The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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-; " VW
-V T. ,'
y" ' ?c
Tim Mooitns )lAttftrAn srom
Is the result of usiug
B iss els Grand
Rapids C a i p e t
Sweeper. No work
to run it. Japanned
$2.50, Nickel Plated
Foote & Shear Co.
H9N. Washington Ave
L. R. D. & M.
Can We Wait on You
If llicro is anv thing in (lie nlmo nurkct jou
rill flnil it here. All sH !o. nil shapes, nil
tins, nil widths to nt ntiil suit nny l.nly who
itfrcctatcs good show, See our windows.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
acka wanna
1 "THE"
;oR I'enn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN.
IiW.ll elit.i for Oct. S, 1U0O:
llighc-t in c 81 drgices
Lowest tcnipcratuie CD degiecs
lhimiillt) :
8 11. 111 M per ecnl.
5 p. 111 W Pi'" trnl.
Mr. Chittenden's Measure Fixing
Width of All Vehicle Tires.
An ordinance Introduced on Thurs
day nlrclit In select council by Council
man Chailcs K. Chittenden, oC the
Ninth ward, will, according to that
gentleman, save the city a vast amount
of money every year, If it passes.
It fixes a standard width for thes on
all vehicles used within the city limits
and lnovidos a penally for the viola
tion of Its provisions. It fixes the
width of tires as follows: For wagons
with Iron axles i',i inches or more
square, 5 inches wide; for axles 2
Inches square, 4 inches wide; for axles
l-4 Inches squaie, '2is inches wide.
The ordinance is to go Into effect on
Junuary 1, 1003, and upon its nassasro
the city clerk Is directed tn mall copies
of It to nil wagon and can luge makers.
The penalty for a violation of Its pro
visions is lixed at $50 for each offense.
Similar ordinances have been intro
duced In councils on two previous oc
casions and have boon defeated In both
Instances, hugely because it was con
sidered that the time given the wagon
owners was not sufllcient. 3Ir. Chit
tenden allows them two years, and has
hopes of getting his measure through.
In speaking about It to a Tribune
reporter yesterday, ho made the .state
ment that If tlie ordinance ftvns passed
It would mean the i eduction by at least
75 per cent, of the ward appropriations
now made for the keeping of unpavod
streets in repair. The wider the tire,
of course the less wear nndtenr on the
vqtiA. Tho ward appropriations this
year amounted to 515,901, 75 per cent,
of which would bo $11,025.75.
As nn Instance In point, ho referred
to tho road leading from tho Twelfth
ward up tho hill to Lake Scranton.
This has recently been repaired at a
cost of over SSOO, ho said, and has been
repaired well, A few eolts ago some
one began hauling srono over It In
wagons with Vs inch tires and carry
ing as much as four tons in some cases.
Tho result Is that tho road Is now In
horrible condition, and the $S00 Is prac
tically gone for naught.
Sir, Chittenden's ordinance Is mod
eled after a law recently passed by the
Connecticut legislature regulating tho
width of tiros to be used on wucons
throughout that fatate.
In Connection with Coming Chris
tian Endeavor Rally,
Tho time: Tuesday evening, October
23. Tlie place of meeting; Noilh Main
Avenue Huptlst church at Providence,
Tho speakers nnd subjects: Tho Rev.
Isaac ,T. Lansing will deliver an ad
dress on "Practical Hollslon In Muni
cipal Jteform," n subject that appeals
to every resident of Benin ton, who la
desirous of Improving tho moral at
mosphere of our city.
Row R. J Y, Pierce, pastor of tho
Penu Avenue Uaptist church, will pre
sent the Spiritual aspect of the great
International convention which wan
held in London, and which ho attended
us the delegato for tho Penn Avenue
Baptist chinch and the city of Scran
ton and county of Lackawanna, Of
course, we all wjsh to hen. our dele
gate. The musla will bo inspiring and
altogether It will bo a "led letter day."
Remember tho date, October 23, and
jnuUe no thoro engagement.
t 9IXS.
nUBl.KIl. In Sciautoii, Oct. 5, I.cwln A., eon ol
Mr. ami lira. ltuJlcr, at residence. 820 lUmp
ton ttrect. funeral Sunday, Oil, 7, at 2 p. in.
Services vvlll be held nt Chestnut Street free
bytctlan church. Interment la Wabhburu Street
Cemetery. ; ,
tf'ontliiihit from Paite 1.1
hinted ntt this In lis report to tho oper
ators. credited throughout the city yesterday
10 inc Direct mat tno individual opern-torH-wcfo
promised concessions, with
tho understnndlnfr that' tliey would
agree not to atllllntc with the new Del
aware Valley and Kingston road. 13.
U Fuller, who wont to New York with
tho committees and wns close to It 111
all Ita doings, denies tills story em
phatically and declares tho new road
did not nt all figure In the conferences,
The Reigning Question,
Just what effort the calling off of the
Individual operators' strike will have
on the minors' strlko 1h now the reign
ing question. Through The Tribune,
yesterdny, National Organizer Fred
Ditcher, of the United Mine Workers,
stated ns ono of the reasons why tho
ten per cent, offer was not to be con
sidered that It was not a general of
fer. Yesterday when he wns Informed
of the action of the Individual opera
tors lie said, "Well, the chnnces of n
convention arc better than they were."
He then hastened to apprise President
Mitchell that the Individual operators
hnd joined In the ton per cent, offer.
Secretary John T. Dempsey, who was
at tho conference of the United Mine
Workers' officials or tho three districts
In Ilazleton Wednesday night, reit
erated yesterday In the most emphntlc
terms that tho question of calling a
convention to consider the ten per cent,
offer was not passed upon. Now, how
ever, .Mr. Dempsey say, the chances
are that a convention will bo called.
Rvery day there bobs up anew some
thing to corroborate the claim so gen
erally mado that tho powers that be
In the cool world had an assurance
with President Mitchell before the ten
per cent, offer was mi tie, that such a
proportion would be effective In set
tling tho strike. President Mitchell
declares almost dally that he has no
understanding with the conl men, or
any one representing them, but as
yet he has not gone so lar as ici sa
that no official or. mediator of the
United Mine Workers has given the
coal men such assurances.
Story Wns Revived.
Yesterday the story was revived by
a statement from onf high in the
councils of the coal men that a thor
ough understanding was hnd with the
United Mine Workers' leaders that a
ten per cent, raise offeied direct to
the employes would result in the set
tlement of the strike, and that the
United Mine Workers not only would
not allow the recognition of the union
to stand as a bar to the settlement,
but that tliey would irom me vui
first step in the negotiations, insist
that the olllclnl recognition of the
union was not to he considered.
A report went out from Ilazleton
Thursday night to the effect that the
United Mine Workers' officials at the
Wednesday night conference particu
larly gave their approval to a pro
position to settle the strike on the ten
per 'cent, offer, and that as soon as
the Individual operators fell in line and
posted notices, a convention would be
called to consider the offer and have
the offer accepted.
Dispatches going out from Ilazle
ton yesterday and bearing every evi
dence) of having been inspired by
President Mitchell, told that Mitchell
would be satisfied to have the strike
settled at once, without waiting tor
further concessions, and thnt when a
convention was called Mitchell and his
fellow officers of the national organ
ization will be found quietly but ener
getically swinging tho miners into line
for a settlement.
It is significant that those who at
tended Wednesday night's meeting say
positively and emphatically that the
ten per cent, offer was not oven dis
cussed. This may bo true, but If It Is
true It is certainly remarkable. Some
are led to consider It to be what In
statecraft Is characterized as a "diplo
matic evasion." To admit that it was
even mentioned would be admitting
that the notices were brought homo to
the board.
No Official Knowledge.
The board wants to appear as hav
ing no olllclnl knowletlgc of the offer.
A notice of an offer of increased wages
posted on a. colliery here and there
would not warrant the officers of the
union In assuming that a proffer of
strike settlement had been made.
Now, however, with the offer on all,
or a great majority of the collieries,
tho board will likely permit Itself to
have knowledge thereof, and when it
Is discussed, as It will be at once, If It
hasn't been already, the proceedings
will not bo ordered "expunged from the
record." The board will admit that It
was discussed.
In fact, It Is safe to predict that It
will ask the miners to meet In general
convention to discuss It and act upon
it. So far, Mr. Mitchell, of the United
Mine Workers, has made no mlsmoves
on the diplomatic checker board.
Another wnshery lias been added to
tho nine In operation. It is tho now
washery at the Alt. Pleasant. Thurs
day it was completed and yesteidny It
was turning out coal.
It Is ono of tho largest and most
modern In this region, having a ca
pacity of 1,L00 tons dally nnd being
fltteu with all tho latest appliances.
The Alt. Pleasant dump from which It
will secure its culm Is ono of tho old
est hereabouts nnd consequently has a
better perrentnKC of coal of the larger
blzes that can bo redeemed.
A mooting of tho olllcors of nil the
local unions of tho United Mlno Work
ers of Hcranton and vicinity was held
yesterday afternoon at the district
headquarters to make arrangements
for next Wednesday's parade and mass
It was decided to have all tho mine
workers from Pittston to Foiest City
in 1 1 mi and to invlt-a nil other labor
organizations to participate. Tho pn
rado will take place nt 2 o'clock In tho
afternoon and tho mass meeting will
follow on tho Ash street circus giounel,
V, D. Nichols was chosen grand mar
shal. Another meeting will bo held
Monday afternoon In St. John's hall,
Pino UrooU.
District President Nichols telephoned
yesterday from Wllkes-Uurro that
tiiero was no truth In tlie story sent)
out from there that twenty local unions
had (nude a combined demand for re
lief. Ho personally Investigated the
matter and learned, so ho says, that
only two upllcatlons for relief had been
tiled in tho whole Wyoming region and
those were from two men who had been
sick for a long time, one of them for
two months,
Fifty Polish miners, soma with their
wives and children, making In nil n
party of ono hundred, left last- night
on the Delaware, Larlmwanna and
Western midnight train for New York
to take ship for tho old country. About
hnlf of them came from Taylor, 1'lttn
ton, Plymouth nnd Kantlcoke nnd the
other half from Hcranton.
In nn article on tho strike situation,
In the Chicago Record, Wllllnm K. Cur
tis, ono of the ablest of the newspaper
men who have taken up the consider
ation of this subject, says about the
question of wages:
t notice that nevcrnt people have riicstloned
the accuracy f my statements concerning the
minium of miners In the ntliracllc cojI region,
anil It U averted thnt their nvcrwK wage clo
nal evceeil M a jear. Mv llftilrcs wrle taken
hum the actual uy roll of mining companlm,
wl.lrh were readily submitted for Inspection, ami
there Is no doubt of tlielr grnulnenem, because
they bore tlie signatures of the men who n"
celvcil the money. If )oii question n union ngl
tutor admit the "ainlnga ot the mlncis, as I
have clone a doren or morn times, lie will tell
j nil the maximum Is $JS0 a J dr. When J nit
ask his millio.lty he hands on n prlnleil state
ment of Mr. MltclicU'D, the president, and a
speech nf Mr. Bryan', which hate been pilntcil
In slips nnd illslrllmled In large quantities
tlnoiiglioiit the mining regions. If you ask Mr.
Mitchell ho will tell you Ihat lie got his infor
mal Ion from the miners and that a thorough In
vestigation has convinced him of tlie accuracy
ot Ills figures. Hut Mr. Mitchell has never se.'n
a pay roll of a tingle mine 111 the anlliMcllr
region and Ills inhumation comes only from dis
contented men. Tho men who are earning hlg
vliges do not advertise that fact. The man who
n-al-es tX n month Is silent; the men beside
him who niaKes pa a month talks about it all
the time, lint when j oil come to Imertlgite tl.e
two cac jou will find that the $00 ini-ii hate
worked twice as long nnd twice as bard ns the
$."0 men.
As I hace explained In previous letters, the
superintendent fises the number nf days a miner
may work, but it Is optional with tlie miner
how miny boms be stajs underground on those
dajs. He ran work six, eight, ten or twelve
hours a dav, or ctrn longir If he likes and has
the er.diira'nce, but few miners remain under
giounil more than si bouts, nnd M-hloni woik
more than four or flic days In the week. The
pay lolls of n cloeu mining companies ubi
nil mum aie open to the Inspection of any
honorable, person. Mi. Mllcbell will be avowed
to examine them nny lime he pleases, and wilt
find (lint inanv miners are earning as much as
T5 nnd "j-SO a month net because they are men
nf skill, industry and endinance. He will also
find that ethers lire earning $.10 and if.T a month.
There Is no need of a coutrocrsy about miners'
vigcs. The books and pay rolls are open, and
can be examined at any time. The miners In
picral localities aie being paid oft this week
for the wink done during the early part of
Fcpli-mbcr, before the strike began, and I line
been iinitcel by llnee cllllercnt companies to go
with their paymasters and ee for myself how
mueli nionr.c the men rectlce.
Tlie following is a list of the first fifty names
on the pay toll of the Mount Pleasant Coal com
pany of Seianton, showing the earnings of each
miner named foi the month of August and his
aieiage per day:
Net am't. Average
earned. per elay.
Knnl: Orogan Sfl4.rl $2.41
tieorire llonkins 48.22 2.W
Crorge P.1is i!8.7.r,
.Inlm flolan a37
Michael Wnsilusk-is "2ia ,'(U'"'
Mirtin Lawless r0.T'i
.Joseph Criiikincy Kl.81
Clmlcs Stein 41.1.1
Anthony Kiuteben 20.07
William Gouse 33.7!
Ooorge Maisb 44. (VI
.laced) HaylO'.s 47.SI)
Andievl'aloniz .'(4.72
William Hopkins 41.57
Andrew Moorernva tS.2t
Peter Maielneaxilch 11.3"
3 02
2 tiH
2 hi
2 27
, 2.N1
2 34
3 02
2 01
Joe Megallnski 47.23
James Williams S." 77
Joseph I.ccn 31. 3S
Michael Yuskiewicy 51.41
Charles I.ewM,i 4.V20
Com ad Helger G3.12
William Slid 4") 31
Alfred Itodway 73.34
John Kleeman 4S.07
.John Williams 07.34
John Slrittghucesy 43.22
Thomas Flnley 70.83
Owen Dads 00.1N1
Thomas McNally .". ... 43.45
Anthony l'atcliuika 41. fid
James Mefionegal 43.51
(iioige Mellaril 41.51
Pert Kmpp ' 52.43
Klias (ireen 50.17
Michael Matuchack 57.0t
M. .1. Kelly 42.S1
lteese Thomas .V2.0)
riuiles Itushbael; SSM
labl P. Thomas 50.32
Peter ICarinskv (jl.10
Michael I.e Hans M.21
William (ireen 44.17
Adam Kawslnsky 51.01)
Samuel Morgan W.RB
Amos Knighton 44.12
James Thompson .WW
Angii-dlne Mcfiuiro 41.44
James Jordan M.0.1
Ai.thon.vMull.incy 53.21
Total net earning ot the above fifty miners,
Average per miner for month, ?i7.92.
Average per elay, $2.C2.
Anent the comparisons that are be
ing made between the cost of carry
ing hard and soft coal, President W,
II, Truesdalo, of the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western, yesterday gave
out tho following statement:
Ilitiinilnous coal la shipped from the miners to
the Kcabnanl "'ithoitt changing. There are no
hires to lie sorted, or cars to bo drifted. It is
delivered to the consumer by the railroad, and Hie
roiwimer unloads it. Tlie charge of the rallroid
i; .imply a freight rate, the same as on granite
or grain.
With anl'iiacite roai it Is much more expensive,
The i.iiircad compan buys the coal from ths
operator nv thu mine. Tlie company is thn
obliged to go to much e.xpenso in bhlftlug rars
to boit the eliflercnt sizes. Any traveler who
Do You Like
Fine New Orleans Mo
lasses. We have a large
stock of the finest free
from any adulteration
sold iu i gallon tins, at
65c per gallon,
We offer high grade,
in half barrels at 38c
per gallou,
E. fi. Coursen
429 Lok. Av.. .
J' -I'm Sn y.t ,,j &tJJk..Je Ji.J TJ,,-
eonlMMn the gveat numlier ot men ami engines
employed on Uip roat branches with the method
of operating n soft roul can sec ot a glance
great illfferenre. It hikes 80 per cent, more
unillimcht and men to haul lfiO mis of amine
i lie coal fronl the mines to the seabo.trd than
If does to hull I Ml cars nf soft rod n like dljfnlnv
on Hit llttiTitlo, Itiiehesler onJ Pittsburg, ur ul'y
oilier iofl rual load,
Then, the railroad Is tremienlly forcrd lo carry
the small operalnr. I)y this Is meant the
railroad must aihnnce money for Hie development
of .mines nnd the conduct nf business In thill
limes. The Interest on this money must be fig
ured In the freight rate. The nil I road must also
build expensive storage plants nt tidewater. These
rol large sums. The company must More Hie
coal and the expense of, the nnlnlcnnnce of these
plsnls Is apparent. It must be charged tit the
freight. Then, the cost of reloading nnd deliver
ing them from the storage plant must also be
taken Into ronnidcratlcui and added Id the freight
Tin' railroad sells the cost and fakes all Hie
rlk Invnlvi-il In Hie sate. The losses are propor
tlonnlelv as great, If not greater, than In nny
cither line ut trade. It will thus be seen that
there Is mneli more than h mere freight rate to
be considered. The railroad Is at once hanker fur
the operator, a carrier, a storage concern nnd a
dealer. The expenses attendant upon these feat
ures nf the business are never considered l.v the
man who heedlessly makes n comparison between
the tost ot hulling anthracite nnd bituminous
That freights were loo low on bituminous roat
Is evidenced by the recenl advance In rates, a
movement forcetl on Hie soft coal roads by actual
or Impending bankruptcy.
A reduction In tolls would seriously cripple Hie
anthracite c.irrvlng roids. II only the mere ear
ning (barge Is considered, anthracite coal Is
hauled as cheaply today is bltumlnoui.
Secured $100 Worth of Goods from
Judge & Co.'s Store Thursday
Night Thieves Fired Upon.
At an early hour yesterday mornlntr.
burglars entered the store of Judge &
Co.. on Main street, by removing a
pane of glass In the door. The bursr
lars set nt work at once and succeeded
In carrying away goods to the value of
about $100, consisting mostly of shoes
and Jewelry. The haul would have been
greater hnd they not been frightened
away by James Powell, the furniture
dealer, whose residence is nenr.
Mr. Powell, on investigation, noticed
that the burglars were four in number
and had a light spring wagon, and ut
ter sizing up the situation, he at once
returned to the house, secured a revol
ver and began to fire out of the win
dow. The robbers on hearing the dis
charge of firearms made their way im
mediately to the wagon. Mr. Powell
continued firing.
By this time several neighbors
were on the scene and they
started after the burglars and traced
them to Old Forge, where they were
lost, track of.
A Liberal Move in Accident Under
writing. The Aetna, the largest and strongest
company In the world writing accident
and health Insurance, Is issuing a new
accident contract, at the standing price.
Many things which the public think an
accident policy ought to cover, and
which have not been covered hereto
fore, are provided for. It also elimin
ates most of the restrictive conditions
usually found In accident policies, all
of which make it the most attractive
policy now on the market. It pays
weekly Indemnity up to the full face
of the policy, covering a period of prac
tically four years from date or injury.
The Indemnity is payable every two
months during disability, Instead of at
its termination as heretofore.
It pays double benefits, not only for
railroad, steamboat and street car ac
cidents, but also for bicycle, public
automobile, elevator and accidents hap
pening In any burning building.
It pays 100 per cent, for hydrophobia
and septicemia, instead of 50 per cent,
it pays weekly indemnity as well as
death benefits for sunstroke, freezing,
septicemia, hydrophobia or the Invol
untary Inhalation of 'gas or other pois
onous vapors. It pays for. hernia, in
juries without external marks, iten
tional injuries, assaults, riots, fighting,
taking poison, suicide (sane or insane),
accidental result of surgical operations,
contact with poisonous substances, un
necessary or negligent exposure to ob
vious dangers.
It specifies what will be paid for all
partial disability claims, not leaving
the adjustment to the discretion of the
It does not prorate where loss ot
sicht or limb occurs.
The Aetna also writes two forms of
health policies.
Policy holders should compare their
policies with this article, and before
renewing consult with the Aetna gen
eral agent, Isaac Brown, 315 Menrs
The Scranton Business College.
New students continue to unroll nl
most dally and many have (arranged to
enter later.
A.U classes are now thoroughly or
ganized and the work moves along
smoothly and pleasantly. Tho students
aro enthusiastic and show their ap
preciation of tho work being done by
their Instructors.
"The Scranton Business College is
issuing a fine catalogue, printed on
plate paper, and containing many half
tone views ot the school. Messrs. Buck
and Whltmore are to be congratulated
on the showing they have made In the
past six years." Penman's Art Jour
nal, New York.
85.00 to Niagara Falls and Return
via the Lehigh Valley Railroad
October 0, 1900.
Tickets will be on sale October 6th,
limited for return passage to October
8th, Inclusive, und will be honored on
any traln except tho Black Diamond
express. For further information, con
sult Lehigh Valley ticket agents.
Tlcl'ets on sale at Lshigh Valley city
ticket ofllcp, 309 Lackawanna avenue,
Scranton, Pa.
Pianos for Sale at Guernsey Hall.
A flno Brnmbach Upright Piano In
beautiful mahogany case, full size, und
in excellent condition, for sale at a
bargain. Left to bo sold without re
gard to price. Parties owning the
piano have broken up housekeeping
and will leave tho city. Call at once
If you want tho first chance. Now on
sale ut J, W. Guernsey's Musla Wn re
roams, 314 Washington avenue, Scran
ton, Pa,
Judge for Yourself,
Families who contemplate sitting for
group pictures should see tho lurge
photograph of Mr. T. J. Kelley and
family, exhibited at tho entrance of
Schrlever'a Studio, 110 Wyoming ave
nue. Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar.
Miss Bessie Dean, teacher. Address
Powell's muBlo store.
Steam v Heating and Plumbing,
P. F. ft 11. T. Uowy,231 Wyoming v-
. v rr M-WI.-.- k- .vw-.WV -
Anthony Stein, of North Mnln Ave
nue, Was Arrested Under the City
Ordinance nnd Wns Also Placed
Under Arrest to Answer a Charge
Preferred by County Detective
teyshon Fred George Refused to
Pay His Fine and Wns Committed
to the County Jail.
And still the war on the speakeasies
Is briskly waged and Onlly offenders
aro raught In Mayor Molr's drug net
and given their desserts In police
Four cases wore yesterday disposed
of, Fred George, of 70t Hnmpton street,
being committed to the county jail,
with James O'Hearn, who was ar
rested Inst Saturday. Jlocca Barbutl,
of 851 Mooslc street wns discharged.
During the nfternoon the arrest of
the day was made, when Anthony
Stein, proprietor of the saloon nt North
Main avenue nnd Lafnyette street,
was arrested and arraigned before Al
derman Howe.
When Stein was arraigned before the
magistrate, he professed to be Ignorant
of breaking the law, nnd snld that
he sold under the license secured for
the place by the owner.
Alderman Howe took these extenuat
ing circumstances Into consideration,
and let oft Stein, who Is n foreigner,
nnd apparently very Ignorant of
American laws and customs, with the
payment of a $10 fine nnd tho costs
in the case.
Stein was also arrested on n war
rant Issued by Alderman Johns, of
West Scranton, nt the Instance of
County Detective Leyshon. who also
accused him of selling liquor without
ti license, lie entered $500 ball before
Alderman Howe, for his appearance
at court to answer to the charge. M.
Suravltsr. qualified as his bondsman.
Fred George, of 701 Hampton street,
was given a hearing In the morning.
Two witnesses testified to having pur
chased intoxicants at his house, and
he was then fined $50, ns his place
has often been reported to the police,
and Mavor Molr considered the cir
cumstances of the case to justify se
verity. George refused to pay the
tine nnd was committed to the county
jail for thirty days.
rtocco Barbutl was arrested Thurs
day night by lieutenant of Police
Zang, and was takn to the central
station. In police court yesterday
morning, the two hard-working young
men who have been doing yeomanly
fluty of late in Collecting evidence, tes
tled to having visited the Barbutl
home during the absence of the lord
and master, and securing glasses of
beer from a woman, presumably Mrs.
Barbutl, they paying her for the
In the course of the hearing, how
ever, it developed that Barbutl only
had a small quantity of beer In the
house, and this was purchased merely
for his own use and that of Ills fam
ily. During his absence, the two
agents entered the houne, looking very
footsore and thirsty, and appealeJ to
the house-wife for something to
drink. The good woman, all ignorant
of any breach of the law, gave them
each a glass of the amber liquid, and
on their proffering her a nickel each
In payment, took It.
Mayor Molr decided that this was
a case deserving of lenient treatment,
and discharged the defendant.
Inspector Widmayer Tells of Condi
tion of Lacteal Fluid.
"The food supply of Scranton Is In
splendid condition at present," said
Pood Inspector Widmayer yesterday
afternoon to a Tribune man, and ho
added: "Milk, which has been tho
greatest source of trouble during the
entire summer, Is now In an excellent
state, und Scrantonlans can rest as
sured that they are being well sun
piled lu that line. One source which
might have caused a large amount of
trouble was yes(erday discovered by
me, and suppressed.
"I had heard several complaints about
town of a milk, which was possessed
of an exceedingly disagreeable odor,
and after a careful search I managed
to trace It to a farmer, whose place is
near Chinchilla, and who furnishes
local petty dealers.
"I visited him and saw his cows.
good, sound animals, too, giving flno
milk. I found them, however, in a
stable so filthy that description of it
baffles description. The stench wns
terrible, and the refuse littering the
There's a prestige in the
Knox labeHhat you cannot
get in any other hat. They
have gained a prestige be
cause of their superior
quality, correct style and
highest class of workman
ship. They are tlie ac
knowledged leaders in the
hat world.
Mine and Mill Supplies,
Machinery, Etc-
orriCE-Dta Bank BuUdla
- --"vt.
floor nnd filling the place was actually
"The location of lite offender's otaco
was outnldo of my territory, but never
theless t Impressed Upon him tho fact
thnt milk mining from Rtich a nlncn
could not but be unhealthy, and I suc
ceeded 1n prevailing upon him to clean
tho place."
Demand Always Greater Than the
Professors Buck & Whltmore this
week received the following letter from
a Dayton, O., Manufacturing com
pany. This company has a cnpltal
stock of five million dollars:
Gentlemen: 'The demand for good
stenographers and olllcc people, In our
establishment, has nhvnyn been greater
than the supply. Wo luivij openings
now for two or three good main sten
ographers who have hnd experience,
nnd it occurred to us that a large num
ber of stenographers nnd other ofllce
men who have graduated from your
school from time to time nnd aro now
holding posltoin might desire to better
themselves. If you can put us hi com
munication with some of your old grad
uates who have had two or three years
experience we would be under obliga
tions to you,
Going West and Northwest.
The best line west of Chicago If you
are going to any point In Moutamt,
Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Kansas,
Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, TJtnh,
Nevada or California Is the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Ttnllrond. Di
rect nnd short lines between Chicago,
Sioux City, .Omaha, Milwaukee, La
Crosse, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Solid
vestlbuled, electric lighted, steam heat
ed trains, free reclining chair cars;
compartment and sleeping cars; the
finest dining cars in the woild. If you
conteniplnte a trip west' or northwest
call on any coupon ticket ngent In the
United States or write to "W. S. Howell,
G. E. P. Ai, 3S1 BronUway, N. Y or to
John B. Pott, D. P. A., ISO William
street, Wllllamsport, Pa,, saying where
you are going, aboun when you will
start, how many there will be In the
party, and full Information, with ninps,
time-tables and rates of fare will be
promptly furnished, free. Be sure to
ask for your tickets via C, M. & Kt
P. By.
Liver complaints cured by Beecham's
Seitz & Co.
Carpets made and laid.
Flags, 'Bunting, etc., to
rent for public and private
316 Washington flue.
Guernsey Building.
The intrinsic merit of the recent
Pianofortes by the Mason Si Ham
lin Co. has called forth the follow
ing remarkable expressions from
men who stand pre-eminent today
in the musical life of the world.
"The Mason & Hamlin Piano Is, I
bellve. an Instrument of the very
first rank."
Composer, l'iniiist,
"I believe the Mason &. Hamlin
Pianos to be of the very flrstrank."
The rccotciiircd ylcnt of musical activity in VIu
i ope today.
"It Is unsurpassed."
Conductor Philharmonic Orchestra, New York
A stock of these superb instru
ments may be seen at the ware
rooms of
131-133 Washington Ave.
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
K? Heaters.
829-337 PENN AVENUE.
320XnckAwnntiA Ave,
Wholesale, nnd Betall.
Rendy Mixed Tinted Faint.
Convenient, Economical, Durabt
Varnish Stains.
Producing Perfect lmlttlton of EipenilT-WexxU,
Heynolds Wood Finish,
t Specially Designed tor Initda tiork.
Marble Floor Finish.
Durabla and Drya Quickly. ,
Paint Varnish and Kaiso
mine Brushes.
rum; linseed oiljurpentine
The Well-Dressed Man
H ft,,,,',!;
t'M"f"HMMri' iff.'
U not satisfied with the vcr(r rin
nMiliiK stock (lint's why this storo hit
tin! reputation It has nmoni? careful
cheveio. Ilaie jou seen our iip-to-clnts
iivts. xi:ckwi:.r. u.ovi:s.
305 Lackawanna Ave.
Th Popular Houi Fur
nishing Etor.
Safe Cook
ing Utensils
Aitate Nickel Steel Ware YMacls
aie the lianilsnmest wearing and
pnfest cookinjr utcmils made.
Tliey wear longer (Inn Iron or
tin. They will not nut or break
like iron, or dent and get shap
lev. and leakv like tin. They' are
luiuKnmcr thin tin and do not
W tlielr pdlili. Tliey are near
ly as Unlit as tin and not mm
bcrsonto like lion. They are
easier to clean (ban tin or lion.
Ilicv contain no poisonous In
Kiidienta. We carry a completo
line of Hit' (lenuinc Agato Waic
(.'coking Uteniilu.
Foote & Fuller Co,
Hears Building,
140-43 Washington Ave
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
This will be about tho last week of peach
seasoii. We will receive daily a limited quantity
of Jeinev, Yoik state and Michigan fruit. It
yon luie .not bought do not neglect to leave
your nuler this week If you want peaches.
We would call attention to the particularly
fine iiiulitv 0' our ovsters, Maurice Illvcr Coves,
ltocl.nvva.vs, Duck Ilivera, Mill l'onds, Blu
l'ulnts, etc., etc.
Ileineinbcr we make a specially of Blue Point
deliveicd on lull hhell in curriers.
W. H. Pierce,
19 Lackawanna Ave.
110, 11!, 114 Pens Ava.
The Dickson Mtinumctarlug Go.
Rcranton and WllkH-Darr, l'.
Manufacturer! of
Boilers, Hoisting and Pumping Machinery.
' General Ofllce. Beranton. Pa. '
For $$, $6, and $7 j
Rockers. The offering-
is so great that to give itj
a truer ring we'll' eJd- x
plain that these Rockers
are odds and ends from J
factories, secured for our
August sale. No they
did not arrive too late
but we could not dispose J
of all during that month,
so now you have another J
chance. Polished Seats,
Cobbler Seats and Up-,
holstered Spring Seats
are among them all
woods and finishes,
Credit You? Certainly
831-223-225-227 WyomlngAyt
TT .JOT. . '
T Lf sV-