The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 02, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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MVYB. IHCltAitt), Kdltor.
y, I". JIYMlCi:, Iliwlricii JUnnacr.
KiwYorkOfllc 0N.rBt
Pole Affcnt lot J'orc!gn Ailwllilng
ij Entered nt tlir IVwtnfllee nt Jkranton, I'n,, ai
; Second t1iii Mall Mutter.
When cpace will permit, The Tribune Is Mu8
glad to print liott letter from Its frlctiiU lirtf.
inc mi uurcnt topics, but Its rule In that they;
must be, for publication, by the writer t
real name; oml the lonillllon precedent to at
rcptaiicc l that nil lontrlhullotis ehall bo sub
ject to editorial revision. .
Prcsldent-WILI.IAM McKISI.F.Y.
Vlco-rrcsldent-'lllL-OIIOIIi: JtUOSBVLl.T.
? State.
'ongTesstncn-aM.irse nAt.USHA A. GttOw",
-Auditor (leneral-U. II. HAKDUMir.tlOII.
v County.
Congics.s-WII.MAM CONNTMi.
Judgo-QKOItai: M. WATSON.
Ticosurcr-J. A. .srilANTOK.
.District Aloiney-WII.MAM ft. M'.WIS.
I'rotbonotai JOHN ( OI'IXAND.
Clerk of Courts-TIIOMAS I'. DANIELS.
Recorder of Deeds KMHj BONN.
He;jltrr of Will W. K. IHX'K.
Jury Conuiilssloncr-VDWAUU 11. STUIIUIS.
Klret Dlstrlct-TIIOMAS J. HKYNOI.DS.
Heeond lJlitrlct-JOHN SCItl'.UI'.R. .in.
Third District EDW.vItl) JAMES JH.
Fourth District-!. A. I'llII.HIN.
' "If there is any one who believes
the gold standard is a good thing,
or that it must be maintained, I
warn him not to cast his vote for
me, because I promise him it will
not be maintained in this country
longer than I amiable to get rid of
it." Wiliani Jentohgs Bryan in a
Speech at Xnoxville, Tenn., Deliv
ered Sept. 16, 1806.
dive President McKinley a Re
publican Majority in Congress.
TAKING THE Republican lo
cal ticket In the order that
it will appear on the ofliclal
ballot, ve purpose today to
say a few words about the nominee
for congress.
"Congressman William Council," re
marks the Philadelphia. Press, "has
been renominated in Lackawanna by
the Republicans. The nomination was
made several months ago, and there
has never been any charge that it
was procured by fraud or the use of
any method repugnant to the self-respect
eft ' the Republican people and
calculated to bring reproach and dis
honor upon the party. Haying been
fairly nominated by the majority of
the Republican voters of the district,
and being an undoubted Republican,
Mr. Connoll can justly claim the party
support. And the party ought to give
him ItH united support in order that
there may be no uncertainty about
the election of a Republican represe
tatlve from that district. AVhat every
sincere Republican wants, no matter
what his factional feeling may be, is
a majority in the next house of rep
resentatives at "Washington in har
mony with the policy nnd purposes of
the McKinley administration and the
Republican party. The surest way to
secure that result is to support the
regularly and fairly nominated Repub
lican candidates, and Congressman.
Connell on this broad ground, If for
no other reason, is entitled to united
Republican support."
Coming from the foremost news
paper opponent of the faction in state
politics with which Mr "'onnell has
been in some measure id ,-d, this
has the greater significance. aJut the
situation today is far above factional
ism. The re-election of President Mc
Kinley is believed by few to be in
doubt. Not so certain, however, Is the
outlook for a Republican majority In
congress. To re-elrct McKinley and
then by means of a Democratic con
gress tie his hands so that none of his
policies could be worked out would be
as cruel a fate as that of Prometheus'
in the old mythology, who was chained
to a rod; while his heart was pecked
at by vultures.
The personal element in the election
of a congressman, in n time of special
crisis, is not of the foremost import
ance. It Is the vote, rather than the
man, which is important at Washing
ton. Yet Mr, Connell, as a result of
two terms of diligent and faithful ser
vice, performed in tho same business
like and conscientious; manner which
hns characterized his labor3 In the
piivato relations of life, has grown
familiar with tho wuys of doing
things, acquainted with the men of
influence nnd power, and proficient in
thereruiromeiJts of effective represen
tation" 'By returning him for u third
nnd.hiAt .term the voters of this district
wlll-nof only record their support of
Kopulfnu national principles but also
assure 'themselves of a thorough safe
guarding of local interests at tho na
tlonaV'c'upltal. The anlvnl In this country of Sexto
Lopez, Agulnaldo's private becrotary,
on .the 'invitation of Flsko Warren,
'seems tp have brought to light an
other nntl-Imperlallst unknown, Mr.
Flake Warren will pirate forward his
phot6, t '
No doubt It was very wrong for
ChaWea T.. Yorkss to tuko J20.000.000
ot AmcrlcuiV money, go over to Lon
don, luy the Charing Cross under
ground elcotrla railroad, prepare to
ctiulp it throughout with American
muchlpery, and ideas, and await the
day of profitable dividends. Home In
vestments .are preferable. But even
the hypercritical Mr. Bryan must ad
mit nlaf this bold stroke of the Chi
cago ,treet railway magnate will con
stitute a valuablo advertisement ot
American goods and probably be a
means flf greatly quickening our grow
ing export trade. If that Is so, It
will benefit more than VerUes. it wjj
make extra worl; In our mills and fac
tories, dhburso additional wages
among- their employes tlnd In turn in
crease) tho trade and piotlts of the
initcher, tbe baker and the candlestick
maker to the outermost circle of the
community. Money for Investment
will naturally eccIc the place of great
est Inducement; but it tnkes Repub
lican administration to keep money
from going Into hiding and lints help
ing nobody.
For tho Individual coal operators of
Noithcastcrn Pennsylvania, pinioned
between the United Mine Workers on
tho one side and the conl-carrylng rail
roads on the other, there Is now but
one mentis of business salvation. That
Is the prompt completion of an Inde
pendent railroad to tidewater,
Why Bryan Hopes Not.
according to tho bureau of In
dustrial statistic?, exactly $73,
179,333 was paid cut In wages to
151,422 persons as against $02,070,615 In
1898, nnd $45,229,067 In 1S94, being an
Increase In 1S99 over ISIS of 24.73 per
tent, and an Increase ovoi 1892 of 72.83
per cent. The average earnings In
these skilled nnd unskilled Industrie!
wore $506,27, as against $454.52 for 137,
985 persons In 189S In the same estab
lishments, an Increase of $51.75 per
nnnum, or 11.3S per .cent. Seventeen
thousand five hundred and forty more
persons were employed, nnd thesei In
creased the production of the previous
year $U1,SS0,S81, or 42 per cent.
In tho steel Industry those gains
were especially noticeable. The Unit
ed States for 1899 produced 10,039,857
gross tons and Great Britain 5,000,000
tons of all kinds, or 22.2 per cent, over
IMS, and 60 per cent, of the total pro
duction of the United States and about
29 per cent, more than Great Britain.
While England in five years gained
In steel production 53 per cent., the
Keystone stnto gained 141 per cent. In
pig Iron In 1899, as compared with 189S,
the aggregate value Increased $44,872,
573, or 81.1 per cent., and the value
per ton over 1S9S was $5.07, or 51 per
cent. The average earnings of labor
in this industry, skilled and unskilled,
were nearly $100 over 1896, and tho
average over 189S was $52.S6. The
aveiage dally wage was $1.51, an in
crease over 1S98 of 19 cents per day.
With a gain soon to come to tho
workers in our mines, this showing
explains why Bryan need expect noth
ing fiom Pennsylvania.
An independent, mlddlc-of-the-cam-palgn
poll of tho United States, made
by the New York Herald on the basis
of sample polls taken by special cor
respondents In every locality, indicates
that McKinley has 23S reasonably cer
tain electoral votes, that Bryan has 163
and that 21 are doubtful. The Herald
concedes Delaware, Illinois, Kansas
and Washington to McKinley, allows
Colorado, Kentucky, Maryland, Ne
braska, and Utah to Bryan and classes
Indiana, Idaho and Montana ns doubt
ful. According to the Herald, it Is all
over save tho shouting.
Parallels and Contrasts.
THERE ARE some interesting;
parallels and some sharp
contrasts between the polit
ical campaign now in pro
gress in Orcat Britain, which has for
its objact the election of a now par
liament, and the national campaign in
our own country for tho election of an
executive and a legislature.
There is a noticeable parallel in the
fact that in each country tho party
in power, which has shouldered most
Jlfficult responsibilities to the best of
its ability, is being attacked with
ferocity by the party out of power,
and the nature of tho attack is one
of fault-finding and savage criticism
and not the proposition of a better
policy. On the other hand, a contrast
Is visible between the results accom
plished by the two parties in power
the Conservative in England and the
Republican in the United States for
the reason that McKlnley's adminis
tration of the war with Spain Is being
condemned for having been too suc
cessful while tho complaint uttered
against Lord Salisbury's administra
tion of tho South African war is that
it was Inexcusably faulty and tardy
in its achievements.
There is a parallel in the fact that
both countries entered upon war
handicapped by a defective war ma
chinery handed down from earlier
times, rusty, creaky and Inelastic.
There is a contrast In the fact that
while the Liberal, or minority party,
In England has sense enough to see
and patriotism enough to advocate
that these defects In the military es
tablishment must be remedied at all
costs, as a matter affecting the very
life of the empire, the Demociatic
party In the United States howls until
blue In the face over the imaginary
dangers of "militarism" and resists nil
efforts to reorganize our little regular
nrmy so that It will correspond in
efficiency of system to tho admitted
individual efficiency of Itsulncompar
able personnel.
Thejo is a parallel In tho fact that
In both countries the "outs" will have
to stay out, nnd a contrast In the fact
that while the English Liberals -have
never advocated trailing their coun
try's flag in surrender to Kru'ger, tho
paramount Issuo brought forward by
the agile commander-in-chief of tho
American Popocrats Is one of capitu
lation to tho cut-throat Tagalog dic
tator, Agulnaldo, In defeat Lord
Rosobery will remain a flguro of com
manding influence and widespread
publlo esteem, for he bus been phil
osophic, broad-minded, statesmanllko;
but when Vll"1"" Jennings Bryan
hears on the night of Nov, 6 tho sec
ond doom of his Popullstlo and social
ists vagaries as registered in a thun
derous second rejection of his candi
dacy, ho can proceed to Inter his pros
pects of acquiring the presidency for
tljey will bo extinct buyond the hope
of resurrection.
Now that Ervlng "Wlnslow has ac
quired (ho letter writing habit, Mr.
C'arneglq will doubtless remain In
Scotland's woods.
Captain Dreyfus again shows a dis
position to arouse dangerous social and
political elements in France by de
manding a revision of his case. In
view of the ofliclal array agalnit hhn
Pieyfus has been fortunate in secur
ing his liberty even though no may
have been Unjustly Imprisoned. The
conditions of Franco at tho present
time will not admit of milch agitation
such as Dreyfus would provoke. His
friends should advice him for a time
to let welt enough alone.
Free Silver a Crime.
(From a Letter by Abram 8. Hewllt.)
THE PARTY which call? Itself
Democratic Is In reality
Popullstlo and based upon
doctrines which, If carried
into effect, would produce political an
archy. We ate compelled by every
consideration of honor, of duty and
ot interest to repudiate Bryanlstn and
all that It represents.
You ask whether I believe In tho
coinage of silver In the ratio of 16
to t. You might ns well ask m
whether I believed that an ounce
should bo made to' pass for a pound
in the ordinary transactions of com
merce. The ratio is n false ratio. Tho
valuo of stiver measured by gold Is,
as every one knows, not 1G to 1, but
33 to 1. The proposition, therefore, of
tho platform is to declare that 50
cents shall by law bo made equal to
one dotlnr. This absurd proposition
Is based upon tho professed belief that
In 1873 when sliver wns demonetized
a crime wns committed, by which
creditors benefited at the expense of
debtors. Tho fact is that sliver was
then overvalued, and hence its demon
etization was a relief to debtors and
of no benefit to creditors. The extra
ordinary thing is that the Kansas City
platform proposes to commit the very
crime which It falsely denounces as
having been perpetrated In 1873. It
proposes to substitute a fifty-cent dol
lar in payment of debts which ought
to be discharged with 100 cents to tip
dollar. This is robbery and therefore
a crime, in which no honest man can
liavo any part.
I do not see how a Democrat who
is true to the interests of Democracy
can in the present exigency take any
other course than to vote for the Re
publican ticket. I propose myself so
to vote and I do this because I am
a Democrat who fools that Bryanism
and all that it stands for is diametri
cally opposed to the principles of the
Democratic party, as they were enun
ciated by Jefferson, and as they have
been construed by all the great men
who have led tho Democratic party up
to the time of the holding of the 'un
happy convention of 1896, when the
old organization was broken up.
"Is It likely that the American peo
ple will now bo so unwise, while many
of our great problems are still In the
course of solution, as to the change
of administration; now while we are
still occupied in enforcing our rlchts,
and doing our duty by the suppression
of the revolutionary and turbulent ele
ments in tho Philippines; in politically
organizing Cuba and Porto Rico; in
maintaining our national dignity in
China; in protecting the life of our na
tional representative there and the
lives of our women and children: In
entering upon diplomatic discussions
of the greatest delicacy and of
the utmost nicety? Is it at all
likely that tho American people will
dispense with the trained services of
Mr. McKinley, of Mr. Hay, of Mr. Root,
ot Mr. Hitchcock, of Mr. Long, in ex
change for a cabinet of Incompetents
such as can only be found in the cir
cle cf Mr. Bryan's political and ner
sona'i advisers currency fanatics, men
willing to throw our Supreme court
Into the area of politics, Contraction
Ists, Populists and Anarchists? Are
the people likely to elect to the presi
dency of theTTnlted States a man who
favors the silver standard because It
permits the repudiation of a debt: a
man who'contends that the finances of
the country are in danger because in
addition to having money to lend at
low rates at home, we have surplus
money to lend In the world's markets?"
William M. Ivlns, In the Sun.
Mrs. Conger, wite of the American
minister at Pekln, Joins her opinion
to that of many others to the effect
that China is an abused country and
that the people would be better off
if left alone. It begins to look as
though tho missionaries could profit
ably employ their present spare time
In a little extra work among the for
eigner in China.
. . .
If tho leaders of the Republican
party In Lackawanna county, after
years of mutual goro-shedding, can all
get together and be good, the rank and
tllo ought to have little difficulty in
composing their differences and in
working unitedly for party triumph.
Tho only doubtfuln;ss In the politi
cal situation in New York state is
whether McKlnley's plurality will fall
slightly below or go high above tho
100,000 line.
Tho Democrats do well to carry In
diana five weeks before election. They
will stand little 'show of doing this
on election day.
New Hampshire.
Total ,,, 70,'sa
Incrcaso in No, of deposltoia
Amount of Deposits.
1S-H, 1S99,
,$ 6,173,107 $ 8,710,147
,,,,,,,, 27,0U,3&f 36,701,016
,,,,? 3I,1U,3."1 MI,W3,0C3
luiruse In deposits ,,
.. 10,353,733
lbOI. 3S09.
Slate nnd I'rbato
Loan and Trust ,,
Sulngs ,,,
21,701 27,030
Oil 1,100
570 1,387
I37.0W 203,003
Total ,.,, 231,180 203,125
hit i ease in No. of depositors,, 41,239
Hanks. Amount of Deposits.
lS'JI. J8T0.
National ..,..,.. 21,231,111 27,053,100
State ond I'liuto 513,031 1,373,078
Loan and Trust . WJ.OSO 811,011
BaWmfS .,.,...., 02,5Q7,SS7 117,800,031
Total .., tUI.Wl.SU ttU.lOT.W 4
Incrcaso In dcpo.lU ,, ,.t 3i,3t2,0b3
-ffff -f TT Tt t
Th one supreme test of prosperity in the money in the bank. This is
a self-evident truth. If ft man's family is well clothed and fed and in a
comfortable home, and besides this ha can put money in the bank, it must
be admitted that he is prosperous.
In the following unparalleled showing of the increase In the number of
deposits from the dark days of the Semocratlo Wilson bill regime in 1804
to tho glorious days of McKinley prosperity, the most marvelous of all
is the increase in the number of depositors and in the amount of deposits
in the savings banks of the country.
where the wage earners of the country put tholr savings.
Mr. Bryan says the people are not prosperous. So say all his calamity
followers. We commend to them the following official figures from the
report of the comptroller of the currency of the United States for 1899.
They are unanswerable;
Total-Number of Depositors.
Bank. 1894. 1899.
National 1,424,068 1,091,183
State and Private 808,766 086,394
Loan and Trust Companies 808,388 443,381
Savings 3,413,477 4,284,618
Total 8,645,867 7,866,414
Increase in number of depositors ... " 9,109,647
Total Amount of Deposit.
Bank. 1894. 1899.
National 81,165,191,688 81,830,1161140
State and Private 814,448,510 418,881,867
Loan and Trust Companies 839,604,892 578,724,117
Savings 1,865,450,416 1,788,974,481
Total 88,874,589,406 84,608,098,005
Increase in amount of deposit? $1,733,506,599
Average Deposit in all Banks.
1894 .' 8520
1899 v 608
Since the Democratic days of 18T94, there has been an increase of 2,109,
547 bank depositors in the whole United States. This number of more
people have had money to deposit during McKinley prosperity. The to
tal amount of money deposited to the credit of the people was 82,874,
589,406 in 1894. In 1899 it was 84,608,096,005, showing an increase of
almost v one and three-quarter Billions of dollars to the credit of the peo
ple who had bank accounts in the five years since the country was suffer
ing the agonies of a Democratic administration.
Not only has there been this vast increase in the aggregate amount of
money placed in the banks, but the average amount of each bank account
has increased from 8580, in 1894, to an average of 8602 per bank account
in 1899.
Who will say that the promises of the Republican party have not been
fulfilled P
Who will say that the Advance Agent of Prosperity has not visited the
American people under the Republican administration of President Mc-KinleyP
Wants Sfafe Board
of Arbitration
John L. Butler In Harrlsburg Patriot.
The oluntary trndi; tribunal act passed In the
session of 1SS3 should not be confounded with
laus enacted in other commonwealths providing
for a state board of arbitrators. The act of JISS3,
for which Senator Wallace stood sponsor, did not
create a permanent board of arbitrators, but pro
vided simply for a temporary local board after
petition made to the county court. Tho weakness
of that act lies in tlds, that there could not be
any arbitrators chosen unless both parties, em
ployer and employe, petitioned jointly for their
appointment. True, cither party by the express
terms of the act may petition the court far the
appointment of arbitrators, but, by express terms,
also, the court is vested with discretionary pow
ers. In other words a court of common picas
has the power to say that the Interests of tho
parties would not bo beneficially affected by the
appointment of arbitrators. As a matter of his
tory the cmplojcs never succeeded in obtaining
the signatures of their cmplojcrs to a joint peti
tion for the appointment of a board of arbitra
torsand the liw is a dead letter.
As attorney for the labor Interests during the
session of 1SS3, I was called in by Senator Wallace
to assist him ni the preparation and pissage of
the act. It was not intended for anything more
that a tentative measure, a feeler, as it were,
along the lines of more drastic laws in force on
the continent of Europe. In 1886 Massachusetts,
New York and Iowa passed laws providing for ar
bitration, the two former enacting measures creat
ing a permanent state board nnil the latter a
measure somewhat like that framed by Senator
Wallace. The federal government, for the Dis
trict of Columbia, the states o Ohio, Illinois,
Indiana, New Jersey, Connecticut, Colorado, Oil!
fornia, Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Louisiana, Wis
consin, North Dakota, Utah, Minnesota, Michi
gan, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming have also
enacted measures providing for arbitration of
labor disputes sinco Senator Wallace took the
initiative in 1833.
Sixteen states now have regularly constituted
state boards of arbitration for the settlement of
disputes between employers and employes and yet
Pennsylvania, the hotbed of strikes and lockouts,
the land of coal, Iron, oil, textiles and freight
traffic, can boast ot nothing better than a tenta
tive measure that was discredited within six
months from the day it received tho approval of
Governor Pattlson. Of course, the strike In the
anthracite region will be a thing of the past
before the legislators in 1001 can pass an arbi
tration Jaw, but should we not provide for the
From a Speech by Senator Bevcrldgc.
You might as well require your children to
learn tho alphabet by reading Panto in the origi
nal; to acquire the multiplication table by
making a calculation in astronomy, as to give
tho American Constitution the highest, the
most complex and most difficult form of gov
ernment devised by all human cxpcilcncc to
Filipino or Porto Itican. Let a generation in
each island learn by experience what government
Is for; lot them behold property protected with
out a bribe, justice administered speedily, pub.
licly and without price, property kept from the
hand of the vandal, lief shielded from the knife
of the assassin, freo speech guarded even by those
whom it sss4ils, and education developing tUy
In the midnight which till now reigned
in the minds of lite masses. And then, when
American institutions have thus done their pure
and perfect work, then is the season to consider
whether tho Constitution shall follow the Flag,
From thn Karsas City Star.
For clearness lead Macaulay,
For loglo read Uurkc and Uucon.
For aitton read Homer and Scott,
For conciseness read Raion and Pope,
For sublimity of conception read Milton.
For vivacity read Stevenson nnd Kipling.
For imagination read Shakespeare and Job.
For elegance read Virgil, Milton and Arnold.
For common sense read Benjamin rranklln.
For simplicity read Burns, Wluttlcr, Bun) an.
For smoothness read Addison and Hawthorne.
For Interest in common things lead Jane Aus
ten, i
For humor read Chaucer, Cervantes and Mark
For choice of Individual words read Keats,
Tennyson, Emerson,
For tho study of human natuio read Shakes
peart and George Eliot.
For loving and patient observation of, nature
read Thoreau and Walton.
'Could vve have brought Dewey away without
universal condemnation at any time from the 1st
of May, tlio dav,ot his brilliant victory which
thrilled the world with Its boldness and heroism?
Wai it fight to order Dewey to go to Manila and
capture or destroy the Spjnlsh fleet, and des
patch Merrltt and Ids army to reinforce hlmr
If It wt duty to scud them there, aud duty re
quired theiq to remain there, It was their clear
duty to annihilate the fleet, take tbe city ot
Manila, and destroy the Spanish sovereignty in
the archipelago. Hiving dono all that in the
Hue of duty, is there any less duty to remain
These hanks are particularly the ones '
there and give to tho inhabitants protection and
also our guidance to a better government, which
will secure to them peace and order and security
In their life and property and In the pursuit of
happiness? Are wo unable to do this? Arc wo
to sit down in our Isolation and recognize no
obligation to a struggling people whose, present
conditions we have contributed to make?"
"Let us resolve, by our laws and our admin
istration of them, to maintain tho rights ot the
citizen; to cement the Union by t,till clos.r
bonds; to exalt the standards ot American civ
ilization, encourage the promotion of thrift, in
dustry and economy, and the homely Tirtucs
vhich have ennobled our people; uphold the
stability of our currency and credit and the un
stained honor of tho government; and illustrate
tho purity of our national and municipal gov
ernment; and then, though tho rain descends
and the floods come and the winds blow, the
nation will stand, for it is founded upon n
"From the day our Hag was unfurled to the
present hour, no slain of a just obligation vio
lated has yet tarnished the American name.
This must and will be as true in the future
as it has been in (he past. There will 'to.
prophets of evil and false teachers. Spine part
of the column may waver and wander away
from the standard, but there will ever rally
around it n mighty majority to preserve it
stainless. '-
"Nor will wc ever consent that the wages
of labor or its frugal savings shall bo scaled
down by permitting payment in dollars of Icis
value that the dollars accepted as the best in
every enlightened ration of the earth."
"In this age of frequent interchange and mu
tual dependence, we cannot shirk our interna
tional responsibilities if we would; they must
be met with courage and wisdom, and w mist
follow duty even if desire opposes."
"This government of ours is safe in the hands
of its people, because they have no other aim
but the public good, and no other purpose but
to attain for the government the highest destiny
and the greatest prosperity,"
"Indifferent citizenship is always unfortunate;
it is always unfortunate to be Indifferent to
party, but it is more unfortunate to be indif
ferent to principle."
"Nothing should "ever tempt us nothing will
ever tempt us t'o scale down tho sacred debt
of tho nation through a legal technicality."
"The American pcoplo never shirk n rcsponsl.
billly and never unload a burden that carries
forward civilisation."
"No achievements are worth having which do
not advance civilization and benefit mankind."
'"Whatever covenants duty has made for us in
the year 1893 we must keep,"
a'A janitor's "wife Jrf New Vojk City, a
lauv wna amen witli tier recently ty me recittM ot woes causal ujr certain spells ot
ill health which had assailed her sinco she was a child, bnt which had been almost
banished by the so of Rluans Tabules. While at her home in Sweden, when
young, she had worked in the fields, as Is the custom there. She sometimes had to1
have her work in great distress with a misery at tne pit of her stomach, Ilcr mother
oiten stirred up some Swedish drops for her that afforded a temporary relief. As sha
grew older other symptoms developed, among (hem shortness of breath. This, sha
.said, occasioned intense suffering, One night while sweeping one of the offices she)
'found a portion of ft small packet of RIpans Tabules in a waste basket, and knowing
wliat they were, because sho had seen tliem advertised, she sampled them and found
.that "they carried off all her difficulliesright away," It Is only once In a greati
'while now tlut she takes one, but if sho gets over-tired when her work is extra hard
and feels tho slightest twlnge'of bad feeling, she says a Rlpans Tabule alwavs cuts
it short. Sho buys them at the drug store now, but does not use ten cents' worth
in a month, " '
A new rtjrlo jxK-ltH eoiUuilwt rml tnuxj jwua la
dniE ttaru k n enra.
p( IBs Ovc-ccat urtou an ti
iCOJUiXT, Ho. 1 SprtM Btnx
W' . Tp lvv-pric(J com U intojdol for ti poor iui1 uw tcoauniaal. 0 Ua
J)UbuIticLiUlbTEi:xUfej:udLaalrtj-clalicaU Ui Uturuu (Sural
Btmv, Mr Yorfc-uc rfb(l carton (x tuvlbTvUI b tent for ? ntk
Many people ask, What's in a name ? Shakespeare says that a
rose would smell as sweet by any other name. But in trade a
name means very much We claim and there are thousands who
will say the same thing, that our name stamped on a shoe means
that the shoe is the best of its kind. The best at the price.
Why ? Because ounname represents a life work in the shoe busi
ness. Our constant study, Our constant labor. And to it we
have given our best thought and our best efforts, and you have
helped us. New Fall Styles for Men and Women.
Our Me!la
For Ladies.
In twentyfive
different styles
to suit every
body and fit all
$ eft 'eft $ e ef $ $ $ f
& Connell
Temporarily at
Jewelry, Silverwear, Etc
Our full force of
workmen at work
again, as usual.
Watch Repairing
and all kinds Jewel
ry Repairing and
Engraving done
IP SO, ,
Swelisli'"woman7very much interested i
a paper cutoa (wltliou Uu) U sow rar itU it itm '
?. I
It's O. K
For Gentle-
men. Twenty
five different5
styles. 8 kinds'
of Leather. j
114-116 Wyomiig Aye-j
'$ "$ $ $ $ $ e$i $"$' $. eft '
Your special attention is
directed to our elegant and
exclusive line of Petticoats
which have just been opened.
The cut and fit of this sea
son's goods conform to the
modern ideas of dress; and
are different in many ways
from other seasons styles.
We make particular mention
of tlhree numbers in an en
tirely new French Pattern
Skirt, m Black only, at
$12, $14 and $20.
the entire body of which is
made of a Pure Jersey Silk,
pliable as a Silk Glove, with
one plain and one accordeon
plaited, graduated flounce of
fine Taffeta. "They are ex
ceedingly handsome and ex
clusive." Other styles and numbers,
in both black and colors, from
$3.?S UD.
Two specials in black mer
cerized, of an elegant quality,
and handsomely made at
$1.98 aid $2.5a
on which we challenge com
petition. We make a specialty of
Moreen and Mercerized Short
Length Petticoats to be worn
with Rainy Day Skirts.
fcoD BL15S'
, --w. I OUR
If you haven't tho proper office sup
Piles. Como In and give us a trial.
We have the largest nnd most com
plete line of ollico supplies in North
eaBtein Pennsylvania.
If it's a Bood thing, wo have It, Wa
make a specialty of visiting cards -ond
monogram stationery.
Stationers and Engravers,
Hotel Jermyn Building
- 3M 1
JrlLJksBllL AstflsBBBasT
Mad mi Colored
'Air. jvir7 r x' .; -'
WV.&fe -- . faJa!t.