H.U .iiMMEA'2f m&bmh ,??pw!,?rTff''TO? "nwBJW' .i.hi,fi ."" wic grvraiiBMiMHfCT '" ut v ;4'.tski v -w , -v ,i ' M J ' rv- ! ,." i i - i i " THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1900. 'V' iLiv M r , N 81 uT ., I j .1 r ? Wc-jS k: 9 r ;'- 14? V le cratrfon $ri6tme 7,tVY B. ntCUAKI), KJIlor. O. F. BYXUKK, llutlncM AlnnftRpr. i i fc.vr York Office! 1M Ntt ,;KIjANn, Bote Jttnt Qf VorclgnJViluttlsIng. Entered tt the Potlonicr- t ScMnton, Pa., a Seconel-CUM 1111 Matter. When .pice Kill permit, The Tribune I wa3ns clad to print short letter-, Irom Its frlen.lt oar. ft on current topic, hut H rule It Hut I heje mint be tlgned. for publication, by the writer t real name! and the condition precede it to ae teptancc In that nil contribution elinll be nuu Jcct to editorial revision. . TWELVE PAGES. SCRANTON, OCTODEn 13, 1900. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. National. rreil.lent-WII.UAM MiKtSM'.Y. .,. Vlce'l-resident-l HUODOlti: ItOOSKVKl.T. State. ConRrewmcn-i.t-I.awt - OAMJ81IA A. OltOW, , uoiiKiir if. rncniii:nnii. .;, Auditor Ocncral-E.Ml. HAKUnSDhliall. County CorKrcM-Wll,I.IAM CONNIIMj. IwlRp-tlKOItm: M. WATSON. Micrltr-JOIIK II. FKIXOttS. Trcasiircr-J. A. SCKASTO.V. UWrlct Atorncv-WIM.IAM It. M.WIS. 1'rollionolnrj JOII.V COl'IXAM'. , Olcik of Court! THOMAS I. IAMM.S. Itrerrtlcr ul IleeiN I'.llll. IIONN. KorMci- nt Mills W. K. I1I.CK. ,., Jure Coniirilssloncr-KDWAItl) II. 8TUIIGL.8. Legislature. Kiist I)itrlct-TIIOMAS .1. KKYNOMW. Second DMrlet .IOIIJC SCIir.tT.lt, -IK. Third IH.lrl.t-rilWAllI) .IAMI'", J". Fourth Ultrict-1. A. 1'IIIMllN. "If there is any one who believes the gold stnntlaid Is n, good thing, or that it must be maintained, I warn him not to cast his vote for me, because I promise him it will not be maintained in this country longer than I am able to get rid of it. Wiliam Jennings Bryan in a Speech at Knoxvillp, Tenn., Deliv ered Sept. 16, 1806. "The party stands where It did in 1896 on the money question." Will iam Jennings Bryan, Zanesvllle, O., September 4, 1000. Half a Loaf Better Than No Bread THAT A SPKEDY settlement of the strike may be effect ed has been, f i om the begin ning, the earnest hope of every person lesltlent In the territory of conflict a hope founded, It Is tiuo, latgoly on self-interest, yet stimulated by the knowledge that an early settle ment Is needed most of all by the nvn now Idle and by their families. The ten per cent, offer made by the companies gave impetus to this hope but the bulletin of results of yester day's delibeiatlons by the miners' con vention dispels It. In a. situation such as is presented in the anthracite cr.al Holds today it' Is vain to expect one side to do all the yielding. Mutual con cession has been the tule of every suc cessful settlement and It must pievnll in this instance if the long recourse of utter exhaustion Is to bo nvcriod, with the awful consequences it Implies. The industrious minor, seeing wint.-r coming on and no provision made, will consult his own best'inteiest by favor ing an catly resumption of the mines. Increase of his wages, now offered, Is more important than a struggle over non-essentials. 'The community le jolees that this offer of an increase has been made to him but It is a question how far public opinion will sustain him in holding out for improbable conces sions at a cost infinitely in excess of their utmost possible value. Ex-Ptcsidont Harrison Is nob In poll tics this year as a campaign orator but he Is perfectly willing that all should read his former romatks con cerning Candidate Bryan. The Legislative Ticket. TIE COMING session of the Pennsylvania leglslatute will have a degiee of inter est and Importance for the people of Scranton and Lackawanna county far beyond the oidlnary. Al ready we are assured that the city of Scranton will pass into a new class necessitating practically a reconstiuc tlon of Its municipal government, and lequlrlng virtually a complete over hauling of the municipal act under which second eliu-s city governments are now constituted, It Is evident that this laborious and Indicate bask will call for especial ability and faithful ness on this part of the representatives to bo elected from this community, anil that lb will be desirable, If not Impeia ttve, that the men thus elected shall bo in political sympathy with the dom inant lnlluences at Harrisbuig. Hut the ieeonshuetlon of the second Jclaas city uct Is only one of the many important themes of legislative action vital in their local applications which mill come before the next general ns jpembly. Tho question of jeapport'ion (ment Is likely to rulse, uml it Is vital. Should the census return put the popu lation of our county beyond 150,000, questions growing out of the transition from the fee to the salaiy system of county official administration may arise, and these will bo Important, Our charitable. institutions two yeais ago, in common with others throughout tho state, were reduced In their uppropjla tlpns to meet the exigencies of scanty revenues, This year the financial con "djtjlon'.of the commonwealth exhibits signs of. marked improvement, lio celpts from "existing revenue laws, by reason'of unexpected prospeijty among pur people, are Increasing at a rale ex ceeding the most sungulne anticipa tions. Thus it Is apparent that the op portunity may be near for tie reallza tlonoMong defeuod Incicases in the state's apptoprlatlons for ctlppled local charities, and this, likewise, Is a mut ter of vital Importance. Jn selecting their nominees In the four districts of this county, the lto publlcan voters evidently gave eue heed to these consldeiatlons, for they ImYo chosen In every iustuncc ulvrt land aggressive men, full of energy, tJt peilencctl In public attaint, and Well 'qualified to uphold the piestlge of the community. Their Republicanism la unquestioned! their ability to work to gether hnrmonlouflly In conceded. By their election the community will bo nssuicd of a representation nt the state rnpltal In keeping with Its Industrial, commerclul and political Importance. Street fairs continue to hold their own, though, like lightning, they Sel dom visit the same locality more than once. County agricultural societies certainly have cause for complaint that these aggregations of nomads and fakirs, who were formerly known as circus aide shows, are 'now allowed to travel under the misleading title of "fairs." Sixteen to One. IN NO CA'SB probably has Mr. Bryan's "divine ratio" been more effectively paraphrased than by a correspondent of the New York Malt and Express, who gives sixteen reasons why McKlnley should be re elected to one why Bryan should be elected. The reasons nre as follows: Itecauic he liai made the country proupcrom. llcenuc he itjnelt tor honesty in every tense of the word. llrrniKe he In the poor man'a friend at well at the rlih nlin's. Ilccause ho It no dreamer and hit Imagina tl.m docit not run riot. Ilecausp he knows no North, no South, no East, no West, but belleicR In our country, not In pirte, but In lit entirety. lluui-c he hai been tried In the furnace of cxpirimcc and not found wantlnir. Ilr.auvp he 1 opposed to- any act which will discredit the honor and IntcRrlty of the nation. He. ittfo he faiort the free and unlimited coin aco vl cold. llccaute he doe not falor the free and unlim ited coIiiikc of slhcr. Hcmihc he is opposed to the Iniquitous In come Ux. Ilciniie he belleies tint protection has made the count rj pnwporom and will continue to. Ile.nuoe he bcllers that free trade Is desir able where the clrciiimtaneci warrant. IIccjipi! he Ins already tilled the office with dlRiiitv .mil li.n deniinded and commanded the respect o all other mllon. llei.iuse he is n true American In cicry sense of the word. Ilcc ailsc he bellcici tint trusts 'might to be, anil will be, controlled wheneier and whcreier they rxlit, and nhenccr and wbercier their acts are illeRal and opprissbe. Because he Is the nation's choice. Tho one solitary reason advanced In behalf of Bryan is: "Because he Is a citizen of tho United States and, as such, eligible." The worst exploit yet chronicled of tho camera fiend occurred on Pike's Peak this week where the party of 200 tourists caught In the blizzard and found by the relief train nearly dead from exposure, were compelled by the crow to go back to tho Peak and be photographed. Two of the subjects had been dilven lnsnne by the experience in the snow and It is safe to presume that anything they could have done to the camera man would have been entirely justified by the circumstances. Penalty of Oppression. THE ACT disfranchising the negro In North Carolina is undoubtedly unconstitution al, as well-known jurists have contended, because it disfran chises only the descendants of a par ticular race. But it will probably stand in that state as it has in South Carolina and in Mississippi, because it has active support of the dominant race In those states and is regarded with appaient Indifference throughout the country. The outrage to civil lights of these new constitutions and the nets of fraud and violence on thex negro as a citizen that preceded them do not kindle the fiery indignation which finally burned up slavery. That was too sore and Inevitable an oppres sion to bo left to its own punishment by the moral law of society, though the dominant race bore and Is still bearing that punishment in the taint of biutality and terror it fixed on society where it existed; In the coarsening of the dominant race through Its relations with an Inferior held In subjection, and the sickening dread of servile outbreak which always underlay the superficial grace and glitter of southern society. The same penalty ofsoclety's moral law is following this latter violation of the negro's civil rights and equality under the law. It Is coming through constant degradation of the race de nied the right to natural and healthy civil development, and the constant In crease of the danger to society which comes from relapse of a part of It to savagery and bestiality. That Is com ing to North Carolina which came to the gulf states with extreme oppres sion of the negroes there, and made the white race pay for political domination the price of social Insecurity and econ omic dislocation. An exodus of negroes from the state has begun already. North Carolina newspapers say that farmers cannot get laborers to harvest their crops, and the Star of Zlon, an official organ of tho African Methodist church, says that a definite and deter mined mlgiabory movement has begun, which will take the most energetic and industrious of the negroes out of the stale. An exodus like this occurred In the states of the lower Mississippi some years ago, provoked moe by physlcnl violence than by denial of civil ilght-s. It transferred the best negro popular tlon of those states to Indian Terri tory, Western Kansas and Nebraska, where they have piospered Industrially In nn atmosphere of political equality. It left the remaining negro population mote bestial and degraded, and In creased the frequency of horrid lawless acts and lawless punishments, The Southern people explain the increase of lynching among t.hem by the degen eiatloti of the negro race since It es caped the restraints of slavery, How far is this due to the fact that the restraints, of slavery prevented escape of the better pait, leaving constantly lower di'egs of humanity to be a bur den and a menace? It Is only In com munities wheie the negro Is treated as a brute that wo hear of his reversion to bestiality. Here there has been con stant sifting out of the better sort for migration North and West, leaving dangerous criminals. In view of tho spectaclu presented by these states that are cursed with a sodden mass of humanity continually sinking lower under the oppiebslon Unit has dilven out their more Intelli gent associates, It beems surprising that even political hatred for the col oied voter could pionipt another state to enter upon a cause that) Is certain to produce melancholy results. "Neither In the Philippines nor else where will tho caUBC of human liberty look for Its champion to a party whose only nope of obtaining power lies In the suppression of human rights and In nn organized conspiracy to nullify the guaranties with which the constitu tion endeavors to surround tho citizen. From thousands of polling places In this election, In which the Democratic pnrty In so much concerned about 'the consent of the governed,' the negro citizen will be excluded by laws so contrived as to keep out the negro Re publican while admitting the white Domoirat, though both present them selves with similar qualifications, ex cept as to color. The party which will not allow the constitution to follow the flag through the Carollnas, through Mississippi and Texas, has no occasion to distress itself about the constitu tion's Journey 4,000 miles across tho ocean." New York Republican. Plat form. It Is not Btrnnge that Sir Thomas Llpton should continue to make pork the basis of certain business venturos. Sir Thomas practically got his first start by tho means of pork. 'Then, however, his Investment was smaller but none the less lively. It will bo re membered that the first time ho became known to fame lb was by means of pig, a clean, white, freshly groomed speci men, elaborately decorated with pink ribbon and driven through the streets of London by a pink clad Individual. The pig bore the inscription: "I am going to Llpton's pink tea," and natur ally throngs of people followed the strange group and found that the des tination was a little house where pink arrayed attendants served wonderful brands of tea to all who called. Later these tea houses were established all over London and from this small be ginning rose the Llpton fortune, colossal in Its magnitude. Now Sir Thomns Llpton is again dealing In pork to the extent of controlling the entire product. The fact that children and youths are seldom seen with club feet now-a-days Is recalled by a surgical operation In Philadelphia this week, where a child whoso deformity was almost unparal leled Is now likely to become as useful a member of society as any of his little playmates, his feet having been straightened and Incased In plaster of parls. Tho operation is delicate and difficult but that It Is so often success ful Is amply attested by the absence of such disfiguration from the younger generation. There Is no doubt that few of the men and women whose mis shapen fedt make them objects of com miseration as their toilsome progress along the street is so often beheld, might have been relieved of a life-long infirmity in childhood had surgery been as advanced In its strides as today. The woman socialist of Chicago who says she lost her position as stenog rapher because she wrote a socialistic book and wore a Bryan button is prob ably exaggerating matters as far as the latter indictment is concerned. But as her employer was a Republican and one of tho commissioners at Lincoln park it is not at all unlikely that a stenographer less distinguished for so cialistic views might do just as satis factory work. As to wearing a Bryan button, such a label mlghb not be a mark of inefficiency, but only of poor taste. Bryan says that the present pros perity of tho country is due to "an un usual and unnatural stimulation." Is it not better to continue the party in power capable of producing unusual stimulation rather than change for one which produces unusual stagnation? While Mr. Bryan Is hurling anathe mas at the tyrannical army, why Is it that he has nothing to say about the growing navy of the republic? It was the latter that opened the Philippines to American settlement. TOLD BY THE STABS. Dally Horoscope'Drnwn by Ajucchua, The Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe cast 4.00 a. nt., for Saturday, Oct. 13, $000. fc A child born on this day will notice that too much charity wanders in out of the way placia and ncer reaches home. Even if the tcenei of the ancient fable arc not enacted to the letter, tho individual who en deaora to plriie e erj bod j- will haic his hand full. It Is seldom that a man with a literary wife knows tho taste of good home-inadc bread. Many a man who imaKlnes that he could settle the Chinese question apd dlilde up the territory would robably Ret stuck If appointed without assistance on a sewer lew. The shirt waUt man ami net waist woman hue jicldtd.to the autumnal elements. The man with no small lces Is liable to be come criminally restless. It Is impossible for ou to get something for nothing unless somo one, Is the loser. Nothing succeeds like success, except a bluff. t -f 1 1 -r -f -t- REPUBLICAN -f OBJECT LESSONS. ' . f Oklahoma, -f -f Depositors. -f Banks. 1S91. is)g. -f f National 0U7 2,553 -f -f State and 1'rliata UU 5,311 -f -f Salnes CHI 1,201 -f f -f Total 2,100 0,0.17 -f -f Increase in No. of depositors., G,ii07 -f -f Panks. Amount'of Deposits, -f -ft- 1891. 1899. -f -f National ? 10,19I 817,691 -f -f .State and I'rhatc K.M7 1,110,5.17 -f rVuliit; 17K.S70 G'tl.SlS -f -f Total .,..$ C&2,570 $ 2,515,010 -f -f liuriaso In deposit! ,.$ 1.8Ji,l70 -f f Oregon. -f -f tlanka. Depositors. -f ISO I. 1S99. -f -f National 0,177 11,559 -f Statu and Private 020 . 1,813 -f , Total ,. 7,097 13,374 Increase in No. of depositor!,. 0,375 -f Banks. Amount ol Deposits. -f 1S9I. J899. -f National f 1,05.1,502 ? 1,075,010 -f Mate and I'rlwte lOD.'iei 581,550 -f s; Total .., 2,110,053 5,250,500 f Increase 'In dipojlts ..,,,.,,,. f 3,100,013 AGUINALDO'S Some Facts as to the Personal Life, Manners and Traits of the Filipino Leader. Ily Murat HaUtcud, DON EMILIO AnUI.VAt.DO Y FAMV, who de clared himself In Aiwiwt, 1808, "President of the Itcvolutlonary (lovcrnmcnl of the Philippines nnd Clcnorat-ln-Clilc! of Its Army," wa the first of the Philippine Insurgents to emergo from obscurity. ' He Is about .12 jcars of .aire, slight and not tall, short nnd slender, nnmllltary In appearance, dresslnir habitually In a singlc-brenstcd white coat, closely buttoned, his white trouwrs show ing thinness of llmbt. He often wears a badge that glitters and cu ries a little stick, article of decoration of which he is said to be fond and aln. Hit ejes arc cunning, and his best feature. There Is a hint of the unimial ns he glnncct and changes quickly from docility to a skirp glare, with a suggestion of wild animal Intensity. His feet arc lad like, lilt hands like bird's feet, delicate with knotted Joints, but small, his nails promi nent: his hair black, tblik, toarse and perpen dicular, with a fine glow of ltttllty. Ills otce is low, with the softness so modulated that It it almost feminine, but that between wordt changes and the tone become subtle with a shidc of menace In It, though It Is lowered. 1113 PKHSONAI, CHAiMGTERISTICS. One personally Interested In what he Is sa Injr, if seeking a favor or trjlng to get llu- exact idea tho chieftain had, would feel that the drawling; reply would be In the nrgathc, no mat ter what was asked. Tho words uttered by hlin arc often blurred Bllghtly, from a habit of pro truding tho tongue just a little. This does not look i.nakey, but appears to be a token of hesi tation, and it shades the low-spoken words into indistinctness. His bands are nioicd frequently and hastily at he speaks, not in a shaky, ner vous way, but with a flutter. In his own apartments he moves in gliding steps, his foot-falls cat-like. There Is no ques tion he fully bcliecs In himself, and he is treated with the deference that the Asiatic gives his superior officer. In this there is a touch of the nbject. He has a tendency to exact ceremony. As tho door of his prhnte room opens for htm to enter tho reception room he Is announced as "General Agulnaldo." It Is altogether agreeable to him to be addressed as "Your Excellency." The ladles of his family pass from room to room, little regarding callers They nre good looking and well dressed in highly coloicd and flowing robes, silky and light, with touches of lace on their bosoms and a flash of rings on their hands. They were not seeking attention or ashling ob servation; seemed to be on nn errand to speak with the general before ho became engaged in receiving. THE HOMC OK THE 1'ILIPINO. They were graceful and composed. There was a tinkle of music in the bouse, not obtrusive, rather distant, a faiutness In it, and it was a hint of the musical character of the people. Tho bouse was pointed out as the one with a conspicuous roof of reddish tile like the roofs in the villages of France. It was of two stories and there were four rooms and a hall on each Btory. The street ran north nnd south; the house was on the west side, and there was no other habitation directly adjoining. There were many trees that seemed to bale grown up in their own way, profuse in giecnery. The day was Aug. 27th, and sultry, the power of the sun trjing. There was very little stir in the air. The village bad hut one street, and there were so mony trees tint all tho houses were not visible. I should think they were scat tered along for nearly bill a mile. On the side of the house fronting tho ttreet in the second story there were three rooms. The general study was north of the reception room. The ladies bad the room south of tho reception apartnunt, and that seemed to be the place for the treasures of the house. The entrance to the house from the street was at the center of the structure nnd there was a turn of the stairs at the half-way place of the second story. There were two military guirds to pass before approaching the general at tho out er door and tho turn of tho stairway, where the platform was not crowded with four armed men. There were perhaps twentj-fhe' natives neir, armed with the famous Mauser. The swords of the officers appeared to be too large for them. The general appearance of the Kiliplnos about the general was tint of the Japinese, more close ly than any other race. As a rule they were not quite as large as the Japinese, but of (lie same color, make-up, get-up and stjle, with the cockey air that the Japinese military man refuses to part with. It would be unfair to cill this a stmt, but it Is distinctly a pose, and is believed to be tho correct military attitude. It is confi dent enough, nnd as a descriptive phrase, self respect is hardly equal to the demand. A con ceit of pride is better. There was an atmos phere of the enjojment of importance, and the evident presence of great expectations. DIFFICULT TO APPROACH IT. The name of the village was Dacoor, and it was chosen for the headquarters of the policial because tho water of the Day of Manih, spreading eastward from the back of tho house, is too shallow for launches for a considerable distance, Indeed not deep enough one hundred jards from the shore to float a canoe with n man in it. The landing of pjsicngcrs is assisted by natives who wade. Two of them carry a heavy man without letting his feet get wet. There were rows of stones in tip water, stepping stones. It was a spot sure to bo free from surprise visits. A ferry boat could not get within half a mile of the shore. A church stands near, lare, dingy with age, battered with cannon shot. Once It would have been called stately, but was greatly marred by shells from the Spanish fleet before the Americans came. It was a spot favored by tho insurgents, who wanted to take a peep at misty Manila, across tho bay, nearly 'ten miles away tho outlines of the great city, showing the churche's and other prominent structures with a background of faint blue mountains, too distant to make clear the grten tint that reminded Ad miral Dewey of the ranges about Montpclier, that give his native state Its name. SCJME HISTORY OF Till', PIIIMPPINKS. So Interwoven art! tho American expe.lcnces in the Philippines with the various pmcicdlngs of Agulnaldo, from his first appearamu in tlie character of ono sworn to obedience of all com mands from nil American officers and offering fervent tributes of admiration for Americans gcneially, volunteering to say that all his friends wanted to bo annived to Anu'ilea, on through the bloody drama that closed with his ui.v stcrlous disappearance. The history of Agulnaldo's varieties connected with the causes and consequences that followed, Is the story of the most memorable vears of tho Philippine). Wo of the United States have had two wars there, and Don l'inlllo Agulnaldo y Famy played a part in both. In tho first he oa turned to bo our "all" wronged by tho ab fciilo of recognition; and in tho second he was tho invisible leader of the insurgents that graduated in Spanish wars to meet in battle the Americans who destroyed the Spanish gov ernment in hostile array. The reason for this second war Is wholly the pretensions of Agulnaldo, that cimo m suddenly after his humble complacency, his solicitude fot favors, his unqualified oaths that ho would be obedient to tho American admiral and to all American chlefc and the change, sudden, extra ordinary and vain-glorious, to a character of such pompous temerity of assurance, that II th Americans had been defeated, and by military force compelled to surrender, they ionic! not have accepted the tcrnn that would have been insisted upon by tho Dictator without humilia tion. He passed from one who begged favors to the elevation of a haughty Asiatic niomrch about as quickly as ho could change ids clothes or Ills government, HIS ATTITUDE TO AMERICANS. iThere Is abundant proof of selfish nnd treach erous conduct belaud this tiansfornution Irom lljde to Jetjll, Tbere are those who dispute that Agulnaldo himself was responsible for tho dlllercnce, and that it grew, out of the influence of his tec ret Intrigued with the Spaniards that are still denied but self evident. For an Ameri can to assert that the fault of the hostile atti tude of Agulnaldo, alter ho knew tha American troops were coming, and his malicious combat toward them when they did come for one who accepts tho contention that the wrong was with tho American administration or Its military icp mentatives, must be declared tho offemo ol b.'lng wlllfully or negligently mUlntormcd. More than a jear two jears before our -.,ar villi bpaln toiniiie m e'd, there had been an Insur rrction against the Spaniards In (he Philippines, and till vvai continued with stealer cna.-y ljy INDIVIDUALITY. the natives, after Aaruln.ildo's departure by de portation, lilt exumplo In taking a ''cash bribe," it Consul Williams states, stimulated others to go and do likewise. When the Spanish-American war became Im minent, Agulnaldo, with a few friends, made a trip to Singapore, tttectlng great mystery, lilt actual errand was to meet an Englishman, Cray, and the American consul at Singapore. At tho consul had not been lntormcd of Wilde man't experience- with Agonclllo, he wat quite moved by Ihc appearance of the native "supreme chief," nd rushed In to take him In hind and helped Mm to "eo-opentlon" with Admiral Dewey. Thlt lasted until the consul received ttcrn admonition from the state department that he nifst stop making political promises to In surgrnts. It Is to thlt episode at Singapore, and the effusion of the American consul there, like wise a temporary enthusiasm on the part ol Mr, Wlldeman at Hong Kong, and a alight aberra tion after some time by Mr. Williams at Manila that we owe those fragments of consulir cor respondence that reflected their untutored leal, which was promptly and effectually denounced, and further examples of it forbidden by the stnto department. SOSlE MATTERS OF HISTORY. A few letters written and wordt spoken at this time the enemies of the United States In our midst quote incessintly as authority. If each of the consuls had deliberately, of his own account, "recognized" Agulnaldo as a "govern ment," as was his constant affirmation of desire, they would iJniply hive exceeded their author ity. There would hive been no treaty. It is n circumstance of interest in this assv elation that In the letters of Mr. Wlldeman to the state department .ahcut the dishonorable proposition (hat Agonclllo made coming from Agulnaldo the gun contract with a bribe in it for the United States the name of Agulnaldo was not mentioned, and therefore he wasn't Iden tified at the state department right away as that particular rascal. If he had been, ft warn ing addressed to tho American consuls to beware of such person might have saved some trouble, but anyone determined to take part against his country and aid tnd comfort enemies, could find some excuse. There never was a poorer one than the gar bled clippings from the writings of Mr. Trait, a Cleveland appointment, and such extracts as may be so colored and distorted as to disguise truth in the letters of Consult Wlldeman and Williams, whoso experience as consuls was very brief before they were thrown into the whirl of the excitements of our Asiatic complications suddenly nnd unexpectedly. Tint upon the whole they did extremely well, for it only takes an hcrest reading of what they wrote to convict Agulnaldo and his "compatriots" as Impostors Intriguing with the Spaniards in winton 'lostlllty to Americans, a determined and persevering lasistenco upon hostile proceedings ngilnst the American troops, and flmlly the outright net ol war that caused the terrible punishment of the Ingrate. DEMOCRATIC OUTRVOE UPON TRUTH. There never was a greater outrage upon truth than to apply the term "perfidy," as Dryanltes habitually do, to the conduct of President Mc Klnley in this association. He was a whole hearted American all the time, and generous all through, offered everything to the Filipinos for peace except such recognition of Atruinaldo as would help to place him in the position to re sume tyronny spoliation, corruption and every form of sordid and vindictive oppression, begin ning where the Spaniards left off. Point by point these propositions aie made good by reports, the veracity and perfect au thenticity of which arc sustained, so that con tradiction is as Irrational as It is unpatriotic. Tho spirit of contention as against the adminis tration of President McKlnley nnd the conduct of tho officers and men of the American army and navy is that of reckless partisan combatants. It will not stand the hammer or bear the light. Tho story of our first war in the Philippines, tho episode with Spain, is a short one. Admiral Dewey was ordered to take the fleet under hit cemmand at Hong Kong be had been four mentbs on the Asiatic station find the Spanish fleet and destroy it. A week later he had obeyed orders. There were fourteen Spanish gunboats that were not caucht in .the American fire of May 1st. Fach carried a three-inch rifle and from two to four machine gams. The three-inch rifles were adapted for the destruction of merchantmen, ana the machine guns were good at close quarters. Tho gunboats were well suited to the annihila tion of our Asiatic commerce. One reason for remaining at Manila was to ovcr-awo tho Spanish gunboats "In retreat," and it was done so effectively that they have never been heard from, and are almost forgotten. THE BELiTTLEHS OF AMERICA. The belittlcrs of America those who have a crank passion for bitterness against their own country, wail over it that Dewey didn't take flight after his victory. If he had done so, the American flag would have been a signal for the destruction of any merchant vessel on tho Pacific ocean, remote from the American snore. International law would have compelled Dewey, had he left the harbor and arsenal he conquered, to take one of three routes to America. There wasn't a spot he could go to in the Pacific ocean away from Manila where he could have been at rest for even a week. Ho could only call at a port to stay long enough to get coal to go to the next port. He could have made choice between going to San Francisco, which woulci have been to take the Asiatic squadron out of Asiatic waters altogether, or be might have chosen the route home, that he did finally, and have been at disadvantage off the Spanish coast, av hero all her fleets might have been 'gath ered to meet him; or ho could have taken the lonu route around Africa. In either case he would be running away and putting himself hors du combat. It would have been equally disastrous nnd disgraceful to have done tills. It isn't to be thought of by any ex cept those degenerates who accept tho Malay view of what we have done in the Philippines and who want our country to humble itself In repentaneo and set up a protectorate for a ty ranny that would be worse for the Filipino in habitant,? than that of Spain. AOUINALDO'S INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. There are no "people," in tho organlied,pollt. cat sense, in the Philippine islands, of the native races, and never have been. Agulnaldo's 'gov ernment was not a political organism, It was an individual enterprise, not of the people or for tho people, not for tho inhabitants of the- Islands but for the impostor and adventurer who had success in poisoning the minds of the Filipinos who were full of Joyous recognition of Americans as their liberators. Those he did not pervert ho succeeded by a blackmail banditti that raided Manila itself for ii venue, Those robbed did not daro complain, being threatened with tin hoi rors of vengeance "when the Americans wero whipped out," The American consul, Williams, was obliged to abandon Ids official duties before the war broke out, and was on the llaltlmore in the battle. After that found the natives In a state ol thanks git lug, ill.plavlns extreme admiration and the fondest gratitude toward Americans. He was lionet by a multitude who learned that he was tho United States consul this was at Cavlte, and ho had such a reception that he could hard ly get to his boat to return to headquarters on the ship of war where he was a guest. There were many demonstrations of this sort. Tho merchants ol Manila, who had been com pelled to take refuge in Hong Kong, eagerly made application to become citizen of the United States. At that very time Agulnaldo didn't want to go back to his own lountry without a "con tract" with Admiral Dewey, who didn't glie the Tagal permission to go aboard tlie dispatch boat when lie was compelled by his own eoplo to take tlie mission, as he had assumed to be a president, having appointed himself, to return. Agoncillo declares In his "notes" that Admiral Dewey had "ordered" the commander ol the McCullough to find Agulnaldo and bring him to Cavlte, This was a gratuitous falsehood, meant to convy the very delusion that hit taken pos session of the Democratlo party, that this enemy of their country has been wronged and must he consoled and protected. They are the belicvcis ol falsehood, and the penalty is condemnation. BEFORE AND AFTER. From the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. , There Is nothing caller tlian carrying a state before election by an estimated majority, tnd the Democrats are now triumphantly carrying, by that method, all the ilttet they need to give Mr. Mr) an a tremendous majority In tho elec toral college, Four )cars ago the Democrats, about a week before the election, carried the country tor fir an In the nunc way. The estimates nuoted below ,wcre sent out by the Democratic national com mittee on Oct. 27, 1800. Tho actual results tro here printed, with the Democratlo estimates for purpose! of comparison! "Illinois will give Bryan at least 30,000 plural ity." McKlnlcy'a plurality In Illinois wat over 140,000. "Rryan will carry Michigan by not lest than 30,000." McKlnley't plurality In Michigan wat over 50,orj0. "Minnesota will give Rran 23,000."-Mlnne-lota gave McKlnley over 53,1100. "In New York Br an will have 60,000. Mc Klnley carried New York by over 200,000. "There will bo a swreplng Democratic victory In Indiana," McKlnley carried Indiana by over 18.000. "Bryan will carry Iowa by a large majority." McKlnley carried California by 1,022 plurality. "North Dakota will be for llran by 3,000." McKlnley carried North Dakota by over 5,000. "Bryan will be 40,000 votes abend In Ken tucky." McKlnley carried Kentucky by a small plurality. "Democrat! arc hopeful In Connecticut, though Republicans are full of bluff and bluster. A de cided surprise awaits the Republicans in this late." McKlnley wat 61,000 votes ahead in Connecticut. Democratic advance estimates ol election re mit! arc exactly at accurate and valuable now at they were four jears ago, INVITATION IN AUTUMN. Sylvia, where shall we fare, In this limo of the burning bough, On thlt morning of the amethyst air, And the low, late robin's vowT Prythce, where shall we fare? The hill-paths call and rail, And j on know the lure, my sw-cctt Over the meadow-wall Is the track for a truant's feet, Where the forest shadows fall. i la the answer "yea" or "nay"? No fairer the nenuphars Of the bland Egyptian day Than our purpling aster-stars, To guide on the upland wayl Just Love and oit and II Never another one Under the kindly sky And the old benignant mint Just Love and ou and It -Clinton Scollard, In the Saturday Evening Post. ALWAYS BUSY. Ladles know, all admit they know, how much Ihey save when they can buy Edwin C. Burt's Shoes at. t3 60 per pair, in turns and welts, patent leather and kid tlpa, button and lace. Styles they all admire. Lewls&Reilly Established 16SS. Shoes for all the walks ol life. ilercereaiui & Coeoell Now open for business at our mew store, 132 Wyo ming avenue. We are proud of our store now, and feel justified in doing a little talking, but we prefer to have our friends do the talking for us, A cordial invitation is ex tended to all to call and see us. MERCEREAU k CONNELL Jewelers and Silversmiths. SMHBMBaijiwC SOLILOQUY. When the dofetor Looks nt A man of my figure, He says to himself, What will do him most good Will be To eat less And Exercise more. He knows, however, That habits of life When once fixed Are seldom changed, Consequently, the doctor, In my case at least, . R-I-P-A-N-S lM itjto packet rontalnlnc Til Birixi T ttrxu In a paper carton (without iltu) tt now (or Hi tiMM drag ttortt-roit nvt cn. rhu lu -prirel ort 1 loUiulot Cor th. poor and ui economic!. Ono etona of the Ar-ccnt canon ( U) toliuleu con t UkI Lit nuil by tendliur (ortr-clgnt mum to lie Kim Cuuof OeiiiMi, Mo. M Sprue Street, Wow York-or u tinjU oirlou (iu Taiuuu) will U nol for cut. HNiEY'S Fall mi Winter Underwear For Men. icn aM Children Our lines are com plete in all the stand ard and celebrated makes usually car ried by us, and which have stood the test of years, as to fit, quality and general excellence. Recent advances in this class of goods, put the prices up . but our purchases were made in antici pation of this so that our prices will Com pare favorably with, prices when goods' were at their lowesc. Early buying will mean a saving of 25 per cent, and it will , pay you to anticipate your wants in any thing you are likely to need in the line of Underwear. 510-512 "Ooift Swear 99 If you haven't the proper offlcs aujM piles. Come In and give us a trial. We have the largest and most com plete line of office supplies In North eastern Pennsylvania. If It's a good thin?, we have It. Wtf make a specialty of visiting cards and monogram stationery. ReymioldsBros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jcrmyn Building. Contents himself With writing a prescription That gives me relief Rather quickly, While my habits remain as the were. Of late I have noticed That my physician, Instead of the long prescription, Writes but two words, And that the remedy I get Is rather more convenient And decidedly More effective. The two words are TABULES. fcOD 6L15S V I ft" C N. Jfl & 1,4 'Jf,s- -s ).' -" iTllV 5- r e.v. -v v 1 ,cr t Tt l I. ,, JT- , T