The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1900, Page 12, Image 12
j RWSSHI -yU' $ ?s-r,V- t- .i. h fW fr JBtr.i'i l wr x ': 1 kXI 12 r J THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1900. U 5T555?r7T i, iV fr in 1 i IV bJ LIVE NEWS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD .PEACE UNION WANTS TO END THE STRIKE. Suggestion That Is Hade to Mine Operators and All Others in Any Way Interested in the Ending of the Present Conflict Dickson Com pany Shipping Hoisting Engines to Nova Scotia - Distinguished Railroad Men in the City Other Interesting Itoms. The executive committee oC the Uni versal Peace union has Issued the fol lowing: To Mine Operators, Miner", Ofllcfn of l.nlior Organisations, Railroad Companies and rll Per sons Interested In the Present Strike In tlie Mining Districts of PcnnsjUsnla. The Pcaco Union, organised 1SH6 anil chartered In 18S8, Is profoundly Impressed with the necessity of your coming together to adjust existing dlfllcultles, so that your work may go on and your Interests bo not farther Impaired, We bellcio you are competent to do this, If you will appoint from each interest three delegates to represent you In ft conference, where any grievances may lie presented and all differences may be explained. Thin conference should be held with the au thority and determination to settle such differ ences as .stand In the way of a lcsumptlon of work and' make such concessions as will be just to all. If mediation, arbitration and conciliation can ntd jou, wc offer our sen Ices. It is often of a1uo to have Impartial persons meet with those trfco Interests seem to contllct and who will be willing to gho time and attention without charge for the welfare of all. ' The Peace Union has a standing committee for such purposes, which hu effected settlements. It now offers Its rooms, 1303 Arch street, Logan building, Philadelphia, nnd its services for such a conference. The committee is: ltev. Henry S. Clubb, Judge William X. Ashmann, ltev. ficorge D. Doardman, Archbishop V. J. Ilyan, Thomas J, Whitney, Bishop Cyrus D. Foss, (icorge G. Mer cer, Esq., Thomas Walter and Alfred II, Love. That you may understand the broad and impartial position wo occupy we enclose a copy of our "Cardinal Principles Governing Capital and La bor." It is our purpose at the nct session of the legislature of this state to present a memorial to amend existing laws, or to enact such new ones as will prevent a repetition of the present calamity. By order of the executive committee, Attest: Alfred If. Loc, President. Daniel Batchcllor, Secretary. Cardinal Principles Governing Capital nnd La bor, prepared by the Universal Peace Union: To obtain a solution of pending difficulties, afford a relief from present distressed, and iecure justice to all, the following principles are essen tial to success: 1. The employer should have the right of select ing, without dictation, the person he cmplojs. 2. The' person seeking employment should have the right of seeking that "employ ment wherever lie believes his services will be best appreciated and remunerated. 3. The right to organize for beneficent purposes belongs to all alike, and whether cmplojer or rmplojce belong to any organization, should be no obstacle to forming a labor contract. 4. Persons not members of any organization phould (have the right to seek cmplojment and fOiitimic cmplojcd without molestation or inter ference by those connected with an organization. fi. Labor contracts, whether made for a week, n month or a. longer period, should bo considered binding by employers and cmplojers, to bo amended, canceled or renewed only with the con sent nf each contracting parly. (1. Kniplojere should not be required to abide In- regulation or law of organizations, in the instruction nf which they had no voice. 7. Due notice of nny change in the work or lime affecting price.-, of labor, and cessation of or tlNthaigc fioni employment, should be ghen by the employer to the employed. 5. Due notice of leaiing employment should be ghon to the employer by the employed. fi. Violcnie of any kind on the part of capital in labor Is neicr coiidiiilic to the best intercuts of either. 10. Misunderstandings not otherwise adjustable, should be suhmitted to a tiibunil of aibitiatimi, and each contiacl should contain a clause pro viding therefor. 11. Pending the arbitration of difficulties, cm plojers and emplojees should continue their re lations as before, and any settlement, not other wise agreed upon, should date fiom the begin ning of the dlltlciilly. Going to Nova Scotia. TIip Dickson Manufacturing com pany Is preparing for bhlpmcnl two lilg lmlKtlng engines and a fan en gine from their Ponn avenue shops to Hie Dominion Coal company, at Cllaco Hay, Cupc Briton, Nova Scotia. A vertical compound 900-horhO-pow-or electrical engine is now in course of erection at the shops for the Metro politan Klectrlc company, of Reading, and :i Mowing engine for the Lacka wanna Iron and Steel company's new plant -at Buffalo Is also heing erected. Several smaller contracts are also being filled, and work is quite brisk at the shops just now. Distinguished Railroad Men. W. C. Hayes, locomotive superin tendent of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, with headquarters at Balti more, Is In the city .visiting General Superintendent T. E. 'Jlarke and T. S. IJoyd, superintendent of motive power nnd machinery, of the Lackawanna railroad, who tiro old acquaintances. Mr. Hayes is an expert locomotive runner nnd hns a wide reputation as n sclentlllc expert in the consumption of fuel und other locomotive supplies, and as an Instrttctor in the running, management una euro of locomotives generally, This and That. Mrs. J. H, Moore, of Toledo, Ohio, grand president of the Ladles' Auxil iary to the Order of Hallway Conduc tors, who has been spending several lays In this city, returned to her homo resterduy. During her stay hero she rvaa entertained by the members of the local auxiliary. In vlW of the many rumors current respecting stock purchases hy leading roads for tho purpose of obtaining con Irol of other properties the following ixtract from tho New Yoik Central's innual statement, Issued today, was leemed significant: "With tho approval f the board of directors, there have teen made from tlnui to time purchases if stocks of tho Lake Erie and West irn, rho Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland md St. Louis (Big Four), nnd Chesa leake and Ohio, thus oillciully con Irmlng rumors respecting such pur chases that have long been current In ihe street, HOPBOTTOM. Ipccltl to the Scranton Tribune, Hopbottom, Oct. 5. Mr, and Mrs, E. V. Tiffany attended the Blnghamton fair Thursday, Mrs. N, M, Finn, who has been 111 for several weetio past lias had a re Jupse and Is now quite low ugaln, Mi's. William Alney Is helping care for her at present. Misses Marlon Titus and Lottie Bryan ana Messrs. Wllmarth and Yco mans spent the day at Heart Lako Thursday, Mrs. Sarah Carpenter, of Hallstead, Spent Thursday with Mrs. Finn. Charles Reynolds and family have rnoxed to Conkllu Center, where Mr. Reynolds wjll be employed n the beet ugar Xaotory, WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS A BBOOKDAIiE BOY WITH A FROG IN HIS THROAT, Susquehanna County Suffers for Water A Summer Hotel Project. Sam Hapgood Catches a Fox With His Hands Current Topics Dis cussed. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Susquehannn, Oct. A. Farmer Bill Wlnthrop lives near Brookdnle. Ills eldest son, Bob, nged sixteen, a sturdy young fellow, for a year has been "under the weather" and able to do but little work on the farm. Local physicians without number have treat ed him for an unknown malady, but without success. Ho has been treated for enlarged liver, appendicitis, can cer of tho stomnch, etc., but ho has gradually wasted away, and doath eemed cortnln. Bob has complained that something was moving about In his stomnch, but all of his physicians told him that ho was laboring under a hallucination. Last week a peregrinating Indlnn doctor, of tho Onondaga tribe, struck Brookdalc. Ho took Bob's case in hand and one day made him drink about a quart of some bitter decoc tion, after which he took him to a spring and placed him on his stom ach, with his mouth near the water. The Indian then pressed hard on Bob's back, and In a moment the young follow felt a choking sensation In his tin-on t. The doctor Inserted his fingers in Bob's throat and lit a mo ment drew forth a green frog, weigh ing eighteen ounces. It Is supposed that when the creature was very small Bob drew It Into his stomach while drinking at some mountain pool. The frog is alive, nnd Bob keeps It In a glass jar as a souvenir. JUST BETWEEN US. Because a great man sometimes bolts his party ticket, says a close observer, it docs not follow that every body who bolts his party ticket is a great man. The world Is getting better every year, but the cigarette llend shows no signs of reform. That erring class, the Prohibition ists, will have a "still hunt" in Sus quehanna county this year. Tho reason Mohammed refused to go to tho mountains was because the hotel rates were so high. "A good man gone wrong" Is usually a bad man found out. MATTERS AND THINGS. Fred Jewltt, of Brooklyn, this coun ty, wants to go to the legislature on a fusion ticket. Bet he cannot Jew ltt. A series of social hops in Susque hanna Is "off." The bops were under the auspices of several societies of a church. On tho printed invitations tho pastor inserted a foot-note, requesting the gentlemen to appear in evening dress. This the young men took as a reflection upon their intelligence, nnd they refused to attend the hops. Late advices are to tho effect that the AVayno county coal miners are not yet on strike. This Is said to be the dryest season In forty-seven years. Vicinity resi dents are filling their wells from the river. THE NEWS BECORD. In St. John's Catholic church last evening, by tho pastor, Rev. P. F. Broderlck, John J. Dougherty and Miss Mabel le Rose Perry weio united In marriage. Prof. Byron "W. King, of Pittsburg, will lecture in Hogan Opera, October L'O, under the auspices of Grace Episcopal church of Oakland. There Is a great drought through out this -section. Reservoirs, wells and mountain streams arc dry, and the Susfiuchanna river is at tho lowest mark in Its history. There Is a cry for water throughout the land. The "Women's Christian Temperance Union of Susquehanna county will hold its annual convention In New Mllford today and Friday. It Is reported that a largo summer hotel will bo built at Columbia Grove next summer. AVHOLLY UNPREMEDITATED. Tho corn grows on the prettiest foot. Tho life mlbsion of the black ant Is fully accomplished after Itlhas crawled down, a girl's back at a picnic. Tho shades of evening daily fall earlier oo'r tho earth, art unmistakable evidence that summer has departed. The glowing autumn's varied tlnU With silent joy we always gieet, Because ils gilded glory bints Of buckwheat cakes and sausage meat. Some women cannot make a straight line, but she can malign another wo man's now fall hat. The nights are getting longer, but tho young man who occupies hulf of a parlor chair with his best girl every ovcnlng doesn't realize It. CAUGHT A FOX WITH HIS HANDS. Sain Hapgood, a youth of State Line, caught a fox with his handi tho other day. Reynard was llrst seen coming do.wn tho Delaware and Hudson track running foidoar life In front of a loco motive. As locomotive and fox ncared tho station the unimal left tho truck and started for the hills. It reached tho highway, when it was met by young Hapgard, who was going along tho road. Tho fox was so ex hausted by its hard and long race that tho lad captured it and carried It homo in triumph. AVhltney, THIEVES ROBBED THE POPE. Loss at the Vatican Was from Leo's Private Funds. Ily Kxcluklvc Wlrp from The Associated Press. Rome, Oct. 5. The Italian police have begun an Investigation into the burglary at tho Vatican, where thieves tho other day forced a safo and car ried off securities worth 357,000 llro and 3,000 lire In silver, Four persons nra under suspicion und ono was arrested this morning. The Trlba says tho Italian police warned tho Vatican pollco In July of last year that a plan was on foot to commit some such robbery. It Is believed that the stolen prop erty does not belong, as was originally asserted, to the management of the Apostolic palace, but Is a part of the private funds of tho pope. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Has been used for over FIFTY Y1HHS by MILLIONS of MOTUUItH for their (JlIIU)ItKN' WHILE TKETMNa, will) PKltFLOT SUCCESS. It SOOTJIKS the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all FAIN; CUltES WIND COLIO, and is the best remedy for DIAliltllOF.A. Sold by PruggiiU la every part of tho world, lie sure and ailc (or "tin. Wiuslow's Soothing Syiup," and taka no other kind. Twenty-five tnU a l, bottle. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, Oct. S. The slock market continued to show Ihe effects of profculonal operations for the aihance today. New points of strength dc eloped under the shifting operations of tho bull party but sustaining Influence thus alforded was taken advantage of tci realise In stock! which ic already had tliclr uihnnce. Distinc tion was thus made ecn In stoiks of the sitne group, as, for Instance In the steel and Iron group, where national steel and tin piste, which hao had their notable ndwincc, hung while other numbers, of the group were puslud for ward. Kcn Tennessee Coal, after an opening Jump of 2 points under the stimulus of the sin prised short covei Itiir, dragged behind the others. It was pulled up In sjnipathy with the general rise, but dosed Willi a small net loss, The bujlng of steel and who was the most con spicuous tint lilted the stock at one lime i, A number of the steel slocks sated a net gain of over a point. In the railroad list there was the same disposition manifest to take up Hew stocks for the advance, and llioc were selected for width the borrowing demand Indicates that there has been a largo demmd. There was cu,i spxucu bujlng of Pennlanli, and rumors were revived, such as were heard when the ml pre portions or tlie jears earnings first ucgan in be understood, of an increase in the dividend rate. Gossip on tlie stock exchange attributed the bujlng to the same Inliiests which weie active In the previous movement. Sum: sticiiglh was shown bv Sugar, People's (las and Brooklyn liapld Transit, In all of which dealings were large, but the tone was feverish and irrrgular. The matket closed rather heavy and at substan tial reactions fiom the best. Total sates A!7,5W. the bond market continues Irregular on a Bmall volume of dealings. Total sales, par value, il,.1(X,0U0. U. H. bends unchanged on the last call. The following fpiotatlons are furnished The Tribune by M. S. .Ionian t Co., rooms 70V71M Mens building, hcianton, Pa. Tclcphcn 6003: Open- High- Low- t'los. ing. est. iMt. ing. Amcr. Sugar 11714 HOW H7"i Amer. Tobacco H0?i Hill (WW HIV. Alner. Steel and Wire .. 32 If. .tl'i" W.i ;i-lM' Atchison SiW 2 WA 2"fe Atchison, pfd 71 717s 70 WA lirookljn Traction .: C f.'.',i 8.1 It. & 0 70)i 72 70!'i 72 font. Tobacco MVs 20 2Vs 2ov, dies. iV Ohio 2s 20 '.; 2S C, 11. & (J 120 127 12V4 lSUTi St. Paul 112K 11.1 IliU 1121 Hock Wand HW4 lOTVfi loi'Vs 1M II. K II. ., Fid. Mori JIO'S H0V4 110V5 llDVi iri'.i :ii 3.1 iii- Fed. Steel, nld lil' (.il II I W 25'.i 2sS -2. 72 Ill's W)'i lll-ft 11! fil i)r h7& M.'i .it i?, :u hi .WJ .ll'f, r.OVa (10 now hot; 20W 2l)W i:io8 120 .11 ffl) in ir, 03 ."ii'J 12'f, 11!", fills fi! os'i n i?; ioy hi os'4 ('! 2'P'a 20 bow f,s:-i 7i 7,Wi 1SW IS 70 W 70',4 Kan. & Tex., pfd. . I.ntiis. k Xasli Man. niev.iti'd Met. Ti action Mo. Pacific People's (las Col. Fuel nnd lion .Southern P.n Ifle .... Norfolk cV Western .. Xoithern Pacific .... Northern Pacific, pfd. 2SU 25H 72' 4 )1', 131-K 50 s"Ts ;u 3.11'. 01 i.'ii M'.i 87 Sii; if'i is)i li . v. lenirni ...10 O. & Western 2nW Pennsylvania. 120 Pacific .Mail .11 Heading 10 Heading, pfd fi'iVi Southern It. It 12 Southern It. It., pfd. ... SI Term. C. & Iron 5S',i Leather 10 Leather, pfd (A Ilulibcr -20'k Union Pacific 5S'i Union Pailfto, pfd 7.111 Wabash, pfd M Western I'nion TO'fe xi:w york product: K.cii.xar. pmcix .,, Open- High- Low- Clos. YVIIhAl. n,.f. P,t. ol. ing. December b2Ts 8.1'ft S2)i MU -Mco,ix. " M Wi M December J2U -fi1! 4"ii 4'W Sljy 41W 41W 41U ll'j Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. nid. Inst Xationil Hank nki Su.iutoii Saving, Hank ,100 Siiantoii Packing C Third National Hank v-r, Dime Deposit and Distmuit llmk .. "00 laoiioim- Light, II. & P. ( Laeka. Tuist Sife Deposit Co ljo Sumitim Paint cv Clatk k Snnvei Co., Pi 12, Scraiiton lion 1'einr ,V Mlg. Cn Siianloii Axle Woiks Lackawanna Daily Co., IV County Savings llmk & Tuist Co... 30O I'iist Dank (Cailmndalel hlindard DilIliiiL- Co Asked, Trailers' N.illninl Itank Scranton Holt and Nut Ci ItONDS. Siriinlon rasnciunr Hallway, first Moilg.igo, clue 11120 People's Slrcet Hallway, Hist mort 100 in gage, due 1018 Hi Pmplc'i. Sliiel H.ulw.i.i, (iencial mortgage, due 1021 !" Ilic ksiui Minufaitiiiliig Ci PJO LacKa. Toishli School 5 per rut. ... nj City of Scranton SI. Imp. il per cent ' ... iiu Siiaiilnii 'liaition li per cent 11." Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corieclrcl by II. (1. Dale, 27 Lu kaiv.iiin.i Ave.) Iliilter CiiMiiieri. 2.1.12 le.: ilaiiv tubs. 2.!e. Fggs -Select vvcstcin, 17c; nearby rt.ite, 1'Je. Cheese Full iie.iin, new, ItWc Hems- Per tin., iholie miiiuw, 2.10; medium, $2.30; pel, .W. . l'ot.itoi's--(.0c. Onions laic-, per bu. Fiom Ileal palinl, $ Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Oil, 5. -Wheat te. loner, Oct., i.'iWii"5!(;i-. Coin-Steady; No. 2 mixed, Oct., llliltiWe. Oatu Steady; No. 2 white rlli ped, 2s!i;c.; No. 3 do. do., 20l20',fie. ; No. 2 mixed, do,, 25'i.i2iie. Iliilter V-aC lower; fancy west crn iicanury, 21r.; do. piints, 2ic. Eggs Finn; fiesh nearby, 20c; do. western, 20e. ; do. Miiitlivvcatein, 0c.; do. houllicin, ISc." Cheese Steady; New Yoik full cre.mi!.. faiuv mii.i1), ll'ic; do, do. do. lair tu iliolee, UlJf.illUi'. Itciliied sug.iis Uuchangeil. Cotton Wc. low cr; middling uplands, lie. Tallovv Steady; city prime in lilub., 4r.; country ilo,, bids., 5Wc; ilaik do., v.; cakes, tiliv. Llvo poultiy Steady, fair ikinaiul; fowls, llallVie, ; old loosters, 7W'Se.; tpihig chickens, malic; clucks, OalOc Dies.sed poultry Dull and luwer; fowls, iholce, ll.illVic; do. flii to good.. 10.1 lO'.ic ; old roosters, 7c; neaiby spring ihlik ins, liable: woteiu do,, 10il2e, lteieipts Flour, ,'1,(100 baircls, and 1,500,000 pounds in saiks; wheat, 20,000 bushels; corn, 02,000; oats, 21,000. Shipment" Wheat, a.OUO bushels; turn, S00 bushels; oat.s, 2,500. New York Grain 'and Produce, New Yolk, Oit. fi. Fiom Matket was again iiegliclcd, being held 10 to 20 cents above buy ers' bids on niCht grades. Wheal Spot hleudy; No. 2 red, 82 Wc. f, u. b. ulloat; No. 2 red, Sl9c ilevatnr; No, I northern Duliith, s7Wc f, o, b. alloal, Options weakened u little and weio exliemely dull, tlually lallied and cloeed went cxiieineiv nun, miaii, tinn at n paitial c. net il closed SUUc; .May, Wic,; t ileillne, No. 2 jl.inli Oct.. SOTCc: llec. WWc Corn-Spot dull: No. 2, iV,H: ilcvator. iiml 4Mc, t, ci. li. iiuoar, uptiuus generally steady all day nil closed steady at u partial Vic. net d"cline, .May ebbed 4l14c; Oct., 40',ie,; Dec, 12!4c OaU-Siiot quiet; N". 2, Miv.', No, 0, ".v.! Nil. 2 white, 27',c; No. .'I Uhile, 27c.; track mixed wcitein, 21.1270,; tiuik white vventiru, 2iHa.lle.; track white state, 2ljU.J4c, Options very ipilct mid baicly steady, lliitler Steady; iiiamuv. 10i2lc; fattoiy, bSlialoVii'. j June cieou.eiy, 17iiv20',4c'. ; imitation cicameiy, 15VSal7Wi.i btato daily, l.V,C-a20e. Egg-stiong; stale and Peima,, 1S.i21c, i western, regular picking, 12yiabc.; western, loss oft. Silk!, Cheiso Markil dull and weak; large vvldte, lie; small while, ll'mll !ic, ; laigq colored, lie; binall colored, UWullUc Chicago Grain and Produce, Chicago, Oct. 0. Wheat was Inegular, but turned 111 in tovvauW the Hid on good cash de iiunil and In svnip.illiy with the btrcngth of Oetober poik, November closed Uc ovir yes tcrdjy. Corn closed uuchangeil i oats, c. low cr, and provisions for Januaiy deliveiy, ::ial5c. luglier, October poik ilosed $1.40 higher. Cash quotations vvera ui follows; Flour .Steady; No. 3 spring wheat, 7215 i77c, ; No. 2 red, 77Via7tH; No. 2 com, lOliallc.; No, 2 jellow, 40a4le.; No. 2 oats, 22Uai!e,; No. 2 white. 20',lc.j No. H white. SiliuJU&c.i No, 3 rje, 62c; No, 1 llax, !fl.(l.l)j; No. 1 northwest, $1.01; tlmothv, .fl.2ral.a5; pork, ifllall.fiO; lard, 5.7.25a7.0: rilu, SaS.30; shouldei. OViuO?ie.j sides, lKS.60aS.C0; whiskey, $1.27, Chicago Live Stock Market, Chicago, Oct, 6. Cattle lteieipts, 2,000; gen erally tteady; natives, best on sale today, two carloads ut $3.00; good to prjiuu itceis, $5.45a 5.00: mixed ttotkcu, weak, f2,60a3 0."i; eous, UJ.03al.23; helfeu, JJ.OOal.ffl; canncrs, 10c lower, 2a2.50; bulU, blow, If2.50a4.23; calves, steady, $laO; TexaK fed steers, $l,10al.s3; Texas grass kteeis, $.l.30al; Texas bulls, f2.50a3.23. Hogs lleielpU today, 25,000; tomorrow, 18,. 000; left over, 3,0o0; average shade lower; tops, ?5.60; mixed aid butcluu, -"ja3.53; good to choke heavy, $541,471$; lough heavy, St.b5al.03; bulk of talcs, $5.40. Sheep Itecclpts, 0,000; sheep and lambs, slow; good to choice wethers. J.S0a:j.D3: fair to choice mixed, fl.40a3.6O; western sheep, 3.65 A i .1,01t .Texts sheep, $2.fioM0s native lambs, 1j.Uiij.Wi western limbs, $t..W.i5. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Knst llultrtlo, Oct. C Cattle llecelpls, (VI ears, sheepj nnd lambs, 12 cars! hnm, 40 cars. Ship ments Chile, 63 iais Oerp and lambs, l) caisj bogs, is Mrs. (Ja'.llo (linerally cpiletl cal.-es, steadvj iliolce to ctra, ?7a7 23J good lo cholic, (J."0a7. Sheep and lambs t.nibs, strong and lOf.'iV. higher) iholec to extra, $.'.23 13.33! good to iholce, $3n5.23! common lo fair, Jlat.Tii shirp, llrni! mixed, t,75ilt welliei, ?lal.2."i ewes, ifAfDal! good deinnid for export ec, J.1.73.1 :i.W Ciiiiaila hiiulis, fV23.i3.4o; with an cxlia choleo lot selling a little higher. Hogs Steady! heivy and mixed, $3.70t xr.ik ers, lie ivy, $3.fl5n3M); light orkers, j.40i3.Wi; pigs, $3.2'.i." 30j prascn, ?5.30a5.4() luuglu, ?I.7J.15; slates, $.V,iial; closed steady. New York Live Stock Market. New York, Oct. 6. Ilecves, steers and cows, steady; bulls, weak to n sliule lower! Intlvc sleirs, ?I.2)15.70; oxen nnd stags, AI.fi0il.Ml; bulls,! rows, l,40al. Olives Veals, dull I grassers, steady to i-hado higher! veals, Jj'fiiS; giascrs, J.20 1'l S mixed calves, .1al. Sheep and lambs Steadv to 10c. higher; sheep,; lambs, SI.73i3.O0; Canada lambs, s1ii5..W. Hogs Feeling trllle flitni no sales reported, East Liberty Stock Market. Fast I.llicrlv. Oct. . Cattle Steady; extra, $ nrime. S5.23a5.u0: common, $.l.25a S.73. Hoirs Dull nnd lower: nrlme mediums. r .7) n5.52W' heavy yorkcrs, '.40aV5; light do., ?5.:!3a5.l(); heavy lings, f", 50a"i.f.5i pigs, $i 0.K3; graskcm, $5.15i3.30; roughs, $.1.50il.S0. Sheep Slow; choice wethers, flnl.l'i; com mon, $l,50i2.mi; choice lambs, jl.S0.i5; coin too nto good, .lal.75; veal calves, $3.Ma0.50. Oil Market. Oil City, Oct. 5. Credit balances 110; cer tificates, no bid. Shlpnitnts, ll.1,202: average, S.!,U20. Huns, 111,327; average, 10I.IS0. Tliere Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until tho lust few c.irs was supposed to be Iniurahle. For a great many vears doctors pro nounced il a locil disease, and prescribed local reiiiidles, and by constantly filling to emc wllh loial tieatment, pioiimnieid it incm.inlc. Sci ence has proven catarrh to lie a constitutional disease, and therefore requiies romtitutional treatment. Hill's Catarih Cure, manufactured by F. .1. Cheney k Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tlie only cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses fiom 10 drops to a teaspoon fill. II acts directly on the blood aid mucous surfaces of the s.vsleni. They offir one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and tcslimoniiK Address, F. .1. Clli:Xi:Y & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drticgists, 75'. Hull's Family Pills arc the best. " EUGENE I Given Free FIELD'S POEMS A $7.00 BOOK to each person init'icsf. ed in suhsi'iilnng to the Eugene Field Monu ment Souvenir Fund. Suhsiriho any amount desired. Snivel iplions as low as $1.00 will on- Cilln ilonot' In lit u tl.iiiif. THEHookortlio ily aitistie volume. cciitiiry.llunil- "FlriLD FLOWKRS" somely 1 lus- (elolli bound, Svlll, as iruti'il liy tnir- a eeititle.ile nf subsciip-tv-tvvo of the tlon to fund. Doolc drill S droat- .milnins .n Kplei-llnti e.f cstAitists. Field's best mid nm-t reprcsculative woiks anil is uady fur de livei.v. Kill for the noble contribution of the woild'i. greatest this book could not have been inanufac lined for less than .s7.HO. The Fund incited is divided equally be tween the family of the late Eugene Field and tie; Fund for the building of a monu ment lo the uumory of the beloved poet of ihlldhood. AddriM, Euerens Field Monument Souvenelr Fund If .vr.u also viluli to ceiid postage, inclose 10 cents. DR. DBNSTEN, 311 Spruce Street, Scrn. ton, Pa. All Acute and Chronic Diseases at Men, Womrn an I Children, Consultation anil examination free. Office Hours Dully and bund ay 8 a. m. to o p. m. NERVITA PILU Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor add Alanbood Curo Impotcncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem, Ory, 1111 VYUSUI1K UlSUUbOS, nllelfocts nt relf-ubusa or ozcosa unci indiscretion. 60 PILLS 50 CTS. A nerve tonioana biooa buiiaer, uriai tlie nlnk clow to Dale clieoka anil restores tlie tiro of s out li. .By mall SOo por box. u boxes for 82,60, with our bankable gaurantee to oura or refund the money paid. Semi for circular one! copy ot our bankable) guurautco bona. Nariiita Tohloto extra strenqth Immediate Results (YELLOW LAUEL) Positively Kuarantcod enro for Loss ot Power, Vuricocola, Undeveloped or Shrunken Oreuns, Puronls. Locomotor Ataxln. Nfirvoua Prostra. tlon, Hysteria, Fits, Insnnity, Parnlysis nnd tho ltosulu of Kxcesilvo Uso of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, By matt in plain packnuo, $1,00 u box, O tor $6.00 with our bankable ffuar antee bond to cure in UO days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHIOACO, ILL. Sold by McQarra'd tk Thomas, Drug. sUt 209 LAckawacna live., Ecranton. Vo. I Know I H But she does,tbat R "Suow White"! 1 flour is the best 1 I all around flour 1 m sold in Scranton. 1 9 AH good gro- I 'ir. ja cers sell it. I ioo grstwumm 'totuu.mx9ttiiff2 m ' i!l'.ml IKW om ee iiuy uapanie ur. x. I faVJrcit la 48 hoara wttboull.,.- I lln.ii.wAnl.BPM..Hrtlu,ul Btlrar I Iy. vtWeb Z.'ipa)bu jCv,uu 1 1 SORANTON'S 8HOPPINQ CENTER. t Hosiery of Many Kinds To Suit All Purses. We are told that there is no better stock in this city. We don't think there is another as good. A better stock than ours means greater assortment of all known-to-be-good kinds. The showing of fancy kinds is particularly large. This is to be a season of highly colored effects. Values, as always, a little better or much better than those found in stores generally. Just brief random notes of interest to men, women and children Women's Stockings 25c a pair. Of fast black cot ton, all black and black with unbleached feet or split soles. $1.38 per half dozen. 39c a pairLisle Thread Stockings in fancy printed designs, various colors. Value 50c. For Men-19c a pair. Black half hose with unbleached feet, unequaled for wearing qualities. $1.00 per half dozen. Hor Chi!dren12jc a pair. Ribbed fast black cotton for school wear and knockabbut service. Double soles, heels, toes and knees. CONNOLLY UA.......t......M.,.AAA THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 137S DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital Surplus S200.000 .. 500.000 WA1. CONNELl, Presldsnt. HENRY BEL1N, Jr., Vlce-Pres. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier. Special attention given to bust ncss accounts. Three per cent. In terest pal. on Interest deposits. Lager Beer Brewery Mnnuracturors or OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 485 N. Ninth Street, .PA Telephone CiUI. 2333. THE NIK POWDER CO. Ilooms 1 and2, Com'llh B'l'd'g. BOIIANTON, PA. Hining and Blasting POWDER Mf e at Mooilo and un lale Worlu, LAPLIN ck RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANOE QUN POWDER leetrlo Battorlei, KltotrloEizplocleri xplodluu blula, Uaf(y Put uoi IRiNiw Ckailtil Ci't uxhKVe. E. fiiiiin is & WALLACE, CARPETS I RUGS We want you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to be had this side of New York. A superb line of s- I WALL PAPER I l BRASS AND $ '- WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming Avenue. & m N $& WE Such as Foot Balls and Uniforms,. Tennis Goods, Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Cameras, Kodaks and Supplies. Florey & Brooks, 211 Washington Ave, At Retail. Coal of tho best quality tor domeatlo uie and of all sites. Including Buckwheat and Blrdaeyo, delivered In any part of the city, at the lowest price. Orders received at the office, Connell building, rtocm 08: telephone No, 1762, or at the mine, telephone No. 272, will be promptly attended to. Dealers aupplled at the mine. MOUNT PLEASANT COAL CO m ii Dr.THEEL.62 PbUaucIuhla. 1'a.vAll Abuse. BloodPolson,Virlcocel0,StrIcturi CCvCOnll PRIVATi, and OB80URK bolliuiet. CoatNuuhoiieinBliruuk. UHBao, cucrgni.fullTrtioreel. 1'reeli cose cured iu4 to 10 iluye. To, inocrt danscrocu caice wllcltJa. 'INDBUTSOHIR ARrT.''Treat. lueot by uliliT8ii(rior Sworn TMUuionliiT, & Hook ei. toon every laia uiMllu(e,lUahcal AMceucai Jtaui. p:m OT"W losDilul and AriTur tiuriccoa ikllaL 1 North Sixth St. 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE DRAPERIES I METALLIC BEDS I v HAVE A HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent (or the Wyoming? District (or DUPONT'S POWDER. I Mining, Mutlncr, Eporttncr, Smokelcelt md th llcpauuo Chvmlcal Company's High Explosives. Safety Fuse, Caps snd Exploders. Itnom iOl Co. ncll Uuildlntf, Scrantou. AUEKCIUSs TilOS. FOIID ,.,... .Plttston JOHN 1). SMITH & SON ,-.... Plymouth W. V. MULLIQAN ,..., WilkM-oUrra 8: l 1 4, fcl ll 1 (. J nr iS A, A r f u V 4 , , .,f