The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 09, 1900, Image 1

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Beginning of the End of the Strike
Is Believed to Be at Hand.
Joint Convention of Miners Will Assemble in
Scranton to Decide Whether the Ten Per
Cent. Increase Offered by Operators Shall
Be Accepted It Is Believed That the De
liberations Will Be Brief and That the
Offer Will Be Accepted, by Representa
tives of the Strikers.
Hazleton, Oct. S. The Issuing o the call today by President Mitchell, o
the United Mine Woikers of America, for a Joint convention of the anthra
cite miners to be held at Scranton beginning next Friday, for the purpose of
deciding whether to accept or to reject the ten per cent, net increase in
wages offered by the operatois, Is a long step in the direction of bringing the
great coal miners' strike to a close. Genuine satisfaction was expressed to
day by both minors and persons not directly connected with the coal Indus
wry that the contest Is approaching an end. Business throughout the entire
anthracite coal field is practically at a standstill and it will take some time
before normal conditions will again prevail.
It is believed the convention will not be a long one, as it is expected the
strikers will almost unanimously accept the advance in wages. There Is,
however, a possibility that by the Introduction of a proposition to abolish
the sliding scale, and another to have the operators agree to a yearly wage
contract, the termination of the strike might be somewhat delayed.
None of the operators who could be seen here today would have anything
to say in regard to the convention call. Most of them preferred to wait and
see what action the convention will take. Some of the local unions in vari
ous parts of the coal field have selected their delegates to the convention
and many of them were in session tonight for the purpose. President Mitchell
will leave here tomorrow morning for Shamokln, where a labor demonstra
tion is to take place in the. afternoon. On Wednesday he will go to Scran
ton to take part in a big mass meriting and parade of miners on that day
end will remain there until the convention adjourns. Mr. Mitchell will then
probably return to Hazleton.
President Mitchell at 1 o'clock today Issued the following call for the
Scranton convention, at which the practically unanimous offer of a ten per
cent, advance in wages to all employes in the anthracite region will be con
sidered: President Mitchell's Formal Call.
,,, -ppv' Temporary Headquarters, United Mine Workers,
Hazleton, Pa., Oct. 8, 1000.
To All Members and All Mine Employes of the Anthracite Region:
Brothers: In view of the fact that the mine operators have posted
notices, offering an advance in the wages formerly paid, and believing it
our plain duty to consult your wishes as to our future actions, we deem
it advisable to ask you to elect delegates to represent you in convention.
"Sou are therefore notified that a convention will be held in Scranton, Fa.,
beginning Friday, October 12, 1900, at 10 a. m.
The basis of representation will be one vote for each 100 persons on
strike, or, if desired, one delegate may represent as many as 500 mine
workers; but no delegates will be allowed to cast more than five votes.
Each delegate should have credentials signed by the chairman and secre
tary of the meeting at which he is elected, and wherever possible creden
tials should bear the seal of the local union.
JOHN MITCHELL, President, U. M.W. of A.
T. D. NICHOLLS, President District No. 1.
THOMAS DUFFY, President District No. 7.
JOHN FAHEY, President District No. 9.
N. B. Delegates will be notified of the hall in which the convention
frill be held on their arrival in Scranton.
Mine "Workers of the Wyoming Val
ley Will Arrange Programme for
the Convention.
By Exelualvc Wire from The Associated Pre.
"Wllkes-Barre, Pa Oct. S. Meetings
of local assemblies of the United 'Mine
Workers were held In many places
throughout the county tonight and
President Mitchell's circular, railing a
convention to meet at Scranton on Fri
day, lead.
Some of the assemblies had not vet
received official notices of the call anil
will not take action until tomonow.
The United Mine AVorkers of the
Wyoming valley will be leprt'sunted In
force at the convention. Tltov will
probably hold a cauciiH before the con
vention meets and decide upon a nio
gramme. This Is at the suggestion of
the miners of Nantle-oke, who us yet
have not been notified by the Susijuo
'hanna company that their wages will
be increased.
The employes of the mines at Nuntl
coke cannot understand tho delay of
Ihe Susquehanna company, At the
office In this city the ofllr-lnl.s said this
evening that they did not know what
action tho company would talcn in the
matte. They could not say whether
an Increase would be offered their em
ployes or not. Sentiment seems to bo
growing in this section that tho con
vention Will vote for a settlement of
the strike on the basis of ten per cent.
Increase In wages, '
The grievance committee, represent
ing the engineers and Hi omen on the
Wyoming division of the Lehigh Val
ley rallroiyl, have loturned from New
York, whoie they conterred with tho
plflclals of the road iCRurdlng certain
grievances which the men hiivo com
plained of for some time past. The
mtmbtrti of tho commltrto Bay thy
wr cordially received, and the offi
V . Vv;j&
i4nv.'I Aifeajajl
cers of the road promised to redress
tho grievances complained of. It is
understood that the engineers and fire
men of the big mogul engines will be
granted an increase of wages. Con
ductors on coal and freight trains will
also be given an Increase of pay,
Two Thousand Participate at Wil-
By L'xclusivo Who dom 'flip Assoclale-d Pies,
Harrlsburg, Oct. S. Two thousand
miners participated In a parade to
night at Wllliamstown, about half this
number coming from Lykens, where
the collieries are idle. About 300 men
at Wllliamstown went on strlku today
and moie ate expected to remain away
tomoirow. The officials assert that
tonight's demonstration will have lit
tle effect and they will be able to keep
their collieries In operation.
Trouble Is feared tomorrow, as the
strikers seem determined to accomplish
tho closing of the Wllliamstown mines.
Sheriff Itelff has u large number of
deputies on the ground to prevent a
possible collision between the strlkois
and non-union men.
The Town in Holiday Attire to Re
ceive Mr. Mitchell.
By L'xcliiilvn Wlro from The Assocliteil Preu.
Shamokln, Oct. 8.' This place Is being
handsomely decorated In anticipation
of Piesldent Mitchell's visit here to
morrow. From present Indications fully
ten thousand strikers from this place
and ndlucent territory will parade.
The men oxpect Mitchell, In his
speech, will Intimate what cqurse the
strikers' delegates shall pursue at
Ihe forthcoming convention. President
Fahy, nf the Ninth district, this even
ing announced that forty thousand
men and boys In his district, compris
ing tho counties of Northumberland,
Schuylkill, Columbia and Dauphin,
, !
!fatk&ir ijjjJK A
were Idle and that ovory colliery was
tied up.
Shenandoah Miners Will Insist Upon
Its Abolition.
By Exclusive Wire from The Awoclated Press.
Shenandoah, Oct. 8. C. S. Pottier, tho
local labor leader says: "Tho various
local branches of tho United Mine
Workers instructed their delegates to
night to insist, at the Scranton conven
tion, on tho abolition of the sliding
scale as vonc of the terms of strike set
tlement." The coroner's jury tonight decided
that Edward Coylo came to his death
from the effects of a bullet wound re
ceived during the riots of Sept. 21, from
a revolver In tho hands of some un
known person.
The Well-Known Orator Also Pays
Some Attention to Imperialism
and the Trusts.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Chicago, 111., Oct. S. Senator Chaun
cey M. Depcw addressed a large audi
ence of Republicans tonight, his speech
being delivered under the auspices of
the Marquette club, u strong Republi
can organization.
The senator spoke In his usual happy
manner and his good humored thrusts
were received with great applause. He
made a hit with ls audience by de
claring that Mr. Bryaiwlld not deny
tho abundant prosperity of the coun
tryhe claimed It was intoxicated with
prosperity and that If he 1& elected -he
would do away with the Intoxicant. He
spoke, In part, as follows:
While in attendance last week at a joous
wedding of a young rel.itic, the thought oc
lurrcd to me of the hippy results to tho entire
American family nf the nuptials betvvcin sound
money and prosperity four .vcara ago. The para,
lnuunt question today with us is, sin II that
couple be divorced? There has been no quarrel
between tho principals; there has been no dib
sri cement, there are no reasons for sepiration.
Tho dissolution. If It comes at all, mu't be V
arbitrary act of the beneficiaries of the Union.
The present campaign emphasizes the differ
ence in practical life between a prophet whose
declarations must stand the test of time and
experience and the pledge of a party whose
promises are based upon principles for the lu
ture. In other words, theory and epeiicnce aie
again, as in ISM, in hostile array.
Hating- proved himself such a colossal failure
as a prophet in 1606, we can hardly believe In
1000 that Colonel Bryan has now the real mantle
of Elijah. The difficulty with the terrors which
he depicts from Republican policies is that
they hac all been tested, both under Republican
and Democratic administrations. Protection of
American industries has given America to Amer
icans and sent forth our products to the con
quest of tho markets of the world. The gold
standard of value has divorced us from Mexico
and China, has placed us in commercial rela
tions with and upon the same commercial basis
as the great industrial nations of Christendom.
It has given stability to our credit; it has made
the American dollar recognized upon and equal
value with the English soeereign, or the French
louis everywhere around the globe; it has given
steadiness to our business, unexampled credit
to our government and is rapidly making us the
creditor among nations.
The terror of imperialism is a beast. I mean
American imperialism. It has been tried for a
hundred years. It was piactlccd by Washington;
it was tested upon an enormous scale by Jet
fcrson; it was put in operation by Monroe,
Jackson, Polk and Pieice. All gae it their
tmictlon; all of them, to the great glory and
power of our country, pursued the same path of
imperinlisjii which is now being trod by Presi
dent McKlnley. American militarism, which
Sir. Itrjan bo much fears and from which he
prophesies so dreadful results, was alio tried by
Jefferson in Louisiana, by Jackson in I'lorlda,
by every administration in newly acquired ter
ritories from time to time with no other results
than their pacification, the restoration of peace;
the opening of courts and the protection of life,
liberty and property for the citizen,
A prophet who attempts to fool the people by
holding up as untried theory demonstiated it
suits and upon that theory predicting the re
erso of what history has established, Insults
the Intelligence of every person who is fa
miliar with the story of the niarvelom giowth
of the United States in the nineteenth cen
tury. Mr. Bryan does not deny the wonderful pros
perity of our country and of our people; ho
does not promise any better returns to tho
farmer or the manufacturer or the merchant; he
does not promise any greater employment or
higher wages to the laborer; he does not prom
ise the exploitation of new enterprises and the
conditions which make money active and capital
useful by new additions to tho productive powers
of the country and therefore a large einplojrnent
and a greater distribution of money. The coun
try is to be no better than it is today or was
jestcrday by his election even upon his own
showing, upon his own prophecy ami upon his
own promise. I look in ain through the
speeches of Mr, Ilr.vau or any of the Demon a tin
oiators for a definition of a trust or how they
control it.
Outside of the agricultural eight-tenths of the
business of the countiy is transacted In tho cor
porate form. The leason is that in the ttemend.
ous competition of our times great capital is re
quired to successfully conduct large enterprises.
This capital has to be the result of coutilbutlons
of many, Any legislationpreventing tho optr
ntlons of these plants would thrown eight-tenths
of the skilled labor out of ciiiplujmiul and pro.
dure the most disastrous of panics.
A tiust whidi controls the- necessities of life
and prevents all competition and can dictate the
price to tho raw matriial man, to the laborer,
to the lunier and to the consumer, Is a menace,
Is unlawful now and can be i cached by honest
piosecutlng ollloem and the laws to reach any
such trusts should be made as drastic, as
searching and as effective as human language
will permit.
With the election of MtKlnley and of Roose
velt all that we line won by the eiurgy, In
duvtry and Inventive skill of our people is se
cure. The highway of commcicc to tho east
ern continents and islands wheie two-thirds of
tho people of the earth on the other side of It
can become our ctutomer will bo kept open.
Our country may giovv in population and ex
pand limitless!)' In productive power, but our
children and our children" children will be
safe in American opportunities for a living and
for lislng under Amcilcan conditions to political
distinction or business success.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Columhls, Pa., Oct. S. The four rolling mills
cf tho Misnuchamu iron and bteel company
here resumed work this morning, the sixteen
hundred cmploes. who had been on strike for
two vek, having accepted tho terms of tin'
tomptny, i cut of 2J per cent
. V
-1 b, i-s.
Composer Will Be Obliged to Share
Royalties with Sirs. Blakely.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. S, The supreme
court of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburg to
day, in an opinion by Justice Brown,
afllrmed the 'decision of the common
pleas of Philadelphia county in tho
case of Sirs. Ada P. Blakely against
John Philip Sousa. Blakely, prior to
November, 1806, when ho died, owned
and managed Sousa's band. After his
death Sousa continued the concerts un
der his personal management and
claimed tho library, good will of the
band and all royalties from copyrights'
as his exclusive property. The Blake
ly estate resisted his claim and filed a
bill in equity to enforce their claim
to the entire library, to one-half of the
royalties from copyrighted music com
posed by him without limitation of time
and one-half of the concert proceeds
until Aug. 1, 1800. The court, while
denying the claim of the Blakely es
tate to share In the proceeds of the
concerts after May 23, 1897, decides all
other points In Its favor.
When questioned as to the effect of
the decision, Mrs. Blakoly's counsel,
James M. Beck, of this city, said:
"The chief contest was over tho roy
alties, which are very valuable. These
at the present time aggregate $100,000,
and Mrs. Blakoly's claim to one-half
of these and to a similar share of all
future royalties has finally been ter
minated in her favor."
James Gay Gordon, counsel for
Sousa, took exception to Mr. Beck's
statement, and said:
"The decision settles the two princi
pal points In dispute In fuvor of Sousa.
These points were as follows: Blake
ly's widow claimed that Sousa had
profited from property in the title,
"Sousa's Band," and that he should
be restrained from using It. Second,
she claimed that Sousa's contract to
play under Blakely's management
lasted for five years longer and inured
to her benefit as his administratrix.
We claim that tho contract died with
Blakely. The court below found both
these points in Sousa's favor."
General Chaffee's Troops Will Not
Join Pao Ting Fu Expedition.
Special to the Scranton Tiibuuc.
Pekin, Thursday, Oct. 4, via Tien
Tsin, Sunday, Oct. 7, and Shanghai,
Oct. 8. The American troops will not
paritclpate in the expedition to Pao
Ting Fu. General Chaffee has tho as
surance of Li Hung Chang that if the
allies desire Pao Ting Fu, the Chin
ese will readily surrender that city. LI
Hung Chang hay given the same as
surance to tho other generals.
The Americans believe that revenge
and miltary display are the only ob
jects of the expedition, and they hold
that It will retard the restoration of
The Russians are understood to have
practically abandoned the railroad and
to have stopped Its reconstruction.
General Chaffee favors the- return of
the railroad to its owners and its re
construction und operation on a Joint
international basis.
Candidate Greeted with Hearty Dem
onstrations Along the Line.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
St. Louis, Oct. 8. That peculiar por
tion of Illinois known as Egypt was
pretty thoroughly canvassed by Hon.
W. J. Bryan today. The principal
cities of eleven of the southern coun
ties of the state and three of tho con
gressional districts were visited and
large audiences addressed at the vari
ous stopping places. Fourteen ad
dresses were made from 7 o'clock in
the morning, when the first speech at
Salem was delivered, until the train
was bearing the ,nomlnee and his party
out of Alton at nearly midnight. At
every meeting the candidate was greet
ed with hearty demonstrations.
At East St. Louis, Mr. Bryan and
Governor Roosevelt passed each other.
Governor Roosevelt addressed a meet
ing there while Mr. Bryan went on to
An Effort to Prevent Office Seekers'
Names from Appearing on More
Than One Ticket.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Harrlsbuig, Oct. S. Objections were filed in
the Dauphin county court tills afternoon to the
nomination papers of II. Clay ChUolm und John
C. Duukle, as fusion candid itci for the legis
lature In Huntingdon county by Senator Me
Canell and ex-Deputy Attornc) (Jciicul Gllbeit,
Messrs. Chlsolni and Dunkle have also filed a
ccrtlnV.ito as Democratic candidates and the ob
jection sot foith that tlipy hove not right to
any othir column on the ballot by nomination
Objections will also lie filed tomonow on the
E-imo seme to the fusion candidates for the leg
islature In Susquehanna, Potter, Melv'ean, Tioga,
Union, !ii)der, Xorthumbcihnd, I.eb.-non and
Franklin counties,
Will Address Meetings at Chicago
and Elsewhere,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Chlcigo, Oct, S. 1'ormer Senator David B.
Hill, of New York, it Is unofficially announced,
at Democratic national lic.idqu.irtus in this
city, will tal.i an active pait in tho presidential
campaign In the west.
At tho request of the Cook County Dcnia
cratlo committee Senator Hill has contented to
nuke an address at a meeting to be held in
Chicago October U. He will aUo lie the prin
cipal speaker nt the met lint of October ID. lie
tween thosa il.itcs, Senator Hill will mako several
addicvcs at various towns in Indiana.
Bad Track and Raw Weather.
Charley Herr the Winner.
By Excluslvo Who from The Associated Press.
Lexington, Ivy., Oct. S. The track today was
In a miserable .condition owing to tho continuous
ruin eif Sunday und tho weather wuj (old ami
law, The Ashland stake for i.10 trottcu, purse,
fi,000, dwindled down to it field of tluec start
eis and the great contest between Charles Herr
and ilor.ilama did not materialize as (lie latter
was withdrawn by his owner, Charley Iicrr
won with ease In each heat by from six to ten
lengths and was never extended. Necretta got
second money and Pilatus third. Tiuic, 2.1i,
S.3i, 8.17?;.
lV. , , -u uaTt. ' ift-l.a jXv ?.'&l'fflbJSS)&itotj- - ..xkyi.,.
Tlic Empress Dowager and
the Emperor Move
to Singan.
Representatives of the Powers Un
able to Induce the Empress to Re
turn to Pekin She Distrusts All
Foreigners, but Hopes That They
Will Be Considerate Shan Hai
Kuan Forts Divided Among the
Nations Viceroy Yu Has Been
Impeached Tho Question of Pun
ishment for Offenders.
By Excluslvo Wire from The Associated Tress.
Washington, Oct. S. The effort to
Induce tho Chinese imperial court to
return to Pekin has failed, after a
week's persistent effort on the part of
the powers. News to that effect was
In ought to the state department today
by tho Chinese minister, who received
It via St. Petersburg from Viceroys Kun Yih and Chang Chlh Tung,
under date of October -1. Minister
Wu's message was as follows:
"The departure of their imperial ma
jesties for Shen-sl (province) was due
to distressing conditions at Tal Yuen
Fu. There is a scarcity of food sup
plies in the province of Shan-si on ac
count of long-continued drought, and
the provincial capital (Tal Yuen) is al
most deserted, the trades people hav
ing left on account of the disturbances
caused and continued for months by
the Boxer rebels, who had Invaded
that province with the encouragement
of Governor Yu. Their majesties,
therefore, were obliged to proceed to
Shen-sl, where telegraphic communica
tion with Shanghai and other parts
of the empire Is opened, and rapid
communication may, therefore, be car
ried on; thus court und official busi
ness may be transacted more expedi
tiously by their presence in Shen-sl
rather than In Shan-sl.
"The reasons for the temporary post
ponement of their majesties' return to
Pekfn are the presence of the allied
forces there, on account of which so
licitous fear is doubtless entertained,
besides a dread of the oubreak of the
epidemic diseases, which usually fol
low after great distutbances, destruc
tion of property and military opera
tions. It Is hoped the powers will be
considerate in their judgment in this
The important feature of the mes
sage is the confession that the court
Is restrained by fear of the allied
forces from returning to Pekin. The
movement takes the emperor and em;
press dowager about 300 miles further
away from Pekin, although, according
to the statements contained in the
message by reason of direct telegraph
ic communication with Shanghai, the
court will be nearer for purposes of
negotiation with the outside world than
it was at Tal Yuen.
Yu Impeached.
Minister Wu has been Informed also
that Viceroy Yu, of the province just
vacated by the court, has been Im
peached because of his antl-forelgn
tendencies, which is the first step to
ward his degradation.
It is said there are no Boxers in the
newly chosen locality, so that the court
will have thrown off the hostile In
fluences recently surrounding It. As
the despatch Is dated four days ago, It
is believed that the trip of tho Imperial
party was begun prior to that time.
It will be slow and tedious, overland
most of the way, with a short stretch
of river navigation.
Slngan was foimerly the place of
Imperial residence, and tho ancient
palaces are still there.
The only disquieting feature of the
move comes from Japanese advices
stating that the new point of location
Is strongly fortified, which Is some In
dication that tho Imperial family Is
still In flight and Is seeking stronger
defenses, but the friendly viceroys and
Minister Wu do not share In this view.
The minister considers the question
of punishments practically disposed of
by the edict of tho emperor and tho
German and American notes exchanged
last week. The only difficulty he ap
prehends Is lu case tho fotelgn minis
ters seek to deslgnato certain persons
who shall be punished In addition to
those which tho government Itself
marks for punishment. Such a course
by tho ministers, he says, would bo
hard to comply with, but he looks to
the sagacity 3feLl Hung Chang and
Prince Chung uTovercomo uny such
Ho Defines the Kind That Is Real
Uy Kscluslvo Wire from The Associated Pres.
Ithaca, N, Y Oct. 8. Andievv 11, White, am
hauador of the United Slates to fieriiiiuy, mid
tho first president ef Cornell unlvcrslt), ilellv.
cied nil address to tho students of that Institu
tion today. In tho ewnso of his icmarkx he
touched upon the political issues now befoic
tho people,
lie said tint never ciino from
tho Ugltlmato estenslon of tciritory Unci. No
republic hid ever fallen as a usult of the polic)
which tho United States now- pursues. Ihe same
policy has not Injtued Trance. Impciiallstn
which wo have most to fear, said Mr, White, Is
that of demagogueism and the arraignment eif
i lass against elajj and section against E.'ction.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. S.-Jaik llcuuett, of sic
Kcesport, Pa., and Matty Matthews, cf New
'ioik, wcio the principals lu tho wind up at
tho Pcnu'Art club tonight. The bout was a sle.
round ecntcst, Dennett having the better of it
.., ..ui-Mi
Vsther Indications) Today.
1 General-President Ml'chcll Calls a Conven
tion of the illne Workers,
Chinese Court Cannot He Induced to Itoturn
to Pekin.
Scranton Now the Center of Strike Interest.
2 General Northeastern Pennsylvania.
S Local Criminal Court Opens with a Hush.
Probability That the P.verhart Caso Will Not
lie Tried.
Address of the Men's Union.
1 Kdltorlal.
News and Ccinment.
8 Local Mine Workers Want
a Coat Contract
0 Local West Scranton and Suburban.
7 Hound About the County.
8 Local Application to Open Harbor Asphalt
Paving Contract Caso Is ltcfused,
Financial and Cummcrclil.
William Mott, of Norfolk, Kills
Mile. Alberta and Wounds
Mrs. Stelnbauer.
By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associatsd Pre
Lancaster, Oct. S. William Mott, of
Norfolk, Va., this evening shot and
killed Mile. Alberta, a palmist, with
whom he was traveling about the
country, and dangetously wounded
Mrs. Elizabeth Stelnbauer, with whom
the couple boarded on Third htreet,
Columbia. Mile. Alberta, whoso teal
name was Anna Furlong, was thlrtv
&ovcn years of age. Mott N twentv
nine. Her home Is in Chlcn&o. Mott
says she has a husband, a hotel man,
and son, named Brennan, living at
Bayonne, N. J. Mott met her a yetr
ago at Dover, Del. They have been
traveling from place to place, and for
tho past couple of months have had
palmistry offices In this city and Co
lumbia. Lately Mott had heroine ve-,v
jealous of the woman, and this even
ing, after drinking all day, went to
their room and had an altercation with
Mrs. Stelnbauer attempted to pacify
them, when Mott began to lire from a
j 32-caIlbre revolver. Mrs. Stelnbauer foil
to the floor with a bullet in her stom
ach and another In her head, and Mile.
Alberta was shot throe times In the
head and breast. She died Instantly.
Mrs. Stelnbauer wus taken ti a hos
pital. Mott surrendered nnd talked
coolly of the murder, regretting that
he had shot Mrs. Stelnbauer, whom he
said he liked, and saying that he had
become tired of Mile. Alberta's fickle
ness and could stand It no longer.
Former Superintendent of the Read
ing Waives Hearing.
Dy Exclusive Wire from Thi Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. S. Former Gener
al Superintendent I. A, Sweigard, of
the Philadelphia and Reading Railway
company, was arraigned betore Uni
ted States Commissioner Bell today, on
complaint of the Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen, charged with violating
the federal law ptohibltlng the dis
charge of employes of a railroad be
cause of their membership in a labor
union. Mr. Sweigard waived a hearing
and entered nominal ball for his ap
pearance at court.
Mr. Sweigard was, until shortly after
the big wreck on tho Reading at Hat
field, Pa., when fourteen people were
killed and a large number Injured, the
general superintendent of the Reading
railway. He resigned after the return
of President Harris from Europe.
While general superintendent, the
Brotherhood claim, he discharged a
number of employes because of their
membership in the organization. A
committee of the latter appeared be
fore United States District Attorney
Holland and an Investigation which
followed, resulted In Mr. Sweigard's
Editor Harden Will Serve Another
Half Year for Leso Majeste.
Dy Exclusive Wire from Tin- Associated Press.
Berlnl. Oct. S. Herr Maximilian Har
den, editor and publisher of the Zu
kunft, has been sentenced to slv
months' Imprisonment In a fortress for
leso majeste, his specific offense being
an article in the Zukunft entitled "the
battle with the dragoons,"
In November, 189S, Herr Harden, who
Is a well known socialist writer, was
sentenced to six months' Imprisonment
a term which he began to servo In
May of last year for a series of arti
cles In his paper, In one of which "Pu
del Majestut," he compared Emperor
William to a poodle prince.
Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Piesi.
lIollld:)burg, Oct. P. Hr. Crawford Irwin, a
distinguished phjsklan of dntral Pcnns)Ivanli
for u halt century, the president of the Mute
Medic ll society In lSi'5 mil IS'.n, died line lit
night, aged 7i )e-ir. lie was a prominent el
ihr of the PresbjterlJn for thlrly-two
)e.irs and was frequently ilelegJte to the sjnods
nnd uwiulilli'S of that faith. Ho leaves a widow
ami six children.
Dy Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated ln
Washington, Oil 8, ihe census bureau u
noiiuecd tint the population nf tho ttatu of
lUlavv.iro was 1JI,"H ill Pu0 as against Urn 1 !
Ill S'0 'ihls is ail iucriJsu of 10,'.'!.', 01 n.b
pit' e lit.
'Ihe pupiilition of the District of Columbia is
JTb,"lS, as n.'iliist 'J,:02 ten )eais ao, an
hiiicasc nt IS,3i'), ! -0.U per cint.
Ily Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Kast fct. Louis', Oct. 8 -Governor Roosevelt to
night eoncludid his campaign tour of Ullnoia,
pe.tklnir in this city tu tho largest audience as
si milled hio tin tho McKlnley-llr) an cam
paign of four )eari ago. Various Itepubllcan
organizations of this city and bt. LouU vied
with each other In doing lionvr t th vice prc
idential candidate.
Strike Interests Centei
in Next Friday's Con
vention of Miners.
It Will Either Settle the Strike or
Tell How Far Apart tho Conflict
ing Parties Stand No One Can
Even Guess How Long the Ses
sions Will Continue Possibility of
a Recess Being Deemed Necessary
to Have a Further Understanding
with the Operators Regarding
Some Features of the Ten Per Cent;
Offer That Are Not Thoroughly Un
derstood Preparations for Tomor
row's Big Demonstration.
All interest in the strike now cen
ters on next Ft iday's convention. The
whole country Is anxiously awaiting
its outcome. What Is will do Is impossi
ble even to conjecture. No two men
seem to agreo an to what course will
be pursued, but almost everyone hops
that it will effect a settlement of tho
The calling of the convention for
Scranton means the transfer of tho
temporary headquarters of the Mine
"Workers' union from Hazleton to this
city. President Mitchell and the other
officers will come here torflght or to
morrow and likely remain until the
strike is settled. It was President
Mitchell's original intention to estab
lish himself in Scranton, because of lits
being the metropolis of the anthrfi
cito region, but the conditions in the
lower districts were such aB to de
mand his constant attention, and ho
had to give Scranton the go-by. Now
that the conditions there are such as
to demand his attention no longer,
he' will locate In Scranton, where the
heads of the largest coal companies
are located, or not far distant, and
where, in consequence, the negotia
tions for a settlement will be most
conveniently carried on.
Mitchell's Headquarters.
Tho headquarters will be at the St.
Charles hotel. There President Mit
chell and the other national and dis
trict officers will lodge und have their
ofllces, and there the various execu
tive meetings will be held. The con
vention will be in Music Hall, the
management having given it to the uso
of the miners for tho mere cost of
paying the Janitor's wages and other
like expenses.
The hall will accomodate about al
thousand, and it will very likely bo
filled to overflowing. The ratio of rep
resentation is one delegate for every
100 mombeis, with tho piovlso that-a
delegate may represent four others,
but no moie, by proxy. District Sec
retary Dempsoy says there are 70,000
United Mine Workeis In District No.
1 and that tho other two districts
must have 40,000 more. Most of the
locals In this district will send their
full quota of delegates, It Is expected,
so that tho number of delegates In the
convention will be easily more than
GOO. '
Tho convention Is to begin at 10
o'clock Friday morning. How long It
will continue no ono can even guess.
If tho majority sentiment Is against
accepting the ten er cent, offer, it
will likely assert Itself early and a
short convention may result. If tho
ten per cent, proposition Is generally
favored, the chances are that there
will bo a whole lot of Ifs and ands
attached to Its acceptance and be
fore these can bo gotten out of the
way, a further understanding with tho
opeiators will bo necessary. In that
event, the convention may take a rs
cess for a week or so, to give the offi
cers time to have tho cloudy mattera
cleared up. ,
Will Not Interfere.
President Mitchell declares that
neither he r.or tiny of tho national offi
cers will Interfere one way or tha
other In the proceedings of the con
vention; tho strikers aro to be left to
decide for themsalvis whether or not
they will accept tho ten per cent, offer.
Tho persistency with which ho re
peats this Is reguul-M by somo las a
sign that ho Is as much at sea as
anybody else aa to whut the delegates
will vote to do, nnd as they may do
something impolitic, tho wary presU
Continued on Page 5.
-f-f -f -f tt
4 Washington, Oct. S, Forecast for
-f Eastern Pennsylvania; Yiii Ttiotday a4
4- Wednesday! frith northwesterly wind 4.
tt ttt'ft
iit v