IP THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1900. BRYAN EXPOSED AS THE i WORLD'S FALSE PROPHET All His Predictions of Calamity Have Gone Wrong. Pacts and Figures from Official Sources Show That No Faith or Reliance Can De Placed in a Single Promise That Bryan Makes to the People. ' Four yeais ago, when he was mak lng his canvass for tho presidency, TVIIIInm J. Bryan, In a manner truly terrifying, pictured to his audiences the disaster which he suld would befnll the nation If free silver was repudiat ed" at the polls. Ills predictions were alarming and pessimistic. They stirred rhe people deeply. Some believed they would come to pass. Hut a majority doubted, uml the advocates of a sound monetary system wore victorious at tlio elections. Today Mr. Uryan la making prophecies In thp same spirit of recklessness, and with the same dlsicgard und Indifference to Hie possibility of their ful fillment that ho did In 1S06. He again Is endeavoring to f tighten tho country with gloomy pictures of the future of the republic If he Is nor elected. He tried to bamboozle tho people four years ago; he Is trying to do It now. Tho history of the last four years shows him to have been a false pro phet In 189(i. Hero arc collated many of the most startling predictions which he made during the last presidential campaign. First Is his pro phecy; then comes the showing how It has been fulfilled. All the statistics and data used are taken from olllctal documents and reports, therefore they arc accurate and absolutely correct. Fiction and Fact As to Prices. bome of the an of flnmcr I may s.iy .ill tho great h of finance me cciUin In their opci.itlon .iml tcs iirisl-liblo in their force ai the Ian- cf tcrav itntiou. It jou throw n stone into the ,ilr .ion Know It will eome rkiun, WliiV IScdine It is ilr.ivvn tovv.inl the center of the tattti. The law upon which we Imm' in V.;ht is as sine as the law of Ki.nilatiuii. It we h.ivc .1 Jtolil bt.mil anl, ricrs me rn ccitm'n tu full as the clone which in tliiowu Into the air. Kioin tin Address dellwuil to fanners in Newton, la., Aug. 9, lS'Jii. 'Iowa Is one of the gi cutest corn growing states In the Union. In 1S0S the average price which the Iowa farmer received for coin' on the farm was 14 cents a bushel lu 1S97, the first year of President McKInley's ad ministration, the price lose to IV cents; In 1898 It jumped to 2J cents, and In 1S99, the last year for which official figures have beer compiled, It was 23 cents. In 18. wlirn Mr. Bryan made his address In Newton, the average price of corn on the farm thioughout the United States was 21.." cents; last year ' was 30.3, an Increase of 41 per cent, r - Since 1894, one of the hardest years of the terrible panic which followed the election of a Democratic president and congress, to 1899, the average price of wheat on the farm throughout, the United States has gone up from 49.1 cents a bushel to 58.4 cents, an in crease of nearly 20 per cent. Oats, since 1S96, have prone up from 1S.7 cents a bushel to 24.9 cent's, an average In crease of 33 per cent. During the tour years of the administration of Presi dent Cleveland the average price of wheat on the farm was 31.1 cents; dur ing McKInley's tetm It has been 67.5 cents. Wool of the x quality was sold in New York for 17.5 cents per pound in July. lSflC. Since that time it has in creased steadily until in July, 1900, It btought 36 cents a pound. Another way of showing how prices of farm products "have fallen under the gold standard" is to give a simple statement of the lullng prices of farm staples on Juno 1, 1896, nnd Juno 1, 1?O0. Tho following table gives these figures; I'arm Products, Com No. 2 Wheat No. 3 Oats live Ilarlry (iiadc Quoted. . .Nc. 2 in hlnrc .No. ,i sptinK . Xn. 2 In stoic .No, 2 In Moic .Tail to trow! malting .. Potatoes liulce Puili.tnl; Hay No. 1 Timothy Flawed No. I X. V niiltcr dummy tlitts thirtc Pull ciiMin, choice .... lave hogs Heavy paikln? Live rattle Ilutihci t-tc lib Shrep Westell).. Clover need 1'rline contiact Cotton Mlthllinc uplands Wool Tub wished Ilrnnm turn Si'lfvvejiMiiK.fiiii' tu Komi Hopi tt. Y. State ihouc .... Millet fci'd ,,, (toman I'ssn t'irst-t, strictly fiesli .. NOI'i: The nbove aie Chicago market nuolull aie New uik quotations. Hut this is not all of tho story. Tho aggregate value of tho corn, wheat and oats crops In 1896 was $931,095,000; In IBM It was $1,15,444,000, This moans that tho growers of these cereals ob tained $281,349,000 more for their crops on account of the advance In prices under the gold standard administra tion of President McKlnley than they got- In 1896. Farmers also nte obtaining mora money for tholr live-stock us these fig ures will fihow; VAIA1K or MVK SroCK. Jan. 1, 1897. Jan. l.looo. Total. Total, , $152,8 I,SIW .t;ikJ,lHS0,0l2 , H2,:i0J,OrK) 111,717,002 , S0a,23fl,001 514.S12.10a , o07,W),121 t;MMN),200 117,020,012 122,603,01.1 , 100,272,770 , 215,723,000 91,033,111,013 $2,283,375,113 Millrj 1 Cows , Cattle frlicrp HogSi , To appreciato what this meaiiB to every Individual stock owner, note tho change In the average price per head of each class of animals; Jan. 1, 1R97. Doric $31,31 Utiles ,.,,. 41.00 Cows ,,...,,.,.. 2.1.18 Cattlo ,,,,,.,,,,. 10,63 Khwp ,,,, ,, l.M liogl 4.10 Jan. 1, 1000. lnc.l',0. $11,01 4.1 fU.50 2'J 31.00 30 21.07 50 2.W lit 1.00 22 j And what has silver been doing all 'this tlme7 Hb average price per ounce during tho first three years of Cleve land's administration was 68.9 cents. The average price per ounce during the first three years of McKInley's admin istration was only 59,6 cents. And thus, contrary to Mr. Bryan's economic reasoning, silver has gona done while wheat and corn hayo advanced In price. Btyan's "Hard Times" Story. If wt re defeated lo this ctmpalgn, there il , 'nothing before tho people but four year mora t lurder (lia'ca suet greater agitation. from a pceeh made in Baltimore, Mil., by Mr. Uijiin, Sept. It), lSOO." Wane earners know tint while a Rohl stand ard iales the pinrhnsln power of tho dollar, It alv, 111, il.es it more tlifllcult to obtain pes-wsj-lon ot the dollar; they know that em ployment is le.s permanent, lo of work note prob.ible, 11 ml reemployment less cer tain. Kiotn .1 speech made In Madison Square ti.irelcn, ,Vew York, by Mr. Diyan, Aug. 12, IS'HI. 'Ihe Rohl standard means clearer money; dealer money means cheaper property; cheap r property meant) harder times: harder times means more people out of work; mole people out of work means more people destitute Ki 0111 an adthess to the women of Minneapolis by Mr. Iiryan, Oct. 12, ls!Hl. The following is an excerpt from a signed article published In New York January 1, 189S, by Samuel Gompers, president of the Ameilcan Federation of Labor, and a Democrat: "That terrible period for the wage earners of this country which began In 1S93 and which has left behind it such a record of horror, hunger, and misery, practlcallv ended with tho dawn of the year 1897. AVages had been stendlly forced down from 1893 till toward the end of 1S95, and It was variously esti mated that between two million nnd two and a half million wage earners were unemployed." The following is a quotation from the leport of President Gompers at the convention of the American Federation of Labor held In Detroit on December 11, 1899: "The lovlval of Industry which we have witnessed within the past year is one for general congratulation, and it should be our purpose to endeavor to prolong this era of more genera! em ployment and Industrial activity. In this effort no power is so potent as or ganized labor, If we but follow a right and practical course. "It is beyond question that tho wages of the organized workers have been Inci cased, and in many instances the houis of labor either have been re duced or at least maintained. "Tho report which your officers are enabled to submit to this convention, so far as the growth and progress of our movement during the past year are concerned, Is of a most gratifying character." June 1, lS'Jii. SU.27U .0" .TO ..(I .23 ,2S 11.2-1 .v! .1114 .no"; :i 2.'t ii.fii :!.: T.io .n-'.i .W!i S.'.W) .07 .so .IITJi June J, 1000. v0.;i7'.i ."Hi .214 .51 .10 .10 11.311 l.M) .IS .0-U B.12',3 3.:uii l.'JTli 7. no .no .20 ISO 00 .12 1.20 .10',i Adv.r.C. !!? II ill 13 4.1 21 110 2d 2t) I!u-hil Itii-h. I liiHiel HikIii-1 llushel ItuJicl Ton Ilu-hel round Pound 100 pounds UK) pounds KN pounds UK) pounds Pound Pound Ton Pound ILHI pounds Dozen I 20 7'l M 72 50 S which oils except in case of cotton and hops Mr. Oomper's statements comprise tho most positive contradiction of Mr. Bryan's prophecies regarding the mis ery and destitution which labor would Hiilfer In the event of tho election of McKlnley In 1S96, but n few figures will omphaslzo still more how fulso a pro phot tho Democratic nominee for pres ident Is. Since Mr. McKlnley beenmo presi dent artisans and journeymen every where have received Increases In wages from 5 to 40 per cent. Reports made by national und International unions In April, 1900, show, among others, these specific; udvances In wtiges In 1899; Bricklayers, stonemasons, bollor inukors, Iron shipbuilders, bookbinders, coro makers, electrical workers, meat cutters, 25 per cent; bicycle workers nnd upholsterers, 20 per cent; locomo tive engineers, pattern makers nnd printers, 30 per cent; mine workers and muchlnlsts, 40 per cent; coll hoisting engineers, 50 per cent; seamen, 33 per cent; brewery workmen, bakers,, boot and shoo workers, lace curtain opera tives, carpenters, stationary flremen, 'longshoremen, leather workers, tin plate workers, trunk makers and wood workers, ID per cent; cotton spinners, 22 per cent; broom makers, brlckmuk ers, blacksmiths, coopers, clgarmakers, locomotive flremen, horseshoers, iron mojdera metalworkers, papermakers, tailors, tllo layers, railroad laborers, waiters and cooks, 10' per cent; glasB bottle blowers, 8 per cent; Iron, steel and tin workers, 17 per cent; street railway employes, 12 per cent; textile workers, 12 per cent; stage employes, 300 per cent. But substantial Increases In wages wero,obtalned also In tho yeurs 1897 and 1893 by many of the classes of labor mentioned In the foregoing. In 1S97 bricklayers and stonemasons, horseshoers, 'longshoremen and ma chinists received advances of 10 per cent; leather workers, J5 per cent; mlno workers and potters, 12 per cent: and many others from 3 to 8 per cent. In 1898 some of tho increases were ns fol lows! Bicycle workers, bollerrrmkers, Iron shipbuilders, brewery workmen, bookbinders, conl hoisting engineers, horseshoors, printers, street railway employes, trunk makers and upholster cis, 10 per cent.: bricklayers, stone masons, locomotive engineers and coremnkers, 12 per cent; electrical workers and mine workers, 25 per cent; stationary engineers, 20 per cent; leather workers, mnchhitBts and pat tern makers, 15 per cent; tobacco work ers, wood workers and carpenters, 8 per cent. Bryan's Tight Money Scare. A ffold slnnil.ird eneoiirajfes the lionrHlnn ol money because money It rllng. From Mr, llrjnn's Madison Square Garden speech, Mg, 12, 11(90. This Is how money has been ''hoard ed under the gold standard." On Aug ust 1, 1890, tho totnl money In circula tion In tho United States was $1,514, 903,142, or $21,18 for every person In the country. On July 1, 1900, tho money In circula tion In the United States reached the enormous aggregate of $2,002,425,9 IG, nnd this remarkable Increase came about without tho "free und unlimited coinage of sliver." This Is nn Increase In tho total circulation, since Mr. Hrynn made his prophecy In Madison Square Garden, of $347,500,000, or more than 33 per cent; and nn Increase from $21.18 per capita to $20.78 per capita. That Is to say, for every man, wo man and child in tho whole country, there was on July 1, 1900, $5.00 more In circulation than there was when Mr. Hrynn predicted thnt there would be a contraction of tho circulation. How Industry was Paralized. A roM stindaril c1leourn;;e.s enterprise and p.tralj7cts Industry. Prom Mr. llry.in'3 Madi son Squire Harden speech, Aug. 12, lSOO. Tho most accurate barometer of bus iness conditions which is accessible in other than census years Is tho clearing house returns. These indicate as cor rectly as Is possible tho volume of bus iness done In any particular section of the country nnd In tho whole country. Mr. Bryan said that the "gold standaid discourages enterprise and paralyzes business." But does it? Just look at these figures: In 1896, the year of tho Bryan-Mc-Klnloy presidential contest, the clear ances In all the clearing houses In the United States aggregated $51,935,651,733. The flrst year of McKInley's adminis tration 1897 they were $34,179,545,0:!0; tin' next year they jumped to $63,921, 820,769, and last year they reached the prodigious total of $S8,909,601,776, an in crease In three years, of 37 billion dol lars. To put it another way, 75 per cent more business was transacted in 1S99 than In 1S9B, or In 1895, and double the volume done in 1894. Another index of how "business was paialyzed" Is found in the traffic of railroads. In 1S96 these transportation companies carried 773,868,716 tons of freight. In 1898 they carried 912,973,S5S tons. (These figures are the latest ob tainable). Not only did the' traffic in crease tremendously, but the nverago rate for transportation dropped from 82 cents per hundred tons per mile to 76 cents, within the two yeais men tioned. How Bryan "Beggared Millions." Pavings bank depositois know that under a itolcl btandurd theic is increasing clanger that they will Icvsu their deposits because of the inability of banks to c.ol!eet their ussels, anil they still further know that if tho cold M. iiul. ml is to continue Indefinitely they may be compelled to withdraw their deposits in older to pay living expenses. 1'ioin Mr. llryan's Madi-on Squaio Garden speech Aug. 12, lS'lG. We have arrn.ved against us those who de siio to lessen the olumc of money .so that they cm coiner it more easily. Piom a 6peech delivered in Youngttonn, O., by .Mr. liijan, Oct. 10, ISM. If we adhere to a gold standard we will brcrprar millions more and double the burden., of every burden-bearer in the I'nlted Mates. Fioni n speech delivered in Anderson, Ind., by Mr. Uryan, Oct. 21, 1800. Not only have depositors in savings banks not lost their deposits, as Mr. Bryan predicted they would, but they have Increased them to a truly mar velous extent. In 1896, 98S savings bunks bad on their books the names of 5,065,194 Individual depositors whose aggregate deposits were $1,907,156,277, or an average of $376.50 for each de positor. In 1899, 9S7 bunks reported 5,687,818 depositors with $2,230,360,954 on deposit. That means an increase In tho number of depositors of more than 600,000, and an increase In deposits of $323,210,677. Furthermore, while tho depositors have grown In number the average de posit bus Increased from $376.50, In 1896, to $392.13, In 1899. These figures mean that for every man, woman and child in the United States there was on deposit in tho sav ings banks this does not Include na tional banks nnd trust companies $29. 21 last year, iib against $26.68 In 1896. Moreover, the savings deposits of tho wage earners of this country are more than double those of any other people on earth. 'How Business Men Were Ruined. H Is only nccrksary tn note the imrraalni; number of falUitctt In older to know that a cold f-tumlai J Is ruinous to meieliants and manufacluiers. 1'rom Mr, llryan's Madison Square tpcecli Aug. 12, ISM, Never In the history of tho United States, except In tho years 1880 and 1SS1, wns thcro such a small number or percentage of business failures as there wits In 1899. In that your tho number of failures was 9,337, tho lowest since 1883, when It was 9,184. The total amount of liabilities last year was $90, 879.8S9, which was tho lowest In any year except tho two years designated. Compare with this magnificent record tho record of 1890, or 1895, or 1893. In 1896 there wore 15,088 failures, with $226,096,834 liabilities; In 1895 the num ber was 13,197, with liabilities amount ing to $173,196,060, and in 1893 there were 15,242 failures with $346,779,889 lia bilities. "Ruinous to merchants nnd manu facturers," said 'Mr, Bryan, Let us see, In the first place, ono of tho best Indications of tho conditions of this class of business men lu the size of their bank accounts. For business de posits tho national banks arc used al most exclusively by merchants and manufacturers. In 1896 the deposits In all the national banks of tho United States were $1,6S6,000,000 The year following McKInley's election they In creased to $1,768,000,000; In 1898 they amounted to $2,078,000,000, and In 1899 they Jumped to $2,605,000,000, un In crease of nearly one billion dollars In three years, which means that the business men wero that much better off last year than they wero In 1896. Another demonstration of the falla cy of Mr. Bryan's prediction Is found In tho figures showing the exports of manufactured products during the jubi livu ycuis. Ill 10UO, IIIU VUIUC o I the manufactures sent abroad was 1228,571,178, nnd this amount has been nearly doubled since. In 1899 there wag $338,675,558 worth of this class of exportatlons, and for tho fiscal yenr of 1900 tho grand aggregate was $432,284, 3C0. Tho total exports of all kinds of domestic merchandise In 1900 were valued at $1,370,476,158, ns against $863, 200,487 In 1890, and $79.1,392,599 In 1S95. Thus ngnln Is Mr. llrynn proved to bo a false prophet. How Gold Went Abroad. Our opponents cannot Irjnore the fact that irolil Is now going abroad In spite of all leu Islatlon Intended to prevent II, nnd no silver Is being coined to take Itn pl.ue. Not only l gold going abroad now, but It must con tinue to bo abroad as lon rw the present financial policy Is adhered to, unlc-ci we con tinue to borrow from across the ocean, and even then we simply postpone the evil, be cause the amount borrowed, together with the Interest upon It, must bo paid In appre ciated dollars. There Is only ono way to stop the Increasing flow of gold from our shores, and that Is by the restoration ot bi metallism. 1'rom Mr. llryan's Madison Square Garden speech, All?. 12, 1S90. When Mr. Bryan made this prophecy gold was leaving tho United Strftes at tho rato of six and one-half million dollars a month. During 1896, the to tal exports of this precious metal amounted to $78,904,612; the preceding year they wero $30,117,376, nnd In 1893, tho first year of President Cleveland's administration, they reached $86,897, 275. But tho tide turned as soon as a Re publican administration returned to power. Instead of exporting gold, we began to Import It, Under the chnnged business conditions, the restoration of confidence and of Industrial prosperity following McKInley's election, Kurope began to send Its gold to the United States. In 1897, $44,609,841 In gold came to this country from abroad, which meant a net balance over the preced ing year of about $123,000,000 In our favor. Tho following year 1S9S $104,S6S,476 In gold was sent to tho United States from foreign countries, and last year the amount was $51.42S.099. Thus In tho first three years of McKInley's ad ministration gold to the amount of, $200,906,418 was Imported to the United" States, while during Cleveland's ad ministration $200,091,92S was sent abroad from this country. Furthermore, instead of this country borrowing In order to keep gold here, American financial institutions have loaned nearly one hundred millions of gold to Germany, Sweden, Great Brit ain and other European nations within six months. Now York has become the financial center of the world, and several foreign governments are pre paring to float heavy loans here. In Spite of Bryan's Prophecy. I acrt the risht of the people of this country to have their own financial .sjstcm and to legulale (licit- own affaire, and if foiclgu people do not want to loan money to uri under those conditions wc will Inve the consolation of knowing that the condi tions will be so favorable that we soon will have money to loan them. I'loni a -pecdi delivered in Lincoln, Neb., by Mr. Btyan, Sept. 8, 1800. There Is a prophecy which has been fulfilled, though not In a manner that is pleasing to Mr. Bryan. Tho Repub lican party has enacted new financial legislation, and to use Mr. Bryan's own words, "Wo have the consolation of knowing that wo have money to lonn." We are loaning money to foreign countries, nnd Russia has been think ing of borrowing something like $150, 000,000 from us. But free silver did not bring about this wonderful and grati fying change. It was the gold stand ard. How He Made Farmers Suffer. Under a rjold standaid fanners cannot pay their moi Images, and simply have to lose what they have Inu'stcd. From a. speech delivered In llenton llaibor, Mich., by Sir. Uryan, OU. 10, 1SU0. In Jlr. Bryan's own state, Nebraska, the value of mortgages which wero re leased or canceled in 1S98, the second year of McKInley's administration, was $27,488,070, which is $9,300,000 greater than the value of mortgages paid off In 1896. Instead of farm lands depreciating In value, they have appreciated tremend ously. On this subject tho American Agriculturist recently said: "Agricultural real estate Is now worth $1,220,000,000 more than It was a single year ago; tho percentage of farms occupied by owners Is now larger than ever before, while tho number of farms under mortgage has materially decreased. "The amount of mortgages on farms occupied by their owners Is estimated at about $300,000,000 less than at tho beginning of the decade. Mortgages now average only about 27 per cent of tho value of the farms they are on, the rate of Interest has declined, and the great bulk of mortgages now in force were incurred to buy the farm or to improve It." The Debtor Became Creditor. Wo arc the greatest debtor nation on caith. Kioin a speech delivered in Anderson, bid., by Mr. Do an, Oct. 21, IStKl. Open our mints, ftivo as the double stand aid, und then we will st.un! as the mistress of tho world's commerce. Hiom n speech de- nvereu in .Minneapolis uy ,nr. uryan, uce. n, 180(1. The United States Is now the great est creditor nation on earth, and has becomo so since President McKlnley was Inaugurated. From March 1, 1897, to March 4, 1900 that Is, In three years, tho excess of American exports over Imports represented a value of $1,153, 537,049. In other words, that wns tho balance on tho credit sldo of Uncle Sam's ledger during tho flrst three years of tho present administration. From 1790 to March 1, 1897107 years tho excess of exports over imports was only $383,028,497. Thus In three years tho United States, under the administration of President McKlnley, exported four times ns much as during tho entire period preceding It from the founda tion of the republic. The United States Is capturing tho markets of tho world. Kurope, Asia and Africa are buying American man ufactures nnd farm products In con stantly Increasing quantities. They are sending over their gold In tho set tlement of trado balances,, and then borrowing It. During the fiscal year of 1900 alone tho excess of American merchandise sold abroad over tho amount purchased there reptesented a value ot $545,000,000. Tho Philadelphia Times, a Demo cratic newspaper, recently printed tho following under tho caption, "Ours Is Now the Best Credit In the World": "Tho credit of the United States Is higher today In all the markets of tho world than that of any other nation. Wo have ceased to be a debtor nation and havo becomo largely a creditor. Today our national bonds command higher prices than tho securities of any other country. We have had a very pointed nnd positive Illustration of tho character of our national credit In tho recent award of nn Kngllsh lonn of 10,000,000 pounds sterling. More than half of those securities wero awarded to American subscribers. "This Is it revolutionary departure) In tho flnnnclal attitude of tho United States, nnd places ua In tho forefront of tho credit nations of tho world. Tho bonds of tho United States yield only from two nnd one-half per cent down to its low ns ono and one-half per cent to the holders, while the English bonds so largely taken by United States bid ders, yield over three and one-half per cent." "Without "opening our mints to tho free colnngo of silver," wo not only lmvo become tho mistress of tho world's commerce, but wo have ceased to bo a debtor nation, nnd have be come tho greatest creditor nation In tho world, An Object Lesson in Japan. When they toll you that the mo of silver degrades n nation, you point to Japan. Japan has a silver standard, Japan uses silver and has made wonderful strides in the last twenty years. 1'rom a speech delivered In Stanislaus hall, Chicago, by Mr. Uryan, Oct. 20, 1S00. Japati is now operating under a gold stundard law, and tho benefits result ing from tho change from a silver basis havo been most marked, Scarce ly had the echoes of tho discussion of 1896 died away before Japan decided' to adopt tho gold standard, and the new law went into effect October 1, 1897. Tho beneficent results following this change In that nation's monetary sys tem are told In a recent official state ment made by Count Matsukata Masa yoshl, tho Japanese minister of Btate for finance. That official said: "Since the adoption of the gold standard, our currency has been freed from constant fluctuation In Us ex change rate, to which It was subject before. Business transactions were made safe; nnd Improvement in credit took place In the community at largo; prices became more constant; In a word, tho way was opened for the steady and orderly growth of our com merce and Industry. "The beneficial results of the coinage leform Is seen In another direction. Now that the capitalists of the gold standard countries have become as sured that they will no longer be In constant danger of suffering unexpect ed losses from Investments made In this country on account of fluctuations In the price of silver, they seem to show a growing tendency to make such Investments at low rates of In terest. "So far as our trade with gold stand ard countries is concerned, our adop tion of the gold standard has proved to bo a source Of great benefit. Again, concerning our commerce with sliver standard countries, contrary to the gloomy prospects indulged in by some critics, our trade with those countries has not ceased to make a steady growth. "Since our adoption of the gold standard, our government bonds have been sold in no small amounts in the European markets, so that their names appear regularly in the price list of the London Stock Exchange. "We believe that the beneficial ef fect of our coinage reform on our for eign trade has already been great, and wo do not notice any material evil in connection with it. Besides, our adop tion of tho gold stundard has made it easier for our country to enter into tho economic community of the world at largo so that henceforth it will become practicable for us to invite capital from other countries to be Invested in our country. We conclude, thefore, that the effect of the coinage reform upon our foreign trado has been bene ficial without a trace of evil." Since 1896, Russia also has adopted tho gold standard, and the results there have been of the same beneficial character as in Japan. Peru followed with the example of Russia and Japan and so did Costa Rica and Equador. Now nearly all the South American re publics are operating under a gold standard law. How Gold Deserted Us. fiold fs airogant and tyrannical in time of peace, nnd it deserts any nation in time of war. 1'iom a speech delivered in Indianapo lis, Ind., by Mr. Uryan, Oct. 6, Jb96. Tho stock of gold in the United States has Increased enormously since Mr. Bryan's nomination In 1896. On July 1 of that year, the gold in this country, including tho coin and bullion In the Treasury department, was $399, 597.961. By March 1, 1900, tho end ot tho third year of President McKInley's adminis tration, It had nearly doubled, the amount being $1,025,825,162. Since Mr. Bryan made this statement tho United States has been engaged In u foreign war, and did gold desert us then? No! It came pouring In from all the world. In 1898, tho year ot the war with Spain, tho gold that was sent to this country from abroad amounted to $120, 402,195, while only $15,533,719 was ex ported, leaving a balance In our favor of $104,868,476. On July 1, of that year, tho stock of gold In tho United States amounted to almost $900,000,000, nn increase since Mr. Bryan's nomination of $300,000,000, nnd since July 1, 1897, an increase of $200,000,000. That Is how tho precious metal deserted tho American people In tlmo ot war. Does not all this 'show that Mr. Bryan Is a false prophet? SOCIAL RULES IN CHINA. No One Visits In That Country Until Sent For. From tho Interior, Ono never becomes so well acquaint ed with tho Chinese that ceremony may bo dispensed with. It Is possible that there may bo Informal visiting among vor.v old friends nnd neighbors, but it Is hardly concelvnble. Willi mere ac quaintances tho visit cannot bo paid until one is sent for; then a cart ar rives more or less splendid, according to tho position of the hostess. If sho happens to bo poor the vehlclo will bo shabby In tho extreme tho mule by which such a cart Is drawn, gaunt nnd aged, tho driver fllthy and In rugs. If Its owner Is a woman of wealth, the vehlclo will bo curtained nnd cushioned with fine blue or purple cloth, nnd there will bo In attendance not only tho woman servant, but two haughty outriders mounted on Chinese ponies. Tho woman servant is sent In variably to accompany the guest, since no well-bred woman In China ventures Into the streets alone. Ono of the stig mas attached to tho reputation of the present dowager empress Is a tradition that, when a girl, she once went out upon tho streets alone and bought a certain ktnd of cake of which sho was very fond. It Is something of nn art for a for eigner to take, her seat gracefully and comfortably iti a Fekln cart, and there nro those who do not think that It can be done at all. A succinct rule has been given by ono who should be nn authority: "Tumble In nnd fold up." All Chinese houses are concealed from the street by hlfrh, blank walls. On either sldo of, tho entrance am tho stables and tho apartments of the gate keeper nnd the other servants. Near tho door of tho court a Btout, well-' groomed mule Is frequently hitched to nn Iron ring In tho wall the animal which the master of the house rlden, or hitches to his cart, nnd which, throughout China everywhere, takes precedence of tho horse. If the hostess and her dnughtor-ln-law are not waiting to receive the guest, there Is certain to bo a hnlt dozen women servants, and tho family will bo waiting In the court bevond. They are arrayed In tholr best npparel, gorogous silks beautifully embroidered, the hair elaborately dressed unci adorned with flowers and gilt and sli ver pins glittering .with Jewels. If they aro Manchus their feet will bo unbound, tho hair arranged upon n board about fourteen Inches In length and four In width, attached to tho back of head; and the long, loose 'outer gar ment, renchlng to tho knees, will bo black, with bands about the throat and sleeves of dark or light blue. Chlneso ladles wear a much shorter outer gar ment, gayer In color, with wide draw ers of blue or bright green The hair Is dressed In n queer little (curved loop, which Is thought to accord with their dwarfed feet. The guest adrcs.es the mother-in- law flrst, then the other ladles, and she Is welcomed with the Chinese mode of handshaking placing one closed hand upon the other and moving It up and down. If the children have been brought out for Inspection as usually happens they aro drawn up In line and greet the visitor with a pretty, graceful courtesy. As a rule, Chinese children nro extremely attractive they aro so quaintly dressed, In such fascinating little gowns, jackets and trousers, that suit their dark skins and bright eyes admirably. A Chinese household Is a community of which tho parents are the head, over which tho mother rules with an iron rod. Each son must brine his wife to his mother's house upon his marriage, and he must remain there with his growing family. Until she Is fortunate enough to give birth to a son the position of the daughter-in-law is that of an upper servant, and fre quently It Is one of the utmost misery. When guests are received she must re main quite In the background; she can not speak unless she is addressed, and cannot sit in the presence of her mother-in-law until she Is told to do so. The best of the houses front the south, and these, of course, are occu pied by flie mother-in-law. She lias usua ly a suite of several a partments, a reception, dining and bed room. These are separated by handsomely carved screens, but tho door Is simply paved with brick or stone, and it Is not oven covered with matting. This is trife of the emperor's palaces as well as of the houses of the common people. The floor is seldom clean and is made the repository of all manner of rubbish. When a visitor Is expect ed, however, there Is a good "ridding up," and both the floors and the court yard are carefully swept. In the reception room a handsome table is placed against the wall oppo site the door, with a stiff-backed chair on either side, and there are cabinets filled with costly bronze and porcelain. In the bed room a k'any or oven bed takes up fully half the space, and up on this, when not receiving, the host ess spends much more than half her time. She sits on It to sew, to eat and to gossip and at each end of the k'any are carved wardrobes containing her flnery. Tho dining room is shut off from the reception room by a solid wall, al though under tho same roof, and It must be reached by going out of doors, along the flagging protected by the deep overhanging eaves. Its furnishings are a high, square table, with two or more stiff, polished, straight-backed chairs, side tables for the serving of the many dishes which constitute a feast, and upon the wall Inscriptions In Chinese characters, with other decorations. At the door the hostess steps aside and entreats her guest to enter; to be polite she must flrmly refuse, entreat ing her guest to precede her. This controversy must be prolonged for some time, when, of course, the guest enters flrst, as was intended. She is then conducted ( to the "honorable place," the chair at the right of the table, which she must refuse, urging the hostess to occup it; another lengthy controversy must follow, ending by tho guest seating herself In tho "honorable place." Pipes aro then brought In, and If, being a foreigner, the guest declines to smoke, the hostess also foregoes tho pleasure of her accustomed Indul gence. Presently tea Is brought tho most exquisite, ethereal beverage that could be imagined served without ' sugar or cream, clear as amber, fla vored with (lowers; it is like sipping tho breath of June. With the tea aro served delicate little cakes, orna mented with vermlllion spots, not un llko little round sponge cakes, und delicious sweetmeats, candied fruits, red fruit marmulado pressed Into hot sirup, .If tho guest wishes to bo very pollto sho must make a good deal of nolsa with her lips oh sho sips her tea and cats her sweotmiats, for this shows that tho refreshment Is ap preciated. Very few Chinese women, even those of high rank, are educated. ' The great majority can neither read nor write. Hemmed in by tho walls of tho'cottrts which they seldom leave, tholr range of ideas Is naturally very limited, It Is difficult, therefore, for oven foreign ers who understand tho language to converse with them, thny havo so few topics lu common. The guest will bo asked her ago flrst of all: for with tho Chinese It Is not considered rudo to ask the most point ed, personal questions. The older she Is tho more admirable will she seem In tho eyes of her entortnlners, for youth In China Is not entitled to much re spent. Tho hostess will thdn want to know If her parents are living, how many brothers she has nnd how many sisters, and from this the transition to tho question of dress is easy nud natural. Any peculiarities In tho vis itor's toilet will be noted; her jewels, rings nnd brooch will bo closely ex amined, her lace and ribbons admired, and .sho will be asked If her gown was made by a foreign tailor. All that she possesses will bo ex travagantly praised, while the poor be longings of tho entertainer will ba correspondingly dUpnrnged. When tho visit draws to a 9I039 tho hostess will insist upon accompanying the visitor to te outer court; this sho must bo implored not to do, the guest Anally submitting and shaklngliands Chlneso fashion, by way of returning the civ ility of thoso who thus dismiss her, after which she clambers Into her cart und flrlves away, FREE I lmlLi DEATH TO' HAIR ROOT AND BRANCH New Discovery By Tho Misses Bell A Trial Treatment FREE To An One Afflicted With Hair on Face, Neck or Arms Wrt hfirn At lftt mitrln ftin Aimrnvmrm 1 which has baflled chomlit nnd nil other for centuries that o( absolutely destroy, lug mi perilous Imlr, root nnd brsnon, entirely uml permanently, nnd tbut toe without ImpnirliiK In any way tbo flnut or most Bonaltlvo ikln. It la scarcely pimlhlo to overstate tho importance of thU discovery, or tho great good and tatli f not Ion it will bo to those ufiUctod with ono of tho most clIafltTUring nnd Bffgrnrnt- nut nionnnncH timior mpeniiiovis natron tho fnco ot women, whether It bo amua- taclio or growth on the nock, check or iinns. Tho Mlfwa Dell hve thoroughly tested Its oflleuey und aro detlrou that the full morltsor their ticntmont to which they hnvo irlvon tho tlosorlptlvonamo of "KILL-Af.t.-liAIH" slmll ha known to nil nflllcted. To this ond 11 trlnl will bo sent free of churKOg, to any Imly who will write for It. Without n cent of cost you can see for yourselves whnt tho discovery ii; the ovlilenco of your own eoiiecs will then cnnvlnco you that tho treatment "KILL-Ar,f,-IIAIl(," will rid you of one of th Krcnti'St ilrnwhuck to porfect lovcllnee, tlio itrnwth of superfluous hair on the face or neck of womon. l'lento untlorstnud that n personal demon stration of our treatment cost you lintlilug. A trial will bo sent you free, which you can ueo yourself nnd prove our claims by sondlng two Btnmpe for innlllag. THE MISSES BELL, 78 & 80 Fifth Avenue, New York The niise Dell's Complexion Tonic la harmless liquid forcitoninl application to tlio skin. It removes entirely nllfrccklcn, moth, blnckhenili, pimples, nnd tan, and cures entirely actio nnd eczemn. and licniitillua tho complexion. Price 8100 per bottle, thrco hottlcs (usually required to clenr thecompliixion) S2.7A. The nissec Bell's Capllln Renava is a jiroparatlon for niituiiilly restoring gray locks to their orlpflnnl color. CapiUa Ifciiovn Is really a HalrFood, and strength ens und invigorates tbo hair in n nnturel wny, nnd thus restores Its original color. l'ripoSl.BOperliottlo. The Mioses Bell's Skin Food is a toft, creamy, oxiiuisitoly scented ointment, for mild cusos of roughness, redness, pimples, etc.; Is a cure In Itself. Is nn excellent retlrlnir cremn Price 75 centa per Jnr. The Misses Bell's Lambs' Wool Soap Is runic from purnoll of Lumbs' Wool. Price X" contf per cake. A comploto line of above exquisite preparations aro always kept in stock, and ran ho bid from oi'r local niteut. Fast Time to Portland CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY THE "CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPE CIAL" leaves Chicago 6.30 p. m. daily, via Chicago-Union Pacific and North Western Line, arrives Portland, Oregon, afternoon of third day. No change of cars; meals in Dininjj Cars, Buffet Library Cars with barber. Tourist Sleepers daily. Personally conducted excursions every week. The best of everything. The Pacific Express leaves 10.30 p. ra. daily. Call on any agent for tickets or address 401 Broadway, - Ntta Yorkl 1SS Vint St., Cincinnati S07SmlthfldSt Pllttbura !3 Sjptrlor St., Clmtland nCampus-Nartlua, Dttrolt 601 Cla'l St.,Philadllphla 888 Waihlngton St., Boston 301 Main St., - Buffalo 112 Clark St., Chicago lKlngSt.,Catt,Toronto,Ont. 3 111 t Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 436 to 455 N. Ninth Street, ,PA Telephone Cull, 2333. NERVITA PILL Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Miabood Cure Impotoncy. Nlelit Kmlsslons, Loss of Mom. ory, 1111 wnsunc diseases, all effects of rolf.abtiso or oicois und indiscretion. A nervo tonlo and blood builder, Brings tho nlnk alow to nnlA cbttoks and rcstoics the tiro ur youth, uy mall .fiOa nop liriT. (1 Immn for 83.50, with our bankable naurantea to our or refund the money paid. Send for clrculaf mm copy 01 our oanicaujo euurauteo bono. Nervita Tablets RXTRA STRENOTH Immediate RtiulU (YELLOW LABEL) Positively Riiarantoed care for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Bhtuukoa Organs, i'aresls, Locomotor Atuiln, Nerrous Frostre,' tlon, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity. Paralysis ana to liesults of Kicosiive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, By mall in ulaln packago. 81.00 box, 6 for So.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. Bold by McOarraU & Thomas, Drug. Blot,, 209 Lackawar-ra ave., Bcranton, Ft,' These tlipy (Jul 'MSSrV&l. or iln iciai, noout eulence, uHcetlaa Muteulcni . wUcb .0 Nor SS.flK i IS 60 R5B PILLS 50 i-AW CTS. tnitlK 11 -Tvf i ., -," vr . T !7 '-, .. V- 3.H4 J