The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1900, Page 9, Image 9
mm $ Jj ' k'l 1 WT W i 'iA.wjmwtntvii '" ;"&' YVX T?r4' ei )' 4 2", '7f v ? fe i?v i Tf A u r' 'll V tA. vy 1 ? tvrrw; 4 -s -' I THE SCKANTON I'mBUNK-SATUliOAY, OCTOBER 6, loW. v. 0 tews h a0i " I iJL LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE. COLUMBIA'S NEW OFFICERS At a meeting of Columbia lloao com pany, No. 5, tlio following? officers ware re-elected to servo for the cnnulm: yenr! President, J. 1 Hoylani fore man, J. T. Loftus: nsslatant forcmnn, Edward Henley: trenmircr, James Gor man: secretary, I'. V. Murnn: driver, A. L. Sahmj trustees, Thomas Hrcn nan, P. P. Duffy and T. a. Couehlln: Firemen's Hellof association commit tee. John P. McDonnld, A. L. Hnhm and T. O. CniiRhlln. The firemen de cided to start a fund at once, whlrh will bo used next ynur for defrnylnir the expenses of the company at the Btatc convention In Philadelphia, WEDDED AT BINOHAMTON. Friends In this elty have received cards announcing the wedding of Miss Hattle Collum. of Klkdiiie, nnd Ira 11. Thomas, of Unlondnle. They wore married In IllnRhamton on October 3, the wcddlnp; iiolnjr a very quiet one. Before taklnp up their residence at Unlondnle they will enjoy a wedding tour, which will Include Now York, Baltimore, WashinRton and Philadel phia. THE HUGHES CASE. There seems to be some misappre hension re&ardlnrr the court's award of damages to Mr. Jloeso Huulies. It should be known that he simply ap pealed from the decision of the view ers nnd did not tnke the Initiative In the litigation. The twelve Rood nnd true men who came up here, viewed the property and sat upon the cao, doubtless did what they thoucht ivni fair and all concerned should abide by their disposition of the matter. T. E. CAMPBELL APPOINTED. T. E. Campbell, of this city, stand' hlcjh In the councils of the state or ganization of firemen. His term as vice-president has Just expired and yesterday his name appeared on the circular committee, on which he will serve for a year, having been appoint ed by the president at the New Castle convention. Mr. Campbell Is president of the Mitchell Hose company. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dr. B. L. Singer, of Philadelphia, Is home for a vacation of a couple of months. C. W. Pulkerson has returned from New York. Mrs. Ida E. McComb Is in New York. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keene are visit ing friends In Lordvllle, N. Y. Misses Agnes Burke and Marie Mc Dermott have returned from Scranton. Bay Williams, of Belmont street, has returned from a two weeks' visit at Delhi, N. Y. John Cardon has returned from New York city. Mrs. Elmer Seeley Is visiting Scran ton friends. Miss Tillle Nealon left yesterday for Philadelphia, where she will enter the Conservatory of Music. Miss Nealon Is a talented young lady, nnd this course will further embellish her mnnv ne compllshments. H. C. Wheeler, M. D has returned from his business trip to New York city. OLYPHANT. The funeral of the late Michael Mc Mahon will take place from the family home this nfternoon at 3 o'clock. The Ancient Order of Hibernians will at tend the funeral In a body. Interment will be made in St Patrick's cemetery, i John Cooper and John Balderson left yesterday for Allentown, where they have secured employment. A. V. Bower, of Scranton, will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church tomorrow evening. , Services will be held at the usual time In the Susquehanna Street Bap tist church tomorrow morning and evening. Rev. George Hague, pastor. Rev. B. P. Hammond returned yes terday from Lake Winola, where he was attending the retreat of the Pres byterian ministers and elders. District Attorney John R. Jones and family returned yesterday from their ' summer home at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Reese Polly has returned home after an extended visit with relatives in Wales. Mrs. Benjamin Reynolds, of West Scranton visited friends In town Thurs- . day. Mrs. Ellznboth Williams, of Blakely, returned yesterday from South Gibson, . where she has been spending the sum mer. J 'Misses Agnes Hcndrlck, of Hallstcad, and Maud Harnden, of Carbondale, were the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. K. Harnden yesterday. -i Mrs. David Sherer, of North Blakely, has returned from a visit with relatives at Wllkes-Barre. . Quinine for Colds. Many people who use quinine for the cure of colds say that the effect of this drug Is more disagreeable than the disease, Krause's Cold Cure Is pre pared In a convenient capsule form. and will cure tho most deeply seated cold In 24 hours without any Interrup tion to business. They nro pleasant to take and give you a clenr, fresh sensa tion while operating. Price 25c, Sold by Matthews Bros. m PECKVILLB. Mrs. John Cnllender, of Academy Btreet, was a Scranton visitor Friday. Messrs. Priest and Williams, mem bers of tho school board, visited the schools of tho central building Friday afternoon, Miss Bertha O, Williams Is visiting ler parents In Sprlngvllle, Susque hanna county, jMIss Rose Wledman, of Flcotvllle, Is tfto guest of Mrs, Judson Callonder, of rorth Main street. William Warlleld has returned from lieach pond, where ho has been snend. Hng some time, Mrs. William Bell, of North Main street, Is seriously Hi, The young child of Mr. and Mrs. $ EVERY WOMAN f 1$ StttfBMiiMdl wllabl., tooijhly, nnUUat ntdlelat. Only hualm IQd 1 "t tePBM.dugaholdbw4. UyouwaaHhoUtl'fai a Dr. PmI"s Pannyroyal Pills 'myareprojfpt.iaafewiacerUlalawault. aT-waT"" mmmm W TOO "BUlnn ( Dr. Pl'VnTrHl.i,.nlf OnM .. nn.l rV v VfSmii1 H PHEUPS' Ph,rmac,- " Wyoming '.vcnue.nd Sprue ttratt. Horace Mender, who has been bo seri ously lit of croup, Is much better. Mrs. liyron Peck, of Carbondale, Is vlslthiff Mrs. J. D. Peck, of Mnln street. Typhoid fever enscs are still steadily on the increase. There are now In the neighborhood of thirty cases In the bo rough, the majority of the cases are of mild type. The local physicians ad vocate the bolting of water for drink ing purposes. Peckvllle Baptist church Ilcv, J. 8. Thomns, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.30 n. m. nnd 7 p. m. Morning sub ject, "Pour Creatures Mttle but Wise." Kvenlng subject, "The Itlver of Snlva tlon." Sabbath school at 11.30 a. tn. All are welcome. Services In the Presbyterian church Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Uev. H. II. Moon, D. D pastor. Sacra ment of the lord's supper In morning. Kvenlng subject, "The Constructive MIslHon of Christ." All welcome. nny Johns, son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Will iam Johns, died Inst evening at? 7 o'clock nftcr several days' Illness. Fu neral notice later. The funeral services of Elsie Nute, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jnmcs Nute, of West Peckvllle, will take place at S.30 o'clock this nfternoon at the Bap tist church, Rev. J. S. Thomns ofllclat Iiir. Interment will be made In Pros pect cemetery. JERMYK AND MAYFIBLD Council Meeting Boy Injured Rus sian Fire Company Organized at Mayfleld A Jermyn Man Stabbed in Buffalo. The borough council held their monthly meeting last evening. A great deal of talk was Indulged In, but little business transacted. The secretary was Instructed to notify the Delawer and Hudson company to put the street in repair In front of their pioperty, on North Second street. The following bills were ordered paid: Jer myn Press, $1.50; electric lights, $136.70; Rushbroolc Water company, $56.23; sal ary chief of police, $15. Tho light com mittee was Instructed to view the light nt cemetery and second street, with a view to changing Its location for the benefit of the South Second street residents. Councilman Raw ling, of the First ward, made an ap peal for a cross-walk on Rushbrook street, at the intersection of Third street, but received no encourage ment from the rest of the council men. The street committee were In structed to advertise for bids for the putting down of the cross-walks or dered laid several months ago, and which have been neglected. Councils afterwards adjourned. While holding a bicycle for Valen tine Wall, who was in the act of mounting the wheel, yesterday, Wil lie Maxwell, of Second street, was painfully Injured, the wheel and boy falling upon him and cutting a gash In his leg, which necessitated being stitched. He was attended by Dr. M. J. Shields. The residents of the hill on tho east ern side of Mayfleld, have for some months past been agitating the or ganization of a fire company. They have In the past two years had several costly fires, some of which, without doubt, could have bern easily sub dued within a short time after dis covery had they a fire company In that section of the borough. The matter was brought to a head last Tuesday, when a public meeting was held In the Russian school house nnd was pre sided over by Wasll Chopack. Ai fire company was organized and will be known as the Russian Fire company. Eighty-three members lolned the or ganization and several committees were appointed. These will report at a meeting to be held on Tuesday even ing, when the officers will be elected and organization perfected. i The Magazine club met last evening nt the home of Mrs. H. D. Swlck, on Second street. David Moon, son of Councilman Moon, who with a number of young men from this borough Is In Brook lyn., N. Y was set upon by four thugs while returning from a theater a few nights ago. One of them used a knife, Indicting a cut on the back of young Moon's hand, which necessitated his having to be taken to the hospital. The wound was fortunately not a ser ious one, and he was able to leave the institution after the dressing had been completed. The Athletics, of Maylield, and Cres cents, of Olyphant, will play a game of base ball on tho lattcr's grounds this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wachna, of tho Cenral Park hotel, Mayfleld, are happy over the arrival of a little daughter. The Mayfleld counill will hold their regular monthly meeting next Mon day evening. t The Osborne family will leave this morning for their new homo In Can dor, N. Y. John Burgess has resigned his posi tion of bookkeeper at Place's store, Mayfleld, and has gone Into tho In surance business. Tho employes of the Delaware and Hudson colliery will receive pny for uiu uib-iii unci inree-quarter days worked last month this afternoon. DALTON. On account of repairs to tho church there will bo no preaching service In tho Methodist church at Dalton until Sunday, October 21, of this month. Workmen nro placing a steel celling In tho auditorium of tho Mothodlst church. Services will bo conducted on Sunday In tho basement of the Church, S. E. Finn Is having his house beau tilled on the exterior by a fresh coat of paint. Mrs. Charles Purdy is visiting friends In Now Jersey, Services will bo hold In tho Baptist church on Sunday nt Mio usual time, Tho pastor will speak in the morning on "Christian Steadfastness' 'nnd in mo evening on "People Who Worry." Mrs. Oscar Hosse, Jr., of Rend Bank, N, J Is visiting her brother at tho Baptist parsonage. Quite a number of pickerel have been caught tho past few days at Lily lake. Androw Terwllllger and wlfo havo disposed of their household coods ami j will leave next week for a visit in Col- umbla county. Later they will start for their future homo In California. GOULDSBORO. The death of Sllns Flower occurred at his residence Tuesday, October 2, from typhoid fever, aged CO yenrs. Ho was widely known as he had been a resident of QoUldsboro for thirty years and had also been delivering produce to a large number of private customers In Scrnnton for a number of yenrs. Ho was one of the charter members of Draco Lutheran church and hud served on t'he church council since Its Incor poration. Ho was not only nn nctlvo, consistent Christian, but took an In terest In the welfare nnd business of the town. Ho will bo greatly missed In the church and town ns welt as In the homo. Ho Is survived by his wlfo and four children, Miss Florn nnd Miss Mnry, W. E. nnd Walter Flower. Ser vices will be held at Clrnco Lutheran church, Saturday nt 2 p. m. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Cloorgc Tritchlcr, a son, October 1. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Staples, of Scran ton, arc guests at Edward Staples. Mrs, it. T. Woodrlng nnd son of South Bcl'hlchcm, urn spending the week with or sister, Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. Hefformnn, Prod Dlerolf nnd Mr. Hayes are 111 at this writing. P. E. Bush has necptcd the position of principal nt the Moscow high school. L. O. Smith Is spending the day at Scranton. MOSCOW. Dr. nnd Mrs. Wilson celebrated their wooden wedding anniversary, or the fifth year of their married life, Wed nesday evening. The evening was spent very pleasantly In social amuse ments, after which refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Ahmed Wilson, Stnnley Rogers, Scrnnton; Mr. nnd Mrs. George Rogers, Mill City; Mrs. Sarah Martin, Arthur Wilson, Duryea; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ward, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wilson, Yostvllle: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson and children, Jessie, Sherwood, George, Sidney, Prances, Bessie and Mabel Wilson. A large number of Moscow people at tended the grange fair at Madlsonvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holmes, of Houcktown, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Schenk. Mrs. I. S. Tlco nnd Mrs. A. J. Beggs, of Scranton, are the guests of Mrs. E. A. Travis. Lloyd Travis left Saturday for New York, where ho has accepted a posi tion as clerk. Miss May Eshleman was agreeably surprised by a number of her young friends, Wednesday evening. After tho usual diversions, refreshments were served. The following guests were present: The Misses Kate Dennis, Susie Edwards, Jessie Travis, Alice Eshleman, Mamie Bortree, Messrs. Pred DePew, Ray Maroney, Garfield Shaw, Clair Pclton, Guy Swart, How ard Ycager, Moscow; Mrs. TIce, Mrs. Beggs, Charles Beggs, Scranton; Mason Glllnnd and Stanley Adams,' Goulds boro. TAYLOR. The Alumni foot ball team held their first practice on the riverside Krounds on Thursday afternoon for the coming season. The team Is composed of the town's best foot ball players, and In the past have proven their ability as to the same. Their manager Is R. Gen dall, who Is well acquainted with the game nnd knows every point of It. He has Invented many plays, which the team will put into execution this sea son. The Alumnls are open for anv and all teams in the county. Preaching at the Methodist Episco pal church tomorrow at 10.30 a. in. nnd 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. Rev. Clinton B. Henry. Special men's meeting at 4 p. m.; subject, "The Great Contest." Evening subject, "Excuses." Gospel meetings every week-day at 4 p. m. an'rt evening nt 7.30 p. m. The funeral of David S. Davis, of Old Forge, announcement of whose death appeared In yesterday's Issue, will oc cur from his late residence, on Mary street, tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In the Brick church cemetery. Services at the Calvary Baptist church tomorrow at 10.30 n. m. and 6 p. m. Rev. J. II. Colclough will nreach at tho usual hour at tho Presbyterian church tomorrow. Preaching nt tho usual hours at tho Welsh Baptist church tomorrow by tho pastor, Rev. D. C. Edwards. JESSUP. Miss Mary Lawler has been enrolled at the Scranton Business college. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conners were callers In Scranton recently, Mr. John Eagen left Thursday even ing for New York, where he expects to reside for the future. Mr. P. F. Lawler and Miss Mayme Reddlngton were united In marriage at the St. James church Thursday evening. Messrs. Thomas Ford, Michael Dougher are visiting friends In Scran ton. Miss Genevieve Walsh, of Bridge street, has been enrolled at tho Lacka wanna school, Scranton. Miv. Cormlck Qulnn nnd Miss Sadlo Moore were business callers In Scran ton yesterday. Tho Alerts defeated n team from Olyphant yesterday by a score of 5 to 3. Mr. Martin Rollen was a caller In Scranton yesterday. Why Experiment On Yourself With remedies of doubtful utility when you can got Chnmberlnln's Cough Remedy, which hns stood tho test of time? Twenty-five years' salo and ube havo proven thnt remedy to bo a prompt and certain cure for colds, it will cure a cold In a day If token us soon as tho cold hos been contracted and before It has settled In tho system. Sold by all druggists, Matthews Bros., wnoiesuio nnu retail agents, OLD FORGE. A very pretty wedding took nlaco at tho homo of Mr. Scott, of MooMc, Wed nesday, October 3. Tho contiactlng parties wero Miss Mlnnlo Ace, of Mooslc, and Mr. Charles A, McMlckur, of Auburn, Pa, At 8 o'clock the young couplo entered tho parlor. Tho wed ding inarch was played by Mrs. Judson Bailey, Rev, G. F, Ace, brother of tho brldo, assisted by Rev. Judson Bailey, performed tho ceremony. Tho bride was uttended by Miss Galpln, of Nor wich, N. Y. Mr. Charles Ace, of Dur yea, acted as best man. The brldo was handsomely attired In a costume of pearl grey and carried n bounuot of bridal roses. The bridesmaid was simi larly attired and carried carnations. Congratulations over, a choice colla tion was served. Tho guests after, ward enjoyed a happy season of social Intercourse and also found much pleas- ure In admiring the beautiful gifts that betokened the esteem In which the bride Is held, Miss Janet Dick Is spending a few Weeks with friends In Plttston. Mrs. Prank Polntcn nnd son have re turned from a week's visit with friends at Shnmokln. Cards nre out announcing the coming mnrrlagc of Mr. Cornelius Ludgatc, of this plncc, and Miss Riley, of Ashley. The committee of the different En worth leagues met at tho Methodist Episcopal parsonage on Wednesday afternoon to make arrangements for tho coming sub-district convention. It una decided to postpone It Indefinitely. Mrs. Herbert Ellsworth, of Aldcrson, nnd Miss Jessie Evcrltts, of Nichols, N. Y., were the guests of Mrs. Samuel Brodhcad, Jr., on Wednesday. Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson and Mrs, Andrew Decker, of Avoca, were tho guests of Mrs. William Tlnklcpaugh on Thursday. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Academy of Muse. All week The Don Ton Stock company. Gaiety. t.nst Three Little Egypt Burlesque com pany. Miss Coghlan ns Becky Sharp. Miss Coghlnn as "Becky Sharp" In Charles roghlan's dramatization ol Thackeray's "Vanity Pair," which will be made at the Lyceum thea ter Monday, Oct. 8, has had phenomenal suc cess In ccry city in which she has plajed since her opening night. In Mia CoRhlan we will sec a "Ilccky Sharp" to pl.iy upon every feeling that thl crmplrx creature awakens in the rending ol "Vanity Fair." To see Deeky with the eve nnd hear her a she works her devilments and perforin her marvel ot deceit will Indeed lc something to enjoy. To the eye she will represent Ilccky with a photographic fidelity. Hut something far more Important than this something that her great Impel sona tlon of Cilia Pryse in "The ltovnl I1o" taught she produce the very spirit and manner nnd mind of Ilccky. From her tongue Ileeky's mock humility, deep hypocrisy and tilt ing wit How with an origin-it and inelstlhle force and effect. In short, she Is Peckv to the life. Put this I not all that will he enjojed. Mli Coghlan compiny ha been organl7cd with a faithful adherence to the idea ot selecting actor for poisonal fltncs In ccry cae. "The Man from Mexico." Walter K. Perkins whose comedy work In "My l'rlend from Indh" lent largely to the success of that play, ha added immcisurcably to his reputation as n comedian by hi recent success In "The Man from Mexico," a comedy which 1 admittedly one of the funniest shown In recent jenr. It differs distinctly from the ordinary inn of firce comedies in that it pre sents an entertainment along laughter compell ing lines, absolutely free fiom rough methods and combine to produce a constant flow of mer riment nnd there Is no suggestion of offense In lt theme or treatment. The eempany aiding him includes: Nagle Harry, Donald Brine, Philip Yale Drew, Angus tu n. White, John 7'. Iteck. Jerome Harring ton, Theodore Johnston, Maude A. Scott, Flor ence Tcmplcton, Marlon Longfellow anel Pearl J. tYird. It will appear at the Lyceum Tues day night, Oct. 9. , Dainty Paree Burlesquers. The Painty Paree Burlesquers, nn organbation of stars of the first magnitude, will he the at traction at the fiaiety the first hilt of net week. The opening burlesque, "A Day's Vacation," Is highly seasoned with bright lines, catchy music and ludhrou situations, which arc dKcrsffled with marches. medle,st ballets and popular melo dic and notel dance by pretty choristers, who ndd their beauty and sallies to the gen eral hilaiily. There I not a line without some blithesome bit of side diversion, nnd the vaudeville portion of the cntcftainnicnt take in such welt known artist a MorrKsy and Illch, comedy sketch duo; Carroll and Kllston, the Dude and Dudccn; Jean ette nnd Shaw, the little dinger Girls; tho Gra hams, ball.idist and song illustrators; the Hos ted Sisters, songs, dancers and cake walker; Kohl and Harney, character iiiiporsonatoisj Fow ler nnd Lonnfiorg, opeiallc vocalists; Mile. Orme, the sensational Parisian. MARRIAGE BELLS AT FACTORYVILLE. A Very Pretty Autumn Wedding Solemnized at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Geoi'ge Crlsman. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryvllle, Pa., Oct. G. The pret tiest wedding that hns occured in this place for a long time was solemnized at tho home of Mr. and Mrs, George Crlsman, a very pleasant farm home just on the suburbs of tho borough, last Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, when their youngest daughter, Bertha V., was united In marriage to Mr. Stnnley Nelson Slmrell, of Scranton. Tho home was elaborately decorated with evergreens, ferns, autumn leaves of tho various hues that Nature's art ist had designed nnd painted for this particular occasion, anil bridal flowers that bloom only when Nature's foliage looks her prettiest. Tho arch was erected In the southern corner of the parlor nnd was a beautiful picture of Nature's handiwork. About sixty guests responded to the Invitations sent out, and us the bridal clock was striking tho hour of eight, Mrs. Wal ter B. Cobb, of Scranton, played tho bridal chorus from Lohenxrln and tho wedding procession marched to tho arch. The brldo was atonded by Mljs Katie Beck, of Harrlsburg, N. J and the bridegroom by Mr. Bert J. Crls man, a twin brother of the bride. Rev. W. M. Hlller performed the ceremony. The brldo was attired In cream silk, trimmed with crope-de-chlffon, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Tho bridesmaid was attired In a very pretty gown of blue organdie silk, trimmed with white chiffon, and carried a bou quet of pink roses. After tho cere mony n wedding supper was served, Tho brldo was tho recipient of many beautiful presents, among them sev eral hniulsomn sums of gold. Mrs. Slmrell was one of our very best known young ladles, and had a host of warm friends who will miss her society and ninny good deeds of kindness, Mr. Slm rell Is a well-known Factoryvlllo boy, and for many years has made himself popular hero as a businessman, and In fcoclety. Ho, too, has a very laigo clrclo of close frlonds both hero and In Scranton who wish them a long life of happiness nnd prosperity, Mr, Slmrnll Is connected with tho International Correspondence School of Scranton, Mr, and Mrs. Slmrell left on tho mid night train for a week's trip through Now York state and Canada. Upon their return they will reside in Scran ton. Thoso present at tho wedding wore nB follows; Messrs. Walker, Sweeney, McLaughlin and Capwell, of tho Inter national Correspondence School, of Scranton, and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Gardner, of Bcrnntoni Miss Henrietta Slmrell, of Blakely; Messrs. Elmer nnd Arthur Slocum, of Justus, Pa.; Mr, W. D. Crlsman, Mrs. Ray Bcardslcy and daughter, Muriel, of Blnghumton, N, Y.; Miss Katie Beck, of Harrlsburg, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Finn, Mr. C. D. Finn, Miss Bertha Capwell, of Dal ton, Pa.; Mr. Howard Bailey, of La Plume, Pa.; Mr, and Mrs. Jefferson Green, of Montrose; Mr. and Mrs. G, p, The People's Exchange. AAAAAAWWVWWWWMVWMWS POPULAR CLEA.RI.VGr HOUSIJ for tin Benall ot AH Who Have Houses to Rent, Rant Est lit j or Other Property to Sell or Exchange or Who Want Situations or Hotn Theis Smalt Advertisements Cost One Cent n Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Situation Wanted, Whlali Ar In. scried Free. FOR RENT. IF YOU WNT TO HUNT 8T011K, OFI'ICTi, barn, house, rooms or factory space, see W. T. Hackcttt, Price building. 22 t'NKOUN'tSHRII BOOMS WITH 4 HATH rooms; located In the best part ol the cm- trat city tor renting rooms. The plumbing is the latist. the walls have all been newly nabcrcd and the woodwork painted and every room Is steam heated. Apply to W. T. Ilickctt, Price building, 12S wasn ihlngton avenue. FOB BKNT-tIM LACKAWANNA AVRNUB, four floors; elevator; best store and loca tion tn Scranton. FOR SALE OX!'. OF TUB FINEST LOCATED, BEST equipped, high grade boarding house In Scranton. There arc 2S room and tho furnish ing comprise everything essential In a llrst claw house, from il fAOO piano down, For par ticulars, price, terms, etc., apply to W. T. Hickctt, Price building, 123 Washington ruenuc. FOIl SALK CilllAP-ONE WOBK 1IOKSI. Knsslcr court. 612 WANTED-TO BUY. nt3scondTlndlotmX6h must be in good order; state particulars at to make and price. Address, L. M., general de livery, Scranton. Pa. FUItNISHEDTioljsFFOHi 3.32 Madison avenue. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED 2 OB 3 FUltNlSIIED BOOMS. FOB light housekeeping; centrally located. Ad dress, J. w., Williams building, City. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOB BENT-BOOMS, WITH HOARD; EASY walking distance. 530 Washington avenue. VERY DESIBABLi: BOOM, WITH BOABD, AT 410 Adam avenue. RE A L ESTE W. T. HACKETT BUYS, SELLS, BENTS, IN sure, exchange, uppialses and cares for property. Price building. RECRUITS WANTED. MAniNE COBPS UNITED STATES NAVY BE crults wanted Able-bodied men; service on our warships in all parts of the world nnd on land in the Philippines, when required. Lieu tenant Colonel B. B. Russell. N. W. Corner Lack awanna and Wyoming avenues, Scranton. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN STKAKIHT LOANS once. Curry, Conncll building. AT ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN. QUICK, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 8 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building. jrnjPOt)FD IMPOUNDED IN THE BABN OP O. W. JEN- klas, South Deckers court, a light red cuw-. If the same Is not called for- she will be offered at public sale Wcdneiy, Oct. 10, at 2 p. m. Frank Kobling, Chief of Police. DRESSMAKING. DBESSMAKINQ FOB CHILDBEN TO ORDER; also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. LOST LOST-FRIDAY MORNING, A BUNCH OF KEYS. Reward upon return to 414 Vine street. LEGAL. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF PROPERTY ON Seventh street between West Lackawanna avenue ami Sciantnn street. The following is a iy of a icsolutlon of Cily Councils ot the Citv of Scranton, Penna., approved Sept. It, 1000: Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Scr.intnn, the Select Council concunlng, that Seventh stieet finin Wet l.ickawnffna avenue to Scranton stieet. be nuved. and the cost thereof bo assessed against the ahuttlng properties ac cording to the foot front rule. Providing that three-fourths of all the members elected to each branch of the Councils shall vote In favor ther of. On the passage of this resolution by the said three-fourth vote and its approval by the Jlajor, tho City Clerk shill publish a copy there of, fur a period of ten dajs, In two newspapers published in the Cily of .scranton, stating that unless a majority of the owners of property abutting on said Seventh street between the points above named, shall signify to councils in writing within sixty dajs from the date of the approval of this resolution, their preference of the material desired for such pavement. Councils will proceed to an oidinance di recting the paving ol s.ild lond or street, between the points above named, with such material as they see fit. Approved by Select Count il, Sept. 20, 1000. CIIAS. F. WAONKlt, Preldent. Approved by Common Council, Aug. i, 1000. WM. V. GRIFFITHS, President. .Approved Sept. 27, 1000. JAMES MOIR, Major. Published In pursuance of provisions of the foregoing resolution. M. T. LAVKLLK, Scranton, Pn Oct. 4, 1900. City Clerk. Wells, Miss Jennie Wells, Mr. Joyeph Crlsman and Miss Sadie Crlsman, all of South Montrose; Mr. S. D. Lead beater, of New London, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Moses Place, Ml?s Anna Place, Mr. Judson Place, of East Lemon, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hlller, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Watklns, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Brown. Mr. nnd Mrs L. D. Arm strong, Mr. W. C. WrlRley, Miss Jo sephine Llndsoy, Mrs. Sarah Slmrell, Mrs. John Lewis, Mr. Howard Capwell, Miss Lena Capwell, Mr. Karl Jones, Mr. and Mrs, Georp;o Crlsman, Miss Hattio Crlsman and Mr. Bert Crlsman, all of Factoryvllle. ARIEL. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Ariel, Oct, 5. Mr. James Blffljart fei from a ladder, Thursday afternoon, and received a severe shock. Fortun ately no bones jvoro broken, and It li hoped that no serious rcsuls will fol low, althourrh nt this time ho Is con fined to his bed. Mrs. Caroline Swingle, of Snlem, spent Tuesday ut tho home of Mrs. Charles Bldwell. Itov, L. 15. Van Hoehon returned from Blnghamton on Mondny, whero ho hid been assisting Hev. M. V, Williams In revival nicotines at tho Fulrview Methodist Episcopal churdh. Mrs. Amy Polly entertained a num ber of her friends at dinner on Friday, Mr, John Blggart spent Thursday In Scranton. Rov, L. E. Van Hoesen and Mr. W. II. Hazlett were In Honesdaie on Thursday. m NATIONAL LEAGUE. At New Yoik r, u, p, Boston , ,,,,,,,,,0 00 0 0 00 11 HI 2 New York , ,,,..,6 0 0 0 1 0 2 x 10 1 Batteries Willis and Clark; Taylor and Bow. ciman. Umpire Snyder. At St. Louis u, ii, j.;. St. Loul ,..,,.0300021000 10 j Cincinnati ...0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Batterlea Sudhoff and Robinson j Scott and fritz. Uraplre-Emillc. WANTEIrMKNFOrt SCHANTOS'I CAN make from two to five dollars a day) big money and quick return. Call between 2 and S P. in. C. D. Swift, 422 Council building. WANTKD-.M MACIIINIi ltt'NNEBS AND HELP era for shaft work! wages, $2.50 to $2,"fl per day of eight hours. Also two pump runner; wages flj per month. Address A. S. Phillip, Superintendent, llenrj, W. Va. SALESMAN WANTED. SALESMENVANTfoltE?jTUpr00O sample to wholesale and retail trad'. We arc the largest manufacturers In our line In the world. Liberal salary paid. Address, OAN-DEX Mfg. Co., Savannah, tla. WANTKD-SALi:9lN; 75 MONTHLY AND expeascs; permanent. Perry Nursery Co., Bochcster, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED-BY A'VOtlNTTTmoulnMNrC place a took; good all-round cook. Call or address, John Savage, .lit Centre street. SITUATION WANTED-SALKSM.VN STABTINO on trin through Pennsvlvauia. would retire- sent some good line on tommisdiou. 0. K,, iTiuunc. SITUATION WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE, capable of taking charge of household work in private family; wife I good cook and expert housekeeper; man to make himself generally use ful. Address II. L , Tribune olllce. AS EXPI'.BIENCED WOMAN WISHES A I'OSI- tlon as house keener or light housework In a mill family. 313 Cherry street, Scranton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A JUN AND WIFE, who are capable of assuming charge of hotel. restaurant or boardinir home: experienced and rerpumlble; wife is expert housekeeper and overseer of help; man is intelligent, Rood pen man, etc., ami can adapt himself to any posi tion where worth and a desire to render his services valuable are required. Address C. C, Tribune olllce. SITUATION WANTED BY A WOMAN TO OO out by the day washing; or cleaning;. Mrs. Russell, 1121 Cedar avenue. WANTED-HY A YOIJXO COLORED MAN, place as cook; Rood all around cook. Call or address 32.1 Center street. John Saraite. WORK WANTED-HY THE DAY, WASHING, ironing or cleaning. L. E., South Ninth street. WORK WANTEn-BY A YOUNH LADY; UN- dentands making good coffee and salads; also senlng or assisting as ladies' maid for evenings. L. E 430 Soutli Ninth street. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG OIBL 10 assist with light homework, or oihYe girl. Call or address, A. M., 425 New street city CITY SCAVENQER A. D. BBH30S CLEANS ritIVY VAULTS AND ciss pool: no odor. Improved pumps used. A. B. BRItlfiS. Proprietor. Leave ordtrs 1100 North Main avenue, or KIckc's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone 0540. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C SPAULDINQ, C. P. A., 23 TRAD- era' Bank building. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL building, Si ranton. FBEDEBICK L BROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE bulluinir, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CARRIAOES; BEST of servlt c Prompt attention given orders, ny 'phone. 'Phones 2072 and 5332. Joseph Kclley, 1J4 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBEBOER. PAULI BUILDING, Spiuce street, Scranton. DB. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE HOS pitai, corner Wyoming and Mulberry. DR. C. C. LAUIIACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. DB. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue. Hates reasonable. P. ZE1GLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. & W. PAS- scneer depot. Conducted on the European plan, VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Lawyers. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL-lor-at-Iavv. Rooms 312-31.1 Mears building. D. B. REPLOOLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS NE0O- tiatcd on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington avenus and Spruce street. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. lor-at-Iavv. Burr building, Booms 13 and 14, Washington avenue, WILLABD, WARREN fi KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and counsellors-at-lavv. Republican building, Washington avenue. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN. tcllors-at-lavv. lommonweaitn nuuuing, iiooms 10, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms oil, am anu oio iioaru oi iraae Dunn ing. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. KQ-rtM, Oth floor, Mears building. ROOMS L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD ot Trade building, Scranton, Pa. C. B. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HOARD ot Trade building, Seianton, pa, PATTERSON A- Wll.COX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building, C. CO.MEGYS, 0-1.1 REPUBLICAN HUILDINQ. A. W. RERTIIOLF, ATIORNEY, MEARS BLDG. Physicians and Surgeons. "liTALLKN, 511 NORTH WASHINGTON DB. W. avenue, DB. S. W, L'AMOHEAU.Y, OFFICE S39 WASH, ington avenue, Residence, 1318 Mulberry. C'hrnnio diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and ecnitn-urlnary organs a specially, Hours, 1 to 4 p. in. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, SCRANTON, Pa, Course preparatory to college, law, medi cine or business. Opens Sept, 12th. Send for catalogue. Bev, Thomas M Cann, LL. D prin cipal and proprietor; W, E. I'luraley, A. 11., headmaster. Seeds, a. B. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND NURS. erymen, store 01 Washington avenuo; green houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 782. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, BEAR 511 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer ol Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. BAUF.R'8 ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR BALLS, picnics, parties receptions, weddings and con cert work furnished. For terms address R. J, Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over llulbert's muilo itore. MEOAUOEB BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN. yelopes, paper bigs, twine. Warehouse, ISO Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TtME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA HAILROAO flchcdule In Effect May 2t, 1800. J'R'ns lonve Scranton! J1, m'l week ay 0' Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington nnd for Pitts- n -o urg nnd tho We8tl 0.3B a. m., week days, for Hneleton, Pottsville, Heading, Norristown, nnd Philadelphia fnnd for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Bnltimore,WnshinRtou and Pitts burg nnd the West. 2.18 p, ni., week days, (Sundayi 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington and Pittsburg am the West. For Hazleton, Potts v"le, Bending, &c, week days. 4.37 p. m., week dnys, for Sunbury, Hnzleton, Pottsville, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .t. II. WOOD, flen. Pass. Act. J. B. IIUTCHINMIN, Hen. Mgr. Delaware Lackawanna nnd Westerxv In ElTect .Tune 10. 1000. Solltll Lc.1V t! In. Vnu Vn.LV at 1.45. PVvwnMAWMA''i'WsyWWV S.rjO, U0, 8.00 and 1O.0", a. tn.. 12.fM. J.fl3 anil B-IO p. in. I'm- IU.tla.lAlnl.U n R ifl R tt ttHll lo.Ofi n. m.; 12.C5 anil .1.1.1 p. ni. For Strouds Jura at 0.10 p. m. Milk and accommodation a ?n?.p' m' A"1 t llnboken nt 0.65, 7.18, 10. 1. 1 I. m i 14 no n j a m ? i ...! nil m m 1. rtl.'" "- ." ""-" ;"t -.---"- arrive at Philadelphia nt 10.00 a. m, iS? P'L9"2 P- m- Arrive from f. 1.0V 4.00 and 10.20 ,1. m.; 1.00, 1.5 and 11 ;io p. ,, j,'rnm stroiid"burir i rt2JV0 ' tMiUncIotphla nt W.OO n. m.; 1.05, 8.48, Now iorx a S3, 5.43. 8.4S at n fir. a. m. . - a nun nvivMiu-'i'inh sj ---- mediate stations nt l.lO, 4.10 and 8.30 a. m. 'oS, 0.43, and ii,35 n. m. For Oswego and Syra cuse atl.'iO'n. tn. and 1.5S p. tn. For Utlca at 1-10 a. m. and jtBS m y0T Montrose at S.30 '"I " p. m. and 5.41 p. in. For NlchoU Ij oM-00 ""' P- !. For ninghainton, 10.28 .? ii? P- m- Airlve in Scranton from Buffalo 1.80, 2.55,, and 10.00 a. m.; .1.30 and S.00. ii- rom 0'ego and Syracuse at it.Ti a. ni.; ?; ,m! R-" P- '" from Htlca at 2.55 a. m.s i-S and 3.H0 p m. From Nicholson at B.60 a. m. and 0.00 p. m. From Montrose at 7.53 and itS.11, .m-: ;,'!(, ni1 s- P- " - iiloornsburg Division Leave Scranton for jMrthumberlnnrt nt fi.lB, 10.05 a. m.: 1.55 and f;-W P. in. por , mouth at 1.05. .1.40. 8 55 and nf v '';, m- Fnt Natitlcnke nt 8.10 a. ni. Arrlvo at iVorthuniberlnnd nt 0.S1 a. in.; 1.10, D.00 and ri.p- I11, rl,,, at N.intlroko nt 0.10 a. m. lin '''."nouth at 2.00, 4 32, 0.50 p. m. ami fc.i. "; "' Arrive at Scrnnton from Northum berland at 0.42 a. m.; 12.35, 4.50 nnd 8.45 p. Pin.. .ri0m Nontlcoke nt 11.00 a. m. From Plymouth at 7.60 a. m., 3.20, 6 35 and 11.10 p. m. :. . SUNDAY TRAINS, n, . ! ''rJ-Mve Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 5.40, 10.05 a. v S;2'''. :un nn'I "-10 P- m ivorth Leave Scranton at 1.10, 4.10 a. m.; 1.65. 5- and H..1S . m. "loomshurg Division Leave Scranton at 10.0S " ni. and B.M p m. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect .Tune l.ltli, 1000. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at 6.20, 7.53, 8.51. 10.13 a. m. ; 12.00, 1.21, 2.20, 3.52, 8.2J. 0.25, 7.57, 0.15 11,15 p. m.-. 1.10 a. m. For Honesdaie ami Lake Lodorc 6.20, 10.12 a, m.: 2.2(1 nnd 5.25 p. m. For Wilkes-Barre-6.45, 7.18. 8.41, 0.39, 10.43 a, m.; 12.03, 1.28, 2.18, 3.33, 1.27, 0.10. 7.49, 30.11, 11.-10 p. m. For L. V. R. B. polnts-6.45 a. m.; 12.03, S.18, 3.3.1 and 11.30 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. points 0.45, 0.38 m.: 2.18 nnd 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. nu and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Cnrbondalr 7.20, 0.00, 11.33 a. m.j 2.20, 3.52, 5.47. 10 52 p. tn. For Wllkes-nnrre 0.S8 a. m.; 12.0.1, 1.53, S.28. 4.42. 0.27, 8 27 p. m. For Albany nnd points north 3.82 p. m. For Honesdaie and Lake Lodorc 0.00, 11.33 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. Lowest rates to all points in United States and Carada. J. W. BURDICK, a. V. A., Albany, N. T. II. W. CROSS. D. P. A., Scranton. Pa. Lehigh Valley Ballroad. In Effect May 27, 1000. Trains Leave Scranton. J For Philadelphia and New York via TJ. & H. R. R., nt fi.45 a. m. and 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Blac't Diamond Express), nnd 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. & II. R. It.. 1.6S, 7.48 p. m. For White Haven, Hnilcton anil principal points In the coal regions, via D. ft II. R. K., 0.45, 2.18 and 4,27 p. m. For Pottsville, 6.45, 2.18 p. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Rending, Harrlsburg and principal intermediate stations via D. It II. 11. R., 0.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dla mom! Express), 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. & II, U. R., 1.68. 7.48 p. m. For Ttinkhannock. Towanda Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via D, L. & W. B. It., 8.03 a. m.; 1.05 and 3.3S p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, and nil polntH west, via D. Is H. R. R., 12.0.1, 3.3.! (Black Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. ni. Sundays, D. & II. R. R., 12.08 p. m.; 7.4S p. m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor cars on all trains between Wllkea-Barra and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Buss pension Bridge. ROLI.IN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortlandl street, New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 23 Cortlanfl atreet, New York. A. W. NONNEMACHER, DIv. Pass. Agt., Soijtbj Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply 30 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa. Central Ballroad of New sTersoy. Stations in New York Foot of Liberty street, N. R and Soutli Ferry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 20, MOO. I Trains leave Scranton for New York, Newark Elizabeth, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, AlJ lentown, Mauch Chunk and White Haven, at 8.30J a. m.: express, 1.20; express, 4.00 p. in. SunJ davs, 2.15 p. tn For Plttston and Wilkes-Bnrre, 8.30 a. m.j 1.20J and 4.00 p. m. Sundays, 2.1$ p. m. For Mountain Park, 8.30 a, tn., 1.20 and 4.00 p. ra. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Baltimore and Washington, and point South and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m., 1.2a p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch. Ocean Grovi, etc., at 8.30J a, m. and 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via AN lentown, 8.30 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.30 a. tn., 1.20 p. m. Through tickets to all points east, south anJ west at lowest rates nt tho station. .1. II. OHLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. II. V. BALDWIN, Oen. Pass. Agt. ' New York,Ontarlo and Western B.B, TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1000. North Bound Trnlai. Leav o Leave, Scran- Carbon ton. dale. 10.10 a. m. 11.20 a, m. :u'i n. m. 4.32 n. m. 1 " I Arrlva Cadosla,, 1.05 p. m. Trains. 201 ... 20t ... 207 ... 0 00 p. m. Arrlvo Carbondalo, 0.10 pi in. C.-ii,Mi rtnnnrl Trilna B.I3 p. in. Leave Leave, Cadosla. Carbondale, 7,00 a. in. O in n tn lftfW, m Scranton 7,40 a. my 10. n a. m, .20 p. mi 203 ...... 204 joa 2,05 p. m. 3.81 p. m. SUNDAYS ONLY. North Bound T.eav o Leave) Scran' Caihon ton. dale. .. fi fin n. nt. 0.10 a.m. Arrlva Cadosli., 10.41 n. m. "09 ".'.".7.7 7.00 p. m.Arrlve Carbondale, 7.45 p. ml I.eavo Leave) Cadosla, Carbnndile. Scrnnton., 505 7.00a. in, 7.40a.m. on?.. 4.30 p.m. 5.51 v.m. 0.31 p.m. " Train No. 201 makes connection for point North and South on Main Line, nt Cadosla. T..ina Kos. 205 and 20S make Main Lino com ncctlons on Bundiy. ' ncctlons on Bundiy, For further Information, consult tlcl J O. ANDERSON', Oen. Pass, Agt., N J IJ, WELSH, Traveling Passenger As ... ,r, UKCilia, ftevv York. Agent, bcran ton. Erie and Wyoming Valley Tlmo Table in Effect September 17, 10M. Trains for Ilavvley nnd local points, connect. Ing at llavvlev with Erh railroad for New York, Nevvbumh ami intermediate points, leave Scran, ton at 7,05 a. in and 2.2J p. nj. Trains arrive at Scranton at 10.30 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. -.3 NEWSPAPERS THE WILKESBARRE RECORD CAN BE HATI In t-cranton at tho pevvs stands of Bros., 405 Spruce and 50.1 Linden; Jl, Norton. 32J Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Shutzcr, 211 Sprues itrcet. SCALP TREATMENT. MBS. I. T. KKLLFIt, SOALP TREATMENT. 60lv; shampooing, fA: facial massage; luanfcuri ing, 25o. j chiropody, JM quincy. " . . ' ' ) n u if ' ';,i4,. e. ' a?fcJU.l--lM yfcj-ltj JV t JtAjlu, JtUai . .s ' iW, .)cdA hj'$ -.', iM&-VtJu I . . v- ", ivft jattM, Jt 4..