The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 02, 1900, Image 1

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Forward, Not Backward, Is
the Slogan That Bev-
eridge Sounds,
Thoir Importance to the United
States and to Civilization Made
Pluin by the Senator from Indiana.
Bold Acceptance of the Challenge
of the Crawfish Party Eloquence
and Instruction Combined in a
Masterly Discussion of Pending
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Picas.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 1. At an en
thusiastic Republican campaign rally
here to-night the principal speaker
was Senator Beveiklge, of Indiana,
who repeatedly stirred the audience
with his eloquence. Among other
things," he said:
In this camralfni the paramount Umio Is pa
triotism. In otlicr campaigns mo hae been
engaged with our inlcrnil all.ilrs; lmt today we
are engaged in tlie .ilf.ilis of the woild. , llcio
tofore wc haic been dcielopiiiE; our continent,
establishing an Aiiiciicin Unit polity, hcttlins
our financial system so that Its distuihince, so
fatal to prospoiily, would not recur with cicry
election, llcietoforo we lnc been iiiakinir per
fect our nationality; by a net-work ot i.iilro.ids,
by that great well ot intclltgiiicc called the
telegraph, by every agency ot commerce and
communication which nukes the Ainoiiinn in
California the net door neighbor of '.lie Ameri
can in Maine, and, oer all, by '.bit nr Idlest
armed conflict ever wiged by man, iincre n mil
lion marly s laid down their Hies, we have
been making ouiselics one people, a national
unit, a single and sovereign iudiudual among
tlie governments of men. And now that we
tivc achieved our national manhood, secured
ir home- mukct for our home pioduccr, ctab
shed. a safe and honest si item of finance, we
go fo.h to actiiely.and acrsiossiicly compete
I with o he? nations for those maikets of mankind
Iwhich vliose other nations hcietofore have almost
T monopolized.
Importance of Markets.
Markets are the mightiest factor not only in
.the prosperity of eiciy one of jou, but in tlie
civilization of the world. Aside from revenue,
our tariff is of importance onjy in It allects
marktto for our products. Our financial sjetem
is of importance only us it affects maikets for
our products'. Money is only a medium of ex
change. A dollar is of no aluo unless you
can take it to a market and buy something
with it. Your products mean no more to you
than the game on which the red man feeds un
less you can exchange them in some market for
money for which, in another maiket, jou can
purchase another product that you want moic
than your own. All the agencies of go em
inent nro means to two-great ends: The main
tenance of social order and well being, and tlie
exchange of the products of human toll.
Markets control the prosperity of the Ameri
can produA'r. Markets control the civilization
'of the wffld. It is through markets that i,1en
come; int contact with each other that nation
meets ntion, tlfat race mingles with race, Wh'n
n Ame.lcan ship carries a cargo to Japan, the
factor who sells those goods to tlie Japanese must
I speak the tongue of Japan, anil the Japanese, in
lulu, ofcub. uuiii jiim du ji.iieiietui jui-aa .iic-
carncd with American trade. When an agent
ot American manufacturers sells his wares in
.Russia, Russian ideas nnd American ideas are
uclianged in the process of exchanging the mer
chandise. nd so the great shuttle of mutual
ideas and mutual knowledge is being -shot back
and forth in the great loom of international
markets, wearing worldwide tint wonderful
fabric, the common civilization of mankind.
Hut wlille this work of destiny is glorious,
and while you, as an American producer, srp
tho chief factor of that work, the thing that
interests you today is your own present and im
mediate prosperity. You laboring men, mer
chants, fanners, all who arc in honest business
you want your debta paid; so docs the Repub
lican parly. You want money in the lnnkj the
Republican parly wants jou to Invo It there.
You want the daily newspaper before tho even
ing fire, magazines on the table, books in the
bands of your children, pictures on the walls of
our home; the Republican party wants you to
havo them there. And whether all this shall
bo yours now mid in the future depends upon
whether you have and will have, vnarkets for
what you raise and make,
And so it is that to secure markets for the
'American producer is tho purpose and problem
oi every American statesman, 'ihc public man
who docs not understand this is not an intelli
gent tervant of the people, and has no business
in the halls of tho intion's legislating. The
party whose policies are not designed to this
'great end of acquiring markets for the Anurlcun
( producer, is not worthy ot the support of the
' American proiluc er.
To Dispose of Our Surplus.
In securing these markets for what the Amerlt
con producer raises, for what tho workingnun
in factory and mill pipduccs, for what the Amcii.
can laboring man on ship and railway transports,
tho difficult and Important thing Is, not to Iiml
markets for tho bulk of our piodiut, but for
the surplus ot our pioducts. The bulk of Ameri
can products will alwajs be consumed nt home,
It is, therefore, n question of tho sale of the
surplus upon which increasing wiullli depends.
If a farmer raises n certain quantity of mm, ho
uses a part of it to feed his hnrc-, his tattle
and his swine and the question wllh him Is where
to find a market for tho surplus. If we used
up at homo all that we raised and mule, our In
creasing wealth would be measured only by the
development of our resources. Hut when wc
raise uud make at home more than we can con
aumo ut home, our prosperity depends on finding
a market for that surplus. And so the whole
problem of prosperity today, and for nil tho
future, constats- in llmlln? and securing to out.
sches forever markets for what we produce In
factory and on farm moro than wo ouiaelics con.
eume. ,
Mutuality of Interests.
In doing this, wo cannot look for foreign mar
kets for American agricultural pioducts only
that would not best benefit tho Ameilcan fanner,
You cannot look for foreign for Ameri
can manufactures only that would not best
benefit the American manufacturer or tho labor
Ingtnin whom that manufacturer employ. Wo
must look for foreign maikets for all that wc
produce. It I find a maiket abroad for articles
manufactured In America, I base thereby in
creased a market for the products of the Ameri
can fanner. llecause, by flndlii- this uuiket
for the Ameilcan manufacturer, I lave Jneiea&tj
tho employment of worsliigiucn In bis factory
and raised their wages. And that Increased
number of vvoi Miusiucn with those im leased
(.Continued ou l'age 3.J
Says That Anyone Placing Obstacles
in Way of Settlement Should Be
By E-eliulve Wire from The Associated Press.
Ohlcugo, Oct. 1. Senator Hnnna,
chuiruiun of tho Republican national
committee, unived from the east today.
When usked as to tlie conditions In the
cost and tho result of the negotiations
looking to a cessation of the miners'
strike, he said:
Any man who would put a straw In the way ot
fl settlement of tho great coat miners strike,
now progressing In 1'cniujlvanla, Bt.ould bo
taken out to the nearest lamp post and hanged.
I do not want to talk about the Btilke. I do
not think that It should be mixed up in party
or political questions, and should not bo dis
cussed from a political standpoint. No one
Miculd he permitted to use It for political cap
ital. It Is tho duly ot every man to do bis
utmost to end the deplorable trouble.
I am going to do cverj thing In my power to
win this election for McKlntoy and Hooscvclt,
and I bcllee no will win, too, but I will not
nlie estimates of st ites nr , predict majorities.
I will remain in Chicago dining the remalndii
of the campaign and will make no speeches
outside of this city, Here, hoccr, I may ad
dress Ihc laboring men times. 1 like
to talk to the woiklnginen. They cm under
stand mo and I understand them.
The Problem of Rehabilitation and
Housing 8,000 Homeless People
Confronts Philanthropists.
Ity Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Galveston, Texas, Oct. 1, John Sealy,
chairman of the finance committee, a
sub-committee of the Galveston central
relief committee and custodian of the
Galveston relief fund, has given the
following to the Associated Press:
(lalveston, Texas, Oct. I.
All subscriptions tint hate been turned over
to mo up to and Including Oct. 1, lPOU, from
nil souices, amount to $81,01. This amount
includes all money received by me direct, all
recoiled by Major W. C Jones, and also $.109,
5(11) i emitted to no by Goiernor Savers out of
subscriptions made to liltn. The goiernor ha3
also ouleied a further remittance to me or "100,
000, which should reach me in the next few"
divs, and be will send me fiom tlmj to time
such additional funds as he may reeelie. We
aie now ananging In pioper shape a full item
ized statement of all receipts and amounts ex
pended, which will bo duly published.
(Signed) John Sealy,
Chairman of the finance Committee.
Apropos of Mr. Sealy's report the
News tomorrow will say, editorially:
"The pressing need of Galveston Is
money with which to shelter more than
8,000 persons now homeless and to make
habitable tho homes of many others.
Some correspondents have sent out
statements to the effect that millions
have been conttibuted for the relief of
Galveston one published statement
fixed the amount at $15,000,000. These
statements have led the public the
generous, liberal public astray and
have had a tendency to check the im
pulse to give, because It seemed that
the requhements had been met. But
the real truth Is that Galveston has up
to date lecdved only $881,04'3 a sum
but little more than sufficient to bury
the dead, remove the debris, accom
plish thp work of sanitation and to pay
the expenses for food and clothing
Which the relief committee had to buy
before supplies of food and clothing
began to arrive from the outside world.
And In this connection, with a prop
erty loss of 20,000,000, Galveston Is
called upon to face a problem of re
habilitation and to provide for the
housing of more than 8,000 homeless
"Nature has been kind since the
storm; there 'liaB been no rainfall of
consequence; the weather has been
pleasant -and tho winds have been
tempered. But these conditions can
not last and much greater suffering
than has been endured up to this time
must ensue If provisions are not made,
and made quickly, to house these vic
tims of tho storm.
"The relief fund Is being drawn on
heavily to pay men for removing the
debris, thus enabling them to help
themselves and at the same time pre
venting a demoralizing condition which
would result If able bodied men were
permitted to draw supplies without
rendering an equivalent. But this
merely enables them to provide the ne
cessities of life and Is not creating roofs
over tho heads of their families nor
over women and children who havo no
ono left to work for them.
"Miss Clam Barton has told the world
of the conditions existing In Galveston
and has estimated that at least $5,000,
000 would be lequlred to meet the ur
gent necessities. The News supple
ments her appeal with the statement
that the contributions up to date ng
Kiegato $881,043 and has asked the As
sociated Press to spread this statement
to tho world In order thnt the false
impressions made by unauthorized and
unfounded publications may be coun
teracted so far as It Is possible to do,"
Ity llxcluslic Wire from The Associated Press.
1'hitadelphia, Oct. I,-Jacl, O'llrlcu, of Wills,
ilelphia, easily outpointed Jack Hornier, , the
Summit Hill middleweight, ill n sK -round 'bout
lictoie tho I'ciin Alt club tonight. rionner
milled wildly at iVllrlen In the opening louiid,
but the latter stepped out of harm's way,
O'lliien cut looie in the second round and had
Homier bleeding freely from tho mouth when
the gong sounded, lie kept up Ids Jabbing In
the third lound, and in tho fourth sent Ronner
to the lioor with 1 stialght left. O'llrlen wa
ull out his man in the fifth and sixth rounds,
but his blows larkid the necessary force to put
the Summit 1111) man out.
Py i:xciisle Wire from Tlu Associated Press.
Heading, Oct. 1, Iho cut in wages ot the
Heading lion company's finplojes took place to
day. I'uddlcrs urn reduced from fl to (3, and
ethers In proportion. Koine ot the pu.hllers are
Idle today and a general meeting of all em
ployes has been tailed for tomorrow cienlng.
By Kxeluslie Wlie from The Assoclalad Press
HariUburg, Oct, J. Judge Eiinontoii today fix
rd Oct. 10 for a hearing on tho objections to
the ti'itlrUules of nomination of Dr. Ikrbcilcli
and Dr. Zcrhe, Itepublicau candidates for sena
tor und icprcsintaUic, iceuectlvvly, in Lebanon
Chinese Government En
deavors to Satisfy
the Powers.
Tho Emperor of China Holds the
Ministers Responsible for All tho
Troubles and Bloodshed They
Will Be Punished by the Imperial
Courts Appointment of Yung Lu
as Peace Envoy Will Not Be Ac
cepted by the United States.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 1. Several Import
ant dispatches were received today
from China. Generally they tend to
confirm the events recorded Saturday.
From Canton, Mr. Wade, the United
States consul, reports the issue of the
decree punishing Tuan and his col
leagues. That confirms Sheng's state
ment. Mr. Conger has been officially noti
fied of the personnel of the Chinese
peace commission which was .fore
casted by Minister Wu's advices sev
eral days ago. No reference to the
Tuan condemnatory decree Is made by
the United States minister, hence It
Is inferred that it was not issued when
his dispatch was sent last Thursday.
The text of the two dispatches fol
lows: Canton, Oct. I, 10C0.
Secretary of State, Washington.
Decrees just issued. Kmperor blames minis
ters for whole trouble. Orders Tuan, Kangi and
otlicr officials degraded and punished by Imper
ial courts. Kmperor holds and others en
tirely responsible bloodshed. JlcW.ide.
Pekln, Sept, 27, 1000.
via Taku, Sept. :.0, l'JOO.
Secretary of State, Washington.
Hae received notice today from Prince C'hlug
that he, Earl Li, Jung I.u and Vicerois Tin Kun
Yi and Chang Chip Tung will act In conceit in
negotiations for peace. Jung I.u is in Iho in
terior. Li Hung Chang is at Tien Tsin.
It is evident' that .the two viceroys
mentioned are Liu Kun Yi, the viceroy
of Nanking, and Chang Chlh Tung,
the viceroy of Wu-Chang, the differ
ence In spelling being In telegraphic
transmission. There has been some
question as to Yung Lu being a mem
ber of the commission, but Mr. Con
ger's report settles all doubt. Minister
"Vu received an edict naming Yung Lu
as one of the commission, but that was
questioned in other Chinese quarters.
The appointment of Yung Lu is nob
likely to be satisfactoiy to any of the
powers. He has made himself almost
as offensive as Prince Tuan. He Is
generalissimo of the imperial troops,
and Is regarded as mainly responsible
for the persistent fight on the lega
tions during the,scrlsls. The other com
missioners are highly acceptable. Earl
LI and Prince Chlng are favorably
known and the two viceroys are among
the most pacific, enlightened and pro
foreign men In the empire.
Li's Stay at Tien Tsin.
It Is the understanding of Minister
"Vu that the viceroys will not come to
Pekin to take part in the commission
but will bo consulted by telegraph.
Li Hung Chang's long stay at Tien
Tsin is exciting some comment, as he
i's aware of t'he American instructions
to Minister Conger to open negotiations
with him at Pekln. It gives the idea
that he is not fully satisfied that t'he
reactionary element In the capital has
been overcome, and is awaiting more
positive assurances.
The attention of the officials of the
navy being called to the report from
Tien Tsin that the United States
is about to take part In a naval expe
dition organizing at Taku for opera
tions against Shan Hal Kwan, It was
said that tho report referred probably
to an old project. Some tlme.ugo, while
hostilities were In progress a move
ment against Shan Hal Kwan was pro
jected to divert tho Chlnesefrom their
resistance to the progress of the Pekln
main column.
With the fall of pekln tho necessity
for such a movement disappeared. It
is regarded as unlikely that the Uni
ted States forces will take part In It
If it be revived by any of the other
powers. It Is not deemed good faith
on our part to contlnuo offensive
movements against the Chinese at this
time. Kear Admiral Itemey has re
ported to Secretary Long that he will
aid In the withdrawals-movement and
it Is, therefore, not expected that tho
Brooklyn will accompany tho nines'
ships to Shan Hal Kwan, If they go
Ueneral Chaffee reports that ho is
moving with rapidity toward the exe
cution of the department's orders rela
tive to the withdrawal of his troops.
St, Petersburg "Official Messenger"
Discredits Reports of Annexation.
By Kxclutlre Wire from Tlie Awoclated Pre.
St. Petersburg, Oct, I. Tho offlclal
Messenger today announces that the
tenor of the government's oClclul com
munications Jn regard t Russia's
tasks In the Far Eaut demonstrate
clearly that tho "reports of tho an
nexation of Manchuria are devoid of
all foundation," i
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated I'rcts.
Harrisburjr, Oct. 1. Tho followliitf (.barters
crc ItAued today; Ileal Estate Trust company,
of Pittsburgj capital, $1,000. Hie Tyrone
foundry and Machine company, lllalr county;
capital, fcio.OOO. Albert K. Thr.udier Mucaiitllo
company, PilUbuig; capital, $30,000. Urant
Tcol company, t'lanMiu; capital, $000,000. Tba
Tobyhauna ami l'oiouo Spring Water company,
Uouroe county; capital, $10,000.
GenvChaffee Reports to Washington
Size of Legation Guard.
By Excluslie Wire from The Associnttd Press.
Washington, Oct. 1. The war depart
ment Is in receipt of a cable message
from General Chaffee Indicating that
he had received the Instructions to
withdraw the majority of tho United
States forces from China and had pro-
vldcd, In accordance with these In
structions, for a legation guard. Tho
dispatch was as follows;
Iteeelvcd Sept. .10, 1X), la Taku.
Adjutant (fcncral, Washington.
Sept. 20 30 cabled from Tien Tsin. Iteeelvcd
jour numbers, 41! and 41. The 'lnth Infantry,
Third squadron ol Sixth caialry, and light bat
tery will constitute legation guaid. Shall en
deavor to get nil supplies to Tong Chow- before
water falls. Chaffee.
Dispatches Nos. 42 and 43, 'referred to
by General Chaffee, were those con
taining, his Instructions to withdraw
the American troops from Pekln.
Another message received from Gen
eral Chaffee was as follows:
Taku, Sept, SO.
Adjutant (, Washington.
Health command good, ltaie accepted Invi
tation hospital ship Maine to transfer some con
i. descents to hospital bhlp Itellef, now reputing
Nagasaki. Chaffee.
Limn Populace Indignant at Police.
President Urged to Resign.
Uy r.xcluslve Wire from The Associated Press.
Lima, Peru, Oct. 1. Owing to a lack
of prudence on the part of the pohc3
authorities of Lima, a serious conlllct
took place this afternoon In the prin
cipal street between tho populace and
a force of mounted soldiers.
So gieat was the excitement that the
cathedral bell rang an alarm. Some
of the leading journals of Lima urge
President Itomano to resign.
Former Minister J3eIaurido Is a pris
oner In Fort Santa Catallna.
Civil Engineer Was Devoted to a
Widow, Could Not Make Her His
Wife and Chose Death to
By Eclusiio Wire from The Associated Press.
WllHamsport, Pa Oct. 1. News was
received here today of the suicide In
a Chicago hotel of W. T. Casgraln, of
that city, a civil engineer of a dis
tinguished family, who recently vis
ited here, and the romance of whose
life Is to be fount here.
In Casgraln's diary ut Chicago wero
found there two entries: "F. V No,
12, Sixth street, Wllllamspoit, Pa"
and "F. V., trip to Chicago, $10."
"F. V.," tho Initials lound In Cas
graln's dairy, stand for Mis. Florence
Vordeaux, of No. 1813 Indiana avenue,
Chicago. She is a handsome woman of
30 yeais of age, and during her
month's visit to this city was much
Only five days ago, she left for Chi
cago, arrhlng there about two days
prior to his death. Mrs. Dittmar, of
No. 12 Sixth sticot. this city, is a
sister of Mrs. Verdenux.
She said today that about seven
years ago Mrs. Verdeaux separated
from her husband, who at that time
was a hotel proprietor in Chicago. Ho
was jealous of his black-haired beauty,
the sister says, but she left him be
cause he drank and gambled. Two
year.s afterward he died In Texas.
During tho separation Casgraln had
taken a fatherly Interest In the pretty
widow, and while visiting in this city
she said they 'were engaged to mar
ry, but her mother objected because
he was twenty years her senior.
However, he hud made a will, leav
ing nor about everything at his death,
Mrs. Verdeaux, so tho sister states,
loaned Casgraln money, and the notes
In his book showed that he was pay
ing It back by Installments.
The clicumstonces of Casgraln's
death show that he died In a hotel,
where ho had registered under an as
sumed name. The whereabouts of his
wife and family, who, It Is said, lived
In Chicago with him until a year ago,
aie not known.
A New York Pirm Arrested for
Using Soft Coal.
Uy i:cliislie Wire fiom 'Ilia Associated Tress,
New Yoik, Oct. 1. Ernest G. W.
Woeiz, a member of vho firm of Uoadlc
ston & Woerz, brewers, was hold for
trial In $200 ball today for using soft
coal In the nun's biewery. When Mr,
Woerz was arraigned tho magistrate
asked him If he had used soft coal
and Mr. Woerz answered that he had.
"Why?" asked the magistrate.
"Wo could not get) any other. Wo
used hard coal up to the time of the
"That's no defense," said tho magis
trate. "Does that mcun," asked Mr.
Woerz, "that wo must shut' up busi
ness?" "I suppose so," was tho reply. "You
admitted 'you used hoft coal. You must
find somo other fuel."
lly Exclusive Wire, fiom The Associated Press.
llloomsbuig, Oit. 1. The sewn hundred tm
pljocs of the Ite.ullr lion iimipan.i, of Pan.
lllc;, decided today to accept 'the 25 per cent,
reduction in their wages, which went lino effect
on Sept. 10, and against which they struck,
Tlie men met today, and after hearing the report
of a committee which btated that other lion
industries had made a similar cut, agreed to re
Bume work as soon as the plant can be placed
in opciatlon.
lly i:xtluslio Who fiom Tho Associated Press.
Wcllston, I)., Oct. 1. Vio coal mines at Oak
1IIII wire tied up today by a strlko for the
union tcalo of bO cents per ton, instead of b0
tents as now- paid. 'I lie operators insist that the
dlffeicnt!,il Is iiCcesMiiy so that they may com
pctv with the WclUton and Coalton mines.
ity Kxclusiie Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Hairibhurg, Oct. 1. John N. Hampton, aged
ono hundred )cars, died today at his luddeuie
ip Kaat Hanover towiialdp, Dauphin county.
Miners Refuse All Offers
of Increase Ad
vanced Thus Far.
The Coal Industries of the Wyoming
and Lackawanna Valleys Repre
sented at an Important Meeting
Held In Wilkes-Barre The Situa
tion Discussed and Notices Are
Posted Offering an Increase in
Wages of Ten Per Cent., Which
the Miners Propose to Ignore.
Statement of Miners' Grievances.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Wllkes-Barre, Oct. 1. The coal oper
ators of the Wyoming, Lackawanna
and Lehigh valley regions held an Im
portant meeting In this city this after
noon. W. A. Lathrop, general super
intendent of the Lehigh Valley com
pany, presided. The following attended
the meeting: E. E. Loomls, of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Coal company; C. C. Rose, of the Dela
ware and Hudson company; W. J.
Richards, of the Lehigh and Wllkes
Barre company; Morris Williams, of
the Susquehanna Coal company; Super
intendent May, of the Hillside Coal
company; W. H. Storrs, of the New
York and Scranton Coal company;
Superintendent Fuller, of the Seneca
company; John Markle, of Markle &
Co.; Calvin Pardee and Frank Pardee,
of Pardee Coal company; T. D. Jones,
of Mill Creek Coal company; W. O.
Lentz, of Lentz & Co.; E. L. Bullick,
of the Dodson Coal company: John
Jermyn, of Jermyn & Co., Scranton;
H. W. Kingsbury, of Stevens Coal com
pany; J. W. Cake, of the Clear Spring
Coal' company; T. H. Watklns, of the
Temple Coal and Iron company; Will
lam Connell, of the Connell Coal com
pany, Scranton: A. J. Davis and C. P.
Hunt, Individual operators, of Wllkes
Barre: M. S. Kemmerer, of Kemmcrer
& Co., Upper Lehigh; J. N. Convng
hani, of AVest End Coal company;
Reese Brooks, Scranton; W. A. Lathrop
and Fred M. Chase, of the Lehigh Val
ley company.
The whole situation was thoroughly
discussed, nearly all those present
taking part in the same. The powder
question was the chief discussion of
debu,t and next the recognition of the
union. So far as can be learned none
of the operatois were In favor of rec
ognizing the union in any way.
Notice to Miners.
Tho meeting lasted from 2 p. m. until
C. This evening W. A. Lathrop, the
chairman of the meeting, gave out the
LehUh Valley Coal Company,
Viilhcs-ISaric, Oct. 1, 1000.
Thii company makes the follow Ins announce
ment to Its mine employes: It will adjust its
rate ot wanes fo as to pay to its mine employes
on and after Oct. t, a net increase of 1Q per
cent on the wai;es lieretofme received; and will
take up witli its mine empiojea any grievances
which they nny have.
(Mgncd) W. A. Lathrop,
(iencral Supeiinlendent.
INotc It ia nndeistood In the foiejroinir that
powder will be sold to miners for $1.50 per keif,
and that the illllereiice between this rate and tlie
old into of fJ.TS blull he taken into account in
fl'rurlnjr. the net advance of 10 per cent, noted
aboie for this class of labor.
Similar notices to the above will be
posted by all the other companies rep
resented at the meeting, The strikers
say under no circumstances will they
accept the offer, They claim It Is not
as good an offer as tho Reading com
pany made to Its men.
Tho union Is Ignored and the net In
crease must come out of the price of
powder, F, 'M. "Palmer, chairman of
tho press committee at -United Mine
Workeis' headquarteis, said: "The
men will not return to work under
such conditions. It Is not a fair offer.
Tho operators will make no further
move until they hear from the men.
, What Miners Want.
At United Mine Workers' headquar
ters tho following Statement was given
What wo want Is:
1, , better cnfoirenient of cMstlng mine laws,
2, To obtain that which Is fully our own, I, e,,
the value of labor actually peiformcd and tilth,
crto taken from uv,
3, To obtain tho ;lKlit to purehano our Imple
ments of labor at a fair maiket value and escape
fiom tho compulsory rule which forces iu to pay
the opeutors more than tiiiio what tho Kline
materials can be purrhascd for at retail In the
open market.
J, To allow a readjustment of (lie wage scale
that will neai ly conform to the norm it condi
tions of the tinthracilc trade and establish as
nearly as practicable for each class woik iu and
around the mines,
The strikers say until these conces
sions ate grunted and the union recog
nlzed, they will not return to work.
Preparations are about nontploted for
the big ilemonstiutlon to bo held In
this city tomorrow, President Mitchell
and other leading officers of the Uni
ted Mine Workers will bo present,
After the parade a big mass meeting
will be held.
Mitohell's Statement.
President Mitchell makes the follow
ing statement to the miners of tho
Wyoming valley.
To the luinciii of WilUcs-Ilarrd and vicinity)
I look foiward with pleasure to iho Kreat
demonstration which will be k'ticu under tnu
auspices ot tlie mine workers of the Wjomluf
valley on Tuesday, Oct. 2. The mine workers
of the anthracite region have, by their law
abiding conduct, won tlie rupee t and admiration
of all Justice-loving citlieiu of the United
States. I feel assuied that organized labor has
won a Ki'e-it victory and that iu the future
there will bo in tlie homes and families of the
(Continued ou Page Z.)
Weather InJIcatlons Todiy,
1 (Iencral l'car Tint Strike Will Do Prolonged.
Individual Operators Also Mr!kc.
Senatnr UevcrldRo's .Masterly Discussion of
Pendlnff Issues,
Prince Tuan Kicked Out.
2 Henalor Ilevcrldcc's Mauler" Discussion of
Pending Issues (Concluded.)
8 Ceneral Northeastern i'cniilvaiita.
4 Editorial.
Ncivs and Comment.
5 "Tlie Showman's Daughter" (Slory).
Trial IM for Second Week of October
Criminal Court.
8 Local Judge Archbald's Opinion in the
Pcplar Street Crossing Case.
Last Week of Common Tleas.
7 Local Scianton Has a Dulldlnjf Poem De
spite the htrlkc.
Individual Operators Also Strllca (Concluded.)
8 Local West Scranton and Subuibln.
0 Hound About tho County.
10 Ceneral Live Kens ot the Industrial WorlJ.
Financial und Commercial.
Two Men Killed and a'Dozen Persons
Hurt Near Guthrie All on
the Train Injured.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Guthrie, O. T., Oct. 1. The north
bound passenger train for Kansas
City, due here at 4.40 p. m., was
wrecked at Waterloo, a flag station
fifteen miles south of Guthrie, last
night. Two passengers were killed
and a dozen or more were Injured.
The dead were: Thomas Mayer, of
Oklahoma City, and Edmund Rook, of
Jonah, Texas.
The Injured are: James Black, Jon
ah, Tex., arm broken; Edward H. Cook,
Oklahoma City, president of the Na
tional buck, badly cut about head and
back Injured; James Vanderver, Ray
county, Mo., arm badly crushed; Roy,
his 9-year-old grandson, chest Injured,
probably fatally; C. T. Smith, Texas,
hurt about head and body; J. S. Ly
ons, Guthrie, shoulder dislocated;
George H. Willis, Guthrie, head cut and
arm almost torn away; John Wilkin,
Chicago, cut by glass; R. Artman, Ray
county. Mo., bruised about body;
Thomas McNeil, Derby, Kan., injured
about head.
The train left Oklahoma City fortv
flve minutes late, and was running at
the late of forty-live mites an hodiT
Engineer John Rain felt a jar and
found tho rear trucks of the tender
broken. He reversed the lever and at
tempted to stop the train. In a few
seconds the baggage und express and
mall cars were off the track and a
moment later the smoker was forced
up from the rails by tho momentum of.
the train behind. It toppled over and
turned upside down .with u crash. The
day coach following left the track par
tially, and then the whole train came
to a standstill.
Everybody In the smoker was more
or less hurt. Thomas Mayer, a hard
ware salesman from Oklahoma City,
was thrown to the roof and Instantly
killed. Edmund Rook, a cattleman
from Jonah, Tex., was hurled half-way
the length of the car and after being
taken out started to walk, but fell
over and died In a few minutes from
internal Injuries. .
With the exception of the Vanderver
boy, none of those Injured appear to
be seriously hurt.
An alarm of fire was turned in at
2.20 o'clock this morning from Box 43,
at tho corner of Prospect avenue and
Beech street, and on the South Scran
ton companies responding, a small
one-story frame building on Locust
street was found In flames. The fire
had an hour's start, however, and the
building was burned to tho ground.
Py Inclusive Wire fiom Tlie Associated Piess.
Washington, Oct, 1,-1 l.c monthly statement
ot the public debt dhows that nt the close ot
business Sept 20, 1WW, tlie debt, less cash In
tho treasury, amounted to ,fl,1lKl,15,l,C71, which
is a decrease for the month of SAUv'.sM, This
decrease Is accounted for by the iucicasc in tlie
cash on hind and ll.o redemption nt tuo per
cent, bonds. Tlie debt is recapitulated as fol
lows: Inteiest benilug- debt, Sl,00l,ll)O,3BU; debt
on which inteiest has increased since maturity,
?3,!llll,2J0j debt bearing no Inteiest, jj.l-7,3t(l,.
0C9, Total, fl,Ki;i,'ilil,f)l9. This, however, docs
not include $,fli3,Mi" in certificates and treas
my notes outstniidlnp, which are ofhet by an
equal amount of rash on hand. The cash in
tho treasuiy is classified as follows: Peserc
fund in pold, iflJO.lWO.OOQj trust funds, $731,.
511,00; general fund, $123,030,605; In national
bank dcpnsitoiles to the ciedlt of disbursing uf.
f.eers and to the tn iurrr of (he United State.),
KI,0U7,2I2. tl, 105,1 17,097, against which
there am demand liabilities outstanding amount.
Ing to fSiT.'H-'.filS, which leaves a cah balance
ou hand of i?-;SS,201,b7tf.
By i:.xcluilio Wire from The Associated Press.
New Voik, Oct. 1, f'leaicdt KaUer Wilhelin
Per (irossc, Drciucii via Chrihourg and South
ampton; La Camplnc, Antweip; Cevic, Liver
pool; Oceanic, l.lveipool. (leiioa Arrived:
Werra, Jfovv York via Naples. Chcibouri; r.
rived; Peutsi bland, Jiew Vork via I'bmoiith ior
Hauibiirir, Railed! New York (from Southamp
ton), New York. Ilremen Arllved: Darbar.
ora, New York via Southampton. Llzaul
Passed; Statcndim, Nov Yoik for Itotterdam.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Oatvcston, Texas, Oct. I. One thousand of the
laborers duplexed in removliiK debits will lie
released tomoirow, as the work has rulllclently
piocrrcss tn warrant this step. It will enable the
railroads and other large corporations to get tho
laborers they need to continue tho restoration
of their properties.
Py Kxeluslie Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. 1. The superior court to
day reconvened in tilts city for tho fall and
winter terms. No opinions or judgments xrerc
lundei down.
Individuals Will Not Join
Carriers in Ten Per
Cent. Offer.
Yesterday's Meeting at Wilkes-Barra
Develops a Vigorous Protest from
the Small Operators Against Being
Forced to Make Terms Which. They
Cannot Afford While the Big Com
panies Have Them Bound Sown
by Excessive Carrying Charges.
Grievance Committee Appointed to
Wait on the Powers That Be in
New York and Endeavor to Secure
Cheaper Rates for Carrying Coal.
The old adage, "There's no telling
what a day may bring forth," was
never better illustrated than by the
kaleidoscopic changes of the strike sit
uation. Yesterday dawned with the leaders
on the operators' side fairly confident
that they had matured a plan whereby
the difficulty would' bo settled; the
men were td be given a ten per cent,
advance in wages and all other griev
ances were to be submitted to arbitra
tion, all of which was taken to be as
suredly acceptable to t'he operators and
quite as assuredly acceptable to the
Today finds the operators far from
unanimous in approving' this proposi
tion and the miners equally as far
from throwing their hats high In air
about) It.
To speak plainly and succinctly the
situation has developed a three-cornered
-vThe operators of the entire region met
in Wllkes-Barre yesterday at the re
quest of the larger companies to pass
upon the plan of settlement devised by
the superintendents of the larger com
panies, at the meeting of Saturday last
in the same place.
The larger or coal carrying com
panies, to use quite as apllcable a term,
were advised by the powers-that-be In
New York that the strike was to be
settled and that a plan of settlement
should be at once figured out. The su
perintendents of the big companies, or
a majority of them, got together Sat
urday and agreed that the most? feasi
ble plan would bo the posting of no
tices at all the collieries Tuesday morn
ing announcing a ten per cent, advance
and an agreement to arbitrate other
grievances, us exclusively told in yes
terday's Tribune.
Concurrence Needed.
Before posting these notices it was
necessary to have the concurrence of
all the operators and to secure this, the
meeting of yesterday afternoon was
called. To the great chagrin of tho
fathers of the plan of adjustment, the
meeting developed a vigorous opposi
tion on the part of the individual oper
ators to joining In the proposed schema
of adjustment. They declared point
blank they could not afford to give
any such terms while they wero bound
down by tho present agreement as to
tolls to tldowater. "Give us an allow
ance of G5 Instead of the present 60 per
cent, of selling prices for our product,
and we're with you," said the smaller
operators, "but keep the tolls as they
are now, and you will find yourselves
alone In this contemplated proposition
to the miners."
The representatives of tho coal car
rying companies had no authority to
make any dicker about tolls or any
thing else with tho individual opera
tors and tho meeting adjourned with
the two parties still unugreed.
Tho question now Is, will tho coal car
riers mako new and moro llboral terms
to tho Individual operators. The an
swer would seem to be furnished by the
conclusion reached In the matter ot
whether or not they will need to have
the concurrence of tho Individual oper
ators. The Individual operator is at the
mercy of the coal carrying 'companies.
Ills profit's uro regulated by the carry
ing companies and they ure his com
petitors, The Individual operators'
profits are now so regulated that Ivi
can not Increase his costjif mining ten
per cent, und make any money, ha
says. Some of them would positively
lose motiey by such an operation, they,
He Is going to secure an allowance In
tolls from the carrying companies that
Continued on Page 7.)
t-f-f4-"r--f-T-4--f-f-f-f-T--T-f-t-T 4'
Vyoshlngton, Oct. 1. Forecast for
Tuesday nd Wednesday: Kasteru Penn
sylvaniaPartly cloudy Tuesday; Wednesday,-
fair) -frith not thewterty winds
becoming variable by Wednesday,
- .,.' t
.l y4j.-l,j ;rf.M-iJ. fcti XJ,ii fyt, 4.JSk,S
. ,.