The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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With the Opening of Spring Addi
tional Buildings Will Be Erected
on the Recently Graded Tracts.
Parties on Lincoln Avenue and
Rock Street Campaign Formally
Opened Deaths and Funerals.
Other Shorter News Notes and
Personal Paragraphs.
The possibilities of a Greater West
Scranton arc trrailunlly dawning upon
the residents hereabouts, and In an
other year, when the minora' strike
will havo been settled and btislnesH
confldpncp Is restored, a building boom
may be expected which will surpass
anything heretofore experienced along
that line. Ahead' expansion Is no
tlccable In the outlying districts that
is surprising, and u visitor to West
Park and Lincoln Heights will be mote
than surprised at the development dur
ing the part year.
The tract of In ml fronting on North
Main avenue has been divided Into
nvenurs, streets and building lots, nnd
several handsome dwellings just com
pleted havo been tenanted. Between
the Oram and Schlnger boulevards on
Jialn avenue, the Davis, Smith and
Peltit properties attract much atten
tion and are considered to bo three of
the most substantial houses In West
"Ex-Patrolmnn James Saul 1ms taken
possession of his new home on Hyde
Park avenue, between the boulevards,
and another pretty dwelling at the cor
ner of Pcttebono street and Hyde
Park avenue is ready for occupancy.
Select Councilman Simon Thomas' new
double house facing on I'ettebone
street has just been completed, and
the family of M. It. Stone took pos
session of their new home on Bromley
aenue last week.
Four more new houses, one on Brom
ley and three on Sumner avenue, are
in course of erection, and a double
house recently completed on Sumner
avenue is occupied by the families of
Amos Remaly and W. R. Hughes. The
family of Thomas Rice are also occu
pying their cozy cottage at the corner
of Pchlager boulevard and Bromley
The building of additional houses on
the plot has been delayed till year
owing to the cxhorbitant price of lum
ber, but it is expected that building
material will be much cheaper next
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour's French
Tar is what you need.
Seasonable Underwear
For Gentlemen, That's
Pretty as Well as Comfortable
A Window Full
Tells the Story.
There are fashions in Underwear
just as there are fashions in Hats, and the
display now made is intended to-show at
a glance what these fashions are.
Among the newest aud prettiest
things offered are Pin Cord Stripes in
violet, pink, etc., in pure wool, full or
medium weight Underwear for men.
The garments are beautifully finished,
aud prices are moderate.
Also Fancv Ribbed
beautiful striped effects,
and warranted to fit like
sizes, including stouts or extra slender
sizes,' These are new. You'll like them.
Really full fashioned Underwear is "
a luxury prized by every gentlemau who
knows how to dres3. The products of I
the Norfolk and New Brunswick Mills j
are unrivalled. Ask to see the new blue j
aud uational camel's hair goods from J
Three times the home product in
white, natural grey and scarlet, good,
sensible Underwear for hard service aud
iade right, too, All sizes for men,
youths aud boys that are made right
here iu Scrautou at the
Besides these we have the full lines made by a dozen
other famous uuderwear factories aud they are all on view
today at the
Globe Warehouse
spring. Several new houses are also
In course of erection In Tripp park.
tlyde Park, Promley, Sumner, Lin
coln and Rebecca avenues have been
extended through the plot, the Btreots
are graded and sidewalks have been
laid, and together It Is one of the most
desirable residence locations In tho
city. Tho Cathedral cemetery is now
reached from nny of the above named
avenues, nnd the North Stain avenue
and Lafayette street earn uro easy of
access from tho plot.
The Impiovements southward nro
also being rapidly made. The Hound
woods tract lias also been traversed
by streets, avenuoj, boulevards, and
several now houses nro being built.
The streets hnvo been graded, side
walks are laid, trees planted nnd oth
er necessary Improvements made, and
nevt spring will witness u building
boom in that section.
In Lincoln Heights annex a number
of new dwellings have just been com
pleted and occupied, and on the west
erly side of Main nveniK new houC9
are continually going up, and being
tenanted as soon a? ready. Tho land
company Is now at work putting the
UnMiIng touches on the now cemetery
plot recently laid out. and a number of
builal lots hnvp been disposed of.
The unoccupied land between Wnsh
burn, Division and Fourteenth streets
nnd the cemetery Is nlo being graded
and Academy street Is being extended
through the plot. Rlnsland and Jone
have set apart several acres In their
plot for a burying giound r.nJ nnmed
it the Cambrian cemetery, and a num
ber of Interments have already been
made there.
V number of now buildings in town
nie nearly completed, notably Cooper's
block on Scranton street and another
on Bromley avenue, south of Jackson
street. Tho roof of tho new Baptist
church on South Main avenue is near
ly finished and the stone work Is about
Party on Lincoln Avenue.
Miss Mildred Thomas, of North Lin
coln avenue, was agreeably surprised
by her friends, Wednesday evening.
She was equal to the occasion and
proved herself a royal entertainer.
Among those who assisted in receiving
the guests were the young ladv's
mother and sister and Mrs. Lewis Will
iams. Flashlights weie taken of the
entire group by Misses Kale Muldeilg
and Minnie Reese.
Refreshments were served at mid
night, and after a very pleasant even
ing in games and other amusements all
left for their homes, much pleased with
the evening's enjoyments. Those who
entertained the company by solos were
Miss Alice Williams and Kddie Bohr,
Mildred Thomas and Lizzie Williams'
a piano selection by Loretta Pawling:
recitation by Clara Mayei piano selec
tion by Mildred Thomas; piano duet by
Alice Williams and Eddie Bahr.
Those present were Misses Alma
Reese, Mildred Thomas, Ida Jones,
Maud Davis, May and Alice Williams
Margaret Thomas, Maud and Gertrude
Thomas, Lizsle and Jennie Williams,
Margaret Griffiths, Bertha Wlddick,
Emma Lewis, Jennie Thomas, Sarah
Morgan, Bessie Shaw, Laura Pawling,
Made in
Underwear iu
fast iu colors
a glove. All
Norfolk and
a. .
su:". ji i, '4sY il uttWv!ih'k
Clara Mayo, Grace Thomas, Erne Mil
ler, Miriam Thomas, Bessie Sheridan,
May Jordan, May Samuels, Owen Da
vis, Annie Price, Jennie Williams, Min
nie lleese and Kate Mulderls.
Ilobert TlRho, George W. Shermani
of Olyphanti William G. Thomas,
Ralph Waring, Charles Moyle, Eddie
Gallagher, of Olyphanti Eddie and
William Bahr, Carey Dean, Frank
Nlchol, Robert Lake, Frank Lamor
enux, Roy Nlchol, Edward Harper,
Fred Sullivan, Andrew Mulr, ttww
Jenkins, Al. Hoffman, Harry Bennett,
Foiest Carr, Arja Grlfflths, Alfred and
Chester Thomas, Harry Fish, Ucorao
Wldenor, Charles Walter, Hob Alex
ander, Roy Wood, Arja Thomas, Ivor
Price, Frank Suydam, Fred Sweet, and
Charles Dyer, of New York; Mr. and
Mrs. David O. Thomas, Mr, and Mrs.
Lewis A. Williams.
Jackson Street Baptist Church.
The following projrrcmmo will bo
rendered at the tu-ouunlng of the
Jackson Street Baptist church, Mon
day evening, Oct. IS, at 7,30 o'clock,
Luther Keller, chairman'
Otgsn I'rcludo ,.1'rofcsor Lewis UaIa
Congregational Sinking, "All Hall tho I'uwcr
of Jesus' Nairn" Diadem
l'rajcr Itev. James Hughes
Anthem, "It Is n (Jaoil Thing to Ulvc
Thanks" by the Choir
Adilrcss, "Forward Much,"
Itev. Hubert K. V. Pierce, D. I).
Addirss, "The Twentieth Century llsptlst
('lunch" llev. David Speiuer, D. D.
hinging, "Jesus the Very Thought of riice."
llrcctll-KS, Kirit Welsh Baptist Church,
llev. ). 1). Hopkins
Addrest, "1'orccs That Win" ....Itev. W. J. ford
Clrcctlng", Mmpson M. I'. Church,
llev, J. II. Sweet, D. D.
Slnqlnu:, "lrnlc the Lord."
Address Itev. V. II. Nhalen, I). 1).
(Ircctlng-i, Preihj terlati Church,
llev. .1. 1'., D. D.
(icctlngs, l'ljnioiitli t'ungrrgatloml Chinch,
l!c. K.A.Uovle
Uencdlition by the l'aitnr,
Itev. Thomas de Oruchy, I). )).
Opening1 of the Campaign.
The magnificent demonstration of the
local Republicans last evening; a re
port of which will be found on the
local page of The Tribune, augurs well
for the success of the campaign In
West Scranton. A noticeable feature
of the parade was the large number of
young men In line and the enthusiasm
manifested by them.
The local candidates, Messrs. Fel
lows, Lewis, Daniels and Reynolds,
were cheered repeatedly, and the North
Scranton Glue club made a demonstra
tion In front of the Reynolds residence
on South Mnln avenue. The spirit of
the event was entered into by residents
all along the lino of march with much
enthusiasm, and the marcher s received
u well-merited ovation.
Entertained in Honor of Visitors.
Mrs. O. E. Jones, of Rock street, en
tertained friends Wednesday evening
in honor of tho Misses McGhlc, of
Maiyborough, Queensland, Australia,
and Miss Jones, of Rome, N. T. The
evening was most enjoyably spent, the
entire party entering fully into the
spirit of the occasion. Many Interest
ing selections of vocal' and Instiu
mental music hastened away the early
hours of the evening, and games of
various kinds were played. Those pic---ent
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Roberts, Prof, and
Mrs. Reeve Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Rees
D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Cor
less, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Mr.
and Mis. O. E. Jones, Messrs. David
Owens, Tom Evans, Ell Harris. John
Johns, Frank Williams, Thomas Rob
erts, Corner Reese, A. Duffy. IT. J.
Jones, W. E. Jones, nnd Misses Minnie
Jone3, Margaret McGhle, Behsie Mc
Ghle, May Belle Switzer, Kate Jones,
Rachel Powell, Mattie Johns and Annie
Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Bnylan, of North
Lincoln avenue, wore tendered a sur
prise patty by a number of their
ft lends at their homo on Tuesday even
ing. Diversions Incident to such events
weie merrily Indulged in nnd an en
joyable evening spent by all.
John Hughes, in behalf of the jovial
party, presented Mr. Boylan with a
handsome pipe in honor of the annl
versaiy of his birthday. Mr. Boylan,
though taken by surprise, expressed
his sincere thanks for their kind re
membrance, which he greatly appreci
ates. At a late hour dainty viands were
Among those present wore the fol
lowing: Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McAn
drew, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cosgrove,
Misses Kate Sucency, Mary McGraw,
Agnes Hart, Maggie Dlskln, Margaret
Ghaghan, Sarah Flannery, Mabel
Walsh, of Wllkes-Barre: Messrs. Ed
ward Coleman, Morgan Sweeney, John
Hughes, John Quinn, and Clarence
Smith, of New York city.
Miss Ellis Surprised.
A sui prise party was tendered Mis3
Hattie Ellis, of North Bromley avenue,
by her school-mates last evening. Re
freshments were served by Mrs. Char
les Markey, assisted by Miss Etta Hur
Iow. An enjoyable time was had by
all. Those protein were:
Mlshes Hattie Ellis, Ray Davis, May
Davis, Pearl Davis, Electa Lauer,
Catherine Hawkins, Lena Hltzeroth,
Ray Watklns, Lizzie Jones, Ethel Orr,
Janet Robertson, Leah Edwards, Ireno
Masters Humphrey Bradley, Hayden
Jenkins, John Hughes, Roy Stutter,
LIewolln Evans, Willis Evans, Oram
Lauer, Arthur Chnse, Arthur Hlllaid
and Burnett Ackerman.
General News Notes.
A number of society young peoplo
from this side will attend the Bach
elor Girls' dance this evening at tho
Scranton Bicycle club,
Rczaleel Brown will represent tho
Sumner Avenue Piesbyterlnn church at
the national convention of Christian
Endeavor societies to be held at Phila
delphia next month,
The evening services next Sunday at
the Rellevue Welsh Calvinlstlc Metho
dist church will be In English and tho
pastor, Row William Davis, will preach
an English tevmon.
The- annual banquet and social of St.
Paul's Pioneer corps will be held at
Aleut !' hall on Wednesday evening
Thu Industrial school of St, David's
Episcopal church will begin its winter
sess'on at 3 o'clock tomorrow after
noon. Sewing In Its different branches
will bo taught.
The members of Camp 33, Patriotic
Order of Americans, will hold a social
session next Tuesduy evening after the
tegular business meeting,
Mrs. William Dunn, daughter Kath
ryn, and Miss Nelllo Orr, of Plttston,
uro visiting Mr. und Mrs. Isuao Ilar
lis, of North Bromley avenu?.
Patrick Phllbln, of Powder avenue,
has recovered from a recent Illness.
A meeting of the Hyde Park shaft
fund will be held this evening at the
i-... (:. ' .wiii j ' ii ?ii tjUli-y .'-, ?..
French Roof hall, on WnBhburn street.
Miss Kate RIsrc), of Milton, Is visit
ing West Scranton friends.
Mrs. John Mathews, of Towandn. Is
visiting Mr, and Mrs. It. U, Davis, of
Archbald street,
Mrs. John W. Jones, of Corbett ave
nue, will be taken to the Lackawanna
hospital today, where she will bo oper-i
atcd on.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Holler, of Tenth street.
Mlsa Laura Green, of Now York city,
Is visiting relatives on South Main ave
nue. Members of tho Christian Endeavor
societies from tho local (churches at
tended a rally In the Providence Meth
odlst Methodist Episcopal church last
Charles Holly and Miss Rose Hughes
were united In marriage last evening
by Rev. Thomas do Gruchy at the par
sonage of the Jackson Street Baptist
Tho choir of the Penn Avenue Bap
tist church tendered n surprise party
last evening to Miss Sadie Edwards at
her home on North Bromley avenue.
The time was spent in singing nnd oth
er diversions and at a seasonable hour
refreshments were served.
Enjoyable Entertainment Given in
Pharmacy Hall Last Night.
Other News Nofces.
The social and entertainment given
by the St. Aloyslus Total Abstinence
and Benevolent society last evening In
Phntmacy hall was a decided success,
and reflects very oicditably upon Its
promoters, the committee, Messrs.
Thomas J. Handler, Michael Jauhn
and Thomas Lowry.
Tho programme vm ns follows:
Piano solo, Mr. Thomas P. Roland;
address, "Our Soelety," John Ward:
voenl solo, Thnman Rohan; address,
"Drunkenness," Thomas J. Hnndloy;
violin solo, Michael Tteilly; address,
".'father Mathew." Joseph Murphy:
buck and wing dance, Patrick Coyne;
address, 'Temperance," William Dan
iels: duet, Messrs. Moran nnd Coyne.
Refreshments were served after the
rendition of the progrnmme.
At 9.30 o'clock lnsi nlsht nn alarm of
fire was turned In from box 5'J. The
blaze was a small one In the barn of
tin- Mlnooka Store company. Thn Nep
1 tines were the first to respond to tho
fall and succeeded In entirely extin
guishing the fire before any of the
other companies anlved.
UndPr the auspices of the Brother
hood of St. Paul of the Cedar Avenue
Episcopal church, Rev. A. J. Van Cleft
deliver, d a lecture last night on tho
Mtbiect "Abraham Lincoln, America's
Greatest Son."
The Anthracite foot ball team will
play tho Roers on Saturday afternoon
at li o'clock.
A special meeting of the Century
Hose company, No. V will be held to
night in theli hall on Plttston aconue,
In order to compli't; arrangements
for the firemen's parade.
The Young People's socletv of the
Christ Lutheran church. Cedar avnue,
tire preparing for a supper to be given
In the chuich parlors, Wednesday
evening. Oct. 17.
Woik on tho Locust street sewer Is
progressing rapidly under direction oif
Contractor Koons. the trenches on
South 7-,octit street are bMng almost
finished. Work will commence next
week on Cedar avenue as far north as
Elm stieet and south to Brook street.
The Scranton S.'.engoirunde Vocal
club are rchwirslng for their concert
to be given Oct. :'0.
The fair committee of the Scranton
Athletic club met last night to trans
act business relating to their coming
fair to be held In the ball on Alder
Mr and .Mrs. Otto Martin returned
to New Yoik yesterday, after making
a to months' visit to Mr. and Mrs
Hesslneer. Mrs. Martin's parents. They
will remain In New York permanently
Fred, of Birch street, is
spending a few days In Pittsburg.
Announcement is maIo of the com
ing marriage of Mlrs Matilda Velth, of
Mnplewoo'l. and Mr, Adam Freuchtel,
of South Side.
Henry Henn, of the Independent En
gine company, is vl.sttlng his sister in
Mrs. Helfrlch. of Mt. Vernon, is vis
iting her mother, Mis. Zimmer, of Ce
dar avenue.
Dr. M. H. Quinn, of Piltston n"enuo,
spent yesterday in Wllkes-Barr", at
tending the convention of tho directors
of the poor board,
The marriage of Miss Margaret M.
Williams, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry P. Williams, to Charles B.
Mansfield took place at the homo of the
bride's parents, on Ferdinand street, on
Wednesday evening. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. R. S. Jones, D,
D pastor of the West Market Street
Welsh Congregational church, In the
ptesenco of a large concourse of
The btldo was attended by Miss Mnr
guiet Lewis, and the gloom's bi other,
Ernest, set ved as best man, The bride
waa becomingly attired In a dtess of
blue silk, tilmmed with chiffon. Im
mediately after tho ceremony a wed
ding supper was served to the munv
guests present.
Mis. Mansfield Is a young ladv of
sterling ciualltics and possesses tho es
teem of a legion of friends. Mr. Mans
field Is a resident of West Scranton and
is a prominent contractor. The newly
wedded couple will dispense with the
customary wedding tour, and will be
gin housekeeping In u handsomely fur
nished house on Chestnut street.
Told in Brief,
Mr, and Mrs, Huriy Simmons, of
Church avenue, entertained a few of
their friends at their home on Wednes
day evening, the occasion being tho
fifth anniversary of their marriage. Mr,
and Mrs, Simmons weto tho recipients
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question in tho family
every day, Let us aubwer it to-day, Try
a delicious and healthful dessert.
pared in two minutes. No boilinir !
baking ! add boiling water and bet to
cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Oct a package
at your groceis to-day, to cts.
t ,
If s the Light and
Medium-weight Topcoat
We wish to call your attention to just at
this time. Our selection of cloths, our par
ticular attention to the tailoring and style give
us the advantage over all others. We have
no serious rivalry ; no rivalry at all, except
some of the best ''Custom Tailors." In
Ready-tO'Wear Top Coats we show the larg
est range of cloth effects in this city. They
reflect in styles the "very latest fashion plate"
for this season; short, medium and long
lengths. Light and medium shades of the
new "Rosemond" and "Auburn" Covert and
Whipcord, with various differences of "Full
Box Back." Some are very full with that
stylish "hang" from the shoulder ; others are
medium "both are stylish." The best value
for your money, beyond any question, what
soever. Our display windows will give some
idea of what we try to explain here: Prices from
Samter Bros.,
Scranton's Leading Outfitters.
of many benutiful and useful presents.
Mrs. Simmons was assisted in recoiv
lug by her sister, Miss Emery.
The Elbctric Social club gave their
first annual ball In the Auditorium on
Wednesday evening. The iclub Is com
posed of some of the best known young
men of this section.
Professor Carpenter will give a free
stereoptlcon exhibition this evening on
the Providence square.
A large number of miners, mostly
Welsh and English people, have left
within the past week for their native
home. There were about thirty men
who left, most of whom have families,
nnd in all probability they will send
for them in a short time. A number
of Polanders nnd Hungarians have also
left for Em ope.
Mis. S. M. Ken tor, of Summit ave
nue, is suffering with a sprained ankle.
Professor Caipenter will give a free
stereoptlcon exhibition this evening on
tho Providence square. "
Miss Blanche Kennedy, of Keystons
academy, who has been the guest of
her grandmother, Mrs. Kennedy, of
Thompson street, has returned to
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, of West
Market street, delightfully enteitalned
a number of friends at their homo on
Tuesday evening.
This evening there will be n special
meeting of the stationary firemen of
the North End in O'Malley's hall at 7
Professor Carpenter will give a free
stereoptlcon exhibition this evening on
the Providence square.
Miss Mary Lynch, of Parker stieet,
Is convalescing, after a week's illness.
The young daughter of Major nnd
Mrs. Relchert, of North Main avenue,
has the scarlet fever.
Eustace Lynott, of West Mniket
street, has left for New York cltv,
where he expects to join the navy for
five vents.
The management of the Noith End
Stars' basket ball team has arranged
for tho appearance of tho Plttston
champion basket ball team next Tues
day evening. The Plttston aggregation
compilses playnis who have won famu
by their .scientific playing, consequent
ly a game of bosket ball ns It slioull
bo playnd will bu seen, as the Stars
are considered to bo adepts at the
Professor Caipenter will give a freo
stereoptlcon exhibition this evening on
the Providence square
The following Is tho make-up of a
party of North Scranton poople who
nro spending n week at M. V. Morris'
cottago at Lake AVlnola: Mis. M. V,
Morris and daughters, Mr. and Mis,
John drier, Mrs. David Lloyd, Miss
Margaret Carwaullne, Miss Anna
Lloyd and Miss Bessie CrJor,
Professor CaipeiUcr will glvo a free
stereoptlcon exhibition this evening on
the Providence squaie,
Miss Margaret Jones, of Atlantic
City, Is visiting friends In this section,
Alexander Hill has returned from a
visit with relatives In Wilkes-Barre,
Professor Caipenter will glvo a fico
stereoptlcon exhibition this evening on
tho Provldenca squaie, "
The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomus
J, Jordan will be held from the late
home of tho decsased on Chestnut
street this morning. The services will
be conducted at 0 o'clock, A solemn
high mass of requiem will bo sung,
after which interment will bo uiada
In the fumlly plat ill St. Maiy'a Catho
lic cemetery. ,
The foundry operated on Apple
street during tho past fow jears bv J.
N. Plnnell and some other buildings
on this plot havo been bought by W. J.
fcJ5 ;.
A Ready
To Wear Suit
May appear to you the same kind of a suit
as a "Ready-Made." But there is a difference
a vast difference. The system applied to our
Ready-to- Wear Clothes is exactly the same as
the custom Tailor uses only on a larger scale,
every suit being cut separate. If you wish to
save part of your tailor's bill call and see what
we can do for you in suits from
$10.00 to
Hall, the wagon-maker, who contem
plates some Improvements.
The funeral of Henry Collins oc
curred yesterday afternoon from the
home of his parents on Pine street.
The services weie well attended, as
were the brief services held at the
grave In St. Mary's cemetery.
Miss Elizabeth Murphy, of New York
city, leturned home yesterday after
.spending several days as the guest of
Miss McIIale, of Elm street.
The borough council will meet to
discuss plans for the construction of
the sewer at the call of the chair.
Secretary Gllllgan was not present at
the meeting called for last evening.
The Incandescent electric lights in
the business portion of tho borough
suddenly went out last night and
caused inconvenience for some time.
Martin Bullock, of this borough, and
Mit-s Laura Cianston were united In
marriage yesterday afternoon at 4
o'clock at the home of the bride on
South Blakely street. Rev. P. P. Doty,
of Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal
church, performed the ceremony.
The Dunmore Water compnny is
asraln confronted with a badly depleted
supplv In conseouenco of the drought,
and because of Its Inability to borrow
nny water from the Scrunton com
pany, is contemplating shutting off Its
service n part of the day In the dlf
fMont localities, on their turn, so as
to enforce economy.
The death of Xfo. Sjrah W. Stevens, Oct. 0, at
10 p. in., which occurred at the home of hei
laughter, Mrs. J. .. Voasrcr, of Atienlcin, id
moves one of the oldest ami most respected res.
diiiN of L.ifl.iu uiii.i luunly. The di'iiuied was
horn In Colruln, M.1-.S., June 2",, lsr, but re
moved with her pircnts, Mr. and Mrs. hamuli
I'wlc, to lllakcly in lM'l, where she resided until
her mml.vo lf J, Jl. Mevens In lStl, removing
to I'.lmlmrst, whore ,she lived until the death of
her husband Iu lsil. Nina chltdicn blessed their
union, only four of whom are living: Klenora
Yn'cr, of Alrrileens Thomas !,, of Mis.ourl;
Clucni i:., of Forest fit, and Sarah K. Hur
dlil:, of brraiitnn, who mourn the los of a lov
Inir and devoted mother. She was a devoted
member of the Methodist chuiili foi slty jcais.
The fupcral will be held al Moimvv Methodist
Knlircpjl ( Saturday at 2 p. m. Interment
In 1'airviiw cemetery, Khnhurst,
John l.iv in patscd away nt hid home In Price
burg yistcrdiy inoiiiliis .iflii un illntss of three
werKs' duration. Pcciascd hid been a resident
of I'rlccburg for a number of ari, where he was
well known and rupectcd. A wife nnd four
chlldrui survive Mm, 'I he funeral will take
pl.iio tomorrow morning nt 10 o'tloiK. Inter
ment will be made in II) do Park.
Mrs. Annie Daniels, aged 33 jenrs, died early
jrsteiday morning nt her home, 2iS North II) du
Park avenue, after a short Illness. Deceased
was the wife of Isaac P.inlcls, and was hlghl)
lii-lctt(d by all who knew her, Tho funeral
I will wiiir Mindiy nlurnoon. Interment will be
made in Washburn street lemctcry.
f.ena, the 4-rar-nhl d lid of Mr. and Mrs,
fltorge Dec lu'lnic k, of South Main avenue und I.u
zerne slreit, died .vestirday, The remains will
bu Interred tomorrow uftunoun. bcrvlus will
bo held at the house at 2 o'clock.
A child of V, Moid llcrllngliof, of
1371 f'jpouse avenue, died on Wcdncsda), The
fuiural unlets, were held at the house at 2. SO
o'clock this afternoon. Internum will he made
In Uumnuro cemetery,
Ml-s Nellie fonboy, of Moscow, died )estcnlay
morning ut her home aflrr a short Illness. The
funeral will be held at 2.30 o'clock Sunday af.
teruoon, with services and Interment in Moscow-,
Uy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
l'liUudclrhia, t. U.Tho American Antl.
Tiust l.euuue of l'enn.-lvjnla has issued a call
for a state convention to meet In this ilty on
r'llday evening, October 11. The call requests
county leagues throughout the state to 'send
lilruci'.tatliis to the cuuvcnllon,
" '
$10 to $25
"-"BurKunder &Reli. Laueiaand Mangr
A. J. Duffy, Duln Manager.
Saturday Matinee and N ght, Oct. 13
with the noted California Actor,
as Crockett, supported by tho younx aad btao
nml E. M. Gardner's New York David Crockett
Special Matini-e Prices Entire lower floor, 60c.:
entire; balcony, 23c; children under U years of
ri to any part of the house, 15c; lower floor
botes and Icjes, 72c.; upper floor boxes and
lKes .10c. Iwii'it prices, "JSc, SOc. and 75c.
Advance F.ile of scuts will open Thursday, Oct,
11 at 0 a. m.
One Night Only,
Managers Wagenhals and Kemper present
In a Stupendous Scenic Production of
Magnificent scenery and electrics! effects,
Grand chorus and splendid ballet. The famoui
Mendelsohn muslo with especially composed
numbers by Maxim De dross.
PRICKS Orchestra, $1.50; orchestra circle, 11)
dress circle, $1; balcony, first two rows, 70c.
circle, fiOu.
Advance rale of scats will open Saturday, Oc
tober 13. at 0 a. m.
nonclay Night, Oct. 15
Tho First ot Ten Superb Attractions.
Gov. Bob Taylor
will deliver his famous lecture on the "Ftddlo
and the Bow." beats now on sale.
. i
ACADEriY OF nusic,
ry aVHQUHDRR & HBIS, Lessees.
II. A. UKUWM, Manager.
Daniel R.Ryan
Supported by his own superb company, present
lug 'Ihursday night,
Tluirjc'ay Matinee,
Dally Matircea, 10 and 20 cents.
Evening prices 10, 20 and SO cents.
New Gaiely Tlnatre
II. II. LONO, I.rshee and Manager.
Ilalance of this week." Matinee every day.
Including Inez MccuAer and 30 others.
Three Hays Commencing Monday, Oct. 15.
Howard & Emerson's New York Girl
Composed of the follovvinp; well known peoplet
Howard and i:incrn, Livingston Family, Kelly
ami Davis, Kitty Nelson, Williams and Adams,
Josephine Hsrvcy, I'lsher and Clark, Lily Tudor,
With thirty people in the cast. Introducing the
slJe-splittlnir Iturlctta entitled
Prices, 15, '15, 35 and 30 cents.
f be Ukkson Blmiurueturlng Oo.
keranton avud Witkat-Uarra, fa,,
Mauufaoturers of
Boilers. Hoisting and Puasplog AUchUeryv
OtaerM Ofllc, Sortaton, Fa.