"" ; Z?'5- -y r V, "iV wt.-?5fj,"-ai'S,jf ju' '$-1 ' r-j- V"--, ,, ,'Vs ('," V, ' ' PtV ' '" ' , ' ' I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1900. 9) IT 14. 1MB MODE lUnnWARS Hroaii You pay a trifle more for a Sterling than some) other ranges but the Ster ling uses one-third less coal. Then, too, you have a range that bakes per fectly. i Footc & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave L. R. D. & M. Can We Wait on You II tiierc Is am tiling In the slioo market jou will find it lien-. All stvles, all shapes, all sirrs, all vvldtlu to lit ami suit any lady who appreciates good shod. Sie our windows. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAV1ES & riURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Lackawanna "TIIE" aundry. ;rl Perm Avenue. A. B. WARA1AN. MONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY. Scranton T Station, Scptc inbcr, I'MKI. 'cnipciaturc Chai utter of d iy. Clear 1. cloudy fle.ir Clear Clear P. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear dear P. cloudy 1'reiipi- t.iliim. n 0 .07 .If 0 .III II T n n ii T II II T .22 ,0't .a: o .0.1 ii .27 T 0 n T .21 o .20 .11 Mln. (U P7 (II (U ."I 07 01 l.l CO "m Ii. l.l 50 52 111 lil 50 l Mem. 70 70 70 - 70 7'i 1. cloudy Clear 1. iloudy )'. clolldj 1. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy I. ( loudy r. cloudy Cloudy Cleir 1. cloudy P. cloudy P. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy 01 Hi hi 70 50 51 52 1.0 l l.l 51 5i 112 71 CO .VI n; n 15 01 07 in 30.1 07.: Sl'MMAHV. Mean utmntpheilc pieviire, t. a. in., 30.12 de. rrecs; liluhct prc-uie, :tt).:i7 deRieei., 25th; owest preure, 20.51 desree-, 12th. .Mean toni oerature, (17 degrees; hlvhoet tcinperature, 111 decrees, lltli! lnvviM teinperatine, :I5 doRieLM, lot li ; greatest dally i.uige o( ttluperaluic, 35 decrees, lDthi leat ilallj laiiKe of teiupeiature, 0 degrees, 20th. Mean teiupeiatuio for this niouth, 07 dcjrrcns. Prevailing direction of wind, rjorthenst and southwest; total inoveinent of wind, 4,511 miles; irnviutum velocity of wind, direction and dale, 'US tulles, wot on the 12th. 'Total pircipilation, 1,72 inches; muulier of diis witli ,01 Inch or iimio of precipitation, II, Tolal Jircelpltatlon (In Inches) for this month, 1.72; numher of drar d.i.v.. 11; pailly cloudy dijs, 12; cloudy ili.vs, 7. Dales of fiot: Mglil, 2tth and 23th; heavy, luth; killing, none, W. !'. Donaldson, Observer. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. ljie.il data for (HI. 1, 1900: Highest tenipeialure Lowest teinperatine Humidity; 8 a. m 5 p. m 77 deRiees 01 ilc'cieei f'l per rent. 03 per cent. PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs. Henry Alherton, of the .Vorth End, are visltlnc at West l'lttton. Mr, and Mis, llrrt Webber, of Plttston, spent Funday vvllh Mr, end Mis. I", V. Long, of Die ktpoiv avenue. Hank W.itcluiuii .'.nivw Thompson vv,n biiik at his derk In police lieidipiarteH last uii;h, fully reruvcred Iroiu the sit Km-. which Ins rorflied liim In Ids home in Duiunore ilni lute' tliu lait two week. Mil.. H. (!. Webb, of 01) MidNon avenue, has Just returned from New York city, where the has hern shopping and i.lht-secliu; fur I lie past ten daj. Her lteis, Mrs. I', T, tnnUh, Jli Mary .1, Cornelius and Mis, F, Jl. (Vrniliiis, 'of lllklaud, Pa,, accoinpanleil her and they rcpoit a my pleasant time, ' The eiiRUBcnienl I.js) lieeii announced of Miss Repe. Fslelle HiiiRiiiidcr, d.iuiililer of Mr, and Mis. Henna n llurviiudciv ami laloro llrmvn, of rittstoti, son of A, II, llinvvn. Mr, Drown is riiRaited In a iiicicaiitllc IhiIiuw in Plttston am) l well and popularly known tluoiizlioiit llila i.lnity, Wllkes-Uane Tunes. Mis .Mlif P. Ilurk, state kecrelaiy of the King's J)auliler.s, n ht. tendered n receplioii t the Oreen Hldso l'relyterju churcli on Wed nesday eenlini, Jt'S,30 o'clock, ami the inni bcr of the urlou circles of the city arc urit ently rciuesled to he proent. This will he Miss Purk'4 lint UH to Scrantou, unci It is hoped the memheu will nuke it a uicmurahle occa. Ion. Big Bargains. . Uumrnairo Snle, October 3, 4 ami B, tv137 Penn avenue. Second-huml fur nlture clothing', etc. MARRIED. MaLEnriillKU.-On Oct. 1, 10O0, it tho home ol the bride's father, .lone,; trect, by Kev, Qeorgf H. Guild, 1). 1).. Harry Miller sad iiht Suite r'liher, both of (his city. Date. Mi 1 Ill 2 St :i MS 4 M .- Nl II 'II 7 M) S 77 II M 10 ivS 11 '.H 12 W l.j 77 II SI 15 7li 10 78 17 (.2 S m W 70 JO IK 21 7il 22 10 2.1 11 21 71 25 7!) 31 m 27 80 23 77 2!l (17 Wl 7.'l Mean ,. ..7S.4 THE SPECIAL REWARDS. Contestants in Tribune Contwt Have Not Yet Hade a Choice. Only ono of the upeelitl rewards In The Tribune'; EdilciUlonnl Content hns been selected by the winner. This Is the four-yenr scholnmltlp In Wyoming emlnry, which was naturally chosen by Charles ItndrlrTUe. It has not been settled whether he will begin hla studies nt once or wait until next year, but thlfl will probably bo decided to morrow, when he will visit tho school nnd consult Its officials. Up to 8 o'clock Inst evening Arthur Kcmmerer, of Factoryvllle, who Is en titled to second choice, had not called nt the ofllco of The Tribune to express his preference of tho remaining special rewards, but will prohably do so somn time today, and It Is expected that Tho Tribune will bo able to announce to morrow Just what each contestant has selected. Early yesterday morning the follow ing note was received from Miss Mary Yeager, of Moscow, who Is fourth In the list: TIip Scrtnton Tribune. (lentlemen: Through tile medium of your vain, able paper I desire to thank the, management of the Scranton Tribune for the special reward allotted me, and also my friends who naves me their liberal support In the contest Just closed, Vciy respectfully, Mary Ycnger. Jtoscow, Pa,, Oct. 1, 1000. THE FAIR AT DALLAS. Fifteenth Annual Event Will Open on Wednesday. Tfye fifteenth annual meeting of the Dallas Fair association befe-lns today and will continue tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. It will be held at Dallas, In Luzerne county, eight miles above Wllkes-Barre, from -which cltylhe fair grounds are accessible by either trol ley or by the Lehigh Valley railroad. The Indications for a big and suc cHPsful fair In this little town were never better. Upwards of $3,000 hi" been offered In premiums In the vari ous departments, In addition to $850 In purses for trotting, pacing and RUto moblle races. Among the special attractions booked nre balloon ascensions on each of the last three days by Prof. Charles Bab rlch. Band concerts will, be given every day by the Citizens band, of Plymouth. Arrangements have, been made with the Wllkes-Barre and Wyoming Val ley Traction company for twenty minute trips from Wllkes-Barre to Dallas during the fair, and the Lehlfth Valley railroad will run special trains between the two places and have an nounced special rates. The Dallas Fair association Is a member of the National Trotting as sociation, the rules of which will gov ern all the races held on the "nlr grounds. The officers of, the fair an nounce an especially attractive card of races, all of which have filled well. The following Is the programme for the three days' meet, there being no races held today: Oct. 32.22 clas. trot and pace, purse, $150; 2.15 class, trot and pice, purse, iilOO. Oct. 4 2..TS class, dot and pace, purse, !?150; road i.ice, half mile, purse, $100. The road race Is open to I.ii7erne county for hoisps used stiictly for road purposes, and must he owned nt least thirty days before fair. Ti otters or pacers, sulky or cart, half-mile heats, best three in live; hobbles haired. Oct. 53.00 class, trot and pace, purse, $100; 2.17 class, irot and pice, purse, $200; uutcmo. bile race, purse, $50. The races will be called at 1.80 p. m. each day. The conditions are the same as most races are governed by. The managers reservo the right to call off any race thai cannot be started before 4 p. m., on tho last du of the air. ' The Dallas fair has an enviable reputation. It Is regarded as one of the best annual events held In North eastern Pennsylvania and always has enjoyed large attendance and an inter eating and diverslflsd exhibit of agrl cnltuial, horticultural and fancy nr tloles. Its officers are Charles F. Wil son, president; Charles II. Hall vice president; Will Norton, secretary; John J. Ryman, treasurer, and J, Monighan, superintendent. The Tribune will detail a represen tative from tho home office to attend the Dallas fair, who will send each day of Its continuance a full report of the various features. The races, es pecially, will be described at length, and n correct summary of the work of euch horse will be given. TONIGHT'S BENEFIT CONCERT. , Programme That Will Be Rendered at Bicycle Club House. Following: Is the programme for the benefit concert to be given tonight In the Bicycle club house for tho benefit of the Young AVomeu's Christian asso ciation: Quirtot "The Parting Kiss" Plnsutl Kcadlns-(a) "Heart's Kase." tb) "Confused." Til or solo "Dream Thee of a Day 'Cillo solo l'antasle, Op. 2 Pass fcolo Aria, from "bene" ,,, Duet Venoll.ni f.oe Sour Stiller, ....Servals' (lOiinod ..llluineiitlial Xod".,Xevin sender t" Iju.irtette "W.Miken, 1)1 nken, and Heading "Aunt MelN-a on Ilo.is." Contralto solo "Who'll Ituy My La Gtiman. MandeKcer ...Fischer Trio "The Mariners" 'Cello koto Tarantelle Quartette (a) Madrigal, from "Mikado"., (Ii) flood Night, from "Martha Sulliian " Flotow The following will participate In the concert: Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, soprano; Mrs, K Ilolsman Bundle, contralto; Miss Martha Matthews, soprano; Miss Florence Richmond, pianist; Miss Cora Morris Ciiillln, reader; John T. Wat kins, barltonu; David Stephens, tenor; K, 10. tSnuthwnrtli, pianist; Kugono Ham, llutiat; Tom C. IUppard, of Wllkes-Barre, 'cellist. ATTEMPT AT EXTORTION. Officer McDonough of Bellevue Is so Charged by A. Apostollco. Martin MoDonough, a' special officer of Bellevue, was yesterday arraigned boforo Alderman Kasson, charged with trying to extort money from A. Apos tollco, a Dunnioro contractor, who al leges that while riding lo his home last Friday night, from Bellevue, MoDon ough arrested him nnd threatened to take him before an alderman, un less he would give him a cortuln sum of mone.v, Apostollco refused to do this, nnd was then arraigned before Alderman Mlllett, on the charge of violating tho city ordinance 'by riding on the uldo walltK, The catjo wuh discharged. McDonough claims that he was walking ,ulong the istreet and Apos. tolico ran Into him and knocked him down, ufter which ho arrested him. Alderman Kusson continued tho case until next Monduy night, Liver complaints curtd by Beecham's PIUs. OPERATORS ON STRIKE (Conclude J from Pae l.J will permit him to Increase his cost of mining as these same carrying compa nies demand he shnll do to help them settle tho strike, or else ho Is going out of business. Do tho cnrrylng compnnlcs care a great deal whether or not ho goes out of business? The Individual operator figures It out that thuy dyn't. In fnct, It Is claimed by some of the individual operators that they have boon prac tically told by the carrying companies, "Oct out of business nnd we'll run s'oiir mines for you If we enn get them nt a sacrlfico," The Individual operator Is now threatened with being forced to mnke this sacrifice or the other equally as great, nnmrty, to Increase his cost of mining to a point that will lcavo no margin for profits, and In some cases, not only no margin for profits but n positive loss. The individual operator, In a word, Is between the devil nnd tho deep sea. Another difficulty confronting the fathers of tho settlement plan is tho hesitancy of tho Delaware and Hudson nnd Pennsylvania Coal companies to subscribe to It. Superintendent Ttoso, of the Delaware and Hudson, snld ho had received Instructions not to Join In the plan and tho Pennsylvania Coal compnny's representatives dcclaro they had received no Instructions, one way or the other, and could not commit themselves. What this means, It Is difficult to figure out. The only ex planation vouchsafed Is that tho Dela ware and Hudson feels It can afford to let its mines lay Idle, and that the Pennsylvania Is "non-committal" because of Its expectation that It will ere long be allied with the individual operators in the new road to tide water, all of which constrains the Pennsylvania to move cautiously In a matter likely to engender active hos tilities between coal carriers and In dividual operators. Those That Will Act. The companies that have announced that they will post notices this morning, announcing the ten per cent, and arbitration proffer, are the Lehigh Valley, Philadelphia and Read ing, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre, and Hillside Coal and Iron company, and Temple Iron company. The notice reads ns follows: "Tlils company makes the following announcement to Its mine employes: It will adjust its rates of wages so as to pay to Its mine employes on and after October first, a net increase of ten per cent, on the wages heretofore received; and will talt" up with Its mine employes any grievances which they may have." This notice does not mean, as Is liable to be interpreted nt first blush, that tlie miners are to be given a ten per cent. Increase in wages and a chance for increasing this increase by the ar bitration of the other grievances. The notice will be in effect that the price of powder regulates the wage scale; the price of powder Is to bo decreased to $1.50 a keg; this decrease In tho cost of powder is to be figured in as pirt of the ten per cpnt. Increase in the rate of wages; the difference be tween' tho Increase that tho decrensed cost of powder will cause and tho In crease of ten per cent, that Is promis ed, Is to be made up by allowing a better rite per car. The laborers and other mine workers nre to receive a ten per cent. Incea.se, flat, on the present schedule. Tn this region the proposed decrease in the cost of pow der mepns nn eight per cent, increase In wages. The othir two per cent, will be allowed on the car. Speaking of yesterday's meeting, an Independent operator of this locality said: "The men in New York fix the cost of coal and then fix the ,i)te of car riage. Thus the Individual operator Is at their mercy. It means absolute ruin for some of us unless both ends of the contract are considered nnd we are given a better rate for our coal. "It Is an unheard of thing In this vnllev for the poweis In New York to interfere. Heretofore the mining super intendents of the great companies have been delegated full power of control In nil matters pertaining to anthracite producing interests. The preseutsitu atlon places these superintendents In a most unhappy position. Their control Is minimized and they can not deal as they set out to do with the strike prob lem. Neither they nor the individual operators have been consulted in the slightest degreee by tho New York parties who rule the anthracite wprld." Went to New York. A committee of Independent oper ators went to New York Inst night to confer with the presidents of the coul carrying roads, with a view of securing a better nllowanee for their coal, If they do not get whnt they want, the Individual operators sny, they will bo forced to choose botwepn closing up their mines nnd abrogating their pres ent agreement with the cnrrlers, which alternative would mean that the Inde pendents would unite and give all their product to some one carrier that would be willing to pny them n fair price. At present they are allowed GO per cent, of tho tidewater prices, They Insist thev must have (15 per cent, to make ove for the Increased cost of mining that would come with the acceptance by th miners of tho offer framed by the car-i ' V ' Jersey Peaches Saturday's Peaches, . (delayed) are In fine condition and will be sold today, White and Yellow. Orders should be placed very early, 75c to $1.50, Fruit Jars, to close, 45c per dozen. Crabapples for Jelly, 35c per half bushel basket. E. G. Coursen 429 Lacka. Ave, rlers, and to bo posted by them this morning. If any of the Individual operators are hoping that tho miners will refuse to accept tho offer, they nro liable to sco thnt hope rentlzed. " President T. D. Nichols!, of District No, 1 of the United Mine Workers, said ho hardly thought tho offer would bo sittlsfactorj, as the strikers are bent on hnvlng a general conference. Dis trict Organizer Nicholas Burke snld; "The notice won't be heeded." Tho AssociateI Press lspntcheB do not speak very encouragingly of the offer being accepted In other parts of the region. , SUGGESTION OF AN OPERATOR Kdltor of The Tribune, filr: 1 would like to place before the anthracite coal operators, through the columns of your pv pir, some conclusions arrived at while comparing tho complicated contract system under which they have alvvajs operated their mines, and the djy's pay s)slem under which nearly all other mining outside of coal Is done. Man could not devise u a; stem with more opportunities: for mis understanding and grievances than the system now In ogue in the anthracite regions. Under this sjstem when only the large, clean veins were being worked a miner could cut enough coal in two or three hours, or less, to net Mm a better day's pay than any skilled mechanic could get who worked four times as long. Dut since the best veins have been worked out, and the operator has been obliged to open up the poorer ones, there has been a constant fight, on the miner's part to keep the price per car and allowances at n figure where It would not be necessary tor him to work more hours to get a fair clay's pay, and, on the opeiator's part, to keep the cast of production down to a point where he could compete with other and cheaper supplies of fuel (hat were crowding him out of the maiket, nnd jet leave him u profit great enough to get his large outlay of capital back by the time the mines were exhausted; also, a percentage of profit In propoitlon to the enormous risk In the business. The war on price per ear, powder, yardage, dockage and many other things will continue as long as the piesent svstem Is followed, and will cause the operator, the workmen and the yeneral business Interests of the counny to lose vast sums of money. Now the conclusions are; That it would remove nearly all the chances for trouble and reduce the complex labor problem to a question of the number of hours for a daj's work, and the price per day, to hire miners and laborers by the day to work under the eyes of shift bosses, and get a full day's work for a full dav'n pay as they do in western gold and silver mines and nearly all other mines outside of coal It would be necessary to have a man on tha head to keep tab on the number and condition of tho cars coming fiom each shllt boss, and he should be held responsible for the quality and quantity of production. Miner In the west get about 3 for ten hours' work, where the cost of living Is much more than here, and where the luxuries of life and many of the comforts are not to be had; some few, where tho miners are in high, inaccessible places, or very wet, get an extra half dollar. I believe In a good fair day's pay for a good fair day's work, but I have no use for a la7y dead beat. The operators could afford to give a good, honest price per day, for they would get much more coal from eac-li miner. I am aware of the trouble it would he to change the svstem, hut It would Hot be any nore trouble, nor more costly, thin the numerous at i Ikes that are the legitimate fruits of tha present system. X. K. Ittce. Kcrauton, Oct.' 1.- QTTIET AT SHENANDOAH. MaJoneMillnr's Views of Situation at That Place. Malor W. S. Millar, Inspector of the Third brigade and during the rjast week provost marshal and second In authorltj' at Shenandoah, Is back in tho city and reports that all Is calm and serene down Schuylkill was, and that the reports of tho trouble at Shenandoah were greatly exaggerated, Major Millar yesterday remarked to a Tribune man: "The houses of the Shenandoah miners are pictured as wretched, dirty hovels, and the miners themselves as pale, emaciated men, of skeleton physique, clutching at their empty din ner palls. Now, as a matter of fact, this is gross exaggeration. There are such homes, I saw them, but they be long only to men who live there by choice. In these instances the con dition Is degrading. I saw one house where thirty-two men lived In five rooms. But these people are living that way because they want to, not because they have to, "The greater part of the population of Shenandoah Is foreign; In fact, about FO per cent., but they nre the most orderly people I have ever met. Peaceful and quiet, they never occa sioned us the least trouble or molested us In tho slightest manner. Any man wearing a uniform was perfectls safe In their midst and free from any In sult. It was not even necessary for nrms to be carried, to command re spect. "The miners, as a rule, are Intelli gent, woll-behavlng men. While I was there thejr had a big funeral proces sion for the man who was shot during the riot, and I eagerly scrutinized tho 1,570 men who were In lino, and was surprised, Indeed, to see what a well dressed, comfortable looking collection of men they were. "Another matter which has been misrepresented Is the discipline among the soldiers. Many wild tales have boon told of tho drunken, riotous sol diery. Well, the truth of it is thnt thero was ono Instance of n member of the guard being drunk. When we got off the train at Shennndouh one of the soldiers was Intoxicated, and he was Immediately put under arrest and sum marily punished, Ho wim court-martialed, dishonorably discharged, and sent home In disgrace. When wo left Shenandoah everything was perfectly qulot, and I think no more trouble need be anticipated In that quarter." ,? MORE SPEAKEASY KEEPERS. Sextette of Cases Disposed of Yes terday Morning, Several of the speakeasy proprietors arrested Saturday, on warrants Issued by Mayor Moir, were yesterdaj- morn ing given heurlngs, and Michael Hognn, of 621 Putnam street; P, J. CJlynn, of 2211 Jackson street, and Mrs, Ann Man gun were each fined $50. Mrs. W, D, Lally, of 405 Putnam street, was fined $10, and John McNults', of 317 Twenty second street, and John R. Neary,' of Marcy street, were discharged. Glynn was arrested previously on the same charge and fined by Alderman Howe. He was unable to pay the line and was committed to the county Jail. Horan denied selling without a license. In tho Lally cnBe the defendant utterly denied the charge, In spite of the fact thut two witnesses swore that they drank beer last Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. McHale, a neighbor of Mrs. I.ully, beer that was broueht from the tatter's premises, Thej-e were extenuating circum stances about the case, and Mayor Moir only fined the woman j$10. Millinery Showing Thursday nnd Friday, October 6th and tlth, at Mrs. Cushman's, 321 Lacka wanna avenue, MANY BUILDINGS ARE BEING ERECTED QUITE A BUILDING BOOM DE SPITE THE STRIKE. Work on the New Armory Being Pushed Rapidly Contractor ' Wlll inms Excavating for the New Y, M. C. A, BuildingAdditions Be ing Made to the Plants of the Scranton Bolt and Nut Company, KlotB Throwing Company nnd Lewis, Rellllng and Schoen. Tho local contractors seem to be suf fering Just about as little from tho strike ns any body In the city. Now buildings' of nil sizes, kinds nnd shapes are going up In every part of the city, Just as If a groat Industrial war was not being waged right In the heart of Scranton. Tho largest building In course of con struction nt the present time Is tho new armors', on Adams avenue, which Is being built by Conrad Schroeder. The foundation walls are nearly com pleted and In some places the muln walls are well under way. A force of seventy-five men Is kept constantly at work nnd there Is hardly any doubt but that the armory will bo ready In contract time, April 1. It is planned to rush the masonry work before the heavy frosts, so that the winter can be used In completing the Interior. Contractor E. S. Williams, who has secured the contract for the new Young Men's Christian association building, at corner of Washington avenue and Mulberry street, has a large force of men engaged In mak ing the necessars excavations. Mr. Williams announces that he will not begin the nctual work of construction this fall, but will wait until early spring, from which time the work will be pushed, In an effort to have the building ready for occupancy by Jan uary 1, 1902. ADDITION TO BOLT WORKS, i The Scranton Bolt und Nut com pany, although It has been In existence only a little over a year, has already outgrown Its present plant to such an extent that a large addition is now being built by Contractor Schroeder. This Is an extension to the forging department and -is to be slxts"-one feet long nnd sixty-four feet wide. It will be one story high nnd will be constructed of brick. The forging building Is already 120 feet long, so that when completed the building will have a length of 181 feet. The work of constructing this extension wns be gun two weeks ago and It Is ex pected that It will be finished In two weeks more. Several other Industries have out grown their present quarters, among them being the Klotz Throwing com pany, which Is adding a brick addi tion 167x150 feet In size, and two stor ies high, to Its silk mill on Monsey nvenue. This addition will cost $18,000," and will double the capacity of the factory. Relllng, David and Schoen nre also greatly enlarging their silk factory, on James street. The addition is to be S6x4G feet In size and three stories high, Woelker & Bellman nre the contractors, and the cost of the new building is to be $10,600. This will be finished and reads' for use within a month. Another large building, now being erected. Is a big apartment house on Hickory street and Forest court. This is being built by Contractor Peter Stlpp for Jacob Fcld. The structure li 120x57 feet In size, two stories high, and will cost $12,000. It will accomo date twelve families. HANDSOME NEW BUILDING. Probably the largest and handsom est dwelling house now in course of construction in any part of the city, Is the splendid mansion being built for General Superintendent Sidney Williams, of the Pennsylvania Coal company, on Madison avenue, between Vine and Olive street. This dwelling was designed by Archi tect Rutherford, nnd I to be con structed of veneered brick. It is to be 42x44 feet in size and will be three stories high. The cost will be $10,000. Charles Lord is the contractor. One of the handsomest stables In the city is being built bs' Contractor Schroeder In the rear of F. L. Peck's magnificent new residence on Jeffer son avenue. It will be constructed of yellow veneered brick, to match the house, and will cost $3,000. The plans were prepared by Architect Holden. Upwards of a dozen dwellings, ever aging in cost $2,000 each, are being built In the Thirteenth ward, on San derson and Capouse avenues, for Au gust G. Krugerman. Contractors Finn nnd Calpln are putting them up. The total estimated value of the A TV ljWrr , I Creation Colored Shirts more perfect, if possible in every particular than ever before; pat terns that are dis tinctly new, orig inal and novel, $1 to $2. "ON THQUA 803 Wtln(t' Ar. HrWthl!C' AirfcBr C. F. BECKWITH & CO., DEALERS IN Mine and Mill Supplies, Machinery, Etc. OFF ICE-DUn. Bank Bulldlag. building for which permits were Is sued In September by Building In spector Jackson wns $160,116. There were 12R permits Issued all told. Tho building Inspector says that tho build ing operations nre not confined to any particular part of tho city, but that there Is a general boom In Alt parts. LETTER TO R. L. DAY & CO. Controller Will Try to Compile Debt Statement Up to Oct. 1, Controller Howell yesterday sent a letter to U,""L. Day .t Company, of Boston, to whom wns awarded the con tract for the sale of the $273,000 Issue of sewer bonds, informing them that he would endeavor, as per their re quest, to compile a statement of tho city's Indebtedness up lo October 1. He Informed them, however, that should he find It Impossible tn com plete this statement before the bonds are' turned over they would have to bo content with the Blntement mndo last spring. If they refuse to accept the bonds, he snld, tho city will for feit tholr check and rc-ndvertlse for bids. SERGEANT KING ARRESTED. Former Attache of Recruiting Station Charged with Forgery. Sergeant, John E. King, recently ono of tho attaches In the local United States recruiting station, wns Sunday arrested at Worcester, Mass., on. tho charge of desertion and forging a gov ernment check for $90. King left this city three weeks ago, asking for a furlough, nnd after his departure the forgery was discovered. Secret service men were put to work on the case and Sunday located him. He was taken to Fort Warren, Bos tn Harbor, yesterday and will there be court martlaled. For Female Complaints, nnd diseases arising from nn Impure state of the blood Llchty's Celery Nerve Compound Is nn Invaluable spe cific. Sold by Matthew Bros. An Important meeting of the presi dents of the C. T. A. U. societies of the Second district will be held at St. Leo's hall, West Side, this evening at 7.30. By order qf the district board. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley,23l Wyoming ave. Seitz & Co. Upholsters Carpets made and laid. Decorations Flags, Bunting, etc., to rent for public and private entertainments. 316 Washington flue. Guernsey Building. WILLIAM H. SHERWOOD America's foremost concert pianist, and one of her foremost teachers and musicians, writes as follows concerning the "The greatest improvements during the past ten years is solidity of construction and reliability of action, combined with capacity to stand in tune, have been made by the Mason &. Hamlin Co., in their Grand and Uprinht Pianos, "As these pianos possess also the most beautiful, rich qualities of tone, combining extreme delicacy and sympathetic possibili ties of touch with Rreatest power und bril liancy, I consider them the best pianos of America." A full supply of these superb instruments may be seen and examined at the warerooms of L, B. Powell & Go,, 131-133 Washington Ave. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, M? Heaters. IX-tn PBNN AVENUE. WAKEHOUSE-Grc.n Rtig. I MASON 1N PIANO UNSTER FORSYTH MATTHEWS BROS 320 Lncknwannn Ave. Wholesale and Befall. DRUGGI STS .ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. FRENCH ZIHC. Ready Mixed Tinted Faints. ' ..Convenient, Kconomlcul, Dunbla ' Varnish Stains. rroducln Ptrffct Imitation of EpmilT Wood. Reynolds' Wood Finish. Specially Dejlpneil for Inside ,.oifc Mnrble Floor Finish. Durable nd Drys Qulckl. Paint Varnish and Kalso mine Brushes. PURE LINSKEI) 0IL,TURIENTINFi El If you're buying men's wearables,'- buy at a man's store It's our business to know men's tastes. Hats, Neckwear, Gloves. CONRAD, 305 Lncknwnnnii Avenue. The Popular ilnvise Fur- nlihtng Btore, Articles ii for every day use in the kttchen aro found In great abundance at our store. The only thins cheap about them is the price. Dover KprK Beater lOo Sink Brushes He Eur 'Whips fio N'lilniee; Graters 3o Kitchen Fmdstonea 15c Knife Poli-h 20a BalU Brick .' Wo Foote & Fuller Co, Hears Building, 140-42 Washington Ave Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue, This will be about the last week of peach," Benson. We will leceivo dally a limited quantity of Jersey, York slate and MicMjran fruit. If you have not bouprlit do not ntsglect to leave vour order this week If yon want peaches. We would call attention to the particularly fine quality of our o.vslem, Maurice River Coves, rtotkawa.vs, Duck ltiveis. Mill Ponds, Blua Points, etc., etc. Remember we make a specialty of Blue Pointy delivered on half shell in carriers, W. H. Pierce, 10 Lackawanna Ave. 110, 113, 114 Penn Ave. The Dickson Manufacturing Go. fcornnton and. WllkevBarrd I'Xt Manufacturer.! of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINES Boiler. Hoisting; and Pumping Machinery. General Office, Scranton, Fa. " X H t l M? . l f. ? r. t ( l$3.50 J For $j, $6, 'and "ft v ft Rockers. The offeringuv is so great that' to give it a truer ring we'll ex- plain that these Rockers -. are odds and ends from x factories, secured for our $ August sale. No they J f did not arrive too late x but we could not disppse ar of all during that month, .t J so now you have another J if chance. Polished Seats, ,3 Cobbler Seats and tip. K holstered Spring Seas 3 J are among them all wuuus uuu uuiauca, ' X Credit You? Certainly ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar THB WNMr ar 231.223-238-227 WyominjAfe iSn fli --' ) kV n t 1 f : Mkt' :-.'tem