Kfcscs-r "V wis to. v i fflsr "t""" ie 'v: ., V "l-l'J i liWj. . 4 -n ' i ft "Wa. "-WC 1 ,v .. I s y v 9 r,o iK S"Kl (tribune. I tmntoti H ,' J THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1900. TWO CENTS. GETTING OUT OF CHINA Foreigners Are Gradually Withdrawing from the Imperial City. RUSSIANS TAKE THE LEAD They Have Evacuated the Summer Palace nnd the Japanese Have Also Begun the Retrograde Movement. British Authorities Arrest Enter prising Parties Who Have Sold Ammunition to the Boxers Ameri- cans Examine the Brlc-a-Brac. Li Hung Chang at Work. 6y Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Pekln, Oct. 1. The Russians have evacuated the Summer Palace. The Ninth Japanese biigadc Is leav ing here. The Twenty-fit st Japanese brigade will remain at Pekin and Tien Tsln. The Japanese retrognde movement has begun, and Japan's forces In China are being rapidly reduced. It Is offi cially stated that half of the army will return to Japan. Several Japanese trains, said to contain a lot of treas ure, have departed from the city. The Japanese assert that the trains contain ammunition. The British authorities have arrest ed a party of Pekln Chinese for selling ammunition to the Boxers. The Americans aro making a search of the Forbidden City for the imperial porcelain collection, not for loot, but merely for the purpose of examining the collection. Shanghai, Oct. 6. The British river gunboat Woodcock has gone to Han Kow to survey the Han river. It is significant of future events, re garding the capture of the Chinese court, that the British river gunboat Woodlark is surveying a landing place near the Kang-YIn forts. Li Starts for Pekin. Tien Tsln, Oct. 6. LI Hung Chang, whose visit to Pekin had apparently been postponed indefinitely, left this Xnornlng for the Chinese capital. The five Belgian engineers and fif teen missionaries who had been kept prisoners for many weeks at Paotlng Fu, but wore recently released under orders from LI Hung Chang, who di rected that they have safe escort to Pekln, refuse to start, fearing treach ery on the part of the Chinese escort. Fought Li's Veterans. London. Oct. 7. The Standard has the following fiom Tien-Thin, dated Friday, October 5: "A German foice c.uno Into collision with 8,000 Chinese, described as Boxers, a few miles south of Tien-Tbin, this mo.tning. The Germans were checked and compelled to retire on TiPii-Tsln. "Theie is reason to believe that the Chinese In this cuse were not Boxera but were LI Hung Chang's veterans, who had been ordered to wait near here in view of the possibility that the foreigners v mid bar his progress to the capital." Trouhlo at Sal-Wan. Hong Kong, Oct. 7. Yesterday a thousand rebels attacked the market town of Sal-AVan, eight miles north east of San Chun, but were defeated. The people of San Chun closed thvjlr shops, expecting to be attacked also. The troops here arc being held In readiness for any emergency, and the poltce forces along the Kowloon fron tier have been Increased. Mandarins Disobedient. London, Oct. 7. In a dispatch from Pekin to the Times, dated October 1, Dr. Morrison says: "It looks now as if M. Do Olers (the Itusslan minister to China) would ne gotiate with LI Hung Chang at Tien Tsln. The American withdrawal will facilitate Russia's negotiations con cerning Manchuria. "All tho mandarins In Pekln have declined tho empiess dowager's orders to proceed to Tnl-Yuen-Fu, assigning various pretexts." WHIPPED BY A WOMAN. W. Bent Wilson, a Lafayette Editor Cowhlded in His Office, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press, Lafayette, Ind Oct. 7, W. llcnt Wilson, pro. prlttor of the Morning Journal, a Democratic newspaper, was publicly whipped m Ms of. fl'.o this afternoon by Jlrs. (Iconic C. Drjant, one stroke of the lash cutting Into Mr. Wilson's face over tho left eje. Tho cause of the attack was a Journal editorial reflecting upon Mrs. Bryant's husband, who la it present in Waihlnglnii, 1), C, Wilson do. (lined to appear against hU assailant, CORNER STONE AT JERUSALEM. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Jerusalem, Oct. 7, Today the bishop of Jem talem, in the name of the pope and in tho rreeencc of the German consul and 600 Ucrman pllyrims, laid tint cornerstone of the ch'lrcl. which is to be erected on Mount -Ion, on the lite Abdul ilamtd picscnlcd to Dmperor Wll. llam on tho occasion of tho latter' islt to the holy land. JTACQUELIN WINS. By Excluslie Wire from The Associated Press. PatU, Oct. 7. A Iaro crowd witnessed the match today, on the cjclln; track at the Parlo des I'rlncii, between the I'icikIi, Ihihh ami American oiling champions, Jacquelin, Meyer aod Tom Cooper. The contest, which was In three heats, was won by Jariuellii. the positions of the men in eaih hat belrg Jacquelin first, Cooper, second, and Jicrs, third. COAL PRICES ADVANCE. State of Trade as Indicated by the Ledger Articles. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Oct. 7. The Ledger in its coal article tomorrow will say: Tho anthracite coal trade presents practically unchanged conditions. The short supply of coal naturally affects consumers and prices arc firm and advancing, but the mild weather has had the usual influence of retarding orders. There lias hardly bi-en the rush to fill coal bins that might have been seen In such a state of the market had a sharp cold spell set In. 01 rourso the strike is expected to end soon, but Just when Is not yet apparent, nnd the present uncer tainty, therefore, continues. There Is Aery little mining now going on and the Htocks on storage are being depleted, l'urlher advances in circu lar prices by the companies arc imminent, and It Is evident that wholcsile prices will remain firm, ntthough the ctilkc will soon terminate ond nctte work recommence throughout tho an thracite field. The September output of an thracite coal was i,Kt,Kn ton, rompired with 4,3i,CJ9 tons In September, 1891). Tho strlko helped reduce th" outp.it of last month. RECEPTION TO PRINCE ALBERT The Royal Personage nnd His Bride Welcomed by the Inhabi tants of Brussels. By Etclusho Wire from Tho Associated Press. Brussels, Oct. 7. Prince Albert, of Belgium and his bride, Duchess Eliza beth, of Bavaria, were received at the town hall this afternoon. The royal procession was warmly acclaimed by the populace. The Socialist members of the muni cipal council were absent from the cer emony. "When it was over the royal couple appeared on a balcony facing the square, where school children were as sembled to tho number of 5,000. The latter waved thousands of Belgian and Bavarian flags, while the onlookers generally cheered and waved handker chiefs. The children then sang a popular patriotic hymn 'while the prince and princess reviewed them. As the So cialists kept their promise not to de monstrate in favor of amnesty and universal suffrage and as no hostile manifestations were made, the royal procession went on foot to the Bourse, where It was received with great en thusiasm. Prince Albert and tho princess .sur rounded by their suite, stood at tho bead of the grand stair-case and watched the school children and then the numerous societies marched by, each delegation throwing a bouquet at the feet of the piincess. TORNADO'S PATH . IN MINNESOTA An Entire Family of inlanders Are Wiped Out Other Damage from the Winds. By ExchttUe Wire from The Associated Press. Bywawick, Minn., Oct. 7. Saturday a totnado passed through a Pinlander settlement on Pike river, about two miles north of Bywawick, wiping out an entlie- family of six, husband, wife and four children. Owing to meagre advices, their names cannot be loarncd. The body of Marowitz, a man that was missing yesterday after the tornado passed by, was found a quarter of a mile away from his house on the rocks in a horribly mutilated condition. William Hilmstrom, another tornado victim, who had his skull fractured, died last night at the hospital here. RELIEF STILL NEEDED The Report That Galveston Is in No Need of Assistance Is Not True. By Eiclushe Wire from Tho Associated Press. Galveston, Oct. 7. "Walter C. Jones, mayor, requests the Associated Press to transmit the following: The Hed Cross agent at New York telegraphs (hat reports Imvc obtained publicity tint Clara Marlon has been in Washington and is there now, nnd that ull need of relief here la past. This is not true. Miss llarton has been here constantly slmo her arrhal a week after the storm. There is an inimen.se unmount of work still to be done, Coritaes are still being found or an aeugo ot twenty a (lay, uud Miss llaiion will iciiuln here, as the Hed Cross can be of benefit to the Btrliken people, (ialu'ston Is now exploiting her Borrows or sufTirlngs, but thousands are Ihing in tents and thousands arc crippled. All the able bodied aru working and tho whole people making the bravest kind ol an effort to overcome their nilsfoi tunes. WAITERS ON STRIKE. Twenty-two of the Cadet Mess at West Point, Ask Higher Wages, Special to the Si ronton Tribune, West Point, N. Y Oct. 7. Twenty two of the waiters In the Cadet mess stopped work Just before tho dinner hour last night and refused to handle ration unless a raise of $5 per month in their salary was guaranteed. Major Hall, treasurer of the commlssasry de partment, was summoned and nc cceded to their dcmnivl. A strike Is also pending in two of the other de partments. The grlevnnces are based upon tho recent Increase in tho num ber of cadets, which naturally makes additional work for the civilian em ployes. The old scale for the mess hall wai ters was $20 per month, with rations. STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS. By KxcluiUe Wire from Tho Associated Press. New York, Oct. 7. Arrived: Etruria, IJtei. pool and Queenstown; 1-a Touralne, Havre, balled; 0th, Anchoria (In the lowir bay on account of dense fog, and proceeded this morn ing); Campania, (juccnstovvn and Liverpool; Pennsylvania, Plymouth, Cherbouig and Ham burg; Ethiopia, Movllle and fllasgow; Ems, Gibraltar, (iinoa and Naples. Southampton Sailed: DctitscMand (from llrcme , Cherbourg and Siiw York. Dromon Arrived: Allcr, New York via FouUuinpton. Antwi'p-Arrived; Noordlund, New York. Queemtowa Sailed Lucanla, Liverpool for New York. FILIPINOS ARE ACTIVE The Guerilla Bands Arc Again Disposed to Make Trouble. THEIR FIELD TACTICS In Military Maneuvers the Filipinos Are Becoming More Skilful and Imitate the American Plan of Ac tion Senor Mabini Loses His Pow er to Influence tho Natives Com mission Revising the Tariff. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Manila, Oct. 7. Four troops of cav alry and two companies of infantry have recently reinforced General Young In Northern Luzon, where the Insurgents are concentrating In tho mountains of North and South Ilocos provinces, under tho leadership of All pay, the excommunicated priest and renegade. General Tino and General Villanouve, who had been quiet for some time, aro now showing signs of becoming ac tive, as the end of the rainy season approaches. Of late, there has been considerable scouting and skirmishing in the prov inces of Abra and North Ilocos, though without decisive results. It is ob vious, however, that maneuvers of the Filipinos arc more skillful than formerly, and that tho field tactics of tho Americans arc being followed by them. Senor IMabint, the virtual founder of the so-called Filipino government, who was captured by the Americans last December and lodged In jail in Ma nila, has been liberated. As he had always persistently refused to take the oath of allegiance to the United States government, he had maintained his reputation among the Filipinos as a resolute patriot. They now believe that he hns reached a private under standing with tho American authori ties, which has secured his release; and consequently he has lost most of his popularity, although he is still con sidered the leader of tho dominant revolutionary element. This week the commission will begin the work of revising the tariff, mak ing use of the results of tho investi gation of the army board In this direc tion. It is the intention of the com mission to give American trade a bet ter chance than it has heretofore en joyed, owing to the high duties. BATTLE AT WYOMING. Six Lithuanians Start a Fight in Which All Are Wounded. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Wllkes-Barre, Oct. 7. At West Wyo ming, a small mining village six miles north of this city, last night, six Lith uanians started a fight In a bar-room and before it ended every man in the party was wounded. Revolvers, knives and clubs and a hatchet were used. "When tho belligerents got through the bar-room resembled a slaughter house. Two constables placed the six men under arrest and physicians sewed them up. The names of the parties participat ing in the battle are: Andrew Ku shukl, head split open; George Bohin ski, broken jaw; Theodore Rtngans, face slashed, and three brothers named Uustas, cut in face. floodsTn"exico, Whole Villages Washed Away and Thousands of Acres of Crops Are Ruined, By Exclusive Who from Tho Associated Press. Tampico, Mexico, Oct. 7. Tho Pn nuco and Tames rivers, which empty Into the gulf at this place, are on one ot tho biggest rises In their history, and great damage has been wrought by the floods in the populated and cul tivated vulleys above here. At one point near Chlla station, on the line of the Mexican Central railroad, the Tames river Is over fifty miles wide and has swept to destruction hundreds of houses occupied by Mexican farm ers and laboiers. Many cases of drown ing are reported. AH tho tributaries of these rivers in the south and eastern parts of the state of San Luis Potost are out of their banks and hnvo washed away whole villages and ruined thousands of acres of growing crops. BOERS ON THE RETREAT, By Excluslto Wire from The Associated Press. London, Oct. 8. It is estimated, according to the I'eitermarluburg correspondent of the Dally Mall that from 4,00" to 6.000 Uocis nave ic treated from Pilgrim's IlCbt, northeast, of l.y dtnhurg, with four long toms and -2 other guns. The correspondent understands that (heir loiij torn ammunition is almost exhausted. ENGINEER KILLED, By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Presa. llarrUhurg, Oct. 7. A rear-end collision be tween two freight trains occurred on the Phila delphia, llarrisburg and PitUburg brinch of the Heading railway at Grantham station tarly this morning. George A. Weller, tho engineer, i Tburmont, Mil., was killed. THE CLAIM AGAINST TURKEY. Oft Repeated Promises of Payment Not Yet Fulfilled. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 7. Inquiry at tho stale de partment discloses the fact that there hive been no recent development1) In regard to the chlm of tho United States against Turkey for indem nity on account ol missionary property destroyed at Ilarput and elsewhere several jeara ago. The claim has been presented several times to the Turkish provernment, the most recent presenta tion being made by Mr. (lriacom, tho United States charge d'affaires, at Constantinople. In each case the Turkish government, instead ot re pudiating tho claim, has promised a settlement, and tills is the state of the case at present. Some montlia ago, Hear Admiral Ahmed Pacha, of the Turkish navy, came over here to purchase a ship, with the unofllclally understood purpose of compromising with the claimants under cover of the puiclianc. He carried homo a number at plana from American shipbuilders, but he did not buy n essel, so far as la known hcic. Mean while, with a lew to Impressing on tho Turk ish government Its dissatisfaction with Its dila torineis, tho state department has allowed Mr. Straus, tho minister to Turkey, to remain in the United States, There the matter rctts for the present, There have been no developments, and none arc expected In the near future. SCHOONER CUT DOWN IN A DENSE FOG The A, A. Shaw Containing 900 Tons of Coal Is Sunk by the Old Do minion Ship, Hamilton. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. New York, Oct. 7. Tho Old Domin ion steamship Hamilton brought to this port today Captain Smith and seven men who comprised the crow of tho Philadelphia schooner A. A. Shaw, bound from Philadelphia to Providence with 000 tons of coal. The vessel lies on the bottom with all satis set and masts sticking twelve feet out of the water In the course of coastwise ves sels. The schooner was cut down in tho dense fog by the Iron stern of the Hamilton three miles from Northeast Bnd lightship, off Cape May, at 7 o'clock this morning. The Hamilton was on her way here from Norfolk, with ten cabin passengers and a gen eral cargo. She was going at a ten knot speed when the accident oc curred. The schooner was heading off shore and southeast. The lookout on the schooner was blowing the fog horn at intervals and he could hear the whistle of the steamship as she loomed up In the fog. The mate. William Howlett, had just come on deck from below when the big hull of tho liner appeared out of the fog. He saw her at tho same moment that the lookout man sighted her. The shouts brought all the men on the sailing craft on fieck. A mdment later the stem of the yfnmilton crashed into the Shaw amid ships on the starboard side. The blow was terrific and the big liner cut through the schooner to the -weather side of the hatch. At the same time the main mast fell acioss the liner's bow, carrying away some of her rig ging. After striking, tho Hamilton kept her nose in the breach while the men "on her threw ropes to those ort the schooner. One man grasped a heavy lino and jumped Into the water. He was much exhausted xlien pulled on the deck of the llnor. The others, with tho exception of the steward and one seaman, got aboard safely or the ropes. The last two when they saw that a collision could noti be avoided, launched a yawl boat and succeeded In getting into her. They were In dan ger of getting crushed by the Hamil ton, but got her free. While the men ware being rescued by the ropes, an officer and boat's crew launched one of the Hamilton's boats and, putting out, rescued the two men In the boat. As soon as the wrecked men were all on board, the Hamilton backed away from tho Shaw and she sank almost Immediately. On tho deck of the Hamilton the men were surrounded by those or the passen gers who were about so early, and later in tho day a collection was taken up for them. After It wns over, each of the men received about $15. The A. A. Shaw was owned in Phila delphia. She was about fifteen years old and of 900 tons but den. Except for a slight damage to her rlgnlgg, caused by the, falling of the schooner's main mast, tho Hamilton was not damaged. ROOSEVELT AT CHICAGO. Spends the Say with Senator Hanna. Banquet at Chicago Club. By Exclushe Wire from The Associated Press. Chicago, Oct. 7. Oovernor Hoosovelt spent tho greater part ot the day with Senator Hanna talking over plans for tho campaign and tonight was ban queted by tho Republican national managers at tho Chlcugo club. Among those present were United States Sena tors Fairbunks, Beverldge, Hanna, Cul lom and Spooner. Mr. Roosevelt, In addressing tho guests, reviewed his western trip and predicted success for tho Republican ticket. In tho morning the governor attended services at Trinity Dutch Reformed church, after which he went for a drive In company with Colonel Curtis Gould, of Boston, Governor Roosevelt's speech-making trip will bo resumed tomorrow morn ing. He will leave nt 7.15 o'clock over the santa Fo road and will mako sev eral addresses In Illinois towns, reach ing St. Louis tomorrow night, where he will remain until Wednesday, ANOTHER APPEAL FOR AID, By Eiclushe Wire from Tho Associated Press. dahcfcton, Oct. 7, Mm. Clara llarton, prcsl dent of tho lied Cross society, has issued a statement to tho manufac tillers and business men ol the cnuutiy, in which blio appeals to them for aid In the way of lumber, hardware, builders' material and household goods and other inatcrill in the buildlne; of homes (or those who lost their all in tho recent storm. FIRE CHIEFS' CONVENTION. By Excluslv Wire from Tho Associated Vreu Washington, Oct. 7. A convention of the chiefs of the flic departments in the United State will be held at Charleston, K. O., the coming week. About ono hundred flro chief wero in the city today, and left bere at 7 o'clock tonight In a special train over the At lantic Coast line for Charleston, PATIENCE OF SHERIFF IS EXHAUSTED Marchers at Hazlcton Must Hereafter Obey His Request. STRIKERS MUST DECIDE None of the Officials of the United Mine Workers Will Take a Hand in the Settlement of the Strike The Miners Must Say Whether or No They Will Accept the Ten Per Cent, Increase Convention Will Prob ably Be Held in Scranton Belief That Miners Will Accept Increase. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press. Hazlcton, Oct. 7. A representative of the Associated Press learned to night that Sheriff Harvey has reached the limit of his patience in regard to the marching of large bodies of men, and that the marchers must obey his request to remain within the pale of the law or take the consequences. It is known that he feels he has been as lenient with the crowds as he could possibly be, and that the action of several hundred men in running ncross the property of Calvin Pardee & Co., at Lattlmer, yesterday has had much to do with the decision to be more stern hereafter. Tonight a carload of thp sheriff's deputies, fully armed, lies in the Le high Valley railroad yards ready to start at a moment's notice. A loco motive Is nearby, with steam up, nnd all the telegraph operators on the Le high Valley system In this region are on duty for the purpose of sending messages to Sheriff Harvey and to the chief of the coal and Iron policemen. It was also learned that, owing to ruomrs of contemplated marches to morrow morning, all the coal compan ies in this region have extra coal and iron police on duty tonight. All the Lehigh Coal company collieries In this city aro heavily guarded. This com pany had squads of its policemen brought here tonight from Wllkes Barre, Mahonoy City, Centralla and Lost Creek. Mitchell Held Responsible. Sheriff Harvey called on President Mitchell at the strike headquarters this afternoon, and requested him as pre'sident of the United Mine Workers to use his Influence to have the strik ers refrain from further marching, and that if he did not, then Mitchell would be held morally responsible for What ever happened. Mr. Mitchell, it Is un derstood, informed the sheriff that or ders for the marching did not emanate from headquarters, but nevertheless he -would do all in his power to Itave the men on strike preserve tho peace in every possible manner. As far as could be learned tonight, there will be no marching tomorrow morning, in which event there is hard ly llkoly to be any trouble. The sheriff's deputies are sworn in by him and are paid by the county, and the coal and Iron police aro com missioned by the state to act as bpeclal policemen, but are under the orders and pay of the coal companies which employ them. W. J. Elliott, an aide on Major Gen eral Miller's staff, Pennsylvania Na tional Guard, was called on tonight by President Mitchell. The two were to gether for a short time. The object of the conference is not known, as neither would havo anything to say regarding their talk. President Mitchell will go to Sha mokln Tuesday morning for the pur pose of participating in tho labor demonstration at that place. Prom Shamokln ho will go directly to Scran ton,, where another labor demonstra tion will be held on Wednesday. Beginning of the End. Hazlcton, Oct. 7. A conference which is believed to mark tho beginning of the end of the anthracite coal minors' strike, which enters upon Its fourth week tomorrow, was held at tho head quarters of tho United Mine Workers hero this afternoon, Those present be sides President Mitchell wero Fred Dllcher, of Ohio, a member of tho ex ecutive board, and Presidents t. D, Nichols, of district No. 1, Lackawanna and AVyomlng valleys; James Duffy, of district No, 7, Lehigh valley, and John Fahy, of district No. 9, Schuylkill val ley. Although no information was given out, It Is known that the question of Issuing ,a call for a joint convnntlon was tho principal matter discussed, Tho Associated Press Is able to an nounce that the coming convention will be held at Scranton, unless something unforeseen should ariso between now and tho time of Issuing the call, Be sides taking up tho matter ot a con vention call, It Is understood that the question of jepresentatlon was also considered. The three district presi dents made full reports as to tho con ditions us they now exist In their re spective districts, President Mitchell, after tho confer ence, said ho would havo something to Bay tomorrow In regard to the conven tion. If the date has been fixed, onlv Mr, Mitchell nnd his colleagues know it, Of course, the principal matter to come before the miners will be the ai ceotunco or rejection of the ten pet cent. Increase made by most of the op era tots. President Mitchell said today that not one ofllclul of the United Mine Workers will take a hand in any action the convention might take, as the men must themselves settlo everything that comes before them. How long the con- Contiuucd on Page 2. THE MEWS THIS HORNINtt Weather Indications Today, RAIN I COOLCH. 1 General Sheriff Harvey Will Not Permit Any More Mmchlng. Indication of the Knd ot the Strike. Foreigners Kvacuatlna; Pekln. Filipino Guerrillas Decerning Active. 2 General Northeastern PcnnyUanla News. .1 Local r.ffort to Do Made to Have the Uvcr hart Caso Propped. Celebration of tho Festival ol Succolh. 4 Udltorlal. News and Comment. 5 Local Indications of the End of tho Strike (Concluded). Sermon by Itcv. Rogers Israel, D. P. 0 Local West Scranton and Suburban, 7 Hound About the County. 8 Local Saturday's Foot Ball Games. Live Industrial Kens, The Markets. LOOKING AFTER THE ILLEGAL VOTERS The Colonies of Repeaters from Sa loons, Gambling Houses and Brothels in New York Will Receive Attention. Dy Exclushe Wire from The Associated Tress. New York, Oct. 7. John McCullagh, state superintendent of elections for tho 'Metropolitan district, today sent out several letters to the authorities of this city touching on the coming elections. In a letter to Chief of Police Devery, McCullagh calls that official's attention to the fact that the days of registration will fall on Oct. 12 and 13 and Oct. 19 and 20, and says: "The past experiences of this depart ment demonstrates very clearjy that the sources of the debauchment of franchise in the city of New York are found In pool rooms, gambling houses, disorderly houses, houses of prostitu tion, saloons run under the guise of hotels in order to evade the provisions of the excise law and the dives of even baser sort." Mr. McCullagh then at some length details the successful prosecution of illegal voters and their sponsors after the elections of November, 1899, and calls attention to the fact that the evi dence in these cases showed that they were engineered by persons having of ficial connection with the city govern ment and that illegal votes wero drawn from the houses quoted In the abstract of the letters given above. He then says that lie has lately caused the In vestigation to be made of such resorts in the city of New York and has in his possession sworn affidavits establish ing violations of almost every provision of law and ordinances relating to such places, a majority of which are located on tho East Side, below Fourteenth street, and from which are recruited the gangs of floaters and repeaters who work In connection with the habitues, employes and hangers-on of slmllnr tesorts in tho old and new "Tenderloin" and other parts of the city. From the evidence that has come Into my possession I am convinced that an organized attempt is being made to colonize Illegal voters for tho next general election In and from these places. Mr. McCullagh then submits the ad dresses of over two hundred saloons or other resorts alleged to be on tho character mentioned and says that If prompt action is not taken by Chief Devery In suppressing these resorts ho will invoke the aid of the state au thorities, who are specifically empow ered by law to proceed in these mat ters. He also calls the attention of the chief to the law which directs tho po lice oflicisils to cause an investigation of each name registered and tho pen alty for the neglect of each duty. His letter closes with a demand that the chief and the members of his command shall give to the superintendent of elections all the aid In his power in this direction. This communication to the chief Is followed by nnother to each police cap tain In the territory named, which practically cover tho same ground, and also a similar letter to Mayor Van Wyck. HERO DROWNED IN OHIO RIVER George Fuller Had Saved Twenty Three Lives at Louisville Palls. tJy Eicluslvo Wire from The Associated Presa. Joffersonvllle, Ind., Oct, 7. Qeorgo Fuller, aged 10 years, who saved twenty-three persons from being dashed to death on the falls of tho Ohio, was drowned this afternoon. He was em ployed by the government on tho work of widening the channel and fell from a boat, striking his head on a rock, rending him unconscious. Fuller lived on tho embankment over looking the falls, and tho night was never too dark or stormy for him to respond to a cry for help. With his brother, Hiram Fuller, ho had assisted In saving over ono hundred lives, RAILROADERS MEET. An Important Mass Meeting at Toledo Twelve Hundred Attend. Dy Exclushe Wire fiom The Associated Press. Toledo, O., Oct. 7. The biggest mass meeting of men probably identified with the five groat railroad organiza tions and lady olllclals of auxiliary or ganizations convened hero today, P, M. Arthur, F. P. Sargent, E. K. Clark and muny others made addresses this afternoon and evening. An executive session was held late tonight. Several objects are In view. One Is to prepare for concerted action on Important ovents; another is to es tablish a general pension fund for superannuated employes, and the coal strike situation may be. taken up to morrow. Political discussions are not permitted. About twelve or fourteen hundred aro hero from all over the country. HOPEFUL OUTLOOK Convention Is at Hand and All Parties Want a Settlement. ASSURANCE WAS GIVN Reliable Information Has It That the Operators Were Given to Un derstand That the Ten Per Cent. Offer Would Be Accepted Before the Offer Was Made Ex-President Ratchford of the Mine Workers Union the Likely Go-Between. Sanger of Politicians Interfering to Prevent an Immediate Settle ment The Call for the Convention Was Being Held Back Till the Offer Became a General One. At a strikers' mass meeting In Shenandoah Saturday, President Mit chell, of tho United Mine Workers, an nounced that a call for a convention to consider the ten per cent, offer, would be issued in a fewfcdays. Ho said: "I wish to announce that in a few days a convention will bs called. Every mine will be requested to send delegates. If you believe a net ad vance of ten per cent. In your wages Is enough, then your 'votes will de cide the question. If you prefer that the strike should go on, Mitchell will be with you. In this strike, we must all win together or go down together." As yet no notice of tho convention has been received by the local officers of the Mine Workers union, but It is expected today. The probabilities are that the convention will be held in thla city and that It will take place Thurs day. President Mitchell said recently In Wllkes-Barre that if a convention was held, It would likely be held In Scranton. Hazleton had 'the prelimi nary conventions, Wllkes-Barre had big demonstration and Scranton should have the next big event, he argued. There will be between 300 and 400 dele gates in attendance, rfnd it is posfl ble they villi be In session two or three days. The Cause of It. Tho action of the Individual opera tors in agreeing to join in the ten per cent, offer is judged to be re sponsible for tho convention call. It may be and It may not be. "Very likely It was responsible in that it furnished an excuse for making the call. Tho convention, It Is now learned on the most reliable authority, was a surety from tho very ouset. Tho oper ators and President Mitchell had an understanding, and tho gist ot their understanding was that if tho ten per cent, offer was forthcoming, the Uni ted Mine Workers would call off tho strike. The operators took it for granted that Ptesldent Mitchell could deliver the goods. But, It will be said, President Mit chell declares positively that he has had no communication with tho opera tors regarding strike settlement, and tho tnlne operators could not have had any dealings with hlin, unless they broke their pledge to not recognize tho United Mine workers' organiza tion. Just at' present, It is sufficient to say that Senator Mark Hanna brought about tho ten per cent, offer and that ex-President Ratchford, of tho United Mine Workers, now a member of tho Industrial commission of Ohio, to which he was appointed by Senator Hanna, was active in the negotiations for strike settlement. Watched with Interest, It is results, however, that the com munity lg at present mostly concerned in, and every step towards a speedy settlement of tho strike will be watch ed with Intense Interest. Likewise will the people watch and mark any movo tending to hinder the settlement of the strike. Especially will tho publlo eye bo upon tho politicians who think to mako capital out of tho strike and who might not hesitate to prolong it un necessarily to servo their own selfish ends, Candidates for ofllce who are relying on their closo nfullntlon with tho United Mlno Workers as their chief stock in trndo will bo subjecting them selves to suspicion by nnyactlon on their part that would put a Btraw In tho way of a peaceful and speedy cul mination of tjio conflict, no matter how sincerely they may believe they, are acting for the miners' good. Continued on Pago S. f -f-f-t- t WEATHER FORECAST, X Washington, Oct. 7. Forecast for 4- Monday and Tuesday: Eastern Peniuyl- tvinla Italn and cooler Monday; Tuaa- -f day, fair; brisk northwesterly wlada. -i . :t 'tt1- .t:t' H A (i . V V.I l I Vt o M v i' J . ' . -we.aM&LSS.'.. , i af it TUPfTiT fiwi i .jiaSuafuij ,Vii
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