mmmmmm mmmmmmm I i MIBlBMlMl !! HI ' I !! lMl ' IH . niWilniimi i 1111 IIMI IHMIMWlM IW IMM IMIMI III 1 1111 I M I 111 HWM I III I I I III I Mill III 111 lil mmm rftl " r" ' t. - - - T. , t i V ( lr',,C1, JJ t 8 THE SCRANTON TMBUNE- WEpNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1900. si fr 4., i? 1 f i- i? TRIAL OF THE CASE AGAINSTJDR. KNAPP ttoncluticil Irom Papcc !). i Mt.MAHM hn ..pltMlfint e-nurla of tho county, was next put on trial, . charffod by Jntncs May with a vicious aBsault nnd battery upon Mrs. Mary Barnoskl, Tho tuatlmony ot Mny anil a man named Kinney was mm uicy naw Kllnian belaboring the woman with h black-jack on Emmet street, and they compelled him to desist nnd took him before Alderman Kelly, of the ElRhtecnth wrrd, who held Ell man In ball, for his appearance at rourl. ELIiMAN'S STORY. oilman's story was to the effect that he had arrested a boy for stealing copper wire from the Hunt & Connoll warehouse, when Mrs. Ilnrnoskl canto along and attacked him so savagely that he had to let him bo. lie utlegcn that tho woman bit and otherwise left mnrks upon his person. To make her lot tro of him. he testified that ho hit her over the head with tho leather handle of his black-jack. Kllman wai defended by Attorneyn W. W. Uuylor and M. J. Ruddy, and the common wealth's side of the ense was con ducted by Attorney John M. Hur jls. A verdict had not been returned at the hour of adjournment. Miss Margaret Rums was urralsned on chnrses of selling liquor without a license and on Sunday. She had not employed counsel ami Attorney Ralph J). I,evy was assigned by the court to defend her. George 'West testified that on Sunday, .Tune S, with F. V. Dodge, ho visited the place kept by the defendant on North Main avenue in the First ward of this city, and pur chased two bottles of beer. They saw no license of any kind displayed on 1lie walls. The beer was sold to them by Miss Uurns. There was no bar In sight and when they asked for beer she went into an adjoining room and returned with two bottles of beer. Fred W. Dodge corroborated the tes timony of West. Robert Wilson, the agent for the Men's union, testified to admissions made by the defendant to the effect that she sold liquor with out ii license. SHE BECAME EXCITED. While he was testifying, MNs Burns said several times: "Von lie!" "You lie!" "You must keep f(uiei:" sternly said Judge Gordon to her. "I can't," exclaimed the woman, "when he's telling lies." "You must, or you'll be sent to jail," said the judge, and tho woman hubsided. The defense was that Miss Burns and her sister conducted a small store nnd occasionally sold a bottle of beer to their neighbors. They did not have a bar and did not know they were violating the law. She Mas a dress miker, but her hand became disabled and she was compelled to do something to make a living. In charging the jury the court said that the defendant had admitted selling and he did not see that they could do anything but render a verdict of guilty. Such a ver dict W&s rendered. In the case of Anthony Dunleavy, charged with selling liquor without a license, which .was given to the Jury by Judge Love just befoie the ad journment of the court Monday after noon, a verdict of guilty was returned jesterday afternoon. The jury had great difllculty In reashing an agree ment. In the case of Mrs. Catherine Can non, of Christ court, also charged with selling liquor without a licene, a verdict of guilty was returned yes terday morning. The jury in this case asked to be discharged Monday af ternoon, but the court refused to grant the request. They agreed soon af ter the adjourning hour, sealed their verdict and reported 5t to court yes terday morning. MRS. CRANE CONVICTED. The first case tried before Judge Love yesterday was that of Mrs. Sarah Crane, of Capouse avenue, Green Ridge, who was charged with selling liquor without a license. Robert Wil son, agent for the Men's union, 'was the prosecutor. The agents of the union testified that they visited Mrs. Crane's place on April 19 and pur chased drinks fiom her of an intoxi cating character. The jecord of tho cleik of the court's office was pro duced and pioved that Mrs. Crane was not granted a license to sell. The de fendant endeavored to show that a previous conviction had been obtained in this case befoie Mayor Moir un der the piovince of the city's speak easy ordinance, and held that the de fendant could not again be convicted for this offense. Judge Love refused to take this view of the case and thereupon the case was submitted to the jury without evidence on the part of the defense. A verdict of guilty was returned, and the defend ant recommended to tho mercy of tho court. M. J. Gilbride, of Brick avenue, this city, was tried on the charge of selling liquor without n license. This wan also one of tho Men's unton cases. Poveral witnesses testified to having purchased liquor at the defendant's place on July 3, of this year. It was also shown that tlio defendant had an Internal revenue license, and In his defense ho stated that ho only sold soft drinks and cigars, Tho jury of that case was out at adjourning hour. PLEADED GUILTY. Thomas Gerrlty, of this city, pleaded guilty to Rolling liquor without a li cense. Robert Wilson, agent for tho Men's union, waa tho prosecutor. Sen tence was suspended until Satutday, Gerrlty's wife was also Indicted fot tho samo offense, but upon his plead ing guilty, a nol pros, was entered In her case. A nol pros., upon pay ment of costs, was onteied In the ease of James J, I'adden, the Wash ington nvcmio hotelkoeper, charged with selling liquor on Sunday. County Deteotlvo Leyshon was prosecutor, The same action was taken In tho cuso of Mrs. Bridget Walsh, who also conducts n hotel on Washington avo nue. She also was charged with sell ing on Sunday, The first of tho gambling enses to be prosecuted by tho Men's union was called yesterday, Tho defendants wero Philip Elliott and Charles Davis, who had rooms over tho Windsor. Attor ney Fred E. Beers was piopecutor, Elliott entered a plea of guilty, and wna sentenced to $25 and costs. Davis did not appear and his bail was for feited and n capias Issued for him, Thomas E. Jones pleaded guilty to selling liquor without a license and will be sentenced Saturday. William Slmms entered a plea of rullty to a charge of aggravated as sault and battery, He was sentenced to, pay a fine of M, costs, and spend one year in the county jail. John Moflltt failed to appear to an swer tho charge of selling liquor with out a license, preferred by Robert Wilson, agent for the Men's union, and his ball, was forfeited and a capias Issued for him, Tho ball of Frank Shumlel, of Car bondnle, was nlso forfeited, Ife Is charged with selling liquor without a license by Constublo Henry H. Pierce, of that place. An assault nnd battery charge against Jacomo Sablo was tried be fore Judge Love. Tho prosecutor, Sa vlno Prezloso, asserted that on Juno 10, last, as ho was walking by tho de fendant's carriage, In Dunmore, ho saw the latter strike at several children with his whip. When ho protested tho defendant then turned upon him, stiuck him several times with the whip nnd nlso struck his five-year-old boy. Tho defendant denied this story, nnd stated that ho simply noted In self defense after being attacked by the prosecutor. Tho verdict was not guilty, but pay one-half the costs. Dennis Flnncgan, of Uarbondnlo, was acquitted of tho charge of selling liquor without a license, and the costs were placed on the county. Constable Henry H. Pierce was tho prosecutor. A nol pros, waa entered In tho case against Joseph Ootzel and Charles Rossn, charged with selling liquor without a license. County Detective Leyshon wns the prosecutor. BUSH ON TRIAL. Just before court adjourned Hcnrv Rush was nut on trial before Judge Gordon, charged with selling llauor without a license. Robert Wilson, of the Men's union, Is prosecutor. Ton! Mlnottl will be tried this motning be fore Juilcc Love on a chnigc of as sault and battery, prefened by Ann Wallers. Peter Marchuck, who is charged with criminal nsault, entered ball in tho sum of $S0O. Thomas Hawson and Rlcz Marchuck were the sureties. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Orders Issued by Three Superinten dents of the D., L. & W. Road. Finnerty Appointed Roadmaster. The following ordois wore posted on the Lackawanna bulletin boards yes tot day from Superintendent C. H. Ketcham, of tho Hoboken division: No. WO Until Author notice all tralui will io dine specil to fom (4) mlksi ici hour lubsiup our ILcUnsick iicr biitlge, on the uM load. No. 0.17 The drop iiiqiiil for cast anil west lioimd tracks at Jlitkcnsnk IiiIiIrc, betimn Scliucu? .mil Kingsl.iiiel, has licen clovwi it t3 1 1 discontinued. All tiains will Itci cider be piurneil y tho inteilocMiig sisnih f.t tint point. .No. 0.53 The west hounil track between South Oianpe ami Maplcuooil will be out of rorvicc Ihursilij, October 11, between train Xn. .I.i9 due at south Oiing; 11. Oil a. in., nnd train No. 2'j due at South Orange 12.07 p. in., while con nection is made with the new west bsunil track being put In al tint point. After the lounuctiou is made, ami until fur tlit r notice, nil trains will reduce speed to tule (12) nulei per hour passing mei this section of new track. No. COU Delwcen the time of train No. 351, due at Maplewood 10.45 a in. and train No. tfit, (bis at Mapliwood 11,4 a. in., on rriday, October 1-, 1'jOO, tho east bound tnck will be out of Fcmce fiom a point just east of Maplewood slj ticn to the lound houc at South Oranqe, while connection is beinj? made with the new eat bound track beinu put in at that p-int. After tho connection is made, and until fin ther notice, all trains will reduce iecd to twche (12) mile prr hour passing oier tins section of new east bound tiick. C. II. Kctcluni, Superintendent. Recent orders issued by Superin tendent Rino are as follows: No. CO Kdiforial tickets in favor of E. H. Belden and E. W. Corde-mnn, respectively, ,ae been lost. If presented for pass me, pis-enuer conductors aie instruct! d to lift them .mil col. lect fare from holder, and return them to this office, tosether with any information obt.tin.iblc as to how they came into holder's possession. No 53 Commencing O-tolier 2 and Jurini; tho continuance of time table No. 3, tiains Its and 30 will be annulled. De oierned aecindint'ly. No. 01 SecnH tHe-nde ticket No. llbl, fioi of one car repairer, prood between all stations, hiwtuc been found, bulletin No. SS is heichy cancelled. . ' No. 02 Passenger conductois and triinnieii In opening and closing cntilators in rasscii;pr cars, please use care not to jeik them open bird or slam lliem shut, in order to aioid di-.'oeatin the sash. I.'. M. Illnc, Supeuntendent. Superintendent Robert Dudgeon, of the Ruffalo division, has also Issued the following order to all concerned: No. 2r,0 The fcilloulnir cnarinc3 cannot haul mere than 60 per cent, of their lonmjfj lallng: Nos. 230, 073, 20"!, 321, S27, 311, 320, 720, i,',!, fill, 400, 311, :U0, 022, 050. 200, 039, 321, 202, E'iG and 071. Conductors must be careful to show tliis rating on their whoeHco upon?, TTlf, on the upper right hand cornr. This is iini ortint. Iiohcit DmUcnn, Superintendent. New Bulletin Board. A now bulletin board will bs placed In Trainmaster McCann's office In the Lackawanna station, which will bo used for reglstei ing the names and ad dresses of otra Lackawanna train men. When any of tho men are out on tho road a peg designating that fact will bo placed alongside their name?, and when they are In, n similar peg will bo used Tho trainmaster will thus be enabled at all times to locate the ex tra men when required. New General Ynrdmaster. Stephen Finnerty .as yesterday ap pointed general ynrdmaster of the Lackawanna yard, vlco J, H, Hold, re signed. Mr. Finnerty has been a conductor for a number of years. FATHER MATHEW DAY. There Will Be No General Celebra tion in This City, Today Is the anniversary of the birth of Father Theobold Mathew, tho great apostlo of temperance, but the usual parade of all tho Catholic Total Ab stinence and Benevolent societies In the diocese of Scrunton will not bo held. It waa to havt) been In Hazleton, but it was put off on account of tho strike. It was then decided by the district board of the First district, comprising this city, to have a local parade, hut this Idea, too, wns abandoned and there will be no general celebration. A number of tho separate societies will Imvo celebrations of their own, how ever, Tho Father Mathew society of West Scranton will give a ball In Menrs' hall and the following societies will con duct smokers in their various looms: St, John's, of Pino Rrookj St. Alayslus, of South Scinuton; St. Joseph's, of Mlnooka; St. Peter's, of Bellovue, and Father Whltty's of North Scranton. Mrs. Winblow's Boothlng Syiup Has been used for over FIFTY YUUiS by MILLIONS of MOTHKHS for their CIIILDIIKN; wiiili: ti'.ctiiino. with pi:iifi:ct bUtVIXS. It SOOTIILS tho Cllll.ll. SOFT11NS the HUMS, ALLAYS all VAINj CUHES WIND COLIC, and is the l"'t remedy for DIAUItHOKA. Sold by PruifgUU In every part ol tho world, lie sure and ask lor "Mrs. WInslow'a Boothinc Sirup," and tok no ether kind. 1'wcuty-uvo cviits a bottl. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Bevtew. Kew York, Oct, n. The attention of the financial nnd cpcculntlvo world remained fixed today on the problems ol the Intcrnatlonll money market. All the world's fjroat money centers were kept under carctul scrutiny to He tret dcclopment which nilfthl throw Unlit upon tho outcome ot tho contest now iniugur ntcd, for the possession ot the available money supply. Tho engagement ol C0,0 pounds In koM nnd Its withdrawal from the hank of llmr land for fhlpment to New York m irked the be ginning of tho contest and conllimed yejtoula) a cstlnntes tint Etcrtlng exchange at New York Inil fallen within the margin of pi oil t lor Hold Imports. No announcement was nude In New York of this cniiatfcinrtit and It was commonly supposed tint Hit withdrawal wis made In un til Ipitlon of an aih inco In the price of gold, with a lcw to future shipment. The with drawal promptly precipitated an alliance In tho Hank of Knirland's price of old, irold biM and Aimrlcan eagles both being malked up half penny an ounce. Tho mirgln of profit on Im ports to New York was thus wiped nut. Sterl ing pvch.inge In New Voik which li.ul Moadlcd tliis morning alter Jesteully's downward plunge, thtreiipon icmmcd a downward eotmto and rliwcd easy nnd still tcndltu towards tho new level ol gold Imports estibllshed bj the Mink ot England's nctlon. The discount rate In Ion don also responded tor the first time tn the thicatcned demand for gold nnd hardened slightly. The continental both on Herlln and I'arU weakened notably today, on account of the heaiy continental demand Vfor cotton. The Hank of Prance Is undoubtedly the best equipped of nil the great European banks to (.pate the gold at this time, lint it Ins pursued a policy of hoarding for some time past and the pollcv of the Institution in the protec tion of Its gold reserve Is exceedingly arbitrary. It Is taken for granted that It will Interpose an obstacle tn the dinln Inaugurated today upon the Paris markets gold supply. As for Herlln todiy's weekly statement of the Imperial bank shows tint it Ins lost nearly S2,tKW,00O in cadi during tin- week in split! of receipts of gold from London, another has contrictrd aboic half ol the enormous note Issue ol the previous wick and has recalled nearly tt5.000.000 of last week's loan expansion, which exceeded 2.",0u0, P00. It Is clcirly evident, Ihiroforo, New Yoik will hive to make n moic urgent tall to cireit a movement hither of gold on any con siderable scale. Meantime the loud money mar ket continued tn liaulcn and tho proportion of tall loans placed tit 3 VI per cent, was eonsld eiably greater than jcsterdiy. Today's trans firs of currency to the Interior tlilough the nil. tn.ikurv ncjin iciclictt three quarters ot a mill ion dollars and the banks hive- lost to that In stitution vim e Krldiy ?2,27fi,0OO The movement bj expiess is a nutter of eoiijectuie, but Is known In contli'iie huge. Speculative action was eoiisldiribly parilvrctt, pending tho solution of those money market peiplexltie-e and th" move mint of prices was tnrrovv nnd unlminrtril ant. Tlieie was a notable movement In tin- iron sleil trioup, prottv much all the member of ilin Rioup coming into tho inoviiivnt as the tin progressed, with ndvautcs of fiom 1 to over 2 point-. Tills movement nnd the announcement of the oii'igoniont of gold in Paris served to overcome lomo of the eirlj depression. Mrength in tin- local traction gioup was a No t tutor. Hut the ilovod dull and iue,-u!ar witli few lot tliinci of nii'ioit line. Total si'is II. "i, 100 shoes. 'I lit- movement In the iiond tnai ket was nirinw and irri-ruhr. Total j.ilcs, par valuo, "JmO.oiio slnit-s. fnlttil States ffitndin; 2s, Hie Xs registeiid and ntvv Is declined Vi per tent, on the last cill. The following quotations are ttiriiNhed The Tnbi-ne bv M. S. Jordan .V Co, rooms i0i-i00 Meats building, bcranton, ra. Tclcplion JK"i Open- High- Low- Clos. ing. o-t. it. In,'. Ameritin Sugar llillb U"1 1104 117 Amirion Tnbicco ST2 W'l il'S 0 Am b. i. v :2-1 .ii 32 :nj: AH h. To !. !'e .... 27 21'i -vt 24Vs A., T. i, S. P., I'r .... 70'Q '0 70 701R Prookhn Traction .... 3l;s Wt 31' S2'i lliit. .v Oiiio 701 7114 7iia 711; root. Tobacco 2) 25 23 2", Tho- k Ohio 27;i 2S 277s "i f hie, P. & l) 125 123Rs 12lfs 12)'i -t IM'll 112 1I2H Ulj 112 Itoik Mand 10V; 10V4 lOVrt 10", & Huel-on ....110I& UO'i 11CH lio'j redeial ftcol .?S'n 3l'a 'H!s SI rederal St"cl, Pr 04'; 01'8 04 st Kan. & lc-.. t'l 272 27i 271s 2i'"4 Louis fc N.fli 71l 71 71'S 71"- .Minlnttu, Klc 00 02 SOI Ol1! Met. Tniilion Co HO in H-'i "l IK-oun l'.-.eil'c 40U V)t 40Vi 30'i People's C.i fit's Si's St Slrs N. J. Ccntinl 1 ni lH's 1WS 111'j -.oiith-rn I'aciff 32 '4 327; 32'4 S2's Noifolk & Western .... 3l',4 S1'4 ,'14'i SIVs oi Hi. I'icili IS 4S's 47 4 Noitli. Paeilp. Pi ibJ 111X1 iNVi dsia N. V. Central 12'H 12sd u-Vi 12SH Ont. & West 20U Mtl -20V1 20H I'enna. It. It 12rij 12'i'n 12'iU 12'H, Pantlo Mall :n 3t'S 31 :u'S Heading , 10 10 10 i- Heading, l'r 51T Wi 3l"i .rMr. Southern K. It lHs Ur's Urs llf. Southern It. It., Pr .... ", r2 fli's 5a Tcnn , C. & Iron 5Dvi J7", 3ii'i 37 I'. S. Leathei 07 I0s 11 10t l'. S. Leather, l'r ih fisu 'N M'i Union I'aeillc 37Y, W, .17 3"s Union Paeific, Pr 73'i 7.P 7.1'i T.tVi Yil.ili, I'r 175s 17? 17'S, 17?, We-,tcrn Union "s1,- 7b' 7rtVi "s'i NCW YOHK l'ltODL'in K.riIANGK PltlCLS. Open- High- Low- Clos. IWIIIAT, lug. e-t. et ing Deiember ZV S2js St'j SIS Mav f5Vt 63V4 tU2 Sli COHN. ncrtuiber 4214 I2' 42's I2V May 41'- ll'i tl'i 41V4 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Pld. Asked. Pirst National Hank 00 btiaiitnn Savings Hank 300 Scranton Packing Co 03 Tliiid National ll-.nk 423 Dune Deposit and Di-count Hink .. 200 Lconomv Light. II. (c V. Co 40 Lacka. Trust Mfe Deposit Co 130 Scranton l'.ilnt Co M Clark k Snover Co, l'r 123 Scranton Iron Peine .x. Mfg. Co 100 Scianton Axle Woiks 05 Lackivvanna IMhv Co., l'r 20 Count v Savings Hink & Trust Co... 300 rir-,t Nationil Hani; (C.irbomlale) 00 'tardaril Drilling Co 30 Tiaders' Nationil Hank 151 Snaiiton Holt and Nut Co 100 UONDS. Scranton Pacngcr Itillvv.iy, first Mortgage, due 1P20 113 I'eoiile'a Stieet ltallwav, tlrst mort gage, due l'Jia 115 ... People's Street Hallway, mortgage, due 1021 , Ill ... Diikson Miniificturlng Co 100 L.ieka. Tovvn.hip School D per cent, .., 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per tent 102 Siranton Traction U per icnt 113 ... Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. a. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Putter Creamer,!, 2)a2lc; daily tubs, 23c. 1'ggs Select western, 17c nearby state, 19e. Cheese- Pull cieam, new, ll'-c. Ileans 1'ei bu., choice liuriow, sj-J. 10; medium, ?2 30i pen, W.SO, Potatoes COc Onions (0c. per bu. Flour Best patent, ifl.CO. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Oct. 0. Wheat lo. lower; con. ract grade, Oetobci, 7l'4a74He'. Corn Finn; No. 2 mixed October, 4ai(i'ic Oats Steidy and ill lair demand: No, 2 white clipped, 2s',i;c.; No. 3, tin, elo 27VS-a2sc,; No. 2 mixed do , 27.i27Vic. Wool Unchanged, ProvWom-Um hanged, Hut. tei fjte.idv faniy wcltin creamery, Slt'.i do. im lots. 23c. i:.'us Htcadys fresh litubj, 20ex; i do, western, 10Via20c.; do. fcuiilhwesti-rii, 10e.; do. soiilhiin, ISe. Clieeso (Juiotj Nw Y'ork full t mins fancy biuaii, U'ji'.j no, no, mi, run tn iholec, 10',iill'iC Itertned Su.?irs Un cl.iiigid. Cotton sti.idv. Tallow Steidy ; eitv prom-, in liogslicnds, iv ; louutiy do. lands, fi'.tc.i d.iik, do., PHo.; cakes, 6it-. Live I'oiil. tij Dull and nomiiMl; fowls, lie.; old roes. ttrs, 7',inSo.; tpiliu ililefii, lOillc,; diicki, UUiilOc, Diesst-d I'oullii Dull and lovvei: fowls, tholie, 10'jillc; do, filr to good, li'iUUc.; old loosttis, "c, ; ncuby spring thiiktiis, lo.il2e,; western do., Dalle, Iteceiiits l'lour, 2,W bar. l.ils and 1,',-O0,tni pounds in vvle'it, 21,. nue) buhel; torn, lll.wxi biisliels; cult, 13,000 bushels. Siilpiiiinls Wheat. 2,300 bujlulij coin, 02,000 bibhcls; oats, U.OUO bushelJ, New York Grain and Produce. New- York, Oct, 11. Flour Market was neglect ed uml easy, n Hooting solium lint tho further weakness in wheat. hem Snot weak; No. 2 led, So'.c. f. o. Ii. ntliut; No. 2 ltd, Wo. elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, t7c. f. u. b. uiliut, nplluus dull and weak all diy, tlosed weal; at tic, nit decline; No, 2 led Maicli tlosed M&o.i Miy. fcSUe ; October. 7uV4''. December. Sle. Coin Spot tasyj No. 2, 4ic'. ilevator uud 47?ic. f. n. b. aihit; options i)iaii'd steady but gl.vv weaker and cloud weak ami Vtt-i'&c. i"t lower; Mav closed 41','ie, ; October, lilVic. ; De ecmbcr, lie. Oats Spot dull; No. 2. SJttr.i No. X, 25c.! No. S while, 27Vic: No. 3 white, SU'icj tiuilv mixed western, 25a2iH-c; tiaik white western and state, 'iiJaS-'ilic ; options neg lected nnd nominally lower, Hutter-bteadj j creamery, lOuSUVSv.-. : factory, 1314alCc.; Juiie creamery, 17o20c; Imitation cieamery, 15al7e.j 6tato dairy, 13aC0c. Cheese Dull and weak; laige white and colored, lOie, ; small white and colored, IP-. Fg.-s ITim; statu and I'enu svlvanta.t' 20j21c. : western rei-eilar naekiner. 15a lSV4c! wcstein, low oil, 20c. Chicago Grain and Produce. ChlMgo, Oct, 0. tack ol public support w tlio cause ot weakness In wheat today! Novem ber closing He lower. Corn closed ',ia74e., oat Me. and provisions 5a7V4e. depressed, t'nsli fliiolations vcie as lollovvsi l'lour tlarclv Stac!y No. 3 spring wroit, 701jc No. 2 red, .I.O.-C. , V-.. .. . ...lS'.. 1 V.. rt .nit.,.. ic. .no. t inx, "ji.MUl .o. I noriiiHcei, ipi.oiu 1.01 1 timothy. I.SiMl,.'0i pork, M'iMMi lard, ?7.2."ia7.3o libs, Si8.2Uj shoulders, 0l4aU)4c., sides, S40i3.-Oj whiskey, $1.27. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct. 0. Cattle-ltcccipts, 4,f00, In cluding COO wetirns and 500 native Texans, I ! live sii'crs anout stcaiiv ; iiuicnera storn su-.hi.m ulciii, trong; TVmiis, stronRi shade hlghcrj natives, bet on sale today, one ear tout it !l.Tfl I'od tn prime stein, Vi WHO! poor to medium, $.".IOaB.15 seleclnl fcedeis, slow, .1.7J'i4.f0! mixed stockeis, weak, J2..1013 1 cowd. 12if.i 4.23 heifers, $2.75a).lOs citiners, MJ.50s bulls, fc'J.rujI.IO; calves, f.iUel.lO. Toxans Receipts. oUOj bet on sale todiy on car loin nt AI.15J Texis fed steers, fl.Mnl.M); Texis grass steers, M.40i II.'! Ti'xis bulls, 12 Ma.i.2.'. llogs-Uccilpts today, 2l,U00j tomorrow, 82,000; estimated left over fl.tVW! average 5c. lower! top, "0.40! mixed and biilehcls, !.')") ii.IO; t,nod to choice hinvj, ?l.p:.i5fliiJ; lough hnvv, SI.satl.P0', Htrtit, $1 11) n.7.41)! bulk ol silos. ifj.lOi". 10. Sheep HicclpN, 15,0-JOj sheep, steady to stroiui lambs, steady! Htiuti 10 inoiee weinrrs, f.i.rMi.11; ueir w .ui; mixed, i': vvestim sheep, 'J.l.bOat! Texas sheep, .COaljOi native limbs, ftj.u.tO! vvistcm lambs, fl,7u.ij !0. New York Live Stocky Market. New York, Oct, I). llecvis None offered, feel ing dull; good calves, teals scario and llriiii grusscrs not wanted i fully 230 unsold! veils, I no 18.50! mixed ealvcs. iM.CO; giasers, noniinil, Mieep and l.ntnbs Active and steady for both sheep and lambs! sheep, ;ut.2;i! lambs, full; no t holie stocks here! nils. 7',! CniiitU lainlw, 0. Hogs Steadv feeling! state hogs, good to t'lmicc, S.TOhI 7S; we-slern hogs, 3.l5a O.'i'i! southern and western piers, Vii',,:o. East Liberty Stock Market. Hast Liberty, Oct. !. ('utile Steadv ! extra, $.i.fi0.i,"i,7Ji prime, ."i2Ji.ri."iO; loliimon, sl.'.'.'i.i.l.iS. Hogs Steadv; assirted niidlums, $5.4ra3 ftjj best Yorkers, 5 40; light do., HO i.', :n ! grassei-s, $"i.23.i,ri30! pigs as to quality, 'n3.23i roughs, MdOal.85. Sheep Steadv; choice wethers. la 4.13; common, "Sl.5li2 Till; choice lambs, f'.2"ia. 0 10; lommoii to good, If.l.50a3; veal calves, -fj.M aO.30. Buffalo Live Stock Market. ntilTiln, Oct. 0 Receipts, cnttl", 21 cars! sleep and 1 inihs, 20 cars; hogs, 12 'lis. Ship units, eittlo; 2t ears: fclieep and iambs. ! tars; bogs, 7 cars. Cottle, nominally unehingcd. Calves, stcidv; cholee- to extra, 7a7.23 Lambs, clolee to extia, .oOil.".",', god to cliole e, 'r.VJ'i !i5 TO. Sheep Choice to extra wtthms. fl2,i I 50; good to eliuii". 2 Hogs Ilcav.v, J.u0 n'i.CO; mixed, ifj..'5; pigs, "i..l. Oil Market. fill City, Oct. 0. Credit bilineos, llO; eer. tiltcatis, no liiel; shipments, iii,u-u inrn-ii; u 'erage, 87.I.S barrels; rum, 111,1.',' bancls! av erage, 01,001 baircis. There Is more Cat.urh In this section of the country thm all other dlsciscs put together, arid until the 1 t-fr few veirs supposed to bo incurable. Tor i greal iiray vears doctors pro- I liounceel it a locil di-ense, anil pieseriucu iccai I tcmedlis, and by consta-itly filling t c.ire with lineal Irratmert, pninouncril it inim idle. ci; I .... . .. nn,npl. ... tin t ,.-.1..H flit Win ll rnee iu-i iio,.i, ...i.,,,. ... -- " ......-- - disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hill's Citarih Cure, iniuufiitured ,. ,. , t. t. r 'l'.-l...lrt t lh nnlv I ci'iistitutlonal cure on the market It is taken I ,i .11.. !.. .1,..... f.nn. lO .t.nn. ,n n fiLITiOlin lllll'lll tll 111 il'l-n ,ii-i,, ." ........ ." -- ,- ful. It acts directly on the blood .nd mucous nit faces of tho Mtom. They oiler one hundred dollars for any cne it fails to cure. Send for urculars and tcsllmnn'iK Addrras, F. J. riir.Vl'.Y tc CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv Drusiists, 75'. Hall's ramily Tills arc tho best. TSgpGXr&z2&Z&&KZ33&tt yag, WE & f1mi' FLOUR T23a2& now But she doe?,that "Snow White" flour .is the be1 all around flour sold in Scranton. All good gro cers sell it. Twr. we$ton Mitit co. iOASfOH CAAtONMie-MimMWr BUY THE GENUINE mw OF FIG ... MANUTAOTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tZTNOTK THE NAME. raVITA P!LL Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Curo Impotcncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem. ory, nil VMtsting iiisensos, all etlccts of colf-abuso or oxcess and imliscrction, 60 PILLS 50 CTS. A nerve tomo ana blood builder. Brines tbev nlnlf alow- to Dnlo cheeks anel rosteues the tiro of joutli. ,JJy mail !50o nnrlmx. Q boxes for $2.50, with our bankable eaurnntee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankablo euarantoo bond. N 8 rvita Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results (SELLOW LADCI,) 'oiitlvelv L-unrnntood curo for Loss of Power. Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paiesla, Locomotor Ataxia, Ncnous I'rostra tlon. Hvstorin. Flit. Iiignultv. Purnlvsin uml tho I iloiults of Kxcesilvo One of Tobacco, Opium or liquor, iiy mail in piuin pitciciiKe, i.uu a box, O for $5.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to euro In 30 days or refund money paid. Addros NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson sts.. CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by McQarra'.t & Thomas, Dru?. elsts,, 09 Lackuworra nvc, Scranton. I'. DR, DEKSTEN Physician ami Surn, 311 Spruci Sr. Iiiup.o Uun Buildlug, SlliAtUOtl PA, All acute and chrcnlc dlseassa ol men, no. men and children. CilltU.MU MUIVOUS, 1IUAIN AM) HASHNO UISUASES A bl'tC. 1AI.TV. All diacite ol tin l.licr, Kidneys, Madder, bkin, lllood, Nerves, Womb, Uje, tur, Nobc, Tluuat, and !.un's, Cantcrii, Tumord, I'llcD, llupture, tloltre, lllicuiiuthin, Asthnu, t'jtunli, S'ariucoecle, Lost Manhood, .Siuhtly l'lnlisloni, ull Female Di?cucs, Leucorrlioea, etc, Gonnorrbta, SM'hUls, lllood 1'oison, Indiscre tion and outlilul lablU oblltt-iated. buigery. tits. Kpllciuy, Tape and Stomach Worms. CA TAltltllOO.Nl!. Specltlu for Catarrh. Three months' treatment only $3.00, Trial free In olflcv. Consultation and examination lies. Otlico hours daijy and Sunday, 8 a. ra. to p. m. 1DR, DENSTEN i t. pWT iA.mJ CmolbSWanact SORANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. A Startling Silk Event As Broad in Importance as The Use of Silks by Women. There is not a woman anywhere who loves charming waists, exquisite gownt or beautiful silk petticoats who is not intensely interested in such an offering as an important transaction of last week brings out in the Silk Department today. Big things in silk selling are a part of our daily store life, and we wouldn't waste much time or talk on limited quantities or common-place values. The silks of this offering are neither limited or common. Thousands of yards remarkable aside from their cheapness. The best feature of the offering, aside from the ridiculously low price, is the broad variety from which to choose almost every variety of fancy silks is in cluded, making it an offering to meet every need as well as every taste. There can be 110 disappointment among such a broad collection of high-class silk elegance. Part of the good tortuue is at the cost of the manufacturers, other lots are smartly reduced from our own stocks. A HINT-- Persian Striped Fancy Taffeta, Hemstitched Striped Taffeta, Beautiful Warp Printed Taffetas in the pastel grounds. Fancy Striped Taffetas, with open stripes, dividing many colors. Fancy Pla d Silks, in various weaves and new color combinations. Rich Corded Silks, Polka Dots and Brocades, all in values worth from $2.oo to $3.00 per yard. Special Price for AH, $1.00 Yard. CONNOLLY & $s THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1S7S DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. CAPITAL-SURPLUS- . WA1. CONNELL, Prssiihi!. HEiNKY BELIN. Jr., Vice-Pres. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cjslilsr. Epecla'. attention given to busl. ness accurnts. Three per cent. In. tercst pal on interest deposit. ii'l Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer or OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 455 . SCRANTON. PA N. Ninth Street, Telephone Call, 2333. THE MB POWDER CO, Booms 1 aii.1'2, Com'llh BTd'g. B0RANTON, PA, nining and Blasting POWDER Mrd st Mooilo ad Rmb !lo Work. LAFLIN ft RAND i'OWDBU CO.'S ORANGE QUN POWDER Bleotrlo UktUrlei, EUotrloHxplolert. plodlcw UImIi, bufet Pmsitai Rfliauni Ch8iuloal Co.'s w"o-U i r r SIS WALLACE, 1 CARPETS Ijw We want you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to ba had this side of New York. A superb line of I WALL PAPER I $ o I BRASS AND METALLIC BEDS q WSL UIM & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming Av:nua. w L. .tff5itfcr WE Hie lie u4i'Bw!!WsgSjart. f ii '1 Such as Foot Balls and Uniforms, Tennis Goods, Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Cameras, Kodaks and Supplies. "S< Florey & Brooks, 211 Washington Ave. rtmmr&ti$g$0t! '-BJffiv MOUNT PLEASANT COAL At Retail. Coal vt the best quality for Comeatlo uis anil of all sizes, liicludlne Uuckwlieat nd Blrdseyo, delivered In any part of tbe city, fct the lowest price. Orders received at tliu office, Connoll bulldlne, Ttocm 806; telephone No. 1782, or t the mUio, telephone No. 212, will ha promptly attended to. Dealers uppllDd t tho mine. MOUNT PLEASANT COAL CO TTEH 0 CURE'SKa lalief evciy luiu'tll ftn..,.Tiilifat. Idlll. .11, XIU.U.U.. WU AJUg BIU,.VH .v..u. uis tjiifijcou (ilia. OloodPoIson,VarIcocol9,Slricturo CvWCOnll PniyATE nnd OBOCORK nieaaeae uolU6u9,r.nulMnuliooelBliruuk. UIBa)0 en orsan,iully resiuicd, l-'rcsh cuocs cured lU't to 10 clays. The mott danncrciu cie fOltcltnL BIN DKUT80MBR AHT." Tioat. ment by mall, hettaiur hworii Teiiimuiilal A Hook ex. yvDUig uvciy l&.i liitUtuw.Ucxukal AiKdicdl IrauO. ESiYSI 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE - I DRAPERIES I O e3 HAVH A ol HENRY BELIN, JR., General Azent lor the Wjomlog District (or DUPONT'S POWDER. Ulnlner, niastlng, Sportlnsr, Emokeleu ind th Kqiauiit) Chemical CompaDj'i High Explosives. Safety Fuse, Caps anil Esploderx Boom 101 Co mil llullelini;, Scianton. AOEN'CinSl TII0S. FORD , tntUton JOHN II. MI1TII & SO.V , Plymouth W, L". MULLIGAN WilkcjBarre Mil lilt I, ' fe. ,mi T. v - ti . . ai8 t i fm? b i E 2-?i kl, ' l.j tmh ?iS SlP ii 4 ! t Ti&eW. 'Iftr,AAiw.i . 1 "IjiM . J. - - iC. js,vl r'.ii rf -yj 5 -feJl fc't -f. 4.V!&;
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