The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 02, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    if ,t sr ,r ,j),ff j,-- , . fr$, of -"f x
.' sk.jj3'j;,k.
Wt - "It" ft.'Wjr(f7'jCSwvwc -fiitgftnvjrn; t
- ' . c-",1 v Vfc't
For the third of a century the stand
ard for strength and purity. It makes
the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other
pastry light, sweet and excellent in every
No other baking powder is "just as
good as Royal," either in strength, purity
or wholesomeness.
Directors of Ontario and Western
Said to Be Contemplating Such Ac
tionA 6,600,000 Order for Steel
Cars Placed by the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad New Turn in the
Conduct of Industrial Combinations
Announced in Boston Another
Big Blast Furnace to Be Blown In.
For some tlmo past certain interests
have been accumulating Ontario anil
Western at the low prices prevnlllng,
presumably on the theory that before
long directors will take action on si
proposition to cut down the capital
stock. This is all that seems to stand
in the way of dividends, except possi
bly the' strike in the anthracite coal
regions. If of long duration the latter
may have a tendency to .itity any re
turn for a short time after the cut in
capital stock might be made. The
present prosperity of the company, on
the whole, however, is so great and its
management shows so llrm a grasp of
the fundamental principles of economy
in transportation that no probable re
verses seem likely to be altogether dis
astrous. The Ontario and Western Is now in
better shape than ever before to en
counter hard times, If such must come.
In every respect the fiscal year of 1000
was the most successful In the history
of tho road. Gross earnings at $4,963,
000 were 14 per cent, greater than the
previous year, more than DO per cent,
greater than in 1S92, and mora than
double those of 1800. The amount of
tho capital stock being $."8,000,000, the
surplus of $850,000 applicable to divi
dends last year Is nearly V- per cent.
on that amount, against less than 1 1-5
per cent, tho year before.
If tho stock should ho classified, as
suggested, or should be reduced, say,
one-half, tho chances for tho beginning
of dividends at a moderate rate would
look reasonably promising. The Stock
holder, Largo Order for Cars.
Tho largest single order for cars
ever placed in tho world was given
to the Pressed Steel Car company, of
rittsburg, by President J. K. Cowan,
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
company Saturday.
It was for four thousand gondolas
and two thousand soll'-clearlng hop
per cars,- of 100,000 pounds capacity
i each. Tho prlco was $t,100'por car, or
$(1,000,000 for thV lot. To manufacture
them will require 100,000 tons of steel.
The cars will be tufted out and de
livered as soon as made.
President C, T. Schoen said tho com
pany had also booked an order for
780 cars for the Union Pacific and 300
for a road In South Africa during the
week, tho whole aggregating over sev
en million of dollars.
Will Sell Direct.
'A' new turn In the conduct of indus
trial combinations is unnouyicod In
Boston. The New England Gotten Yarn
company, which was formed a. year ago
by tho union of nine Now England
mills, has notified tho trade that here
after Its entire prcMuct will be sold
direct through its own olllccs and
salesmen. This change Is of great in
terest to mills everywhere, as the New
England company produces the bulk of
tht cotton yarns used in the United
Htates. The advantages which the com
pany seeks to confer upon consumers
through the new policy include prompt
guotatlons, immediate adjustment of
rAJ5oIciteIy Pure-
Many low-priced imitation baking powders are upon the mar
ket. These are made with alum, and care should be taken to
avoid them, as alum is a poison, never to be taken in the food.
differences and individual attention to
all the minor details.
Big Blast Furnace.
The blast furnace which the Ameri
can Steel and Wire company Is erect
ing on Neville island near Pittsburg,
Pa., Is nearly completed and will prob
ably be blown in within a few months.
The delivery of ore has Ibegun and Is
being carried on rapidly In order that
there may be enough on the Island to
carry the furnace through the winter.
The capacity of the furnace will be COO
tons per day. Work on three other
furnaces will begin shortly. Julian
Kennedy, of Pittsburg, Pa., has com
pleted the plans for them. Each of tho
four furnaces will be 103 feet high and
have an eighteen-foot bosh. The work
on the Bessemer plant will begin dur
ing the winter.
This and That.
A change of signals Is being made
on tho Lackawanna railroad at tho
Lehigh and Bloomsburg Junction at
D. W. Morrison, superintendent of
the Pullman Palace car service on the
Lackawanna raitroad, was In the city
The forty-fifth annual meeting of the
American Association of General Pass
enger and Ticket Agents will bo held
at Buffalo on October 16.
A one-arm semaphore "Home" signal
has been erected on the overhead bridge
west of the tower at the west end of
Bergen tunnel on the Lackawanna rail
road. Lackawanna east bound passenger
trains are being run over the west
bound track between tho West Lacka
wanna avenue crossing and tho stone
bridge, as single track, owing to needed
Complaint has been made to Superin
tendent Rlno about tho delays to Live
Poultry Transportation company cars,
private and Lackawanna refrigerator
cars, empty west bound. Conductors
will not switch these cars without in
structions from the despatchers.
The practice of handling cars In bad
order behind cabooses must bo discon
tinued on tho Lackawanna railroad,
says superintendent RIne. Hereafter
trainmen will place such cais Imme
diately ahead of the caboose, taking
enro that they are chained securely.
Tho night telegraph olllces on the
Lackawnnna railroad have been closed
at the following stations: Lancaster,
Alden, East Bethany, Leicester, Co
liocton, Avoca, Nichols, Apalachln and
Vestal. All night trulns now take wa
ter at Wayland tank Instead of Cohoc
ton. Tho tracks in tho Qouldsboro west
bound yard have been assigned as fol
lows: Track No, 1! for empty Ice cars,
track No. 6 for west bound loads, track
No. 7 for Harvey's Ice, tracks Nos. 1,
4 and l for west bound empties, track
No. 3 for surplus Ice cars. Conductors
have been Instructed to leave bills for
west bound loads at tho "Y a" yard
olllces Instead of the station olllco at
Oenvnul Superintendent Clarke, of
the Lackawanna railroad, says; X'ass
enger conductors should not signal en
gine men to start trains until "All
aboard" has been called distinctly
on the station platform, where It can
bo plainly heard In tho waiting rooms.
Tho slgnul to start should bo given by
the conductor In person by hand or
lamp signal, except when on account of
obstructed view such signals cannot bo
distinctly seen by tho englnemen.
Tho new shipbuilding plant for tho
Rlsdon Iron works, ut San Francisco,
Cal., will bo built by tho American
Bridge company, of Now York, and will
consist of n boiler shop, machine shop
and foundry, all of the latest design
and most modern description. The Rls
don works has signed a contract with
the San Francisco Construction com
pany for excavating on the slto ot the
old Pacific Rolling mills for a floating
.dry dock. It is intended to construct
at this point the largest dock of Its
knd on the Pacific Coast.
Wall Street Review.
Xciv Yotk, Oct. 1. The stock market reflected
the operations of profession I dealers on .i larg
er tcalc tinljy than for a luni; time past as a
iesult ot the arrival in New York from summer
outings of a majority of the more influential ele
ment among the professionals. The market ml
ancei3 with a considerable show of animation
and strength. Tho movement was cleaiiy apart
from any forced demand fioni the slioit inteiest
sucli as played u large part in the upward move
ments of last week. Tills was made oleur by the
comparative heaviness all day of stocks which
have shown iho most pronounced we.mncss lately
and in which a distressed short interest would
naturally make itsd( most evident. Notwith
standing the strength (shown by tho bull contin
gent they were uuible to maintain prices to the
clo-e anil the tone was very heavy at the end,
and price1! were considerably off fiom the best,
llecause of the brokers who were employed in
the buying the rumor circulated on the exchange
that it represented operations for the account of
a well known steel magnate who lini already
electrified Wall tticet on one occasion this year
and is known to comnund an influential follow
ing. The pleasure of the loom tr.ulen in this
livpollu'MS was not nlteied by the quietness of
American Steel and Wire, which foiced the
traders to the explan ition adopted by tho jealous
husband in the play"tliis absence of til
Mgnals must in itself bo a signal." The move
ment centered in Union Vaciflc, which was ab
soibed in a very confident manner and in heavy
blocks all day. An extreme rise of 2',i resulted.
The southwestern moved somewhat In
sjnipathy but not so vvid.dy. New Yoik Central
and tho C. C. C. and St. Louis htocta weie
strong, Influenced apparently by the rumors, that
the latter is to be absorbed by the former as
other eulfeldlary roads have already been ab-
hoructl, mo leaning iiiimiimais, me sociu trac
tions and some of the steel stocks mse fiom 1
to a'2 points and Pressed Steel Car roso an ex
treme 'Mi. A raid in the late dealings on Ten
nessee Coal, which carried that stock l'i under
Saturday unsettled the market. The coal stock
seemed to bo ignored and the conleis as a whole
moved contrary to the market. Total tales, 331,
100 Mures.
'J lie bond market continued irregular and the
dealings on a small scale. Total sales, par value,
IJMO.OOO. U. S. refunding twos, when irsued,
advanced ', per cent, in the bid piice, and new
4s declined '.a.
Tho following quotation are furnished Th
Tribune by M. S. Jordan & Co., moms 703-7O0
Uears building, Scranton. Pa. Telephone 6C03:
Open- high- Lew- Clov
ing. est. eit. iiicr,
American Sugar 117 11S& 117 "8
American Tobacco .SU-, 00 S3 SI
Am. Steel & Wire.... 31 3iy4 31 31 Vi
AtchUon 27'j 2J.V4 27VJ IS
Atchison, l'r. til)1.- 70V's Oi 70
llicok. Traction 60H 6!!i 61 MM,
nulfn. & Ohio ()SRi ! tHVi rW
font. Tobacco 2l?i 21Ts 2l!H 21ft
dies, ti Ohio 27U 28 2714 2S
Chic, & Ut. West 10?;, 105s 10 J0V
Chic., H. Q 12.1 ViiK lil 12-Hi.
M 1'aul HUM IUVh lla',4 llJi
Hock Jslan IOj-4 HWW in.-. 1(15
Lackavwinna It. It 177','j 77'.a Hits 1"H
IVeral Sled 311!. 32'4 3114 82 Vi
1-e. Steel, l'r. WU HJ r,2 K
Kan. k Te IV. 27',i 271 27 27
Louis, k Nasi 71 71?s 71 7Hi, Klcv.ito .; RSi ri 87Th
Met, Trattlcn US 110 US US'.i
Mlsso. lViclhc mi 10 JSU l-i
IVoplu's. ffas Sl" S7 Mfri b(.U
Col. I'url : lion ."O'i 31ft TOft 31 H
N. J, Central J.13 133 li'3 133
Southern IMclfio 3lW 32H 3114 32)4
Norfolk & West !IiI l B3 31
Northern Parlflo iu'i 17i Wl 47
North. iMilne, l'r, ... -S Wi (IS W.i
N. Y. Centi.ll 127'-! VM 127Vj l&i
Ontario fc West 20 207; ftl'4 20'
Pimm. It. It 127li 12Vi mil 12sV,
P.icille Mall 30 80 '10 3c
Healmr "v. 1'tt 13W r,H 135
llealng l!v l'r M MY, 63 03
Soulhiin It. II ll'.K 11V; U!i H'.i
Siili. II, II., l'r. Oils 5rtj M's y4
Trim, Ciul H lion ,,.. ft .VH, M M
V. S. Leather Ill Ws IJ4 lOi
1'. S. Lerithi'i, Pr, ... ' hS l,S OS
U. S. llllbbcr ., 20U 2!l?i 2'1 2UH
Union Pnilllu .V. SJ'l fOJ 68J
Union J'aclllc, l'r. .... 73',& 7.14 7.1 73'.
Wabash, Pr 17 J7-J4 "'i -1
i i'r
Western Union
... 7l)
Open- High- Low- Cloi-
WI1HAT, Ing. est. ot inc.
December WVi (W',4 S2U Ui
May ,,,, M 83 63 83jJ
Dei ember ,,,. .,,. AWi 42 41U 42
May , 4UH Hj 4QH 41i
Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par oriOO.
STOCKS. Did. Asked.
Fint National Dank ..,,,,,.,,,.,,, 800 ,,,
Ecranton Savings Hank ,,,,,,,,.,., 300
Scranton Packing Co. ,,....,,..,,, ... M
Third National Dank , 423 .,,
Diinr Deposit and Discount Dauk ,, ?00
Economy Light, II. k V. Co , ... it
Lacka. Trust & halo Deposit Co. ,, 160 ...
Eersnton Paint Co , ,.,,, ... 60
Clark & Snover Co., l'r. 12$
Scranton Iron fence & Mfg. Co. , 100
Bcrantoo Axle Wcrka , ,,, .,, M
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr, ,, ... SO
County Savings Bank & Trutt Co. , 809 ,,,
rirat National Dank (Carbondatc),. ... 800
Standard Drilling Co. int.. i 30
Trader' National Dank .i.......... IBS ..
Btranton Dolt and Nut Co ,,i 'Wi
Scranton PaMnr Kallwar, B"l
mortgage, due 1M0 ,,,......... Ji m
Peoplel Street Railway, first mort
reopVi Street Hallway, Oencrat
mortgage, due 1021
Dickson Manufacturing Co. ....... lW
Lacka. Tovvnsh p School 4 per cent. ... 1M
City ol Scranton 8t. Imp. pe
cent. . ! t ao
Ecranton Traction .0 per cent ... 118
Scranton Wholesale Markot.
((.'erected .v II. 0. Date, 27 Lackavwinni Ave.)
Ilutcr-Crcamery, 2.i.i2lcS dairy tnb, 2.1c.
L'ggs-Seleet vvcslcrii, 17c: nearby nlate, 10c.
(Tiecnt Full tream, new, H'.siV , .,
Dean-Pcr bu., chulce marrow, f2. 10; intdluiii,
?2..1o; pea, fjy.30.
Potatoes I'Oe.
Onlonj 00c. ,ptr bu.
Flour-Deal patent, $4,00.
Philadelphia Drain and Product.
Philadelphia, Oel.'lrm, Uc. lilgli
er; contract glade, Oct,, 73a7Si4c. Corn-Firm,
Mr. higher: No. 2 mixed, Oct., JlViiUSic. Oats
l'irmj No. 2 white clipped, SSV.e.', N". 3
do. do , 20a20l4e. i No. 2 mixed do., 'J&MaSm.
Flour (Julet, stcadv: winter aupcrlor, J2.51U
2.70: do. extras. .2.7JaS! Penna. roller clear,
tJ3.i!; do. do. shalght, western
winter clear, .)S5a3.33i do. do. straight, C-'.C'Ja
3.73: do. do. patent, 3.fc0al.l0s rtMlght
in acks, $'J.I04::.i)ii; do. patent in sacks, ?3.73.i
3.1)0: spring clcnis, $3.10i3.D."; do. atlillgV,
J3.7.1II; do. intent, ift.lSif.ilJ', do. fivorllu
brands, fJ.iOal.tiOi city mills extra. V.73.13J
eio. clear, !M.4.iiH.w: no. siriiigui, i.ikm.i.i-,
do. patent, ijl.i4.00. live iloiir Quiet, firm: 3.10
per barrel for choice Pi mm. ltutter I'll in;
fancy western ticiiniery, 23c.: do. prints, 2io.
Kggs Film: fresh .icarby, 20c.: do. western,
l!l!f;a20i', do. southvvestein, 10c. i do. southern,
ISc. Cheese Firm; New York full creams,
lancy small, IHic; do. do. do., fair lo choke,
lOliallUe. llellnrd sugars Unclniigeil. Cotton
Firm, Mc. higher; mlcldllng jplands, HUc
Tullnw Stctidy: cltv prime in liluls., ITsi'.!
country do., Mill., filjc. ; dark du., I'Ac; crkc,
ri(e. Live pnultry-Klriner, fair demand: fowls,
liall'ic: old rooslcis, lc.: spil'ig rhlclens,
11.112c. ; ducks, ilViilOo. Dressed poultry Fnm,
good demands fowls, choice, 12c: do. fall to
good, llalKie-.i old looslers. 7c.i nearby spring
chitkena ,lial4c.; western do, 10at2c.
New York Grain nnd Produce.
New Vork, Oct. 1. Flour Market well held,
nnd fulrlv active for choice brinds. Wl cat
Spot fiimer; No. 2 rod. 62VJc. f. o. 1.,
niul bltje. elevator: No. 1 northern Dulitli,
Bfiajc I. o. li. afloit. Options tt weak,
but fubiequently acquired posltlte strenglli and
a full iccovery Closed firm, at '.iaie'. "et
advance. March cloecl S6',ic; May, SSTac;
Oct., S0T(,c.i Dec, (.1'ic Corn Spot llrmer;
No. 2, 4S4c. elevator, and 4SalS',4c. f. o. b.
afloat. Options opened Rteady and nftciwaid
advanced. Closed firm and lia'ic net higher.
May closed 41c; Oct., 43V4c; Dec, 42sc.
Oats Spot firmer; Nc42, 25Hc; tiack mixed
western and state, 2fi&i34c. Options dull, but
stcaelv. llutter Quiet and steady; creamery,
17a22c; factory, 13'4alflVc. ; June creamery,
lSa2t',4c: imitation creamery, lualSc. ; state
daily, lSUaSlc. Clieese Market firm: large
white, lUiallUc; small white, 11-iillvsR.;
laige coloiod, HVinllsc; small coloicd, llVSc
l'gps Maikct steady; state and Penna., lSa2lc;
western, regular; packing, 12HalSc. ; western,
loss oif, 20c.
Chicago Grain and Produce).
Chicago, Oct. 1. Wheat-Startcd easy, but ral
lied on. bad weather, outside strength and a
small increase in the visible; Nov. closing OSa
?ic. higher. Com closed Uc. and o.ils ',saV4c.
better. Provisions at the close were 7l,ial2'.i:e.
improved. Cash quotations were as follows:
Flout Stench-: No. 3 spring wheat, 71a"lc. ;
No. 2 red, 77a7Sc; No. 2 corn, SO'jUlOc: No.
2 jellow, 39a40V4c.; No. 2 oits, 22'4a22V4c. ;
No. 2 white, 23a2li4c; No. 3 white, 21',a2GVie.;
No. 2 rye. 51 $c.; barley, 47V4c; No. 1 flax,
$1.17".; No. 1 northwest, $1.47al.49: tlmolliy,
$L23a4.00; pork, ?12.fl0al2.r5; lard, ?7a7.20:
ribs, S7.95a8.23: shoulders, 0V4aOc; sides, SS..10
aS.40; whiskey, 1.27. Sugars Unchanged.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.'
East Buffalo, Oct. 1. Cattle Receipt!, 22S
cars; sheep and lambs, fl.5 cais; hogs, 93 cars.
Shipments Cattle, 03 cars;- sheep and lambs,
23 cars; hogs, 42 ears. Cattle, barely steady;
common, lO.ilSc. lower; good to best smooth
fat export cattle, desirable quality, S3.D0.i3.73;
good to best, $; export bulls, choice
to c.xtia, $4a!.23; good to choice butchers'
steers, ?4.60aL75; fat cows, good to best, $3.!!3a
3.73. Calves, choice to extra, 7a7.23; good
to choice, ?1.50a7.
Sheep and lambs Prices dropped 13a23c;
choice to extra native Iambs, $3.15a5.25; good to
choice, ?3a3.10; sheep, mixed choice to extra,
$3.73al; good to choice, S3 30.i3.75.
Hogs Lower; heavy, 5-5.05a3.72I4; mtxed, ?3.55
a3.03; pigs, S3. 10.
New York Live Stock Market.
New York, Oct. 1. Dcevcs Steers, firm to
10c. higher; buds and cows, steady, tn 13c.
lower; steers. l.S0a5.S0-, bulls, iJ2.23a3.r.0;
cows, ?1.50a3.75.
Sheep and Iambi Slice- very dull and 3a23c.
lower; lambs, slow; sheep, .SOaLH1,:.; culls,
S2a2.40; lambs, Irl.r3a5. 10; choice, S3.00; Can-i
ada lambs, i.i5.35; culls, $3af.
Hogs Slow nnd lower, nt $3.C0a5.S5; filicy
state ilgs exceed this quotation.
East Liberty Cattle Market.
Hast Liberty. Oct. 1. Cattle S toady; extra,
$3.G0a5.S3; prime, ?3.30a5.50; common, S3.50.i4.
Hogs Dull ami lower; prime assorted med
ium weights, -3.C0a5.03; best yorkera, S5.C3a3.(.0;
heavy hogs, ?5.50a5.55; ilgs, as to quality, ?3i
5.50; common to fair yorkers and grasseis, S.'i.i3
ao.50; roughs, f.f.50al.U0.
Sheep Dull and lower: choice wethers, ?L10
a4.20; common, S1.30.i2.50; choice lambs, 1.75
a5; common to good," J.23.ii.50; veal calves,
Oil Market.
Oil Clly, Oct. 1. Credit balances, 113; cer
tificates, no bid. Shipments. KW.070: averuge,
01,010. Huns, 277,311; average, 02,164.
nhi id
He Don't
But she does, that
"Snow White"
flour is the best
all around flour
sold iu Scrautou.
All good gro
cers sell it.
DR. DBNSTCN, 311 Spruce Street, Serin,
ton. Pa. All Acute ana Chronic Olieeac ot
Men, VVorarn ant Children. Consultation and
Examination free. Office lloun Dally aud
4 Sunday It. u. to 9 p. 0.
The Neu) tosSDd Wraps
an object lesson
SURPLUS 600.000
WM. CONNELL, Prcsldint.
HENRY BELIN. Jr., Vlcc-Pres.
Special attention given to busi
ness accounts. Three per cent. in.
tercet pal. on Interest deposit,
BIunuTnctiircrs or
43S to 458
N. Ninth Street,
Telephons Call, 2333.
Booms 1 anJ2, ComKb BTd'g.
Hilling and Blasting
Mede at Mooalo ana Hu lale Works.
Kltotrlo Batteries. EleotrlaKiploars
zplodlue blaiti, Safety fusjal
Reipg Choilcal Cos wlo"
Among these are a hundred new
Golf and Tourists' Capes, chiefly
from Berlin designers. Made from
Scotch Rugs of the finest, in soft
but brilliant plaids and quiet, plain
colors, extra long, no fringe. Many
new details of arrangement and
brimming are shown, but the nov
elty of the patterns and colors will
strike you most forcibly and favor
ably. They are astonishingly
cheap for such obviously high-class garments,'
$12. 50 to $25.00.
Some new Things in Fall and Winter
Coats are shown exquisite things. Chiefly in
plain cloths. The new 4,Fagin '' shape, 36 inch
es long, half tight fitting. The new "Paletot"
shape, full length, tight-fitting to hip decided
ly swell. Of course the 19 and 20-inch Coats
are most popular, and our line is complete in
all details. New Tailored Suits are arrivals of
every day, $7.50 to $50.00. When you come
in ask to be shown the Suits at $25.00, if only
in superior Suit - Value
wsj CARPETS Irgs
We want you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet
Department. We believe we have the most complete stock
in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con
sidered, we can give you value and a selection not to be
had this side of New York. A superb line of
129 Wyoming Avenue.
hie line
Such as Foot Balis and Uniforms,
Tennis Goods, Guns, Revolvers,
Ammunition, Cameras, Kodaks
and Supplies.
Florey & Brooks,
211 Washington Ave.
At Retail.
Coal of the beat quality for doinestla
uee and at all hIzcs, Includlns Cucltwlieat
oiul nirdseyo, dellvorea In any part of
the city, tt tho lowest price.
Orders received at the otllco, Connell
bulldlns, Itocra SOS; telephone No. 1762, or
at the mine, telephone No, 27S, will ha
promptly attended to. Dealers supplied
at the mine.
Prof.Q.F.THEEL.N.D, n..i,
11 1 .... .1-1. ....... .... LI.... ..I. .! .. 1
Ol. I VII.VVI1IW... ... r.i.iHir.i.....". .
SiyrtrtprafticaKVUyciitliokpiulf iprrirncciuCicim tuy
FliirurbQk'Triitb rpHli)ciuftlUIdtrlcrtrUtiirrfl
f imiiittitik! l.LiidtifrioiHUriilt. nnruutfuurKint
T tt aMtef ,tiA.axJ.aa.A
- for - Price.
washMK 'bnub
. ,A
. S
t General Agent far the Wyoniluj
Di&trlct for
lllntn;, niastlncr, gporlln?, fimolclfsi and tht
Itcpauno Chemical Company's
High Explosives.
Safety I'usc, Caps ami Kxplodcrs. Room 401 Cew
ncll DulMlni;, i-crantou.
T1IOS. FOR11 , .....Pittstoa
JOI1.V II. feMITII & ON .,, I'lymouth
W. E. MULLIGAN ....,, ,..W(lkea Barre
Gis 1
&-. Mi ijrf
Jta ..:
:.. .,J,4...-t4l...l.a!;jJ...II .rfLtaj. U'. ,
jfayj 'immr--1-, a-JJ aja. 'IMg1 ' ' !1 H"iti n'iiA p - t 7rf , i -
l w.i ti?.-t- t