I4M 'IfTI SJfJ VWnfi i , 'irit I f .y .,"'f'jn' 'TR'li'TVJ -..l Jt ".( TV" fifin-lipfv 3Wy , THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1900. ;. ;KKnUKKUUKKKU:KKKUHKnKUnKnj Tlhe Awakening A BUSINESS !XX0XXXKUXX;XKXKXXXKXUXXK BUSHNBIjIi throw flown his pen bo Mivngely thnt tho Ink splashed over the blotter. "There," he said, pushing a sheet of paper covered with fig ures toward the other man, "you will find a full statement there of both as sets and llubllltles," and he leaned back In his chair with a sigh of utter weariness. Rogers took tho paper and ran his oye down the columns with a rapidity Kalned by long practice. As he saw tho totals, he glanced at Bushnell In a surprised way. "You will pay out dollar for dollar," ho remarked. "That Is good." "Yes," Bald Bushncll, gloomily, "It 1b tho one redeeming feature of the whole business." The other hesitated a moment, ns though at a loss how to continue, nnd pulled nervously ut his mustache. "Tho two amounts balance exactly, or nearly so," ho said, at last. "There will be nothing left for you." "I know It," snapped Bushncll, short ly. "You need not remind mo of It, Rogers. Do you suppose I am an Idiot?" Tho lawyer glanced at his friend from under his eyebrows, and hesitated again. Evidently what ho had to say was not easily said. "I suppose you know," he continued, finally, "that this Is not necessary! that there are ways in which It could be avoided?" Bushncll stirred impatiently In hlB chair, but ho did not meet the other's eyes. "Yes," ho said, Irritably, "I know It. I wont over nil that ground this after noon. Don't remind mo of It. I have fought that battle." Rogers nodded gravely. "That's more than most men can say," he remarked. "It was my duty as your lawyer, to remind you of every possibility. I am glad you choose the other way." It was a great deal for tho hard headed man of business to say, and he turned back to tho paper with pursed lips and a face slightly reddened by unaccustomed emotion. "It Is a good showing," ho said, at last. "Much better than the street has any reason to expect or any right to expect, for that matter. This Is the statement you wish posted?" "Yes," answered Bushncll, "that's what I made It out for,"and then, as tho other arose to go, "I want to get out of town for a few days, Rogers. I'm beginning to feel run down, with the accursed worry. I'll not be need ed herei. will I?" "No. I can attend to everything, I think," and the lawyer folded the statement carefully and put it in his pocketbook. "Where can I reach you, in case I need you?" "At Lexington, Green county." "In the Catskllls?" "Yes." "Born there, weren't you?" "Yes." "All right," and the lawyer turned toward tho door. "That's tho best place to go, I'm sure. Good-bye. I hope the rest will do you good." "Thanks;" and Bushnell pulled him self to his feet. The two men shook hands. "Good-bye," he said. Bushncll dropped back Into his chair as the door closed. His head fell for ward on his hands, and the bitterness and futility of It all weighted him down. The rush and roar of the street drifted In through the windows and filled tho room, but he did not hear It, for ho was far away. He had left that village in tho Catskllls full of hope nnd purpose it was not long ago In time, but how long In events and for a spoco It seemed he was to win his battle against the street. For he had determined to win. It had come upon him suddenly this fever to show the stuff that was In him and he had thought It all out one moonlight night away .up on the side of Vly Mountain. He had laid his plans carefully and had dreamed of millions. But the odds had been too great, and he had been caught In tho ruins of the edltlco, which his own brain had built, and crushed utterly. But the bitterest thought of all was that he must go back empty-handed, when he had hoped to take so much. It was not for himself alone he had hoped to win. The station at Shandakln, a long, low, grimy structure, was almost de serted ns Bushnell stepped off the train tho next afternoon. Only the stage was there, as It as every day, ready for tho ten-mile Journoy over tho hills to Lexington, und ho grasped the hand of the old driver with real warmth. "I'm glad to see you, Jim," he said. "How are all tho folks?" "Oh, they're all right, I reckon. But you look kind er peaked, Mr. Bushnell. Been workln' too hard, I 'spect." Bushncll laughed. "That may bo It," ho said. "Any way, I decided that a week or two back hero In tho hills would do mo .SQPd." -"So-'twill," nodded the driver, "an' (lie. folks will be glad, to seo you, I reckon. Got any luggage?" -KM.J'On.ly this," and flushnell held up -' tho grip he carried In his hand. "All right. Pilo In. You're tho only passenger." , BuBhnell "piled In" accordingly. Jim " Mambered. to the front seat, clucked to tho horses, and they were off. The -oad for tho first few miles wound 'Jirough a wood of stately pines, and , iushnoll lay back In his seat nnd took - jreat breaths of tho fragrant air, and Pit his pulse beating with renewed 'Igor. Up and up climbed the conch award tho "notch," a mere dent In he chain of mountains, nnd the nlr grow cool and bracing. A brook plashed ' along by the side of the road, and Bushncll remembered with pecullur Tlvldness how many trout ho had naught 'In It when ho was a boy. He felt his hands Itching to get hold of a pole again, nnd the nostalgia of us- ' phalt und crowded streets, which had been on him for the past two years, clipped him Imperceptibly. Tho sun was dipping behind tho range of hills n thp West ns they DkBhIIs COUCH SYRUP Cures i Cough or Cold at onoe. Conquers Croup, Whoopluy-Coush, Bronchitis, Grippe auct Cou&umpllou. Quiet, tare results. W.tfuH'f uWeUilpiun. MpHlMte. MAN'S STORY, reached tho summit of tho notch, and stopped to get a drink from tho spring which bubbled from beneath n great rock ot tho roadside. An old fruit can was tho only drinking vessel, but Bushnell took a long draught of tho sparkling wntcr. Ho felt his brain clearing, his nerves growing steadier, and tho great city, with Its cruah of money-hunters, seemed very far away. Tho horses felt their way cautiously down Into tho vnllcy on the other side of tho ridge, nnd sped on through tho dusk toward homo. Tho noises of tho night began to sound from tho wood on either hand the croaking of the frogs, tho chirping of tho crickets. How long It had been since he had heard them! It almost seemed as If they were welcoming him back. The air seemed charged with electricity. Now they were near tho Schoharie, and Its waters danced with phosphorescence ns they plashed noslly over tho stones. Surely this was bettor mule than that of the ticker, and Bushncll breathed a sigh of thankfulness that ho loft the uproar of the street far behind. At last he paw tho twinkling lights which told him that he was near his Journey's end. They danced and brightened and grow larger. A dog barked, and two or three women came to the doors to seo tho coach go by. But Bushnell was looking through tho window up towards the hillside. His heart leaped as he saw a light there. "Jim," ho said, suddenly, "let me down here. Take my bug on to the house and tell them I'll bo there In tho course of half an hour." The driver pulled up his horses with out a word, nnd watched for a moment as he struck. off up tho hillside. And when he clucked to his horses again, there was a light of comprehension In his eyes. Bushnell clalmbed steadily upward along the path. The unaccustomed ex ercise made him breathe quickly, but In a moment he saw the house Stan-ling out against the sky, its windows warm with light. How well he know the path. His throat contracted queer ly as he went on toward It, and his heart leaped suddenly, for ho saw something white running toward him. "Oh, Tom," cried a girl's voice, and In an Instant she "was In his arms. For a moment he could not speak. Ho could only gaze down Into her up turned eyes. And as she looked up at him, she saw the cloud upon his face and drew quickly away. "What is it, Tom?" she asked. "What has happened?" He dropped her hands, with a feeling that he hud no right to hold them. "Tho worst that could happen," he answered, bitterly. "I have played and lost." "Lost?" she echoed. "Yes, lost." "Do you mean that you have fnlled?" she asked, coming closer to him, her face suddenly white. "That's It. Failed. For every dollar I'm worth." She put her hands upon his arm and he could feel them trembling. "Tom, tell me," she whispered, "did you lose it nil theirs as well as yours?" He laughed, but with a touch of an ger In his voice. "It's not quite so bad as that. I didn't lose u cent of any one else's money only all my own. Isn't that enough?" The -color camo back into hor face In a great wave. "Oh, I am so glad," sh cried. "So glad.Vand she came close to him and clasped her arms about his neck nnd kissed him. The moon was silvering the tree-tops and flooding the valley with oft radlnnco. "Look about you, Tom," she said, still holding him with one hand. "It Is a good world that you left a sweet world. It Is worth living In. Now, tell me, what does money matter?" He looked about at the horizon and back again Into her eyes. "It doesn't matter," he said, "not hero. Not o bit." And the leaves of tho trees and the waters of the brook seemed to catch thte words and send thorn echoing up and down the valley. "It doesn't mat ter, not hero. Not a bit." For a moment she stood so, looking at him. "It was a dream," she snld, at last, very softly. "Only a dream. Forget It, dear. This Is tho awakening. Is It not n sweet one, Tom?" Burton Egbert Stevenson, In the Independent, FUTURE OF LAKE SUPERIOR. Falling Waters at the "Soo" to Be Put to Good Use. from the Xew Yoik Sun. Immense quuntltlcs of water have tumbled every hour for agea over tho sandstone ledges at Sault Ste. Marie in undignified husto to leave the great est of. lakes and Join tho humbler Hu ron. Hero weio built tho American and Canadian canals that carry moro tonnage of freight every year than any others. It Is estimated that It takes about one one-thousandth part of the escaping wnters of Lake Su perior to operate tho locks in these canals. It occurred to Eastern capi talists, a few years uro, ,mt It would be a good Idea to utilize tho rushing waters not needed by the trnlllc canals to generate electrical power. Before very long the tdea took form In the shape of a canal which keeps a lot of turbines so busy that they supply 20,000 horse power of electrical enerav operating tho largest wood pulp mill In the world. Its annual product sells for $900,000 a year; and this Is only the beslnlnE of tho work which the power of St, Mary's Rapids Is expected to do. With the possibility of developing vast power at this place, the com pany begun to look around for raw materials to turn Into useful products. When power Is seuuifd It Is natural to scan the neighborhood for stuffs to be transf owned by It Into marketable commodities. It was found that vast forests of spruce stretch away east nnd yeat and us far north us Hudson Bay. This Is the Ideal ttmlier for paper making mid tho company decided to go Into the business of manufacturing not only mechanical wood pulp which Is produced In the mill now operating, but also bulphlto or chemical pulp which Is worth nearly twice ns much a ton. The sulphite mill Is iow nearly completed und Its pwduct will be worth $1,500,000 u year. Of course large supplies of spruce are needed for theso mills, and ample material -was aisurcd by tho govern ment of Ontario which granted lama concessions at small cost forjtumpage. But sulphurous ncld Is also needed for chemical 'pulp nnd tho company Asserts that It will havo'ah independent sup ply of this useful chemical substance. It claims to have discovered a maans of procuring tho material for Its manu facture from the sulphuric BUbstanecs associated with tho nickel mined at Sudbury. It hns thcretoro bought a nloket mine nnd also a large area of Iron-bearing lands. For the first time the milphur obtained at Sudbury Is to be utilized! and blio nickel will be as sociated with tho Iron In tho manufac ture at Sault Ste. Marie. For the first tlino also tho ores of Iron are to be re duced to steel by electricity; a part of tho product will be nickel steel, the toughest in the world, and much of It will be used for making armor plate. Meanwhile, vast works aro In pro gress for tho dovolopment of more elec trical power. A cannl on the Michigan side ot tho river, to give 60,000 horse power, Is nearly completed. A largo part of this power has already bpen secured by a company producing alkali and another manufacturing carbide of calcium. Tho latter company nlready has tho largest carbide works In the world, at NJagaro Falls. Another canal which Is expected to provide about 100,000 horse-power Is also being dug on the Canadian Bide. Of course It would not do to lower tho level of Lake Superior by thus facilitating the escape of its waters. Every port on the lake would suffer, and the governments of the two coun tries concerned would not permit such nn encroachment upon commercial facilities. So work will begin this fall on the construction of a great stone dam across tho head of the rapids and steel gates in the dam will admit the waters to the canals only as fast as it is required nnd without lowering the lake level. Thus the wnters of our great Inland tea are to be utilized for industrial purposes and two particularly Inter esting facts are to be noted. One Is that the raw materials for these enter prises are drawn from the surrounding country, hitherto destitute of manu factures, and tho wealth-producing power of this vast region will thus bo greatly augmented. Tho other is that the waters thus usefully employed at the foot of Lake Superior may bo util ised again at Niagara Falls. They will be compelled to do double work, and they will not go on strike or demand an eight-hour law. FOSSIL OF BIG DINOSAUR. Prehistoric Monster's Thigh Now Visible in the Field XXuseum. From tlic Chicago Times-Herald. Think of a thigh bone six feet ten Inches long! It Is the femur of an animal twenty feet high and seventy five feet long, a dinosaur that lived 1,000,000 years or more ago. That thigh bona hns Just been received at Field Columbian Museum, and In discovering It Professor E. S. Rlggs has won great fame In the scientific world. Professor Rlggs and two assistants spent three months In Colerado this year and unearthed parts of the skele ton remnlns of three of the prehistoric monsters. The dinosaur is the largest animal known to the scientific world, and tho fossils brought to Chicago are the remains of the largest animal of the kind over discovered. That record has been held for some time by a dino saur In the Peabody museum at Yalt college. Its thigh bone is .eight Inches shorter than that of the Rlggs dino saur, and its estimated length was only sixty-five feet and its height eighteen feet. The Chlcagoan's find Is one of the richest of tho kind ever made, for he unearthed a considerable part of the skeleton of tho mighty behemoth that roamed through tho marshes of Ameri ca ages beforo the Rocky Mountains wore heaved up. He found seven dorsal vertebrae, representing, twelve feet of the backbone, besides two Joints ot the tall, equal to another two feet. Tho body of the vetrebrao Is about fifteen Inches In diameter, but from the lower edge to tho top of the dorsal spine It is nearly four feet, which makes a rather substantial backbone. The collection also Includes seven of the ribs of tho dlnosaurlan, tho largest of which Is 9 feet 5 Inches long, and 8 Inches wide. ' There aro also two leg bones and one-third of the pelvis. Tho weight of the thigh bono alone is es timated at 600 pounds. Somo scientific men think the dlno-' saur flourished between 2,000,000 nnd 3,000,000 years ago. There have been several geological periods since ho was in his heydey, and one of these eras Is represented by an earth formation 1,200 to 1,500 feet thick. The animal in question is supposed to have been herbivorous, but Proiessor Riggs dis covered the fossil remains of another that he believes to be a specimen of the flesh eating dinosaur that walked on two legs like the kangaroo. Of this animal ho has seven Joints of the neck, thirteen of the back, a shoulder blade, some ribs nnd several hip bones. Hf also has some remains of a third mons ter. ' SON'S SAPIENT CRITICISM. 1'iom (lie Sjtuuljy Etcning Post. Dr. Thomas A. Hoyt, the pastor of the Chambers-Wyllo Memorial church, of Philadelphia, was recently entertain ing President Patton, of Princeton; Genernl John B, Gordon, and other eminent men, at dinner. Tho guests, weie speaking in strong praise of a sermon tho minister had Just preached, and those who were versed In theology wero discussing the doctrinal points ho hud brought out. Doctor Hoyt's young son was sitting nt thfl table, and President Patton. turning to him, said; "My boy, what did you think of your fnthor's sermon? I saw you listening Intently to It;" at which praise Mrs. Hoyt smiled cordially, and all listened to hear what sort of a reply the lad would muke, "I guoss it was very good," said the boy; "but there wore three mighty fine places where he could have stopped." James Reed Injured. Mr. James Reed struck his leg against a cake of Ice In such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen- and pained him so badly that he could not walk without tho uld of crutches. He was treutcd by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whisky In bathing It. but nothing gaye uny relief until ho began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in n week's time nnd ho believes that had ho not used this remedy -his leg would havo hud to be amputated. Mr. Reed Is one of the leading merchants of Cay Court House, W. Vu. Puln Balm is unequaled for sprains, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by all druggists. Matthew Bros., wholesale and retail agents. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA WYOMING COURTS. Sentences Imposed at Tunkhannock on Saturday. Bptclal to the Strinton Tribune. Tunkhnnnock, Oct. 13. The Octobar term of quarter sessions closed here this morning with a short session do voted to clearing up tho surety of the peace cases. Tho following cases were disposed of: Commonwealth vs. C. A. Cobb, enso heard and defendant held In tho sum of $100 to keep tho peace toward ull good people of the commonwealth, and especially toward Qeorgo F. Sprague, for tho space of one year, and to pay costs of prosecution. Commonwealth vs. Daniel Rosen grant, case heard, defendant dlschrged, and Mrs. Catherine Rosengrant sen tenced to pay costs. Comonwealth vs. John Place; Issac Miller, prosecutor; case heard and de fendant held on, his own recognizance to keep the peace for the space of one year and to pay costs of prosecution. Mrs. Ella Harding, convicted In the sessions of assault and battery on Isaac M. Miller, was called for sen tence. The court said that In consid eration of the various circumstances in the case it was disposed to be len ient with the defendant, and sentence was then imposed as follows: To pay a fine of $1 and costs of prosecution, and stand committed until sentence Is complied with. A short session of argument court was held this afternoon nnd several matters open on the list were dis posed of. In the case of Nellie Guernsey vs. Ella Patrick, rule to open Judgment and strike of fl. fa. nt cost of plain tiff, arguments of counsel were heard and case held under advisement. In the matter of sheriff's deed to H. B. Kceler for land in Ovcrfleld town ship, on motion of E. J. Jordan, attor ney for H. B. Keelcr, a rule to show cause why the record of the acknowl edgment of the sheriff's deed should not be amended, returnable Monday, October 15. In the matter of the estate of Charles Harris deceased; petition for citation. Argument of counsel heard and case held under advisement. Court adjourned until Monday, Oc tober IK, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at which time the common pleas list will bo taken up. A VERY NARROW ESCAPE. Presence of Mind Saves James Hu bert from an Awful Death. Special to (he Scranton Triluinq. Plttson. Oct. 14. Presence of mind and prompt action saved Jame3 Hu bert, of Broad Btreet, this city, from what might easily have been a terrl blo death Saturday evening. Mr. Hu bert is about 50 yeari of ago and is employed as a watchman at No. 3 Barnum shaft of the Pennsylvania) Coal company, at Old Forge. About 5.30 o'clock Saturday evening, Mr. Hu bert stepped from an electric car near the Phoenix breaker and started for his place of employment. A train of cars was standing on n branch on the Lehigh Valley cut-off tracks, and to get across the railroad, Mr. Hilbert attempted to crawl under one of the cars. Just as he got under the car, the train started up. Tho man grasped one of the axles of a truck and held on with a death grip. He was dragged over 200 feet, when the train happened to stop and his cries for help brought the trainmen to his rescue. Hla Injuries are not con sidered serious and consist of bad bruises to the body and limbs. PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston. Oct. 14. Richard W. Wat kins, of Taylor, spent Sunday here. He assisted the choir at both morning and evening services In tho West Pittston Presbyterian church; also giving an excellent rendition of the tenor solo, "Out of tho Deep," at the evening ser vice. Miss Jennie Lowls, of Danville, Is the guest of Miss Eleanor Owens, of Elizabeth street William Morris, formerly of Lu zerne avenue, West PlttBton, joined the United States marines at Phila delphia about four months ago. Ho Is now stationed nt League Island, Phila delphia, and has been assigned to ser vice on the new battleship, Alabama. Mr, Morris spent Sunday at the home of his parents In West Plttston. Tho Luzerne County Fair associa tion has arranged for a programme of matinee races to be held at the West Plttston Fair grounds next Thursday, commencing promptly at 1.30 o'clock. The admission will be 25 cents, and the prpgramme and entries are as follows: First race J. L. Crawford, Scranton, enters Silver Chimes, 2.08; M. L. Per rln, Pittston, enters Council Chimes, 2.1SH. Mile heats, two in three. Second race 2.17 clnss, trot or pace. Elwood Smith, Wllkes-Barre, enters Callle K.; John Lanlng, Wllkes-Barre, enters Lizzie Lanlng; M. "L, Perrln, Pittston, enters Allawood; H, S. Gor man, Scranton, enters Tinker; D. Hcekenberger, Plttston, enters Heart of Oak Third race 2.21 class, trot or puce. Elwood Smith, Wllkes-Parro, enters Martha D.; Elwood Smith, Wllkes Barre, enters Lucy Hoyer; John Lan lng, Wllkes-Barre, enters Union Princo; M. L. Perrln, Plttson, enters Brownie B.; George A. Felts, Tunk hnnnock, cntors Ezra A.; John A. Wood, Old Forge, enters Fusty Gar rett. J, L. Crawford, ot Scranton, will drive his team, Nancy Time and Wandn, against tho state record for one mile over a half-mile track. Tho truck record, 2.14, is now held by Sil ver Chimes, The Black Diamond basket ball team of Plttston, which will bo tho oppon ents of tho Stars at North Scranton Tuesday evening, will be composed of the following players; Nathan An thony, William MacDonald, Harry Blackburn, William Dodge, Ed. Trux. William Schutz, D. G, Evuns, It will doubtless prove the strongest Uno-up of clean players the Stars havo been up nguinst this reason. Plttston has always been n big drawing card for attendance at the North Scranton games, and this year should prove no exception. About 8.30 o'clock Saturday night fire broke out on tho roof of the black smith shop at the Exeter Machine works, West Plttston. Tho hose com panies prevented any serious dam age. Miss Helen Mosler has returned, af ter un extended visit at Busklll, New York. a, uruiiii nrotrrsmme and a yery The Pure Food Show If any one has any doubt as to what can be done jn Scranton, they should have been here with the big throng in our store Saturday. It was a wonderful sight to be hold. 'From every vantage point one beheld a vast sea of faces. More people were crowded in. an acre of floor space here Saturday than have ever before been assembled in Scranton. We have not heard a murmur of dissatisfaction. The show goes away beyond the expectation of every enthusiast. And it is really a wonderful exposition. Worthy your attendance as often as you can be here. Bauer's Orchestra Plays Today. Come and hear Seranton's recognized greatest musical organization. The musit pagoda is so situated that every one may get within sound of the concerts. The dem onstrators are filling people's pockets with samples and will continue to do so while the exhibition lasts. Another Great Day Today. Grand Concert by Bauer's Orchestra. Remember that good music will form a special feature of the Pure Food Show. We shall give you the very best at our command, which means that any organization of any note hereabouts, will be heard by you sooner or later. Be here today. Tuesday afternoon, a splendid Musicale under the direction of Miss Mae Murphy, pianist, assisted by other talent. Wednesday afternoon the ScrantonT Mandolin Club will give a concert. Jonas Long's Sons large attendance marked the observ ance of Rally Day at the Broad Street Methodist Episcopal Sunday school. R. D. Lacoe and family have return ed to their West Pittston home, after sumemring at Harvey's lake. The Cool cottage at Harvey's lake had a narrow escape from Are at an early hour Saturday morning. The members of the family were awakened by the smell of smoke and discovered the woodwork about .the fireplace aflame. The fire had apparently been smouldering for a few hours. John Ornisby, of North Main street, Upper Pittston, died last night at the Mercy hospital, Wllkes-Barre, where ho had been taken last Thursday. De creased was a middle-aged man and is survived by a wife and a large family of grown-up children. Very Reverend Eugene A. Garvey," of this place, assisted In the dedicatory services of a new church at Freeland todny. Thirty-two new members were en rolled on the membership of the St. Aloysius society today. Of late. Father Garvey, of St. John's Roman Catholic church, has been impressing on his parlshoners tho benefits of tem perance and to assist the reverend father the St. Aloysius society has suspended for a brief period the Initia tion to its membership, and as a re sult 1S2 members have been added within one week. During tho absence of the family, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., Sunday, a thief entered the home of Daniel Miller, at the corner of Tranklln and Montgomery streets, West Plttston, and stole $33 from a pocket In Mr. Miller's trousers In an upstairs bedroom. The thief escaped undetected. m INTERESTING SCHOOL PLANS. The Chicago Institute Places Great Stress Upon Its museum. Some unique features characterize the new museum of the Chicago In stitute. One of them Is a work on which Its maker, a Frenchmnn, sDpnt several thoughtful years. It repre sents in twenty-one dally stages, the development of the chicken in the egg, and is perfeot In every detail. The In ventor of this novel object lesson shows the work through openings In eggshells. In the same character of exhibits aro several perfectly prepared dissections, preserved In spirits, of tho rat, the crayfish, the snake and the lizard, showing the whole system with every artery and blood vessel complete, De velopments of the common June bug, snakes and fish of all kinds, through every stage of their growth, are also contulncd in this section. Tho chief aim of tho museum Is to demonstrate evolutionary processes, and most of the exhibits have been se lected for this purpose. One of the most Interesting nnd lnstrtvf Ivo collec tions shows the protection of Insects through both coloration and mimicry. Hundreds of butterllles nnd bucs are mounted on twigs, leaves, bark and lichens nnd so closely do they resemble the objects they rest upon that It Is hard to And them oven after a long search. There are moths that fold up to Imitate a perfect leaf on a stain and others that aro so similar In shape and color to rose thorns that it lj Impossible to tell thoni apart. Tho Idea of protection by mimicry In also shown In detail. A species of butterll.v nauseous to birds and there fore free from their attacks Is mtnt ed In coloring exactly by another spec ies that has nothing of the same nnt ural protection. Many specimens of harmless blow llles are shown side by side with bumblebees and wasps, and In coloring and shupe are exactly like them, Another section of the museum is de voted to enlargements of plants and flowers worked In gelatin and so big that every part Is plainly visible, 1'htr are also gelatin models of bacilli of tuberculosis and diphtheria, enlarged 20,000 times. A huge enlargement nt u beetle that comes apart on hinges like the familiar manikin is as big us u tuikev ,und another of a snail with Its shell stands several Inches high. A Berles of beautiful models of the human system Is placed side by side with models of tho skulls of the lion, tiger, bear, horse and monkeys, show ing the process of food mastication. An Instantaneous Success. Extraordinary Crowds. Mm rayll 'rfWm &F$Ek WmRP It was at Fort Slocum, in New York Harbor, during the Spanish war. An officer lay on his bunk, feeling, as he said, decidedly un comfortable, when the post surgeon came in. The Colonel said ht was suffering from indigestion. " Well," said the doctor, " Is there anything that you have been in the habit of taking that generally helps you?" "Yes," said the Colonel, "there is one thing and the only thing that has ever done me any good, but you can't give it to me." "What is it?" said the doctor. "A Ripans Tab. ule," was the Colonel's reply. A fellow officer standing by spoke up cheerfully : " Why, Colonel, I can fix you out," and he produced a 5-cent carton from his waistcoat pocket. The best thing about the story is that it did fix the Colonel up all right, and the doctor, manifesting an interest, was told what R-I-P-A-N-S are, what they are used for, and what great good they were doing in the com munity. After he had looked the circular through the doctor remarked, " Well, I don't see why that is not a good thing." A new style pocket containing tin ripans tabcus In a pkier carton (without glass) Is now tor sale at tons dmg store tor nrx crktr. Thfe low-priced Hon Is intended for the poor and the economical. One dosen ot the tiro-eent cartons (130 talmln) can he had by mall by sending forty-eight cents to the IUrKs chemical con rANT, No. 10 Spruce Ntrcttt, New York-nr a single carton (tin tabclex) will bo sfnt for flrn rints. IUfaxj Taiuim may olio tie had of grocers, general storckeoptrs, news agents and at liquor store and barber vm. Another series presents brain develop ment from Insects up to human, and still another glveB the digestive organs and circulatory systems of all animals. What Is claimed to be the most com plete series of representations of the mushroom In America occupies n large portion of the wall space beside a col lection grouped together for the pur pose of showing the study of color In minerals. In the basement of the building, where the lecture rooms aro situated, is a machine built In Berlin for the Institute, to be used In projecting on va screen not only photographs,xbut the exact representation of any Hueclmen, skeleton or living thing that can be placed insldo it, SOULLESS CORPORATIONS. Something to Be Said in Their Behalf After All. From the Pittsburg limes. It Is nn easy cry to harangue the corporations' lack of sympathy, but the recent misfortune to Onlveston presents the side that the domngogue falls to see. The railroad companies, which for years, until other Industries came to be represented by great cor porations, stood ns the types of nil corporate offending, nnd wero pilloried In every conceivable manner to inspire contempt, carried to Galveston with out cost all supplies contributed for the relief of the sufferers, The quan tity of freight thus transported amounted to many train loads. Rut the corporation offered the service free, Yet tho railroads lost millions by the disaster, Tho telegraph companies, anathemat ized only a little less than the rail roads, handled messages connected with the rllef of tlio sufferers without aeklng for fees, and the telegiaph com ponies were among the sufferers. The Siandnrd Oil company, a concern that by the law and by ilia acts of the oillcials of T'xns Is nn outlaw in the state, was among tho first to offer help to Clalveston, und the check was one for 110,000. The Carnegie Stool company, which has enjoyed Its share of denunciation, sent a check fop $10, n0O. The Chicago Clearing House ns soclatlon, an a,ssoc!atlor of bankers, who have had their share of condom nation, forwarded SIP.QOO to Galveston, Given Free to cadi jiprson interest ed In subscribing to the KuKine Field Jlonu ment Souvenir Fund, f-ubsirlbc any amount desired. Subscriptions .is low as $1.00 will en title donor to bis daint ily artistic toluinc. "PliiLD IU.OWHRS" (cloth bound, 811), as a certificate of subacilp. Hon to fund. Iluok contains a selection of k'lnl.l'a l.nat. ntiil mnt THEHooltoftliB I lun truted by tnlr ly.two of the World'H tlreat- est ArtiHts. rcpresentatlto worls and is ri.ady for do litery. lint for tho noble contribution of the norld'a gre-itcst artMs. till book could not bate been nunuf.ictuitd for less than 47. W. The Fund ire.itcd is dltided equally lie. tween the family of tho bite Huge lie. Held and tho Fund fur tho building ot a iminu merit to tho memory of the bclotcd poet of childhood. Address l.'iiKcn: HIclJ ,Mouum:nt Souvenelr Fund If j on also uish tu send postage, cncloso 10 rents. The Now York stock exchange sent $5,000. Jones & I-aughllns havo con tributed $1,000. nut without specializ ing, It Is noticed that tho corporations all over the country, In qittnhurg, In Nnw York, In Chicago, tho steamship companies, the manufacturing com panies, nil opened their purses, and the rule Is that the largo contribu tions come from the niucli-denoimceii concerns of big capital. The chronlo fault tinder will have plenty of excuses to offer for the corporations' llbt'inl offerings. Hut there Is no fuctor In the business wori! that con bo more Indifferent to dolngl things for effect than a corporation! It bus to defy so much public opinion that it can defy more If it chooses amii still survive, It Is honeht and sensl- ble to fnre the facts. C'orpoiatlons arc conducted by men who nrn as sympaj thctlc and charitable as men In 'other! occupations, and the generosity of tilt rniporatlons gives tlm lie to the aci pnsatloii ibat u corporation Is without concern when the welfured of the peoJ pie is at Muke. Stops tho Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative nromo.Qnlnin,o Tal cure a cola in one day. ro CurJ ray. i'rice 25 cents. EUGENE FIELD'S POEMS A $7.00 BOOK I