iv:,',yir-t IV y N -C - I - , Tl f "( j f"" t . ,"" - i - v He :m "w THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1900. 63 NORTHEASTERN WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS BOLD FOX AT THE BESIDENCE OF MBS. SURDAM. Montrose Will Celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of Hon. O. A. Qrow'B Election to Congress Farmer Hay ward Kills an Eagle Near New Milford Bailroad Backet Gen eral Topics of Interest in Susque hanna County. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Oct. n. Mrs. Surilnm, of Brookdnle, wns feeding tho chicken? the other morning, when a sudden squawk of anguish behind her caused her to turn In time to boo a fox mak ing olf with a biff hen that It had Just seized. Mrs: Surdatn 1h an active woman, and she had that fox by the tall before It could get through the fence. She clung to the fox and ho clung to the hen, and there was great screaming and cackling In the barn yard until the two bouse dogs came and that was the last of Bre'r Fox. SOME SIDE LIGHTS. A vicinity man, Just sent to the lunatic asylum, has been In the habit of smoking forty cigarettes a day. In sanity is preferable to cigarettes. Never take a sulky girl to ride In a buggy. Half the pleasure of going away on a summer vacation Is being wel comed back to one's friends. A Blnghamton man mndc a bet that he could jump a freight train run ning twenty miles an hour. He lost the bet, but ho had an elegant fu neral. There Is always something new in a paper, If Its only the date line. They had been blasting rocks In a quarry, 'Twa during the hour of noon; When one smoked on a big Keg of powder And now there's tno men in the moon. THE NEWS r.msT. John Reynolds, a veteran of the civil war, died at his homo in Oakland township on Saturday evening, in his 82nd year. The funeral will occur from the Avenue Methodist church, Oakland, this afternoon, the pastor, Bev. W. M. Bouton, officiating. Moody post, No. 55, Grand Army of the Re public, will attend in a body. The Susquehanna Telegraph and Telephone company will hold a meet ing today to consider the matter of purchasing the telephone line of II. P. Williams, esq., of Windsor. Rev. Kenneth Craig, of Sayro, on Sunday declared the pulpit of the Presbyterian church vacant. The congregation of the Presbyterian church last evening gave Rev. and Mrs. David I. Sutherland a farewell reception, which was largely attended. They will leave on Wednesday for De troit. Michigan, their new field of. labor. JUST TO PILL IN. The shortest day in the month is pay-day. The burning question of tlie hour is the price of coal. No service has been discovered, or is likely to come into vogue soon, to make advertising more effective than the respectable newspaper. The woman who loses her temper finds her tongue. An old bachelor at a baby show ranks with an old maid among the spectators at a divorce suit. Even a barrel hoop will turn when trod upon. A local cynic remarks that every thing nice In this world grows on the other side of a barbed wire fence. IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Tdoay, In Montrose, tho friends and admirers of Hon. Galusha A. Grow, will celebrate tho fiftieth anniversary of his first election to congress. He was elected Oct. 8, 1850, he being then only 27 years of nge. Ho was the youngest member of the bouse. Todajj he Is the oldest member. Tho next meeting of tho Susquehan na County Medical society will bo held at Hallstead on the first Tuesday of February next. Tho post-office of F. B. Jowett. fusion candidate for member of as Ecmbly, will continue to be Brooklyn, Pa. This Is an off year for fuslonlsts 'in Susquehanna county. The Susquehanna County Teachers' 4 Oiling Up. W9 Just a little oil on the engine at the right time may mean the difference be tween life and death to the passengers and crew. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of the engine, Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery is to the deli cate organs ot tue body. It eases their labor, pre vents the loss of power and waste of energy caused byfrWion. Many inu who was all run own, whose limbs ached when he walked, whose tack ached when te laid down, who veathed with dif Iculty, and cough id constantly, has teen perfectly iured by the use f Doctor rierce's Golden Medical Discovery, It pur ifies the blood, strengthens the stomach and heals weak lungs. Accept no sub stitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery," nor any med icine called "just as good" by .the dealer. Mr. Chas. Huuwick, of Lenox. Macomb Co., Mlcb., writes: I have never felt better in my life thau I da now. I have taken Dr. rierce's Golden Medical Discovery right along. I can now walk quite well with a caue, una hope to throw eveu that away before long, and as I have had to use crutches lor uearly two years, I think I am doiug fiue. I do not cougii now and I can Bleep like a school boy. You must know that I have been treated in two hospitals and by three doctor besides, and received no benefit; so I think your medicine the only medicine for me." Dr, Pierce's Medical Adviser in paper coyer, if sent free oil receipt of ai one cent tumps to pay expens? of mailing only, Address Dr, R. V. Pierce, But-fale,N.Y, PENNSYLVANIA Institute will be held In Montrose next Week. ' EAGLE KILLED A WILDCAT. Fanner Hayward, of Summersvllle, killed an eagle near New Milford on Saturday, While looking for a lost cow he saw two large birds In a tree nnd took them for hawks. He shot tho lanrest one and the other flew awny. When ho came to pick up the bird ho found It to bo an eagle. In the brush near by he found the body of a wild cat, just killed. There were shins of a fierce combat. Tho savage cat had evidently been killed by the two great great birds. SOME SIDE ISSUES. The world Is full of liars but the fortune teller takes the palm. A Montrose young lady has made a "crazy quilt" out of letters offering marriage. The letters are worked In silk of beautiful colors. A vicinity paper heads an Item, "A Woman Slaps a Child at Point of Dying." This seems tho very acme of cruelty, yet from a physiological standpoint, It Is as delightfully vague as the announcement that recently ap peared In a Blnghamton paper to the effect that a dog had been "shot on the North Side." It Is a fact worth pondering that, though the right falls around us it never breaks, whereas the day breaks but never falls. I offer this hint to some struggling aspirant for political honors. In making presents do not look Tor Rifts bej nnd jour pocketbook! For trifles more thin Reins brine hllw, That come with loe and heartiness. A solid citizen of Montrose was so mad on returning home to find that during bis absence his wife had per mitted coal wagons to go across the lawn that ho refused to sleep in tho house, spent the night in tho bain, caught cold and died. Let us hope that he has not gone wheie they use coal. RAILROAD RACKET. The Erie Is dolnir a heavv freir-ht business. The Delaware & Hudson improve ments on tho Ninevah Branch are well under way. The bin tirades are holnr- cut down, and heavier trains can here- aiter do hauled. Considerable soft coal is coming east over the Erie from Western Pennsvl. vania and Ohio. Business has boomed In the Erie shops in Susquehanna for two years, and yet, in November, hundreds of the men will vote for "a chance." In the Cleveland times, of blessed (?) mem ory, tho shops were In bperatlon twenty-four houis per week. Experience teaches some people nothing. Whitney. MONTROSE. Special to tho Sennton Tiibnne. Montrose, Oct. 12. The now .scenery for Village hail has arrived, and was tested for the first time at a private rehearsal. It proved highly satisfac tory. It is doubtful if another town in tho state of tho same size, has as neat and attractive a play-house, with modern and complete stage fittings, as Montrose now possesses in Village hall. The countv teachers' annual Insti tute opens in the High school building in this place on Monday next and con tinues until Friday morning. James D. Smillle, of New York, is in town for a few days' stay. Benjamin W. Clark has accented a position with H. W. Beach. Albert Wood has gone to Harrlsburg, N. J to reside. Having exhausted their supply or ice at this place, Seller Bt others are now supplying their milk station here with ice bt ought from Little York, N. Y. Charles Warner, cleik at the post office. Is again on duty, after a severe Illness. Clarence A. Dawley, of this place, who is a student at Gornell university, Ithaca, N. Y., some time ngo won a five hundred dollar scholarship, and has now won a cash prize for scholar ship of four hundred dollars, to be paid to him during the next two years. Tho appointment of ex-Reglstcr and Recorder Samuel S. Wright as post master at Montrose, to fill the vacancy caused bv tho death of tho late Will iam B. Stoddard, Is approved by Mr. Wright's many friends in this town and county. The Democrats of Montrose and Bridgewater organized a campaign club last evening. Charles H. Smith, a well-known In surance man of Now York, and a for mer resident of Montrose, Is tho guest of friends In town. Dr. E. E. Tower, J. V. Clary, S. S. Wright nnd Dr. B. P. Carey attended a Ropubllcon meeting at Blnghamton on Thursday. Mr. Daniel Sayro, whose critical ill ness has been chronicled In The Trib une, died at his home, on Lake avenue, last night at 12 o'clock. Tho deceased was a native nnd life-long resident of this place, and wns held in universal esteem by our people. Ho was promi nent In religious, social and business circles of tho town, and will bo greatly missed, Ho leaves a devoted wlfo and a number of nephews and nieces to mourn his demise. The funetal will bo attended from tho Presbyterian chut eh, of which ho had long been., a ruling elder, on Sunday afternoon ut 4 o'clock. Vrooman Gardiner, a student at Keystone academy, Pactoryvllle, has boon spending a few days at his home in this place. A. J. Avery, of Scranton, Is spending the week with his family here. Surgeon Theodore Richards, of the United States navy, has been the guest for a few days of his parents, Com mander and Mrs. B. S. Richards, nt their residence In this place. Mrs. Adelaide Stoddard and sister, Miss Janet McCausland, have gone to Philadelphia, whore they will spend tho winter studying elocution and physicul culture, Mrs, E. B. Joachim, of Unadllla, N. Y Is visiting her parents, Dr, and Mrs. W. W, Smith. P. J, Lott, esq., of this place, was elected president of the State Associa tion of County commissioners at its annual convention held this week at Allentown. Mrs. C. R. Newton, of Nicholson, was the guest of Montrose friends this week. The Republican rally at the armory In this place on Wednesday evening was a pronounced success. The build ing was packed to overflowing. Cap tain R. James McCausland presided. George H. Frasler was secretary, and the following were vice-presidents: J. H. Prltchard, Bprlngyllle; O. A, Bald win, Mlddletownj W. H. Tlnglcy, Now Milford! Hendrlck Miles, DlmockJ V. E. Bennett, Franklin! E. W. Stedman, Forest Lake; M. E. Compton, Sprlng vllle, and A. C. Barrett, New Milford. The paramount Issues of tho campaign were discussed In two masterly ad dresses delivered by Congressman-at-Largo Galusha A. Grow and Hon. James T. DuBols, An added Interest to the occasion came from the fact that It was tho fiftieth anniversary ot Mr. Grow's entrance Into public life, having been first elected to congress from the old Wllmot district In Octo ber, 1SG0. The meeting was marked by great enthusiasm, and the Republican cause In this county wns given a tre mendous Impetus. Excellent music was furnished by the Montrose Glee club and tho Sprlngvllle band. TERRY MUBDEB CASE. Plea of Voluntary Manslaughter Ac ceptedOther Court News. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Tunklmnnoek, Oct. 12. Tho trial of James Terry for the killing of his brother came to an abrupt conclusion yesterday. The last witness culled last evening was tho stenographer who took tlie ante-mortem statement of D. Terry fit the Wllkes-Burro hospi tal. The defense objected to the ad mission of the statement, but their ob jection was overruled, and the state ment read. It contnlned no now mat ter, being substantially what tho wit ness of the stabbing testified to, namely, that the two men were quar reling, that a fight resulted from the quarrel, and that during the scrim mage, while both men were on tho ground, the Ftabblng was done. On coming Into court a proposition was made by the defense that they would withdraw their plea of not guilty and substitute one of guilty of voluntary manslaughter, and after some discus sion between the district attorney nnd the court this plea was .occepted, and the Jury discharged. Sentence wns suspended for the present, and tho prisoner taken back to jail. The high est punishment that can be Inflicted under this aspect of the case is a fine of not more than $1,000 and Imprison ment not exceeding twelve years. The case of commonwealth vs. How ard Moss, charge f. and b., was called this morning after the disposition of the Terry case. District Attorney Kln ner appearing for the commonwealth and Attorneys Henry Harding and Asa S. Kecle for the defense. The defense offered no testimony and submitted the case without argument, and the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Sentence was suspended until Monday morning. In the case of commonwealth vs. Lloyd Newell, charged with assaulting an Arabian peddlor near Noxon, In which defendant had pleaded guilty, the defendant was called for sentence. Several witnesses were called In order to fix the degree of sentence, and the defendant went on the stand to tell his story. He is a very young boy, and was evidently frightened, as he broke down completely and could not testify for some time on account of his crying. After hearing the testi mony, the court, in consideration of the defendant's youth, suspended sen tetnee indefinitely or during good be havior. Commonwealth vs. S. F. Smith, charge, soiling liquor to minors and selling liquor on Sunday, grand jury finds a true bill. Commonwealth vs. Mrs. S. F. Smith, charged with the sumo offenses, grand jury returned the bill ignored. The case of commonwealth vs. Ella Harding, charged with committing an assault and battery oh Station Agent Miller, of the Lehigh Valley station at Vosburg, was called this afternoon and a jury drawn. On account of the absence of Dr. Butler, of Wilkes Barrc, n very important witness in tho ease, a continuance was had un til Friday morning. The two commonwealth cases against S. F. Smith were continued to next term. There being but one other case open on the list for trial nt this term, the case of commonwealth vs. Newcomb, charge, false pretense, a jury was drawn In that case and the balance of tho jurymen were discharged from further attendance at court during this term. MUSICAL ALLIANCE. Sessions Close with Grand Concert at Eactoryville. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factor.vville, Oct. 12. Tho last day of the Lackawanna and Wyoming Muslcaalllanee closed yesterday with tho second grand concert in the even ing, in which some excellent talent wis brought out, as tho programme printed In yesterday's Tribune showed, and at both Thursday and Friday night's con certs several encores were responded to. Mrs. Chamot's sjet voice again charmed the audiences that have had tho pleasure of listening to her, and she has received many deserving com pliments. Prof. Bowman's untiring efforts, and tho willingness of his class to grasp tho music that he placed before them, have been crowned with success, which makps this, tho fifteenth annual ses sion of the alliance, go on record as one of tho very best and most suc cessful ones held In many years. Prof. Bowman has proved himself a genial and talented conductor. As an Instru mental musician ho Is a marvel, and his playing during the alliance has been a leading feature. The weather man has certainly smiled on tho alliance this year and tho finest of weather has prevailed .during the whole week, therefore the attendance has been good, Tho church last night was taxed to Its fullest capacity and standing room was at a premium. The Tribune has been the official paper of the alliance again this year, and has been much sought after by tho members. Secretary Manchester, President A, L. Thayer and other officers have been very diligent workers during the alli ance, and their efforts, too, have been very successful and are deserving of much credit, BROOKLYN,- Special to th Scranton Tribune. Brooklyn, Pa., Oct, 11. Mrs. Eliza Roper spent Wednesday and Thursday at A. S. Waldle's. H. W. Roper nnd family and Mrs. Stephens visited friends In West Nich olson thl3 week, I Mrs, N. S. Sage, Mrs. Rhoda Van DkBuU'sN " rs.r all Thrnnt nnd Tunc Affections. ' Curci sit Throat and LuoiC Affections. COUGH SYRUP W. Get the genuine. Refuse substitute, A v ucune genuine. KciusesuostuuK VIS SURE MVMIM ONStirW RbMUMtlNB. A (. Aukon, Misses Bertha Sago and Gcr trudo Waldlo attended tho Y. P. C. U. convention last Saturday nnd Sunday. Tho funeral of Franklin Lord was held from his home Monday afternoon. The O. A. ft. had charge and itov. Dr. Sage officiated. No school next week, as the teachers must attend tho county lnstltuto nt Montrose, Mrs. G, T, Peckham returned homo Tuesday. Her mother, Mrs. C. H. Ely, Is still quite 111. She lsnbelng cared for by Miss Inez Brink ot Sprlngvlllo. Mrs. Gertie Smith and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. McKccver. Tho funeral ot Willie Sterling, who died ot lock-Jaw nt tho home of his uncle C. JL Tiffany was held hero Sun day. Many friends from Scranton at tended tho funeral. The Unlvcrsnllst Ladles' Aid meet Thursday with Mrs. W. L. Sterling. They will servo a Thanksgiving dinner In the church, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Oct. 12. Tho patrons of Susquehanna station, No. 01, Five States' Milk Producers' association, will hold a meeting !n Susquehanna on Saturday. A Republican rally will bo held In Gulf Summit this evening. It Is claimed that, on account of the severe and protracted drought, the trout in the vicinity's streams are dy ing, and tho snakes nnd smaller ani mals are devouring a great number. Several members of the Susquehanna band accompanied the Hallstead band to Blnghamton on Thurrday. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Peck entertained tho Men's club of Christ Episcopal church last evening. Mrs. M. B. Wright and son, Clar ence, nnd Miss Clara Falkenburg, have returned to Washington, D. C. Mrs. Thomas Granahan and daugh ter, Miss Sara, of the Oakland side, left today to visit New York city rela tives'. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Brewer, of Turnpike street, are guests of New York city relatives. Rev. J. L. Williams and family have removed from Forest City to this place. Mrs. Smith Lyons nnd daughter. Fiances, of Athens, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lyons, Main street. A series of Farmers' institutes will bo held in Susquehanna county in tho near future. The marksmen of the borough and vicinity will soon have another shoot on the Oakland side range. George Kirk and family, of Broad street, will spend tho winter It Al bany. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dougherty have returned from their bridal tour. Mrs. Elizabeth Ketcham, of Wilcox, Po is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Lyons. Mrs. Joseph Mulroonoy and son, ot Laurel street, are visiting relatives in Patcrson, N. J. '- Owing to tho scarcity of coal, a large quantity of wood is being sold by farmers, in Susquehanna. UNIONDALE. Special to the Scranton Tiibunc Unlondale, Oct. 12 Hayden MI rathean of Wilkes-Barre is visiting S. S. Coleman's family. Several bushels of apples were stolon from Isaac Morgan's property the other night. Rev. E. Eastman returned Wednes day, after attending the Ministers' as sociation held at Jackson. Mrs. H. J. Crane and son Howard are spending the present week at Nich olson. The showers wo had Sunday were gratefully received by all. There is an earnest cry for more rain as water Is becoming very scarce. R. Jones, son of Richard L. Jones, returned homo to New York, accom panied by his daughter, last Monday. Urbane Barriger and daughter, Miss Alice, made a trip to Blnghamton lately. Theie has been quite a number of patients in your town recent!:.'. We are glad to report on good authority that the majority are doing well. Mrs. G. M. Darrow is visiting at New Milford. Mts. Frank Couch, of Carbondale, was a pleasant visitor in town last Saturday, Edward Morgan nnd family occupy the former home of Mrs. Elias West gate. MI.ss Hattle Smith is visiting friends at Waymont. Next Sunday will be harvest Sunday In tho M. E. Church. There willbe appropriate exercises. J. F. Bass, esq., spent Sunday with friends in Carbondale. NICHOLSON. Special to the Sennton Tribune. Nicholson, Oct. 12. Mrs. Crock, who has boon seriously 111, Is convalescing. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Birchard'and Mrs. Martha Bell, of Foster, wore callers on friends In town Thursday. Rev. O. R. Beurdsley is visiting his daughter, Mrs. L. N. Shields. William S. Crock attended a social at Royal Friday evening. Mrs, F. P, Stephens and daughter, Madeline, aro visiting friends nnd rel atives In Scranton. Claude Roberts is visiting his par ents at Foster. For Female Complaints, and diseases arising from an Impure state of tho blood Llchty's Celery Nerve Compound Is an Invaluable spe cific. Sold by Mut'thow Bros. FOREST CITY. Special to tlie Reunion Tribune, Forest City, Oct. 12. Eva, -the only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Knapp, ded at 11.30 Thursday morning, after a very short Illness with diphtheria, She was about ten years of age, nn un usually bright and cheerful girl, Hor vivacious ways made hor a natural leader among her playmates. The par ents have tho sympathy of tho com munity in their bereavement, Mary, tho six-year-old daughter ot Mr, and Mrs. John Dearie, succumbed before tho dread malady, diphtheria, on Wednesday, Tho delegates representing Forest City local, No, 1035, in the convention at Scranton are L. h. Decker, J, P, Haggerty, M, J, Healy, Morgan Jen kins, Thomas Cavanaugh, P. H. Hol lenback, Andrew Starinskl, Prank Mur ray, Jim Cojlnsky, Alex, Peterson, Louis Zazerl and Mike Ruddy. Champ Ebdon has gono to Chicago for a short visit, Miss Lizzie McLaughlin Is receiving medical treatment In Dr. Wheeler's hospital, Carbondale. ' Charles Alexander has resigned his position with his brother. John Alex ander, tho clothier, to return to Phila delphia. Jessie Haurwlcz is again be hind tho counter in that store. Mrs. S. B. Hudson, of Hudsonvllle, SYSTEMIC MRS. C. !. POWELL, OP (III' II AM?, WASH. Mrs. C. D. Powell, President Epworth League, also President Loyal Tem perance Legion, nnd wife of Dr. C. D. Powell, of Chehalls, Wash., was for several years afflicted with that peculiar form of chronic catarrji pervading tho whole system, involving the stomach, liver and kidneys. It is to this form of catarrh that Dr. Hartman has for a long time been calling the at tention of the medical profession. It Ik known as systemic catarrh. Po runa seems to be tlie only specific for this phase of catarrh yet devised by the medical profession. j In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman, Mrs. Powell says: "I have found Peruna to give satisfaction in cases of indigestion, com plication of liver and kidney troubles , and it is one of the finest tonics I know of for a worn-out system. I have used several remedies in cAses of severe colds and la grippe, but none I consider of more value than Peru na. X am glad to recommend Peruna to my friends as a reliable, safe and successful specific. Mrs. Dr. C. D. Powell. Mr. Samuel A. Sealos, Kimbro, Tenn., writes: "J gives me great pleasure to testify to tlie great good your medicine, Pe runa, has done for me in a case of systemic catarrh. I was confined to my bed for gome time and could not sit up. I had tried everything that I visited her brother, E. C. Dunnler, last week. She leaves soon, with her fam ily, for Denver. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Biown are spend ing a few days at Montrose. A reading club lias been formed by a number of young ladies, who have elected the following officers: Presi dent, Elizabeth Hartung; vice-president, Rosa Freodman; secretary, Martha Griffiths; treasurer, Pepe Freodman. Mrs. H, D. Allen is visiting in Hones dale. Monroe Tyler and family have been called to Tyler bill, Wayne countv, on account of tho serious illness of Mr. Tyler's parents. A banner wih the portraits of Bryan and Stevenson has been strung to the breeze across South Main street. Thomas Robinson is suffering with a deep gash in the left wrist, inflicted recently while splitting wood. NEW MILFORD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. New sMllford, Oct. 12. Dr. Y. P. Clements and family, who have been spending tho summer here, returned to their homo In Now York city Tues day. Mrs. W. Sch,lppert spent Thursday In Blnghamton, Mr. and Mrs. David Shay have re turned from a visit nmong Peckvllle friond3, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter recently entertained Emanuel Carpenter, of Yorktokn, Neb. P. G. Inderlied was In Blnghamton Thursday on business. 'Mrs. William Curtis, of East Bridge water, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. D. W. Hagor, one day tills week. W. E. Tiffany, ot Susquehanna, was in aown this week. Miss Minine Bradiey and J. V. Ax tell wore appointed delegates to attend tho Christian Endeavor convention held at Blrchardvlllo Saturday, Mrs. W. M, Van Cott spent Tuesday at Scranton. Mrs. F W, Boyle will return Satur day fir.iv Troy, N. V where she has been spending some time visiting rela tives. Mrs. D. W. Hnger entertained a few of her lady friends at dlnno- Thursday. H. N, Tiffany, of Tiffany, was n caller In town one day recently, Mrs. Eugene Osborn and three daugh ters, of Harford, ate guests of Sir. and Mrs. J. Vailes. Mrs. F, T. Austin was In Now York last week on business, L. II, Pratt, of Nicholson, wns In town the first of this week, There will be no school next week ns It will bo teachers' Instrltute at Mont rose, A lecture course Is being arranged by the Young People's Christian Endeavor society, Many Thanks. "I wish to express my thanks to the munufactuieis of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on tho markoO such a won derful medicine," says W. W. Massln gill, of Beaumont, Texas, Thero are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera Infantum who must also feel thankful. It Is for sale by all druggists. Matthews Bros,, wholesale and ret-all agents, HOPBOTTOM, Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Hopbottom, Oct. 12, Thero will be no school next week, on account of county Institute, which convenes at Montiose on Monday next, Mrs, N, M, Finn Is beginning to Improve again, and It Is hoped will goon bo on the road to health once more, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Dlrchard of Philadelphia have been visiting friends In town. They spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, O, D. Roberts. Mrs. Blrchard was a resident and teacher ot this place for several years, and she Is always a most welcome visitor. Rev, O. R. Beardsley of "Scranton was a visitor In town this week, The Scranton Dalrv Ca. ni now handling about seventy cans of mill: ' CATARRH OF f could find that was recommended for catarrh without any benefit. I tried the best physicians with little or no benefit. I found I was giadually growing worse. "A friend of mine gave me one of your pamphlets, and seeing how Pe runa was recommended for catarrh, I per day from this place, and this amount will soon be largely increased. Mrs. Mary Brown of Dalton spent Wednesday with relatives here. Mrs. G. D. Robinson and children of Scranton, are making a ten days' visit among Mrs. Robinson's relatives In this vicinity. FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pactoryvllle, Oct. 12. S. C. Benjamin, of Scranton, Is spending a couple of weeks here attho home of John Taylor, 'Mrs. vate Stiles Is making several very noticeable Improvements on her Church street property. Keystone academy foot ball team goes to Tunkhannock today to play a return game with the high school of that place. Mrs. J. N. Capwell, of Scranton, was a. pleasant visitor here Thursday pnd composed one of the audience at the Alliance concert Thursday evening. The season for shooting squirrel, pheasants and quail opens next Mon day, and several of our local sports men anticipate exercising their muscles on that day. Rabbits cannot bo law fully killed till November 1. Miss Permella Bennett and Robert Hughes were married at the homo of the bride's parents in Gibson last Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Miss Jen nie Gardner, of this place, was a guest. A few members of the Methodist Episcopal church held a private dinner at the church yesterday noon. Messrs. D. W. Stark and ex-Register and Recorder H: C. Prevost, of Tunk hannock, were callers here yesterday. Quite a number of our townspeople are In attendance at tho October term of court this week. F. St. Amand and A, A. Brown were at Lake Sheridan one day this week and brought in a fine string of pickerel. Frank W. Lewis, of Lima, O., for merly a Pactoryvllle boy, was united In marriage last Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Miss Naomi Dell Hard esty, at their home, 320 North Scott street, Lima, O. Mr, Lewis has many warm friends and relatives In this place and vicinity who extend congratula tions. i HONESDALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Honesdale, Oct. 12. Miss Mae O, Wood, is the guest of Miss Alice Burns In Scranton, Rev. Jnmis P. Ware will preach ut Waymart Sunday afternoon, Mis. John Weaver and daughter, Murguerlte, nro spending a few days in Now York city. Next Thursday afternoon the ladles of Grace Episcopal church will open a "rummage sale" In tho vacant store room next to the express office on Front street, , Saturday afternoon tho Honesdale foot bail team and a club from Carbon dale will play on tho silk mill grounds. The county lnstltuto will be held In tho court house commencing November 12, Tho teachers are assured a profit able session. The funeral of Jesse Dexter, who died auddenjy Wednesday night, will be held at 2.30 p. m, Saturday. On account of tho scarcity of water the street sprinkler has been discon tinued and the strong wind yesterday rolled volumes of dust down Front street, to the discomfort of pedestrians. Tho Woman's Homo Missionary so ciety meetings Wednesday and Thurs day brought to Honesdale lady dele gates from tho territory comprising tho Lackawanna Presbytery, Wednesday evening Miss Florence Stephenson, of Asliovlllo Industrial school, gave a very Interesting' account of the work of the school. The meetings throughout proved a profitable season to all who attended. Dr, W. T, Butler and sister, Mrs. W. A. Oaylord, were called to Philadelphia yesterday by the death of a brother-in-law, Henry O. Hulburt, who was for merly a resident of Wayne county. He was born near what Is now called Stceno Station. He was about 65 years of age, and has been engaged in the Jewelry business in Philadelphia for many cars. AUTUMN sent for some and began taking It .ac cording to directions" After taking-it for a few days, I began,, to got better. I continued using It until 1 was tiblo to go to work on tho farm again, and now I am In very good health, and' do work on my farm, "I do honestly believe that your great medicine, Peruna, saved my lite, and I cheerfully recommended it to like sufferers." Hon. John Elliot, President Royal Templars of Temperance, writes, the following In regard to Peruna from 12b) Fltswortli stieet, Philadelphia, in.: "I htvp found ho much help In cases of catarrhal trouble, nlso In kld- ney nnd bladder diseases , that I have freely recom mended Fortina to the different mem bers of our Order. Peruna has never In my experience railed to help those who have taken It nnd I have seen some remarkable euros through Its faithful use, It Is by nil odds the most reliable medicine I know of." Many people still think Ujat, ca tarrh Is a disease confined to the head. This, Is a great mistake. Catarrh is liable to occur wherever there Is a mucous membrane. Not only does the mucous membrane fill the cavities of the head, nose nnd throat, but.lt also' lines the stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder and pelvic organs. Every duet, every cavity, every passage ot tho whole body Is subjected to chronlo catarrh because they are lined with mucous membrane. Santa Rosa, Gala. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus O.: Gentlemen "At the solicitation of a friend I used your Peruna and can cheerfully recommend it as an ex cellent remedy for nil catarrhal troubles. It Is, indeed, a wonderful medicine." J. A. Barham, Congressman from California. When catarrh has pervaded several organs of the body it is called systemic catarrh. It may involve stomach, bowels and kidneys, or liver without disturbing the cavities of tho head at all. People who have no catarrh In the .head are apt to think they do not have catarrh at all. A great many people are slowly dying of catarrh today of some of the internal organs, without having the slightest Idea that they are victims ofatarrh. In order to bo fully posted on this subject, every person should read Dr. Hartman's latest book on chronlo ca tartji. Sent free on application by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION 4iME. A. RUPPERTS WORLD RE NOWNED FACE BLEACH AL MOST WITHOUT COST NO MATTER HOW BLEMISHED THE SKIN, FACE BLEACH WILL MAKE IT PERFECT H Adamo A. Ruppert says : "My Faco Bleach is not a new, untried remnuy, but has beon used by tho best people for years, and for dissolving nnd removing forever pimples, freckles, moth patches, blackheads, eczema, tan, sunburn, eallowness, roughness or ralnoes of the skin, and for brightening nnd beautifying the complexion it boa no equal. It Is absolutely harmless to the most delicate skin. Tho marvellous improvement aftor n few applications is most upparent, tor thu skin becomes as nature intunded it slioulil be, smooth, clear and white, free tnun every impurity nnd blemish. It ennnrit fall, for its action is suali that it drawn thu impurities out of tho skin, nnd docs not cover thotn up, and is invisible during ufc. 'Fills is tho only thorough and pcraiuncnt'. way. During this month, I will offer to all n" trial bottle of my world ronowud Kaco Pleach, Bufliolent to show that it la nil that I claim for it, and any reader of this can Fend mo 25 cents In stamps or silver, and I will nend tho trial bottle, securely parked In (iluln wrapper, scaled, all charges prepaid. My book 'How to ho Iloautiful' will bo mailed frto to all who will writo tor it." ftADAHE A. RUPPERT, 6 East 14th Street, New York rime. Ruppert's dray Hair Restorative actually restores gray hair to its natural color. Caubn-usedon any shadoof hair, and is not a dyo. ami does not discolor tho skin nor rub olf. rerfectly harmless and always gives satisfaction. Dime, Ruppert's Depilatory remove superfluous lmlr In five minutes, without pain; will uot lujitro tho most delicate skin. flme. Ruppert's Egyptian Itulm for soft ening aud healing tho fnco nml hamli, (laic. Ruppert's flair Tonic positively removes daudrurr, all scalp dlseiifos, stn s falling hair, and In many cusos icstores hair, Mme. Ruppert's Almond Oil Complexion Soap, maclo of puro almond oil and wax, Dollghtful for tho complexion mid unr runted not to clinp tho nmt dolteiitoskin, All oi TiionDovo inuop prepainuniiB nro nlwavs .i't in stock and can bo had trout our local agent. Mine. A. Kupperl'aCelobratotl Com plexion Specialties mo for milo , la Bcrauton hy Jonas Long's Sons DR. DPNSTCN, 311 Spruce Street, Scran ton. Pa. All Acute urnl Chronic Diseases ot Men, Women ani Children. Consultation and examination free. Office Hours Uallv and Sunday 8 a, m. to o p. in. Hon. John Elliot LWEBfe P312SEI ISM t,i aft. 3 l w Al AI 1 , 1 & M K 1I ?! 3 '.I . ,vl T! hl i is I l m .Mil Fl m j. i M 5!J 1 a V' , 1 i- ju -liHr"-'. ' -r . . . i'lv V . 4 ire- . w-.Val' A. L t 'V v 1 ' ; liAjf-TK . ' $-- . . ! K. fei.lilJt,-i ifci1Ei4iA ;aA.' Ss yq4 na-firjUJc j, ju.'jiMfififtkjd.a ,.1,-,