I v' I ' . I'Wmn ' t-t H-s itt - ?tjf 4u i i-.!JI c -t ,' 4? ii ' . 7, V 1 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1900. to .si ".. ii. i ! ! ii W9. v, "; I, LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE LITTLE HOPE TOR HERBERT. Edward Herbert, who was ttobbeil by th- ltalliiii Slrliino, Sunday tilBht, writ, operated upon last eVenlnp; nt Dr. Wlw.'li'r's private linsuiltiil. His con dition was lionules' before tlie operu tlon and it wiih utmost hopeless iitlor ward. A holo litreo enough tor the mtr goon's IliiEcr was found In the bowel. General peritonitis had resulted nnd this, with the Internal heniorrlitne. made n bod ntuto of iHTults. Tin re In cisions were made, the Intestine taken out und thoroughly cleansed and the abdominal onvlly Hushed, lie milled after the operation, but bis system wns bo thoroughly poisoned ilttilnrc the lapse of forty-elRht hours between the Btnbblnir and the operation that It Is feared he can survive only u short time. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE. "The Drummer KvanRellst," llev. W. II. Williams, bhvo his noted lecture, "Ilrealtlnif Home Ties." Monday even lns In the First rrcsbyterlan church. At tho close of his lecture, he perfected the organization of the Anti-Saloon league for Carbondnlo with a larffo membership. Mr. Williams will return to Carbon dale, October. 10, and Instruct the oltl eers In the line of work for the leaEUo to talsc up at once. Mr. Williams leaves today for ten days' lecturing In Wyo niltiR county. The ofllcors elected at Monday even ing's meeting are as follows: Presi dent, It. D. Stuart; first vice-president, W. 11. Bronson; second vice-president, F. M. SnedeUer; third vice-president, J. D. Burr: secretary. N. F. Stephens; treasurer, Ii. D. Wolfe. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Hnrry Stringer has returned to New York, where lie has seemed employ ment In a rlgnr manufactory. Mr. Stringer formerly worked lor Mayor Kilnatrlck, and was forced into Idle ness by the strike. Mrs. George Foster has returned from Farvlow to her home In this city. The maple trees In front of the prop el ties of II. r. Wheeler, M. D and F. C. Munn, on Church slreet, wore re moved yesterdny. Some years ago, when the stieet was graded, the trans were transplanted and it has been a hard struggle for existence with them since. They were more dead than alive and had to be sacrificed despite the great loss to the appearance of the thoroughfare. Mrs. N. A. Lewis and sons, Milton and Frisble, left yesterday for Wya luslng, where they will reside. They will open a bakery store there. Thlr niany Carbondale friends will regret their dep.irtre. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Shannon and Miss Grace Miller have returned from Blng hamton. Rev. M. C. Elliott is attending the meeting1 of the Congregational asso ciation at Coaldalo. Dr. D. L. Bailey, Thomas Levlson, Michael Stone and Harry Wolcott were among the Carbondallnns who attended the funeral of the late Dr. A. 13. Burr in Scranton yesterday. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Chaffee will give a reception Wednesday evening at the Methodist Episcopal church to the membeis of the church and congrega tion. m OLYPHANT. The regular monthly meeting of council was held on Monday evening'. Gallagher, Gillespie, O'Holloran and Van Sickle were absent. The street commissioner's hill for the month of September was approved. It amounted to ?l"0. Other bills passed were as follows: M. D. Brown & Co., $3.5.; Gamowell company, 37,50; Olyphant Water company, $1."."; police officers, $90; H. J. Bcaupre, $14.3."; AV. P. Law ler, $2S.C0; Lally Bros., $7.1R; Peck Lumber company, $23.12. The expenses nt the electric; plant amounted to J2"l.nt. Tho auditors' bills were held up once more and will not bo passed until council finally accepts the re port, which Is now In the hands of the finance committee. Inspector Kilcullen reported that he had secured a partial payment for hla services from the sewer company and a promise of complete bettlemenl In the near future. The finance commit tee recommended the exoneration from taxes of several property holders. A report from the viewers recently ap pointed by court to look over the route of the proposed ('.tension to tho borough's sower system, was read. It stated that a meeting' would bo 'held In tho council rooms on Monday morn ing, to hear all exceptions to tho schedule of damages and lienefltx which they have prepared. President Nealon appointed Messrs. McMeans, Brown and Foley as a committee to attend the meeting and look after Ilia horough's interests. A, communication from the Susquehanna Street Baptist church wns reud, asking permission to mako a connection with the sewer on Delaware street. The request was complied with. A bill of Onmagps. amounting to $20, from Mrs. Ann Grady, of Scotch street, was roferied to the borough solicitor, Two reso lutions were passed, authorizing that nn order for $0"G, In the hands of tho Alcatraz Paving company, and ono oC 412.fi0, held by tho Kurelcn Fire Hose company, "be made Inteiest bearing. Tho contract with Stephen Flann ghun for the construction of the sower extension, wns read and accepted. It specifies that the work shall be com pleted by December S and that tha work shall ha under the supervision of Civil Engineer A. W, Long, Tho territory covered by the extension will Include Susquehanna, Jones, Rueo, Willow and River streets. The con tractor furnished a bond In the sum of ?4,'I00 ns security. Tho bond was re ferred to tho attorney. The matter of placing drinking cups at the fountain was brought up by Mr, Reap. Coun cil decided to procure the same. Stieot Commissioner Nealon xub directed not to clean any section of the street left In bad condition by the sewer com pany, ns tho company is held respon sible for the condition of them. Sec- WHeN IN STRONG A6AIN! 0 money, fs-oo. bead lot fren book. Fr Salt by JOHN H, PHELPS, pruc atraat, fft am m w mm J rfjL n&-srjrMW isri .. ,.,i,. v i i. i ... 7 peiiect, anu impart a licaitnf vigor to the whole btlnp. Alt drains and lojiel art checked tirmantntly, Unlew patien are properly cured, their condition olten worriei theminto Imanily, Comumplion or Death Mailed sealed. Price ii terhnviA hnc ui,K i,nni.ii t-.i ....Xn... ....... r..-.i.k vHA i- W ivtary O'Malley was Instructed to rail Mr. FltiMilglmn'n attention to some newer pipes that have been broken and have mime repnlied ill once. The meeting then adjourned to meet Mon day evening. William Reese Is' finite III nt his liuin'i on Hill street. All or the bnrber hlinps will bo closed todn,y from 12 to 8 p. in., on account txP till tltfttlu The Olyphant ttrovvns will cross bats with the Scranton Lngue team on the Brown's Ri'omulfl tomorrow afternoon. Misses Katlo LortiiM and Mary Ho gun have returned from n visit to Dallnis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howard, of Serauton, who have bem guests at the LncSmwnniui Home, returned, home yesterday. Ii. K. Klngslcy, of Pntlsvllle, spent yeslcrday In town. Bonn's Military band will participate In the parade at Scranton today. Mrs. tl. Ft. Bush has t plumed home from Maucli Chunk, where she has been visiting relatives. Jacob Oulsburg has gone to New York on a business trip. Mlsn Mame Wnde Is spending the week with Plttston friends. JERMYN AND MAYFIBLD School Board Meeting Last Evening. Personal nnd Other News. The monthly meeting of the school board was held last evening. There was little of public Interest transacted. The following bills wore road -and or dered paid: Rushbrook Water Co., $8: Snuer & Co.. $25.20; Glnn & Co., $43.75 Butler, Sheldon & Co., S19.6S; Electric Lights, $1; Press, $.1.50; Llpplneott & Co., $33.(10; Burdette & Co., $21; May naid. Merrill & Co., $2S.36; J. G. Avery. $14.03; H. J. Whitman & Co., $173.S2; Graves Bros., CO cents. The visiting committee for the present months are Dopew, Mellow and Loughney. Mrs. Robert Edwards nnd daughters, Gladys and Lillian, of Carbondale, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Davis, of North Second street. Michael McHale and Michael Mnl doon, of the East Side, left yesterday on a visit to Boston and other points of interest. The school board Is prepared to re ceive bids for the hauling of coal from the Delaware and Hudson breaker and the removal of ashes from the schools. The local lodges of United Mine Workers will not take part In the pnr ado at Scranton today. It Is under stood tho Jermyn, Mayfield, Cnrboidale and Forest City lodges will parnde.at Carbondale later on. A large number will go from here today to witness the Scranton parade. Sir. and Mrs. Michael Brenncn have returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. Christopher Whitney is ill at her home, on Second stieet. Mrs. A. F. Shields is isiting friends at Afton, N. Y. W. S. Badger, James Nicholson and Isaac Avery attended a meeting of the Republican county committee at Carbondale Monday. Several of the Democratic candi dates for county honors. Including M. F. Conry and C. G. Boland, were In town yesterday and afterwards were driven by Nelson Graves out in the country districts, MOSCOW. Miss Grace Bourn, of Scranton, vis ited her shUer, Mrs. Horace Jones, over Sunday. Mrs. LaBar is moving to Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Frlsclikorn hii tertalned the following guests, Satur day evening: Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Mil ler. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller, Mis. L. E. Miller and Miss Olln Miller. The remains of Elizabeth Corinne, the four-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrihue, of Scranton. were brought here for pterment on Monday. Miss Helena Holllster Is attending school In Scianton. Prof. Bush, of Gouldsboro, has moved his family into S. S. Yeager's house, on Mill street. Hairlet, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, Is ill with scar let fever, Mrs. L. E. Miller, of Ottawa, Iowa, Is the guest or Mr. and -Mrs. B. E. Miller. Mrs. Catterson left Saturday for Salem, where she expects to spend the winter. Jesse Gardner returned home from Wyoming seminary, Friday, on account of illness. James Reed Injured. Mr. James Reed struck his leg ngalnst a cake or lee In such a manner as to bruise It seveiely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several lhuls of liniment and two und a half .llims of whisky In bathing It, but nothing gave any relief until he begun usiug Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure In a week's time and ho believes that had ho not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Mr. Reed Is one of the leading merchants of Clay Court House, W. Va. Pain Balm Is unequuled for hpralns, bruises and rheumutlsm. For sale by all druggists, Matthew Bros,, wholesale and lelnll ugents. WAVERLY. The lawn in front of tho Methudlst church bus been very much Improved which adds greatly tu the appear ance of Hid edifice. (Jennie Hall and family, of Wilkes Barre, are occupying the resldonce on Main street, recently vacated by Mr, Ohappell, of Providence, Mr. Miles, of Springfield, Ohio, la vlsltlns Thomas Smith. llev, Mr, HntMing and wife, who have been visiting their founer home, Helghtstown, N, J for the past two weeks, have returned home, The Grand Army post here held a very Bnterestlng meeting a.t thelr rooms last Saturday livening. Jtefiesh iiiniltH wniu served ut tho band room, which wus enjoyed by a huge number of people. A. H. Christy, who has been lesldlug OOUBT, TRY TheyliaYe itood ttie test ofyetrf . and hive cured thousand) ol caiei ol Ncrvout Uncases, sucp at Debility. Dirzloess. SleeuleiK dcsi and Varlcocele.Atrophy.ac. J V.V 1 . W.I..U, tl.Ull.(U tho circulation, make digcstloa AJJrcii. PF1I uf nil'lUP nn . niianri. n. Fharmaclsl, ccr. Wycming ntnui and here during the summer, ban returned to Scranton. Dr. Is. C. Mackcy, who hud an op eration performed on his limb recently, Is Improving and expects to be able to be out soon. Y. P. C. V. CONVENTION. Meeting of the Susquehanna Asso ciation of VntvcrsnlistB. The tenth annual convention of the Young People's Christian union of the Susquehanna association of Unlver sallsts mot In Gibson on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 6 and 7. All tho unions were represented with the exception of the Scranton union. It was noon before tho convention was called to or der by the president, Rev. James Her rlok. A noontide prayer meeting wns one of the features. Dinner was served by tho Gibson union In the hull oppo site the church. At half past one the convention was called to order for afternoon session and the following oftlcerB for the year elected; President, Gertrude Waldlo; vice-president, Mr. Terry; secretary, Amelia Brown; nsslstnnt eoretary, Al ma Goodrich; treasurer, Nellie LoomH. Several papers were road and dis cussed. The condition of tho Sunday schools In the association was brought up and discussed. The unloners xverA urged to do all In their power to keep up the Interest In the Sunday schools. The place for holding the February convention was left In the hands of the president. An nmendment to the constitution was offered by which the time of holding a stated meeting may be changed by u majority vote of the members present at the preceding con vention. It will be acted upon at the February convention. At C.4r. a devotional service was lead by Amelia Brown, who took for her HUbloct, "What Things Are of Profit." This was followed by a literary pro gramme of merit. J. h. Tiffany gave n short history of the convention. He .said: Ten years ago last September, at the meeting of the Susquehanna as sociation nt Fleetville, Rev. O. R. Beardsley suggested the calling of a meeting to organize a convention of the Young People's Christian union In the association. An Invitation was ex tended to the unions lo meet at Nich olson the ilrst Saturday in October. At the appointed time a large number of the unloners mot and formed an or ganization. Since which time the con vention has met three times .a year. But one meeting of the convention has been missed. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the regular church services were held, followed by the communion and the baptism of two children. This wna followed by a session of the Sunday fchool. At fi.30 a devotional meeting was lead by E. A. Sweet. Subject. "Heroism, or Iron in the Blood." This was fol lowed by the regular monthly, .union temperance meeting. TAYLOR NEWS. Toot Ball Coming Exercise United Mine Workers Will Parade Other News Notse. At present there are two foot ball organizations here and much rivalry exists between them, and in the course of 'a few days they will struggle for supremacy. Sutlsfactorj, arrange ments will in all probability be made with the promoters of the gridiron, and the public will soon see a wholesome revlvnl of the greatest foot ball game that has ever been played in this section. This afternoon, Local branch, Xo. 1013, United Mine Workers of Ameri ca, will participate In the great par ade and labor demonstration which Is to be held In Scranton. The officials have been working zealously for the past few weeks, preparing for the par ade, and expect to have the largest turnout of any union. Miss Susie Harris, of Union street, was the guest of friends In Olyphant on Monday. Miss Agnes Reese has returned to her home in Plymouth after being the guest of relatives here. Mlnooka tribe, No. 247, Improved Or der of Bed Men, will meet In regular session this evening. Mr. M. P. Judge, of South Scranton, was a business caller here on Mon day. Two night police officers have been placi d on beats in our borough, ow ing to the recent robbery. They were needed long ago. A large delegation of members of the Sons of Temperance here attended the reception of its grand officers given by the lUpple division, No. 45, at West Scranton, on Mondny evening. The Welsh recitation competition for the Christmas eisteddfod will be Ju dali's Humble Supplication to Joseph, from Genesis, forty-forth chapter and last paragraph; prize, $2. Mr. Anthony Williams left the fore part of the week for Johnstown, to reside. The school board will meet on Fri day evening, Mr, Thomas Jones Is visiting friends In Port Ornnge, N. J. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. ,Ut of U-lh'M miiuliiliii; uiHMlli'iI (or nt Hie biraimm ju4oIIIci', I,iK.tw.imi,i tuiiiity, Oil, 10, 1WI, IVikhk lulling (or llue lot li is will pirusu t.iy uihi'itUcU uiul (,'lw il.itu of IM: W. Amli'l-MHi (iuk;iKr, lint i-ln-i.) l.jinbiit lldiiidl, i:IvjkI I(,,hI, 1'i'Jiik Black nun, lliuot ILiUdl m. W. Mil,, Xcttle Illy ilciibritii, 'I. 1'. U.iMiT, Llaik V Cit't'-li'ii, AtloliiiM; Jiny Cluoiun, cine .Mi", ILiKKiity; -M it tliow- Cnimull.i , (icoijcn Cimpbdl, Ml" M.iy Cellini, ('hnilo C.ill.ili in, Kililic t-'imii. .Iclm lie Vdc, I'liink Dennis (J, l, P.uli, Mid Hamuli PleU'lUli, (.lie llllioit Collilndl; flcnuc M. Iiellicit, llJIl.v .1. Ih'WItt. II. I.i It ii tit. Iti-e IMmhuU, Daniel llu't. W, II, I'lillfl, .Ul Aim.i I'aidottU, WIIIUui W, I'i.iikIs I!. l'o. Iliniy drugim (irttmifil.) I 'ay lliiullliiii, f. W. lloiien, Mj.Iit 1M.I lldiij, Mi. JNti-Iln lliisli". Auilii'W Holmes. .Inliii Irnur, -Mm IiiKiam. ('. Knm'Ji O. S, Kliinir, Mm I is l.i'uU, Mies (lei in. lo I), I,Iu,m1, H. ), IauiukI, Mm. Jjiiih Mucilay, Ilariy MniUley, Mary Lie, Hcinun I. Ill, Maiiiilo l.ojtlii, Mls Aimlii Jlillale, Jjinrt MiDoiuM, .1, Mo (liieilly, J. II. Jlou-y, IMwunl Mulllnv O, Mail,. ri, Mln Ciide Jlargaii, A. C. Mooie, Jtra. I.iuy Jlilltr, Mllinlii Mattliiw., W, JIuMwk, lhi An. lile Vcionlia .M.illey, uic Mh. (Iilu; Mailon II. Mott, Moian It Puir.v. Jolm l.vnait I'lMl, l.cU IMttt-iMin, l.int I'tlty, Ml is Itoau I'llle, Tlioiiu l'oiiiiliivy, .K)m'!Ii Onlntoii. I.euU lliva, riiailit' Ituny, Jli l),iiu Hay, f, lllllir, Mm. Ciiiiiu ltolcin, Harry Itaml, J. Iin llooiicy, fitcpliin HUv, Jllllln slierldjn, Miss Coia bnyiltr, S. II, Sicmc, Mh. William V, Scrlbuor, Jll.s Jliy bhlelila, I'lcd Sdiljutr, Mr, Spencer, Carioll TilTany, C'liarle Talbcrt, 'I'oni.is 'favl-j, .1. It. A. 'Iliortmi, II. M. Taylor, Ilariy l. Talc, .Mm. F. 1. Ton Ik, Mi. Tlioraaj 'I bonus, Mrs. TnicsiljK'. Annie Yiinre, Jlr. Vance. P. WeyanJ nrcwliis conipjny, Mr. Walter Wllllanw, J. C. Woll, Mhs MId Welter, U F. Warner. Arthur Voii'iij. WKST SCH.INTOX UltANTH OFFICII. Cluster K. Illckn, Tliomat Jones. Mrs. W. Lew. 1 U, Lena ltobcrt, frank Szynunill, Ju KLuiiot. TRAVERSE JURORS FOR COMMON PLBAS Were Drawn Yesterday by Sheriff Fryor nnd Jury Commissioners Wiggins and Dougherty. Sheilff C. K. Pryor and Jury Com missioners Charles Wlfrrjlnn nnd Prank Dougherty jesterday diew the follow ing traverse Jurors for the term of common pleas court beginning Nov. 12: TiuvmK jmions, Monday, soy. k, vmk ChirlM .1. Wllllann, miner, Pcranton. Adam Sdtroeder, foreman, Hcranlun. Waller W. Slmpioti. niaehlnlst, Siranton, Jolm Walsli, uent, Scranton. Simon lllm'.erlold, Broccr.iman, Scranton. (tamet JlcMuiray, coal operator, Scranloti. Dm Id It. Jone, miner, Siranton. William -I. Robi'tt', new agent. Parlionilale. IMvau'. Mtlody, laboier, Scranton .lamci Kane, mlrer, Wlnton. S, K. Mi Kccli in. (orcin.in, Siiunton. .loeiili Sleiit, larmor, l!oiililbnm. Philip lllnilanil, Inrber, Rcrnnton. Jnlin Mails, I'lerl;, Scianton. Jolm Dnfiy, laborer, Siranton. T. V. W-tller, larpcnler, Scranton. T, .1, lain', K'Kt-i Siranleti. Patrick Perry, miner, Dumnore. A. F. l'liinerlv, carpenter. Oylpliant. .Vniiiun Knsliih, dinner, CovliiRlon. David Anthony, ihne dealer, Scranton. .laniM Wolfe, plnmher, Scranton. P. J. tanett. mimr, Scranton. K. K. Itobathan, ilnli. Scranton. Kobert Lame, lilacktmlth, Scranton. .I.eph Taylor, njent, Scranton. .lanirs Tyiell, carpenter. Scranton. .lolm Pouglteity, br.ikemaii, Jloscow. Q. S. Benedict, ant, Hcruntnn. P. A. TlfTcny. carpenter, South Abington. Fred llliic, driver, Scranton, .lenkin I.ewln, wcaier, Scranton. Flunk II. Purr, Jcwclpr, Carboiidale, Jolm Killeen, Imttlier, Scranton. I.cmIm White, fanner, Clrrcnflcld. Martin Stcvcn, latiorcr, Scranton. I'atrlck I'aildcn, laborer, Dumnore. Joseph Darnell, porter, Scranton. llev. 11. S. .Irne. pastor, Scianton. K. ,1. Ilnnanl, miner, Olyphant. M. .1. WnWi, niln1!', Scrnntoii. (loiucr .fonci, merchant, T)lor. liohi'it Simp'on, clerk, Sirantun. I'. F. Spellman, Rent. Auhbnld. John J. Bienner, foreman, (louldsborok M. J. Conroj, lahonr, Scranton. Allen Pole, farmer, Frcytown. (.'. ,1. 'iliomas, contractor, D.iHort. Janie Kays, cotlector, Scranton. Frank Ilruoki, farmer, Oloiilnnn. John F. Keesc, cletk, Carbondale. Patrick D. f.unney, pent., Piubnndale, David Patrorion, miner, Scranton. J. MuscavUz, iion luuulder, Scranton. John Mcduriin, mill hand, Scranton. D. M. Until, Kent., Scranton. I. J. MiCarly, meicbant, Simpson. P. J. rairoll, niaeliiniit. Scranton. P. II. Coyne, bookkeeper, Scranton. James lilac k. miner, Ulakcly. MOXDAV, NOV. Ill, 1MX. John Ward, miner, Wlnton. Vaughn Richards, miner, Dickson Pity, P. F, McKenna, hulcher, Paibondale. John l.allv, laborer. Jr&iiip M. F. 0'Uii.vle, teacher, Aulihiild. I'eter Swift, tnlnei, Dunmoiv. l't'tev WaWi, mimr. Durmore. Corui'lius Stoke, Kent., Mlnooka. .laine-i Wlinlone, miner, Olyphant. DennH Donovun, laborer, Scranton. It. H. llaivcy, tejchor, Siranton. Frank II. Doyle, i lerk, Scranton. William S. Cosgrovc. bookkeeper, Anhbald. William Sec-ley, jr., laborer, Scranton. I. A. Meiileiilmrir, lnilcbcr, Carbondale. Atthur (iaiThiKton, fatmrr, (Irccnflehl. K. .1. Ferrli, driver, Scranton. Jolm Fcitriwon, painter, Olypliant. John Miami, reporter, Scranton. William M. Hell, tlettrician, Taylor. Itichaul Faiiell, painter, Sciaulon. 1'. 1'. .Ionian, brewer, Sirantun. W. D. Watkins, Riocery, Scianton. 'I huiiu-i Saul, miner, Stinutuu. F. J. StevciH, cluk, Scranton. Mosc-i Pellofrt. yueiiian, Oak Hill. W. H. Riie. inerihant, Dallon. Tlmutliy Quiunan, bookkeeper, Suaiilon. William D. Thomas, machinist, Scranton, John Mi nil Jul. engineer, Scranton. Constant Morriwini, hotel. Scranton. Hairy I'inccraii, mill hand, Scranton. Frank Brown, hotel, Carbondale. A. W. Shaw, clerk, Ulakcly. W. S. Vail, farmer, Scott. Thomas HobciU, initici, Suautou. Jolm Lavcllc, miner, Scranton. Andicw- Uivden, ilerk, l'eckvillc. Hcmy niiMi, inatlilnNt, Siranton. Joseph lloibert, sent., Caibondile. Unirer lluins, clerk, Scranton. I.ewia Tnion, fiuit ilcalei, Siunlon, Thomas O'llrlcn, laborer, Siranton. Jm oil Silihwi. ilia.vinan, Siranton. ltolcit T. Kldrid, pattern-maker, Scrantim. Patlick (iolden, liotel, Scranton. Joseph Tlioman, laborer, xiantou. t". J. Itmldy, laud acrcnl, Sii.inton. Jnlin t'coli', dniK.'ihl. Anlil'.llil. John Dimmit k, men bant, Caibondalc. John (lilliiMii, leik. Dumnore. Kilw.ird KmiKaii, lahoivr, Siiautun. CiHi:c Il.ivtor, brakcnian, Scranton. Ilaviil i, 'IIiwiuk. miner. Ulakcly. John Pri'tMiian, liolil, t'llicburj;. I). W, Vamcliu, hotel. Si i Hilton. Mich.nl O'llu'cn, miner, Aiiblubi. .!o-eph G. Wullr. laboiei, Jcftci-mi, 51. I.. Pierce, fanner, Oreentlcld. diaries (S. Halley. fnrnier. Olenbuin. MONDAY. .NOV. lili, 1'JUI). (iioiBO C'oer, lilaeksiuilli, Madi-.ou. M. Walsh, miner, Suanton. Flank Puli'irir, luibcr, Scranton. II. 11. lldi iititftoii, clerk, .Vranton. Frank Wldtc, miner, Aichbald. William W. Moisan, laboier, Sciauiun. Jolm Manuon, lalier, Paibond.ilc. T T. Coy no, miner, Scianton. William Flew, miner, Scranton. Fdward (llcison, cleik, Scranton. Jnlin Old, miner, Scianton. M. .1. Jordan, opciator. Si union. W. I. Pionln, miner. Dmimoro. M J. lliovvn, miner, Winlon. W. J. I.i'wib, bjibtt, ScMiiloii. Fitikn Wren, cnirlnecr, Scianlnn. Iliomas I'.illeuon. farniei, Ueutnn. Martin Itlngins, brlcklajcr, Snantu... Albert Carson, merchant, Scianton. Jolm A. Thomas, machinist, Scianton. W. .1. Polemin, ilerlc, Suanton. Talllc (Irlttlth, pinnpruiiner, Taylor. W, It. Iluidii'i, reporter, Scianton. James Buikc, meiihant, Paibondalc. James (.'atfney, hotel, Moo-,lc. Frank Sianlon, i lerk, Scranton. John I . Davl, biakcman, Parbnndale. William J. Thomas, Kint., Sirantun. John Madiran, liitbosi, .-tianlnn. .1. P. Vortluip, fanner, Wi-t Alilnclon. P. ,1. O'Donucll, enslnccr, Scianton. Fiank T.vnll, laboiei, scianton. A A. Ovciliamrb, collector, Scianton, Tlmmaa K. ".ivairc, liailier, Scianton. Himv T.nlui, faimi-r, (iiiciitlcld. W. K. Thavtr, antnt, Scranton. W, Tlioiiipuii, laborer, Siranton. 'I nomas Leonard, luboicr, Siramon Thomas ('av.iii.uiRh, laboier, Suanlun. Imi-lih P. Kiainci, liiitchir, Scranton. W. JkPoy, upeialor. Nay Am,'. Ccoikc P. Jone, fnrcman, Scranton. Phailea F. llotTman. (on in in, Duumoii, 1). M. KdiiiRlon, hlaikimltli, Scianton. Ilrorite Jaioby, cleik, Scranton. Kilwaid .1. Mylotle, Nili'tinan. Scranton, J. I,. Tinkham, founih.vm.in, Dalton. fbarles llakcr, Iron worker. Scranton. II. W, Williams, fauilfi, flreentielil, Klmer Tripp, fanner, Scott. P. Jl. Stanley, nirilit. Mom our, James Midralh, suit., Scranton. John I'. Malion, ilcik, Scranton. II. J. llaae, inoiihlcr, Suanton. Cilwaul (illioy. minor, Auliluld, John Pio.niii, linokUcper, Scianton. P, J. WaMi, hocikkeeper, S.raiilon. T. K. Holanil. aueut, Diiinnoie, fieorge K. Athciton, livcrjman, Suanton, THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. Wi:i)XIDAY.-"A Lady of ijuallty." SVinillAY.-Afimioon and night, "Daild Ciockett." Acndemy of Music, ALL WIII'.K.-Danlel It. Ilyaii and Company. Gaiety. ITIISI' TIIHi:i: UAYS.-Dalnly Farce llur. U-muvis. I.ASr Tlinr.i: DAYS. -AI. ItecuV (onip.tny. "The Man from Mexico." At the Lyceum Utl nliiVt "1'lic Man fiom Mexico," a fan lull comedy, 'was pniduced by u (uinpiny headed by Waller II. I'eihliu, The fauc U a tiic.bt ammliig one dealing with the iuli.nl icutiiies of lli'iijauilii FHthew, who is sent lu Jail for thlily Mais, but tiles to make his wife ami family believe lie has been to Mexico. Alt manner of complications and ludicrous situations follow :i tho result of the deception. Walter 11. I'rrklim was sicn In the role ciealed by Willie Csdlicr unci was very cuiuslng. 1 lie (uppuittng company was composed of a vciy capable tggregatlon ot players. "A Lady of Quality." There Is something about Miss Ulafr that speaks The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOtrSIJ for Iht Hsiisnt of VU Wlt llnve Houses tn Rent, Rent Uninti or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situation or Holp-Tlioij Small Advertluementi Cot Ono Cent a WorJ, Six Insertion for Five Cents a WordExcept Slluwtloru WuuteJ. Which Ave In. Ecrted Free. FOR RENT. ton ItKKT-IIOL'Hi: ON' MIFFU.S AYP.SUK. Iliquirc in, AUiiuerry sucei. ron m:NT-4M i.ackawanna avrnuu, four floors! clcvalori best store and loca tion In Scranton. FOR SALE Fon sAM:-n.Y saddi.i: okldinu (df.nnv foaled 18W; 10 hands high; Kentucky bred; roes ull saddle Raltaj ttota close to a iiili.uU'S! perfectly found and kind. Apply Oll.'sr llurlw. Biuquclianna Howe. S. Main attcct I'ltntun. PniVATTlAli7iuFc'0NTt:N'TS IIOIISF, No. a Piatt place. Carpets, luriiltiire, lace curtains, $hadc., pictures, etc.j Biciitbanralns. WANTED-TO BUY. must be In Rood order; state particular, aa to make and price. Address, Ii. M.. central de livery, Scranton, Pa. FURNISHED HOf irolnNiiBDiwiTiT'mf at 332 Madison avenue. r?OOMS WANTED. ASTKnTCa"FViim) rooms, fob light housekeeplnBi centrally located. Ad drcra, J. Y Williams building, Cltj. RECRUITS WANTED. MARINK COHP9 DNITr.D 8TATF.S NAVY Rll crulta wanted Able-bodied men; eervico on our vvamhlpa In all parts of the world and on land In the Philippines, when required. Lieu tenant Colonet B. II. Ituiaell, X. W. Corner Uck avvanna and Wyoming avenues, Scranton. LEGAL. PlSSOt'f Tio$"or COIlFOItATIOX-IX MATTF.lt uf disnolulion of ' Wyoinln? Land Coiruianj. In the Court of Common Pleas of l.uxenif Coun ty, Xo. Ii, December Term, 1800. Notice is hcrebv given that the Wyoming I,aml Companv lllcd 119 petition in the Coutt of Common l'lcas of Lwerne County on October 8tli, l'JOU, piayinn for a decree of dissolution, end Hal the Court have fUed Monday, Noveni'icr l-itli, l'JOO, at 10 o'tloi-k a. m., for liearlnsf said application for dl-wlulion, when and when nil peisous interested van attend if they ileim it cviiedimt, and sliovv cause airainst the grant ing of the player of mild petitioner. THOMAS 11. ATHCRTON, Solicitor for relltloiitr. NOTICK TO OWNIIRS OF PHOPKHTY ON Seventh street between West Lic-kawaiuu avenue and Scranton i-ticct. The following Is a cepv of a icsolution of Cit t'ouni-lls of the Citv of Scianton, 1'emia., appiovcd Sept. ii, 1M0: Itesolv-cd, Dy the Conuuon Council ot I lie City ot Suanton, ilie Select Council conimiing, that Seventh timet fiom Wcsl Lackawanna avinue to Scranton streit, be pavid, and the coat thereof lie assessed ngairvt the abultlng propeities ac cording to ilie foot front rule. Providinc; that tlirce-lomths of all the mcmbelx eiccled lo mill branch of the Councils t,hall vote in favor ther--of. On tlie passage of this resolution by the wid thiee-fourth vote and its approval by the .Mayor, the City Clwk nhiU publish a copy Iherc of, tor a peiiod of ten day?. In two nevvspapca published 111 tin- Fit of Scranton, stating that unless a majority of the owners of piopeity nbutting on said Seventh street between the points above named, shall signify to councils in writing within sixty dajs from the date of tlie approval of this icsolulion, their preference of Hie nutorial desired for such pavfiticnt, Councils will pioceed lo paas .111 uidiuance di recting the paving of said road or stieet, between the- points above named, with smh material ns they see lit. Appiovcd bv Si-lect Council, Spt. 20, 1900. CHAS. F. WAOXKIt, Piesident. Approved bv Common Count 11. Aug. 23, l'JOU " Vv.M. V. filtlFFITHS, President. -ppiovcd Sept. 27, 1B00. JAMF.S JIOIR, Mayor. PulilMied in pursmnce of prov iiiona of ihe foregoing resolution. M. T. LAVnf.LF, Scianton, P.i Oit. 4, 10. City Clerk. of an exliemely tine ilutacter. Kpecially is this noticeable in her love for the dainty things of life. Mich us her tastes in selecting tin- delicate shades of helioliope, lavender and violet for hei gowns and loslumes. in the wintet sin- Miiiounds herself with violets and in tlie Mitnmcr io-.es. lu Hie vaiious acts of 'A IhI.v of' (Quality" Ihesc tastes aie mani fested by Miss Blair to a laige extent. Havin,: superintended the painting of tin- Mcneiy and the staging of the play, she had many uppoi I unities of i-videniiiiK her artistic temperament and wo tu inly instinil. she lomes In Ihe Lvceiim 011 Tliuisday night. 'Davy Ciockett." "Davy Cioikclt" will be seen heie practlially the same as it lias been piesenlcd in all the large cities of the counliy. scenery is canled for a oiuplele rcndilinn. Davy will mend tlie saddle as usual, and Kleanor Yaiigliiiu will Hie his lie lit in lur lendltlon of "l.oikinvai." llaby Crockclt will miss the npilirel'ti eye, but will intioduce a miiiiber of specialties to make up for that. The wolves und Ihe novv si cue and the pic turesque log cabin will be in evidence. Dig Dan, the hunters, Hie pauou, the dame ami all the le.-t will be 011 hand tu cany cut the ever Inter esting plot. "Davy Ciockett" plays here at the I..ICC1IIU next Salmday afteiuooii ami ulglit. The Byan Company. The Daniel It. 11 an company drew two big auiliiuces .vcslcidi.i. Ill the attemoou ilic- plu pieic-nlcd was "K Filial Wedding" and wjs Ktagul und rn-timieil in a hamlsonii- manner, lu the evening Dai.iil Sully's great lullloud diain.i, "O'llilcn tlie Contractor," was produced, Tho ullio.nl building seme was one of Ihe most lealUt'o stage i-lleils ever een ut the Atadtinv. Clenuiiie tails and lies wen- Used und Ilic rt ting was lavish throughout, "O'Btiiu Hie Com tiaitor" will be upcitecl again riming the week. This afternoon "liigomar" will be presented and tonight Alexander Salvlnl's gn-atet snicess, "The Tluee Miil.elccit," will he protliKfd, Sal villi's vcisinn ol the piece lii-Ing used. They Make a Hit. A, II, Knoll mid Marie MrXcll, who wue here four seasons ago with the .laiius It, Walte colli pau.v, us a special featuie, made a gieal hit l.i-t night at the Aiademy in their loiuel duos ami solos. 'I hey me -Killed niiulclans. The Al. Reeves' Company, Coniineiii lug Tliuisday Mutlnie the (Julety lln-a-ter will bo cKCiipied by Al. Iteeves am his famous big company. 'Jhl is an cxiellciit mganUallon, will and favorably known in this rlty, nnd boasts, ut Ml-ec Inez. Mccusker as Ihe slai, The liuilesiiiers ure clever and full of (lever situations, and icplete with a glial munhi'i o( nuisiial selections, ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. Al St, l.uiil Pittsbuig , St. Louis II. II. F.. I 0 11 0 0 II 1 I) 2- I 1 .1 1 1 0 0 9 II I : - 9 l and O'Couiicr; I'owtll ami llallciles Liever Cilger, Umplie Kimllr, AMATEUR FOOT BALL. The (omcts, lis., playvd the .Slldeis, .lis., 'it 4.15 r'llock on (lie nlldeis, Jis., giuiml, Tlie leal featiiie of Hie game was liu pUylii;; ut J, J iy, F, l-Jke and .1. Ri.viiolds, The ('Diuits ale now ici'ily to play any learn under 115 iiund W, Scott, ir.jii,i!Ki'i J, Jjj, captain, STATE CONVENTION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Hy L'xilvtlv Wire fiom The Atsoilatel !'ics. Allentowi), Ost. V. The state convention ol county commissioner). In session here today, elect, ccl the following olllui.; Pirslclcut, F. I. l.ott, Susquehanna; vicc-pictldents, D. CI. Kemlig, Frle; fl. F. Schl icher, Lelilgh; sciictary, Owen R. Ilrownmiller, Fayette. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTi:i)-UOY 1U Oil 17 YIIAIIS OF AdF. TO vvnik Iii clear stoic! must conie well ' omtnended. Charles S. t.andls, 20T W)oiiiiliB n venue. DRESSMAKING. nnXSSMAKINfl FOR ClIII.DItllN TO OIlDUIlt also ladies' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAV-STRAHHIT LOANS AT once. Curry, t.onnrii inmuing. ANY AMOUNT OF l3hl:Y TO 1.0 N. (jUll.'li. alraight loans or Uulldlnc and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 3H:iK- Conncll building. SITUATJONSJAAITED COLORF.d'mAN WANTS SITUATION OF ANY kind, stenoirnpher, t.vpcvviltcr; icteieiuca, cspcilemi'. C, ,1, White, o-lS Lackawanna ave. sitltion" v anti:d-f.M'i:iuknci:d hook. keeper deiiiH a pctmauent posltiniu al ary i J n be ci'liy stipulated. Aildies T. S., (,'cncral Delivery, WANTKD-V I'lllION UV A UIXINLD, cdiicnted voung lady as companion or nnree for i-ldeilv ladv or loiiltl-iaic lor child, tint dais icfi'ii'tues. AddrwH llox 41, Nmlli Me liuupany, l'a. YOL'NO MAX WANTS SITl AT10N OF ANA kind, rtviiouMplio' ami Iicrner. ueiei- and ept-iiinu-. '. .1. While, .W- Laik,- nce and expel wanna avenue. SITI.YIION WANTKO-POSITIOX 1IH,I IHINC some outsiilc hustling liy...in o.-iinii'il bookkecpei ! rcfciclii". Aildii- II., Tilbniic ut ile c. A MlDlil.F. A'1i:il WIDOW l.ADY WOl'i.D LlMl to liavc ,i situation as a lady's nurse or as luukci-ivr in a small family; ion give refer ences if needed. Address Maiy Jones, nibuuc otliii'. SITUATION WANTF.D-IIY A I.XllV TO WORK by the day, washing or cleaning. 1713 sum mit avenue. SITUATION VAXTi:i)-HY A Ollll. 1:1 YF.ARS old, to t.il.e can- of ihllclien or do light homework. Call nt 407 Feidimind stieet. JTcOOI) ClIltL WOFLlT 1.1KK A PLACF. IV A private fainilv, to do huuscvvuik; ' a good, plain cook, 01 geiiei.il wolk. A. U. Tiihune 1 f Inc. WANTI'.D-IIY A YOHXO COI.OllF.D MXX. A plaie us cook; good ull-roimd 100k. Call or addn-ss, John Savaxe, .121 Cenlie street. CITY SCAVENGER A. It. UlllfiOS (ILKANfl PIHVY VAfl.TS AND IKS pools; no odor. Iniploved pumps used. A. tl. nitlUOS. Proprlrtoi. Leave orders lluii North Main 11 venue, or Kicke's drug store, 101 ncr Adams and Mulbetry. Telephone U51U. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. F.DWAHD C SPAULDINQ, C. P. A., 21 TltAD ers' Hank building. Architects. KDWAItD II. DAVIS, ARCII1TKCT, COXXK1.I. building, Siranton. FKF.DEHICK L IlltOWN, AIICTIITIXT, PRICE bulliiing, 120 Washington avinue, Siianton. Cabs and Carriages. Rl'lllICi: TIP.r.D CAUS AND C'ARKIAdKS; BKhT ot sci-Ice Prompt attention given onleis, by 'uhone. 'I'hmii's 2072 and S.I32. .loieph Kelley. Ijl Linden. Dentists. duT c. 1:. i:Ti.i:xuKRfii:n. pai'i.i iu'ildixh, Siiiute slriTt, Scrjnton. Dlt. I. O. LYMAX, KTIANTOX PRIYATK IIOS pit.il, lomci iVjommg and Mulberry. Dlt. C. C. I.AIiOACII, 113 WYOMINd AVKNUIl. 1). If. F. ItFYXOI.Ds, OIU'. P. 0. Hotels and Bestaurants. -j I II- i:.K CVFi:. 125 AND U7 FRANKfJV AVF- nue. Hales leiisoiiahle. P. .I'.IOI.KIi. Propiietor. SC11ANTON IIDUSn. NFAlt I).. L. & W. PAS soiiger dcnol. Conduclid on the Kuinpciii plan. VICIOli KOCH, Pioprielcir. Lawyers. 1 W IIHOWNINO, ATrOIISF.Y AND COt'N&CL- 'loi-'al-law. Rooms 312-313 Mean building. D II. RFl'I.OOl.i:. ATrORNF.Y-l.UANS NF.OO llilted 011 ic.ll estate seciulty. Meals bnllillng, 1 oilier Washington avemi .mil Spiuce street, FR XNlTl:. llOYLlT AITOHNKY AND ( Ol'.NSIX. loi-at-laxr. Blur lnilhllng, Rooms 'i and II, Washln-tton avenue, WILL MID. WAIIIUIN .: KXAPP. ATfOn.NKYft ..ml couiisellols-nt-law'. Republlian bnlldlng, Washlnstou avcimc. jffp a -iF-iSt'i-, .vrroit:;i:s nd cofn- sellois-al-law. Commonwealth Inillillli--, Hoouis 10, 2u and 21. J XMi:W. OAlvFOIID. ATTOItNT.V-AT-'.AW, 'llooiiH .111. 51.1 and lit) II0.111I ul Tiade bulhl Ing. pi)WRDW. THAYF.II, ATTOIINF.Y. HOOMS 'liOJ.liUI, Oils Ho'.r, Meats building . sT WAiiTiis. A'ITOitVi;V.AT-I.AW, IMMIUi 'of' Trade building, Suanton, I'.i, c '1.p7iriiTi7 atToiini:y-at law, hoard of Trade building, s-uanteu, l'a. pvFii:ns()N wITcoy, tradkiiv national Rank liulKlll,;. C.ToMFOYS. " l:l RIll'FHI.U'VX lll'II.DINTl. .TY. "ilirnTilorF.'ATroHN'KY, MF.ARS III.DC. Physicians and Suijeous, 11IL Vf. I:."aM.I'N 3I NORTH ffASIlIxmoV nvi-nue, u"ll7s! W.I'AMOIIiIaI'Y. Ol'FU K .'."'I W.hT ington avinue, Ilt'idcnce, I.')! Mulbciry. ( lirnnlii dlscaies, lungs, he.iit, klilnrys and (.Milto-uiliiaiy oigans 11 spcilally, lliitii. 1 to 4 p. in. Schools. sT'nOOI.'oF'rilirLACTvAWANN-A" .SCIIANTOX" Pa. Ci'iiiso prepaialcr.v lo college, law, ineill cine or l.islness. Opens hepi, l.'tli. Send fur cntaloijne. llev. Thuma-. M Canu, 1. 1.. D prlu ilpjl and piopriitoii W, F. I'liiiuh-y, A. M., Iieadinatir, SeetlH. (i, it. fi.ark .v 10.. ski:dsmi:n and mmis. (ivincii. Inie '-'" W.l'hll.gton .iveii'ie; gicui liiiui'S, IU'0 Noilli Main avenue; itoie tele pbuue, "Si. Wive Screens, joi:pu hi fttiu., iii:i su i.ackwa.n.na avenue, Siranton, Pa., iiiauufactniei of Wile Sciecns. Miscellaneous, HAUFK'S OltCIIFSTHA-MUSIO FOR IlALii. plcnlis. pJitli'J, nicplious, weddings and con. cert wolk fuiuMud. For teiiiis tildiits R. J, Bauer, conduilor, 117 Wyoming avenue, ovei Hulbirl's music store. MKaAHOEK BROS.,' PHINTKRS' bUPI'LlFS, FN. v clone, paper bags, twine. . Wjithcmse, ISO Washington avenue, Suanton, Fa. vanti:d-.v) maciiini: ntfNNi'.ii"' and iini.i- trs for shaft wcikl wagr, W..10 lu 2..fl per day ol plirlit hours. Also two pump ninnersi sinftes JSJ.1 per inontli. Address II. S. Phillips. Supeilntcndeiit. Hcni.v, W. a. RAILROAD TIME TABLE ' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedulo In Effect May 07, 1900. Trains leave Scrnnton: 0.45 n. m.. week days, for Bunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for M burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Haaletoa, Pottsvllle, Beading, Norrlstowa, nnd Philadelphia; and for uti bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balttmore,Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays i.uo p. ni.,j ror sunnury, iRirin- stIIIa 11.1t. J. H...I, asrsl. 4.27 p. m., weok days, for Bunbury, Haaleton, Pottsvllle, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .T. 11. WOOD, Oen. Psss. Aft. .1. II. HUTCHINSON, Pen. Mgr. Delaware Lackawanna and Westers. In Meet June 10. 1900. South-Leave Scranton for New York at .t 3.00, 5.10, 8.00 nnd 10.M a. in., 12.M. 3.33 anci .10 p. m. For l'hlladelphla at 0.40, a.00 M 10.0S a. in.; 12.55 and .13.1 p. m. For HtrouaV hurg ot 8.10 p. in. Milk and accommodation i .s y. in. Arrive ai ntiuohcn .ri " 10.13 s. m. ; 12.0", 2.47, 4,48, 7.19 and P.43 p. m. Arrive at Philadelphia nt 10.00 a. in.; 1.06, -. fl.00 and 8.22 p, m. Arrive from New York at 1.05, 4.08 and 10.20 a. m.; 1.00. 1.62. 5.4S, 8.43 and 11.30 p. m. .roni MrouiLslmrg at 3.0S a. m. North Leave Scranton for Ruffalo and intsr mediate stations at 1.10. 4.10 and 8.1)0 a. m.. l.Ca. B.48 and 11.3.1 p. m. For Oswego and Sjra ciic at 4,10 a. m. and 1.(15 p. in. For Wtlea at 10 n. m. and l.f,5 p. in. For Montrose at S.-m m.; l.o-, p. nt. ind 5.4s p. m. For Nichol son at 4.00 and 0.11 p. m. For Blnghamton, 10.M and .M n n, ..t.. in ..rj..lnn from llunaln mi h.iki p. m. I rum uiua ai . "',"' '- and :t..-!0 11 ni. Fiom Nicholson ai n.ov '"and n.00 p, m. Finin Vontrosr. at ..55 and I '3 I'-. m. For Nantlcoke t 8.10 a. in. Arrive ft Norlhiinibciland t n.'iS a. m.; 1.10. 5.00 and ?"' P. m. ulve at Nantlcoke at 0.10 a. m. Arrive at Plymouth at 2.0n. 4.32, 0.5O p. m. and '-. 11. m. Arriio ni s,Tnnlon from Northum berland :,( n. a. in.; 12.31. 4.50 and 8.45 p. m. Prntn V.1.11...1. . si on i 11.. From I'l.imoiilli at 7.10 a ni.. 3.20. 5.", and 11.10 p. m. M'.MMV TIISI.M). Delaware and Hudson. In Firect dune 13th, 1800. Trains for Carliondale leave Scranton at 0.21, 7.5.';, S.5). 10.1.1 11. in.; 12,00, 1.23, 2.20, 3.52, 5.2j, 0.25, 7.57, H.1.1 11.15 p. m.; 1,18 a. m. For Honesdale and Lake Lodore 8.V0, 10.13 a. m.; 2.2cl ard .1.25 p. m. For WilUes-Barrc-6.45, 7.43, 8.41. 0.3a, 10.43 . m.; 12.03, 1.2S, 2.1S, 3.33, 4.27, 0.10. 7.49, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Tor L. V. R. R. polnts-0.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.13, 3.31 and 11.30 p. m. Tor Pcnnsvlvanla R. R. points 0.45, 0.38 a. m.; 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. Tor Albany and all points north 0.20 a. ns. and 3.52 p. ni. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale 7.20, 9.00, 11.33 a. m.j S.2S, . 3.52, 5.47. 10 52 p. ni. ... Tor Wilkes-Barrc 9.33 n. m.; 12.03, 1.58, 3.18. 4.42, 6.27, 8.27 p. in. I'or Albany and points north 3.52 p. ni. I'or Honesdale nnd Lake Lodore 9.00, 11.3S a. m. and 3.52 p. m. Lowest rates to all points in United State and Cai ada. .1. W. ni'RDICK, O. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. II. W. CROSS, 1). P. A Scrantonr-Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In r.ffect May 27, 1900. 'ITains Leave Scranton. . .. i. f, .l.l.l.t. n.l v'ati. X-,t-1r vim Tl k IT. 1 IIC l llllllUUM.IUU UI.V, .,t w - - -- --- R. It., at 0.43 a. m. and 12.01, 2.1S, 4.27 (Blao' Diamond Impress), and 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. k II. R. H.. 1.5S, 7.48 p. m. ... For Wlilte Haven, Hasloton and principal points In the coal regions, via D. k II. R. R;, (1.45, 2.18 und 4.27 p. in. Tor Pottsville, 6.4j, 2.1S p. m. .. , . For Bethlehem. Faston, Reading, Harrlsburs; nnd principal intermediate stations via D. It : II. It It., 0.41 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Kxpress), 11.30 p. m. Sundays. D. & H. I! I!., 1.58, 7.4S p. m. Foe Timkhannock, Towanda. F.lmlra, Ithaca, Oeneva and piinclpal intermediate atations, via D, I., k W. R. R., 8.08 a. m.; 1.03 and 3.35 '''For neneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, uiul nil points west, via D. k H. R. R., l-m. 3.3J (Black Diamond Express), 7.48. 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundays,' D. k II. It. R.. 12.03 p. "'ptilVnun 'pallor nnd sleeping or T-'hlgh Valley parlor cais on all tialns between Wllkcs-Bsrre and New Yoik. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pension Bridge. ItOLLIN II. WILBUR. Oen. Supt., ! Cortland sliccl, New York. . .... CHARLES S. LUi:. Oen. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortland flieet New Yolk. A. W. NOSXEMACIllin, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Betlilehcni, Pa. . ., . mw. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply 309 I.aikawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa, Central Railroad of New Jersey. stations In New York-Foot of Liberty street, N. R.. and South Fciiy. iithracltc coal uu-d exclusively, Insuring ''""JSffiTAm.KKrrnCT may 20. itx. Trvins leave Scranton for New York, Newark, rilzauctli. Philadelphia. Kaston, Relhlehom, Al e.town M-uci, Chunk and Wh te Haven, at S.30 a. ni.: express. 1.20; exprebs, 1.00 p. in. Sun- rnr Plilst'on'a'nd Wllkes-Barre, 8.30 a. m.; 1.20 i,l I 00 n in. Sundays. 2.11 p. m. " !or Mo. 'intain Park. 8.30 a.m.. 1.20 and 4.00 n m. Siindajc 2.1.1 p. 111. Tor llalllnioie and Washington, and points sovlh nnd West via Bellilehem, 8.30 a. in., 1.20 ii in. Siiiidaja. 2.15 p. m. For Long Hi audi. Ocean Grove, etc., at 8..10 "''or Reading, Lebanon and llairlsburg, via Al lenlown, 8.30 a. in. and 1.20 p. in. Sundays, "r.iiP'Pol'tsvlllc. S.30 a. m 1.20 p. in. Tluoiigh tickets to all points ea-t, south anj wcsl at lnvve.l lairs nt the station, wisi ij.'v. r:..n Sunt if, P. IlxLDWIN.'Oen. Puss. Agt. . , , i . .,-- i t New York.Ontarlo and Western R.R. '1TUK TABI.F IX F.FIT.CT SUNDAY. JUNK 21, Vot tli Hound Tialns. Leave Leave Sei.ui- Ccibon. Arilra ...,,, ton. dale. Cados'.i, ..ni .10. 10 a. hi. 11.20 a. in. 1.01p.m. S;1. .1.45 p.m. 4.33 p. ill. 5 41 p. in. -, ," . H.no p. in. Arrive Carbondale, (1,40 p. in, -" Soiilh Bound Tralas. Leave Leave Cadosia, Carbondale, Scranton, ,,M 7.00 a. in. 7,40ii.m, JX; s 10 a, m, 10.02 a.m. 10 45 a, m, "Oil .'.'.'.','.'. 2.05 p. in. 3.34 p. m. 4.20 p. m. Sl'SDVYS ONLY. North nound. Leave Leave Scian- Carbon. Arriva ton, dale. Csdosia, ,os S.SUu, m. 9.10 a. III. 10.15 a. m, '", 7.uu p. in. Arrive Cjrboudale, 7,45 p. m. -0' South Hound. .,ave Leave Cadola. Caibondale. Scranton. n, 7.00 a, in. 7.40a.m. .": '"".'., i " I'-'. iM !' !" . 6'3S P,'m' i., 'ii, o "01 nukes lonnectlon for points v.,iii mil Sciilh on Main Line, at Cadosia. Tiitsm S.. ".201 n'l 20" 'J"' s'ln ! "" '"','. '""fl.rHiU-' liitoVniallon. roimilt ticket agents. I (! ANDKItOV. Oen. Pass. Agl New York. !h Ii! WF.I.SU. Tiavellng l'ax.-nger Agnt. Scran. (cii. . Erie and Wyoming Valley Time Table In Frft September 17, 1900. lulus for lluwlcy and local points, connect. In. at llawlev with Frla railroad lor New YorU, Nevvlnii.il and Intermediate points, leave Scran Urn at 7,0.1 . in. and 2.2J p. m. Tialns atllve at Scranton at 10 30 a. in. and U.M p. in. NEWSPAPERS Till: WILKFS-RAItllK RECORD CAN BR Hill in hi union at Hi" news stmds of Reismiu Bros., 405 Spiuce u-ul 503 Linden J II. Norton. 322 laiikuwauua uvenun; I. S. fihutzer, 211 Spirce street. SCALP TREATMENT, MRS. h. T. KFLLKil, SCALP TBIAT-XNT, 50e. .lumpoolng, 50c.; facial mssssge; Butaicun Ing, 25c; chiropody. 791 Quincr. uurg, avmiaueipuia. nammora, Washington and Pittsburg and f 1lA Want Vam TTMaaUtAti Tntt- t 1.30. f,;, r,M and 10 00 a. 111. 5 3-30 and S.OO ?..." Krom Oswego and Syraciwc at 2.5 a. nj.. -, n Sotilli-Loive Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 5.10, 10.05 a. m.: :;.p. ..j0 Bnj 8 10 ,,. m. Noilli Le.ive Scranton ut 1.10, 4.10 a. m.; 1.5., .Jx ami 11.J13 ,,. ,. 1 ILooiiisliurg Dlvlsion-l.eaxe Scranton at 10.05 a. in. and fi 10 p. in. t is I ' .if . ." ii!L .y' t$- 'A- j .4tvJ.f.( &B6l!di,cZ'fi'' iw-Jfa'-ii14:iato- ,Btanaijs-ti . . jtmsmmd.i&t ,ai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers