The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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It Was Distinctly a Farmers' Day,
the Agriculturists Being1 in tho
Majority The Pacing and Trot
ting Races Were, as Usual, the
Greatest Attractions The Balloon
Ascension Burglars Entered the
Treasurer's Offlco but Couldn't Get
Into Safe Containing 91,600.
From n Spcclil Cori(punlcnt.
Datlas, Oct. B. The last day of tho
fair hero brought out a groat attend
ance, over 0,000, tho largest of the
meeting. The morning was cloudy and
threatening, and there were several
slight showers, but about noon tho
clouds parted, tho sun camo out warm
and full and tho crowds began to eomu
in In large bunches, most of them via
wagons and rigs and direct from tho
rural regions.
Yesterday was tho town-dwellers'
day. Today It Is just as distinctly
farmers' day, and tho sun-burned,
rugged faces of tho rustle, citizen bur
nished and glistening with vigorous
apllcntlons of yellow soap and soft
water are In tho majority. Why It is
that the average farmer dons a black
suit of clothes and his spnuo a blnck
dress preparatory to driving many
miles through yellow dust Is an open
Question. But most of them aie thus
attired, and tho wrinkles in their dress
arc filled with layers of the floating
loam and sand that their hotses scat
ter in clouds as they toil along the
parched roads.
Tho fakirs are using a vast amount
of lung power In proportion to the ef
fect their utterances have upon the
crowds. One manager, of a vaudeville
aggregation on tho Midway almost rc
lanses into tears as lie tells of tho
enormous expense he is under to please
the fair patrons, but the ones he Is
pleading with listen unmoved in most
cases. Some of tho catch-penny gentry
have resorted to sandwich men to ad
vertise their shows. There arc mote
fakirs at this fair than at any other
that has been held in this section this
All Kinds of Vehicles.
The lawns arc well filled with every
description of vehicle propelled by
horse power, man power and motive
power. At the time the races wore
called the grand-stand was packed and
the brilliant colors worn by tho women
folks lent an added animation to the
already vivacious scene. At 2 o'clock
it -was estimated that there -were over
6,000 persons inside tho high board
fence enclosing the grounds, making
this tho banner day of this year's fair.
The trolley car line from Wilkes-I3arrc
to. Dallas gave better service today
than it did yesterday, but still the sup
ply of cars was unequal to the demand
and much inconvenience resulted.
The horses were notified to get ready
for the first race at 1.30 o'clock. It
was forty minutes after when thev
were ready to got going. The equine
beauties commanded admiration as
they paraded up and down the home
stretch getting "warmed up." A race
horse is a born actor, it is quite evi
dent. Starting from the foot of tho
stretch on a gentle trot, as ho nears
the grand-stand ho arches his neck,
distends his nostrils, pounds the ground
with his hoofs In a thunder nf hoof
beats, shakes tho flakes of foam fiom
his jaws, sending it Jlyingito his flanks
and with dilated eye cranes his head
around to tho applauding spectators as
he goes past tho stand in a fierce
whirl. "When ho gets a little ways be
yond he subsides Into a lamb-like
docility, and walks back quietly to the
starting point, where once more he
becomes an animal filled with fire and
mettle. These tactics are repeated until
the race is started.
Grand Stand Play.
Then ho goes steadily along all tho
way around tho circle until ho nonrs
the wire, when he becomes onco again
Imbued with tho idea of "plnylng to
tho grand-stand" and as he comes In
ahead he glances proudly at tho ex
cited crowd. Then up comes the groom,
at blanket Is slipped over him, and as
the first impact of it is felt down goes
The Bridal Feast
Is not infrequently followed by a long,
lenten period of enforced fasting and
fleshly mortification. The cheek grows
hollow, the eyes are dull and deep
ringed, and the step is slow and languid.
There is an "all dragged-out feeling,"
wuicu makes lite
an utter burden.
The great func
tional changes
which follow
marriage are not
usually antici
pated, or the wife
ly suffering might
be avoided.
Dr. Pierce's Fa
voritePrescription is tho best friend
of weak and sickly
women. It cure9
the womanly dis
eases that rob the
eye of brightness
and the step of
lightness. It tones
up tne system and
establishes the
womanly organ
ism on a basis of
sound health.
" Favorite Pre
scription" con
tains no alcnhnl.
neither opium, cocaine, nor other nar
cotics. Accept 110 substitute. There is
so other medicine "just as good" for
weak and sickly women,
"I had been a ereat sufferer from female wtnV.
bcm for about Two yearj," writes Mr, Hiuma
ucnaraou, oi uoss, wayue Co., Ky.
not da mv work Dart of the tluie. I
. "Could
took four
bottle of Dr. Pierce's Pavtiite Prescription and
fU a well u I ever did."
T ..- HM If -
Young married women will find a
lasting mend in Dr, Pierce's Medical
Adfber, It contains ioo3 pages and
ia ii$nt frte (ia paper cover), on re
ceipt of ai one -cent stamps to pay
espense of mailing only. Cloth bind
log, 31 stamps. Address Dr, R. V, Pierce,
rSuialo, N. V,
i t A
his head, his proud mien departs, and
he Is led awny as meek as a lamb. Yes,
a race horse Is a high-class artist
when It comes to showing off.
The Citizens' band, of Plymouth,
pleased the large crowds by its con
cert previous to tho heat and by Its
rendition of good music between heats
allnycd tho tedium of waiting.
Tho exhibits brought to the grounds
for premiums have been all Judged and
at 3.30 tho dismantling of tho prettily
decorated departments commenced.
Only tho bare walls remained an hour
afterward. There weie more exhibits
on view this year thnn over before In
tho history of tho association. Owing
to their great variety the Judges had
a hard task before them, but they seem
to have given satisfaction.
The otllclals of the speed events were
tho same as on tho previous two davs
of racing, with Starter William B.
Moore, of Wllkes-Darre, presiding. The
first race was for tho three-minute
class horses. Tho full description of
this and the 2.17 class trot follow:
First Race.
3.00 class, trottcn and pacers; mile heats, best
three in five; purse, $100.
rirst heat Thero were hut three starters out
of the list of i,k named candidates, one each
from .Scranton, West I'ittston and Wilkes-Barre,
respectively, Prince Klfiln, Nora Mack and .1. C.
1'. Nora una lmky enoiwh lo get the pole, with
KIrIii bcsldu her and J. C. P. on the outside.
The cry first trip up to the wire they were
lined up in flrst-rato order and sot the word.
It was n good lace to the quarter, Nora Mack
and J. C. I". RolnR alonn side by side, the for
mer having an advantage of n head ner the lat
ter when the pole was passed. Time, 3D?i sec
onds. These two kept on almost even terms up to
the half-mile, in l.lOVi, at that time .1. O. 1.
brlnir a noso In front of Nora, with Elgin five
length behind. At the sK furlong mark, In
1.5S, they were still fighting for supremacy, with
no advantage on either side. Coming Into tho
stretch for the Journey home Elgin came fast
and .is they swung the turn was ahead of J. C.
P., who was running, hut the Scranton horsa
could not keep the pare and .1. C, P. followed
Nora Mack home a head In front of Elgin. Time,
Sciowl heat The field of three again got away
the lii.-t time. At the quarter, which was made
in as seconds, Nora Mack and J. O. 1. were on
even terms, with Prince Klgin hilf a length in
the rear; at tho half the three horses could have
been covered with a blanket,' none of them hav
ing an inch to spare. Time of half, 1.17. The
pretty race kept up almost to the six furlong
pole, when J. 0. 1. commenced to lag a little,
but the other two were still equal. Time, l.CflVa
Coming into the turn the Wilkes-Barre mare
caught up again and the field finished in a whip
ping drive, Nora beating Klgin a head, while .7.
C. P. was only the same distance behind. Time
of heat, 2.3714.
Third heat Once more they got away at tho
first trial. At the first quarter the three horses
were tied, at tho half Nora, .1. C. P. and Elgin
were only heads apart in the older nimed. At
the six furlong polo Elgin was leading by a neck,
with both competitors close up. At the time
they passed under the wire Nora was ahead half
a length, with Elgin as far In front of .1. C. P.
Time by quarters was, 39 seconds, 1.10, 1.57t,
2.3. '.. .Summary:
Nora Mack, br. m., b. Smith, West Ntts
ton Ill
Trinco Elgin, b. p., II. S. Gorman, Scran
ton 3 2
J. C. P., b. m., John Laning, Wilkes
Barre 2 3 3
Time 2.3 2.3"i,, 2.37'A
Second Race.
2.17 claw, trotters anil pacers; nillo heats, best
tlireo In live; puiso, $200.
First heat Five starters out of seven named.
W. O. Bradley got the pole in the drawing, with
I.i7?ie Laning second, Callio K. third, Mable W.
fourth and Kzr.i A. fifth. After three attempts
they were sent away in two flics and W. O.
Bradley stepped out, chased in good style
by Callio K these two going in lively style,
the chestnut mare leading by a nose in the
record time for tho track of 33 seconds, a 2.12
gait. All the way around tho two leaders fought,
but Callio K. forged in front a little more .it
the half mile in LOST,, leading Bradley by a
head, with Ea A. next, a length behind. There
was no change in position when three-fourths
of their journey was done in 1.41, but on the
way homo M?jie I.aning shot past Ura A. and
gained on Bradley, but the distance was too
short and the horses were only heads apait, fin
ishing with Callio first, Bradley second, Lizzie
was first, lliadlcy second and Mable W. third, in
lengths behind the bunch. Callie K. tho winner
of tho heat is a daughter of l'ocohontas and Sim
and tills is her first season in fast company,
she being but four years old and her best record
last year being only 2.40. Her record of 3i
seconds for the quarter is wonderful, considering
tho dusty, heavy track, and it can safely be pre
dicted that next season she will bo away up in
front in tho big circuit,
Second heat This heat was delayed a while
for the balloon ascension, but the horses were
called as soon as the acroniut landed. The bell
was tolled lo call them back seven times before
tho word was glcn. At the quarter Callie K.
was first, Bradley second and Mable W. third ,in
clo,e order. The half showed no change in posi
tion. The three-quarter pole showed the same
two leaders ahead, nnd Lizzie Lining had parcel
Mable, Coming around the turn for home Liz
zie's drher tried to go insldo to n.iss nr.nrilr.i-
but hit the sulky, sending both houses oil their
...... ... ..... ....,,, criiuiuK uuin nnises on men
feet, while at tho same time the drher of Kzra
a wno was ust, fell from bis sulky, rolling
over nnd over in the dust. r.zra kept right on
... v. u.i.. iimcm.i in luuriu piacc, in front of i
ltraillpv. lint V.o dnlcl. ,,.ln,.... . j. .
... ,, ..... ..,e nl,Mulll. tt iinvcr was not
uuon-ru, ami ino animal wai placed last. Callio
K. won the heat, I.lzzle Lining coming in second,
Jlahlo V. third and llradley lat, hut the judges
advanced both Mahlo W and Bradley one place
and I.lzzle went to fourth on account of her In-
;"",, ",c "y T'arters: 31 seconds, l.OO'.i,
Third heat-Tho horses got away In good time.
At the quarter Callio K. was ahead, with Mable
Vm00!",1, ,Coml" '"lo the stretch the first time
Callio lilt liirel( ami win pulled up, the field
passing her, but she got going again all right.
At tho hilf Mahlo V. was first and nradley sec
ond, at the sK furlong pole llicso pavilions were
reversed, and then liable W. dropped down to
fourth coming nroimd Iho turn. On the
I.lzzlo r.anlng came with n rush nnd passed Ilrad
ley ten feet from home, winning tho heat.
James Crawford, of Scranton, then drove his
surreyion tho tiadc, drawn by hla fast team
Wanda and Ninny Time, and went half a mlla
for a track double-team record. The first quarter
was made in .18 seconds nml tho half In 1.15.
Thero were tlireo men in the two-seated surrey",
and tho time made under the conditions of track
am) weight is wonderful,
Theft camo a half-mlio exhibition run by an an.
tomoblle, but tho track waa so sandy that Its
tlmo was not very fast, 2.48,
Tourlh heat Only four were started, Kzra A.
not coming out in time and tho Judges getting
tired of waiting. They were sent away at onto
and Callio K. and Dradlcy led all the way around,
with liable W. nnd Llzzlo alternating for third
place, tho latter coming under the vvlie ahead
of Mable. time by quarters was. 31 seconds.
1.09,, 2.2tti. Summary!
Callio K., ch. m.. Elwood Smith.
Wlkcs-Bsrro , i
lizzlo tanning, b. m., John Lanlng.
Wilkcs-Ilarro , , ' 3
W. O. Bradley, bl. g,, JI. S. Gorman,
Scranton ..,.,.,,,,,,, g
Mablo W., b.,m., S. D. Heed, Tunk'- "
bannock ,,,, , 6
Ezra A., b. p., a. f. .'cits, Tunkhan-
nock ,...,.,,. ,,,,.,,..,, i
Time 2.21M, 2.23U, 2.23',3.
I 5 1
4 1 3
3 2
2 4 i
fi 3 S
Another balloon ascension was made
this afternoon, Professor KabrlcU go
ing to a greater height than previously,
giving exhibitions on tho trapeze as he
went up. It took hhn two minutes and
eight seconds to come down In his par
achute On Thursday night burglars effected
an entrance into the ofllce of the treas
urer of the fair association by remov
ing u pane of glass. There was over
$1,600 In the safo In tho office, which
Is at Dallas, but the burglars failed to
get It, an they broke three drills on tho
door of tho Bafo nnd then gave It up as
a bad Job. E. It. Hatfield.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Oct. 6. J. G. Wcstcott
has been nppolntod chief of police by
thirgess Gallagher. Tho burgess
seems to have n hard, time keeping
some one at the head of tho police
department. This Is tho fourth ap
pointment ho has made In six months.
Stephen Carpenter, who has been
confined to his bed for several days
Is now somewhat better. Dr. Reed
Burns, of Scranton, was called to seo
tho case Thursday, and the man's
condition was then thought to bo crlt
Ical. It was decided to tako him to
tho hospital, but tho sick man wished
to bo kppt at home.
J. M. Brown has been attending tho
'state convention of Volunteer Firemen
nt Newcastle this week as a delegate
from Enterprise Hoso company.
The condition of A. J. Lowrlo, who
has been suffering with typhoid fever,
Is much Improved.
Grand District Deputy Hughes, of
Corbondale, nnd Grand District Depu
ty Wllmarth, of Aldenvllle, nsslstod
Deputy Walker In the installation of
the new Odd Fellows' officers this
Born To Mr. and Mrs. George Coles,
Wednesday night, ni son.
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Dunn are at
Morris, N. Y visiting relatives.
Mrs. David Healcy this week left for
Allentown to join her husband, who
has a position there.
Mrs. Ethel Gerry is visiting friends
In Chicago.
Miss Edna Bonner, of Scranton, who
has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
Clark Stanton, has gone to Stnrrucca
to visit her grandparents.
Miss Vlnnlo Williams, of Unlondalo,
Is a guest at the homo of Lewis Jones.
A house owned by Woodbury Coll,
and occupied by Walter Burdlck, burn
ed to the ground Wednesday evening.
It Is not known how tho blaae "origi
nated. The Burdlck family was ndt
home at the time. The house and
furniture were partly insured.
Special to the Scranton Tilbune.
Montrose, Oct. 5. Miss Nettle Clary
is ill with typhoid fevor.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Merrill are re
joicing over the arrival at their home
on Tuesday of a little son.
W. D. B. Alney, esq., und H. A. Den
ney, ,esq., will addrefs the people of
Rush, upon the political issues of the
day, at a Republican meeting1 to be
held In that place tomorrow night.
The McKlnley and Roosevelt club
of this place have opened headquarters
in the Alney block, on tho west side
of Public avenue, and will have a
housowarming and dedication tomor
row night. Short and stirring ad
dresses by local talent and singing by
tho glee club, which will render among
other good things, a new campaign
song, written expressly for tho club
by Captain H. F. Beardsley, of this
Charles II. Blrchard and wife, of
Philadelphia, are the guests of Mrs.
Caroline B. Watrous, at her residence
on Maple street.
Tho new outfit of scenery for
Village hall, which was recently or
dered of the Hulert Theatrical Scenery
company, of Troy, N. Y., Is expected
to arrive In a few days. Some of our
amateur theatrical talent is rehearsing
a popular play for presentation at an
early day, when the completed Vil
lage hall will be formally opened to
the public. The hall has cost, to date,
$1,400. Thero Is a debt of $1,000 yet to
be mot.
The regular monthly union services
of the Baptist, iFresbytorlan and Meth
odist churches of this place will be
held In the latter church on Sunday
At the state convention of county
commissioners of Pennsylvania, to be
held at Allentown next week, F. I.
Lottt, esq., of Montrose, will deliver
an address on "Duties and Compensa
tion of Coroners."
H. H. Morris will address the Young
Men's Christian association on Sun
day afternoon.
H. AA'illett Mungor, who for two
years has clerked at C. N. Stoddard's,
has accepted a similar position with
G. H. Watrous.
Miss Elizabeth Foster, of Blng
hamton, not "Miss Edith Perigo, of
Brooklyn," as tho typos made us say
In Thursday's Tribune, is the assist
ant stenographer In the ofllce of J.
M. Kelly.
Miss Margaret Doylo has gone to
Scrnnton to attend business college.
Sanford Mulford, Franz Mack und
Miss Bessie Mack are visiting friends
In Binghamton.
county Republican Chairman R. B.
n,,,, . , ,. , -
LltttIe and F. I. Lott wil spell-bind
Bprjngvuio voters tnis evening,
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston, Oct. 5, Joshua T. Jones, the
well-known South Main street mer
chant, was married last evening to
Miss Edith M. Wasley, a trained nurse,
of Wilkes-Barre. Tho ceremony was
performed at the home of tho bride's
parents by Rev. D. M. George, of tho
Plttston Congregational church, before
a small company of Immediate rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Jones havo gone
to housekeeping In rooms over the
groom's store, corner of South Main
and Railroad streets,
A Republican club wns organized In
West Plttston last evening. They havo
rented tho vacant storeroom on tho
property Of Mrs. Roger Powell, on
Third street, arid another meeting .will
be held next Monday evening, when It
Is oxpec'ie'd to havo' nn'dddr'os's 'by a
county candidate.
After an Idleness since lost Saturday,
tho Florence Coal company's wnshorv
resumed operations short-handed this
Tho coroner's Jury In tho enso of
Charles Mardus, the Lithuanian, who
was fatally shot last week by ex-Chlof
of Pollco Thomas Wllllnms, while at
tempting to rob a house, rendered a
verdict yesterday to the effect that
"Mardus came to his death from pistol
wounds Indicted by Thomas Williams,
a coal and Iron pollcomnn, who Is em
ployed as a watchman at tho Clear
Spring colliery, while tho aforesaid
Mardus was committing a felony."
Frank Staley, son of tho lato T. R.
Staley, at one tlmo a well-known Pitts
ton Jeweler, has gone to Tunkhannock
to become an apprentice In a Jewelry
store at that place.
Mrs. James Williams and daughter,
of Washburn street, Scranton, have re
turned home, after a two weeks' visit
at the homo of J. J, Howell, West
Will Bryden, of Dunmore, is spend
ing several dayB among his many ac
quaintances here.
The West Plttston Methodist lEplsco
pal church choir is arra,nriiur for a
A Bright, Young, Happy
Girl Suddenly Begins
to Languish with jVliy
sical Disease.
Doctors Are
They Examine, Consult
and Shako Their Heads
in Grave Doubt.
The Girl Grows Steadily
Worse All Hope Seems
At Last a Girl Friend
Calls Who Recommends
"" Feruna.
Peruna Is Obtained, and
the Result Is Another
Glorious Triumph Add
ed to the Archives of
Medical Science.
Miss Mattlo B. Curtis, Secretary Le
gion of Loyal Women, nlso treasurer
of tho Craddock Club, writes in n re
cent letter to Dr. Hartman, from Ho
tel Salem, Boston, Mass., the follow
ing: "I suffered for over a year with
general weakness nnd debility mani
fested especially in severe backache
and headache.
"My physician prescribed different
medicines, none of which seemed to
help me any, until a club associate
advised me to try Peruna, as it cured
her of constitutional headache and
stomach troubles.
"I at once ordered a bottle and be
fore it was used felt greatly im
proved. "I have taken four bottles and for
two months have been entirely free
from these maladies.
"Several of my friends are using
Peruna with beneficial results, es
pecially in cases of trouble with the
kidneys and other pelvic organs, to
gether with weakness peculiar to
MATTIE CURTIS, Boston, Mass.
Tho first twelve years of a woman's
life she Is not so subject to disease
and bodily derangements as a man.
But, from the ago of puberty (which
usually occurs when she Is about four
teen years of age) until after she has
passed the change of life (when she
is, ns a rule, forty-eight years old)
the woman Is much more subject to
functional disorders than vtho man.
The peculiar derangements to which
a woman Is liable between these two
critical periods of her life, nil have
one cause, namely, disturbances of tho
organs peculiar to her sex.
The mucous membranes lining those
organs are exceedingly sensitive and
concert to bo given In the church audi
torium, October 23. The choir will 1)0
assisted by well-known Scranton and
Plttston artists.
Mrs. Whltinnro, of Scrnnton, Is a vis
itor at tho home of W. II. Phillips, of
West Plttston.
Work is progressing rapidly on tho
new Welsh Congregational church. The
foundation walls are complete and op
eration will soon be commenced on the
Mrs. Maria Hobbs, an aged lady, died
yesterday at tho home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. James Banks, on South Main
street, after a several months' illness
of apoplexy. The following children
survive: John Ilabbs, of Dunmore;
William Hobbs and Mrs. James Banks,
of Plttston. Funeral Saturday at 2
Mrs. Mary Hart, aged seventy years,
died this morning nt her homo nt
Browntown. Tho surviving children
aro: Mis. Timothy Kerrigan and John
Hart, of Plttston township; Mis. John
Fleming, of Kane, Pa. Funeral Mon
day at 8 a. ni.
Joseph H. Glennon, of West Plttston,
has purchased tho Billing estate prop
erty on Montgomery stieot, consisting
of ono double house, two single houses
and tho lots on which they stand.
Select Councilman Alexander Thomp
son arrived homo last night, nftrr a
four months' tour in England, Scot
land, Ireland, France, Germany and
Holland. Ho is halu antlwhearty and
appears much Improved for tho trip.
The Plttston Lodge of Elks are pre
paring to tender him a rc-fc'ptlon next
A rummage sale Is being conducted
In tho Bruno building, West I'ittston,
for tho benefit of tho Plttston Library
Tho following havo boon ro-olcctod
ofllcors of tho Plttston Cemetery asso
ciation: II. Oliver, president; Alex.
Bryden, sccretaiy; W. II. Young, as
sistant secretary; J. T. Armstrong,
treasurer; Robert Gilchrist, superin
tendent of grounds; II. Oliver, Alex.
Bryden and John Thompson, trustees,
Special to the Scranton Tlllmnc,
Factoryvillo, Oct. 5. Mrs. H, T.
Wheaton and daughter, who have been
spending tho summer In tho West,
along with tho doctor, havo returned.
Mrs. Wheaton Is stopping up nt
Thompson nnd Mlnnlo Bollo has come
on here, Tho doctor will remain In
tho West yet for soveral weeks,
County Commissioners Vaughn nnd
Robinson and Commlssloner'a Clerk
George Nathaniel Daylo, drovo over In
tho neck of this county AVednesday to
see how crops were.
Mr, nnd Mrs. A, J. Onrdner received
news from Sato college Wednesday
that their son, Reuben, who Is attend
ing school thero, had met with an uc
cident by falling from a ladder, Mrs.
aardner left for Stato college on Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mrs. C, R. Bliss, of Thompson, Is
visiting friends and relatives In this
Mrs. William Rosengrnnt, of tha
Tunnel, met with a painful accident
Thursday. When in the act of enter
ing a barn, a heavy wagon tongue that
supported the barn door, dropped as
she opened the door and struck her
rafliil ---ipmM jssshi-a '-ywmgL-- "-sm
--z- zz - mm n&r m
JYss rial
are constantly liable to catarrhal dis
turbances. From early girlhood to old age, few
women are entirely free from soma
degree of catarrh of these organs.
This results in many aliments to
which tho man is not liable.
Peruna is the only remedy so far
devised by tho medical profession to
cortvet this tendency.
No" woman should be without Pe
runa. With Peruna the thousand nnd
one ailments dependent upon catarrh
of the pelvic oiguns can bo wholly
For all of that class of disorders
know n ns female diseases, Peruna Is
without a rival, because It strikes at
the source of these diseases.
Peruna produces ctenn, healthy mu
cous membranes, without which no
woman can be strong or beautiful.
on tho top of her head, making a ser
ious wound and rendering her uncon
scious. Doctor Alphus U. Fitch dress
ed tho wound.
Photographer Walter N. Manchester
mado a photograph of the members in
attendance at the Women's Christian
Temperance union convention Thurs
day. They were grouped in front of
tho church, and make a very pretty
Mrs. John Cnlquhon, of Philadelphia,
spent last Tuesday at tho homo of
Henry Reynolds, on Maplo street.
Next week comes tho Lackawanna
nnd Wyoming Musical Alliance, which
will be held hero in tho Methodist
Eplscopnl church, October 9-12. Prof.
Edward Morris Bowman, of Now
York, director of tho famous Temple
choir, of Brooklyn, N. Y which lie
founded in ISUj, will bo tho conductor
tills year. Tho members of the Al
liance will leui-n with pleasure of the
re-engagement of Mrs. Cora Genung
Chnrnot, of Ithuca, N. Y as solo so
prano. Miss May Stata Peck, of
Keystone Academy, (department of
music), has been engaged as accom
panist. Secretary Waiter N. Manches
ter will be pleased to glvu any Infor
mation desired. ..
Special to tho Sennton Tilbune.
Honosdnle, Oct. 3. Mr. and Mrs.
John E. Richmond returned last even
ing from tho White Mountains, whore
they spent tho summer.
Miss Kathnrlno N. Stanton hns boon
spending tho past week in New York
Miss Edith Torry returned last even
ing from a visit at Rahwny, N. J.
Louis Nollson has resumed his
studies In tho University of eunsyl
vnula at Philadelphia.
Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Powell, of Phil
adelphia, aro visiting Mrs, Powell's
Robert J. Mlllor, wlfo nnd children,
of Reading, are visiting tho foimor's
patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mlllor.
Captuln Grant W. Lane, of Company
E. Is critically 111 of typhoid fevor at
his homo on Second street,
Tho lovers of a good play will havo an
ono at tho opeia houso, Manager Sll-
vorstono has succeeded In bringing to
lloncsdulo that rctlnod comedy, "The
Wooing of Mis. Van Cott," which will
bo presented by a company of ilntshed
comedy players, and Is full of wit ind
laughter, furnishing an evening of rare
Court) was adjourned yesterday af
ternoon on account of tho funeral of
P, S. Barnes and session wns hold last
Tho fifteenth annual meeting of tho
Woman's Homo MIsIsonary society of
Lackawanna Presbytery will bo held
in tho Presbyterian church Wednesday
and Thursday, Oct, 10 and 11, Tho llrst
session will bo held ati 2 p. m, AVed
nesday, In tho evening thero will be
a popular meeting addressed by Miss
Florence Stephenson, of Ashvllle, N, C,
Charles E.-Hulburt, of Philadelphia,
will glvo a Blblo reading In tho Pres
byterlan chapel (AVednesday afternoon.
All who attend are requested to bring
Bibles with thorn.
Tho funeral of Peter S. Barnes yes
terday was largely attended. Roy, G.
A. Place, of tho Methodist church, of I
tie Gurlis.
The day has been when 'women
especially married women, expected to
bp haggard and sickly that day has
No up-to-date woman can afford to.
deprive herself of a remedy so Im
portant to her health and happiness.
Peruna is an Ideal safeguard for the
woman In all phases and periods of
her lifo.
Prominent American Women Who Recom
mend Peruna.
Belva A. Lockwood, Washington,
D. C.
Mrs. Senator F. B. Warren, of
Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Verona E. Roach, wife of Sen
ator Roach, of Larimore, N. Dak.
Mrs. General James Longstreet, of
Washington, D. C.
which tho deceased was a member,
conducted the services. He was assist
ed by Rev. 'jamos A. Ware, of Grace
Episcopal church. A quartette com
posed of Miss Grace Whitney, Mrs.
Thomas Crossley, A. C. Tolley and C.
J. Dibble, sang. Interment was in
Glen Dyberry. About sixty Odd Fel
lows attended in a body and conducted
tho services at the grave. The pall
bearers wore: Judges G. S. Purdy,
Joel Hill and Sherwood, and from the
Odd Fellows, B. F. Haines, J. S. Low
den and George P. Ross. The beauti
ful flower pieces boro evidence of the
high esteem in which the deceased
was held.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Now Milford, Oct. n. Mr.
AVilllam Aran Cott and Mr.
and Mrs.
and Mrs.
David Shay attended the Binghamton
fair on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brown called on
Hallsteud friends ono day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, of Carbon
dale, were In town AVednesday.
Miss Lena Spencer is spending some
time with Binghamton relatives and
G cargo Smiley, of Susquehanna,
spent Saturday and Sunday with rela
tives here.
A dancing party was given by tho
club boys at tho opera house,, Friday
Mrs. F. G. Indorllodls spending a
few days with relatives at Bingham
Thomas Brick, our popular young
barber, was called to his home, In
Newark A'alley, tho fot opart of the
week, by thoerlnus lllncs of his sister.
Dr. nnd Mri. G. P. Clements visited
In Susquehanna recently.
Rev. Burton "Smith, who Is spending
his vacation with his parents here, will
preach at tho Methodist church Sun
day morning.
G, G. Hell, of Quakqrtown, was In
town tho (list of tho week.
Tho Susquehanna County Medical
society mot at tho Jay house, In this
place, October 2.
A now carpet was laid In tho Metho
dist church lust week.
Mrs. G. C. Howell and children are
vlsltlnc relatives In Elmlra nnd Mon
tour Falls.
Miss Daisy Camp, of East Lemon, Is
spending soino tlmo with her sister,
Mrs. Biuco Pneuman,
Edward AV. Morgan Is enjoying a
plcusuro trip to Now York, Boston and
other cities of Interest.
Rev. R. N, Ives oillclated at the
Pngo-Ollvor wedding, In tho township,
AVednesday ovcnlng,
Harry Simmons, of Great Bend,
called on friends In town recently,
Henry LaBarr spent a portion of last
week hunting In Now York state with
Georgo Moffat, of Binghamton.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune,
Susquehanna, Oct. C Tlireo men
wero taken from a frelsht car at this
station last night. They had shipped
household goods fiom Akron, Ohio, to
Perth Amboy, N. J nnd had stowfd
themselves In tho car tc secure frco
transportation. They were placed In
LMifes-.. . Jfe-J
Miss Nellie Hanna, niece of Senato;
M. A. Hanna, of Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Gridley, mother of Captain
Gridley, of the steamship Olympia.
Mrs. M. C. Cooper, the prominent
sculptress, of Washington, 'D. C.
Mrs. Robb-Maher, attorn'ey-at-law,
Kansas City, Kas.
Mrs. Colonel Hamilton, of Colum
bus, O.
Mrs. Theophile Schmitt, wife of the
ex-Secretary of the German Consul
ate, of Chicago, 111.
Also Miss Julia Marlowe, Mrs. Mc
Kee Rankin and Mrs. Leslie Carter.
"Hen,lth and Beauty," a book writ
ten especially for women by Dr. S. B.
Hartman, will bo sent free to any
woman upon request. Address Thel
Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
I Slightly Used;
S pianos of a reliable make xep-
S resent far greater value than B
! new ones of the make-believe
S variety. We have had a score S
S or more good honest pianos B
jj rented for out-of-town summer 5
S homes which have been re- B
S turned to us. These instru- B
2 ments were in the hands of B
S musicians accustomed to good
pianos and are actually better, .B
S in tone and action, for the S
S slight usage they have had.
such as these are bargains that
must be seen to be appreciated.'
By buying one of these pianos
you will save from $75 to $150.
We don't mean to say that we
have received this full amount
in rent, nor that we have saved
it all in buying; but we saved
a good part of it, and make
such marvelous reductions
simply to make business dur
ing this dull spell.
Write for our list of special
bargains and our easy payment
9 S
138 Wyoming Ave
K! Fine Tuning a Specialty. 3
" A complete stock of sheet 5
B music and musical merchan- s
B dlse, S
tho borough lockup, and thoy will havo
n hearing today.
In tlin AVcst Susquehanna yard last
night, a tramp drew tv knlfo upon a
brakeman, who had ordered him from
tho tinln. Tho fellow escaped,
Charles M. Kessler and family havo
removed from Brandt to Hallstead.
At Red Rock last nleht a farm
houso occupied by Mr, Johnson, took
llro and was consumed, together with
tho contents. A barn, situated nearby,
was also burned with tho contonts,
which Included a span of horses. Mr.
Johnson was severely burned whllo
endeavoring t sayu his property,
The pentury club held a Vell,:at
tended hop In Hogan Orora Houses
this eyenlng, Poran's orchestra fur
nished musto for tho occasion.
Mrs. E. E. Goro, of Lawrence, Kan.,
a tho guest of her brother, James
A. Giuves, Broad street, '
Rev, J. L. Williams, tho now pas
tor of tho Baptist church, will ro
movn from Forest City to this place
next wcok,
Mrs. Patrick Needham, of Scranton,
la visiting Susquehanna friends.
Miss Kutherlno D. MUlroonoy, of
Scranton, Is visiting her mother Jn thl-
Charles M. Epos Is ill at his homo
on AVcst Church Btreet,
W a
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