The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 02, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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The Showman's Daughter
LOOKED nt hor In
mnnstcmunti shu
wbh tlto loveliest
BUI I hnil over
sooti. Slightly
nhovo ineilltini
holKht, .slcntlM'
and ginceful,
with a fneo bi-nu-tlful
In feature nnd color
ing, but above nil lighted
with nn oxpresRlon indes
cribably lovely. She wns
the showman's daughter,
nnd ns inui'h out of place
In her nresvnt surround
ings as an r.ngol would' be
be tit n Punch and Judy
As I looked nt her the
showman himself come and
stood by her side. Ho
looked at mo for a mo
ment, nnd then, lifting his gilt-edged
cane, poked mo with an nlr of friend
ly vulgarity in the rlbn. Then 1 re
cognized him. It wns old Jimmy Jfer-
rlon, n man with whom I had once
touted, many years before, when I
wn3 a beginner, ready to snap nt any
thing, and he was i mining a blood
curdling melodrama.
Poor old Jimmy! Ho was'n typical
Blum-man loudly dressed, very shiny
silk hat, slightly tilted, clean shaven,
bright, twinkling eyes and a nose
which illustrated its own story In col
ors. I think he had managed every
kind of entertainment In every part
of the globe plnys, circuses, lectures,
(religious, scientific and comic),
freaks, "portables" dissolving views
and performing doga. Ho had all the
Itinerant showman's bounce and swag
ger, ho was by trade something of, a
fraud, ho knew all ths usual dodges
of his business, and had one or two
favorite wrinkles of his own, and at
the bottom of his heart ho was n
good-hearted, plucky old boy, who had
made fortunes for others and ruined
"You bounder!" he roared, boister
ously. "Fancy meeting you! How are
you? What are you going to have?"
We shook hands, and I glanced
questionlngly at the young lady by his
"You know her," he r-houted; "don't
you remember the little girl you used
to give sweets to and tell hor fairy
"Why, bless my soul!" I exclaimed.
"Surely It isn't little Alaidle?"
"Are you Mr. 15er2sford?" she said,
eagerly, with a flash of recognition.
And I remember that she colored with
pleasure, and a small, firm hand'
caught mine with a womanly grip
which I have never forgotten.
She hnd been a little 3-year-old
when I was about 20, and we had been
Inseparable chums during the six
months I worked with old Jimmy.
That she should have developed Into
this radiant creature, with perfect
manners and style, in the teeth of
such a rough-and-tumble life, was lit
tle less than a miracle. But I learned'
afterward thnt old Jimmy, in spite of
Innumerable reverses of fortune, had
contrived to keep her at a first-class
boa.iing school, and some In-born
good breeding of her own had done
the lest.
Although she was always known as
Maldio Merrlon, she was not Jimmv's
daughter. Ho had married her mother,
who had once been a prominent Lon
don actress, when Maldie was an in
fant. Mis. Men-ion's professional name
was Ada Sinclair, but there appeared
to be some mystery concerning her first
husband, and beyond the fact tliht ho
was r Mr. Douglas nothing was known
of him. Mrs. Merrlon had been dead
some fifteen years, nnd old Jimmy had
been a father to his wife's little orphan
ever since.
We had a long talk. Poor old Jimmy
to use his own expression was near
ly "on his uppers." He was running a
tenth-rate trades and cycle exhibition
without sufficient capital, and the
sleepy town of Norford had not re
sponded to his call.
"I've tried all the wheezes, dear boy,"
he said, dolefully, "but It's no good.
They won't come In."
"When doci the exhibition close?" I
"At the- end of next week. We nre
not taking -10 shilling a day, including
'Bide shows, and the expenses are 30
(i week."
"What tiro you going to do?"
"I shall hang on hero until the last
possible minute," lie whispered, "and
then wo must make a bolt for It, I
can't pay up, because I haven't a fiver
There was a moment's uncomfort-
Be Jolly oh
Often changes to the jailed woman, "I
ccn't see what's come over Mary ; she
used to be such a jolly girl," was the
remark of a young woman visiting a
i luurricu scuooi
mate. Marriage
changes a wom
an, u lie drains
1 and pains which
are so often the
sequence of
! marriage rob'
her of all vital
ity. Give her
back her former
strength and
she'll be ns
jolly" a wife
ns she was a
maid. Doctor
Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription
gives back the
lost strength by
the health of
the delicate
womanly or
gans. It dries
the drains and
stops the pains.
It cures ulcera
Hon, inflamma
tion anil female
weakness. It
111 a k e a wpnlr
' women strong nnd sick women well.'
"For two years I had beeu a sufferer from
chronic discuses and female weakness," writei
Mrs. Allen A. Ilobsoa. of iijj lloduiau Street.
PliUadclphla. pa. "I had two different doctors
nud, ,hey save mc medicine which only relieved
rae for a time. My uiecu ttihlsed. me to
take Dr. Pierce's 1'avorite Prescription. I con
eluded that to open a cormooudeuce with you
for your advice would be safest, no I did, aud,
have beeu highly benefited. I Cud that after
tMwi six boulesof 1'avorite Prescription aud
five oT'GoUleu Medical Discovery ' aud follow
lug your advice in regard to local treatment, I
am now a stroiie womau. Accept ray sincere
thanks for the (uteres! manifested in my case
aud the happy results obtained."
Sick women are invited tn mn,i) n.
Pierce by letter r. Correspondence pril
vate. Address Dr. R.y. Pierce! Buffalo, tfy, j
able silence, nnd I noticed the lootc of
pain on Jlnldle's fni-e. It was piih.v to
see how- the poor girl detested the life,
and how old .Jimmy's vulgarity grnted
on her, nntl yet she wns too good a
Utile woman to reproach the man who,
with nil his faults, had been so good to
"Yes, laddie," said the old man,
speaking for once quite naturally,
"I've had n good many strtigales to
keep on my feet, but I've always man
aged to pay my way. It'll be the first
time I've had to bolt. I've had my day.
Wo all come to the same thing In the
show business. We got swamped at
last. I shouldn't care so much, If it
wasn't for Maldie," he said. Then,
turning to the girl with tears twink
ling in his eyes, he said: "Why don't
you leave me? You'd soon make your
way on the stage. I'm nfrald I've got
to the end of my tether."
"I shall never leave you, dad," said
Maldie quietly, "so don't talk like that.
We'll go to London together, nnd make
a fresh start."
In the meantime an Idea had struck
me. I wns staying with Sir" Andrew
Stllllngfleet at the time, whose place
was only a few miles out of Norford.
He, too. was something of nn old show
man, but nn aristocratic one, and he
and I, and a few more, were syndicat
ing a new piece, which wo were about
to send on tour. It occurred to ino that
if I could Induce him, out of good na
ture, to pay a visit to old Jimmy's ex
hibition the local aristocracy would be
certain to follow suit. Besides, I might
manage to get Maldie engaged for our
new piece. I broached the subject to
him when we wore having an after-
dinner smoke. "The man who is run
ning that exhibition In Norford Is an
old pal of mine," I said by way of in
troduction. "There's never anything worth see
ing In Norford," said Sir Andrew,
"He's in a bit of a hole," I continued.
"The townspeople won't support him.
I wish you would drive over one after
noon and look In for half an hour.
Everybody would think it good enough
to go, too, If you led the way."
"What's, the name of the man?" he
"It's Jimmy Men-ion not a bad old
sort In his way."
"Jimmy Merrlon!" ho said sharply,
anu witn a sudden interest. "I know
hltn. He was at Oxford with me. Kan
through his money nnd went to the
bad. The man was rather a bounder.
But there are many worse."
The following day, after luncheon,
the old baronet suggested we should
drive Into Norford and see the exhibi
tion. I acquiesced readily, as I knew
what it would moan to Jimmy. Be
sides, I was anxious to see Maldie
again. I believe Sir Andrew's visit had
the desired effect, and turned the tide
in Jimmy's favor, for he told me after
ward that he got out of it with a profit.
But more important things followed
that visit.
AVlien the cigars and whiskey were
going after dinner that night, to my
surprise, Sir Andrew returned to the
subject. "Nice girl that," he said,
"Who?" I inquired.
"Jimmy Men-Ion's daughter. You're
a bit smitten, are you not?" he said,
giving me a shrewd look.
"Well," I said, evasively, "I don't
know about being smitten. She is very
Deautlful, and she seems to have a
sweet disposition."
"You mean to say she's the best girl
you have ever seen In your life, and
that you are head over heels in love
with her, but don't like to own up,"
said the old man, dryly.
I wondered for a moment iif he were
joking. But curiously enough he was
quite in earnest. The old cynic was
almost as much struck by her beautv
and manners as I was myself.
"Would you like her to have a part
in the new play?" he asked.
"Yes, I should," I answered promptly.
"And why not let Jimmy be agent In
advance? We shall never get a better
man." Sir Andrew agreed, and then added
carelessly, "I can't understand a man
like Merrlon having such a daughter."
"She Is not his own daughter," I said.
"Ah! I guessed us much," ho said,
helping himself to some soda. "What
was the name of her mother?"
"Ada Sinclair," I answered. "I be
lieve she was fairly well known In her
"I remember her name," ho said, and
I noticed that as he held his tumbler
to tho siphon his hand was shaking.
Then the conversation drifted to gen
eral subjects. I remember In particu
lar that, In discussing . old English
comedy, he mentioned that, ns a young
man, ho financed a revivul of "The
Good Natural Mun," at the Queen's,
and that It hnd a very satisfactory
run. and then went on tour. But Sir
Andrew was qulto unlike himself that
evening, for ns wo were saying good
night ho suddenly returned to the sub
ject of thp Merrlons.
"Now look hero, Beresford," he said,
fixing his keen eyes on mine and his
fare was curiously gray and stern
"you are a young mun aud I am nn
old one. My llfo lies behind me, and
It's mostly a bundle of regrets, You
have u future. I want to nsk you a
straight question. Suppose this Mer
rlon girl comes on tout- with us, and
you continue to like her, what is tho
game going to bo?"
"I should marry her," I said shnrp
ly. Ho looked at me for a moment In
silence, with u queer, hnrd smile
wrinkling his old face, "Are you quite
certain of thnt?" he said.
"Absolutely certain," I roplled.
"Although she has neither position
nor money?"
"Although she has neither position
nor money," I said, warmly, for I
rather resented this questioning, I
thought he was going to make some
further remark, but all lie said was;
"Well, good nlsjht."
Six months later, on tho morning
that Mnldle and I were married, a firm
of solicitors forwnrdPd to us n, ban
ker's draft for a large amount as a
woddlns present. The note which ac
companied It merely said that they
noted under the Instructions of u client
who had been n friend of Miss Ada
Sinclair, and wished ua well. I had
my suspicions, and showed It to Sir
Andrew, He appeared to bo surprised
but only said, with n shrug of his
shoulders, "It's a good thing for some
of us that there nre plenty of fools in
the world."
A short time ago I enmo across an
rr '.,f r .J. . ",B V"""" i'
, uiiriy years ago. an-
nounced a revival of "The Good NRt
tured Man," nnd Miss Ada Sinclair
was In eluded In the cast. I remem
bered that Hlr Andrew had told mo
that ho wns the manager, but, curious
ly enough, the name of Htllllnglleet
did not appear on the progrnmmo. It
dimply said! "Sole lessee and mn lin
ger, Mr. DaURlns." Modern Society.
Terrible Detnlls of Missionaries' Tor
ture in China Suppressed,
fly Exclmlie Wire from The Associated Press.
Columbus, O., Oct. 1. tn nn Inter
esting letter received yesterday from
the llnv. JO. T. Williams, from Shang
hai, by his brother In this city, there
Is corroboration of the wholesnlo mns
sacrcs of missionaries In part the
letter Is:
"You can have no Idea of the char
acter of the outrages that have been
committed by the Chinese In these
troubles, not by Boxers, but by the
Imperial troops and the country people,
and all with the connivance of the
Chinese government.
"The newspapers do not dnre pub
lish the details of the fiendish out
rages that have been committed upon
foreign women, both missionaries and
others. The China Inland Mission
very unwisely, I think, Is trying to
conceal some of the most horrible de
talls, but they are gradually leading
"Of the sixty odd missionaries In
Shanshi all but fourteen were killed.
Nineteen started from the southern
part of the province of Hankow. There
were two unmarried women In the
party nnd several children. They were
robbed of nil their money by their
guard nnd all their clothes, except a
few undergarments. Their guard re
fused to feed -them and for days they
lived on grass. They had nothing on
their heads for shelter from the sun,
and the women's bodies became blis
tered, then raw, and finally became
maggot eaten. Throe of the women
and two children died. Others have
died under their shame and torture
and some are living In an hysterical
"It all makes mo heartsick, and I
have never before felt so much like
giving up nnd going home."
Thoughts fop the
Day of flfonemenf
By J. Silvcrlilatt, Jermjn.
Willi the goiiiK down of the sun thli day the
worhl'K i.irrs and toils will he hushed, the tide
of materialism will be stayed, for at least twenty-four
hours, for this evenine; will witness the
tlnong of Jews, both orthodox and rcfoini, wend
inir their way towards the tabernacle of t!od.
Aim and women, j cuing and old, will suspend
their daily duties and join in the throng to
wards the house of (.oil. This evening Is the
commencement of the most important day of
tlie lehgiom j car. It is the Day of Atonement,
the day, to U30 the llihlical prescription, "when
Israel shall be cleansed from all Iniquities and
stand before Cod puie." Who can witness this
sureini; throiiis: an J not bo moved with admira
tion? What power and religious .strength must
there be imbedded deep in the breast of every
Tew to prompt such a gathering?
The llihlical festivals that breathe the olr of
semi-nationalism, have to some extent lost their
bold upon the modern Jew, but Uio Day of
Atonement has won or itself the central posi
tion of Hie Jewish church. What has caused
this change? Is it not to prove to tho world the
commission that Isrnel holds of whativer shade
of religious partisanship, bo as to Impress the
minds of mortals with tho purpose of Him, who
created tho world, and the duty of those whom
He has fashioned in Ills image?
Surely no other reason can be assigned for
this gieat upheaval of the Jewish calendar. The
festivals, although bearing in its train so many
important lessons to humanity, i to be ovct-
Ehadovved by this great day of Israel's atone
ment, it may be asked, as so many, both friends
and foes, have asked, what is the meaning of
tins ly or Atonement?
This day does not mean that prayer and fast
ing is all that is assigned to Israel to atone
for the past, nn. The Day of Atonement, in
the words of Isaiah, is to bo to loose the bonds
of wickedness, to undo the. heavy bunion?, and
to let tho oppressed go free. The Day of Atone
ment is to mark an era when man shall deal
tho bread to the hungry, and bring the poor
and outcasts under a roof of shelter. Yesl on
that day Israel can commune with himself, and
then and there cleanse himself from all selfish
ness and stand before God pure, ready to begin
a new year of righteousness.
It was an ancient Jewish belief that on New
Year, as celebrated the past week, that the
Omnipotent inscribes In a book man'a destiny
for the coming year, while on the Day of Atone
ment the fate of the unrepentant was sealed and
messengers of destruction were commissioned to
execute judgment. No one entertains such a
belief. The most credulous today is guided by
a purer conception of the divine government of
this world anil of man's destiny. Yet, in very
truth, this poetic rendering; is merely the divine
law of retribution.
It is for mankind to seal their fate on the
Day of Atonement. On the New Year, as the
Jew stood before Cod with resolutions for an
amended career, with hope and forgiveness to
mankind, the Jew opened unto himself a new
book of llfo and during the ten days between
tho New Year and the Day of Atonement It
behooves upon the Jew to deride for himself
whether his lite is to be a book of righteous
ness or not. Surely the Day of Atonement ran
lit for him a veritable atonement, a day of blot
ting out the past, a day when mankind ran stand
as conquerors of human selfishness, and begin
a life of usefulness to God and man.
Who can wonder that this day was made so
important in the Jewish church. Judaism, that
aimed for righteousness, must demand the purg
ing of selfishness, ami retract Into the path of
lfe, of holiness and duly. It was an ancient
Jewish custom that on the eve of tho Day of
Atonement that each man craved forgiveness
from his fellow man for any wrong done by
him in the past year, and renew friendship once
moie. What a beautiful custom It was! Would
that we in modern days could emulate them In
this maimer.
How many wrongs and grievances ga down
with us tn the end of our days tmfoiglven and
unretroctcd? llovv many noblo llvis have been
lost, Just beeauso animosity and grievances
weie allowed to perpctuitn, themselves ami leaw
bints on tho human character? How many
friends are restrained. Just because we vvlthoW
the few words from them, "I forgive thee,
This is the rau;e that prompts the Jews to
gather Into their sjnagogues and temples this
evening. Nationalistic hMluls insignificant
to them, but religion, the bilm for tho human
soul, urges Ixracl to stand before Dim, and now
unto Htm that hcucifoith a new life of viftor
and Trillions strength will flow from his veins.
Yes! on the Day ol Atonement the Jew will
seal the fato of destiny, whether lie is to con
tinue biaring the toieh of rlghtcaibness, whether
he is to make known to the world that his lite
is to bear witness that Ged is tho creator of the
universe, and to Him alone must mankind do
The Jew from this day show to tho world
at large that ho Is not a materialist, living for
himself alone, but tcr humanity In its broadest
spirit. Hut the Day of Atonement is of deeper
significance than hitlieito aignid. It bean a
mcosjTjc to the ion-Jew as will as the Jew, it
speaks to tho world that the Jew bears no
grudge against bis persecutors. Lous ujo has
the Jew fuigiven those that wronged him, and
now- that ho stands on an cual footing with his
neighbor, he invites the outside woild to join
hands with him In friendship, and one accord
to co hand In hand earning the torch of civili
zation. Judaism and Christianity have many things
iu common, both mc striving to uplift human
Ity, Why can they not forget tiie- ait unj
labor for tho vvelfaro of humanity together.
In this mai'iifr will lellglou triumph, when
mankind wlll remove all barriers and show
biotherly'lovo between them; then God's king.
drm will be established on earth; then shall
mankind nave atoned for the past, and begin a
new jug oi righteousness aud peace,
new lite of righteousness and peace. Peacel
Cod's precious gift to man. Let Mankind strive
for pear from this day for evermore.
Mary Ogorr.ah's Name Heads tho
List She Is Charged with the Kill
ing of Her New Born BabeThe
Councllmnnlc Bribery Cases Are
Also on the List for the First Bay.
The List for Thursday Is Hade Up
Exclusively of Speakeasy Cases.
Other Court Matters.
Followlnpr Is the trial list for the sec
ond week of criminal court, which be
gins on Monday, Oct. Hi:
Monday, October 15,
225. Mary Ogorzah, murder; Frank Holding, jr.,
220. !ouls Youngs, Nicholas Youngs, statutory
burglary; William Hick, pros.
227. James Hopkins, receiving stolen goods;
Frank Itobllng, Jr., pros.
223. John J. Slcelly, selling- liquor on Sunday;
Thomas Leyshon, pros.
229. A. Kirestlne, receiving stolen goods; Ste
phen Dyer, pros.
230. Thomas Shields, John McDonald, John Gra
ham, larceny nnd receiving; Frank Hob
lint:, jr., pros.
2.11. Mary Craif, selling liquor without license;
Thomas Leyshon, pros.
2.12. Andrew Oram, assault and battery; Joseph
Ilovizscsky, pros.
2.1.1. William II. Nicholson, assault and battery;
Bernard MoGlll, pros.
2.14. Hannah Lilly, selling liquor without It
cense; Robert Wilson, pros.
235. James J. Oiler, bribery; Kdw-ard II. Sturgca,
230. .Tomes J. Grler, bribery; K. B. Sturges, pros.
2.17. Jionis V. .Morris, bribery; William A. May,
238. William V. Griffiths, bribery; E. B. Sturges,
pros. -
239. Thomas J. Coyne, bribery; Edward B.
Sturges, pros.
210. Thomas J. Coyne, bribery; William A. May,
211. David II. Reese, bribery; Hdw-ard B. Sturges,
212. Thomas F. Morris, bribery; J. A. Lansing,
21.1. Simon Thomas, bribery; II. M. Boles, pros.
211. Horatio T. Fellows, bribery; II. M. Boles,
pi os.
215. Horatio T. Tellows, bribery; Thomas Ley
shon, pros.
240. Charles E. Wenrcl, bribery; William A. May,
217. Thomas St. Watklns, bribery; J. A. Lans
ing, pros.
219. Charles K. Godshall, bribery; II. M. BoIp9,
240. E. .1. Maloney, bribery; Thomas Leyshon,
250. John I.ukan, selling liquor without license;
Robert Wilson, pros.
251. P. S. Walsh, selling liquor without license;
If. Livingston, pros.
252. John Scott, assault and battery; Elizabeth
Scott, prov.
253. John B. Knight, assault and battery; Thom
as S. Jones, pros.
25f. J. C. Tavlor, selling liquor without license;
Robert Wilson, pros.
255. John B. Knight, assault and battery; Will
K iam R. Thomas, pros.
250. Martin Rablega, selling -liquor without 11
cene; Robert Wilson, pros.
Tuesday, October 16.
25. Thomai Kupst, assault onil battery; John
llahuses, pros.
28. James Kearney, selling liquor without li
cense; Hobert Wilson, pros.
259. KlchnrJ Zulcder, selling liquor without li
cense; Thomas Leyshon, pros.
200. B. Goldstein, reeehlng stolen goods; Ste
phen Dyer, pros.
2C1. Thomas, Clark, Rollins' liquor without license;
II. Livingston, pros.
2G2. Francis Trcon, keeping gaming house; Tred
K. Doers, pros.
20.7. J. J. Hartnett, selling liquor without li
cense; Itobert Wilson, pros.
204. Joseph Kuteavige, reeehlng stolen goods;
Joseph Harris, pros.
205. John A. Winter, Katrina Winter, selling
liquor without license; Robert Wilson, pros.
200. Michael J. Burke, selling liquor without li
cense and selling liquor on Sunday; Thom
as Leyshon, pros.
207. Jennie Dobbins, keeping bawdy house; Mrs.
W. B.lTuggnn, prox.
203. James O'Brine, statutory burglary; Frank
Itobllng, jr., pros.
20!). Kate Malloy, selling liquor with license;
Robert Wilson, pros.
270. James Connors, selling liquor without li
cense; II. Liiingston, pros.
271. James Gallagher, selling liquor without li
cense; Robert Wilson, pros.
272. Louis Wllk, reeehlng stolen goods; Frank
Robling, jr., pros.
273. Steven Flannlgan, Thomas Flannigan, sell
ing liquor without license; Robert Wilson,
271. Alamansa Porter, Monro Porter, receiving
stolen goods; Frank Robling, Jr., pros.
275. T. J. Lundy, Catherine Lundy, Belling liquor
without license; Itobert Wilson, pros.
270, Mary Vlsoley, larceny and receiving; Frank
Robling, Jr., pros. (Corson's Millinery.)
277. Mary ViHoley, larceny and receding; Frank
Robling, jr., pros. (Meais & Hagcn.)
278. Mary Vlsoley, larceny and receiving; Frank
Robling, jr., pros. (Jonas Long Rons.)
279. Mary Vlsoley, larceny and receiving; Frank
Robling, jr., pros. (Cielland, himpson &
280. Maiy Vlsoley, laiceny and receiving; Frank
Robling, jr,, pros. (Goldsmith Bros.)
2SI, Bridget Gerrity, selling liquor without II-
cense; Robert Wilson, pros.'
232. William Weir, breaking fence; J. A. Bar
ron, pros.
283. Isabella Weir, Common scold; J. A. Bar
ron, pro3.
Wednesday, October 17
!S4. Simon Kerushas, murder; Andrew Miller,
2S5. Mary Tammcr, abandoning infant; Frank
Robling, jr., pros.
2M. Mabel Mlllerr-Hrccny and receiving; Frank
Robling, Jr., pios.
287. Bruno Scavo, larceny and receiving; Michael
May, pros.
233, Henry Uteri;, Reese Davis, malicious mis
chief; Mary rollsKl, pros,
2S9. Gairet Howey, malicious mischief; Yetslne
White, nrox.
290. Kdu.ird Geary, larceny and receiving; Ste
phen Dyer, pros.
291, William Iloscnchcskey, larceny and receiv
ing; l r. llellly, pros.
292. John Ryan, malicious mischief; Christopher
Ilarbcr, pros.
293, Charles Baker, larceny and reeehlng; Ste
phen Iljvr, rros.
294, Alexander Grass, receiving Btolen goods; 11.
Ki'hliiun, pioi.
295. Alexander (lra, neglecting to keep bookjj
Stephen Dyer, pros,
290. Alexander Grass, receiving stolen goods;
Stephen Djer, pros.
297. Joseph WoelKers, misdemeanor In office;
Thomas Leyshon, pros.
293, Michael Karufen, Arthur Howell, larceny and
recehiug; John J, Shea, pros.
299. Kswe Leber, reeehlng stolen goods; John J,
Shea, pros.
SOO. Thomai Burning, felonious attempt; Stephen
Hughes, pros.
301, Samuel Muscow, larceny onil reeehlng; II.
Seldnun, proa.
302. Antonio Meterilino, felonious wounding;
Thomas Leyshon, pros.
303. Joseph Kutcaagc, assault and battery upon
' public oitleer; Henry Pierce, pros.
301. ):. A, Knight, keeping gaming house; Thorn-
si ion pros.
305. II. A, Knight, keeping gaming home; Thorn-
ebon pros.
300. 1). A. Knight, keeping gaming homo. Thorn-
hon pros.
307, Harry Oblluger, keeping gaming house;
Thomas Lejshon, pros.
303. V.. A. Knight, keeping gaming house; Thorn-
thon pro.
309. II. A. Knight, keeping gaming bouse; Thorn-
thon pros.
310. i;. A, Knight, keeping gaming house; Thorn-
short pros.
31). Joseph Kabet, pointing pistol; Jacob Hull,
312. Charles Maiton, fornication and bastardy;
Uwunnlo Thomas, prox,
313. Arthur Probst, felonious at temp J; L. p.
Watson, pros.
1 fifcmmimmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmtmmmmtmmmiimmmmitmm
qf. 1 .
r"ww tw yr y i n m tW m im MryM'WwVVVAXVHfUnuruijnun'UyM
Jonas Long's Sons.
Silks' annd Dress
Says the Dress Goods man to the
We have a splendid stock for this
Fall's trade better, 1 think, than hasNever
before been shown here. We paid parti
Magnlficemit Stock to Choose From
And I am positive that the prices will
meet with the approval of the public.
The Dress Goods man has left noth
ing for the advertiser to say, save to invite
Colored Dress Goods
27-inch Henriettas and Storm
Serges, In all colors yard. iac
6-inch Fine Twill Henriettas,
fast colors, good qualities... 35c
40-inch All-wool Silk Finished
Henriettas, per yard 50c
40-inch Surah and Storm
Serge and 60-inch Clay Serge
special 50c
French Flannels in plain col
ors, figures and polka dots,
from 43c
40-inch High Lustre Mohair
Brillinntines.good weight, yd 54c
42-inch All-wool Satin Face
Venetians, per yard 75c
40-inch All-wool Sackings and
Striped Finetta Suitings, yd 50c
52-inch All-wool Zcbelinesand
45-inch French Poplins, at $1.00
50-inch extra weight Broad
cloth and French Whipcords
at $1.35
56-inch Armure Homespun,
all shrunk and sponged, per
yard $1.35
54-inch Golf Suitings of the
best weight and quality. . $1.50
Thursday, October 18.
314. J. J. Coleman, selling liquor without li
cense; Robert Wilson, pros.
315. Fied. Miller, jr., selling liquor without H-
cense; Robert Wilson, pros.
316. Josephine Bennett, perjury; J. W. Guern
sey, pros.
317. Martin Clark, conspiracy to compound a
misdemeanor; Thomas Leyshon, pros.
313. Joseph ftucowlch, robbery; Michael Duffy,
310. Martin Claik, conspiracy to compound a
misdemeanor; Thomas Leyshon, pros.
320. G. L. Falk, selling liquor on Sunday; Thom
as Leyshon, pros.
321. Thomas Williams, selling liquor without li
cense; Fred Racht, pros.
322. T. Hunt Brock, selling liquor on Sunday;
Thomas Leyshon, pros.
32.1. Martin Clark, conspiracy to compound a
misdemeanor; Thomas Lrjshon, pros.
321. V. J. Gihni-y, selling liquor without license
, and selling on Sunday; Kdward B. Sturges,
325. Fred Seidler, selling liquor on Sunday; Fred
Racht, pros.
326. Joseph Van Dyke, larceny and receiving;
Frank Robling, Jr., pros.
327. Louis Angle, larceny by bailee; Frank Rob
ling, jr., pros.
323. Henry Walthers. selling liquor without li
cense; Robert Wilson, pros.
329. Fred Seidler, selling liquor without license;
Fred Racht, pros.
330. r.. M. Quackenbush, forging trademarks,
etc.; .lonn iiracy, pros.
331. Patrick Welsh, selling liquor without li
cense; John Lance, pros.
3.12. Sahatore Magnatta, selling liquor without
license nnd selling liquor on Sunday; L'rieo
Giallanello, pros.
33.1. V.. M. Quackenbush, forging trademarks,
etc.; James T. Wetherald, pros.
334. Anthony Carlucel, felonious wounding;
Frank Robling, jr., pios.
at5. Jennie Dully, selling liquor without li
cense; Thomas Leyshon, pros.
3.16. Thomas Burning, idling liquor without li
cense; David Hughes, pros,
3.17. Llz7ie Williams, alias Lizrie Jones, adult
ery: Rosa Repp, pro.v.
338. F. II. Snyder, embezzlement; J. S. Smith,
339. Thomas Crevln, selling liquor without li
cense; II, Livingston, pros.
340. Kdward Costello, selling liquor without li
cense; II. Lhingston, pros.
311. Mrs. Thomas Williams, selling liquor with
out license: Fred Racht, pros.
312. Thomas Williams, selling liquor on Sunday;
Fled Racht, pros.
313. Andrew Ilovanee, selling liquor without II-
renso; II, lhingston, pros.
344. John Woelkcrs, selling liquor without li
cense and eelllng liquor on Sunday; Rob
ert Wilson, pros.
"15. John Casey, helling liquor without license;
II. Lhingston, pros.
310. Mrs. Thomas Williams, selling liquor on
Sunday; Tied itacht, pros,
Friday, October 10.
317. Samuel Nicholas, carrjlug concealed wea
pons; Ranuiel L. Morgan, pros.
313. Peter II. Zulleih, James V, Mahon, libel:
James Molr, pros,
319. Joseph Gallagher, Thomas Gallagher, Annie
Gallagher, Bridget Dompsey, aggravated as
sault and batteiy; James P. (julnn, pros.
350. John Ferguson, malicious mischief; Bridget
Kane, pros.
331, Robert Moyles, malicious mischief; Lavinia
Moyles, prox.
353. Isaac Seldinan, embezzlement; Philip Deno-
1U, pros,
353. Joseph Mllcsheekl, seduction; llreim.i Mm.
Ileskl, prox.
351. John J, Hugties, niihf .lenient; O. A, llnr-
graves, prpj.
335. Fred Itacht, blackmail; Tbouui II, Norton,
350. John II. Utans, William Price, felonious
wounding; Aunlo LUnanko, piox,
357, Fied Raiht, blaikinall; Alexander W, Mc
Donald, pros.
353. .Michael Finn, felonious attempt; John T.
Bolce, pros.
859. Frank P. Wade, Maria V. Wade, defrauding
boarding house; W, II, Whyte. nroi.
3G0. NIJIp Ktulee, perjury; Rev, Joseph Simon,
301, C. J. Quinii, larceny by baljee; Augiut
Sohluiplf, pro.
302. John WTiliclm, breaking fence; Max Kunnar,
341. Henry McDermott, forgery; Seth Jones, pros.
301. Martin Haley, laieeny by bailee; Nicholas
Ghnn, pros.
305. William 1'achlnsky, receiving stolen goodi;
John Gibbons, pros.
300. Homenico Giaylano, Iliidg(t Kilgannon,
breaklug fence; Maiy Haley, prox.
Saturday, October 20.
807. Harry Andrews, surety; LottleWeseott,
308. John Stone, surety; Patrick Hellly, pros.
Sflfl. Josephine Stanculsil, surety; Annie Lukatch,
370. Bridget Wynn, surety; Mary Wjnu, prox.
371. K'llmer Kudik, surety; George Jumbo,
A tf
24-in. Lining Silks in change
able colors, per yard 35c
20-inch to 27-inch Japanese
Silks, nice quality, per yard 39c
23-inch All Pure Silk, Polka
Dot Foulards, per yard 50c
20-inch Liberty ; Satins, very
firm, good lustre, per yard . 50c
19-inch All Silk Taffetas in all
colors, white and black, yd. 50c
24-inch Cream Bengaline, an
unusual quality for, yard... 65c
19-inch Black Taffeta, good
weight and deep color, yard 65c
20-inch All Silk Satin Duchess,
full line colors from 75c
19-inch to 23 inch Black Gros
Grain, in price from, yard . . 75c
2o-inch Black Brocades with
colored polka dot, neat and
new 75c
20-inch Black and White
Stripes and other novelties
from 75c
27-inch All Silk Satin Duchess
extra good quality, yard. . .$1.00
372. Lottie Wescott, alias Pearl Wescott, surety;
Mrs. J. 1). Thomas, prox.
37.1. Patrick Gallagher, surety; John Houston,
374. niizaheth Lewis, surety; Mary Rldgewaj-,
375. Julia SCurra, surety; Mary Gross, prox.
370. Michael Smith, suruJy; Anthony Bennett,
William Heberllng, deseitlon; Ida Heber-
ling, prox.
378. George Koeser, surety; John Coolick, pros.
370. Charles Kovalch, surety; Ann Kovatcli,
330. James K. Tighe, suiety; Mary Tighe, prox.
381. Waller Kechisky, surety; Delia KeuliNky,
382. Charles Rupert, surely; J. F. Hall, pros.
38.1. John L. Kvans, desertion; Maryl',aiis, prox.
384. Kate McAndrews, surety; Bernard Crane,
385. John DaWs, surety; Mrs. James Welsh, prox.
380. Joseph Kaluskl, surety; Mrs. James Welsh,
380. Joseph Kaluskl, surety; Man In Utt, pros.
387. Bridget Podge, Valcnte Podge, surety; John
Popella, pros.
883. Robert Moyer, desertion; Lllza Moyer, prox.
3S9. Thomas McGowan, surety; Harry O'Malley,
390. Mis. Rose, surely; Charles Schroeder, nros.
391. James Black, Kate Black, surety; Annie
Williams, prox.
392. Thomas Culligan, surety; Margaret Culli-
Kan, prox.
39.1. Daid J, ndwanla, desertion; Ruth r.d
wards, pi ox.
394. Mattle Kngllse, surety; Doinenlco Maria
Micen, prox.
395. John Davlcs, surely; Maggie D.nles, prox.
390. Daild J. lldwards, deseitlon; Ruth Hdwards,
.197. William Hughes, surety; John Hughes, pros.
3!)S. Julia Tedlcy, surely; Ann Williams, prox.
399. Charles Kovatih, desertion; Ann Kovatcli,
400. Patrick McGouldrlck, surety; Mary Finley,
401. Carlo Seriian, surety; J. J. Jermyn. raros.
402. Patikk Barrett, surely; Mary Uarrett, pror.
403. Anthony Carden, surety; William Mulchrone,
401. John Lantesack, desertion; Katarina Larat-
sack, prox.
405. John Reagan, surety; F.llen Reagan, prox,
400. William Ituane, curdy; Bridget Fallon, prox.
407. Michael J, Paddcn, surety; Joseph Mlkus,
403, William Rurdonage, desertion; Honors, But
donage, prox,
409, Abe Rnos, surety; Leon Roos, pros.,
410, Jacob KrayuicLi, surety; Mis, Jacob Kroy-
wirkl, prox,
411, Patrick Coyle, surety; Bildget Kllkcr, pros.
41.'. John Dunn, surely; Sim Miller, jr., pros.
413. Joseph Parleskl, Mary Parleskl, surety;
Henry DicrRs, pros.
414. Adolph Crupliiitsky, desertion; Alberta Crop-'
iiiusuy, prox,
415. Ixadnre Ihuhlln, surely; Minnie Buddln,
, prox.
410. JoKcpu Noll, John Noll, surety; Patrick
Ihnun, pros,
4)7. Fannie Marble, alias Fanuio Illnes, surely;
Mamc Howells, piox,
413, P, F. Moran. surety; Robert Wilson, pros,
410. Geoigii W. Patlon, finely; Alice M. Patton,
420, John M, Cobb, surety; Fiuma Mi ('arty, prox,
421. Flank II. Wade, desertion; Marie II. Wade,
422. Thomas Murray, surely; Joseph P, Redding-
ton, pros.
423. Thomas Burning, surely; Dai id W, Hughes,
421, Jacob Vi.iileuskl, surety; Vinrrnla Winlew.
tl.a, prox,
425. Thomas Moriis, surely; Aunlo I.euli, prox.
420. Hannah Magee, surely; Mike C'lniilnghain,
427, Patrltlj., Mi Donald, surely; Anthony Cam-
so, pros,
423, Mury O'Malley, surely; lalward Kenny, pros.
420. Max Sural Hz, surety; Mrs. Daniel Sullivan,
430. Georgo Smallconili, surety; J, J, Jermyn,
431, Michael llroirau, David llrojan, surety; Pat.
rick I', lloran, pios,
43, Thomas Kuivt, surely; John IlahiiszN, pros,
414, Alfred Prlie, mrely; Mamie Price, piox.
413. Mat'Blo Itldtfeway, surety; Mrs. Shadrlck
Lenls, piox.
430. John Woelkcrs, surety; Arthur A, Keene,
437. OeorKit lllreh, surely; II, II. Honey, pros.
438. Patrlok Walh, John WaUli, Thoma WaUh,
surety; John Jjlly, pros,
439. Michael Walih, surety; John Lally, pios.
410. Itoheit Palmer, suuty; K. S. Palmer, pios.
411. William Muflliiib', desertion; Dninia Muilling,
412. Cornelius, Wynn, Mary Wynn, surely; llrldget
Wjiui, prox.
III. James l.jons, Tliomas Lyons, surety; I'd
uarcl Keuney, pros.
413. Prank Seanlou. surejju John II. Lennon,
44. John Phillips, surety Victoria Phillips,
417. Julia Anderson, surely; Julia WoodbrlJgc,
Jonas Long's Sons.
cular attention to securing the , newest
and most exclusive novelties, rather than
to load our shelves with weaves which
might become popular, and might not;
so, taken all in all, we have a
you and urge you to come and see what
is new and pretty. Your own better judg
ment will tell you that qualities are as far
above, as prices are below, the average.
Black Dress Qoods
27-inch Black Serges in very
fair quality and weight, at iac
36-inch Henriettas, good dve
and very fine texture, irom. 35c
4o-inch Mohair Figures, guar
anteed fast black yard .... 35c
, 38-intih All Wool Venetians
and Satin Finish Foulards, yd 39c
38-inch All-wool Storm Serge,
good weight for skirts, yard 30c
38-inch Mohair Brilliantine,
very bright lustre, yard . . . . 50c
38-inch Fine Black Cheviots,
strictly all wocjlard 54c
44-inch AII-wool.,tRoplins, and
50-inch Heavy Cheviots, yd ISq
45-inch Satin Soliel, Henriettas
and Drap De Ete, yard.... $1.00
5o-inch Camel's Hair Zebe
line, handsome quality, yard,
from Si.oO
50-inch Pebble Cheviots and
54-inch Plain Heavy Cheviots,
from $1.35
50-inch Cravanette Venetians
and Fine Broadcloth, yard
from $1.35
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place,
American Plan, $3.50 per day and upward.
European Plan, $1.60 per day and upward,
I. D. CBAWFOBD, Propriator.
H-4- 4- -r -r 4-
For Business Men
In the heart ot the wholesal T
For Shoppers
S minutes' walk to Wnnamakara; T
S minutes to Blegal Cooper's Biat X
Dry Goods Store.
For Sightseers
T-. J. . - i -""-"- - A
One block from B'way Can, rlr. T
InK easy transuortatlou to all
points of Interest
f Cor. 11th ST. ft UNIVERSITY Pli,
Only one Block from Broadway.
Bnnnu "fil fin kestaurant
4 KQUUla, 31 Up. Prce, Rcasonabla .J
-f 4-
and Llvsr
100 P1LL8 Sold by !! drnMUtt
4ac (tTQ I ur .en ny ram.
ol'7' MmiU Nsatttt Csj., CbKsm
Sold by McQarrah 4k Thomas, Drug
arliti,. 10 Lackawanna ave Scranton, Pa.
413, Michael Maloney, surely; Martin Fl.vnn, praij .( -4ID.
Mis. Joseph Ploaky, surely; Carolluo Marin,
pro. t ,
ISO, Michael Walters, desertion; Louisa Walters,
431. l'ell Rurewo, surety; Frank Shandello, pros.
45J. Anthony flrleinhlowikl, burcty; July (Jelcnv
hlewskl, prox.
4 VI. Mrs, Mai tin l)emnkl, surety; Annie Korpln-
bkl, piov,
431. Aithur Hami, surety; John Prctzman, pros.
433, Li-itls Piclzman, surety; Mrs, Arthur Ilazsn,
450. Calliailna li.'ou lU, surety; KlizakctU Beach,
tllX, '
457, John Prohsct, smely; John Stout, pros.
41S, Thomas Ityan, surety; Mary II, Darrett, prox,
4511, Samuel ilrjant, suiety; Hose Swingle, proi.
4W, Adolph Crupinltsky, surely; Alberta Crupla
itsky, piov, ,
401, Owen Hushes, surety; Anthony Caruso. nriHi.
ii., .uaiy im'iiiiik, ftiiieiy, auilll uosniCa. pros.
404, fleorge Hrown, siutty; Amifg peckeri prox.
4a-,. Mike Loftan, surety; William Turko, pros.
407, Larey Pokls, surety; Rimer Zstawolky, pros.
405. Anthony Carden, surety; Thomas Clllan,
IG9. Thomas Marsden, surety; Milton J, llirlrato,
4T0. Allele VosloW,y, surely; Pauline Vechochsy,
ip.i ,... ii. .it. .t.i. i.. i... ,. i... - .
411. Jo-ephlno Wallirs, suuty; Tony Mlnnotta,'
472. (ieorgo Dulauage, appeal from summary con
xlctlou; Timothy, Jones, pros.
47.1. James L. ilohlmon, appeal from summary
com Ut ion; J, II. Jones, pros.
474. Samuel Lewis, appeal from summary convic
tion; I. Seldiiiau, pros,
473. James L. IIoWihoii, appeal from summtry
com lit Ion J II, II, Illeki, pros.
470. John M. HiaiH, appeal from summary con
Uitlon; l-'raiik Holding, Jr., pros.'
477. Miehael Lesny.kl, appeal from summsry. con
viction; pros not named of record,
Olflclal lint made by John It. Jones', district at
l)ltrkt Attorney's Olllce, Court House, 8eot 14
1900. ' r '