The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    PMUJiliU aUUllHHinHRWi WVU
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H-r ,
effrey lowers and Thomau Ford,
Jr., Convloted of Keeping a Speak
easySeveral Pleas of Qullty En
teredLiquor Men Charged with
Selling on Sunday Escaped by Pay
ing the Costs West Side Boys on
Trial for Breaking Into a Foundry.
Other Cases Heard.
H. J. Crossley, a mlddto used man,
was tried before Judgp R. W. Arch
bald ycHterday, charged with havlnsr
attempted to criminally assault Minnie
Marsh, a 0-ycar-old girl. Crossley Is n
veteran of thu Civil war and was for
vears a commercial traveler and In
widely known through thla part of the
Btate. His (laughter, ti beautiful youns
woman, sat Irt the court room all day
nnd listened to the awful evidence ad
duced against her father. She wan
stylishly attired and her face was par
tially conceuled by a light blade veil.
Notwithstanding the terrible nature
of the charge against her father she
still clings to him.
Crossley at the time of the alleged
offense, July 1 last, lived In half of a
double house on Gibson street between
Washington and Adnms avenues. Mr.
nnd Mrs. S. J. Marsh and their chil
dren occupied the other half of the
house. Eva Murah testified that on
July 1 Crossley attempted to assault
her at the Erie and Wyoming Valley
station, and that on weveral occasions
he exposed his person, took undue lib
erties with her and spoltc in a. vile
Minnie Hine. another little girl, cor
roborated everything Eva Marsh said
except with reference to the attempt
to assault. Crossley had not attempt
ed anything qf that kind with her, but
otherwise she had the same experi
ences with him. Bessie Marsh, ago S
years, ntso gave some testimony about
Ciossley's Improper actions toward her
and her sister. The girls said that
Crossley always gave them money
when he was familiar and told them
not to say nnythlng to their pnrents
about it.
Crossley went on the stand In his
own behalf. He has been in jail since
early in July awaiting trial. He denied
positively all of the charges made by
the little girls nnd hinted, rather than
stated, that the prosecution was due
to enmltv of Mrs. Marsh towards him.
He knew things about her he said. On
cross-examination he denied that his
wife charged him with the offense for
which he is row on trial in the pres
ence of the chief of police and threat
ened to shoot him. He also denied
that he had, in the presence of
the chief on the night of his ar
rest, said he would beg Mr. Marsh's
pardon and leave the city the next day
if the case against him was not prose
cuted. In his charge to the jury Judse Arch
Mid said that the evidence would
hardly warrant a conviction on the
first count of the indictment, that Is,
an attempt to commit rape. The sec
ond count charges assault. The case
went to the jury at 4.45 p. m.
Charles Graham, Richard Alien and
Francis WInwood, members of the
famous "Yellow Kid" gang from Heu
nessy alley, West Side, were leturned
guilty yesterday morning for burglar
izing the stores of Florey & Brooks
and the D. I. Phillips' estate, and steal
ing from Tobcy's Penn avenue store.
David Davis, another member of the
gang, was acquitted of the charge.
Harrv Hill pleaded guilty. Judge
Arch bald will sentence the youths Sat
urday, and they will in all probability
be sent to the reformatory nt Hunting
Jeffrey Powers and Thomas Ford, jr.,
two young men from the West Side,
charged with selling liquor without a
license and selling on Sunday, were
nrraigned before Judge Archbald. Pow
ers and Ford are charged with being
the proprietors of a speakeasy on
Scranton street, near Kelly's block.
The place these young men are charged
with being the proprietors of was one
of the worst in the city.
The defense tried to prove that
Powers is not connected in any way
with the ownership of the place, that
Ford is the sole proprietor. In fact,
when Ford, who is a one-legged man,
testified, he denied Powers' connection
and stated that ho was the solo pro
prietor, that ho has a lease for the
place. Alderman John P. Kelly, who
Is the owner of the buildings, produced
in testimony the separate leases of
Powers and Ford.
County Detective Thomas Leyshon,
George Reese, Vincent Carluccl, Jos.
Serti, Angello Fertello, Arthur Keene
and Tim Jones testified that they had
purchased beer of Ford.
Attorney M. F. Conry, In stating his
case for the jury, said the defense
would prove that Ford was the sole
proprietor, that he had a lease for the
building, and that Powers, who keeps
a barber shop in the front of the pluce,
was In no way connected with the
speakeasy. Ford was the llrst witness
for the defense. Ho admitted being
the proprietor, said he sold liquor on
Sunday and without a license.
Powers, in his testimony, said ho had
nothing to do with the speakeasy, that
he was not one of the proprietors, and
that ho did not sharo In the profits.
The jury convicted both men.
Anton Stein admitted having broken
Into a Delaware and Hudson freight
car, and was fined $1, costs and given
six months In the county jail.
In the case ugainst Salvatoio Pcn
dola and Glvalano Pendola, wherein
Charles Aronson was prosecutor, a. vur
dlot of not guilty was returned yester
day and the costs divided.
Mary Carey, of West Scranton,
pleaded guilty to selling liquor with
out a license, and on Sunday, and sen
tence was suspended for tho reason
that Mrs. Carey has flvo children de
pendent upon her. It was one of tho
Men's union cases,
Wolf and Louis Uosnnburg, of Penn
avenue, and Jenkln Hurris, of Centre
street, prosecuted by the Men's union
for selllnsr on Sunday, had nol pros,
entered In their caies upon payment
of the costs. They have agreed not to
Bell again on Sunday, and If they do
an effort will bo made to evoke their
Before Judge Love,
Bernard Mackey was acquitted of
stilklng Patilek Dean with u stone on
the afternoon of July 4 last. Tho
parties live near Peckvillc, where, with
a large number of friends and neigh
bors, thry wore celebrating the day.
Stones, clubs, etc., were sometimes
Used and the prosecutor testified that
ono of theso stones fvas thrown at
him by the defendant, that It otruck
him, and on that account he had the
defendant arrested. The costs were
divided between the prosecutor nnd
Thomas Nolan was tried for assault
and battery preferred np.alnst him by
Mrs. Mnggle O'Royle. The troublo oe- I
currod over on Meridian street on May
8, nnd was occasioned by a dispute
over the ownership of a lounge, which
tho prosecutrix assorted Bho had left
In Mrs. Nolan's house when moving
therefrom. According lo the prosecu
trix the defendant pushed her, pulled
her hair, knocked her down and bit
her finger severely. The defendant
stated that ho was out of town on
May 8, and did not return until tho
29th of that month. He did say, how
ever, that he had trouble with tho
prosecutrix In tho early part of June:
thnt ho refused to allow her to take
tho lounge, whereupon Bhe struck him,
but he did not retaliate. The Jury re
turned a verdict of not guilty, but
divided tho costs.
A malicious mischief case against
Francis Hngen, Mark Duffy, Martin
Oolden nnd Thomas Conner was next
called. Tho defendants live at Carbon
dale and according to tho prosecution,
on the night of July 2, while out on
a fishing trip, used the lumber from
nn lee house in possession of the pros
ecutor for the purpose of building a
fire. It was claimed that tho ice house
was practically destroyed.
Tho defendants asserted that the
building was simply a worthless old
shed. At the conclusion of the com
monwealth's case, Senator McDonald,
representing the defense, moved to
have the case taken from considera
tion of tho jury on the ground that
the evidence did not disclose the of
fense charged In the Indictment, and
further thut the only chnrge that was
made out, if any, was that of lar
ceny, as provided by act of assembly.
The court decided to luar the whole
story and submitted the case to the
jury, which returned a verdict of not
guilty, but directed that the costs be
divided between tho defendants and
the prosecutor.
Four voung boys, Robert Hand, Bert
i.MlUnms, Garfield Williams and John
Jones, were then tried on the charge
of statutory burglary for stealing a
quantity of lead, brass and coppe.
from Hughes Bros.' foundry, on Main
avenue, In June last. Attorneys Her
bert L. Taylor nnd Frank M. Lynch
were counsel for the defendants.
Sydney R. Hughes, one of the firm
of Hughes Bros., testified to his dis
covery of tho loss of the articles and
to the evidence of an entry Into the
foundry having been made through
tho roof. He also said that he found
the goods afterwards at Porter Bros.'
junk shop on Ninth street, where,
as he said, the boys admitted they had
sold them. Ofllcer Block, Chief Rob
ling and Alderman Howe testified to
admission made by defendants, Rob
ert Hand and one of the Williams
boys nt the hearing at Alderman
Howe's office as to their connection
with the offense. That the Hand boy
admitted going Into the building
through the roof, getting 'the goods,
with the assistance of the Jones boy,
and afterwards In company with nil
the other boys taking it in a bag to
Porter Bros.' place at 10 o'clock at
After tho commonwealth had rested
Its case counsel for defense stated that
as to Robert Hand the plea of not
guilty was withdrawn and defendant
plead guilty. Tho case then proceeded
as to tho other defendants who denied
having taken the goods from the foun
dry. They stated that they went with
Robert Hand and assisted him in tak
ing it to Porter Bros., but that they
did not know that it was stolen. Tho
case will go to tho Jury this imornlng.
Before Judge Gordon.
.In the superior court room yesterday
morning, when court reopened, the
trlnl of the case of Mrs. Catheilno
Bessmlts, charged with nssault and
battery by Mrs. Elizabeth Beach, was
resumed. The defendant and prosecu
tor are neighbors on Garfield avenue
and they had trouble over a line fence,
Mrs. Beach alleges that she was hit
over the back and shoulders with a
board in tiie hands of Mrs. Bessmlt?.
and the latter alleges that Mrs. Beach
tried to hit her with nn ax. The jury
said not guilty and divided tho costs.
Frank M. Katorba was convicted of
the charge of stealing a horse and car
rioge, owned by Alfred Harvey. Mr.
Harvey left the horse tied In front of
a business place In this city while ho
transacted some business. When he
came out the horse and carriage was
gone. Katerba did not offer to make
a defense and was convicted and sen
tenced to six months In tho county
A verdict of not guilty was taken
in tho case of James Jordan and M.
E. Jordan, charged with forgery by
Harry McConnell.
John Brown, John Lawless and John
Moirlsey were tried before Judge Gor
don for larceny and receiving. It was
alleged that they stole 140 pounds of
copper from tho Bellevue mine, which
they tried to sell to junk dealers on
June .25 last. The commonwealth could
not prove the stealing and the easo
went to tho Jury as to tho receiving.
In their defense the young men said
they found tho copper in a bag on tho
pile of ptops at tho Bellevuo mine.
Lato in the afternoon tho Jury retired
to deliberate. Tho defendants were
Churlos Frnzer, of Throop, was tried
on a charge of malicious mischief pre
ferred by Joseph Flesher, a Jiotol
keeper of the same place. It was al
leged that Frazer camo Into tho houso
one night last summer and was some
what Intoxicated, When put out ho
threw a stnno smashing a mirror 5x12
feet, which wns on the wall behind the
bar. The defendant denied the charge,
A verdict has not yet been returned.
Audio Parish was on trial at tho
adjourning hour before Judgo Gordon,
charged with putting n largo stone on
tho track In front of un uppronehlng
trolley car, Parish rodo to his homo
In Vandllng on tho ear and had a
quanol with tho conductor bemuse ho
said ho wns carried too far. Ho wait
ed until Hie enr was malting Its re
turn trip and then It Is alleged, out of
revenge, placed the largo stono on the
The elungo of iljiul put, ami tiicuiU ut tlio
Lehigh and llIooiiiliuri Junction, chic tu tlio
change o( runnliitf vl rlitlit Instcjtl of loll haml
track on tho Jllooiiitliuri; elhhlon, It now com
pitted and trains will he goiemed ly lnw kIk
iiaU in tho Mine maimer as they were ulu'ii on
oKitc trail..
Second clay und irregular triiliu will illsc-on-tliiuu
regUttriw: at cast rod e-f Str.inloii yurd
and will irgUtir in ri'icUtcr took ut ust end
4 of Scranton jurd, instead
Wall Street Review.
S'cw Vettr, Oct. 11. The ilock market fell
Into a condition optironchlnu eUftnitlon during
me inner now oi trailing. ino undertone
was licmj-, the drllililing of celling onion finding
no ttippcrt wlntover. Tho trading bctnem i
the board loom lnemlrj made tip the nliolc mar .
let and owlne lo the rclnthc dullncu of thu
general market, the movement In People's U4 ,
was made cnipplcuou. Tho picssure ntfitiint,
this stoik w.u continued early In the day but the
bean, who hate aohl the stock contlnuomly
for dome time put, bceanic dlnulctcd later In
the day over the extent of their commitment
and n. Migue smpMoil that the gas war in Chi
ugo 31 not ns unrelenting n made to appear
en tho turfacc. The published report that the
Ugdcn tcinpiiny was buying IU addition it
equipment from sources dominated by interest
frUndly lo the People's (laa company was the.
i.iuse. Krom 8.1 ns tho low point the slocX
forged tleiidlly upwards to 83, with rjmptotnt
of Increasing urgency in the buying demand from
the short Interest. The clgfo was at the highest
with a net g.tln of 3. Nothing could more
Mrlklngly demonstrate the Inertness of the gen
eral market than Its utter failure to respond
lo this rather sensational movement. The dull
new at the closo wis unrelieved and Hie djya
net changes wcro mixed and entirely inslgnln
cant. The money market showed a nther re
actionary tendency. :m. tier cent., renrcscnttng
the matlinum rate, compared witlt per cent, j
.vesterday. l.ctc in the day the rale nn down
to i)4 per cmt., but as tins came niter mo
principal demand had been satlslled, it was not
considered us ,a lair index of the ruling rate.
Total s.iles, IN), lot) share, nuslness In lionets was
very small unit price changes Irregular. Total
sales, pir alue, $503,000. United Mates new s
declined H fir cent, on the last call.
The following quotations are furnished The
Tribune by XI. S. .toidiu A Co., rooms 7OV7O0
Hears building, Scranton. l'n. Tclephon 00.t:
Open- High- bow- i.'los.
inj. et. et. Ing.
American Miliar 111,'i llt!',i 115si 116
American Tobuuo M'i NO S!4 wl
Am. S. fi V Slit Wit U-i'i '-"
Alili, To, .V S. l'e .... 27!, 274 27id ""i
A., t. &, s. r it .'ji, (i'?, rats "&
Iliooklvn Traction .... 31 J 0JVI SI1; f'-
Bilt. U Ohio 70V. "Ill !H 70
Cont. Tobacco 2Vi 20 2JU 23it
I'hic.. U. k () 12li ia 12l- 121
St. l'niil 111 111H HHs Hl
ltocl; Island i034 lilSli 10V,ti 10'i'i
IVI.iwnte k ItuiUo.-i ....111 111 IU 1"
1' hteel !! lUH M!s SM
Federal Mrcl, l'r O'a 0.14 IK'A I1S
Kan. k Te I'l 27 27 R7 27
louis. li Nash 7IH 71H 70 71V4
Manhattan 1.1c 01;s WA OW OlTi
Met. Tuition Co 1M1 160 130 160
Missouri Pacific 4'a )!, I'M Wi
People's Gas S2i. K3i Hvi Wh
N. .1. Central WWj i:t46 111 131
Southern Pad fie St, Sl'i :i2',i S2W.
Not folk & Western .... : 81 .'14 SI
North. Riclllc 47;,, ,Wi I7S6 4
Not ih. iMcinv, Pr cs?i csyt OiVi
N. Y. Central 128 12"H 12S 125'i
out. fc Wot soy, '201,4 20-;!, oi
I'tnni. It. K 1!0 1 12'iH 1216
I'atitle Mall .'I0K ."0?8 M"4 30
Heading, l'r 64h 6", OIH f'1-'
Southern It. It II1 111A lli-i ll'i
Southern It. n Pr .... 62,t, 52 52i 62H
Tenn., C. fc Iron r,",w, 5VJ4 SW 3",f2
II. S. Leather II'A 10 '14 V
V. S. Leathet, IT IS' frfi.i 0S4 GS!&
llubber 20 20 2'l 21
Union Pacific 57 574 67ij 57H
I'nlon Pacific. IV TS'-i 7.!r'ft 7IH 73S
Wubisli. IV 17' 17'i 17'i 1771
.Western Unlo 78 Vi 78a 7SH 78)4
Open- High- f.ow- Clos.
WHEAT. , ing. e.t. et ing.
December 81'4 Sla fWA 80
Miy M',i 81 SVs S3?b
December 42V4 42H 42 42
May 41H ft Ub 41'-4
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
First National Bank 800
Scranton Savings flank 300
Scranton Tacking Co l3
Third National Dink 425
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank .. 200
Economy Light. II. k I'. Co 40
backa. Trust Site Deposit Co 150
Scranton Paint Co M
Clark & Snovcr Co., IV. 123 ... o
Scranton lion I'eiice k Mfg. Co 100
Scranton Alo Works 05
Lackawanna Dairy Co, l'r 20
County Savings Bank & Tuist Co... SOU
first National Bank (Curbondale) 300
Standard Drilling Co 30
Traders' National Hank 155
Scranton Bolt and Nut Co 100
Scranton Passcnzvr Kallnay, first
Mortgoge, due lfi20 115
People's Street ltailwa), first mort
gage, due l'JIS 115
People's Street Itillnay, Oeneral
mortgage, due l'i-l 113
Dickson Manufacturing Co W
I.icka. Towndiip School 5 per cent. ... 102
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
cmt 1"2
Scranton Traction (I per cent 113
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. fi. Dale, 27 I.ickawatini Ave.)
Buttn Cicameiy, 2la21c. ; diiiy tubs, 23c.
I'ggs Sclirt western, 17c; nearby ttate, 10c.
Cheese Pull cream, new, HVCc
Ili.uis Per bu , choice marrow, $2.40; medium,
?'2 hi); pea, "2.30.
Potatoes 00c.
Onions rOc. per bu.
riom Best patent, $I.G0.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, Oct. 11. Wheat Uc lower;
contract grade Octohei, 7.t9Ca7le. Corn Finn,
'4c higher; No. 2 mixed October, 4GVta4G,r.
Oats Firm: No. 2 white clipped, Sa,:v.: No. 3
do. do., 27a27iLc ; No. 2 niKcd, do., 2l,2a27c.
Butter Firm; gocd demand; fancy western
creamery, 21',$o.; tin. prints, 21c. Eggs Firm,
fnsh nearby, S0e; do. western, 20c; do. south
western, lUc.j do. southern, 18c. Cheese Quiet
for Hanan's
Men's and Women's Shoes
All Styles, All Makes, All Leathers, All Sizes and All Widths.
It will pay you to see our line of Hanan's Humauic and Worlcl-Knowu Shoes for
Men, at $3.00, $4.00 and $,00. They are beauties,
The Cheapest Shoe
but kleadyl New York full crcami, fancy small,
llUcJ do. do. do. fair to choice, lOMallVtc. !(
lined SugarsSteady but nulet. Cotton-Vic.
lower! middling uplands, 10 ia-10c. Tullow-Un-changed)
city prime, in hogsheads, 4Hc.i coun
try, do., Imiels, S'.ic.l do. dirk, 4(jc.( cikcs,
tWc. Live Poultry-Dull, unsettled) fowls, 7!a
104c.) old rosotcis, 7c.) spring chickens, Pa 10c.,
ducks, WilOc. Dressed Poultry-Steady, fair dc
maud fowls, ihnlce, lit'.) do. flf lo good. Wj
10t$c.s old roosters, 7c.) tieatby spring chlek
ens, llal3c. western do , Oalle. Itccelpts Flour,
3,000 barrels and 2.000,000 pounds In sacks)
vvluat, 22,000 bushels) torn, 113,000 bushels;
oats, 0,000 bushels, bhltimcnta Wheat. 4,000
bushels) corn, 67,000 bushels) oats, 123,000 bush,
New York Grain nnd Produce.
New York, Oct. 11. Flour-llarely steady anil
lower to sell, without noteworthy demand.
Wheat Spot weak) No, 2 red, b0o f. o. )).,
atloit) No. 2 red, 7S)ic. elevator t No. 1 north
ern Dulutli, SSlie. f. o, b.) options steady and
firm in early dealings. In the afternoon the
market broke and the close was weak at vialKt
net decline) March closed 81c. I May, 8'.Kc. Oc
tolier, 7ft?c.) December, 80?ic. Corn Spot
weak) ho, 2, 47'c. elevator and 47Hc. t. o. b.
afloat; options opened firmer but later weakened
and doral easy at a partial 9ic. net decline)
May closed 4114c.) October, Iflc.) December, 42c.
Oau Spot easy. No. 2, 23'mO.) No. 3, 250.; No
3 white, t'llijc; No. 2 vviilte, 27a27V4c.S trark
mixed western. 23a'20i,5c. ) t'uck white, 20Ha32c;
options nomlnall easier. Kggs Strong) state
and PcntiMlvanla, 20,i21c. ; western, regular incit
ing, lfialsljiv, western, loss off, 20c. Dtittci
strong; creamery, 10a21c. ; factory, 13altc. ) Awt
tre.-mery, 17.12010 Imitation creamery. lSaliC.)
tiitc- dairy, 13a'2tle. Cheese-Steady! lame white,
lOJie.; small white, lie.) large colored, 10?e.)
small colored, lie.
Chicago Grain nnd Produce.
Chicago, Oct. 11. The strength which wheat
exhibited eaily today, Influenced consldeiably by
the reopening of mills at Minneapolis, was lost
later, December clewing Rjc. under ycsterdiy,
Corn cloed HaHc higher und tuts iv. lower,
Provisions clesid but little changed, Cash quo.
tallons were us follows: Flour Mtudy; No. 3
spring wheat, 71Vsi7i?ii', i N. - fed. "c- "" -corn,
llnlltif.) No. 2 jellow, lli;,ill!4c; .so.
2 tuts, 22140.; No. 2 white, 23i2.",'ic.i No. "
white, 2li,4a25l4c.; Nn 2 l)o, fill Jr.) No. I llix
1.7iU1.71; No. 1 northwest. Sl.70il.78; tiuiothj,
4.15al.2-; pork. $13al5.50: lard, 7.23a7..t0: ribs.
$7.tXaS.10; ulioulders, OlJaSHe.) sides, fb.30.iS. 10 j
whiskey, (.1.21,) kiigurs, 1.00; granulated, $1) 10.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Oct. 11. Cattle Itccelpts, 10,C0,
Including 1,000 Texans and COO westeriH; clioice
light steers, steady; others weak, dosing lower;
butchers' atoek, Texans and western, sle.ul.v;
natives, bet on sale lodij", tlireo carloads lit
$5.73; good to prime fleer", 3.40a5 b3; poor to
medium, $I.IO,n."j, selected feeders, choice,
steuly; others Blow, 3 731140; mixed stockcrs
weak, f2.7Sal.G3, cows, J2 C'll 23; lunfers, W 73
at. 75; tuners, slow, ?2a2 60; bulls, firm, "2.75 1
4 00; cuius, 40.10. Texms Iteeelpts. 1 iX);
best on sale today, 15 cirlrauls at ! (0; Toms
fed steers, lil.0ii; do. grnss toers, vt 2,'al.l0;
do. grass teeis, H.!.'25a4.10; do. bulls, 62 50 1 1.25.
llngF Receipts toda.v, 211,000; tnmnrrovv. 2.t,OHi;
left over 2,0(10; shad" lower, quality good, clos
ing firmer; top, ,s3.23; mixed and butclu'i $1.P0
J5.25; erooil lo choice heavy. tl.lli.ri'22,5; rough
do, 4.Mil!'0. light. $I.S5i"i.2"i; bull- id sabs,
.lj.".3. Sheep Beceipts, U.liOO; shetp, steuly;
lambs, 10c. higher; good to choice vuthei-, 11 W)
u4; filr to choice mixed, .t.40i)SU; western
slieeep, $tf0il; Texas sheep. f2.Wil.5i): mtlvc
Iambs, $123i3 50; western lambs, fl.7Ja5.!0.
East Liberty Stock Market.
rnt Liberty, Oct. 11. Cattle Steady; extra,
$5.50j5.75; prime, W,25.5."0; cunimon, 3 2.'u
3.75 Hogs Dull and lower: prime heavy hogs,
f.",.35a5 40; medliim", f3(l5.l'5: heavy York
eis, W.'25a5.'iO; Unlit Yorkers, M.15a5 .'0; pigs,
fCii5.:5; roughs, M.50a3. Sheep Stiong; choice
wcthtrs. Slit.13; common, s,1.50a2.50; dioltp
lambs, $5 23.15 50; common to good, f.l.5Ua5; veal
calves, S0 5017.
Oil Market.
Oil Civ, Oct. 11. Credit balances, fl.10; cer
tificates, no bids; shipments 100,835 bands;
average, 0.tW7 barrels; runs, 91,034 barrels; av
erage, 05,061 bairels.
There is more Catairh in this section of thi
country than all other diseases put together, and
until the last few vears supposed 10 be
ir.ourable. For n greit many vears doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly filling tj cms with
local treatment, pronounced it inciirinlc. Sci
ence has proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, anil therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catanh Cure, maniifartiuvil
by F. .7. Cheney k Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It Is takm
internally in doses from 10 drops lo a teaspoon,
fill. It octs directly on the blood and tnueou
Mirtaccs of the s.vstcm. They oUtr one hundred
dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address,
1 J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold bv Drtiuglsts, 76'.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best, "
Puysiciau and Surn
311 Spruca Sr. .
Tcmp.e liutt BuiUiUi
All acute and chrcnlc dlseasis of men, wo
men and dilldita CIIHUN1U NUKVOUs,
IALTY. All diseases of the Liver, Kidneys,
Bladder. Skin. Blood, Nerves, Womb, Uju, 1 ar.
Nose, Throat, and Lungs, Canters, rumors,
Piles, Ituptuic, Coitre, lthcumatisin, Asthma,
Catarrh, Variococcle. Lost Manhood, Kjghtlv
Lniissious, all 1'enialc Diseases, Lcucorrhoea, etc.
Gonnurrhca, Sypiiilis, Blood Poison, Indisire
tion and youthful habits obliterated. Surgery,
(its, Kpllcpsv, Tape and Stomach Worms. CA
TAItnilOZONi:, Specific for Catarrh. Three
months' treatment only $5.00. Trial free In
otfltc. Consultation and examination ficc.
Office hours daily and Sunday, 8 a. m. to 0
p. m.
Myer Davidow,
The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Ave
We also offer a large assortment
of Hen's stylish and tluiablo foot
wear at 08c, 81.20, 81,40, 81.08 and
Mnniah last for ladies shoes, made
with extra heavy sole, fine selected
French kid, Cuban, Military and 1,
O, heels, patent leather and enamel,
for dress and street wear at $2,50,
83.00, 83,50 and 84.00. All sizes
and widths aA. to EE,
Ladies' medium priced shoes, in
box calf, vici kid and dongola, but
ton and lace, all toes and all widths,
at 08c, 81.20, 81,40 and 82,00.
Misses' and Children's shoes, all
prices. Boys' and Youths shoes nt
We invite you to call and examine
our goods before buying elsewhere,
Remember, there is no trouble to
show you goods and you will surely
save money by It. Make our store
your headquarters and we will be at
your command.
The Favored
Fall Dress Goods
Much interest centers nowadays in and about this Dress
Goods section of ours. Shelves and counters in the vi
cinage are crowded with new dress stufis. Newcomers
are daily arriving, and they are all leaders of their classes,
just as this store is a leader in their showing. So the
audiences at the dress goods display increase daily, and
learn the latest decrees of fashion makers, and see fabrics
in patterns to be seen nowhere else in Scranton. Among
the recent arrivals are some of the heavier Fall stuffs.
Homespun Cheviots 75c, $1.00
Camel's Hair Cheviots, 54 inches wide, $1.00
Camel's Hair Stripe Cheviots, 45 inches wide, $1.00
Plaid Back Suitings, 54 inches wide, $1.25. (Very Special,)
Capital SSOO.OOO
Surplus SOO.OQO
WM. XO.NNELL, Prcslleat.
HEMtY BELI.N, Jr., VloPres.
Epecla: attention given to bust,
neaa aocui'nts. Thrco per cent. in.
tercat pal on Interest deposits.
Lackawanna Avenue,
for Hanan's
We want you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet
Department. We believe we have the most complete stock
m Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con
sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to bo
had this side of New York. A superb line of
129 Wyoming Avius.
9 S31 "!&).
f Mitt ll il Ml MS I
Such as Foot Balls and Uniforms,
Tennis Goods, Guns, Revolvers,
Ammunition, Cameras, Kodaks
and Supplies.
Florey &
211 Washington Ave.
At Retail.
Coal of the best quality for domestic!
me and of all oUen, tnciuUInK Buckwheat
and Dlrdaeye, delivered In any part of
the city, t the lowest price.
Orders received at the ortlce, Connell
bulldlne, Itocin 803; telephone No. 17(2, or
at the mine, telephone No. 873, will he
promptly attendee) to. Dealers upplled
t the mine.
n - ' m, -. n .V
ITOI.U.f.inKCLiMiU n.mVUi
n M.,rbiiuiifciri. ff mrprre "
(ju rifiVAlt um8 mwa
IN 7 -iiuuit:ini:J I tlllfl'lnfo.llliut
ti aiittr.fct'----'------------ '
wash'ScASR Tvenue
, $
General Agent for the Wyoming
District for
Mining, Mlastln?, Piiortlnj, Emokelcsi and ti
liepauno Clicmlcul Compjny's
Hiffh Explosives.
Eaicty I'use, Caps ami Exploders, lioom V1 Con
licit DuilJintr, Bcranton.
thos. ronn , Pltuton
JOHN U. SMITH k SO.V Plymouth
W. . UU1XIQAN ,.Wilkt-iirr,
r K
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... ,
X 4
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