rS;rv J.-1 ) ! M fl THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 3900. tf "' i 7 xxxxkmkxuk::ouukkuxxxxk; Active KXXUXUKKXUXSXUKKXXKXXXUKX A BOMB exploded on tho breakfast table of (,'npt.iln und MtK. Cuta way, Just ns Mrs, Caraway wits pouring boiling water upon the Indian tea. "Jane!" crleil the old gcntlcmnn; "I'm called ontl They want mo at the depot." "George! It'n Impossible! On, they can never bo so cruel." "They want me linniedlntuly," ho made answer. And then his wife burst Into tears. You see, Captain Caraway was In the carpet slipper period of life. He had never been a Leon soldier, ami with lila twelvo years of service uc roinpllshed. and bis pension attained, the gcntle-soulcd little man had lain by his uniform and retired Into civil life with a glml heart. On his pen sion and a small Income enjoyed by Mrs. Caraway, the worthy couple had lived for many years on the outskirts of London, going regularly to church on Sunday and tending their garden nnd three Persian cats during the week. He envied no general his fame, never abused the war ofllce, belonged to no military club, .nnd looked back on his soldiering as the majority of undergraduates look back on their school days. That ho should ever buckle on his armor again was the last thought that ever entered the cap tain's placid mind. Now, while Sirs. Caraway dreaded the breaking up of the home more than anything else, Captain Caraway, it must be confessed, viewed the order from the war olllce In other lights as well. To go back to barracks meant to him a return of bullying, or, at any rate, to what schoolboys call "ragging." Ills colonel, a. man named Watt, he remembered distinctly as a fine, dashing major, who loved to make him the butt of mes3room witticisms. If, then, he had been ragged by the major In those faraway days of his early manhood, how much mom would he find himself chaffed and teased now that he was In middle life nnd less like a soldier than ever? Thoughts of this kind gnawed at Cap tain Caraway's lieart, but he kept thpm from his wife. Mrs. Caraway was a fine, bustling Woman. Her first grief over, the good woman insisted on making the old uni form do, and herself let It out where necessary, arranging for belts and sashes to hide the trail of her needle. "We must save as much as possible," she said, when her husband hinted that Watt was always very particu lar about kit. Then the day came for Captain Car away to depart. As he kissed his wife thoughts of all she had been to him, all she had grown to mean to him, surged tumultuously into his heart. "What shall T do without my pretty Jane?" ha cried. "Take care of yourself," she answer ed, "and remember to see that your servant airs your fiiirts and under clothing. Oh, George, promise me," she went on, "that you will change your boots and socks whenever you have been out in the lain?" "I promise," ho said, a little hoarse ly. "Then it will soon bo over," said she, cheerfully, ''and you will come back safe and sound. I wrote last night to the colonel, asking him to see that your bed was aired " "Jane!" he shrieked in horror. "i"aar George. What is it?'" "You don't mean to say you asked the colonel to air my bed?" "Of course 1 did. Now, none of your ridiculous nonsense about military eti quette. I wrote secretly, because I knew you would be .sure to raise some trifling objection of that kind. Your life, my dear, is much too precious for mo to stand on ceiemony in things of this kind. Good-bye, Oeorgo, good bye, and piomiso that you will change your boots " And so he departed lrom London. It was sunset when he arrived at the country station and bailed a lly. The train was late, and with n three miles' drive bcfoie him he was fearful of arriving late for mess. Never did milksop entering school for the llrst time suffer greater torments than did poor Caraway during that drive. The 1 thought that his wife had asked the colonel the colonel! to air his bed caused the poor fellow Inllnite an guish. He pictured to himself the fate in front of him. The colonel would lcl hlni on I ho steps of the quarters with carpel slippers and a tumbler of warm milk. The other men would be grinning at the colonel's side, and saying over and over ukiiIii: "Are you finite sure, .sir. that you've aired Cap tain" Caraway's bed?" And his ser vant would be In the background wit Special Display Of Fine Silks... Complete New Lines Of Black and Fancy Silks Black $ilks Wear guaranteed, Taffetas, Peau De b&. es.c!!ftom.!:y.?.ns: ..sf.H.n 75c to $2.00 Silks for Waists Entirely new weaves and colorings. Corded Glasse Taffetas Very soft OEZrr and pretty VOW Bourette Striped Armure Silks d rA New and dainty s Cheney Bros.' Fancy Stripe High- QBr Grade Taffetas VOW In new shades of Violet, Rose, Maise, Cherry, Royal, Metallic Blue, Etc. MEARS&HAQEN 415-417 JLaoitawnnna Avenue. Service nessing his humiliation. The mesa waiters would Imvo hcurdi the colonel louring over his wife's fatal letter that very morning at breakfast, and now all the men In barrucka would be making merry nt his expense. Hut worse than forfeiting his comnany'n respect was the prospect of being bait ed by the young sprigs of subalterns. What would they say to him? What would they do to him? A cold wind blew across the darkening Holds. Tho sun's last beams dickered behind the chimneys of a manufacturing town in tho distance. Cuptuln Cnraway shiv ered. Ho began to remember different points In the landscape, tho trees In the hedges, the bends of the road. A few minutes more, and tho dust stain ed fly would turn sharp to tho left, Jolt up a narrow lane, and then tho red brick barracks? Ho pulled out his watch and shivered again, It was 8 o'clock; he had fifteen minutes Irt dress for dinner! The fly turned tho corner, crawled slowly up tho Inno, nnd presently rat tled slowly over cobblestones through the barrack gates. The sentry, a smooth-faced boy, looked up at the captain, but did not salute. The bar lack square seemed empty. Outside the officers' quarters, a dull, cheerless red brick building, a civilian was lounging. When tho fly stopped he ap pioached and touched his forehead. "Captain Caraway?" said he. "Yes," said our hero. "I'm Private Moore, Kir, and I'm told to be your servant. You've got ten minutes to dress In, sir." Captain Caraway followed his ser vant" meekly up the steps, and climbed with him tho echoing wooden stairs. Full as his mind was of apprehension, he yet had room there for thoughts of his homo and the girl he had left behind him. Ah! how greatly to be desired was that little snug villa, with its thick carpets. Its pretty curtains and the three comfortable Persian cats! He looked about him, and his heart grew sick. Here was his room. Moore had returned to the fly for his lt'Egnge, and he stood alone to a bit?, bale, hideous apartment; a few seedy old wicker chairs and a dull deal table occupied the larger half of this room, while cm the other side of the par tition was an untlly dressing table, a miserable wash-stand and a bed. The bed! He took a step forward, his mouth open, his eyes staring from their sockets. The bed! 'I here on the pillow, peeping wickedly out of the shoots, wast the handle of a warming pan. A warming pan! Poor Caraway moved hurriedly across the room, and tin ust his hand between the bed clothes. They were wnini, horribly, vilely warm. When Alcoro returned he was pre parer! for the worst. While the sol dier knelt ever his boxes, ho undressed with a swiftness that surprised him self, plunged his fac-2 into warm water and dried It or. towels that were warm, too. After all, thought he, it can only be for a few weeks, and I shall soon be back again with Jane and the cats. Hut his heart was acning very badly when ho hurried down the steps and passed out into the open on his way to the mess. AVhen he opened the door of the anteroom his agony of mind was intense. "Caraway," said a voice he seemed to remember, and the next minuto.ho was shaking hands with the colonel. "I'm ery glad to see you again, my dear fellow. Eh, what? We're a very dull party here, a very dull party, but you musn't mind that. Er what? You must speak up when you talk to me; I'm as deaf as a post can't hear a single word. Let me introduce you to .Major Bullen. D'you remem ber Bullen? After your lime, I think. Eh, what?" A very fat old man with two stout walking; sticKs in his hands extricated himself from the depths of an armchair and hobbled over to Caraway. "Very pleased to meet you," be wheeaed. "Fear you'll find us a bit dull after town. The colonel's deaf and I'm lame. Gout. Anything the matter with you?" "A little sciatica at times," said Car away, wish to make himself pleasant. "Sciatica! Cure you In two days. Remedy of my own. Perfectly simple, and doinmed quackery. Come over to my quarters after dinner, and I'll tell you about It." "And now," said the colonel, "let mo Introduce Captain Shnmonds. He thinks because I'm deuf he must shout; this greatest mistake In the world. I can hear well enough If peoplo only speak distinctly." Captain Slmmonds came forward. Ho was a big fellow, boasting a great chest measurement and n. deep bns6 volert. , "Jlenslly nuisance calling us out," ho said, "I believe we shall bo hero for a couple of years," and then ho burst out laughing. Caraway laughed, too. "What docs ho say?" asked the colo nel. "Itu says, sir," replied Major llul Ion, iiHthinntlrnlly, "that we shall bo hero for a couple of years." "A couple of what?" "A couplo of years, sir," cried Cap tain Slmmonds. "JJon'l hout? Don't shout!" tho colonel snld. "Well, what If we arc? We're four now, and Hint's enough for u rubber." "You're still fond of whist, then?" Cnrnwny asked, "Hh?" "You'ro still fond of whist, he says," bnwlod Hhnmonds. "Oh, yes; very. Never lost my lovo of a rubber. How that fellow Slm monds does bellow'" Tho moss sergeant threw open tho door nnd announced dinner. Colonel Watt, took Caraway's arm and led him forward. Major Bullen, wheez ing horribly, nnd stumbling painfully along with his two sticks, followed at a respectable distance, Captain Shn monds lounging bjlilnd, yawning loudly. "Oh, by the wny, Caraway," said the colonel, "your wife was very wise to write about your bed. Directly I arrived here I sent out for warming pans. A most important point, that. Eh, what? Ah, glad you agree with me. A damp bed Is the devil, the very devil. I have kept my bed aired every night since I came here, and Ilullen does tho same. Shnmonds, of course, Is young, and dorsn't take ad vice. Never heard a fellow shout as he does," he continued, whispering. "Oot a voice like tho bull of Hashan. Eh, what?" Caraway smiled and bowed acquiescence. The colonel, no longer the dashing major, seemed to him the pleasantest fellow he had ever met. Bullen, In spite of his groans, was a cheerful companion, and as long as one laughed at his stnglo Joko Hlmmonds seemed harmlessness itself. This, then, was his return to soldiering. A deaf chief, a lame major and a captain who made one joke and went to sleep after dinner. In hit room that night Captain Caraway, happy as a schoolboy, sat down and wrote a letter to his wife. My Poorest Jane: Here I am, a soldier again. Much as I nice the quiet of civiliin life, tlieie is, I must confess it, a certain fascination about flip dashing life of a soldier. When I had got into my kit I felt the old fellow again, and when I walked into the anteroom I felt all that elation shall I say swagger? which an ignorant pub. lie associates only with the Miles. Tho men am charming. Colonel Watt oil remember what a ela-hing fellow he was is just ns hand some as eer. Ilullcn, the major, :i voiy good sort, and another man, Captain Simmons, is a tremendous wit, anil keeps n- all on the loir. One cannot be dull in his society. We aie all ery gay and jolly. And now, with love to .xourself and the cats, ever your devoted has hand. Cicorgo Cutaway. I. S. The follows were awfully good about the "bed" business. The colonel took it quite nicely. I will write more fully next time. To describe Mrs. Caraway's feelings on reading this letter is quite impos sible. Over and over again did the clear soul peruse her husband's words, nnd every time tho foreboding at her heart deepened. Finally, she sat down at her modest little escritoire, and took paper and pen. Whntvsho wrote it would be wickedness to divulge, but we may at least disclose the conclud ing sentence of the postcrlpt: "Promise me, dear George," it ran, "promise me thnt you will not allow the dashing recklessness of a soldier's life to make you despise our little home." JJy the next post Captain Caraway gave her the promise. Harold Begbie, In Punch. WOMAN DENOUNCES HER SON. If He Is Not Hanged She Will See That He Is Put Out of the Way. By i:eliislvc Wire from The Associated Press. Portland, Ore., Oct. 2. A mother de nouncing her son as a cold-blooded murderer and threatening, in case he is not hnnged, to see that he is put out of the way by other moans was the spectacle presented here yesterday when Mrs. Dora Lundroot told the story of the killing of her husband by her son, Louis Ketuemeyer, on Sau vies Island. Mrs, Lundroot declares her son planned the deed two years ago, and that he had been waiting only for a Miltable opportunity to commit tho crime. The trouble, she says, arose through jealousy of Keutemeyor be cause Mrs, Lamdroot's mother deeded to Lundroot thirty ncres of land and gave nothing to Keutemeyor. She de clares Keutemeyer had threatened not only his step-father's life, but the lives of other persons on tho Island, and that' If he is not hanged she and thoso persons will see that he Is put out of tho way, CRAZED OVER HIS ARREST. Wont Violently Insane When Officers Took Hev Brother. By Kxiiiialve Whe from 'lliu Associated Pies.), New Albany, Ind., Oct. 2. As a ic sult of the arrest of her brother, K. J, Stein, Friday, on a charge of forglmr tho nnmo of his father to a chock for $800, Miss Jessie Stein has lost her mind and is now In a violent condition, The unfortunate young girl was liv ing with her brother, caring for his house during tho absence of his wife, when tho oillcor arrived to mako thu arrest. Sho Is very nervous, and the scene completely prostrated her. Tho neighbors wont In soon after thu olllcer and prisoner had departed and found her raving. The family Is a wealthy and very prominent one. Physicians uro working with her, but so far have fulled to nnd any Improvement lit her condition, LAID CORPSE ON TRACK, Jly Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press, Akron, O., Oct. 2. Late last night tho mangled body of Patrick Mullen was found on tho track of the electilo railroad at Cuyahoga Falls. At first It was thought ho had been killed by a car. Today discoveries were made which Indicate that Mullen was mur dered back of a blacksmith shop about a nuurter of a mllo away, where Mul len's hat was found by tho side of a pool of blood. It Is now believed the body was placud on the truck by his murderois, Hej had considerable money when last seen alive, ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup lias been used for over FIFTY YEAUS by MILLIONS of MOTIIBKS for their CHILUltltf VVIHLK TKCTIUNO. with I'KKKKUT bUlxW It bOOTHES the CHILD. bOrTEXS tho UUJl3 ALLAYS all PAIN; CJUUKS WIND COLIC, ami U tho best remedy for UIARHHOEA. Sold by DrugjUU In every part of the world, lie sure and ask for "Mr. Winslow's Soothing; Sjrup." nd tska no other Mud. Twenty-live tents a JONAS LONQ'S SONS. Opening Sale We begin today a phenomenal offering sale of all that is new and good and desirable in every sort of wearing apparel for ladies, ' The collection is really a marvelous one, embracing at our Getting styles that are in advance of anyjhing in the city. Isn't that a point worth considering ? As to fit that we absolutely provide for with our Jonas Long'sSons MODUS OPERANDI OF RUNNING A CAMPAIGN DETAILED STUDY OF WORK AT HEADQUARTERS. Campaign Documents Distributed by the Million and an Army of Tal ented Spell-binders Kept Contin uously at Work Pouring Oratorical Rapid Fire Shells Into the Ranks of the Opposition. From 1 lie Chicago Times-Herald. Imagine, If you can, an army of 11,- 500,000 men. Such will be the combined hosts of voters who will march to the polls November 0 to choose a chief for the next four years. They will fight the battle of tho ballots, but It will ba one of peace. This mighty multitude will besln to mobilize with the rising sun on the rock bound coast of Maine. A. few hours later It will fade away with the last rays of the setting sun on the Golden Gate, It will be a sublime spectacle, this quiet assem blage and dispersal of 14,500,000 men. Its like has been seen in no other land and in no other age. The result of the presidential elec tion may be determined by that oJd 500,000 votes. To which side will the balance of power swing? Each of the great parties has organized a national committee to determine the answer to that question. Each of the committee;) carries on a vast, complicated cam paign to win the doubtful "voter. Noth ing short of a book would do justice to all tho details of this remarkable work, but Its more important feature may be understood from a few facts and figures about the Republican na tional committee. x MR. HANNA IS SUPREME. United States Senator Marcus A. Hanna is chairman of the committee and Henry C. Paine of Milwaukee Is vice chairman. Senator Ilanna is su preme, but ns ho must give much of his time to the branch office at New York his duties at heudauarters In Chicago are divided with Mr. Payne. One of their most Important duties is thnt of determining tho issues to bo i-mphasizcd. In forming the lines of buttle Mr. Huuna's Hat is law, hut he only Issues It after many consultations with party leaders from all parts of tho country. Tlu conferences are continuous, almost day and ntaht. There are thousands of conditions to be considered, thousands of problems to be solved and endless directions to be given to subordinates to keep the wheels moving. To many persons tho collection of a campaign fund seems to be tho chief duty of the national committee. It Is important, but It is only one of many details. lUIs quite as necessary to set stato committees rlght'iuid to harmon ize warring factions. For example one of (.'hulrmun Hauna's triumphs in this campaign was tho union of the Ad dicks and the Dupont Republicans in Delaware. Vice ('hulrmun Payne In similar manner persuaded tho Urown Iriw und Evans factions in Tennessee to "get together." Those AMcluls oven help to select state tickets. Hardly second to their work Is that of Secretary Perry S. Heath, lutu llrst assistant postmaster general, for many years a Washington newspaper corres pondent and four years ago In charge of the Republican press bureau. Mr, Heath Is the executive officer who gives effect to many of the decisions of tho committee. He receives most of the .correspondence. He has super vision of the preparation of campaign literature, one of tho most Important feotures of the work, und ho hus the general direction of tho distribution of documents and newspaper articles rep resenting billions of words and reach lug millions of voters. Volnoy W. Foster, of Chicago, Is tho treasurer, and there Is a system ot cashiers and bookkeeping as comjileto as that of a bank, It Is possible In fif teen minutes to draw off a full tliuin clul statement, und tho records show how every cent has been spent, Seveiul other men have special de partments of tho campaign work. Graeme Stewart, national committee man for Illinois, Is u member of the executive committee, and the man agement of the campaign in this state has been turned over to his direction. Chicago being a political storm center, his duty Is one of great Importancu. VotuiM urn mashed bv uolltlteil docu SCRANTON'S GREATEST STORE. of Newest Styles in Coats, Suits, Wraps, Etc. well known standard of low prices. jh t p. For all wool homespun suits, in medium p 1 U Oxford and brown; double-breasted box jacket and the new flare skirts. Most stores would thitiK them very cheap at $12. Indeed, they would be -! For exquisite man-tailored suits of pebble pxU cheviot or Venetian cloths, all the popular shades. Double-breasted, tight fitting and blouse jackets; nine gore flare skirts. Worth a third more. aa For tailor-made jackets ot the finest kersey p 1U cloth, self applique trimming. Made with double-breasted box front, lined throughout with the choicest satins. Real value $12.50. Ci A CA or nanc'some Princess coats of fin PlO.dUest kersey cloth; large scalloped collars, plain or trimmed revers. Six button front, fine satin lining. Very swell and very cheap, Q Forsome very pretty styles in all wool yoC flannel waists, in colorings of red, blue, black and green. Half lined and perfect in fit and finish. Sold regularly at $1.25. ments, by newspaper arguments and by stump speakers. Campaign pamph lets being used by the million, not the least Important work Is that of prepar ing, printing and distributing the leaf lets that uro cunningly designed to win doubtful votes. Secretary Heath's edi torial department consists of a staff of eighty men, who are regularly engaged in preparing campaign literature un der the direction of Charles R. Buck land, a veteran newspaper man of New York. Their work is supplemented by contributions from various officials. Some of the campaign documents nro the productions of congressmen, United States senators and members of the cabinet, though their names arc not always used in the publicans. The work of printing pamphlets and post ers is under the direction of H. H. Rand, of Wisconsin, for many years in official life In AVashlngton and now a dealer In Mexican lands. His title Is "purchasing agent and superintendent of printing," and he served the com mittee four years ago. TURNING OUT LITERATURE. Editor Buckland began his campaign work in Washington as early as March. He interviewed many public men, und sent out these "talks" to Democratic ns well as Republican newspapers. They had the appearance of being news articles, but there was always some Republican doctrine concealed in them. They were published by many Dem ocratic papers, and members of the Democratic national committee have admitted sub rosa that It was u clever and effective scheme. Mr. Buckland is assisted by three writers in Chicago, one in Washington nnd one Jn New York, and by two men who read the newspapers for good campaign articles that are worth reproducing. The com mittee has turned out seventy pamph lets of all kinds. But that Is only one branch of the work of the editorial staff, for the committee regards tho newspaper as the best medium for reaching voters. This division is still further divided, for some papers nro provided with "patent Insldes," some with "plates" and others with proof slips. In the first class nre about 2,000 country pu pers, which receive every week a two page supplement printed in Chicago und filled with Republican reading. About 200 papers, some of them coun try dailies, aie furnished with stereo typed plate, which are shipped In six column lots. About 5,000 other papers receive proofs of campaign articles which must be put into type in their own ollices. There Is a similar service for u num ber of German papers. It Is estimated this Republican literature appears regularly in 4,000 of these newspapers, among tfieni some of the greatest pa pers of the country. If they have an average circulation of 1,000 cpples each, they must reach at least 4,000,000 voters and who can measure thu Inlluencc of this work? CATCH THE UNWARY. Editor Buckland nnd his aids have been preparing an avorugo of 10U col umns of matter per week of grout var iety. There are for example, articles on "Troop Transports," "Iturul Free Delivery" und "Sheep in Oregon," alt preaching the party gospel. Muny ar ticles that look like clever and Inno cent bits of humor have a iiolltlcul point in their moral. A series of li ters known us tho "Dear Boy" letters purport to be the udvlee of u father to his ton, but uro Republican argu ments presented under the attractive form. One of the most popular contri butions has been a currency story writ ten In Bible language. Mr, Buckland ulso furnishes threo columns of editor ials, and In examining 1,050 papers re cently It was found that each .of them on an average used two columns of this matter. During tho campaign about 750 columns of newspaper mat ter will be prepared, Another feature, of tho work Is tho selection und prep aration of curtoons for nuwspajmr work, NOVEUTY IN LITERATURE. This campulKn has produced a nov elty In connection with the editorial department. There are special condi tions to be met In the four mountain states of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. The campaign literature prepared In Chicago Is forwarded to u competent man ut Denver, who makes such revisions as are needed to adapt It to tho four silver states, and a sup ply Is sent them from Denver. In simi lar manner them Is a man In Tennes see who revises and dlst: Unites cam paign documents specially suited to that stute. There is ulso a speclul ser vice for papers printed for negroes mid villi Hiiiittmr for rellulnus n.'ineis. everything new and desirable in style, with every atten tion paid to quality, even in the lowest priced. We have never shown so large and varied assort ment. Of unusual interest, because you shall buy guarantee. When alterations are required, which is sel dom.we have expert people here to do the work. When the garment's ready for you, "there's not a wrinkle in it." $t r For line man-tailored suits of splendid all 1 5 wool Venetian materials, made with box Jacket and silk facing on revers and with inverted back skirt suit usually sold at $20.00. For fine wool kersey cloth jackets, P7.5U made with large revers and storm col lars, silk lined throughout. Colors of castor, tan, red and blue; bell cuffs. Cheap at $10.00. $t For strictly high grade tailor-made coats 1 5 of fine cheviots and mantenacs, with satinv linings. Fly front or double-breasted box, plain or velvet collars, finely tailored worth $20.00. And upwards for exquisite styles in auto px5 mobile coats and newmarkets of finest melton and kersey materials; elegantly tailored and lined with the choicest of satin. Pnr h.inrlennifl Fiynrri fl.innpl wniefc. c - rkQ - - PO.VO wun mouse iront ana new styie sieeves, also taffeta silk waists, finely plaited; all new shades, blouse prints. New sleeve. Regularly $5.00. SECOND FLOOR. Many of the latter are provided with sermons bearing on political Issues. COST IS ENORMOUS. Of the seventy documents and tho seven posters S0,121,000 copies have been printed at a cost of S164.200. About three-fifths of these have been furnished by Chicago printers and have been distributed from this city. The northwestern states have been sud plled in part with documents iuinted In Milwaukee and St. Paul, and about 1S,000,000 were sent out from Philadel phia to eastern states. In the campaign of 1S0G about 123. 000,000 documents were Issued, but many of them were small leaflets, and the documents of this year contain more reading than those of the last campaign. It Is figured that placed to gether they would make a string 8.", 000 miles long. Tho packing boxes alone have cost ns much as $300 in a single week. Most of the documents nre sent by freight and exuress, but the postage bill runs as high as ?125 a day. SOME BIG CONTRACTS. Superintendent Rand's printing con tracts usually are for lots of 500,000 or 1,000,000, but some documents have been ordered in 2,000,000 lots. Of Presi dent McKlnley's letter of acceptance 3,700,000 copies weic distributed In eight languages, as follows: English, 2,500,000; German, 500,000; Norwegian. 230,000; Swedish, 150,000; Bohemian, 100,000; Polish, 100,000; Italian, 50,000; Dutch, 50,000. Some printing houses have been able to turn out 100,000 sixteen-page pamphlets per day. Others have printed eight-page documents at tho rate of 175,000 per day. For the poster entitled "McKlnley Was Right" the orders were for 50,000, 300,000 and 200,000, making a total of 530,000. "The Real Issue" poster had an edition of 350,000 conies. The most popular poster is one in x colors en titled "Prosperity at Home, Prestige Abroad." It cost $25 a thousand and 100,000 were printed. Harry G. Sommers, of Chicago, who is to bo business manager of the Illi nois theatre, Is In charge of the ship ping department. Tho store room at .111 Wabash avenue, looks like a whole sale paper house, and .Mr. Sommers has organized u system as perfect us that of a great mercantile concern. He has shipped as high as forty tons of mat ter In a day nnd for three weeks the dally average was about thirty-five tons. He received from 3,000.000 to 4,000,000 documents and posters dully through the front door and sent them out of tho buck door In boxes und bundles. He had to run day and night forces and had as many as seventy eight persons engaged under him. About 5,000 boxes liave been shipped and about hulf as inuny bundles, Nino drays w"'o kept busy, and policemen weio stationed in the alley to maintain a clear way for them. As many ns 210 boxes were sent out In a morning. The system Is so perfect that oven tho name of tho man putting up u package Is recorded and not a single mistake has been made. WITH THK SPICI.LUINDERS. Thu management of tho campaign spellbinders Is Intrusted to Mujor Henry C. Hedges, of Ohio, assisted by Willis George Emerson, of Wyoming. Major Hedges was formerly a partner of John Sherman, nnd for sixteen years he has had the management of Repub lican .stump speakers In Ohio stato campaigns. Mr. Emerson has proved un able lieutenant. These men now have nearly 600 speakers under their direction, and tho number Is Increasing ut tan rato of about ten a day. There are about twenty United Stutes senutors, loo con gressmen und 450 old campaigners. Many of theso are volunteers, the com mittee paying only their traveling ex penses. Among tho spellbinders nre about fifty Germans, 'twenty-five Swedes, twenty-live Norwegians, ten Poles, ten Italians, llvo Frenchmen nnd six Finns, At the head of the German contingent Is I.ouls Vlerlch, a former member of the German parliament but now a naturalized American citizen, More than 5,000 men huvo sought en gagement as campaign speakers, but funds nro too limited to supply all of them. Many applicants are put through a catechism at headquurters, and some of them are steered Into tho noonday meetings, where they are un expectedly called on for a speech. This Is culled "tho gridiron test." LOOKING FOR A JOB. Mujor Hedges' olllco Is besieged by would-be spellbinders und by commit teemen seeking speakers. It Is unite U3 nurd to convince tho committeemen that ull of them cunuot have senutors for their meetings us It Is to turn uwuy JONAS LONQ'S SONS, - - - - - ..-..-....-, , j patriots eager to serve their party for a consideration. Most of the speakers are assigned to state committees, who make, out the Itineraries, but by an elaborate system of telegrams the Chicago ofllce keeps In dally touch with every speaker on its list. Major Hedges or Mr. Emerson can on any given night tell where each one of them is located. There are also about 250 speakers In the east, who are directed from the New York head quarters. It is estimated that 7,000 Republi can speeches are being made every week day night, including those by lo cal orators. It is figured there are 200 In Ohio, 200 In Indiana, 100 in Nebraska, 100 In the Dakotas, 100 in Colorado and 100 in Idaho. This flood of argument will bo maintained until the night be fore the election. With the iricrease in the speakers it is estimated' that at least 230,000 . Republican speeches will have been delivered during six weeks. LITERARY NOTES. A Little volume l,:ts been issued from ths press o( Lairil .V Lee, of Chicago, entitled' "Viola Olericli, tin' Kninoua Daby-Scliolar," which relates, without exaggeration the facta concerning this extraordinary Iowa Infant, nhose life of 42 months has caused Mich a gen uine sensation in the picw and the medical world. Kiom the biography it does not appear that ut any time her mental growth hindered in any xxay her nounal physical de velopment. Anil yet, before her third birthday Viola counted nmong her accomplishment reading, writing, drawing, a xnciliulary of 2.5IX) English words, a fair smattering of Trench and (Jirninn, a wuiirislng Knowledge of geo metrical flgiucs, of jstumomical terms, of bo tanical analjsis, etc., etc. A perfect temper and a sunny disposition are to be added to this long list of talents. A 'lumber ot photographs cor roborate the description, und numerous in dorsements fiom prominent people and leading newspapers tonfiim the reader in tho confidence iuspiied by this straightforward n.urative. The author, Profesor Henry Olcrlch, late school mi perintomlent in Iowa, gives v,ry patient nnd lucid explanation for Ids cliild'rf marvellous ac toinpllihments. Judge Leo Charles llessir has a icputation for luciMlig records With his six- thoua 1 1 lai d owning clients In his damage, suits against the New Yoik Klcuilcd lallrouds, he never lost .; case. When he was a Judge on the bemli not a single decision of his was ever reicr-i'd by a higher court. His flrt woik in flit Inn, "A Itoval Knchanticss" has broken the rcionl for a (list book. lned during tli-sp hot August ilajs, whin hulf the people of New York weio out of town and the oilier hah were riyinv In get away, the lirst edition was exhausted in that city ami vliinty in nine da). If the enthusi asm nf readeis ckenhere be anything like tint exhibited mound the judge's home, many edi tli ns will be called for in Hie next few months. Paul Leicester Kord whose mairiagc his Just ocuuiied lias sold of his last nmcl, ".Indus Meredith," 213,0)0 copies on Hie clay of his wed ding. 10,00(1 mure weic (lien cm pros. An American novel full of Hie healthy action and atiucwpliere of leal Americanism, ccimes from tho World Hallway Publishing company, of 7!) Leuibcuu tlreet, Chicago. It is, entitled "'the Domain e of fiilbut Holmes;" Is by Mil-ball Milium' Klikman, one of Chicago's most Miciesstul husincm men, anil is a lilstoibal novel elf rally Illinois and the MUsUlppl livei, about ls.W, "when homes wvic fur apart, In dians near and aggressive, when law- and social ciiilrr wnc in a prlmiliio condition, und tho nun who have since nude Illinois famous wrio ,voi;ug and ambitious, desirous nf giving shape to ihn polh) of (lie new stute and molding its Interest. " Among the characters upiuoprlali'ly introduced am lllack Hawk, Lincoln and Jeffer son Davis, Jacob Itlls, who has fur .veais been one of (7o. ernoi- Ituoscult's personal filtucls, ))nd olio nf Ills stanches! a.vlst.lllU In liforius nfjjnll kinds, lias written un unusual and IiuiilliilJiin. teri'sting aillelc for 'Hie Outlook upon 'Ihrodoio lloosuvell, sr,, Hie father of (inventor llocsovelt. The object ut tin- attielc Is in show how, in many wajs, Mr. ltooi-cwlt inherits, of has gained by p.ilcnul example, his good illlrcmhip. Tito article which appeals in the (Molcr .VjigaHnq .Number of The Outlook, contains an excellent reproduction of Panic 1 Huntington's painting of Mr, HiHi.oult, er especially phutugruphed for The Outlook. A novel that women are reading Just now 1 Miss (iram Marguerite Kurd's "The Dennett Twins," lecently published by tho MacMillan ruupany. Its humor and pathos, are cutihiiu. Tho Twins start out In life for thciibilwn as students the one ns a singer, the other as u painter, They slaive In", tinnhli-ilown studio, fall in love and struggle along in spite, nf thn opposition of giunliiiH. II is a story of tho wlhlct high spirits. I lie stuuiu was run by u painter now well known In Hie woild of 'art, and many of the characters are said to bo par. Hal portraits. "The History of Colonization fiom the Earliest Times to Hie Present Day" bv Henry C Morris, uiuierly I'liltcil Mutes consul at tihent, is on the press for Immediate publication by the Mac- Millan company. it cmnraecs mo earnest es tablishments and expeditions nf the races of Asia Minor, and brings a very conmrehendve an mint down lliioiigh Hie Middle Ages, early Ihiiopeau colonizations, to the mesent absorbing ip estions. Iioelil, Mean ex: Co. announce) lor early publica tion Count Tolstoi's, new book; "Slavery In Our Times,'' an Inquiry into the lesults of modern Indeistiialisiu, on which Count Tolstoy has been engaged for somo monllis. The fun damental Idea of the book ll the 'negation ot i ecu km. It will be published simultaneously ill Amuka and Hnuland. z tgHi lw.'ik3jBi fJsi&t-A JjH2iZ izAviziiT!&it..-i,JL-Ji3rtij. .,ji ,s. ,; ... I r tifcU . . J ' J .., .., -... .. .