The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6
, Vfl MtfnsrmTVTOB V s 'JWU'' fi, l . -V" t r F ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1900. ft Ej' W' i-Ca e & '. J ' IV f Nlfrrh: txaux ) ' Cream. liESt IN TOWN. OR Per 5)c Quart .; LACKAWANNA DAIRY GO 3 cleplioceOrderi Promptlr Ul! verU 4g-37 Adam Avenua. Scranfon Transfer Co. It Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office Station. D., L. A w. Phone 025. Faistnger DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. .jiye, Ear, Nose and Throat 'Office Hours- a. ra. to 1180 p. ra.: ! to 4. iy ' ' Williams Bulldlfif, Opp. Postoffla. f- ' . f-f-f 'f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f CITY NOTES ! f -' OPENING SOCIAL. The Kllte Dancing claw will hold it opcnlliK social in John Ilojlo O'ltcll ly liall, on Lackawanna ncnue, Wednesday even ing. ACCinn.STALLV INMUIlKf). While scuffllns ttljh an acquaintance j'r-slcrdny John l.'illy, of drfen llldRC, was struck forcibly r.n.1 seilously injured, lie was takati to tlic ho-pl-tal. HALL l.V MUHIC HAM The first annual ball of Iho Independent Scranton lodge. No. 2.12, I. O. It. A., Mill lie held In Music hill on Wednes day evening, Oct. 17. Laurence's orchestra will furnish the mimic. ACCl!Si:n BY HIS WIPE. James Klnp, of West b'crniitnii, was arraigned licfore Alderman Miliar charged with assault and liattciy and non-support by his wife, lie was held in ?300 bail on each charge. I'AMSIOX 1'LAY. The illustrated lerlure on the l'jssion pl.iy was repeated last night at the Bicy cle Club house by ltcv. F. W. (loss with niue'i better success than on Thursday night, the pic tures showing up to better adan(agc. NOT NATHAN Rl'llAVITC' SON.-Mlchact Sura itz, the joimu man released from the Kastcin penitentiary Tuesday was a son of Jacob Sura vitz, of Hnjmoml court, not Nathan Suraitz, of l'eun ncnue, as announced in yesterday's Trib une. ,, ltlJANK.I.N'TKnKl) IUIL. Michael tluine, who was auesled on a variant Issued by Alderman Millar, at the instance of John Luughney, charging him with assault and threats to kill, entered bail before Aldeiman Dc Lacy on Thurs day night. tU LAND m: VL. Dolph k Wlnton, of this city, who have been bujlng up timber land in West Virginia, hue Just fold :i0,000 acres in Randolph and Pocahontas counties to Jennings llrca., of Lopez, this Mute, who Intend to cut and inaiket the timber. i.t:oTi;iin on mohmonism.-tccv. o. it. Beurdslcy, pastor of All Soul's Unncrulist church, will gho a lectuie on "Utah and Mor inonism" cm Monday night befoie Washington ranip, No. .172, IUtiiotic Order Sons of Ameiica, n their hall on W'jnming aeuue. AMICA11LY SKTTLIin. Andrew Spottky, of West Ptr.inton, was nrr.iigiiid before Alderman Millar last night and held in .UK) bill on the charge of assault and battery prefeired by Hit Hltz, of Seventh (.licet. Later the e huge was withdrawn and the ito amicably settled. MiNKiis li:avi: ron r.i'itopn. About ntiy foieigucis weto at Hie Lickawaun.i station lust nlglit waiting for (lie New Yoik train, Kiom the metiopolls tliey for the old country. They were miners eniplojcd nt tlie I'l.inoulh, Nantlcok'c and Wilkcs-Ujiic mints befoie the strike began. MKCTINfi WAS l'OSTI'ONKD.-There was to Iiac been a meeting in the ollico of Henry llelln, Jr., jestciiliy nfteinoon to elect four diicclors for the Pennsjh.iiila Oul seliool and tiins.ut other bu-.iiie-s, lint, ai in ipiorum ippi.uvd, the nietliiig was postponed. It will be held I'rlday, Oct. 1!). HAS HOrfillT A llOIDKNC'i:. S. 11. Wnjlmd, iiuui.iger of the People's Telephone company, has bought a house at ISO Clay avenue, Scranton, fioni Attorney Stanlev Smith. Mr. Wajlandwill make his future resilience in Scranton. He has been living on West South street, this-city. Wilkcvllaue News. 8U.K NK.XT FKIDAY. Next Kilday evening there will be n m)c of useful household articles and food at the nsidence of Mrs. It. K. Hurley, IMS Klectrie avenue. The sale is for the bcnetlt of the Hoiisehohl Kconomle section of'tlic Wo man's club. The women hope for encouragement In their woik by a laige attendance und generous patronage. ITALIAN POLPIICAL CLUIl.-Tho Itiliam of Old Forgo have cagauized an independent politl cal club and havo eUited the following offlceru; President, Hihatlno Hpigutelll; lce president, 'tony Laiu; sce'ciury, FclUlniin Mallarlnoj treasurer, Turnll Paquale; executive commit tee, Silvestro I.ucianl, Pipi Lulgl, Zlngbirltl a. Batista und Uoldrlul ("alio. St THAT FIRE PARADE. v. S ' . NTolht Slro 'Committee Will Decide j" W,lether It Bhould Be Held. y" ThcHylll be u meeting of the Joint lru (Icijurtnicnt commltteo on next .'utflditV nlBht for the purposo of con-jfiltlodnp- the fjavlsaullity of holding a 3araabf of the 'lire (loimrtment this jyeiij;!' ' CUIer Zlnelmann favors having an In spection 'only nnU diverting thu money I'prbi'tjntefl f0l- ft parade for other iurpo3asi i'ho foremen of the various .xompunles hayo decided In favor of a parade, howovcr, and the fire depart 'mt'rjt connnlttpe will have to light It (out and decide, J, Clilef ZUlolmann said last night that 5,0!rMer wh)ch Is held the date to 3e .fixed will probably be Thursday, A GANG OF TRAMPS. Police Rounded Up Three Vagrants H Wi'ifaiAlbrignt Avenue, jr. Several messages were yesterday re ceived at police headquarters from James Qulnn, of Albright avenue, to iho effect that u gang of tramps were Hjnklng their headquarters In a barn pear hjs premises qnd wero proving yery vtroublesome. 3tl.leiitcnant Davis, Sergeant, Rldar tvay.and a squad of putrolmeri visited Mio 'prdlBes last night and found three typical hoboes fast asleep In the loft. They were taken to the central station. ..1.1 i.11 -5l. t$J I ! CONTRACT WAS AWARDED. Oeortjo CrUmp Will Build the Now Storehodso at Hillside Home. The poor bonrd nt a meeting held yesterday afternoon awarded the con tract for the building of a now store hoiiHo nt the Hillside home to Contrac tor acoige Crump, of Clark's Summit, Whoso bid wns $1,937.87, There wero six bids received and opened iih follows : S. Sykes & Son, fi,2G5; Peter Stlpp, $0,000; (leorgo Crump, $4,937.87; Jtntthlnn Stlpp, $5,870; Woelkers & Uellmnn, $ii,78j; Conrad Schrocder, $S,B00. Mr. Crump's bid was the lowest und ns ho wns otto of the two bldtls who enclosed n certified cheek ho wns awarded the contract. Jlrs. Anlnc Van Wort nppearcd be fore the board and nuked for relief for herself and four children. She paid that' her husband hud recently been committed to the county Jnll upon her own complaint, She said she repented of her notion now but that as she couldn't get her spouse out by re penting she wanted relief. Her case was referred to Director Williams. Mrs, Itcdmerskl, of Luzerne street, whose husband Is now In jail awaiting trial for Interfering with a letter car rier, nlso wnntod relief and her enso was referred to Dr. 1'alne. Miss Eliza Layton, nvcry matter of fact person presented herself and casually re marked that sho'd like to be sent to England, She had been before the board some llttl time ngo and since then her cir cumstances have been Investigated and It has been uBcertnlned that she has relatives perfectly nble to care for her or send her away to Kngland, if ncccs pary. Her ense was therefore dis missed. Several other applications for relief wero granted. The report of Superintendent' Beemer, of the Hillside home, showed that on September 30, there were 442 Inmates In that Institution, n decrease of three from August. Of these 442, 250 are In sane and 192 are sane. There were 11 deaths during the month and 13 In mates were dlschatgcd. TWO LITTLE VANDALS. Imitation Katzenynmmer Kids Be fore Alderman miliar. Joseph Thiol and Will Loughner, two smnll South Scranton lnds, were ar raigned before Alderman Millar last night on the charge of malicious mis chief, preferred by Mrs. E. M. Stnge, of Willow street. The latter alleges that about two weeks ago she canned eighty-five jars of fruit. At that time the families of both the Thiol nnd Loughner boys were tenants In the same building in which Mrs. Stage lives, and she alleges the two little fellowc broke Into the room whore the fruit wns and destroyed sixty-five of the cans. The boys were originally merely on a foraging expedition, but after eating all the fruit they could, they smashed this large number of jars. At the hearing last night It was claimed that another boy, Henry Wolf ram, of Stone avenue, wns Implicated In the destruction of the fruit and a warrant was Issued for his arrest. The boys were held for their appearance at court and released on the own recog nizance. MESSENGER BOYS STRIKE. Number of Western Union Force Quit Work. Several of the messenger boys em ployed by the Western Union Tele graph company followed the example of the mine workers yesterday after noon and went out on strike. According to the boys' version of the affair, ten of the fifteen messengers emit at 5 o'clock nnd served an ulti matum on Manager O'I'.rlen to the ef fect that the wouldn't go back until their wages wore Increased from $7 to $10 a month, nnd they were al lowed pay for extra time worked. The boys were under the leader ship of Paddy Moran, who Is a little older than the average messenger. Three of the boys decided to return to work, leaving seven out on strike, and also out of a job. Manager O'Brien, when seen last night, said that "two or three boys got a little dissatisfied nnd decided to quit." Ife denied that nearly tho whole force had gone out. SIXTH SACRED CONCERT. Will Be Given in St. Thomas Col lege Sunday, Oct. 14. Tho sixth sacred concert In St. Thomas College hall under tho auspices of W. P. Schilling, will be given on Suudhy evening, October 14. Tho an nouncement heretofore made that It would bo given tomorrow night was Incorrect. - Tho Cathedral choir, St. Mary's choir, Junger Mnonnorchor, Bauer's orches tia nnd Mrs. AV. P. Schilling will par ticipate in the concert. THROWN FROM A TRAIN. Henry Cook, of Minookn, Probably Fatally Injured. Henry Cook, of Church street, Mi nookn, was seriously and probably fa tally Injured yesterday afternoon nbout 4 o'clock by being thrown from a train on the Lackawanna road near Taylor, When found the unfortunate man was unconscious. Ho was removed to his home In Minookn. Pianos for Sale at Guernsey Hall, A fine Ilrambnch Upright Piano In beautiful mahogany case, full sze, und in excellent condition, for sulo at a bargain. Left to bo sold without re gard to pi Ice, Parties owning tho piano havo broken up housekeeping and will leave tho city, Call at onco If you want tho (list chance, Now on snlo at J, W. Guernsey's Music Waro 100ms, 314 Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa. LONGDISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE PEHFEOT SATISFACTION IN COMMUNICATION, BOTH LOCALLY AND LONQ DISTANCE, PERFECT PROTECTION TO KOOff FAMILY IN ALL EMERGENCIES AND INOIS' FEN3ABLE, IF TIME AND CONVENI ENCE ARE TAKEN INTO CONSIDER ATION. THE RATES ARE FROM $24.00. ACCORDING TO THE CLASS OF SERVICE. MANAGER'S OFFICE, 117 ADAMS AVE, THE CHANGE TO A SECOND CLASS CITY IT WILL REQUIRE! MUCH LOCAL LEGISLATION. Councilman Rocho's Finn of Having a Committee Appointed to Draw Up All Ordinances Which It Will Bo Necessary to Pass and Report to Councils Before Jan. 1 Diffi culty of Obtaining a Copy of tho New Second Class City Law to Be Introduced in Next Legislature. Scranton cannot be changed from a city of the third clnss to a city of tho second clnss without n great amount of preliminary legislation onnthe part of councils. Select Councilman John E. lloche realizes this, and he Introduced a resolution In select council on Thurs day night providing for the appoint ment of a special committee of three to take up the matter and report to councils before January 1 such legis lation as It will be necessary to oass. Mr. rioehe, when seen yesterday by a Tribune man, sold that while ho had given the matter very little thought, nevertheless It hnd occurred to him that some such committee should bo appointed as soon as possible, and he accordingly Introduced tho resolution. When asked to suggest Just what such a committee could do, Mr. Rocho said: "It Is vell known that under the second class city law many new ofllces are created and manyof the cxlstlnc ones dispensed with. For Instance, tho offices of chief of police and chief of tho fire department will be done away with nnd nn office termed the director of public safety created In their stead. Tho street cleaning and city engineer's departments are consolidated and an official known as the director of pub lic works takes the place of the city engineer and the street commissioner. "While tho duties of these officials tiro given in a general way in the act of assembly, It will be necessary for councils to pass new ordinances ex actly defining their duties and their limitations. Then the question of sal ary will have to be fixed. Many people fancy that when we become a city of the second class the salaries now paid city officials In Pittsburg will (go into effect as a matter of course. "That couldn't be thought of for n moment, for If we did the city fvould bo swamped. Then agaln.ispeclal elec tions will have to be provided for the election of additional common coun cllmen. Then there will have to be changes in the municipal building. Ofllces will have to be moved around and provisions made for the accom modation of extra councllmon In tho council chamber. In fact, a great deal more In the way of preliminary legis lation will have to be done than many people dream of." Mr. Roche believes that Scranton will become a city of the second class next April, and that the committee ought to get down to business as soon as possible. He believes that tho com mittee could take up the question of having the second clnss city law amended, nlso, but this would be an after consideration. .f Commissions from Pittsburg and Al legheny have compiled an entirely new law governing second class cities, which Is to be presented at the coming session of the legislature. Mayor Molr has been making a desperate effort during the past few weeks to get a copy of this act, but has been unable to do so. He has written to the city solicitors of both cities, but has re ceived no reply. It Is thought that both Pittsburg and Allegheny are perfectly satisfied with, the new law and are not desirous of having this city suggest any changes to it. Could a copy of it bo obtained it would be found extremely useful, but it is pretty safe to believe that the people across the state will not make It public until It is introduced in the legislature. RECEPTION AT A. O. U. W. HALL. Plttston Delegates Entertained by Upchurch Lodge Last Night. Upchurch lodge, No. 222, A. O. U. W., last night entertained the members of Plttston lodge with a smoker and ban quet and conducted a social session at A. O. U. W. hall. About thirty members of the visiting lodge wero in attendance and Joseph it. Hughes, of Kansas, deputy from the Grand lodge, and A. J. Coke, of Kan sas, wero two of the prominent guests. After tho regular business session, at which several men were Initiated into the lodge, all present enjoyed a tusty banquet, and the social session was then called tc order and W. F. Loftus elected chairman. James Feeney, of this city, welcomed the visi tors In a few npropos remarks, and Joseph R. Hughes, the orator of tho evening, was then called upon for a speech, and responded with an address on the order, telling of Its origin, great strides made by It and the excellent work done at present. Messrs. Wolburn and Patterson, of Plttston, nlso gave brief talks and songa were sung by P. F. Shuler and John Karcher. Tho committee In charge of the entertainment consisted of P. F. Shuler, S. C. Houck, John Kurchor, W. F. Loftus and John Wee. ' TO ALLOW CONTROLLER $60. Thnt's What the Finance Committee Decided Last Night. Tho finance commltteo of the board of control at a meeting held last night) decided to recommend to tho board that City Controller Howell bo allowed $50 a month compensation for tho work ho does for tho school district. David J. Reedy, tho solicitor of the bonrd, was present nt tho meeting and informed tho members of the commlt teo that they wero not legally bound to allow tho controller tiny compensa tion, It was decided, however, ns a mutter of fair play, that ho should be granted the amount' above referred to. Tho building commltteo received bids for tho electric wiring of Nos. 31 and 18 schools. lt was decided to award the contract for No. 31 school to AV, A, Harvey, whose bid was $130 and for No. IS school to Hunt & Connell, whoso bid was $76. SCRANTON ON THE PROGRAMME Dr. Martha S. EvtyeW, returned yesterday front Toronto, Canada, whero she represented the Household Econ omic section of tho Green Ridge Wo man's club at tho eighth annual meet ing of the , International Household Economics association. Thursday morning Dr. Everett read a puper on the work accomplished by the Green lltdge club's household econ omic section. The greater part of the morning seslon was given over to, Its discussion, &.jjAl3UjtffirU. -iawasi.,itiilMtlf-i)j-- 4 -f f 4- -f WHAT M'KINLEY HAM DONE. 4 4- Big Increase In Business Here During His Administration, f Secretary Dolpli 1), Atlicrton, ol the -f board of trade, In commtntlnd rcslct- tlty upon His prcsint prosperous anil healthy condition o( local ludiistiles at -f (lie end ol four' Jrnrn ol it Republican administration, ns compared with their -s totiultloti ilitrlntr the winter of 1800-117 -s when a Democratic' administration had -f been In power lor four years, said! -sV "1 say without feir ol contradiction -s that there has been an Increase In tho -s olumo o( business done in Scrsnton ot 4 nt least forty per cent, since tho last 4 year of President Cleveland's tenn. Our -s)- factories arc now working (utl time and -f Ih many Instances overtime. Then nit -f were working short time and many not 4- at ill. -f 4 'The deposits In the Scranton aavlnjr 4 banks have Increased $4,000,000 durlnn; 4- 4 President McKlnlcy's administration, 4 4 Were It not tor the present temporary 4 t depression caused by the mine workers' 4 strike, I believe that there would ho very 4 few Idle men to be found In the city 4 4 end If any were to be found they would 4 4 ' Idlo because they wanted to be. That 4 4 looks If four years of McKlnlcy has 4 4 been a pretty good thing; for Scranton, 4 doesn't It," 4 444444444 4 444444 COLLAPSB OF A BIG WATER TANK Hoops Burst and Allowed the Water to Drop Thirty Feet on to the Roof of a-Condensory Plant. By the collapse of a large water tank surmounting tho Clark's Summit Condcnsery company's plant last even ing the roof of the engine room was wrecked, the Interior turned topsy-turvy and two of the employes, Morton Colvln and Ernest Buckley, painfully bruised and cut. The condenscry Is alongside the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western tracks, near the station. The tank stands above It on a rack thirty feet high. It was a new tank nnd was filled only a few dnys ago. The sup position Is that the hoops were not loosened enough to allow for tho swell ing of the wood and burst asunder when the strain became too great. The great mass of water fel almost In bulk on the roof, nnd, crushing through the timbers, sent everything inside the engine room bowling, in all directions. The two men who were in jured luckily happened to bo out from beneath the point of the roof whero the water struck. They were hurt by pieces of flying timber and by being thrown against the side of the room. The water tank Is used to supply the boilers. CITY SCORES A POINT. Appeal Allowed in the Case of Koeh ler Against the City. The Supreme court yesterday allow ed an appeal from the decision of tho Superior court In the case of Kochlcr against tho city of Scranton. This Is the Mulberry street paving case. Judge Archbald dectded In fa vor of tho contention of- the property holders, on the upper end of the street, where there was double street car tracks, that they -cannot be called upon to pay for more pavement than was actually laid In front of their re spective properties. The assessment was made by taking the whole cost of the pavement from one end of the street to tho other and dividing It pro rata according to the feet front age among nil the property holders. The Superior court affirmed the de cision and City Solicitor A. A. ,Vos burg made petition to the Supreme court for an appeal. His ground Is that the foot front rule, which is held to be constitutional, permits of no al lowances being made for a pavement that may be paid fcr in front of a property by a street car company, any moro tlinn it permits of an allowance for covers of the iriAn hole of a sewer or any other break In the pavement.' The Supremo court convened princi pally to take action on the death of the late Chief Justice Green, but be fore adjourning handed down several orders. The rules of the court were also promulgated. The rules are tho same that havo been In force, with the exception of one, which Is amended so that tho appellant's attorney In a suit Is compelled to state the quertlon In volved in six lines In the paper book or otherwise tho suit, will bo taken off the docket. The Koehlor case was tho only ono from this county passed upon. From Three to One Hundred persons may bo photographed In groups at Schrlover's Gold Medal Studio. Spe cial accessories have been designed to artistically poso large gatherings. t The Best Display of FINE DRESS GOODS To Be Found in the City. Skirtings Plaid Back, Double-faced in Greys, Cas tors, Browns, Blues, Oxfords aud t1 OC f( Ql ff Poplins, Coatalines, Pebble and Granite Cloths Complete ftp f (f assortment of colors .: i Dv IU pZrlU Romeo Venetians Sponged aud shrunken for Tail or and Dress Suits, in shades ot Beaver, Brown, ('") AA Daulla, Blues aud Black pUV Tailor Coverts For street wear, 50 inches wide, all wool, new mixture of Greys, Browns aud 7Qr Blues , Broadcloth Venetian jo inches wide, all (Flit the new autumn colors $lLD Black Goods In great variety. Come and -See, MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue. gJA. .jfc-jaMl. .tfia?' .Vt,. -,s LONG CASE GIVEN INTO JIM'S HANDS CLOSING ARGUMENTS WEBS MADE YESTERDAY. Judgs Edwards Devoted nn Hour to Charging the Jury and Shortly Before Four O'clock the Case Was Given Into Its Hands The Case of Holopeter Against tho Green Ridge Lumber Company Was Olven to the Jury at Five O'clock, The evidence in the case of Chnrles Ltebenstoln against Jonas Long's Sons wnH closed yesterday morning and tho closing addresses to iho Jury worn mndo by Major Everett Warren for tho defendant and Attorney E. C. Newcomb fop tho plaintiff. Judge Edwards took an hour In which to charge the Jury and shortly before 4 o'clock tho case was given Into the Jury's hands for consideration. A verdict had not been agreed upon up to the adjourning hour. A Jury was then sworn In the case of J, Bacharach against J. O. Acker man, which will be put on trial this morning. In the main court room the entire day was consumed with the trial of the case of D. F. Holopeter against the Green Ridge Lumber company. Judge' Archbald had completed his chargo to tho jury at 5 o'clock nnd It retired to deliberate. x Reasons wero yesterday filed for a new trial In tho case of H. Dinner against Mrs. Mary McAndrcws In which a verdict of 6 cents was on Wed nesday returned for the plaintiff. The case of J. E. Cleveland against John T. Jones was referred to James E. Watklns. An Answer Filed. Tho answer of tho Delaware, Lacka wanna nnd Wesern Railroad company to the bill In comity filed some time ago by the Tripp Farm Land company In Its suit against the railroad com pany was filed yesterday by Wlllard, Warren & Knapp, representing the de fendant company. The suit was brought 'to prevent the rnllroad company from filling In a cul vert Just north of Tripp's crossing, on which tho main line crosses Bedford street. It Is contended by tho land company that It bought the land with the expressed understanding that this culvert was to be maintained. It was provided for, It Is contended, when tho railroad went through the Trlpp farm land to assure a safe means of getting from one section to the other of the several farm lands. In the answer It Is set forth by the company that It Is under no obligations whatever to keep the culvert open, and quotes from Its deeds for its right of way at that point to prove the fact. Mrs. Miller Is Aggrieved. Mrs. Eva Miller yesterday began an action against Simon Machok to re cover $2,000 damages for Injury done to her reputation by false statements made by the defendant. Mrs. Miller Is the wife of John Mil ler, an'd she alleges that'on Octobpr 3. and again on October 4, Machok charged her publicly with being un faithful to -her husband. A capias was issued for Machok. TODAY'S FOOT BALL GAME. High School Will Flay Crack Begi ment Eleven. The Scranton foot ball season will Vie formally opened this afternoon by tho game between the High school and the Thirteenth regiment's team. The dif ference In weight will not bo as marked as was at first anticipated, as the soldiers will average 155 pounds and the High school players about 140 pounds. The game will bo called nt 3 o'clock at Athletic park. The two teams will probably line up as follows: licirlmont. High School. AilMms left end .Mcltucrh Kinnliran leltjucklo Wei6senfluh Drcls IcftKi'urd Stoi.c Evans center ....Conncl! or ShulU Brink light guard Uvrood Cleary right tackle Kynon Keith right end Yauglmn Gregory left half l'liilllps Rcndall right half Williams Klplo quarterback, Tropp Stark full hack Ucans HARRY VARDON WINS. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated rrc9. Wheaton, 111,,- Oct. 6. Hurry Vardon won the open golf championship from J. II. Taylor by tvvo strokes, 313 to 313. Others in tho many were: David Dell, Midlothian, 321; I.. Auditor, (iknvlcw, 327; Willi Smith, Midlothian, 3?9; Geo. Low, Dykcr Meadow, 331; Tom llutehln. son, Shlnnccock, p3i; Harry Turple, Edgcvvatcr, 334. C. I). MacDonald, former amateur cham pion, led tho amateurs with 323. mwanMimim Novel Ash Tobacco Boxes, Pipe Racks, well ns practical, are ever In demand. Women buy them ostensibly for their liege lord's use, but really, because they are so decorative, and who can blame them when they can pick up such nice novelties at our store from 25c Jo 50c? They really look as though they cost five times as much. 3 Geo V Millar & VJCU V. iYllllUr (X mmmmmmmmmmmm GASEY BROS We make teeth to suit you and your friends. We Ruarantrc to pleanc you or no pay. We keep work in repair free ot uharRC. Wo examine and extract teeth free of charge. Our Crown and C -5 Bridee Work... P Per Tooth All work guaranteed for 10 years. Call and have your tectli examined. Satisfaction or no pay. . .jHHHRaEaMSLBkLiW HqqTjJjJ Another Special Offering in Our Household Utensil Department IN THE BASEMENT. In our large center show window we have displayed a lot of First Quality Peerless Enamel Ware- This display will give you an idea of what we have in this line in our basement. Among our special offerings you will find Berlin Enamel Kettles, all sizes, from 23c to 48c. Berlin Enamel Sauce Pans, all sizes, from 33c to 48c. t Berlin Enamel Preserving Kettles, all sizes, from 17c to 53c. Berlin Enamel Dinner Pails something new, 79c. Berlin Enamel Pails 12 quart, 48c. Everything In Kitchen Utensils and Household Hardware. Baked Stuffs Fresh Dally. Best Lunch In Scranton. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue. ......f.Tm..T......H -f New York Life Insurance 4- f f f Insurance That Insures. Policies incontesta able from date of issue, No restriction as to residence, travel or occupation, as to habits of life, or as to man ner, time or place of death. Policies non-forfeitable after first premium is paid. Oue month's grace in the payment of premiums. Cash loans can be obtained at any time after the policy has been in force two years. Policies combine insurance and investment. f : B. H. BETTS, Scranton Branch Office. 607 to 615 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa, 4 - 4 - - f4 - - f - f4 - f - t - - f - f - f - f - f - f - - - f - f4 - Zenola (Trode Mnrlc Registered.) Cleans you so clean that nothing else seems to clean you clean. dainty housewife may use costly toilet soap and lemon juice to remove the stains from her fingers, butZENOLA and leave the Hands soft. At drocertand Drugclsts, sc and THE ZGNPLA COMPANY, Philadelphia CU5HMAN BROS. CO., Distributors New York PlilUdslpbla Boston l Trays elc(, which are ornamental as Co Wjomlng Arenne VUt lnsndioek sMMSd. , No Use Talking You cannot miss satisfac tion here because quality and economy are certain- . ties Our Green Valley Rye will convince you of this fact. . 216 Lackawanna Avenue, x Scranton, Pa. 'PHONE &I62. TEETH $5 SET 5$ Defter come in anj talk to ui ulinnt jour teeth. Wo bcllcvd you will Appreciate the work And our low prlics. Wo will save oii nearly one-halt on all dental work. We make a specialty of Crown and Bridge work and If you have any old or decayed teeth, come to us and we will make new ones out of them for you. Dr. Reyer, Dentist S14 Spruce St., Opp. Court House.'n -f f 4- Company f f f f 4. f Agency Director j f4 - f4 - - f - f4 - - f - f - f4 - - - f - ft sa - The swarthy engi neer may use strong and harmful soap to clean his oil-grimed hands ; the busy servant may use alkaline flesh-eating soap powders to wash her kitchen floor: the would serve each better, lor. (Zcnola Toilette as Cents,)