i 5' fsu. .V ' , H - ,'.'- fr Sj LW & l tV f ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1900. 9 -$1 a F.'T l LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE WILL HOLD AUTOPSY. )' " ' f Coroner Will Irapnnol Jury In Her- f v bert Case. Edward Herbert, who wns stnbbftci ' Sunday night nnd who lingered be tween lite nnd death four dnys find one-hnlf, died early vcstcrtlnv morn ing. Coronor Hoberts has announced that he will hold nn Inquest at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Deceased wnB the only snn of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Herbert, with whom lie resided at 173. Dundaff street. He was born In this city, May S, 1872, and Js parents are the only Immediate rrvlvbrs. The funeial will bo held nda'y afternoon at ,1 o'clock, llev. It. K Sawyer, of Trinity 10jlcopnl church, officiating. A FRIGHTENED FAMILY. LThe members of the family of Itobr-rt oyles have been thrown Into a state of fear by the escape of Movies from the Hillside home. Tt will be remem bered that Moyles was convicted of mistreating his family and that the doctor pronounced him Insane nnd he was placed In the Hillside homo In stead of In Jail. While before court he jumped throiiRh the court house win dow to the lawn, fully thirty feet bil low. Movies twice escaped from his prison before and the tliltd escape was made Wednesday. He broke through a window and then bcalod the fence. He was since seen, It Is said, at Olyphnnt, but no further trace of him has been found. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Joseph Jermyn, nf Scrnnton, was fi caller In Carbondale yesterday. The Carbondale Commercial Institute will In a few days move from Salem nvenue to the Anthracite building. Miss Mary Kennedy haa returned from New York. Miss Cora Estnbrook Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ncalon have returned from New York. Miss Grace Heller, of Seeleyvllle, Is Visiting friends in this city. Therp is still no coal for sale nt thn Delaware and Hudson chutes except to employes of the company who are working, and these can secure only stove or egg coal. The parts for the new pipe organ for St. Bose church hnve arilved and a gang of organ builders nrc putting it in position In the new edifice. Alderman S. S. Jones will preside at the mock trial to be given in the room of the Young Men's union next Tues day evening. PECKVILLR. The local board of health, after vis iting the source of supply of the Arch bald i (atcr company, which company fuinip.ies water to Blakely borough consume:;!, have decided tint th-i water is pure and wholesome. The board also made i tour of the bor ough and found many unsanitary places, which will receive their Im mediate attention. For spvernt day3 past, there have bean no n-;v cases of typhoid fever reported, and It Is thought that prccurtionary methods and the coming on of cold weather Jill effectl-ely stump out the disease. The sKth annual reunion of the English family was celebrated Wed nesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homr English. ot Hickory street. There was a large attendance. A very Interesting programme had been pre viously prepared, consisting of recita tions, Instrumental music and songs. After the rendering of the programme the following officers were chosen for tne ensuing year: President, Cameron English; secretary. William Williams: treasurer, John English. It was voted that the next gathering, or reunion, would be held at the home of Mr. Norman English, at Freytown, Pa., on October 11, 1901. The following people were present: Mr. and Mrs. Alexan der English, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron English, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Campbell, Mrs. Mary Campbell, Mrs. rtobecra Hatch, of New Albany, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Norman English. Mr. and Mrs, P. n. English, son and daughter, Charles EngllFh, Mr. und Mrs. William Bas ley and daughter of Freytown, Lacka wanna county; Mrs. Elizabeth Turner, of Scott; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Sutter; Nora, Gus and Anna Sutter, Lehigh; Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Daniels. Hnwley, Pa.; Mr. and Mr. J. B. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams and family, MUs Sarah Decker, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Snyder and daughter, Mrs. John Decker nnd son, Mrs. Frederick G. Snyder, of Scranton; Miss Lucy Van Gorder, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vun Gorder. Moscow; Mr. and Mrs. John English, Joseph English, Mr. und Mr, ITomer English, Mua Arthur, Frink WPltc-r, , Eddie and Ah In English, 1 Peckvllle, and William J Ruth, Carl and 'Rnlpn Williams, of Scranton. Pecltvlllo Baptist church, Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor. Servieu tomorrow nt 10.30 n. ?n.; subject, "All Things Are v Vour's." Sabbath school at 11.30. In the evening u union temperance meet ing will be held In the Mrthodlst church. Service In the Presbyterian church Bundoy at 10.30 a. m., Itav. S, H, Moon, pastor. Subject, "God's Work Within Us." Union temperance service In the evening at the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. W. S, Bloes nnd son, Lee, nre upending a few days with Wilkes Barre relatives, Mr. Charles H, Beattys received word Wednesday of the death of his aunt, Mrs. W. D. Osborne, of New Tork city. Mr. and Mrs. Beattys will leave today to attend the funeral. MOSCOW, Harriet Bird, aged 4 years, S months and 2 days, daughter of ..Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, died Thursday night, The funeral will bo held In the Madison vllle church, Sunday at 11 a. m. In terment will be made in the Union cemetery, Daniel Gardner left Monday for Phil adelphia, where he will resume his EVERY WOMAN StBOtlXM nMdi a rtllaolt, rceatkly. WgoUtlna madlelno.. Only barmlas Ui ltMaititlJUfiaoBllbat4. JJvouwuuhotml.fet a Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal PUfls v!Tjiyor prompt, Mfo and oerUln la roulU " w w Tbo "cniifoft (Dr. Peal') inter diiaDDolnt Bold for tl.00tr box. fr, 4UV by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pnarmtclat, ccr. Wyemlng avenue and sruca iri. studies nt the University of Pennsyl vania, Mrs. B. O. Kills, of Lmng Island City, who has been spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. John Scott, re turned home Thursday. The Loyal Temperance Legion held a social In their rooms Wednesday evening, "Itally Sunday" services will be held In the Methodist Episcopal church by the Sunday school Sunday morning, services beginning at 10 o'clock. The parents are especially Invited to at tend. Howard Robinson left Monday to at tend school at Philadelphia. Bert Blesecker has purchased Lance Dcl'ew's place on Brown street nnd moved there this week. A surprise pnrty was tendered Miss Itnchel Van Brunt nt hrr home. Oct. (1. A large number of friends were pres ent. The overling was spent In games, etc., until a lute hour, when supper was served. William Hinds has moved In the house vncated by Bert Blesecker. Mrs. John Scott Is spending a few days nt Long Ialand Cltv. JERMYN AND MAYFIBLD Sunday Sorvlcea Pny-Dny nt Hill side Collieries Personal News. "Follow Thou me" will be the sub ject of the third nnd last of the series of moi nlng sermons on the general text, "Whosoever would come aftPr me, let him deny himself and take up his cross dally und follow me," at the Flr-ht Baptist church tomorrow. In the evening the third of a course of ser mons on "The Handwriting on the Wall" will be delivered. At the Primitive Methodist church the pnstor's subjects u 111 be: Morning, "A Christian's Best;" evening, "Back sliding." The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles' Aid society of the Primitive Methodist church will be held Mondny afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. Mayne. While digging a ditch In the neigh borhood of Hosmer Fowler's residence, on Fourth street, this week, an Indian arrow point was found. The point was a perfect one, nearly four inches In length. The employes of the Glenwood, Erie and Keystone collieries will recelw their September pay today. Dr. S. D. Davis and Silas B. Hill went to Carbondale last evening to ploy some of the Carbondale whlsters. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole, of May field, died yesterday. Engineer Wllmot Hall-and famllv are moving Into the Dunn property on Main street, lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Dltmore. Miss Mamie Roberts.of Second street. Is taking a course of study in the Scranton Commercial school. A little Bon arrived yesterday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoft somer, of Bacon street. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Muldoon. of the East Side, have moved to Brad ford, where they expect to reside per manently. Mrs. Mary Green, of Plttston. is vis iting her son, L. A. Green, of South Main street. The annual meeting of the Jermyn Cemcterv association will be held in Enterprise hall next Friday evening. Miss Mary Bradley, of Bacon strrpt, is visiting in New York city. Mr. A. J. Gavin, of the Forest house, wns a Scranton visitor on Thursday. Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dempsey, of Third street, is ill, threat ened with an attack of typhoid fever. OLYPHANT. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hathaway en tertained a company of friends at their home in Blakely Thursday evening. Several pleasant hours were enjoyed iy the members of the party. Mrs. George Douglass, of Blakely, who was painfully injured by" a fall on Monday Is Improving. Services will be resumed In St. George's Episcopal mission, in Ed wards' hall, tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Rev. E. J. Hnugton will preach. Rev. Anthony Iveson, of Houtzdnle, Pa., will occupy the pulpit in the Primitive Methodist church tomorrow morning and evening. Mrs. Richard Evans and children, of Jermyn, who have been visiting Mrs. John Evans, of Lackawanna street, returned home yesterday. Miss Sadie Rogan attended a euchre party at Carbondale last evening. Miss Carrie Blume, of West Scrnn ton, spent Thursday with Miss Jennie Kennedy, of Blakely. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest David have moved to the Mott residence nt Mott Haven. Mrs. T. W. Wntklnfi nnd Mrs. C. S. Lewsley spent yesterday with Taylor friends. Miss Clara Hull has returned from a month's visit with relatives In New yrk Clarence Bonstein. of Plttston. wns a visitor in town yesterday. A number from here nttended a meeting of the Baptist Young Peo pie's union nt Taylor yesterday. Miss Alice Evans, of Hyde Park, visited friends nt this plnrehon Thurs day. The Russian Independent Political club, of Olyphant, will meet at Hnrrv Blnnlnr's hall, October 22. The club comprises a large membership In Prlcc burg and Olyphnnt. The president Is .Simon Havernlk; vice-president, Harry Wllkaj secretary, Joseph Osenlna. Business of importance. All membeis are respectfully requested to attend. Quinine for Colds. Many people who use quinine for the cui o of colds say that the effect of this drug h, more disagreeable than the disease. Krauso's Cold Cure Is pie rared In a convenient capsule form, and will cure the most deeply sented cold In 24 Hours without any Interrup tion to business. They nre pleasant to take and give you a clear, fresh sonaa tlon while operating, Price 25c. Sold by Matthews Bros. CLARK'S SUMMIT, Mr, and Mrs. Luther Bellows, daugh ter and granddaughter, of East Can- i. Snn&WSS ACTS GENTLY ,,- J K. KlD BOWELS- CLEflNSeS THE SYST CLEANS EFFECTUALLY, DirUAU PERMANENTLY ,TSBESAtECT5' BUY THE GENUINE -MAN'F'D BY !r9RNIAjTG5YRVP v05V' C-Stn'"VC'.V fAr FOR SALC 6V All 0BU66I5TS. PRICt SOc.PtRBOTTl ton, Bradford county, are visiting Mr. Arthur Grlffln. Miss Carrie Dntorman Is visiting friends In Philadelphia, J. Joseph, of Scranton, was a caller hero yesterday. O. Benham, of Dockertown, N. J., and Ed. Shove, of TJntondale, N. J wore the guests of M. Louis Buckley last Thursday. Ernest Buckley, who was seriously Injured by the collapse of the water tank at the condensery, Is convalesc ing. Mr. Merton Colvln, who was also Injured at the snme time, Is not so well. F. W. Tenant and Ward Farkor have returned from York slnto with a car load of horses. returned from Sayrc, Pa., where they have been visiting Mrs. Merrill's par ents. Mr. Daniel Leighton, of York state, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. James McCormlck Inst Wednesday. Mrs. G. E. Merrill and baby have bany, New York, are visiting Rev. nnd Mrs. C. A. Reynolds nt the Metho dist Episcopal parsonage, on their wedding trip. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Whitbcck, of Al- The usual Sunday services will be held at the Baptist and Methodist Episcopal churches tomorrow. Orders for the Scranton Tribune can be left at Martin Bold's barber shop. TAYLOR NEWS. William Tell Rifle Club Issue a Chal lenge B. Y. P. U. Rally Religious and Other Newsy Items. The William Tell Rifle club of this towrt, which comprises some of thubeit rifle shots In this valley, Is arranging a match for a scries of games with the Wllkes-Barre Gun club for the championship of both counties. The Baptist Young People's union of the Welsh Baptist church held a very interesting meeting In the church audi torium yesterduy afternoon. Many dele gates from other Baptist unions were present. The occnslon was the pres entation of a banner, which was won by the Taylor Baptist church union for selling the largest number of tickets at a recent excursion of tho societies to Harvey's lake last August. Services at the Welsh Uiptlst church tomorrow as usual, Rev. D. C. Edwards ofliciating; Sunday school at 2 p. m. Sabbath services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. tomorrow at tho Methodist Episcopal church, when the pastor-, Rev. C. B. Henry, will offlclnto, Sun day school at 2.1G p. m.; Ep worth league at G.30 p. m. Mr. Edward E. Davis is erecting a property on Railroad street, just in the rear of his large store property. Preaching at the Welsh Congrega tional church tomorrow at tho usual hours, Rev. J. C. Evans occupying the pulpit. All are welcome. The choir of the Calvary Baptist church and the singers in general are milking preparations to organize a cl'.olr of thirty voices or more to com pete at the Christmas eisteddfod on "Then Around About the Starry Tnrone," prize $30. Tho members of Taylor Hose com pany, No. 1, continue preparing for tho concert nnd bnll which wns postponed recently, owing to tho Impending strike and which will bo held on a future date. Tho very best of talent will par ticipate. Rev. Dr. H. H. Harris will officiate at 10.30 a. m. and C p. m, tomorrow nt tho Calvary Baptist church. Sunday school at 2 p, in, Mrs. William M. Evans and chlldion, Milton and Bessie, and Miss Ella How- ells have returned from their visit to Dover, N. J. Taylorvlllo lodge, No, 6G8, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet In regular session this evening, Miss Ethel O'Horo, of Main street, has returned from her visit to Car bondale. Miss Mary Samuels, of Hyde Park, was tho guest of her mother here yes terday. Mrs. William T. Harris, of Grove street, contemplates a ttlp to Wales next week, Master Willie Jones, of Carbondale, Is visiting his grandmother, Mrs, R. W, Reese, of Main street. Mrs, D, S. Price and son, Bert, have returned to their horneu In Ransom, after being tho guests of relatives here. Mr. Thomas Edmunds und children, of Virginia, uro visiting relatives In tills place. Why Experiment On Yourself With remedies of doubtful utility when you can get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which has stood the test of time? Twenty-live years' sale and use have proven that remedy to bo u prompt and certain cure for colds. It will cure a cold In a day If tuken as soon as the cold has been contracted und before It has settled In the system. Sold by all druggists. Matthews Bros., wholesale and retail agents. ELMHUBST. Rev. p. I, Frey wns called to New Mllford on Wednesday by the Illness of his wife, who has been holding meet ings there for the past two weeks, Ho will return today. Mrs. KnetUer and' little daughter, Kathryn, returned homc,on Mondny, after a few weeks' visit with rela tives nt Alburtls, Allentown nnd Read ing. Mrs. Byron Bucklnghnin Is at Stroudsburg, visiting her daughter, Bessie, who Is 111 nt the Normal school there. Miss Lou Dunning returned home on Wednesday, nfter spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Q. A, Rob. Inson, nt her honre In Pntchogue, N. J. Frank, the little son of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Partridge, Is suffering with dlphthcrln, Dr. ICnedler Is attending him. Miss Helen Williams Is spending a few days with Scranton friends, Miss Bessie Htirdonbcrg will spend Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mtb. A. B. Clay. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Clark, of Scran ton, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. C. W. Rhodes. Miss Jennie Wert spent Sundny with relatives at Scranton. Mrs. Holllstcr, of Scranton, Is the guest of Mrs. U. G. Sohoonmaker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck and chil dren, of Scrnnton, have been visiting relatives hero. Quite a number from here attended the fair nt Madlsonvllte last Thursday nnd Friday. Miss Lottie Clay spent several days at Scranton this week. Mrs. Byron Buckingham wns the guest of Mrs. Charles H. Schadt at dinner on Wednesday. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. -Afternoon and SATURDAY. Crockett." night, "David Academy of Music. ALL WEEK. Daniel It. Rjan and Company. Gaiety. LAST TIim:n DAYS. Al. Kcecs, Company. This Afternoon nnd Evening. To those who have seen Frank Mayo'i "Davy Crockett' It if only necesary to announce that Gardiner's New York "D.iy Crockett" company, supporting the California actor, Mr. Frank Olc'Ufu, will present a grand scenic mhal of this old-time f.iorlte at the Lceum Saturday, Oct. 1'i, anil that (he play has lieen rcWscd and lirought up to dale with more comedy attached. Younger theater patrons will find "Davy Crock ett" a simple but interesting story of frontier lire. The play is full of heart interest, clean, crisp, thrilling in dramatic situations and made douhly interesting by stage settings and scenic effects. The company presenting the play is a most capa ble one direct from New York city, the leading lady being Miss Helen Hay, uho has won high praise for her rendition of Iter part. "Davy Crockett" will be seen at matinee and evening. At the Academy. The Daniel 11. Ryan company produced at jes terd.iy's matinee "The Three Musketeers'' and last evening "A Fatal Marriage." This afternoon "A Midnight Marrhgc" will be plajed and this evening, "O'Brien the Con tractor." Louis Jame3 and Kathryn Kidder. Louis James and Miss Kathrjn Kidder arc an nnunted to appear at the Ljeeum on next Tues diy evening In a gorgeous "scenic production of Sh il.espearc'a "A Midsummer Night's Dream." These two artists have now been jointly btarrcd by Mecsrs. Wagcnbils and Kemper for four con seiutivc seasons, during which time they have been seen In a scrim of classic revivals which, to say the least, have subserved the best tradi tions ot the American stige. They have earned a large and enviable following among the most cultured element of play-goers throughout the country, which, through the progressive policy of their managers, is augmented m one season succeeds another. In "A Midsummer Night's Dream" bolh ar tists will have congenial roles. Mr. James, who i alua.vs happier in comedy, plajlng the part of Bottom, and Miss Kidder the stately, poetic chimicr of Helena. A complite store Ins been composed for the incidental music, which, to the inii'.Ual mind, will tell a story in itself. Wli.it with the grand stage settings, the pretty ballets of elves and fairies, the tuneful melodies and. the ability of the plajers, it is an entertainment that can hardly fail to fill the theater to its utmost capacity. "When Wo Were Twenty-One." The production of "When Wc Were Twenty one," which N, C. Goodwin and Miss M.ixlnc Elliott will make at the Lveeum next Wednes day night, Oct. 17, is considered one of the most elaborate, artistic and costly in the his tory of tho American stage. The story of the play lends itself well to the highest quality of what might be called polite scenic investiture. One scene ind the. only one somewhat outside the domain of polished sociclj represents that peculiar Institution kjioun as a London Supper club. Here meet for the time being representa tives of eveiy grade of society from tho tils, tinguished aristocrat to the common music hall dancer. The result is a picture of life and color ex ceeding animation which holds the interest of nn audience not merely because of its pictorial quality, but also because of the intense dra matic events leading to it and the dramatic cli max with which it culminates. As is already known, "When Wo Were Tw ent.v -one" is the great success in the careers of these distinguished joint stars. It proved a revelation when pro duced at the Knickerbocker theater, New York city, nnd met with that inrest of all greetings the unanimous commendation of the professional critics. It may be as well to remind local play goers that Mr. Goodwin and Miss Elliott will not be seen hero again for at lrxst two jcars. All of neit reason will be spent by them at u London theater already contracted for. In Lon don "When Wc Were Twenty-one" will be the only play they will present, New York Girl Company. Howard & Kmcison's "New York Girl Com pany," which tomes to Manager Long's ever popular Gaiety the flrnt three dajs ot nct week, is rrported to be one of the best burlesque at. tractions now on the road. Among the many strong features with this attraction arc Howard and L'mcrson, Livingston family of acrobats, Wil liams and Adams, Miss Joacphlno Harvey, Kelly nnd Davis, Mhs Kitty Nelson, Fisher and Clark, Mivi Lilly Tudor, Annie Davis, Bessie Birlcll, Del Kessiier, Dora Parker, Anna Westerflcld, Tilllo Molitor, Charlotte Spero, Debbie Clark, Marguerite May, Ida Griffin and Ilesia Gordon, 'I lie hurlctta, In three scenes, is by Joseph K. Howard, who will personally superintendent the production. Among the many features to lie sun arn new and elegant scenery, wonderful rneclunl. cal and electrical effects and elaborate, ward robe, Thirty people in the rast. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Plltsburg li. ii, e. Chicago ,.,,., ,,,,l 4001 0000 0 8 Plltsburg 3 1 02 0 1 3 Ux-10 11 Batteries Callahan and Donohue; ' I'hllllppl, Poole and O'Connor, Umpire O'Day, At Hrookfon R, ll. k. New York ,,,,230000010 17 n llrooklvu 01011001 a 3 Battcrlit, Girrick und Howi'nrun; Ycager and McGuirc. Umpire Snjdcr, At Philadelphia R, If. ;, Bestoi ,....2 00 0 00 0 021 0 3 Philadelphia 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 x 5 S 0 Ilalteiicd Nichols and Clarke; Dunn and JacMiU. Umpire Hurst. m Successive Water Banquets, zz Once upon time t Cleveland cltUcn, then a child ol tender )car, left liU father's thres The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tin Betiatlt nt Alt Wilt Ifnvo House to Rent, Rent Ustiitj or Other Property to Sell or Kxclmittfo, or Who Want Situation or llelp-Theto Small Advertisements Coat Oua Cent n Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents u WordExcept Situation Wunteit. Whloli Arj In sorted Free. FOR RENT. FOR HENT-KUIlNISIIED ltc.1t; 1021 Mulberry street .-. nooM, STEAM FOR HUNT 400 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, four floor; clevatort but (tore and lora Hon in Scranton. FOR SALE SnAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAA ron sali:-bay SAnm,E gelding (dknxyi foaled 18IU! Ill hands lilglu Kentucky bred; goes alt saddle gaits! trots clone to .1 mli.utev, perfectly sound nnil kind. Apply Oliver Dutkc, Susquehanna Home, S. Main street, Plttston. WANTED. WANTED-BOARD AND RESIDENCE NEAR Prescott avenue, for two gentlemen. A. C. W. WANTED-E1GIIT Oil TEN THOUSAND DOI, lars for a term of three, five or ten jorn at 4 per cent. Interest pajablc every three or six months to suit. A rare chatieo for thow hawng trust funds ti caro for, or .uonejr in foinU. Gilt edsed real estate security. S.ifer than any ban. Addrrsa II., i.ire of W. V. Lalhrop, 1AJ Wutlf lngton atcmie, Scrarton. WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED-SECOND HAND BLOT MACHINES! must be in good order; state particulars i to make and price. Address, L. M., general de livery, Scranton, I'a. FURNISHED HOUSE FOll ItENT-lNQUIRE AT 332 Madison avenue. ' ' OSVAJNTED. WANTED 0113 FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR light housekeeping; centrally located. Ad dress, J. V Williams building, City. RECRUITS WANTED. MARINE CORPS UNITED STATES NAVY RE crulta wanted Able-bodied men; service on our warships in all parts of the world and on land in tho Philippines, when required. Lieu tenant Colonel D. It Russell, N. W. Corner Lack. twanna and Wyoming avenues, Scranton. WANTED-SALEMIN; $75 MONTHLY AND expenses; permanent. Perry Nursery Co-, Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUR GOODS by sample to wholesale and retail trade. We arc the largest and only manufacturers in our line in the world. Liberal salary paid. Address, CAN-DEX Mfg. Co., Savannah, Ga. STRAYED. STRAYED UIRI) DOG; CAN BE HAD BY applying to William 11. Jones, Old Forge, and paying expenses of this advertisement. LEGAL. ELLA F. KRESKY VS. CHARLES KltESKY, No. SOS, May term, 1000, Common Pleas of Lack iw anna county: Divorce. To Charles Kresky, Respondent; You are hereby notified that the sheriff of Lackawanna county lias returned the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case, "non est inventus," and the court has ordered service upon you by publication. You arc hereby notified to bo and appear at the next term of court to ho hold at Scranton, on Monday, Nov. 12. 1900, and answer the com. plaint of the said libellant. C. E. PRYOR, Sheriff. L. P. WEDEMAN, Attorney for Libellant. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF PROPERTY ON EAST Market street, between the I.aekavvanin river and North Main avenue. The following is a ropy of a resolution of City Councils of tho City of Scranton, Pa., approved Oct. 3, 1000 Resolved, by the Select Council of the Cltv of Scranton, the Common Council concurring, That it is hereby declared to be the purpose of the City of heianton to order that, that portion of a ctrtaln street in said cily, known as East Mar ket street, lying between the bridge crossing the Lackawanna river and tho pave where said Market street and North Main avenue intersects each other, shall be paved at the expense of the abutting property, in accordance to the foot front rule. Provided that three-fourths of all the members elected to each branch of the councils shall vote in favor thereof, On the p.issige of this resolution bv the above named vote, and the approval of the Major, the City Clerk shall publish a copy thereof, for ten days in two newspapers published in the City of Scranton, stating that unless a majority of the owners of property abutting upon said Last Mar ket 6treec iietwcen tie norm auuve namcu. shili signify to councils in writing within sitty dajs from the date of the approval of this resolution, their pieferencc of the material de sired for such pavement. Councils will piocccd tn piss nn ordinance directing the paving of said street with such mateiial as tluy sec lit. Approved Oct. 3, l'MO. JAMES MOIR, Major. Published in pursuance of tho piovisions of tho foregoing resolution. SI. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF PROPERTY ON Seventh street between West Lackawanna avenue und Scrnnton street. The following is a ccpy of a irsolution of City Councils of the City of Seianton, Pcnna,, approved Sept. 21, 1WK): Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Scranton, the Select Council concurring, that Seventh street fiom West Lackawanna avenue to Scranton stieet, be paved, and tho cost thereof be assessed agairt the abutting properties ac cording to the foot frmt rule. Providing that thrcc-fouiths of all the members e.ectcd to each branch of the Councils shall vote in favor there of. On tho passage of this resolution by the said three-fourth vote and its approval by the Mayor, the City Clerk shall publish a copy there of, for a period of ten days, In two newspapers published in the City of Scranton, stating that unless i majority of the owners of property abutting on said Seventh street between the points above named, shall signify to councils In writing within sixty d.i.vs from the date of the approval of Ibis resolution, their preference of the material desired for such pavement, Councils will proceed to pass an ordinance di recting tho paving of said road or street, between the points above named, with such material as thty sec fit. Approved .by Select Council. Sent. 20. 1000. CIIAS. K. WAGNER, President. Approved by Common Council, Aug. 23, 1000, WM. V. GRIFFITHS, President. Approved Sept, 27, 10O0. JAMES MOIR, Slajor. Published In nursuanco of provisions of the foregoing resolution. 51. T. LAVELLE, Scranton, Pa Oct. 4, 1000. City Clerk. hold to see the world. Ho became penniless in Bay City, Mich., and started for home via the Sllchigan Central rallioad on a box car. Upon arriving at Detroit he wrote his father the fob lowing letter; "Dear Papu I am so sorry I ran away. In Bay City my money gave out and I had nothing to eat but water. Then I got on a car, and when fifty miles from Detroit I was told to get oil in a email town. Nobody would give me bread, s I had nothing there but water to eat, Hera in Detroit I had a Young Men's Christian associa. Hon card, so I got water again to batho in and to cat, Please send me money quick. "Frank." Tho money came. Cleveland Leader. A Dismal Outlook, Flossie la six turs old. "Mamma," she asked one day, "if I get married will I havo a hus band like papal" "Yes," replied the mother, with an amused (mile, "And if I don't get married, will I have to be an old maid like Aunt Katcf "Yes, Flossie." "Mamma," she said, after a short pause, "K'a a tough world for u women, ain't It!" Nashville Banner, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Has been usee, ror over nriT YE Mis by is the bet remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold bv Druggists in every pari or the world. u (Ur and ak for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sirup" and take no other kind. Twenty-flic ccutt a bottle. WHILE TEETHING, will, PERFECT hUrC5& It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLiYS all PAIN; CURES WIND CO I. if ' n.TA WANTED IMJIEDtATELY-SIXTmnTTLAS (crcrs. Apply to F. H. Ilaldnln, at new shops of Dunmore Iron and Steel company, Dunmorc, Pa. WANTBD-TEN MEM 1011 SCHANTOV AND vicinity; can make from two to five dollars a day; big nintvy und quick return. Call be tween 2 and 5 p. m. C. D. Swill, 522 Council building, HELP WANT ED-FEMALE. WANreiAlWFOH 1 SECOND WOHK AND to assist in tare of child. 740 JclTcrson ate, DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO OltUER; alio ladici' wtlsta Louisa Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY once. TO LOAN STRAIGHT LOANS AT Curry, Conncll building. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN. QUICK, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 314-31S Council building. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED-llY YOUNG LADY AH olf.ee aslstant, understands typewriting, stenography and bookkeeping. Wants position with some reliable party where honesty and capiblllty arc appreciated. Moderate salary. No agencies. Address "Eiperlnccd," c.uu of this oRlce. SIIUATION WANTEDRESPECTABLE WOMN wants poslton fur care of children or any work, sleep home. . II., Tribune olllco. WANTED WA8I1INO AND IHONINO TO DO AT home. Call or address 418 N. Eighth street. SITUATION WANTEDBY A OIKL TO DO GUN cral housework in immll family. Please call at 554 lifbccca avenue. Can give good refer ences. COLORED MAN WANTS SITUATION OF ANY kind, stenographer, tjpevvritcr; references, experience. C. J. White, 533 Lackawanna avc. SITUATION WANTED-HXPEItlENCED BOOK keeper desires a permanent position; sal ary can be easily stipulated. Address T. S., General Delivery. WANTED A POTTION BY A RCl'INTD, educated oung lady as companion or nurse for elderly lady or could ear for child. First class references. Address Box 44, North Me hoopany, Pa. YOUNG MAN WANTS SITUATION OF ANY kind, ftcnograplior and tj pew-riter. Refer ence and experience. C. J. Wnite, 533 Lacka wanna avenue. SITUATION WANTEDPOSITION' REQUIRING some outside hustling by an experienced bookkeeper; rtference. Address II., Tribune of fice. CITY SCAVENGER A. B. BRIGOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. B. PRIGGS. Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Slain avenue, or Eickc's drug store, cor ner Adams and .Mulberry. Telephone 0340. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD O SPAULUING, C. P. A., 2J TRAD era' Bank building. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, building. Si ranton. ARCHITECT, CONNELL FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITEqT, PRICE building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CARRIAGES; BEST of service. Prompt attention given orders, by 'chone. 'Phones 2672 and 5332. Joseph Ucllcy, 1J1 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, PAULI BUILDINO, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCUANTON PRIVATE HOS pital, coinci Wyoming and Mulberry. DR. C. C. LAUUACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Dll. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE cue. Rates reasonable. P. 7.EI0LER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. & W. PAS- conger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Propiietor. lawyers. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL-Ior-at-law. Rooms 312-313 Jlcars building. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS NEGO tlatcd on leal estate security. Slears building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce stieet. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and counsellors-at-law. Republican building, V'ashington avenue, JESSUP k JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-cellors-at-law. Commonwealth building, Rooms ID, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY-AT.LAW. Rooms oil, mo ana oru uoara or urauo build ing. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. (JO3-O04, 0th floor. SIcars building. ROOMS L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD ot Trade building, Scranton, Pa. O. R. PITCHER. .TTORNEY.ATLAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. C. C0MEGY8, 0-13 REPUBLICAN BUILDINQ, A. W. ni'.RTHOLF, ATTORNEY, MEARS I1LDG. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W, E avenue. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASHINGTON DR. S, W. I.' MOREAUX, OFFICE S30 WASH ingion uvenue. Residence, 1318 Slulbcrrv. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and gtnito-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. n. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, SCRANTON, I'a. Course preparatory to college, law, medl cine or business. Opens Sept, 12th. Send for catalogue. Rcr, Thomas M Cann, LI,. 1)., prin cipal and proprietor; W, E. Plumley, A. M., headmaster, Seeds. 0. R. CLARK k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS erymen, store 01 Washington avenue; green houses, 1950 North Slain avenue; store tele phone, im. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR 611 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer ol Wirt , Screens. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR BALLS, picnics, parties, receptions, weddings and con cert work furnished. For terms address R, J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberf music store. MEUAHGEE BROS.. PRINTERS- S1IPPI ira l-v veloncs, paper bags, twine. Warth-W. jso Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE - PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD - - - -" - "ivrn m Schedule In Effect My 87, 1000'. jjrnina leave Scranton! 0.4Ba. m.. week day, for Bunbury, 'pardnburfr, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Bitts- n ooburs nnd tho WeBt 0.3B la. m., week daya, for Btatleton, Bottaville, Heading, Norriatown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltlmore,Washington and Pitta burg and the WeBt. 2.18 p. m., week dnya, (Sundaya 1'08 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington nnd Pittsburg and the West. For Hazloton, Potta- a ' Holding, &c, weok days. 4.27 p, m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnr.loton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. II. HUTC'IIINhON, Qon. MgT. Delaware Lackawanna and Western In Elicit June 10. 1000. .S?u,.,,rr-,'1,c Scranton tor New'York it 1.45, 3.00, 8,40, 8.00 and 10.0", a. rn., 12.D5, 3.33 anil 8-to p. m. For Philadelphia at 5.40, 8.00 and lu.05 a. nt. ; 12 S3 ami n.3.1 ti. in. For Strouds burg at fl.10 p. i. lk and accommodation at ,".?,p- " Arrive at Hoboken at 6.55, V.18, 10.13 a. m.; U.a 2.47, 4.4H, 7.10 and 0.43 p. m. Arrive at Philadelphia at 10.00 a. m.; 1.0(1, 3.48, 759 "'' 8-22 p. m. -rlve from Now York at l.Oo, 4.0(1 and 10 20 a. tn.; 1.00, 1.62. 6.43, 8.13 anil 1 .30 p. in. rrom Mioudvlmrg at S.05 a. m. . ii . '' c Sc.rnnt.il for IhilTalo and inter meillate stations at l.lil, 4.10 und 8..10 a. m.; i',:.-' V. ,""1 "'' P- I"- '"! Oswego and Syra. "" t 4.10 a m. nnd 1.55 p. in. For Utlca at '10 a. m. and l.w, p. m. For Montru.su at 8.30 n- m. ; 1.01 ,v m n.l k ,j . nt Pni- Vlrhol- Und VBn-2 ".:' ".P- ?!. D'n."h?.mi"U..10.?5 . , , ';" Airiv-c in rrauion inn """ n i:30',."'1'' "IS nnd 10.00 a. m : 3.30 and S.OO Fiw Vm 0ean and Svracmo at 2.55 a. m.; y:S "m! 8"0 p. ill. From Ullctt at 2 55 a. m.; '-is and 5i so .. I--... x-ti.ni.nn At n Rn a. " nd COO p. ,. Krmn Montrose al 7.65 and ni.. : . " i'- m- .Viril, mi.-.'.'i' .. '"".VD l.V !,cnV". '?! Scranton for v simiii, ii ,(.(lf ..din a. in.; i.on miu ii p: '" For ' ni" ih t i-05-3'10' 8'55 "nJ J1..IO II. m L ...., . .. -a . -L i--l.. at vv'jl ' . r,,r -aniieiKe al nju a. in. rtiti.n nortnuml'iTland nt 1.55 a. in.; .., S.OO and Arri.L . . ""X" ' Ninttrokc at 9.10 a. m. l"-tn r'.'moulh at 2 00, 4 32. ''.30 p. m. ami hri.. r.1. Arrive nt Si ranton from Northum ""arid a i 0 4, a m . ,.,.,., 4 6() Rmi g-4,, p, Pl'i-m-. .7"" ""illcnkr. nt 11.00 it. tn. Frum ' '.'mouth nt 7.50 a tn.. 3.20, S 35 nnd 11.10 p. m. Jnnii, , SUNDW TP.MNS. m iir,'r'"' Rninlon 1.10. 3.00, 5.10, 10.05 a V?ii. v'-0 aml f-10 P- "' .4S ar I ",c Scran'" "5 I-0' ',0 m-i 1,BS ' ni- H.i.5 p. m. uioomshurg Division-Leave Scranton at 10.0S 'n. and 6..50 p. m. Delnwaro and Hudson. , In Effect Juno 13th, 1000. Trains for Cnrbondile leave Scranton at 0 20, 7.M, R53. 10 n n. ni. ; 12.00, 1.23. 2.20, 3.52, 8.2J, 0.25, 7.57, 0.13 11.16 p. m.t 1.10 a. m. I' or Honradale and Lake Ltdore 9.20, 10.13 a mV "v! '!r1 5-25 P- ro tor V likes Barre-0.4o, 7.4S, 8.45, 0.33, 10.43 a. m.i 12.03, 1.2S, 2.18, 3.3, 4.27, 0.10. 7.4S, 10.11, 11.30 p. m. ' For L. V. R. R. polnts-0.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, 3.35 and 11.30 p. ni. For Pennsylvania R. R. points 6.43, 9.38 a. m.: 2.18 and 4.27 n. ni. ror Albany nnd all pc points north 0.20 a. m. ana 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Tor Carbondale 0.00. ll.SJ a. m 2.25. 3.5?. 5.47, 10 02 p. ni. For Wilkes-Biirre 0.38 a. m.; 12.03, 1.58, 8.23. 6.27, 8.27 p. m. For Albanv and points north 3.62 p. m. Tor Honcsdalo and Lake Lodore 9.00 a. m. and 3.62 p. ni. Lowest rates to all points in United States and Carada. J. W. BURTHCK. C. P. A., Albony, N. Y. H. W. CROSS, D. P. A., Scranton. Bj. 3ehigh Valley Bailroad. In Effect Slay 27, 1000. Trains Leav e Scranton. For Philadelphia artl New York via D. & II. R. R at 6.45 a. m. nnd 12.0.5, 2.1S, 4.27 (Blac' Diamond Express), end 11.30 p. m. Sundajs, D, & H. R. R.. 1.53, 7.48 p. tn. For White Haven, llazlcton and principal points in the coal regions, sla D. & II. It. It., (1.45, 2.18 and 1.27 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.43. 2.18 p. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrlshurg and principal intermediate stations via D. It II. R R 015 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Express), 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. i. II. R. R., 1.68. 7.43 p. ni. For Tunkhannock, Tovvanda Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principtl intermediate stntions, lai D, L. ti W. R. It., 8.08 a. ni.; 1.03 and 3.33 p. ra. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nligara FallJ, Chicago, and all points west, via IX & II. R. R., 12.03, 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. & H. R. R., 12.03 p. m.: 7.48 p. m. Pullman narlor and sleeping or Lehiirh Valley pirlor cars on all trains between Wilkes-Ilarro and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pension Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland street, New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass, jlgt, 28 Cortland street, New York. A. W, NONNEMACHER, DIv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply 308 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa. 1 Central Bailroad ot New Jersey. Stations in New York Foot of Liberty street, N. R., and South Ferry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 20, 1000. Trains leave Scranton for New York, Newark, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Al lentown, Mauch Chunk and White Haven, at S.I'O a. m.i express, 1,20; express, 4.00 p. in. Sun. davs, 2.15 p. m. For Plttston and Wilkcs-Rirro, S.30 a. m.j 1.20 and 4.00 p. tn. Sundays, ?.5 p. m. For Jlountaln Park, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 and 4,00 p. m. Sundiys, 2.15 p. in. Tor Baltimore and Washington, and points South and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m, For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.30 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via At. lentown, 8.30 a. ni. and 1.20 p. in. Sundajs, 2,15 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.30 a. m,, 1,20 p. m. Through tickets to all points east, soulh anil west at lowest rates nt tho station. J. II. OHL1HUSEN. flcn. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass, Agt. New "sTork,Ontario nnd Western R.B. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE 21, North Bound Trains. Leav a Leave Sei.ui- Carbon- ton. dale. 10.10 a.m. 11.20 a, m. .1.45 11. 111. 4.3' n in. Arrlrs Cadosla. 1,05 n. m. Trains. 201 .... 20.1 .... 207 .... 5.45 p. 11,. 0.00 p. 111. Arrive Carbondale, 0.40 p. in! rnuiu Duuiii 1 rains Leave Leav a Cadosla. Carbondale. 7.00 a. 111. 8.40 a, m. 10,O a, ni, 2,05 p. in, 3,31 p, ni, SUNDAYS ONLY, North Bound. Leave Leave Scran- Cuilon ton. dale. s no a. m. 0.10 a. m. Scrintop. 7.40 a,n? 10.15 0. rn. 4.:op.'m; 202 20 1 206 Arrivsj CadosiaJ 205 200 10.13 a. m. 7,00 p. m.Arrlvc Cubondale, 7,43 p. ni. .MIUVU I.Ullllll. T.cave Letvo Oidoala. Ccrbondalo. Scranton,. 002 7.00a. ni. 7.40a.in? Jos 4 30 p. ni. 1.54 p. ni, 6.33 p.m. Train No. 20k n"kes connection for points' North and South on Main Line, at Cadosla. Trains Noa. 205 and 20S make Slain Lin eon. nectlons on Sunday, ,..,,. For further Information, consult ticket agents, J. O. ANDERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt,, New York. .. J, K. WELSH, Traveling Passenger Agent. Scran. ton. - T.rla and Wvominsr Vallev f Time Table In Effect September 17, 1000. Trains for llawley and local points, connect Ing at llawley with Erie railroad for New York, Newburgh and intermediate points, leave Scran, ton at 7.05 a. in. and 2.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Scranton at 10.S0 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. ''-A NEWSPAPERS THE W1LKESBARBE RECORD CAN BE HAO In Scranton at tba nea stands of ReUraan Bros., 405 Sprue and 60S Linden; M. Norton, 821 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Shutter, nil. Sprue street. SCALP TREATMENT. MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREATMENT. 60c, j shampooing, oOc.i facial massage; manicur ing. c. ehirtpgdy,1 7g-tJulBfy. ' ""Tfc" m :i ' 4 1 y .4, 4' Kt -i'ssii jiiwht mm iWftti-jtfrir