The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Names of Members Who WH1 Prob
ably Be Identified with the' Cam-
. paign. Club Sons of Temperance
Officers Installed Weekly School
Doposlts Socialistic Labor Oratois
Address a Mass Meotlng at Main
and Jackson Streets Deaths nnd
Funeral Notices Shoiter Notes.
The members or tho West Side Re
publican club arc cnthuslnstlc over tho
prospects of organizing a Hough
Klders' squad for the coming cam
paign, nnd Piesldent itcce li ucileged
with applications for uniforms. A
meeting of tho club -w lit bo held Thurs
day evening, at which the squad will
be selected. The follow Inpr inembois aio
urged to attend the meeting, ns munv
of them will he niovldcd with cam
paign outfits:
Ueotge KiatintolKcr, I'hlllp Stalling,
Joseph Anslcy, Jr., Clntilcs, Godsh.ill,
John Itbce, Moigan Icwls, T). J. D.i
is. William Lewis. Joseph 13. Hums,
Lewis Davis, W. V. Johns, W. C. Dunk
lee, Thonmw II. Jones, Dr. K. Y. Har
rison, Albeit 15 ul, D. Jctcmy Davis,
Fied Smith. Ita, Walter Llod,
Fred C. Jones, ihnest Wallcei, Will
iam Jones, William PfflltVi, II. O.
Koch, AV. K Jamelsnn, Reraletl Blown,
Tlobert T. Ulilied, W. i:. Hi owning,
Pi. D. J. Jenkins, Pnlmei Williams
Thomas (.;. i:nns, i;i Hauls C. V..
Daniels, O. A. A;iUliri. John Mutslial,
Jonah Davis Wrtfllum 1U' nolK, David
Owens, Di. T. W. Phillips, P.ild It.
Jones, W. J. Thomas James Loyshon,
It. E. Hobeits, riank Bevan, John T.
Jones, W. H. Moignn, John R. I'rl
wards. Dr. W. R. Davis, William Hop
kins, William Hughes, Simon Thorn is,
Louis Phillips, Dnld T. Jenkins, John
Phillips, W. Hadn Kvans, John 1.
James, Joseph Marshal, Chatles Mans
field, C'laic Storm, James McGouldiick,
T. J. Thomas, John M. Beaumont, John
R. Williams.
Albert Dnls has been selpcted to
drill the squud, and expects to
them in shape to keep a sti .light line
by the 11th Instant, when the n.uado
will take placn. It Is expected that
the unlfoimed rank will be taken all
through the county during tho cam
paign. Installation of Offlceis.
Ripple dl Islon, No. 13, Sons of Tern-
Ask Jenkins about it.
You May
Spend All the Money
You please on handsome furniture, costly paintings,
statuary and other magnificent ideas, but if you take
away softening influences and charming graces of ap
propriate draperies, the effect of all your collection of
costly beauty would be so diminished as to become
wearisome to the eye aud a positive bore to the refined
or sensitive mind.
Beautiful Draperies Are Not Expensive
This week we are making a practical demonstration of
this iact, aud the practical home maker, housekeeper,
or co zy room or corner furnisher may learn much in a
few minutes spent in our Drapery Department these
days that all the reading and home study of a month
could not impart. The truth is, we are enthusiastic
on the subject of
Popular Priced Draperies
, And upholstering? and offer opportunities to buyers of
;,.,, taste such as are not to be had elsewhere. All the new
n'mfabrics, tone effects aud colorings are seen at their best
in our extensive collection, and our long and success-
.Till 111 t '
;; '"Jful study of how to make homes beautiful at a surpris
r , i'ngly low cost may be of value to you.
Of Course, We Include Lace Curtains
Door Panels, Sash Curtains, etc. Some are made in
" the Scranton factory, others come from abroad, ; Inex-
! -.pensive Nottinghams aud Irish Points are much sought
" '"after aud the new art effects are lovely. Then there
':Vare the daiuty Muslin and Swiss Curtains with ruffles
or plain; elegant Brussels and Irish Point goods; Ori-
v' eutal European aud American hangings, etc., none of
v"which will frighten you by their cost, Suppose you drop
.4.' , in aud see them this week.
j,Globe War chotise
pctancp, met In Moignn's hall last
evening, and District Deputy J. W.
Thomas Installed the following omcern
for the ensuing teim:
Wot thy pattlot, W. II. Hants: re
conling sccietaiy, Gaitleld Jones! fi
nancial secietary, W. D. Davis; treas
urer, Thomas D. Edmunds; conductor,
Thomas Francis; assistant conductor,
Catheilno Evans; outside sentinel,
aomcr Reese; Inside sentinel, Joshua
Weekly School Deposits.
Tho school children have resumed
their weekly deposits In tho West Side
bank, nnd tho collections at Nos. 13 and
10 aio up to tho usual amounts of last
teim, lcgatdlcss of the strike. Thus
far no collections hae been received
at tho bank from No. 32, owing to the
change of principals. Following are
the deposits made yesterday:
No. 13 David Owens, $1.60; Martha
Watklns, US': Hli I-ewls, $2.02;
Alice Kvans, 35 cents; Bertha Kelly,
JX Scents; Edna D. Evans, $1.G1; Nellie
Richards, 92 cents; Nellie Kelly, 49
cents; Cathetlne Phillips, ill cents;
Eliza Price, $1.44; Saiah McDonald, 6
cents; May Harris, 6 cents; total, $1'J.49.
No. 19 Miss Josephine D. Lots, $1.70;
Miss Munay, 43 cents; Miss Nichols,
ii7 cents; Miss Beamish, 7i cents; Miss
Moignn, SO cents; Miss Hutton, $131;
Mis Evans, 59 cents: Miss Davis, 75
cents; Miss Hollow, $2 07; Miss Flynn,
$1.73; iMiss Wade, 71 cents; Miss Mur
phy, $1.10; Mis. Fcrber, 48 cents; Miss
Peck, 50 (ents; totnl, $13 60.
Funeral Announcements.
The l cumins of an Infant child of
Mi . and Mrs. Da Id Reese, of 510 South
Main uenue, were Intoned In the
Wahburn stieet cemetery yesterday
The f uncial of Mr. nnd Mrs. John E.
Regan's child occurred ycstciday af
ternoon fiom the house, 434 Railroad
acnue. Inteimcnt was privately made
In the Cathedral cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. lAnn
Moian will take place at 3 o'clock this
afternoon fiom the home, 2039 Price
stieet. F.utlal will be made In the Ca
thedial cemetery.
The remains of the late Robert May
beiiy weie borne from the house on
Railroad aenue yesterday afternoon
to St. Luke's Episcopal church, where
eiices weie conducted by Rev. Rog
cis Isiael. Interment was made In
Foiost Hill cemetery.
Webstci, the 2-yeai-old child of Mi.
and Mi.s. Joseph J. Green, of Roberto
com t, died on Saturday and the f unc
ial seilces weie conducted yesterday
nf lei noon. Intel ment was made In
Dunmore cemetery. Rev. Frank J.
Milman officiated. The pall bearers
weie Nellie Williams. Lizzie Parry,
Maud Parry and Peail Jenkins Mag
gie Dais and Maty Lee were flower
A tegular meeting of the Electiic
Clt Wheelmen will be held this even
ing at 8 o'clock. All members are ic
quested to bo piesent, as. business of
Impoitance will be transacted.
All membeis of Local union, No. 1072,
United Mine Woikets of America, ate
requested to attend the meeting In D.
D. Evans' hall this evening.
An exhibition of embroidery will be
made nt 4 o'clock this afternoon In the
Voting Women's Christian association
Tho Chi Upsllon society of the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church held
a legular meeting last evening and
transacted routine business.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Jones, of West
Locust street, are visiting relatives In
New Yoik,
A. W. Mutgrave has returned from a
vacation spent at Bloomshurg.
Dr. W. J. U Davis, of North Main
avenue, Is visiting his parents at Pater
son, N. J.
Alderman Kellow, of the Fourteenth
ward, has been Indisposed for several
Abram Shorts returned Sunday from
a visit with f i lends In Chicago.
W. W. Grover, formerly of Peckvllle,
has accepted a position with Druggist
John J. Davles, of South Main nvenue,
Philip Davles, of South Main avenue,
returned to Philadelphia yesterday to
resume his studies at the Mcdlco-Chlr-urglcal
Mrs. W. F. Mott, of Peckvllle, visited
friends In town yesterday.
Miss Edith Blair will resume her
dancing class at the bicycle club house
next Satutday morning.
Peter Dam, of Chicago; Simon
Schoen, William Edglnton and other
Socialistic-Labor orators nttractcd a
large crowd to tho corner of Main ave
nue and Jackson street last evening,
where speeches were made.
Robert Morris Lodge of Ivorltcs will
hold a social session after tho business
meeting nct Thursday evening.
A baby boy was yesterday born to
Mr. and Mis. William T. Lewis, of
Washburn stieet.
Marriage of Harry W. Miller and
. Miss Susie Fisher Other News
and Personal Notes.
Miss Susie Fisher, daughter of Wil
liam Fisher, of Jones street, was united
in marriage to Hauy W. Miller, of
Church avenue, yesteiday morning at
11 o'clock at the bride's home. The
ceremony was peifoimed by the Rev.
G. E. Guild, pastor of the Providence
Preshyterian church, and was attend
ed only by the immediate family of the
bride and groom, owing to the recent
death of the bride's mother.
After the ceremony a wedding break
fast vas served, after which the couple
loft on the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western train for New York city,
wheio thev will spend their honeymoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller are well known In
this section and their many friends
v ish them much success and happiness
for tho years to come.
Attempt to Burglarize.
Tluee burglars made an unsuccess
ful attempt to gain enttance to the
residence of Mis. William Davis, of
Bilck avenue, Sunday morning. They
weie fortunately discoeled by a Mr.
Williams, who resides on the opposite
side of the stieet. Having occasioln
to lemaln up quite late, his attention
was diverted to three men In front
of the Davis icsldence, who acted very
suspiciously. They finally went Into
the yard, and after tiylng to force
some of the windows, he resolved that
their mission was bent on no good.
He acted immediately and aroused
a number of the neighbors, who, with
the assistance of a shot gun, suc
ceeded in puttitng the would-bo burg
lars to flight. One shot was fired at
the fleeing men, but It evidently did
no damage. Tho men were undoubted
ly in quest of tax money, as John
Evans resides with Mrs. Davis and Is
collector of the state and county tax
for tho First ward.
Rev. G. L. Altlch will speak at the
Young Women's Christian association
rooms this afternoon at 4 o'clock. His
subject will be "The Marriage Supper
of the Lamb and the Coming of the
Loid with his saints."
The sewing school will re-open Sat
uiday, Oct. 6 Those wishing to enter
should leglbter soon.
Mrs. Samuel Davis and daughter,
Miss Emma Davis, of Noith Main ae
nue, hac gone to Baltimore, Md. Miss
Das has been connected with H. K.
Gi Kiln's diug store for tho past two
yeais and will enter the college of
pharmacy in Baltlmoie.
Miss Elizabeth Henwood, of North
Main avenue, Is enteitalnlng her cous
in, Miss Kathcrlne Henwood, of New
Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Tonking, of
Church avenue, are entertaining Mrs.
J. Wills and daughter, Beatrice, of
Huntington, Pa.
William Jackson, of Clearvlew street,
has left for Pittsburg.
This evening the Noith End Stars
and South Side Defenders will play a
game of basket ball In the Audltoiium.
An interesting game is promised, after
w hlch a social will be hold.
The funeral of John Khkpatilck will
bo held from tho home of his grand
father, Cornelius Buddy, of Theodoie
street, this morning. Tho causo of
death was scat let fever.
Mts. Nelson Shot man, of Waverly,
Is visiting friends In this part of tho
Mr. and iMts. Richard Evans, of 16S
Paiker street, are tejolclng over the
arrival of a young son.
A meeting of the wives and d.iugh
tet.s of tho membeis of tho Independ
ent Older of Odd Fellows will bo held
in thotr lodge looms tomorrow night.
Anangr nionts will bo made for tho
social and annlveisary of tho Odd Fel
lows, to bo held on November 25,
Mrr. II. J. Swattz, Mrs. Tressler and
Mis. T, P. Letchworth, delegates from
the local Women's Christian Temper
ance union, will leao this morning for
Moscow, wheio they will nttend the
convention of the whlto ilbbonltes, to
bo held today at that place,
Pi of. John Foley leaves today for
Bellefonte, wheio he will enter tho
state college as a student,
Tho Women's Clulstlan Tempeiance
union will hold their weekly meeting
on Thursday afternoon Instead of Fri
day afternoon of this week, in the
pallors of tho Methodist Episcopal
Miss Nora O'Haia, teacher In No.
4 building, is 111, Her duties are bo
Ing looked after by Miss Katie O'Mal
ley. A meeting of tho Democrats of the
Third ward will be held in Keystone
hall Saturday evening,
Djr Exclusive Wire (torn The Associated Press.
Canton, 0,, Oct. 1. Senator Penrose, ol Penn
sylvania, and John IJarrctt, former minister to
Slam, visited President McKinlcy today, A
family dinner was given by the president in
lienor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Earth
Duncan, Ills lste
CIL 882, JR. O. V. A. M,
Event Was Celebrated Last Night In
Qermania Hnll Where a Varied
Programme Was Rendered Ad
dress Delivered by Fast Counsellor
John Wolf Mrs. Conaboy Injured,
An Eagle Shot by Patrick , Roach
Yesterday Afternoon Other News
and Personal Notes,
Council No. 822, Junior Order of Uni
ted American Mechanics is thrco
years old, and the occasion was
celebrated by an entertainment and
supper last night. The council was or
ganized in 1S97, and In thrco years has
had quite a rapid gain, with a total
membership in good standing at tho
present time of sixty-one members.
The exorcises were held In Gcrmnnla
hall, which was filled with tho mem
beis of the order, their families and
fi lends. After the literary exercises
wcio oor, Prof. C. C. Carpenter, for
meily of the Now Yok Herald, gave
storeoptlcon views and moving pic
tures, which were of a high order, and
weio very entertaining.
The programme was opened with a
prayer by Rev. F. P. Doty, of the
Cedar Avenue Methodist church, who
Invoking the blessing upon the order
represented, and also prayed that;
peace might bo established between
employer and employes throughout tho
coal region. A quartette, composed of
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Hewitt, J. W.
Burkhouser and Mrs. W. K. Clearwat
er, sang with line effect, "Come Where
the Lilies Bloom So Fair." They re
ceived an encore.
Recitations were rendered by Mls9
Cora Young and Miss Romayne
Soruks. Past Chancellor John Wolf
then gave a short address on "The
Aims and Advantages of the Order,"
and also thanked the members and
friends for thqlr kind support. The
committee on arrangements was com
posed of the following members:
Charles Hoffman, F. A. Tlsdcl, Frank
Brown, Joseph Schultz and Albert
Mrs. Conaboy Injured.
Mrs. Connaboy, wife of Motorman
Connaboy, of the South Side line, mot
with a painful accident Sunday night.
In alighting from a car at the corner
of Cherry street and Prospect avenue,
she fell, badly spraining her ankle and
sustaining severe body bruises.
Dr. J. H. Qulnn Is in attendance, and
says that Mrs. Connaboy will recover
Shot an Eagle.
Pati ick Roach, of Cedar avenue, shot
a large agio while at No. 4 plane yes
teiday afternoon. The eagle was sail
ing blow ly about in easy shooting dis
tance, and Roach hit the bird in one
of its wings, breaking It and causing
it to fall. e
It still had one good wing and two
feet, which it used to good advantage
in defending Itself. After a strug
gle, he captured the hhd, which meas
ured four feefc from tip to tip.
The regular monthly meeting of the
official boatd of the Cedar Avenue
Methodist church will take place im
mediately after prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Cedar
Avenue Methodist Episcopal church
will hold a meeting at 2 o'clock on
Wednesday afternoon In the church
Camp No. 430, Patriotic Order Sons
of America, Initiated a new member
last evening at their regular weekly
session in Hnrtman's hall, Plttston
Paul Gaulkl, of South Washington
avenue, had a warrant sworn out be
fore Alderman Ruddy yesterday charg
ing Annie Bogus, of the same place,
with being a common scold and disor
derly conduct. The hearing will take
place this morning.
The Scranton Athletic club held well
attended turning exercises last evening
in their hall on Alder street.
William Schemer, of Alder street,
has returned from a two months' visit
to tho White Mountains.
Miss Anna Bevans, of Beech street,
has returned after spending several
weeks at Piovldence, R. I.
Mrs. John Davis, of Avoca, is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. F. P, Doty, of Cherry
Edward SImrell left yesteiday morn
ing to attend tho state firemen's con
vention, to be held at New Castle, as
tho repiesentatlvo of tho William Con
nell Hoso company.
Henry Sunday, of Cedar avenue, loft
yesteiday for Tamuqua on a two
weeks' visit.
Mrs Klvlra Harris Knn, nlfe of David A.
Kuiu, died nt 0 SO o'clock last cvemnir, at tlio
lioinc of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David II.
Harris 507 North lljde Park avenue, otter a
lingering illnes Diccascd was 33 ycais o( age,
and nai) an latlmablj oung woman, a devoted
number of the Simpson Methodist l-nlscopal
church, and was A resident of West Scranton
ever fclncc childhood. Her death comis ns a
cevitc shod, to lur husband, as they weie mar
ried hsi than a jcar ago. blie was u aUter of
Mis A. II Uur'liiM, of Danville; John It. Harris,
Itnbert and Divld Harris, of this tit). Iho (li
ner il announcement will bo mode later.
Kthel J, Wren dlid Sunday at Klskoyiina,
Rihcnectady countv, K, Y., nice It jours and (I
months. She was tho daughter of tho late Hdwln
Wren ,o( this illy, and trnnddiughter of Mr,
W I 1, fonncily of Ciiun lilcit;?, but now of
- -
ll Kvchudve Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, O t. I, A, II, btroth was today
appointed pottmasttr at Christopher, r.i , and
It. A. l'lojil, at Plains, I'a , both in I.iucrnc
Graln-O is not a stimulant, like
coffee. It is a tonic and itd effects
are permanent.
A successful substitute for coffee,
because it has the coflco flavor that
everybody likes.
Lots of coffee substitutes in the
market, but only one food drink
Atleroccri) 15c. end He.
Dr. Jntnet1
Head sent
Got a headacho?
Never been able to find
anything to relievo it ?
Never mind Try
Dr. James'
Headache Powders.
Absolutely harmless
couldn't hurt a baby.
But they, will cure
bon't Take o Stitatttate.
At all Drug Stores.
4 doses 10 cents.
Cure Where
Rich Bed of Ore found Under Tabor
Opera House Recalls Sad Story
of Former Millionaire.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Denver, Oct. 1. A gold mine under
the Tabor Opera House .and the post
office. What a travesty of fate!
Senator Tabor, the man who built
the opera house and gave the govern
ment the land for the federal building,
died in poverty, wrecked by mining
speculations after having made a for
tune In mines.
A man boring a water hole in the
alley between the two buildings struck
ore this morning.
The five-inch pipe that sinks down
into the bowels of the earth has hither
to brought up nothing but sand and
mud, but this noon, to the amazement
of the well men, some pieces of ore,
w 1th big yellow lumps in it, were car
ried to the surface.
There was a flutter of excitement
among tho well-woikers, anl John M.
Mitchell, an old miner, Who Is em
ployed nearby, was summoned and
shown a lot of ore. He critically In
spected the rock and pronounced It the
richest peacock gold.
"There is a paying body of ore right
under this alley and these buildings,"
he exclaimed. "I would not have be
lieved it, but there's mo mistaking the
real stuff. Why, this rock ought to go
n.OOO a ton."
"It seems passing strange that Hor
ace W. Tabor, tho fiist of the great
miners In Colorado, who died after
losing his wealth, should have built
the opera house over a bigger mine
than he ever owned," said one of tho
federal officials."
The well men think that If a shaft
is sunk near the well they ought to
have a small portion of the profits, as
through their efforts tho discovery was
made. It Is astonishing to find a gold
mine in the heart of Denver, but noth
ing is Impossible in a mineral way in
Property owners In tho neighborhood
ate intensely interested In the result of
tho assays, which will determine
whether It Is advisable to sink shafts
In tho neighborhood and actively mine
the earth. Lawyers are being consult
ed regaiding the mining rights of city
property owneis and the possible ex
tent of claims within the corporate
limits of a city.
All sorts of rumors arc flying about,
the well has now reached a depth of
3S0 feet, and has been In rock about
eight feet. This is the second attempt
to sink a well In the alley. Tho first
timo the drill broke at a depth of 500
feet and a new hole had to be started.
Workmen Strike a Deposit of Tine
Ore in That City.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Duluth, Oct. 1. Workmen engaged in
making altoiatlons in the First Na
tional Bank building, at the moat im
portant business corner in Duluth, to
day stiuck a deposit of iron ore under
the boiler room of tho building. Tho
ore assayed sixty-five per cent, metal
lic lion, and it is 3ald to be aa line
as anything ever found In this coun
tiy. Thij vein that was found by tho
workmen was not large, hut it ap
peared to bo an outcropping of a larg
er deposit, and it la impossible to
tell where the bed of oie reaches. It
may extend up and down along tho
most piomlnent business street In
town. It is In such shape that It Is
impossible to tell much about it ex
tent nt piesont without making ex
cavations that the owners of tho
building do not desire to risk at pres
ent. Considerable interest is taken in the
find for the jeason that this point
Is distant eight miles from tho nearest
known lion deposits of the Minnesota
ranges, and tho presence of oto heie
hos never been suspected. If tho de
posit should prove to be extensive, it
tluows tho subjeot of Iron develop
ments wide open, and mining men will
not undoitako to say how great the
deposits of ore under this county may
prove to be,
0, Scott and Mrs. Williamson to
Bilng Out Weekly Publications.
Dj Kxcluslvo Who from The Associated Press.
London, Oct, 1. Two now weeklies
aie about to appear. Tho first Is Clem
ent Scott's Feo Lance, which will bo
published noxt week, with an article
by Mario Corel!! as tho chief attrac
tion. Tho second Is a now boolety paper
which Mrs. Williamson Is about to
biing out. Mts. Williamson Is a young
woman of unexceptional social position,
the wife of a colonel In the British
army, and has many Influential friends
here and in America Interested in her
She brought out tho celebrated Book
of Beauty four years ago and has late,
ly been editing the society column of
tho Dttll Mail and writing for it un
der tho Mgnature of "The Onlooker,"
which will be the name of her paper,
Mrs. Williamson says the paper will
be run entirely on the idea of the
"gieat vuuo of Anglo-American co
dictation In all questions of politics
and trade.' '
The Line Will Run from Salt Lake
City to the Const Senator Clark
of Montana, Chief Promoter A
Monopoly Will Be Broken and Vast
Inland Riches Will Be Developed.
tty Exclusive Wlr from The Associated Pre
Chicago, Oct, 1. Senator William A.
Clark, tho many time millionaire of
Montana, Improved "tho shining hour"
yesterday by consummating plans for
the building of the Los Angeles end
Salt Lake City railway. Senator Clnrk
has been staying at the Annex since
Thursday last, ostensibly to consult
with tho Democratic national commit
tee, but ho remained over yosterdiy
purposely to meet nnd consult with
certain Salt Lake City capitalists and
Los Angeles personages, who arrived
here Friday night. Another chief pro
motor Is it. c. Kerens, of St. Louli,
who, as Republican national commit
teeman fiom Missouri, It Just now a
permanent fixture at the Annex.
Senator Clark yesterday admitted the
truth of the story, but said that the
consultation had not determined upon
any finalities and that the facts were
not yet In a state for publication.
Tho now Los Angeles and Salt Lake
City railway absorbs the franchise and
property of the Los Angeles Terminal
company. This provides for the en
trance of the new railway Into tho
southern California metropolis. The
Mormon church, which is the power
behind the throne In Salt Lake, has
practically promised a terminal site in
the Utah capital, and Pioneer square,
a tract of ten acreB In the center of the
city, will be turned over to the rail
way for its stations and freight depols.
Between the termini the whole un
opened southwest will be epatihed. The
Sierra Nevada Will be pierced through
one of its southern passes and the
supremacy of the Southern Pacific rail
way, hitherto unchallenged oh the Pa
cific coast, will be effectually broken,
at least In southern California. The
death of COllls P. Huntington removed
the last obstacle to the success of the
Clark-Kerens syndicate.
Plan Vast Developments.
The construction will require $25,000.
000 in expenditure. But not merely will
tho trend of commerce be changed in
new directions thereby, but tho syndi
cate has in its eye a vast commercial
development. Southern Utah and east
ern Nevada contain coal and the best
iron ore, besides the precious metals.
The region will some day be the Penn
sylvania of the West. Said R. C. Ker
ens lost night:
"We contemplate a second Illinois
steel works there. We mean to make
the iron and steel for the entire Pacific
west. Surveys have revealed the llch
ness of the country through which we
shall pass in the useful metals, and wo
purpose to establish great smelters and
metal works."
Senator Clark has great mine hold
ings In the regions and last winter he
made a journey through Utah and
Nevada especially to inspect them and
to estimate their possibilities.
Tho region Is also one capable of
indefinite development agriculturally.
The Mormons arc largely interested in
the proposed railway, and they are
most highly skilled In the art of irri
gation. It Is their people whom most
largely are expected to avail them
selves of the agricultural expansion the
railway will make possible, and what
they have done for northern and east
ern Utah thev may be expected to do
for the new region.
California, however, will be most Im
mediately affected. The monopoly of
the Southern Pacific will be at nn end,
at least for Los Angeles. That city,
made the terminus of a gieat deml
continental railway system, will more
than ever bo assured of an Immense
commercial future. Despite the fact
that Its port of San Monica Is but an
open toadstcad, Los Angeles will be
bound to become the Pacific outlet for
the southwest, since San Diego, fine as
Is Its harbor, is too far south, just
above tho MexTsan boi der. The federal
government, too, Is improving the aitl
flclal harbor at San Monica by great
Admits That Drunkenness Has Di
minished on Account of Canteen.
By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated Press
Tfeishlngton, Oct. 1. The following
was made public today at' the war de
partment: War Dcpirtment.
Surgeon General's OIHce,
Washington, Oct. J, 1000.
To the adjutant gcncnl of tho army.
hlri My attention has been called to a pub
lished Btatement attributed to me, opposing the
army canteen. I presume this statement as
published is practically what 1 said tome jcars
since when interviewed upon the subject, al
though I da not at present remember to whom
it was given. I did not at first look with favor
upon the proposition tu sell beer to soldiers at
army canteens. That opinion wis not based
upon personal observation, as I had not been
stationed at a military post since the canteen
was established, Owing to the general con
census of opinion among lino officers nnd medira,
olftcers of the army who have had ample oppor
tunity to observe the effect of tho army cantun
upon the habits of our soldiers, I am obliged
to admit that, fiom a prattlcal point of view,
It seems to have accomplished very desirable
results in reducing tho amount of ilrunfcenncss
In the arm) und the disposition on the pait of
the soldiers to leave their stations tor Hie pur
pose of obtaining spirituous liquor.
Very respectfully,
fJeorgc If. Sternberg;,
Surgeon General, United States army.
Conceited Freshman Held Under
Town Pump and Soaked.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Olivet, Mich., Oct. 1. A freshman
was hazed hero last night for the first
timo In years, Tho youngster had been
making himself generally disagreeable,
ailing his vast knowledge and instruct
ing tho upper class men.
His fall came when u crowd captinotl
him and took him to tho pump near
Pat son's hall, Ho was then blindfold
ed und securely hold under tho pump,
While willing hunds wotketl the handle.
Not appreciating the momentous oc
casion, he sang duilng the early part
of tho' ordeal, but when cold water
I an out of his punts legs his song
ceuBCd. "
Three Officials to Serve in Cases
Where Arbitration Is Sought.
By Ficluslve Wire from The Associated Frtss.
Moscow, Oct, 1. ItUHsla. has ap
pointed M, N. V, Muravleff, minister
WV TlO,'4,'5ff3aS CUTFF ''Sflassf
ITS ftt.. . Gf
fOff Sflie BY flll DRUGGISTS PRlCt SOt.rtn'ftOiTlJr
-Bur:under A Rel.s, Lessees and Mktlfcftf'
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Tuesday, October 2.
L? Uoyage En Stiiss
60 People in the Cast 50. ,
Paiitomlmel Comedy! Music! TerpUchftfet
Oh! But jou'll never forget those Uughlbla
Servants! the Wonderful Acrobats! The
Thrlllinc Avalanche heme! The Comlcsl Bail
rii nl r.xplsiion, and the Upsetting of the
vtii(te C ich
Prices 25c , fiOc., 7'ic. lnd l 00 Advshce
sale of seals will open it the bot office Sstur
ill, Sept. 59, at 6 a m
1 II. I. HROWN, Manager.
Charles Le.vburne and His Own Big
Presenting the Winsome Soubrette, Miss Emm
Bunting in Up to date Plkys.
Tuesdny Matinee "Sniupdcrs "
Tuesday Nijxht "Black King"
Wcdncsdiy Mitlnee "Princess of Patches."
Wednesday Mp;lit "Roldcn Oiant."
Matinee prices ID and 20 cents
Evening prices 10, 20 and 30 cents.
i ' mmm
New Gaiety Theatre
If. n. LONG, Lessee and Manager.
Presenting Two Mirthful Satires, v
20 Handsome Women, Funny Comedians anil
Clover Vaudeville.
rillCES 13e , 25c., 33c , 50c.
The Big Store's
Third dreat Annual
Pure Food Show
Representing: a gigantic and in
teresting collection of the finest
food products of this and other
loo Varieties of Pure Food,
Thousands of Samples,
Cooking Lectures,
Concerts Daily.
Tho only exhibition in the state
outside of Pittsburg In which
ate teprcsented manufacturers
of food products from almost
every statn In the Union.
Jonas Long's Sons
Scranton, Pcnna.
412 Spruce Street.
0 rand display of New
Neckwear and Hosiery.
of Justice, Professor Martens, ths fam
ou8 authority on International law,
and M. Frlsch, minister of affairs civil
and ecclesiastic, its representatives onj
The league at bit ration commission,
1041MNfmm mw yy
v4fafrr?M--?f-g uttaSKJsAJ
s ,. -,