The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8
mi i:ifi v RV 'SvMJ"M-1 - Jf! rf,l w n 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATUR DAY, OCTOBER 6, 1000. ft fjfi U? K. IP:- WEST SCRANTON ROYAL ARCANUM SOCIAL SESSION HELD IN IVORITE HALL LAST EVENING. Addresses by Mayor Molr, City So licitor VoBburg, Attorney Charles Olver and Others Stick of (Jlnnt Powder Exploded and Wrecked a Mil X Stove on South Main Avenue. William Pride, Sr., Injured Lieu tenant Williams Perplexed Fu neralB and Other News Items. Another of the popular social ses sions under the ntisplces of Lackiuvan na council, No. li:i:i, Royal Arcanum, whs held In Ivorltu linll InHt evening, which was attended by a larger crowd than on any previous occasion. Thr entertainment, speeches and refresh ments provided were excellent and thoroughly enjoyed by all iHjcfqut. Mayor Molr acted an chairman, and Injected considerable humor Into his remarks during the evening. City Solicitor Vosburg spoke of Scranton as a city ot the second class and said that all we now lack Is the official document from the governor to proclaim us In the second vluss. lie told of the changes In the municipal government that will necessarily come with the change, and predicted that It will open up a new era for Scrnnton. The Increased population will add greatly to the Interest of the city both ut homo and abroad, and while the results may be confusing at llrst, all the men chosen in the change fo; pub lic olllce will undoubtedly fulfill the highest duties of citizenship for the public good and welfare. When Mr. Vosburg had concluded his remarks Mayor Molr took occasion to pay some things. lie spoke encourag ingly or 'he change soon to bo made In the municipal government and ad vised young men to study government, especially municipal government. "The city ought, and will, own Its own water utilities, as they rightfully helong to the city," he said, "and West Scranton ought to send good men to take a hand In the city government. The president of the water company has the city in his list and can crush It if he sees lit." His honor abruptly terminated his remarks just when his hearers expected him to drift into a more lengthy dis cussion of the water question, and called upon Llewellyn Jones and Clnr Florey to sing a duet. They rendered "Larboard Watch Ahoy" In a pleasing munner. Master Walter Dockclnick followed G3tgi Good Enough Cough remedy. Dufour's French Tar is what you need. Fashionable FOR Fashionable Women You will find a window full of gloves in the store front today that will serve as an object lesson in new styles and correct fashions. It will also serve to dissipate the old idea that there is not much difference in gloves from year to year. The New Htotton Walking Glove Will be shown in an endless variety of shades and makes, while the two-clasp styles, which are still in demand, will also be well represented, The same remarks apply to Dress Kid Gloves, while in gloves for evening wear there is no stock that can compare with ours, within a wide radius of Scranton But You'll Gain a Better Of the nice points iu glove fashions by a visit to the department where a sort of show day reception will be in progress all day, aud visitors who only come to look made heartily welcome. Globe Warehouse P'JimllffKAiA wllh a solo niul Past Regent Churlcs Olver spoke on the henellts of mem bership In the Royal Arcanum. Ho said the organization Is best appreci ated whero It Is best known. It Is the leading fraternity of tho ago, and In cludes In Its members over 'JOO.OOO of the best manhood of the continent, without any paid sollcltois. The Green Ridge Wheelmen's quar tette. Clarence Floroy, V. S. Petry. I. U Rolllson and Charles Knight, sang "Robin Adair" and brief remarks were made by John Dunn, regent of the Green Ridge council, and Hon. John If. Kcllows. Refreshments followed and a social litfur was enjoyed by tho guests. The committee In charge were David Morgan, chairman; W. W. Davis, Clar ence Florcy, Dr. It. 10. Fern, John Rob erts, Thomas Kvans and George Eynon. Two Perplexing Problems, Lieutenant Williams, of tho Second dlstilct police precinct, Is often called upon to decide some very perplexing problems, and last evening the two ex tremes of humun nature were exempli fied In the stories told him by a mother who has a wayward daughter and a man who has lost his dog. The former sought advice as to how she could best curb tho wayward ten dencies of a thlrteon-year-olil girl, while the hitter wanted to know how to proceed In recovering a valuable St. Uernard. "Why don't you advertise In tho papers for your dog?" asked the lieu tenant of tho man who lost tho dog. "I have advertised," answered the man. "In what paporsV nsked Williams. "In the Courier-Progress and the New York Herald," was the reply. The dog Is still missing. Two Funerals Yesterday. The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Dunkorly's child occurred yesterday afternoon from tho house In Wright court. The services were conducted by Kov. Nash, junior curate of St. Luke's Episcopal church. The pall-bearers were George Itltz, George Draper, Jo seph Murphy and Frank Saundry. Burial was made in Washburn street cemetery. Services over tho remains of the late John Gllgallon were conducted In St. Patrick's Catholic church, yesterday morning, when a requiem mass was sung by Rev. M. W.- Lottus. Many life-long friends of deceased were In attendance at tho services. Interment was made In the Cathedral cemetery. Giant Powder Exploded. Evan Jones, of 822 South Main ave nue, who Is engaged in digging a col lar In the new Round Woods plot, op posite his present residence, was us ing dynamite for blasting purposes yesterday and placed a stick of the giant powder in the oven of his stove for the purpose of softening it. He left it In the oven too long, and the pow der exploded. The stove was blown to pieces, tho glass in the window frames was broken, and a large hole made in the ceiling. The flying pieces of Iron scattered in every direction and tho Gloves Idea ACTS WIY .q UtR KlDl BOWtlA CLEANS THE SYSTEM UEAN31- EFFECTUALLY. OVERCOMES ..oatin. IWCo PERMANENTLY rrcnt... && 'EffECT$ EFICIAL BUY THE GENUINE -MAN'F'D BY .ous,y- ms vot fOI? SALE BY flu DRUGGISTS. PRICE SOe.PtR BOTTlJl occupants of the house- had a narrow escape from Injury. The damages will amount to about $200. The plastering on the walls was also damaged und dishes were broken, on tly5 shelves. The scattering coals from tho stove set fire to tho flooring, but the flames were extinguished be fore much damage was done. William Price, Sr., Injured. William Pi Ice, tho senior member of the undertaking firm of William Price & Son, of South Main avenue, met with a painful accident yester day and narrowly escaped serious in jury. Ho was ascending from tho stable to the main floor of the barn without his cane, when he fell back ward and Injured his back and arm. The employes around the stable heaid him fall and ran to his assist ance. They picked him up and 'as sisted him to tho house, whore ho was made as comfortable as possible. Some time ago, Mr. Price was thrown from his carriage on the Elmhurst boulevard, and at that time was In jured. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. An adjourned regular meeting of the West Side Republican club will be held this evening, when tho Rough Riders will bo organized for the coming cam paign Miss Mary Shields, of Bentley Creek, Bradford county. Is visting Mr. and Mrs. M. . F. Wymbs. Misses Nellie and Maine Horn, of Fourteenth stieet, have returned homo lrom a six weeks' visit In Chicago. Mrs. Isaac Daniels is 111 at her home on North Hyde Parle avenue. St. Brandon's council. Young Men's Institute, will tender their lady friends a complimentary social in Mears' hall on Wednesday evening, October 21. . Miss Louisa Schadt, of North Brom ley avenue, was tendered a surprise party Thursday evening by her friends. Tho occasion was fraught with much pleasure. The annual ball of (he Hyde Park Father M.ithow society, at Mears' hull on Wednesday evening, October 10, will be one of the social events) of the season. ( Carl Carleton killed en owl on tho West Mountain Thursday, which meuusured four feet from tip to tip. Mrs. H. B. Murray and Miss Alivla Willsay, of Klmlra, ure tho guests of Mrs. Fred Glnader. of Price street. Dr. George Beach, of South Main nvenue, will leave on Tuesday for Now York, whore ho will permanently reside. Klectlon returns will bo received at the Klectric City Wheelmen's club house on the evening of November 0, over n special wire. The Jackson Street Baptist church is now ready, and the Baptist Young People's union has purchased a car pet, which will bo laid down next week. The trustees are to put in a steam boiler, nnd we hope to lie ready for u grand opening before long, Michael Cosmotlch was held in $r0O hall yesterday by Alderman Kelly for threatening and assaulting John Itl gulla. A daughter was born to Mr. nnd Mrs, Philip J. Thomas, of Price street, yesterday. Patrolman David Davis arrested an intoxicated man hist night In the vacant house on West Lackawanna avenue, who wa.s acting In a boister ous manner and Insulting ladies pass ing by. Local union, No. 637, United Mine Workeis of America, will hold a spe cial meeting Iu Co-operatlvo hall, Mon. day, October 8, at " o'clock. Addison H. Clmr.e, of 720 North Main avenue, will leave Monday tor a fow days' visit at Niagara Falls. NORTH SCRANTON. Miss Hertha Willis, of Blair avenue, was delightfully surprised by a num ber of her friends Wednesday evening, in honor of hor twentieth birthday. Although tho young lady wa.s greatly uurptlscd, sho puiysd hertelf a charm ing hostess. Tho usual party diver sions wore indulged In until a teasou ablo hour, when viands were served by Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Jenkins, as sisted by Miss Seward, Those present were; Miss Han let Villi, Miss Bess Heel, Miss Jessie Fentonby, Miss Bertha Pieston, Mls3 Sadie Bush, Miss Mary Ti overtoil, Miss' Helm Jon kins, Misses Maine and Lillian Sew ard, Messrs. Itossmon Vnll, Harry Hirst, William 11. Stanton, Albert L. Davis, (leorgu H, Wlnniis, 13. N, Harding, Masters Leon und Myles Jen kins. John Itufferty was arrested on a charge of non-uuppoit and desertion, preferred by his wife, Catherine ituf ferty. A hearing was held by Alder man Myers yesterday. Itufferty was committed to the county jail until tho next term of court. Michael Miller, of Lloyd street, was committed to tho county Jail Ii de fault of ball, on u charge of drunken- nesa and disorderly coniltiul, preferred by Oillcer Thomas. The directors and members of lite Providence Needlework Guild are re quested to collect their garments nnd have them rendy for distribution by October 15. TlTo North Knd Stars defeated tho Defenders In tho basket ball game played on tho South Side, Tuesday evening. The flntinl score was D to 0. The team will piny the Snnderson Hill team October 9, and the Plttston team, October 1G, in the Auditorium, Follow ing tho games there Will bq socials. Tho Ladles' Homo Missionary so clety of the Presbyterian church held a mooting yesterday afternoon. Miss Anna Henry, of Green Rldg-s street, has returned from Toronto, whero she has been visiting relatives for tho pnst three months. Mr. and Mrs. John Uurns, of West Market street, are receiving congratu lations over tho arrival of twins at their home. A dnughtqr has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Ell J. Dnvles, of Church avenue. Tho Rev. AV. F. Davlcs, of Memorial Raptlst church, left yesterday morn ing to ofltelntc at tho funeral of Thom as D. Jones, of Turkey Hill, Plymouth, who was a deacon of tho Welsh Bap tist church, of that place. GREEN RIDGE. Some of tho residents In Gro6n Kldgo have been troubled during tho summer with muddy water and have thought that tho Providence water hud again been turned Into these pipes. After hearing frequent complaints tho presi dent of the water company was inter viewed. He staled that tho Provi dence water had never been turned Into tho Green Itldge pipes since the Scrnnton water was lot In some months ago, and that the muddy condition ot tho water was caused by numerous dead ends In this part of the town for which new pipes have been ordered with tho hope of removing the trouble. This, the president stated, was tho first complaint the company had received and that' if the complaints were made directly to tho company each case would receive prompt attention and the cause of the trouble removed If pos sible. Tho club hns confined the work entirely to the quality and quantity of tho water, the question of rules has never been discussed. Mnilearrlcr Fred H. Emery, of Dick son avehuo, has returned from a busi ness trip to AVnshlnuton, D. C. Miss Nettle Van Colder, of Grand View avenue, Is suffering from a se vere attack of rheumatism. Miss Amanda Carr, of Dickson ave nue, left yesterday for a week's stay at Prompton. The old ties left on Green Hldee street by the Scranton Hallway com pany, when tho Dickson avenue spur was abandoned, were yesterday re moved, and tho street between San derson and Dickson avenues crcatly improved. Last evening District Deputy Grand Master Colvln and n team from Green Itldge lodge installed the ofllcers of Silurian lodge, No. 763, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the West Side. Rev. Francis F. Bntemnn will de liver a lecture on "St. Helena, the Old Bock ol tho Deep," !n the lecture hall of tho Church of tho Good Shepherd, next Monday evening, October S. Tho lecture will be illustrated by stereoptl con views, nnd will begin at 8 o'clock. A large number of tickets have been sold, and Mr. Batoman will doubtless be' heard by a large audience. DTTNM03E. Bally day services will be observed by the Dunmoro Presbyterian Sunday school tomorrow at tho usual meeting of tho Sunday school at 12 o'clock. All tho former teachers and moinbcis of the Sunday school are earnestly re quested to be present1 and any now scholars will be hearltly welcomed. It will bo a service of praise, new W. F. Gibbons will occupy tho pulpit of the church as usual and preach both morn ing and evening. At the Tripp Avenue Christian church tomorrow, Rev. J. D. Dnbney will preach In tho morning on the topic, "Dining with a Pharisee" at 11 o'clock. In the evening "The Gospel nnd Its Effect" will be tho subject of his dis course. Sundny school will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. All are made welcome. Rev A. J. Van Cleft will preach in the Methodist Episcopal chinch tomor iow evening nt 7.30 o'clock. In the morning Row J. L. Warner, the pre siding elder of this dlstilct, will hold communion services and preach In the morning. The Sunday school will ob serve tomorrow as a general rally day and will have appropriate music and exorcises. Rev. J. L. Kreamor preaches as usual In the Dudley Street Baptist church tomorrow morning at 10.30 o'clock and evening at 7.30 o'clock. All are Invited. Tho Uev. Edward J. Haughton has returned after a very pleasant vaca tion spent in Canada and will conduct the services at St. Mark's on Sunday at 8 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. G. W. Potter, of East Drinker street, had an opoiutlon on hs eye-ball per formed yesterday. Miss M. Cox, of Parsons, will nd diess tho teachers of tho borough schools at their meeting to bo held this morning at 9 o'clock in the high school building, on tho subject, "ICIn eullon." Tho subject will bo Interest ingly treated, Tim tunernl of Angola i'ace, the lit tlu sou of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paeo, of Smith street, who died Thursday, was held yesterday afternoon. Services weui conducted In St. Anthony's ehuich and iutoiment' made iu Mt. Gunnel cemetery. Rev, A. J. Van Cleft, of South IIJiiUo ly Htiect, delivered a leeturu yesterday evening at .Moscow. The high school foot ball oloven will meet tho st long No, 9 school eleven on No. 5 giounds this ufteinoon. A good game Is expected as tho elovens nro both evenly niutched. A meeting of tho borough school di rectiiis will bo held this evening to pass on the pay toll. The funeral of Alius Lucy Wild oc curred yesterday afternoon from tho luto home on Fourth stieut, Tho ro mulns weie tnken-to Hawley, whero In terment was made, TO BUY LAND IN BUFFALO, Scrantonlnns Have Gone to Look Over the Fold. Tho removal of tho Lackawanna lion and Steel company's plant to Buf falo lias caused a boom In luud In tho vicinity of the place where tho plant Is to be, located, A number of Scran tonlunx have hecomo Interested and left yesterduy to Inspect the land, with the view of buying. Those whu comprised the party wero John J. Hurley, P. H. Durkin, Frank Becker, George Hess, W. Hess, Frank Lundy, William Connolly, James Cro eau, George Howe und F, L. Moscr, SOUTH SCRANTON IMPORTANT MEETING OP THE LOYALTY CLUB. Arrangements Made for tho Celebra tion of tho Fourth Anniversary on 'October 10 New Offlcers of St. Aloyslus T. A. B. Society Now Camp of Modern Woodmon. of America Oorganlzed Star Social Club Reorganizes Jacob Smith's Potatoes Stolon Other Notes. Tho Loyalty club of tho South Scranton Young Women's Christian association held an Interesting and Important business meeting Inst even ing, In the association rooms. Tho meeting was hold more especially to make tho society self-governing, Which It was decided Upon to do. liadlcul changes were also made In the by-laws and constitution. It was decided thut membership should bo limited to girls between tho ages of 11 and 19 yenrs. For members oil the club who are not members of tho association, tho assessment lll bo $1.20 per year, and tho regular fee of $1.00 to association members. Arrangements Were also made to celebrate In fitting manner their fourth anniversary on Friday evening, Oc tober 19. The following commlttteo on arrangements was appointed: Miss Kate Oppor, Lillian Miller, Barbara Geblmrdt, Lizzie Horbach, Anna Scheuer and Freda Kornacher. The Junlbr Bible class, which meets on Friday afternoon, reopened yester day with forty-two pupils. The edu cational classes will open on Monday, und will bo continued each Monday and Thursday evening. On Tuesday evening, there will be u class In sew ing nnd a German class. The music classes have not yet been arranged for. Tho Sunday afternoon Gospel mooting at 3.45 p. m. will be in charge of Miss Anna Krobs. Special music has also been prepared. All young women arc invited. Offlcers Elected. St. Aloyslus Total Abstinence and Benevolent society met in regular ses sion in Pharmacy hall. Plttston ave nue, on Thursday evening and elected tho following ofllcers: President, John Ward; vice president, Peter Walsh; recording secretary, Hubert Coyne; financial secretary, James Ita lian; treasurer, Joseph Murphy; ser-geant-at-arms, Martin McNeill; stew ard, Thomas Smith; mnrshal, C. J. Ruddy, and Librarian. Stephen Dug gnn. The various reports show that the soclptv Is In nxcellant health, both financially and numerically. It was decided to hold a leceptlon at tne rooms next Thursday night for mem bers and their lady friends only. New Camp Organized. District Deputy J. R. Hughes, of the Modern Woodmen of America, organ ized a new camp Thursday evening, in Hartman's hall. It will be known as Camp No. 8717. At the first "meeting, the following ofllcers were chosen: Venerable coun sel, S. G. Shantz; worthy advisor, C. C. Donovan; banker, Fred Gunter; clerk, Jacob, Heffellinger; escort, W. Maus, jr.: watchman, William Grlcser; sentry, Joseph G. Elden. Star Social Club. The Star Social club, whose rooms nro located on Plttston avenue, held their regular monthly business meet ing last evening and also elected offl cers for tho ensuing term. The dlf foient reports show the club In ex cellent flnanclnl condition. The ofllcers elected were: President, Charles Kellerman; vice president, Mnthcw Danmb treasurer, Peter Phil lips; recording secretary Matthew Mil ler; financial secretary, Jacob Mertz; trustees. Eugene Clause, Jacob Kaest ner nnd William Rosar. Charles Roth was also initiated last night Into the mysteries of the organization. His Potatoes Stolen. Jacob Smith, a farmer, who resides near Mountain lake, has heen lelieved by some thieves of nearly thirty-five bushels of potutoes during tho pact few days. He discovered his loss on Thursday. Mr. Smith ilvcs some distance from this particular potato patch, aud upon going to examine his potatoes, Thurs day, made alio interesting discovery. No trace of the thieves has been found. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. A jolly party of people from this part of the city enjoyed a trolley ride in omul the city, Thursday night. Tho ladles present were Misses Frances Lewcrt, Kate Sames, Molllo Grnmbo, Josephine Grnmbo, Maine Fisch, Tlllle Kleglor, Tllllo Van Bergen, Minnie Gardner, Emma Fuller, Barbara Mor nian, Anna Scheuer, Mary llhlnehardt, Lucy Snyder, Maine Compton, Golden Compton, Minnie Hafnur, Bessie Al biccht, Yctta M older, Mrs. Tross, Car rie Hlltz, Emma lllltss, Mamo Curven, Kate Simon, Lena Bohan, Sadlo Web ber, Millie Dlkemuu, Lizzie Adlur, Currlo Reldeubach, Anna Sunbeam, The gentlemen present worn William Beichuer, August Naegle, Otto Wolu schank, Eilwurd Wlrthelmor, John Ulnk, John I'ounor.s, Henry Lewcrt, Charles Burkhouser, John Kuhn, Will iam .Miller, John Grnmbo, Jacob Flseh, I'M ward Giambo, Fred Schiller, Charles Miller, Julius Hler, John Deltz, Adam Moss, John lhilui, John Fuller, Jacoh Schmidt, Albert Mormiiu, Andrew Mor niaii, George Luwort, John Evans, Guy Griffiths. Tim Century Hoso company held their regular monthly business meet ing lust night In their rooms. After thu business meeting, the reception for the dunce aud ball, to bo held Novem ber 2, Iu Athletic (mil, hold a meeting, Tho coniniltteo nro Charlca Wlrth, William Tannler, Louis Scheuer, John Itelf and Robert O'Donuell. Joseph Bulderl, of Stone avenue, had G0 GRAIN COFFEE CotTco injures growing children oven when it is wcakcucd. Grnin-0 gives them brighter eyes, firmer flesh, fjulckcr intelligence und hap pier dispositions. They can drink nil they want of Grain-O tho more tho better and it tastes like coileo. JUIttocersj 13c. and 25c a warrant sworn out before Alderman Ruddy, , yesterday, charging1 Peter Grohsl and Leopold Plerottt wllh threats and with pointing llrearms nt him. The trouble all grow out of a rent bill, which Bnldorl claims was not paid. Tho case was settled at a hear ing last evening. A Polnndcr, who had within him sev eral drlnkn of bad whiskey, got In a mlx-up with "Ofllcers llolnnd and llag gorty early yesterday morning, and ixa a result spent par.t of the night In tho Fourth precinct station house, with a parting reminder, In the shnpo of a ten-dollnr fine, to be on better behavior In the future. Tho Anthracite foot ball team reor ganized yesterday for tho season with tho following members on the roster: Brown, Lavelle, W. Crane, McDonnell, Fnrroll, J. Crane, Frnntz, Battle, Mul horln, Smith, McAndrow nnd Morton. A meeting will be held Monday even ing to assign positions, PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Yonkort, of WlUbw 'street, has returned from a several months' stay In Allentown. Mr. und Mrs. Henry Wynndt nnd family, of Prospect avenue, old resi dents of this section, removed yester day to Now Haven, Conn. Mrs. Peter Kellerman, of Cedar ave nue, returned yesterday from a visit to Jubilee. Michael Walter, of Prospect avenue, has returned, after spending several months touring In Germany. Charles Sprandle and-Charles Rorlck have returned from a very successful fishing trip to Huzlctt'S pond. They caught fifty bullheads. I Mr. and Mrs. Burke Potter, of Pros pect avenue, have returned, after spending several weeks with Mrs. Pot ter's parents In Pottcrsvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Donwalter and family, of Cedar avenue, have 10 moved to Sterling, N. J. William Heinz, of South Washington avenue, Is slowly recovering from a severe nttuck of rheumatism. MTNOOKA. P. J. Qulnn, of Main street, made a business trip to Carbondnlo yesterday. M. G. Cuslck spent yesterday In Wllkes-Barro. Michael Luffy, ot Stafford street, has left for Pittsburg. Tho St. Joseph's Temperance society held a regular meeting last evening. Preparations were made for the cele bration of October 10, Father Mathew day. A groat number 'of our young mon around town have left for more fertile fields of labor the past week, on ac count of the strike. The grading of the Greenwood hill, which was commenced some time ago by the traction company, is almost completed. Tho summit of the hill has been reduced about four feet, and the big hollow which was at the lower end has been filled up about six feet, mak ing the rond nlmost level. This was one of the grentest hills on the line, and the work done has made a srreat improvement to tho road. The com pany was bitterly opposed at the start by property holders along Main street, o nnccount of alleged damages to their properties, but that has all been satis factorily settled by the borough offic ials. Mark Connor, of Wilkos-Barre, who has been visiting at the Hlgglns resi dence, on Main street, has returned home. Miss Mary Mack, of Main street, has returned home, after spending a fow months in Cleveland, Ohio; M. J. McCren, of this place, who has been visiting friends In Hazleton for a few days, has returned homo. Michael Maloney, of Bean hill, re turned home last evening. OBITUARY. Joseph McCormlck, affeil '! " anil 7 montlw, son of .Mr. .mil Mm. Janic-. .McCoinile'., of 101 'nHL't menue, illnl jcsti-nlay inonilwj at a o'clock. Hie funeral will take l!tice tumoiiow afternoon at 2 10 o'clock. Intel ment in the Cutliciluil ciiuolciy. I)alil J. i:ani, of OHt Koine, ilicil on Tlnns ilay. The came lo this countiy Horn Wales twenty jiurs a(,'o. anil was uy well known in Welsh clicks, lie Is biiiWud liy u wife anil the follow lug nine children: John, of Xanflcokc; Kdwnnl, of Olj pliant; Mr. Joseph Holnon, of Mooilr; Thomas, of '"Miilnlclphii; Mrs. William fiarjn. of Olil Tortfc; T.jilla, ut home; Ultliaril, of Philadelphia, and DaiU and Mary, of Old Forgo. Koy Wiiilein.iii, aRcil 20 joari, son of Mr, nnd Mis.M. 11. Wadenian, of Hickory street, l'eck l!o, died last eu'liltiff or t)iihulil fcuv. Funer al announcement later. Daniel, the 15-months-old child ot Ml. and Mrs. Anthony (illllaid, of (Jreen place, died last night. The funeral will he held tomorrow afternoon. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. fiopcl scriice Sunday at 1 p. in. A cordial iu iUtlon is c tended to all women and girls. Mondaj .School (Ihl's Whip class at 1 p. m. Monograph' class at 7.30 p. in. TiiOMlaj Kinlmildery class at I p. in. Junior clavs at S p. in. All members ate icuc-tcd to he picxcnt. BBADFORD COUNTY. Special to the Scranton Tiihunc, Towunda, Oct. 5. "A dollar show for ten cents" Is successfully holdlns crowded houhes at Towunda this week. Tho company of high-class artists are under thu management of the Insur ance. Medicine company, of Akron, Ohio, and the programnio consists of vaudevlllo ucts, excellent singing, dancing, utc. Eucoies follow after each appearance, and tho uudieuee Is Kept In a continual uproar. The com pany carry perfectly refined gentlemen nnd ladles, and wherever vlhlted tho place sends a high recommend ahead. A fow of Towanda'a horse fanciers urn expecting to have a course of local races on their new race track. No clua has been found of the cul prits who visited the homo of .Mr. anil Mis, I. J. llortoii, In Hhcshcimln town ship, this week, bound and gagged the aged couple and departed with a largo hum of money, u gold watch, gun, etc, Thev also went off with a horse und wagon, which was afterwards found at Athens. A similar case occurred In that vicinity .nino months uso. E. T. Noble, of Willlnmsport, has ac cented a position with tho Htuto Lino and Bullivuu Kullt'ouil company us bookkeeper, 11,'F, Maynurd, of Athens, and Miss P. E. Uole, of New York, spoke at the Democratic heudauarters lust evening, The drug linn of Kcsler & Hlclmrt has dissolved partnership, Mr, ltlchurt retiring und will open u business at Wellsvllle. Heller's Testimony, Albert Heller,' living at1114 Farnham si., Omaha, says: "I have tried most every thing that is used us a pie ventlvo or cure for headuche, but noth ing did me so much good us Krauso's Headache Capsules. Others who huve used them say tho same thing," Prlco 25c. Sold by Matthew Bros. Plait's Chlorides The household disinfectant. An odorless, colorless liquid; pow erful, safe nnd cheap. Instantly de stroys foul odors nnd chemleallv nu. N;rnll?.es disease-breeding matter. upeomwy prepared to moot the iliily unitary tucs of the careful housekeeper; for purifying tho waste pipes, water closets, sinks, cesspools, etc.; for sprinkling about the cellars, tablet nnd all suspicious places where dlwaso BCitni lurk. Sold In quart bottles only, by clnigaliti and lilgh-class grocers. Prepared only hy Henry B. l'latt, Piatt street, New York. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUn THEATRE ""'Buruunder A ReU, Lessees land Managers) A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, MONDAY, OCT. aV Delcher k Hennessy Present MISS GEBTBUDE COGHLAH" for the first time hers as BECKY SHARP. In Thackeray's "VANITY PAIR." Dramatlted by Charloa Cochlan. With an excellent cast and superb production. Act J, liuky, tho school girl at Mrs. Pinker leu's academy, fJhcswick hall, 1813; act 1, lleeky the Roverncss, in Park Lane, Miss Craw ley's lesldence, London, 18t6i act 3, Becky thej the hi hie, at Duchess of Ulchmond's tiall, Brus sels, 151S; act 4. Ilecky tho wife, at her house) in Curon street, London, 1S23; act S, Declq( deserted In her bilging, Pumpernlcklo, 1828.. Prices Orchestra, $1.B0; circle, ftl; logo seats, $1.7B hot seats, $2; lalcony, first two rows, 75c.; el rile, 50c.; logc seats, $1.50;' box scats, $1.50; gallery, 25c; admission, 60c Advance sale ot scats will open at Box Offlef Fliday, October 6. TUESDAY, OCT: 9 I.AUUHTER LENGTHENS L1FE1 Tho Quaint, Qulpful Comedian, ' i Waiter E. Perkins In the Century's dealest Comedy Hit, The Man from Mexico By II. A. DuSouchot, author ol "My Friend from India." An established laughing; success from Maine to California. A cast ot superlec nurit. Liuxlitcr lives in every line. Prices 23c, 60c, Mc. $1.00. Advance sals o scats will open at box office, Saturday, Oct. B, nt 0 a. m. ACADEnY OF flUSIC. BUKOUNDBR & RBIS. Lessees. II. K. BROWN, Manager. DALANCD OF WEEK, LEYBUItNE'S BON TON STOCK COMPANY In repertoire. ALL NEXT WEEK DANIEL B. RYAN. Supported by his own superb company, present ing Monday night, "The Celebrated Case." Dally Jl.itlrccs, 10 and 20 cents. Evening prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. New Gaiety Theatre It. R. LONd, Lessee and Manager. BALANCE OP THIS WEEK. LITTLE EGYPT BUBLESQUEBS .Matinees Every Day. 14 Three Days Commencing Monday, Oct, 8, Matinee Every Day, BARNES & MAUTELL'S 2 Big' Shows in One 2 DAINTY PABEE AND VENETIAN BUBLESQUEBS 10 Tunny Comedian TWO Illf nUHLETTAS Prices 15c, 25c, :Je., 60c OCTOBER 13 TO NOVEMBER 10. The Big Store's Third Great Annual Pure Food Show Representing1 a gigantic and .In terest Inp; collection of the finest food products of this and other countries. 100 Varieties of Pure Food, Thousands of Samples, Cooking Lectures, Concerts Daily. Tho only exhibition In tho state outside of Pittsburg in which are represented manufacturers of food products from almpst every statn In tho Union. OPENS SATURDAY. OOT. 13. in The basement or Jonas Long's Sons Scranton, Pcnna. Shirts FALL STYLES NOW READY 412 Spruce Street. Grand display of New Neckwear and Hosiery. 8EAUTY,iiC0NQM BELLAVITA" Arsenlo Beauty TableU Mid PUU. H per fectly eafa nnd guaranteed treatment lorati kla disorders. Restore! the bloom ol youth tlJ,d "4 10 duys' treutmont BOoi SO duji1 11.00, W mall Bonrt for circular, Addrosj. ., VERVITA MCDICAL CO.. Clinton' jMSU.,C Sold by McOarrab Thomai, Druj (lU,t m Lttckawwm avr, Bcranton, ft. Manhattan uh1 'J rV &e .sJ Vt ..