aVi k,. TUty-jk FffyfiWTvW M5;v 8WKlHlfcNKi rf, mimp. wfF m f pppgp ' .: fiiSn.v.1'. w& wt. & rv V H A" t' a Si- .SCI J ,, f ribmtie. tttoitoit ; . THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. "z: i ft i,rwBFL wi? . -an-s-ygTV: I fc w , TWO CEKTaa i JIU-"" CAMPAIGNERS ARE ACTIVE Gov. Roosevelt Breaks the Audience Record at Fort Wayne. MAKES THREE SPEECHES Ta Honored by Three Large Parades and Addresses the Greatest Number of Persons That Ever Gathered to Iristen to a Political Candidate. Senator Quay Makes Two Short Addresses Mr. Bryan Visits the Famous Peach and Celery Belts of Michigan. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated rrcss. Fort Wayne. Ind., Oct. 10. Governor Roosevelt closed a busy day's Work by making three speeches In this city to-night, addrsslng the greatest mim iber of persons in the aggregate who ever gathered in Fort "Wayne to lis ten to a. political candidate. He was honored also with three large parades. The last stop prior to the arrival here was at Huntington, where a large Illuminated parade was given. Reach ing Fort "Wayne, the governor was driven immediately to the rink, where he was greeted with prolonged ap plause. Having delivered his address, he was escorted to a large tent, es pecially erected for the occasion, where he made a second speech, and then went to Liberty hall, where he siiokc for the third time. At the concision of the governor's sneech at the rink, Curtis Guild was introduced. Ho made an effective speech, and was cheered igencrously. Other speakers 'at the throe meetings were United States Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana; Charles Jewett.of the Indi ana Republican State committee, and W. B. English, who during the Spanish war. was a member of General Wheel r's" tan. When the Roosevelt party reached the rink the structure was crowded, hundreds of persons being unable to obtain admission. When the governor was Introduced the audience gave three cheers and a tiger. The governor's ad dress was a reply to a speech recent ly made at Macomb, Ills,, by William J. Bryan. Senator Quay 111. Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 10. Ex-Senator Quay made two speeches to-day that did not amount to 100 words. He has the appearance of a sick man, and Is suffering from a cold, contracted on his tour. When the train bearing his party reached Uniontown this after noon the colonel slipped into a hotel the back way to avoid the crowd that had gathered about the station with several bands to welcome him. The local politicians crowded Into the ho tel parlors to meet the "Old Man," and an open-air meeting was held at the court house yard at 4 o'clock. Colonel Quay did not want to speak, but final ly appeared before the crowd and ex cused himself by saying he was under the care of a doctor, was there Against his orders and could not make a speech. A dinner was given the distin guished paity by Frank M. Fuller, after the afternoon meeting was over. A parade passed over the principal etreets of the town this evening, the chief feature of which was the dele gation from the Oliver coke works, and after It was over the crowds filled the opera house to listen to the speak ers. In response to continued calls for "Quay" the ex-senator came forward. Mr. Quay, among other things, said that he was an old soldier and was very glad to be In the presence of his friends, but as he was there against his doctor's instructions, begged that they would excuse him from address ing them. Then he sat down, and shortly afterward he was driven to his hotel. Speeches were made by Gover nor Stone, ex-Governor Wise, of Vir ginia; John I. Elkln, Marriott Bros slus, James Francis nurko, of Pitts burg, and William H. Fall less, of Vir ginia. Special trains were run on tlueu roads, but the attendance from out side points was small. Bryan in the Pencil Belt, Grand Rapids, Mich,, Oct. 10. The weather for the (list day of Mr, Bry an's tour of the state of Michigan was all that could bo asked. He inado six teen addresses from ilrst to lost and all but one of the meetings were held In the open air, The tour wns under the management of State Chnlininn Campau and was admirably conducted. The train was at no time more than ten minutes behind time and nil of tlio speaking platforms wore erected no near tho railroad depots tliut In only one instance was It necessary for Mr. Bryan to enter a carriage In order to reach them, Tho country traversed was varied In diameter, including the fanious Michigan celery belt, the scarcely less famous peach country, as well as much furniture manufnuturlng territory, The towns In which speech es were made were Michigan City, New Buffalo, Benton Harbor, Miles, Dow aglac, Lawton, Kalamazoo, Plalnvvell, Otsego, Allegan, Hamilton, Holland, Grand Haven, Muskegon and Grand Rapids, two meetings being held at the last named place. The crowds were all complimentary In size as well as In the attention given, but those of the day were neither so large nor so enthusiastic as Mr. Bryan's meetings In Indiana and Illinois. The night meetings at Muskegon and Grand Rap ids were both, however, equal to the bt of the entire tour- ws- nf1. ! ri ROOSEVELT AOAIN ATTACKED. Hoodlums of Fort Wayne Endeavor to Blval Those of Victor. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre!. Fort Wayne, Oct. 10. Hoodlums of Fort Wayne to-night endeavored to rlvnl those who mase nn attack on Governor Roosevelt In Victor, Colo, and In a mtasure succeeded. On Cal houn street, shortly before the bead of the procession reached the rink, where tho governor was to speak, a party of roughs on the sidewalk throw a shower of stones at Colonel Roose velt's carriage. One struck Governor RooFcvelt, and another, alined at the governor, mlssfcd him and struck Col. Curtis Guild, Jr., of Boston, In the face. Tho governor was not hurt, and laughed tho matter oft. Tho horses attached to tho governoi's carriage wero whipped up and got away from the roughs, who offered no further vio lence nnd used no bud or Insulting lan guage. generalIarrison will not speak Statement That He Would Take Part in tne Campaign Not Authorized. His Opinion of Bryanlsm. By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Press. New York, Oct 10. General Benja min Harrison gave out an Interview and statement tonight. He was asked: "Is it true, general, that you have consented to make somo speeches in the campaign?" "No, that statement has not been authorized by me," was his answer. "I have said to every one who has spoken or written to me on the sub ject, that I could not do any more campaign work. I began to make Re publican speeches the year I began to vote and have had a laborious, If un important, part in every campaign, state nnd national, since, until 189S. In 1SI6 I submitted myself to very hard usage and then made up my mind, nnd so said to my friends, that I would do no more campaigning. Fol lowing this conclusion, I declined to take a speaking part In the campaign of 1S9S. My retirement dates from that year, not from this. Few men have made more speeches for their party than I have, and no ex-presl-dent, I am sure, has made more. Since I loft Washington, my retirement from all participation in pnity manage ment has been complete. All that I have left to others, and I think they have very generally and kindly ac cepted mv sense of the propriety of the case at least between campaigns. In a word, I have vacated the choir loft and taken a seat In tho pew with a deep sense of gratitude to my for bearing fellow-countrymen." "But gnernl, it is said that you are not altogether In accord with your party?" "Well, I have heard that my silence was Imputed by some to that cause. Now the only public utterance I have made in criticism of the policies of the party was contained in tho Interview, consisting of one rather short sentence that I gave to the newspapers while the Porto Rico bill was pending. It was in substance that I regarded the bill as a grave departure from right principles. I still think so. I do not believe that the legislative power of congress in the territories is absolute and I do believe that tho revenue clause relating to duties and Imposts applies to Porto Rico. These views I know are not held by many able law yers. It is a legal question, one that the political departments of the gov ernment cannot fully adjudge. Tho llnal and controlling word upon the question Is with the supreme court of the United States. Cases Involving the question are, I understand, pending and a decision in which wv must nil acquiesce cannot be much deferred. I think, therefore, that voters ought to vote with a view to the right decision of those questions that are directly and finally in tho control of the president and congress. "The general reasons I gave In my Carnegie hall speech in 1S9S why Mr. Bryan should not be elected still bold good with me. His election would, I think, throw governmental nnd busi ness affairs into confusion. We should not aid the election of a president who would ndmltledl.v, If he could, destroy the gold standard and other things that we value even more, upon the decspt ivo suggestion that he has been bound and that the Republican parly will, af ter defeat, still have strength enough to save the temple. It will bo much better not to ullow tho man with de structive tendencies bo much as to lean against its pillars. "Pei haps It will save you much trouble If I give you and underwrite as of this date this extract from my Carneglo hall speech: " 'When wo have a president who believes that It is neither his rlsht nor his duty to see that the mall trains are not obstructed, and that Inter-state commerce has Its free way, Irrespective of state linos and courts that fear to use their ancient nnd fa miliar wilts to restrain and punish lawbreakers, free trado and free sliver will bo appropriate accompaniments of such an administration and cannot add appreciably to the national distress or the national dishonor.' "The economic policies of the Repub lican party have been vindicated by the remarkable and general prosperity that has developed during Mr.MoKln ley's administration succeeding a pe riod of great depression, A change of administration this full would renmv conditions from which we have so hop plly escaped. The full dinner bucket Is not a sordid emblem. It has a sur Itual Blgnlllcance for the sprltually mlnded. It means that comfort for the wife and family, more schooling and less work for tho children nnd a margin of saving for sickness and old age." General Harrison will leave New York for his home on Friday. POSTMASTER OP MONTROSE. fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 10. The president appointed Samuel 8. Wright postmaster of Uontrose, fa. SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, OUR ANSWER TO FRANCE Reply to Propositions in Respect to China Is Forwarded. TEXT IS NOT PUBLISHED It Is Believed That the Plrst nnd Third of the Suggestions Meet the Approval of the Administration. Minister Conger Submits Evidence Implicating Fifteen or Twenty Leading Chinese Officials at Pekin. Punishment of the Boxers. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Washlngton.Oct. 10. The reply of the United States government to the latest note from Franco offering suggestions as to the settlement of the troubles In China was completed late today and delivered to M. Thiebaut, charge d'af faires of the French embassy. By him It was forwarded Immediately to his government. No official statement of the contents of the answer was obtainable. Follow ing Its Inflexible rule the state depart ment declined to make public the text of the communication or to make nnv statement of the nature of Its contents until opportunity had been afforded for Its reception by the French foreign of fice. It Is believed, however, to take a favorable view of the suggestions sub mitted by the French government In a general way, although it does not com mit this government to all of them. Of the six suggestions made by France two the first and the third meet with the approval of the admin istration, and will form a basis for co , operation. The first proposition is that ' the Chinese lenders responsible for the ! anti-foreign outrages shall be ade-i quately punished. The United States administration agrees heartily with France on that proposal, but believes that to be thoroughly effective the punishment should be administered by Chinese authorities. - - Conger's Evidence. Minister Conger has submitted evi dence to tne state department Indicat ing the guilt of between fifteen and twenty leading Chinese officials. The United States will insist on the punish ment of those. The administration also agrees with Franco in the third proposition that .suitable Indemnity be required for all Injuries inflicted during tho anti-foreign riots, although the American de mand in that respect would be less radical than that of France. The proposal to prohibit the impor tation of arms into China Is not ac ceptable to the United States govern ment. The enforcement of that de mand, it is believed, might call for the use of force and for warlike pre parations that should not be under take without authorization by con gress. The United States administra tion does not Intend to make diplo matic suggestions which congress must be called on to ratify. It Is for that reason that Secretary Hay's re ply will not Indicate the acceptance of the fifth proposition for the disman tlement of the Tnku forts, or of tho fourth nnd sixth, for the establish ment of a permanent legation guard in Pekin, and tho guarding of a mili tary road between Pekin and Tien Tfln. Tho United States' reply, therefore, will probably cover in detail only three of tho points the first nnd third, which are accepted, and the second, which is rejected. The other three points will bo referi ed lo, hut the response to them will not be final, tho Idea being to leave them open for fur ther discussion, the doubt of this gov ernment as to tholr expediency hav ing been suggested. The Punishment. It Is understood that tho admin istration Is pleased with tho dispo sition shown by tho Chinese authori ties to punish offenders. The prom ise to behead three cf them, to Im prison three others for life and to banish Prince Tuan to tho Imperial military postroads on the Siberian frontier, Is regarded as satisfactory, so far as it goes. Tho punishment which it is proposed to inflict on Tuan, It is said, Is one of tho most severe punishments In China to men of high standing. Tho place of punishment hi almost a desert, SARATOGA RETURNS. The Pennsylvania School Shtp Home from the Summer Cruise, Ily Exclusive Wire from The- Associated Preu. Philadelphia, Oct. 10, Tho Pennsyl vania state school ship Saratoga ar rived Inside the Delaware capes today, after her usual summer cruise. She was not scheduled to arrive before Oct. 18, and has consequently made faster time than was expected. All on board are reported well, The Saratoga loft heie on June 18 for Southompton. Tho boys were given nn opportunity of seeing London, Havre was the next point and the Paris exposition was vis ited by the young sailors. Gibraltar nnd the Mediterranean and tho Maderla Islands next were visited, after which the ship lsft on her homeward voyage, IRON ORE MINES SHUT DOWN, ny Exclusive W'iie (mm The Associated Piess. Utlta, N, Y.i Oft. 10. The Franklin furnace and Clinton Iron nrc mines, which have becti operated (or the last eighteen months Dy it. A. Ilanna ft Co., of Cleveland, will abut down and go out ot blabt. About 400 people will be thrown out oi work. No crplanation is made as to vv hy the fires will be drawn. STATE TREASURER'S REPLY. Directors of Montgomery County, It Is Alleged, Have No Case. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Hnrrlsburg, Oct. 10. Tho nnnwers of Slate Treasurer Harriett and the su perintendent of public Instruction to tho mandamus suit began against tliem by tho school directors of Lower Providence township, Montgomery county, to compel them to pay the school fund on the basis of an appro priation of .13,500,000 per annum, as passed by tho legislature, was tiled here today. Both admit all of the al legations In the plaintiff's bill of com plnlnt with the exception of that which says that the defendants have refused to pny the school fund according to law.whlch point, the answer says, must be decided by tho courts. It Is also denied that the defendants have re fused to pay tho school board the full amount duo It or nt any time desig nated tho whole sum duo It, but have paid the sum of $1,000 on account, and expect to pay the balance when con venient. In closing the defendants say that the petitioners have 'no standing In court, unless they apply for the writ through the attorney general, and the allegation Is made that the petition ers are not the real parties to the ac tion, but have allowed the use of their names at the Instigation of a news paper In Philadelphia, which Is not beneficially Interested In the people of the school district nnd which Is placed In the position of a public relator and must b"ing action through tho attor ney general. .. SAYS SAVAGES KILLED ANDREE Explorer from Hudson's Bay Coun try Gets Story from Natives. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Minneapolis, Oct. 10. Harry S. Knappen, a newspaper man, who has just returned from a trip up tho east shore of Hudson's bay, brings a story that may possibly explain the fate of the Andree polar balloon expe dition. Knappen. nine white men and eight Indians, sailed 600 miles up the bay. At the northern end of their journey they found nn Eskimo tribe, who re ported thnt two years before a "sky boat" had come Into tho region ,on the extreme northeast shorn of the bay, that It came to the ground, and that the hostile natives of that coun try killed the white men In It. Knappen brought back nothing in the nature of evidence confirming the theory that the men In the "sky boat" wore And tee and his companions, but he believes that they were the ex plorers. r- WOMEN WHO WED MUST RESIGN Postofflce Department Makes Ruling in nn Indiana Case. By Exclusive Wirt- liom The Aix'latcil Prsix Indianapolis, Oct., 10. Uncle Sam doesn't wish to encourage imtrimony among the women em oiled as clerks in the postofllco department. Proof of this attitude is provided in the case of Mrs. John J. Williams, for merly Mrs. Annie Dally. Mrs. Williams, then Mrs. Dally, was postmistress at Irvington until that office was abolished several months ago: thereafter she had a clerkship In the India nanolis office. Three weeks 1 ago she became the wife of John J. j Williams. I Postmaster McGlnnls tried to retain bor in her position until January 1, I but the department authorities at Washington ruled against her, say ing that women who marry muit leave tho service. CATHOLIC CONVENTION. Mutual Benevolent Association in Session at Buffalo. Uy Exclusive Wlie from The Associated I'rcw. Buffalo. Oct. 10. At the eaily session of the Catholic Mutual Benevolent as sociation, the Supreme council delib erated upon tho rcpoit of tho law committee. Among the topics discussed wero amendment homing upon the issuing of a national directory, the payment of a bonus of $230 to tho gtand dupu ty of any diocese In which ten new Catholic Mutual Benevolent associa tions are organized in one year and tho publication in tho official paper of tho bids for printing oiderod by the grand council. FOOT BALL GAMES. Pennsylvania nnd Princeton Clubs Win Easy Victories. fly Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press. I'lilhili'lphh, Oct. 10. PcMisjlvanli defeated tin! DIcMli'on college eleven this nftunoou in , halves (if twenty minuted r.ich by the ecoie nt 35 to 0. Iheic vvjv a nolke-imu improvement In I'um's pl.iy, Eveiy man irot Into the plajs and tliilo vu a kplllt of'hrlp one annthtr," lint npp.iicnt In the pievloui Rimies. Hit Union fnmhlul bully mid (he boelv limmoii vwie blow in KCtttn-r into the wilmtiiu's. I'liiiietmi, Oct, lu, I'll union won from I'viui. hjlvjnl.i Mnto rollcce todiy with roinpnutlvu case by ilu scoio of id to 0. 1'ioni .he very sUlt I'riliMlnn (omul ll.melv anv illihmlly m piiiii'liiiliip; their opponents' line for bis galm and IlO'ljnuii tcvrul times In the ml lull Urvlcil the mill tor tlftecu uud tv.rntv v.inb. The stain collece wai very weak on the ilcfeiuo and hrr offensive pliys wcio poor, I'rlncilon'n woik was (h'liailcrlrod b splindlil Intirtirvmo throughout the khiiio and thu mtlchncu of her men nt Kcttlng Into play, Other Games. At New llavui-U!e, W, Hates. 0. At New YmU-Colunbta, 0; Williams, 0. At t'amhild,'e Harvard, U; Anihirtt. 0. At Easton-I.afaytttc, Hi Manhattan rollcse, 0. STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS. Py K.tcUishu Wire tio.u The Associated 1'resi. New York, Oct. lu. Arrived! W'esternland, from Antwerp; KnUcilu MirU Theresa, llmncn, etc.; Slate n Nebraska, (ilasgow nnd London deny. Cleared: La Touralne, Havre; DeutMli land, Rnttridaiii; Aub'mle Vhtoila, llambiut,' via I'll mouth and Cherbourg; firovcr Kurfuut, lire men via Chcrlour. Sailed: (Icorglc, Liver pool; New Yo'ki Southampton; Teutonic, Liver pool; SouthwarU, Antwerp. Liverpool Arrived; Oceanic, from New York. Sailed: JIajeatle, (Juceiistov. n, and Niur York. Southampton Ar rived! St. Louis, New YorL'. Sailed: Alter, from Bremen and Cherbourg, New York, llou lognc Arrived! Epaarndam, New York lor Hot terdam. Movllle Arrived: Fumcula, New York for Glasgow, OCTOBER 11, 1900. BLOODSHED AT HAZLETON A Special Policeman Shot Dcad-r-Several Are Wounded. STRIKERS ARE ALSO HURT An Attempt to Prevent Men from Working at Onolda Colliery Is Pol lowed by Fatal Results A Striker Probably Patally Hurt and Ten Non-Union Men More or Less Seri ously Injured Women Stone the Superintendent of the Mints Nar row Escape of a Minister. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Hazleton, Oct. 10. A special police man was instantly killed, another was wounded In the head, a striker was probably fatally shot and ten non union men were more or less seriously wounded at the Oneida colliery of Coxe Bros. In a clash between the officers and 600 strikers this morning. The vic tims are: Killed Ralph Mills, aged 50 years, of Heaver Meadow, one of the officers conveyed In a special train early this morning from that place to Oneida. He was shot through the back. Wounded George Kellnor, nged 38 years, of Beaver Meadow, also a spe cial officer. He received shot wounds In the head, but will recover. Joseph Lesko, aged 38 years, of Shcppton, a striker. He was shot In the groin and will probably die. Ten non-union men were stoned, but only two of them were scilously In jured. They are Jonathan Blargln and James Tosh, of Sheppton. The former sustained scalp wounds and the latter had four ribs broken. Workmen Are Stoned. The Oneida colliery having been In operation since the-inauguration of the strike, the union men at Oneida am' Sheppton, where many of the employes of the Oneida and Derringer collieries of Coxe Bros. & Co. live, dowlded tarty this morning to close down the mine. They gathered In groups on the streets as early as 3 o'clock. As the non-union men went to work they were asked by the strikers to remain at home. Some turned back, others did not. Those who went to the colliery were stoned. Van Blargln, one of the non-union em ployes, attempted to pull a revolver, but the weapon was taken from him, and In the beating he received he had several ribs broken. This occurred just before starting time at tho mine. The strikers remained at the colliery all morning. As the small mine loco motive used In hauling coal from the No. 2 and No. 3 collieries to the Oneida breaker pulled up on the road near the latter colliery, a crowd of women blocked the track. The women were told by General Superintendent Kud llcke to go home. He assured them that thelf other grievances would be properly adjusted. The women refused to listen and stoned the superintend ent who was wounded In the head. Then the striking men and the women rushed toward the No. 2 colliery. A force of about fifty special policemen who had been brought down from Bea ver Meadow to prevent trouble, at tempted to Intercept the mob, but they were powerless to do nnythlng and re tired to the engine house. The First Shot. Just as the officers got close to shel ter a shot was fired. This was followed by another and In a few seconds many shots rang through the air. Policeman Mills was the Ilrst to fall. Then Jo soph Lesko, a striker, staggered to tho ground. No one knows who .shot first, but it Is believed that both the strikers and tho officers used their weapons. A gunshot killed Mills and small shot struck Policeman Kellnor. Lesko, tho striker, was struck by a ball from a revolver, with which all the officers were armed, After the shooting the strikers dis persed. Sheriff Toole, of Schuylkill I county, In whoso territory the clash occurred, was In Philadelphia and could render no assistance. Ills chief , deputy, James O'Donnell, nnlved hero this afternoon and went to tho scene .-Irli i, fm-nn nf mniv A T.lrhlinnlnn ' minister from Freoland, who baptised a child at Oneida Just at the time tho shooting was in progress, was mistak en by tho strikers for Superintendent Kudllcks and narrowly escaped being stoned. Ilo was pnon recognized by a friend and escorted safely to tho sta tion, COXE COLLIERIES CLOSE. Notices Posted Announcing Suspen sion Until Strike Is Over. By Exclusive Wire from 'Hie Associated Press. Hazleton, Oct. 10, Notices wero pouted tonight by Coxe Bros. & Co., at their Oneida, Derringer, Ooweni and Beaver Meadow collieries, that thero would bo a suspension of work until the strike Is settled. Not ono colliery is now in full operation In the Hazleton district. Coxe Bros. & Co, have guards stationed at every ap proach to tho Onolda and Derringer collieries tonight. All the officials, Including Luther C, Smith, tho manager of the company, uro nn tho ground and a special train Is -waiting to carry them anywhere along the line of the Delaware, Sus quehanna and Schuylkill railroad. THE TROOPS WILL STAY. By Uxcluslve Wire from The Associated i'reis. Shenandoah, Oct. 10. General flobln has coun termanded tho order (or the withdrawal ot tho troopd from hero in ontlclpaltou ol an order T1IK NEWS this MOUNIXU Weather InJIcatlons Today, QENStlALLY FAIR. J nnicrBl 1'iesldrnt Mitchell's Views of the Operator' Cnncrwloii'. Miuntlinr nt Hvlctrn. llnvcrtier Jlooseu-ll M t'nrl Vnne. lleply t rrrni.li 1'mpnMllnn is I" Oiliia. J (leni-ril Xorthi'.i'lcrn l'cnn.vlvnuli. a l.ocnl--rolkmnn'Sliiipon Wedding. Drst Day of the ilat Tomiiameijt, I IMItorlal. .'iw m.d Comment. fl Local- I'li-Hldeut VtllclnHM Vliws ol the Op-t-MloiV I '(jiicesittJiiR (Concluded). 0 Loi.il Wct Scruntnn and hubuilitn. 7 Hound Alionl III" County. S Loral Ci iinlinl Ccurt Proceedings, l'liianrtal and Commeiclal. liom SheiilT Trolc foi tioopi at Onolda but at liihlnlKht be had li'-.inl absolutely nothing from the chciiiT. FARMERS ARE NOW BEING ROBBED Earns and Cellars Are Broken Into and Provisions Carried Away at Night Bev. Phillips' Opinion. By Kxrluslvn Wire from the Ayociatcd Press. Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 10. A number of deputy sheriffs left here tonight to Join Sheriff Harvey's force in the lower end of the county. The sheriff telephones to this city that the dis turbance at Oneida this morning was wholly unexpected. It was quite gen erally understood among the strikers that they would do no more marching until after the Scranton convention met and passed on the offer of the opera ators. The presence of so many men on the way to work thh morning en raged tho strikers. It Is now becoming apparent to the most cool-headed that unless the strike Is called off by the Scianton convention, theie Is going to bo more or less disturbance all over the anthracite region. Hunger Is beginning to manifest It self In the families of many of the strikers and another week of Idleness is going to bring distress to the home3 of many. Farmers who live close to the mining villages claim that they are being robbed of their property every night. Barns nnd cellars are broken Into and potatoes, meats and corn carried ayay. On Monday night a cow was slaugh tered In a Held near Buttonwood. The carcass was cut up and carried away In pieces. Last week another farmer nearby lost a cow and two sheep In the same way. Some of the farmers are now protecting their property with shot guns. Rev. E. S. Phillips, of Hazleton, who took such an active part In trying to prevent the strike, was In town today. He thought the outlook for a settle ment of the strike by the Scranton convention was most favorable. He sajs by this time the operators must recognize that the miners have a pow erful and compact organization and that It will be well to deal with them fairly. Rev. Phillips said when he went to New York to confer with the operators he tried to Impress upon the coal magnates that the men were well organized, but tho presidents of the coal carrying roads were loath to be lieve It. Now they have found out for themselves that the claims made be fore the strike began have been made good. The Hazleton clergyman be lieves that had the operators been convinced that the miners were as well organized as they are the strike would never have taken place. INSTRUCTIONS OF DISTRICT NO. 9 Delegates Representing' 50,000 Min ers in the Schuylkill Region Will Hake Many Demands. tly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tien. Shamokln, Oct. 10, Secretary George Harloln, of District No. 11, comprising tho counties of Schuylkill, Northum berland, Columbia and Dauphin, stat ed this evening that tho 50,000 mlno worlcrs of the dlstilct would bo rep resented at the Scranton convention by from 2U0 to 22"i delegates, In good utandlng of the United Mlno Workers of America, and that In addition to thn delegates being instructed to vote for n reduction In price of powder, ob servance ot the heml-monthly pay law, abolishment of tho sliding walo and acceptance of the ten per cent. Increase, In ease the operators guar antee to maintain tho Increase for one year, the delegates will oast their bal lots to compel operators and tepro sentu lives of coal carrying companies to recognize the union. Since the strike the United Mlno Winkers organization has more than doubled Its membership in this dis trict. YOUTSEY UNCONSCIOUS, Has Not Recovered from His Col lapse lu the Courtroom. Ily Exclusive Wiie from The ,uocili-l Pieu Georgetown, Ky Out. 10, Ilnnry 10. Vouthsy, now on trial charged with being a principal in tlia shooting of Governor fioobel, was reported uncoil bcloiiH today from the effects of hlH delirium lit tho courtroom last night, when ho denounced Arthur Goebel and hysterically proclaimed his Innocence, Proceedings In tho cube weio post poned until tomorrow, BRITISH ELECTIONS. f)y Exclusive Wire from llic Associated Press, London, (kt. 19.-The Liberals liavc been do luir far better In the couutlc in the parliamen tary general election than they did in the bo roughs. Today they pained two more .oats, thus equalizing the party pilrw. The Mil liter ialUU uovv hold 337 teats and the opojltiou &J3. TWO CENTS. MITCHELL DECLARES HIMSELF States Unequivocally That Hie Tcn-Pcr-Ccnt. Offer Is Not Satisfactory. ' GIVES THE REASONS WHY As Foreshadowed in the Tribune the Principal Objections Are the Ab sence of any Provisions for Con tinuing the Offer Definitely and Abolishing the Sliding Scale. Minora Gave Unmistakable Evi dence That These Were Their Sen timents, Too, and Further That They Understood Their Leader to Be Opposed to Accepting the Offer. Immense Parade Witnessed by a Great Concourse Speeches' by; ( Strike Celebrities. Oct. 10, 1800, will long live in the city's history as Labor's red letter day. Nothing to compare with yesterday's parade and mass meeting ' of tho United Mine Workers was ever wit nessed here before, and, save on tho most memorable of similar occasions In the largest cities, was it excelled In Its immensity. Sixteen thousand men participated in the parade, and fully five thousand moro than this number made up the assemblage that gathered to hear tho speeches of President John Mitchell and the other strike leaders. Its developments, too, were moment ous, for at the mass meeting the mul titude cheered -wildly a declaration by President Mitchell that ho considered unsatisfactory tho ten per cent offer which to-morrow's genqral convention of the miners of the whole anthracite region are to pass upon, and bv ac cepting It or rejecting It immediately end or indefinitely prolong the great strike, now in its twenty-fourth day. It was the Ilrst time for President Mitchell and many of the other strike, celebrities to visit Scranton, and In consequence Interest in tho event was heightened tho more. Weather Disagreeable. The weather was cold and blustering and generally disagreeable, but desplto this the central city contained one of the greatest throngs that ever lined Its streets to witness a parade. They commenced coming from all sides as early as noon, and by 2 o'clock, the time set for the procession to start, the ropes strung breast-high along the curbs, and the combined efforts of all the regular police and many reserves could scarcely keep the crowds con fined to the sidewalks. Vehicles of all kinds, Including street cars, were kept off the route of march during tho time the column was In motion, and tho danger of accidents was thus reduced to a minimum. Not a single ione of any consequence was reported. The marchers come from all parts of tha territory Included between Archbald and Port Griffith. Archbald had a big turnout, but PIttston's showing was a rather meagre one. Most of tho men camo from Scran ton and tho towns Immediately adjo ceut. Prlceburg, Dickson, Throop, Murshwood, Olyphant, Hlakely, Peck vlllo, Dunmore, Taylor, Mlnookn, Moo- i sir, Old Foige and Duryea all had big representations In line, and In tha majority of Instances tho-mon camo Into tho city afoot, somo of them trav- ellnr four and live miles before thoy began to parade, Camo on Bicycles. One squad of paraders, who attract ed eoiiMderablo attention, i-anie slxty- 1 four miles on bicycler. Thoy were six young lads from McAdoo and Audcn ' rled, Hugh and Patrick Mollwayne, William Wlddlck, James Gillespie, Charles lloylo and William Tash. They stinted at 1 o'clock In tho mornlnir, and icached here at 12:30 p. in. Tho Central Labor Union, through Its pies Ident, ,M. l. Flaherty, entertained them dining their btay. They rodo back to Wllkes-ll.il m last night, and lu the morning will btait for home, The Mtaittng of the paiade was de layed by thu lute arrival of President Mitchell and his party, Thoy were ex pected at 10 o'clock, but could not get out of Khumoklu until i o'clock, nnd did not leach here till 1:10 p. in. Upon their unlval they weio met by Oigiui Jzer Dllcher, tfecrctaiy Djiupsey and Continued on IVijti 3. f WEATHER FORECAST. 4- Washington, Oct. 10. roiciu-t for -f Eastern IVi nvylvanla: Uui-tuII lair -f Thiiitday nnd Eiidiy; fioh nuithvrly f winds. f -t Ttttt- t- i m .T-l 1 I i4J 1 1 vl m f "; m 3 'i1 -il I M 'X s ii , t . m&mk & Mi iL;.y.,. mAe&BR aW