THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1900. UN t - LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONBALE. CYCLE CLUB'S LOSS. Tuesday the Cycle club will lose two members with whom It run III afford tn prut, Oeorire Van Cllldcr nnd Ike Jtollenbcck. The former will return to l'ort Jorvls, where he will be Identi fied with Is father In .vmanufitcturlnn enterprise, and the Intlor will ro to New Yorlc city to undergo a course of training In nursling. DurliiB hl roal denee hero of .about three yearn Mr. Van Glder has been n member of the o-T.nnlziitlon, bavins held several of its liromlnent oHU-oh. Ho will be great ly missed from Its soMtil circles nnd Ita business councils. Mr. be side being a social idol N mualelnn of extraordinary ability 17e Is one of the best citr-plnyer of the piano In the Lackawanna valley and, unUKn those who catch the melody and "fake the accompaniment, he embraces the roll harmony of all I ho negro melodies, popular dance and operatic inufele, even ivii storing many complications of the classic. There is a smoothness and del icacy to his scale work and a precision 'In chord passages seldom possessed by other than trained professional. The feours upon hours of entertainment ho lias afforded the club will be, In the tit-light of memory, second only to the charm of his personality. Tonight the fclub will give a "smoker" in honor of "the departing members. There will be an entertainment and llghr refresh ' ments will be served. The committee hns arranged to serve the entire mem bership of more than one hundred. ''" HALLYING DAY. Yesterday was rallying day at the First Presbyterian and Uorean Baptist Sunday schools. At- the latter special musical and literary exorcises were carried out. Attendance reached al most a half thousand at each school. At the reunion ot a Keynolds family which was attended by about ilfty per sons at the home of II. D. Reynolds, of Grove street, the following ofilcers wore elected: President, Mrs. L. L. Reynolds, of Blnghamton, N. Y.; vice president, Edward Inch, of this city; .treasurer, Charles Reynolds, Ilopbot- tom; secretary, Mrs. Sarah lieynouis, lopbottom; aslstant secretary, aurs. ward Inch. The next reunion wm iheld the third Tuesday in August the homo of Jerry Oakley in Grijen- 3HANGES AT D. & H. SHOPS. the Delaware and Hudson company making some important changes in passenger car repair shop. The in- llor of the building will be remod- Id.and fitted up with all the appli- les for a. locomotive shop. A force Inasons under the foremnnship of P. 2arey, of Albany, are doing some extensive masonry work prepnr- y to the placing in ot a huge hy- hlic hoist and when' all the changes been completed the company will one of the most complete repair Is in this part of the state. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Irs. John Kase, wno is unuergoing Itment at Dr. Wheeler's private pital, is getting along nicely. Slss Belle Gry, of Parsons, spent day with friends in this city. Ilrs. John Nolan has returned from ran ton. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Robinson have n spending several days with Rnesdale friends. Isaac Rogers, a carpenter employed ijy contractor iiiiany, icu aniuruuy ftnornlng and broke his collar bone. Mrs. J. R. Price is dangerously 111. "The Prisoner of Zenda" was pre sented at the Grand opera house Sat urday evening to a good sized aucll- Ic OLYPHANT. riie funeral of Miss Mary Brogan Is held from the homo of her sister, Thomas Loftus, of Dunmore teet, yestrdby afternoon. At 3 fclock the remains were taken to Patrick's church, where services were conducted by Rev. P. J. Mur- Mhy, after which interment was marto St. Patricks cemetery. The fu- leral cortege was a very large one. Many persons from nut of town were attendance. The pall bearers were Messrs. A. C. Fnrrell, P. J. Hoban, P. Fadden, Martin Loftus, Thomas Ihllbin and Edwin Lyons. PJIIss Gertrude Dearie, who has been halting relatives nt Gllbertsvllle, N. has returned home. Miss Lucy Gardner, of Pittston, Is the' guest of her aunt, Mrs. Henry (Heupre, of Delaware street. Mrs. T. P. Jones spent yesterday nt kVllkes-narre. .Miss Magglo McHugh, of South Irniitnn t-lin lino hnan vlallli.n- IVTloa ' " ......... , ,,,,., lollle Farrcll, has returned home. 'Miss Mamie Sautry, of Providence, jent yesterday with friends here. . j REV. S. A. DONAHOE restifles to the Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. On tho 10th of December, 1897, Row IS. A, Danahoe, pastor M, E, church, 3outli, Pt. Pleasant, AV. Vn., contract ed a severe cold which was attended from tho beginning by violent cough ing. Ho says: "After resorting to a numbcr of so-called 'specifics' usually Kept In tho house, to no purpose, I pur chased u. bottlo of Chumberlnin's Cough Remedy, which acted llko a charm. I most cheerfully recommend it o tho public. For sale by nil drug gists, Matthew Bros., wholesale and retail agents. JESSuP, MjBses Neary and Flnnegan, of Providence, returned homo after spending .the past week at Hotel Neary, Miss Allco Walsh, of nrldgo street, is ill of typhoid fever, Mr, P. J. Conroy, of Dunmore, is visiting relatives in town. Tho.Sterrlck Creek paid their em ployes Saturday for tho month of Sep tember, A fishing, party composed of Messrs, M, J, Eagen, James Reap, Michael ponnelly, James Mullen and Thomas WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY STRONG v - MMrA f HB AlIU I MVOx(plr2TJnii mil VilK(l1Aliophy,&e, MHJHH 1 nftvfZi------AW- Thsyilcar the brain, iticDgthca "" J SMiMflHB dia circulation, males dijeitlot . . , , . , perfect, and Impart a health vigor to int whole being. All dralnt and lonet art checked tirmtatuntlji, Usles patient aro properly cured, their condition often worries tbcmlnto Imanity. Consumption or Dcath Mallld sealed. Price ft Der box! 6 boxtl. with Ironclad leat ffuarantea tn ritr or rtfnntl tk .... 4. C....I tlt l '-I. UHMiBTl i'". wiw, tu, ,i(n uiHBi For Sale by JOHN H, PHELPS, Spruc street. iWVlVW s- Ituane, loft Sunday ovonlng for Rob ertson's lako. Miss nuune, of Providence, Is visit Ing Miss Rose Eagon, of ttill street. Miss Anna Rellly, of Dunmore, li visiting nt the Lawter residence, on Church street. Tho Alorts defeated the Hustlers by a score of 18 to 2 yesterday after noon on the home grounds. The fea tures of the game was tho magnificent pitching of McLnne. James Hyron was a caller in Oly phnnt Sundny evening. TAYLOR NEWS. Birthday Aninversary Celebration. Elected Officers Revival Services. Personal News. delightful reception was tendered Miss Edith Watklns at her homo on Grove street, on Thursday evening, by a numb"! of young people from Pitts ton. Tho occasion was Miss Watklns twenty-second blrthdny, which tho guests proceeded to colebrnte In an ap propriate manner. Music and other nmusements were Indulged In, and re freshments were served. Those pres ent were Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Evans, Misses Hannah and Mnriam Evans, Clnra Smaltz, Nelllo Owens, Mnnrarot and Mamo Howells, Annie, Edith and Gertrude Wntklns, and Messrs. Ebe and David Evans, Stratton Brandon, J. Edgar Probyn, George Weatherlll and Eugene Reese. Taylorvlllo lodge, No. 008, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, elected tho following ofilcers for the ensuing term on Saturday evening: Noble grand, David D. Griffiths; vice-grand, Price Harris; assistant secretary, Lewis At kinson; treasurer, David J. Thomas: trustee, for eighteen months, Robert Llewellyn; representative to Grand lodge, Tallio Jones. The ten and faggot social of tho Welsh Congregational church on Sat urday evening was well patronized, notwithstanding the Inclemency of the weather. Revival services will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church every even ing this week. This evening's servlc" will bo In charge of tho pastor, Rev. C. H. Henry, and Rev. J. G. Bailey, of Moosic, and other well-known minis ters will be present during the seiles. Tho public is cordially invited. Arthur Morgan, the young baritone singer, participated In a concert In Parsons recently, and again won now laurels for himself. Miss Lizzie Bowen, of AVest Scran ton,' was the guest of relatives here yesterday. All members of Lackawanna council, No. 54, Degree of Pocohontas, are re quested to meet In their rooms nt 7 o'clock sharp this evening, as business of importance demands their presence. Mr. and Mrs. AV. M. Bell, of Main street, spent yesterday ns the guests of relatives in Peckvlllo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Bclle vue, visited the hitter's parents, on Main street, yesterday. Messrs. E.dward E. Davis and Ed mund AVIIIIams spent yesterday at Wilkes-Barre. ' T. A. Evans spent yesterday at Peck ville. Mrs. Charles J. Lavls and son, ot Ed wardsdale, have been the guests of relatives here for the past few days. Mrs. Evan L. Davis and Mrs. Arm strong visited relatives in Harford re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kersten, of Rendham, were guests of Foreman and Mrs. J. JJ Curt, on Main street, yester day. . Mrs. William Reese and Mrs. R. AV. Reese visited at Lincoln Heights yes terday. P. A. Lublnac has returned from his trip to New York. The Delaware, Lackawanna and AVestern company paid their collieries here on Saturday. Benjamin Carter, of Priceburg, vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Carter, on Main street, yesterday. Messrs. Henry Howells and Owen AVatkins enjoyed a drive to Pittston yesterday. William Peterson, of nallroad street, was a caller in AA'ilkes-Barrei yester day. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Edith, the child, ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Couch, of Second street, Is ser iously III, threatened with lung trouble. The bricklayers and helpers working on the large hall being erected by Ed munds & Snyder, of the Hotel AVlnd sor, and who were non-union men when the Job started, on Friday even ing joined the local union and on Sat urday worked but nine hours, Instead of ten as previously. The High School foot ball team were defeated In their game Saturday against the Carbondale Commercial Institute, They, nevertheless, put up a great gnmo and were defeated mainly boenuso their opponents were far heavier men. Tho victors won by a score of ti points to 0. William Mellow, who lias boon In Dr. AA'heeler's hospital, Carbondale, for several weeks, does not make much progress towards recovery and Is still in a very weak condition. The Philadelphia record of yester day contained tho following dispatch from Little Falls, N. Y., which will doubtless be of interest to Jermyn readers: "Pretty Bertha Small has been miss ing since Tuesday, and her father, Robert Small, n wealthy farmer, has kept tho police busy trying to find her. 'Today he received this message from her, dated nt a Pennsylvania town: Papa, I'm married to John, tho hired man.' Bortha is 22 years old nnd tho beauty of the neighborhood. She had an excellent education nnd had en joyed many social advantages. She hns had many suitors, but she often laughingly told her father that she would never marry and leave him. Last summer ho engaged a new farm h:md, John Plzor, who had been for merly employed as a hostler In a Lit tle Falls livery stable, Ho saw Miss Small frequently, as ho was a mem ber of tho household, but her parents had no knowledge of even u friendship between tho two," Mine. Pattl's boudoir at Cralg-y.,s'o.s la qnlto gayly decorated with the ribbon taken fiom llw bouquet which law been thrown to her. Theyliive Hood the teit of yean. and hi cured thousand of canes ni Nervous imcascs, tucb a Debility, Diuincti, Sleepiest. ' A JJ.... nr.. ufn.n.un m a. . .. j v Addrcn. PEJU. MEDICINE CO., CIUu(kO. Pharmacist, ccr, Wyoming avenue and THE LONE FISHERMAN. Tho World's Single Sportsman Who Catches Fish with Trained Birds. From the London Mall. , There are quite a number of fascin ating sports, says Le Sport Univer sal IlluBtro of Purls, which are en tirely neglected because It Is assumed that their practice Is difficult from the fact that tjielr exponents are few. For Inslance, In France there nre not mora than half a dozen sportsmen who practlco hawking, though the training of tho goshawk and the spnr rowhawk to catch rabbits, hnres, part ridges and pheasants Is an easy and In expensive pastime. It Is tho same with cormorant fish ing, the subject of the present article. Thought practiced twenty yenrs ago with considerable success by two or three sportsmen, It Is now confined to At. Felix Bourgulgnon and two cormor ants belonging to the Jnrdln d'Acclma tatlon, Paris.- It Is claimed that At. Bourgulgnon Is tho only man In the world who regularly follows cormorant fishing as a sport. These two birds are now expert fish ers, and our contemporary thus de scribes tho process of training adopted by At. Bourgulgnon: "First of nil, the long feathers of the left wing aro cut to prevent tho untrained birds lacerating the face ot the trainer. Then to each foot Is at tached a leather thong, by means of which the bird enn be conveniently held without risk. For two or three days each bird is carefully fed by hand at regular Intervals, and at the end of this time complete docility Is ob tained, and tho birds, having become accustomed to their master, foll6w him about like a couple of affectionate poodles. "This attained, the actual fishing is commenced. A number of live fish nre placed In a tank, and the cormo rant, having had a collar adjusted to his neck sufllclontly tight to prevent him swallowing the fish, is allowed to plunge for his prey. In a few seconds he reappears with a fish partly swal lowed. He Is then easily persuaded to perch upon his master's finger, and placed on the ground, It Is an easy matter to oblige him to disgorge his catch, which Is Immediately put out of sight, the cormorant being rewarded by a small piece of fish or othet' suit able food. "The sport, according to an eye wit ness, Is of a most Interesting, and even fascinating character, especially If the cormorant pits himself against a good sized fish. Some most exciting struggles aro witnessed, nnd the move ments and manoeuvres of the cormo rant aro of marvelous rapidity and grace." Cormorant fishing Is largely practiced In China and Japan as a business. In these countries it Is generally carried out at night time, and In boats. Each fisherman takes, as a rule, five cormo rants, and to the prow of the boat is attached a brilliant light, which at tracts the fish, of which enormous numbers aro caught by the birds. These Chinese and Japanese fisher men attain very great skill in the man ipulation of the birds. Nothing Is more surprising than to see the way in which they will handle four or five cor morants, all retained by strings, nnd send them Into the water at the same time. The juggle with the strings which are held between the fingers of the left hand while the birds plunge in all directions. Is a matter requiring the greatest dexterity. m BAIN MEASURING MACHINES. rrom tho London Kxpicss. Tho British Rainfall association, as it now stands, is the result of half a century's unremitting labor. From something over 100 at the start It has now more than 3,000 reporting stations, which extend over all parts of the Brit ish Isles. At each station Is nn agent of tho association, armed with a rain gauge, making observations to be eventually dispatched to headquarters for embodi ment In the annual report. On Decem ber 31 of each year pilnted forms nre sent to all the agents, who are sup posed to fill them In with the particu lars of their observations for the en tire twelve months. But now as to how the rain is meas ured. It is done by means of a gauge. There are various kinds of gauges, costing from about 12s. Gd. up to sev eral pounds. The "Snowdon" gauge Is considered a very trustworthy appar atus. It consists of a long circular metal galvanized Iron or copper reservoir, which is fixed Into tho ground by means of four wooden spiked stakes. It contains a glass bottle and a metal funnel. At the side of it, also fixed into the ground by means of a spiked stake, Is a graduation glass, which will register from a hundredth of nn Inch to half an Inch. The rain Is caught In the funnel, which fits flush with the reservoir, nnd passes Into the glass bottle. From this It is poured Into tho graduation glass and so measured. At Camden Square (the headquarters of the association) there Is a very elab orate and Ingenious" gauge, which measures and registers automatically. The rain is caught In a funnel and passes Into a motnl cup, which Is con nected with an index. As the cup fills, It presses upon the Index, which mnrks a line upon a paper form wound around a cylinder. "When the cup Is full it turns over nnd empties Its contents Into V larger receptacle nnd returns to its former position, tho Index having registered exactly one inch and shifted Its posi tion ready to repeat tho operation. At the same time a dial on the outside of tho gaugo also marks tho working of the Index. The former can be read at night bymeans of a lantern which Is attached at the side. So that the depth of a rainfall may be ascertained nt onco by merely glancing at tho dial fixed to tho gauge. Another remarkably Ingenious con trivance to be found ut Camden Square, and which took years to perfect, Is an elaboiate apparatus which will simul taneously measure rain, snow and hall, and register them, It will also register thunder, lightning and tho rate of tho wind. It gives the duration of thunder claps and the number of lightning flashes. It Is altogether u most won derful Invention. Tho average rainfall In a locality Is very useful knowledge to u farmur who contemplates purchasing land In a dis trict he Is unucqualntcd with. AN OPINION ON CUBA, Iter. Pr. J, A. Milburii, o( Inillanipolli. Tho fctulesniaiuslilp (hat Imposed a promise of Cuban IndeiKiidcncii upon tho Aiiicrluu poopla It ono ot tliu most nlamltoui pieces of tMtiv mamlilp that we ran Hnd in history, Tho Inde pendence of CuM'meau.1 resolution. After awhile It mcatii tinolhor act of Intervention, and, per lup, another war. Cuba it w related to the United States that she cannot exist m an in dependent political entity. Cut a roust ultimate ly belong to us, aud that ihu is not oun now il ono ot the fatuities oi aUtcuiumhlp. THBATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum, Ort. J-Mjy Irwin In "A Woman' Way." Oct. 2-ttantoni In "I Vojoge en aiUMe.'1 Academy of Muse. All wccU The Don Ton Stock company, Gaiety. I,aU Three Diijs-I.llllf Ksypt Durtcaua corn pa ny. May Irwin Tonight. Tonight, May Imln will be In ScMnton with Iter new play and Iicr now nongi. If tlrc In one woman on the etnRi; whom the local theater rocm ere nbvnjs urixlom to fee, It Is May Irwin. Her enKaRement this year will mark the Intro duction of another of lier popular entertainment! In her production nl "A Woman' Way." It li n new play by tllen MncPonongh, the Milhor ot "Sltcr Mary," in which Mls Irwin met with eucli great mircron lnt year. An tho cential dgtirc in "A Woman's Way," she U nuld to bo tlolntf tlie inot entertaining work of lirr career. I lee new koiirk, nnd there ure lots ol lliein, nre r.ipliltv uprlhRlm; Into the widest popularity nnil will he nhorlly hummed unit whittled ecryheie. In lier mipporf In Includ ed n company containing many name biikrohI Ive of nrtlstlo xaliie. Among these are Itnjninml lllcthcock, II. i!. (tiahatn, Oeoige lleane, .Jacques Kruegcr, Roland Carter, Pert Thayer, (Jiironle Vansar, Mabel Florence, Jane llurliy, Alice Kellar, Sadie I'cter.i, l.llllc Collln.i, lMlth Hlair, Thro. Carew, Helen Italnsley and otheM. "Lb Voyage en Suisse." When the pulil'c platen the stamp of 111 up provnl upon n play the management need not wnny out icmiHh. A case in point U the I (an ion UrutlieiH' "t.e Vojngc en Sulw," which 1i.ii been played on the -ontln'-nt for eighteen ye.ira without being plnced on the nhelt during any Hasou within that time. It Is being presented this cnson In Tarls, llcrllu, at. I'elcislmrg nnd London, and the principal cities of Australia, Portugal and Mexico. On the continent It In n-ually (invented under the title of "The Swiss I'.xpress." "I.e Voyage en Suisse" was flrct pre sented In this couiitr.v at (he old Park theater in New York, on Sept. 12, 1SS1. The piesent cast Is considered by competent authority to bo the best that bus even been seen in this countiy. It embraces Charles fiuy cr, William nnd Chailes Scluode, liobert Brcid crick, 1'ied Strong, Thomas Knn, Cdwln Cur mil, Hajmond Capp, N. JI. Herbert, Allelic C'lalcr, Nellie Daly, Jlailon Shirley, Dene Hoff man, BcmIi- Ola) ton and an augmented choiua of thiity people. It will be presented at th3 Lyceum tomorrow night, "The Princess of Patches." The Bon Ton Stock company will open a week's engagement nt the Academy of Music tonight, presenting "The Prim ess of Patches" ns the opening bill. The Lancaster New I'.r.i says of It: "Chirles II Leyhnrnc's lion Ton Stock com pany In.iugmati'd a week of lepertoire on Monday night by pi i scntlng "The Piincess of Patches" to a laige audience! the capacity of the hoitst was tested. The piece, by Mark I!. Swan, Is no stranger heie. It emitainx enough excitement to suit the most exacting, but the comedy is Judiciously placed throughout the book, nnd the interest is nexer allowed to lag. Mks Ihnina Hunting in the title role the burden of the performance on lier shoulder.", but the little lad) ncquitted heiself most admirably. -Mr. Ley mime as Waggles was exticmcly funny." Little Egypt Company. The Little Egypt Umlesqiic company xxlll be the attraction at the Oolcty theater commenc ing Thursday matinee, Oct. 4, for three days. This show Is up-to-date in eveiy respect. The specialties are above Hie average with tiiis kind of a show. Little Kgjpt will appear in new dances, nnd without a question will wear some of the finest stage costumes eer seen In tills city. The burlesque, "Forbidden Fruit," Is funny, full of bright music, dances nnd grand electrical e fleets. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Chicago (first game) It. riilcago 0 20 0 00 000-2 St. Louis 00 I 100 1104 Ilatterles Taylor, Nichols and riling; II. K 11 2 10 Young and Ciiger. Cinpiic O'Djy. Attendance ,,'iiH). At Chicago (second game) It. it. K. (hieagi 0 0 112 0 2-1 S 1 St. Louis 0 1 000 O-l fl 0 Il.ittei ies Hughes and Dexter; llughey and ltobin'-oii. L'mpiic O'Day, At Cincinnati It. II. K. rini.lnii.Ul 0 010 00012-1 li 1 Pittsburg 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 0-!! !l 1 Uatterics Scott and Kahou; Waddcll m.d Zinnuer. Umpire Hmslie. Attendance 4,102. M'KINLEYISMS. "Wo must know just what other people wan: before wei can supply their wants. We must understand exietly how to ic.icli them with least expense if we would enter into the most adantageous business relations with tliein." "We want to prcserxe carefully all the old life of the nation the dear old life of Hie nation and our cherished Institutions but we do not want to shiik a single icxponsilullty that hns ben put upon us by the results of the war." "It Is to me most gratifying to find the peo ple taking an inteiest in their goternment. All ower rests witli them, and, those of us who for the moment are selected to execute their will, aie but their servants." "The best sentiment, tho holiest sentiment, comes ftoni the Amcilcan homes the plain lioiiK-s where litue resides; and a home life, a family life, lies at the fy foundation of this popular gou-rnment ot num." "While our victories in battle Ime added new lionou to Ameriivin valor, the real honor Is the substantial gain to humanity." "Vou will not employ labor to niake a pro duct unless jou can find a buyer (or that pro duct after you have made It." "National poltle ran encourage Industry and commerce, but It remains for the people to piojcet and carry them nn." "The Job hunts the man, not tlia man Die Job, When that condition exists labor Is al ways better rewarded." "Whenever you put that (lag In the hands of the boys aud the girls you put patriotism in llielr hearts." "As long as wo keep the homes pure, so long will wo keep our goicrnincnt pure." "Industry and iharaclcr win in cery contest and triumph In every field." "It Is a good rule If buyers will not come to us, for ns to go to them," "lllcsscd Is that country whose defenders are patriots." f "Right action follows right purpose.'' ROOMS WANTED, wanti:i-2 on s FimxisiiKi) rooms, for light housekeeping; initially located. Ail diess, J, W Williams building, City, LOST. I.OST-SKP1", 10, DIAMOND BAR BROOCH. Liberal icward for leturn to F, !.., Ttlbunc ofllce, RECRUITS WANTED. MARINE CORPS UNITBD STATES NAVY RE crulta wanted Able-bodied men; service on our warships In all parts of, the world nnd on hnd in the Philippines, when required. Lieu tenant Colonel B. R. Russell. N. V. Corner Uck awanna and Wyoming avenues, Scftnton. i i I MONEY TO LOAN. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN. QUICK, straight loana or Building and Loan. At from 4 To C per cent. Call on N. V, Wlkr, Stl-315 Counell building. The People's POPULAR CLEAttlNO HOUSE for tits natutlt ot Alt Who Hnve Houses to Rout, Rent Estate or Other Property to Sell nr Exchaiiiie. or Who Wnut Situation or Help Tlieo Small Advertisements Cost Ono Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a WordExcept Situation Wanted. Which ArJ In ecrted Free. FOR RENT. t-nn tirx:Tiirtl'al' InM i..CV AVCSUI!. AK. ratged for one or two small fnmlllcjt I0 per month; possesion ut ouie. Inquire nt W.i belaware street, rURNisiiKi) iiotisr. ron rent, is, osi: pt' the best location In Hcrantont ntleen mlu t'tc walk from Court House, on the "Hi 1 jee Hon; modern Improvements! heated by tor nace; slntost newly furnished, containing; P'jn'j many hooks, two liod moms fitted, etc. m rent for n month until April 1. Address, "rurnlslied," 1 O. Hox 213, Kcranton, I'a. KOIt RENT 100 LACKAWANNA AVKNUE, four noors; elevator; best itore and loca tion in Scranton. FOR SALE FOR SVLU-anVKX YHAR OLD M.KI., HOOD looker ami traxclet; with buggy irtTI harness. Addnss, 0, Tribune. WANTED-TO BUY. WADSECONTlHAi be in good order; ctnte particulars as to make and price. Address, L. M., general de livery, Scranton, I'a. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS WILL HI'. RIX'KIVI'.I) AT Till: ntllce of the City I'.nglneer. Seianton, Pa., until S o'clock p. in., on Thmsday, the rlexerlli ilav "I October, A. I)., Vixl. for cleaning nnd painting Linden sheet aud Roaring llrook btidges, ni cording to Kpeciticationa on file In the otthi of thi' city engineer. Proposals must he for one (1) and two (2) coats ol paint as specified, ttiddeis will be reipilied to enclo-e cash or er titled check for the sum of $23.00 with eneli proposjl. Tin- city leserves the right to reject any or nil bids. JOSIll'll P. PHILLIPS, City Mutineer. SHVI.KD PltOPOSAIS WILL UK RKCK1VKI) AT the ultlce of the sccietury of the flciaiitou Poor District until 4 p. in., October I, l!Kin, for the erection nnd completion of a lirlik storage building to be located at Hillside ll'iine. near Clink's Summit, in uecordnnce with the pinna and specifications picpaicd by Kilwaul II. DaUs, iiichitcct, Council building, Scranton, P.i., where the plana can lie obtained. Tin- sum of two hunched ilollnix In rash, or ccititled check shall be eiicloseil with eaeli proposal, which sum shall he forfeited to the district In case of refusal, or omission on the part of the- contractor whose proposal shall be accept'sl to execute the contract within tell days alter .iwnrdiug the same. The hoaid re srncs the right to u-Jeil any or nil bids. C. .1. ('.ILLI.SPIK. Secietary. SI.AL1M) PROPOAI.S WILL UK HKU.IVKI) AT the ottice of the clt cleik, Scranton, I'a., until 7.S0 o'clock (i. li'., Thursdav. Oct. 11, 1WW. to eonsituct a sewn system Willi tbejieei'osaiy biiincbes, extension, connections, basins, mau boics and tlxtuies as designated and deerlbcd on the plans and specltlcations picpared bv the city engineer nnd on file in his ofllce. The f.iid sewer to commence in t.rovc street nt the Lack liwnnna river; thence alone Clove sticet to Al blight uicmie; ulso In Albright acenuc from Court street to alley nlonr line between f-ee-ond and Twenty-first wards, also in aboe men tioned alley from Albright aenuc to Diamond nceniie; alo in Mea'le sicnue fiom above jneii tlorcd alley to a point about B0 feet couth of (curt stieet; also in lllulr avenue from the aboic mentioned alley to a point about ,"0 feet south of Couit street; also in Diamond nicnue fiom Piovidence io.ul to a point about Kit) feet south ot Couit street; nlso in alley south of Court stieet from Diamond avenue in a west eily direction about 1C0 feet; thence in a noitherly direction about 200 feet. Hach pio posal shall be accompanied by cash or ceitfrled check In the sum of three bundled dollars as a guarantee to execute a contract for the woik within ten days from dale of award If awarded the same. The city icserves the right to reject auv or all bids. By order of city councils, SI. T. LAVKLLE. City Clerk. Sept. 27, I !W0. LEGAL. Till: ANNUAL SIKKTTNO OF Till". SIESIM'.KS of the Pcnnsyhanin Oral School for the Deaf, for the election of four directors to serve three i cars, iiml for the transaction of sucli other l.u-iiics.s as may piopcily he brought befole the meeting, will lie held nt the oiflce of Hie Seeie tary. Kcom 10.1 Connell building, Scranton, I'a., on'l'rldav, Oct. i, at 3 o'clock. HUSKY ULLIN, JR., Secretary. NOTICK-TIIK ANNUAL SH.l-.TINa OF Till! members of The Lackawanna Stoic Associa tion, LimlteJ, will he held at the otllce of the association in the City of Scranton, I'a., on Wednesday. October 3, 11JO0, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the election of managers for the ensiling year, and for the tiansaction of such other business as may properly come before the meet ing. II. S. FAIRCIHLD, Scranton, I'a., Sept. 10, 1!)00. Secretary. AMENDMENT TO Tlli. CONSTITUTION PRO POSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COM jMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OK ItlMECTION BV THE OF.NLRAL ASSKSIM.Y OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA, PUULISHKh BY ORDER OF Till'. SECHI1TARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, LV PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE .Will OF TUP. CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of tiie Commonwealth. Section 1. Ue it lesohed by the Senate and House ot Itepicsentathes of the Commonwealth in (leneral assembly met, That the fallowing is proposed us amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accord ance with the provisions ot the eighteenth article thereof: Amendment One to Article Eight, .Section One. Add at the end ot the Hist paragiaph of said section, after the words "shall be entitled to ote at all elections," the words "subject how ever to such laws requiring nnd regulating the registration of electors ns the General Assembly may enact," so that the said !.ectlon shall read ns follows: Section 1. Quantitations of Elector. Every mule clli7cn twenty -one yeais of age, possessing the following qualifleatlons, "shall be entitled to xote nt all elections, subject however to such laws icqiilring and regulating the registration of electors as the general assembly may enact: He shall hae been a citizen of the United States nt least one month. He shall have resided in the state one year (or If, loving previously been a qualified elector or native burn citizen of the state, he shall have removed therefrom and relumed, within six months, Immediately pieeeding the elec tion.) He shall have resided In the election district where ho shall oflfer to vote nt least two months Immediately preceding lire election. If twenty-two years of age and upwards, he bh.ill have paid within two years a state or county tax, which shall lute been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. Amendment KIcuu to Article Eight, Section Seen. Strike out fiom said section the words "but no elector shall bo deprived of Hie prh liege of xotliig byreason of bis name not being iculs teicd." and ndd to sold section the tot lo win'- words, "hut laws regulating and requiring the registration of electors may be enacted to apply to cities only, provided that such laws be 11111 foim for cities of the same class," to that the Bjtil Median shall read ns follows: Section 7. Uniformity of Election Laws, All laws icgulatlng tho holding of elections by the citizens or for tlio registration of electors shall ho uniform throughout Hie state, but laws regu lating and requiring the icghtratlon of elec tors may be enacted to apply to cities only, provided that such laws be uniform fur cities of the same clas. A true ropy of the Joll.t Resolution. . . ..w',w' "-BUST, Secretary of the t'ommoniicaljli, AMI'.N'DMFAT TO THE CONSTITUTION 'RO POSED TO THF. CITIZENS OF THIS COM. MONWEALTII I 'Oil 1 1IKIII APPROVAL OR lU'JEOTION I1Y Till! (ILNEItAL AK.SHMIII.Y OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PIANSM,. VANIA, PUULISHKH HY ORDER OF, THE SEOHKTAHV OP 1I1K COMMONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE .Will OF THE CONSTITUTION. A dOINT HKSOLUTION proposing an amendment to the .Constitution of the Commonwealth. Section 1. Ue it resolved by the Senate ami House) ol RcprescntatUes of the Commonwealth of Peimsyliaiiiu In (leneral Assembly met, That the following Is proposed as an amendment tn the Constitution of tile Commonwealth ol Penn sylvania in accordance with the provisions ol the Eighteenth article thereof, Amendment. Stiike out section four of article eight, and In sert In place thereof, as follows: Section 4. All elections bv the citizens shall bu by ballot or by such other method as may bo prescribed by law: Provided, That secrecy In toting bo inesened. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. aitlEST. Secretary ol tho Commonwealth, Exchange. HELP WANTED-MALE. MANoiiirrotf'FFicEATsclm Inn. hv old established bouse. Salarv ?1U0 month; also liberal commission on sales; iiOO cash and icferenccs lequlrcd. Address Hox S1, I'liiiaiieipma, ra. HELP WANT ED-FEMALE. YVAs:fKi00irTN for Kineial housework. Apply 714 Adams e venue. LADY TO CALL ON PHYSICIANS lll'IAHDINIt an article of rendy sale; wood opportunity for bright woman, flans llros., 103 South Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. SALESMAN WANTED. wvysvNswxs WANTP.n SALl.SUxN: J3 .MONTHLY AND expense ! permanent. I'crry Musery to., Rochester, N SITUATIONS WANTED SlyfmWANTETC-T() 0 OUT HV Till', day, and will tuke washing home. Address Kr'tl Pi lee stieet. WANTED-TO WORK II V DAY OR WEEK. Address, Untie, rear 1S.SU Providence road. SITl'ATIO.V VNTi:t)-TO (10 OUT, THE FIRST part of tlie week, washing and Ironing by the day; washing and ironing talten home also. Call or iiildicsg, b. I!., North Sumner avenue. PLACE WANTED-AS CHILD'S NURSE, OR AT light second work, by spry nnd relia ble gill, sleeping at home preferred. Address .1. SL, Tribune cilllce, cily. WANTED WASIIINII AND IRONING TO DO AT home, by first class laundress. Call ov nil dress, Jlrs. A, I 620 Forest court, city. WANTED-WORIv AH LAUNDRESS FOR JION days, or any kind of work, housecleanlng or olHces; can give bet city references. Address T. SI,, 702 Elm street. WANTED - WASHINO AND 1RONINO Oil cleaning; beat reference. Address A. J., Oeneial delhery. SITUATION WAXTIIO HY .MIDDLE AOED CENT of Integrity and Ftrlct attendance to busi ness, with 10 years experience In brewery ac counting, as bookkeeper, clerk or collector: best lefcrences. Address T, 202 South street, Wilkes liar re, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-RYi A GIRL IS YEARS old to do light housework or mind luby. Address :u Putnam street. North End, cily. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDBF.N TO ORDER; also ladles' waist). Louise Shoemaker, 213 Adams aevnuc. CITY SCAVENGER A. IJ. HHKiOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cubs pools; no odor. Improxed pumps used. A. II. BR1UOS. 1'ioprlctor, I.caio orders 1100 North Slain incline, or Eicke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Stulbeiry. Telephone 9310. PROFESSIONAL. EDWARD C SPAULD1NG, C. ers' Dank building, P. A., 23 TRAD- Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, building, Suanton. ARCHITECT, CONNELL FREDERICK L. DROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUI1HER TIRED C'AUS AND CARRIAGES; UEST of orviic Piompt attention giien oiders, by 'phone. 'Phones 2072 and r'!32. Joseph Kcllej, 1J4 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGEIt, PAUI.I UUILDING Spiuie sheet, fc'eranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE 1IOS pital, coiner Wyoming and Mulberry. DR. C. C. LAUflACII, 113 WYOMING AVENUE. !!(. II. F. REYNOLDS, Ol'P. V. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE line. Halts le.isonahle. P. ZI'.lGI.EIt, Pioptietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR 1).. L. k W. FAS senger depot. Conducted on the European (dan. VICTOR KOCH, Propiletor. Xawyers. .1. W. DROWNTXn, ATTORNBY AND COUNSEL lor-al-law. Rooms !U2-3!:t .Meats building. D. R. REl'LOtlLE, ATTORNEY LOXXS NKGO- tinted on leal estate security. Slears building, corner Washington avenus and Spuice stieet. FRANlT" E. ROYLi:, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL-lor-at-law. Ilurv building, Rooms IS anil II, Washington aientie. WII.LARD. WARREN .t KNAPP. ATTORNEYS end coiinselloia-at-law. Republican bull 'In1,', Wa-hington avenue. .1ESSU1' & .ILSSI'P, A'lTORNF.VS AND COD.V. sellors-at-law. Commonwealth building, Rooms 111, 20 and 21. IAMES W. OAKI'ORD. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.' Rooms r.14, fdfl and filfl Hoard of Trade build ing. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. 'MCi-liOl, Uth Hour, Sliars building. ROOMS L. A. WATTIES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HOARD of Tiadc- building, Sci anion, Pa. C, It. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HOARD of Trade building, Siriinton, Pa. PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Rank bulldlnir. C. COMEGYS, D-Kl REPURI.ICAN IIUILDINn. A. W. HEIITIIOLK, ATTORNEY. SIEARS III.DC. Physicians and Surgeons, DR. W. E, ALLEN, 311 NORTH WASHINGTON uiciiue. DR. S. W. L'AMOItl'.AHX, OFFICE ,'.:.') WASH Ingtou avenue, Holelcnce, 1118 Mulberry. Chionic diseased, lungs, he.ut, Kidneys ami ginlto-urliiary organs a specialty, Hums, 1 to 1 p. in. Schools, SCHOOL OF THE I.NCKAWANNA, SCR ANTON, 'j, t'ouise pieparatory lo college, law, ineul cine or business. Opni Sept. l-tb. Send fur catalogue-. Rev, Thomas St ('ami, Lb. I)., prim clpal and pioprietorj W, II. Pbimley, A. SI,, headmaster. Seeds, G. R. CLARK k (().. SEEDSMEN AD M'llv iijnieii, store 201 Washington avenue; gieen houses, iii30 North Main iiu-niie; stoic 1 -v. phone, 7s.'. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, RIIAR .111 LU.'KA WANNA jifiine, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Hiic Sereins. Miscellaneous. HAUER'S 0HCHKSTRA-.S11'SIC! FOR ll.M.LS, picnics, parlies icccplions, weddings and con cert work furnished. For teims address R. .1, llauer, conductor, 117 Wiemlng aunue, oer Ililbert'd iiiu.-to store. MEaAKOEK 11R0S., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, KX. v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington au'nue, Scranton, I'a. RAILROAD TIME TABLE AMS'MVt'MVWMWWWWWWWM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Effect May 87, 1000. Trains leave Scranton t 0.45 a. m.( week days, for Bunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. D.38 a. m., veok days, for Haaleton, Pottsvllle, Beading, Norrlstown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Bun bury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitta burg and the West. 2.18 p, m., week days, (Sundays 1.68. pxn.,) for Bunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazletonf Potts vlllo, Beading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Bunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. It. WOOD, Gen. Pas. Afft. J. II. HUTCHINSON, cn. Mff. Delaware Lackawanna and Western. In Effect .tune 10. 1000. - .soul h Leave Scranton for New York at i.. .1.00, fl.10, 8.00 and lO.or, a. m 12.M, 3.88 and 8.10 p. m. For Philadelphia at 0.40, 8.00 and .-.u u. ni., js.oj anei ;i.n.i p. m. rui .--burg nt 0.10 p. ni. Slllk and accommodation at '.hii p. ni. Arrive at lionoKcn ni, ...o. nnd 11.30 p. m. ' Kroiii Ht'r'oucisburg nt 8.03 a. nt. i.iMiii i.envc Ncrunton tor inuiaio mm . mediate stations at 1.10, 4.10 and 8.30 - m-! 1.03, fi.lS nnd 11.35 p. tn. For Oswego and Byra- rtlCn o. A in - ', m mm . Vn ITtlrB flt 1.10 a. in. and l,f p. m. For Montrone at 8.30 m.; 1.01 p, m. and B.41 p. m. For Nlehol; son nt 4.00 nnd 0.13 p. m. For Blnghamton. 10.M mill Q r.l n .u ' ... ts ... .rr-m Ruffalo "' 1.30, 2.33, c.33 nnd 10.00 a. m.; 3.30 andS.OO P- ni. From Oswcko and Syracuse at 2.5S a. nt.; J2.S8 nnd 8(H) p. ,, from HHea at 2.65 a.m.; '2 IS ami p in. rrom Nicholson at 0.60 a. tn. and 0.00 p. m. From Slontrose at 7.63 and '"' m.; 3.20 and 8.00 n. in. niooinsburir Division Lcavo Scranton fo fcrthninherlnnd nt fl.15, 10.05 a. m.; 1.65 im f.fiO p. m. Kor Plvmnutli at 1.05. 3.40, 8.05 in 11. J.) II in. Pni. Vnnlltm nt Kin a. m. Arriv for llld I and at Northuinberlnnd nt 0.S5 a. m.; 1.10, 6.00 and p. m. Arrive nt Nnnticokc at 9.10 . n. Ar"e at Plvinnnit, nt no 4 -14. 0.60 n. m. and 12.30 a ,. Arrhe nt Scranton from Northum herland at n.42 n. m.j 12.33, 4.60 and 8.46 p. ?.V Fi,nm Nanticnke at 11.00 a. m. From I'lymouth nt 7.30 11. m 3.20, 6.35 ond 11.10 p. m. ,, ., SFNlUTtlTltMSS. Scianton.,hlflo3.00, 6.40, 10.05 a. m. ; 3.3,1, 3.(0 and 8.10 p m.1 --"--"...riiie r-crancon hi. j.iu, s.iw a. .,., -, 6.48 and 11.3.1 p. m. inonisiiHr(f DivWon-Leave Scranton at iu.ud a. m. and fi.nn p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In F.lTeet June 13th, 1000. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at B.H, 7.5.1, 8.63. 10.13 a. m. ; 12.00, 1.23, 2.20, 3.82, 6.23, 0.25, 7.57, (1.15, 11.16 p. m.; 1.18 a. m. For Honendaie and take Lodoro 6.20, 10.13 ( m. ; 2.20 and 6.25 p. m. For Wllkes-Ilarre 0.45. 7.48, 8,43. 0.39, 10.43 a. m.; 12.03, 1.2S, 2.18, 3 33, 4.27, 0.10. 7.49, 10.41, 11. SO p. m. For L. V. H. n. po!nt9-0.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, 3.3) ond 11.30 p. m. For Pennsjhanla It. It. points 0.45, 0.38 a. m.; 2.18 nnd 4.27 p. m. For Albany nnd all points north 0.20 a. ra. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Caibondale 7.20, 0.00, 11.33 a. m.; 2.20, 3.52, 5.47, 10.62 p. ill. For Wllkes-narre 0.38 a. m.; 12.03, 1.53, 3.28. 4.42. 0.27. 8.27 p. m. For Albany and points north 3.52 p. in. For Honesdalc and Lake Lodore 9.00, 11.33 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. Lowest rates to all points In United States and Carada. .1. W. BtinDlCK, 0. P. A., Albany, N. T. II. V. CROSS, D. P. A., Scranton. Pa. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Effect May 27, 1000. Trains Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York vis D. fc !?. It. II., nt 0.45 a. m. nnd 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Blc' Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. in. Sundays, . k II. H. R.. 1.53, 7.43 p. m. ... For White Haven, Hailcton and principal points In the coal regions, via D. & H. R. K., 0.45, 2.13 and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsville, 0.45, 2.18 p. m. .. , . For IJcthlehcm. Easton, nending-, Harrlsbure nnd principal intermediate stntlona via D. & II. n It., 0.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dla. mond Eipress), 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. & II. It. It., 1.58, 7.48 p. m. For Tiinkhannock, Towanda. Elmira, Ithaca, Oeneva and principal Intermediate stations, via I), L. & W, It. It., 8.08 a. m.; 1.05 and 3.35 For Oeneva, Rochester. BuHalo, Niagara Falls, ChicoBo, nnd all points west, via D. k IL B. B., 12.01. 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. ni. Sundays, V. k II. R. R., 12.03 p. mpulVnianP'parlor nnd sleepinir or Lehigh Valley parlor ears on all trains between Wllkes-Barre and 'New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pension Brldpe. ..,. ..... i ItOLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland street. New York. CHAItLKS S. I.F.i:. Gen. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortland street. New York. A. W. NON'NKMACIir.n, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South nethlehem, Pa. For tickets nnd Pullman reservations apply 300 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Fa. Central Eailrond of New Jersey. Stations In New Yoik Foot of Liberty street, K." II.. and South Ferry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring rleonllness and comfort. TIJIK TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 29, 1000. Tnlns leave Scranton for New York, Newark, rlirabclh. Philadelphia, Kaston, Bethlehem, Al entSwn Mauch Chunk and White Haven, at S.S0 a. m,; express, 1,20; express, 1.00 p. in. Sun- '' Fot Plflst'on'nd Wllles-narre, R.S0 a. m.; 1.20 and 4.00 u. in. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Mountain Park. 8.30 a. m., 1.20 and 4.00 n ui Sundavs, 2.15 p. m. For Baltimore and Washington, and points South and Ves,t via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Sinidnva, 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch. Oeenn Grove, etc., ot 8.30 a. in. and 1.20 p. in. For-neading. Lebanon nnd Harrlshiirg, la Al lenlown, 8.30 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, S.S0 n. m 1.20 p. m. Through tickets lo nil points east, south anl west at lowest rates at Hie station. J. 11. OIH.H.U'SKN. Oen. Supt. II, P. BALDWIN, Oen. Pais. Agt. New York, Ontario nnd Western B.B. TIME TABLE IN EFFITT SUNDAY, JUNK 24, North Hound Tralna. I,ean Lraio Scrnn- Carhop- An Ive Trains. 201 ... 203 ... 207 ... ton. tiaie. Cadosla. ,.10.10 a.m. 11,20 a, in, 1.05 p. m. ,, 3.45 p. m. 4.32 p. in. 8.15 p, m, ,, 0.00 p. m.Arrhe Caibondale, 0.40 p. in. Koiilll iiuunci inuus. Leave Cadosla. Leave Carbondale. 7.00 a, in, 10.02 a, m. 3,31 p, in. Scranton, 7,40 a. m. 10.45 a. ni. 4.20 p. m. 202 201 20d ,,,. 8.40 n. m, 2,05 p. m. SUNDAYS ONLY. North Bound. T,cno J,0?vn .-. Scran- Carbon. Arrlva ton. dale. Cadosla, ,, 8.30 a. in. 0.10 a. m. 10.41 a. m. "" 7,00 p. tn. Arrive Carbondale, 7,43 p. m. South Bound. Leavo Leave Cadosla, Carbondale, Scranton, 7.00a,m. 7.40a.m. 4.30 p. in. .'.64 p. m. 0.85 i-rn'in'No. 201 makes connection for points N'oitli and Fcuth on Main Line, ot Cadosla! Tialns Nos. 20" and 20S make Main Line con- nPFor further Intorn'iallon, consult ticket agents, I () ANllllllON, Oen. 1'as.s. Agt,, New York. J f' WFLSIl Traveling Passenger Agent. Serin- Erie and Wyoming Valley Time Table In l.lTcc-t September 17, 1000. Trains lor llawley nnd local points, connect- inir at llawlev with llrlo railroad for Now York, Keuhurah and Intermediate points, leave Scrsn- tun at 7,0.3 n. in. and 2.21 p. m. Trains anhe at Sc-ranton at 10.30 a. m. and 0.10 i, m. NEWSPAPERS Till'. WILKi:SB.ltllK ItF.COlm (!AN BK nAl in Seianton at the news stands of ntisman III os., 103 SpiiHO aud 603 Linden; II. Norton, 322 Lai Lau anna avenue; I. 8. Shutter, 211 hpmce sireet. 3 SCALP TREATMENT, Una. L. T. KKLLER, SCALP TBIATlsTtWr, 60c. u.uiyuoiiiiJ;, .wv. , .c;.t ins-uagfl lug, 230,; chiropody, 701 (Juiocy, .u.i.i a. m.; 12.11M, 2.47, ,48, 7,111 anu v.w i. An he- nt Philadelphia nt 10.00 a. m.; 1.00, 3.48, 0.00 and 8.22 p. m. Arrive from New York at 1.0.",. arm ,i m.a . , im im. U. R.4o ,A&Aj JsWJskiwrtNfe-,- s )tesiiMft4i'ii.ik. s,,...,,iJriaw;.t. - ika&mJkVfJlfffi' U?:iMvix thi4lti.. . MJSitWJhi JSw---- "n.J-iJ -.