ffS"' ! i r" f N ? M I ;W r fi THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1900. ti '-l'ifLxm fiwmyms6m )MmkS'w!:', r II" w V ' 1 A ft. fi-p, la- ri I Religious. T HE Pennsylvania Stnto convention of tho Methodist Uplsconiil cl.urcii will be held In Oiuoa church, llurrlsbun?, October V!2 -25. Fol lowing l the programme: WIST IlAV, MONDAY, OUT. 2-'. Pint So3lnn livening. f,S0 p. m. Tcmpniary Oriraiil.-itluii. DeMilloii.il Huvlco. Iter. S. tl. 1'iatlirr, I'll. 1., Tltu-nlllo. AiMrcM of Welcome On I'.irt ot llio Stain. Hon. Will- l.im A. Stone, (lovernor ot I'cmi On Part ol tlic rlty of llnrrl- luirir. Itev. .1. Weblcy Hill, I). 1)., llarilslmrir. On I'.irt of the Methodism of liar- iMmri,'. lli'V. I'.m H. Vocimi, 1). I)., IlarrlMiuig. Hf5iiotic (icoiire 1. IliiUll, esq., Oil City. Itov. I,. !,. Spiaipic, 1). D-. KIiirv ton. Hnti. Ilolicrt K. PallUon, e.vtlov- crnor of Pcnnlv.itil.i, Phlladel- plila. SECOND WAV, TUKSD.VY, OCT. 23. Second Scsslon-Mornlnff. 00 a. w. Dtvotlnnal Sen Ices. Hcv. 0. W. PrnnepacLrr, 1. I)., Wllllaimpoit. Sermon-IIMiop C. H. lo, I). I)., I.I,. I)., PhllaiMplili. AilmltiMiJtloii f the t.md's Supper. Iti poll of limine' Committee. Permanent Organisation. Tlilul Seislnn Afternoon. Topic ".McllioilUin In Prnmjlvanli." 2.80 p. ni. Dnntion.il Service":. Itev. M. M. Sweeny, I'll. 1)., Hellevuo. 13 p. m. "Its Iti-c anil Development in Past- rrn Pcuii Iv mi.i " Itev. T. B. Xcely, I). I)., Mi. D., Philadelphia. S.05 p. m. AdIre's. Hcv. 11. C. Pardoe, D. I)., flonovo. 3.15 p. m. "Its ltle and Development ill Wcit ein PcnnMh.mli." Itev. '!. T. Itcj nolds, IJ. .. Indlaiii. 3.33 p. m. Addict. Ilc-v. 1!. X. S-'lubln, D. ., Trie. 3.15 p. m. Sinctlng. 3.50 p. in. "Tlic Piesenl Status of tlic Method ist Episcopal Cluucli in Pemisjl vinln." Itev. 3. N. rradenburgli, . 1). I)., 1'ranl.lln. 4.10 p. m. "The Clnritnlilc Institutions of .Methodism in the Stale." Hcv. .1. A. Lipplncott, II. V Phllndolpliii. 4 30 p. m. Atldrc-i. .loepli A. Hudson, c., riilhdclpliia. 4. 10 p. m. nicii--ioi). rnurlli Sc"ion r.ieninj;. Topic "The twentieth Cuitiny Moiement." 7.30 p. m. Devotional hcivier-". Itev. 1'. H. T.Miih, 11. 11.. Philadelphia. V."t5 p. m. Addles", "Its fepuitu.il Aspects." Itev. firm ire i:. Reed, I). D. LI,. I).. C.ulisle. 8 35 p. m. Address "1 In- lletter Suppoit of Conreiencc C'hinnnls." Hcv. W M. I'l.v.slnirn, 11. D., Moomslimir. Tinnn day. wr.nxiMUY, oct. 21. riflh Session Mm u I UK. Topic "The Church and lie-form." 0.00 a. ni. Devotional Serviies. llev. V,'. 1.. Thoipc, D. D , Pl.tmoiitl. 9.15 a. m. "j'.ilitical and Social Pnrlly." Itcv. S. M. Vernon, 1). D., 1'liila dclpiiia. 0.35 a. m. Address. Itev. M. IS. Webster, D D., Bradfoid. 0 45 a. m. Discussion. 10.00 a. m. "Tho 1'jopcr Attitude of Methodism Toward the Industrial Questions of the Diy." Rev. Vallaee Mac' Mullen, II. !)., Philadelphia. 10.20 a. m. Address. Rov A. (iritfin, D. D., I'lttstor. 10.30 a. m. I)laiuioii. 10.43 a. m. .SinIiiir. 10.50 a. m. "Temperaiue and Piolilbillon." lte. T. X. IJojlc, I). D, Ciafton. I.L. I)., 11.10 a. in. Addics. 11. W. Mi Curdy, esq., Clcai field. 11.20 a. m. Diiciisiion. 11.33 a. in. Rcpoit of Husincss Comnilltec. Sith Session Aftiinoun. Topic "Woman's Woil.-." 2 30 p. m. Deiotinml Sciilti-.. Itev. Rustav liuhicl; (11. (iernun Cor.tci once) , PhlUilclpliIa. 2.15 p. in, "Woman's Woik in the Local Chun lies. "Mrs. ). II, Hastings, lieliefonte. 3.00 p. m. "'J he Woman's I'uicisn Missionary S. Hard, Soclity." Mi,. M, Kingston. 3.20 p. m. Ad.'ie,,. Mis Hellenic. 3.30 p. m. AiIiIkss. Mis delpliio. T. II. Wllki"iion, JI. L. Shelter, Phih- 3,40 p. ni. Siiiijin;.'. 3.13 p. in. "The Womm's Home Msion.iry So lieti." Mm. T. 1,. TomUlnson, l'llllllp,llllli,', 1.03 p. 1.15 p. ,25 p. m. ililics.. Jlw. C. W. HicKlev. Phlla. delpliia. ni, Ailihcs,. Ml-s Kiniua A. Fowler, Plttshms:, m. "The Dc.iconcs Movement," Rev. Ill v In O. (Irillltli, l'hlladelpiila. 4.13 p. in. Hi pm l of Hihiues Committee. Seventh Session livening. Topic "Uoik AmnnR tiie Vouiir People," 7.30 p. ni. llevotlon.il Sen ices. Itev. A". II, Y.iul, n. S Malnsliure. 7.45 p. m.-"Our Suiuliy ,lioot Woik." Hcv. Chiiles Roads, I), n,, Plilhdcl. plila. 8.05 p. m. Address. P. W. Tiinncll, esq., tier- uiiniovvii, S.20 p. in, SiiiBliiK. 8,23 p, in. "The Kpvvorth LeaRiin and Other Youns People's Societies." H. r, ) Hopvvood, csn , Unlontovvn, 8.45 jn, AiMres3. Rev. II. II. Gilbert, Her- W 1C1C, 0,03 p. m, TS'ildreas, IlWiop P. D. I'oss, D, D i.i;. jj,,: I'liiiailelphii. TOURTII DAY, THURSDAY, 001". 23. Hiuhtli Session Mm nliiff. Topic "Kilucat ion il I'orccs," 0,00 n, ni. Devotional Services. -Rev, M. Hess, Waucu. 0.15 a. m. "Our Church Seminaries and Acad emics." Rev, V, 3, any, D. D., Wllllamsport. 0.35 a. in. "Our Church Collphca." Itev. W. II. Ciuvvford, 1). !., Meadvillc. 0.55 a. m. "The Mudcl Minister." Hon. Thorn. as II. Jlurr.ij, Clcirflc d. 10.11 a, 10 20 a. m. RinHlfij,-, in. "Tlio Modi! L.iui.an "-Itev. W. W. i:ans, 1). II,, Sunl.tuy. 10.10 a. in, Dlsuissliin on tliu two PicLeding SubJei.tii, 11.00 a. in. "The I.ticntiuo of Methodism." Itev. C, W, Einllli, !. li r.L. fl,. Pllt.bui(r, ' 11,20 a.frn..(l.lrrii,-(l. II, Hardin?, 1 Pldhidelnlii.i. csij.. ll,i a. m. Report of llusiness Committee. ' Xlnth Session Afternoon. Topic "The I'luuli at Woik" .30 p, ni. DevoUfiul Services. Rev. W. II. the lteci", D, ) Coudeitiiiort. 8.45 p. m. "Oui Colored Mcmhrnlilp In rune, hi jJimttiiiii'3 and Out- I)iity."-Ilev, II. A. Monroe. D, ii, iiiciaivaio i-oiifririuo), Phllj. lUlphl.l, -"City rvonjrcllzitlon.,,.John P.. 3.03 p. S.25 p. m.- Jamc, M. 1) , Philadelphia. -AJ'lri. Hudson Sain.son, esu.. Plfts).iire;. -Discussion. 3.40 p. 3.5J p. m. Slniflni;. 4.00 p. m. "Hie llur.il Church Problem," Roy, James Meclicm, 1). D., IVlll.lns. buig. 4.20 p. m. Addicsi. Rev. S. W. Thomas, D. D.. riilladclplila. ' 4.30 p. m, "Work Anions the Poicisn Popuhi. tlon In tho State." Rev. S. W. Ilavl, WllUlnsburtr. 4.50 p. rn. Address. Jtcv. Kmory M. Stevens, Huntingdon. Tenth Session Kvening. 7.80 p. m. Deotlonal Services. nev. Jl. F, tUadolpli, D. 0 New Castle. 7,4$ p. m.Addrfsi'. "Means ami Methods ot l'rnmotlnir (Jcnulnc ltevlvali." ltcv. C. Jl. Ilosvvcll, D. D., Phila delphia. tl p. in. Addnn. Rev, II. (.', Conner, Il.tr rlslmrir. I'i p. in. Address. Rev, .)1oton llish, Ph. I)., Ilrnvei, 'rt p. m.-Addriss.-Hev. W, tl. Hull, II, I) Jtanslleld. I p. in. Slnalnir. .V) p. in. four I'lvc-Mlniitrs Addrcves on Hie Work of the Convention. 10 p. in. Consecration Seivlce. I The annual meotlns of tho Scranlon Arvhrtenconiy will lie held In Chrl.t church, Green nidge, October 1C and 17. Thp programme includes the fol lowing: Tuesday morning: Tho Chris tian Threefold vow. A. Remuneration by Rev. P. It. Ratoman, of the Church of tho Good Shepherd; II. Fate, by Mr. J. N. Johnson, of Pittston: C obedience, by Archdeacon Iludcllff, of Ilnrrlsburg. On Wednesday morning service will be held at 10.30 o'clock, v. hen a sermon will bo preached by Kpv. George B. Bishop, ot Great Bond. In the ufternoon Archdeacon Coxe will read the annual report and Itev. J. E. Binodhead, of Forest City, will explain Oalallan, 1:24-23. In the evening the subject of missions will be discussed and addresses delivered as follows: "Missionary Motives," by Rev. 13. A. Gernaut; "Heroism In Missions," by Itev. Mr. Powell, of YVHUes-Ilairp; "Living Kpisllos," by Kev. Or. Jones, of Wllkes-Bane. Among l"he men Interesting Sabbath evening sei vices In the Providence Presbyterian church, ate the quartet ly hymn and anthem services and praise uoihhlp. Such a seivici- will be held In that church tnmortcivv evening. Two specla'l featmes of that service of pinlse will consist in the fact that fvvo anthems by the choir will be based on Psalms, one the 117th and the other the 20th. Piofessor Whit'temore announces them as follows: First Psalm exvli, choral and so prano solo, arranged by Mr. Clifford Demarest, organist and choir master of the Collegiate Kcfoimed ehuich of Xew Yoik, and of the Prcsbyteiian church, Tenalfy, N. Y. Second Psalm xxix, chorale and fugue in F, flat, arranged by Dudley Buck. The hymns will bo familiar ones in which the entire congiegatlon can unite. The devotional services, in clusive of Scrlptuie reading and re sponses will be directed by the pastor of the church, Dr. Guild. t The fli st of the series of evangelistic meetings to be held each Sunday after noon this winter by the Young Men's Christian association will be held Sun day afternoon at 3.45 In their tomporniv roonis, in tho Guernsey building, GIG North Washington avenue. The music will be under the direction of Piofessor Chance, and will comprlp,- a cornet solo, "The Holy City," by W. H. Stan ton, and a baritone solo, by D. W. Davis, formerly a singer in Did Cential Methodist Episcopal chuich of Wllkcs Barre. Brief addresses will be given by Secietary Mahy and Assistant Secre tin y Hanes, followed by an open moot ing for prayer and testimony. Men are lordially invited to this service. The fall meeting of the Wllkes-Barre confoience of the Lutheran church will convene October 15, 1G and 17, in St. Paul's Lutheran church. Summit Hill, P.i. An unusually interesting pro gramme has been in ranged. Most of the pastors of the city will be in at tendance, nnd some are on the pro gramme for papers. Bov. C. G. Spieker, of Holy Trinity, will s-peak on Tuesday afternoon on the subject, "In How Far May n Lutheran Pastor Fellowship with Pastors of Other Denominations?" Bev. A. L. rtamer, of St. Math's Lu theran church, will present the subject on Wednesray evening, "How Far Will the Mission Woik In China Be Affected by Its Present DHIlculties?" There will bo special gospel services at the cottage chapel, 1G19 Pine street, between Piescott and Harribon ave nues, commencing tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock, to continue until Sat urday evening. A number of evange lists, both speakers and Mngers, are confidently expected to take pait in the sn vices, A special invitation is ex tended to the people of the locality to attend and all will be cotdially wel comed. Rev. J. M. Howell will have general supervision during the meet ings. Rev. Dr. Cliflln will pi each on Sun day morning at Elm Paik church to old people. All elderly people are in vited to be present from whntover church or locality In the city they may come. Carriages will bo sent for the old ladles in the Homo for the Friend less anil also for other inflim persons, A regular meeting of tho Methodist milliliters of Scranton and vicinity will bo held in Elm Park church parlors Monday, October in, at 10,30 o'clock. Speaker, S. J, Dorsey, Thome, "Pro Mlllenlalism," . nev, H. P. East will read a paper at the Baptist pastors' confoience In the Peun Avenue church Monday at 10.30, Subject, "Is Heaven a Place or a State?" a Gospol meeting at the Young Wo men's Christian association at 3.45 p. m. All women and glfls nro Invltod. Tomorrow's Services Methodist Episcopal. Win Park rliiiroh-Prnjcr ami pulse service at 0 SO, Prearlilnjf at 10,30 i. in. ami 7.80 p. in. by tlio pistol, C, M. Rlllln, D. P.; at 12 m. lull liour Illlilo study In Ruiidjy jchool room; Suiulav fchool at 2 and UpvTorlh. Icjgiie at 0.M i. in. 'i'lio morning sermon will lc to olJ people. All moli from any put o the city cordially invited. At tho Minion, 131 pino stieit, Sundjy school at 0 ii. ;n.; Pimoilli Imjiic, U 3D p, in, rifinpsuii Jletliodiit JlpUtopjl cliuuli llov, John II. Sued, pastor, Murnln; piaitr at U.CU; preaching cm let- at W.H0, oimon liy the pahtor subject, "rixeiliiw"; Suiiiljy school, (J. I,. IVcli, superintendent, at J2; .lunloi l.'pvvoitli liauiie, JIlss Mmgaret L'lavvfoid, president, at 2..W; Ppvvortli Ivasuc, W. Nortliup, pu-ildciit, JIlss, Hidicl Jonis, leader, ut 0.80; iirratltiiis eervleo at 7.30, w-rmoii by the pajtor, subject, "ClnUt All a i in All." Free seats, good ln Inj, helpful rtrvlccj. A cordijl Invitation. A heart welcome, Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal ihurch Hcv, James Penntnger, pastor. Preaching ecr Ito at 10.30; lubject, "Doing What Ono da." Class meeting tt 11.30; Sunday school at 2 p. in.; Juniors at 3 p. m. fpwprth lesgus at 0.50 p. rn., W, 0. Culiifran, leader. Rventnir preach liiC service at 7,!J0 subject, "Three Stepi." A cordial welcome to all. I'roi litem c Methodist llplseopul church The niithrrlmoil of St, Paul inicts at 10 a, ni.l preaching by tho pastor, Hcv, (I, A. Cure, ill 10.WI, topic, "Iho Sweetest of Plcasiues") class inecllliRi follow! Sunday Fihoot at 2 p. in.! l!p vvnrtli league nt n.!5, topic, "Paul, the Mission nrj ! Iho Secret ot Ills HuccokV' subject of even bur sermon, "Why Do 1 Relieve That .lesiis I the Chi 1st t" Court Street Mclhodlst llplseopal limn h llev, n, ('. Ljmin, pistur. Cliss, !i.s"i, O. II. PeWIII, leader! 10. to, llanct Ilnnic servlie. The fruit nnd vegetables will be plion to needy families! Sunday silionl tally, 11,1', n, nt. It Is ilelrui tint all inemliers of the Simdlj sihnnl be pres ents .1 p. in., devotional meeting of the Drothcr homl ol SI, Paul, nil men nrclnillods Kpvvoilh lcairuc, CIHj preaching, T.::o. Seals free. All ore welonme. Ash Stiect Jlethodl't llpieopit church Rev. .1. II. Austin, pislor, Morning pnljers nt 10 o'clock! bcrmon at I0..10 a. in,, subject, "Prav cr": ilnss meeting at II. '10, .1. P. Masters, lend er: Sinidiy school nt 2 p. rn., K. W. Stone, luper Inteiideiit: Ppvvorth lcifruo nt fl.4", p. m.', even ing pleaching pervltc at 7.S0. Seats fice nnd a conlhl Invitation to all, .Vay Aug Jlcthodlst Hplscnpal church Siindiv school nt 2,51) p. m W. M. Xlxnii, superintend ent: class meeting; at 3..10 p. in., Prank Turner, lender. An evangelistic sen lie at 7..10 p. hi. All welcome. Cedar Avenue Methodist chiinh-Rev. P. P. Doty, p.itor. rirollicrliooil of St. Paul, 0.43 a. m.i preaching, 10.80 a, m.; Sunday school, 11. It n. in.; Junior league, 3.R0 p. in.: Kpworth lengtie, 0:10 p. m.i preaching, evening, 7.:t0. First German Methodist Hplscopal ihurch, Adams avenue and Vino i.treol-0. Itobllln, pas tor. Preaching sei vices, 10.no a. in. and 7.:,'0 p. m.: Sunday school at noon; Kpworth league meeting at 7 o'clock, p. m.; prajer meeting on Thursday evening. Baptist. Penn Avenue RaplM church Preaching at 10..10 nnd 7,')0 by the pastor. Rev. R. P. Y. Pierce. Topic of morning scimon, "Life's Resting Places." Sunday school at 2 o'clock at the home chinch and nt .1..10 it the Ainritnan mission. Topic of evening sermon, "Modem Mastci pieces." I'lrst Raptlst church, South Main avenue S. T. Mathms, pastor. Parsonage, 1111 Rock street. 'J he usual service, morning nnd evening, at 11,3(1 a. m. and 7.30 p. m In tho baemcnt of the Welsh HaptPt church. Sunday school, 2.30 p. m Plymouth chuiih, Dr. lteddoe, uipcrlntcnd cut. I). Y. P. IT. fcniee, 0.."0 p. m nt Ivor Iti! lull. Missionary pravir meeting Wcdncsdiy evening, 7.:'0 o'clock. All me welcome. .lickson Stiect Ilaptist i but ch Itev. Thomas dc (iriiehy, I), p., p.isti.i. Muining prj.vcr meet lug nt P.lli). Leadei. Dcaiun It. Xlclmlis. At lO.IHl picailiing hy the pislor. Sunday school at " p. m Alfred ltohcil, superintendent. livening service nt , maip. 1 i.n-i. seivice, followed by a shoit iddie,s. Topic, "Xeedid Preparation of Huit foi Ihc ltcnpciiitig of Our Chinch." Tlic Lord's, supptr will be adininistcied at the clo,o of eivicc. The public .no coitlially Invited. Cieen Itiilgc IliptNt church Rev.' W .). 1'oul, pastor. ( Imir prn.vrr meeting ,il ID u, m.; preaching hy the pastor nt 10.80 and 7..0, subjeit in the illuming, "I'.very .Man a n.ml.nipt"; In the evening. "The Death of .i Saint": Sunday school at 11.43; meeting of tlu Junior society at 8.u0j pu.ver meeting of the Senior society at C.ll). Hlakely cl.iuih Rev. Ilivid Spencer, D. 1) will pieach nt 10 30 a. in. on "IJciutv for Ashes"; Ulble school,, 11.13; I). Y. P. U., 043 p. in. At 7.80 the pa,lor will begin a ciics of four Sunday evening sennons on "The Piodig.il Son," Kiis't subjeit, "Ihc Piodigal's Depaituic." lhcr.vbody wch ome. Shiloh IlaptNt chinch, Center stiect Pieaih ing morning nnd evening by Rev. Janus A. Sin clair, of Philadelphia. Jlotning sermon, "the Duty of (lni.-lhtis to Success;" evening, "Love and How to He Loved." Presbyterian. riii.1 Piesbjteiinn (lniicli Divine vvoiship at 10.80 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. The sacument of the Lord's Supper will be adniinisteied in the morn ing. Dr. Mcl.ond will officiate both morning and evening. The Second Picsbjtcii.m ihinch Seniles at 10.3(1 a. in., 7.30 p. in. Communion of the I.oid's Supper in the moiniug. In the evening Dr. Robinson will picaih on "The Faithful Wit ncs." AH are coitlially invited. Providence Pioshyterian t lunch Pastor, Rev. rvwvnmrvwwrw r Sunday School Lesson for October 14. 1STR01)PCTI0N".-In tie mini-try S Jesus notliini; of its outvv.iid fijline was niou- ic IiiaiKiiblc than tho -.uililm ti.insltions. He p.Ksctl fieiiicntly, indeed constantly, fiom one place to another, fiom one tlieme to another. lie Ii ut no nbidins city, neither did lie have any out line of tlioiiglit upon which Ho dUrouracil. As lit- moved about ninonp men He allowed them to tliiust in upon Him without notice any question oi 'iem.uk .it their pleasure, and He it-plittl, ui. w-a.vs with iliieelness and simplicity, and Ho was never siiipiied, never unable to Rive ansvvtr or to ailoul instruction. litis occasional and Inci dental method was the sivtica possible test upon IIU ability. No mere man could endure it and come forth without mistake. Most men pie. meditate nnd nuanire their thoughts, and in our times the most gifted niinisteis and lettures re dure eveijthii.ir they say to wilting, unwilling to tiust thcniselvca to the hour of their ser lce. Our lesson today contains a passage that belongs to the spontaneous discuine of Jeuus and meals His skill. OCCASION-liile sitting at meat in the house of n 1'li.irUcr on the Sabbath diy (th. xlv :1), Jt-aus was speaking on the subject ol humility (Wises 7-11) mentioning two Instanc es, somewhat lehted, u wedding ami a fenst, in wlileli that excellent virtue might propel ly be e.eipscd (Piov. .xv: "l). One ot those sitting at the talde at tlu time, tliuiat In a reinnrk ipilli foreign to the subject In hand. Wo havo no ineain ot knowing the imiiio or nio tlvo of this pcuoii, and the inoie one studio vvoids tho greater will the surpilse lie at the att. It has been suggcted that he was railed out by something omlted from the narrative. Others think lie was a setret cnpmy, desiring to entangle Jesus and prepare for the rlinrgo of lirason, on which He was subsequently in-raignt-il (l.uko xlil: 2). Some support for this last thought is found In the fact that there weie piesent (Verse 1) those who were watching Illm with an evil i-jp. It Is more probable that tho nnn wis a friend, that lie bellcwd what he said. He may havo wathed tho con clusion liy a seiies ol rrllettlons, partly upon what had Just hern spoken, partly upoii'foimrr utUi.inccs ol Jesus (Mitt, villi II), for the ad dicsscs weie so wonderful c to make a deep iinpiesslon, causing n frequent nnd wide repeti tlon, A sudden outbuist, breaking in upon the Masters Icaililng must have awakened sill prise, m,ESSr.l)NnSS. A great Until was uttered by tills unknown pemon, when Ho said "Messed il ho that shall rat bread In the kingdom ol Ood." Iho angel ueciaieu substantially the same to John in tho Island ot Patmos (llev, l; 0), The liiotieiu L'lmiiM ins laiven up uio cpie.sloll, gIV ing It u large pi ice In llttratuie. liy It beilev eis now uudeistaiivl that communion vvhlth they enjoy ono with another (John I; 13), ihe eating of bread being a s.vmbul of fellowship, and the klngdnm ol Cod rrpieentlng tho tpliltual hou',c. hold, all of vvlilili was Intluded In the celcbra. Hon ot the Lord's fiuppcr In the apostolic chuich (1 Cor, x; 10). lint It Is not piolublo that the speaker on tlds ucc- n had any such lofty li'cas. Ia toubl not have1 obtained thtui from Ihe word of Jims, who had not )ct delivcrtd th p.uahlc of the King', son (Matt. x; 2), or the spirch coneernlii-r Ihe thrones (I.ul;e xxli; SO), In wh'ch inch thoughts were involvrif. J'.ven the apostles held soidld views of the kingdom, as a tmioial utralr, in vvhlth they sought prefer, incut (l.uke xx. 21), and were theiefora (nea. pablc of apprehending the higliir spiiltual en jojmcntt, it is safe to insunie thnt Ihe nun was tblnkini; how fortuiiato cne would be In the kingdom of C'hrU If the principle ol Christ weie applied to hats. SUPPEft.-With a master ilroke Jesu turned the man's remark to a good account'. Il did not dilate on His blessedness of guests In Ills kingdom, which course night have awakened George K, Onllil, D. I). The Mcramcnts ol the Lord's Supper anil baptism mil reception of incm hers nt the 10,30 a, m. service, (Jiiattcly hjlnn and nnthrm worship at 7,30 p. ni.; Sunday school at 12 in, Kndoav or meeting at 0,30 p. in, ffrcen lllilge PresbjterUn church llev, I, ,t, Lansing, pastor) Hcv, I,. II. Foster, n&slilant. At t0.80 and 7.30 services of worship, with nor inon by the pastor! 12, Illbte school ( 0.30, CluUtUn Kndravur, All are welcome. Sumner Avenue Prisloterlan ilmreli, corner Sumner avenue nnd Price street. Prcnihlng nt 10 30 a. in. and 0 p. in. by Rev. Frank J. Jtll. man. Morning theme, "Simplicity of Mfes" evening, "What .Must I Do to He Savodr!' Ml" bath school at 2 p. in. I Y, V. S. of C, l: 7 o'clock. .Meeting of prnjcr nnd praise tVeilncv day evening, 7.43 o'clock. All cordially Invited Washburn Street Prcsbjtcrlnti church Rev. John P. MnfTat, 1). D., pistor. Scrvlce4 nt 10.80 fl. tn. nnd 7.30 p. m. Young People's Soilcty of Christian P.ndeavor at 0.20 p. ni. Prajcr meet ing Wednesday, 7.80 p. m. The pistor will prench In the morning on "The flood Shcp. held" nnd In the evening on "The Value of a Soul." Special mulc, All welcome, Adams Avenue Chapel, Xew Voik street Rev. James Hughes, pastoi .Mr. George Pusotis will preach In tho morning it I0.80 and the pislor, Jtr. Ihmhes, will picath In the evening nt 7.30; Sundiy Bchool nt .'I o'clock, Jtr. Chandler, "super intendent; Cfillstlan Kndeavnr Bolcly at 0.45 p. in. All are welcome to thcc aisslons. Reformed Episcopal. Grace Reformed Episcopal chinch, Wyoming avenue, below Jlulboiry stiect Rev, Ocorac L. Alrlch pator. Player and praise Bervlcc, 0.30 a. m. ; livlne wurshlp, 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p. in., preaching by the pastor, a. in., "Living in and on Christ," John 12: 1-1: p. in., "Rondsmen of Christ," Rom. 1:1: Sabbath school nt 12 m. ! Y. P. S. C. C. at 0.3U p. ni. Seats free. All welcome. Evangolirhi Imtlmnn. Evangelical Lutheran Kiahleenth Sunday af ter Trinity. fiospel, Matthew, xvll, 3P30; Hplstle, I Corinthians, I, 4-0. St. Jtark'n, Washburn and Fourteenth sheets Itev. A. fi. Rnmcr, Ph. D., pistor. Services at 10.30 a. in. nnd 7.30 p. m. I.uthir league, 0.30 p. ni. i Sunday t-chool, 12 in. .Morning subject, "Enriched In the Knowledge of Christ;" evening subject, "Sin Is the Transgression of the Law." Holy Trinity, Adams avenue nnd Jtulberry street Rev. l O. Spiikcr, pastor. Services nt 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. Luther league, (1.80 p. m. Sunday school, 12 in. Jllssiou band, Sal unlay. St. Paul's, Short avenue Rev. W, C. U Lauer, pa'toi. Services at 10.80 n. m. and 7.80 p. m. Sunday school, 2.30 n. in. Zion's, Jllniiu avenue Rev. P. P. Kirclnianu, pastor. Services at 10.80 n. ni. Sundiy school, 2 p. m. Christ church. Cedar avenue nnd Hecch street Rev. James Wltkc, pxstor. Services at 10.80 a. ni. and 7.80 p. in. ; Sunday chonl, 2 p. in. St. Peter's Pre'eott avenue Rev. J. W. Pan lolph, pastoi Seniles at 10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Sunday school, 2 p. m. firace Evangelical Lulliei.ni Church of the (ieneial Synod, corner M-uII'on avenue and Jtul berry street Rev. Luther Hess Waring, pa, lor. 0 80 n. ni. Sunday sihool; 10.80 n. in., divine worship, subjeit of soimon, "Every Christian to Be a Siviour of Jtcn"; 0.13 p. in., Cliri,tian En lienor soiietj : 7.80 p. in., divine vol ship, topic, "The Supremacy of the Jfaster's Wind." Every body welcome. Miscellaneous. All Soul's Cniioisallit i lunch, Pine street be tween Adams and Jettcisnn avenues Rev. O. It. Uonrdsley, pa,for. Resilience, 031 Adams avenue. Jtorning seivice, 10.30; subject, "What Think You?" Evening servile, 7.80; subject, "Second Death." Sunday school nt 11.80, Mis. S. Benja min, superintendent. "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go unto the house of the Lnnl." .ion I'nited Evangclii.il cliuuli, 1420 Capon, e avenue. Pleaching by the pastm. Rev. J. W. Jlcsinger, nt 10.45 a. in. nnd 7.80 p. m sub jects, "Emblems of the Spirit" mid "Christ's Gifts"; Sunday school at 0.43 a, in.; Kcjatone League Christian Endeavor at 0.30 p. in. Seats fice. Stinngcis invited. All welcome. Calvary Retained church, Jfonroo avenue and (fibson stieet Rev. SI. L. Finn, pastor. Services Sunday nt 10 30 .i. in. nnd 7.30 p. in. Sunday school, 11,45 a, m. ; Christian Endeavor, 0.45 p. m. Everybody welcome. Jloinlng subject, "What Think Ye of ChrM?" Fii,t Church of Clnist (Sclent!,!), 513 Adams v sssTyss wr w www ww sy w w v w tt v w Parable of the Great Supper Luke xiv, 15-24. some one's cupidity. Jesus did not seek to win men by piomlse. of gain (I Tim. : jj. But what was vastly moie iuiportnut, He showed how unwilling men arc to accept the bcnellts of the Kingdom. Tor this puipose He iiitioduccd the Parable of the Cheat Supper. liy that illustia tlon He affected a union between the nun's thought and His own pilor thought, tho act of an adiolt teiithei. 'hie supper, as described by Jesus, had two features designed to set it forth ns an important event In the mind of an oriental. There were miny guests, and they were invited u considerable time in advance. 'Hie niimbeis indicated the wealth of the lio--t, nnd the time allowed for pieparatlon indicated that the guests weie to be of a high order. This supper represents the plenteous proislon made for the souls of men (Zcch. x: 17), In tho re demption of f luist (Piov. Ik: 1-2). The only invitation denotes the promises and piophecles (lsa, xv. G), made all through the old dlspensa. tlon by which the people were expected to make icndy (.lor. wnl: II) and lenevvnl by the tails of John tho Puptist and by the eailv evaii. gelists (Maik i: 2-S). i:XCUSnS. 'Hie parable lepresmts that the persons invited to this supper, piesentcd nu plea at (list, leaving Hie iinpiesslon that they Intended to accept, Pining the day's following while the provision was being made by the host, no one declined. At last, when all was leady, the house in order and the feast prepared (Matt, xxlis J), the servant went forth saying "Come," It was as thin that with one consent, as If there had been a iiiiituil understanding to ofler Intend ed Insult, that all began to make excuses (Psahn .: 13j. To make mattcis still vvoise they pre sented no opoloey for delay, or any adequito ground for their pu-scnt desire to avoid the feast. One declared Hint he must go and seo a piece of ground which he had recently pur thasd, nnd another pleaded that he must piove a joke of oxen. Both matters might hare heon delated without loss. A third urged Hut hav ing nun led he must remain ot home, n loollsli pretense, This rleuunt of Hie paiablo is in- tended to ihovv huvv lightly men esteem Ihu HiIiirh of lellgion, how tasilv they tliiust aslda the innt ImpoiUnt snhltual concern, for the most trivial temporalities. The ennui mini is at enmity with (lod (Pom, viilj V), PHdo and self'Siifticicmy are incompatible with tho humiliation ami faith of the Cioipel, Inurili nntc attachment to th objects of this vvoihl blinds the eje to the ploiies of the next vvoihl. GIJCST.S. The paiable represrnti that the master of the feast was greatly offended heeauso ol tho (ontemptuous conduct ot those whom he had invited. Mo.it of them were neighboif, some of them weie menus, all ol them hcIou?lug to his rank and station. They lad disregarded the common rouiteslrs of sorlil life and expo.ed lilm to ridicule, He therefore determined to change the character of the feast. Instead of mal Ing it lecogiilllon of the inoie lionoiable por tion ot the toinnmnlty, he proposed to mint it It Into a chaiity affair, to Invite the poor, the maimed, the halt, and the blind. Sum a feast was by i,o inians common in the pie Clnlithin (iiituilcj, for nun bad not learned tie nobler Uisons of illslnlersttd good will toward Ihe unfortunate. Hut lino and there among tlei Jews, and occasionally among the heathen, a man would condesctnd to this praiseworthy act, ileilving fathfartloii nud honor thercfiom. liy this change in the spiilt of the host, lesus ill tended to lllustiate the free grace of (iod In snaking a tender ot undeserved blessings thiough Ihu Kospel ot His son. The proclamation of salvation ts to all who are in ncedflsa iv : lj. Not tho prophets only, hut Jesiu as well (Matt, xli 28), and the aposlles alter Illm (James II: 6), all dhected their chief thought and effort toward ttose who were In double. COMPULSIOX.-Tbe servant went out Into the nvihi e Sunday aeivlcca 1.1.10 a. M. .nil 7F0 p. ni. Sundiy school, 11.43 I, tti.l iiibjrcl, "Pro ballon After Death." Testimonial meetings Wednesday evenings nt 8 o'clock. The church is alsn open every day during the wetlc. The lllble and all Christian Science literature Is kept in Its fice public reading room. "Science ami Health, with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Maker Eddy, will be loaned to Inrestlgate with out charge. Visitors and litters ot Inquiry are welcomed nnd given courteous attention slid In formation free. MUSICALGOSSIP. Ono of the now Conervntory teachers, Mr. Htiffmaster, besides being- a fine pianist, Is nn excellent organist, and was a favorite pupil of Oeorgo E, Whlt lntr, of Boston, the eminent organist of tho Church of the Immnculute Concep tion, where Mr. lTufCmastcr frequently played ut Christmas and Master, leav ing Mi. Whiting free to direct the or chestra and chorus. It happens thut Mr. Htiffmaster, although tt resident of Boston for several years as student and toucher at thi Faellon Pianoforte school, formerly made his home In Ill fated Oalveston, where his father and mother narrowly escaped being cairled away In the terrible flood. On account of iho gicat suffering still existing In Galveston, Mr. Huffmastcr desires to do something to assist his fellow townsmen, and will give an organ re cital In tho near future In Elm Park church, which has been freely opened to him, when he will bo assisted by vocal talent'. Mr. Pennington, who has heard Mr. Huffmaster at the organ, speaks very highly ot his work. Th admission to the recital will be a "sil ver" offering, but the appeal from flnl veston for aid Is enough to call forth u geneious offering of bills oi large de nomination, every cent of which will be sent to the Galveston relief com mittee. II II II The following musical selections will be rendered at Elm Park church to- motow under the direction of J. Alfred Pennington, organist and choir master: JlonxiNO. Orgnn, Pi elude In C Stabler Choir, "O De Joyful," Shelley Organ, OlTertory in T Jlinor Widor Solo Selected Oigan, Po,thidc in D Ilach EVF.XIMI. Organ, Pi elude in Ci Cuilmant Choir, "Rejoice In tlic Lord," Lansing Organ, Ollcrtoiy in A (luilmant Duet for Tenor and Uass Selected Solo Selected Organ, Postlude in T Whitney II II II The recital given by the Conservatory of Music lasfr Tuesday evening had an audience which took up standing room nnd extended Into the corridor. The recital was notable in the fact that af ter the students had played the thtee members of the pianoforte faculty ap peared in solos. Mr. Pennington gave a splendid rendition of a Mozait piano forte concerto, with second and third piano accompaniments by Miss Pieneli and Mr. Huffmastr Miss French played mosr. charmingly tho Gipsy dance by Chamlnade and Mr. Huffmas ter gave a spirited performance of the dilTlcult Impromptu In C sharp minor, by Hheinhold. Miss Fiench and Mr. Hoffmaster are new additions to the faculty this season, but they have al ready created a most satisfactory Im presison by their abilitj' as pianists and teachers, as well as socially. II II II The last surviving member of the family of Rossini, the composer or "William Tell," and other popular operas, and who was invested with the title of count by the last grand duke of Tuscany, has just committed ss vvvwvrv ststs snnsTSnnsrsr BV J.E.Gilbert, D.D Secretary of American Societv of Religious Education. stiects and lanes ot the city, beaiing the new instiuctions. A glad response might be t pectPd to Ids invitation. Surely the beggars at the stiett comeis, half fed and half clad (Matt. xwi: 11) lould di-siio nothing moie than a table bountifully supplied with food. The maimed and halt, shunned by all as divinely atllittid, nnd the blind, populaily esteemed (John Is: 2) to be sinners or the sons of slmifrs, denied rec ognition, outcast and forsaken, could legard themselves highly favored by this call to the house of the rich. But even these were mens uieably indifferent, when accosted and Invited to the supper. The servant returned to say that he had been only partially successful, that while some came, the guest chamber was not' full. It became ntcessaiy for the hoit to ic sort to the most earnest effort. "do out quickly into the highways and hedges and com pel them to come In," lie said. Vac eveiy proper and reasonable method in the most urgent man ner to obtain guests. ThLs was the extreme aspect of the parable. It showed that men were teluctant to accept Christ, even when by so doing they might obtain the very things which they long most ol all to possess. It rip resented that protratted, diligent (Psalm exui: C), and self-sacrificing effort which ministers must make II they would win the souls ol men (Lain. Hi: iS). IIKJIXTIOS, The tlinm ol the parable was reached In the last feature, The Character of the feast had been changed. Kroin a social recognition of those entitled to honor, It had become a gratuitous oiler to those who had no claim for attention; fiom a mark ot legard for equals and friends it was converted into a dis play of kindness to inferiors, And those In feriors were on such a low plane that they weie scared) able to appreciate the pruffeitd favor. The rich man has gone begging among heggais for guests. Xovv comes the sequel to the .stoiy. The host detlarea to his servant that because of the shameful tieatmcnt vvhleli he has received none of those will bo admllcd who were first Invited. They weie to bo totally and pti. nuncntly excluded (Piov. Ii J !."), and that lact was maue ino ground for urging the scl vnnt to diligence. The exclusion ot one ilass liiatlo It more nceejsaiy to seel; nnollivi tlass. Primarily this part of the narrative refers to (he i ejection of the Jews, and in the bringing In of tho Rent Irs (Actsxlll ; 4(1), t is sirs, ceptiblc, however, of a inoie extended applita. Hon. All who have heard the (lospt-1 and turned a deaf eai may it-member Hint the du el mercy will end, and that a permanent rcjec. Hon awaits them (Matt, xxv; tl), rO.'vCLU.SIli.W-'llils paiable exhibits the rang,) and Intensity of divine love. Beginning with the highest ami noblest, It sweep dovvi.wurd along all the glades of men until it reaches the lowest and the basest, for each and for all lie has amply provided, and to cadi Ik- scuds u most cordial Invitation (llev. iill 20). None ale rx tluded except Hum- who ufuse Ills tall. Hut kuoivii.g the li.iiilncsi of men's hearts, (he de. cdtfuhuss ot riclits and the alluic-mcnti of pleasure, He lajs upon Ills ministers the sol emn tnslc of soul-iecMug. He requires them to be ery tllllgeuf ind importunate, using a holy compulsion in tho pcrtormantc ol their mission, "do quickly," is His comnianil. Nu lime Is to bo lost. On everywhere, whciever souls aic to be found, in the highways and jn the bj vvas. To stimulate them in their going, to make their words hot with consuming teal, to awaken tlm letliurgj of those who are in uuul security, lie lilts up a warning. The awful fact must be kept in mind that a rejected invi tation means a lejectcd heaven (Matt. .xvi 10). Oli, how tamely men pi each? How carelessly men hear? How wickedly men procrastinate? How foolishly multitudes refuse Him that speakcth (llcb. nil: 35J. ZemoJa (Trade Murk lteglslered. ) Cleans you so clean that no, hing else seems t oilman you clean. dainty housewife and lemon juice to fingers, butZENOLA and leave the hands At Qrocertand Druggists, sc. THE ZENOLA COnPANY, Philadelphia CUMIMAN b05. CO., Distributors New York Philadelphia Boston - suicide tit Milan. Tlierc'secms to have been a species of suicidal mania In the Rosilni family, for the elderly lady who hurled herself to death from xa fourth-floor window tho other clay at Milan, was the ninth member of the family to commit suicide. I1! Ill III The following programme will be rendered In the Second Piosbyterian chuich Sunday evening: Organ Piclude, "Meditation," Riillniant Choir Ilpsponse, qiilntctti", "O Lamb of Clod," Slu-pharil Misses Black, fl iriigan and Salmuii, Moms. Rippi-1 ulul MolgJli. Anthem, "O Love the Lord." yuaitclte and Choir OfTertoiy. Duet, "C'otup Thou fount," Moart Misses Black and (lir.iTn. Organ l'ostludp Whiting Silibalh School. Orchestra Selection Meiuli-l'-'iilin Yoiiiic- People's Society of Clulsllaii Kiideivnr. Solo, Selected Miss Anna Milium II II II The Pittsbuig Dispatch has the fol lowing In reference to a ell-know n Scianton miiHlciun: "Professor Daniel Piotlieroe, of Milwaukee, has just le turnetl from Knglnnd, whither he went to act as an adjudicator ut the Itoy.il National eisteddfod ut Liverpool. lie is the only pei.son noL a lesldeut of Oreat Britain who has ever been itskutl to fill that position. One of his compo sitions, a chorus for female voices, was a test piece at t-he eistedfod." II II II The International College of Music- is to give a series of piano recitals and musical soriees, commencing Oct. "It and continuing throughout the ent-lie college year of ten months. One con cert each month. The students of the college will entertain the music-loving pijbllc with a fine progiam of piano se lections, violin solos, leeitvitlons in elo cution, piano and violin selections, se lections on mandolin, etc. II II II After .1 severe attack of typhoid fever, Mr. Watkfns Is able to be out again and enn be seen at his studio all of next week, when he will re sume his teaching. The large number of applicants whom he failed to hear on account of his illness, he will be pleased to meet at his studio during tho week. Ill III HI Ae the recent Maine Musical Festl vol, conducted by AV. It. Chapman, the great Welsh baritone, Mr. Ffrungcon Davles, In the part of "Klljnh" gave the part with such dramatic force and fervor that the vast audience was gieatly moved, the critics claiming that the part was never given before with such Intensity of expression. I'! Ill III Mr. John T. Watklns Is soon to be a very busy teacher. Upsides his large number of pupils, he will conduct the music at the Lackawanna county Teachers' Institute the last week of this month. The second week of next month he has charge of the Wayne county Teachers' institute music. Ill III III Mr. Philip Ilrozel, who sang the leading tenor roles in "Tannhauser," "Komoo and Juliet" and "Mlgnon" lasll week at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York city, Is a personal acquaint ance of Mr. John T. Watklns, huvlng met him ut the R. A. M., London, of which Institution Mr. Ilrozel was a pupil. Ill III III Bauer's band are rehearsing for their concert, to be given some time next month at the Lyceum, If an open date can be secured. Among the selec tions comprising an unusually fine programme, will bo given Wagner's "Ride of tho Valkyries," and the grand overture to '"Robespierre," by Littolp, concluding with the "Mar seillaise" hymn. Mr. Bauer and his band are making efforts to out-do all previous performances, III III III Mine, Scliitmunti-Helnk, rotitralto, and Miss Leonora Jacks-on, violinist, gave a very enjoyable concert' at Car- neglo ball, Now Yoik, last Thuisday afternoon. Miss Jackson was heaiil last May In Wilkes-Barre, and cteated a very favorable impression, II II II Sousa and his band will give their final concert ut tho Motropolltnn Opera House on Sunday evening. Ills latest march, entitled "Hall to tho Spirit1 nf Liberty," which was composed for tho Paris Exposition, will be played. II I, M Haydn had a peculiar way of deter mining the time In which a pleco ot mualu should be sung. On ono occa sion a woman singer In high esteem at court had been appointed to sing one of Haydn's compositions. At tho le hoai'sal she and the conductor dlfl'eu-d us to tho tlmo of music. Tho matter uis to bo settled by refenlng it tn Haydn himself, When called on to de cide he asked the conductor If tho singer was handsome, "Very," was tho reply, "and a speclul favorite with the court," "Then she Is light," tc plied Haydn. II 'I II John Philip Kousa has leturned to America fiom his tiip abioad, after having achieved his great ambition of taking his band to the musical centers of Kuiope. He la more than giatllled wlt-h tho success of his tour, although it is said that it actuully cost lilm Jld, 000. Bousa does not grudge the sum, however, for It has established his tep utation in Kuiope, His sense of jus tice Is shown by his action ut Mann heim, wheio, after a long day's lido from Pails, and a largo puit1 of tho band having been lost on the wuy, Sou sa found thut the Instruments were stalled somewhere on the railroad. To appease the wrath of the manager of the opera house he wrote out a check T. k The swarthy engi neer may use strong and harmful soap to clean his oil'grimed hands; the busy servant may use alkaline flesh-eating soap powders to wash her kitchen floor; the may use costly toilet soap remove the stains from her would serve each better, soft. and 10c (Zetiola Toilette 33 Centt.) "V 1UB&JII NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. fifteenth St. and Irving; Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, 13. CO per day and upward Uuropean Plan, $1.60 per day and ujmsrd. I. D. CIUWFOItD, Proprietor. For Business Men In the heart of the wholeial district. For Shopper S minutes' walk to Wano.malce.ra; S minutes to SIcgel Cooper's Big Store. Easy of access to the greac uryuootis mores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Caw. giv ing easy transportation to all points ot Interest. i HOTEL ALBERT : 4- ItflcW VfiUlT T NEW YOKK. f for. Mil ST. & UNIVERSITY PU only one, ttioctc irom uroaaway. Rooms, $1 Up. PZT0Zlt t -t--t"-f-t--t--t"-t"-"-t"-t"-t"-t"-"-t""-t-4 BEAUTY, IHE CONQUEROR BELLAVITA Arsenic Eoauty Tablets and Pills. A pot foctly bufo unci n;uuriinto'd tieatmont for all skin il is'ordora. Restores the bloom ol youth to laded laces. 10 di.ss' troutmont .10c; SO days' $1.00, by mail liena forrlreula:. Addroxs. VSrVITA MEDICAL CO.. Clinton & Jacktaa StltChles? Bold by McGarrah tt Thomas, Druit gists,, 20J Lackawanna ave.i Scranton, Pa. for $1,200. Neatly every continental city which he visited piesented hlin with a civic flag and Frankfort sent a delegation to London to piesent1 him personally with a piagnlflcent banner from that municipality just before he sailed for America, il II II Veull, that "Grand Old Man" of tha music world, celebrated on Wednesday (In his villa at St. Agate, Italy,) tho elility-seveiith anniversary of his birth. Sixty-one yours havo elapsed since his Initial opera, "Oberto," was suae; In Milan, and after his wonderful seiies nf twenty-seven operas It would not sui prise thu world to lecelve any tluy a twenty-eighth In the shape of tho much iiiinored nnd much denied setting of FShukespeate's "Tempest," for which Boito Is said to have written tho libretto. As has beon tiuly said, only it blind admiration of the past could refuso a place anions the Titans to this extraordinary maestro. Jn this twilight1 of his life tlio Kindly com poser Is erecting a Home for Superan nuated Italian Artists of all classes. It Is being constructed out-side tho Gato Mugc-nta, ut Mllnn, and will shelter ono hundred inmates. Ah a monument to Vet ill's funic! this Institution will al most rival his world-famous music. I! n II Thu Metiopolltan English Grand Opera company produced "Carmen" on Monday, with Zelle Du Jvussan as Cur men, this being tho first time she has over sung the uilo In Knglish. She was wholly satisfactory In the part, bolh vocally and dramatically, and Is only excelled by Culve. "Tiovatoie" was sung Tuesday, and "Lohengrin" Wed nesday, wllli Philip Uroezel In the ttl,i itile, and these operas were ropeatud during tho balance of the week. Miss Minnie Trucey, an American girl who has made a tepututlon ubroud, but who has not yet sung In this country", has aulved fiom Kiuope and will shoitly mulio her appearance In "Alda," These performances are giv ing the muHif-lovIng public uu oppor tunity to hear the best known operqa at very moderate cost, and are also uffoidlng home American slngeis an opening which it would be dltllcult for them to obtain In any other way, I 9 Would Do His Best, "Couldn't I he squecicd in there somehow!'' asked the pietty girl, as die alnly sought to, trance In the crowded tar, "II jou ran net in, I lure one arm tree," tx cUlmcd a ouji man in the center ol th car. And the tonductor raiiR six "sosUfsd'' alas nils on the fare rcglatcr.-DaUlmoro American, I He Don't I Know J I But she does.tlmt i J "Snow White"! flour is the best I jg all around flour 1 sold iu Scranton. 1 W All good grr- 1 Brrafc'WEfiwrMia-TO, I i &&'.:": "IMxtjk&.L'h'i -, ? d ;A .,Y t'-'Ain 4 v A,. U'4 '4 v,"