' jfiVf jtMf-A'J.!' -f ' Hffln'" V38 US'!),!-? &.rr-S gr . LI-nSgi'ra;i.W,.,.-JJr i UHKSSTTTS PWll .J W UflJLW '.4. 'JA '. ' . J.'AIP1 .,...,,.,.,...., .y,- ..(.v W. ...jp;, t-, -fl-f,. - i..r j- -mst .w 1 tfwi-ra- ft. - . i x . .;- ,k. Wl 1 1 r nbtute. cranton ?Sj3PiSWiSSBAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. Jjfcwfrt; TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1900. TWO CENTS. THE CLUB MEN OF DEMOCRACY An Enthusiastic Gather ing of Partisans at Indianapolis. AFTERNOON OF ORATORY The Programme Opened by Hon. Adlai Stevenson Earnest Advice for Republicans Who Contemplate Supporting Imperialism Bishop Turner, Former Minister to Liberia, Among the Speakers Mr. Bryan Receives an Ovation. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Trcsa. Indianapolis, Oct. 4. The hall in which was assembled the National as sociation of Dcmeoratic clubs was thronged with people this afternoon, probably 5,000 being picsent, but as the hour approached for the advent of Mr. Bryan at -1 o'clock the aisles weie fllled and the hall thronged to a degree of almost suffocation. Adlai E. Steven son was the first speaker. Mr. Stevenson congratulated the De mocracy of the country upon this great club convention. It augurs well for the country, he said, that in the battle for the preservation of free government so many young Democrats are actively and earnestly at work, yet, he said, this is not strange when results so momentous are in the balance. The supreme issue is "republic or empire." Continuing, Mr. Stevenson said: The Republican administration is upon tiial. Shall imperialism the policy ot aggrestion and conquest receive the indorsement of the Amcii. can people? This is the supreme Issue to bi determined through the peaceful instrumental ity of the ballot. Imperialism, "the spirit ot empire," i3 the great question now in the fore front. Its earnest discussion will continue at the ilrciide and upon tiie hustings. The trust evil has by our platform been justly condemned as a menace to popular government. The purpose of the trust, is by destroying com petition, to concentrate the business of the coun try in a few hands. Jt can increase or limit production at its pleasure. Under its rule the Email dealer and the commercial traveler will disappear. With absolute control of the mar ket the entire business of the country will be Within its iron grasp. Important and far-reaching as the trust evil is, it is secondary to the jet greater il ot Imperialism. No unmeaning words arc mod when it is declared "the paramount Issue" of the campaign. Other questions, however im portant, must remain in nbejance until this question is determined. This is the supreme question that takes hold of the very life of the republic. Administration War. The Republican administration is engaged in the prosecution of wir and this without the constitutional requirement of a formal declara tion by congress. It Is in the strictest sense en administration war. The re election of President McKinley will be held by himself and his party, and justly so, as en endorsement of the policy of the administra tion toward the Philippine Islands. Let no Re publican with uneay conscience delude himself with the hope that if sustained at the polls there would be a change in the methods and policy of the administration. Such delusion is worse than mid-summer madness. The re-election of the present executive would be a vote of confidence; a solemn endorsement by the Ameri can people of a war of conquut the salient feat ure ot Ids administration. The condemnation of the administration by the billot is our only hope ot escape from the perilous policy it has inaugurated. Against the lust of empire we aic solemnly warned by the admonitions of Washing ton, as well as by the wrecks that Ho along the entire pathway of history. Imperialists claim th.it they cin giie the Fili pinos a better government than they can pos sibly establish for themselves. This plan of gov erning other people for tin lr own good did not originate with the imperialists of tochy. It was the plan urged by the crafty, licarllchs Talleyrand for the government of tho American colonies of the revolutionary war. In concluding, Mr. Stevenson said: In the great struggle now on we invoke the co operation of all who revere tho nienimy of our lathers and to whom this declaration is now un meaning parchment, but tho enduring ch.ut of our liberties. Upon the supremo issuu now in the lore-front we appeal to tho toner judgment and 'patriotism ot the American people. When Mr. Stevenson had concluded, 'James R. Sovereign, ex-grand master workman of tho Knights of Labor, epoke, dealing with the workingman from a political standpoint. He haid labor Is the foundation of liberty- in all tho world. Bishop Turner's Address. Mr. Sovereign was followed by Bish op J. Milton Turner, minister to Liberia under Grant's administration, who spoke hrieliy and In part as fol lows: I wish to make this ntlcstatlon on behalf ot tho claw with whom I Imo my pai titular iden. tlty in the United Mates. A mc.it miny ut my raco who formed tho inilority of tho ncirio population of the United States tvvcnl,.ive jc.irs go, tiara already been pmmotcd and' haie 'gone to their good Christian fathers, but Ihc urns re coming forth In tiemlng liundieds and thousand from that palladium and safeguard o American institutions the puhlio tchool kjstem ol our country, and unlike Uncle Tom ami Aunt Sally, they are doing their own thinking, like other young Ami i leans tor tiuiiisclies Wn come with a frcih-liorn, dUlntcrestid patriotism to put our might at this time In tho tutei of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Jv'cw York, ."v'nv ,JciM.y and other states, whur wo have jicin muklng the presidents for the list tvvriity.nvc or thirty years, and wo think this time, through our boji, we will be uhlo to ihike up sum a quota lor the election of William J. iir.in lint wo will elect this ticket without any poslbllltyof McKlnlcy defeating it. ' As Bishop Turner concluded Mr. Bry an appeared upon the platform. Ho had reached the city but a few minutes before 3 o'clock, but had not arrived at tha hall until a quarter past t o'clock. Ho was escorted through the streets by a number of maichlng clubs. As soon as tho Democratic! national candldato appeared on tho platform there was a wild shout of greeting and this soon developed into a demon- stratlon which continued for about six minutes, until, Indeed, there wus u call .Continued os Past I J PANIC AT A FRENCH FAIR. Lion Pounced on a Man Assisting in an Exhibition. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Paris, Oct. i. A serious accident oc curred today In the menagerie ot a country fair near Prlvns, ln tho De partment of Ardeche. A large audi ence gathered to witness a local butcher enter tho lion's cage, play a game of cards with the lion tamer and drink a bottle of champagne. The per formance was successful until the butcher foolishly and without warning tho trainer approached the lion and held a glass of champagne under his nose, whereupon the animal bounded upon tho butcher and ground his shoulder within his Jaws. The butcher was saved from death with difficulty. Meanwhile tho audi ence was panic-stricken, and In the stampede to escape from the menagerie many persons were trampled upon and badly injured. ROOSEVELT AT OMAHA. Speaks to an Enormous Auuience in a Tent. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 4. Governor Roosevelt, after a. day of strenuous effort, In which 'no less than ten speeches were made, was met at the train this evening by the reception committee of his city and, after a parade through the streets, he was conveyed to a tent, where an enormous audience had assembled. He spoke an hour and a half, and was listened to with profound atten tion. At midnight Governor Roosevelt departed on his Iowa trip. SENATOR QUAY ON IMPERIALISM Not in Favor of the Acquisition of the Philippines Bryan's Faith. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Coudersport, Pa., Oct. 4. Governor Stone, Senator Quay and others of the party addressed a large Republican meeting here tonight. Senator Quay said in part: I was not in favor of the acquisition of the Philippines. To mo the game did not seem worth the powder. A coaling station, a ship yard, a few miles of territory easily fortified around a good harbor seemed to meet our re quirements. As a member of the peace commis sion I would hive voted against the purchase, but when tho treaty was presented for ratifica tion and there remained but to sustain the com mission or return to war and thaos, as a sen ator of the United States I gave it my support. Then Aguinaldo thrust his war upon us and now there can be no halt until the last armed enemy is subdued. There is no danger from the Democratic theories upon expansion or im perialism. They declare tills a paramount is sue, but their declaration does not create a situation. They could easily have declared the price of cabbage the paramount issue. The peril is that in the shadow of their pre tenses lurk the sinister and menacing spectres of the sacred theories of Democracy, free coin ago of silver and free trade. To these Mr. Bryan is pledged. In this lie tielieves. In his faith ho i:, a fanatical chazi. If elected he will throw the paramount issue to tho winds of heaven to force them upon the country. He wishes to pun ish the money power of the world. DROPPED DEAD ON WIFE'S GRAVE. Strange Fatality Pursued This Far mer's Family. By Exclusive Wire from Tiie Associated Press. Trenton, N. J Oct. 4. Frederick Fritz, a prosperous farmer living near this city, dropped dead on his wife's gravo today in Riverview cemetery, white cutting grass in his burial plot. Fritz was 72 years old, and when the coroner took charge of the body he found nearly $200 in the dead man's pockets. Most of it was in gold. A strange fatality has followed tho Fritz family. Tne years ago Mrs. Fritz, while picking cherries, fell from a step-ladder and her neek was brok'en by the fall. Not long after this ac cident, three children died within a week. THE STORM AT NOME. General Greeley Says It Left 2,000 Persons Homeless. By Exclusive Wne from The Associated Press. Minneapolis, Oct. 4. General A. W. Greeley, chief of the United States Army Signal corps, Is the guest of George C. Squires In this city. Gen eral Greeley was at Nome during tho dlsastious storm of September 15-16. Ho says tho loss to private interests is vatlously estimated at from 1500,000 to $750,000 and owing to tho fact that more than 2,000 persons were rendered homeless, this winter's population, which it was expected would bo 7,500, will not exceed 5,000. TELEGRAM FROM SKAGUAY. Message Received in. Seattle by Way of the New Canadian Line, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rcss. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 1. Tho ilrst tele gram from Skngiiay to Seattle, mark ing an epoch In the history of business between Alaska and the outside world, was received here yesterday. The tlmo occupied by the message in transit was seven hours, which will, however, be reduced, Tho lino over which It passed to Vancouver Is that which the Canadian government has been engaged In constructing for the past four months, i. - WORLD'S RECORD BROKEN. Ily Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Tress. New York, (Ut. 4, Mawvcll V, Long, of the New Yoik Athletic ilub, this afternoon at the liuttcuberg race track, broko the world's 410 jaid running uiord, going the distance in 17 bccunds. Tlu former moid of i7?i seconds was held by Wrndlc Baker, and was made at Beacon park, Boston, MR. MIDDLETON ELECTED. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. New Yoik, Oct. i. Announcement was made today by President Thomas, of the New York, Susquehanna and Western railroad, of tho elec tion as third yiie president of J. A. Jllddleton. Mr. MiddUtuu will make bl lieduuartr In till city, REPLY TO THE GERMAN NOTE Chinese Imperial Edict Is Looked .Upon with Much Favor. STEP TOWARDS PEACE Minister Conger Is Instructed to Re port Whether the Edict Names Persona Deserving Chastisement and the Manner in Which the United States Is to Be Assured That Satisfactory Punishment Has Been Inflicted, By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 4. Propositions of a far-reaching character concerning China are being presented in rapid suc cession to this government. The state department had no sooner disposed of one of these propositions today by de livering a response to the German gov ernment, than it was confronted by an even more important proposition sub mitted by the French government, and within half an hour formally seconded oy the Russian government. Tho answer to Germany covered the subject of punishing Chinese offenders and made known that the United States had instructed Minister Conger along the lines suggested by Germany. These instructions look towards secur ing the names of the persons deserv ing chastisement, also whether the punishments accord with the gravity of the crime committed, and finally, in what manner the United States and the other powers are to be assured that satisfactory punishment Is Inflicted. Aside from these specific purposes of the note It Is regarded as important chiefly In establishing the most satis factory relations between the govern ments at Washington arid Berlin. The Franco-Russian proposal takes a much broader scope and submits a programme under which the negotia tions for a complete settlement can be carried forward. The French charge, M. Thiebaut, handed the proposition to Secretary Hay shortly after noon to day, and held a. brie'f'cohrerence con cerning it. Half an hour later, M. De Wollant, the Russian charge, arrived at the state department, and handed to Mr. Hay a note expressing Russian approval of the propositions just sub mitted by France. Mr. Hay gave no formal answer to the two communi cations, as they will go first to the president at Canton. The Franco-Russian proposition is under four heads, namely: First, pun ishment of the guilty parties; second, interdiction of the shipment of arms into China; third, payment of indem nity to the powers; and fourth, suffic ient guarantees for tho future. In addition, a suggestion is made for the establishment of a legation guard at Pekin, for the razing of the Taku forts, and for the maintenanco oE a line of communication between Pekin and the sea. The imnrosslnn lini-r. In advance of action on these propositions by our government Is that they con tain nothing essentially unfitting them to bo subjects of consideration in a final settlement. Regarding Indemnity. The difficulty which is likely to arise lies in the placing of proper limitations upon tho scope of each head. This is particularly true of the subject of guarantees and, perhaps, of that of In demnity. Still, as already suggested, each is a mo3t proper subject for dis cussion when the final negotiations ore reached, and therefore M. Dele.issc's broadest propositions, while likely to consume some tlmo in reducing them to ultimate and binding form, may be said to have a fair reception awaiting them. As to tho Interdiction of arms, the state department alrendy has Intimated that there may be a question as to Its wisdom, and there is reason to believe, also, that Germany will not view that particular feature with approval. But there appears to bo good reason to expect that a middle ground will bo reached by confining the Interdiction of arms to a specified period, possibly to bo fixed by the tlmo required by China within which to pay tho Indemnity, Tho chief objection to tho proposition Is In Us being permanent in its pros eht form. What tho United States government particularly desires to avoid is enter ing Into a programme that leans In any manner toward the maintenance of a foothold on Chinese soil, and it tho earlier propositions relative to tho maintenanco of a line of free and safe communication between Pekin and tho sea and to tho legation guards can be modified. In tho direction nf tomnnt-nm. expedients, they will be more likely to receive the support of our government, it is apparent rrom the complexity of tho Franco-Russian proposal that tho phaso of negotiations thus Initiated will take some tlmo to dispose of. Following Is the text of tho Ameri can reply to tha German note delivered today by Secretary Hay to Baron Speck Von Sternberg, tho German charge d'affaires; Text of American Reply, The secretary of elate to the imperial (icrinan charge. Memorandum In response to the In quiries made nf tho secretary of state, Oct. 8, J'XW, by the imperial Herman charge d'affaires, touching the Chinese imperial edict in regard to tho punishment of Prince Jumu and other high Chinese oAiclals. The Chinese minister communicated to the scc retary of Mate on the '.'mi in.it. a telegram re ceived by him from Plrcctor (Jeneral bheng, con veying tho purport of an imperial edict dated Sept. 15, 1000, by which the degradation and punishment of Frliica Tuan and oilier high Chi nese 'officials is decreed. (Continued on Pg 4. J REWARD FOR LOYAL FILIPINO. Government Aid Given to Widow of Murdered Native Official. l)y Eelmlvo Wire from Tho Associated Press. Manila, Oct. 4.The new commission today ap propriated $237,000 (Mexican) for the pajment of sundry expenses incurred bj the military for the benefit of the insular government during September, and also donated $1,500 (Mexican) to the widow of the loyal and efficient Filipino president of the tovvn of Ssnta Cruz, who was vcngefully murdered by the Insurgents. The pur pose is to show the United States government's intention to protect its friends and faithful ser vants, the Hollos of I'll nay Island and its civil government. On Monday night tho rebels Killed Lieutenant Max Wagner, ot the Twenty-sixth regiment of Volunteer Infantry, near Pavia, Island of I'anay. A detachment of tho Forty-fourth regiment at Kohol Island, one of the Visa an group, encoun tered a force of the enemy and killed thirty of them, One American was killed. The following cablegram lias been received at the war department: ".Manila, Oct. 4. "Adjutant General, Washington First infantry to Marlndunue Oct. 0 on Sumner; General Hare to command Island, with orders to push opera tions until insurrection is stamped out abso lutely. He will hive twelve full compinlcs of Infantry for the purpose; Anderson's first opera tions developed nothing. No report since Oct. 2. "MacArthur." The above despatch relates to reinforcements sent to the island of Marlnduquc, where Captain Shlcld-i and fifty-one men of tho Twenty-ninth Volunteer infantry were cither killed or captured by the insurgents. LATEST TRICK OF SWINDLERS. Farmer Witnesses Wedding and Un suspectingly Signs a Note. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. St. Paul, Oct, J. A Carver county farmer living near Shakopee was recently victimized by a new method. A young couple were married at his houe and he slgnid as a witness of the ccie niony. Four ddjs lJtcr a note for $450 bearing the farmer's signature was discounted at the Carver county bink. Neither the minister nor the bilde or groom have been seen since the wedding. An elderly nun in clerical gaiments slopped at the house of the farmer a few dajd ago mid requested permission to remain all night. He asked the blessing at supper, held fjmlly pray ers in the evening and vion the confidence of the host and his family. Next morning there were more pro) era and blessings, and the sti anger stajed until late in the forenoon. About 10 o'clock in the morning a young man and woman drove up and asked to be di rected to the house of some minister, as they desired to get married. The farmer's wife thought of her guest and invited the couple into the house. The ceremony was pci formed in the pres ence of the farmer and his wife, and at its con clusion they gave their signatures as witnesses. The case vva& reported to the state uilicials to day by former btato Senator E. E. I)u Tolt, of Shakopee. THE FIRE LADDIES AT NEW CASTLE Stato Convention Adjourns Over 3,000 Men in Uniform on Parade. Prizes Won by Pittston. D Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. New Castle, Pa., Oct. 4. The Stato Firemen's association has adjourned Its meeting for 1900, but the delegates and visiting firemen will not leave the city until tomorrow evening. This after noon the annual parade took place and the column was over two miles long and contained over 3,000 men in uni form, not counting lire apparatus from all parts of the state. There were twenty brass bands and drum corps in tho line and over 10,000 strangers were in the city. In fact, it was the biggest day that Now Castle ever knew. Tho closing sessions of the association were devoted to hearing discussions on various subjects of in terest to firemen. President Mittlnger. of Greensburg, who was elected yes terday, was presented by the Harris- burg companies with a gavel made from a relic from the old stato capitol, which was burned, and retiring Presi dent Sam Smith, of Norristovvn, was presented with a gold watch and chain. There was not a fight on tho streets, neither was there a visitor arrested for bad conduct during the convention. Before adjourning President Mittlnger announced his standing committees for the coming year as follows: Executive Charles Cohen, Allentnwn; I, A. lUline, Lock Haven; Ollbeil Giecnbcrg, Hunt ingdon; Chris Sheet, Ilraddock; H. S. Smith, Norristovvn; Abe Laiy, Philadelphia; Clinics 11. I'cais, Itiadlng. Law Ceorgo Nallinger, Philadelphia; E. Levi Tittle, HarrSbmg; Pert Hcikawlt, Alloona; It. H. Keller, Stroudaburg; J)r. V. W. Illackburn, Latrobc, Tr.uiaporlallon h. Thorn is, Jr., Xorrislovvir, P. 1". Ivjuffmanu, Columbia; C. L. Robinson, Coatesvllle, Circular James M. H.uvey, Wairsville; Mix Ilermin, HouUdale; T. !', Campbell, Ciihondale. Topic J, II. llrovvn. New Cistlo; J. I.. An drews, Iledfoul; John Steel, Pittsburg. AdvertWng-O. T. Weaver, Allenlown; C. F. Maurr, Wilkes-llarre; George S. llieker, Phila delphia. Exhibit .fames A. Ilaxtcr, Phlladilphla; John Clay, 'c-.t Cnnshohockeu; Frank II, lloseh, liar rlsbiirg; W. V, Mejcr, bharpsburg; John Hor ror ks, Johnstown. Iliaui.iinc JcIIciboii Sh.inner, WY-.I Cluster; James Tllby, Sharpshurg; .1, W. Curry, Me.nl. vllle. llellef P. .T, Illckey, Scranton; ,T, 11. ."pears, Heading; Marion Veibcckc, HarrUburg. The results Jn prlzo contests this afternoon wetn; For bet baud, prUe, $100, won by the North. vviMcru bind of Mcadvlllc; the llJglc lompany, of Pittston, won prUc drill, with Curwensvillo fecund; purms, $75 and $.1.1, Laigcst and bet uniformed company, prises, $75 and $.13; Colum bia bteam Fire company, first; Taj lor Hoe, Meadvillc, i-etond. Finest uniform, Columbia Steam Firo company; pure, $50. Ilest steam en. glue in line, won by Heaver Falls; prize, $50, Finest hose lanhigc or wagon, prie, i.ir, Home btrad. Finest hook and ladder company, pri.e, $.15, Mcadvlllc. Most grotesque Uarktown Fire brigade, Pittston, JSUJU. STRIKE AT DANVILLE. Hy Exclusive Who from The Associated Vresa Hluomsbuig, Oct. 4, The Danville rolling mill, which rcMimcd work tho ulhcr day, aftei having bun idle for siveral montlw, owing to the con dltiun of tho iron market, was closed down to day because of ' strike of the employes against it cut of 25 per (cut. In their wages. When they resumed work puddleri were paid at the ratu of four dollars a ton for their work, which was the amount paid tho puddlers at the Head, lug Iron lompary befoie tho 25 per cent, pit, against which they unsuccessfully struck, went into effect. m GARNER CONVICTED, Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Treat. Hairlsburg, Oct. 4. Elmer Garner was con lctcd of first degree muider today in tiie Dauphin county court for (hooting his brother-in-law, Isaac Miller, last January, at Halifax. Tho jury vvu out four hours. INCREASE IS NOT ACCEPTED Strikers Pay No Atten- tion to Offer of Operators. APPLICATIONS FOR RELIEF Local Unions Furnish Supplies for Those in Need Forty Men Em ployed by the Pond Creek and Wilkes-Barre Coal Company in De veloping a Mino Are Allowed to Work Marchers Endeavor to Close the Treverton Colliery. Uy Excfu3tve Wire from The Associated Press. Hazleton, Oct. 4. Not tho slightest notice has been taken by the striking miners of the ten per cent, increase offered to the employes by several of tho larger coal companies. As far as is definitely known, not one striking miner has accepted the advance, and the question Is whether more men have quid their places, notably in the Schuylkill region, where three addi tional collieries of tho Reading com pany were shut down. The United Mine "Workers' officials are still hard at work trying to close the few mines that continue in operation. All the or ganizers and the national committee men were In some part of the Hold during the day, only President Mitchell being on duty at headquarters. Mr. Mitchell did little else than at tend to his correspondence and answer telephone calls from different sections of the region. When he was asked what was new in the strike situation, he briefly replied: "We are waiting on the operators." He said he had no in formation today as to the movement of the mine owners other than that print ed in the newspapers. He also re marked that tho call for an anthracite miners' convention ia not vet. in siirht "When the convention is p.qllnH hmv. ever, Scranton will probably be chosen cur ii, oecause or us avollabilitv for convention purposes. But it is too early yet to say that a convention will be held there next Wednesday. Applications for Relief. Applications by striking minors for relief are beginning to be received by local unions in several sections of tho anthracite field. President Mitchell said tonight that wherever applications have been made for relief necessary supplies were furnished. A report was received from Wllkes-I3arrc today that a committee representing twenty-three locals, embracing about 14,000 miners, would confer with the national presi dent over the telephone about relief, but up to tonight this had not taken place. About eighty men marched from Preeland to Pond Creek today for the purpose of Inducing forty men em ployed by the Pond Creek and Wilkes Bane Coal company to join the strik ers. The maicheis reached there at noon, just as the men were leaving the mines. Tho strikers wore met ty Mr. J. Latrobe, president of the company, and Superintendent Thomas MoPar land, and explained to the strikers that the company was only developing the mine and would send no coal to maiket If the strikers would not ask the men to quit work. Tho marchers agreed to this proposition, and Mr. Latrobe took the Freoland men to the village grocery store and treated them to crackers and apples, The United Mine Woikers are mak ing extra efforts to get tho men who are still working In the Panther Creek valley to strike and Join the union. More organizers have been bent into the valley with tho hopo of swinging the 1,500 men still working there into line. President Mitchell said) today that the strikers of tho Lackawanna valley will make an effort tc outdo the Wlikes-Barro demonstration at Scran ton next Wednesday. It Is tho Inten tion to havo a big parado of miners from the entire Lackawanna valley. A mass meeting will follow, at which President Mitchell and other Mine Workers' officials will speak. NORTH FRANKLIN OFFICIALS YIELD In Order to Avoid Trouble They Have Decided to Close Their Mine Until the Strike Is Over. Py Exclusive IVIrs from The Associated Press. Shamokln, Oct. 4. Three thousand strikers, headed by a band and threo hundred slate picker boys, tho latter carrying small American (lags, left Mt. Carmol at G o'clock this evening to march to Trovorton, sixteen miles dis tant, to compel tho woikmen of tho North Franklin colliery to remain at homo tomorrow, Tho North Franklin operation had not ceased vork since tho 'strike started, and .strikers from all over tho legion weto angered over the failure of tho Tievorton men to tlo up tho colliery, hence, as the Mt. Carmel marchers swung along tho highway, they declared they would not be bulked la their effort to tako tho matter up themselves, Meantime tho Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron company had rushed a special train, consisting of five carloads of deputies from Schuylkill county, to tho scene, General Gobln, at Shenandoah, had also been usked to hold himself In readiness to dispatch troops to Trov orton, in caso a fight occurred, and Sheriff Kerning, of Northumberland (Continued on I'ago i. TIIE NEWS THIS MOBNINU Weather Indications Today, PAIR; LIQHT, FRESH WINDB. 1 Clcticral Ihxlcti n Strikers Ignore tho Ad vance Proposition. Scranton Miners Ilcjcct the 10 Per Cent. Oder. Answer of the United Slates to Germany's Note on China. Meeting ot the Democratic Cluhs. 2 General Northeastern I'cnnylvanla News. 3 Local Viaduct Ordlnatico Now in Select Council. Court Proceedings. i Editorial. S local Scranton Miners ltcject the 10 Tcr Cent. Offer (Concluded). Recruits for the Marine Corps. 0 Local West Scranton and Suburban. T Hound About the County. 8 General Live News of the Industrial World. Financial and Comnicicial, WHITEHEAD DIED TO AVOID WEDDING Fright and Nervousness Drive Wis consin Man to Suicide Chose His Marriage Day. Ily Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Preis. Milwaukee, Oct. 4. Frank Whlte cad, a Whitewater farmer, killed him self today rather than get married. Dispatches from that city say White head was engaged to Miss Llllio Tay lor, and this was to have been the wedding day. The prospective groom had ordered a new outfit of furniture for his house, and everything was In readiness for tho ceremony. Tiie furniture dealer is also on un dertaker, and as he was loading up the furniture this morning a message came to him to leave the furniture and bring a coffin Instead. Whitehead had shot himself to death. The man has been very nervous because of the approach ing event, and no reason is known for his self-destruction except pure fright over the wedding ceremony. He left nothing to account for his action. Yes terday ho said to one of his farm hands that lie would give anything if he could get out of the ceremony, as he did not feel that he could stand up and be married before a lot of people. The news of his death was brought to Henry Taylor, father of the bride that was to be and he communicated it to his daughter. Mls3 Taylor faint ed, and is prostrated by the shock. Whitehead was a prosperous farmer and both his family and that of Miss Taylor are wealthy. The parents on each side had ready a check of $1,000 as one of the wedding presents. The couple had been engaged for about a year, and the match seemed to bo a happy one in every respect. YAQUIS OVERTURES ARE REJECTED President of Mexico Would Not En tertain Indians' Peace Proposal. Fighting Continued. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Hermosillo, Mex., Oct. 4. Negotia tions between the live Yaqui Indian emissaries and President Diaz for tho settlement of hostilities between the Yaquis and the Mexican government have failed to accomplish anything, and the peace envoys havo arrived hero on their way homo from the City of Mexico. They report that President Diaz refused to consider their proposal for peace, because It Involved too many concessions to the Indians. The emis saries belong to tho peace faction of the tribe and they hope to obtain a modification of the original proposal that will bo acceptable to the Mexican authorities and bring about a termina tion of tho disastrous war. Fighting Is being continued, and the government troops seem to be making slow but steady advances Into tho In dian country. - ACQUITTAL CAUSED A RIOT. Three Young Men Had Been in Shadow of the Gallows. Uy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Georgetown, Del., Oct. !. The grand jury today ignored tho bill against Kverett Derrlckson, Klbert Dawson and Harry Godwin, threo young men, woh were charged with a felonious assault upon Miss Marcelia Tyre, of near Uoxuna, and their attorney se emed their release. When this news became known out side the court house a riot occurred between tho friends of tho threo young men and of tho girl. There wero a number of fisticuffs and weapons wore used, but there wero no fatalities, Ah a result nf tho riot, a writ has been faont down to flaltlmoro hundred for tho nrrest of Josoph Dasoy and others, who shot Into tho crowd and threatened to assault several men with' knives, according to tho charge of Kverett Derriekson's father, who filed tho complaints with tho attorney general. AOKRON ESCAPES, Jury on Case of Tivoll Proprietor Disagrees, Ily Kxeluslvc Wire fiom The Associated Press. New Yoik, Oct, ::. Thu tilul of Charles 11. AcKron, proprietor of tho Tivoll, u notoiiuui resort of this city, was HnUhcd today, and the July announced a dlsiRicimcnt. The Jury blood ten to two for cunvlition fiom the ktart. Tho jury was illsinkscd und Ackion's bond of $2,000 was continued. Tho charue aifalmt Aikron vras Brand larceny In the Ilrst dciircu in ucttlntr -i lot of i hairs fi c in ,i Urookhu Hi in. Interest attaches to the M)0 on uccmmt nf Aikron' ullcei'd iniluenco with local politicians and protection by the police. m ! OREEDON KNOCKED OUT, Oy Kxcluslvo Wire from The Associated Tret. Kansas City, Oct. 4. Jack Boot knocked ou Dan Crcedon hero tonight In tho first round. TEN PER CENT. NOT ENOUGH Operators' Offer Not Like ly to Effect a Settle ment of Strike. NOT BEING CONSIDERED Organizer Fred Dilcher Says Thers Is Nothing for the United Mine Workers to Pass Upon and That a Convention to Consider the Offer Contained in the Notices Posted by Somo Pew of the Companies Will Hardly Result in the Calling of a Convention Lackawanna Men Fail to Return to Work Prospects of a Long and Bitter Struggle Big Demonstration Next Week. "We lenow of no ten per cent, offer." This was the response by National Or ganizer Fred Dilcher to a Tribune re porter's query as to how tho strikers' headquarters viewed the notices posted by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and some other companies. "The fact that a few companies hero and there have offered to increase their men's wages, if they return to work, Is liftrdly sufficient, you mU3t admit, to warrant us In assuming that tho oper ators have made us an offer. If all, or a large majority, of the companies joined in this offer, it might warrant the Mino Workers' officers In counsel ing the calling of a conventl&n to con sider it. As tho matter rests now, how ever, there is nothing before us." When asked as to whether or not a convention was likely In the near future, Mr. Dilcher said that some thing more inviting than the present "offer" would havo to be forthcoming before tho officers of the union would concern themselves about the matter of convention. "Then a convention in this city next week la hardly a possibility?" queried tho reporter. "Hardly," responded Mr. Dilcher. Nichols' Statement. District President T. D. Nichols said yesterday that ir a general ton per cent, advance 'vvas offered, powder fixed at $l.u0 a keg and the two weeks pay law put into effect, a convention would bo called to consider the pro posal. The present offer of a portion of the companies, however, was not to be considered. Mr. Dilcher, accompanied by Secre tary John T. Dempsey, returned yes terday afternoon from Hazleton, stop ping en route to uddres.s a large and enthusiastic niLCting at Avoca. Mr. Dilcher will return this moining to Hazleton and fiom there will sot out for the Panther Creek Valley to com plete the tie-up. President Nichols re mained over in Wilkes-H;irrp. Me.ssis. Dilcher and Dempsey brought tho word that all the prominent figures of tho union side of the strike will bo in attendance at Wednesday's parade and mass meeting. President Mitchell is anxious to como to Scranton and gave Secretary Dempsey positive as surance that he will bo on hand. Tho local officers oro bent on making this demonfatration as groat or even greater than that at AVilkes-Ilarro, Tuesday last, and already havo their plans well under way. All the mine employes of Lackawanna county are to participate. If tho operators haven't something up their sleeve bettor than tho ten per cent, offer, the community might as well sottlo back for a long strike. Tho miners won't havo It. After a long fight tho operators might bo ablo to forco the men to bo content with this, or oven less, but to end tho strike at onco a moro liberal offer must bo made. Not Passed Upon. It was ofllclally given out after tha meeting of tho United Mine Workers olllcers in Hazleton, Wednesday night, that the ton per cent, offer was not passed upon. It was discussed, but tha olllcers agreed thut It was not up to them and that thoy wero not called upon to do anything with It, As Mr. Dilcher tors'ely puts It, tho union knowa of no ten per cent, offer. If any ono hud any doubt os to how the miners vluwed tho offer, that doubt must havo been sottled by yesterday's developments. Tho Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western company, abovo all others, had a right to cxpeat that Its men or many of them would return to work If a ten per cent. Increase In wages was offered. That Is all that Continued on 1'ago 5. -r - f WEATHER FORECAST, I Washington, Oct. 4. Forecast for Frt. day and Saturday; Eastern Pennsylvania Fair Friday and Saturday; light to . 4- fresh ooutbuostcrly winds. 4l i- - -) ' . I' -fi , r't A-1f.A 0