The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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iihttfn-tii7 r.ccp SMndijby tij-
Mno'I'uliimillig Companyr at Ulty Cents Monim
..,. - .
MVY H. HICHAM), V.dltor.
0. F. IlVXIIrX, UuslneM Manager.
New York Ofllco! 160 Nasssu .kiASD
Bolt Agent lor V'orciguArtWri.
Entered it the l'ovloOlce at Ser.mtoii, 1M., as
fcciomlClosJ Mall M.ittcr.
When sp.ico will petroll, Tf Trilinn Is "d'voys
clad lo print short IcllcM from la lr,tnds bear,
itig on current topic, bill If. mlr- I' '",'
mint be nlKnril. lor piibllrHmti, by "" '
real name: unci the miullllon precedent to n?
ceptsnee In that nil contributions stiall lie mil
jcrt to editorial rovWon.
SCHANTON, OCTOnEIl 6, 1060. ,'
rresldeiit-WlM.tAM McKISI.I.Y.
Vico-l'rcsldciit-'i IICOIHMi: itousi. i:i.t.
CointTrvmeti-ot-I.irKC HAM5SIIA A. OHOW,
noiiniiT ii. mi:ni) ,
C'or.aTcss-Wtl.MAM C'ONNIXb.
jiuicr m:oii(ii: M. waimw.
Mifriir-Jon.N ii. i'i:i.i.ovs.
lieasiiiei-J. A. f.rHANIOX. ,,.,,,.,
lllvtrlct Atoinc.v-WII.MAM It. I.HWI9. $,,
1'tollioiiot.iry .lllll.V COPIXXMI. '-"f'
Clerk ol Coiirls-THUMAS P. PANll.LS.
Itecorder ol Deeds -I..MII IIOXV. '
ltcRlsfir of Wllli-W. K. I1KCK.
Jury ConiuiNiloiicr l.l)VAIl ' STIIIIOtS.
First DMrlrt THOMAS 3. Itl-YNOim
Second Dull let .IOIIX SCIII'.IIKIl. .111.
Third l)llrUt-r.l)WAHH JAMKH, JR.
I'ourtli Wl.-trlct-l'. A. PIIIMIIN.
"If there Is any one -who believes
the gold standard is a good thing,
or that it must be maintained, I
warn him not to cast his vote for
me, because I promise him it will
not be maintained in this country
longer than I am able to get rid of
it." Willani Jennings Bryan in a
Speech nt Knoxville, Tenn., Deliv
ered Sept. 16, 1896...,
"The party stands where it did in
1806 on the money question." Will
lam Jennings Bryan, Zanesville, 0.,
September 4, 1000.
For District Attorney.
NO CITIZKN who hns been
an attentive observer of
the proresihe.s of justice as
administered In our criminal
courts needs to bo told that the district
attorneyship is an office of the very
first importance. The man who holds
it Is practically the master of the fate
of persons charged with crimes. Vpon
his honesty, diligence and professional
skill depend to a large extent whether
the guilty shnll bo punished or the in
nocent go freo.
The Jury, It is tiue, passes finally on
all questions of fact; but the jury can
consider only such facts as are placed
before it. The dlstilct attorney, with
command over an elaborate machine! y
of detection which enables him both
night and day to watch the actions of
suspects and piece together the frag
ments of evidence essential to convic
tions, possesses power which in Incom
petent or dishonest hands nullifies the
sanctity of our courts and constitutes
a menace to every citizen. It Is vitnlly
Important, therefore, that the holder of
this Influential and difficult office
should be both a skilled lawyer and a
clean-cut, straightforward man of af
fairs, In whom every upright person
may repose complete conlldence.
Such a man the Republicans of our
county by a flattering plurality vote
have nomlnnted In the person of Will
iam R. Lewis. lie Is as straight as a
Bun barrel and as keen as a fox.
Young, alert nnd eneigetlc, ho typifies
the best blood In our younger Repub
licanism and attracts to his support
every admit er of ability and charac
ter, lie has boon long enough in the
law to prove his mottle. lie is thor
oughly familiar with the workings of
the courts. lie knows the county, its
people nnd conditions, and he Is un
trammelcd. A vote for William R.
Lewis for district attorney will bo a
vote for Justice,
There are excellent reasons for be
llevlwr that Mr. Tlllmnn never at
tempted to read the Declaration of In
dependence to a South Carolina audi
ence. American Superiority.
IN SPITE OP temporary vicissi
tudes In the anthracite industry
which aro certain soon to be rec
tified, It Is stimulating, from the
broad standpoint of American citizen
ship, to read tho optimistic forecast
embodied by Dr. Edward S. Meade of
tho faculty of tho University of Penn
sylvania in his instructive article on
"Tho Coal Supremacy of the United
States," which appears in the current
number of tho Forum.
Tho recent growth of tho American
export trade has been tho commercial
im-at wonder of tho world and Dr.
"Meade ascribes It fundamentally to tho
superabundance of our coal. This
consideration, he contends, assures us
a permanent and commanding advant
age In foreign trade. Coal Is the
. basis of machine production and ma
chine; production In turn Is thu basis
of groat wealth in trade. Cheap coal
means cheap Iron, uteri, power; in oth
er words, cheap production and cheap
transportation. "The nation which has
tho roost abundant fuel and tho cheap
est power will bo tho commerolal mon
arch of the future, reigning without
a rival. That nation," Dr, Meade as
serts, "Ja tho United States," Now for
Tho fotal nrerc of tho coal lands of
.Western Europo is 10,000 square miles,
practically all of which has been open
ed to mining. In tho United Stutes
thoro nre at present under command
0,000 square miles, and twice as many
'more held In reserve, From 1S70 to
'1398 in metric tons the coal production
of Great Rrltaln has grown from 112,-
, 700,000 to 205,200,000 tons, or S3 per cent.;
pf Germany, from 4,80p,OOO to 86,200,
JOOO tons, or 170 per cent; of France
from 13 to 80 million tons, or 128 per
cent.; and of llelglum from 13 to 31
million tons, or 57 per cent.; but In the
jarn. time the coal production of rtho
United Btntcs hns Increased from 30
million to 21S million tons, an Incrcaso
of 62!i per cent. In other words,' the
United Slates, while drawing Upon only
a portion of her available deposits, In
creased hor output during twenty-eight
years six times an rapidly as the aver
age of her four competitors, who have
taxed their entire resources to supply
their needs.
Hut this Is only a part of the story.
Coal men know but laymen may not
that .compared with the European
mines our own coal mines, averaged in
both cases, are easily accessible nnd
cheaply' worked, In the anthracite
region the cost of mining Is continually
Inct easing because the fat Is gone, but
soft coal mining In the United Stntes
Is and for years will bo un easy prob
lem. The bulk of Pennsylvania coal,
for example, Is extracted from deposits
lying above tho water line; of the 19
mines situated below, tho average
depth Is only 437 feet. In Europe
mines 3,000 feet 'deep aro not raro and
mines In depth from 1,000 to 3,000 feet
niv common. Then, too, thickness of
seam Is In our favor. Omitting an
thracite, the best veins of which are
gone, the nvorago thickness of Ameri
can coal exceeds 6 feet; In Europe it
does not exceed 3.
Thus with better and cheaper coal
than Europe, and with a reserve sup
ply sufficient to keep our mines going
for centuries after Europe's are ex
hausted, tho United States Is naturally
well equipped to do the world's manu
facturing. This equipment Is mightily
re-lnforcod by the fact that the United
States has Iron ore In proportion to her
vast stores of coal. On such an Im.
pregnable basis of assured commercial
superiority, expansion of American
commerce, territory, responsibility and
Influence Is ns Inevitable as the sun
light nnd also as beneficial.
The acWon of the Individual opera
tors In assenting to the 10 per cent, ad
vance decided upon by the larger com
panies makes this proposition general
and puts the matter of acceptance or
rejection fairly before the miners. Ac
ceptance means an early resumption
of work and wnges with Increased
prosperity for the whole region. Reject-Ion
moans a long struggle char
acterized by destitution, suffering and
financial losses liable never to be made
good. Common sense and the general
welfare counsel prompt acceptance.
Honey In Politics.
PERSONS NOT familiar with
the Immense mass and varle
of detailed work connected
with the management of a
political campaign, particularly pre
liminary to a presidential election, nre
sometimes led to conclude that the
contributions of money called for are
either in large part wasted or else
used for purposes which will not bear
investigation. This impression Is not
removed by the empty accusations,
made by buncombe politicians, con
cerning giant corruption funds.
An Idea of the legitimate expenses of
campaign management Is afforded In
a curient description of the methods
employed by the Republican stnte or
ganization in Nebraska to win that
commonwealth from Populism. "The
state organization," writes a special
correspondent of the New York Sun,
"began work on Dec. , 1899. It open
ed headquarters In Lincoln and began
the accumulation of data and the
gathering of Information about men
and neighborhoods. At the State con
vention on May 2 of this year the
county chairmen were chosen and the
headquarters moved to Omaha. The
chalrmea nt once appointed a man in
each township. Each township Is di
vided into four road districts. A
township committee was at onco ap
pointed In ench town, of which the
township man was chairman with four
assistants, one from each road district.
The road districts have on an average
ir,0 votes each. Early in June poll
books were sent to the town chairman
with Instructions to set down therein
tho name and address of every voter,
his religion and his past and present
political affiliations. The books were
returned to headquarters and a card
catalogue of the voters of the state
was made out. The cards were divid
ed in three sets. First the sure Repub
licans; second the sure Bryanltes
whom no argument could move nor
reason sway, and third, those who were
for any reason doubtful. All the work
of the campaign has been concentrated
on the doubtful class. Each man
whose name has been on a doubtful
card has had literature adapted to his
particular needs sent to him direct
from Omaha. lie has received person
al letters from Republicans prominent
In the stnte, men whom he has never
seen, but who are known to him by
name and reputation. The headquar
ters meanwhile has sent the card bear
ing his name to his county chairman
who has Instructions to 'return It as
soon as any certain Information about
the raun's political course this year
can he obtained,"
Another Idea of how money in larito
sums Is often necessary to effect poli
tical results by pioper processes may
ho obtained from tho Incident of Col
onel Quay's city directory ttrtlllce
which elected General Harrison presi
dent In 1888. This Is described In de
tail in tho current issue of McCluro's
magazine, but briefly summarized It
waa as follows: Early In tho cam
paign Quay learned that wholesale, col
onization of voters was contemplated
by Tammany Hall, Ho made an ap
pointment with a trusted man in a re
mote Jersey town, Issued Instructions,
handed over a wad of money nnd re
turned to hcndquurteiB34wlth nobody
tho wiser, One day an Immense ban
ner swung across Broadway, together
with advertisements In tho news
papers, informed tho natives of
Gotham that they were to have a new
city directory. A thorough canvass of
tho city was mudo and every circum
stance pointed to the genuineness of
tho directory as a strictly commercial
enterprise. But shortly before election
Quay sent for a prominent Tammany
man, took him Into a back room and
showed him a stack of poll books piled
celling high. "There," ho remarked
blandly, "Is the name, address, and
personal description of every voter on
Manhattan island. We are going to
have these hooka distributed on elec
tion day," The hint was flUmclont.
The contemplated plan of wholesale
colonization was abandoned. Tho Re
publicans won by n margin which the
successful working of Tammany's
scheme would undoubtedly have over
thrown. It was Quay's strategy which
saved the day.
These Immense movements require
money. Some money may be spent
corruptly. Until all men aro perfect
this must be expected. But the per
centage of crookedness is far smaller
than Is popularly supposed and exper
ienced potltlclons testify that it Is
growing smaller year by year whllo
nt the samo time tho opportunities for
using money lawfully In political cdu
catldn of the voter and In executive
strategy are Increasing with tho in
crease In Ingenuity of the bright minds
which concern themselves with the
fascinating game of politico.
An Intcrcs.lng experiment was per
formed in Philadelphia on Wednes
day by Dr. W. W. Kcan, of Jefferson
Medical college, when In the presence
of 700 physicians nnd medical stu
dents, a new nnncsthetlc, called cu
cnlnc, was Injected into the splno of
n patient prior to tho performance
of an operation which hitherto would
hnvc been deemed Impossible. The
new paln-klllcr produced nbsolute in
sensibility to pain, without dulling tho
patient's mental powers. The subject
of the operation saw himself cut to
pieces with perfect tranquility, and, In
fact, with manifest interest, yet he
was not conscious of the slightest In
convenience. Judging from the re
ports, the success of this experiment
marks a new era in surgery.
Experienced observers of politics can
always tell when tho tide of battle is
turning against one of the contending
parties. A never falling symptom is
the fact that the leaders of the or
ganization adversely affected Invaria
bly proceed to emit plaintive walls
about the other side's extravagant use
of money. This stage of the garnet
has been reached In the present In
stance, and Chairman Jones, Boss1
Croker and other professional philan
thropists connected with Democratic
headquarters are filling the air with
charges of prospective Republican cor
ruption at the polls. It Is a sign of
weakness which falls to tally with
their extravagant claim? In Bryan's
The vice chairman of the Demo
cratic executive committee, a gentle
man new to fame, but evidently des
tined to large hunks of notoriety, has
proclaimed a tabulated prediction giv
ing Bryan 326 electoral votes. Ho con
csder but seven states to McKlnley,
among them Pennsylvania. This
evidently a mistake; Pennsylvania, of
course. Is certain for Bryan. The au
thor of this interesting product of the
Imagination rejoices In the name of
Johnson. Events will probably show,
not a great way henee, that the Demo
cratic national executive committee
Is suffering from too much Johnson.
In spite of the march of progress in
the civilization of the heathen and bet
terment of the benighted people In oth
er lands, the black man of America
continues to approach a condition that
bids fair In some sections to become
worse than that of his ancestors before
the war of the rebellion.
The Republican party Is not trying to
combat the theory that strikes make
Democratic votes. The Republican
party has devoted Its time and atten
tion to the work of removing the Dem
ocratic causes for strikes.
It is feared that Bishop Turner's
speeches In the Interest of Mr. Bryan
will not convert many of his brethren
In the Cnrollnas, who have been dis
franchised by the Bryan party.
The reported boiled oil outrages at
Pekln have proved to be myths, but
the burnings at the stake In the South
are realities, but should cause civiliza
tion to shudder.
Mr. Bryan falls to say anything
definite about silver In his speeches.
It Is altogether likely, however, that
he keeps up his old-time style of 16 to
1 thinking.
The government's reply to the Ger
man note indicates a diplomatic desire
to share a peaceful sentiment that has
not been experienced yet by Germany.
Croker calls Hill a sneak and Color
a suckpr nnd yet all are protending to
sleep In one bed. Politics Is full of pic
turesque human nature studies.
Now is the time to speculate upon
the personality of a Bryan cabinet.
There will be no occasion for such pas
time after the election.
The advance campaign calculator
will probably be Democracy's only
comfort this fall.
City of Pittsburg.
4. Depositors. -f
Ujnlis. lOTt. 1S09. -f
National 10,0.11 21.SR9 -f
Statu and 1'rlwtc '.W 4,340 -f
f Loan nnd Trnt.. tl 3,002 -f
4- SauliW ,101 71,572
Tolul 0MM 100,903
4- Imrcaso l No. " ilcpoellora,, ;IS,030 4-
-f Hank". Amount ol Pencils, -f
-f 1834. IS'JO. -f
-f National ? 24.02rt.i55 41,725,700 -f
-t State ami 1'rlwto 2,451,160 5,0(8,050 -f
4- Loan ami Tout., J,2ll,W2 9,3M,t.V) -f
SalnR1 18,010,559 2'),4(I0,201 -f
Total 45,741,1211 S S8,tl,hl
f Incrjaw in deposits ...,.,,,., f 41,350,7US -f
f City of Albany, New York.
4- nanli. Depositors. -f
-4- IS') I, ISM. -f
-f National ,,,..,.. l,aio 1,'si.i -f
f State ond Private 800 1,200
4- baling ,, ,. 50,Sfi7 U5,b29 -f
fr Total ., 53,301 0J.O23 -4-
4- Increase in No, ol depoilton., 15,710 4
4- Hanks. Amount ol Ptposlts. 4
18'JI. 1SW. 4-
National ? 2,000,01) 3,M.-,0n
4- State and Private 411,0.(3 (M.Wi 4
4 Savings ,.. 25.110,811 45,410,031 -f
4 4
Total ,.,....,.. 32,467,703 S flO.lS.5,363 4
4- Increase in deposits .,,,,,,,.. i J7,ttl7,570 4
4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- -f 4
Weekly Letter on
Municipal Affairs
Now York, Oct. fl.
IN i:UIt01'i:,N CITIK3 the poor nun to
pay (or lit liatli at the public kith home,
while In American cltlcn lie gcti It lire,
with a loncl and n piece ot nonp thrown In.
Tin Mini cliirged, In mini lnitntice!i, represents
the tmillnt lilt nl coin In circulation, yet It
la aomcthlng, ami II the man cumot put up the
price, he keeps hit illrtt Some ol the hatln
aliroml are even matte to more than pay
polum, an will he neeti by cnmulllnir the tnhlo
below. The sunn ulicn repriwnt the total
amounts of rrrelph nml expenditure up to ond
Incliitllnir 1STO. On the other utile ol the At.
lantlc the public hath lor the mnwei la no nov
elty, hut has been In ne lor mitiy jean. Then'
Ii scarcely a city of any sire anil Importance
nhleli lias not one or more public batln. lint
the need Is (or ureater than In American HI In,
with a possible exception nl the three bririst.
The following Is a list nl the lcaillnu llrltlsli
cities which imlntaln public Ii.iIIh, with the
receipts nml expenditures:
Papula l.xpendl.
City. tlon. Heeelpts. turcs
aianRow 7."o,ono fvi.uns $7.1,015
Mtcrpnol (VW.OOO 42,100 01,200
llirmlnghani 510,000 5,500 H,7ti0
Manchester 14:1,000 3S.720 ls.fith!
Leeds 42.1,000 i7,'KW 10,510
ilristol 320,00i) 3,17.'( 2,053
Sheffield 310,000 3,3x7 3,304
Kdlnbiirith 2D,027 15,200 2,014
Noivcastlc-on-Tyno .... 21V123 0 public baths
Bradford 21,000 12,GS3 12,010
Pellaft 2tS,0'W .... 0,000
Dublin 24.-,O0O 5,P)j 7,405
Nottingham 210,000 0,310 12,000
Hull :.14,on0 7,280 8,814
Snlford 215,000 2,514 7,2M
Leicester 21.1,000 13,310 10,100
Portsmouth .,... l&-i,noo 7,775 8,000
C'ardlll 180,000 0,150 13,010
Dundee 100,072 3,23., 8,815
Oldham 150,001) 8,040 11,5',0
Aberdeen 111,000 8,42." 10,013
lUickhum 133,01X1 3,010 4,8K)
Crojdon 120,000 0,125 10,22.5
Hri-ttiton 12.1,000 10,740 20,5'
Preston 117,000 2,575 4,M5
Birkenhead 110,031 3,585 8,310
Oateshtad 100,552 822 000
Derby 100,401 4,433 l,7r,
Hiiddorsflcld 102,000 2,770 8,000
llurnley 101,000 5,203 7.000
Halifax 101,000 OS" 8,8'K)
Norwich 100,000 .... 25,000
The public bath of the American city Is not
run to make money. In most instances it Is
entirely (ree. As mluht be supposed tho most
elaborate bath Is found in New York tlty. It
was a IonR time utiilitfmr, but It was finally
completed at a cost of iflOO.000. It was thrown
open to the public for the first time during the
past summer. It is located on llitlngton street,
near the water front, situated In a decidedly
crowded portion of the tlty. It has a capacity
of about 3,000 baths per iliy, allow Inic rath
bather twenty minutes. There are sixty-seven
pray baths one-third each for men, women and
liojs. The bath compartments nie so arranged
as to secure absolute privacy, the sire of the
stalls permitting of ample space for dressing,
and the care of the clothing. Hot and old
water arc provided and applied by stationary
sprajs, the temperature of the water being reg
ulated so that there can he no danger from
scalding If warm water oxclusiuly Is desired.
The sanitary arrangements are such that there
can be no danger from contamination, while ab
solute cleanliness can at all times be assured.
Obkago was the first American city to have
the nll-the-year-round public bath. It was con
structed In 1803. It was free to an body and
eerjbody who might wish to mail Ihcmsclun
of the pri liege, there being no 1 barge for soap
or towel. It was a cheap building, erected on
leased land at a cost of only 10,000 or .12,00O,
containing seventeen showers, together with one
tub bath. It was nl provided with family
quarters for the superintendent.
Tbrro 3 cars ago .1 law was passed liv the
New York state legislature which called for
the erection and maintenance of free public
baths in the cities of the first and second claw.
Hcforo the act became a law Buffalo 1 ad a free
public bath in operation. A substantial brhk
building was erected upon a site nearest to
those who would be apt to use it most. Health
Officer Wende, under whoso supervision it was
constructed, was careful to see that It was
built am! equipped with a due respeot for the
laws of sanitation. It is a model of its kind
and size. It is provided with slxtien spray
baths and one stationiry tub, and also with a
place for men, or women either, to vvasb, dry
and mend their clothes. Kacb bather is pro
vided with a towel and an individual piece of
soip. Certain hours are set aside for lie men
and certain ones for the women. The structure,
ln lulling the site, cost lct.s than $15,000, and it
ccts los than $3,000 a year to run it. A sec
ond bath, double the capacity of the first, Ins
recently been opened, built after a similar plan.
A year or so after the Buffalo bath was opened
BrooMine, Mass., followed suit, but with an
Improvement. This city lias an admirable ex
ample, and apparentl.v ihe only one so far on
this side ot the water, of an Indoor public bath
with swimming facilities, Besides shower
and tub bath this institution, which cost about
940,000, contains n large swimming tank and
an extra one of smaller size for learners. There
is a charge ranking from S cents to 23 rents
but two days in the week aro dee.
Then, In ISO?, came the Dover street Inth in
Boston, built by the city at a rot of iJMl.OOi),
and standing, so far as appointments go, in quite
another class from tho-e mentioned. Aside from
its lack of a swimming pool, it is the finest
public bath in this and perhaps in any country.
There is a charge to users of one cent for t.oip
and one cent for towel. There are also Indoor
bathing facilities In Boston In conm-ctlon with
the city's outdoor gyiniuslunt-nt the Clurlesb.uilc
and Its three Indoor gymnasiums, One of tho
new public school buildings has a swimming
tank attached.
In tho same year 1S98 the Public Bath asso.
elation of 1'hiladelphit also opened in that
city, at a cost ol $31,000, the Oaskcl street balli,
which has a public Yraslihousc annexed. Patrons
arc charged 5 cents for towel and soap,
During the present jear a citizen of Baltimore
presented to the city council of that city un
indoor bath, completely equipped, which he bad
Just erected (or the purpose. Albany, N, V.,
has already tinder way a project for the con
structlon of an all-the-year-iound bath. It Ins
appropriated S22.0OO for tho purpose, whlih mm
will not Include the site, Itoehestcr hai Just
completed and put in operation tho pait sum
mer a bath similar to that o( Buffalo. S.ii.i
ciise ami Troy will probably comply with tho
law- requiring- baths In cities of the second class
In New York, some time next jcor, as pi ins
are preparing for them nt the present ime,
Utlca, N. Y., which will be classed among Ihe
cities of Ihe second class after .Tan. 1, 190), will
doubtless be ready to do likewise. Camden,
N, J., Is preparing to build a public bath next
The title of tho new hoolc by the author ol
"llio Crulin of tho Cachalot" Is to bo "The
Men ot tho Merchant Service," In this Mr, Mul
len gives an account of the life of the various
officers and men aboard chip, occupiing post
tlona from tho highest to the lowest, and on all
classes of craft, whether a great transatlantic
liner, an ocean tratp, or a tailing vinil. In
terspersed ore numerous anecdotes of artual oc
rurrences at sea, all told in Mr, (lullen's Iiiiiui.
labia way and Riving the hook a spice and in
terest ccn to those that haie no great curiosity
as the work o( captain, cook, or engineer, "Tim
Men o tho Merchant Service" ii promised (or
early publication In hook form.
In the October number of that sterling Journal
ol Inspiration, Success, the president ol France,
M, Knillc I.ouliet, furnishes an citcnsho inter
view about his own struggles and triumphs.
Itobert Barr writes ono of his bejt stories, and
there aro brilliant contributions fioni I'.lla
Wheeler Wilcox, Newell IHight lllllli. Cynthia
Westover Aldcn, Isaao Tuvjor Headland and
many others, exclusive ol a symposium supplied
by seventeen college presidents.
The Bookman, a literary niagJtlne of only six
years' standing, has been awarded a gold medal
at the Paris exposition.
"lUpliauard Quotations," by I. K. II., is a
incut remarkable collection of quotations and
anecdotes, gathered with a rare undcrstinding
ol the demands of "cvery-diy" man and woman.
Each Quotation fiuhra out us a ouutloa an
swered or a want realised, it Is book to carry
as a companion upon a day ol life's Journey, An
nounced by lllder .V Sheplrd, San Francisco.
"The Sphinx and Other Poems" by William
Henry Hudson, U announced by KMer t Shep
aril, Kan Francisco. Mr. Hudson Is professor
ol l.'imllsh literature at Stanford university, and
Ids critical work, especially wirk-'d l.y a pfftle
Insight and leellng, Is widely known. Tills III
tin volume Is to be printed (rom Ijpe, and lim
ited to 300 copies.
"Tho Ileal Mark llinnt" Is n very Interesting
article in the October Home Magtrlne on the
personality of the rent leader of the Hepuhllcnn
parly, Will M. Clemens, who writes the arti
cle, knew Mr, llanna before be tiecatne a na
tional factor and enriches his description ot the
man with many untold anecdotes.
Itlehard MamMd hu written for the current
Issue ol Collier's Weekly a remarkable article,
wholh different (rom iinylhlng be has already
published, entitled "My Audlcnce-And Mysell."
It contains many humorous snd pithetlc touches
and some extremely interesting reminiscences.
Outline Studies
of liiiman Nature
John Sherman's Reply.
JOHN MII'ltUAN' was not, writes Otto Car
mil had In the Indianapolis Press, whit
might he called a good news man in the est
nation tt tho correspondents. He was lair
enough to the representatives, but not talka.
live. He gave out what he thought vvns ol pub
lic interest when the time came, but he would
not "help out with stories." Mr. N. O. It.
Messenger, a well-known Washington newspaper
man, had an Interesting experience with Mr.
Sherman many years ago, when Sherman was sec
retary of the treasury. Young Mesacnger was
"scrapping" lor u loothold, but was not very
familiar with the ways of the men of his trade.
He was standing on the outer edge ol a group
of coiiespoiiclcnts one diy listening to them
growl because they could not get a piece ol
liifoniiatlon (mm the secretary of the treasury.
It was ono of those bits ol news which after
noon papers shoot out extras about and morn
ing papers give halt pages to. Mr. Sherman
had been seen time and time again and was
not particularly plcssant to his visitors. He said
the time had not airbed when the Information
should be printed. Finally one ol the news
paper men said: "Suppose we send Messenger
up and tell the old man we have to have that
bluff today."
"I would be glad to go," replied Messenger.
This caused a good-natured laugh. lie was
ready to tackle anything. The joke was carried
along, anil finally the hoys drafted a question
which Messenger was to carry to Mr. Sherman.
It vv:es an Impertinent sort of question, yet it
was one of those kind which if answered would
glo the key to the situation. No one hoped
that Mr. Sherman would he deceived, but the
only way to get a thing Is to keep going after
it, and this was part of the going.
Mr. Sherman was at his habitual place in
the library, and, ns frequently was tho cae
heard the caller at the door explaining his mis
sion. "Tell him to come in," lie roared. Hun
dreds of times has he sung out this invitation
in the same way. Messenger went in nnd was
not very comfortnble when Mr. Sherman asked
him what he wanted. He plainly showed this.
Vaguely he (clt that he was the victim of some
sort of a game, ond he dreaded the result. But
ho braced up and blurted out his set question
the first thing.
"You haven't been in Washington very long,
have you," inquired Mr, Sherman.
Messenger said he had not. A little question
ing also revealed how lie happened to come on
the mission.
"You did not have much hopes of getting the
"Very little, hut thought I would come."
"All right. Sit elovvn there at the table and
write what I tell you."
Mr. Sherman then gave a full and careful an
mer to the question. All the news points were
thoroughly covered. He read carefully what had
been written nnd made one or two additions.
"Now, show that to the boys," he said as
he handed it to him. It Is perhaps unneces
sary to say that the laughter of the waiting
news men was changed to double-Jointed activ
ity when the youngster flashed his answer in
their faces. It was n record scoop nnd of much
assistance to Mr. Messenger, just as Mr. Sher
man intended It should be.
Not Under Mortgage.
441 T CAMH OUT as I journeyed on horseback
" through Dakota that almost evcrj settlei's
land was under mortgage," said a westerner,
"and one day when 1 came upon a pioneer
seated on the grass by the roadside with a
troubled look on his face, I nskcel htm If it
was the mortgage lie was worrying nbout.
" 'Wiiss than that, stranger,' lie replied as
be looked up wearily.
" 'Sickness or death in the family?"
" 'Wuss linn that.
" 'Then it must be a calamity, indeed. You
didn't lose family and home by a prairie flret'
" 'Xope; but jou nre right about Its being
a calamity. I've been trjin' to think of that
word for two hours past. Yes, sir, you can put
It down as an awful cnlamitj-.'
"'But won't jou explain?' I persisted.
" 'I will, hlr. Thar was a mortgage on the
claim, and 1 was feclln' as big as any of my
neighbors, and takln" things easy when my wife
was left ?o00. Stranger, dare I tell you what
she did witli that money?'
" 'She didn't lose It?'
" 'No, sir. She Jest paid that mortgage,
bought two horses and a plow, and this mornin'
I was lounced out of my own cabin bekase I
wouldn't peel on my coat and go to work!
Yes, sir, you are right. It's a calamity a e'al.
amity that's landed me on tho outside, and
between my durned pride and her blamed
spunk Rnmcbody'1! be eat In' grass afore Satur
day night !' "Washington Post.
Secretary Hay's Response.
Cr.CTtF.TARY OF STATK HAY, writes Walter
Wellman, is one ol the most polite ond
patient of men. He likes to be helpful to news
paper correspondents, and receives them freely
in his olHcf and gives them such information
and hints ad the proprieties will permit, liven
the representatives of the sensational or yellow
papers aro treated with courtesy, though natur
ally with clue caution. Imagine the secrctarj's
surprise one afternoon during the heat of the
Chinese crisis, when ho was up to his ears in
work and anxiety, to hear from the lips of
William, Ills faithful messenger, these words:
"Mr, Secretary, the New York Blank wants
you to step to the telephone."
Mr. Hay gasped, caught his tongue In the
nick of time, recovered hi diplomatic urban
ity and replied!
"Suy that the secretary expresses deep regret
that just at this moment he is very much en
grossed In important work."
Unfortunately what he said under his breath
could not, under the rules of the telephone ex
change, be sent over the wires.
True to Old Missouri.
Tim III.ART of Senator Vest is true to old
MUsourl. Last year the eloquent little
senator win it Carlsbad (or his health. One
day, writes Walter Wellman, he was sitting on
a lie mil in tho paik, surrounded by magnificent
bccncry and the gay and fashionable throng
wero promenading up and down the walks a
inoiing picture of Kuropean beauty and aris
tocracy. Hut Mr, Vest did not oppear to be
enjoying it. He sat with his head bent down
and his eyes on the ground. An American ac
quaintance walked up Just then and alter ex
changing greetings, inquired:
"Say, Senator, don't you think this ono of
tho most glorious spots In 'the world?''
"(ilorloin? Glorious?'' exclaimed the diminu
tive statesman In his most energetic manner,
beating Hie ground savagely with his cane by
dy of emphasis; "glorious? II 11 I wouldn't
cubango my old (arm in Missouri (or all the
Carlsbads this side the Atlantic ocean I"
Next day Mr, Vest started (or America. He
was homesick.
4TintINn the Etoiinlng of San Juan hill,"
u said 'lovcinor ltoosevclt, while remarking
on tho extreme heat, as he Journeyed through
Kansas, " was rcquesteil by one ol my men to
betake myself to the very hottest region, but
when It comes a hot day I always congratulate
myself that 1 didn't go.
'There was a young fellow (rom Arizona,
Busby by name, who was shot straight across
the top ol the head. 1 happened to overtake
him, and saw the way the blood was streaming
down his (aco that he was in no condition to
stiy In the front. Hiding up by Ids side 1
tapped him on the arm and aaid, 'Yod go to
the rear.
"Well. I'll never forget the face that fellow
ii...t 4au.1 m ft ask mma nt 1st fit rxn.
and this added horilble fierceness lo llio look
lie gave me.
" 'You go to hell,' lie slid, as lie shuck out
on a run up the hilt.
"I couldn't forget sucli a fellow, and I got
him a commission In ihe regular army. He's
now In the Philippines." Alton j.mpirc.
"Did we need their consent lo perform a great
act for humanity? We bad It In every aspira
tion of their minds, In every hope ol thclf
hearts. Was It necessary lo ask their consent
la capture Manila, the e.ipltol of their Islands?
Did wo nsk their Mauds? Did we osk their
consent to llbciale them from Spanish sover
eignty, or to enter Manila Iliy and destroy the
Spanish sea-power lline? Wo did not ask
theso things; we were ohejlng e. higher moi-il
obligation, which rested on us and did not re
quire nnj bod; 'a consent."
"We must follow the light ns Ood has given
us lo see tin' light, nod he has slngiilirly guided
us, not only from the beginning ol our great
government, but ih.wn through every erlsls to
the present liuur; and I am sure that It Is the
prajcr nf every American that lie iliall still
guide and direct us."
"Your voice, whe-i constitutionally expressed,
Is coinmimlliig and comlusive. It is the man
date of law. It Is the law to congress nnd to
the executive. May lint voice be tint ol right
and truth and Justice. I am sure It will he so,
ami If It Is, we need have no fear (or the tuture
of our country."
"These little people who gilher about us, who
are in tho public schools, are to lie educated (or
future cltlrenslilp; for out of the school house,
In all of our history, hive nunc the statesmen,
the business men, the soldiers, and the farmers
tint have done so much lor this country."
"Wherever our llur lloats, wherever we raise
that standout of liberty, It is nlvvays for the
sike of humanity and the advancement ol civ fil
iation." "We hive resting on us ns a people grave
problems, and it Is our business to solve them
wisely, and the people can help 1I0 so, because
whenever they consleler cilmly and soberly any
great question, they are iineirlng In judgment."
Some careless fiddler's plaintive croon
t'pon a dusky, broken stair
How could lie know- her favorite tunc
Ihnt sua.vlng, tiemhllng, haunting air?
A blur of tears ns sunlit rain,
Then the sweet pain of memory
Oil, foolish strings, to wake a train
The night Mie plowed her heart to mel
Emery Pottle, in The Saturday livening Post.
Ladles know, all admit they know, how much
they save when they ear. buy IMwin C. Hurt's
Shoes at -53 30 pr pail, in turns ami welts,
patent lcatln-r and kid tips, button and lace.
Styles they all admire.
llstabllslied 1SS3.
Shoes (or all the walks o( life
& CooneM
Temporarily at
Fire Sale
Jewelry, Silverwear, Etc
Hot Damagedl
Our full force of workmen nt work
again, as usual.
Watch Ropaliinir and all kinds of
Jewelry Repultins and Engraving done
Mr. Wilson: I knew an Ohio farmer named Enochs. He
was about fifty years old and was bothered for years with some
trouble the doctors didn't understand, He told me the story
himself. " I kept getting weaker," -said he, " and fairly got so '
weak my food doie me no good, what little I did eat, and I
went from 135 pounds down to 98." It was the druggist who
suggested that he try Ripans Tabules, and he says that he had '
not used a dozen of them before he felt much better, and after
a month he was cured sound and well, and in less than a yea
! weighed 1 50 pounds, For a long time he had a bad color, bit
. tolay his complexion is as good as mine.
Women auM Children
Our lines are com
plete in all the stand
ard and celebrated
makes usually car
ried by us, and which
have stood the test
of years, as to fit,
quality and general
Recent advances
in this class of goods
put the prices up
but our purchases
were made in antici
pation of this so that
our prices will com
pare favorably with
prices when goods
were at their lowesc.
Early buying will
mean a saving of 25
per cent , and it will
pay you to anticipate
your wants in any
thing you are likely
to need in the line of
If you haven't the proper office sup
piles. Come in and give us a trial.
We have the largest and most com
plete line of ofllce supplies in North
eastern Pennsylvania.
If it's a good thing, we have it. Wo
make a specialty of visiting cards and
monogram stationery.
Stationers and Engravers,
Hotel Jermyn Building.
,(s .'
v' w ;.
C' ' f -G
u&mm 1
rfC 1 , ; ii
fry- '" -r't
. 'v ,
nr .
Usnws ASst.;, J3T4 jis