fc - fi ia Sribiute. cranton SjirPvONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE .NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. 'TWO CENTS. TWE&$$GES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER G, 1900. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. MR. ECKELS TO LABORING MEN Important Address Deliv ered at the Auditorium at Chicago. THE FINANCIAL SITUATION The Ex-Comptroller of the Currency Delivers Hot Shot nt Bryanlsm in a Speech Under Auspices of the Sound Money Business League of Chicago The Evils of the Policy Advocated fcy the False Prophet of 1896 Silver the Real Issue with Bryan Position of Banks. By Exclusive Wire from Tlio Associated Proas. Chicago, Oct. 5. Jumes H. Eckels, ex-comptroller of the treasury, spoke in the Auditorium tonight to an audi ence that pneked the great hall as tightly as It could be packed, hundreds of people being turned away. The meeting was under the auspices of the Business Men's Sound Money as sociation and embraced men of all par tics -who oppose the 16 to 1 plank of the Democratic platform. Mr. Eckels was Introduced by William Davis, of Chica go, president of the Amalgamated as - sociatlon of Iron and Steel Workers, who made a short address. The, Iron and steel Industries were strongly rep resented In the meeting. Mr. Eckels spoke as follows: I propose in this rampaiRn, as .1 nrmocr.it, to Support William McKinley the liomlucc of tlio Hepubllcan p.irly for reflection to the prc-i-tlcntlnl olflcc, and on that behalf, I am upon this platform. I appreciate the sIjcimI compliment whhh the Found Money Business Men's I.cjriio pay in ex tending to me an imitation to adclrcv, upon the questions now at i-suo, so icpresenl itlio a liody of uorMiiKinrn of this cily as aic here K.-ilhcrcel, ami 1 thank them for it. 1 tnil tli.U before I am done, if any entirt.iin the logical deduction to be drawn frnm (he expressed icws of Mr. Bryan, that henlvon in p.irlic.ihr, and business' men in (rrncral air joined in a con (piracy to rob and elCKi.ide labor, that judgment will underpro a revNiou and that in-.te.id they will believe the interests of capital ami labor lie along the same lines and that in the ad tanco of the one is wiousht out the well bolus of the other. The fact may well thillcnco the thoughtful attention of ocry laboring nnu tint no where dn the declaration of principles or the Demo cratic party as today constituted, or tlio utter ances of the Democratic candid 'to appeal to any business interest, whether that lntrrcl be , small or irical. In ooiy section or Hie warn try business men, im matter av1i.iL tTie calling, repudiate them as liol.ilno of all sound nilcs of busiiirss conduct ami ilcslmitiie of those ' imdcrlyjnir principles upon whiih the common Welfare of the f.ueeo-.ful commercial world must rest. On analysis the luboriu;; man will find that this almost nnhci-.tl irjeelioii nf llry.ui ism, by thev-c who me 1 ondm-ting the Kiral ) nfTairs of finance, of nianufuleulitir, of tiade and corniiicrec, anl wlio in the rry order of things nro Riving the largest measure 0, (inployuieut t to labor, docs not mice fiom a selfish, a politi cal or chss prejudice, as Mi. lliy.iu woulil lue them bellcie, because neillier cider into the forming of that opinion. It is tliir Knowlielse of the subject gained llncu-li study iiiul tluir knowledge gained thiough experience in ti.ius acting business alhiirs, whicii iiuifoiinly iiulle in u verdict against the issui- piomul.r.il.'d h.i a debauched demoeracy and a llnoiiylnj populism. They do not wish to ci.iele any legal responsi bility, to pay less than their jn-t proportion of taxes, to treat unjustly their employes or to deal unfairly with the public, 'lliey want only sla. billty in money, equity in lair, and wisdom of word and action in the eecutie. They distrust Mr. Brjnn, because he has nude It impossible tor them to tnu.t him, , Who Employs LnhorP The question which I submit with eoiifldoiioo (0 tho laboring man is, who has mnsL at Muse In this country, the business man uli'w nuigy, 1 thrift and 111lurc cf capital, has nude possl. Me its grcatuc-ui, or the political dnnagnuiics who are going up and clown tho rnuntiy prr.uli Ing a gospel of discontent, uir.iylng diss against class nud proclaluiiiu doctrines, wide It if en forced would bring widespread and far-ieachlng iliM-ster upon cilery intact which now- slamls for tho uso of capital ami the employment of labor? Who today nre employing the thorn inds upon thousands of nun in mine and 11. Ill, in furnaro anil factory, upon the railroads and the waters, in atom ami office? Ale they the Ilrjaiis or tho Tillmans, tlio Altgebls or the Werners tho Towiira or the Crokers? I call jour atten tion to tho fact (I1.1l thcsei men and :ill their associates who write ;lie lal form", uii;i cut the policies and control the action ol tlio Pcino. erratic parly as todiy iliat parly leveils Itself, ore men who know na I'.illing li'il polities nnd contribute nothing to the support of theh fel lows beyond tho emoluments of such political of fices as they may by chance secure. If nice eliminated from politics they will Mini Othello like, their occupation gone, I assert that tlii'sei men aro not as well equipped either in wniel or deed, to so well counsel with labor as are those who aro In tlio dally life of business un tcrtatlngs. , I assert with still greater implnsU Iliat any pjrty which by wedding Itself to in mum! ami destructive doctrines, hai , com. tlctcly eliminated all employers of Ijbor from Is councils, and made Impossible their support it its candidates, is not In he trusted with tho eower to legislate for either labor or capital, ts influence would be Injurious to the lutjrests ( both; Its acts destructive to tint llna-icl.il brie, tho maintenance of the integiltj of which I essential to the well being ol all, 1 menuier oil cltUcns who toll day in and eljy n-it and Biereby upbuild the country, I beg of jot hi member beforo you she in adhesion to (l-i uuso of Mr. Ilryan and his parly as against I lie idvlco of the business world, that by so doing rou embrace the tenets of a part solely of politicians, controlled wholly for the benefit of politicians, ami by politicians alone, 1 do not believe as a business piopnsitlon, jou ran, fioni h standpoint of )oui own good and the) good of thoto dependent upon J on, atford to take the risk to which you are Invited. I am certain, detpite sonic imlMdual injustice here and in dividual injustlco there, jou arc Letter off at present and will be in tho future, by acting " iwjth thoso who employ labor and not nuking common cause wltl men, who neither Ihcmschfa labor outside of the realm of politics for their own advancement, nor gite employment to others, Necessity of Banks. But there is another phase of I his question which we cannot oreilook, II Mr, llr.wn stands for any one llilus more than another it is in It MWrtHltm l ill Ivnm l yr(-tf, with. eM IIIJ lUie I ''1 " -...!...,, iPutUsuid ea Pa &) SENATOR QUAY AT T1TUSV1LLE Makes a Brief Address Upon the Sit uationThe Question of United .States Senator. By Exeluslvo Wire from Tho Assocltted Press. Tltusvllle, Oct. 5 Colonel M. S. Quay, Attorney General Elkln and party nd dresscd an Immense mass meeting hero tonight under tho auspices of tho Mc Klnley and Roosevelt club. Speeches were made by Colonel Quay, Attorney General Elkln, Lincoln J. Eyroot Phil adelphia; Major Alexander McDowell, of Sharon, chief clerk of tho house of representatives, and Hon, A. Ij. Bates, of Meadvllle, Republican candidate for congress In this district. Previous to the meeting a big parade was held. Mr. Quay was most enthusiastically re ceived, many Republicans from tho ad joining counties being present at the meeting which was hughly successful. Colonel Quay said: "As your chairman has Informed you, tho arrangement among tho gentlemen composing this party was that I was not to appear before you tonight. At the urgent request, how ever, of your chairman, I am'hore to meet you. I will just say one word bearing on your present local condi tion. You all know the Republican state convention placed mo In the field as a candidate for United States sena tor. It matters little to me, and It matters little to the Republican party of Pennsylvania, who Is United States senator, just so that a regular Repub lican who can be trusted on all Issues that may be presented In our congress to always stand true to the Republi can party can be sent there to repre sent the state. This Is one of the doubtful districts. It Is today repre, sented by a Democrat, and we must recover it." WAYNE MacVEAGH for Mckinley Ex-Ambassador to Italy Gives Rea sons for Unwillingness to Trust Government to W. J. Bryan. By Exclusive Wiro from The Associated Tress. Pliiladolpltia, Oct. 5. In a letter to tho l-ioUger, which will bo published In that paper tomorrow, Wayne Mao Veagh, who was ambassador to Italy under President Cleveland's adminis tration, in giving his reasons tor sup porting McKinley, siiyn In part: Kor the war with Spain the politicians of both parties were eipially lespC'iisible. but Democrats, both in congiess and in the press-, were even more shrill and insistent in demanding war than llepulilic.ins, while the pusldent wmh resisting tho importunities of both. If eongres-s had left tho matter a few mouths longer in his binds I belleio he could lmo poisuiidrd Spain in with, chaw her II ig from the American continent in peace, as tho other I'.uiope.in nations, with only one exception, had withdrawn theirs. Then followed the Ignoble, hysterical condi tion into which wc all lished outsell ivi over ictories won horn an enemy whom we outnum bered more than flic to one in population and moro thin -0 to 1 in all the: resource's uow nocded in war. II was in that ninnel the tieatj with Spain was negotiated and ration!. While the treaty was before the senate an a lendment was pioposed plicing the riiilippinrs oil the simo footint e Cuba, thus depiliitig Ihe tieaty of Its most . noxious feature that of a grave and serious departure fioni the funda mental principle of those fiee institutions which h.iie been nt once the stienglli and tho glniy of the republic in.il! its splendid histeiiy. Sen ator Vest's amemhnc nt would hac brought the tieaty into csact harmony witli Mr. f.iiicnlii'a slilciucnt and preiented the war in the l'hillp. pines, whicii we all so much diploic!. That amendment was defeated by Mr. Iliyan, mid no body else could Imp defeated il. I do not ipies (ion that his inotlies were p.itiiotlc, but elend the sauin i-hni Hnlilo cnrr-tiuctlou to i'lrsident McKinley. When the treaty was ratillcel without that auiemlmcnt and thus became part of "tin supreme law of the land" (lie deplorable eonse epieuces which hale followed would li.no followed just the same, in my opinion. If Mr. Ityaii had lie en president. Xor can I belleie anjhoilv wllh ordinary com mon sense is In elinger nt rrgiuding President MiKinl,vi''s le-eleclion in an endorsement of tho war in the Philippines. It seems to me the pres ent tendiiiiy of I'icsldeut .MiMuley's mind can be diseeineil in the tum American policy he is now pursuing hi China. Continuing, Mr. MncVcagh tsays ho finds himself In harmony with tho Re publican platform on tlui gold stand arcj, "Hut the controlling reason with me for supporting JIoKinloy and Roosevelt," ho concludes, "Is tho un willingness I feel to Intrust the gov ernment of tho country to tlu men who now represent and control tlu Demo cratic organization, standing as they do upon tho Chicago platform of 1800." WAR IN BREWERY TRUST. Hughes & Glennon Affair May Dis rupt the Combination. lly Iltcluslio Who from The Associated I'rfs... Wllkes-Rane, Oct. G. Tho Pennsyl vania Central Rrowlng company, which controls nearly all the breweries In Northeastern Pennsylvania, has brought action against one of Its mem bers, which may lead to tho disruption of tho trust. The defendants In the case ure Hughes & Glennon, at present mem bers of tho company, and former own ers of tho Forest Castle brewery, at Plttston. Tho company at a Keneral meeting discharged Hughes & Glen non, who were muimging the Plttston brewery, Messrs. Hughes and Glennfn declined to give up their places at the brewery for tho now men the trust wanted to Install, The biewlng com pany then went Into court and nslted for an Injunction to prevent Hughes and aiennon from collecting any money duo to tho company and from Interfering with the employes. The case will bo heard before Judgo Wood wurd in this county on Monday next, LUIA D, HAY'S DENIAL. By Inclusive. Wire from The Associated PreV Chicago, Oct. 5. I.uU 1). Iljy, of Jackson ville, III., has sent to Senator Jones, chairman ot the Demociatlc national committee, a suoiu denial of the story alleging that she knew IV, J. Ho an to luio been paid 150,000 to cause a Hm PlUMh lei U InetMWetitld In Ilia lUiuti City pUUtritt' THE APPEAL OF NATIONAL 1 DEMOCRACY An Eloquent Address Is sued to the Gold Democrats. DANGERS OF BRYANISM The Old Line Democrats Are Im plored to Stand by Their Patriotic 1 Position of Four Years Ago and Assist in Saving the Country from the Peril of Bryan's Electon A Few of the Dangers Pointed Out. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Indianapolis, Oct. !i. The executive committee of the national Democracy issued the following address tonight: "To the National Democracy, tho gold Democrats of the United States: "Pour yej.rs age your patriotic po sition saved tho country from the peril of Mr. P.ryon'8 election. You were not deceived by tho plea of regularity In his nomination. You saw him truly as the nominee of a combination which had your party name to gild princi ples unknown to Democracy. "You stood steadfuHtly by tho finan cial views and political philosophy of Jefferson, Jackson, Tllden tnd Clove land. In your national convention at Indianapolis you declared that you "had assembled to uphold the princi ples upon which depend the honor and welfare of American people throughout the union that they may unite their patriotic efforts to avert destruction frnm their country anJ ruin from their party.' "That convention said that the 'Democratic; party has survived many defeats, but could not survive victory won out In behalf of the doctrine and policy proclaimed in Its name at Chi cago.' "You went firmly to your duty and did It well in the hope that there would bo no further attempt to use your party name as a mask to the abhorrent prin ciples advocated by Mr. Bryan. In hia defeat his misled supporters were ad monished and chastened to an extent which turned them away from the path to which he allured them. The Kansas City convention was aver.se to re-affirmation of tho Chicago phu'form and a majority of its delegates honestly hoped to purge tho party of the vicious heresies which had lost it the respect and confidence of the country, but, through the power of his organization and by the reason of hope of success born In his prior nomination by tho Populists, Mr. Bryan prevailed against the better sense of tho convention, compelled endorsement of le false doctrines of 1R9K anil by the votes of Alaskl and Hawaii forced the specific lelnstatement of his dangerous and de structive financial theory. Ho stands now, therefore, for all he advocated In 1836 and, accepting the Populist nomination, has added thereto his dec laration in favor of an unlimited issue of greenback currency. He is pledged bylTTs own declarations to destroy tho gold standard, to effect the free coin age of silver nt the artificial ratio of 16 to I, to the expulsl6n of both gold and silver from the country by tho resumption of an issue of greenbacks, to destruction of judicial independence and revolution in the judicial tenure, to a system of direct legislation with transfer of law-making to tho ballot box iind destroy our republican insti tutions and to a change ot the veto power from the executive to the ballot box, removing one of the checks pro vided, by the constitution and unbal ancing Ihe system created by that In strument, Class Hatred, Envy and Prejudice. "This assault upon the three; co-ordinate branchert of our government, if It succeeds, will revolutionize and de stroy tho whole system. What will follow is already visible In his appeals to class hotred, envy and prejudice. Since 1896 the national Democratic party has promoted tho purposes which then Justified Its exlstuncc. Wo have urged and accomplished legislation to strengthen the gold stttndiud. The public debt has been reduced to two per cent, nud tho national credit has been so strengthennil thnt our two per cent, bonds are ut a premium. Private credit has felt the Impulse of this Im provement. The producing and wnge paylng Industries of tho ftountry are promoted by the command of abund ant capital at tho lowest Interest known In our history. Cheap capital, represented In economy of production, has opened tho world's markets to our surplus and wo hold primacy In the world's trade. Tho gold standard has transformed us from n debtor to a creditor nation and hns mndo tho United Stotes the clearing houso of the commercial world. It has Increased tho consuming power of l.ho people by Industrial pstorntlon and has added value to the farm crops of tho country unci to the land which produces them. Ttio runner offect of tho gold stand nnl Is tho ready employment of Amer ican labor and payment of It's' wages In the best money In tho world. The destruction of that standard, tho degra datlon of tho publlo credit-, the par alysis of Industry, the restriction of commerce, Increased cost of produc tion and descent to a paper basis, are tho disasters threatened by tho elec tion of Mr. Bryan and ho Is pledged to inflict them on us as soon as he gets the power. Ho seeks that power by an uppeal to tho antl-expanslon und anti trust sentiment of the people. Tho dif ficulties of our external policy were as unforen i their solution is at pies tut unrcvotUtJ, Tht ttV or truiti hti no party parentngo and will bo rem edied by tho combined intelligence of our parties. Without minimizing tho perils of either, wo affirm that no greater evil enn befall our government thnn tho Impairment of Its vigor, the destruction of Its credit and the ruin of our Industries which Mr. Brynn Is specifically pledged to effect If he gets tho power. Therefore, we appeal l our countrymen again to avert disaster from their country by hlsefent. (Signed) The Executive Committee. lly Charles Traccy, chairman! L. Af. Martin, chnlrman campaign committee; John P. Frcnzel, secretary, CENTENNIAL AT JOHNSTOWN The City Overflowing with Visitors. Elaborate Decorations Governor Stone and Staff Present. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated TroM. Johnstown, Pn.. Oct. B. Tho first dny of Johnstown centennial celebra tion found the t overflowing (with visitors and enthusiasm, reigned su premo. Tho weather was all that could bo desired, tho sun shining brightly nearly all day. Never before In the history of John.-down have the decorations been so pretty nnd so elaborate. Business houses, hotel and private residences vis with each other In decorating the city from one end to the other, showing tho national and city colors in graceful folds and fes toons, while at night electric lights assist the bunting In making the old town a place of beauty. The city Is a mass of color, the red, white and blue blending with the black, gold and royal purple adopted as the official colors of the centennial. The streets were .densely packed with people nt 9 o'clock this morning, when the fantastic parade, the first event of the celebration, took place. This pa rade, the feature of which was a "Itube" bund of sixty pieces, furnished much amusement. This afternoon Governor Stone, ac companied by his staff, arrived and were driven to the site of tho new municipal building, where the gover nor, who was enthusiastically greeted by the lti.OOO people prcnent, made a brief address and laid the crner-stonc. Speeches were also delivotcet by ex Ooyernor Hustings, Mayo- Woodruff, Judge A. V. Parker, of Cambria coun ty, all of which dealt with locol and hlstotical tnuttcra. WORLD'S RECORDS ARE LOWERED Results of the Firemen's Haces at New Castle Butler Victorious. Uy Exclusive Witc from Ihe Aisoclateel Press. New Cnstle, Pa., Oct. 5. It foil to the honor of the First Ward Hose com pany, of Butler, to lower the world's record for tho best running team. There.n'cre four entries in this race, given by tho State File-men's associa tion, and fully ten thousand people saw the run, which took place on tho public square. The world's record was formerly held by the Hunter company, of Union City, and tho following time Wits made by tho four companies In the nice which ended today: Mahanoy City, 4'i a-3; Itcscuo, of But ler, 40 'J..-.; Union city, :i3Vi. These three teams ran yesterday evening and the Until was postponed until this morning, when the First ward team, of Butler, won, tho time being !I2 :!-fi seconds. At the fair grounds today tho following races ";ere eli.sposed of: Hose running racer.lO yaids, Butler No. 1, flist, $200, and Itesruc, of Butler, second, $70; Union City, third, $:!.. The hook and ladder race, 200 yards, was won by Butler, securing $7.1, first: Ites cuo, of Butler, second, $3.r), with tho Friendship company, of lioyertown, third. Tho greater part of tho dele gations and visiting firemen left town today. TRAGEDY AT INWOOD. Airs. Lillian Smith While Insane Shoots Two Children nnd Com mits Suicide by Shooting. By EvclUdho Wiro from The Associated Press. Now York, Oct. 5. Mrs. Lillian Smith, or iuwood, borough of 'Mitnhul tun, while Insane today, shot her two children, F.lhol, aged Vi yi'.us .and Theodore, aged S, and then committed suiclelo by shooting herself. Another child lies In Fordluim hospital at the point of death, as tho result of car bolic acid burns. Beforo. shooting the children, Airs. Smith, with tho cun ning of n maniac, tried to forco them to drink carbolic acid, Long brood ing over tho prospect of death Is said to huvo been tho causo ot tho wo man's insanity. Mrs. Smith was the wlfo of Walter M. Smith, who has been connected with tho grocery houso of Austin, Nichols & Co,, for twenty-ono years. Iuwood, tho ficono of tho crime, Is a suburban settlement on tho bunks of tho Hudson river 'just below Spuyten Puyvll. Mrs, Smith has been married for thirteen years. STEAMSHIP AKBIVALS. By KjcIujIio Vre Irani The Associated Press. New York, Oct. 5. Arrived! Augiiite Vic torla, f I oni lljiuhurK, South.inipton nud Cher. houri;: I'rctoiM, llamhuig ami I'll inoutle. i'lcirccl: Dun. .Nanlei! Kthionlo, (ilissow: Cam. pjnlj, l,lciwol; ltotterdjiii, Itottcrdim la lloiiloiine; I'cmiiylwula, Ihiiuhurc: h l'ljmouth, aiiel Chcihouiif, Soutlwiiiptoii Anlmls Aller, from New York for llreiiien. S.illeelt Kmtt Ills iiiarct (fioni lliimhurK), New Yoik l.i Cher-hourt,-. Ilamburcr Anheelt Kaiser Willie )m II, New Yoik (or (leiioo. II lire Arilvnl; I.a (iaj. eoKiie, New Yoik. Moilllc Sjce: Auehorli (from aia-ROi), New York. Uicrnool Hailed: Taurle, New York. PROMINENT ATTORNEY KILLED Hy i:u-htslio Wire from The Associated I'rc&J. Nliccllus-, W. Va., Oct, 3. M. F, Dryden, a prominent attorney, ua.4 tliot and killed toeU ly Thuuuj Workman, hU fathcr-lu-hw, In n family quarrel. Woikmin Uaimi tha ilioetiuu; wm clone lu iclt'ileftMc, CONCESSIONS OF OPERATORS Individual Mining Compa nies Also Offer 10 Per Cent. Increase. POWDER PRICE REDUCED Advance Made by Pardee & Co. Hopes of an Early Settlement of the Difficulties Are Cherished at Hazleton It Is Anonunced That the Coal Carriers Have Not Re duced the Bates to Any Individual Company. By Exclusive Wire from The Aisoclnlcil Press. Hazleton, Oct. C The belief pre vailing here tonight that tho anthra cite coal strike Is approaching an end, Is considerably strengthened by the ac tion of the Individual operators in fol lowing tho lead of the big coal carry ing "ind coal mining lallroads by of fering a net Increase of ten per cent, in the wages of their employes. The first break among the Individual operators in this district was made today when A. Pardee & Co., operat ing the Pardee nnd Crystal ltldge col lieries, offered Its employes a ten per cent, net Incicase In wnges and a re duction In the price of powder to $1.50 a keg. The decrease in the price of powder Is to be taken Into account In the advance In wages. That four more of the Individual mine owners will make the sapie offer is hardly doubted. It was learned today that before the advance was made public by the Par doc company, several of tho general supeiintendents of other individual coal companies were Invited to the Pardee company's office in this city for the purpose of giving their views on the proposed offer. Those present besides Frank Pardee, manager of the Pardee mines, wero E. S. Bullock, of (!. M. Boelson & Co., Heaver Brook; T. V. Jones, Brook Mountain Coal company; John Lclscnring, Upper Le high" Coal company, and A. AV. Brake, Coxo Bros. & Co.v'DrlftPH. These rep resentatives ;1ld not say what their companise would do, but It was learned that tho concensus of opinion was that if the mine owneis wish to keep their collieries in operation, they would have to Increase the wages of their men. None of the superintend ents at the meeting would say any thing in regard to tho report that tho coal carrying roads had made conces sions to the individual operators In tho matter of freight rates. The represen tative of tho Associated Press was told tonight by a prominent mining official, who woulil positively know if tho rail liiadn had conceded anything, that a" far as he knew tho railroads had not 1 educed the rates to any Individual 'company In this region. President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, Is much Interested In tho advance made by the Individual companies, but would say nothing for publication. There Is a strong belief hero that Mr. Mitchell Is waiting for all the coal companies In tho anthra cite region to offer the 10 per cent. In crease before he will call a Joint con vention to consider the proposition. Mr. Mitchell would s.iy nothing on this particular subject. He has ull along advocated unity of action and it Is this that strengthens the opinion that he will call the convention after all tho companies have made an offer. He continues to say that tho strike can not bo settled without a convention and he Is waiting on tho operators. In tho meantime, tho men on strike, said to number 138,000, are not waver ing under the proffered increase In wages. In tho Lackawanna nnd 'Wyo ming districts not a mine Is working. Tho conditions remain about the; same in the Lehigh Valley region, while In the Schuylkill district more men have laid down their tools and (jult. PARDEE'S NOTICE. Will Grant an Increase of Ten Per Cent, in Wnges. Dy i:clii3le Wire fiom The Associated Press. HuKletuii, Oct. D. A. Pardeo &. Co., operating tho Cranberry and the Crys tal Hidge mines and employing about 1.U0O men, posted a notice at Its col lieries this afternoon of an advance of ten per cent. In wages. Tho notice reads; 'I M eomiuiiy mikcA the following aimounie. meat tu Its in I no ciuplioc: It Mill .ulu;t IU rale of nacres so as to pay to its mine cinplojes on and after Oct. 1, anil until further notice, a net Increiw of ten per cent, on tho waxM lure, llliw revelled. Xute It is imelerbtoocl 'n the for?; una i'iIjI ponder will ho sold to mlnern for frl.M per kcir, and tlmt tho ell lie r clue hetween this rato ni'd the old r.ito of if.',75 Khali lie tnken Into iiecount in flitiiiinK tho net advance ot the price noted .ilioic for tlilt clan of oik, (Sluiicd) A. I'areleo & Co, This Is the first Individual operation In tho Lehigh region thnt has granted 'this advance, and It Is believed to In dicate that all of tho Individual ooor ators have agreed to pay the advance. A meeting was held this afterffoon at Pardee's office of tho general super intendents of tho Individual collieries In this region. It Is not known what action was taken, but Iti Is believed they discussed tho question of posting similar notices ut all collieries. NO FURTHER CONCESSIONS. Ten Per Cent. Advance the Extent of Companies' Efforts. Uy Uxclushc Wire from The .Vssociatcd t'reu. New Vprk, Oct. 5. The Evening Post says: "President J. Rogers Maxwell, of the Jersey Central, and the president of THE MEWS THIS M0KMNU Wither Indications Todar, GENERALLY PAIR. 1 Clcnerot Schuylkill Operators Offer 10 l'cr Cent, Increase to .Minors. Kx-Comptrollcr L'tkcls Speak to Laboring Men. Local Operators Grant Concessions to Their Mlncri. Appeal of the National Democracy. 2 General Kx-Comptrollcr Kckels Speaks to Laboring Men (Concluded). 3 General Northeastern I'cnnsjlvanlj. 4 Killtorl.il. Kcwh and Comment. 6 Local Social and Personal, One Woman's Viewi. 0 Local Second-cliisa City i Legislation, Court Proceedings, J 1 Local No Let-up on the Speakeasies. 8 Local West Scronton and Suburban. 0 Hound About the County. 10 flcncial In a Petectlie's Trap (Story). Sporting News and Comment. 11 Local Sunday School Lesson for Tomorrow, Itellglous News of the Week. IS General l.lic News of the Industrial World. Whitney's Weekly Nens Muelgct. rinanclal and Commercial. another coal carrying railway who de clined to be quoted for publication, made the definite announcement today that no further concessions would bo granted to the striking miners, and that, If they did not accept the 10 per cent, offer, the strike would be fought out. "It Is supposed that this decision was reached at a joint meeting of the coal railway presidents and operators, which was held at the Lehigh Valley offices in this city last evening." NORTH FRANKLIN WILL RESUME Three Hundred Heavily Armed Deputies nnd Coal and Iron Policemen. Dy rXeliisho Wire fiom The Avoclated Press. Shamokln, Oct. .".The olllcials of the North Franklin collleiy at Trevorton announced to tho inhabitants this af ternoon thnt the whistle of tho oper ation would be blown tomorrow morn ing in notification to former employes that if they wanted to work tho breaker would be started up. Three hundred heavily armed deou ties and coal and Iron nollcemen still surround the colliery, and If the men resume work the company will main tain n strong enough force to give pro tection to the miners In case stiikors from various portions of the region march to Trevor'ton. The people of that little town have recovered from the terror they experi enced Inst night, caused by the Mt. Carmel strikers' demonstration. Every thing is riulet In this section tonight. President Mitchell speaks at Mt. Car mel. seven miles frnm hero, tomorrow night. ROOSEVELT AT ROCK ISLAND Begins to Feel the Effects of His Campaign Work The Trip Through Iowa Satisfactory. Dy Exclusive Wire from '1 lie Associated Press. Hock Island, ill., Oct. fi. (lovernor Hoosevelt who spoke In this city and Davenport, la., tonight, thus closing another day. of hard campaigning. Is beginning to feel the effects of the nr duous work undertaken by him at th' teeniest of the Republican campaign managers. Governor Roosevelt, slnco he began his Itinerary through tho northwestern states, has been speaking from can to twenty times each day, closing tlio day's labors usually with a night meeting. Many of these meetings have been In the open air, requiring extra exertion on his part. He has now been on this Journey for more than thirty days and though strong be yond the powers of most men to en dure, he Is beglning to show signs of distress and a failing voice. Ho has been worked unmercifully by the state committees of tho different states through which he hits passed. Heyond this he had to enduto unlimit ed hand-shaking, Interviews without number nnd much pulling and hauling by tho eager but Inconsiderate mob which has swarmed mound hhn In all tho cities of any considerable size which ho has visited. If some relief Is not afforded, his physical powers, though great, and his courage undaunt ed, ho may bo unuble to last to tho end of .the campaign, It has been sug gested that all his eastern engagements bo postponed for one week. This mut ter will be determined by the national committee on thu arrival of Governor 'Roosevelt In Chicago on Sunday night. Tho trip through Iowa with Senator Dolllver, Governor Shaw and General Curtis Guild, Jr., today, bus been very satisfactory, largo meetings being hold ut all points when! stops were made, Two Immense meetings wero ad dressed by Governor Roosevelt this evening, ono at Davenport, la,, and tho other here at Rod; Island, RACES AT LEXINGTON, Oy Inclusive Wire fiom The ,-ocijted Prcs. I.ejhiKton, Ky Oct. 5. 'the UiOi was fast today unci mini'. Cluiley Heir Imike the) truck leceud for :i lace, hy H"lu. the bcicmd heat in tlio M not, 1'iti.e tl.frii), in 2 07 Hat, which U ii nev iccoiel, uUo ten the little liull-iloic trot ter, lie won the lace in tduitflit licit, fit at tun Hoy was iccoiid In each heat and Cj)ton third. 'Ihrio wero only three Mailers. Time J.IMlSl 2.J7i 2.(13. The Wilson pmse, $2,000, for 2.20 pavers, was won hy Ve.CT in itr.iUht heati, after aul hid l.ikeu the (list heat, and the Admiral the second heat. Tho latter was withdrawn hi tlio fourth heat, hlirht btartcu. il.t time S.ODVJ. The 2.21 hut, purse $1,0X1, had IS Matter, llelle Duwaid took the flnt heat and Polly ind well thru took the next three ttrulsht. llcat time S.UH. PROFFER NOW IS GENERAL Individual Operators Will Join in the Ten Per Cent. Concession. ,N0 LONGER INSURGENTS "Kick" Committee Returns from New York nnd Reports Something to a Conference of the Individual Oper ators Which Results in Their Agreeing to at Once Post Notices Offering Their Hen the Same In ducements as Are Held Out by the Coal Carriers No Concessions but n Sort of Half Promise Conven tion of Mine Workers Now Likely. Reported Misunderstanding Be tween the Operators and Mitchell. Ono of the strikes Is settled, or at least on a fair road to settlement. Tho Insurgent Individual operators have given over their revolt, and today will find them posting notices similar to those of the Lackawanna, Hillside nnd Temple companies, offering a ton per cent. Increase In wages and agreeing to separate arbitration. AH this was brought about by the visit to New York of R. G. Brooks, Dr. Howe, T. II. Watkins, A. Pardee, and M. S. Kcmmcrer, tho committee of tho individual operators appointed after Monday's conference In Wllkes Unrre, to demand concessions that woul.d permit them to join in tho ten per cent, offer. This committee returned yesterday morning and summoned all the lndN vidual operators to hear their report. The operators of the Lackawanna and Wyoming vnlleys met in the office o! 1'iesldent T. II. Watkins, of tho Tem ple Iron company, In tho board ol trade building. The T.ohigh valley men met in Hazleton. What the report wa3 could not bo learned officially, but whatever it was it hail tho effect of Impelling tho individual operators to sign an agreement to join In the poaU Ihg or the ten per cent, offer. , Those Who Attended. Tho Scranton meeting was attended by the following: T. II. W.ilkhn, of the Temple Iron company. Willi mi Council and .1. N McAiiully, of thu CV edl f'o.il company, anil William t'onnell I Company. Iteoso fl. llrooks, T. It. nreinkH and T. If. Pile, of the (ircrnniiiiil, LaiiKclllTc and I.allin Coal com piutc. liiih.iid .1. Matthews, of the Austin Coal com. piny. .t. S. and .liilm Kcmmrrci, of Whitney, Kcnv incur & Company. Dr. .1. X. Itice and X, 13. Itiee, of the Itivorsldei Coal coinpiny. .lainct MeClure, of Klliolt, McClure & Company. Cliarle.4 1'. l'ord, of the Jtoosic Mountain Co.il ccnipeny. P. It. Dennett, of the, Ilullor Milliner, company, M. n. William", of the lied Ash Coal company John ami J, f. .lennjn, of Jermyn tz Company. W. L. Council, ot the Enterprise Coal company, .1, I., ('.ike, of I lie Clear Sprlnir Coal eompiny, M. It. Tullcr, of the Newton Coal company. Thomas 13. Jones and J. J. Williams, of thf Fuicil Minim: lonipiny. ('. i:, lli.idlmry and W, J. Hand, of tho Knj Aue, C'.i.il ciiiiipiny, II, W. Kiusshury, of tlio ytevena Coal com1 r-any. William I.iw, of Itobertson & law. V, (. lloheitson, of the Polph Coal company, ('. ('. llowni.in, of Ifolllstcr & Itmvnian. K. M, Smith, of the Allien Coal company. I', II. CIemmi, of the Wyoming; Coal and Land rpniiiiiy. , C i). fc'andcson, of tho Pancoast Coil company. William Connell presided au the meet ing and H. W, Kingsbury acted as seo ictary. Mr. Watkins reported what had been dona In Now York, tho re port was discussed at length and at Its conclusion a motion to agreo to post nnWccs was passed with practical unanimity. Have Not Yet Joined. Tho Delaware and Hudson and Penn sylvania companies havo not as yet stated directly that they will Join In tho offer, but Superintendent Rose, of tho formur, and President Thorne, of tho latter, has each said that If tho offer is accepted his company will like ly fall in lino nud grant tho concession. Georgo 15. Smith, third vlco president of tho Pennsylvania company and tho hend of thu company's Interests In this region, bald yesterday that as yetihe hud heard nothing from Now York re. gardlng what tho Pennsylvania com. puny would do. Just what Impelled tho Individual oporatois to agreo to Join In tho offer wns not divulged, but from what could bo gathuted unolllclally, it appears that tho committee could not secure any concesshUs or oven as3uranco that there would bo concessions, but was given to understand that their only hopo of gaining any concessions would bo by joining In tho notlce-poBu-Ing nnd help settlo tho strlko. Some thing may huvo been said us a sort of "aside," to tho committee, but as far as can bo learned tho committee only Continued on 1'age 7. f -f t -f i" 1 f WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Oct. B. Forecast for Bat urday and Sunday: 13astein I'liiciyUnrJ fieucially fair Saturday and iundy Hefht to fresh wcntoilv wttida. t t t t .' V L'G M r, t' '4 J ' J ,' j'y, - .-' ,... '. - . i. .- -St. J45e! .sft &. . . . i-inikEI iiA'&A 5?.,. jKj&a&if fiyAiiti8f,t4U3faa, -.yta-a jfaej-v.!?-: .., U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers