The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 15, 1900, Image 1

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Desperate Flohtlno Is Probably
Ahead of the Allies' Expedi
tion In Pao-Tino-Fu.
Attends Church and Listens to a
Non-Political Sermon.
Rebels Defeat the Army of Admiral
Ho Canton Is Shaky Troops
There Have Been Greatly Depleted.
An Uprising Is Threatened in
Southern China The Reform
Movement Divided Into Two Par
ties. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre.
Pekln, Oct. 11. The Boxers are In
ereat force east anil west of Pao-Tlng-Fu.
Chinese olllclal reports are
that the Imperial troops defeated the
Boxers with heavy loss, but Intelli
gence (fathered from the allies and
other sources Indicate that the Chinese
troops were defeated.
Tien-Tsln, Oct. 12. The expedition
against Pao-Ting-Fu depaited In the
morning In two columns. The German,
French and Italhn troops who arc to
take part, under command of Genera!
Ballloud, head of the French mllltniy
forces in China, will follow the direct
roue to Pao-Tlng-Fu, while two thou
sand British soldleis, under Lord
Campbell, will make a detour to the
south of Pao-TIng liver through u
number of large villages supposed to
he Boxer communities. Both columns
will keep In touch with the boat and
train which accompanied them. A junk
armed with a naval 12-pounder and
two Maxims is with the Pekln column.
The expedition will make a demon
stration through a wide teiritory not
heretofore covered by the allies. While
no opposition Is expected at,
the commanders believe that hos
tilities are possible in the Intervening
Dysentery Prevalent Among1 Troops
at Tien Tsin.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
London, Oct. It. A special dispatch from Tim
Tsin, under date of Oct. 1A announces the ar
rival at l'chin of 1.1 Hung
A special f 1 0111 Shanghai, dated Oct. 12, fcajs
elvscntcry is raglrg anions the troops at Tien
Tsin, and that Count von intends to
transfer his headquarters to l'ikin bhoitly.
According to u special dispatch from Hour
Kong the rebels have again defeated the auny
of Admiral Ho, who was punning than In u
northeasterly diiection from ban-Chun, hilling
forty aril capturing many of the impeiia! tioopt.
It is reported from Cin'on, sj ,i Knccial dis
patch fiom Shanghil, that the rebel-, have cap
tures Wei-Chou lily, on liier, and that
the imperial troopa lost sixty killed. The lcbi'K
according to these advice-., ntlaikcd Tiuig-Kooii
on Thursday last. If successful in their attack
upon Tung-Koo they will march upon Sung-Tong,
and thence upon Canton.
Thi dispatch adds lint the condition of Can
ton is t-hal.y, .is the lioups there hue been
Greatly depleted.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Akron, O., Oct. 14. William J. Bryan,
the Democratic presidential cundldutc,
spent the day very quietly. Ho was
the guest of Judge Grant, and aside
from going out to church In the fore
noon, he remained Indoors all day. Ho
attended the West Congregational
church and heard a sermon preached
by Rev. J. I Davis, but there were no
political lefercnces In the sermon, and
Mr. Bryan was allowed to come find
go as any other visitor would have
done. Tomorrow Mr. Bryan will con
tinue his Ohio tour and .ill close It
with a night meeting at Cleveland,
after which he will proceed to New
York. During tomorrow, speeches will
be made at New Philadelphia, Alli
ance, Nlles, Youngstown and Lcavltts
burg, In addition to Cleveland. Mr.
Brvan has found his Ohio tour com
paratively restful. Ho has not been
required to make so many speeches a
day, and In most cases the speaking
stands have been in the immediate
vicinity of the railroad depots. He has
also boon relieved of the constant pres
ence of local committees on the train.
The practice In most states Is for com
mittees from each town, at which Mr.
Bryan Is scheduled to stop, to meet
his train an hour or two before their
town is reached and ride In with him.
In consequence the train was generally
overcrowded and Mr. Bryan's time and
strength overtaxed.
In the Ohio tour the state commit
tee has been represented, but commit
tees from the various stopping places
have not boon encouraged by the state
managers, the result being to give the
national candidate far more time for
rest and reading and the preparation
of speeches than he ordinarily has.
The good effect of nil this care is seen
in the physical condition of the candi
date. He now bids fair to be in ex
cellent shape when he reaches New-York.
The Governor Explains Whu It Is
So Difficult to Corner Cor
porations in New York.
Straightforward Discussion of the
Trusts Brought to the Surface by
the Insinuations of Mr. Bryan.
Efforts That Are Being Hade to
Dissolve the Ice Trust Bryan Is
to Be tho'Guest of Mr. Croker.
By Exclusive Wire from The Awoclatlil Trf
Spring Station, Ky Oct. 14. Hera
since early this morning, eighteen
miles from Lexington, Governor Roose
velt's special train has rested on a
Louisville and Nashville sidetrack.
The candidate for vice president, ac
companied by Leslie Coombs, chair
man of the Republican state central
Summary of Data in a Publication on
Trusts and Industrial Combinations,
By Exclusive Wire from 'J he Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. l-l.llnn. Carroll
D. Wright, commissioner of labor, has
Issued a bulletin giving a summary
of data In a previous publication on
"Trusts and Industrial Combinations,"
showing the rate of wages In various
occupations for a period extending
back In most cases from the present
year to ISM. The data was secured
directly from the pay-rolls of estab
lishments In nil sections of the coun
try. The Information contained per
tains to one hundred and forty-eight
establishments, representing twenty
six industries and 192 occupations.
Those items for which data for the'
whole period was not given were ex
cluded from consideration In the sum
mary. All the data Included, except
those forming, relate to manufacturing
industries, the data relative to steam
railroads and street railways having
been excluded from the summary.
The bulletin says that, while the data
from which the table of wages was
prepared do not afford the basis for
a strictly scientific calculation of rela
tive wages, a careful examination of
the figures leads to the belief that
they are fairly representative and un
doubedly approximate very closely the
actual conditions for the whole coun
try. The summary shows as follows
Considerable Opposition Is Mani
fested fluainst Granting Further
Concessions to Miners.
Individual Operators of the Wyo
ming Begion Are Opposed to Tie
ing Themselves TJp to any Agree
ment They Are Evidently Hold
ing off to See What the Large Oper
ators Will Do General Gobin
Awaits Decision.
Weather Indications today,
General Opcratois Will Not Notice Action
of Miners' Cunvintlun.
Opposition In llnzlctou lteglnn to Miners'
Boxer Swarm About I'ao-TinR-Pu.
Colonel ltooevelt to Don. Dickinson.
General Northeastern Pcnnsvhanla.
The Awakening (Story).
Local Sermon by ltev. Dr, Clias. II. Itoblnson.
Assessor Jones Taken to Task.
Newt and Comment.
Loral Total Abstainer
Work This Winter.
Will Do Active
G Local West Scranton and Suburban.
T Kouml About the County. "
3 Local Saturday's Foot Il.ill IlcsulLi.
Financial and Commercial.
committee; Mrs. Coombs, Major Her- tn'u average for wages for 1&91 being
sey, of Rough Rider fume, and Colonel taken as n basis and representing one
Curtis Guild, jr., spent the day at the hundred:
Henry Wilkins Becomes Despondent
Over 111 Health and Kills Himself.
Two Reform Movements and the Up
rising of the Black Flags.
y Exclusio Wire from The Associated Press.
Paris, Oct. 11. Utters received in diplomatic
tirdcs here throw .i dealer Unlit on
Hie situation In (southern China, lu-ie an antl
J.wiastio uprising is now in prowess. 'J he lefoim
movement there is dMdwl Into two distinct
parlies, one led by Kanis Yu Wei and the other
by Sun Sen. The former is airitnhm for
drastic reforms, hut wishes to letnin the picsont
dj nasty, while Sun Vat Sen alms at deposing
tne empress nouager and making a clean sweep
of die elstlm,' U'trinie. The latter is leading
ll.i present rebellion. The last authentic mwa
or him was of his presence at Yokoliuni thuo
months nifn. Put since then he is held'tcil to
have fmmrKled himself into Southern t hin.i and
to be leadinir tho ltctonni-t rebel fnic."., ids plan
of rampnictn belnj the capture of ('.intim, when,
lie caliulates, tho whole of South (liliu will
join him. In the event of his xcriously thic.iten
inc Canton, Oioit llrlt.iln and Krani'e, poo.ihly
assisted by the othrx powers, would bo foued In
eppose him. which would iieato n unions hllui.
tlon. The poweis would then be actlne; against
the rebel forces in tho Miuth, whkh are ami.
dji.astie and friendly to foiclj;iici, and nt the
same time engaged in Hipprcsslng the lioer ie.
bclllnn in the ucilli, which is pio-dyuistiu and
fn tho meantime, Hang Yu Wei is inactive,
owing, it is supposed, to the pre-ouio biought
to bear on him by Jliltain, to which tuun.
try ho owes his llbeily, If not his lile, for lie
eteaped from the clutches of the, onipiivc dow.
igcr on board n lliitUb wan-hlp bonic tlmo ago.
At tho prisent moment there aro two armed
movements in Southern China that of the itii.
formists, led by Sun Sen, and the ant.
foreign, pro-dvmsllo uprising of the Black
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Now York, Oct. 14. Henry Wilkins,
a Nassau street saloon-keeper, killed
himself today. He was despondent
over ill bealth.
Wilkins left his home in Brooklyn in
the morning after kissing his wife sev
eral times. AVhen he got to his saloon
in this city he telephoned an under
taker, telling him that a friend of his
was dead and the undertaker would
probably get the Job of burying him.
At noon he sent a bootblack with a
note to Mrs. Wilkins and followed this
with another by a second bootblack
to the undertaker.
The two notes announced his suicide
and brought thp wife and undertaker
to the saloon. Not being able to get
In, the police were brought and broke
down the door. On the bar was a
note which read: "Body in the Ire
Wilkins was found dead in the ble
ice box In the cellar. The door of it
was shut tight and gns fumes filled it.
The body hung by a piece of clothes
lino from two hooks driven Into a joist
overhead. A 43-callbre revolver was
tied about his chest, and a rubber hose
fastened to the gas fixture hung nt
his .side. The arrangement of the re
volver showed great care and pains.
It was fastened with a piece of clothes
line, tho strands of which had been
unwound and so fastened to the
Weapon as to make it point almost di
rectly to the man's heart. A yard of
twine fastened to tho trigger had a
loop In the other end of it, so as to
make it possible for Wilkins to slip his
foot into it and pull the trigger In fhat
way. Ho had evidently stood on a
half barrel nearby, adjusted the ropo
and tho revolver nnd had turned on
the gas and put the end of the tube
In his mouth. Ho had then stenneel off
the barrel. There was a bullet wound
in his chest and two cartridges in the
revolver had been discharged.
residence of A. J. Alaxander, situated
in the center of a farm comprising
3300 acres. Before leaving Louisville,
word was given out that the train
would proceed at once to Lexington,
but a secret order directed that it stop
over Sunday In the country to enahie
the governor to recover from the fa
tigue caused by his unusually hard
work of the last few days.
The rest brought about the desired
physical brightening. The governor's
voice has almost entirely lost its hus
kiness and he says he feels as well
as on the first day of the campaign.
Early tomorrw' morning tho special
will leave for Lexington, arriving there
at 6 a. m.
Tonight Governor Roosevelt gave out
an open letter to Don M. Dickinson,
of Michigan, in response to tho follow
ing from Mr. Dickinson:
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 11.
Jiy Dear Sir: Yesterday anil todav Jlr. III. v. in
is speaking in this state. The pro-Bryan piper
publishes this morning, among other things, tl e
following report of his utterances:
"He talked about the tiust in every town he.
spoke. In si of these towns today the ijuest'on
was tired at Bryan by Republicans, who asked
him to explain about the trusts. He bad an an
swer tliat made the crowd guy the o,ucs.lioncr.
It was:
" 'There is a Republican governor and a He
publican legislature in New York and what have!
they done to throttle- the ir-c tiust? Answer me
that. But then you know- the Republican gour
nor of New Y'ork has not time to bother with
the ice trust, for in is too busy out here telling
you about it.' "
The same charge was made by Mr. Bryan at
length in Nebraski and all the press of the coun
try had your answer to it, glen, I think, in a
speech in the same state. Every reader of the
papers, too, knows of your action as governor
in respect to the ice trust and I am under the
in-prei-sion alao that jou lecommended the legis
laliou under whiih turh a trust might be
readied in New Yoik. Your friend,
Don M. Dickinson.
To Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Terrc Haute, Ind.
Year. Relative wanes.
IM'1 ,100(10
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The bulletin concludes as follows:
It may be stated -that during the
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prss.
Hazleton, Oct. 14. The Individual
coal operators who could be seen here
today declined to discuss the action
taken by the anthracite miners' con
vention nt Scranton yesterday. Neith
er would they say what steps the em
ployers would probably take. It is
evident from their reticence that the
individual mine owners are -waiting to
see what tho large coal carrying rail
roads that mine coal will do. It Is re
ported in tho coal region tonight that
the presidents of these railroads will
hold u conference in New York tomor
row for discussion of the action of the
There was a story afloat today that
the operators will accept the conven
tion's decision, but nothing has come
to the surface In this region on which
to base the report.
The United Mine Workers' ofllcials
say that they are now again waiting
on tho operators and that they will
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Shanghai, Oct. 11. The progress of tho Chinese
court toward Sian Ku, the new capltol, has been
delayed In consequence of the presence of sup.
posed Mahommcdan rebels In tho province of
Chen 81.
The Intercollegiate Association Pre
sents Medals,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Oct. U. Tho executive ami ndvls.
cry committee of the Intercollegiate Association
of Amateur Athletes of America, at a joint meet
Ins at the Fifth avenue hotel today, allowed
the following records. Standard tecord medals
were awarded In each case, thu records having
been mado at tho recent gamts:
A. I'law, Unlterslty of California, for throw,
ing the 10-pound hammer, 1SI feet 4!s inches;
F. Beck, Yale, Id-pound shot, 11 feet 3 Inches:
Alexander tirant, University of IViiiikjUjiiIj, lm0
mile run, 0 minutes SI '" bccouds.
By Exclualvo Wire from 'the Associated Press.
korgctown, Ky Oct. II. Tho condition of
B. Youtsey is uncuanged tonight. The
iniprcbslon Is that the prosecution will
strong effort to have the trial resumed
Genumi De Wet Proclaims That
Burgners Who Refuse to Eight
Will Be Made Prisoners.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Capo Town, Oct. 14. Tho Boers are
very active In the Kroonstadt district.
General Do Wet has proclaimed that
the burghers who refuse to light will
be made prisoners of war.
British mounted infantry, scouting
from Lindley, had Captain Wiltshire
killed, through mistaking a party of
forty Boers In khaki for friends,
Boer commandoes continually har
lasscd tho British column while
marching from Lindley to Kroonstadt.
The Boers captured a detachment of
the Cheslro regiment, which was es
corting an empty wagon, near Frank
fort. They released tho driver, but
kept the wagon.
Unfavorable Influence Exerted Upon
Dy KxcIusio Wire from The Associated I'rcst.
Berlin, Oct. . Last week tho Bourse had a
tevcie setback, which wiped out the advance
nude the week before. There were numerous fac
tors exerting an unfavorable Influence upon tpecu
lAtcii. Tho Chinese sltu.-.ttort is now considered
unfavorable. The rise in New York exchango
and tho unsatisfactory rcpoits of tho condition of
tho Iron and coal trades depressed values gen
erally. Coal shares had the worst week, perhaps, of
the last six months, Wcstphalian newspapers
have asserted that tho suddUm are llkeiv in nut.
run thu demand of next April. Many standard I
(-f..l al-avaa fsll .mava At..... 1 .. t. '
v iiMtt. tM tuv.y tuau leu UVU1CS.
Roosevelt's Reply.
Governor Roosevelt's reply, dated
Evansvllle, Ind., Oct. 12, follows:
Hon. Don. M. Dickinson, Detroit, Midi.
My Dear Su: I thank you very much for vour
letter of the 11th Instant. When Mr. Brjan talks
ns in quotation contained in .vour letter, he tlm
ply sajs whit he cither knows or ought to
know tn be without the slightest foundation in
fact. He made a similar statement In N'ebiasU,
I then answered him and asked him in leturn
whether he would pay the obligation!, of the
government In gold or silver if elected. lie
never nnswered my question, but as my state,
incut was printed bioadcast lie must have seen
It and tlicieforo he must know that tlioic is no
warrant in fact for the statement ns to the tin
trust. In my message to thu New- York logic
lalurt; I recommended certain action about trusts,
The legislature did not act along the line I
suggested, bi)t It did pass a very stringent anti
trust bill, Introduced by a member, and 1 signed
It. Tho attorney general is now proceeding
nyainst the ico trut under this bill. Mr. Croker
and his fellow stockholders in the ico tiust,
through their attorneys, aio fighting us on tech.
nlcal legal points through every stage of the
Now, as I say, Mr. Ilrjan knows all this from
my previous answer. He knows peifectly well
that I cannot "suppress the ice trust" in any
manner save by duo proiess of law, unci that
the attorney gen:ial Is proceeding against it
under the law and is being hampered by tho
delajs inevitable in attacking u coipoiatlon well
defended by able lawyers retained, as is natural,
when the corporation contains stockholders .is
wealthy as Mr. Croker and his associates. Mr.
Br)an knows that whero the uttorney general
Is undu taking tliese proceedings I have abso
lutely nothing; to do with them. He therefore
knows that I have taken every step that can
be poatibly taken In thu matter. Under these
circumstances, It is unnecessary for me to coin
ment on his continual repetition of a statement
which lie must know lues not the slightest foun
dation in fact.
Whether the Ico trust can legally be dissolved
is a question which must be settled by the
courts and similarly it Is a question to be set
tled in accordance to law whether or not any of
the Tammany leaders who hold stock In It are
amenable under the law. The trust Itself Is cer.
tatnly one that can be said to be a bad trust,
dealing as It dos In an article of necessity for
the poor of New Y'ork. I have no doubt, how.
ever, that most of the stockholders have Invested
fn it simply as they would Invest in any other
corporation, sue sinning point Is tint among
the heaviest of tbesu investors appear the Tam
many Bryanltc ltad.-rs, who, In conjunction nitli
Mr. Brian are loudest in denouncing trusts.
Hypocrisy roull be carried no further than it
has been carried by tliese men and their defend,
ers. In the Tammany tato convention in New
Y'ork they actually denounced the ice trust In
their polltlral capicity, while In their private
capacity they wtic stockholders in it am!
through their counsel were ilolng everything to
prevent its dissolution by the attorney general.
Mr. Br.van Is now .going to New York tu be the
political guest of Mr, Croker, the Ice trust
bcncBciary, He is going there to try to help Mr.
Croker get the control of the state of New- Y'ork
and bring It down fo the level of Infamy to
which Tammany government has reduced (lie city
of New Y'ork. Again It' seems to mo that this
needs no further comment than is inipliei) In the
tateinent of the facts, y
With hearty thanks for jour klndnea, I am
Faithfully yours,
Theodore Ksoscvelt.
years In which the course of wages de- continue to close up the collieries that
tiuiL-u, cue: leicus uc uoe unci ia'J2 in ciu-ve uercii in ucjurueiuii since cue siriite
iii.iiiy iiiHcanues remeuneci uncnangea,
and -in like manner trie -lust few years,
in which the generalfcourse of wages
had been upward, thJ wages in these
instances nave not, orijcourse, respond
ed to the general rls'e In other in
stances the price of decrease was no
tably largo during the'tyears of de
pression, while during? ihe last two
years of the period the reverse is true
and a much larger increase really
took place than that indjeated by the
table. In other words, wages In some,
instances show but little fluctuation,
while In other Instances they are much
more sensitive responding quickly to
general conditions of depression or ac
tivity. The average condition or gen
eral level only is shown In the table,
and while, for the reasons stated, the
fluctuations during tho period have not
been so great as popular opinion would,
indicate, the figures for 1S99 and 1900
show a gratifying average Increase
over the conditions of 1S91 and 1S92,
when wages in gold were higher than
at any period in the history of the
country prior to tho present year.
Practically That His Efforts Were
Responsible for Settlement.
Operator, It Is Said, Will Not Tata
Aim GoonizancR of the Action
of Miners' Convention.
Received by His Brother, of Pasa
dena, California Startling Tales
Are Promised. s
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Benton Harbor, Mich., Oct., 14. Dr.
E. L. Conger, of Pasadena, California,
arrived here yesterday, and found a
letter waiting for him from Minister
Conger, at Pekln.
The letter, In part, reads:
Pekln, Chilli, Aug. 21, 1MW.
Dear Brother and histcr: This is the- first per
soiml letter that I have written alncp oui provi
dential deliverance. Wc luvc had a serious
siege and some time I will tell jou tiles that
will nuke jour hair stand. The facts have made
mine stand. We .lie safo and well, l.aura not
sticng, but much better than when the tumble
bffc'.m. Hoisc meat and rice was tho diet she
needed. Tho lellef aruved the 11th. 1 have
been overwhelmed with work since. Yesterday
I received most touching congratulations fioin
President Mclvlnley anil tioveinov bhaw. It was
the first word received by any of us since the
relief arrived. (Signed) JM.
Vice-Chairman of Republican Execu
tive Committee Gives Pigures.
By K ctluslve Wire fiom Tho Associated Press.
Chicago, Oct. 11. Henry C. Payne,
vice-chairman of tho llepubllcun na
tional executive committee, tonight
gave out his first forecast of the elec
tion. Mr. Payne made an estimate of
the vote by states, and In doing so di
vided the states into four classes,
twenty-four states, having 270 electoral
votes, certatn for McKlnloy; twelve
states, having 115 electoral votes, cer
tain for Bryan; six states, having 38
electoral votes, In which tho chances
of Republican success are even, and
three states, having 24 votes, in which
the chances aro slxty'to forty In favor
of tho Democrats.
oegan lour wecits ago. There are
many reports in circulation that If the
strike continues much longer a break
In tho ranks of the idle men will oc
cur. President Mitchell and his associate
ofllcials, however, re-assert their con
fidence that the men, both union and
non-union, will remain away from tho
mines until the strike Is declared off.
There is a fear prevalent in this re
gion that If some of the men do re
turn to work trouble would probably
arise through efforts of the strikers
to persuade the men to remain on
All the collieries that are working
still remain heavily guarded.
The Opposition.
Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 14. A canvass of
the operators of the Wyoming valley
today shows that there is considerable
opposition to granting the miners any
more concessions than those outlined
in the original offer, namely, ten per
cent, increase i'lthout any conditions.
The Individual operators, especially,
are opposed to tleing themselves up
to any agreement. One operator said
the only way the strike can bo settled
is for tho strikers to accept the ten
per cent, without any provisions.
Superintendent Chase, of the Lehigh
Valley Coal company, said:
"Not much dependence can bo placed
on the men when It comes to arbitra
tion. This was shown In the case of
Mr. Markle. He favored arbitration,
but at tho behest of Mitchell his miners
repudiated tho agreement they made
with their employers. Tho demand of
the strikers that the operators should
agree to pay the increased wages for
a fixed period is too arbitrary, and tho
companies will hardly agree to It."
Despite tho views of the operators,
tho Impression here Is that the strike
will be ended this week.
General Gobin Anxious.
Shenandoah, Oct. 14. General Gobin
Is anxiously waiting the verdict of tho
operators In regard to the terms of
settlement agreed upon at tho Scran
ton convention. He Is anxious to got
away and to send the troops home, but
tho outbreaks at Oneida and Lattlmor
last week and the condition of affairs
In the .Panther Creek region causes
him to hesitate, and It is probable that
there will bo no movement of troops
until It Is known whether tho pro
posed terms of agreement aro accept
able to the operators.
Tho camp of the Fourth regiment Is
built on a side hill, and during the
heavy rainstorm early this morning
tho water flowed through tho tents In
streams and tho mess tents wore
blown down.
Will Be Guided by Reading.
Shenandoah, Oct, 14.In an Inter
view with tho representative of tho
Associated Press, D, It, James, senior
partner of tho Cambridge Coal com
pany, said his company has always
paid tho same rate of wages as the
Philadelphia and Reading company.
and would be guided entirely by tho
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Chicago, Oct. 14. During a (political
meeting hero last night, at which
Senator Hanna was the chief speaker,
one of the audience nsked him:
"How about the Pennsylvania
"It will be settled tomorrow," was
the reply.
Senator Hanna also declared prac
tically that his efforts were largely re
sponsible for the concessions made to
the men by tho coal mine operators.
Chicago, Oct. It. Senator Hanna,
when asked about his statement mado
last night during a meeting ot Forty
second nnd Hermann streets, that the
Pennsylvania miner's strike would
come to an end, today said
President of the Temple Iron Com
pany Says the Operators Aro Not a
United Body and Could Not Act on
the Convention's Proposition Evan
If They Were so Disposed Mr.
Puller Says It Is Not Up to the
Operators to Do AnythingReso
lutions That Were Adopted at tho
Convention and What Led Up to
Them Some More About the Mys
terious Mr. Gurnsey.
Following is tho result of th'e conx'
vention of miners called to pass uuon
the operators' offer to advance wagea
ten per cent:
Whereas, The anthracite coal opeiators have
offered to increase wages 10 per cent, over wages
formeily paid, and have signillcd their willing
nesa to adjust all other grievances of their em
ployes, and
Whereas, They have filled to specify for what
length of time thi3 would remain in
force, and have also failed to abolish the sliding
scale of determining wages.
We would recommend that this convention ac
cept an advance of 10 per cent., providing the
operators will continue Its pajment until April
1. 1001. and will abolish the nllilinc- nrnlr. In
'I did not profess prophetic insight 'ho Schuylkill nnd Lehigh regions. The scale of
into the strike situation In Pennsylva
nia, but the last news received from
tho center of disturbances is to the
effect that a settlement is near. Ad
vices received by business men coin
cide twith this statement and I am
told a compromise of the difuculty is a
certainty within a few days at least."
The Pirst Annual Meeting Will Be
Held at Lancaster Novem
ber 2 and 3.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Tress.
Philadelphia, Oct. 14. Lancaster,
Pa., is the place selected by the Penn
sylvania congress of mothers for its
first annual meeting on November 2
and 3. The selection was made in
answer to an invitation from the Iris
club, of Lancaster, and through tho
courtesy of its president, Miss Alice
Nevlns, the club house will be made
tho headrjuartets for the congress for
tho two days.
Tho session will opin November 2 at
11 a. m. and tho programme of the
meetings are of great Interest, In
cluding an address from Mrs. T. W.
BIrney, president of the national
body, and a paper from Mrs. Freder
ick Shoff, president of tho Pennsyl
vania congress, the latter dealing with
the laws which In all tho different
states govein and provide for help
less or mi.sdemeanlng children.
Friday ut 8 p. m., Prof. O'Shea, head
of the school of education at tho Uni
versity of Wisconsin, will speak on
"Characteristics and Training of
Mrs. Kirkbrido, of Philadelphia, who
has devoted tlmo and attention to the
formation of tho Children's League of
Good Citizenship; Miss Hall, principal
of tho Philadelphia School of Practice
nnd other prominent women of tho
state will tell of .their technical work,
or take part in discussions as to the
duties of parents and teachers.
Tho congress extends a cordial Invi
tation to every man aijd woman In
terested In children and their develop
ment, training and advancement, to
be present at tho meeting at Lancas
ter. ,
As hotel accommodations aro limited,
It might 1)9 well to secure places fur
tho night of Novembar 2 well In ad
Agricultural Appliances in Demand
in New South Wales,
lli Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 11, A letter lecclved at the
I'lilted States dcpaitmcnt of agriculture from
Penrith College, New South Wales, Aiiatialla,
calls attention to the great need of improved
Opes of agricultural machinery ifi that colony,
Tho writer states that theie are not half a
dozen machines for cutting and collecting maize
action of that company In tho matter ' '" Ipw Sou,h "fl,es an'1 a macl'im' w cutting
. j mm - iiuvAii AUn.i n niltil Iia dt. nlliv rtfttiAkil frtfi.l 1.1 fls..
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Treat
New Castle, Pa., Oct. H. -Oscar Kospl, one
of the victims of the terrible accident which
happened at tho Pittsburg and Lake Kilo cross
ing, near Caibon, this county, last night, re
turned to consciousness today. The dead arc
John Koible, a prosperous tanner; IHIen Kor
ble, diughter, aged 10 jcais, and Annie Korbie,
daughter, aged 7 .vcais. had several ill's and cheekbone broken
and bruUed all over the body. Ilu will llin.
Kospi claims that the pally did not see the
tiain or hear the wliUtlo blow until they were on
the track.
By Exclusive Wiic from 'I be Associated Press.
I.oiiloit. Oil. ll--'lio following announce
ment ap,iear techy In the Court I ircilar; "Hie
iuc?n has "belli in smu aiixiclv for a wen,
iiuing to the untutUfscloiy accounts uf the
health of KmpresH l'redciiek. lleuoits now.
however, are favorable." I
of acecptlng the term agreed upon by
mo miners m tneir Hcrnnton conven
tion. Terms Not Acceptable.
Shttmokin, Oct. 14. The terms of tho
Scranton convention aro not accepta
ble to opeiators and representatives
of coul carrying companies In this
placo and Mt. Carmel, Tho Reading
ofllcials do not think tho sliding scale
will bo abolished by tho company,
while operatois aro averse tp Blgnlns
a contract binding them to pay the
10 per cent. Increase until April.
No orders have been lecclved as yet
from heudquurters of uny companies
instructing superintendents to ichumc
work tomonow, Miners say they will
not go to work until olllcially udvlseel
by President Mitchell.
By exclusive Who from 'Ihe Associated Tress.
New lurk, Ikt. ll.Airlvcd; l.a 1-orainc,
llavie; Cap tile, Handling and lluiilogne;
(iioiglMi, l.lvvipoolj .Nomadic, Liverpool.
Beach Iftad-Tusstd: Noordland, Antwerp for
New York.
sugar cane would bo greatly appreciated by the
cane growers In the north of that, colony and
in Queensland.
He iuggfsts theie aic great oppoitunities there
fui American manufacturers of
machines, who are desirous of cvtindlng t licit
business be ond the United States.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
C'umbciland, Md,, Oct, II. Tnllrenuu Kduard
O'.'u'lll shot Owen Mouell, u miner of llili
canity, throu?h the heart heio this riomlng,
while trvug to cllcct his auest for lighting.
O'Neill claims, tho shooting wan dune in self
diffuse, and tint Stawell had clinched with him,
and Mrucl. liliu in the mouth with a luck, lie
had n hh tL-l,
My i:xchuliu Wire from The Associated Press.
fiahoton. Oil. 11 llugau Scaly, treasurer of
thu lialvestiin rejlvf fund, acknowledges rctciptu
of cot liibulions fiom Oct. 1 to i inclusive,
amounting to UVSMi. 'Hits Includm 125,000
lii eh od thiough Governor fcaicrs, and $ll,Cil
inched thiough Mavor Jones. Amount prev
iously acknowledged was &7S1.0J3, uuklog the
total tciielalc, fO'U.Ktf.
wages in the last tvjo named districts to remain
stationary at 10 per cent, above the piesent
n.isis price, and that the companies will agree
to adjust the giicvanccx of tlicir other employes.
Should this proposition bo unacceptable to tho
operators, wo recommend that all questions nt
issue be submitted to a fair and board
of aibitration.
We would further recommend that under no
ciicumslanccs whatever should there be a re
sumption of work at any of the collieries until
tho operatois ngnlfy their acceptance of this
proposition, and until jou aie notified officially
that the utriko is ended and all return to work
in a body on the saino day.
What tho operators think of tho
proposition emanating from tho miners'
convention is set forth ini tho follow
ing interview had last evening with
President T. H. Watklns, of ho Temple
Iron company. Tho statement came in
response to tho following question:
"What will be your action in regard
to the answer given by the United
Mine Workers in their convention to
tho advance in- wages made by your
company and some of the others?"
"I cannot answer that dcllnltely at
this time. Wo will give our men re
sonablo time to return to work, trust
ing that they will see the mistake of
being guided and Influenced by men
who, however honest and sincere they
may be In their efforts to benefit the
miners of tho anthracite region, aro
unable to advise them Intelligently and
for their best good, because of their
Ignorance of the conditions controlling
tho trade.
Not a United Body.
"Mr. Mitchell npparcntly thinks that
the control of the mining operations
rests In the hands of one or two per
sons, notably Mr. Morgan, or that
there Is a trust of some sort which
can decide tho whole question, when,
as a matter of fact, there aro only,
three or four of the transportation
companies In which nny one concern
has any Influence, nnd they do not
represent more than thirty per cent,
ot the whole anthracite tonnage, Moro
than one hundred different companies
and individuals are interested In min
ing to tho total tonnage, and no one
man can control or have the slightest
Influence over their action.
"Ono thing the companies aro ap
parently agreed upon and that Is that
they will not agree. Kfforts have been
made for years to got some plan to
which all could agree, to control tho
tonnage, so that fair prices could be
secured for a product which requires
so large an Investment of money with
such a great risk to tho labor cm
ployed, as well as tho capltul cm
ployed, but effort after effort has failed
through failure to agree on a plan
that would not violate tho laws, and
to which all would agree,
"But Mr, Mitchell conies here and
says, In elt'ect: 'No matter how well
you may trout your employes, or how
much you pay them, or what agree
ments you may have with them, your
men must not go to woik until every
operator does just exactly what the
other one does, and that the Lohlch
and Schuylkill men must have a new
basis before tho men In the Lacka
wanna and Wyoming region can go to
"There aro some Individual operators
and somu companies who will lose their
last dollar before they will enter into
ait arrangement with other operators
or will Join In an arrangement to roc
osnlzo the union by ugteelng to any
Continued on page 6,'
-f U Us ff
4- . . x
4- Washington, Oct. H. ForcMt for 4
-f Monday and Tuesday: Eastern I'cnnsyl- -f
vanla I'alr Monday and Tuesdays freah ..
4- noitbwcsteily nlndi. 4,
' .1
V s
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r sar-rfwH.,--as,jMMl..'ig.'.J