent Polltial club, of the Fourth ward, will hold a meeting this afternoon at l o'clock, All members are requested to bo present. Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Ulakely, has returned homo after spending the past month at the Adlroudncks, Mr. and Mrs. William Morris, f TheybiTo stood the test of ysars. and bjv cured thousands ol caves oi wenous Ulseaies, iucb as Otblhtv. Dlninsii. Slecclci. nets and Vartcoccle,Atrophy,&c, the clrcuUlioc, make digcitioa Address. PEAL HCOICIMK co.. ri.w.l.n l Hyde Pnvk, w'crc visitors In tbwn yesterday. Mrs. Frederick Hngen nnd Mrs, Thomas Hnrrls, of Hamilton, spent yesterday with Mrs. Louis Blockbtir ger. Mrs. John Orler, of Plltston, Is vis iting her mother, Mrs, William Henty, of Dunmoro street. Miss Margaret Kane, of f-outh Sofnnton, was the guest of Miss Mary Rognn yeiitorday, Misses Jennie Mason and Lizzie Jonc3 spent Wednesday with Hydo Pnrk friends. Miss Edith Hanson, of Wlllics-Hnrro, Is visiting Mr. nnd Mis. Matthew Mackey, of Lackawanna street. PECKVILLE. The members of the Ulakely Hlrrh school will give the following pro gramme, Saturday evening, October 1!0, In the Callendcr eliapol. The public are Invited. A silver collection, to apply for the purchase of library books, will be received at the door: Music, Flor ence White; address. Howurd Brund age; recitation, Harry Hodge; lecl tollon, Kthel Shcrer; solo, Frances Squler; essay, Pearl Brundngo; ora tlon, Charles Harding; solo, Howard Brundago; "Trip Through Nova Scotia," Dora SIcklor; recitation, Valo dla Olftln; song, Misses AVhlte, Brlggs and Rooko; "How I Spent My Vaca tion," Henry Doyle; ointlon, Willis Courtrlght; duet, Frances Squler rind Howard Rrundnge; address, Marshall Jones; recitation, Lena Gendnll; school papcr.Jonnlo Phillips; quartette, Misses Squler and Gendall, Messrs. Sltgreaves and Brundngo. The Now York and Scranton Coal company are making preparations for resuming work the first of the week. such as shoeing the mules nnd other necessary preliminary work. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Swingle, who have been 111 with typhoid fever and who were reported as convalescent, are again reported seriously ill. Druggist W. S. Bloes will leave this morning for Maine, on hlmhuuting ex pedition, and will be joined by Messrs. G. M. Patterson, W. J. Broad unit O. M. Pierce at Carbondale, Weils Bridge and Oneonta, respectively, who with the assistance of a guide will compose the party who will spend three weeks in the Interior of Maine, where big game abounds in largo numbers. On a previous occasion Messrs, Bloes and Broad brought home with them and donated to the three churches a young deer, which netted each church a hand some amount from the venison sup per, which proved a rare treat, and which may be duplicated, providing the party meets with as good success as on the previous occasion. It. J. Reese, of the New York and Scranton Coal company, enjoys the un disputed distinction of being the cham pion juniper around the Ontario col liery. The Methodist Kplscopal Sunday school class No. .1 will give a mock trial In the lecture room of the church on Thanksgiving evening. T. V. Powderly, Jr., of Caibnndaie, was a business visitor in town yester day. Congressman Connell's Important part In effecting the miners' settle ment at Philadelphia, Wednesday, oc casioned much favorable comment among the worklngmen of this place yesterday. 'Aba. Tlnklepaugh and John F. Jones left yesterday for Ehrenfeld, Cambria county. Pa. The scholars of the Blukely High shool will give an entertainment at the chapel, Saturday, Otober 17, 1900, at 7.110 p. m. The public is Invited, and a silver offering will be taken at the door. Excursion from Peckville Saturday to the Pure Food show nt Scranton. Fare for round trip, 3.'i cents. Trains over the D. & II. at 10.20 a. ni. and 1.38 p. m. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. SATUUDW Jlo'ljeski; matinee, "Mr.cbelh" niKht, "Kiiiff John." Academy of Music. illHIX DAYS-'-Thc nowi-iy I. T Datl.." Alter Gniety. Tllllt:i: DAY.t-Kilir.s and Queens llur- LAST IeaQlll'IA. "Boweiy After Dark." "'Hie Uowciy After D.uk" opened n lluee nlijlitj' ene.iffement liit cirnlng at the Academy of .Music, 'the hou-e wan crowded to tin dooi-., many people beluj; foiced to stand ami many wise turned av.jy. The nowd nnltlns to liet In the salleiy al 7.B0 was the Uriro-t ciowd cen in flout of the Academy tur some time and after the douia weie opuied.it illd not take lonjr to till that pait of the theau-i. 'I he play. "Hie floweiy Attei IlaiK," N a sen Mlloual iiielo-duuia Willi a veiy stums moral ami Jut tin- kind of play thu please the avciaico tlialei-socr. The trallfiy lios, e-pecially, wu-n In their iluneiit-. The nl.ii was leiv' t.istilv hta;ed ami costumed, although nothing was oir"dir..n or i.iirgeraleil. 'the dltrerctit seems roitel-lril of a llowiry concert lull. Tiling Lee's opium don and a cellar In the opium den, nil of whlcli were iciy well put on, and, JucIrIhi; from the fiequcnt outbursts of applause the audi erne must hue left the theater well pleased, 'ihe piece will continue tho balance of iho week, wltli a matinee today and tomorrow, Kings and Queens Burlesqueis. At thu Ualcty jestciday Oppenheimvi's KIuks mid Queens UuileMiuers bigau ,i thirj djjn en BiiKCincnt. They glie a performance, that has a number of entertaining features. It open, with tho Kliis'a and Queen's leecpilon, in which fin-, SIllls, the well-known female Impel ion ttnr, has mi iuipoitant put, The reeeptim courludes with a buili'siiuc on "i:i Capltau," It) the olio appear Camllle Sraflo.-d, hall id singer; Kvans and Claiico, jeiobailo sketLli team; the nrucits, jn a miisir.il act; fhaiplei and Annlo Darling, sketch team, and l.eltoy and I." Yjii.ion, who do .i flno lioilront.il Lai act. The show concludes Willi a bit of noiijiii-e en tilled "A I'clrlfled Mm." The compiiiv- wi bo nt the fialety for ihe remainder of the week. Matinees daily. Modjeaka in a New Bole, Tho public need hirdly bo reminded that Mad ar.io Modje.ika, the great Polish actress who ia now making her farewell four of the United States, is to fill an emsogement at flic Lyceum on .SatiiuLii", for both inatliiec and evening, Ihe event has been heialdod and anticipated with glowing fnleitiit by ull who have any icgard for the great aililewments of the American stage, Hut lnco It was announced that she was to appear m Constance in "King John," width for her U an eutliely new lole, an added Import, unce Is lent to h oeia.toii. The play itself has been a stranger to the tUge in lhi country eier aline the title ule was placed by .liinlm Booth in 1671. In preseiitli.g it now iladaiuu Modjekka is following the lead pf her famous English contemporaiy, .Mr. llieihohm Tw, who recently caic the tragedy a siimptuoiu produe tlon in London, whcio it enjojed an linmeme flnanclJl succct.'. The production which Modjeska's iiMiugeta, Messrs. Wagenluls k Kemper, will pr;6cnt here, Is said to bo as nearly equal to that teen in London as the clilficultics cf u treneial tour will allow. Tho part of King John will be assumed by 11. D. McLean, whoso long establishment as a star makes an introduction unnecessaiy, ami Prlnca Arthur by Ml Odette T.vlcr. At the matinee, ty fpeolitl request. Modjcslel will ap pear nt Laity Miit'jcth nnd Mr. MacLean In the title role. "Falsely Accused." Pit) a, or technically pe.ikliur, piodiu tloiw ol sloiles mitten by the cleverest million ol tha nice, such in "We tin ol TciincMCp," "A Soldier of the Emplie," "Taken from Life," "The Oreat llrookljn Itindicnp," "Cannon," "A Daughter's S.tirlllce," "Monte Crlitn" and "The Reel, While ainl tllu.o" which arc the brain and pen work of well stahdarit .pl.iyvi rights as Howard Hall, Alec I!, Ives, Lee Aillitir, Charles Fnwcctt and Henry Pettlt, form the cl.m of cntiitaliimont offered by the Schllhi Stock ininpany to the audiences which nightly throng (he llie.ilcii where they appear. The nrir-inlratluti Is headed by Eugene flatter. Ihc jounpf loinntillc actor, and Ella I'ont.ilnblcaii, the churning nnd accomplished actress, nnd (he uppoitlnir lompiny Is a mot capable one In cu'iy njillculir. In point of elaborate emltim hit,', "tenia cmbelllidiiiicnls and modem clients, thu compiny lia no superior among luivctlnv popnlai priced ntliactlon. A week's cngagcmint will be ln.iURtn.itcd at the Academy of liulo on .Mondiy evening, at which time "Falsely Ac ni'ed" will lie picsoiitcd ns too Inltljl attrac tion. Matinees will be given dally comment trip; TiicmIjj', Devil's Auction. The many patroni of the "Devil's Auction" will he Mirprlsed at the numerous channel and Iniiot.itlom in t tilt fo.isoiiN production, Manager Y.ih has certainly secured n number of noeltles and special fcatuitt. Anions them may be men tioned "Tho llauie of the Ihemcnti," n new nit fccmod fop this ntlincllon, nnd teen tor the 111 it time In tliti countiy with fuU l.unoiu rpoctai'Ie. M'llc bene anil Z.ira, the uirl with the dog with tho auburn hair. This net created n sensa tion la New York duilug the past miiiiiiiciI wheic It was one of the prlnclpil alliaetlont at the Amerlu.ui theater rouf gaiden. The Three nrothcrs f.eando, In their acrobatic antique"! The Sisters Clement, tn an artistic dnnetiij; ami singing specialty; Mr, Hkluid T. lliown, the deer comcolan, and The f.'reat "Sldonia Tioupe," eonslstim,' of eight KnglUli singers nnd dancers-, especially Imported for this je.ir's tour of tho "l)cll's Auction," In conjunction Willi the funny trick scene, beautiful transformation, grand ballets, etc., etc., making nn evening's entertainment tlint cannot be equaled, and the patrons of tho Lyceum on next Tuesday night have a treat in store for them. Musical Farce. "A I.utky Coon," which comes to the finicly Hunter for a three nights' engagement with a matlnes every day is deuihed as a rousing, icl llcklng musical fane comedy in two acts with flip high class vaudeville arts Introduced in be tween the first and second acts. The name of the piece is "A Lucky Coon," and Is pioduced In a caiefully selected company of colored talent, Tho piinclpnl comedians aie the two well Known colored attUK Menu Kami and Walter Dixon, who appear as Silver King and Dollar ntn. MR. BEVERIDGE TO YOUNG MEN Cuiidudcd fiom Page I. J the labor organi.-aUoti is in the woild of labor. And o all industry and all enterprise of our 0111117.111011 adiauics tluough this tendency to con-olid ilion, combination and co-opcr.it ion. It may be that the day will come when eiery em ploye of eiery department stoic in Ameiiei will lx- a xtockholder in the corpoiation, iw is the case in Prnncc. The Illinois Central lallroail h.is .ilieaily begun to tliiide its piotlls among its I'liiploj-cs, making every employe of Hint gieat laili. i.ul ,i -tockliulder tn the enterprise. All of these developments on tiie faun, in the stow, on the lailroad, in labor a ret capital o! our in tliistii.il development, -fiate theli loots in the increasing intelligence of llip people and the in cieasint: iiiteidepeudcnce upon each other which our advancing civilisation lirings. They ate .is ii'ci liable as they are natural, and they ought to be full of Wessiiigs for all mankind. Hut in Iheir development, evils hate developed, just as evils liaio attended every advance of liumaii pio Kress, No man is perfect. No nation ia perfect. Nn society is pel feet. Not even all tho people of t lie world me pcifcct. Their pi ogre is full of nudities. Party Attitudes Contrasted. AVh.it now is the attitude of the two gleet pntics on Ihi.s elenientlal nociil anil ii-clu-.tri.il question' Tho difleiem-p between the patty of construction and the party of destruction on this gleat issue of tiusts is that the patty of con struction .says that the evil shall he icmedled without destio.viiig tho piimlple of good will' It tuns tlirouiili all. and tho n.irtv of destruction k.ivs that this whop- developmenl should be all Milutely destioved. Aecoiding tu the party of destrmticn, instead of the gicat building, we must go back to the many little and separate buildings; instead of the department stoic, ive mu-t go back to the many little, separate, high priced shops; instead of gicat railway systems, vva imiit k-o back to the many damrcious. bluh- iuiccd, badly-served loads of which it was toimed; lnteal or the ovgiatlons of labor, we must have each ivorkinRtuan cuing foi no on. but hiimclf. Instead of peimitting gieat com binations uf capital to do their primer ivoik, by which alone gieat hiidges have been built acioss the widest liieis, by which alone cabin have boon laid over all tho seas, b.v which alone that nelwoik ot intelligence called Ihe lelegiaph, has bien woven all .-.round tho glolie, by vvhieii alono the Coating pa'.ccs of gicat sliip lines navel the ocean highvva.vs of the world, all aie to be dissolved and each man for himself, with what little wealth be can accumulate, nchien his iuslgnincnnt industrial result. In other ivoids, till the forces ot civilization me to bo icveiscd. We aro not to stand still; we aie to urn baikvvard to where mankind began. If this is not tine, then there is no logic in the prctm sitlon ot the party of destiuctlon. But it is not a question whether this is true or not; it is openly ilctlaicd by the.- leader of modern Dcni oeincy that his pinpose is to make war upon that whole indiistilil, llnancl.il and social devel opment of which tho combination ot capital is a single nnd nut the mo-t impoitant instance. Is that the programme which .ipihuIs to the jouiig nun of lids countiy? Mill that bct develop this nation's icsonrces? Will that be-t aid in tho happiness of man? Hill tint best fuio the Interests and glory ol the American people -aye, will that beat tcive thu immediate and mocul Intnests and future cueer of voiin- inui tlie-mschcs? Trusts and Young Men. It Is the plea of tho party of destruction that this development ol our civilization take) all op. portuultlt's for advancement away fiom the young nun. f am willing let have that to the young man himself, Suppo-c a .voting man has neither money, ftiends nur any asset but his in dustry, bis coinage, his honor and his ability. Would he have as great an oppoitunlty if all thcno combinations were destroyed, as bo has to il ly? Could he find n position in the cia of thu final! shop as easily as in the era of the department sloiei No, because each shop-kecpci-l.ept his own shop. Could he si. lit up n shop of his own? No, becaue lie would not have the money. And ion could not st.nl a shop (hen more easily than joii can now without money. This indtivtrl.il development of which the depart ment stoic, the i.iilnud consolidation, tho gie.it building and thu mighty inautifae titling entei. prlvc :ne eiMiuplcs atloid the young man Ids nppoiluully Instead of taking It away. Would the loimg man havo greater opportunities In tin hundred fepaiato blacksmith .shops which used to piodueo the nude plows ot this secllnii of the liltlon or in the great Oliver Chilled Plow ivoika ol urn' statu with its regiment of employe.-, Its heads of departments, Its distributing agencies, and all the lamlflcitlons of Us vast industry? I put it to tho young man himself: Would ion rather lake jour ihances of necmlng a position In ono of the blacksmith shops which mod to make plows, or in this great inarufactuilng cr gaiiizatlon? Would you rather take your rhaiuos of seeming' cmplojment by one of the little stoiekeepcis of former da.va, or at the hands ot i gteat geneial of mercantile trade like Jlaishall I'lcld? Would theie bo better opportunity for advancement nn one of the little bankrupt rail, roads of the olden time than on the tremendous I'eunsjlranla Hjstcm, wheuo operation absolutely demands the freshest thought, keenest alcituos and tho mast willing Industry? Young- Blood in TJemnnd. I icpoat flut these great eirteipiUc give young men iheir oppoiunlllc. Thcte js Just one tie. pitiit Hut these great conccius absolutely not it, and that is young blood, young lu.iln, young iiieigy and young nerve. Ilia head of a great coiiiiunv in Indiana, the oilier dav was inked by the head of u gicat ilnjr.il.il Institution vvhcthtT his company did not want to borrow some money, "No," camj ihe icpb, ''wo do not need liioncj-, We aie not looking for iiionej. What we nee'd and arc looking for every day Is joung men with bialiis." 'lliese gicat tombinatlous ol business a io only possible when (ouductt'd with mathematical atcuiac)', with an all-seeing omul piesent rnterprivc; and so it Is that theli thst need, their last need, and abso utely their oulv ludlspensable need, is the strongest joung uuii Hut can be found In the land, This theoiy is clear, Is It not? What row are the facts? Mr. Schwab, the bead of the great Carnegie Steel company, roso from a boy in the works, anil ho is only 37 years old today, (ieoige W, Perkins, a lice president of the New Yolk Life Insurance company, and one of the most successful Insui ai'ie managers in the world, is 33 years of age, and rose to bis present position' fiom a boy In The People's Exchange. VVr'siibAu'ktAvtvAksiA'i A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for til MeiulU of VII Wlto llnvc Holmes (o Rent, Rent Kstnte m Other Property to Sell or lixelmnite, or Who Want Situations or llctn TI'ujj Small Advertisements Cost One Cent n Word. Six Insertion) fo.4 Five Cents it Word Incept Sltitntloiit Wanted, Which Arj In. scried Free, FOK RENT. fOll ltKNT-XI.W IIOL'KK, TUN tlOOIS, At.t. the lain Inmrovimcnts! rent ?10( 1WI rt mlng raciiuc. inquire 13.'0 Wjomlng avenue, FOR SALE S A f .N y"stWJj'WfWj'V AAAAA I'Oll SAf,K-0SI! rtlKlliLATlOK MZI1 IIHUNS. wick pool Ubk. Addtr A. H. 1'illchard, 8"i Com i stiect, foil SAi.n-ttoon iu:.viiNa stovi:, su madi- son aicnue. FOll HALIi-SIX HKAO OP DUAKT HOItbHSJ. M. field, 'JJt nnd 2i.t Oalifcul com I. WANTIEDTOUY VANTntTSncSirTfAl'6LOTMACnlNCs7 must bo In gojd order: ttate particulars M to make and price. Address, L. M., general de livery, Scranton, I'a. ROOMS WANTED. WANTHD-OXn OK TWO roc ins; lieated: centrally C care Hcranton Supply Co. I'NFUItXIHlir.D located. 1'.. 1'. WANTED 2 OK 3 f UllSISIllin IIOOMS, I'Oll llglit bousekeepiitgi centrally located, Ad dress, J. W Wnilnms bulhllng. Ctty. MONEY TO LOAN. MONTY once. TO LOAN-STflAKIHT Curry, Conncll building. LOANS AT ANY AMOUNT OP MON'HY T9 LOAN. QUICK, atraiglit loans or Dulldlng and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building. LOST. lost-uttm: r.LACi; tan, any infounatlon gratefully Market eticct. Howard olftiecf. FEMALK 1)00; lecelltd, 402 II. LEGAL. m:am:d proposals will hi: m:cKivnn at the otllce of the City Cleik. Scranton, l'.t.. until 7..10 o'clock p. in., TllUIFdaJ, October 2i, 1000, to grade Wyoming avenue fiom a point about 2.10 feet south ol the south fence line of i'ino street to Ash street, in Aicoulance Willi plan and specifications filed in said office. l'.acli bidder shall cm lose with his proposal his certified check for five hundred dollars as a guarantee to execute a contrart ir awarded the same. The city teeries Ihe light to reject any or all bids. By cider of City Councils. M. T. LAVELLll, City Clerk. Sciaulon, Pa., Oct. Jo, 1D00. Nona: to owners of proii;rty on hast Market .street, between the Lackawanna rivev and North Main avenue. The following is a copy of a lesolution of City Councils of the City of Scranton, Pa., approved Oct. 8, 1000. Hcsolied, by tho Select Council of Use City of Miamou, i ne common council concutriug, mat it is lieieby cleclareil to be the puipose of the City of .Scranton to order that, that portion ot a ceitaln street in said rlty, known as Hast Mai kct street, lying between the bridge creasing the Lackavyanna river and the pave where said Market street and Noith Main avenue intersects each other, shall be paved at the expense of the abutting piopeity, in accordance to the foot fiont tide. Piovided that three-fourths of ull the members elected to each branch of 111" cdinclls shall vole in favor theieof. On the passage of this lesolution by the above named vole, and the appioval of the Major, the City Clerk shall publish a copy theieof, for ten days ill two newspapers published in the City of Scranton, stating that unless a majority of the owneis of piopeity abutting upon said Kast Mai ket sliccf between the points above named, shall signify to councils in writing within sixty daya from the date of the approval of thu resolution, their picfereneo of the mateiial de ail ed for such pavement. Councils will proceed to pass nn oidinance directing the paving of said street witli such material as they sec (11. Approved Oct. I!, WOO. JAMCs MOIU, Major. Published in pursuance of the provisions of the foregoing lesolution. M. T. LAVCLLt:, City Clerk. one of the comptny's western offices, without nionej or influence. The lice pieshlcnt of the Chemical bank of New Yoik, the guatest private banking coiporntinn In the world, is William II. Portei. now- 30 ye.it s old. He rose to that nosi- tlon from u messenger boy without an Influential fiicnd or acquaintance in all the woild. Ihess lire lllusttations within my own per-onal obsei lation. And the history of every tuccessful business enterptise in this countiy, which the 1 uily of detiuction in this campaign declare? is taking nvvoy from young men their oppoitunl ties, is on the contrary the history of the con slant and certain nnd absolutely necess-aiy ad vance of young men lioui the lowest po-ltions to the veiy head and gencial-hip of these great in iliistii.il armies, all of which ate developments of conization itself. For civilization is nothing more than the inter-dependence of human beings upon each other. Instead of the dependence of each individual upon biin-elf. Tlieiefoie, civili zation lequires ot each man the most e.actin'; discharge ot bis duties. nd v) it Is that these great Industrial enterpilses of production, tians poitatiou and distribution, histoid of Mklng op pottunitles away fiom the joung man, nffoid an Ji.cieaseel number ot opportunities to the joung man. To dtstioy this development of elvilla tlon, whose two great piinciples me i om'iin.ithi'i and co-opeintion, is to destroy civilization itself, And jet that is what the party of destruction Tircpotcs. That is what that parly's great lend er dcclarci to bo bis purpose. That patty's pin Kisniinc is not to remedy an eill, but to de.-ttoy u deielopment. History Repeated. This is no nen- attitude. The fam; objection was made against the steatu engine and piincii. get- train; it was said that they would distioy the sale of hoises and the business of the stige conch. The kiihr ohlcetlon was made io the im plored machinery of farming; It was slid lint tho hamster, the thresher and the- Miukcr would take the luead out of flic mouths of the faim hands and make the filinor an independent .iiksUni.it. 'Ihe suite objection has been meile t i cve'iy step of hum in ndvar.ee. And all these objections Ii.ii e culminated today in the decla ration of the Democratic party, as the paity of distinction, that it proposes a war of auulhtla tlon ngitinst this whole iiidiniri.il development, On tho other hand, the Republican party, its the poity of construction, peiiotves that this gloat deielopment is ineicly another step in our nil waging civilisation. It perceives that tin- elc. uicr.tr.iy principles ot this advance aie benelleitt In all mankind. Tliti it pen elves with just as keen an eye that evil attend it, Juvt as cvllt attend and alvvajs have attended, ami always will attend, eveiy lievclopinenl of human pio giess. just as eac't peiiod of our physical life has Its own peculiar Ills, Hilt the ditTiicnco be. twecn Iho Demount io party .mil the Republican party on this elemental question Is that one party proposes destruitlon of this development itsilf, v.l.eicns the other paity proposes to legulate that development and to lemeely the evils that attend It, And so I put the question to the young men or the nillou whether tlieio Is any thing attiactivo to their .voiith, their cneiay, tilth- initiative, their hope in the pioginnura of a destruction presented to them by Hip party ot destruction. I can think why lull. in ago mUl.t possibly ally itself with Mr, llryau's proposition tn t;o hack to the old days, but net of a single icason why vital, constiucting, ad. v.iiitiug youth should chain it.edt to this holy of death. On the conlraiy, by the very itattiie of jour peiiod of life, joung man, by ihe swift eurienls of jrur blood of youth, by your fiesh brain, .vour clear ilsion, your daring heart, jcii belong with the party of construe tlon it'ttl not with the paity of destruction; with the party that idvancc3 as civilization advances, and nut with the paitv whoso peipettul pinposo is tu tcierse the wheels of progress. TRYING TO AROUSE THE SLUMBERING PATRIOTS. By Efolusive Wire from "She Associated Press. Harrlshmg, Oct, 18 A Joint rail was Ik-ued todiy by I'halinuii John S, lllllimr, of the Democuliu Mate innimlttee, ami Cliiuucey F, lllatk, picfidcnt of the Assoe lotion of Demo cratic Clubi of I'eniu-ylvunl.i, inglni; Hut public meetings bo held by Democrats tluoughout Ihe state on Oct, 27 under the management of local clubs ur county organlutions In the liopo that such gatlic'tiiiKi will matciUUy a-iit In the election of the Democrats national, (tale and local tickets MURDERERS RESPITED, Uy Eucluslve Wire fiom The Associated Pre. llarrUburB, Oct. IS, tloveinor Stone today or dered condemned muiderers as follows to be ic spited: Mary Thomas llaye, Fa)ettc, front Oct. 21 to Nov, 20. William Slinius, Fayette, from Oct. 23 to Nov. 22. The cases ol the men arc before the Uuid of pardons, which will not meet until Nov. D, HELP WANTED-MALE. VASir.i)i!oot), srnoNo nov, io to is Jems of age, to lenin tinners' trade. Wolf k Wiliicl. '.'10 Adams uiemie. RECRUITS WANTED. MAniMt: coups unit no ktatijs navy hi:- tnilts wanted-" Able-bodied men! sen Ice on our warships In .all parts of the world nnd on land In the riillljiplr.es, when requited. Lieu tenant Colonel I). II. liUB'cll, N, W. Corner l.ack an anna and Wjomlng avenues, Scranton. DRESSMAKING. DtlKS'sMAKtXil FOll CHILDlinS TO OltDIMti alio ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. SITUATIONS WANTED hommible wotlt; references. Addwss 1', ., geucial dellveiy. WAXli:i)-A POSITION' AS COI.MXTOII. Olt any nutilnni wolk. Can furnish leteKiices Address 1747 Sanderson aicnue, city. MTt'ATlOV VANTKH-AS A CAblllKH OH waltrc-s! would like to get work as soon as possible. Address A, Tilbunc mliee. A COI.OIti:i) OIIIL WANTS WASIIINO TO DO at home. No. KM Phelps stiect, Scianton, t'a. uooKKKror.n wot'i.i) liki: position-; ti:m- pemtc and reliable; would assist In sioie; low salary. tlockkeeper, lit I Pali Held street, city. SITUATION WANTIlll-UV YOL'NO fllltL IN doctor's or lawyer's oltlce; salaiy moderate. Address "Maggie," Tribune otllce. SITUATION WANTiID A flKHMAN COOK wishes situation as vegetable and meat cool;. M. K., Tiibune otllce. SITUATION WANlTO-nOOKKEHPllll WlbllKS a situation. K. K., Tiibune otllce. copyist kxpi:iiii:nci:i) yolxo woman would like ctia copjlng, deeels, bonds, mortgages, etc. Addics Copyist, TMbuna olhce. SITUATION WANTi:tJ A PI11ST CLASS LAfN- dress would like Monday unci Tilesdaj J steady. Addriss Ma.y Donncllj', Sctanton P. O. SITUATION WANTi:i)-llY A fOLOHL?) MAN' to drive team or tn wolk on the faun or in a private family, or any kind of work. Potest cotut. snuAiioN anti:d-iiy mn cook, who understands his business; hotel or familj ; citv ur country. W, 120 Lackawanna avenue. SITUATION WANTl.D-nV YOUNG LADY AS olf.ee asistant, understands tjpcwiltlng, slenogiiipby and bookkeeping. Wants position with Mime reliable paity wheie honesty nnd capability mi- nppieciated. Moderate salary. No Jgi'iicles. Addies "E-cpeilonced," cate of tills otllce. SltfATION WANTIID- vvants posilem !oi- noik; sleep home. A. -RPSPlX'TAnLP. H OM AN earo of ehildnn or any U., Tribune otllce. CITY SCAVENGER A. U. BltlOfiS (H.RANS P1S1VY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor. Jniproveel pumps used. A. H. DltlCGS. Pioptlctor. Leave onlers lino North Main avenue, or Kickc's diufr stoic, coi ner Adams and Jtulbeiry. Telephone PJtO. PROEESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. hdwaud c eiV ll.ink SPAULDIXO, bulldinir. C. P. A., 21 TfiAD- Architects. UDWAISD building II. DAVIS, m ranton. ARf.'tllTKCT, CONNK1.L PIti:i)i:itICK L linildillk-, 120 I1I10WN, AnCIllTKCT, puicn WaahiiiKtou avenue, Scianton. Cabs and Carriages. RllBIlIlR TIRP.D CABS AND CAnitlAGKS; BL.ST of servile Prompt attention jriven orders, by 'ulione. 'Phones 2072 and 5S32. Joseph Kelley. lit Linden. Dentists. DIt. C. K. KILENni'.naKll, PAl'I.I BUII.DINO, Snruce street, bcranton. DIt. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PHIV TU 110S pltal, cornel V)omiiis and Mulbeiiy, DIt. O. C. LAUIIAC'II, 115 WYOMINfi AVr.NI'i:. DIt. If. F. ltllYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. thi: r.i.K cafi:, ui and 127 fhanklin ait- line, Hates le.isonable. P. KUICLUR, Pioprletor. SCItANTON UOUSi:. .STAR D.. L. &- W. PAS acuger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICT'OIJ KOt'il, Piopiietor. Lawyers. J. V. UKOWN1XG. ATl'OltNKV AND COI'VSKL. lor-Jt-lavv. Itoomi 3U-.II3 Meais bulldiiifr. dT'ii. ri:pi.ocji.i:. attohnky-i.oans nkuo. tinted on real estate security. Mean bulldinc, eotner Winblnt'tuu airiiui and Spruce stiect. WILLAltU. WAUHI-X k and couieellots-at-livv. Wathineton nverue. KNAPP, ATIOKNIIVS Ifepublii-aii bulldinir, JKSSUP k JUI-UI', A'lTOIIMIYS AND COU.V. si-Hois al-lavv. C'omnionvvcillli huildliitf, Itooiuj 10, 20 and 21. JAMKS V. Dooms 311 iui,, o vKi'oiti), atioi:ni:y-at-l ; 51.1 mid 510 lloaid of Tiade build. KDWAIID W. inn-oui, 'Jth TIIAYLH. ATTOHNIJY. floor, Alvan bulhlini,'. JIOOIIS L, A. WATUi:-, ATTOftVUY-AT.I.AW, HOAIIH of Trai'ii bulldinir, Scianton, Pa. C. It. PITCIIPIt. AI roitXlIY-AT-LAW, DOAitli of Trade buildnis, .vianton, Pa, IWHTIfsON .; WILCOX, Tit MHIIIS" N'ATIO.N'AL Haul, building. V.. (OMIXIYS, 0-1.1 IIIIPI'IILIPA V 11UI1.DINO, A. W. DEltTUOLF,' ATTOItNIJY, MI.'ARS IH.Dfi. Physicians and Surgeons, DIt. W, E. avenue. ALLEN, 313 NOIITII WASIIINmO.V DIt. S. W. L'AMOItE.UW, OFFICE C3) WASI. Ington aieutie, Koldeme, 1318 Mulbeiiy. Cluonle ill.eascs, Iiiiil;., heait, kidneys jud neultu-iuinary citraus a sprclallj, Hours, t to 4 p. m. Schools, SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, SCRAM ON, Pa, Coune preparatory to collcue, law, medi clno or iMsiueisS. Opens Sept. Kth. Send for .atalogue. Rev, Tbouus M ('aim, I.I.. I)., priu ."Ipal and pioprletorj W, E. Plumlcy, A. M., iicadmastcr, Seeds. fi. It. CLAUK k CO.. SKED1ME.V AMI N IHtS. er) nun, stme '.01 Washington avenue; gieen houses, 1010 Ninth Main avrmie; stoic tele phone, 7S2, Wive Screens, JOsEl'll KUE'lTEL, UEAIt 511 I, tUKAWANN.v avenue, Kcnnton, I'a., manufacturei- of Who Seieeiu. Miscellaneous. UAUKU'S OilCIIESritA-MUSIO FOIt IULI.S, plcnies, parties reception, ivcddliiRs and con. cert work furnuhed. For tenns addiess R. j Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, orei llulbcrt's music store. MEQABCEE UUOS.. PRINTERS' SUfPLIES. EN., relopee, paper bags, twine. Waiihouse, I'M Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAO Schedule In Effect May 37, 1900, Trains leave Scranton! 0,48 a, m week days, for 'Sunbury, Harrisbuig:, Philftdelphln, BH1 more, Wnshlngton and for Wtt burfj nnd the West. 0.38 a. ni., weekdays, for Hssleton, Pottsvllle, Reading: Korrlstrrwn, and Philadelphia; nnd for inn bury HarriBburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wnshlngton nnd Pitti burg nnd tho West; 2.18 p. m,, week days, (Sunday! 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harni burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Haaleton, Potts ville, Heading, &o. week days. 4.37 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnzleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. .1. n, WOOD, flen. Piti. Art. ,L II. HUTCfll.VhON, den. Mr. ' i Delaware, Tackawanna and Western. In ntTctt .Tune 10, 1000. South Leave Scranton for New Yoik at 1,45, l.TO, f..,0, S.00 ami 10 m u. in.. 12..V., !t.?3 and fl.lt) p. m. For Philadelphia at 6.40. 8.00 and 10.0 a. in.: 12.65 and .'l.tll p. m, Por fltrouds bmg at (1.10 p. tu. Mill: and accommodation at 1-10 p, ni. Anlvn at llohotien at n.55. 7,1, 10.13 a. in.; 12.0S, 2.47, 4.48, 7,111 nnd P.4-1 p. in. Arrive at Philadelphia nt 10.00 a. ni.) 1.08, 3.4M. (I.'.ki and s.'j p. in, Arrive from New York nt l.O'i, 4.01 nnd 10.20 a. m.r 1.00, 1.52,' fi.18, 8.43 ami 11.30 p, in. Prom Htroudsburg at H.05 a. in. North Leave Scranton for HulTalo and Intel mediate stations nt 1.10, 4.10 and' 8.8" a. m.i 1.01, (US nnd ll15 p. in. Tor Oswego and Pjt cuse at 4.10 a. in. and 1,5.1 ii. m. Por Utlca at 1.10 a. ni. and 1.53 p. in. I'm1 Montrose at B.'M a. in.: 1.01 p. m. nnd .1.49 p. in. For Nichol son at l.oo nnd 0.1.1 p. m. For ninghamton. 10.1.1 nnd S.W) p. ni. Arrive In Scranton from Buffalo nt 1.30, 2.B3, 5.35 and 10.00 a. tn. ; 3.!i0 nnd S.00 P in. Prom Oswego nlid Syracuse nt 2.33 a. m. ; 12.3S and 8.00 p. m. From Utica at 2.33 , m.j 12.38 nnd .'1.30 p. in. From NiehoUon nt B.60 a. in. nnd 0.00 p. m. From .Montrose at 7.53 and 10 00 a. m. ; 3.20 nnd S.00 p. m. nioomsliiirp; Division Lcaie Ser niton for Northumberland at 0.4.1, 10.05 a. m.i 1.55 and 5.50 p. m. For Plymouth at 1.03, fl.40, S.53 and 11.31 p. m. Fpr Nantlecke nt 8.10 a. m. Arrive at Northumberland nt 0.35 n. in.; 1.10, 3.00 and 8.13 p. m, Airlve at Nimtlcol.e at 11.10 a. m. Anlve at PI) mouth at 2.00, 4.32, 9.50 p. in. and 12.30 a. in. Anlve at Scranton from Northlnn beiland at 11.42 a. m.i 12.31, 4.50 and 8.41 p. m. From N'nntlcoke at 11.00 a. m. From Pl.iinouth at 7.50 a. in., 3.20, 5..15 and 11.10 p. in. SUNDAY THAINS. South Leave Scianton 1.10, 3.00, 3 40, 10.03 I. in.: :i.3.i, 3.40 and 3.10 p. ni. Noith Leave Scianton at 1.10, 4.10 a. tn.; 1.51. 5.48 nnd 11.31 p. in. niooinsburir Division Leave Rcrantrm at 10.05 a. in. and 5.50 p. in. Delaware and Hudson. ,ln Kffeet June 1.1th, l'JOO. Tialiw for Caibnndaie leaic Scranton at H.20, 7.5!, 8,.n, 10.1.1 a. m.i 12.00, 1.2:1, 2.20, 3.52, 5.23, tl.'.'.l, 7.57, 0.15, 11.15 p. in.: 1.16 J. ni. For Ilonesdale nnd Lake Lodore 0.20, 10.13 a. m. : 2.20 nnd 5.2.1 p. 111. For Wilkr-i-llarre 0.45. 7.4S, 8.4S. O.M, 10.43 . m.i 12.03, 1.2S, 2.18, 3.3.1, 4.27, 0.10, 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. For L. V. It. n. points 0.45 a. in.; 12.08, 2.18, 3.3.1 nnd 11.30 p. in. For Pennsylvania, ft. It. point 6.4,1, 8..15 a. m.i 2.18 nnd 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. m. and 3,52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Catbondalc D.00, 11.3.1 n. m.i 2.25, 3.38, 5.17, 10.52 p. m. For Wilke.s-llarre-fi.38 a. m.j 12.03, 1,38, 3.28, 0.27, 8.27 p. in. For Albany and points noith .1.52 p.' in. For Ilonesdale and Lake Lndoin i3S a. m, and 3.12 p. m. Lowest raten to all poinU in United fctatea and Canada. .1. W. liUIIDICK. 0. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. II. W. CltOSS, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Kffcct May, 27,,1900.i 'Plains Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York- via I). k II. If. 11., at 0.41 a. m. and 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Diamond Fxprcsa), and 11.30 p. in. Sundays, I). k II. It. It., i.fis. 7.18 p. m. For White Haven, ILulcton and principal points in the coal legions, via D. k II. II. It., 0.45, 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. Foe Pottsville, .4I, 2.1S p. m. For Bethlehem, Hi-ton, Reading, lfarrisbur and principal intcimediate stations via D. k It, II. It., (1.45 a. in.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Express), ll.i'O p, in. Sundati, D, k H. It. 11., 1.58. 7.48 p. m. For Timkhamiock, Towandn, Elmira, Ithaca, Ccncva and principal intermediate stations, via I)., L. & W. It. II., .8.08 a. m.; 1.05 and .1.35 p. m. Tor Oeneia, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, nnd all points west, via D. k II. R. R., 12.0J, .I.S.) (Black Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Sundays, 11. k II. R. R., 12.0.1 p. in.: 7.4S p. in. Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley pallor cats on all trains hetwecn Wiikcs-Uarri-and New Yoik, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus picion Bildjfo. liOLLLV II. WILDUIt, On. Supt., 35 Cortland stiect, New York. CHARLES S. LEE. ficii. Pass. Agt 26 Cortlai.d ticet. Xcvv Yoik. A. W. N'ONNEMACIIER. Div. Pass. Agl., South Bethlehem, I'a. For tickets and Pullman ieeiv'ationn apply ta 809 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In New York Fool of Liberty atreet, N, i; and South Feuy. Autluacito coal lued etclusively, insurioc ele.itdlncss and comfoit. TIME TABI.i: IN KPKCT MAY 20. Z'OO. Tialns leave Scranton for New York, Newark, Elb.tbeth. Phlladelplifa, Easlon. Bethleliem, Al iening n, Mauili Chunk and White Haven, at 8.WI a. in.; cpic3, 1.20; cxpiest, 4.00 p, in. Sun da) s, 2.11 p. in. For PitUton and Wilkes-Banc, S..10 a. in.; 1.50 and 4,00 p. m. s.m(iaji ojg j,t , For Ualtlinore and Washington, and point South and West via Bethlehem, 8,30 a. in., 1.20 p. m, Sundays, 2.16 p. in. For Loup Brandt, Oiean fliove, etc., at 8.30 a, in. and I 20 p. m. I'or Uradimr, l.elunon and Ilairlblmrc;, via AI le'.itoun, 8..I0 a. in, and 1.20 p. m. Siinda), 2,1.1 P. ni. For Pottsville, S.'ltl a. in., 1.20 p. in. TIlioiiKli till ( Is In all points east, soulh and west at lowest, i.ites at tho station, .1. II. OIILIIAUSK.V. len. Silrt. II. P. BALDWIN, Oen. Pass. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western R,R, TIME TABLE IV EFFECT SIJNDVY, JUNE 24, 1HJ0. Nmlli Uornd Tialns. Le.l.e Leave . Si Lin- Caiboti- Anlve, Tiains, ten dale. Ciidosia. ' 201 10. 10 a. in. 11.20 a. in, 1,03 p.m. M.4.1 p. in. 1.32 p. m. 3.4.1 p. ni, 0.00 p. ui.Aiuin Carbondale, Clli p. m Soulh Ilutind Tralin, r; ' Leave l.eaio Cadosla. Ciilionilalr, 202 7.00 a. nt. 201 S.IDa, m, 10.0-! , m! 21HI 2.01 p. m. 1.31 p. ni. Sl'NDU'K ONLY. North Bound, Leave Leave Scian- L'ltbnn. Ion, dale, 20.1 S..10a. in. 0.10 a. in. Scuntop. 7,10 a, in, 1U.45 a; m 4.20 p. in. Arrive. Catloaia, 10.43 a. ni. 200 7.00 p. tu.Arilvp Carbondale, 7,45 p. , in. iMtUlll UUUIIil. Leave Leave Cadosla, Caihondale. Serauton 2'r. 7.00 a, m, 7.10 a.m. 20s 4 30 p. in, .1. It p, in. u.34 p. m. Train No. 201 makes connection for points Xoilb and South mi Main Line, at Cadoaia, Ttalns Ntis. 20.'" and 2,08 make Main Line en- neetions on Sunday, For furlher Infounatlon, lon-ult tliVet aieida .1. (,'. ANDERSON, Oen. I'aas. Agt., New York., ' J, E. WELSH, Traielln? Paxengfr Agent, Scran ton, Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Table in Eflect Prpt, 17, moo. Trains (or I law ley am) local points, conneet ini at Havvley with Erie rallioad for New Yoek Ni'vvI.uikIi ad Intel mediate points, leave Scran ton ft 7.0.1 a, in. and 2.25 p. ni. Tialiu arrive at Scranton at 10.30 . ni mJ 0,10 p, in. NEWSPAPERS Tin: WiLiixSriiviRHi iu Ranton at ilia llPWS stan(1 f R Bro.1. 40.1 Spittce and 503 i.,lden. M Noitwi. S Laekaivaniu avenue; I. ti. Schutw, Sli Spruce street, SBj&ZJtrea tment. MRS. J;. T,.KKLLKH, SOALrliliUMIHiTril Inj, 25e.i ehlropody. 701 yulucy7 ' 1 I . '- iL- 4 r .. if 4 M'a. J Wf, . 1 " , vv iP ts f siP l-r.f"i'iirJJinYir ' 9-. f, ' ,' ,' " - i. . - . x uaufca JjlIK V&V