iU,.,).ii mmW s:-i!Sfci ku. "' ?imm twirmTafo Is .'XtS tK h 7vyw? 7 A , .af U ,.V tiB. . xfti .'J!"4 p b 1 ',( w .t t f'SVS Vv ri,A l, t" -s . i" a,i j. " -' . ? r. Sfr ' W 7 Tf 12 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY,' OCTOBER 13, 1900. Vftffl V ? I BIG WEEK'S WORK DONE BY THE COURT MOBB THAN EIGHTY OASES FINALLY DISPOSED OF. Three Courts Were Kept Busy AH During tho Week H. J. Crosaloy Was Convicted of Assault and Sen tenced to One Year In the County Jail Sentence Suspended in the Case of the West Side Boys-jyill-iam H. Eelghard Olven Two Months. When court adjourned yesterday af ternoon at 3 o'clock It had disposed of every case on tho list that was open for trial or disposition In any other way, and had established tho week's record for this county, so far as tho trial of cas-ja Is concerned. Over eighty cases hud been disposed of, flther by a trial before a Jury, a pica of guilty being entered, or a verdict of not guilty taken by agreement. Judge R. W. Archbald, who was pre siding In the muln court room, kept the three courts going constantly. The list was large and he wished to per mit no dilly dallying upon the part of attorneys. When a ca3i! wus called, unless good reasons to tho contiary were advanced, It was tried. Early In tho week tho Judge saw that the regu lar panel of Jurors would not be suf ficient and he had a number of tales men drawn, who served for tho re mainder of the week. That gave the court an ample supply of Jurors all tho time and the business of tho court was not delayed, as it frequently Is, by a Bcarcity of jurors. It will not bo possible to dispose of so many cases next week, because a number of them are councilmanlo bribery cases, wVch will take a con siderable period of time to try. 13ut.it business Is expedited to the extent It was this week in the three court rooms, great inroads will be made on tho list. CROSSLEY FOUND GUILTY. H. J. Crossley was yesterday found guilty of assault In connection with the charges made against him by 9-year-old Eva Marsh, and was sentenced to one year in the county jail. About 10.30 yesterday morning, tho judge sent for tho jury, it not having yet agreed, and said that he had thought the case over during tho night and come to the conclusion that ho had been more favorable than ho should have been. He had come to the conclusion that the evidence would warrant a conviction on the first count of the indictment. At 2.30 in the afternoon, the jury brought In a verdict on the second count of tho Indictment, charging assault, and Crossley was Immediately called for sentence. In imposing sentence, Judge Archbald said: Mr. tVosslcy, I recognize in you a man whom I thought was a person of respectability, whose face I hae often seen upon the streets of this city. I am very sorry to see you here at the bar of justice. The cWdcncc, hoocr, was con vincing to me that the story told by these chil dren is true, and if jou have not introduced into their joung minds that which will ruin these girls it is the mercy of Providence. There was etidence that would hac warranted the jury in finding you guilty, as I instructed them this morning, of the most serious part of this clurgc. f thought it stopped uliort of that, thJt the evidence would not warrant that con viction, but after thinking it otcr last night I made up my mind that if the jury could be brought into court again I should tell them that they could find jou guilty of the most se vere charge. They hae regarded the evidence on the side of mercy and hac found that your intent was not as 1.1 as It looked and that jou stopped so far bhort that they were not willing to find jou guilty of an attempt to criminally assault these children. JURY INCLINED TO MERCY. If they had found you guilty of that offense I would have sent jou to tho penitentiary. I could not stop thort of it. Uut tho offense U terious, and, while I desire to observe the rec ommindation to mercy of juries in ordinary cases, jet 1 really can see no place for it here. They have found you guilty of an assault upon these children. It was a vile assault and I there fore, instead of being inclined to mercy, am in clined to give jou the full extent of the law in such cases, which is not very ncure, me.isuieil by the circumstances attending it. The sentence of the court is tint jou pay a line of $l(ip, pay the costs of prosecution and undergo imprison ment in tho county Jail of Lackawanna county for the term of one jrar. As fir as the term of imprisonment is concerned, this is the ex treme limit of the law. By direction of Judge Archbald, Mrs. Margaret Scanlon was returned not guilty of a charge of forcible entry and detainer, preferred by Thomas Costello. The jury was sent out to dis pose of the question of costs and di vided them equally between prosecutor and defendant. In the case of Thomas E. Mills, of North Scranton, arrested at the In stance of Annie A. Sullivan, a verdict of not guilty was taken. The prose cutrix Is dead. Thomas Hall was returned not guilty of stealing copper from tho Scranton Railway company. Ho has been In Jail three months awaiting trial. Samuel Murray and M. J. Wheeler pleaded guilty to conducting a gamb ling place on Spruco street, and wero lined $10 and costs. J. D. Miller and M. D. Ulewltt, employes of the place, were lined 11 and costs, Andro Parish, who was tried Thurs day before Judge Gordon for placing a large Btono In front of a trolley car, near Vandllng, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a lino and spend six months In the county Jail, BOY CONVICTED. Alexander Slanko, a seven-year-old boy, was convicted before Judge Gor don of breaking locks on switches on tho Delaware and Hudson road nt Prlceburg, and sentonco was suspended, A verdict of not guilty, upon pay ment of tho costs, was taken In the ease of Prank Maruehlm, charged with selling liquor without a llcenso, by H, Livingston. Michael Smith was returned not guilty of selling liquor without n license, and the county was directed to pay the costs. In this case H. Living ston was also prosecutor, Smith IJvos In West Scranton and owns a property used for hotel purposes. Ho took charge of the hotel und began to tell before the license was transferred to him. The trial of tho case of Thomas Mof. fatt, of North Scranton, who shot and seriously injured Dennis Lally, one Sunday last summer, was postponed Until next week. Garfield and Bert Williams and John Tones, the boys tried for stealing metal and selling the same to Porter Broth ers, were convicted of receiving stolon goods, The case was submitted to the jury at the opening of court this morn Ins;. Robert Hand, also Indloted with the other boys, plead guilty yesterday and was sentenced to the Huntington reformatory. As to the other boys, the court suspended genteaoe, after advU. i Ing them what would be expected of them In the future. MALINSKI GUILTY. Alexander Mallnlskl was found guilty on the second count of tho indictment against him, under which ho was tried on charges preferred against him by his stop-mother's sister. Tho prosecu trix has been In this country less than two years and during that period has lived with defendants people. She tes tified that he had on two occasions boon guilty of the offence charged against him. R. L. Levy represented tho prosecution, and Attorney Geoige S. Horn conducted tho case for the de fendant. Ho was found guilty und was sentenced to $25 and costs. Michael Cunningham was then tried on a charge of aggravated assault and battery. John Astock, who conducts a hotel In Dunmore, was the prosecutor, und stated that on September 3 tho de fendant came to his place, became very excited nntl without warning or provo cation struck the prosecutor In the face with a large stone. Tho defend ant denied throwing a stone on that occasion and stated that he had trouble with tho prosecutor over a picture of defendants Bister, which had been hung up behind tho bar, and that dur ing the dlfllculty tho prosecutor at tacked him with a club, when In self defense ho used the weapons nature had provided him with. Before the Jury was sworn a motion to quash the, Indictment was made by Mr. Balentlne, representing defendant, for the reason that It was only a copy, was not signed by the foreman of the grand Jury and was produced without giving defendant an opportunity to be heard. This motion was refused, and the copy of the bill of Indictment or dered to stand as a reproduction of tho original. Tho Jury was out at adjourn ing hour. William H. Reighard, who was con victed of beating his daughter with strands of copper wire, was sentenced by Judge Gordon to two months In the county jail. Charles Frauzer was yesterday re turned not guilty of a charge of malic ious mischief, preferred by Joseph Fletcher, of Throop, but was directed to pay the costs. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Orders for Lackawanna Trainmen Posted Complaint That Conduct ors Are Not Obeying Orders. The following orders for Lackawanna trainmen were posted on the bulletins yesterday: KAST BOUND TIUCK, VJAST Or MAPLKWOOD. Between the time of train No. 720, due at Mcpleuood, 10.-15 a. m., and train No. 721, due at Maplcwood 12.25 p. in., on Sundaj', Oct. 11, 1WK), the cast bound track will be out of service f lom a point just cast of Maplcwood station to the round house at South Orange while connec tion is being made with the new cast bound track being put in at that point. After the connection is made, and until further notice, all trains will reduce speed co twelve miles per hour passing over this section of new cart bound trae'e. bulletin No. ttt0, dated Oct. S, giving notice that this change would be made Oct. 12, is can celled. C. II. Ectcham, Superintendent WASHINGTON CHUTES. The coal chutes being torn down at Washing Ion, it will be impossible for jou to net coal at that point until new chutes are erected. Drill engines, engines that lay oir at Wash ington, and engines passinsr through Washington, will be obliged to take coal at Port Washington. Kdwin M. Itinc, Acting Superintendent. NOT IiUSPECTlNG OHDERS. Complaint is made that our conductors arc not living up to requirements of bulletin issued by Superintendent Kotchmn, June 15, 1000, relativc to leaving at janlmastcr's ofllce, Port Morris, switching list, Torm T-U, showing position of cars left in jard. This refers especially to trains of fnight. I hope I shall not have an occasion to call jour attention to this matter again. J. J. MrCann, Trainmaster. This and That. The private car, "Wabash," contain ing the officials of the Wabash rail road, passed through the city yester day afternoon, attached to Lacka wann train No. G. Their destination was Philadelphia. General Superintendent T. E. Clarke, of the Lackawanna railroad, and Act ing Superintendent Edwin M. Rlne, of tho Main Line division, were at their ofllces yesterday, after an absence of several days In New York. PAYTON HELD IN BAIL. He Is Accused of Kobbing Patrick Sweeney. Joseph Payton, alias John Crowley, was given a hearing by Mayor Molr yesterday morning, on the charge of robbing Patrick Sweeney, of 409 Stone avenue, of a gold watch, early voster day morning, and In default of $300 ball ho was committed to the county Jail, to thero await trial. Sweeney claimed that while walking through Railroad alley, about 1.15 o'clock, ho was suddenly attacked by two men, who throw him to tho ground. One of them, whom he positively Identified as Sweeney, then took from h,ls pocket his gold watch and chain. The two then left him. He immediately notified Patrolmen Parry und Karlus, who arrpsted the man on Penn avenuo a few moments later, as he emerged from Canter street, with Sweeney's watch In his pocket. In pollco court ho yesterday gave his name as John Crowley, Ho is wenty four years of age, und lives In Scran ton. He later admitted that the name Crowlnv was an alias, and that he Is really John Payton. HAS MOVED FOB A NON-SUIT, City Solicitor Acts in Case of Mrs, Nauriter Versus the City. A hearing In the case of Mrs. Mary Nnurlter, of South Scranton, against tho city of Scranton, was conducted yesterday afternoon In City Solicitor Vosburg's ofllce, before Referee C, B, Gardner, Mrs. Nauriter Is suing the city for $5,000 for damages which she claims were caused by water over (lowlng on her property on Klrst court. The only witness examined yesterday wus Peter Htltz, who was the foreman of the street commissioner's gang, which put In u culvert which is &uld to have caused tho overflow, Hu ten tided to tho fact that before the cul vert was put In, tho court was utterly Impassible, but that after it was put lu the covut could be used. Mr. Vosburg has moved for a non suit In tho case, on tho ground that there has been no negligence on the part of the city shown. The motion will bo argued next Monday afternoon at i o'clock by City Solicitor Vosburg for the ctiy, and by Attorneys Dono hu and Burn, for the plaintiff, THE MARKETS. Wall Street Beviow. New York. Oct. 12. Ihc undertone of tho stock market became strong today and prices moved upwanl pictty consistently to tho clou, which was strong but notably dull ami Willi gains Well maintained. The dominant factor In the market was tho laige engagement of gold for Import, London, Pails and Berlin nil cuii trllmllng, the total amounting to MJfio.lM). llie dealings in stccks wcw not large .it my time und the day's operations were itUrluulvil U ptcfesaicnal rpcutors for the most part. There was it fair distribution of the Mringlh. hut tlio rflccthc dealings during llu day wcie Cornell traled in a few slocks nnd those distinguished for the irecnt large short selling from wlilili they have sutfered. Pioplc's Uas w.u tlu nota ble example In the Industrial dcpaitinenl. The stock sold oil utter the opening nn the pie sumption that yestcrdiiv's liming lintl mtlsllod the demand from the sfmiln. but the liw (ti ding at the dcclino caused renewed mlv.mco and It wus lifted at one time an cxtlciif . M. .losing with a net gain ot IVi. In the ralltoui list Nortli'in Pacific was in lurgjst dnninl. in liming supposed to bo for inside InteiLSls. Nut withstanding the notable ilulltices at Ihc hist the closing wan strong and gains weie well maintained. The failure of the monov rate to icspond to the operations in the stock market Riivo color to the supposition tint they were londueted by professional operators who line supplied themselves with time loans with a view to such a contingency an the present. The call loan rate- In fact was inclined to sac, the ruling rate declining to II per cent., iiulultlnliiidlii? that loans mide today carry over until ibiulay. Total sales, 24D.700 ijiircs. Tho bond market was iuict and changes wera unimportant. Total sales, par value, 770,000. . S. new 4s advanced Vi per cent, on the last call. The following quotations are furnished The Tribune by M. S. Jordan & Co. rooms 7riV70O Wears building, Scranton, l'a. Telephon 6003 unen- American Sugar lift Amcr. Tobacco no'4 Am. Steel k Wire- ... .1.1 V& Atchison as Atchison. I'r. filji iirooK. inaction D'J High est. U! 01 avA 2S'.4 7t MTU 71 ltt 281- Italto. It Ohio 70V6 Cont. Tobacco 25V4 Chen, k Ohio j... 2!i Chic, 11. 4: Q um u' st. rnui ,.. .in7 11JV1 iock island lu.,14 Del. .t Hudson Ill I'edcral Siteel ail. Kan. & Te., lr. 27H Louis. & Nash 7 Pi Man. Klev.icd !)2V Met. Traction ISO Jlls-,0. l'.ielllo 4!)i Pioplc's f.as b", X. J. Central ril Southern I'aclllc Jii Norfolk fc West iji North, l'.ulllc IS'k 105', lUCi .11 2W North. Pacific, I'r. ... fi'Hl N. Y. Central UVft Ontario k Wcstein .... 20t4 Pcnna. It. I! l.'l'i Parlllc M.ill .1H4 Reading ltj ll'i ini 5oa; !7?i 1.11 3,5 M 70 Vx 120 ii -')s 1.11 V4 HU ID Low et. UC TOW S2tt 23 noH 01T4 7014 254 an 12314 11IH 10114 ill .Wi 27i 71 02 MO 4114 Slli 111 a-'M H4 4S'4 (Via;, 12 U 20, 1211-1 ,11 1"?4 5.5 Heading Ilv., IV. .Southern lly., I'r. .... 521s WTh Tenn. Coal k Iron .... uVU r7Va U. S. Leather 10H WV, IT. S. Rubber 21'i 20'i Union Pacific 57'8 BS'i Union Pacific, Tr. .... 71 '7114 Wabash, I'r IS IS Western Union 7SVi 7a Thiid Avenue 110 111 NEW YORK ritODLICr: EXCHANGE PRICES. High- Low' ft-JVi f.r.", 10U 21 57't "Ti IS 7314 110 Clos. ing. H0?s 01 32 2S' 70V, 621i 71 2(1' 4 21i 12.51 1 111T4 1051, lll'i .11 2fc '4 T214 02 151 CO 6714 131 31 3iyA E0i 70 12014 20)4 1.11 31 10 f'55i r2-i fi7", 1014 2'5i r.s'4 lav, is 7s4 111 WHEAT, llcccmbcr , May CORN. December May Open ing. S014 oMI'4 42 4114 ct. Sllf, S1U 424 12 est. SO, Si 63Va 41', 41'4 CIos. ing. Sli 42"s 41'4 26t2Gic. t track mlxerl vmtcrn, 252a2ie.t track white, western and state, 20a.13c. Options neglected and about steady. Hutter Vlrui) creamery, UuSllIc.) factory, 13il0c. I Juno creamery, 17UaiM1(c.t Imitation ereimery, 15a 17c.j state, llnznitc. Cheese Until largo white, 10ie'.t small while, lie. ; large colored, 104c.l small colored, lie. Egg Finn t ttate nnd I'crna., 20a21c.j w-mtcm, regular packing, 1511814c. J western, Iom off, 20c. Chicago Grain and Produce. Clilcago, Oct, 12. Cattle Receipt, 2,000! gen. nullv Mcadyt natives, best on sale today, 5 tarloud, at 5,60! good to pilmo steers, $?i.t0i fl.SSj penr In medium, 4.10i6.3O! selected feed, rrs, $I.7,".,10 mixed storkus, t2.7Aa3.Cjt cown, Ifj.7uii4.2.5! helfcM, $2.73i4.7"! canners, $2a2.rOj bulls, tMTfitl.fin: cahes, 4i0.10. Texins lie. iclptn, 800 best on sale tmlaj', J carloaas at SJ.35; Texas fed Btcem, tJal.OOi do. grass steels, $3.25at.l); do. bulk $2.G0j3.23. Hogs Receipts todij-, 24,000: tomorrow, 20,. (100! left mrr. .I.MMI! ,1,. lllfflipr! antlle! inlved and butchers, 4.05n5..10! good .to cholco heavy, $5j3.2jy,; rotuh do., iJ4.83al.fWJ light, fie higher, $.0cu3.27'; bulk of oaies, t3.05a 0.20. Allien Receipts, 7,000! steady! lambs, 10c. Idgheii good to choice wethers, t,1.83a4.15; fair to rholie, inlved, 8, western sheep, t3.8ual.lS Tews sheep, if 2.50a.l.W) i native lambs, $1,45.15.50; western lambs, ?l.7ij3M. Chicago live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct. 12. Wheat was strong today on the export business, Dec. closing n14c. over jesteiday. Coin closed KaiV. and oats, 14a 14c higher. Provision closed 2)au7'.Sc. lower. CuMi quotations were us follows: . l'lour Steadv; No. 3 spring wheat, 74a7l';. i No. 2 red, 73V4a70Jc. ! No. 2 corn, llallc.i No. 2 yellow-, 41all?c. : No. 2 oits, 22c: No. 2 white, 24ia231ic.: No. 3 white, 2t1j.i2.514c J No. 2 rjc, 51c; barlej-, 41c; No. 1 fla, Jl.rfl: No. 1 northnrit. l.lu.il.72: tlmothv. V.16i3.20: perk, S15al5.50; liril. 7.10a7.15; rlbj, $7.S0.i 8.10! shoulders, llUaOSic; sides, 93,20aS.3O; Whlskej", fl.27. New York Live Stock Market. New York, Oct. 12. Reeves Steers, slow and generally 10c lower: bull, and (ows. stead' to 10c off; steers, 4.70a4.73; oxen nnd stigs, JV5.S0al.CO: bulls. 2.23.i3.30; cows, t.50aJ.B3. Calves Veals, steadv; giassers, slow; veal', $150a8.50; little calves. $1; grasers, 2al; foil t.ihes, l 2,rn1 ,W. fehecp Steady; lambs, weak and M to 25 cents lower; except for cholip. Sh"ci, !f2.75i 4,25; culls. $1.75a2.D0: lambs, 1.MU5; few evtrn, f0.12&aC.2j; culls, f3a4; Canada Iambs, $5 'OaO. Hog Dull nnd weak, at ?5.30a5.55; choice light state hogs, $5 CO. East Liberty Stock Market. Tnst Liberty, Oct. 12. Cattle Sleuly: extn, R5 30j5.73; -pilme, $3.23j5 50; common, $.S.2'j 3.73. Hogs Steadv: prime heavy, S3 "3a5 10: nitii. Iiinis, 35.35 if, 40; heavy jorkers, S5 23a5K0; lieht do., J5.15J5C0; pigs, 5a3.15; roughs, '.(1015. Hieep Shone: choice wethers, 54 20il,25; ri notion, tl.25i1.rA); choice hunks, $; rmnnon to good, $3.50a5 23; veal calves, !?7j 7.50. Oil Market. Oil Cit-, Oet. 12 Credit balances, 110; ecr. tiflcites, no bid. Shipments, 101,01.1; average, 01,070. Runs, 10,001; average, 70,360. ATTEMPTED TO ESCAPE. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotation Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. First National Dank 800 Scranton Savings Bank 300 Scranton Packing Co Third National Rank 425 Dime Deposit and Discount Rank .. 200 Economy Light, II. k V. Co Laeka. Trust Sife Deposit Co 130 Scranton Paint Co Clark & Snovcr Co., Pr. 125 Scranton Iron Fence k Mfg. Co Scranton Axle Works Lackawanna Dairy Co., I'r County Savings Hank k Trust Co... 300 First National Rank (Carbondalc) Standard Drilling Co Traders' National Bank 155 Scranton Bolt und Nut Co 100 BONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, first Mortgage, due 1020 113 People's Street Railway, first mort gage, due 191S 115 People's Street Railway, General mortgage, due 1021 113 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacks. Township School S per cent. ... City of Scrnnton St. Imp. 0 per cent Scranton Traction 0 per cent 113 Asked, 05 40 80 100 05 20 300 30 100 102 102 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Butter Cicamerj, 2,)a24c; dairy tubs, 23c. Eggs Select western, 17c; neaiby state, 19c. Cheese Full creuin, new, ll'fjc. Beans lir bu , choice nuriow, $2.40; medlura, $2.10; pea. 2.S0. Potatoes GOo. Onions GOc. per bu. Flour Best patent, $1.00. Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce. Philadelphia. flrt. to Wlirtnt rl.... s higher; contract glade, Oct , 7l'ia7lV.c! Coin Firm, 14c higher; No. 2 mixed, Cle"t., 4C"a T."7iv. ..mi ymui, uui bteauy; ro. 2 Willie clipped, 2&I&.1 h?4c. : No, 3 do. do., 27',a23c. ; No. 2 mixed do., 27a27'c IIutler-Fl.mr good demand; fai.cy wcstein creamery, 21'.c; do. prints, 21c Egg Finn; tush nenbv, 2Y,; ic. victim. ''ln . ,1. u,ui,l.,i ,.,..... in . .i- southern, lie Uiccsi IJuiit; New Yoilc full vir.iiii-,, i,iiiij Minn, jiyzc, no, eio. ic uir to choice, 10',4all!4c Kcllned sus'ars Un- i ti.ititrniL ir tnti llo Inu .it tit.l.lil.." 1 t . 10 1-lCe. Tallow Steady; city nrlmc m hhds., iv, cakes, 5?;c Live poultry Dull and lower; fowls, 6al0o.; old roostew, Ca7c; fprir.g iliicl.cn, 7atc; (lucks, SaOe. DiciSiJ poullr" Quiet, but steadv; low Is, choice, lUJli'.; do'. spilnt; ehlekens, llalSc; western do., t'allc. Iluciith Flour, 3,000 ban els, and 1,15(1,000 pcmids in sacks; wheat, 17,00 bushels; corn, I'l.lHlll IiiiIh.I, niito II fwin l..,.l.n1 ul.i -. .' .... . . , I "" ',v UM.I.VIO. OIIIIIIIIVI'IU Wheat, 2,200 bushels; corn, 2,000; oats, 21,000. New York Grain and Produce. New York, Oct. 12. Flour Market steadier nnd a -trifle more active on the nrinciiul grades without being quotably clunked. Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 led, S0c. f. o. b. alloit; No. 2 red. 70sic. elevator; No. 1 northern Duliith, fCltc f, o. b. afloat. Options ruled generally linn all d.'y. Clo,,cil tlrin at ?iaK.c not ad vance. Jhiieli ilosed Sljici May, SJIlc.i Oct., 78?jc. ; Dec, bIHc Com Spot otrong; No. 2, 4714c. elevator, und JbTic f. o. b. iilloat. Op tions advanced moderately during the day on a good demand. Closed firm and a"tc, net higher. .May closid 4114c; Oct.. 40Jc; Dec, 424e. Oats Spot steady; No, 2, 25Vie; No, 3, 25c, j No. 2 white, 27!ia271c; No. J white, Frank Langan Gave Patrolmen a Long Chase. Frank Langan and David Lavvler, also known as David Rowland, wore arrested early yesterday morning on Lackawanna avenue by Patrolmen Neuls, Day and Parry. The two men wore intoxicated and engaged in a rouerli and tumble flglit, which was put an end to by Patrolman Day, who met with consideiable resistance and was rcinforoed by the other two pa trolmen. On the way to tho Centre street station, Langan suddenly broke away from the bluecoat who had him in charge and darted up Lackawanna avenue. Chase was given, and after a long run he was recaptured and taken to the station. In default of a $3 fine he was yesterday committed to the county jail for twenty days. His companion paid the fine Im posed. Local Foot Ball Note. The first team of No. 33 school cannot play the second team of the Dunmore High school Saturday, but will play them Friday afternoon, Oct. 19, at 4.30 o'clock on the re field grounds. Answer in The Tribune. The Columbia foot ball team accept tho chal lenge of the Lodorc foot ball team, at 115 pounds, on Tunnel grounds, South Side, Oct. 11, 1900. licet at corner Fig street and Pittston ave nue. Michael Lavcllc, captain. CoimollvSdWallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER, Best of Gloves For Men and Women The claim of BEST for Gloves is not to be lightly made. One must needs fl searched far and studied long to be sure of highest excellence. This we have dor diligently for years. The best glove maker in Frauce now makes our fine gloves from the best selected kidskins that his country produces. The "H T E Jouvin" is foremost cut from the finest part of the best skins that grow on carefully nurtured kids there are none better. The Ladies' Jouvin'Js made with clasps or buttons, pique or round seams, in black, white and all colors. Also Jouvin Suede Gloves, in clasp style, in colors and black. Prices of Jouvin Gloves $1.50 and $2.00 Pair "The American Girl." The best dollar glove in the world splendidly - made, perfect- in fit. Black, white and all colors. Three clasps. Women's Genuine Mocha Gloves Many imitations are sold for the real goods. Not so here. When we say "Mocha" we mean "Mocha." not Suede or Chamois. These are $1.25 a pair, in greys, tans and black, and are well worth it they will give satisfaction in wear. For Men Adlcr's Moclia Gloves, $1.50 Adler's Mocha Gloves, Mlk Lined, $1.50 and $2.00 Fownes' Street Gloves, Tans and Greys, $1.50 Ileal Cape Driving Gloves, $1.00 and $1.50 CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND 120 WASHINQTON AVENUE There is more Catarrh in this section o! the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few jcara v.as supposed to ho incurable. For u great many jcars doctors pro nounced it n local disease, and prescribed local reincdlis, nnd by constantly failing tJ cjic with loial treatment, pronounced it incui.iuto. Sci ence has proven catarrh to ho a constitution il disease, and thereloie requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catanh Cure, manulactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces o( the e.isteni. Ihey olTcr one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circularu and testimonials. Address, F. J. CIinXCY k CO., Toledo, O. Fold bv llrugsrlsts, 75'. Hall's Tamily Pills are tho best. " t"l.-Ai THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1372 DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital SSOO.OOO surplus eoo.ooo VVA1. CONNELL, Presldiat. HENRY UELIN, Jr., VlcoPres. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashlir. Epecla'. attention given to busi ness accounts. Three per cent, in terest pal on Interest deposit. 42 M CARPETS ImI We want you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to bo had this side of New York. A superb line of I WALL PAPER I BRASS AND METALLIC BEDS I ' DRAPERIES : ,. KnoMKKKKMnKKiKKMUM:a:uuu:KU h m About Rubber Tires Of course all rubber tires look alike, but don't you know there is a great difference in the wear and quality of vehicle tires, due to the different methods ol putting on, etc. We have a very expensive plant for putting on Kelly. Springfield Tires on all classes of vehicles. It is the only per fect rubber tire manu-factured, being made of pure rubber and not composition. These tires are put on to stay held in the channel by two wires electrically welded, Cannot possi bly roll off or tear out, BITTENBENOER HO., 126 and 128 Franklin Ave. Prices on Application. KKUKKKKKKUUMKIKKKUnUMKnKK5 WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming Av:ne. sraESiafowt. w WE HAVE A Such as Foot Balls and Uniforms, Tennis Goods, Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Cameras, Kodaks and Supplies. MphVc hnpc At $2.00, $2.50, Tien & IIUC $3,00, $4.00 and $5.00, I aHifc' 2hnpc At $2.00, $2.50, L,CU11C2 I1UC $3,00, $3.50 and $4.00 Made in all styles, all leathers, all sizes and all widths. Special Bargains for Today, Saturday Men's Shoes at 98c. $1.29, $1.49 and $1.98. Ladies' Shoes at 98c, $1.29, $1.49 and $1.98, Boys' Shoes at 98 Cents. Call and examine our goods and make our store your headquarters, and you will surely save money by it. MYER D AVI DOW, The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue, Florey & Brooks, 211 Washington Ave. I PLEASANT COAL At Retail. Coal of tbe best quality (or domeatla uas and of all sizes. Including Buckwheat and Blrdseyo, delivared In any part of tbe city, at the lowest price. Orders received at the office, Connell building. Room S06; telephone No. 1763, or at the mine, telephone No. 272, will he promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. MOUNT PLEASANT COAL CO allt? emy adTerttetaJ pecTW. jlnR iJJ, JlwpiUU KUU -VriUI DIUKVUU 111. UHUBldrs& BloQdPolsQn.Varlcocslo.Strlctura I) HtB taifctexci.Lpslnaiiliop'nibTiruiiic. UIMaiBS. cooresni.iuriy rutorctf. thresh cues cured lu 3 to 10 days. Tho mott dangerous cues soUeHcd. BIN pilTSOMIR AftZT." Treat, went by nUUTfitadliirHworu TettinionWU A llook ,1. poMf orar ilkalaAUtcirtcal &! Usui Mrym HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent (or the Wyoal District (or DUPONTS POWDER. Mining1, Jllast IntT, Sporting, Smokeless sad ta Iteiiauno Che-mical Company's High Explosives. Safety tuse, dpi and Exploders. Boom 401 Coa. sell IJullJing, Scranton. MJEKCIKSl TIIOS. KOI1D , ....Mttston JOHN B. faUITII k SON ,... ..Plymouth W. fc MULLIQAN ,Wilkts-Bsr l-BStTS o. I "sT; ' M s "Vm.4?&'I& -' ,' ,, -""if .i fevijf ,1 '. , W- sSgiM