f. " X v . THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1900. 1 1 LACKAWANNA COUNTY. MAY BE MANSLAUGHTER. .Edward Herbert, Who Was Stabbed, In a Precarious Condition. Kdward' Herbert, of TJttndaiT. tttreet, who wns Htnbbeit Himduy night by Tn mnsl Hlrlntu), hk the result of n light In front of n hoiisH neur the rnllroiul crossltirr mi Fiitlforook Htreet, whore an Itiitlnn wedding was being celebrated, wits In n precarious condition Inst night nt 10 o'clock anil the doctors In at tendance said the dinners wore ver much ngnlnst his recovery. The rusty, dirty old knife used entered the ab dominal cavity and let the Intestines out. Peritonitis Is feared. If nllve this morning an operation will be.performed on the unfortunate mini. Slriano was Identified by Herbert yesterday afternoon, and at the hear ing before Alderman Jones Inst night wns committed to Jail to nwalt the re sult of Herbert's Injury. He Is also clmrged with chewing off Silcliacl Qolden's ear. O. A. R. INSPECTION. On Wednesday evening, October 10, William H. Dnvies post, No. 187, Grand Armv of the Republic, will have their annual Inspection. Comrades are re qucstedto turn out early, and to bear In mind tho bean banquet, which Is to bo a feature of the occasion. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. J. J. lloleeluth and family have re 'turned from Crystal lake, where they spent the summer, and taken up their residence on Salem avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison have re turned from their wedding tour. Frank Fox, formerly manager of Hotel Anthracite, lias gone to his home In Saegertown. "The Man from Mexico" played to a small audience at the opera house Inst evening. Miss Mary Ferrel, of Jersey City, Is visiting friends in this city. Mrs. Margaret Morse and son, Ken dall, accompanied by Mrs. Lucy llnd cock, left Saturday for a two week?' , visit with relatives in Utlca, N. Y. Upon their return Mrs. Morse and son will make their homo for the winter at the American house, and Mrs. Iladcock with her parents on Belnmot street. Samuel Smale has resigned his posi tion as engineer at the American house and will leave tomorrow for Globe City, Arizona, where ho will reside. He has a host of Cnrbondale friends who will regret his departure. John H. Burke will fill his place at the American house. Common council met last evening and disposed of some minor Business. OLYPHANT. This evening the ladies of the Blake ly Baptist church will serve buck wheat cakes and sausage in the church social rooms, between the hours of 6 and 9 o'clock. Miss Susie Morris, of Taylor, was tho guest of Miss Georgia Thomas over Sunday. Last evening the young people of the Presbyterian church held a cn,lico social and entertainment in the church parlors, where a large number as sembled and listened to an excellent programme glvei.. A social followed, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all .present. The church treasury was en riched a substantial sum. Mr. and Mrs. William Welles and 'children, of Providence, spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. T. L,. AVilliams, ,of Susquehanna street. Mks Jennie Davis, of Lackawanna street, attended a party at Peckvllle ;last evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Y. AVilliams, of Leo Park, visited relatives in town Sunday. The school board will bold its regu lar monthly meeting tomorrow even ing. Quinine for Colds. Many people who use quinine for the cure of colds say that the effect of this drug is more disagreeable than tho disease. Krause's Cold Cure Is pre pared in' a convenient capsule form, nnd will cure the most deeply seated cold In 21 hours without' any interrup tion to business. They are pleasant to take and give you a clear, fresh sensa tion while operating. Price 2jc. Sold by Matthews Bros. ... N PRIGEBURG. Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, and Mr. .and Mrs. Nathaniel Thomas, of Cnr Inalt street, spent Sunday in Old Forge. Local union, No. 1229, United Mlno Workers of America, will hold an im portant meeting this afternoon at 2 o'clock, to make arrangements for to morrow's parade nt Scranton. Mr. Joseph Greatrlx has' returned home, after a pleasant visit with rela tives at Jermyn, Miss Mary Marsotson is III at her home on Carmalt street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Browning nnd .daughter, Lizzie, of Peckvllle, spent Saturdny with friends In town. James Cnyglll, of Albert street, Is spending a few weeks In the country. . A number of young people of this place attended tho funeral of John W. Tones, of Blakely, on Sunday. David Thomas, of Commit street, spent yesterday with relatives In Providence, m r I. i Why Experiment On Yourself With remedies of doubtful utility when you can got Chnmberlaln's Cough Remedy, which has stood tho test of tlmeV Twonty-flvo years' sale and use have proven that remedy to bo a prompt nnd .certain cure for colds. It will cure a cold In a day It taken as soon ns tho cold has been contracted and before It has settled in the system. Sold by all druggists, Matthews Bros,, Wholesale nnd retail agents, DALTON. Mrs. Fred Palmer entertained her sister and friend, of Scranton, on Sun day. ' There were no services In the Metho dist church on Sunday, owing to tho Improvements being nmdo In tho audi torium. Rbllln Charles and Charles Smith, of tho Btroudsbursr Normal school, and Jjj? EVERY WOMAN BotsetlMttj oceiiu a reliable monthly, wurnUtlng medicine. Only bnalca mi Ibo purest drug! should bo used, llyou wast th best, get Dr Paal'a Pnnnvroval Pill IThoyorapiompt,ijafoftnaccrUlnlnroault. w m . Tun T'j"U4Q(i (Dr. Peal'm never dlancnolnt. Bold fnr ftim nr tin. 'For Salo by JOHN H. PHELPS, Fparmaclvt. ccr. Wyoming avenue and ooruce sireei, Mr. Cooper, of Wyoming seminary, spent Sunday with their parents here, About 4 o'clock Saturday niornlns burglars attempted to enter the house of F. M. Tiffany. Harry Tiffany, bis son, heard the sound of whispering from underneath Ills bedroom window. Arising from tils bud, he looked out of the window nnd saw three men stnntl lug there, He Immediately took up n revolver and came down stairs. When ho stepped upon tho back porch bo dis charged the revolver In the nlr, which wns quickly returned by a shot from one of the men and which nenrlv hit Mr. Tiffany. Mr. Tiffany then directed a shot at the burglars, who quickly ran away. On Wednesday night previ ously thieves entered several hen roosts and stolt- a largo number of fowls. .Secretary Mnhy bus returned lo Scranton for the winter, where bis work at tho Young Men's Chrlstlnn as sociation demands his permanent resi dence. Dr. .1. W. Price hns accepted a posi tion with the Scranton International Correspondence Schools. There will be a business meeting of the Ladies' Aid society of the Baptist f-'liureh nt the church on Wednesday afternoon.' Oscur Hesse, Jr., of Red Bank, N. J., arrived here yesterday for a month's visit at the Baptist parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Ives returned homo on Friday last, after an enjoy able visit among the Adlrondncks. Mr. 55. Charles returned to Allentown yesterdny, after a visit of a few days homo. JERMYN AND MAYFIBLD Death of a Former Resident St, Aloysius Society's Smoker Fare well Party in Honor of Jacob Sil verblatt. , Word wns yesterday received of tho death at Scranton of Mrs. Thomas Bruce, after a trying illness of con sumption. Deceased was formerly Miss Emily Friend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Friend, and for many years was a resident of this vicinity, where she wns widely known and es teemed. The remains will be brought here on Wednesday afternoon for in terment and services will be held In the First Baptist church. The St. Aloysius Total Abstinence and Benevolent society will have a smoker i n their new rooms, over Wheeler's store, on Wednesday even ing. The society has recently rented the rooms, which have been specially lltted up for them, and in addition to a meeting room, there is a reading room and other smaller ones for games and diversoins to pass away the long winter evenings. The smoker on Wed nesday will be the formal opening of the room, and will, no doubt, be largely attended. Mr. Jacob Sllverblatt, who foi the past year has been bookkeeper at Nel son Morris & Co.'s wholesale meat house, leaves this evening, to act in a similar capacity in one of the firm's houses in New York. Last evening, a farewell party was given In his honor at the St. George hotel, and was large ly attended and enjoyed. The Maytteld council failed again last evening to hold their monthly meeting, owing to the absence of a quorum. Councllmen Shlanto, William Edmunds and Harris were present, and another attempt to bold the meet ing will be made Thursday evening, when it is expected some of the mem bers", who are now out of town, will have returned. John F. Nicholson is confined to his home on Main street with a severe cold. On Sunday his symptoms were somewhat alarming, but last evening he was considerably Improved. The school board will meet In regu lar session this evening. Prof. W. L, Rogers, of Green Ridge, was in town circulating among old friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Toman and son, of Scranton, spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. Haas, who was injured in tho street car accident a week ago Sun day and who at the time was thought to be suffering from shock only, hns since been critically ill. A Carbondnle physician, was in consultation with Dr. P. C. Manley yesterday in regard to her caso and it is feared she may have to undergo an operation. PECKVILLB. In the Blakely Baptist church on Sunday six persons were welcomed to fellowship. They were baptized by the pastor, Rev. David Spencer, D. D., the Friday evening previous. Miss Sarah Davis spent Sunday with relatives In Providence. Dr. Welland Peck was the'gu?sc of relatives In Philadelphia, Sunday, Mr. T. B. Thompson is able to ba out after his ragout Illness. Mr. W, F. Bross is absent on a business trip to Utlca, The ladles of the Blakely Baptist church will serve supper In the church pnrlors this evening from G..10 to 9 o'clock. ' Mr. George Huhn left Inst evening for Ohio, where lie has secured em ployment. Mr. Willinni Stevens has been placed at Yt culm dump by the Delaware and Hudson, for the purpose of preventing the wholesale picking of coal, The coal from this dump was being picked mill sold to persons up nnd down the valley, The company has no objections to their employes picking coal, but. object to the selling of conl, as has come Into vogue of late. Mrs. J, W. Beck Is recovering from a mild attack of typhoid. 'Mr. William Pago is very III with typhoid. Miss Dakiu, of the Powder Mills, Is very low with typhoid fever. The funeral of tho late I.eRoy WauV innn was held yesterday afternoon und was largely attended. The pallbearers were members of tho Junior Ordr United American 'Mechanics, and thu flower bearers were chosen from ohms No, 9 of the Methodist Episcopal Sun day school, HTUAYED-Hed Cow, no horns, C-year-old, had strap around neck with bell attached. Address, Joo Phillips, Peckvllle, Pu. Mr, Florence Swingle, of Yatesvllle, visited relatives hero Sunday and Mon day. Mr. nnd Mrs, David Shay, of Mill Clly, were here yesterday, attending the funeral of the Into Leftoy Wade-mnti, CITIZEN EXILED FROM TOWN. Compelled to Go for Striking His Aged Father-ln-Lnw. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Lowville.'N. Y., Oct. 7. Herbert Kel logg has had numerous windy utinr rels with his father-ln-lnw, George 11. Rush, cashier of the First National bunk, a man more than 70 year of age, who is .held )n high esteem by Lowvllle's citizens. Yesterday a rumor was In circula tion that Kellogg had struck his aged father-in-law. That night the citizens after holding a meeting sent a commit tee of two to serve notice on Kellogg to get out of town Immediately and to stay out. The order wns obeyed. It Is said that Mr. Bush's daughter intends to join her husband. Mr. Bush's wife sides with her daughter, and It Is said she may join her If she goes to live with her husband. TAYLOR NEWS. Departure of A. C. Duck Evans Jones Nuptials Personal and Other News Notes. The biography of every man who has risen to eminence of any kind, by his own talent and industry, is a lesson and stimulus to all who read It. Mr. A. c. Duck, who moved here about nine rnonths ngo, has through his own indomitable will nnd Industry secured a very responsible position in West Chester, N. Y. It Is very gratifying to his friends to learn of this well de served promotion. Mr. Duck lias a great many accomplishments being a painter, photographer and musician in nil of which he excels. These tal ents have been used to good advantage for the advancement of the neighbor hood. The ceremony uniting In marriacro Miss Corbettn Evans, of this place, and Mr. Thomas II. Jones, of West Scran ton, took place at the home of the bride's parents, Chief of Police anil Mrs. John H. Evans, of the Flats, on Saturday evening. The ceremony which united the young couple for life was performed by the Rev. D. C. Edwards, nastor of the AVelsh Baptist church, and was witnessed by relatives and numerous friends. The couple were un attended. After congratulations were extended, all sat down to a bounteous supper, served by Mrs. Evans and MIs-3 Rutli Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will go to housekeeping immediately In a well-furnished home on Eynon street, uyuo lJark. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. David X. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Morris, Mrs. Lydon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Beth Grimths, Mr. nnd Mrs. David Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. William Powell, MIssi-s Laura Morris, Emma Morris, Ruth and Exenla Evans, Mary Jenkins, Susie Powell, Cordelia Lewis, Bessie and Rachel Jones, Annie Thomas, May Morris, .Elizabeth Wlnterburn. and Messrs. Thomas Jones, Thomas Thomas, David D. Bevan, W. H. Jons?, W. P. Morris, John Lewis, John Evans, William Morris, John Jones, Morgan Davis, Evan Davis, David Griffiths, Thomas Dourish, William Evans and Lewis Jenkins. Local branch, No. 1013, United Mine Workers of America, will meet In regu lar session this afternoon in Basham'.s hall. Misses Susie Harris, Annie, Edith and Gertrude Watkins and Messrs. William Tubbs, Richard Gendall, Stan ley Miller and John Thomas spent Sun day at Moscow. Lackawanna lodge, No. 113, Ameri can Protestant association, will meet In Important session tills evening. Mrs. John Jones, of Bellevue, wns the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas M. Howells, yesterday. Miss Bella Lancaster, of Scranton, was the guest of the Misses Bessie and May Phillips, on Taylor street, on' the Sabbath. , Misses Lizzie and Margaret Service, of Green Ridge, spent the Sabbath as the guests of their cousin, Miss Laura Montis, of North Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charles and Mrs. Bonner, of Olyphant, were tho guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Jo seph Woodworth, of North Main street, yesterday. Lily lodge. No. 339, Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, will meet this even ing. Jhe Woman A COMEDY.) I ADY (who seems to liaVe been ex nnilninp; Roods for Eotno time) Have you any tablecloths? Kxhaustetl Attendant Yes, madam; what kind did you wish? AVe have them in silks nnd linen. Lady Oh, show me 501110 silk ones. Attendant And what size, imidnm? I.ady Oh! it's not a very bltr table Just the ordinary size, 1 don't want any fringe to it, nnd I think It's not ch hip as a yard, but I've never meas ured it. At'tundnnt No, madam',' (Produces box of cloths). These nro very pretty; wu lutve them in all colors. Lady (Hlnvly)-Ye es; they look ruther small. Attendant You said, madam, that you wished for a small one. These are one yard square, Lady Did I? Well, if j sad Jess than u yard, I really meant more than that'. Attendant The next slue, madam, are two yards square. Shall r fetch them for you'.' Lady (turning cloths over and over) Oh, no. I tlilnlc you see It's really a sort of oblonu tables at leust It Is really square, but it stands across a corner, so thu cloth would have to bu folded, Attendant I see, madam. Perhops Honiethliiff more nn this style cover would bi? suirabley Lady Oh, yo.es. (Continues to flu Ker the cloths.) Attendant (displaying bevs of covers on the counter) These, maJuni, would not require to be folded. (For five minutes lady silently ploughed among the fresh covers, while attendant serYes other cus'tomers.) Lady (calling her back) I like these raider, but aro they for working? Attendunt Yes, madam, did you not wjsh one to wirk? t Lady No, l' will look at the others again. (Moves back to first box.) How much Is this? Attendant A dollar and u quarter, madam. VERY BUSY DAY IN CRIMINAL COURT Iconeludeil from Page 3.) Ills wife carried homo a portion of his clothing. She also testified to find ing In her husband's safe a batch of forty-seven letters from Mrs. Gilbert. The Jury found Tappnn guilty, after being out for a few minutes. Tappun was defended by ex-Mnyor James J, O'Neill, of Carbondale, and Attorney John F. Scrngg assisted the district uttomey In the prosecution of the case. , PI.EADRD GUILTY. Frank Wllllnins pleaded guilty to having entered a freight car of the Delaware and Hudson company at Cnrbondale and stolon n number of window shndes. He wns sentenced to pay a fine of $1, costs, restore the stolen property, nnd spend six months In tho county jail. Louis Angle pleaded guilty to havJ Ing stolon u horse nnd cnrrlnge from Liveryman Joseph Kelly, of Linden street. The outfit was disposed of at Bloomsburg. Angle was sentenced to pay a fine of $1, costs, directed to re store the value of the stolen property and spend six-months In the county jail. Martin Healey ndmltted having stol en a coat from Nicholas Glenn while he was drunk, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $1, costs, restore value of stolen property, nnd spend two months In the county jal. John Kosbman plendod guilty to cut ting copper wire out of enrs of the, Scranton Railway cgmpany stored at the Providence bnrn. He hns been In jail since May 14, awaiting trial. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $1, costs, restore value of stolen property, and spend two month3 in the county jail. John Ryan, of Mlnooka, pleaded guilty to having thrown a stone through the window of Christopher Barber's saloon. He was 'sentenced to pay a fine of $1, costs, and spend ten days in the county jail. HE WILL BE TRIED. Edward Geary was ready to plead guilty to stealing copper wire Trom the Scranton Railway company, but after listening to his story Judge Aroli bald directed that the case be tried. He was not convinced of the young man's guilt. A nol pros was entered In the surety case of Nora Haley and Mrs. Kate O'Malley, Mary Russler, prosecutrix, upon payment of the costs, and simi lar action was taken in the case of Walter Kechlskey, desertion; Delia Kechiskey, prosecutor; and Walter Kechiskey, surety; Delia Kechlskey, prosecutor. HARVEST HOME SERVICES. Held In the Ash Street M. E. Church Sunday Evening. The congregation of the Ash Street Methodist Episcopal church held their Harvest Home services on Sunday evening. At the appointed hour the church was well filled with people whose faces beamed with sunshine. A large donation of vegetables and choice fruits, tastily arranged, adorned the entire front of the room. The pro ducts will be distributed among the needy families of that part of the city.' Rev. Joseph Madison, of Green Ridge, was In charge und preached an inspiring sermon, taking as his theme, "The Choice ofMoses." The choir and rpinrtette rendered several selections most effectively. After the sermon, Rev. Mr. Madison asked the congre gation for a contribution of sufficient size to meet nil the annual benevo lent collections. The people responded promptly and cheerfully, and when the secretary counted up he announced that considerable more than the ap portionment for the charge had been raised. The surplus money will be ndedd as an extra offering to the mis sionary collection. The congregation sang, "God Be with You Till We Meet Again," and were dismissed by the pastor. CORPORATIONS CHARTERED. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. HairWiurg, O.t. 8, These corporations weic chartered today by the state department: lliooiue, .SrhmUlt k Slacy company, York, cap ital flOU.OOO; Lake Caniers" Oil company, Coi a polls, capital j-T.'i.O'JO; Shu ion Steel Hoop com pauv, SImiuii, capital, $20,000; Carnot Tola phone ceivpany, Carnot, Allegheny counrv, cap Ital .$1,000. v Who J'hops. Lady Oh, I don't want to give ns much as that you see It Is nop a very large table, and T don't wunt to put much 011 It. (Still hesitates and fin gers the things.) Well (very slowly), I'm sorry, I don't seem to see what I want. (Picking up her bag and um brellathen catching sight of a large pllo of stuffs) What are those? Attendant Those, -madam, are table covers, Hut they ore more expensive. Lady (tugging at the top. one and pulling down the whole pile) Are they? Attendant Yes, madam, that out: Is five dollars. Lady And how much Is the next? Attendant Seven dollars. The cheapest Is five. Lady Really? How tiresome but, oh! That (pulling out the bottom one) that's very pretty. Attendant Yes, madam a beaurlful cloth, it's ?5,50. Lady Oh, It's worked, Isn't ;tV (ex amining needlework,) Attendant Yes, madam, It I worked, Lady (turning it in all, directions and holding if up to the light) Well, I think I won't have It, It's got n bor der, and I think a fringe would be bet ter than a border, Have you any with fringes? Attendant I am sorry, madam, but wo have none of that' design In mock with a fringe. Lady Haven't you really? Attendant No, madam. Lady Well, I am sorry. (Very llu gerlngly looking around the shop), What Ib that? Attendant A work-bag, madam. Lady Well, thank you, I won't- wult, but I thought If I could have found anything, I would have taken It. You are sure you have no more? Attendant I don't think, madam, that we have anything more likely t-o suit you. Lady (going towards the door) Well, J daresay I shall be passing again, and I'll Just look In. Philadelphia Times, j The People's Exchange. Avwwiwfs'wi POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for til a Han sit nt AH Will IfnVo House tn Rnt, Real Efttnte of Otlior Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Wnnt Situation or llotp TI1040 Small Advartiatmenta Coat One Cent a Word. Six Insertions for Five Cents a WordExcept Sltuutiuru Wanted, Which Kvi lit. ecrted Free. FOR RENT. I'Olt IlKNT-tlOUflrl ON' Mlr'FLIN AVENUE. Inquire 10, Muluoity Direct, For nV.NT - 4m "i.ackawanna avknue, four (lours; elevator) beit (tore and lort tlon in Scranton. FOR SALE 1MHVATB SAI.K-KNTIHR COXTKNTB HOilSK Nn. 'J Piatt lilnec CiirpcK, furniture, luce curtains, slimlw, picture., etc.!. Kicut bargain. WANTED-TOBUY. WArEDSECOMTli'ANn SI.OT?ACItlNK3!' must be in court order; state paltlculan o to make and price. Address, L. M., general de livery, Scranton. I'a. KUitNisiwifTKsTTbinfiiKr :i:!2 Madison avenue. WXTKD-YOUNaMAN DESIRES KUUNISIIKI) loem, with board, In private family; cen tratly located. Uoaul, Trllmuc office. WANTED 2 Oil it rURNISIIKl) ROOMS, KOll light housekeeping; centrally located. Ad drew, .1. W., Williams building, City. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR RKNT-UOOMS, WITH I10A11D; KASY walking distance. 030 Washington avenue. RECRUITS WANTED MAR1NP. CORPS UNITED STATES NAVY RK emits wanted Able-bodied men; service on our warships In all parti of the world nnd on land In the Philippines, when required. Lieu tenant Colonel B. It. Runelt, N. W. Corner rack awanna and Wyoming avenues, Scranton. AANJijANTJED. SALESMAN' WANTED TO SEU, OUR C.OODS 11Y niiiiIjIp to wholesale and retail nail'. We are tho lurgest iiumifjcturcrs In our line In the will III. Liberal b.ilui.v paid. Artduw, CAN-DEX Mfg. Co., Savannah, Ja. J-OS7 LOST-nKTWEKN l'ASSKXOKH CAR SHOPS and 1(W Spnue slrert, $10 in currom-y. He v.aul If returned. 1IW Spruce street. LEGAL. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF PROPERTY ON Seventh street between Went Lukawaiuu avenue und Scvantou street. The following is a copy of x resolution of City Councils of ths City of Scranton, Penna., apnroved Sept. If, 1()00: Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Sciauton, the Select Council concurring, that Seventh street from West. Lackawanna avenue to Scranton stieet, be paved, und the cost thereof 1k assessed against the abutting pioperties ac cording to hc foot front rule. Providing that three-fourths of all the members elected to each branch of the Councils shall otc in favor tber" of. On ths passage of this resolution by the said three-fourth vote and its approval by the Mayor, the City Cleik shall publish a copy there of, for a period of ten days, In two newspapers published In the City of Scranton, stating thut unless a majority of the owners of propcrtv (butting on said Seventh stieet between the points above named, shall siitnifv to councils in writing within sixty dajs fiom the date of the npprov.il of this resolution, their preference of the material desired for such pavement, Councils will proceed to pass an ordinance dl lectlng the paving of said road or street, between tho points above named, with such material as uiey see lit. Approved by Select Council, Sept. 20, 1900. C1IAS. I'. WAGNER, Piesident. Approved by Common Council, Aug. 23, MOO. W.M. V. C.ltll'KITIIS, Piesidenl. Approved Sept. 27, 1!)00. .JAMES .MOIR, Mayor. Published in pursuance of provisions of the foregoing resolution. M. T. LAVF.LLE, Scranton, I'a., Oct. 4, 1900. City Clerk. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. TUESDAY.-"Thc Man from .Mexico." WEDNESDAY.-"A Lady of Quality," SATURDAY. Afternoon and night, Crockett." 'David Academy of Music. ALL WEEK, Daniel R. Ryan anil Company. Gaiety. THREE DAYS.-Dainty FIRST lesquers. l'aree Bur- LAST THREE DAYS.-A1. Reeves' Company. The Ryan Company. Tho Daniel R, Ryan company opened a week's engagement at the Academy of .Music last even- lug to a vcty largo audience. The play was well presented and gave excellent sutUfaciion. .Mr. Ryan as "John lllnaud" was all that could he desired, tho supporting compuny was thong and eacli portrayed their respective role with cvpiUlte taste and ability, Tho play announced for thU ufternoon is "A Fatal Wedding" and tonight Daniel Sullv's great comedy diama, "O'llilen tho Contractor," will In; presented. Faree Burlesquers, Darnes and .Martcll's Dainty I'aroo llmle80,uors wcie the attraction at the Gaiety !at ovenlng, and gie.itly pleased an audience which was limited only hy Hip tlze of the lioune, 'I he burlesque wai entitled "A la Paree .lolllera, or I'ails Kpside Down," and depleted tin aden lures of a number of very Krenchy jomu ladies in a photographer's li,dio. In tin- ullo which piecedtd It, a number of clever specialists ap prnri'd. This pcifounance will bit lepcated Tuesday and Wednesday matinees and evenings, and ne 'lnnlng wllh ThuiMlay matinee und for the re mainder of the week Ai Heews famous hlg com. pany will appear, including Inez Mecu.ker, Mr, ami .Mis. Wiley Hamilton. Thatcher und Co lirclls and Ihlrty-flto others. "The Man from Mexico." When Walter E. I'eiklus and "The Man from MeMfo" comes to I lie Lyceum tonight, jocund mirth will hold full sway und laughter will dllu- dull care uway; a Idcnd of fun and humor blight, like twinkling stars in duskv night will plcrcJ the mask ot carklng care anil leave no trace of trouble there, Should lovers' mianrl.s leave a fiown, when Waller Perkins comes to town, his fun ha,s all mo saving giace to smooth such wilnkles from (lie face; when 1'erkln.s conies upon the stage, bin patious' Interest to enguge, a smile goes round and then .1 laugh, at ipilps ul his ebullient chaff; tlm laugh soon dianges tu a roar, like lucakrrs boating on the shore; the fun onie started never btupa, tho thread of humor neier drops; hut keeps Increasing In the tun till all the funny play Is done. And then ne.M dav ulieieVr you go jou'ie iisked about that clever show, Dm funny "Man fiom Mexico," "A Lady of Quality." The company of players supposing Miss lllalr Is one of the strongest, and best equipped ever seen In this city. Ilavilig been selected person, ally by the star, almost without consideration of money, each Is thoroughly lltted to tho part entiusted. The icsult has been that Miss Walr's pioductlou has been acknowledged by conserva, five ciltlis to be the best In whiili she has ever been teen. Its biucWs at the (liand Opeia house in New York this year, whcie Miss itlalr opened her season, stumps it as of the highest class, .lames C'arcw plays "Sir John Oson," and u brilliant career has been piedlcted for (his talented young actor. Ills conception of the part is a master piece. Eleanor Montell, another member of the cast, is also willing ficsh laurels as VLadi- Uetty," MIm Blair and company will betcen '& Lm,m ThWXy ig!,t" ,, "" K yuallty." V.NTEI-,10 M(Miilt'NNEiisNiT1l7 els for shaft viiK wages, $2..T0 tu t2,7o per day of eight lioim. Almi two pinup runners; wages iu per month, Address II, S, Phillips, .Superintendent, Ilcnij, . HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTED-A COMI'llTIIST (lllli, TOR tlENER nl housework. Apply ut .'121 Cluy avenue. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING KOH CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Aditnt aevnue. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO i""'L6-STRAi0Ur''T.0ArNs'' once. Curry, (,'onnell building. AT ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN. QUICK, straight loam or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 8U-MS Council building. WANTED-A "i'UMTION I1Y A REPINED, educated young lady as companion or muse for elderly lady or could care for child. Eiist class leferences. Addicss Box 41, North Me huopany, I'a. YOUNM MAN WANTS SITUATION 01' ANY Kind, Menogtaphor and typewrit r. Refoi tnee and experience, C. .1. White, SSI IjicU wanna acnuo. SITUATION WANTKD POSITION REQtUHINC! Sune outside hustling by on cxp'.-riemod bookkeeper; leferencr. Adduss II., Tribune ot Dec. A MIDIiLK A'll'.ll WIDOW LADY WOl'1,1) LIKE to have, n .situation as a huly's muse or as I'OiisekeepcT in a small family; can give icfer enies if needed. Address Mary Jones, Tiluune ollice. SITUATION WANTED-liY A LADY TO WORK by the day, washing or cleaning. 171:1 Mini niit avenue, SITUATION 1VANTED-I1Y A (HUE 1:1 YEARS old, to take cam of children or do light housework. Call at 407 t-'erilliiunil street. A OOOD 01 HI, WOULD LIKE A PLACE IN A pilvate family, to do huu-cwork; Is a good, plain cook, or general work. A. C. Tiihtiuu it lice. WANTEU-BY A YOUNO COLORED MAN. A place as cool;; good all-round cook. Call or addicss, John Savage, :!2.1 Centre street. SITUATION WANTED SALESMAN STARTING on. trip tliiough Pennsylvania, would upic sent some good line on commission. O. K Tiibune. SITUATION WANTED-HY A WOMAN TO 00 out by the dav washing or cleaning. Mrs. Russell, 1421 Cedar avenue. CITY SCAVENGER U. BRIfJOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND oevi D00I-: 110 odor, ltnmoved nuuius used. A. B. BHUKIS. Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main nvenue, or Klcke's drug stole, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone OilU. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C Sl'AIJLDIXd, C. era' Bank building. 1'. A., 21 TRAD- Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. COXXEI.L building, ir'iiaiiton. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT, l'Klur. bulluiiig, (J Washington aenue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. KPuimn Tiiiicn caiis and cakriaoks; best of servile Prompt attention Kiven orders, by 'ulione, 'Phones 2072 and 5332. Joseph Kelley, 124 Linden. Dentists. Dlt. C. K. UILKNBKBHEH. 1'AIII.l UUILD1NU, Siiruce street, Scranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE nOS pita, comer Wyoming and Mulberry. Dlt. C. C. LAUHACII, 115 WYOMING AVKXUK. Dlt.JI. F. RKY.NOLUS, OFF. F. O. Hotels and Restaurants. Till". L'LK CAFK, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVF nue. MatcH icasonalile, 1. ZKHifXR, Proprietor. SCRANTON IIOUSR, NKAlt D., L. & W. PAS- seiiKcr depot. Conducted on the F.uropcau plan. VICTOR KOCH, i'lopiictor. Lawyers. j. w. nitowNixa, attohnf.y and counsel. lor-al-lavr. Rooms 312-31.". Mcars building;. D. 11. REI'LOIII.K. ATTOIINKY-LOANS XK0. tinted on real rotate teciiilty. Mean building, corner W.'uhlnylon avetius and Spruce stieet. FRANK K. 1IOYLK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL-lor-at-laiv. Ilinr buihllnj:. Ijoouin 13 and 14, Washington uicnuv. WILLARD. WARREN & K.VAPP. ATTORNEYS and couiisellniaat-lav. Republican building-, Washington avenue, JIHSl'P &,.li:SSUI', ATTORNEYS AND COUN-pellois-at-Taw. Commonwealth bulldliu:, H0GI11.1 10, 20 and 21. JAMF.S W. OAKFORD, ATTORNKY.AT-LAW. Rooms 511, 515 and SHI lloaid of Tiado build. Inif. EDWARD IV. TIIAVKIt, ATIOIINEV. WMWJI, 'Jlli lloor, MtaiH hullillnt;. ROOMS L. A. WATRF.S. ATTORN KV-AT-LAW, IlOAHIl of Trade building, Scranton, I'a, O. 11. PITCHER. ATTOUNEY-ATLAW, HOARD of Trade Imililnur, Reunion, I'a. PATTRRSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bunk building, C. COMKOYS, IMS ltEPI'III.IPAN BUILDINn. A. W. DERTIIOLI', ATTORNEY, MEARS ni.DH. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. vi )'.. ALLEN, 31.1 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue, Dlt. S. W, l.'AMOUEAl'X, OFFICE ;.3J WASH. liiKJon avenue, Residence, 131$ Miilherrv. Chronic dlieaiM', lung,, heait, kUlueyn und genlto-uilnary organ a specially. Hours, 1 to 4 p. in. Schools. SCHOOL linFHE.M;K.WANA. SUVNTO Pa. Course prepiiatory to colleae, Ijw, nieili cine or li isinesa. Opuu- Sept. 12th. Send for catalogue. Ilev, Thomas M I 'nun. 1. 1.. II., prin cipal and pioprlctor; W, K. I'luinley, A, M., headmaster, Seeds. (1. It. CLARK k CO.. SEEDSMEN AM) Nl'RS eiynieu, store -Ul liashliigtun au'ime; giren houses, Pl'O .Soi I li Main aniiuc; Moie tele phone, ti. Wire Screens. JOSEPH Kl'inTEL, IIIIAiriJir LACKAWANNA avenue, Siranton, i'a,, manufacturer of Who Screens. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCIIKSTRA-MUSIO F0R "BALLS, picnics, paitled. receptions, weddings and con. tert woik furnl)ied. I'nr terms address H. .1, Bauer, conductor, H7 Wyoming avenue, ovei llulbert'a music store. MKOAROEK UHOS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, UN. vcloiiei, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 180 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROA D TltilE TABLE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect; Kny 87, ltOO. Trains leave Scranton ! 0.45 n. m.j week days, for Sunbury, Harriaburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and' for PitU burg nnd the West. 0.38 n. m., week days, for Haaleton, Pottavllle, Reading, Norrlstown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harriaburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m,, week days, (Sunday 1.08 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris uurg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Pott- , -v,1,e Beading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnzleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. ,T..n. WOOD, Ocn. Tan. Ajt. , J. n. ntlTCIIlNSOX, Pen, tlgr. Delaware Lackawanna and Western. In Effect June 10. 1000. 'Synth Leave Scranton for New York at l.t, 3.M, MO, S.OO ami 10.0.', a, in., 12.M, 8.88 ami S.10 p. ni. For Philadelphia at 0.40, 8.00 and 10.05 a. in.; 12.03 and 3.M p. m. For Stroud nura at (t.tn ,, ,, iml- .ml a-inmmndatton at -8.it) p. m. Arrive at Hoboken at. 0.M, 7.18. u.i.1 a. m. 12.01, 2.47, 4.48, 7.10 nnd P.4:i p. m. Arrlvn at I'hlladrlp'.ila at 10.00 a. m.; 1.00, 8.48, 0.00 and 8.22 p. ni. Arrive from New York t LO, 4.00 and 10.20 a. ni.; 1.00. 1.62, 5.43, 8.46 and it so p. m. From StromM.urg at S.03 a. m. North Leave Scranton for Buffalo and Inter mediate stations at 1.10. 4.10 and 8.:I0 a. m.t J.iw, fi.48 and 11.38 n. in. For Oswego and Syra euso at 4.10 ,. ln. ttnil ,,M p. ,. For Utlca. at '10 a. ni. and l.ns p. m. For Montrose at 8..10 m.!J), P- ol 6.48 P- m. Fr N'jL10'; ! , i'.4'00 "'id 0.15 p. ni. For Blngliamton. 10.28 mi oA'0 P- '" Arrive in Scranton from Buffalo "t J.-TO, 2.,-,-,, ;l3S . lo.OO a. m. 3.30 and S.OO ft Knm 0vcgo and Syracuse at 2.5S a. m.s J2.3S and s.no p. ,. From ITtlcn ot 2.55 a. m.; JSS and s.::o p ,, From Nicholson at 0.B0 . m. and 0.00 n. m. From Vonlnwe at 7,65 and m " .'"' "'-P and .00 p. m. v, ''""""t'urg Division Leave Bcrnnton for jy-rthumbcrl.ind at fi.13, 10.05 a. m.s 1.55 and Vi"0 P- m. rr p, mmlth at 1.05. 3.40. 8.55 and il" v '': "' . Pnr Nnntlroke at 8.10 a. m. Arrive Northuiubcrland-nt 9.55 a. m.; 1.10, 5.00 and i..p !" . rrl'e at' Nanticolic at 0.10 1. n. ii Vn1 nt Plymouth ot 2.0(1, 4.32, 0.50 p. m. and ImVi ",4 "' Airlve at Scranton from Northum berland at n.12 a. in.; 12.31. 4.50 and 8.45 p. im r,'"" Nanticohe at 11.00 a. m. From 1 lyinoulh nt 7.50 a. tu., 3.20, 5.8.1 and 11.10 p. n. m . 01L"'rr-',-''e Scranton 1.10, 3.00, 5.40, 10.05 a. ,'?' ,:uo n'"' M,P- '" ;orfh--l,nU(. Scranton afl.tO, 4.10 a. tn.; 1.55, ' ami H.S3 ,,. ,. u oomsburir Division Leave Scranton at 10.05 ' and fi.50 p. in Delaware and Hudson. In F.ffect .lune 13th, 100O. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at H.M, 7.5.', 8.53. 10.13 a. m.; 12.00. 1.23, 2.20. 3.52, 5.25, 0.25, 7.57, 8.15 11.15 p, m.; 1.18 a. m. For llonesdole nnd Lake Lodorc C.20, 10.13 . m. : 2.2H and S.25 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre 0.45. 7.48, 8.43, D.S9, 10.43 . m.; 12.03, 1.29, 2.18, 3.33, 4.27, 0.10. 7.48; 10.11, 11.30 p. m. For L. V. R. H. polnts-0.45 a. m.; 12.03, S.18, 3.3't and 11.30 p. m. For PcnncylvanM It. Tt. points 0.43, 0.38 a. m.; 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north .20 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY THAINS. For Carbondale 7.20, 0.00, 11.3.1 a. m.; 4.26, 3.52, 5.17. 10.52 p. in. , For Wilkes-Darre fl.38 a. m.; 12.03, 1.58, 3.28. 4.42, 0.27, S.27 p. 111. For Albany nnd points north S.52 p. m. For Honeodale and Lake Lodore 9.00, 11,38 m. and 3.52 p. m. Lowest rates to all points in United State and Carada. .1. W. niJItDICK, O. P. A Albanyj Y. II. W. CROSS, I). P. A., Scranton, lra. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In F.ffect May 27, 1000. Tialns Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. R., at (1.45 a. m. and 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Blac' Diamond F.presi), nnd 11.80 p, 111. Sundays, D. & II. R. R.. 1.58, 7.48 p. ni. For White Haven. Hazleton and principal points in the coal regions, via D. & II. R. R., 0.45, 2.18 and 4.27 p. in. For Pottsville, 0.45, 2.1S p. m For r.oMilMiem. Boston. Readinir. Harriaburs and principal intermediate stations via D. ft H. R It., 0.4.-, a. in.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia niond Express), 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. & II. It. R., 1.58. 7.43 p. m. For Tunkbannock, Towanda Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva nnd principal intermediate stations, via D, L. k W. R. It., 8.08 a. m.; 1.03 and S.35 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, and all points west, via D. k H. R. R., 12.03, 8.33 (Black Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. ni. Sundays, D. k II. R. R., 12.03 p. ni. : 7.48 p. 111. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lettish Valley parlor cars on all trains between Wllkes-Barre and Now Yoik. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pension Bridge. P.0LL1N II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland i-treet. New York. CHARLES S. LF.E. Gen. Pass. Agt,, 20 Cortland street. New York. A. W.' NONNF.MACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Tor tickets nnd Pullman reservations apply 309 Lackawanna avenue, Seranton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations in New York Foot of Liberty street, X, It., and South Ferry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 29, 1000. Ti'iins leave Scranton for New York, Newark, F.liznbetb, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, AI-let-lawn, Maiteh Chunk and White Haven, at 8,30 a. 111.; express, 1.20; express, 4.00 p. m. Sun Uavs, 2.13 p. ni. For PltUton and Wllkes-Barre, 8.30 a, m.; 1.20 and 1.00 p. in. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. For Mountain Park, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 and 4.00 p. ,111. Sundays, 2.15 p. ni. For Baltimore and Washington, and points South and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m., 1,20 p. in. Sundays, 2.15 p. in. For I.onR Branch. Ocean Grove, etc, at 8.30 a. m. and 1.20 p. in. For Heading, Lebanon and Ilairlfburg, via AN lentown, 8.3U a. in. and 1.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.13 p. in. For Pottsville. 8.30 a. m., 1,20 p. m. Through tickets to all points east, south and west at lowe.-t rales at the station. .1. II. OIILIIAUSEN, Gen. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen, Pass. Agt. New York.Ontario and Western R.R. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SI'XDAY, JUNE 24, North Bound Tialin. Leave Leae Scian- Carbon. Ariire ton. dale, Cadoslo, ,10,40 a. nt. 11.20 a. m. 1.05 p, m, , 3.45 p. 111. 4,3.2 p. 111. 6.43 p.' III. , 0.00 p. 111. Arrive Carbondale, 0.40 p. in. South Bound Trains, H Leave Leave Cadosla. Carbondale, Scranton. 7,00 a, 111. 7.40 a, mi. , 8,40 a. m. 10.02 a, in. 10.45 a, in. ,2.05 p.m. 8,31 p. 111. 4.20 p.m. SUNDAYS ONLY. Nnith Bound. Leave Leave Tialns'. 201 ... 20.1 ... 207 ... 202 201 200 Scian. Carbon, ton. dale. Arrive Oadosla. W .... o.'io a. ni. u.k, u. in. jo.sj , jn, ., .... 7,00 p. lii.ArrlvoCaiboiHlale, 7,5p. m. .. 8.30 a. ni. 9.10 a. in. I.eavo Leave Cadosla, Caihondjle, Sornon. o0 ,,,.. 7,00a.m. 7.40a.m. "OS ,,., 4.10 p. m. 5.51 p. 111. 0,35p.m. " Train No. 201 makes connection for polntt Noilh and South on Main Line, at Cadosla, Tiains Niw. 201 and 20S make Main Llna con. neetlons .on Sunday, ...... For further Infoiiuatlon. consult ticket Igents. I () ANDERSON', Gen. I'n-a. Agt,, New York, j! E. WELSH, Tiavellng Passenger Agent. Scran- ten. . Erie and Wyoming Valley Time Table In Kffeit September 17, 1000, Tiains for I law ley and local points, ronneet Ing at llanlsy with Erie railroad for New Yoik, Newhurali and inteiniedlate points, leave. Scran, ton ut 7.0.1 a. 111. and 2.21 p. in. Tialna airlve at Scranton at 10.S0 a. ni. and 11.10 p. in. NEWSPAPERS Till! WILKESBARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD ill Stunlon at tho news ttands ot Reltman Bros., 405 Spiuce and 50.1 Linden; M. Norton, Ml Lackawanna avenue; I. S, Shutaer, Sit Spiuce t reel. SO ALP TREATMENT, MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREATMENT. &0o.j ihampoolng, 50c.: facial luajuagt; BHiour. ing, 25c; cbtronodv. u Qulncy, f . ,. r V- Ut,. ,,i