g-fppjjjjlgp r Fn4 v "Wj JWWT' T tv 11 .6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1900 VI .4.1 1 M f. , ft j t4. 4? u Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OK Per QC Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO Sclephotieordert Prompttr Uverd af3j Adams Avenus. Scranton Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels nnd Private Residences. Office D., L. A W. Station. Phone 625. Passenger " DR. H. B. .WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat .Office Hours-l a. m. to 1180 p. in.: ! to 4. William Building, Opp. Postofflee. 4 , ' '.; CITY NOTES I t 1 ' MEC11XO OF CLERKS The rcguhr mcetlnir -of tho Scranton Clerks association, No. 211, Is i to ,be held tonight at their hall, No. 103 Spruce street. All members arc lcqucslcd to be pres ent, as important business is to be transacted. IT.T.IC1T KHIATION'S CIIAnOED. Mis. Ella Bcnnlss, of llrcck courtp'wns arraigned bcfoic Aldcmi.in Millar jiUr-rdV, charged with hawns Illicit relitlons with James Barrett, ol Lee court, Tho latler's wife preferred the rhaiRC. In default at ball Mrs. Denniss was committed to the county jail. PARK TltESPASSERS riNED. Tony Morse and Oli Matk', the two Italians arrested Monday after noon in Nay A'iff park by Park Policeman Mc Xamiri, were fined $3 apiece jpstcrday mornlnf: and in default committed to tlio county jail. They arc accused of damaging chestnut trees in the paik. WOULDN'T PROSECUTE. Frank Moran, of PJne Brook, wi9 atrestcd jntcrdny on a warrant Issued by Alderman Howe at the iiiitantc of Miss Maggie Withers, of Forest court, who charged him with a serious crime. When the time arrlied for a hearing the piosecutrlx withdrew the charge and snid she was unwilling to prosecute. BOY'S LEG AMPUTATED James F?nnan, a 10 i ear-old boy, u lio had his leg crushed be neath the wheels of a Lackawanna train near Nay Aug tunnel ou Sundaj, was operated on at the Moses Taylor hospital jestcrday, and the limb wa3 'amputated between the ankle and the knee. LEO CAUGHT UNDER W HEELS James Ten niin, a 10jeat-old boy lhing on Stone aienue, was jest ruby taken to the Moses Taylor hospital with his light leg badly mangled. While at tempting In board a Delaware, Lackawanna and Western car 'undaj- he slipped and the wheels parsed ocr his leg. The limb will be amputated todaj-. PAY IHYS The Deluunio, Larkawmna and Western lompinv paid jesteidiy at the Oxford, Dgdge, BUlcuie, Pittcbone and Woodward mines. Tocliy the empfoje-. of the Archbald, Sloan, C'entril ami Hampton collieries will be paid. The Delaware and Hudon company paid jesfenhy at the Manlnc and Lcggctt'b Cicck LolllcniM. T.KiUT "AND WATER COMMITTEE. The light nnd waterAominittee of seleelycouncll met last night in the select council chamber and amend ed to a considerable extent Mr. Costcllo's ordi nance establishing water ntes. Just what the amendments were each and eeij- member of the committee rcfucd to siv. They will report on the incisure fhursdiy night, PALLED 1IIM A bCAB.-Aldciman Mllhr jes tcnliy Isiiicil i tt.in.int foi the anet of Michael 'lluane, of firren's alley, on the cluige of assault and lutUrj preferred bj- John Loughney, of New .street, l.ougline.v, who is a laborer, alleges tint Jiuirie tlneitened his life and called him a scab, Mondaj night Itnanc went to Loiighnej's resi dence and told him If he went to woik he would 1.111 him. NO MORE EXTENSION OF 1IME ON SEWERS That Is the Sentiment of the Mem bers of Council Who Have Been Considering the Matter. Before nny more large sewer con tracts are let by councils, nn effort will lie made to havo fin ordinance passed prohibiting tjje granting of ex tensions of time to sower contractors In the future. This step is to be taken because a number of the eounellmen believe that the beautiful reckl33sne.s. with which these extensions have been granted In tho past Is responsible more than any thing else, for the go-as-you-please methods of many of the sewer contrac tors, who let their work lag along and Keep tho streets opened nnd a menaco tp Ufa uiiil limb for months longer ftntn Is necessary, 'Another argument used In favor of Sie adoption vof sjucli.a. ordinance! is le fact that the granting of exten sion's of time (iffoida an excellent op portunity for tho bower Inspector to voik" the elty,, Thee, Inspectors, as a"generul rtile,ara men whoso pios iects arc not very bright when they abcept tho position und who like to dfrlng qut tho work ns long as pos Hljble', so that they may continue to draw their 2,50 a day. 1 3rhey, accordingly. In many Instances,, rrlulce no,effort to have the continctor" mirry wjth his work, knowing that the longer ho continue!! the more money Ihmeanstor them. 'With the positive Knowledge that' councils would grant rifc extensions, tho sower inspector vfoud be more apt to do his whole tMty and the contractors exceedingly jftori' likely1 to get his work llnlshed ijl. contract time, than under existing conditions, , . 'City Engineer Phillips baysUhat in sVvejal Instunces where contractors hjjivo been granted two or tinea ox t'fiislona of time, against his wishes, hit has found only four or ttve men at work on tho Job, when there should have been ilfty, He .-aya that if a con tractor is not satlslied with tho time limit ilxed In the contiact, let him reg ister a kick before ho signs It and he' will be met half way, Ifhe city engineer Is Yory'outspoken regarding his opposition tohe grant ing of' extensions of time, and he' told tho sowers and drains committee of delect council some pretty straight things' on Monday night, when the big a: v "Nineteenth sower district contract wns under cnnRldcratlon. The membero of the committee nil nsreed with hla views) on the question nnd It mny bo that through their efforts Home Bitch ordinance tm 'mentioned above inny bo pnsind, ICach sewer conlmct entered Into by the city contain a penalty clause pro viding that If tho sower It not com pleted within tho time limit a certain penalty li to bo collected for every day tifter that date until tho sower Is completed. Nobody In city hall, however, remembers when such a pen alty was ever collected. SISTER BENEDICTA BURIED. Services at St. Peter's Cathedral Yes tcrday Morning. A solemn high mass of requiem wub celebrated In St. Pcter'R cathedral yes terday morning over the remains of tho Into .Sister Benedlctn. Prior to the services the body lay In state at Ht. Cecelia's convent, where hundreds of people viewed It. The cortege to tho Cathedral cemetery was long and Im pressive. The officers of tho mass wore: Cele brant, Very Uev. Father Qarvey, vicar general of the Scianton diocese; dea con, Itev. Kev. Father Coffey, of Car bondalc; sub-deacon, llov. E. J. Mellcy, South Scranton! muster of ceremonies, Kev. J. L. L,oughran, St. Peter's cathe dral. Tho other priests in the sanctuary during tho mass were: Kev. M. F. Crane, Avoca; Rev. James Fagan, Great Bend; Rev. W. P. O'Donnell, Bellevue; Rev. N. J. McMnnus, Provi dence j Rev. P. J. McManus, Green Ridge; Rev. M. K. Loftus, Hyde Park; Rev. John Healoy, Pleasant Mount; Rev. Domlnlck Lnndro, Hyde Park; Rev. Augottl, Dunmoro; Rev. Antonla Geruttl, Carbondalo; Rev. John O'Don nell, Bellevue; Rev, P. J. Boland, Mi nooka. RECORD BREAKING MONTH FOR FINES Nearly Fifteen Hundred Dollars Went Into the City Treasury as ' the Result of Arrests. , Clerk Hatton has just completed work on tho compiling of the receipts from tho police department for Aug ust, a task of gigantic proportions, ns the month proved a iecord;breaker, and the largest sum of money ever taken In In one month from this de partment was added to tho city treas ury. One thousand, four bundled and fif teen dollars and twenty cents Is the exact sum realized from the people ar raigned before magistrates for break ing the law, and of this sum $1,218.70 was paid in the mayor's court alone. This sum is over $300 greater than any amount ever collected in the police de partment for the same length of time. Besides tho funds taken in at the court over which Mayor Moir dally presides, $63.50 v. as contributed from the Second precinct, West Scranton. The Third and Fourth precincts re turned $33 and $10 each. The war on the speakeasies, result ing In the numerous fines iniDOsed on the proprietors of tippling houses ur lested on warrants issued by the maj-or, is naturally the primary cause of the large pioportlons of the month's police fines. Something like $600, it is leckoncd, wns paid Into the munlcloal strong boxes during August by the men and women who conduct un licensed grog shops. Thpn, too, there was the big raid In Center street, In which tix disreputable houses were cleaned out and a large number of inmates arrested. They con tiibuted about $330 to the fund. Besides these, there weie tho usual amount of small fines collected fiom ordinary, every-day disturbers of the peace. m HE MAY GET CLERK HIRE. Opinion of School Controllers About City Controller's Bequest. It Is likely that the board of con trol will grant City Conti oiler Esdius Howell extra compensation of some sort for the woik he does for the bchool dlbtiict. There will probably be some objectors but the general sen timent seems to be In favor o? grant ing him extra compensation. The controller realizes now that Mnee the recent decision of the Supreme couit ho cannot compel tho board to pay him anything, biit it is thought that an understanding of some soit will be leached. Tho controller nsseits that on account of tho great' amount of work to be done in his office, he will bo obliged In the near future to hlie an extra cleik and If the board does not see fit to giant him compensation for himself thoy may appropriate money for cleik hire. The matter Is being considered by the finance committee and the board's so licitor, D. J, Reedy, This committee will meet either Friday or Satuiday night for tho purpose of consldeilng tho question and it will be falcon up at next Monday evening's meeting of tho board, NEW CANCELLING MACHINE. It Has a Capacity of 1,000 Postal ' Cards a Minute. The n3A Filer cancelling machine has" been Installed In tho postolllca nnd was yesterday put in operation lor the Urst time, It lb a "marvelous piece of mechanism and will greatly facilitate the work of tho local olllce. The new machine will cancel 1,000 postal cards In a minute and about "50 letters, piovldlng the letters are all of tho samo size. This will give some Idea of the vast amount of work which It does. Tho old cancelling ma chine, formerly in use, had to be fed one letter at a time, wheieas a bunch of fifty can be put into tho new one at once and it doe3 tho rest, When put In, the letters Jly between the rollers with such llghtnlng-llko ra pidity that they can hatdly bo seen. The machlno Js operated by an elec tric motor. i m SAMUEL RICH HELD IN SAIL. He Is Accused of Receiving Brass Stolen front L, I. & S, Co, Samuel Rich, of South Washington avenue, .was held In $500 bnll by Al derman Howe yesteuluy on tho charge of receiving a lurgo amount of brass stolen from tho Lackawanna Iron and Bh'Cl company, Rich, who Is a. Junk dealer, was (tr usted at the Instance of Agent Okell, of tho company. Four young boys, Frank McDonald, John Flynn, Thomas O' 13 den und SVnnk Regan, tea. (lied to taking tho biass from the company's yards and selling it to Rich for 75 cents. Rich had the brass for awhile. In his garden and in his stable. Detective Moir and Agent Okell arrested him yesterday, OBSERVANCE OF THE DAY OF ATONEMENT FEAST WILL CONCLUDE AT SIX O'CLOCK THIS EVENING. Throughout the World the Jewish People Observe the Day by Prayer nnd a Most Rigid Fast More De vout Will Spend This Morning and nnd Afternoon in the Temple Ser mon by Mr. Foster, a Rabbinical Student at the New York Hebrew Union College. t Tho Day of Atonement Is now being observed by tho Jewish residents of tho city, nnd one of the most holy days In tho Hebrew calendar celebrat ed. Services began last night nnd wilt bo conducted until C o'clock this even ing. Tho day Is known by tho Hebrew names of Yom Klppur and Yom Hnk klpurlm, and is the last of the ten sa cred days of which New Year or Rosh Hashhonnh is tho first. As its name implies, the holiday is one of penitence and atonement, of re pentance and prayer for the sins of the past year, and resolutions for better deeds during the days to come. Throughout tho world the Jewish peo ple observe this day by prayer through out tho entire day, and a most rigid fast, not tho least nourishment of any kind being supposed to pass the lips of any Hebrew during tho twenty four hours during which the sacred day is observed. The more devout also spend tho entire morning and after noon in temple, and then by earnest prayer, endeavor to erase all short comings and faults of the days now past. Last night's services In the Linden Street synagogue were begun at 7.30 o'clock with Mr. Foster, the rabbinical student from the Hebrew Union col lege at Cincinnati, in the pulpit. Mr. Foster is the samo young man who was in charge of the New Year services and who is a former resident of this city. His sermon last night was con cise and thoughtful and thoroughly in accordance with the spirit of the Day of Atonement. In the course of it he sead: MR. FOSTER'S SERMON. rperienco is a wise teacher. It is man's ac cumulated Lno'Nlediro of himself, his surround ings and their reciprocal influences, throughout the centuries. Etoicd away in the recesses of every hraln 11 a complete, authentic account of tho doing and hopes of the human race. No lore of ancient times can e'er be lost, though it tal.c us centuries to unearth it. No hope that ever swajed the breast of primitive man, that made him long for hotter things, though better things to him be bad for us, no achieve ment of early dais car. be hidden from us. In proportion as advance, can we peer with undir- standing into the past. As we ransack in thce modern day? the store houses of all the knowledge of the ages, ourselves ol this generation, do wc bring to light the treasures of the infant world, though far re moved. To understand self, the miniature crea tion, tho embodiment of all the forces, the re flection of all the law a of the universe, is to know what God is, nnd all. The more the in dividual knovw himself, the more willing is he to guard the trust of past cias. That most important bequest to man from antiquity, we can feel it in ourselves, is his desire to guide his actions by, oi attempt to re concile them with, his ideals. This often un conscious trait of human nature has been of inestimable value to civilization. What does it mean, this pursuit of ideals? It is the search for the moral life which man considers most impoitant nnd most worthy of attainment, lie has experimented many times with many philosophies, and every one that has not put as Us first nnd foremost law-, the neces sity oLthe moral life has passed or is passing, unwept and disgraced, into Its grave. Whatever may be their theologies, men must he moral, 'lhey must regulate their conduct in the world by the principles of truth, generosity nnd right eousness. Tho spirit of this ideal of morality Ins been handed down to us from time im memorial, though the expressions of it have differed at various times. Stan has put forth his noblest effort in its attainment to reach it. THEY CANNOT GO HENCE. With that moral life which eacli man reaches in the world will he vindicate himself before God. Riches and honor cannot accompany him hence. Our faithful friend, our only guide is the consciousness of having made our act and our ideal one. To prepare to face the Eternal, wc must harmonise- our thoughts and deeds, to "meet" our God; wc must harmonize our ideals and our conduct. Wc cannot halt between two opinions. If the Eternal be our God, if He be our Inspiration, wc must follow Him, "Pre pare to meet thy God, O Israel." As vtith individuals, laces and nations must "meet" God, must realize In their life their ideals of conduct. In so fir as they fall to liar nunlre act and thought, do they perish forever, Where the Ideals arc low destruction cometh the speedkr. Emerson somewhere says that the Ideals of oi.c race in contact with another, be the litter the victor or the vanquished, stir render only to higher ideals. Rome studied fiicek thought, but (ould not feel to live Greek life, so a few Grecian slaves made mighty Home (iicd.ui. Vet only so far could Greek culture reach as Gieek thought nnd Greek life harmon. Izul. "Prcpaio to meet tliv God, 0 Israel," Search thy heart, O Israel; consider thy vvajs, O Jeshurun, whose piophets and teachers have transmitted for many rcnturies Ideals ot life which have guided the human family. Art thou at peace with thy God? It is proper for thee, of all peoples, to "meet" thy Cod. Thou, Is rael, art a nation of priests. Privilege implies responsibility. God does not love iMacl more than Ho does any of His chll dicn. God regards every man and woman, every child, cveiy cieated thing as His own, "Have wc not all one Father? Hath not one God cre ated us? Why then should we deal treacherously ono man with tho other J" But Israel, by irtuo of Ills peculiar gift to humanity, is held more lesponsible for 1 lid trust than Is any other rare, In a manner Incomprehensible to mortals, Israel has evolved from Ills consciousness tho clearest conceptions of iightcoiisiicas and Justice. To the very djwn of history can ho tiaced the growth of Ills letiglous Ideas and ideals, The grandest contribution to the culture and civili zation of the human race is the llebicu's Rlblc, Growing It is really surprising to see how fast our list of Savings Depositors is growing. Scores yes, hundreds of wage-earneis are" learning to appieclate tho teal value of a "rainy day" fund; there's nothing finite like it. No other planning pans out cash In a day of need like tho small savings fund, A bit here and a bit there slipped Into tho bank each week, till Lo! One is fairly surprised to discover how large a sum all the little bits make. And so handy to me, when one most needs it. Bettor lot us fix up a book for you this week, not next. Open every Saturday evening, 7 to 8 o'clock, Savings Department TEADEB8 NATIONAL BANK Cor, Wyoming and Spruce n The Greek-soul, wllli lis artistic sensibility, found expression thiough the pen, the chisel and the brush. In their masterful statues, paintings, poems, the Greek mind stands pre eminent. The Hebrew genius admired those forms of beauty, jot he felt that they were but imitative. He felt that nature In all her love liness could not be Improved and his r-otll craved something higher and inoic lasting. The Hebrew genius felt that the monuments of the hntd were but temporary; thoe of the heart and rouI, ctcrnil. In the recognition of the stiength and permanency ot morality, the Ifebicw genius was creative. "Prepare to meet thy Cod, O Israel." Because thou bast risen to receive tho'fl great truths, O Israel, Is no murh rcnuliod of thee. It Is a great responsibility which thou hast taken upon thyself. It Is thy mission to show the world by thy life, by harmonizing thy Ideals nnd thy conduct by meeting thy God, that the moral life is the happy, the dcalrable, the Im mortal life. Ihy privilege ot teaching thls.lde.il imposes upon thee tho necessity to Hie It. In to far as thy task is neglected, just no far must thou fall. 'The world atllt needs examples ot noble conduct. It Is thy duty to metid thy life, Tn tho economy ol nations, Israel's jluty is to prench morality by net. And if It falls of its duty, it forfeits its high privilege and becomes wortlilcs". Just as when n man of responsibility nnd honor falls, he falls as low us he might have reached, hiih In tho esteem ol Ills filicws, had lie been faithful. TRUE TO ITS TRUST. Israel has not alwajs been true to Its trust. Israel has not alwajs been eager to ''meet'1 Ms God. But whenever ho desnted the path of righteousness and truth, Israel his suffoied. And despite persecution and mlacry, Israel Ins been happy when he followed the laws of his life, What more magnificent picture of loyalty to a trust can be conjured before the mind than Israel at Mount Sinai? Faithful to tho duty which he learned to consider as a need of his nature, the pursuit of spirituality, the "meet ing" with God, Israel stood at Mt. Sinai to receive the decalogue. However strong the storms of persecution might rage, however wild ths winds of hatred might blow against him, Israel with His Toich and a life consistent with the spirit of its teachings stands invincible and unharmed, Recall on tho other hand, the misery of Israel during the reign of King Zede kiah when people and ruler refused to obey the words of the prophet Jeremiah, who showed them their errors. When punishment followed) they had not the heart to bear it, for they weie conscious of unfaithfulness to their Ideals, Every nation has brought tn huimnity some gift. Be it over so small, it has been n bless ing to the world. For we are all closely bound together by ties of brotherhood and borrow fmm ono another experiences, which when appropri ated, help us advance, All that is demanded of tli glvrr is that his gift be his, to bestow and given in a generous spirit. Israel's gift, distinct in itself is touchstone to all. Religion is the medium through nlone all human endeav ors may bo made valuable and lasting. In these latter dijs of ours, we arc beginning to understand the value of noble motive in work. In tho realms of art and literature for instance, only that work will survive which was performed by moral men prompted by high motives. The world perhaps will not admit this yet, because the critics and admirers of art arc themselves not purified enough to see it. But were we puio-minded and refined in spirit, wc could see in any aft production itself the immoral artist at his brawls, be the subject of his work ever so sacred. Israel's must purify the world. The sculptor, tho painter, the musician, the laborer, the mechanic, the merchant, the banker, all human workers must be transformed into forces that make for righteousness and truth, by tho highest ideals ot work, else they be worthless. HAS A RIGHT TO CHARGE O, Israel, dost thou understand the magnitude ot thy lcsponsibility? If thou art unfaithful to thy duty, the whole world has a right to charge. "Awake, Israel, what docst thou? Un less thou art true to thy trust, the world Is hindered in its work." "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel." We cannot "meet" God by the mere giving of charity to the poor. We cannot meet God, wc cannot harmonize thought and deed by mere lip-service in prayers, prompted selfishness and cowardice. How dare wc ask our Heavenly Father for earthly gifts and treasures when these very things might prove our unmaking? How dare wc ask for deliverance from poverty and danger, when these very conditions might tend to give us clearer' spiritual light, a deeper knowledge of the most high God? We must ap proach our God resigned to His will, ut peace with self and huma'iity, striving to become purer and nobler, We cannot "meet" God on this sacred Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, by mere fasting. Fasting is only a means of putting our hearts and souls into communion with God, of stirring our sympathy for humankind, or making us realize our weakness and dependence. Nor can we meet God properly only onco or twice a j car. The torn Kippur is typical of every day, Every moment we must be careful of our acts; wo must re spiritualize our efforts, Just as the plant renews itself from moment to moment. Continually must we meet God to make our nobler thoughts live in act, to harmonize our ideals and our works. Experience teaches thee, O Israel, a knowledge of thyself will show-, that thou must uphold the laws of thy life, tho laws ot justice, righteous ness and truth, Thou must be the bearer ot the beacon light of morality to mankind. "Pieparo to meet thy God, O Israel, as thy God has alwajs met thee," "Holy shall jo be, for I the I,ord thy God am holy. O Israel, thou shalt be holy in thought, holy In word, holy in deed. During the services sacred muslo was splendidly discoursed by the tem ple choir, led by Professor C. B. Her man. This morning's services will be begun at 10.30 o'clock. HORSE INVESTIGATION IS ON. Some Testimony Was Heard at Last Night's Session. The common council "horse" commit tee thut is to say, two members of It, Messrs, Keller and Watklns conducted part of the Investigation of the "horse deal" last night In City Clerk Lavelle's private office, Mr. Orler, tho third member of tho committee, did not appear, and it was at first decided to adjourn the investi gation. When this announcement was made, Morris V, Morris and Dr, Sit terly, who were on hand to testify, left. Ex-Chief Walker, of the Are depart ment, and Frank Cobb, the horseman, said that their time was valuable, and demanded that the hearing go on. Select Councilman 1& W, Vaughan, who first stirred up the affair, was also on hand. Messrs. Keller and Watklns Anally decided to conduct the investi gation and re tiled to the Inner room, where a session was held. Councilman Vnughan told all he kunw about the deal, and Messrs. Walker aud Cobb were also heard. Walker sajd that the original under standing was that Cobb was to sell the horses, and said that he did sell tho two Franklin horses, thejnoney, $100, being paid to him (Walker) and turned over to Cobb. Cobb said that he never agreed to sell anv of the horses; that he didn't sell any of them, and that all he knew about the affair was that he was-given the I2S0 realized from the sale of the horses and told to credit the city with that amount, Another hearing will be held some night In the near future- From' Its pages, fervid with thr consciousness ol the holiness of tlod, as from an altar-fire, nun havo taught the flam? of Inspiration which burns within their hearts. ' KINDLED A LONOtNO FOR TRUTH. Tho Bible, tho product of the Hebrew mind Und heart, through centuries ol development has ever kindled within men an eternal longing for the truth, nn unquenchable (hirst for the high. rr life. I.Ike Hip morning aim, ever resplendent In Its beauty nnd grandeur, peeping over tho hills of antiquity rasts Its Influence nrrons long stretches ol time nml will rontlnuo to Illumine future gencntllons. And back of It all, we follow tho Hebrew Imnd impelled an Intellect refined by religion! hack of it all, wo see the Hebrew mind ennobled by acting Its Ideals of duty and right. DESCRIPTION OF BOXER UPRISING LETTER FROM HARRY LUCE, FOMERLV OF SCRANTON. Tells of the Conditions That Existed Prior to and During the Uprising and. While the Allied Forces Were Marching on Pekln Chinese Of ficials Encouraged the Outrages and Perpetrated Not a Few Them selves Presence of Missionaries a Menace to Native Christians. The following Is a letter from Rev. Harry Luce, who went out from this city with his newly-wedded wife a few years ago to take up missionary work In China. It is written to his mother, Mrs. Adella Luce, of Mulberry street: Seoul, Korea, Aug. 0, 1000. My Dear Mother: A letter written by you June Ilth reached me here, via China. I was so glad to get It, (or it assured me, as I had already told Elizabeth would be tho case, that jou would not worry over any rumors or reports until they were verified beyond doubt. According to latest news affairs at Paotlng Fu arc at their worst. A telegram has come saying that they have all been massacred. I recall that we had the same news about Pckin, and I refuse now, as I did then, to give up hope until stubborn tacts compel me to do so. A telegram has come from Pekln. Ljon, Miller and I have gone carefully over It and we think In every detail It hears the marks ot being genu ine. I quote tho main parts of it. The most authentic news wo havo says that troops started for Pekln on Aug. 1st, welt informed as to num bers and positions of Chinese forces and have welt-thought-out plans for the attack on Pekln, intending on arrival there to make a rush for the legations. I think it probable that troops atart ed before Aug. 1st. The leaders at Tien Tsln are inclined to keep the movements of troops secret, to prevent Chinese knowing plans and numbers. As for interior ot Shantung, affairs arc in bad shape. At Tsen, a village shty 11 from Tcng Chow, where, under Mr. Hayes, not a little in terest In the gospel had been awakened, and a few Christians gathered, there has been severe persecution, ths missionaries' homes looted and they themselves have fled to Tcng Chow for pro tection. Our friendly official at Tcng Chow, at the request of Mr. Hayes, has punished the riot ers. Not far from Tsen Is a village called Tsao Lin, place, ns jou know, to which I have made visits more frequently than any other, 'lhrec )cars ago there was nothing there. One man's wife had her eight restored through medical treatment at Teng Chow, with the result that there had grown up a rcmaikably flourishing day school, three missions, somo inquirers and persecution. The missionaries now have all been compelled to flee, the school has been broken up and the teacher severely beaten. And theo cases arc being multiplied all through Shan Tung. In I,il Chow Fu and Ping Tu, Just west ot Teng Chow, affairs arc even worse. A proclamation has been issued by a high official, the substance of which is as follows: AS TO CI11XKSE OFFICERS. This proclamation states, first, that the Boxers have gradually become so numerous and have become to mixed up witli the soldiers that it is impossible to control them. It next states tint they havo their origin in the unlawful and over bearing practices of the Christian', which were carried on to such a degree that it was not possible (or trouble not to arise. It- then states that the Christians are originally simple-minded people, deceived and led astray by foreigners, but now (hero the stylo changes to direct dis course) an opportunity shall be given jou to re cant. It jou do, jou shall be regarded as good citizens and your homes protected, if not, jou shall bo regarded as ruffians. It next commands the various district magis trates to carefully number all the Christians within their distrlcts.and compel them to recant and to take security of them that they will never again enter the church. They aro also to report all foreign churches and property, in order that it may be confiscated. All of which is to be done specdilj'. The proclamation then closes by warn ing the common people against disturbing the repentant Christians. Dated 12th of Oth Moon (July). This proclamation has been widely posted up in Shan Tung. This same magistrate has arrested two of our native pastors, to say nothing of a whole lot of Christians, simply because they were Christians, and has beaten them severely. One of the pas tors was Ting l.i Mel, whose picture, with that of his wife, I have already sent home to jou. He is ono of our college graduates, had a three j ears' seminary course and was one of the most spiritual men I have met in any land. He wan beaten fearfully, so that his thighs and legs were like jelly, the official in the meantime asking him: "Are you still a Christian? Are jou still a Christian f After that he was sent bound to his native district, near Tsing Lau. Slnco tho foreigners arc out of Shan Tung, Yula Shi Kal, the governor, secrnlli to act as if his responsibility had ceased, and seems to have little intention of helping; the native Christians. The Germans are now landing 20,000 men, so it is said, and plan to go into Shan Tung, Between them and the Boxers missionary work will be pretty well smashed up. News is just at hand telling of the looting ot Chlng Chow Fu (near Chi Nan Fu) of pioperty, residences, fine large museum and hospital and tho killing ot some Christians there, , THEIR PRESENCE A MENACE. So you ico that in Shan Tung the brunt ot It falls on the native Christians. I have no regret, however, because the missionaries have left ticm. In some few cases (and no man could foretell which these would he) at tremendous risk to the foreigner's lite, serious trouble may have been delayed or even avoided by the foreigner remain ing, but, in the majoilty ot cases, the natives aro safer at the present time with tho foieigncr awaj". As long as wc were in Tcng Chow they looked to us for protection. When we went away they planned for themselves anil many of the leaders placed their wives and children in as safe localities as they could find, which they would not have done as long as wo were there. Tho time for going back to our work seems as far off as ever, though in places whine woik has been long established, the men, at least, will want to go back as soon as possible to pick up the scattered and broken stranth. I some times wish Elizabeth and the children could bo with jou for a jcar, during tho "reconstruction period," especially since wc have no house, Tho troops are now started in earnest toward Pekin and I am In hopes that long befoic this letter reaches jou affairs will havo so turned at Pekln as to enable us to measure a little, ut least, whit the future possibilities aie, Lobenstlne urges us to Join him in Jap in, but I do not caie to du bo until I am suie wo cannot get bark to China for several months. Somo ono suggftted my taking up educational work In Korea, but I am a Chinaman, and, too, a man's heart is where his treostiro it. I am eager to get back to China an soon as it seems wise. Our boarq of missions has been very kind to us and hao endeared themselves to all the mis sion tries by their evident interest and desire to do all In their power tor the men at tho front, We feel the anxiety and prcssuio on the heart.' ot tho board secretaries liavc been as great as on the hearts of thorc at the fiont, Thero aic few moments when our friends at Paotlng Fu and Pekin arc out of our minds. Three families ot us here meet dally for prajcr for those in China, It is probabl) one ol many group all over the world. In the end God will surely hear our prayer and glorify Himself either tluou.'U the death or life ot our frlemh. Tills would he their projer, Wo arc fearing It will not be convenient for us here II we stay hero after Sept. 1st, and unless wo can go back to Chefoo 1 think we shall be looking for an abiding place in Japan, bend let ters Inrcaltcr care of I'resbjterlan I'resv, Shanghai, With much love to jou all, llariv. HEARING WAS POSTPONED. The adjourned hearing In the coun cllmantc investigation, which was to havo been held in Alderman Fuller's office last evening, has been postponed until October 9, at 7.30 p. m., nt the same place. Absence from the city of witnesses it was desired to put on the stand at last evening's hearing was the cause for the postponement. iWMV The First I Ol the guest at your table is of the dishes. You cm make that Impression one ot lasting pleasure by letting us supply you with a handsome French China Dinner Set. tasty dec oration, coin gold trimmings, for $25.00. A few years ago you would have paid that much and more for an inferior set YvyuaTKaW. L Geo. V. 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TEETH $5 SET 5$ Hotter conic In and talk to u Ituout jour tooth. vc believe jou will appnclnto tho work nnd our low prices. Wo will save jou, nearly ono half on all dental work. We make a specialty of Crown and Bridge work and if you have any old or decayed teeth,-come to us and we will make new ones out of them for you. Dr, Reyer, Dentist 514 Spruce St.. Opp. Court House. "t - V -r-f 4- 4 Company r f f f 4- years. Agency Director : Branch Office. Building, Scranton, Pa. - f - 4 - - f - 4 - - 4 - - f - f - f - f - f4 - f - . - f - f - 4 - - f - f - T - -f The swarthy engi neer may use strong and harmful-soap to clean his oil-grimed hands ; the busy servant may use alkaline flesh-eating soap powders to wash her kitchen floor; the remove the stains from her would serve each better, soft, Philadelphia Huston AQENTS. vj . ? I i'- :!' ""I " MkWM4L-.z i&tt&ek&&v&3&i!l& A nMi$K&, , sMfe !saj2b4SfrAjs.iA., LaHtuiaMitttfcfltiMbdiMMruiUitt! ic?wioSrtii(V,fc,,k"-'-,,Si' etLjtm&,mts,