KEfflSSrtMiSTSTRjr . . 37rri,rtnwmwsmmWr7Wm:mmssmMm fmmiMmhmmmMiKyi: I'.Wht-'n ppflV ?ri- ' " 'Tgnj' ;. t 1 '(B W I, .' THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1900. vf-crrr LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONMLE. ANOTHER MAN IDENTIFIED. When fntiflablo N'oniy wrnt tn N'lllt" vcMVeiliiPHclity nlRht, lo nt-iest Samuel Dllott, n Dolawiiic ntid Hudson trnek nulli, ni'cii"cil nf h.-ivliur fuablir-d I'd wnrcl llciht-rt, II wiih m rnco nsalna death. Ilc-rbort lny nt the hospital In nlmost n tlyliiR rondltlon and. the ob ject was tn pet tho pilfoner hero and linvp lilm Identified bofoiv the patient brrntlipd his hint, otherwise the cilnil nnl niltrht forever ro uiipiiiiIhIiimI. The constable not hl.s man without illfll rultv and when he was taken to Her bert's room the nntlent mild at nneo: "There Is the man thnt stabbed mo." He was not cxprctlnR anyone and thorpfore his notion Is it-KHrded as hav ing eonnlcleiiihle welpht. Herbert has been delirious at Intervals for the past two days, and to tnnlce It doubly sure Bllott was taken before him again yes terday, during his lucid periods, nnd he positively Identified the mini. A knife has been found In rtllott's room, BhowlofT evidences of having been re cently washed. It Is just such an In Btruinent as would nuiUc the wound which Is causing Herbert's death. Last night the patient wns stilt allvo and tho way 'he hangs to life Is marvel ous. Ho seemed to be sinking slowly nnd the doctors think he must soon succumb despite his Iron constitution. IT IS NOW BAPTIST UNION. The proposal to change Its name from tho Young People's Poclety or Christian Kndc'ivnr to the Young People's union, which hns been under advisement for some time, re ceived nn afnrnmtlve oto nt the an nual meeting or the organization and tho following ofllcers wore elcct'-il: President, Fred Ilauensteln: vice president, Fiecinan A, Tollman: re cording secretary, Miss Alice Smith: corresponding secretary, Mrs. Chaiin cey Hunter: treasury, Albert Kstn biook: pianist, Miss Or.i l.onrnls. Ucv. Philip F. Potzong. of Wuverly, was present at the meeting and delivered a Stirring address. BRANCH EOAD FOR COAL. "Delaware and Hudson survevois are running lines for a track for the con veyance of coal from the Sou'h Side mines to Coalbrook bienkor, wheie it will be prepared for market. The ob ject Is to relievo the congestion of the main road between the breaker and th- "Lookout." LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Teller.!. P. II. Itnynor, or the Miner' nnd Mechanics' Savings bank.. Is spend ing h few days with relatives 'in Union dale. H. T. Pehre, nf Hie Xews, is enter taining his partner, P. W. Hartwell, of Uavidsonvlllo, Mil. Miss Emma Cordon, nf limoklyn Btreet, is critically ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Daniel Nelson Is sufferl'itr with typhoid fever. Mrs. Mary t'rane, Miss Crane and their Washington guests aie visiting at Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wilcox left yes terday for Plttsbrug, where they will loslde In the future. Mr. Wilcox lived on Canaan street until recently, when his home was destioyeit by (Ire. Ill's Kon-ln-lnw, Richard Friend, formerly a blacksmith at Mayileld, is now In Pitts burg, and Mr. Wilcox expects to join him there In some enterprise. Those who know Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox will regret to learn of their removal from this city. Through the generosity of ex-Mayor llendrlck, the Ladles' Aid society nf the Baptist church will hold their second annual erysanthemum exhibition and sale. This exhibition will be one of the events of the season. The date will be announced in a few days. Miss Elizabeth McLaughlin, of For est City, who was opet.ited on yester day nt Dr. Wheeler's hospital, Is get ting along nicely. MOSCOW. Miss Nellie f'onboy, daughter of Mr. nud Mrs. Patrick Conboy, died at her homo yesterday morning, after a long Illness, due to a cold contracted last winter. The deceased was 2,"i yeurs old, nnd up to tho time of her Illness wns employed in Gage & Clements' store Her many friends hero and In Scranton, where Mie was well known, will be pained to learn of her death. Tho f uncial arrangements have not yet been completed. James Reed Injured. Mr. James Heed struck his leg against a cake of Ico In such a manner as to bruise It .severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that ho could not walk without tho old of crutches. He wan tieatod 'by physicians, als.o used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons jf whisky In bathing it, but nothing pave any relief: until ho began using Cliainberlnlu's Pain Balm, This brought nlmost a complete cure in n week's tlmo and ho believes that had )ie not used this remedy his leg would have had to be nmpuiuted. Mr. Reed Is one of the leading merchants of Clay Court House, W. Vn. Pain Halm is unenualed for sprains, bruises and WieumatUm, For sale by all druggists. Matthew tiios,, wholesale and retail jisents, OLYPHANT. Wednepday evening tho school board (net in regular session with all mem bers prencnt except Noalon, Walsh and Kelly. A resolution was passed mak ing void a formpr resolution which rave the tux collector tho power to rxonornto all widows whoso property fxce'ided $150 In valuation, All per jons now desiring to beromo exempt from taxation nre required to make a llrect application to the board. A large number of bills were passed, as Jollows; William Hayes, $R m. J, Rarrett, fuel, $I.V P, F, Langan, J.Vf.O: l.nlly Rios,, $W.20; Chrlstophar Rollers :onipany, JS.os; Warner School Hook Mimpany, I2J.06; D, Appleton & Co., (5j American Rook company, $!I.2S; Outler, Sheldon & f'o., $73.12; s. j, WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY STRONG t AGAIN1 Wfr .t..5t Vl20r tO the Whole belnt'. All drains finil !. k.. swe properly cured, their condition often worries themiutolotaoiiy .N Alalled sealed. Price it i,hn A lut,, u.i.1. i...i.j i , l money, Ij.oo. Send lor free book. Addict,. PI-1L Mt?niniMB r, For Sals by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming f-ytntif and Spruce straet, Wans, jr...-r.! lloynolds Bros. $.101,371 Mi U. Drown & Co., $d.l!0! P. .1. t'eeney, J.'.TOi Henry llonn, $il! Olyphant Cla zettc. ?2J: J. H, Hmlth, $lii:.! Olyphant Wnler company, $"": William Hognn, $I3.7S; Heorgo 11. Hollcran, $lor.. The eoiitiuet for supplying fuel to the vari ous mcIiooIh was awarded to .lohn DompKpy, ho being the only bidder. In his monthly repoit Professor (htm tilings showed that the total enroll nu'nl for tho month or September wns SIj, while the average nttendance vviii ill, this being tin Inciease ol uver 100 over the corivspon.llng month of lost yonr. Mr. nnd Mis. !'. V, .Simpson nnd daughter, All in llhea .Simpson, of lllnltol)', attended the Plmpflon-follc-ensou wedding nt Scranton, AVodnes duy i-veiilng, MIjs Margaret Carbine, who has been ipeiidlng tho summer nt her home hoi e, has returned tn New Yi rk. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Olltton, of Illnck HIIN, South Dul ota, are the gitestH or Mr. nnd Mr. William Allison, of the Wert Side. Mr. and Mrs, D. A. ICIklns loft yes terday for Jerinyn, where they will re side. The many friends or Mrs. T. ,T, Jor dan, or Dunmore, vioio pained to hear or her ilpath on Wednesday last. TAYLOR NEWS. Exciting Runaway on Main Street. B. Y. P. U. Will Hold Session. Other News Notes, n exciting runnway occurred yes lot day in the vicinity of North Tay lor. Frank Powell, of .Main street, wits driving n young, ory spirited horse, owned by bis father, and while passing o moving sticet car near the Dela ware, Lockawanna and Western cross ing, the horse tools fright and backed partly down the embankment. The vehicle toppled over, th' owing the oc cupant to tho ground. Mr. Powell, who Is .t horseman of some skill, held tight to the leln-i until the started to inn, when the driver mv.s compelled to let go. Tho animal con tinued bis wild gait until near Dr. Olnislead's. whole ho was finally cap t'lied. Th" damage was slight. A delightful meeting is promised this afternoon by the members of the Map tlit Young People's union of the Welsh Ttuptlst church. L.irgj delegations are e peel oil fiom other towns. The occa sion of tile meeting will be the pres entation of a banner to the Taylor union, which they won by s-Mling the largest number of tickets for ihe out ing of that organization to Harvey's Inke last August. The following ofllcers wore nominat ed at a recent meeting of the Lacka wanna lodge. No. 11:5. American Prot estnnt association Worthy master, Jo-soph Hnwells; worthy deputy mns ter, William J. Richard;-: assistant secretary, Samuel C Kvans: trustee for eighteen months, Thomas R. Jones. Much Interest Is being manil'csttd in the coming quoit match to lie hold at Hotel Ridgeway's, on Saturday, Oct. 2f, between William Powell and David Ucvan, for ?r a side. Roth arc expert quoittnen and a t;ood contest can bo looked for. A handicap match will fol low. Messrs. iiomer Jones. W. M. Bell and Tallle OrlfTiths ha'.o been diawn lo serve on the travel so jury for Novem ber term of court. Washington camp, No. -102. Patriotic Order of America, will meet in Red Men s hall this evening. Rev. J. '. lOrans was the guest of friends in Hyde Pari; yesterday. Mrs. lohn Steele, of Slorci street, U visiting her sister, Mrs. Davis-, of Peekvllle. "Mrs. W. M. I '.ll lias returned homo fiom a few days' visit with relatives in Pcckvlllc. Invincible cnmnvindcry. No. i:a. Knights of Maltn, will meet in legular session this evening. Mrs. John R. Price and daughter, Miss Sarah, are ep"cted tomorrow from their trip to Wales. Messrs. Oenrgo Rltter and John Frnl loy left yesterday for Rloomsliurg, wheie thpv will attend the fair at that pl.tce. The condition of MIs.s Lizzie Hodges, at the Moses Taylor hospital, Is much improved. Among our distinguished visitors were Mr. and Mrs, Lee, of Wilkes liiirre, who visited this place In an automobile, Mr. Thomas TCvans, of Pitlsion, call ed on fi lends In tills town yetterday. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Will Snyder, a teamster at Freas' grist mill, wns painfully Injured yes terday afternoon, In emptying a bag of bran ho ralped his hands over his head, and one of them was. caught in a cog wheel. He fortunately wns uble to extricate his hand, but not before ono of his fingers was cut off at the second Joint and another badly broken. Rolh bones of his arm just above the wrlt was also fractured. He was tak en to his homo where In was attended by Drs. S. D. Davis nnd M. J. Shields. Mr. Joseph Jay, of Cnrbondale, and Mrs. Mary A. Thomas, of White Mills, Wnyno county, were yesterday tho gmsts of Mis. Mlnnlo Harris, of Main street. Mrs. John McLaughlin, of Forest City, was yesterday tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Soby, of Second street. .Airs. Ann Mellow, of Third street, yesterday visited her son, William, nt the hospital at Carbnndnle, I(Ih many friends will bo pleased to hear ho Is slowly Improving, A little son arrived yesterday at tho homo of .Air, nnd Mrs. Yates Taylor, at Mayileld. DALTON. J, V. Per.slilmer la havlns pipes liibl for the oonductlne of borotish wnler Into hlf residence, llev. A, V. l.'ooppr, iiustnr of tho Alethodlst (duirch, wns summoned to Utlrv, on 'ruppilny, on arcount of tho dentil of his fnthor. Pr. Jlllt's nnd fnmllv expert to leave on Satnrdny Tor WashltiBton, D. C' 'vliore they will malto their home, ''hnrls V,', Purdy hns b?en appolt.t ed tux collector tu nil llm uncxnliod teim of Mr, Terwillljoi, who tv-tlnuil Theylnave stood the test efyear. and hive cured ihauiamls ol caj of Nervous Oiieases, sucb as Dcbllllv. Dllzinen. Slenlcc F nets and, ., s-icjr iug uraui, ktrengines the circulation, make digcstlog ptrfect, and impart a health inrnity. u arcs? patients , Consumption or Death icurftorrrmnmaf V fVlauAlBH.1 A It Cures the Cough. CURE THB COUGH Dr. Jnincs' Cherry Tar Syrup is a snfb, veli- cure for cough or cold. PlciiPiint to inke soothing sind healing in its influences. Does not change, no matter how long it may stand. Last doso is always of exactly the sanio strength as tho first. At Drug Stores. 25 Cents u Bottlu. Don't Accept Substitutes recently on account of his removal to California. Mrs. S. K Finn entertained on AVed no.nlay, Miss Slmrell, of Factory vl!ln. The Sacred Literature class of tho Duptht church will meet In the church this evening nt 8 o'clock. Jnnips Dickson entertained at bis country home here on Sunday last, Judge Archbnld, of Scranton. The prolonged drought has caused many wells to go dry about here, and families are compelled lo carry water some distance. A cur load of lumber arrived on Wednesday, for eX-Sherifi" Crlppen, to be used In tho building of an addition to one of his barns. The improvements lieiiny made to the Interior of the Methodist church aie inpldly nenrlng completion. Wil liam Von Storch hns been supei In tending the work. PECICVILLE. A number of the Mount Jessup foal company's employes nnd members of the Progiessive Kuchre club tendered Mr. and .Airs. D. AA". Hickey a pleasant surpiise at their home, Tuesday even ing. The evening was one of enjoy ment to all pieFent. Mr. and Mrs. Hickey leae this week for Aladdin, Wyoming, where Mr. Hickey has uc cepted the superintendence' of the ex tensive coal works of Mr. M. S. Kem merer. Mr. and Mrs. Hickey have made many friends in their short so journ at Peekville and their many friends regret their departure, but wlh them success In their new home. Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Chillies P. Ford, Miss Helen Fold, Miss Myitis Peck. Mr. George Holleran, Mr. Jerry Scholes, of Mnrshwood; Miss Kittle Olbbons, of Scranton, nnd Miss Grover, of Kingston. Airs. Sarah Stephens, sister of Mr. AA". AY. Peck and J. D. Peek, both of Main street, died yesterday at her home In Moscow. Mr. D. AY. Hickey was a business visitor at Mnuch Chunk yesterday. Mr. Henry Purdy is beautifying his North Main street residence with a new coat of paint. Mr. AVilllam Page continues very ill. The Peekville conclave, No. 3GS, Im proved Order of Heptasophs, will meet this evening in regular session. The AVomen's Christian Temperance union will hold a union service, or open meeting, in the Methodist Episcopal chut eh next Sabbath evening. A most instructive and entertaining pto gramme has been propaied, consist ing of addresses by tho resident pas tors, original papers by Miss Carrie A. Kenyon and Miss Oriana Williams, membeis of the union; music by tho united choirs, nnd solos by W. AV. AVit klns and Miss Florence Robertson, of Scranton, with Prof. Southworth as ac companist. Come and show your in terest In tho cause of temperance, as represented by your local organization. THE QUEST QUITE HOPELESS. Young: Heporter Encounters n Non Commital Chinaman. An Interesting story Is told apropos of a reporter's zeal to obtain news from tho Chinese legation in Wash ington, P. C, regardhifr affairs In Pel'bi, relates the Chicago News. He was an enterprising young fellow sent by his editor to take the place of the regular Washington correspondent, who was awnv on his vacation, and he hnd spent the whole morning In the vicinity of the legation endeavoring to pick up something, not knowing that the most direct wny would have been to sec Minister Wu nlmself, who Is invariably hind about granting Interview.-!. He was about to abandon his project when an Intelligent-looking nnd woli-dresspii Chinaman citmn down the steps of the legation nnd responded so pleasantly to his greet ings that he bombarded lilm with a whole list of questions, to which the polite Celestial repeatedly answered: "Pun know, dun 1-now." Finally, ciulto desperate at his Inability to make something out of what ho looked upon as a rare edianee, a walk with ono of the legation's secretaries, ho asked, appenllngly: "Well, surely you know something of the aownger empress; what do you think of her?" "Mo no thlnkee," responded the Chlnnmnn, "me wnshee," and with this parting announcement ho disappeared into a laundry nearby, of which he turned out to be the proprietor. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At 1'llUbuig- It, H. :. Chicago 000 0 OUl 00-1 5 - I'ltUburtr 00 1 00 1 00 J u I Batteries Oan In and Donohuej Waddoll and Khnnier. Uinpiir O'Day, At Philadelphia It, if. y llo.slon 1)0 0 0 1 ;t,T 11 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 - t l(j u ll.ittcrjeiv Willis nnd Sullivan Conn and Doug, lats. Ciuplif lluist. At lliookl-n- II. II, K. ,N'cvv- Yolk 0 7 0 110 0 0 07 u I Urookl.vil 2 0 II 0 2 0 U D- 1 tu .1 mtlerle- llavvhy and lluvvcriiiau; Donovan and btrilinjii. I'mpiie b'njdir. Local Foot Ball. o. .it Kihool team would like tu play the Olive Street Stars fcuim.' time next vvceki llight half luck, II. llrnMin; left half back, I). Camp bell! full luck, G. Itlclurds; quaiter back, W. ticlilruptT; renter, J. Pjvlnej light tackle, II. Clark; left tackle, 0, lMgar; right guard, W. Allen; left guard, W, Canfield; right end, fc. Puffy; left cud, t). Roberta; captain, a. ards; manager, II. Denson THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. SATUnDAY.-Aftotnonii ami night, "tUttd Crockett." Academy of MubIc. AM. UT.I'.K. Daniel It. Ily.ui anil Company. Gaiety. Hlt.Hr Tllltl'.K DAYS.-Ualnty l'ati-d Mur Irsqui'K, LAST Tllltl'.K DAYS.-AI, ltecus' roninan. "A Lady of Quality." A diain.itlMtlon ct 1'iam.U !Ioitson llmtii'tlN atory, "A Lady nf ijnallty," imh picccMed lie fori! a largo uitillclire l:nt nlsU nt the Lyceum by n company Inuilcil by '"M Ku;enl.t llliili, who iippcurcil ,11 the "Lilly," Ml lll.ilr n lino ripri'-ctitallwi of t lie lole showing gifattr flnNli than upon her former npponiiini ? in till clly In the phiy. She appeal to the LcjI oiluilo,'e In the hlrr iuti of the drama, Tin nt,ir hail the -support nt a good rompiiiy. James Cm rw ju hi. .lohn (Hon ilhl prctnlly KOoil uotk, Al. Reeves nt the Gaiety. Al. Iteevo unil hl lilg tiurleiiue lotupany pl.ijul tn ilillnlitcil hnue vo.len!av afternoon ami ertilnir .it the tlalety and fully miitalneil the lepulatlon thli (iiicrllc troupe lui acquired In Scranton In seasoni pjt. The leaillmr feature of Ihe opening akettli uni the piano plajimc of Mr. Joe Lindner, who nac tome icmarlMiMo Imi tations upon the Imtrumrnt, The olio va head ed liy Pantile Thatther anil Mlw Cntiellc, in popular home, which weir well revelled. Inez tleimker, the famous cantatrUe, yjiu; hettir than eur anil wan enthusiastically encored upon each appearance. Al. IteeuM amused tho audience uith his luujo nnd npnntaiienus ultlleUins. and Mr. and Mr. Hamilton, Mile. Ilelmoie, the er pentlne dancer, itaie merlloilous aits. The per fnriiiaiKe ends with n burlesque by Wiley Hamil ton, which Is one of Ihe funniest upon the load. The Al. Ileeica company will icni.iln at tho flalely the balame of the week, pMnR perforni anees ihy and pirnlntr. "Dnvy Crockett." "Daiy Crockett" will be seen hue piailiully the same as It lias been piesented In all the larKC cities of the country. Scenery Is curled for a complete pioductlon. l),ny will mend the saddle us iMial, and Lleanor Vaurthu wilt lite Ids heart in her rendition of "Loiklniar." ll.iliy Crockett will miss the sipiliret's eye, but will intioduec a number of specialties to make up for that. The wohes and the snow scene and the pie tuiesque log tahhi will be In eildence. Big Dan, tho hunters, (he pawon, the dame and alt the lest nf the good pioplc will ho on hand In carry out tho ever Interesting1 plot. "Davy Ciockelt" hero at Ihe L.iccmn thejter Sal uiil.iv alternoon and evening. "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The exquisite melody with which Mendelssohn translated the immortal bhakespeaie's "A Mld fsummer .Vlght'H Dumim" into liuisic, wblih is tn be gien with the ih.iina at the Lyceum thea ter net Monday night by the Louis .lames and K.ithr.wi Kidder combination, piomlses to be a tieat of the most delightful character to all music liner". With the beautiful stage pictures tn illustrate its grandeur it will be doubly deli cious. Louis .Limes and K:illir n Kiddei head Ihe com pany which will he seen in this, the gieatest Slulic.-pc.ire. in revivals in recent years. It would bo difficult tu imagine a dalutiei, sweeter, moie womanly Helena than that of Mies Kidder, and i iiniin,,, Is irsilm,u- fmiJ ,n.i i Hniiom is irresistibly runny and .Mr. .Limes as a ,, . . a gives a tine bit of cilsp legitimate comedy. New York Girl Company. Howard & Umeis, nV "Sew York t.ul com pany," which (.nines to Manager bong's ever popular Oaiety. first three da.vs of uet week, is lepoited lo be 0:10 of the best burlesque at tractions now on the load. Howard & t'.liiorson, who aie dlicctlng Ihe tour of thi organization, ale well known by the theater-loving public', and tficy have always given m the1 Irat vnude ille talent obtaln.Mile. Aiming the many Miens features with this at traction are: Howard and I'mercou, Livingston family of aciob.its, Williams and Adams, Mis Jo-ephine ll.uvey, Kelly and Davis, Miss Kitty Xelsnn, Flsl ee and C'ljik. Miss billy Tuiha, Annie Davis, liessio llailell, Dele Kessncr, Poia I'.nkcv, Anm Wcsteiflold, Tillle Molltor, Chai-lolli- Speio, Dobbi" Cl.nk, Margueilto May, Ida fiiillen. Iles,-ie C' nnd Annie ConN. The builetta in tine; Mcnes, is by Joseph E. Howard, osi).. who will personally superintend the pro ditilion. thoieby ii.siirlng the sutcesi of one hundred laughs to the minute. DON'T CKOWD THE PUPILS. Some Excellent Atllvce for Both Teachers and Parents. 1'ioui the Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune. Every child In normal conditions of physical and mental activity loves to acquire knowledge. He thirsts for It, and not a moment ot his wakeful hours is there not given to its pursuit In some way or another. The child wants, however, to arciuire it euslly and not by force In any form. Some children desire one kind of knowledge, others another kind. One boy will, for 'instance, delight in obso-ving a carpenter or a blaoksinlth at work, and wants to know the why and the wherefore of the mechanic's every move; another loves to linger around a store watching the merchant or his assistants dispensing goods to custom ers and receiving pay therefore; an other likes the fields, watches tho husbandman turning up the soil with the plowshare or casting the seed Into the ground, or again reaping the abun dant harvest; still another loves bnoko, and ns soon as he can read finds his most cherished companion in their perusal and study. Happy Is that teacher. Invaluable, Indeed, Is he, gifted with power to discern the various tastes and peculiarities of his little subjects, and thus enabled to lead them on to knowledge on the lines they like best. But right here some one will, we know, object, that the teacher, to curry out this principle, must make as many classes as there ure Individuals In tho school, We answer that tho success ful teacher Is he only who Imparts Instruction to each Individual pupil In accordance with that pupil's tastes and capacity, To do so he need not make of each pupil a distinct class, but, however he divides his scholars for convenience of instruction or dis cipline, he must constantly keep In mind the characteristics, tendencies nud capabilities of each pupil, The efllclent and well-trained teacher llnds no dllllculty In so doing. The olhor kind of teucher, unfortunately very numerous, ever In n state of confusion himself, Ucepii his school in a similar condition. If teachers were all duly (nullified by temperament, education nnd train ing for their Important work, the rcliool would soon be everywhere a piece of attraction for moat of th? young, Kverythlng docs not, however, depend on the teachar, A great deal depends on parents, Children without good home training, or with home training removed but little from bar hat Ism, are a great hindrance to Un wind; of teachers. Such children not only do not learn themselves, but pre vent others from so doing, and their patents are often unreasonable enough to blame the teachers because, out of such unpromising material, they do not muku prollclont student;. Kvery 1 pnteut, every cmon. every commun ity should bo helpful to the teacher. His work Is at dlfllcult. nut, even If dlfllcult, It can bo made pleas ant when rrowned with success, The road to success la half way traveled The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tils Hetlitlt n Vlt Vh Ilnvc Houses to Rent, Kenl ltttta or Otltor Property tu Sell or KxetimiRd, or Who Want Situations or Help Then Small Advertisements One Cent it Word, Six Imertloiu for rive Cents u Word Except Slttiittloitt Wuutc.l, Wttlch Ai-j In BcrtcU I'ree. FOR RENT, FOIt ' HLNT 403 LACKAH'ANN'A AVLSUU, four lloorsl clevttorj best ttort mil loca tion In Rcranton. FOR SALE rrjTrPALL-lHlrTlRAXCK 1)1X1X110101? baigain, 207 Lackawanna ifiemu. 1011 HALK-IHY SM1UM: fllXDlXd (DKN'XV) foaled Ll'Mj 111 hands hlb; Kentuu'iy bred; goes nil .iddlc gaits: trctt close tu .1 luli.utes; pcifeitly sound and kind. Apply Oll.vr llnrke, Suquehann.i lloue, ,. Main street, l'lltslon, l'ltTvAn: SALU-lixTTlIrr t dxTHXTS HOI sT; No, i! Piatt place. Carpetc, furniture, lace curtains, shades, pictures, etc.! great bjigulns. WANTED . VAXTi:i)-i:t'llll' Oil TKX TIIOIJSAM) 1)01 bus for it trim of three, file or ten Jens at 4 per nut. Intireir pajab'o uviry thiee m six mouths to suit. A rare ihance for those luvliit; liust funds tu caie lor, or money In bunks, tlllt edged real estate security. Safer than any bank. Address II., care of V. '. Lntluop, 1J.I Wash ington avenue, Herat Inn. WANTED-TO BUY. must be in good ordtr; state particulars ai to make and price. Address, L. II., general de livery, Scranton, Pa. FURnnSHEDJjUSE.x uiTMSiinD?ftHl?if?o B.'!2 Madison avenue. ROCSJAAJNTED VAsriD--i onT I'tmNisHKi) hoomh. kor light housekeeping; centrally located. Ad dres.s, .1. W., Williams building, City. RECRUITS WANTED. MAIHXB COnPS UXlTLD STATLS NAVY HK crulta wanted Able-bodied mn; service on our warships In all parts ot tho world nnd on land in the Philippines, when required. Lieu tenant Colonel B. It. llusscll, N. W. Corner Uck awann.i and Wyoming avenues, Scranton. LEGAL. noticr to owners or pRornirrv on Sevenlli street between West Lackawanna avenue and Scranton street. The following is a copy of a lesoiullon ot Clly Councils of the City of Scranton, Fcniia., approved Sept. II, MOO: Itesolvcd, By the Common Council of Ihe City of Scranton, Ihe elect Council eoiieuiiing, that Seventh sticet from West Lvckawanna uveuue tu Scranton street, be paved, .ind the cost thereof be assessed .igairst the abutting propel ties ac cording to the foot front rule. Providing that three-fourths of nil Ihe members elected to each blanch of the Council:, shall vote in favor there of. On tb. passage of this lesolutton by the said thtcc'fourth vote and ibi approval by the Mayor, the City Clerk sliill publish a copy there, of, for a period of ten days, In two newspapers i.i'bllshed in the City of Scranton, stating that unless a m.iioiltv of the owners of tironertv abutting on said Seventh street between the Point above named, (.hall signify lo councils ,.,i,i,. .in.i., .,., .u. ",..:. n, ,ii ., ' 1ltllts lllllljll n Ml UaV 4IVIU CIIC MSI I I J 1 ,i.e nD,ov,i of ,iis resobittnn. tl.elr nrefeieuCD ot tho matjnal ilcsaed for such pavement, Councils will proceed to nnss an ordinance ell reding the paving of said load or street, between the points above Jnamed, with nuch material us they see fit. Approved by Select Council, Sept. 20, 1000. CHAS. I. WAON'KR, President. Approved by Common Council, Aug. 23, 1000. WM. V. GRirriTHS, 1'iesldent. .'ppioved Sept. 27, 1SO0. JAMES MOIR, Major. I'ubli-hrd in pursuance of provisions of the fcicgoing resolution. M. T. LAVELI.U, Scranton, l'a., Oct. 4, 1900. City Clcik. by that teacher who acts on the motto: "Don't crowd the pupils." NEVER LOST A BATTLE. Such Is the "Record of England's New Field Marshal. Frnn the Chicago Tirncsj-IIeialil. T.ord ftoberts, who has never lost a battle, commenced his military ser vices as a lieutenant of a mountain battery of native artillerymen at Pesh awar, India, and for eight years dis tinguished himself in this service. Ten years afterward he was attached to the staff of the quartermaster's de partment, thus learning the necessary lesson of the movement of troops and the equipment of the same. About seven years after this he returned to the artillery, but within a compara tively short time he became quarter master general of the army in India. Consequently he had the training he most needed for the movement of his troops over the vnst regions of South Africa, In 1878 he was placed In command of the whole army In Eastern Afghanis tan. He won the adoration of his men and the entire esteem and confidence of his officers. Later he repeated and added to this tiuccess hh commander In chief of the nrmy in all India. His assignment to South Africa was a significant notice to the world that Britain meant once nnd for all to crush out the aspirations of the Dutch republics for separate and independent statehood. Lord Roberts Is a remarkable per sonality. In the first place, lie Is, like the eieat Wellington, of Irish parent age, though born In India the son of General Sir Abraham Roberts and never falls to awaken the enthusiasm of the sons of Erin. He never knows when ho Is defeated. An example of this was when he achieved victory In the Kuram Valley of India, after his ofllcers had taken It for granted thnt the tight was over and lost. His exploit at Kandahar was nnd Is one of the brightest pages In the his tory of Urltish chivalry. He led n re- lief force of 8,000 picked men lo Mn teller of that city, nnd achieved suc cess in the face of nlmost Insurmount able dllllcultles. He also assisted not ably In tho relief of Lueknnw. tho on- eratlons of Cawnpore, the defeat of the Gwallor contingent and the final capture of Lucknow. For these and other oxpolts in India he, was given the thanks of parliament, and of the viceroy und government of Jndin In council, and was created u K, 0. H f!. C H and a baronet. He never- forgets a face, and manv are tho young lieutenants who have pleasant reason to remember this trait of the great soldier, He has always taken tho best possible rare of his men, He would not consent to be comfort able while they lacked the necessaries, If It were possible to procure them. At the queen's jubilee "Uobs" received an ovation hardly second In fervor to that given the queen. The peoplo knew and loved him us they loved no other mil. cer of the army, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup U been itocil for over KlI'l'V YIHU8 by MILLIONS of MUHICKS for their ClIILDltl'.V WIIIIX TI'.UTIIIXO. Willi I'l'liFKOT St'CCISS. II bOOTIIr'S Ihe CHILD. .SOITHNS the OHMS. ALMYH all I'AINi CUM'S WIND COLIC, and it ihe hot iiinedy for DIARItllOJ'A. Sold by IlruggUt in evciy part of the vvoild. lie mn and avk for "Mm. Window's Soothing Sjiup," and take no other kind. Twenty -flvo cenla a bottle. HELP WANTED-MALE. U'AXTIMI-TI'A' MUX I'Ott SCIIASTOV AM) Vicinity I tan make from two tn live uollais a day; big iuon.v and quick irtiirii. Call be tween !! and .1 p. in, C. 1). Swill, 512 Council building. Avn:i-Av i'ii:im:(.'i:i) yoi'lmi max ix liuise fiinlslilngs and ihlnivvate as lieul nt Atock and saiesinii,, M'P'y lo supeiiuteudent, lonas Lung's Sins. DRESSMAKING. DrtLssjiAtusn ron cmt.tittKN to ouoKtii also ladies' vvaliti. Loulie Shoemaker, -12 Ailamt tovnue, , MONEY TO LOAN. MOXLTTOULST unco. L'uny, (,'onuell building. AT AXY AMOUNT 01' MONKV TO t.OAX. OtJllJi;, straight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to C per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 31t-U1S Connell building. SITUATIONS WANTED bmTlbx WANTLD-UV yoiTn'Tai)Vas asi'tunt, uudeistands lytievvritlnj, steiiugruphy and bookkeeping. Wants pudtiou with smile Icll.ibl1.' pally where liutiesiy and capability are upii'celatcd. Moilciate salary. No ugi lilies. Addiess "K"!peii"nccdl" cnte of this otllce. an ilvtio.v WAXTi:i)'i:tTAULi: woman wants I'Oslton fur rare (if ihildren or any woik; sleep home. A. II., Til tune oflke. WANT'IU) WAH1IIXH AND HtOXIXO TO DO AT home. Cull or address 41S N. Klghtli street. SITUATION WAXTKD-11Y A OIUL TO DO (IKX rial housevvoik in suull family, l'lcase tall at .Vit Itelicccu avenue. Can glvo good refer eiices. coi.onno man waxts situation of any kind, stenographer, typewriter; leferemes, experience. C. ,1. White, 5Jt Lackawanna live. SITUATIO.V WANTKD-i:XPEItlKNCi:i) 110OK. keeper desires a pciniaiicut position; al oiy can be easily bllpulated. Address T. S., Cciieiul Delivery. WAVIED-A POSITION' UY T ltElTXED, educated young lady as companion or mtiso for elderly lady or could care for child. 1'iral class leference's. Address llox H, North Me boopany, Pj. YOUN-G MAX WANTS SITUATION OF ANY kind, gtenORiaphcr and typewriter. Refer ence and experience. C. J. White, 0.13 Lacka wanna avenue. SITUATION WANTnD POSITION KEQI'tRlNC some outside hustling by an experienced bookkeeper; itleienc-. Addiess II., Tribune of fice. A MlDDLr. A1KO WIDOW LADY WOULD LIKE to luu n situation us a lady's nurse or as l'ousekceper in a iall family; can give refer ence's if needed. Addiess Maiy Jones, Tribune otllce. CITY SCAVENGER a. a unir.ns ci,i:.xs pihvy vaults and cess pooh: no odor. Improved pump ued. A. P. URICGS. Propilctur. Lcavo orders 1100 North Main avenue, or llicke'a drug store, cor ner AcljiiH und Mulberry. Telephone! 0310. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. HOWARD O SPAULDINQ, C. P. A., 23 TRAD- era' Bunk buildimr. Architects. LDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, COXXI'l.L building:, i ranton. FRI'.Dr.RlCK Ii. ItROlVN, ARCHITECT, PRICE bulliiins:, 120 Washingtuu avenue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages, IlUUHl'K Tllti:i CAUS AND CAHltlAUESl BE5.T of e. Prompt attention given orders, by 'uhone. 'Phones 2072 and 5)32. Joseph Kellei, Ul Mndeu. Dentists. DR. C. L". EILENUEUGEIt, l'AUM IJUH.DINfc, hpruce street, fccranion. DR. I. O. LYMAX, bCUANTON' PRIVATE HOS pital, corner WjomiiiB and llulbeiiy. DR. C. V. bMJHACII, 115 AVYOMI.VU AVENUE. I)Tt. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE OAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE line. Rates icasnnahlo. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D I,. & W. PAS Bcnger depot. Conclude il on the European plan, VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Lawyers. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND 'law. Rooms 312-313 Mears building. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS NEGO. tlated on leal estate secuiily. Meais building, coiner Wa-dilngloii avenu- and Spruce streei. WILLARD. WARREN & KN'APP, ATTORNEYS und counsellon-ai-lavv. Republican building, Waihintjton avenue. JI'SUP i JEUP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN- sellors-at-law. Commonwealth building, Rooms IS), 20 and 21. .UMK-1 W. OAKFOI1D, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 514, 015 and 51(1 Hoard ot Ti.idu bullet. ing. EDWARD W. Til AVER. ATTORNEY. Mil-901, Otli floor, Mrars building. HOOMti L. A. WATRES. ATTORXEY-AT.LAW, BOAItt) of Tiadc building, .Scranton, Pj. O. It. PITCHER. ArrORNEY-ATI.AW, HOARD of Trade building, r-cruiiloii, P.i. PATTERSON" & WILCOX, TRADi:Tl.V NATIOVaT Hank imildiiig. ('. rOMEGVS, fl-l.t RIII'IIIILICSN RUILDINO. A. W. IIEHITI01.I', AirORSEY, .MEARS llbllli. Physicians and Surgeons. Hit, W. 1 avenue, ALLEN, 511 NORTH WASHING IOV 1)11. S. W. L'MORi:l, OFFICE SS'I WASH Inglon avenue, He-idenec, 1118 Jliilbeiry. Chioule iIIvmsi', lum:.-, heart, l.lilue'.vs and Kinltn-iiiliury oigaiu u upccljli). Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Schools, SCIlt)Oiror"TTlirL'KAWAN-ArM II WI'OS", P.i, Coiiim) piepaiiiliny to fnlleur. Ijvv, medi eine or bjtlucM. Open- sepl, l:!lh. Send for tatalotsue. Rev. TIioiim M I'jiin, Lb. I).. p.lii and piopilcloi; W, E. I'lumley, A, .M., beadiiuster, Seeds. (I. It, CI. VIII' CO.. SEEDSMEN' AND NURS riv nun, tie '.HI t,ihlni.'tiiii aveiuin; mini bullies, l'1'1' Nuilh .MjIii JVlliueJ ntuie tele phuliv, 72, Wire Screens, joi:pii unrnEL, i.ciwas-v uvinue, N union, Pa,, nunufjeluiei of U'lic St. 1 1 en. "Miscellaneous. IIAUEK'S ORCllEsTIIA-JirSIC '() II '..s, liicnli, PJitln. ii'iiptloiu, weddlnvs and eon. ceit woik fuinUlu'd. Fur tenns addiess It. .. Uauvr, eonductoi, 117 Wjoiulng avenue, uvci liulberl'a mueiu ttoie. UFGAROEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. EN. velopes, paper bag4, twine. , Wdiehoiue, 130 Wjthlngton avenue, Scuntun, l'a. RAILROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA RAILR0A9 Schedule in Effect May 27, 1900. n Jn"MS lcnve Senntont u.40 n, in weeit dftyg( for gunbury, Hnrrlsbure-. Philadelphia, BMtU more, Washington and for Pitta- bure: nd tho West. 0.38 n. m., week days, for Haxleton, Pottsvllle, Beading, Norrlstown, find Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Hnrrisbiug, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pltts urg nnd the West. 2.18 p. m., weeJi dftyg( (gundaya 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harrls urg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and tho WeBt. For Hazleton, Pott"- a nv ' Rending, &c, week dayri. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbur Hnzleton, Pottsvllle, Hnrrisbur Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. It. WOOD. Con. Pass. At. . n. iiurciUNSON. am. mt, Delaware Lackawanna and Western, In KlTect .Tunc 10. 1000. o .01'!ll--Lcave Rcrniitnn for New York at 1.45. 3.1)0, CJO, S.eW and in.0,r a. in., 12.53, :i.33 and p. m. For Philadelphia nt 6.40, 8.00 and JO.Oo n. rn.t 12.B5 nnd 3.3:1 p. m. For atrouds buri; at 0.10 p. m. .Milk and accommodation at ?"i?p' '" Ar."be nt llobuken at 6.85, 7,18. 10.LI a. nt,: 12.6s, i!.47, 4.,", 7.19 and 0.43 p. in. Ariive at Philadelphia nt 10.00 . m.: l.Ofl, J.48. i? "."'A8'22 P- w. Arrive from New York at and 11.30 p. m. From Htroudsburg at 8.00 , W. ,:s,"1r,h Leave Scianlon for Dilffato and inter mediate stations nt 1.10, 4.10 and 8.S0 . m.J i.Oj, 6. 43 and It.SO i, m. Tor Onweiro and Syta ;"' at 4.10 a. ni. and 1.65 p. m. For Utlct, t 'ro a. m. and l.cj p. m. For Montroee at 8.H) . '". ,h' !' " and B.4S p. m. For Klchol; Imi UM,0 nml "" P- " V" Blnghamton. 10.58 .? i V,,?0 ' '" Arrive In Scranton from Buffalo n '',. S-M, S.33 and 10.00 a. m.; 3.80 and S.00 Vi ! Vorn Osvvcko and Syracuse at 2.65 a. m,: !"i' ""! 8'00 P- m. From Utlca at 2.6ri a., rn.t m !.n.",L3"''0 P. ni. From Kicuolion at 8.60 . inii"" "uu P- n From Montrose at 7.65 and u,n ii. m. heri;n7 "! Arrive at Hcranton rrom norcnuni .ill a - ... . ' . . -. . a. m.t, .bo una b. n Pl'vinnnt'10m1 Kai"cnkc at 11.00 t- m. . rron 1 'Jlr"itli at 7.50 a. ni,, 3.20, 8.35 and 11.10 p. M !... , SUNDAY TRAINS, m - ,rr,ve Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 9.40, IftOJ . VrJ;?3' 3-40 and 8.10 p. m. G.48 and HaVe Scranton ' 1'10' -M ,n'' tS DI00msS,lr'" DiviTion-tciva Bcranton at VMH m, and p. ni. Delaware and Hudsos. , , In Effect June 13th, 1900. Trami for Carbondale Ieac Scranton M MO, ..68, 8.M. 10.18 a. m.J 12.00, 1.23, 2.20. 9.83, B.4S, (i.55, 7.67, 0.15, 11.10 p. m.t 1.18 . . For Honesdate and taka Lodore 8.20, 10.11 m. J 2.20 nnd 5.25 p. m. For WiIkcsBarrc-8.45, 7.48, 8.49, aS, 19.13 f. ) ' 1'28' "1S a,W' 7 7M' U ' For rl v.' B. R. point3-8.4S m. 1109, M 3.31 and 11.30 p. tn. For Pennsylvania It. B. point-., ff.St . m.t 2.13 and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all point tiorth-O.tO a and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY THAINS. For Carbondale 7.20, 0.00, 11.33 . CM tt u.u&, v.,, 1V.O& p. m. . For Wilkes-Barre-9.33 a. m.J 12.03, 1.B3, S.UL 4.42. 6.27, 8.27 p. tn. For Albany and points north S.82 p. 0. For Honeidale and Lake Lodore 9,00, 11.33 a, m. nnd 3.62 p. m. Lowest rates to all points In United State an! Cam da. .1. W. DURDICK. O. P. A., Albany, N. Y, H. W. CROSS, I). P. A., Scranton, Pa. - - Lehigh. Valley Railroad. In r.ffect May 27, 1900. Trains Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via P. & II, R. It., at 0.45 a. m. and 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Blac'c Diamond Express), and 11. SO p. m. Stmdavs, D, 5c II. II. It.. 1.53, 7.48 p. m. For White Haven, Hazleton and principal pointi in the coat regions, via D. k II. R. R., 0.45, 2.13 and 4.27 p. tn. For Pottsville, 0.45, 2.18 p. in. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading;, Hnrrlsbmff and principal intermediate stations via D. & II. R R., 0.45 a. m.J 12.0J, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dla mond Express), 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. & It. If. R., l.CS, 7.48 p. m. For Tunkbannock, Tovvanda Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations, via D, I,, k W. R. II., 8.03 a. in.; 1.05 and S.35 p. m. Tor Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, and all points west, via D. & 11. II. R., 12.0!, 3.3.1 (Black Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. & II. R. It., 12.03 p. ni. : 7.43 p. in. Pullman parlor anel sleeping or Leblah Valley pailor cars on all trains between Wllkra-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pension Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Con. Supt., S8 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 28 Cortland street. New York. A. W. NONNEJIACIIER, DIv. Pass. Afjt., South,. Rethleiiem, Pa. Tor tickets and Pullman reservations apply 309 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations in New York Foot of Liberty street, N. R and South Ferry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 29. 1000. Traini leave Scranton for New Yort, Newark, r-u-,.,i,n, ihlladelnhla. Easton. Bethlehem. Al- denlown, Mauch Chunk and White Haven, at 8.39 a. in.; express, 1.20; express, 4.00 p. in. Sun. davs, 2.15 p. m. For Plttston and Wilkes-Bane, 8.30 a, m. 1.20 and J.OO p. in. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. For Mountain Park, 8.80 a. tn., 1.C0 and 4.00 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. Tor Baltimore and ashlnjjton, and polnU South and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a, m., 1.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.30 a, in. and 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harr'sburg, via Al lentovvn, 8.30 a. m. and 1,20 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. in. For Pottsvllle, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Through tickets to all points east, "south and west at lowest rated at the station. .1. 11. OIILHAITSKX. Gen. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agt. New York,Ontailo and Western B.R. TIME TABLE IN' EITECT SUNDAY, JUNE 24, Noitli Hound Trains. Lc.ivp Leave Scian- Carbon ton. dile. 10.10 a. in. 11,20 a. m. :ll'i n. in. 4.32 1). 111. Arrlv Cadosla, 1.05 d. m. Trains. 201 ... 201 .... 207 ... 6.45 p, m. 0.00 p. m. Al rive Carbondale, 0.40 p. m. South Bound Trains. Leave I.eavo Cailosla, Carbondale, 7.0(1 a, in. .10 a. m, 10.03 a. m. 2.05 p. in. 3,31 p. in, M'NDU'S ON'l.V. Ninth Hound. Leave Leave Seuii- C.uboii ton. dale. r nn a. m. 0.10 a. tn. Scranton. 7.40 a, in. 10.45 ; lit." 4.20 p. m. 201 Arrive' Cadosla. 10,45 a. m. aoi 20'J 7,00 p. m.Arrlie Carbondale, 7,45 p. m, roueii iioiiiiu. . Leave. Leave Cadosia. Caibond.ile, Scranton. i.uii a. m. T.40a,m. w "".'." 1.30 p.m. '.51 p. in. 6.35 p.m. " 'li.i'lii No. 201 makes i ounce Hon for points Vnltll and M"'UWI on ilinu i.uif, in t yintiu, ' Tialns Nn. 201 uud 201 puko Main Line con nee lions on Sunday, t'.ir finlher Infoim.itlon, roinnlt thket agents. 1 (i WDERMIN. Gen. P.i--'. Agt New York, V I'- WEI.""" Tiavellng Pawnsser Agent, s-cian. Icu. Erie and Wyomln(r Valley Time Table In EITi'it '"iptenilier 17, 1000. Trains for llawley and local pulnls. tonuret. In; at llawlev with Kilo rallload for Nevv York, NVwbuiah and Inleiinediale pulnls, leave Scran ton at 7.0."i a ni, ami 2,2i i. in. Trains airive at Scranton at 10 80 u. in. ami 0.10 p, m. NEWSPAPERS Tin: wibivEsinniti: iii:roin can he had in Sciauuui at the news ktaud uf ReUmin II in.. IU.'i Spiueo and .'01 Linden; M, Norton; iiii Laek.iwaiuia avenue; I, S. Shulter, 211 Spiuce1 street. SCALP TREATMENT. V-WVWVWW MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCM.P TIIEATSIENT. 60e.t khampooiug, 5iic. ; facial mtxuft; losnlcue inc. 25c: ihlioiindv. 701 Oulncy, BIoomh,,c ii..,.,.' J aul In. on ...f a nn .. M V,..i...Il. - J-mision Leave? dvisihuii ,. "Ulliiimtcrliii' nt 0.45, 10.05 a. m.J l.fPJ nd ?;V; " for Plymouth at 1.05, S.40, 8.6S an it vp.-i "' . For Nantlcoke at 8.10 a. m. Arrl "' Aorlliiimterland at 9.35 a. m.s 1.10, 8.00 ml AiVii.2' in,, Arrlv ' Nanticoke at .10 a. m ninve at Plymouth nt 2.00. 4.82. 9.60 D. Hi. ant i.. 4 .''5 1 1 f s l ' ' ' - o - W - 4 nst.. rVfr Ml" V-rti lygU.a ..-' A-Jf.x fc - t . lafr-. . Wsej. fc.g.? 4ta - a-