The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 10, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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The Fair Is Well Stocked nnd Prom
ises to Be One of the Most Inter
esting In the History of the Asso
ciationThe Exhibition Building
Is a Mammoth Affair For tho
Race Events of tho Three Days
There Are 114 Entries Horses in
' the Different Events.
From a Staff Correspondent.
Bloomsburg, Oct. 9. The Bloomsburg
fair la on. For tho fortv-slxth con
secutive year tho gates of the grounds
devoted to the exposition of the Co
lumbia County Agricultural, Horticul
tural and Mechanical association -were
swung open, and business-looking teams
began to arrive early this morning and
kept up In steady procession all daV.
All goods necessary to make this fulr
one of the greatest successes In Us his
tory were delivered before night. The
fair grounds, which are situated on a
large tract of level land a short dis
tance from the business section of
Bloomsburg and are easily accessible,
look tonight, with their streets lined
with -white tents, like a regimental en
campment. Every foot of space around the main
exhibition hall and the various en
trances has been leaped. Over 3,000 en
tries of exhibits for premiums have
been recorded upon the secretary's
books, and many ignore were seeklnc
admission at 6 o'clock tonight, keeping
the secretary and his large corns of
assistants extremely busy.
The fair association has taken a spe
cial Interest In securing "Midway" at
tractions such as Bloomsburg has never
before seen. There will be Interest Inu
doings every minute during the entire
fair week. There arc a great number
of entertainments under cover of can
vas, and the person who goes to the
fair to have a gay time will have only
himself to blame If he doesn't get it.
Grounds on the Level.
Nearly all the county fairs of North
eastern Pennsylvania are located on
top of the steepest and most Inacces
sible hill In their neighborhood. This
association has displayed good com
mon sense in laying out their grounds
on a level, convenient and easily
rpached tract of land only a few min
utes' walk from the depots of the bor
oush, aid stone sidewalks run to Its
very gates.
The grounds Inside the high board
fences are laid out for the convenience
of the visitor. The main entrance Is
beside the secretary's ofllce and rlcht
In front of it Is a long street lined with
canvas houses, log cabins and rough
board shacks, where refreshments and
games of all kinds, except games of
chance, may be found. Going along
side the fence the first department Is
reached, that of poultry. There are on
exhibition hero more than 1,000 pairs
of fowls, including pigeons, turkevs,
creese, chickens and all feathered
In front of the poultry department is
the mammoth exhibition hall, more
than 300 feet lone; and wide and hieh.
Arranged along Its sides are the dis
plays of local and county merchants
and a rich variety of goods Is set forth.
In the center Is a partition and on
either side of it is tastefully arranged
tempting and luscious fruits, home
made pastry and bread, preserves,
fancy needlework, paintings of all
kinds, vegetables and all that consti
tutes an agricultural and horticultural
Machinery of All Kinds.
Pollowlns the fence along the spec
tator comes upon a bewildering aggre
gation of farming implements and
machinery of all kinds and for every
conceivable purpose, from the little
hand-power corn shelter to the trlnnt
steam plough and roadmaker. Near
this department arc four huge circular
tents filled with the choicest products
of rival carriage and wagonmakers.
At the head of the streets and the
exhibition hall there is tho "Midway"
with its many alluring signs and pic
tures flapping in the breeze and beck
oning the passerby to venture within
Its attractive, "snowy canvas tents.
Some of these side Bhows have ample
accommodations for large audiences,
and tho artist who painted the enticing
pictures swung In front of them did a
good day's work,
At the right hand of the main en
trance are tho stables and stalls for
horses, cattle, swine and sheep, and
they extend half-way around the radius
of the circular track. The horses en
tered for premiums and for tho races
are many. The cattle entries aro also
numerous, the herds numbering from a
dozen to twenty-live and representing
the following breeds: Dutch belted,
Devons, brown Swiss, Guernseys, Jer
ieys and red polled. The swine Include
exhibits of Poland China, Berkshire,
Chester White, Duroc and Tamworth,
while tho sheep ure present in Quan
tity and quality.
The races for tho next three days
have brought out 114 entries for the
13,45 offered in purses. The first race
f the fair will be called tomorrow at
I o'clock.
Special Excursions,
Special excursions for the fair have
been scheduled on five railroads enter
ing Bloomsburg, and big crowds are
Tho dining hall privileges have been
leased tn the Bloomsbitrg Normal
luhool, and a turkey dinner and all
lhat goes with It Is being served by
Ihls Institute. The man whose uppe
lite Is given an added zest by the Oc
lober breezes and does not cave to wait
If this hall Is crowded will find an op.
portunlty to dine In more than a dozen
other places on the grounds, One res
taurant Is run by the ladles of St.
John's Lutheran church, of Catuwlssa;
another by thel Women's Uhtlstlan
Temperance union, of Bleomsbuig. and
Cumi Couah or Cold at onoe.
a, xiroocituiVi
, sure retulti.
. awpuwivc
still another by tho Patriotic Order
Sons of America, of Oatawlsso.
Last year's fair Is looked Upon as tho
biggest In tho history of the county.
This fair, however, the olllclals sav,
will beat nil records, and every Indi
cation substantiates this prophecy.
The officers of the fair association
aro: E. II, Sloan, Orangcvllle, presi
dent; A. C. Crens, C. E. Adams,
Stephens Pettltt, 1. 11. lkelier, vice
presidents; J, C. Brown, nioomsburg,
treasurer, nnd A. N. Yost, Bloomsburg,
Following aro the entries for the
three days' racing:
Wednesday, Oct. 10.
2.18 elasi, pacing! purae, ?100. Dr. Flyer, br.
K., flcorgc II. Utigcr, Nl1.1mot.I11; Mellaril A., I.
K., H. I!. Clover, I'linvsiitnvency; lto'chud, . ni.,
John II. Illinois, Dubois: Trouble, if. (?., Dr. J.
Z., Iteil Mil; Ilex 1'ilneeton, Mk. p.,
William C'arelucll, lliiiitiiigilon; Miracle, blk. p.,
Thomas Kcsslcr, Northumberland! .Mlllc Derby,
b. m., Irvln (I. riray, Ktonmlovvn; Ezra A., b. g.,
Ooorne A. Kelts Tiiiildiannnck; V. O. Iliadlcy,
Mk. pf.i 11. S. normaii, bcranton; Tinker, b. g
It. S. Oorinin, Scranlriii; Allanood, li. E., M. t
l'errln, I'lllston: Heart of Oak. b. s.. It. I,. Per-
rln, I'ittston; Tbelnia, rli. in., J. 0, Mllbomn,
Chester; Allle Hoy, b. p., Maplewood Stock Farm,
ltoadstown, X. J,; I,ucy Posy, ch. tu William
Cobb. Spring Mills, X. V.J Clcno Wlillcomb, b. g.,
W. C. Crane, I'unvsutawney.
2,'Jl day, trotting; ptirse, 9.UH). Mjopla, s. p.,
John li DuDoIh, Dubois; Uy t I,. K., It. D.
l'cck, I11 k Haven; Kate Medium, li. 111., I'. A.
Oucmood, ,lcrni)n; Prince M., b. p., V, S.
Fletcher, Herrlck Centre; .tack .cIon, br. p.,
William Illpifim, Trinton, X. .!.; Ilrlpam Ucll,
b. ,, Maplewood Stock Farm: ltoadstown, N. J.
2.50 dais, pailiip; purse, $300. Albert, br. p.,
It. M, Abr.ims i'ittston; Fonil.i, b. in., Dr. .1.
V.. lllllcgjs, Jlnl Hill: Lucy Hcvcr, b. m., F.I
wood Smith, WIHecs-Harre; li A. It., blk. p.,
Dr. D. h. Pratt, Teiwanda; Mine Hell, rn. 111.,
(1. II. Welllver, lllooimbiirp; Susanna, b. in.,
W. N. Haker, l.cuivhnrp; Sylvia, eh. in.. It. I
Allen, Helle Vernon; Allen .., b. p., h. A. Pat
teroun, Curbonihle; Silver Coin, Grarpe hhook,
Wapakonct.1, Ohio; Fanner Frank, W. C. Crane,
2M class, trot or pace; purse, $J00. Valley
Hoy, li. p., J.nne.H Finley, Wllburton; l'ocono,
br. p., J, w. Matliei, Itohrsbiiip; Tommv II.,
b. P.. O. A. Homy, Heralds; llluc Dclle, rn. m.,
. II. Wolllver, Hlooinsbiirp; Dock, br. li., C. II.
Welllver, Hlonnnbiirp; (Jr.iec M., rn. in., K, M.
Creasy, Mpht Street; Chester, rn. p., W. A.
Hartrell, Uloonnliurp; Carl Van, rn. p., W. A.
Hurlzell, Moomsburp; Jim Packer, s. p., Ilany
Aur.inel, Bloonu-biirp.
Thursday, Oct. 11.
2.11 class, tiot or pace; purc, $IOO. Carl
I)ron, br. p., Itobert (iiatly, Phllailelphia; li'wo
buil, s. in., John li Dullois, Dubois; Mis Del
march, b. 111., Adam Koenlp, Ontaiio, Canada;
Trouble, p. p.. Dr. J. Z. Itillepas, Itcd Hill;
W. O. Iliadley, blk. p., II. S. Ciorman, Scranton;
Tinker, b. p., ll. S. Cornian, Scranton; Pizana,
blk. m., Witheis ,t Oottscholl, Iteadlnir: Council
I Chimes, blk. s., M. L. rerrin, Filtsloii; May
"likes, t. in., .1. O. Milliourn. Chester: Fannv
K., li. m C. K. Sober, LcwKbtirp; Sallie Derby,
b. m lnln O. lli.iy, Stortnstann; Allle Hoy,
li. p., Maplewood Stock Faun, HoacKtonn, X. J.;
Antezella, b. s., A. II. Miller, Cilrarchille. class, trot; puise, if.100. Uclla &tanton, b.
in., J. D. Brown, llarrisburp; Kate Medium, b.
in., P. A. Shot wood, Jermjn; Jack Xelon, br.
p., William Hippins, Trenton, X. J.; Jean W.,
blk. m., Klnnooil Taini, Xorristonn; Xora Mack,
br. in., James Harvey, Ha.Ieton; Choker, in. p.,
W. A. Hartzcll, Hloomsbiirp; Carl Van, rn. p.,
W. A. Hartzcll, Hloomsbiirp.
2.24 class, pacing; puise, $330. Coastman, Jr.,
blk., p., John li DuHois, Dullois; Maiy Miller,
b. 111., John K. DuBois, Dubois; Sue I'atdicn,
blk. in., Frank Header, Buffalo, X. Y. ; Thomas
W., s, g., n. C. Loftiies, Lansilale; John K br.
p., Dr. J. V.. Hillepas, Hod Hill: Dictator Wilkes,
br. p., Weaver Brothers, Montoursville; Luella
ilc C., br. 111., Irviu fl. Gray, Stonnstovvn; Mar
tha I)., li. 111., IIIwooil Smith, Wilke-Barre;
Amaze, oil. m., Kdward Smith, Olenside; Theda, br. in., James O. 1'iatt, Tovv.inda; l.ra
A., b. p., (,'eorpe A. Felts, Tunkliannock;
Iiiovvnio B., br. s., M. h. l'errln, Piltsloii;
Ocorpe JI b. p., A. It. Miller. Giiardville;
Nannie M.ihan, blk. in., A. II. Miller, fiiidard
111e. Friday, Oct. 12.
Fice-for-all, tint or pace; purse, $."00. Call
Drown, br. p., Itobert Giady, Phlladelpliia; Hose
bud, s. in,, John li DuHoK, DuBois; Tinuhle. p.
p., Dr. J. 7.. Hillepas, Bed Hill: Pizaira, blk.
ni., Wlthcia &, Gottsehall, lteadinp; Illpliwooil
Spider, b. p., Fipeou k Stewart, Iloulzdalo;
Council Chillies, blk. s., M. I,. I'errin, Pittslon;
Democracy, p. s., .1. G. Milbourn, Chester; Fan
nin K., b. in., C. K. Sober, Lcwisbuip; Kicliaid
A., b. p., R. K. Clover, Piiiisiitavvney; Ante
zella, b. s., A. II. Miller, Gliardsville; I.idy
Pipes, tli. m., J. F. Allison, McDonild; Lucy
Posey, ill. iu William Cobb, Sprlnp Mills, X.
V; Gene Wliitconib, b. p., W. C, Crane, I'linx
Eiitavvner. 2.20 elai-a, trot; pur.e, $3i0. Myopia, . p.,
Jolin L. DuBois, Dubob; Agave, f. in., Jacob
Teeter, Ithaca, X. V, ; Kate .Medium, b, in., P.
A, Slieiwood, .lennjn; Prince, M., b. p., W. S.
I'leteeher, Heniik Centre; Lord Miilillotuvvii, br,
p., Klvvood Sniith, Wilkes-Barre; Blue Wilkes,
li. p. Klnvvooil Farm, Xoirlstown; Senator K,,
p, r.r II. li Marlz, Mt. Caimel; Fannie K., b.
ill., C, K. Sober, I.cvvisburp; Bilpliam Bell, b, s,,
Muplcwooil Stock Farm, ltoadstown, N. J.
2.27 class, trot or pace; purse, $300. Blue Bell,
rn. ni O. II. Welllver, Blooniihurp; Albert, lir.
p., It. M. Alirams, I'ittston; Sue I'.itchen, blk.
in., Fiauk Header, Buffalo, X. Y. ; Ora Powell,
br, m., W. II. Powell, Glrard; Thomas W., s. p..
It, C, I.ovvnes, Lai'dale; John K,, br, p., Dr, J,
Z, Hillepas, Bed lllllj Nellie P., br. ni., I. W.
Gleason, Norlli Bend; Luella MeC'e., br, m.,
Irvin G. fSuy, Stornistown; Jack XcNou, br, p.,
William lllppins, Tu'nton, X. J.; li A. IT., blk.
p., Dr. D. U. Fralt, Tovvaiula; Brownie It,, br,
., M. L. Peilln, t'ittbton; (ieorpe l b. p., A.
II. Miller, Girardville; Nannie Mahan, blk. in.,
A. II. Millei, Glraidvlllci Sylvia, eh. in.. It. F.
Allen, Hello Vernon; Willie Medium, b. p., L.
A, l'atterion, Carbondalc; Silver Coin, Goipe
f'hf k, Wapakoneta, Ohio; Fanner Frank, , C,
C ,.ie, riinsutuwney. li L. Ihtde'U.
Trial of James Terry for the Killing
of D, O. Terry Other Notes,
Spechl tn the Sciantou Tilbune,
TunkhnnnonK, Oct. 9, The trial of
James Terry, of Falls township, for
tho KiiHnK of D. C. Terry, Is now oc
cupying the attention of the court,
Tho case was placed heforo tho grnnd
jury on Monday nnd a true hill was
returned tlio first tlilntr this morn
Ins. Thn rase went on for trial at the
opening of court this afternoon. The
afternoon was devoted to the choos
Ins of a Jury, and at tho adjournment
of court seven mon had been areoplod
hy both sides and were sent to the
box, Tho seven selected were; J, 01
Varr, of North riranch townshl";
Monroe Harvey, of I.oiuon township;
Charles C. Grow, of "Windham town
ship; Alpheus Adams, of ForUston
township; 13. C. Jteynolds, of Faotory
vllel bnroUKhs C. D. Bishop, of Noxen
township, and J, W, Fchenek, of Noxen
The ci Imp for which the defendant
Is being tried was committed some
time In July last at ;he home of the
defendant In Falls township. Tho man
who was Killed and the defendant are
brothers. They lud been down to the
village of Falls In the afternoon and
came homo along toward evening:,
both rather under the Influence of
liquor. On the way up they had soma
words and arriving- at defendant's rest
dence the quarrel was continued, in
the melee which followed, D. C, Terry
was stabbed hy his brother, James,
and died some time ufter from the
effects of the wound. Jumea W. Piatt,
Sgrantons Great Rure
Opens next Saturday Afternoon at Two o'clock. The basement of this Big Store, covering more than
an acre of floor space, is almost entirely given over to to this most Wonderful Stupendous Exposition. It
will be by all odds the grandest month's entertainment ever provided to Scrantonians to enjoy and all with
out one cent of cost to you. The Basement is one bewildering vista of decoration, and everything will be
ready for the
Nearly all the exhibits are here and ready to go in places. Some of them, especially those of the local man
ufacturing concerns are now being located. When the Exhibition opens Saturday everything will be complete.
Special entrances to the Fcod Show are provided in addition to the regular ones through the store. These are
located at the ends of the buMding on each avenue. Two Staircases from the Main Floor, and prompt ele
vator service also lead to the Basement.
cs appears for tho defense, and Dis
trict Attorney Klnner Is being assisted
In the prosecution by Asa S. Kceler,
esq. The case will occupy probably all
day tomorrow und possibly Friday.
Ill the matter ot the lunacy of Marpaiet
lleniy; exceptions to the final account of C.
M. Lee, committee, aie withdrawn,
James Unity vs. Frank Dady; divorce decreed
as prayed for.
Amy li Sqtileis vs. Juclson W. Sjulcrs, di
vorce; subpoena awarded.
Celestla DeWItt vs. P. S. Illllinptf, ct.'ity; on
a'lldavlt of dtatli of Ferry S. Billings, defendant,
uilc is granted to show cause why W. I. Bill
inpx, administrator, nhall not bo substituted as
defendant of iccord.
1). W. Stark, ft, al. vs. 1'icvosl, et, a!.; case
oidered on list for November term ol equity
J. T. Nolan, et. al. vs. A. .T. Warren, et. al. ;
comt pr.mts rulo to thnw- cause why mechanic's
lien In abovo caui should not be stricken oft".
In the estate of John Wilsey, deceased; the
confirmation of the report of F.lcanor 3. Little,
auditor, is ttricken off, and the appuintment
ci bald Kleanor J. Little lis auditor continued
to enable her to make distribution according to
In the mtate of Hannah M. Hcttlshoimer, the
adinlnintralnr, lminp refused to give bond, C.
O. Uerslielmcr Is appointed a trustee to make
sale of the real estate for the payment of debts
and bond lived at f2,000.
In the nuter of tho puardinnshlp of Daniel B,
J.llis: on petition court appoints W. V. Shaw
In the matter of the puardianship of Minnie
Kills; court appoints W. U. Shaw guarcll m.
In the estate ol John; court directs cleri
nf (he orphans' couit to make deed to pur
lIusci; cm petition Jabcz I,ec Ls discharged as
Ccn monuealtli vs. Grant Thompson; court dc
oi ccs that defendant enter into a recognizance
in the sum of $300 with W. J. Squler as surety
conditioned for 'lie support and maintenance of
his minor childicn; procccdinps in (he case
to be stajed upon bis complying with the ele
ctee. C S. Hill vs. A. Pcmon: appearance of James
W. I'iatt as attorney for defendant withdrawn.
Ida Sickler vs. Herbert Slckler, divorce; J.
Wood I'iatt appointed commissioner to take
Commonwealth vs. Jesse Sccor, charge fornica
tion and bastardy; nol pios. entered by leave of
Cominno vealth vs. C. A. Cobb, ehirpe assault
and batteiy; nol pros, entered by leave of court.
J. Frank Itoss vs. fjr.ieo A. Ross; alias i-uli-poena
in divorce awarded.
In the estate of rjrastus lilenberper; on peti
tion isie Kilenberper, adniinistratiiv, is dis
ehaigcd and her sureties released.
In re special tai in Xortlimoreland town
ship; on petition of Mipervlsors court ordei" and
directs the levying of a special cash ta of Ji
mills cm the last adjusted valuation for the pay
ment of outstanding indebtedness.
C. F. Dodpo vs. Cora J. tlodpe, divorce; J.
Wood Piatt appointed eoiiiini6sioncr.
Thn follow Inp nud'tont' vepoits have been
Pled and confirmed nisi by tho court:
Tn the matter of the partition of the estate
of William VI-ieDotiaol, late of Nicholson town
(hip, deccas d.
In the estate of Chloe A. Hunter, late of Tunk
liannock tow nhi, deceaiod.
In the estates of F.tna Osteihout, late of Tnnt;
bannock toumJiip, deceased.
In the estate of Hannah Anderson, late of
Prainliiin towmhip, deceased.
Accounts have been filed and confirmed nis.1
by the court as follows:
Final account of B. W, 'Lewis, assignee ot B.
W, IMvvjrds.
Final actount of li .1. Jorden, committee of
Sarah A. ClmfTcc.
Final account of F. JI. Vaughn and Oeorge U.
Vaughn, executors of Theron Vaughn, deeeased.
Final account of A. L. Titus and J. I.. Holmes,
executors of (Jeorpo X. Walker.
Final account of Ii J. Joielcn, admlnishator
and trustee of Bertha Clute.
Final account of F. P. Ace and l.'stlui- Ace, ex.
editors of lleniy Ae
Kuplcrncntal nccnutit of J. II, Smith, admin
istrator of Oeorge W. Lutes.
Final account of A. F. Pymond and W. F.
P.vmond, admiulstiatois of John II. Dyniond,
Final account of fieorge L. Keiinarei and I. K.
I.abanc, execulois of Jhiy A. Labnrio,
Supplemental account of Chailcs (liulncr. ex
ecutor of Phllet'is Rejuolds.
Final account of Folk Ansnit, admiiiisliator
c, t. a. of II, P. I.oomis,
First Day of the Musiclnl Alliance
Brings Out a Good Class.
Special to the Scranton Tlibune,
Faetoryville, Pa,, Oct, . Yesterday morning
the lllteenth annual session of the l.ackavvamu
nnd W.vomlns Musical Alliance was formally
opened in tho Methodist I.'plscopal cliuich with
Professor Kdward Morris Bowman as conductor.
About Mxty people were in the ihorua yesterday
und each day will bring new members until the
class i caches u hundred or nioie, The beautiful
ueaiher, if It remains, will ulso add much to tho
attendaui'o nnd success of the alliance. Many
prominent singers of Northeastern I'ennsj Ivunla,
are In attendance and nnnj mom will be present
Tlmrnl iy and Filday to take part In the grand
cnncerW of thosa two evenings,
Iiofcor UoHinnn has already endeared himself
lnln Ilia heaits nnd pood will of his students as
nn lustiuttor und a muter of the profession he
has f hos.i'ii. Tho pioffisor acts as his own ne
eonipinlst .it tho phno, mid sings, talks and n
btiucls his clavs all at tho Mine time It would
seem, and ct ever- note and sound that he makes
,'l'poars to bo perfect mid nothiug escapes his
well (rained car. He also has a uiy keen eenso
of humor iiiiinlns along with his wonderful mud.
eal talents und no caw of "the blues" ean re
nnl'i long in his presence. The conceit tomoirow
night will be an exceedingly pood one and well
voi tli .vcur lime and worth the price of admis
sion. Societaiy W, X, Manchester will have cm
ample supply of Tribunes each morning, vvlilili
lie will be to dislilbiite fiee to members of
ihu alliance,
Special to the, Fr union Tiibuuc.
Spring! illc, Oct. 0. A nice rain is coming to
da), A. I). Ciissuian Is confined to his bed with
t)phoid fever, but Is not in a dangerous condition
at present.
M. I,. A))nn Is entertaining bit father from
Bradford county.
A Mclvlnley and Roosevelt elub was formed
last evening with S. Tuttlc, prcldnt; T. IT.
Kellogg, vice-president; J. O. Lyman, secrotary.
Meetings arc to be held In the township under
the direction of a committee and other work In
the Interest of the ticket is to be done.
On Friday evening last the Republicans gath
ered at the school building to hear Home campaign
talk by F. I. Lott, esq., and Ralph B. Little, of
Monti ose. The speeches were noted for the ab
sence of anything tending to blackguardism, hut
presenting facts, some of vvhleh were takan from
the county lecorda, showing hon- much more of
th" Individual Indebtedness In the toupty was
paid during the last tour years, or under Repub
lican rule, than during the same time under
nemocratlc administration. The Montrose filre
club and Sprlnpvillc Cornet band furnished music.
It was a stirring meetings and quiet a largo
number of Democrats were present.
The band has been hired to po to Montrose on
Wednesday to make music for a Republican mass
Tomorrow ovening a quartette from the band
will go to Pimock to play for an elocutionary
Wonder what has become of the water basin
that has been talked of all through the summer?
Ira A. Strickland is dipping a well and is now
down thirty eight feet and no water.
The narrow guage locomotive ran over a cow
owned by E. H. Sherman last week and killed It
and yesterday struck a IIoMein hull owned by
Mark Scott and broke its neck.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, Oct. 0. Mrs. XI. E. Gerrltson 13 the
guest of relatives at Scranton.
Hon. Ralusha A. Grow is In town today.
Mrs. W. ,1. Dillon, of Binghamton and son, have
returned home after several weeks' visit with
relatives In this place.
Mrs. George II. Frazicr and son, Homer, arc
spending the week at the home of Mrs. Frazier's
parents in Rush.
The Ladles' Matlnee'Musical club will be enter
tained on Tuesday next by Mrs. .1. Brewster Me
Collum at her residence on Maple street.
Mrs. Frank Herrlck, who has been ill tor gome
time, is convalescent.
There will be a grand Republican rally at the
armory tomorrow evening. The speakers will be
Congressman-at-Large Galusha A. Grow and Hon.
James T. DuBois. The Spiingvillc band and
Montrose Glee elub will furnish music.
Dana Watrous, a bright young man of this
place, left this week for Kingston, where he has
entered Wyoming seminary as a student.
George Levy, of Elmtra, la clerking for his
brother, L H. Levy, in this place.
A. B. Burns was a visitor at Susquehanna this
The handsome new stone steps for the couit
house were placed in position this weok.
The McKlnley and Roosevelt club rooms have
been made very attractive by the committee on
decorations, and the front of the building is
adorned by quite imposing banners.
Mr. Daniel Ra.vre, a life-long resident and one
of our most highly rsteemccl citizens, suffered a
paialjtic stroke ,eterday and now lies in a
most critical condition at his home on Lako
Gcorgu C. Hill, of Silver Lake, Republican can
didate for representative, was greeting his many
supporters in Montrose today.
Just before .1 o'clock this morning the sleeping
inhabitants of this burp, were rudely awakened
by the startling cry of fire, the v Igorous ringing
of the alarm in the court house tower and the
frantic shrieks of numerous whistles. Montrosi
tumbled out of lied, jumped huriiedly Into its
e-lothes and hastened out into the frosty moininp
air. The cause of ail this pioved to be a slight
conflagration that had started in the house of
John McCavvley, on Lake avenue. The stove-pipe
running through the kitchen attic and thence
into the chimney, had fallen apart above the
celling, and, letting the hot soot on to the
timbers, set them aflie. The flames had eaten
their way along the rafters, then up the side
of the building into the peak of the roof. The
fire was discovered by a servant pill, who occu
pied a bed-room off the kitchen. Neiphbors went
to work with garden hose and, by combining
several lengths, they were enabled to reach the
fire and had it ettlnguished liefoie the arrival
of the firemen. The damage will not exceed, it
is thought, $:.), and Is" covered by insurance.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
I'ittston, Oct. 0. Last evening's Republican
rally in the Seventh district, West Plttston,
proved a very successful affair. A largo audience
was present and interesting and Instructive ad
dresses wern delivered by Hon. Ii A. Coray and
Attorney Georgo S. Ferris.
Patrick Italian, aped ni) ycara, for many ,vcars
a resident of Port Grlfllth. died ut ills home at
that place this morning. The f uncial will tako
place Friday morning at 0 o'clock with a ie
quicni mass in St. John's Roman Catholic church.
Following is a list of competitions for a ten
penny competitive meeting to he held under the
auspices of the Welsh Congregational church on
Thanksgiving afternoon and evening: Recitation
for glris under ta years, "The Dying Newsho)"
(Standaid Recitations, No, 0), msl prize, .5(1
cents, second prize, ?J cents; iccitatlon for hoys
under 18 )ears, "A Little Child Shall Lead
Them" (Slanilard Recitations, No. fl), first prize,
00 cents; second prize, 25 cents; Impromptu word
contest, prize, CO cents; impromptu speech, prize,
80 cents: soprano rolo, "Answer," by Robyn,
pilze, 1; children's solo, boys or girls, under 1
ycais ot ase. "Ml He Lights," (Pago 131, G. II.,
Nos, 5 and 1), (list ptlze, SO cents; second prize,
2.'i cents; solo, for men or women over 40 years
of age, "Takv Timo to Bo Holy," pilze, W) cents;
duet, for glil and boys under 18 yean, "Christ
tho Fountain" (I'dje 333, CI. 1I Xos, fl and fl),
prize, $1; choriu, mixed voices, not less, than
eight and not mora than silicon, "The Radiant
Morn," prize, IJS; quirlclte, mixed voices, "Softly
and Tenderly" (Page 58, O. II., Xos, 5 and 0),
prize, $3; duet, tenor and bass. "The Two Sail J
ors," prize, $1.S0; essay, 'Thanksgiving Day," 1
prize, fl: not more thin live multireel worn;
duet, soprano and contralto, "In the Starlight,"
prize, Sl.oQ; incno's tolo, any key, "Anchored,"
prize, ?l. F.ntrles should be brut to W, B. Hvans,
secretary, 5i5 Third street, Went I'ittston, not
later than Nov, 2.
At a meetlnir of (he Taxpayeis' association In
the board of trade roouu lavt evening the reck
leM cxpeiidltuic ot money by the city council
was the subject ot much discussion and a tai
a,v en.' ticket Is a possibility at the municipal
election next fall, Another meeting ot the asso
ciation will be held next Monday evening.
A branch of the I'nltcd Mine Voikcrs was or
ganized heie last night.
,'o. 8 washery of the Penmjhanla Coal com
pany continues in opeiatlon, allhou'di short
iuindcd. Although no acts of violence have been
done by any of the striking employes, things are
made as unpleasant as posiiblc for those who
continue to work. A number of the workmen
have been hung in fhlgy, All day last Sunday a
dummy flguie was suspended from a telegraph
wire on I'aisonagc btrect, It was labelled "Miller
the Scab" and hung in front of a property occu
pied by a man of that name.
M. S. Jordan tt Company, tho Scranton stock-'
brokers, have opened a branch otflce In the Min
ers' bank building, here.
The nuptials of Miss Ilia Hltchner, of West
I'ittston, and Dr. Wert Conklln, of Montrose,
will lake place here at high noon on Wednesday.
Taxiileimlst li W. Campbell, of West Plttston,
left this evening for Pittsburg, where he has
secured nn engagement as taxidermist In the
Carnegie Museum,
Although the hunting season doesn't open until
Oct. IS, Illegal hunters arc already out, and this
afternoon a quail was shot tn the borough limits
of West I'ittston.
Last evening Peter Mardus appeared before Al
derman Barrett and hid warrants Issued for the
aircst of Thomas Williams, David S. Williams,
Willlim S. Schwab ami William Collier, charged
with the murder of his brother, Charlea Mardus.
The defendants arc coal and iron policemen at
the Clear Spring colliery. About X o'clock on the
morning of Sept. 2S, Charles Mardus and a com
panion were discovered attempting to break into
a bouse near the colliery. The house-breakers
tried to escape and the watchmen fired two shots
after them. Mardus fell badly injured and n
taken to tho I'ittston hospital, where ho died Oct.
3. The defendants were committed to Jail by the
alderman and were released at 10 o'eloek this
moininp on habeas corpus proceedings.
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Thompson, Oct. 0, George W. Gelatt. of
Scranton, returned Sunday to his work after a
short visit with relatives and friends here.
Professor Benjamin Spencer, of Pleasant Mount,
was a visitor at F. Spencer's over the Sabbath.
Allan Miller, of Wyoming seminary, ts having
trouble with Ills eyesso he is homo for a week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Miller.
A. 0. Salisbury is on the sick list at this writ
ing. The stockholders of the new Thompson cream
ery organized Saturday by the election of officers
as follows: President, Harry S. Brown: vice
president, Dclos Stone; secretary, A. II. Crosier;
trustees, C. S. Bryant, Hugh Perry, Delos Stone.
The ofllccra will constitute the board of directors.
The samo day the F. S. M. P. A. elected the
following ofllceis: President, Delos Stone; sec
retary, F. D. Wrlghtcrj treasurer, M. M. Mes
senger. This hranch of the association has bcv-enty-flve
Those who went to New York on the Delaware
and Hudson excursion last week arc home again
and report a delightful trip.
Mrs. Maria Spencer, of Mt, Pleasant returned
yesterday after a few days visit with her mother
and brother, Mrs. S. King and C. R. King.
Rev. A. D. David Is at the HoncBdale District
Ministerial association at Jackson and Rev. P.
R. Tower and wife went over early this morning.
"Aunt Philo" Crosier, who was reported ill
in our last items, lias been unconscious for three
da)?, but is alive nt this writing.
A number of friends surprised Mrs. Gelatt last
evening in honor of her birthday. The evening
sped on and sociability, songs and instrumental
music. Ice cream and light refreshments were in
terspersed. When tho evening was spent Rev.
P. R. Tower told the pood man that he was born
just fifty years ago, and suggested needed rest
and gave him a seat in a fine willow rocker and
then seated his wife by Ills side in a like seat.
His mother, who is over SO years old, said "Kl
bert has alwaj-B been a good boy," and he said
"Thanks" and a little more" Rev. W. H. French
offered prayer and we went away to our rest,
none the worse for so pleasant an evening.
Special to the Sainton Tribune.
Hopbottom, Oct. 9. Mr. William
Rhoades, who has been spending the
summer with his daughter at Ocean
Grove, N. J., has returned to his home
Misses Marion Titus, Mella Brown.
Kdna Brown and Mabel Jotters and
Mr. Lyman Kellum attended the
Young People's Christian union con
vention, held at Gibson Saturday and
Sunday. They were most cordially en
tertained by Gibson friends and had
an enjoyable and profitable conven
tion, both socially and religiously.
Mrs. N. M. Finn, wnose illness has
been noted during the past seven
weeks, is now In a most critical con
dition, and hopes ot her recovery are
dally growing less. A nurse from
Scranton Is In attendance and Drs.
Taylor and Alney are doing what med
icine enn do for her.
Mr. J. H. Tiffany Is r.uite III.
Mrs. Homnns Is now recovering both
In mind and body from tho Illness
occasioned by her fall, and Rev. Ro
mans will be able to continue his
work as usual,
Testifies to the Good Qualities of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
On tho XOth of December, 1897, Rev,
S. A, Donahoe, pastor M. E, church,
South, Pt. Pleasant, W, Va., contract
ed a severe cold which was attended
from tho beginning by violent cough
ing. He says; "After resorting to a
number of so-called 'specifics' usually
kept In the house, to no purpose, I pur
chased a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, whloh acted lllte a
charm. 1 most1 cheerfully recommend
U to the public. For sale by all drug
gists,. Matthew Bros,, wholesale and
retail agents.
SpccUl to the Scranton Tribune,
Hurfoid, Oct. 9. Frank Hepburn,
Juck Briggs, Lynn Btnlnard, Clyde
Patterson, Florence Robblni. Ethel
Tiffany and Camihi MocConnell weie
In Gibson Sunday evening.
E. H. Osborn and W, Osterhout were
In Ulnghamton last week.
Calvin Chamberlain Is visiting
friends In Wllkes-Barre,
Mr, anel Mrs. W. V, Adams, of
Klngsley, spent Sunday with Dr, A. T.
Brundage nnd family.
Ve are to have a Republican rally
October 12.
Rev. N. McQce Waters will lecture
on "Lincoln, or a Chapter In the Story
Food Show
Are obtained when you secure the greatest possible value ft' 1
your money. Whether it be one
ngiu rmnos ai $ioo, or one oi
You can depend upon it being worth every dollar it cost. That's g
the way we do business on FAR and SQUARE lines or not at g
all, Visits of inspection are esteemed and visitors not quite ready &
to buy are welcome to our quotations for comparison. 5
Fine tuning a specialty. g
Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. S
of Liberty," In the Congregational
church Monday evening, October 15.
This Is the first of a scries of five
lectures and entertainment. Buy your
season tickets and come and hear Mr.
"Waters. Season tickets one dollar.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Tiffany and
daughter, Ethel, attended the Page
Oliver wedding at Lakeside October 3.
Miss Ethel Tiffany played the wed
ding march.
Thirteen of the young friends of Earl
Chamberlain made him a pleasant sur
prise Oct. 4. The occasion being hts
tenth birthday. Games were played
and refreshments were served. All
enjoyed a pleasant time.
Mrs. Solomon Bell, of Poster, Is
visiting her brother, Ed. Van Loan.
The Christian Endeavor society will
hold a social In the lecture room Oc
tober 10. E. E. Jones will give a
description of his trip to the Bermuda
Special to the Scranton Triliime.
Now Milford, Oct. 9. Miss Maggie
Hand Is In Binghamton, caring for her
cousin. Miss Lena Ford, who is ser
iously ill.
Union services were conducted In
the Baptist church Sunday evening by
Rev. Mallery and Rev. Ives, of till"
place, and Rev. Burton Sniith, of
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Shay attendel
the funeral of Roy Wademan, at Peck
vllle, Sunday,
The Young Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union will meet at tho Bap
tist church on Tuesday afternoon at 3
The Young People's Christian En
deavor Society will hold a business
meeting In the lecture room of th?
Presbyterian church on Wednesday
The ladles' of the Working Guild
have been rerjuested to meet In the
lecture room of the Prfsbyterlan
church on Tuesday afternoon ImniPd
lately after dinner, as there Is sneolal
work to be attended to.
Mrs. Ida Russell, of New York city,
ls visiting relatives In town.
Rev. Charles Smith, of the Methoellst
church, has been conducting tovlval
meetings at East New Milford the p?st
Howard Hayden, of Binghamton,
visited his parents here Sunday.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be observed In the Presbyterian
church next Sunday morning at the
usual hour.
Mr. and Mrs. James visited friends
In Scranton the first part of tho week.
Ralph Shields, who Is attending
school at Keystone academy, spent
Sunday with his parents.
Stops tho Cough
nnd works off the Cold.
Laxative Rromo-Qulnlno Tablets
cute a cold In one day. No Cure, No
Pay. Price 25 cents.
. .. .,-
Explosion of a Calcium Frightens
Audience and Actresses,
Py lluluslvc Wire from Ihe Aivxlatrd rea.
Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 9.Slx hun
dred persons In the Stur theater this
afternoon were thrown Into a panlo
by the explosion of a calcium light In
the gallery, The explosion caused a
btuall blaze, and us soon as It shot up
from the burning lllins there was a cry
of "lire."
The crowd In the gallery Immediate
ly rushed for the doors and windows,
and the hurlesquem on the stage ran
oyer the scenery, The panle of tho
actresses und the cries In the gallery
frightened the audience In the lower
part of the house, anel there was a
rush for the main entrance, A police
man who was standing In the way was
rolled down the steps. Men In the gal
lery kicked the gluss out of the win
dows und went down the fire escapes.
After a few moments those nearest
the exploded light put out the (Ire and
the crowd was quieted. When the fire
department arrived the escapes were
of our good, slightly-used Up- S
ine vtagniiiceni
A $7.00
THE Book of the
century. Hnnd
Homcly 1 lus by tuir-ty-two
of tho
worlel'i Great
Given Free
tn eaeh penon lnlreit
ed in subscribing; to the
Eugene Field Monu
ment Souvenir Fund.
Subscribe any amount
desired. Subscriptions
na low an $1.00 will en
title donor to hts daint
ily artistic volume.
"FlIiLD HLt)Wj8"
(cloth hound, 8x11), a
a certificate of tubscrip
tfon to fund. Book
contains a selection of
Lllrla l.nit nnrl mnt.
est Artists.
representative works and is ready for de
livery. But for the noble contribution of the
world's greatest artUls this book could not
have been manufactured for less than ?,.00.
The Fund created is divided equally be
tween the family of the late Eugene Field
and the Fund for the building- of a monu
ment to the memory of tho beloved poet
of childhood. Address
Eu'gen: FlelJ Monument Souvenelr Fund
If jou alto wish to send postage, enclose
10 cents
filled with men and small boys, who
were barely persuaded not to jump.
The burleseiuers were Induced to con
clude the performance.
Defaulting Cashier D. D. Dnre Said
to Bo President of Street Railway.
By Exclusive Wire fiom Tho Associated Tress.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 9. A German
traveler who has just returned from
a tour through Egypt reports that he
saw and conversed with D. D. Dare,
the defaulting cashier of tho Cheyenne
National bank and the former presi
dent of the national bank of San Die
go, Cal., both of which failed In 1891
as a result of Dare's manipulations.
The bank wrecker, the traveler says, la
now president nnd principal stockhold
er of the Alexandria street railway tn
Alexandria, Egypt, going under an as
sumed name.
Dare's stealings are said to have
amounted to $100,000. It Is reported
that officers are en route to Alexandria
to place him under arrest.
Rich Strike Made on Spot Where the
General Pitched His Tent.
Hy Exclusive Wire from The Asvotiateil I'rcu.
Santa Fe, N. M Oct. fl. A sensa
tional gold strike has been made In the
northern part of tho Sand la mountains,
a few miles south of the new placer
mining district, Ore carrying free gold
that assays as high as $30,000 a ton has
been found, but not ettough work has
been done to demonstrate tho value of
tho llnd.
H. T, Brown, one of the discoverers,
calls attention to the Interesting fact
that rich gold ore was found within a
few feet of the spot where General
Ulysses S. Grant camped In 1SS1 dur
ing the two days he was president nt
the Canon del Agua Copper company.
A scratching of the surface would have
revealed the bonanza and probably
would have made the Grant fainll
Third Murder Committed in the State
in a Short Period.
Hy llxclushe Wile from Ihe Awocljlrd l'iei.
Cheyenne, 'Wyo., Oct. 9, Ishaue Datt,
a wealthy cattleman of tho Brown'n
Park country, sixty miles, south of the
Union Pacific, In tfoiuheru Wyoming,
was murdered In his cabin on Cold
Spring mountain last Friday. This Is
the third murder committed In that
section lately. Two months ago Matt,
Rash, who owned thousands of head
of cattle and eeveial Hnu ranches, was
:ihot to death In his cabin.
A significant fact Is that tho vic
tims wero formerly ranchmen In Texas
and were driven out or that country
by stock thieves. Citizens of tho pari:
are aroused and will hunt the mir.
deters to the death or drlvo them out
of the country.
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