The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 13, 1900, Image 1

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The Troops Arc Suffering
from Typhoid and
Belief In Tien Tsln That the Punish
ment Of the Guilty In China Will
Be Evaded Imperial Edict Insin
cere Report That Li Hung Chang
Hat Been Commanded to Reject All
Demand! for Territorial Indemnity.
By Bzduitr Wirt from The Associated Press.
Paris, Oot. 12. A dispatch received
by the Havas Agency from Tlen-Tstn
"The general opinion of those know
ing Chinese ways is that the punish
ment of the higher officials!
in the edict of October 1, will not be
executed. The edict is insincere.
"It is affirmed that Iii Hun? Chnmr
has been ordered to reject all demands
for territorial compensation and other
War indemnities.
"The troops in Pekin are suffering
from typhoid fever and dysentery."
American Marines Sail in the Brook
lyn and Indiana.
By Exclmhre Wire from The Associated Frew.
Washington, Oct. 12. Adjutant Gen
eral Corbln received a cable message
today from General Chaffee, dated
Taku, October 11, saying that half a
regiment of marines left on the Brook
lyn on the 8th Inst, and the remaining
half on the Indiana on the 10th Inst.
These marines are destined for Ma
nila, where they will be distributed
among the naval vessels to which they
may ba assigned, and the remainder
sent to the naval station at Cavlte.
Believed to Have Gone to the Crimea
. to See the Czar.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Treat.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 12. The Chinese
minister here has left town. It is be
lieved he has gone to the Crimea to see
the czar.
German Government Official Contra
dicts the Reports.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Preis.
Berlin, Oct. 12. An official contradic
tion has been made of the report that
un Invasion of Shantung province Is
Commissioner James Trimble Inves
tigating the Groups of Pater
son and Hoboken.
sty Exclusive Wire from The Associated rieu.
New York, Oct. 12. Commissioner
flames E. Trimble, who was appointed
by the Supreme court of New Jersey,
Bt tho request of Governor Voorhces,
to Investigate the doings of the an
archists in Paterson and other places
In the state where anarchist croups
are known to exist, began an inaulry
In the town hall in West Hobokon to
day. A number of -witnesses who reside In
West Hoboken had been summoned to
appear before the commissioner. Bres
cl, the slayer of King Humbert, was n
resident of West Hoboken, and his wife
till lives there with their children.
There are known to be a number of
anarchists In the city and Brescl was
well-known to many of them.
Owing to tho failure of the West Ho
boken police to receive a letter for
warded by Commissioner Trimble, con
taining a list of witnesses to be heard,
only three witnesses were summoned
by the police.
The first witness to testify was Mrs,
Brescl, the wife of the assassin of
Xing Humbert. She sald she knew
nothing whatever of any plot to kill
King Humbert.
She, herself, had never hod any con
nection with tho anarchists. Two
brothers named Tub, who keeps a
taloon, denied that their place was a
rendezvous for anarchists. The hear
ing; was then adjourned to Moudav
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Oct, 12. Sllss Frances (irlscom,
Hie national woman Roll champion, won the in.
lividual championship of tho Wom;n's (foil
Issooiatlon of Philadelphia today, by defeating
lira. Caleb F, Fox, of the Huntington ValUy
Country club, winning ly 5 up and i to play,
rte tournament has been in process time
rVcdncaday and there were twenty-seven t nil 1m,
representing tho various clubs in this vklnlty,
By Exclusito Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Oct. 12. Colonel A. C. Demairst,
(ho commanded tho Twiiity.llrtt Kfriment, .New
teney oluntccrs, during thu Civil war, wis
iound dead In bed ut his home In TumII), N.
I., today, Colonel Pcmarot was 70 jeais old.
ly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
flurlsbur;, Oct. li. Governor btono appointed
Judge William 1). Wallaic, of New fja.tlt, a ill
iretor of the Morgawa Uvlortu tihool, ce Dr.
U) ', deceased.
Assistant Secretary of War Sends an
Open Letter on the Sulu Question.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Chicago, Oct, 12. George Melklejohn,
assistant secretary of war, has mailed
the following letter to Hon. W. J. Bry
an, which the latter will receive today:
ChlcsBO, Oct. 11, 1M0.
Dear' Bit! In jour communication 'to me of
the loth instant you refer to the tact that the
Republican party adheres to Its declaration that
the constitution cannot be extended to new ter
ritory acquired by the treaty maklnR power ol
our government nor by the military commanders
of our armies. You then d.elare that therefore
the president was not obliged to refuse his ap
pi oi at to that portion of tho hulu agreement
which permitted the tcmpoiary continuance of
the alleged slavery in the Sulu island. Tho
point to which I called jour attention in my
communication was the picsldont did re
fuse his approial and therefore that agreement
Is not existing, t am gratified tint you direct
attention to the fact tint Ihc present MlniinU
tratlon docs not require the force of constitution
al provision to prompt It to recognize the rights
of men. Permit me, however, to call your at
tention to the concluding words of tho amend
ment to tho oomtltutlon to which jou refer.
"Neither slavery nor Involuntary servitude shall
cist ithln Ihe United States, or any place
subject to their jurisdiction."
While amendments to the constitution are
under consldeiatlon will ou giic an psphina
tlon of the discrepancy between jour platform
this j ear and the one on which Tilden made
hi canvas? Your platform declares:
"Wc, the representatives of the Democratic
party of the United States, assembled In na
tional convention on the anniversary of the
adoption of the Declaration of IndepcnJence, do
rcifHim our faith in that Immortal proclama
tion of the inalienable rights of man and our
nllrglance to the conititutlnn framed in harmony
therewith by the fsthcrs of the republt"."
As framed by the fathers of the republic, the
constitution recognized slavery and provided
tl at a slave escaping into a free state did not
become free and must be returned to his owner
Article Iv, Section 2. clause " The constitution
as framed by the fathers did not contain the
guarantees for tho rights of our colored citizens,
provided by the fourteenth and fifteenth amend
ments. The Tilden platform declared as follows:
"For the Democracy of the whole country wc
do here reaffirm our faith in the permanence of
fhf federal union, our devotion to the constitu
tion of the United Mates with its amendments
universally accepted as a final settlement of tha
controversy that enfrene'erod Civil war and do
here record our steadfast confidence in the per
petuity of the republican self government."
Why does jour platform refuse adherence to
the amendments to the constitution?
In view of your present contention might I
beg to request an explanation of the conclud
ing words of the Chicago platform of 1S90, on
admission of territories, which reads:
"We recommend that the territory of Alaslcj
be granted a delegate in congress and that the
general land and timber laws of the United
States be extended to said wnitory."
Very icspcetfully,
G. D. Meikcljohn.
Hon. W. J. Bryan, Cleveland, Ohio.
The Senator, Governor Stone and
Party Are Greeted by
Large Audiences.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Punxsutawney, Pa., Oct. 12. Colonel
Quay, Governor Stone and party, ex
cept Attorney General Elkin, who had
gone to Clarion, arrived here at noon
today. Arriving six hours earlier thnn
expected, only a small crowd greeted
them at the station. General James B.
Jordan, with the citizens' committee,
preceded the party in carriages to the
hotel. The reception was quiet, and
the line of march to the hotel, without
any music or cheering, made it feel
chilly. As soon as It was known that
the party was in the county, the en
thusiasm arose rapidly. The reception
at the hotel In the afternoon was a
success. The city was but poorly dec
orated. Bv 7 o'clock tonight the town wa
crowded. People came tr town on all
roads and In every kind1 of vehicles,
inarching clubs from neighboring towns
and visitors fiom Big Run, DuBoi",
Reynoldsville and Dayton filled the
city to overflowing. The parade, In
charge of Chief Marshal W. C. Ter
ence, ex-postmaster, formed on Ma
honing street, and preceded by a party
of "soothsayers," with County Chair
man T. M. Kurtz, Burgess Ira Camp
bell and Hon, W. O. Smith In carriages,
marched t& the west end of the town
and countermarched to the opera
house, There were about 1,000 In the
line of parade. There was red Are,
rockets and other pyrotechnics, with
plenty of noise and enthusiasm all
along the march, The opera house
was profusely decorated, but too small,
hundreds being unablo to gain admis
sion, and overflow meetings were held
on the streets. The speeches were well
received. It was a Quay meeting
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Heading, Oct, 12. 'file fall meetini; of the
Reading Driving club was concluded on the
Bhillington track hire this afternoon. The sum.
2.21 class, mixed, purse, $200 IJankvvood, won;
Peail Alfred, second; Shllotta, third. Time
2.20!4; 8.2014: i.'iMl 2 20)4; 2.20; 2.21.
Vreo for all, mixed, purse, flOO Palsy K.,
von; Tyiauna, tee-uuel; Bishop, third. Time,
2.1J'4j 2.15V4-, 2.12V4,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
New Voilt, Oct, 12. Arilvcil; Punt Bismarck,
Hamburg. Cleared; lltrurlu, Liverpool; Travc,
Bremen via Southampton; Maasdara, Itottcrdam
via noulovne. Sailed: Cuttle, Liverpool.
Southampton Sailed: Kaiser I'rledrlth, from
Hamburg, New York U Cherbourg, llovillc
Hailed: Astoria (from (llasaovv), New York.
Ucmh Head l'.i-J.idj btatcndain, Hottsrdam for
New Voik. Sellly passed: t'ricil.auJ, Now
Yoik for Antweip.
Dy Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Curacaj, Venezuela, Oct. U.Tbe government
has annuled the (oncefslon ol the Orinoco com
pany, alleging non ixceutlon of contract. The
loinpany, which hai headquarters at Faribault,
Minn., and which is capitalized at $10,000,000,
wus granted, In ISA), a concession of ten mil
lion acres of laud, situated in the Orinoco district.
Unable to Make Further
Concessions to the
In Case the Offer of Operators Is
Refused, the Companies at Wilkes
Barif "' Endeavor to Operate
The . with New Men If
Delegates Could Be Persuaded That
Operators Are Sincere the Strike
Would Be Called Off Without Much
Delay. .
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 12. The operators
of the Wyoming valley are watching
with Interest the proceedings of the
Scranton convention. Tho representa
tives of the big coal companies still
Insist that no further concessions will
be made and that If the oiler of 10
per cent Increase is rejected the strike
Is destined to go on.
The ofTer of the operators having
been refused, the companies will en
deavor to operate their mines with new
men. Should the strikers Interfere,
then the state will be called upon to
protect those men who are willing to
work. One operator said tonight:
"We have done our duty in the mat
ter; we can do no more, If our em
ployes do not see fit to accept our of
fer that Is their business. But if men
apply to us for work we shall certain
ly not turn them away. And In case
of Interference we look to the state
for protection. We are large taxpay
ers and we have a right to look to the
state to protect our property."
Assistant Superintendent Chase, of
the Lehigh Valley Coal company, said
to the Associated Press reporter to
night: "I do not know what will be the out
come of the Scranton convention. I
suppose It would be satisfactory
all around If the offer o'f the opera
tors was accepted. The offer Is the
best that can be made, any further
concessions would mean an increase
In the price of coal. This the consum
er would object to; It would drive him
to the use of gas and coal oil stoves;
it would also be to the advantage of
bituminous coal."
Another operator was of the opinion
that the granting of the 10 cent ad
vance to the miners woulel compel the
companies to get more money for their
coal, otherwise they would lose money.
Some of the United Mine Workers
think the operators can be Induced to
do better by the men, but disinterested
parties say they cannot and will not.
And If the 1,200 delegates who are at
tending the Scranton convention could
be convinced that the operators are
sincere in what they say it is believed
the strike would be called off without
much delay.
The Men at Shamokin Are Desirous
That the Convention Shall Ac
cept the Ten Per Cent. Offer.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Shamokin, Oct. 12, More striking
miners were assembled on the streets
of this place today than at any time
since the beginning of tlfe tie-up. Prom
early morning worklngmen came to
town from their homes in the numer
ous mining hamlets within a radius of
six miles to learn what their delegates
were doing In the Scranton convention
When the extracts of President Mitch
ell's opening address were announced,
the men decided that he wants to be
fair to them and that he will not tie
up the delegates' hands In order to
force the recognition of the union.
The miners are very anxious for the,
convention to accept the ten per cant,
offer, providing the Increase will he
permanent and that the reduction of
powder shall be exclusive of the ten
per cent. Those two points gained, to
gether with the abolishment of the
Reading company's sliding scale, will
at this time satisfy the miners cener
ally and induce them to more willingly
return to work,
Strikers at Hazleton Gather at the
Derringer Colliery of Coxe & Co,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Hazleton, Oct, 12, The company men
employed at the Derringer colliery of
Coxe Bros. & Co, began this afternoon
to repair the breaker, which led the
strikers to believe that an attempt was
being made to resume work, About
300 of them, from Sheppton and Jlope
vllle, then proceeded to the colliery.
The foreman, fearing trouble, tele
graphed for Sheriff Harvey and his
deputies, who were hurried to Derrin
ger In a special train. In tho moan
time the strlkets learned that no pap
ulations were under way for' a re
sumption of operations, and tho march
was abandoned. When the sheriff ot
to the scene with his met; everything
was quiet, and the posse returned to
this city.
Tho Governor's troop arrived at One
Ida this morning and Is still there. The
horses are quartered In the comrjany
stables and the men In Bmall hotels at
Appleton and Derringer, It Is not
known how long the soldiers will stav
at the place.
He Explains a False Position and
Does Not Wish to Be Called
a Parmer.
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Portsmouth, O., Oct. 12. Mr. Bryan
concluded the first day of his Ohio
campaign In this city tonight. He was
met at the depot by a torchlight pro
cession, consisting of men both on foot
and horseback, and escorted to a
square in the center of the city, where
he spoke from a platform In the open
air. The meeting was by far the larg
est of the day and It was thoroughly
enthusiastic. The Republicans had a
torchlight procession irtthe city to
night, with speeches In a--public halt
by Senator Spooner and ex-Congressman
W. D. Bynum. As a consequence
the city was full of red Are and politi
cal enthusiasm. The lines of inarch
of. the two parties were so arranged
as not to conflict and thete was no
clash. A majority of the meetings
during the day were not so largely at
tended nor so demonstrative as those
of the Indiana and Illinois tour of last
week. Rain threatened during the
greater part of the day and. this clr-
cunibtance doubtless had a elampenlng
influence on the ardor of the crowds,
as well as upon the attendance.
When Mr. Bryan was introduced at
Springfield, where he had one of tho
best crowds of the day, soma enthus
iastic admirer in the crowd shouted:
"Hurrah for tho farmer president."
The exclamation attracted Mr. Bryan's
attention, and he said:
"I do not want to be elected under
false pretenses; I am not a farmer. I
am an agriculturalist; you know the
difference between them. A farmer is
a man who makes his money on the
farm and spends it in town, while an
agriculturalist is a man who makes
his money In town and spends it "on
the farm."
This definition of the farmer pleased
the audience and all listened atten
tively to his speech throughout.
At Greenfield, Mr. Bryan was inter
rupted by an elderly man in the
crowd, who asked a question about
race discrimination in North Carolina,
and then partially eltsaripaaied be
hind other people standing near him,
The inquiry seeemed to stir Mr. Bryan
considerably, and ho replied with somo
warmth, saying:
"Don't hide. I want you to stand
where I can &ee you when I answer
your question. Now, Jet ino tell you
that an educational qualification has
been imposed upon Porto Rico by the
Reiiubllean administration, which dis
qualifies eighty-three per cent, of the
colored men of voting uge In that
Tho old gentleman retorted that he
did not believe tho statement, where
upon Mr. Bryan continued:
"Well, I can show you a bulletin is
sued by your own administration as re
cently as tho 29th of lust August In
which It was stated that Si per cent,
of tho colored population cannot read
and write. And this educational re
quirement deprives that percentage of
the people there of the right of fran
chise. Do you know what percentage
Is affected by the North Carolina law?
I can tell you that It Is a good deal
smaller per cent, than that affected
by tho Porto Wean restriction. Don't
you think you had better reprove your
own administration for Its acts lr
Porto Rico before you complain of
North Carolina?"
Mr, Bryan began his speech nt Ports
mouth at 8 o'clock and ho had no soon
er commenced than a bugle call was
sounded on a housetop across the
street. There wero other noisy demon
strations mul It looked for a time as It
there were to bo unfriendly Interrup
tions. Mr, Bryan caught the situation
promptly and said:
"Pei hups that is simply a 'touch of
militarism.' "
This turned the laugh of the ciowrt
upon the bugler and he was heard no
mora for tho time, though ho sounded
his horn at Intervals during tho even
ing. Mr. Bryan' entered upon an elabor
ate effort to show that tho Republic. in
parly had forfeited the confidence of
the people at large, while the Demo
cratic party was offering lemedles for
the evils of the present time, Mr,
Bryan spoke for about an hour at
Portsmouth, and at the close of the
meeting left for Chtllicothe.
Democratic Candidate for Vice Pres
ident Reaches Hagerstown on
His Campaign Trip.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Pie
Hagerstown. Md Oct. 12. The
Democratic candidate for the vice
presidency and those who are with
him on a tour through the state, reach
eel Hagerstown shortly before 9 o'clock
this evening, after a ride of twenty
six miles over the mountains, as the
guests of Colonel Baughman, Mr. Gor
man's chief lieutenant. On the way
over, several stops were made, the
first being at Mlddletown, a Republi
can stronghold. Here the Inhabitants
turned out In considerable numbers,
about half of them rushing forward
to take Mr. Stevenson's hand, while
the others stood on the opposite side
of the street and shouted for McKin
ley. At Boonesborough, the mxt stop,
three or four hundred people had
gathered to hear Mr. Stevenson, wlio
addressee! them briefly on trusts antl
impel lallsm. This was the only speech
he made before reaching Hagerstown.
When he entered this city he met
with a reception which was little
short of an ovation. The streets were
lined with people, many houses were
brillinntly illuminated, and fireworks
blazed and spun el in every direc
tion. Long beto Uls arrival, the
principal hall of tlui city was jammed
and the street in front of It was
crowded, Before enteiing the hall,
Mr. Stevenson took up a position on
the steps of a bank opposite the hall
and spoke to an overflow meeting. He
again devoted himself to trusts anel
imperialism, his points being well re
ceived and liberally applauded. From
the bank stops lie went Into tho Acad
emy of MttUc, where a ciowd which
filled every available bit of space in
the house awaited him and applauded
vigorously when he appealed leaning
on the arm of General II. Kyd Doug
las. Mr. Stevenson took tho subject of
Impel lallsm. Once or twice ho was
Intel ruptetl by heedless members of
the audience talking in the rear of
the hall, and each time ha, refused to
proceeel until the conversation censed.
"I want you to all hear what I have
to hay," he declaied. "It Ik important
that you should hear and I mean that
you shall do ho." Ills speech con-ilsteil
of a leview of the events immediately
preceding tho declaration of war with
Spain, emphasizing particularly tho
pledge that "It was not a war of con
quest, hut of humanity."
Tie recalled the prophesy of Tnlly
rand, the French premier of one bun
dled years ago, that this country
would never be able to establish It
self permanently, that tho people were
not tit to govern themselvps, and that
the whole schemes of the repulic of
tho United States was a Utopian
Not Discouraged at the Views of Mr.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Chleago, Oct. 12. Senator Jones, cliilrman of
the Democratic national toininlllce1, Bald today
In reforinee to the- letter of former President
Cleveland, made public in I.ouUllle:
"Ever body had known for flvo years whit
Mr. Cleveland's views weio on the mone mies
lion, and wc did not npcet any change. His
jotter, therefore, does not seem to have any
significance, It should bo remembered in tint
coniectlou that lie has also eMni'Scd Ida warm
condemintlon of Piesidciit Mclvlnlcy'd expansion
By Kxclusivo Wire fiom The Associated Press.
IMilcuo, Oct. 12. Magnates ol the Ameilean
Bao Ball league, nt its meeting hero today, de
ilded that hencefoith no American leageio plajer
will be fanned to a minor club, and no .National
Icokuo plajer will be permitted to "loan" its
ph)eis to an American lcaguo leant.
loolutions vveie adopted after considerable ells
cushion limiting the nuiubei of pkiycu of eaeli
team to If.
By Inclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Ifairlsburj, Oct. 12. Tho following corpora,
tiers were chartered today by tlu state depart
ment: Subuihan Lai.d company, PitUbunr;
capital, $15,000, I'itcalm Water company, Pit
cairn; capital, 11,000. Mountain Home Water
company. Mountain Home; capital, fl.liOO. The
Cresco Water company, Scranton; capital, $19,.
Weather InJIc.-itlons Today,
1 floncral Suspense Still Unrelieved.
Operators Unable tu Make' further Conccs-
Tvphoid I'cvcr Breaks Out In Pekin.
2 (ieiieial The World of Sport.
Thousands VWt the fllooni-.buijr K.ilr.
3 Gennal Noithcastcrn Pcnns.vlvanla News.
1 Editorial.
a focal Social and Personal.
The flolf Toumiment.
One Woman's Views.
6 Loeal Opcniny of tho New Niagara Hose
House. 4
7 Local Those Thirteenth Ward Assessments,
huspens. Still Unrelieved (Concluded).
S Local West Scranton and Suburban.
9 Bound About the County,
10 Onoral Bryan Exposed as the World's
False Prophet.
11 Local Sunday School Lesion for Tomo.'iovv.
BellRious News of the Week.
12 Local Criminal Couit Proceedings.
Financial and Commercial.
Large Attendance at the Tenth In
ternational Conference.
By Exclusive Wire from lhe Associated Press,
Philadelphia, Oct. i2. Tho first ses
sion of the tenth international confer
ence of tho Railroad Y. M. C. A. was
held today In tho auditorium of the
Pennsylvania Railioad Y. M, C. A,
heudquarteis In this city. Delegates
are In attendance from all sections of
the United States and Canada. The
Russian government Is also represent
ed by Nicholas A. Reitllnger, M. Shid
louski and Herr Paul Glasenapp. Lu
clen Warren, of New York, chairman
of the International general commit
tee, presided. A. P. Glllett, of Albany,
and W. H. Groat, of Cincinnati, were
appolnteel secretuiies.
Two Inteiesting papers were read,
one on "The Railroad Employe as a
Man," by D. B. Caldwell, tralrtc mana
ger of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western railroad, and one by George
B. Hodge, of New York, on the educa
tional work In tho department, Mr.
Hodge made use of charts and maps to
demonstrate the development of the
educational movement In the railroad
brunch of the association. He said 101
libraries are now in existence and 132
reading rooms have been established.
Particular emphasis was placed up
on the benellt of class work, operated
by thirty-five branches, In which near
ly 1,500 men are enrolled as students.
The high standard of the quality of
this work was shown In the rigorous
annual international examinations con
ducted, From the map It was seen
that the Pennsylvania Railroad asso
ciation, of Philadelphia, led all the
others In tho number of international
certlllcates won In a recent examina
tion. Mr, Caldwell dwelt upon tho neces
sity of Intelligent ability in railroad
work. Ho said there is no business
where Intelligence Is more essential.
Intelligence, he asserted, consists of an
ability to distinguish between right
and wrong; to comprehend the duty
of tho hour and to find a way for Its
Colonel John J. McCook, of New
York, president of the international
eommltteo of the Y, M. C. A., occupied
the chair during tho afternoon and
evening sessions, Among tho papers
read this afternoon were the following:
"Knowledge of the Biblo Essential to
Railioad Men," by John It. Mott, gen
eral seciotary of tho World's Student
Christian Federation; "Shop Illblo
Clashes," by Augustus Nash, of Cleve
land: "Blblo Study Among Railroad
Men," by Dr. Wllbert W. White, of
tho Northlleld and Chicago Blblo In
stitute, At tho conclusion of the afternoon
session Miss Helen M. Gould, Mrs.
Rubsell Sago anel Mrs. Shldlouskl, wife
of ono of the Russian representatives
at the conference, held an Informal re
ception and wero presented to the dele
gates. Tonight addresses wero made by
Herr Paul Glasenapp, Nicholas A.
Reitllnger, M. Shldlouskl and Captain
John P. Green, first vice-president of
the Pennsylvania railroad-
Operators' Offer Is Dis
cussed by Miners. But
No Action Taken.
From the Best Information. Obtain
able It Appears That President
Mitchell Will Have to Adopt He
roic Measures to Have the Miners
Accept the Offer as It Stands.
Chances Are That the Matter of
Settlement Will Be Delegated to
the Officers with Instructions to
Demand That Ten Per Cent. Be
Computed on a Tonnage Basis Op
erators Will Not Make Furthea
Concessions Outlook Is Gloomy.
Prom the most reliable outside Infor
mation, the best guess as to the out
come of the miners' convention Is that
It will delegate to Its officers authority
to accept tho ten per cent, offer, pro
vided it Is computed on a straight ton-,
nage basis.
It Is only a guess. No one can tell
what the convention will ultimately do.
Yesterday it did practically nothing ex
cept to hear about a hundred delegates
make three-minute speeches, explain
ing on what conditions their respective
locals would agree to accept the oper
ators' proposition. The Schuylkill men
occupied most of the time with pro
tests against accepting the offer unless
the sliding scale was abolished. No
motions bearing on the wage scale
were adopted. The convention was
simply a succession of speeches.
As The Tribune indicated would he
the case, President Mitchell, in his
opening address told the delegates ho
would not be very angry If the ten pur
cent, offer was accented. "Do not
overestimate your strength," was one
of his cautions, and when he uttered
it, he paused, lifted his eyes from tho
manuscript he was reading and waited
a moment, as If to emphasize that he
wanted this particular utterance to
sink deep Into their minds.
A careful analysis of his opening ad
dress and the one with which he placed
the question at issue before the house,
coupled with tho realization that
Mitchell Is a diplomat, gives a wide
field for inferences, and one of the in
ferences that first thrusts itself upon
tho analyzer is that President Mitchell
wants the ten per cent, offer accepted.
Three Sessions Held.
There were three sessions of the con
vention. The opening session In tho
morning, beginning at 10 o'clock, was
open. President Mitchell's address was
Its only prominent feature. In the af
ternoon the convention was continued
open while the dreary work of enroll
ing the delegates was gono through'
with, but when It came time to dis
cuss the operators' proposition, execu
tive session was ordered and all but
delegates excluded. The report of tho
proceedings of the executive session,
the convention proper was given out
by a press committee. It was prepared
by President Mitchell and contained
practically tho simple statement that
tho convention went into executive
session, did nothing, and came out of
it again.
Tho report of tho committee on cre
dentials showed 8S7 delegates present.
How many mine workers these dele
gates represented could not even bo
estimated, as some of the locals elected
a delegate for each 100 strikers, In con
formity with the behests of the ofllolal
call, and others confined themselves to
ono delegate for each 100 United Mine
Workers. Theio were locals with a
membership of less than a hundred
that sent four or flvo delegates, be
cause thero were four or flvo hundred
strikers In their community. Other
locals sent only two delegates to rep
resent a thousand members of the
At 10.1D President Mitchell, accom
panied by his secretary, Miss Elizabeth
Morris, entered the hall and proceeded
to the stage amid deafening cheers. As
ho came from tho wings to the plat
form thero was another period of cheer
ing, W, D, Ryan, secretary-treasurer
of Dlstilot No, 12, with headquarters
at Bprlnglleld, was also greeted with
applauso as ho came into view,
On tho stage wero seated National
Committeemen Fed Dllchor, of Nel
bonvllle, Ohio; W,B. Falrley, of Pratt
City, Ala.; Edward Soppitt, of Pitts
burg; George Purcell, of Terre Haute,
Iiid,; Benjamin James, of Jeansvllle,
(Continued on Page 7.
WtsbiDEton, Oct. 12. Forecast for Sat
urday anel Sunday: Eastern Pennsyl
vanla Kalr In western, rain in eajteru
portion Saturday and probably Sunday ;
fresh northeasterly winds.
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