The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 10, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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L -rf
r 1
Ice Cream.
OR Per
Jjc Quart."
lelepbone Orders Promptly l)ll vorel
3fm3i1 Adams Avenus.
Scranfon Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office D.. I. & W. Passenger
Station. PhoD 625.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office Hour a. pi. to 11 SO p. .; ! to 1
Williams Building, Opp. Postofflc,
' !-
. -f H'
l'rlccbiirg, was jcstcrilay married to Miss LouUj
Dalley, of Kmtli fatranton, by Alderman Howe.
BIUCK BLOCK SOLI). Br. Anult lias sold liis
brick block, Green Itldge, to r. K. Xetlleton,
through M. II. Uolgato's agency. Consideration,
ACCUSED OK ASSAULT. Andicw llaiwin
was committed to no county ail yenlerda by
liurgess Kennedy, of Pnceburp;, on the charge
of assault and battery.
MET MST NIGHT. The exctutlvo connnittce
of the Kejstonc club met last night and trans
acted important business. A special inciting will
bo held next Thursday cecning.
OYSTER SUPPER. An oyster Ripper will be
pie en by the Indies' auxiliary of Grace Reformed
dim eh, corner of Monroe nunue and Gibbon
street, Thurtday ctcning, Oct. 11.
of Taylor, was held in 100 bail by Alderman
K.tsbor last night, on the charge of Dimming
goods vmlci' false rnoltiicis fiom tlio Ccntnl
llicuiig company.
PAY DAYS. The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western jardmen will be paid today and also the
employes of the Bloomsburg dnision as far as
Avondale. The trainmen will be plid tomorrow,
commencing at 8 o'clock.
IS IS INSTIGATING. Coroner Roberts v. cut
to Xeuton tonnship last night to investigate the
death of El in." Smith, an aged resident, who
was found dead in the road a short distance
from his home yesterday morning. Deceased was
75 rais of oge and was well known in this city.
LACERATED AH.U. Steve VolcAs. of Airli
bild, one of the emploecs of the Riverside Coal
company, was taken to the Lackawanna hospital
yestcrdiy with a badly lacerated arm, the result
of an accident while at woik.
ance sale of seats for the Brockway entertain
ment course will open at the Lyceum bo otlicc
Thursday. Oct. 11, at 0 a. m. Tickets for the
entire course may be reserved ot this time.
HOSE WAGONS riNIHED. The hose wagons
of the Ea.-le and franklin companies were jes
fcrday turned out by William V. Gilhool, the
carriage and wagon maker. Ihey hive both
been practically lebuilt and aie now in Mist
class condition.
CARRYING THE MAII3 The local pnsloflice
will receive tip to Dee. 4 propositions for e irry
ing the United States mail between the postoflke
and the various nilioad stitlous. Blink propo
sals and plans and specillcitions of the kind of
wagon required .no now on flic in the postmas
ter's ofhee.
FUNERAL Or DR. BURR. The funeral of the
late Dr. A. K. Burr was held jeslenlay after
noon from the home of his biolher. Clinics A.
Burr, at S03 Mulbciry stieel. The services weic
conducted at 2."0 o'clock. Rev. Rogers Israel,
of Ft. Luke's church, olHclatlng. Interment was
mado in the Dunmore cemetery.
POSTPONED. The sale which was to hive
been held at the lcsidenee of Mrs. 11, E. tlmley,
on Friday evening of this week for the benoiit
of th Household Economic section of the Wo
man's club, has been poslponcd until Tuesiliy,
Oct. 16, owing to other entertainments which
are to take place on Fiiclay evening.
lal lice and Engine compmy, No. 4, of this
city, will hold its annual ball this jeir on Wed
nesday evening, Oct. 21, at hall. Law
rence full orchestra of twehe pieces will furnish
the music for dancing. The hall will be beiuli
fully decorated for the occasion, 'I lie committee
in charge will spare no cxpcnse.whatcvcr to unke
this ball a grand success.
HE BROKE THE MIRROR.-.Iames Smith, of
Oakford court, was arraigned before) Alderman
Howe yesterday, accused of milleious mischief
and assault and battery by Benjamin Rose, who
conducts a lunch wagon at the corner of IVnn
avenue and Linden street. The latter alleged that
jesterday morning hmlth tlucw a stone Into his
ilace, breaking a $15 mirror and on hit, rcmon
tratlng with him, Smith attacked hlni. The
case was amicably settled.
WTT-Ii PLAY PATUnDAY.-The Seianton high
achool foot lall team will again line up against
team stronger than themselves and hue the
"Best Milk for Family Use."
"Babies Thrive on It."
Builds up the Brain. NorW and 'lUsues.
VJ evut liiuuivu uim a'luiLs,
Tte not elm 'sect
t'seil for all purposes.
For Sale by
1 . i
I .
Rrealest hopes of coming out ahead. The
Strou.lshurg Normal eleven sIU bo their "PP'i
nrntii this time and Captain Tropp lias already
started his men at work to prepare for another
linnl battle which will, It ts promised, ff'
through wllliout a break such as occurred In
the recent rcmc. The contest will take place
NaUiidjy at the park, The tickinantit team
has disbanded so that but two promltint loci!
teAniS arc left to fight for (he champlciishlp ol
this section, the hl,?li school and St. Thomas.
MAOAZINT. Cf.UB. At the rciriihr mcellri?
of the Newman Magazine club held hist night an
especially Interesting paper on Lnngfollow's
"Evangeline'1 was lead by Attorney John (Jim
ater. He pave a bilef jnopvls of the poem
ami n very capable critical ol It In
ttrptr?ed with the reading of several selections,
llev, J, .t, Loughraii read a brief paper on the
"Holy Year" which Is being observed this jenr
in Home and which Is to lie observed nt jear
throughout thi whole Catholic world. Mm.
losipli O'llilen contributed two elvqulsltely ren
dered solos to the prnuramme. Next week Rev.
.T, J, Lmighran will give an illustrated lecture
on the Crusades,
DONATIONS ArKXOWMinnnn. The directors
of the 1'lnrcneo Crittrntnii Home, 712 Ihrrlson
avenue, acknowledge with gratitude the follow
lug donations for the month of September: G,
W, Miller, 1 dozen table glasses! Mrs. 3, L.
Crawford, flour, 1 basket peaches, kerosene, to
matoes, sweet corn; Mrs. Hill, flowers; Mrs.
Stephen S. Spruks, clothing; Mrs. O. W. Frltr,
apples, grapes; Hess Baking company, twenty
loaves bread; Mrs. J, A. Price, 1 basket peaches;
J. L. Crawford and T. It, Walklns, winter's coal;
Mrs. Reese Brooks, 1 barrel Hour; Nay Aug Lum
ber company, 12 pieces hemlock lumber; Mrs. A.
D. Stelle, 1 basket peaches; Mrs. J, K. Got
man, Carbondale, 1 barrel fruit and vegetables;
llejnolds Ilios., 1 blank book; Mrs. Thomas Dick
son, 1 barrel flom; Scranton Woodworking com
pany, 100 feet lumber; Mrs. W. S. Dlchl, meat, 1
pair scales; Hunt k Council, 17-fo0t step ladder;
Mn. Simon Rice, ftult, vegetables; Dr. Anna
Clirkc, Dr. O. Edgar Dean, medical services;
Consumers' lee company, lee dally; Scraiitnn
Daily company, milk dilly; Lackawanna Dairy
company, milk dally, ice cream moiithlj ; Mar
berger, Carr, Armbrmt, Aleswortb, Wormser,
Hllgert, meat; Pierce market, vegetables week
ly,; Zeidler's, bread, cike pie; Lindner's, broad,
cake; Charles Schlatter, t27 Omaha Ten, Wash
burn Street Fresh teri in chinch, $L 0llr needs,
clothing for girls fiom 12 eais upward.
Last Night's Session of the Council
manic Investigation Was Barren
of Results The Wit
nesses Examined.
Last night's hearing before Alder
man Fuller In the city hall bribery
charges failed to develop anything
sensational. Efforts were made to
show by the local reiiresentutlves of
the Barber Asphalt company that
money was paid to Carl W. McKlnney
to bo used in furthering the passage
of the repair contract, and a lot of
questions were put to General Mana
ger Edward JI. Stack, of the electric
light companies, with a view to di aw
ing out an admission that money or
some other valuable consideration fig
ured in securing the passage of the
electric light contract, but the inquiry
totully failed of its purpose in both in
stancies. ,
George P. Griffiths, superintendent of
the Barber Asphalt company, was the
llrst witness. In response to questions
by Mr. Torrey he said he did not know
positively that C. W. McKlnney was
employed by the Barber company. He
knew nothing of any of the company's
money passing through Mr. McKin
ney's hands for any purposes.
J. C. Rock, J. M. West and A. W.
Hartwell were In turn general agents
of the company in this city, from the
spring of 1S9S till May, 1S99, when Hen
ry A. Sheldon, the present agent suc
ceeded to the position. Witness was
in charge of the operating department
and has no knowledge of any dis
bursements except for material and
labor in the construction department.
Mr. Sheldon was next called. He
produced the "record" book, contain
ing entries of every item of debit and
credit of the company's Scranton ac
counts since it began business hero
and also the check book covering the
period In which the money Is supposed
to have passed to Mr. McKlnney. An
examination of the books was made
by the witness at Mr. Torrey's request
and with Mr. Torrey looking over his
shoulder ho ran over each Item in
search of something that would look
like a payment to Mr. McKlnney, but
tno search was in vain.
Mr. Stack, the next witness, was
closely questioned by Mr. Torrey as
to the transfer of the Scranton Elec
tric Tjp;ht and Heat company's stock
from the Scranton Gas and Water
company to the Electuc Company of
America. From the tenor of the
questions, it was to bo inferred that
tlu prosecution wanted to learn if it
whs possible that home of ho stock
went to councllmen. Nothing of In
terest was elicited.
Mr. Stack admitted that his com
pany had secured an option on the
Scranton Electric Llglit nnd Heat com
pany, and that the closing of the op
tion was conditional on the securing
of a renewal of the city contract. The
option was closed April 6, 1800.
Mr. McKlnney Interested himself Jn
securing the contract, but did It, so
the witness wan informed by Mr. Mc
Klnney, because of his having been a
life-long friend of Mr. Scranton. the
president of the Scranton company.
TCiuuiiuuu .muivin unci I'onimonor
Grler called on him for information
regarding the terms of the hid and h
supplied them with this information,
nnd a lot of other data concerning
rates In other cities and the like,
iNoinmg was said about monev nt
any time ho met these councllmen, and
tlioy said nothing to him as to how
they Intended to vote, Mr. Grler
stated that he v tinted the Information
that he might go into tho question
Intelligently. Another hearing will
take placo Tuesday, October 23.
Joint Committee Decided in Favor of
One Last Night.
Tho joint fire department committee
of councils mot lust night and decided
to have tho general parado of tho lire
department on Oct, 21, Tho action In
favor of this plan wuh unanimous,
The (m'ttngemenlH for tho lino of
march and all other details wero left
in the hands of Chairman Finn, of the
select council committee; Chairman M.
V. Morris, of the common council com
mittee and Chief Sllzelmunn.
Fall Display
of millinery at S. C, Ward's, 110 Wash
ington avenue, on Wednesdoy and
Thursday. Miss Ward gives her pa
trons the advuntogo of a month's stay
In New York. Of course, this Is foreign
to the public, ns the milliners of this
town only make a stay of three days In
tho city. Wo feel that tho people of
Scranton cannot fall to uppreclato her
offorts, both In millinery and dress
making. All students of fashion will
be welcomed, und any help which we
can give tho milliners or dressmakers
of this town will bo gladly given,
Ho Mado on Effort to Have the In
dictment Quashed but the Paper Ho
Filed Did Not Allege Anything
Against tho Validity of tho Docu
mentCourt Assigned Attorney C.
Ballantino to Defend tho Accursed.
District Attorney's Opening of tho
Case to the Jury.
Edmund Stono Westcott, n man
well advanced In years, ot marked ec
centricities, who Is one of the noted
characters about town, was put on
trial late yesterday afternoon before
Judge R. W. Archbald, In tho main
court room, on the charge of blas
phemy. County Detective Thomas
Leyshon Is the prosecutor.
Westcott was at one time a lawyer
nnd Is noted about town for his ar
guments against Christianity. He
boasts of tho fact that he In an Infi
del nnd he has repeatedly stated that
when he was a practicing attorney In
the Eastern state he frequently of
fered a reward to any person who
would prosecute him for blasphemy,
nnd apparently what Is his dearest
wish Is now being gratified, although
he has not seen lit to offer n reward
When the court opened In the morn
ing, Wescott usked permission to con
duct his own defense. This the court
granted, but later In the duy the
permission had to be revoked by the
assigning of counsel to look after
Westcott's case. He was bobbing up
before the court every time there was
a lull in the proceedings with some
motion, which he dellveted himself of
In a loud tone of voice. It required tho
combined efforts of half the court offi
cers to keep Westcott in a seat and
likewise to keep him from disturb
ing the court.
When Westcott appeared before the
com t in the morning, he asked that the
Indictment against him bo quashed,
for the following reasons:
Believing that a man of conviction, wliu is
loady to answer and bo responsible for cery
word be ever uttered, bus a right to fiir
nient in any couit when words he never uttered
are put in to Ids mouth. Believing this he nsks
for this nile. Because, on the face of this indict
ment, the wolds and their meaning were never
spoken on the face of this cirth by anv man or
dreamed to lie spoken of In the brain of any
man. except soino buse infouner of the old in
fiiisltlon, as by a detective living low enough for
the vvork.
Further, because in the manifest perjury on
the face of this indictment, the highest woik
cf the court at this time in this case is the
work of placing this informer where lie can have
no advantage of his own wrong; and inquiry into
his methods, and tho removal of such ii menace
to tho liberty of Lackawanna county and this
Because (although the defendant never uttered
these words) there is nothing in these words, in
any sense, to constitute the crime a blasphemy.
Therefore our petitioner pra.vfe the court to
grant a rule to show cause why this Indictment
shall not be quashed.
Dated at Scranton, Lackawanna county, tlil3,
Olh day of Octobei, 1000.
Edwin Stone Wescott, Defendant.
This paper, the court said, contained
a statement of the way the defendant
looked at the charges against him, but
contained no reason why the Indict
ment should not stand, and tho motion
to quash was therefore overruled.
Toward the close of the afternoon,
when Westcott's case was called for
trial, he was again before the court
and read a request that witnesses be
subpoenaed In his behalf at the ex
pense of the commonwealth. Judge
Archbald directed that the desired sub
poenas be issued. Westcott continued
to talk, and Judge Archbald said:
"This man seems to be unbalanced,
and I believe I ought to assign some
ono to assist him in the trial of the
cate." Ho thereupon named Attorney
C. Ballentino.
Westcott was on his feet in an In
stant, and In his deepest tones was de
dal Ing that If he must have a lawyer,
ho wanted to select him. Activity on
the part of court officials landed West
cott In a chair, wheie ho continued to
piotest that he wanted a say In select
ing the lawyer who should defend him,
Mr. Ballentine was anxious to be 10
lleved of the responsibility, but the
court said it would be pleased to have
him perfoim tho duties Imposed, and
the work of selecting a jury was taken
up, Mr. Jones had completed his open
ing to the jury when court adjourned.
"That old gentleman, Instigated by
the devil, went out in the public streets
and uttered the most blasphemous lan
guage," said Mr. Jones. "He takes
pilde in saying he Is an infidel and n
blasphemer, and he has become a
nuisance In this community."
Want Grading Stopped.
Attorneys Joseph O'Brien nnd M, J.
Martin began an action in equity yes
terday for Thomas Brown, William
White and Thomas Judge, of Spring
stieet, Mooslc, against Grant Brown.
John E. Williams, Thomas Crogan and
Nelson Ross,
They allege that tho defendants are
at piesent engaged In grading Spring
street, cutting down two or three feet
in front of their properties, gieatly
damaging them. They nsk that tho
grading bo stopped. Judge Kelly
granted a rule to show cause why a
preliminary Injunction should not bo
gi anted, returnable October 15,
Young man young woman! If
life ever bilngs tho reward vou
seek, 'twill only come tluough
self-made channels.
Better begin piopailng tho way
early too tluough a systematic
saving of current Income,
Savings Department
Cor. Wyoming and Spruce
Nuptial Knot Tied at the Stelle Resi
dence on Monroe Avenue.
Surrounded by relatives nnd friends
In an atmosphere fragrant with the
sweet perfume of the choicest blossoms
ot the season and with Bauer's orches
tra playing tho soft strains of tho Men
delssohn wedding march, Miss Harriet
It. Stelle and Charles Broome were last
night Joined In wedlock nt the homo
of the bride's parents, Mr. mul Mrs.
A. D. Slelle, on Monroe avenue.
Tho handsome homo wns brilliantly
Illuminated nnd splendidly decorated
with palms, potted plants and autum
nal roses. Between fifty and sixty
guests wore present, of whom a largo
number were out-of-town visitors.
At S o'clock the ceremony took place.
The orchestra played the wedding
march, and ns the beautiful melody
sounded the bridal procession entered
the front parlor. First canto the ush
ers, Howard Stelle, ot this city, and
Ernest Stelle, of Boston, two brothers
ot the bride. Then followed tho bride
and bridesmaid and groom and best
Miss Bessie E. Stelle, a younger sister
of the bride, nttended the latter, who
wus attired In a white crepe de meltre
gown, which was exceedingly becom
ing. She carried a bouquet ot bridal
roses and lilies of tho valley. Tho
maid of honor wore pink silk crepon
and presented a charming appearance.
Tho groom was attended by Will R.
Allen, of this city.
Rev. Dr. R. F. Pierce, of the Penn
Avenue Baptist church, offered up
prayer and the nuptial knot was then
tied by Rev. Dr. C. E. Robinson, of
tho Second Presbyterian church. Fol
lowing the ceremony a dainty luncheon
was served by Caterer Hanley.
(Mr. and Mrs. Broome left tho city
last night on a bridal tour to Wash
ington, Philadelphia and other places
ot Interest in the east.
Mr. Broome is connected with the
Dickson Manufacturing company and
Is a well known and deservedly popu
lar young man, while his wife's many
graces have endeared her to all her
Among the out-of-town guests pres
ent last night were: Mr. and Mrs.
James Meschon, Mrs. John M. Tufts,
of Raleigh, N. J.; Mrs. Christy, Mrs.
L. R. Stelle, of Paterson, N. J.; Mrs.
Brlggs, of Blnghamton, N". Y.; Mr.
Matthews, Mis. Held and Miss Coe, of
Lemonston, Conn.
Was Discussed at East Night's Meet
ing of Select Council Committee
to Confer with the Company.
The far-famed license tax oidinanco
was again taken up by select council
at a special meeting of that body held
last night. Tho whole discussion cen
teied about the question of taxing tho
Scranton Railway company.
Mr. O'Boylo called the ordinance up
on third reading and moved that coun
cil go into committee of the whole to
amend It. This was done, and then
Mr. O'Boyle offered an amendment pro
viding for a tax of $100 on each car, In
lieu of the amended clause providing
for a tax of five per cent, on the gtoss
receipts. He said that the city solicitor
told him that as the act of assembly
allows the taxing of street railway
companies ?100 per car, a tax on the
gross receipts, which would amount to
more than such a tax of $100 on nil the
cars of the company, would be illegal.
Mr. demons thought that taxing the
cais would tend to have the company
reduce the number of cais and thus
cripple its present Incomplete service.
Mr. Roche thousht that all discussion
about taxing gross receipts was idle,
inasmuch as the state reserves the
light to tax gross receipts and says
that municipalities shall tax wires,
poles and cars.
At this juncture Mr. Chittenden sug
gested a plan which seemed to moot
with the general approval of everyone
present. He thought that If a tux of
live per cent, wore placed an the gross
receipts in lieu of all other taxes, and
that if the citv would agree to use
one-half of the money thus deilved for
park Improvements, that the company
would agiee to the proposition without
demur, inasmuch as the Improving of
tho parks would be an incentive to
tiavol on its Hues. The amount to he
leallzed from taxing gross leceipts five
per cent., he said, would bo about $22,
000 a year.
It was decided to direct the license
committee to submit this proposition to
the ofliclnls of tho company and sub
mit a report at tho next regular meet
ing. Mr. Vaughan called up tho ordinance
reoiganizing the fire department and It
passed third reading without a dissent
ing vote, which was a big surprise.
Tho ordinance providing for the open
ing of Poplar street across the Dela
ware and Hudson tracks, and appoint
ing viewers to assess tho damages, was
Introduced, referred to committee and
passed on Hist nnd second readings. It
was decided to meet on Thuisday night
to pass It on third reading.
The contract for the construction of
the big sewer In the Sixth, Fifth, Fif
teenth and Eighteenth wards was
awarded to R, A. Malono, of Lancaster,
who was the lowest bidder.
Fall Rally Will Take Place Tuesday
Evening, October 23.
Tuesday, October 211 h fixed and Is
final and unchangeable, as the speak
ers, Hov. Dr. Lansing nnd Rev. Dr.
Pierce, have been consulted and havo
agreed to bo present with a goodly
supply of choicest mental and spirit
ual food; so lot nothing Miort of sick
ness prevent your attendance.
Ono church has arranged to send a
delegation laigo enough to charter. ia
special cur for. Dr. Lansing's sub
ject, "Practical Religion In Municipal
Reform," is one of vltul Importance
just now to every citizen of Scranton;
at least to every Christian citizen, Re
member tho date, October 23.
Tito funeral of Mis. Alice Ooodrlcli
Whlte.widovv of tho late Lamed White,
wus held yesteiday afternoon fiom the
residence on Vine stinot. Tho funotal
wus a ptlvato one, only tho Immediate
relatives being present.
Res', Dr, James MoLeod, pastor of
thu Flist Presbyterian church, and
'Rev, Dr, S. C. Logan wero In charge of
tho services. Interment was made Jn
tho Forest Hill cemetery
Yestei day's Marriage Licenses.
Harry Le I'olkcnson ...,.,,,, .Baltimore
May L. Simpson bcranton
William Ely Prlccbuig
Louisa Dalle .., , Scraufon
Henry Fasshaucr ,....,...,. , Scranton
F.niuu (iorgaU ,, Seianton
Only Evidence Presented in Behalf
of the Defense Was with Roferonco
to the Good Character of tho Ac
cused Jacob Ellman Tried Before
Judge Gordon Anthony Dunleavy
Returned Guilty Jury Was Out
Twenty-four Hours Miss Mar
garet Burns Convicted.
Nearly all of yesterday was con
sumed with tho trial of tho case of Dr.
C. R. Knnpp, of Forest City, who Is
charged with unlawful relations with
Mrs. Anna E. Ames, the wife of E. F.
Ames, of that placo. The case was
called Monday afternoon before Judge
R. W. Archbald and tho large tnaln
court room wns crowded with those
anxious to hear the details of the cose.
Mrs. Ames was present, but ap
peared to be far from well. Dining tho
nfternoon she sat most ot the time
leaning over with her head resting on
tho adjoining sent. What caused her
to remain in the court room was some
thing hard to understand. She was
not wanted as a witness, nnd the story
of her relations with Dr. Knapp, as re
lated on the witness stand, must have
been anything but pleasant for her
to hear. The case was given to tho
jury about 4 o'clock and It was still
out at adjourning. There Is little rea
son to doubt that the verdict will be
unfavorable to the doctor.
When the case was resumed In the
morning, Miss Alice Price, Emll Fold
man, John Maxey, C. E. Taylor, John
Alexander, M. J. Lnngo and Benjamin
Mnxey testified that they knew Dr,
Knapp at Forest City. They met a
woman there who wns Introduced as
Dr. Knapp's wife. They believed she
was the doctors wife and ithat the two
children who lived with them wete
their children. This evidence was of
fered for the purpose of proving that
Dr. Knapp was a married man at the
time of his offense.
Patrick Walsh, the night clerk at the
St. Charles hotel, testified that on the
night of May 2, last, a man came to
the hotel and leglstered us D. S. Davis
and wife, of Blnghamton, N. Y. He
had a woman with him, und they were
assigned to a room on the second floor.
Detective M. F. Ferrell, of Wllkes
Barro, testified to shadowing Knapp on
May 2 from 9 o'clock In the morning at
Forest City. The doctor arrived In this
citv at S o'clock that evening on the
Delaware and Hudson road and went
at once to the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western station, where he met
Mis. Ames. They talked for a few
minutes and then separated, Mrs.
Ames going to the Rudolph and the
doctor to the St. Charles. Soon after
tho doctor went to the IRudolph, got
Mis. Ames and the two went to the St.
Charles and he saw them start up the
stairs to their room.
Lieutenant John Davit, of the city
police force, testified to finding the doc
tor and Mrs. Ames together In a room
in tho St. Charles at 2 o'clock In tlie
morning of May 3. It was about fif
teen minutes after they knocked on the
door before thev got Into tho room.
Mrs. Ames' hair was down and she
was not fullv dressed. Neither was
the doctor. The bed looked as If it
had been used. Patrolman Fied Kaiius
testified that on the way to the station
house, after his an est, Dr. Knapp tnld
him he was a nviiiied man.
The only evidence offered on the part
of the defense was to show good char
acter. The following neighbors of the
accused testified that his reputation
had always been good, so far as tbev
knew: Benjamin F. Maxey, Samuel
Jennings, W. J. Maxey, M. Hlniller,
Eugene Stephens, J.'V. Smith, William
Reynolds, E. J. Wells,, W. J. Wllden
borger, Geoige Taylor, John Alexander
and Norman Brundage.
The closing address was made to the
jury by Attorney John F. Scragg for
tho defendnnl, and Attorney Joseph
O'Bilcn for tho prosecution. In h's
chaige to the jury, Judge Archbald
said the undisputed fact that Dr.
Knapp and Mis. Ames were In the
.same room in tho St. Chailes for five
hours could hardly be overlooked as a
fact pointing to tho guilt of tho ac
cused. When court opened in the Superior
court room yesterday morning, the
trial of William H. Reighaid, who 3
chraged with brutally whipping his
daughter with a rope made from,
strands of copper wire, was resumed.
Reighard went on the .stand In his
own behalf and testified that ho beat
The Best Display of
To Be Found in the City.
Skirtings Plaid Back, Double-faced in Greys, Cas-
maikB.rr::?:.!!!!,.:?'"':.a $1.2-5 to $3.00
Poplins, Coatalines, Pebble
and Granite Cloths Complete 7r id t.9 ftfb
assortment of colors 'Jv IU tJl.lU
Romeo Venetians Sponged and shrunken for Tail
or and Dress Suits, in shades ot Braver, Brown, fr1" AA
Dahlia, Blues and Black tPUl
Tailor Coverts For street wear, 50 inches wide, all
wool, new mixture of Greys, Browns and fyQn
Blues t 7L
Broadcloth Venetian 50 inches wide, all tf 4
the new uutumn colors, ,, , , , pltii--?
Black Goods in great variety. Come and See.
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue,
Do You
We fill orders by mall ? And we do It ns carefully as if
you were here to do It yourself. Our line of Lumps, for at'
uses, Cut Glass, Silverware, Dinner and Toilet Sels, lite.
Brlc-a-Biac has few equals anywhere. Tell us about what
you want and the price, and see If our taste is not as good
as yours. We are anxious to Ret mail orders. Try us.
fS'v V MilLif Fc
3g VJwCl. V. lYUiiUr Ct
We make teeth to suit you nnd your friends.
We guarantee to please joii or no pay,
We keep work in repair free of chaise.
We examine and extract teeth free ot charge.
Our Crown and C -i Per
Bridge Work... VO Tooth
All work guaranteed for 10 oars. Call
and have jour, teeth examined. Satisfaction
or no pa i
-f -t" -f
: New York Life t
Insurance That Insures. Policies iucon testa -able
from date of issue. Nj restriction as to residence,
travel or occupation, as to habits of life, or as to man
ner, time or place of death. Policies non-forfeitable
after first premium is paid. One month's grace in the
payment of premiums. Cash loans can be obtained at
any time after the policy has been in force two years.
Policies combine insurance and investment.
Scranton Branch Office.
637 to 615 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa,
f4 - f - - 4' - f - f - f - f - f - f - f - f - f - - f - f - f - f - - f -
(Trade Mark Registered.)
Cleans you so clean
that nothing else
seems to clean you
dainty housewife may
and lemon juice to remove the stains from her
finders, butZENOLA would serve each better,)
and leave the hands
At Oncers and U.-usgUts, 5c and
CU.-HMAN Bk'0. CO., Distributors
New YorK Philadelphia tloiton
Ills daughter because of vile stories
he lieaid about her. He admitted that
if be had occasion to w hip her again
ho would not be as violent as he was
on tho occasion complained of and
which caused his arrest, The jury re
turned him guilty, after having been
out a few minutes,
Jacob nilman, a deputy constable
Continued on Pago S.)
Cn 131 Wjroinlmc Avcnno
WO. w.ik i and look .round.
$5 SET 5$
Better come In and talk to us
about your teeth. We b'elloc you
wilt appreciate the woik nnd our
low prices. Wo will save you
nearly one-halt on all dental
We make a specialty of Crown and Bridge
work and if you have any old or decayed
teeth, come to us nnd wo will make new
ones out of them for you.
Dr. Reyer, Dentist
514 Spruce St., Opp. Court House.
Agency Director :
f - f4' - ' - '4 - - f - T - - f4 - - f - f - f - f 4'-f-ff
The swarthy engi
neer may use strong and
harmful soap to clean
his oil-grimed hands ;
the busy servant may
use alkaline flesh-eating
soap powders to wash
her kitchen floor; the
use costly toilet soap
10:. (Zsnola Toilette 25 Cents,)
412 Spruce Street.
Grand display of New
Neckwear and Hosiery.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
ThU will he about the last week of pencil
icaeoii, We will iici'hti dull) u llmltid niiautity
of Jersey, York slate and Jllclilfnii fruit. If
ou haw not lou'ht do not neglect to lea a
uiir rrchr this 'Mel. if ou uaut pen lies.
We would eall attention to the particularly
line imalliy o! our oysterj, Jfauritf Illier Coej., Puck Kln-l, Mill I'oruli, Dhif
l'olnts, rte",, etc.
Ilememhi'r wu mike u specialty ot Ulue Poiuti
dilltirei! on half Miell In rarrlv.
W. H. Pierce,
ID Liekananna Arc,
110, 113, HI Penn Avt.
TI10 Dkksoii Miumntctui'lii!; (Jo.
tcranton and WtlUex-IJiirra, I.
ilunuUo.urore o.'
Boilers, (touting unci Pumping Michlmry.
Oencral Offlct, Boraatos, Pa.
I i
' i
. SS1
. T
am .,dflafefl