,r . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1900. ? ' t m tub Moubii iiabowaiw arons Many New and handsome designs in Drop lights appear this season. Wc are Scranton's head quarters lor these goods, Prices com mence at $2.25 and end at $16.00. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave L. R. D. & M. Can We Wait on You H there is smthlng In the shoe market jou will find it hero. All fhlt, utl shape, all slroi, nil width? tn fit ami suit any Inly who appreciates good hlioo. t-ce our windows. LEWIS, RUDDY, DA VIES & riURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Lackawanna "THE" aundry. ;o6Penn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. Local d.ila for Oct. I, 1000: Highest temperature I.ovvcit temperature T2 decrees C" degrees Iiumidit.v : 8 n. in SI per rent. 5 p. ni 72 per nut. PERSONAL Miss Anna Hanliuij, of this clly, ulio litely left here js .in arm ihiim', is now stationed at the .inny hospital in Tien Tsin, China. Iisn Amn MuAmilty, duightei of Mr. and Mr. J. H. JIc-Anully, of Vine sticet, entered .Mi-s Baldwin's school at Ilrjn Mawr vistcrihiy. SOME NEW SONGS. A number of inleiestliiB Mings hae reeently been published by the Oliver Didon lompany "f Boston. "Of Such the Kingdom of Clod," by Ilhniiensihein, is a mot cflective sacred solo on the vvouls so familiar to all. "I Think Whin I Head 'Hut hwiol hloiy of Old" nl-o males a line solo fot high voice. "I Jane, tlie I.oul," a new wug by Van de Water, the Kill); of iLiucd volo writd", is a Stirling song for soprano or tinoi. "Like As a I'atlicr," an other good Ming of CluseV, is jNu ery im pitv.lv c- foi eluuili use. btiau-o' f.iinmi') wilt: song, "Voil di Prlnn rem," width was 'iinjf into favor by the incoiu pliable Somhrich, io bejond pulse. Within the concuss of all hUh fopiano voltes and of beauty f.nnilliir to all who line lie.ud Somluieli unci in It it will piow i f.iorlfc concert number, lids tour lie forte might well bo lollow'ed on programmes bv the diinty llllle encore, "Ills I'avorlte l'iower," a swict little eoniilt by Low it z. "Refuge," by lllumrii-chciii, nnKes a fine solo, "In Thee I Put Jlj Tiust," by the Mine mil ncnt coinpo-ir, is foi lns voice, and a bit; biS3 solo it nukes most bio id and imnmindiiig. Among duo sctulir songs for bws video .no found "Smugglers Throe," In- Wibstci, an I "The. Vagabond," by Pike. lloth .are of the Jolly "rollicking virlet). Helm Hopclrlck's "My Heart's in the Highland-." imhes a tweet Scotch bi)N, the dear old word, being set to a touching melody ullh fine nccoiiipanlinent. "One ra,v," by Carlo lliimettl,. and "I.nve's Doubt," by Marie Von Hammer, mo also pntty and singable. (.nng, btillable for olie of me dium range anil power. Tennj son's somber words, "Too bate" hue been given a beautiful and dignified letting as a sacred bolo by Frank Foutlivv Iclc. J. C. Ilirtlclt brings foitli still another of his tine songs in 'TaiUi," for high voice. It Is even fine enough for Tlnnhsglvlng and Haivcst Homo unices, and uuken a thiill. lug and dramatic nolo, "Thou, In the Morn," by Itobjn, and "O, Kor a Closer Walk with lod," by 1'ostir, make dignified and high-class bolos for church ue. Thrco pietly mid fetching encores for concert use are "The Moon's lullaby," by lluinhainj "A I'alr llxi hangc," by Lonlts, the composer of "His 1'nvorito riower," and "I'll Always Think of Yo'i," by Multg, a man clever enough to write his own 'Words ns well as music to them. This list is of the inoro popular variety en much sung at present, Maellounal 1-fwl-i mi ambitious song with o. lln nbllgato, i ailed "Though Lost to Mght." "VWon of Hope," by Hnvvald, and "Dear Mt. tie Heart," by Macy aio botli lino songs with tuneful refrain. . WANTED HIS SON TO ESCAPE. Father Schemes to Get Prisoners Out of Jn.il. Dy Kxt'luslvo Wire fiom The Associated Press. Lebanon, l'a., Oct. I. Adam Hrlghlblll, an Bed nud prominent farmer in llcthcl township, was arrested today, charged with ulding John A, Drlghtblll, his son, and riamuel Jingle, to escape from jail. Tho arrest was undo upon Information given by lirightbiir nephew, David HrlBhtblll, who pleaded guilty (o fuuihhing tho pilsoncrs with n saw with whlili lliey wcie to tut their way out of Jail, )ald llrlghtblll ci tho old man Induced htm to glvu the piUoims tho saw- and olfercd JUny Kluckcn ifJW to leave unlocked an outildo door at tho Jill. Ilrlghtblll furnished 11,000 bail. -- POWDER MILL BLOWN UP. . Three Men Are Frightfully Burned. One Will Die. By Inclusive Wire from llio Aoclatcd I'rea. KhainoLIn, l'a,, Oct. 4. 'Hie chaser house of DctirU ponder mill, near here, was blown up this evening by a tpark from the chaser wheel igniting a lot of looso powder. Daniel Hllllbusli tjheppard Hewitt mid Andrew Ilurkc, who were in tho building at tho time, were frightfully burned on tho fna and body. Uurko wilt die and there h but aligbt hope (or ths reevrcry ot Hllllbujh. "KW E. J. EHRGOOD ARRESTED. Ho Colebrntcd His Liberation Too Ex. travngnntly. Kmery J. Khrgood, of Moscow, who wriH Wrilnosilny rnleascil on ball from tin county Jail, whore lie had boon committed for assaulting Charles Ed wards with a horscrthoQ and lnltlctlnp; Injuries which resulted In the latter's being removed to the Mosch Taylor hospital, ppont Wednesday nlglit In the central police station. After loliiT released from durance vile, Khi'ROml befran a lavish celebra tion of his recovered liberty and, par tnhlnu too freely of tho wine that Is red, ho was discovered early In tho ovonlnit In a hopelessly Intoxicated condition on Spruce street and was ar rested by Patrolman Parry. Mayor Molr lined him $3 yesterday. John Uelkoskl, Stanley Iielkoskl, An drew Shcmposkl and Harry Williams, four younir boys, were uncovered loi tering around tho Lyceum theater late Wednesday night. They word acting In a very peculiar way, and were ar rested and taken to the rential sta tion by Patrolmen Ooorlltz and Parry. All four boyn wore discharged yester day morning. DEATH OF MICHAEL M'MAHON. Olyphnnt Miner Receives Fatal In juries on D., L. & W. ' Michael McMuhon, of Olvphant, was causht between the bumpers of two cats oji tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western railroad, near Strouds burg, eaily yesterday morning nnd ic colvcd lnjurins which-, resulted in his death yesterday afternoon nt the Lack awanna hospital, where he was brought during the morning. McMuhon wus employed In an Oly phant mine, and a few days ago left the city to seek employment elsewhere. His left leg was badly mangled, and was amputated at the hospital. He also sustained a terrible shock by the acci dent, and this It was which caused his death. A wife and eight children sur vive him. He was forty-six years of age. TO AGAIN ATTACK REPAIR CONTRACT Effort to Have It Annulled Will Bo Renewed Before the Court on Monday Morning. An effort Is to be made to annul the contract entered Into between the city and the Barber Asphalt company for the repair of the city streets, now that testimony has been adduced at the eouncllmanlc bribery hearings to ptove that money was used to secure its passage. This fact was announced to a Trib une reporter yesterday nftemoon by Attorney Cornelius Comegys. Mr. Comegys will appear before the full bench on Monday morning and ask for a re-openlng of the proceedings brought by William Fnrrell, If. Camp bell and others for the annulment of the contract. It will be remembered that after tho contract bad been signed by Mayor Italley in March, lo99, the above mentioned persons filed a bill In equity through Attorney Comegys attacking it. There were two grounds taken In this attack. One was that the city had no right to enter Into a ten-year contiact and the other was the alle gation that tho contract had been secured by tho corrupt use of money. Tho first ground was purely and simply a question of law, but the alle gation of the corrupt use of money raised an is.sue of fact, 'flip city de murred to tho bill and when it came up for argument it was deemed expe dient. In older to secure a speedy de cision, to withdraw the allegation of fraud and leave remaining just a question of low. This was done and In an opinion handed down by court, based, of course, on the purely legal points lalsed, it was declared that tho city had a perfect right to enter Into a ten-year contract and that according ly the contract was legal. "At the time when we withdrew the allegation of fraud," said Mr. Come gys yesterday, "we had no direct evi dence on which to base such a charge. Wo have now, thanks to the Men's union, and I am going into court on Monday, to ask for a to-hearing on tho question of fact which we dropped before, basing my request upon the lecent disclosures In Alderman Ful ler's ofllco." Mr. Comegys appealed before Judge Aichbald on Tuesday to ask for the ro-hearlng, but the latter said that he would prefer not to hear the request alone, and desired that Mr. Comegys appear before the full bench on Mon day morning. NORTH MAIN AVENUE PAVE. Bricks Are Now Laid as Far as Wes ton Place. The North Main avenue pave Is pro gressing, these days, veiy rapidly, City Engineer Phillips having succeeded In getting the GIrurd compnny to get a hustle on Itself. The bilclc Is now laid 'as far as Weston place, quite a distance beyond the corners, and tho concrete Is down several hundred yard3 further north. There has been a little delay In se curing curbing, but this has not In terfered with tho work to any great extent. It is thought that the com pany will be able to work for over a month yet, and if they can, tho pave ment will then bo about tluee-quur-tcrs laid. Going West and Northwest. Tho best lino west of Chicago If you aio going to any point In Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Kansas, Nebraska,, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Novuda or California Is tho Chicago, Milwnukco and St. Paul Ralhoad, Di rect and short lines between Chicago, Hloiuc City, Omuha, Milwaukee, La Ciosse, St, Puul und Minneapolis, Solid vcstlbuled, electric lighted, steam heat ed trains, free reclining chair cars; compartment and sleeping cars; tho finest dining cars In the world. If you contcmplatu a trip west or northwest call on any coupon ticket agent In the United States or write to V, S, Howell, 0. E. P. A., 3SX Broadway, N. Y or. to John It. Pott, D, P. A., 480 William street, Wllllumsport, Pa., saying where you are going, aboun when you will start, how many there will be In tho party, and full Information, with maps, time-tables and rates of fare wlllbo promptly furnished, free. Do sure to a8k for your tickets via 0,, M. & St. P. ity. Seasonable Food. The finest fresh fish and oysters at Marvel's Central Market, corner Spruce and Penn- TEN PER CENT. NOT ENOUGH (Concluded from 1'jrc 1.1 wna asked by tho committee which waited on Mr. Loomls. The Lacka wanna miners were given to under stand by tho notices that If they did not return to woik yesterday they couid not take advantage of tho offer. Not a man returned to woik. Whether or not the operators will adopt a new plan or drop tho peace negotiations nnd fight It out to a finish, an was first determined, Is now the nll-absorblng question?. The local coal men say thev know nothing of whnt tho powern-that-bb have In contempla tion. A Now York dispatch of yester day has It that the presidents of the coal roads ate considering tho expedi ency of recognizing the union nnd en tering upon direct negotiations with Mitchell nnd his fellow-officers, but tho local operators laugh at the Idea. "Whatever concessions may be made." said ono of them, "you can rest as sured recognition of the union will not bo among them." Would Fall In Line. President W. V. S. Thome, of the Pennsylvania Coal company, Is cred ited in a New York dlnpatch, with a statement tox the effect that miners must accept what has been offered or nothing nt all. His company hns not posted notices of the offer, he said, but supposed It would fall In line If the ntrlkets accept the offer from any other company. Mr. Thorne further suld: "I wlll(tell one thing, and that Is there will be no more concessions on our part after tho ten per cent, offer and I doubt If any company will go higher than that figure. At that we will expect tho railroads to make freight conces sions to us -which will, In a measure at least, make up our Iofs. "If the strikers demand more than thK there will be a fight, and It will bo a fight to the finish." No companies or Individual operators were yesterday added to the notice posting minority. Tho Delaware and Hudson and Pennsylvania companies still stand out with the Individual op erators against figuring In the proffer. The Tribune had nn Interview by 1nng distance 'phone, yesterday, with E. L. Fuller, one of the individual oper ators' committee which went to New York to secuie belter freight rates from the coal-earrylng presidents. Mr. Fuller said nothing definite could be announced yet, but hy tomorrow he expected theie would bo some news of one kind or another. Dilcher to tho Strikers. Tho folowing address to the strikers was issued last night by Organizer Dilcher: To the Miners and Mine Laborers of District No. 1. Cireeting: Your determined stand foday against an ar- anged plan to put Mime of Hie collierhs in this dKtiiet in operation is a fitting icbuke to the sdicuHS of the supeiintendents tu draw ou away from the fight joh are making for jour honor and the honor of om families. You have foiled them in their schemes; you hive made stronger than ever to the public, which sympathizes with jou in the justice of jour c.uiie, levealing as it does that jou stand as onu mm in the defeme of jour organization. 'I lie whole country has its ejes upon jou todaj-, and in breathless suspense awaited the renewed declaration of jour purpose. You hive most emphatically pioclaimed it and jour national olllcers turn with pride to the icit of jour co-vvoikers and tell them anew of jour 7eal and jour deteimination to secure for jourselves and jour fuuilhs a better share of the wealth that jour labor produces. 1'ic-ident Mitchell and the national board are proud of the integrity which the men of the l'lrjit elLstiict show; they aio proud of jou be caiiso jour firmness of purpose is the lock upon which all jour fcllow-woikcra in tho entile an thiacitc region are auehoiing their hopes and becoming one with jou. Keep nn with the brave struggle for justice and light. Maintain the standatd of character which makes jour course one in common with all the people; do nothing that would bring re pioich upon jou; hold fast to the esteem and tho sjmpathj- of the people and of the press; follow Mrictlj- all the oideis which come fiom jour olHceis, and leive idle rumois to explode themselves, and the victorj- now in sight will be all the mole precious to jou when fully won. Prepare jourselves for the big parade and de immolation in Scianton next Wednesday nftci noon, Oct. 10, 1900, at 2 o'clock, when 1'iesident Mltiliell and otheis of the national leaders will be with us here. Let jour foiccs turn out in many tliou-ands, and show once again the unity of ths purpose and Hie strength of our organization the United Mine Workirs of America. Yonis in the cause of Justice. Tied Dilcher, National Committeeman United Mine Workers of America. Scranton, l'a,, Oct. 4, 1000. A meeting of all the officers of the local unions of the United Mine Work ers is to be held at 2.15 o'clock this afternoon at district headquarters, !215 Lackawanna avenue, to make arrange ments for next Wednesday's parade. The extent to which soft' coal Is be ing used In this city was evidenced yes terday, when the density of the atmos phere caused It to hover close to the earth. The central city and Lacka wanna avenue, particularly, were re dolent of Its oily smoke the whole day long. What It Would Mean. The Hazleton Sentinel has been do Inrj some figuring on what a ten per cent, increase of tho miners wages would mean, and Its deductions are presented as follows: Has a n body here figured out Jut what it will mean to this community if there is granted a 10 per cent. Increase in inimr's wages? It will in the first place mean that the miners will Invo more money to bpend with the mer chants and provide themselves mora liberally with all tho comforts of life. It will help cverjbody. In Hazleton, for cwiy ono of us more or less depends upon tho pationige of tho mine worker. Now as to Hie extent to which It will swell the receipts of tills region. It has been estimated lint thowagcs paid to mine workers in the en- Peaches, Peaches, Peaches Large lot of Jersey Peaches 35c per basket up. Mason Jars, 45c per dczeu (qts). Jersey Eggs. EJvery one guaranteed perfect, E. G. Goursen 429 Lacks. Av. tire roal regions amounts tn $210,000 for every lull day worked. Willi U2,ont) mine workers It Is an average of less llian l.70 a day for each person rniptiual. Ten per t-t tit. of ?i10,000 Is 2.1,orH). Multiply tills by 200, the number ol ilajs the mines, arc likely to be worked hereafter, nnd wc have l,000,00i) a jcar ol additional money which will (low throuah the channels ot trade In the roil regions. Tint will mean a tremen dous Increase In limine". The fall trade may be n little belated, but It Will come in much grratii volume. There are two sources from which the money Io pay thin Increase of wages, which will bring prosperity to llalcton nnd the whole coal regions may come. Partly from the profits ol tho cor porations nnd more largely from an Increased price to the consumer. The Increase nceel not be hrge. rMlniAllnjr that the total production of coal for (his jcar will be f.0,00t),000 tons an ad vance of 10 icnls n Ion on tills outfit would bring a revenue of $S,000,000 or more than $I0V 000 more than the estimated Increase ot wages to the men. I'.very companv has lis allotment of coal lomlne for the jcar. There Is money in the mining nnd transportation of coil nnd every company will lie eager to make It. Kick of them will mine Its full allotment of coal if the mines have to work overtime and the breaker has to be lighted with electricity to do It. m RAID OF THB PLACES GOES MERRILY ON Four Moro Arrests Made and Two of the Accused Given Hearings and Fined by the Mayor. "Down with the speakeasies," con tinues to be Mayor Molr's battle cry, and four morq arrests were yesterday made of proprietors of Illegal liquor establishments, and two of them were given hearings, while the others will be heard today. Patrick Cawloy, of 807 Alder street, was fined $25, as was alro Mrs. Thom as Ralney, of 21 Archbdld street. Mrs. George, who dwells at the corner of Eynon street and Eighth street, iwlll be given a hearing this morning, und the case of an Italian speakeasy keeper, living at SSI Mooslo street, will also be heard. Cawley was given a hearing during the afternoon. When asked whether he was guilty or not guilty, he re plied: "Oh, I'm not guilty. I've only sold a little corn beer nnd soft beer." "Well, we have men here who say different," responded the mayor, and one of the witnesses stepping for ward, calmly descilbed the interior of the Cawley domicile, and after giving a minute and detailed description of tho place, said that he had drunk beer theie. "Oh," said Mr. Cawley nt this, his backbone weakening perceptibly, "maybe I did sell the bye some beer. Ye don't need to call any more wit nesses," and he then very amiably paid his fine and the costs. Mrs. ltainey is the wife of Thomas Ralney, who only three weeks ago was committed to the county jail on his refusal to pay the fine Imposed for keeping a speakeasy. Two witnesses testified to drinking beer in the place, and Mrs. Ralney was exceedingly wroth at them, burst ing out with the following remarks: "Ye are only a couple of black-hearted scoundrels and ought to be ashamed, to try to put a poor woman In jail." She further said, this time address ing his honor: "If yo'll only wait a week, till me man gets out of Jail, I'll go up me'self." ' As the mayor was undeslrous of waiting, however, Mrs. Ralney paid the fine. A peculiar thing about one of the speakeasy keepers arrested Is that when the constable who served the warrant entered the place he found an agent for a brewing company col lecting a $150 bill, whllo In a rear room sat seveial men drinking beer. Yet the proprietor was exceedingly In dignant when the warrant was served, and loudly asserted that the estab lishment was no speakeasy. LECTURE ON SAVIOUR'S LIFE. Rev. W. Robert Goss, of Jersey City, Gave Illustrated Address. Rev. W. Robert Goss, of Jersey City, last night gave an Illuminated lecture on the life of the Savior at the Scran ton Uie.vcle club hall, under the aus pices of the Rescue mission. The lat ter at the conclusion of the lecture withdrew their support. Rev. Goss will, however, repeat the lecture tonight, and Is confident that this time the evening will pass without any hitch. The dlfllculty last night was in prop erly focusing his moving picture ap paiatus and it was only towards the end of the entertainment that tills was satisfactorily adjusted. Tonight, how ever, Rev. Goss declares that this diffi culty will be entirely done away with. The entertainment was of a very In teresting nature. It dealt with the life of the Savior, and was illustrated by sacred pictures and with moving pic tures of the great Oberammergau Pas sion Play. Several scenes in the life of Christ such ns the raising from the dead of Lazarus, the entry Into Jerusa lem, tho Lord's Supper, the trial be fore Pilate, were very well portrayed. Sacred musical -selections were also played. FOUR SMALL BOYS ARRESTED. They Are Accused of Molesting and Annoying John Downey. John Downey, an uged man living near No. 2 school, In South Scranton, figured as prosecutor against four small boys last night In Alderman Howe's court. Tho lads were accused by Downey of throwing stones at his houso nnd continually tormenting him. Tho small defendants wore Lewis Wenzel, James Downey, a grandson of tho prosecutor; a small boy named Coleman, and Walter Ryan. Downey told that tho boys have a habit of Insulting him and that on one occasion recently, one of them threw a stone through his window, which struck Mrs. Downey In tho head and inflicted a serious cut. Alderman Howe sovetely reprimand ed the boys and held them in $100 ball to keep tho peace. Their fathers quailed as their bondsmen. MANAGER REED ARRESTED, He Is. Charged with, Selling Beer Without a License, W. L. Reed, manager of the Battel Brewing company at Edwaidsvllle, Lu zerne county, was arrested yesterday at the Instance of County Detective Leyshon for illegally selling beer In Lackawanna county. Tho warrant was served by Con stablo Timothy Jones, and Reed en tered ball before a Wllkes-Barro mag istrate for a hearing before Alderman Howo In this city next Wednesday, Tho Passion Play will be reproduced tonight at tho Bicycle club house, at the popular prices of 15 and 25 cents. Liver complaints cured by Beecham's Pill RECRUITS FOR THE MARINE SERVICE FOUR SOBANTON YOUNG MEN ENTER THAT BRANCH. Corporal Farrell, Who Has Charge of the Local Recruiting Station, Says There Scorns to Be a Very Hazy Idea Hereabouts About the Marine Arm of the Service He Served In the Philippines with the Fourteenth Infantry and Saw Plenty of Active Service. "Business Is looking up nt this Rta tlon," remarked Corporal Joseph Par rel!,, of the United States marine re cruiting bureau yesterday, and open ing his tecord book, he showed the names of four recruits sent from Scruntoti last Tuesday. They are: Will LlewelynV Jones, of 34 South Main avenue; Frank Louis Brink. 212 Spruce street; John Herbert Clifford, 914 Plttston avenue; Thomas Francis Mahon, Avoca. The first three named were all members of the state guard. Corporal Farrell expects that men will' be coming In In greater numbers now that Captain Wolfe and his uldes, who have been conducting a. United States army recruiting Btatlon here, have left town. They left for Phila delphia Wednesday morning, nnd tho marines have a clear field before them. "I believe." said Corporal Farrell yesterday, "that people around here are pretty hazy regarding the exact naturp of a marine's duties, and In fnct, regarding the entire marine ser vice'. In reality, It Is the most desir able branch of government life. I served In the Fourteenth regulars be fore I joined the marines, and there Is no comparison between the lives ot tho soldier and the marine. The latter's duties on ship board are sim ply acting as escort and guard. There Is no menial work at all, and no ma rines are expected to know anything about snllorlng. Then on land, there Is a sort of garrison duty, at Wash ington, Boston, Brooklyn, San Fran cisco, Annapolis, Norfolk and League island, near Philadelphia. ARE WELL DRESSED. "The marine Is thefjest-dresscd man wearing a uniform. The service re quires a large number of varieties ot dress and undress suit!', and I have known marines who possessed wavd lobe, the size of which would compare favoiably with many a society lead er's. "Withal, the corps Is by no means made up of dandified men, and the marines have done good service in Cuba, the Philippines and China. Still, we do not have to suffer anything like tho privations the soldiers do, even in campaign, ns we sleep on bonrd our ships, and have rations which are feasts for the gods compared with what men In the regulars are some times forced to receive. "All the recruits enlisted here are sent to League Island, where they are 'drilled and whipped Into shape, and after six months of service, they can ask to be transferred to any quarter where the corps Is at work." As has been mentioned before in these columns, Corporal Farrell has onlv a few months worn the marine uniform and formeily was sergeant in the Fourteenth regulars, one of the first regiments to see service In the Philippines. During his stay In the islands, his regiment was constantly engaged in fighting and pursuing the amiable Aguinaldo, and his warriors, and Cor poral Ferrell saw enough of the Fili pino character to give him a very small-sized opinion of our newly-acquired fellow-countrymen. THE FILIPINO. He said yesterday, regarding them: "One phase of their character which strongly impressed itself upon me wtw their extreme avarlclousness and eagerness after wealth. They were constantly in pursuit of the great ,ptmerlcan dollar, whllo any Ameri canos wore around, and they were exceedingly successful In separating the soldier from his coin. Immediate ly on our advent In tho Islands, prices of everything took an enormous rise, being doubled, tripled nnd put up four-fold. "Tho men, 03 a rule, nro quick, ener getic fellows nnd while they are pos sessed In a marked degree of no great courage, they can, nevertheless, be made Into good soldiers. "Why, one day, when we were drilling, a crowd of little fellows watched us, and when we were thiough, picked up some sticks and wept through the manual of arms, In practically perfect style. The men are vain and childish. It was odd to see the anxiety with which they used to chance nil the funds Into the big double eagles. Tho $20 gold pieces KNOX HATS 'Inere s a prestige ill the Knox label that you cannot get in any other hat. They have gained a prestige be cause of their superior quality, correct style and highest class of workman ship. They are the ac knowledged leaders in the hat world. C. F. BECKWITH & CO., DEALERS IN Mine and Mill Supplies, Machinery, Etc. OFFICE-Dim Buuk luliaif. seemed to hnve a strange fascination for thetrl, and whenever thoy accu mulated twenty dollars, they woro anxiety Itself to obtain gold pieces for their smntler coins. "The Filipino women cannot be snld to be exactly record breakers for benttty. They are, as a rule, ihlit and tthgulor nnd pocsesed ot little or no natural' grace and charms." EDWARD MORAN INJURED. He Was Found Lying Near D., L. & Tracks nt Nay Aug Park. Edward Moran, of North Scranton, a driver boss In thfWorr's mine, was found early yesterday morning lying near tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western tracks In the vicinity of Nay Aug park, lie waq taken to n houso on Webster avenue, where ho com plained of suffering from Injuries all over his body. Ito wat, later In the day, token to the Moses Taylor hospi tal, where Is was seen ho had sus tained n sudden shock and that his whoje system was unstrung. It" Is thought that he was struck by a car, but ho himself remembers nothing of whnt happened and can give no explanation. Ho was hi a serious condition yesterday. $5.00 to Niagara Falls nnd Return via the Lehigh Valley Railroad October 6, 1900. Tickets will be on sale October Clh, limited for return pannage to October 8th, Inclusive, nnd will be honored on any train except the Black Diamond express.. For further Information, con sult Lehigh Valley ticket agents. Tickets on sale at L?hlgh Valley city ticket office, 309 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa. Clarke's Best Flour Better than the so called cash stores are selling for $4.99. Our Price $4.49 per barrel. Clarke Bros Carpetings and Draperies P.M'Crea&Co Solicit Your Inspection of Their Superb Stock at 427 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Store and StockNew SPECIAL PRICES. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, K? Heaters. S M5-331 PENN AVENUE. WAKEHOUSE-GrB Rldgo MATTHEWS BROS 320 Lnckftwnnna Are. Wholesnlo and Eetall. DRUGGISTS ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. FRENCH ZINC. Beady Mixed Tinted Painti. Convenient, Economical, Durablt . ,1 Varnish Stains. Producing Perfect Imitation ot Eipemlra Wocit- Heynolds Wood Finish. Epeolilly Designed for Inrid otk. Marble Floor Finish. Durable, and Drj Quickly. Paint Varnish and Kalso mine Brushes. PURR UNSEED OIL.TtlRPENTlNE The Weil-Dressed Han It not satisfied with the average Fur ninlilnff stud. that's why this store hai tlio reputation It has among careful drrwri. Have jou seen our up-to-date HATS. NKCKWHfc OLOVUS. , CONRAD, 305 Lackawanna Are. Th Popular Houi Fur ntahln Btor. Safe Cook ing Utensils Afictc Klckcl Sleel Ware vessels arc the Inndinmest wearing and safest cooking: utenails mri&e. They vvojr longer than Ironltor lln. They will not rust or break lil.e iron, or dent and get shape less nnd leaKv like tin. They ore handsomer thin tin and do not loe their pcllih. They are near. lv n light ns tin and not mm hersome like iron. Tiny are eTiior to cle.in than tin or Iron. Thev contain 1.0 poiwmus in KiidicnK V.c carry a complete line of the (ienuinc Agate Ware Cooking; Utmiils. Foote & Fuller Co, Hears Building, 140-43 Washington Ave Pierce's Market, Peon Avenue Tliis will be about the last week ot peach season. We will reciive ilally a limited quantity of Jersey, Yoik state and Michigan fruit. If yon hive not bought do not neglect to leave) jour eider this week li you want pcarhes. We would call attention to j the particularly fine ijiiillly of nnr ovMcrs, Maurice Itiver Coves, ltocl.avvays. Duck Hivers, Jlill Ponds, Blue) Points, etc., etc. Iteiiiiniber we mike a specialty of Blue Poistf delivered on lull bhell in carriers. v W. H. Pierce, 19 Lackawanna Ave. 110, 11!, IK Penn Ave. The Dickson Manufacturing Co. Borgnton ana WUkM-Bsrr. Px, MaaufaaturoM or LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY EN0INBS Bailers, Hoisting and Pumping Machinery. Deneral Office, Scranton, Fa. $3.50! For $$, $6, and $7 Rockers. The offeriug is so great that to give it a truer ring we'll ex plain that these Rockers are odds and ends fro factories, secured for our August sale. No they did not arrive too late but we could not dispose of all during that month, so now you have another chance. Polished Seats, Cobbler Seats and Up holstered Spring Seats are among them all woods and finishes. a I" f. M M M M 1$ M n n n M n n n n a a a Credit You? Certainly 321-223.225-227 WyomlnfAT a -jF- ''r j. at , ia.4daiaiit wtffreayMjtflyJjtM y, , y .- ... . ' L