The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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"'? . i?,tCofitl'idcJ Irom Wit 1.1
lrhrU td l ljetlccd the country l .mii-lctM
l.y llio fact tint each Icturnliitf rur slumi tli
Anifrlcan people to line iiccumulntnl nre.ilit
wmltli. He Fclectd soe nil elw, tlm Mint.
(l.c Inilllullnn wlilcli thrcntcm incut ami tlw
binteer us nmllnB till lourcc ot emplo.nncnl In
cnrlcliliiff lilimel! at tin- rxpone of ill-.tiwliu
peurty to hi fellow. 1 in-iy te patJonrO, I
In illicusslnff thl Iiaw of Mr. nrywi'J Imllrt
nunt URjImt what lie terms tru-li, I 'Pf
with at lust an much knovyliilR"
nnd experience nj lie do. 1 tmimilt. without
fear of mieccuful cniilrmllctlnn, n Innl,,
whrtlicr It bo u nitlonal, (.late or prlutc one
properly comhiclcil ami honestly manajiil. In
stead of lulntf u rauso of ilihlmenl to nny com
iminlty or lurinful to nny Interest. puWw ij
pilule, Is n source of utrenuth ami lieiKflt. I
nlleffo further that no one li more bcliclltnl by
JWc-Ji ImtlllitlorJ Ihim labor. 0or find In owl
llie illttndlc feature of the (fond ot on iiiii
ilomrtmcnt", proUdlng a note oiul pioniable place
for Ulnir'i cnrnliiEi, reita the Rrcalcr kooi ae
VAmpllslicil bv the bank, In Rithcrlnp lo Itself
the surplus money of the country which would
lie In Idleness, and directing It Into proper I'luti
nets of trade and lommorro, thus mikliiic It
possible to cirry on the tlinu.atul umlrrtnkliiRS
which furnlih the ililly w.iro of lilinr. It In the
bank whloh furnishes the life blood of trade', the
bank tint utilise for hbor oler and our again
the fruits of labor; the bink tint nukes nr
'cumulated capltil ft potential force In ti world
wide doelopment tint rnrh rccurrlm? Jcat makes
this country the wonderniinl of Its own people
and the astonishment of Bister nation). Hi li
borer might not lo lose !ilit of the fact that
It It was not lor the assistance of banks In errant
ins lo the manufacturers ncirssary credit ilurln
the process of nianufflctuiliiR that wages inlelit
be met before pujiiie'it for the finished article
Is received from the purchaser. 111 almost evuy
crcat Institution, opiratlon would either be Great
ly Hilurnl or (case Kltoccther. It bridges oer
tint period essential to the laborer between the
ilai of the rw niuterlil and the pi) incut for the
IliiWied, a p.-rlnd when the manufuturer mint
of needs haw borrowed capital. Herein is Hie
importance of the commercial bank and the nee-
suit of it to the business and laboring woilil.
Tlic countrj's fulth In it ns a mighty agency for
Kooil, and tlie Integrity of lho-,0 ho have to do
with It, could lne no stiongcr ntlelullnii Hum
in shown in its total of tiiiitein million depusl
to's repiesmting seieu tboiisind, live liumlied and
fu'ittceii mlllioiH of i of ilewlt. And
who mike up the sIn million deposltow whew
resencd capital gained trwn toil-nine liboi Is
lodged In Mtiinmi hinks, to the extent of two
thousind. four hundred ami thirtj-sU mlllioni
of dollars? Who but the laboring m in? Within
the past jenr the number of suih deposltois hive
inereised four and ten thou, mil, while to their
fhpositH lmc been idded two bimdieil anil flu
millions of dollars. In Illinois .done there .no
today two bundud and nine thniiMiul as against
one liundrerl and skte-four HioikiiiiI iing bank
depositors n joirsltue. In the light of such fa t
will an iaboijiiff nnn belli ic the men he trusts
with all this haul rimed weilth will pursue n
course wliiili will Injure him iml dctroj Ids
aM'ngs? N.iy, more, will he not go out against
thn,c who preach a inonetaiy doctrine wliiili
would ilf in lialf what he has sied and
defeat them at the polls?
Danger of Bryan's Theories.
I would impress upon the hboilng mm both
now and in my disui-sion of tlie money question
bow great his intent is in maintaining the
Integrity of the bulking sjatcnis of this countiy.
In the dcbasimcnt of tlie iiiiiency of tlie coun
try and in assault upon bn.Vs wliiili
would follow the In.iiigiuatioii ot Mi.'s
policies, nowlicre would dlastcr full more fiiickly
and more complitily than upon sixings institu
tions. It is here .ne kept tlie menus ot those who
can least nrToul to lose thiir surplus available capi
tal, while the fciuritiii held by them arc largely
goernnif;it and lailroid obligations, the value
of which, under n depieciitcd curreni, would
be greatly diminished The injuiy ilono to llio
cieditors of national banks would be compara
tively no gicatcr tluin tint done to those of
savings ones, though such could better stand it.
And jet even in the face of this mighty burden
of responsibility which jou have voluntaiily
placed upon him, Mr. Iirjan would have the
country believe that the banker prospers in the
di'tiesses of the people. I denv the doctrine as
unsound In icison ami untrue in fact. The pros
perity of tlie banker must alwajs rest in the pros
perity of tlie coinmunitj and nation. He cannot
thrive when lactones uie idle, stoics dosed and
bankruptcy ever) hen1 in evidence. Does Mr.
Iirjan dale assert tint the bunker increased hii
riches in 1801 and tlie jeais immediately follow
ing, when fvlluro was to be noted in eveiy sec
tion of the countiy and labor eveijwhcie idiot'
If lie docs be has failed to study the t-t.iti-.tlcs
of thoo dajs, for then w is demolish ated the
economic' tiuth of the intu -dependent lclitions
of capltil and labor in periods of depiesslon ami
. Tlide can be no inone.v trust on the put of the
banks of this country to the loss of tlie people.
What has been tlie result of the multiply lug of
binks, the cnlirgeinent of banking capital, the
increase of available bink deposits? Who does
not know of the continued falling of Intcicst
rates, the wider loiniii of money, the decrease
of the cost of exchange and colli ctloin between
dlstint points, the facilitating ot trade, in iking
through llio joint elite ieney of bank and tele
graph the business marts of the whole lound
woilil, the place of meeting of the men of coin
incree of every city and comiiiimlt), no matter
how fat distant. Within the mrrow limit of uij
own jeais, I have mcu the late of interest in Illi
nois, anil tlie Mine histmv follows the better
banking futilities in evei) statu of the Union,
.-fall fioin twelve to 10 pn cent., fiom ten to
- eight, f i oin eight tn K, and fiom six in this
. rty to four and less. The sin ill bmrower todiy
Jibiijs.lils bnirowed money for six per cent. Instcid
"of clslit, the farmer his mortgage money at flic,
" :ind ull because this momjrd octopus, wjilch Mr,
Ilrvan and his political aillieiiuts deeiy, his in
creased In ktrengtli and spiead lis operations
evervwhere, A b it h is labor lost by this? Suicly
nothing, for. In the cheapening of the rate of
money and ciedlt, the use of which tho bmker
hells to the man of business, his emplojci his
."been enabled to take on a wider scope of opeiu
1 ion ami Increase the number of thoso whom be
A single "void as to the patilotlsin of banket s
nnd I am done with lids branch of my .subject.
-Mr. Itryan by bis rhaiges impugns theli patiiot--'I.iiii
and good filth To liU slander I leply by
"nsklng whi'iievci was tho gouinnunt ot tins
great nation, in its larlv ih,vs or In the latei
5 oars, in periods of foielgu wai or civil stilfc,
or in tlie piping times ej pcaie In pressing need
that the banker with the millions at ids (om
nium! fn tit cl to give) aid and sueeui in upholding
the county's rieelit, and the nation's financial
Integrity. Wliilf otlieis iloubtrd the lountiv's
Folvcuey and vvltlidrevv gold tiom tieasiuv and
vault to lio.nil, lie, full In in in his faith in the
"iiltlnulc lutigiity of (he nation, aided the
in lintenaiice, of olrcw) to the beuelll
"of all, In view- of kiicIi a history I usk with
-iill eoiilldenei', uie not the Interests of labor
jjlictttr sife guirded by th? polltlial Ievxs of
-4lir.t.orjunl.itloii which gathcis to Itself In this
ra'tnpalgu the- mippnit of uu Inlcicst vvldili jou
Huvo" trusted and are still trusting than with 4
party whose leadcishlp icsts wholly In the keep.
Ing of self-seeking politicians?
Bryan's Statesmanship,
The difficulty with Mr. Ilr no's statesrianshlp
Is that It is a statesmanship of prejudice, class
distinctions and niUtn'oimatlou, U is n stales
loanshlp which talus no thought of the mono,,'
hilt contents itscll with tho political 'idvantaii,.'
of today. I vcntuic the statement Hut In all
tho range of Aiiicilc.iu political annals thcio nev.
cr his appeiicd a public man who has Illumined
bo many different questioui with so nine li mis
information. The leiideishlp of Mr, Hrian found
Its. origin in the peculiar conditions of the world
of lniiliicss and Uu.r four yeais time. It Ins
.nvMutulucd Itscll, bciuu-cMn the lli.ianUliig of
the orgaiiljjtlon, tlio elemocraiy has liecn do.
nuclcd of every leader ot thought, sagnlly, an I
tiili political principle. It his now- neither
ability for political organisation, nor raparit
for wise, sife oi conservative co.isiiio(tvo Itjtf
station. In tho last analysis the leadership ol
Mr, Dijiia demoiutratea Itself to begin mid end
In a. denunciation of the existing order t tilings
Is t cafe to trust the governmental nmliol of
a great nation In tlie keeping of a nun who
sees now hi re aiuthiug to commend: win, is
nutck to charge conspiiacy and dishnnasty upon )
great' numbers of people, who in duty life ihav
to themselves the respect of all their fellows
What thoughtful and Inquiring citizen -.vjll lioni
a knowledg-j of Mr, Uoan'i past erron-ous ills
cvitsloD of these paramount economic problem!
bleve Iitm capable of blinking about a proper
solution ot present onost In the campaign upon
which we have nowr etitrrcel tha Democratic
candidate, cbaDglntr '19111 th Issue auoounced
1 tht opening as paramount, hts taken up tho
itltt iiwidn nl the trust question. I do not mis
stale the het, I think, when t my lie i Ml'
cuslng tills issue. In tho miniier which his clur
aclerltecl all tho other discussions with which
ho has li tared the public, lie. does not under
take to go Into the tncilt of the qU3tloti. for
that would lot be flrj ineso.iie. He knows lint
such rour'o must rllmitialc the political 'ad
ai.lagc nidi It ho silks for bis pirly tn his own
ailuutniiiit, Hid I line (ore lie does hot make It.
'Ihr nrnuuiciit which be mikes Is nldresscd lo
lili'judice, baikcil lip b.v tulssliilcments, Illogical
in presentation nnd unfair In deduction. There
Is lies nfiili of any prominence today sliiiiillmr in
difeu'c 0! lltcwil ccmbliiitlolu ot capital,
whi'lher gieat or amilt, foitued for Ihc purpose
of throltlliig nil eninielltlnn, rilslng tin1 price
of 011111(5 of consumption and burdening the
people. Hut Micro nre a vast number who, roc
ognlrlhrr the remonilo miiinitnim In the added
volume of lultiess to be obtained tluoiigh ag
c,riK.ilcd, propeily brought ingctber and
wifely inanaacd, deny lliat fiom mull nuj bum
il.iws to tltlicr the coiisuhiir or tho lahoier,
They go furtlin, unit ussnt, with an eni basis
r.ot to be mistaken, (hit far from belli litiMfut,
such ci'iiiblnallons ore on the rontiary product
lie of good, most of oil to the tailoring mm.
t mil l.f t sipeaklng for comhliialinni Illegal, mi.
soi'iid and misife, bat nolcly foi those whl'b,
though large In the amount of capital Invested,
I'.no rcginl for nil the tides which control In
ordinary business ellalis. On principle, I do
not pcirrlve why thrio Is moie liaini of diinrcr
to the Intel est- of tlie citizen bcciuse a tlinits
and men are impbijnl lij' one eonccrn Instead
of one hiit.drcil, or 11 million ilolhus nt
Invested ritlmr than one bundled thousand.
Talk of Trusts.
'Ihe niMnfoimatlon which Is oil tveiy bind
upon this subject has atlscn from an Insistence!
upon a discussion ot It In tho light of partisan
politics histoid of in thai of economic truth mid
lilsloti. If those wlio aie now protesting so vig
orously against whit they deem the banefut cf
feits of vu 1 illcil trusts would better Inform
themselves we would hue mote reason nnd less
declamation from prii and platform. I am sine
t do not mis di fine the term when I si) tint whit
they call 11 "trust" Is not a trust at all, but
merely the concciitiatlon uf capltil or hbor,
or capital ami labor, for n specific, legitimate
ptuposc. It Is tlie iinillcatiou of tlie resources
of nnny for tho common welfare. In polltlcil
life It ullinntely assuni's the form of govern
mint; in flname It results In svslems of banking,
upholding flu- tnnae'llon of the biislnesi world,
in ti inspoit.itiun its Ihids fruition in ralhoids
ind steamboat lines; Industrially It evidence'; It
e'lf In niiinifietiiriiig pi ints, in mini's mil min
ing and the Ihoiisind forms ot ludiistiy which
iiiiko for 111 nl state of clvlllillon. It
is, I .iSH'it, the highest development ot 11 com
pile lie '1 and dncicnl foiui of ihlliallnn, nude
111010 mmlfixt as man is more removed fiom the
Inline me of Ignorance and haihirlsm.
'ihe rallioid development of this country,
though the ion is not new, alfonls imple
demonsliation of the point I wish to make. Its
hlstoiy illustratis tlie process iy which consolida
tions .110 ilfctlul ami the hcmlhcnt lesiilts tn
all through such a pioeess. l'lfty .vet's njo the
inllroads weie in tlie hands of numerous coipoia
lions. 1:.kIi line bail a iliirercut gti ige. I'rcight
shipped n thoti'-uud miles had fo be ihingcd fiom
1 ir (0 car in transit many times. Ilvny ehingc
memt the re h nulling of the fielght, injury to it
and delav. No mittci how small tho load there
wis oi necessity a full complement of ofllccrs
Hy consollditing, as it vvascalled In an culy
diy, or by creating a tuist as Mi. Iiryan would
now tcini it, It was found lliat uniformity of
ginge 1 mild be secured, nnny olllccrs ilispenscd
with, .1 single handling of freight suincc to trans
port it to any distance, and .1 reduction of freight
chirges incited, without decreased earnings. Tho
decreasing of freight riles was an invititlon to
ship more freight, with the resultant effect tint
after these consolidations were biought about the
business of the lalboiils grew as no other busi
ness ever grew In this country, and as it grew It
furnished more avenues for the iniplo.vinent of
labor, with conipcnsillon commensurate with
the employment. And now the lallroad Ins
reached .neli a point tint no one
would bo so foolluidy as to contend tint rail
road consolidations wore not of the greitcst
benellt to all the people. I iluiibt if any one,
Populist, Silver Republican or Ilrv.aui.Til Dinio
cuit, would advocate the ictnin to tlie eia of
small lines scpirately miniged, and the aban
donment of consolidated lines with one head
which now connect tlie gleit business ccnteis of
the country. The advantage of it all is seen in
cheap freights, moie speed, more conveniences
and better services every way.
Cost of Production.
The same thing is going on todiy in tlie manu
facturing, and inilustnal Inteiests of tho country.
In minufactuiing two elements make up the total
co-t of production, and on the other bind the
managerial and olhce expenses. In 11 consolida
tion .1 large portion of tne mutagen il expense,
which is considerable, Is dispensed with, tl nil
it is tills, width is ,111 inipoitaut inducement,
coupled with the promise of scciuina; a hrger
business because of a lirgcr concentrated capital
invested under one management for the consoli
dation. The laboiln,; 111 Hi who .tetiiilly pin
duces the maleilil and tlie luiNlied aitiile cannot
lie ilispcnsed with, but the numeious oftiecis
may be, ami hence the effect is upon the lattti
and not upon tlie fount'!. Thcie is no one who
will fall to icidlly iiiuliislauil how .1 midline
which dois away with the strviies of .1 man
wlio pets. If vou phase, sl bundled dollais a
jcar, will cheipen pimluction; why then will
not dispensing with an nllicei- who git ten limes
as much cheapen pioilm tlon just so much tho
more.' No one can honestly contend tint the
combination of these plants dimiiiMits their piu
iluction for 1111) conshlnable length of time,
anil -0 long as pi cubic I ion Is not 1 educed tho
lilioring linn Is not injuieil. 'Ihe object of the
combination is to get moie business and not le.Si,
n will as to sive epcn-e. Moie linn this, un
der icutialled management when ilemind shek
el's, uu adjustment of hbor can be so anangeii
tliat complete idleness tuvei icstilts to all ,n
follows in the case of smaller concerns with .1
lessened volume of business. It is the cheapened
co,t of production of the indivlduilv nrtlcle that
tilings it Into 111010 genual use, mikes requisite
the employment of nunc lahoi, and adds to the
wealth of the nation. Anil iinliss the combina
tion is able tn furnish to the consumer an uitlclc
equally good at .1 lessened lost, the phut which
Is outside of it will nuke Impossible, the swal
lowing up ot all tho business in tlie line in which
engiged, I submit Unit If combination of capital
neither fixedly incrciscs tlie ptice to the con
sumer, nor diminishes the number nt hiboiers,
nor the amount of wage, it cannot bo either .1
menace to society 01 u detiiment to the public
Tho fact Is and Mi. Hr.v.ui on investigation
would have iisccituincd It, tliat, as a rule, labor
is moie steadily cmplo.vcd unit better paid under ions having n large invested capital and
employing maiiy men, thin under those having
a small capital and a tow- men. In such 11 cot
pot. it ion tin re is ulwajs an nbllit.v and 11 power
to adjust Ihe work, which uuilei' any circum
stances Is laige, to tlie pievalliug situation, ro
that at no time an all the meii Idle for an)
conslilciable length of time, Tho wage question
with hiic li is moie easll) si tiled and for 1 lon'u'
length of time, for as a rule the manager and tin
labour leadilv reeoajnlie the beniliclal lesults to
both of co operation nud combination.
Industrial Development.
The two jeus which have pissed hive wit.
ncssfd uu cxtraoidinary development of Industriil
and other combinations. And what lias been tlio
result? I asseit that ucitlur the hboici nor the
consume,' has.sutTcicd lv an one of tluin. In
the ease nt iuipiopcrly foiincd ami civer-wiitrred
ones, the investing public have hue and theiu
sustained losses, but in lite ones where business
stusu Iuteiveni'd bcloio, held swuy thuiiig and
ptcvullcd after the formation of such combination,
the Investor, who wus not a meie sprculatoi,
lias iu every futance niched nssiucd dividends.
Tho legitimate investor's stock lias not found Its
value iu the valuing quotation! of the tuiiket
list, but In the thing Itself Mi, Hi van, with his
usual wanton recklessness, falls to draw the dis
tinction between the use of largo capital in an
enterprise) at, u number of points unci those com
bliiitloii which, foimei) In violation of law, ,tic
lawless iu theli operations. Denunciation of ill,
(living best his purpose, be- follows Mich a
..'nurse. I wish to call the laboring linn's atten
tion to this veiy Import nit fact In the matter
of th eve lomblnitloiis ot capital Iu! il
undertakings, iiiincly, that lo. inians of them the
inatiufac turns of the United States have, within
the period dining which the have existed,
gulned Jo themselves (he luukcts of the wmld
for Auieilcan manufactured products. Ami what
does such a tiiumph mctiii It means mule goods
manufactured hvie, more lubjr employed beie,
steadier work here, and a moro satisfactory wage,
'the ciccss of our exports over our Imports lie
speaks the fact that we ate now, havln" applied
to our natural icsouicri, under liitclllgint ccn
trlld management, tlie n-,'?rcgatcd capital of
many weak concerns In one, manufacturing for
the world and laboring for the world. As ton;
as conttlctlog Interests waned upon one another,
witli capital eJlveullU'd, with labor struggling to
adjust wages wttli many heads Instead of a few,
with policies and methods all at variance, it was
Impossible for ns to enter successfully In competl'
tlon Willi nation where the capital employed
was larger and the wage paid cheaper. In all
this evolution In our Industrial world, 1 re-assert
Hint no lots Ins come to tabor. Tlio economics
Introduced have not reached hltn. On the other
hand, whatever changes have been wrought, and
theie lnvc been many, have been to ils advan
tage. Ills more general and steadier employment
during the past two year attest this tact.
Evils of Demngogism.
I again submit that If combination of cipttal
lirllher Incicasca the price to the consumer, nor
diminishes) the number ot laborers, nor the
amount of wuge,l cannot be cither a menace lei
society or n detriment to the publlo stood. It
ccitaluly does nut prevent such a situation In the
ciiuntr.v's affairs as to demand uniniual laws or
I'Xlraordlniiy aitlun. Tho lawn which apply to
tin dealings of dally business life I deem suffi
cient, tlio laws which mike requisite common
honesty anil ftlr dulling between man and man.
I urn ciitaln that In so fir as the laborer nnd
employer are cunccined their best Interests Ho
Iu tho direction of closer rehflon established,
more mutual confidence entertained and the cul
tivation of that deep sense of respect the olio
tiiw.iids tlie other which alwajs has regard for right ami Justice, t am not a believer
In that which during tlio l'i'cncli revolution was
termed "Ihe all povvcrfulness of tlie law" us the
best means of adjusting rights between labor and
capital. Neither have I faith in tint Increasing
desire on the part -of the public! to rush In on all
occasions wllh suggested settlements, but I do
believe In the efficacy of mutual regard and ic
spect, n mtituil recognition of rights, a willing
iiess to treat upon 11 plane of Justice and talr
dcalllng with labor on the part of the cmplojers,
whether Individual or n'soclited, and a rcciprodl
course of conduct of hbor with those with whom
their dully welfare Is most closely associated.
In short, I am against the Intel ference with the
ullalrs of nnplojcr unci cmplovco by demagogic
law-makers, bhtatit politicians nnd sclt-appolntccl
leaders seeking personal and political advantage.
As against nil these I would set for labor the
vvle counsels of those of their own rank wlio a.'O
not in politics ond the business sense of right
nnd Justice of their employers. Such a. course
will work out for them and theirs a gicater Indi
vidual pio-peill) and happiness, n stroiuer place
in public e-teem for their varied associations, nnd
n condition when lalior'i difficulties wltl. em
plojer and omplover's with labor will come to
be tho Impossible thing, no longer marring the
lines ol Ihc business world nud working distress
and loss to those involved therein.
A Mischievous Platform.
Hilt there is still re more potential reason
which I now pioposcj to dNeiiss why labor should
refusu to vote for Mr. Hrvan and endorse his
political principles. It is Ids that he yet
stands bv the utterances of the Chicigo pht
fs. 1 111, which a cowardly nud subservient party
nt hh dictation reaffirmed at Kansas City. What
does the reaffirm ilton of tint platform mean?
It means if once Intrusted with power the Deni
oi 1 itic party, under the guidance and leadership
of their chlif executive would attempt to give
the foico ot cnictctl law to the issues to which
i is by it pledged, an uttt-mpt that in Itself
would breed constant uncertainty and ulstiust.
Ity the pronouncement of its own ahtfonn it
would, If able, abiogato the right of private
contract and thereby put a premium upon ills-lione-ty
and evasion of just obligations. It Is
twillist the enfoicemcnt of law- one! older by
tlie- lawfully constituted anthoilties in opposi
tion tn the will of mob 1 iw, if it Bpeaks Its true
beliefs in its puty preachment. It Is against
Hid cotintrv's courts of Justice and tho majesty
of livv, as that majesty finds expression in the
supreme court necoidlng to that plalfoim once
announced and many limes reaffirmed. It Ins
no use for a civil service which takes from the
parly worker tho spoils of office despite the fact
that it gives to the taxp.i.vlng public a better
return for the wage which the public pio
vides. It means nothing on a wisely idiusted
taiilf svsttm because It is swallowed up in in
advocacy of protection to the silver Interests.
It has no force and effect when It speaks on
the subject of class legislation, for Populism
anil Silver Republicanism have made Democracy
wholly a party of special Interests, iromlsln
thiougli the "(le It emctcd" of legislation spe
cial relief and privileges. Its denunciation of
ti lists is a sham, branded so by placing the
tuist suppoiting and trust supported leaders of
Tiinimany high in Democratic councils. In fine,
Mr. has brought the Democratic paity
to that unhappy condition where It cm vvorfc
injiiiy to all and gcod to none.
Bryan's Purposes.
There Is one policy, however, over and above
oil these to which Mr. Hijan is wedded, which,
unsife, undemocratic and un-American, ought
not to be forgotten in this campaign. Mr. Iirjan
may tall; iintl-impcriallsni, but back of it all
is his fiee coinage of silver purposes. He may
denounce trusts, but his acts in office will be
in tlie inteiests of silver. Ills expressions of
Minpithy with the Hoeis is but a subterfuge to
make the voter think less upon 11 debused cur
iincy. Whatever his vvoida may be iioa-, his acts
will if once given an election, accord with the
wi-lies of tho'e who first mado him a possibility
in tlie country's political annals. Mr. Hijan
has not within thisc four jcars put behind turn
a thed ileteimlnation, if clothed witli authority,
to enforce the financial polity which would in
evitably lesult In icpudintlon of the nation's
obligations and iiupaiiment of the nation's credit.
Il will not do for tlie country to lull ilselt
into a supposed security fiom all danger on this
stoic bccatiso Mr. Ilivun has seen fit ti cease
talking on tlie money question, or berausc we
have bid .some financial legislation. Tlie people.
must not Hatter themselves tint Mr. Ilijan or
those with whom lie counsels hive changed their
views on this subject. Mr. Iirjan has not and
he will not, He his found it politic for tlio
pi est ut to only conceal his eironeom views.
Who forgets tliat he was the stienuoiis advocate
of silver until he hid gotten thiougli with Ihc
Populist .mil Silver conventions? If he no longer
talks it he still, notwithstanding siicn fact, en
tei tains and stands for It.
Disastrous Consequences.
And what would the adoption of such a pollcj
mean lo capital, to labor, to trade, to commeicc,
to till the luteiists that combined make this
tirut country of ours a source of gratification
and pilde to every citleii of the republic? It
would mean to tho nation loss of financial pres
tige, to the individual the fmilltig of the
woild's contempt and ilistrnst. Kveiy indusliy
would be thrust Into 1 calchon of iliubt and
imccitaiiity, ending in 1 editing of values and
u icniguilzitiou of busiuiM upon the new Dish
in cases, wheie binkiuptcy bad not already In
tcivcned. It would cause the savings binks to
11 adjust their relations with their depositor to
on cad with the lessened worth of theli arcu
inuhlcd securities Tlie depositor, their ircditor,
with hl earnlncs of ten jcars reduced to the
savings of five, would cither be compelled ta
woik lunger cais to put himself In tho posl
lion he once occupied or luluce to .1 lower
plane the manner of his living. Tho comuer
ilai woilil, shocked and .iffrUhtcd by the hivoc,
wif)ii!,it by such a departinn from the lules of
oubniiry honest.v and ihe ili'erceNol economic
science, would hwJ-panie nnJ .11 'trust and ills,
slpitecl wealth where now Is confidence nnd
stability unci multitudinous rleh"s. 1 rfo not
overdraw the picture, for rap'til, proveihially
timid, would slit Ink back fiom 11 catasluphy
so appalling. It would mean uvciyvvhere with
Ihe American a complete rcveml of all Its past
historythi' moving back from ill" proud post,
lion of financial supremacy ii on v hi 'It wi are
fust eiitcilng to tho inciiel.iiy standard of lf
Is'iious Chiiii. If It wo lid rican all this tn
inpltul, what would it hold In store foi labor,
tho hbor lint finds lis dall) wage tlnopgli the
11-0 ufi ipltil iml Its continuous; emploj ment bv
eHcniled credits Iu those who have need ol it?
An Absurd Argument,
'the mw- found ol Hryon, who four vours
since repudiated him wllh scorn and Indignation,
now lay the Haltering unction to their souls that
lie would not do that which he sajs he will, or
Hull he ciiiihl not It he would, or If ho could ho
might by tho defeated paity vet In power he
I omul band and foot and Hum rendered harmless.
Iu shuit, that he would exercise tlie presidential
function in other diiertlons onh and not in that
upon which hi icpulutlon has been built. I do.
not propose -to unalvre 1 position so absurd and
piirilc, It is hardly stilpniianslilp to experiment
witli such grave questions with 0110 who declares
his pmposo to wipe out the gold iiondaul It
given the opportunity It Is plajing with the
flic which might ttait :i confutation o teulMc
and uinontiolable as to nuke (be men whs would
make possible by this present suppoit his elcvu.
' Cures 111 Threat uuel Lung Affections.
GcttbcKCUUlue. Refuse lubstltutcss,
Salvation OiTcurM Rheumatism. 1 j A 3, ct.
Its Meritorious
Comments IU
Readers of Corset fashion will bo In
tercsted In hearing something about
this Corset why it Is better than most
corsets and why a particular style of
the Rcdfcrn Models suits a particular
figure more perfectly than another. Our
salesmen will explain why this special
garment has become the most favored
Corset among the dlitc.
tlon, lose the prestige and place now In their
cotmtrj's roll of honor which jcars of splendid
deeds and patriotic nellon have won for them,
foi mjself I would rather for all time lo come
forfeit my rlht of affiliation with the Democratic
party than by chance assist In ttlvlnir, place lo
one who might, je". who would, If placed In
power, work out by the Incorporation of hli
financial views and socialistic theories Into the
laws of the land, a disaster so widespread and a
ruin so fnr-rcaclilng.
Upon what theory then can It be arcued that
Mr. Brjan, In the face of so much that the
thoughtful hold to be harmful, is 11 safe man to
elect to the presidency? The Importance ot the
olflec I not to be under-estimated, nor ltd power
to lie galmald. It Is a mighty Instrument for
good or a tremendous engine for harm. Hy foiec
of clrcumstanco its occupant enters Into the
civil, the social, the business lite ot the American
people, and tt Is not widom to sav that upon
n single qualification 11 chief executive shall be
selected, despite a lack of many others, vital tn
themselves for good or evil
The New Humbug.
Tliow who now try lo leconcllc their conscience
with their new political position, repudiating
Mr, Iirjan as unsound and unsife in every other
direction, ally themselves to his cause, to his
issues, to his associates, to his un-l)emocr.icy,
because they assert that his views on the ortc
newer inicstlon in tlio country's politics ate
more to their views than those of President Mt
Kltdey. I do not propose to argue this phase
of tlie question at any length, for It seems to me
there Is no justiflcallon for all this hue and ciy
of imperialism and threatened militarism. It is
an Issue conceived nnd uttered by the opposition
to divert from the real tiling at stake, to conceal
the purposes of those who arc In the confidence
of r. IlrjMii, to make for their plans at home
and not work out reforms abroad. Who, knowing
Mr. Hrjan, analjving his mind, following the
courm of Ids ruccr, paislng impartial judgment
upon his declaration-; on any question, will be
lieve him capable of heading an iidminlslratlon
which can carry out a successful foreign poliejf
How f9 it possible for Mr. Urjan, wrong on all
things at home, to bo right on all things abroad?
lint Ids position upon the Philippines, is not one
that entitles him to consideration. He did make
possible the acquisition of tlie Philippines by in
sisting upon tlie ratification of the Paris treaty,
and now it, his act, .returns to pliguc him, un
dertakes to disprove his responsibility by assert
ing tint his action was based upon the idea of
making more manifest the dangers of Imperiali'-ni.
Why make It more manifest? Why jeopardize,
if Ids present position is correct, tlie libcrtlPa
of the Philippines by denting more evidence
of title for the United States tn the land lie
claims is theirs? Why? Mmply that Mr. Iirjan
might have another issue in Ida piesidential cam
paign. If he states tlio truth tliat he was against
it all the time hut jiclded to make more mani
fest the issue of Imperialism, lie stood for politics
then as he does now, for partisan purposes then
as he does now, for self-aggrandizement then as
lie does now. He was not patiiotlc then and ho
is not now.
Who Urged on the "WarP
I was rot in favor of tlio war with Spun. 1
believed it to bo a mistake, but having entered
upon it. I did not sec in the light of all the
facts ns presented bj the records that things
could have been itlTerent. I was opposed to
colonial expansion, but that expansion Is 1111
accomplished fact, made so largely by Mi. Ary
an's co-operation, an 1 dealing with condition'
as tliej- nic and not as they might havo been, I
prefer" to trust the wisdom and expeiicnce of
1'icnlileiit McKinlej. backed bv a party that
jet retains some conservative dements In it, to
the vanillic of Mr Hijan, supported ly an 01
gaidration which hoists that within its cliclc
the radical rules nnd there is neitlur use not
place for the coiwivative. The public must not
forget that Mr. Dijan'i, suppoiters iu congiec.
in ged on the war with Spain; that Sir. Iirjan'a
friends gave the requisite votes to ratify the
treaty. The speeches of Democuts weie the
apeches making ler blood and fire before tho war,
theii tcs Lttci its conclusion bespoke either
their hjpotrisy 01 their belie! in tho wisdom
of tlie treaty width they were aiding In lalifjinR,
a lieaty the piovisiom- of which, judged ly theli
piihont utteiances, lliey did not believe in and
tho results of which as thej' now profess to co
they, they condemn. Tho policy which Mr.
Hrjan announces for the Philippines, If elected
picsldent, to convene congress to create a stable
goveinment for them and establish a Moniou
doctrine protectorate over them, tlio public
knows to be Idle. The great mass of the Ameri
can people know that It Is impossible to ac
complish these things until conditions as ta
education, guarantee 01 propeity lights and
aafety of pergonal ones warrant Mich action. How
ever nnny the errors of judgment nude which
wrought tho condition which now presents ttsclt
in the colonies, the country is not willing with
cue taking thought, to set adrift, though ic
tabling a full protecting responsibility rot their
nets, any people who have come to us through
the Spanish wai, educated In fepanish wajs and
grown iu Spanish practices. Mr. Drjan and his
friends misjudge popular sentiment If they think
that upon such nn issue they can blind the elec
tors ot the countiy to thoso things, which at
fecting the immediate country, aro more para
mount than any Involved in tlie iu they now
attempt to cicate. The dangeia of military au
thority here, vl lessened lincitv to tne Ainencar
people, of enlarged power to the armj', do not
now nnd will not in the futuro exist, for patriot
ism cverjwhere and at all times has been tin
priceless ticrltige of tlio people ond will contlnui
to b" for centuries j-ct to come. Willi 1 ech
returning jenr a better condition will, through
American Influences, be worked out for the peo
pio of our foieigu possessions, until, fitted for a
larger llbcilj-, they fake thcii place iu the gal
axy of ii'puhlics. Rut it will come about only
through wisdom ol act, statesmanlike legislation,
and education, It will not bo the fiults ot de
signing demagogues, paitisan politicians and self
enriching t-poilsmcn, When that djy comes tliera
is no patriotic cltiren of tlie lepublle but who
will gladly acclaim "Hall and r'arewcll."
To Democrats,
Iu conclusion, n single wold and this address
is flnliliril. tt Is a wont for those Democrats
who hive not bowed the knee to or placet upon
the neel. the yoke ot the men who liava mado
au honorable party a hl-slng and a bywuitl, In
aci opting Itepiibllcaii candidates now, they as
acme 110 other attitude that that vvhlih, they
took In the lht Initaticii when I'opulUm defiled
the Ilemociatlc temple, They justify theli courtcj
now m they did then, bellevtlic; that llioir high
est dutj 111 citluus as well as party men. makes
a 11 j vlhci action Impossible, 'I hey do hoc be
llcve In any ot Mr, llrjans views on fie one
lund, but on the other thej approve ot much
that President McKlnley has done. I bi-llcvc an
unbiased consider itlon under times of unusual
tticss, wilt lead to the conclusion that their
cIToh iu that K'luilt wis it least vyottli while
and that much has been accomplished oi great
benefit to the country In many n( Its varloj and
ImpoiUm Intel est. Tin ailmlnUti.itlon of Pirs
ident McKlnley his been siictcsstul Iu miking
nit ic secure the gold sUndaul thiougli enacted
law and In rclumliug much ol the public debt.
It has maintained ihe national credit ind tin
pioved the coniitrj's bulking sjntim. It leas iu
talned the eountrj's ue-ll-bclng ut liom and its
d'gulty abioad. Upon the Issues as mule up it
01 ght lo and it will receive tlie approval of that
body of voters who eitiier within or without tin)
Hues ot uir-anlicd polltlcil nflillalloni "know
I heir rights and iljic those ll.-'hls maintain."
rcllow citizen, tn the Interest of gooci govern
rieiit, toiisciv.vtlvc .idmirUtraltou, sound ccon
onito laws, full and fair regtrd for personal and
rrcperty rights, tho elimination of class dis
tinctions) the wiping out of cla-j prejudices, the
dignity and power of law, I ak you to sustain
the administration' aud defeat Ilrjanlced and
emasculated Democracy. In su li a course llrs
assurance of preserving for your children's chll.
Glove and
Corset Store
All the latest in Ladles', Misses'
and Children's Gloves, Corsets,
Hose Supporters, Etc., Etc.
PRICE ijliis,
130 Wyoming Ave. Coal Exclinngo
dren, rntamMicel In all their integrllj, llio-e
best traditions ot the republic which In tlm
past have added a splendid Imtcr to American
cltlrrnslilp and people, and In tl.p future will
gain for them stilt greater weight of glcrj'.
Attacks Humans on the Face and
Neck Bite Blow to Heal.
Dy Exrluslvo Wire from The Associated Tress.
Chlcafjo, Oct. 5. Dr. C. Pruyn Strlnff
field, of the Grand Pacific hotel, has
discovered a new aflllction. which men
aces humanity. It seems to be nn
autumnal vlfiltatlon of the klfslnu bug
or some anulago'us Insect.
Tho stlnr? Isllnvarlably planted upon
tho fnce or upon tho neck above the
collar. The lesion is dtfflcult to treat
and heals slowly.
The doctor has had eight patients,
but has not had time to make a cul
ture yet. He bolleves the wound Is the
result of a parasite, and us two Egpyt
lana were afflicted wlfjf the plague, o
the doctor believes Chicago Is threat
ened with an unusual occurrence.
To Cure a Cold in One Bay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
tf it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Well Known Theatrical Manager Ar
rested on Such a Charge.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press?
Chicago, Oct. 5. Colonel John D.
Hopkins, the theatrical manager, has
been arrested on) a charge of bigamy.
The warrant was sworn out by his
wife, Itosetta It. Hopkins, beforo Jus
tice AVoods, and the theatrical man
ager was released on a $1,000 bond.
Mrs. 'Hopkins charges ithat Colonel
Hopkins, ignoring the fact that ho whs
already married, took unto himself as
wife, October 2 1000, Jennie Gumpertz,
known as Jennie Melville, of the vaude
ville sketch team, the Melville sisters.
A few weeks ago Mrs. Rosetta Hop
kins was put out of her flat on th
South SIdo because her circumstances
made tt impossible for her to pay her
rent. This was a result of the failure
of her husband, It Is said, to pay nor
money in accordance with an agree
ment, made with the court.
Many Thanks.
"I wish to express my thanks to the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for
having put on the market' such a won
derful medicine," says W. V. Massln
glll, of Beaumont, Texas. There are
many thousands of mothers whose
children have been saved from attacks
of dj'sentery and cholera Infantum
who must also feel thankful. It is for
sale by all druggists. Matthews Bros.,
wholesale and retail agents.
Holds Bryanlsm Responsible for
Blood Shed in Philippines.
By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Press.
Crawfordsvlllo, Ind,, Oct. 5. In a
speech at the Governor Mount meeting
hero yesterday General Lew Wallace,
who has been unalterably opposed to
"McKlnleylsm," declared for tho presi
dent, stilting that ho would support tho
untlre ticket.
He denounced Bryanlsm as respon
sible for tho continuance of the Philip
pine war and every drop of American
blood shed there.
' -
Par Female Complaints.
and diseases arising from an Impure
state of the blood Llchty's Celery
Nerve Compound Is an invaluable spe
cific. Sold by Matthew Bros.
i o
Shoe Store,
Under Buying, Under Selling and Advertising
Is the great success ot our business. Our low prices ou all sorts of footwear have
set the town talking havemade competitors wonder how we buy goods so cheap. It is
our aim to make money on buying and then we give the benefit of our great purchasing
power to our customers, aud you can always buy reliable and stylish footwear for less
money than any house in this world.
Men's Shoes.
48 pairs men's box calf, welt, rub
ber heel, $3.50 shoes, today only
136 pairs men's 3 sole winter rus
set, Goodyear welt, leather lined
$3, 50 shoes, today only $2.20.
24 pairs men's patent leather,
Goodyear welt, $3,50 Bhoes, today at
60 pairs men's vicl kid dross Rhoes,
worth $3.50, at $2.29.
Men's light and heavy shoes at
08c, $1,20, $1,40 and 31,08.
We invite yon to call and examine our regular-line ol shoes and you will surely save money by it.
The Cheapest Shoe
Jonas Long's Sons' Gloves.
All tlic new styles arc here for you to see, in every shade
and at every price. We liave never before shown so large and
varied an assortment. We look for the best there is in Glove
milking, combining quality and finish with perfect fit. There
aro many kinds at many prices. Safest method is for you to
sec them before parting with your money elsewhere.
Jonas Long's Sons' Millinery.
If you're interested in a new Hat or Donnet, we arc at your
service in this best appointed Millinery store in the state.
Trimmed and Untrininicd Hats for women and children, and
everything imaginable to trim them.
Black Hats, made of velvet, prettily trimmed in all the new
effects at ?.5.4!) the live dollar kind in other stores.
Big assortment of Felt Turbans and Short Back Sailors,
'trimmed in velvet and silk, with fancy feathers, $1.98.
Jonas Long's Sons' Books.
The Albert Ross novels about fifty of them left, arc yours
at 20 cents each fifty cents in other stores. No more when
these arc gone.
What few paper novels remain, choose from at ii cents.
Want them all to get out of the way before the holiday goods
... . 1
come piling 111.
. The new Copyright Books, of course. Most every title is
here, and at much less than publishers' prices as well as always
a little less than in any other bookstore hereabouts.
Jonas Long's Sons' Groceries.
The best evidence of character and quality in business, is
growth. This takes us directly to our Grocery Store where
business is overwhelming us. Glad of it for your sake it is
giving you a better grade of Groceries than you've ever bought
before for the money.
Just a few little specials for today, to help along the Sunday
Stuffed Manfioea, hottlc 2"c.
Plcklct Itclish, larerc hottlc 13c.
Columhiis llli ci Salmon, 12c.
Lunch Tongue, fine, :10c.
Kippered Herring, fine, 18c.
Imperial Outs, 2 lb. He.
Mackerel, l-iiitc, pound, 18c.
Catsup, Vim Camp's, tie.
Tea, new choice inked, 10c.
Jonas Long's Sods
1f3liH Simple I
IHwntKT5MM 'fliH! m
KfTwSM Stove
to a
(Steam or Hot Water)
is made extra heavy, with every joint iron to iron. There is no heat lost, and
at the end of the winter the heater shows no sign of wear. It is made for heat
and wear. . . , , , , . , .
Lot in aend jrou our boolclot, you will knot
all about neater that U north kuonluf.
The Sperl Heater Company, Carbondale, Pa.
Myer Davidow,
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
Clam Iloullllon, Iliirnlmm's, 20c.
Muciiioui mid cheese, inn t'C,
I,olister, Islar liraud, 23c.
Saidines, iinpoited, tic.
Chicken Tatuulc, flue, lie.
Sliced Bacon, Mar brand, lie.
Pineapple Chunks, can lie.
Coffee, Mexican .lava, pound 2-7C.
Sllilllit'.H, imputtcd, smoked, 15c.
is a simple thing when you
have a Sperl Heater (coal re
quired once in 12 to 20 hours)
It is so simple any one can keep
going and have the house heated
degree as you want it, day or
Every part of a
Sperl Heater
Shoe Store.
Big Bargains
In Ladies' Shoes.
876 pair ladies' fine French kid ex
tra heavy soles, Goodyear welt, the
newest lasts, made for this fall at
$3.50, today only $2.48,
500 pairs ladies' dongola button
and lace shoos nt 08c, $1.20, $1.40
and $1,08.
Misses' shoes nt 75c, OSc, and
Soys' shoes at OSc.
Baby shoes nt 25c.
Lackawanna Avenue,
.. i-mr