i" r r nr"! "Trw 'V jfW 7 Ssf ' 7 tTjIsP i if ' -1 - ?r"i ""S!-"5SJtw ' "T R-u-i'-!3Tr,7.TI?r' "W'PTniwr r ij r. ? '' 7 'Jf'T? r j w" pfT .. . J V t 1 '"' '" 1 Yl -, f. , J. V .1 B-l. 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBERS, 1900. i aa m m w w w w w m wwm.. wf i a www 'www ww?wmrw w ' ww'wwwW''wwwtwwwwwwMW NON-SUIT GRANTED IN COOPER CASE Concluded from Puge ! fatrlok Clark, Mtpentcr, ScMiiton. Marcus I. N. Dully, clork, Orlmndale. William Lottus, Rent., Uarlioninlc. Mcrmson Cole, liJtkM.ui) WnUTly. .William Dugiran, operator, Dutmiorc I'ETIT JUnollS, MONDAY, DEC. 3. Tliomas ltoboiHon, inliitr Jlooslc. Jl. W. IIjII, laborer, Clifton. Otoroo 1', Uerllinun, farmer, cit Ablnglon. Michael W. Oott, engineer, Scrnnlun. V. V. Il.irnh.irt, conductor, Rcranton. Hlclmrd Jlertltt, former, (Jrccnlleld. Wallntc .lames, nilmr, Tjlor. WulUco Oniutun, hotel, Old Forge. Christian N. Herginini, cltrk, Scranton. IVonarcl .Johnson, farmer, llricnlleld. Alfrtil li Johns, piessiiiiin, Scruiiton. Joseph JeHcrlcs, tlcik, Dunniorc. Wllllnm Malloy, miner, C.irboncJ.ile. Jltprgnn Morgan, miner, Sirantun. John Slotine, miner, Mlnnuk.i. r.an Lents, f.unur, Spilng llrook. John H. Miller, m.inaBcr, Mtranton. Thomas riiincgnii, llrcmnit, Siranton. Jamet V. Xcalon, plumber, .Striiiiton. Fred Iteldenluch, carpenter, Permit. Daniel Harris, ilRar maker, Kirmiton. Benjamin L'atlet, watthniati, Scranton. James W. Oarney, cIr.ii maker, Scranton. James Smith, foreman, l'cekllle. lllch.ifl Collins, miner, Dunrunre. F. D. Orchard, clerk, Carliondale. Burrcll Flclt, farmer, J.elilgh. Morgan Thomas, mcrclnnt, hcrnnton. John Etana, laborer, Sranton. II. J. Daniels, mcrtlinnt, Taj lor. timer Sloate, flrciiuti, Cnvliigton. Jlnrtln llearley, hotel, Siranton. James Dovle, bljckmltli, Scranton . Michael K. Clllinirtlii, bottler, Carbontlale. John Llod, machinist, Scranton. 1'atrlck lensenny, miner, Ma) field. 1 M. IVIloylo, ininir, Archlialil. I. J. Xcedham, undertaker, Scranton. Allen Finn, farnur, (ircuitlcltl. I. J. Allabach, merchant, Scranton. James Ilojlan, clerk, Cnrbondilc. Morpan Uanlelt, fanner, Spring llrook. Christian Storr, ulderman, Huiiton. Del. Carpenter, farmer, Seolt. William Latham, operalur, Lehigh. W. II. Tajlnr, Rintlennn, Scranton. J. J. Mr-Andrew, laborer, Scranton. Charles U. I.annlng, clerk, Scranton. Howard Patls, ORcnt, Scranton. J. Clinton Cobb, farmer, .leiriron. John Croonin, forennn, Seranton. i:an Walters Rentleman, Scranton. B. F. Ejim, phvulclan. South Ablngton. 011cr M. Willinnis, cleik, Taylor. Stephen Durkin, ilumlicr, Scranton. A. I). llcnnc forth, farmer, Jefferson. John J. Sweeney. Iitrber, Jeisup. James Haienstant, farmer, Codington. M .0. Sillier, farmer, Scott. W. J. Brazil, laboier, Scranton. rr.TiT jurtons, mosday, dkc. 10. Charles lthell, cleik, Scranton. Henry McIHimott, car builder, Scranton. John McLatmhlln, watehnian, Scranton. Martin Iteady, jr., miner, Aichbald. Fred Wilton, coal Inspector, Arcbbald. Timothy I'adden. iiutlnccr, Scranton. Dr. K. Cart-, dentist, Dunmore. Thomas Scanlon, braKeman, Madison. W. I,. Mooney, cc-repiesentatiic, Cirbondale. G. S. Criffin," farmer, South Abington. James J. Kelly, laborer, .Icsup. Lance Dcpcw, brakennn, Madison. John E. Cialfney, clerk, Scranton. Martin Donnolly, gent., Scranton. John Tarry, operator, Oly pliant. Adam Pirjr, gate tender, Scranton. GeorRO Watson, miner, Scranton. W. M. Jis, contractor, Scranton. Charles Lamb, laborer, Scranton. Y.. P. Welchel, agent, Scranton. I). E. Kehlor, laborer, Clifton. J. E. Davis, blacksmith, Scranton. Howard Hone, elruttgist, Dunmore. Andrew 0. Hedgcllne, laborer, Jefferson. J. J. Dais, ilriicgM, Scranton. John (,'raney, miner, Scranton. Heniy M. Athcrton, braKeman. Seranton. Thomas Kealon, miner, Oljplunt. Patrick Roland, laborer, Dimmore. John (Vtetcllo, brakeman, Dunmore. John Finiicgnn, lalmiei, Scranton. John F. Siyre, farmer, Madison. 1). II. Barber, carpenter, ltlakely. Tliomis Krelty, foreman, Archhild. Adam Thompson, carpenter, Seranton. James 1. Douahoe, plumber. Scranton. Eugene llred, firmer, (ilrnlmrn. Prank Kellv, laborer, Sei.uiton. James Ciarclner, mlllliind, Scranton. John O'Donnell, watehman, Scranton. Tames Leonard, elerk, Seranton. Iloward Knipp, concluctnr, Culiondale. Madison HiiielliiP, fanner, Coungton. riicmai 0. Emihs. bank teller. Scranton. Fumes V. .Mitchell, repoiter. Scnnton. iVilllam Hall, jr., painter, Dunmore. JC. ,V. Eitke, druggist, Scranton. Cas Moig.m, carpenter, Scranton. T. J. JleAnilrew, blacksmith. Scranton. Thomas Finnerty. driver lios, Archbalcl, Eugene Xmck, farmer. Madison. )l. T. Davis, miner, Tavlor. Harry Warren, farmer, Orcenfleid. Julius Slacth, druggist, Carbonchle. B.vron Tighe, miner. Ma.v field. John ltader, carpenter, be union. Charles Higgins, laborer, Seranton. John J. Covne, hotel keeper, Minooka. C. J. Weichcl, merchant, Scranton. Court House News Notes. The report of the viewers on the pioposecl sewer in the Eleventh ward was yesterday confirmed nisi by the court. Lesko Klonsko, who is charged by 'Anton Mlkowltz with larceny and re ceiving entered ball In the sum of $300 yesterday before Judge Kelly. Alex ander Shlanto became his bondsman. Daniel Holland yesterday began an action in replevin against W. S. Barfc lett, constable, and J. F. Murphy, attor ney. He alleges that they huve un lawfully seized $300 worth of his house hold goods. A marriage license was granted yes terday by Clerk of the Courts Daniels to John A. Casey, of Lenox, Susque hanna, county, and Annie McDonough, of Scranton. Francis Hughes, "William Evans, D. JI. Davis, D. II. "Watklns and "Wallace Hosier have been named as tallsmen In common pleas court for the remulnder of the week. The bonds of two state and county tax collectors were filed with Pro thonotary Copeland yrsleiday. They are those of "William C. Beaumont, of the Eighteenth ward, in the sum of $2,200, with Itichnrd It. Walsh, surety, and that of John S. Davis, of tho Sixth ward, in the sum of $5,100, with Evun J. Kvaus und Thomas Price as buretles. Notification reached tho clerk of tho courts olllce yesterday of thu releuso of 3M. SuruvlU fiom the Eastern peniten tiary wheie ho served eighteen months for receiving stolen good. Ho Is the son of Nathan Suravltz, the Penn ave nue junk dealer and was Indicted with Ills futhtT for buying goods stolen by boys knowing tho samu to have been stolen. On tho trial Nathan Suravltz was acquitted and tho son convicted. Ho was benlvmeed by thu late Judge Ounster to eighteen months' Imprison mnent. T F " WEALTHY BABIES jfjE inuju rwiacu ON BDRDEN'S BRAND CONDENSED MILK VnntMdrufonsad Milk (aUaMtartl. . -T v g if Za Wo ,-?, (Mi EAGLE INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Lnrge Washery of the duller Coal Company at Mt. Pleasant Culm Heap Is Almost Completed. Another largo coal washery Is near ly ready for operation. It Is located on tho Hats between the Mt. Pleasant culm dump nnd the Ontario and West ern railroad, north of the Linden street bridge. It will be operated by the Fuller Coal company, and tho wnsTicd conl will be handled by tho Ontario and Western railroad. Tho machinery Is now being placed In order, and a branch from tho On tario and Western main tracks has been built upto thu washery. The Jit. Pleasant dump Is one o tho larg est In the city, and extends over an area from the Lackawanna to tho Ontario and Western railroad. Taylor Yard Limit. Superintendent K. M. Kino has Is sued orders regarding tho Taylor yard limit as follsw: The east-bound yard limit board at Taylor yard has been placed on tho east-bound track at a point about two telegraph poles west of where Is wag formerly located. Tho west-bound yard limit board In Taylor yard has been placed opposite Minooka Junction switch. Second class and Irregular trains will iuii through this yard unOcr per fect control, expecting to Und main tracks occupied. Two Industries Lost. Secretary Atherton, of the board of trade, salel yesterdny that the big coal strike has nlieady lost tho city two prospective industries. One of thes, he said, was a large spike factory, now located In Brooklyn, the proprietor of which was on the point of moving here when the strike was declared. The other Is a paper mill, arrange ments for the location of which on the Diamond Flats wore almost completed when the miners went out. Mr. Ather ton is hopeful, however, that both may bo landed when the strike Is over. He would not give the names of either concern. This and That. Angus Sinclair, publisher of Loco motive Engineering, New York, was In the city yesterday and paid a friendly visit to General Superintend ent T. 13. Clarke, of the Lackawanna railroad. Mr. Sinclair is one of the best posted and most popular pub lishers In the lallroad world, and his knowledge of engineering is known to bo superior to mnny of tho so-called publishers. He has made some re markably clever tests for the New York Central and other railroads, and his time is much occupied in this line of work. During his stay, he paid a visit to the International Correspond ence schools, on Wyoming avenue, In which he is much Interested. General Superintendent T. E. Clarke, of the Lackawanna railroad, was at his desk yesterday after an absence of several days in the west. He reports everything moving smoothly along the line. Master Car Builder L. T. Canfleld, of the Lackawanna railroad, is In Buf falo, in the interest of the company. The new pattern shop now in course of erection near the Delaware, Lacka wanna nnd Western foundry, will soon be ready for occupancy. The roof Is nearly finished and the siding and window casings nro finished. A new shed 'for storing iron has been built near the na' engine housj in the Lackawanna yaid. Locomotive No. 512, for th St. Louis and San Francisco railroad, was turn ed out of the Cliff works yesterday. This is the twelfth engine out of an order of eighteen being built by the Dickson Manufacturing company. The employes of the Dickson Manu facturing company are now working on ton consolidated locomotives for the Delaware and Hudson company. Five have already been turned out of the order of lifteen. DUNMORE DOINGS. Lackawanna Telephone Ordinance Passed Two Headings in Coun cil Last Night. A development which caused some disuibsicm and considerable surprise at last night't, meet ing of the boiougli fathers in tho council cham bers, was u motion initio by Sir. Waul to com mence legal action against I lie Scianton ltallway (ompany for not keeping the electric lUht cluster on North ltlakely btrccl in burning trim. The matter lias been before round! three times and Mr. Ward said enough time had been wasted. Jlr. l'jvton rem.irl.etl lh.it ha thought it would nut do to be too lusty in the nutter ami sug gested that fieneral Manager Mllinuii be told the circumstances and asked to keep the lights burning, as u last icsouric. Upon u vote being taken the motion was carried. 'I lie outcome of tbU natter will be watched with considerable interest. Another matter of iuteust to all residing in the boiough, was til-; welcome news that tho twelve blue prints und tlvc maps, and all the plans for the construction of the sewer in the N'lnud sewer district lud been completed. 'I In' lonimiuiUatlon was le i eh oil nnd filed. .Mr. Ward moved tint the time limit for pay ing thu assessments made upon tho piopeily owners for tho sewer lie extended fiom six liunths to ten jeais, in older to allow the people time to pay their assessments, It was icfernd to tho borough attorney , In conjunction with council, Mr. Ward lud an ordinance that had been pissed by tho isiiaiiton rounclls granting mi extension of tlni', am! quoted I lie same us lils authority. Ordinance No. ,S, git lug the Lackawanna Tele phouu conipiuy the light ut way thtougli the borough was refeucd to the elcctila light com nilttee, which itpoited favorably forthwith. One of tho provisions of the oidinance gives tho bor ough tho free uso of light telephones. After Eomci tplritcd discussion by Messrs, l'ajton and Wjtd, tho oidluanco passed llrst and second readings'. Ordlnaneo No. U, ugulating the election of poles In the boroi'gh. was lead and itfeiicd to the railroad committee. Upon tho reading of the minutm at tho open ing of thu meeting by Cleik (lllllgau, Mr. Ward objected to tho daiise ruuidlng the auditois' report, and mada a motion, width was passed, referring It back again to the auditors. '(ho electric light loimnlttcc, through Mr. Hurd, reported the arc lights as pot b.'ing light ed at ar. rally hour tuning.' Councils instruct' vd tho tcnuiilttce to n-tlly the company to rem tcly the nutter, The flic committee decided to puuhase, with counviU' coneut, tliit'o dozen hpanuers for tho flro department. Tho street ttuniiilk.Ioi'cr was ins'iuitcd to repair portion of l'rojpcct avenue, iloitimci, llloom and Jef fereon aunucs. INTEEESTING MENTION, The borough school tcjchcis will meet in the high school building tomorrow morning r.t 0 o'clock. All teachers are requested to bilng their monthly reports with them. I The United Mine Workers held a met ling, full of Interest to tho members', last evening in Temperance ball. Tho school board will hold a special session tomonow night in their accustomed places, when the pay roll will be considered. Clara Millet, ol Binghiroton, is a guest ol friend in town. Piatt's fhlorides The household disinfectant. An odorless, colorless liquid; pow erful, safe and cheap. Instantly de stroys foul odors and chemically neu tralizes disoaBe-breeding matter. Kspcclnlly prepared o meet the d illy sanitary uses of the careful housekeeper! for purllylng the waste pipes, water closets, slnk, cesspools, etc.! for sprinkling about tho cellars, stables nnd all suspicions places where dU-anc gciins lurk. Knit) in quart bottles only, by druggists find nlgh-das grocers. Prepared only by Henry II. l'latt, I'iatt street, Kcw York. THE MARKETS Wall Street Beviev. N'cw York, Oct. 4. Today's stock market had to undergo the strew of realizing proMts which was thu natural sequence of j esterduy's uc. (email manipulation lor the nelvamc. The dlmcn hlons of the upward movement were sulfleiently Impiesslve to attract a considerable outside de mand for stocks and the first hour of the market saw very active trailing with very sin ill Hue tu.dtom In piieo after the opening, which vviu. mule higher to facilitate the talcing of proflti. Tho general dcm.mil was Judiciously fed by the picfi'vlonal tpcr.ttou In older not to dl'couruge tho buying, but before the end of the hour an iiepicssirn began to bo undo In the railroad list. When prices fell back to about lnt night's level the helling measure was iclaxecl. The bulls then turned their attention to other quar ters of th market, bidding up prices actively wherever any signs of sliengtli showed, in order In uipiHiil the market and help on thes realising, lliey found the best field for these opcratiom in the steel and lion gioup. Tennessee Coal Jiid lien was a feature. When the news was pub lished therefore tint the legular quartcily divi dend of 2 per rent, had been declare! a large short Intereit was badly caught and a violent recoveiy ensued. Tho llrst sale niter the an niniiiiuincnt was '2M, points over the preceding Kile. The stock inn ell again in the final deil Ingn but closed with a net gain of 3. Fugar and People's Has was vcrj foveilili all ilay as a consequence of the cut in lteflned Sugar and the legal steps taken in the gas war in Chicago. Willi tho exception of movements in omc of the closely held dormant storks the lailioads con tinued sluggish during llis latter part of the chy. The local tuition traiks were stiong nnd showed evidence of miniimlation. The whole market ran or at the ilnse. which was easy and quite active. Total sales, lit.BiK). The bond market continued irregular and not vny i.ctlvo. Total mIc, par value, fl,lS0,000. U. S. new Js eleilineil '.s per cent, in tho bid price. The following quotations are furnished Thi Tribune by M. S. Jordan & Co., rneins 703.708 Uears building, Seranton, Pa. Telephone 6003: Open- High- Low Clos ing, est est fur. American Sugar 1U74 117-71 114 118' i Amer. Tobacco 00 ,i CIV. 00V4 ftlVj Am. &teel !; Wire ... M'4 i!2i 31Vi '-Wi Atchison 2S ?.!)4 2i'x 2SS Atrhison, Vr 70i 71Vi Wla h niook. Traction 62 5IVi M i"i ISalot. .V Ohio 70)4 70?ti 7054 7n)$, C'ont. Tobacco 23 2314 2i 23 Thes. & Ohio 2S',4 2S-'!i 'Mi 2j''j I'lilc. It Ct. West. ... 1014 10 lOVi IOTA Clue, It. fi (( I'M 120ai 123 12il St. Paul 11'. ll.ii, 11.11,4 J1211 Hock Island 100 lOOTA KliVi lfM.Vi Fcd01.1l feted :::' .Wi 32',- SI Pod. Steel, Pr, U'6 it Hi ClVi flltt Knn. & Te,, Pi 2SU 2S 2SVI 'Mi Louis, (c X.nhvillc ... 72U 7271 71'A 7174 Man. Plcvated &l 01r 8!i filVi Mel. Traction 1.30 132 150 151'4 Misso. Paeil'c ftl'.i 51 WVh i') People's C.is ST SS'i MUg Wn Col. Puel & Iron 3! JU'4 31& 3214 X. .1. Cdtr.ll t.l! 13H1 1.TI 131 "-nntliorn Pacific :u',i :u 3t'i :U', Xnrfolk & We,t HI'S ttl'.S 31'i 34li Noithcrn Pntifle- ls 40 4s?i 4s'a N'ortli. Pacifle, I'r mt, fiOi r.d'i W) S. Y. Cenl1.1l ISO 1JIJ 12'J',i 12 IU Ontario & West '... 20'. 20,a 20'i 20Vi Penna. It. It 12') 12'IVli 12S',i 2'l Puufle M.ill :1 31 ."(I7i 31 Keading lly Ill Hi 10 111 Heading, Pi- 5374 M .Vi'A fiV .Southern It. It llsi lHi 114 lla'i Southern, Pr. 521 ?IV r.2 .11 T11111. Coal Inn .... 5.l',i ."iSi .12'-.. Z.i V. S. Leather li"4 lO'j 10'i lO'-j U. S. Leather, Pr iii iiS 0s7i (Ii74 1. S. Itubbrr 2,sr. -js z'i ii Union P.ieinV nsjj 5)Vi ."S',i .IS1. Union Paeitlc, Pr. ".)?! 71 7.1 7J7A W.ibi-h, Pr. IS ltH -is lS',i Western Union 7!) 7018 70 70 Third Avenue 110?4 11074 11074 110 NEW YORK PHODUCn EXCIIAXOE P1HCE3 Open- High- Low- Cloi- WHP.AT. tng. est. et mj. December S.t?4 8.174 (, SitH Ma.v H.Vs S'i',i RilVJ 8(i",tj conx. December I2"' t7 1211 42'4 May Il'i I1V4 41'4 4U,l Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Old. Asked. First National Dank 800 Seranton Savings Dank 200 Scranton Packing Co OS Third National Dank 425 Dime Deposit anil Discount uanic .. ?ot Economy Light, II. ft P. Co Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co. .. 150 Scranton Paint Co Clark Ic Snovcr Co., Pr. 123 43 'so Scranton Iron Fence s Mfg. Co 100 Scranton Axle Works M Lackawanna Daily Co., Pr 20 County Savings Uank k Trust Co. . S00 First National Dank (Carbondale) 300 Standard Drilling Co 30 Traders' National Dank 155 ... Seranton Dolt and Nut Co , 100 ... BONDS. Seranton Passenger lluiltvar, tat mortgage, due 1020 US ... People's Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1019 US People's Street Hallway, General mortgage, due 1021 115 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lucka. Township School 5 per cent. ... 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent 102 Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115 ... Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corccled bv II, O. Dale, 27 LiekWanna Ave.) Iluter Crtameiy, 2.1a24i; dauy tubs, 2.1c. I.'ggs Select western, 17c. i nearby state, Me. Cheese Pull triMin, new, lljje. Deans Per bu., choice inairovv, $2.10; medium, $2.30; pea, !?2.30 Potatoes t'Oc, Onions Me. per bu. I'lour llcst patenl, SI.G0. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Oct. I. W'licat rirm. c. high cij tontiact guide, Oct,, 7li.i7fl!4f. Corn Steady; Xo. 2 niiud, Oct,, imtii'jo. Oats I'irm: Xn. 2 white illpin.il, 2s',ji'. ; No. 3 do. do., 2(V,i2IU'C.; No. 2 mixed do,, 23Ha2ik', Hut lei Dull und le, lower; fancy western cream. eiy, 211,ie.; dci, pnrts, 31c, Lggs Plnn, fair demand; fresh iieaiby, 20e. ;do. western, 2Qe. ; do toiitliern, ISo,; do. hotitlnvesteiu, lue. Cliee.su Quiet, but btcidy; X. Y. full iicims, fanty tmall, llVic; do. do. do. lair to choice, lOV-ia llVic. ltellned sugais Dull but tteaUy. Cut. ton- Unchanged. Tallow Steady ; city prime In hhds., 4c.; '.'ountry prime, bids., n',sc. ; dark do., 4?c'.i cakts, fiJe. Ltvo poultry i'irm, better demand; fowls. llaU'ic. ; old looslers, 7',ia&e, ; spring clilekens, lOalle. ; dutks, DalOe, Dressed poultry Dull and easier; fowls, choice, lUie, ; do. fair to good, lO'fcallc. ; old roostiis, 7c; ueaihy pnug ihlckens, 11a Uc; western do., lOalle. , Heieipts I'lour, 2,000 barrels, und 5,270,000 pounds in sacks; wlit-.it, 00,000 bushels-; corn. 57,ntli); oats, 3.1,000 Shipments Wheat, 11,000 bushels; corn, 2,50 bushels; oats, 10,000. New York Grain nnd Produce. Neve York, Oct. L-rFlour Mail.et very slow all day, mills holding out for high prices, es pecially 011 tpiing brands. The close was steady; Minnesota bakers, $3a3.40. Wheat Spot t'Jsltr; Xn. 2 rrd, S2'ii'. f, 0. b, alloat; No. 2 red, blHc ilcviilor; No, 1 northern Diilutli, 87Hc f. o, b. ulloat. Options ugjlu veiy irregular. 'Hie early uuikct was steady t Uiui after rcae-tlc-iis, a final slurp diop leaving Hie market easy ut unchanged prices. March closed 6ei7se. ; May, Sfl'.Hi'.; Oct., MaiOTic ; pee,, 6J'4e. Corn Spot easier; No. 2, 4Uv. elevator, and 4S.lc. f. 0. b. alloat. Options at first strong and high. er, subsequently became weak and closed weak at UaUc. net decline. May closed 4l'4c ; Oct, 4Hci Dec, 42!4c. OaU Spot quiet; No. 2, 20e.; No. 8, 2W.v.', No. '.' white. 27',ia2754c.; No. 3 do., 27c.; track mixed western, 23Va27c.; track white western nnd state, 27u1lc. Options dull. Ilutter Dull; western creamery, ICa'ilc. ; factory, la'alOHc,; June creamery, 17',ia20Vie.j Imitation creamery, I5jal7i5e. ; state dairy, 15Wa20e. t'ggKirui: state and Penna.. 18a 21c.: western, regular packing. 12ialSe. : west- ern, loss uu, ;vt. v.nerae steauy, largo vvuit", 1 llallUc.l smalt white, UUallr.! targe eol. ortd, llHallWc; small colored, 11 lie. Chicago Live Stock Market. Clitcago, Oct. 4.-CntUcIlecelplf, 10,1100, In eluding 000 westerns nnd 2,400 Tesans; good to choice native steers, steady! poor to medium, weak; butchers' stock and westerns, steady; Tcan, weak to 10e. lower; natives, best on sale) today, one carload at ?3.E0: good In prima stftrs, 9A.4naS.00t poor to medium, $I.G0a5.IU dieted feeders, weak, f3.73iil.S0i mixed stmk. ers, slow, 2.50a3.l!0 rows, 2.7flil.l5i heifers, $2.liOal,7B canncrs, $2a2.M; bulls. .fiO.tl.CO; calves, $a(t, Texans llicelpts, 2,100; best on sale today, two carloads nt ?l; Texas fed steers, 9l.l0al.K; Texas grass steers, ifJ.2J.il; Texas bulls, $!.fi0a3.23. llogs llecelpts today, 52,000; tomorrow, S(l, 000; estimated left over, 700; average, shade lower; top. $i.621, mixed nnd butchers, ?3.03a 5.60; good to choice heavy, N.ull rough heavy, i51.Kia4.ttj; light, ifj.l0a5.62V4l bulk of sales, $5.20a5.40. .Sheei Hecelpts, 11,000; sheep and lambs, steady to slow; good to choice wethers, $3.80 al; fair to choice mixed, t.tOi.l.no; fair to choice mixed, $.1.40.11; western sheep, 3.83.il; Texas sleep, $2.60a3.50; native lambs, $l.23a 0.20; vvcelern lamKs, ?I.50j5. Chicago Grain nnd Produce. Chicago, Oct. 4. Lack of outside speculation offset bullish news today, and wheat closed Un e. lower for November delivery. Corn closed Uc, and oats a shade down. Provisions closed 10 to 1714c lower. The wheat market was a dull affair throughout. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Stead e; No. .1 spring whealt 74a7Sic.; Xo. 2 red, 78He.; Xo. 2 corn, JOlJallc.; Xo. 2 jellow. 41all!!,o.; Xo. 2 oats, 2l-7i.i227ie.; Xo. 2 while, 2c!a2(l'.ic; Xo. 3 white, 23Ua2J7ic; no. .1 rye, aivic. ; .no. 1 iinx, isi.ui; normwcsi, $1.0114; timothy, Hl.2.ra4.r,: pork, 13alJ.20; hrel, $7..10a7.321i; ribs, $Sa?,23; shoulders, 0',ia fl7ic; sides, fs.C0aS.iH); whiskey, sfl.27. Sugars Cut loaf, ifO.CO; granulated, $t!.10. New York Live Stock Market. Xcw York, Oct. I. lleeves, sleers and cows, In fair di in.mil nnd steadv; bulls, dull and weak; native ulcers, ?; Texans, AI.D0; Rtotkers, ft.Mj'l.W); eixc 11, $1.7."al.l0; bulls, f.2.30a3.li0; cows und heifers, ft.40.il. Calves Slow, but geiiernllv steady; veals, fliS; grass, eis, f2.2.-n2. ,3; mixed and fed calves, f.1.i3..W. hhecp and lambs Trade slow; prices unchang ed; Hheep, 2.50at; lambs, f i.sOiS.IO; one deck choice, $.- 00; Canndi lambs, V2. Hogs Weak, at fj.70a5.S0 for state hogs. East Liberty Stock Market. Ksst Liberty, Oct. 4. Cattle-Steady; extra, $j.50i5.70; prime, $3.23a5.50; common, f3.25a 3.75. Hogs Dull; piime heavy hogs, $3.5" i5 00; primo mediums, M.fl'i.l.CO; heavy yorkers, S3. 15 n.l.SO; light do., $5.15; pigs, $3i3 33; gra3sers, 5.20i3.35: loughs, fj.50i4.7ff. Sheep Slow; choice welhers, fl.il.15; com mon, $1.50i2.30; tholeo lambs, ft.SOaS; com mon to good, fJ.50al.7J; veal calves, s5.tfjau.50. Buffalo Live Stock Market. P.ast rtufTalo. Oct. 4. Cattle Hecelpts CO cirs; sheep and lambs, 0 cars; hogs, 10 cus. Cattle Slow; calves, choice to extra, $G.75a7; good to choice, $0.23a(i.5C. Sheep and lamb" About unchinged; choice to extra laiuli". $l.75a5, good to choke, fl.50il.7ii. Sheep, choice to exlia, iSJ.SOal; common to fair, f2.50a3.50. Hogs Heavy, f3.C0.i3.03; mixed, f3.C0a3.03; pigs, $5.25a3 35. Oil Market. Oil City, Oct. 4. Credit balances, no; cer tificates, no bid. Shipments,' 72.S74: average, 74,130. Huns, 83,512; average, 101,201. There is more Catairh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few 3 ears was supposed 10 be incurable. For a great many veirs doctors pro nounced It a local disease, nod prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local ticatment, pronounced it incmaiile. Sci ence lias proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore rcquties constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only cemstltutional cure on the market. It is take.ii internally in doses f 1 om 10 drops 'to a teaspoon ful. It acts dirtctly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oner one hundred dollars for any cose It fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, P. J. CHKM'.Y k CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75'. Hull's Family Pills are the best. v&5ttor ' ( sj I 3 -s. e"s FLOUR fie Don't Know But she does.that "Suow White flour is the best all around flour sold in Scranton. All good gro cers sell it. TflKWESTON'MICl-TO. EUGENE Given Free PI PI IV Q '" ach person interest 1 IUUU o rc , ,!, riig to llio POFlVm Lugcne I'iehl Monti- ZllwL ment Souvenir I'miil. A TV 00 Subsiiibo any amount CT Jz"l deslied. Subscriptions BOOK low as fl.OO will en- Mtlc jdo nor to his dalnt TlIKllooktiftlio ily artistio volume, century. lluntl- "Hiul.D HLOWBKS" Homely I ins- (cloth bound, Sxll), as tr.itcd by tnlr- n leitlficato ol subsciip. tv.twij of Hie tion to fund. Uunic Worlds Ureal, contains a selection of est Artists. Field's best and nmst representative woiks and is riady for de livery. Hut for tho noble contribution of dm woilei's gicatcst artists this book could not liavo been manufactuiid for less thin M). llio Fund eieated is divided equally be tween tho famllv of tho late Kugciiu Field and tho Fund for the building of 11 monu ment in thu nuuioiy of tho bcloud poet of iliildiiood. Address Etigcn; Field .Monument Souvenelr Fund If .von also wish to send postage, enclose 10 rculs. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED B? ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. RTNOTE TIIK NAUE. DR, DENSTEN Pbyslclan ami Surea.i, 311 SpruoSt. Itmpie Ciuri Buildlug, SCRANTON PA, All acute and chrcnio diseases of men, wo. men and children. CIIUO.NIO NlUtVOUS, Ult.MN AND WASflNU DIStlASKS A SPKC IALTV. All diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Uluddcr. bkln, lllood. Nerves, Womb, Lye, Fur, Nose, Throat, and Lungs, Cancers, Tumors, Piles, Itupture, Coltre, IthcuinatUm, Asthma, Catarrh. Varicocele. Lost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, all Female Diseases, Leucorrhoca, etc. Connorrlita, Syphilis, Ulood Poison. Indiscre tion and youthful habits obliterated. Surgery, Fits, L'plleps-y, Tape and Stomach Worms. CA TAItUliOZONB, Specltlu for Catarrh. Three months' treatment only (5.00. Trial tree in oitice. Consultation and examination fiee. Office hour daily and Sunday, 8 a. w. to 0 P- DRN DENSTEN SORAMTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. i Hosiery of Many Kinds To Suit All Purses. We are told that there is no better stock in this city. We don't think there is another as good. A better stock than ours means greater assortment of all known-to-be-good kinds, The showing of fancy kinds is particularly large. This is to be a season of highly colored effects. Values, as always, a little better or much better than those found in stores generally. Just brief random notes of interest to men, women and children Women's Stockings-25c a pair. Of fast black cot ton, all black and black with unbleached feet or split soles. $1.38 per half dozen. 39c a pairLisle Thread Stockings in fancy printed designs, various colors. Value 50c. For Men 19c a pair. Black half hose with unbleached feet, unequaled for wearing qualities. $1.00 per half dozen. For Children12c a pair. Ribbed fast black cotton for school wear and knockabout service. . Double soles, heelSj toes and knees. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, M.tlit...i..""'""". THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 137 S DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital SSOO.OOO SURPLUS BOO.OOO WAI. CONNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlce-Pres. WILLIAM H. PECK, Casblir. Special attention given to busl ness accounts. Three per cent, in terest pat on Interest deposits. JLager Beer Brewery Manufacturer!) or OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 4B5 , SCRANTON, PA N. Ninth Street Tolcphons Cull, 2333. THE IC POWDER CO. Booms 1 anu2,Coin'lth B'i'd'g. BOHANTON, PA. lining and Blasting POWDER Hi' do ( Mooilo nt Ruaniali Woclu. LAPUN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANOE QlJN POWDER Kltotrlo Batttrlea. Kleotrlo ExploJtri, exploding bluti) safely fait uui Riiaiiu ClwilcaJ Co.'s ??& IK m 0 I RUGS t 4 w CARPETS We want you to see the new arrivals iu our Carpet Department. We believe we have the most complete stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to be had this side of New York. A superb line of I WALL. PAPER I w i BRASS AND WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming: Avsnui. WE HAVE A f Mptt li Hi 1 Ms f Such as Foot Balls and Uniforms, I m Tennis Goods,' Guns, Revolvers, j Ammunition, Cameras, Kodaks M M and Supplies. m Florey & Brooks, I 211 Washington Ave. T- At Retail. Coal of the best quality for domestio use ana of all sizes. Including Uucltwhcat and Illrtlseyo. delivered In uny part of the city, fat the lowest price. Orders received at the office. Connell building. Room 80S; telephone No. 1762, or at the mine, telephone No. 272. wilt ha promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. T PLEASANT COAL CO Prof,Q.F,THEEL,M,D, n.iI.u bl., l-bllfcUlplila. I'., tloil.ul.tk.r ArH.l.ui- mucctlocuieritlVAIl IIIMHSIS. HktJiU 1 ABUSIS. I100B rOISQN. NIRVSUS Dlllll 1 1. ooii BBisnarkinviiiis Diilt lOST MAlHOOO.VAIICOCltl . SfllCtUlH f nm-niiiri ,r 1 I MJiluiiniBila. Shruuhra UfCBMI 3)ycrpuctktA;UeirtliotpiuUipricn(ciiiGciii.4iiy HfBdrvrbektTrutbf'ti9ilMUt4Ultlflrifirru4 m ft m m m, a. m m w 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE I DRAPERIES I 0 p METALLIC BEDS HENRY BELIN, JR., Ccncral Agent (or the Wyoming, District (or DUPONT'S POWDER. Mining, masting, Sporting, Smokeless and th Jtcnauuo Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Rsouv4l Cou ncil UullJing, Scranton. AUENCIK3: TIIOS. FORD PltUtca JOHN' II. SMITH Si SON Plymouth W. E. MULUGAK ....,,.,.,.,Wtlkti.Brr RUGS w i n ti 4 I L-i "N. rte.J !L , &J&t t, fiVj