The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Both Sessions Woro Attended by
Large Assemblages and BlUrli In
terest Wns Manifested In the Sing
ingRally Day and Homo Gather
ing at Washburn Street Presbyte
rian Church Police Couit Cases.
Horso Fell In a Trench General
Nows Notes and Personals.
Tho congregational singing at both
scBBlonu of tho Welsh musical festival
yesterday wns ndjuuged by comiielent
critics to bo the best over hciitil In
West Scrnrrton. The morning session
was hold In the South Main Avenuo
Welsh Calvlnlsllc Mfcthodlst church,
and was under the leadership of J.
Henry Jones. Hev. HurIi IJ.avlos, pas
tor of the chuieh, presided, and .spoke
briefly in Welsh of tho Importance of
such events to the church work in gen
einl. The attendance will exceedingly
gratifying and tho Intotest shown In
the sIiirIiir was wot thy of special men
tion. Tho singing festival, or "Oymanfu
Ganu," as it is lenow n in Welsh, lb a
feature of the Welsh Congregational
church, and it might properly be de
fined as a rehearsal of the congrega
tional hymns, which .11 e alvas a fea
ture of every service In the chinch.
The festival Is times each
year for tho put pose of ting the
proper slRniflc.inee and lmpi easing the
importance of singing In tho chinch
work. One must attend a gymanfu In
order to get the full benefit of Its in
fluence. Tho evening session was nttended by
such a large gatheilng that the Belie
nue Calvlnistlc Methodist church was
totally inadequate to accommodate tho
throng. Piofessor Daniel Prothctoc,
the well known leader and musician,
arrived in the city late In the after
noon and conducted the singing at the
evening service. His skillful leadership
was an Inspiration to the congiegation,
and all the select-Ions weie rcndeied
with much feeling and expiession.
Short addresses weie made in the
Welsh tongue by Rev. Hugh Dnvies,
Rev. William Davles, Rev. William 1Z.
Moigan, Rev. J. T. Mori Is, Rev. "?. I.
Evans, Hon. IT. r. Edwards and David
Moses, of Wllkes-Rairo. Tho accom-
Ask Jenkins about it.
101 5. MAIN flUENOE
You May
Spend All the Money
You please on handsome furniture, costly paintings,
statuary and other magnificent ideas, but if you take
away softening influences and charming graces of ap
propriate draperies, the effect of all your collection jof
costly beauty would be so diminished as to become
wearisome to the eye and a positive bore to the refined
or sensitive mind.
Beautiful Draperies Are Not Expensive
This week we are making a practical demonstration of
this fact, and the practical home maker, housekeeper.
or co zy room or corner furnisher may learn much in a
few minutes spent in our Drapery Department these
days that all the reading and home study of a month
could not impart. The truth is, we are enthusiastic
on the subject of
Popular Priced Draperies
And upholsterings and offer opportunities to buyers of
taste such as are not to be had elsewhere. All the new
m o fabrics, tone effects and colorings are seen at their best
in our extensive collection, and our long and success
;r hi;ful study of how to make homes beautiful at a surpris
" ingly low cost may be of value to you,
Of Course, We include Lace Curtains
Door Panels, Sash Curtains, etc. Some are made in
", ' the Scrautou factory, others come from abroad, Iuex
t" pensive Nottinghams and Irish Points are much sought
' after and the new art effects are lovely. Then there
are the dainty Muslin and Swiss Curtains with ruffles
or'plaiu; elegant Brussels and Irish Point goods; Ori
ental Buropeau aud Araericau haugings, etc, noue of
which will frighten you by their cost, Suppose you drop
in aud see them this week,
Globe Warehouse
AWV twr sn
pttttlslM for both sessions wore Miss
Annie Davis nnd Talllo E-avls.
Special Hally Day Services.
Rally day was fittingly observed at
the Washburn Stioet t'losbytorlan
church yesterday by the members of
the Rlble school, nnd tho UBiinl attend
ance wns Incieased by roptesentntlves
of other churches. The interior of the
edlllee wns beautified by palms and
potted plants nnd other decorations.
The service was also a "homo gather
ing" affair, In which a largo number
of former members paitlclpnted.
Tile srhool orchestra played 11 num
ber of selections dining the service and
tho piimaiy scholars also had 11 place
on tho piogrnmme. L. A. Slovens In
voked the blessing upon the assem
blage, and the responsive leading was
In ohuigc of R. .1. Williams. Tho gioet
Ing of tho school wns extended by Pro
fessor II. A. Cruttendon, and Dr. Moffat
lead the Scrlptutc lesson and offered
pi aver.
Solos were sung by Misses Lydln
Sailor and Edith Renson, and other
musical ntitnbciH weie given by boys
nnd gltls fiom the school. Miss Mar
gin ct) Powell icclted "It I Weie You,"
and W. T. nurial gave nn nddiess on
"The lllble School and the Young Men."
Until woic helpful In tho sot vice. Tho
icpoit of tho school was made by Sec
letary M. O. Dhnmick, and Dr. Moffut
pronounced tho benediction.
First Baptist Church.
At both tho moi nlng nnd evening ser
vices of tho First Raptist chinch yes
terday, the pastor, Rev. S. F. Mat
thews, gao a clear and concise review
of the Sundny school lessons for tho
past quaitor. The congieRntions were
Tho choir, after a -vacation of two
months, lesumcd their duties and lcn
deied exceptionally lino music.
The Sunday school under tho lead
ership of Dr. Roddne. Is growing
stronger spiritually and financially.
Tho evening meeting of the Raptist
Young People's union was well ntend
od and renewed Interest was manifest,
which Is ensouraglng.
Police Court Cases.
Frank Aigust, sr., of Caiborrdale, was
a guest at the Jackson stieet police sta
tion nvei Sunday. The capable but
Indiscreet cobbler was found intoxi
cated and asleep, on Scianton stieet
early in the morning. It default of a
$.1 fine, Aldeiman Moses ordoied tho
unfortunate shoemaker to spend the
next con d.iys visiting Warden Simp
son. John Stagwald, of Pi Ice street, who
was arrested on a warrant of Mrs. Ann
Pi ice, of 1620 Price stieet, charging
him with assault and battery, was ad
mitted to ball last ecnlng by Alder
man Mioses. He wns fined $3 for being
drunk and diisordcily and escaping
from an olllcer on August 20.
Reynolds on Tour.
T. Jefferson Reynolds, the Republi
can candidate for the legislature from
the First district, has been adding now
laurels to his fame as a public speaker.
During the past week he has been on a
tour with the Republican state cam-
palgn committee and delivered several
stirring addresses, When tho cam
paign Is opened In West Scranton on
Thursday, October 11, Mr. Reynolds
will be one of the spenkcrs, and as It
will bo tho first opportunity his con
stituents will have of listening to him,
(hero will doubtless bo much Interest
manifested In his address.
Horso Fell In a Trench.
A valuable horse belonging to Con
tractor David Nichols fell hr a trench
on North Dromley avenuo last Friday
evening, nnd was so badly Injured that
In all piobiblllty the animal will have
to be shot,
Mr. Nichols was driving along tho
nvotnie bexond the Schlagnr llniilo
aid, and did not objerve nn open
ing In fiont of a new house founda
tion which Is being erected. There
weie no danger signals In evidence.
The Injured animal was removed from
the tiench after much dlfltculty and
lay In tiro street all day Saturday un
able to move.
Samuel Hughes, of South Hyde Park
avenue, a curpenter employed by
Washburn, Williams & Co., fell from
a building on Saturday and was se
veioly injuied about the head, arms
and shouldcis.
The Gospel set vice at the Young
Women's Chilstlau association looms
yesterday afternoon was addressed by
Mis. T... M. Gates. She spoke on
"China nnd the Women of China." A
large number of young women were
In nttondnnco.
The lemalns of tho lato James
O'Kocfe were Intenrd In tho Cathc
dinl cemoteiy Satuiday afternoon.
A joint committee representing the
Father Mathow, St. I,eo and St. Paul
societies, met yesterday afternoon to
make arrangements for tho Second dis
trict (unttetly convention of the
Scianton Diocesan union, which will
bo held In St. Leo's hull on Sunday,
October 11.
The trustees of Camp 178, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, have received
bids ranging from Jl'.'.HOO to $19,000, for
tire erection of their proposed new hall
building on North Main avenue. A
committee has been appointed to de
vise means for raising additional
funds for the building.
Local union 107J of tire United Mine
Workers will meet tomorrow night In
D. D. Evans' hall.
Tiro Jackson Street Raptist church
choir will moot for lehearsal tomor
iow eening at S o'clock. All members
aie requested to bo niescnt, as special
music will be lehearsed.
Reese G., the Infant child of Mr. nnd
Mis. David Reese, of 510 South Main
aenue, died yesteidny and will bo bu
lled in Washburn stice cemoteiy at 4
o'clock this afternoon.
The special meeting of tho West SIdo
Republican club called for Satin day
evening was postponed on account of
the unfa voi able weather. Tho meeting
will ho held some evening this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Reriss tier Luce and
son, of Not th Main nenuc, h.ivc re
turned homo from a vljit with fi lends
in Brooklyn, Susquehanna county.
Mis. Aithur Banning and daughter
will leave today foi Mobile, Ala., stop
ping at Reading and New Yoik on
their way South.
Mis. Luce, of Gient Bend, is visit
ing at N. C. Mayo's, orr Swetland
Mis. S. A. Kimble and daughter,
Helen, have lotuined home fiom 11 visit
with telativcs in New York state.
Hariy M. Randolph, of South Hyde
Paik avenue, is spending a few days
at Stroudsbuig.
Mrs. Elnhaidt and son, Fred, of
Nortli Sumner avenue, leave today for
a month's visit with relatives at New
foundland. Mis. William Bui dick and childien,
of Jackson stieet, aic visiting fi lends
in Boston.
Mis. D. C Powell, of Noith Gai field
avenue, is the guest of her daughter
In Edwnrdsdale.
Wert Seoley, of Moshoppen, Is visit
ing relatives on South Hydo Park
Miss Muigatot Hcibert, of PIttston,
is being enteit.rined by Mis. Einest
Noithrup, of South Hyde Park ave
nue. Miss May Jones, of Price stieet, Is In
Johnstown, Pa., visiting lolativos.
Mr. and Mis. Lewis Runkle, of Ohio,
aio visiting Mr. and Mis. Finnk Tinn
sue, of Tenth sheet.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Davis lotuined
lust evening fiom their wedding tilp.
Dr. D. J. Jenkins, of JacKson street,
who Iras been confined co his homo by
Illness for several weeks, was ablu to
be out yesteidny afternoon .
Thomas Jones, of Taylor, a cloik In
Sundci son's drug stoic, will accompany
Fiank Jones nnd Harry Davis to Ruf
falo tonight, where tho tiio will study
at the Buffalo Pharmaceutical college.
Mr. and Mis. John Kelly, of Elm
stieet, spent the Sabbath with friends
at Curbondule,
Edward McArdle, of Providence, R.
I., spent tho Sabbath with his uncle,
J. M. Howell, of Green Ridgo street.
E. A. Fuller, of Dickson avenue, who
hus a lurgo contract at Saiatoga
Springs, spent Sabbath with his family.
Miss Hazel HessleV, of Wyoming sem
Inaiy, spent Sabbath with her parents,
Mr. and Mis. Geoige Hessler, of Qieen
Ridgo stieet.
Thomas Oliver, of Dickson City, spent
Sunday with Mr. unil Mrs. I, Hnilou,
of Monsey avenue.
This evening Dlstilct Deputy Grand
Stnstor O, L. Colvin, of Gieen Ridgo
lodge, Independent Older of Odd Fel
lows, will Install the olllces of Celestlul
nnd Lincoln lodges, of Piovldence. His
chosen assistants aie all past grands
of Gieen Ridgo lodge, and aio as fol
lows: Grand muishal, J, G. McAskle;
grand waiden, A, Hope Atken; gland
treasurer, W. H. Ti ovei ton; giand sec
retary, B. T, Jnyno; giund nsslstunt
secretary. Kssia F. Gruyi giand guar
dian, L. W. Lewis. Thursday evening
the olllcers of Gieen Ridgo lodgo will
be In stalled.
The King's Daughteis of tho Gieen
Ridgo Presbyteilan church will meet
at tho home of Mis. J, K, Ross, coiner
of Sanderson and Electric avenues, this
overling. All peisnns wishing to join
the society ate requested to bo present
at tills meeting.
Rev, I. J. Lansing, D, IX, will deliver
a lectuie on "Tho Glaciers of the Alps"
at the Capouse mission, comer of Boul
evard nnd Fall Held avenues, Tuesday
evening, Oct. 9. Tho pioceeds will be
Don't give thrm tea or coffee. Have you
tiled tho now food dilnk called
QRAIN-O? R is delicious mid nourishing
und tukes the place of cottee. 'j'ho more
Qiuln-O you give tho chlldroo tho moro
health you dlstrlluito through tlrolr sys
tems. Qruln-O Is riiado of pure grains,
and when pioperly prepared tustes Ilka
tho cholco grades of coffco but coats
about U as much. All grocers sell it.
13c. and 25c.
Plenty of Proof Right Here
in Scranton.
Claim is one thing, proof another.
Columbus claimed tho world Was
Did people believe It? Not until he
piovcd It.
Unprovcn claims have mado tho peo
ple skeptics.
Every claim mado for the "Little
Conqueror" Is proven.
Proven In Scranton by local experi
ence. Hero Is one case from tho many wo
Mr. Isnao Smith, of 11G0 Sadie Place,
Hyde Park, employed by tho D., L. &
W. at the Archbald mines as a miner,
says: "I had a dull pain In tho small
of my back. If I turned about quickly
a stltch-IIke pain would cross me across
my loins. In looking over the paper I
had my attention called to Doan's
Kidney Pills, nnd I lead a statement of
a person living In Scranton who was
tumbled Just ns I was. I got a box of
them ut Matthews Bros.' drug store,
and they proved to he Just what I
needed. Before I had taken tho whole
box tho pain left me and I have been
fieo from it ever since."
For sale by all dealers. Price, GO
cents per box. Foster-MUburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the
United States.
' Remember the name Doan's and take
no substitute.
used for tho put chase of hymn books
for the mission.
The Hat vest Home or Rallying Day
exercises of tho Bible school of the
Green Ridge Piesbyterlan church yes
teiday weto exceedingly Interesting.
Addresses weie made by Dr. Lansing,
pastor, and James H. Torroy, a former
member of the church. The attend
ance was the largest In the history of
the school.
Mis. C. T. Thorpe, of Forest City,
was tho guest of Mrs. C. E. Tobey, Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pratt, of Green
Ridgo stieet, gave a progressive euchre
paity at their home on Friday evening
to the following persons: Mr. and Mis.
Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Knight,
Mrs. D. S. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Walker, Mrs. William Stevens, of Glen
Cove, Long Island, and the Misses Bay
ley, Florence and Ella Fuller, Grace
and Katherlne Hicks, Jayne, Klefer,
Knapp, White, Zurilleh nnd Miss
Wright, of Glen Cove, and the Messrs.
Bevnrrs, Drown, Fuller, Edward and
Thomas Hall, Knapp, Haslarn, Rovvl
son, Pratt. Prizes were awarded to the
following: Miss Bnyley, first; Mrs. J.
M. Walker, second; Tom Hall, first;
and Mr. Herschel Hall, second.
Condition of Jos. Labella, Who Was
Asnsulted by Rosea Lomentha, Xs
Very Critical Other Notes.
The condition of Joseph Labella, the
Italian who was so ferociously assault
ed bv RoscaLamentha, a fellow Ital
ian, on Duel? stieet, Friday night, re
mains veiy-ciltlcal, the man's wounds
being of a most serious nature. There
aie several laige cuts In Labella's body,
one belng near tho heart, which may
ptove fatal. Oflleeis Keys, Sacco,
O'Hora and Boland, who weio dis
patched by Chief of Police Healy soon
after the oceuiience of tho attempted
muidci, could find nothing, after a
thoiough search, of Lumentha or his
wheieabouts. There does not seem to
be tho falntes clue on which the offi
cers can woik
This makes tho third Italian nffiav
(tho other two resulted In muider)
committed Inside of four months In this
vicinity, and all the muidoreis are at
Unclaimed Letters.
Lottois remaining unclaimed during
the poiiod ending September 29, 1900.
Poisons calling for these lotteis will
pleuso say advertised:
Adolph Bondlor, John Baines, Mark
stieet; Mis. Maiy Craver, James Con
nolly, Mis. Michael Dolphin, Rosa
Dalv. 225 East Drinker stieet; M. J.
Flannelly, A. Feiguron, Mrs. Homy
Gardner (2), Mellin Hawk, Rosa Healy,
2JH East Drinker street; Miss Helen
Hownrth, 1545 Jefferson nvenue; Mrs.
Mary Kelly, Broom street and Clay
avenue; Thomas Kerr, Thomas Chris
Laiserr, Gustavo Larln, John Langnn,
Nellie McQue, Eugene Mai tin, Mary
O'Donnell, Mai tin Qulnn, Henry Smith,
Mrs. Chtlstian Spathelf, Margaret
Weaver, Pepplno Murans, Ghard Rus
sonoitdollalphonso, Glovanln Santan
gela, Pletm Morisoni, 130 Jefferson ave
nue; Charles Hodge Jones.
Other News Notes.
The foot ball eleven of tho Dunmore
High school played an lnteicstlng
game on tho No. 5 grounds Saturduv
afternoon with the Jolly Eleven, of
Scranton. The contest was a tie ut
tile close of the game.
The Ladles' Aid society of tho Pies
byteilan chuieh will hold a meeting at
the homo of Mrs. William Gibbons, on
Elm street, Thursday afternoon at 2.20
Dr. William Stanton, who has prac
ticed his piofcsslon In this borough
duiing tho spring and summer, has
accepted an appointment nt tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania at Philadel
phia. Miss Bessie Mnnley is In Philadel
phia. m
Special Exercises Conducted in Holy
Trinity Church.
Tho festival of harvest time was ap
propriately observed last night by the
Sunday school children of tho Evan
Kollcul Lutheian Church of tho Holy
Tilnlty. Tho Interior of the church
was uitlstlcally decorated with viul
ous fiults and vegetables scattered In
Tho exercises were In charge of R.
II, Bidder, and special music was ren
dered by tho choir, under the loader
Bhlp of Prof. E, R. Piotheroe. Tho pro
gramme consisted of three especially
prepared exeiclses, or dialogues, deal
ing with tho harvest Idea, participated
in by upwards of twoscore small girls
and boys.
Then there were recitations by Mabel
Coleman, Wllhelmlna Bernhardt, Giaco
Brauu and Jennie Semon, and two ap
propriate hymns by the children )n
Pleasant Gathering at Her Homo on
Saturday Evening Rally Day at
the Hickory Street German Presby
terian Church Close of the Two
Weeks' Mission at St. John's
Church Manner In Which John
Connell Was Injured Christening
at German Presbyterian Church.
Miss Lena Kesstcr, of 1 C2S Locust
street, very pleasantly entertained a
large number of her fi lends Saturday
ovcnlng at her home. Tho evening was
very pleasantly spent, and good cheer
was abundant. Dancing, music, vocal
and Instrumental, and the usual party
diversions found eager participants.
Flashlights In grotesque attitudes and
otherwise were taken. Refreshments
weie served later.
Those present wore Misses Theresa
Miller, Matgaret Kraft, Lulu Lindcr,
Clara Fischer, Margaret Reuther, Min
nie Lodler, Hannah Myers, Lilian Mil
ler, Barbara Gebhardt, Margaret 8on
sung, Sadie Webly, Lena Hertzog, Cora
Daniels, Elizabeth Daniels, Hannah
Paulls, Kate Kressler, Mary Bryden,
Matgaret Melbergor, Mrs. Heniy
Weiss, and Messrs. Charles Reuther,
August Naegle, John Huhn, Daniel
Ledlor, George Hahn, William Graft,
Peter Hahn, George Morlong, Fred J
Krou, Joseph wunsor, Charles MllKe,
Robert Bnrnlckel, Joseph Rcldmtller,
Albert Klanko, Albert Brooke, W. Mil
ler, John Dctrlck, Charles Naegle,
Percy Jones, Gcorgo Haitman, Charles
Gardner, Frank Engle, Ignatz Bonne,
Rudolph Kolb, John Molenschoff, Adam
Mauso, Adolph Schacfer and Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Kesslor.
Rally Day.
Yesterday was Rally day In the
Hickory Street German Presbyterian
church, and the services on this occa
sion were well attended. Services were
conducted in the German language In
the morning at 9 o'clock, and In Eng
lish at 2.10 p. m.
Addresses were made by tho pastor,
superintendent of the Sunday school,
and different members. Special music
was also rendered.
Close of the Mission.
The two weeks' mission, conducted
by tho Rcdemptorist Fathers of New
York city in St. John's church. Fig
stieet, camo to a close last evening
with a monster meeting of men, which
crowded tho edifice, eager to hear tho
last words and attend the last ser
vices. These services began September 1G
with a week for the women, which was
largely attended, and the last week
was for the men of the parish. At oil
the ser vices the church was thronged.
Saturday was Rev. E. J. Mellev's
twenty-fifth anniversary in the priest
hood, and a sermon upon it was
preached yesterday morning by Father
Parr. The Fathers express themselves
well pleased with their visit to Scran
ton, and are extremely gratified by the
large attendance which greeted them.
The True Version.
Tho several stories regarding tho In
juiles sustained by John Connell, of
Piospect avenue, a member of tho life
saving corps of the William Connell
Hose company, while practicing Fri
day night, were all somewhat twisted,
and In Justice to all concerned the true
version should be given.
After the members of the corps had
finished their dally practice of climb
ing, they practiced Jumping from the
second story Into a net stretched bp
low, and were about to stop for the
evening, when Connell climbed to the
thlid stoiy and, without warning,
Jumped. The not was sxretched rather
tight and only gave about eighteen
Inches, with the result that when Con
nell struck It, which ho did with his
heels first, ho rebounded backward,
and in an effort to save himself ho
strained his back quite severely.
A very piotty church christening
took place yesterday morning in the
Goiman Presbyterian church, on Hick
ory street, when Leona, tho young
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bu
denbach, of Hickory fattoet, received
fho baptismal rites. Tho sponsors
were Miss Minnie P.udcnbach, Miss
Carrie Nape, Frank Kahlor and
Charles Snyder. Rov. W. A. Nordt
conducted the service.
Tonight Germanla hall, Cedar ave
nue, will bo the scene of the third an
nual anniversary and entertainment
of Council 822, Junior Order of United
American Mechanics. A fine literary
programme has been arranged by this
progressive council and an enjoyable
time will bo spent In celebrating tho
third year of their oxlstenco In tho or
der. The William Connell Hose company
will meet In regular business sessioin
this evening at their rooms on Pitts
ton avenuo. All members aie earnest
ly requested to bo present.
Charles Hornbaker, of Cedar ave
nue, spent Sunday with his parents at
John Demuth, representing tho Nop
tuno Engine company, and John Hart
man, representing tho Century Hoso
company, left yesterday for Newcas
tle to attend the State Firemen's con
vention. Mrs. Rose Kolb, of Beech street, wiio
was visiting friends In Potttsville, re
turned homo Saturday,
Frank Smith, of Crown avenue, loft
for Jersey City, where he has secured
a lucrativo position.
m '
Rallying Day In tho Piovldence Pres
byterian Sunday school yesterday
proved to bo a gratifying success. A
largo attendance of members and vlsl
tois, a pleasing programmo of lead
ing, hymns, recitations, pretty songs
by tho membeis of tho pilmary do
paitment, a stirring anthem by the
chui ch choir, a In let nddicss by tho
pastor of tho church and also by the
superintendent, offerings and leports,
mado up an exceedingly profitable ses
sion, Twenty-ono new scholars have
been enrolled since January 1, 1900.
The exercises weio, under tho direction
of Superintendent H, H. McKeeehnn.
Mr, and Mis. S. It. Hcnwood, of
North Main avenuo, nttended the
Woyno county fair last week,
Ex-State Senator George and wife,
of Illinois, who have been the guesta
of Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Hallstead of
Oak stieet, will return home this
Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Tonkins, of
Church; avenue, aio cntertulnlng rela
tives of Hunting ton, Pa.
jiil&Awc - 't-'i'y f Mivw''' -.Sai-JT""-
What Will Interested Property Own
ers Do About It.
Now thnt the viaduct ordinance haa
passed two tendings In common coun
cil and as It Is almost certain thnt It
wilt pass select without much opposi
tion before October Is over, tho Inter
esting question arisen, what wilt tho
property owners do, who wanted tho
amendmont ndopted providing for a
settlement of the damages before the
erection of the structure.
Luther Keller, who favored tho
ndoptlon of thfs amendment and who
owns valuable property on West
Lackawanna avenue, next the Lacka
wanna tracks, Is authority for thd
statement thnt they will go Into court
nnd ask for nn Injunction restraining
the city from erecting the structure
until such time as the question of
damages Is settled,
Common councllmen contend Nthatl
the damages cannot bo fixed by view
ers until the structure Is built, but
Mr. Keller thinks otherwise. Ho says
that they can and that a majority
of the property owners will bo will
ing to moot tho city half way In any
such settlement.
Tho defeated amendment also pro
vided for an arrnngement by means
of which tho property owners would
have free ingress nnd egress to their
places of business during the con
struction of the Induct. The appli
cation for an Injunction Is likely to
Include this point also.
Olllicrt llrown tiled nuddcnly nt lil home in
Nicholson Saturday morning, iucd T crs, 11
months nml 28 tln.v a. Ilo Is survived tiy one son
nnd fho tlauirhtcrs, itlso ly three brothers and
two sisters. Ho was horn at Livingston Manor,
K. Y. and came to thit stalo with Ills parents
in 1830, with whom he resided until old enough
to learn the enhinet-mnkers' trade, which he tlid.
He was married to Polly Mlcrs in 1841, she havlnff
died last August. A few ers after Ills mar
riage he moved to Wjomlng county, of whlth
lie has been a resident for fifty-two years. II
wns a member of tho Methodist episcopal church
nnd for several jcars was superintendent of the
Sunday school at the Stark church. The funeral
will be conducted from the late residence tomor
row (Tuesday at 11 o'clock. Interment will bo
made In Stark cemetery.
John K. Kllpatrlck, aged 1(1 jears, 'Wlcd jes
terday, at the home of his mother, at rJ8 Theo
dore street, after a two weeks' illness of tvphold
fever. He was a gnndson of Cornelius HuddY.
The funeral will take place tomonow irornlng
at 9 o'clock fro-n Holy Itosiry churrK Inter
ment In the Cathedral cemetery.
John Regan, 11-montlis old son of Mr. and Mrs
John I: Ucgan, of 434 ltallroad avenue, died last
night. The funcril will take place this afternoon
at 2 30 o'clock and will be private. Interment
will be mide In the Cathedral cemetery.
Mrs. Ann Moran, relict of tho late Patrick
Moran, of 20.19 Price stieet, died jesterday morn
ing. Tho funeral will take place tomorrow aftu
noon at 3 o'clock. Interment in tho Cathcdial
J. V. Stevens, a well known resident of Craig,
tiled at his home jesterday morning at 0 o'clock.
The funcial will take place tomorrow afternoon
at 3 o'clock from tha family home.
Mrs. Mary English, of No 0 Dean court, died
last night after a short illness.
Major Babtie Won Victoria Cross by
Succoring Wounded Under Fire.
Vrcderick Troves in Tho British Medical Journal
The battle of Colenso was fought on
December 15, on the morning of a brll-
llan summer's day. At dawn the men
had marched out eagerly and In keen
spirits, and with a swing of the shoul
ders which told of certain victory. Be
fore sundown they were beaten back.
more than 1,000 dead and wounded
were lying on me field, the hospital
tents were filled to overflowing and
the wagons which were prepared to
move forward were moving back.
The gallant attempts made to save
the guns led only to further loss of
life. Colonel Long had been shot
down, some fifty horses had been sac
rificed, and the scanty ranks of the
English wore thinning rapidly. Still
the cry went up, "Hold fast to the
guns!" and when the last forlorn hope
had been attempted and had failed,
the green eld was littered with the
wounded, the dying and the dead. Near
by the guns was a donga, and into this
many of the wounded had crawled.
The galloper who took up the news of
the disaster reported tho need of help
for the Injured. To this call Major
Babtto at once responded as a volun
teer, His duty did not tako him to
the battle-field. Ho rode down to this
Inferno. He might as well have ridden
before a row of targets during the
smartest moment of rifle practice.
Three times was his horse shot under
him before he reached the donga. Here
in the face of a galling fire, he dragged
the wounded Into shelter, and a little
later he ventutcd out under a rain of
lead to bring In Lieutenant Roberts,
who was lying In the open, desperately
For some seven hours Babtie kept by
the wounded In the shallow donga, no
one daring to lift a head above the
edge of the dip. He alone had a water
bottle, and ho doled out what water
ho hud In a slxty-mlnlm measuring
glass. He was also able to relieve pain
by morphine, and when not otherwise
occupied he sheltered poor Roberts fuce
from the scorching sun by holding
above it a letter he chanced to have
In his pocket. It was not until dark
ness was setting in that It was pos
sible to venturo from the scant shelter
tho donga provided.
The scene of this heroic act was a
level stretch of green veld lying be
tween the river and a brown road
which led with many desultory turns
to Hlangvvonl. To the left were the vil
lage und gardens of Colenso, and to
the right tho grove of mimosa trees, In
which the Boer force was hidden. Be
yond tho river rose the enemy's In
trenchments and the grim ridge of
Grobler's Kloof,
Tho last time I passed over this spot
was on the day after our cavalry had
reached Ladysmlth. It was on a day
of peace, The sky was cloudless, and
no breath-of air stirred tho grass. The
bodies of the horses belonging to the
lost guns were lying In a long line
across tha veld, Their bones were as
whlto as aio the bones of museum
skeletons, for the vultures and the ants
had done their woik thoroughly, Tha
hides woro still drawn over tho bleach
ing bones, and round the necks of
these Ill-fated beusts were still the col
lars and the harness by which they
had diagged tho guns Into action.
Thero was an absolute stillness over
the whole scene. To the left a train
was being shunted at Colenso station
with leisurely peislstence, for the day
was hot and the sun dazzling. To the
tight were the mimosa groves, glorious
with yellow blossoms, In the shadow
of which the Boers had hidden.
It wus stiunge that It was from these
dainty woods that tho hellish fire had
pouied forth which luld low so muny
English lads, for on this quiet day
the tiees were busy with complaining
doves. By the banks of tho donga,
9 delicious in
Coffee Tea AChocoute
I BorrloiVA fonrlea.vd Milk. (n - N.Y.
"-"'Burgunder St ReU, Lessees and Managers'
A. J, Duffy, Business Manager.
oneTFoht, 1
One nf the choicest attractions ot the yMlt
'The woman who makes you laugh."
And her compiny. In her new deliciotuly funny
"A Woman's Way"
I'ricos-St.fiO, $1 00, 75c, 60c. and He.
Scats now on sale at box office. , .
Tuesday, October 2.
U Uoyage En Stoiss?
50 People in the Cast 50.
Pantomime! Comedy! Mnslcl Terpsichore!
Oh I Put you'll never forget those laughable
.Servants! the Wonderful Acrobats! The
Thrilling Avalanche Scone! The Comical Rail
road I'xplosion, and the Upsetting: Of the
Stage CV.iich.
Prices 2")c., 50c , 7,'c. and $t.(K) Advance
sale of scuts will open it the box otfice Satur'
da, Sept. 20, at 0 a. m.
n. k. BKOWN. Manager.
All This Week, Chas. Lojburne'u
Presenting; Jfonday Night,
Usual Matinee Prices 10, 20 cents.
Evening Prices 10, 20, 30 cents.
New Gaiety The
II. It. LO.NO, Lcwee and Manij
Commencing THURSDAY, 0
Presenting Two Mirthful Satires!
20 Hindsotnc Women. Funnv Cotnedl
Clever Vaudeville.
PRICnS 15c, 2m... Sic, COc.
The Big Store's
Third Great Annul
Pure Food Shoi
Representing a gigantic and I
terestlntr collection of the find
food products of this and ot
too Varieties of Pure Fo
Thousands of Samples,
Cooking Lectures,
Concerts Dally.
The only exhibition In the state
outside of Pittsburg In which
aro ronrrsentod manufacturers
of food products from almoal
every atato In the Union.
Jonas Long's Sons
Scranton, Penna.
ufllFlS. .......
412 Spruce Street.
Grand display of New
Neckwear and Hosiery,
which had been for a whole aummer'B
day u vulley of the shadow of death,
a Kafir was cronlner over a concertina,
from which came lazy, dirgelike muitc.
The railway engine, the doyea and
tho rapt Kafir were the sole moving
objects In this garden of peace, and In
the blue distance was the rldse of
Qroblor'a Kloof, no longer belching
tiro und shell, but standing out dell
cately against the tender sky.
No brave deed had ever a gentler
AHfV r. -tLt-- -t
SrwsBtr! i