'"iipr :,: .m -a7 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1900. M . Turn MoDisns IIAROif Ana Stoat YOUR HOME Will be well warmed this winter if you have a Sterling Heater Base burner, with double beater connect ion. An extra heavy seamless fire pot one of its good features. Foote & Shear Co. IJ9N. Washington Ave 5000000000001 L. R. D. & M. Can We Wait on You van wwwwwci.wi . II there l anything In tin- time market yen will llnd it here. All Mle. nil slums, all 'sir.es, nil widths In lit ami unit any Lilly who appreciates good shoes. See our windows. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & riURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. DR. TAYLOR, 'etvtst, doming avenue, next floor to Ho myn. Residence, 1760 Sanderson Tl'vnAplAtioarl nni rvtltfll Afl ATI rNo complaints against cnarges or ackawanna "THE" . Wndry. enn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN. WEATHER YESTERDAY. lata-for Sept. Sit), 1000: Icniper.ituic Ill decreet leinperature Gl degn.es m BO per rent. I in ui per cent. PERSONAL lias Luxembergcr is in Buffalo. Nettlcton is fishing at Middle IJasa Island Eric. iMinnle English, of JclTcison avenue, is her brother in Alton, 111. III. 0. Marker, of Ollvo street, is entertain. Iss Wllklns, of ltochcstcr, Ik. Lane, of Danville, is the guest of Mr. Irs. C. II. Van Iluskirk, of Pine Mrcct. Rosalie Jay, of Jefferson avenue, has re- from a months visit with friends in New flip Veftcr, Jr., has pme to New York to ne his studies at the New ork university Bellcvue Hospital .Medical college. Iry Miller will today lie united in marriage kg Susie Fisher at the latter V home on Jones The ceremony will be private, Swisher, district passenger agent of tho 111 llallroad of New Jersey, left yesterday loon on a business trip to Philadelphia. Molly O'Malley, of Victor, Colo., formerly lis city, Is visiting her aunt and uncle. Ity City Treasurer ami Mrs. I'. J. Ituane, of : avenue. lank h. Drink and John Herbert Clifford, of ctty, nave enlisted in the United States tine corps, and will leave Tuesday for active lice in the Philippines. bills D. Roberts, son of ex-County Cominls- fcr B. w. llobcrts, has left for Philadelphia, re he will take a four-year course in the ncniaim Medical college. rds have been issued announcing tho coining i"rc or fcugeno , iiictieckcr to Miss (,'har- -ikcnhoiter, daughter of Mr. anil .Mrs. Irsre i. 'ckenhoftcr, of .132 Prcscott iivcnue. ceremony will take place on Oct. 18. Hartln O'Malley, formerly uf the Truth renor. vial staff, has returned from the "west, fully covered in health and will today resume his brk on the Truth, succeeding Thomas A. Dona- who lias resigned to enter Dickinson Law hoi. 'letter has Just been received from William Boyce, a member of Company K, Nineteenth Intry, United States Army, stationed at u, Philippine- Islands, stating that he I been unahlo to furnish The Trlh. with hit usual monthly letter, (is to illness, Coiporal poycu has been in Knila over a year and during that time wroto hny Interesting letters to The Tribune, und Ids lenM will bo pleased to learn that he will soon nale to resume them. Ho was alll Ictcil with It abscess on his right arm and blood poisoning fet in, necessitating several operation. Ills com. Filalnt has been remedied and he expects to bo as lwell as ever in a short time. SUNDAY SHOUTING MUST STOP. ' Men's Union Causes the Arrest of ' . Seven Newsboyg. Newsboys must ceaso shouting their wares on Sunday. Tho Men's union has declared it, and tho Men's union generally makes good. With a view of abating tho nuisance Without cuuslng bother for any one, A, D, Dunning, a member of tho union, watted on tho management or tho Lack awanna News company, which supplies nearly all tho Sunday paper peddlers and requested that Instructions bo given to all their distributing agents to order tho boys not to do any more yelling on Sunday, According to tho evvorn statement of u number of news boys this' request was not complied With. Yesterday morning Agent Kobcrt Wilson gathered In seven boys who wero doing their best to comply with orders and Incidentally disturbing the peace and quiet of Green nidge. They were taken before Alderman A. C. Bailey, of the Thirteenth ward, und glyen a hearing. The hearing devel oped that tho News company had told I I .jsl281 tha Dpnul.lnnm ntvnnt tsnf tn tllltlfl Dlitt liiiiKs, ns ho WftH a crnnk. A flno and costa were Imposed on the n&ent'anit the l)oyn (llBClinrBca on tncir prmniso to do no more nhmiMnrr on Sunday. t Mr. WIIroii stnted yesterday that tho union proposes to put a stop to ttio Uilx.lnt- sliMlltlnn. nml Hint nrrentn will continue till tho nulsnnce Is perma nently nunted. Mayor Moir nns niso come out iift-nlnst this thing und nl vno.w lino .nrvml nnMen on the News compnny that tho police will arrest hoys who nro catiRiit orrcnuinj?. During Colonel nipple's term ns may or this practice was successfully broken up by the police under orders oC the executive. Previous to that t'lmo it was a flagrant nuisance and lately hns been threatening to become Just ns bad. MEMORIAL, FOR MAJ. SEYMOUR Movement on Foot In South Africa to Perpetuate His Memory. A number of friends of Major Tj. I. Seymour, the eminent American min ing engineer, who was killed at Zand river In tho Orange Ttlvor colony In June hiRt, have decided to erect o per manent memorial In his honor and to commemorate his services to the min ing Industry In South Africa. Major Seymour was nn American engineer whoso good work left Its mark In mines and mills of the Wltwatersrand, and the committee which hns tnkon the matter In charge has decided that an appropriate memorial would be tho es tablishment of a library at Johannes burg, to be known ns the "Seymour Technical Library." Tho committee includes mnny en gineers and mine owners In South Africa, Mr. Gardner P. Williams, mnn nger of the Do Beers company, being the chairman. Tho secretary Is Sir. Francis Drake, who has his olllce at present at No. 3 Mansion House Cham bers, Cape Town. A considerable sum hns been already subscribed Ho the fund.. Tho plan adopted by the com mittee seems nn excellent one, and many friends of Major Seymour will doubtless be pleased to have tho oppor tunity of Joining In this commemora tion of his high professional ability and admirable personal characteristics. Knglneerlng and Mining Journal. Major Seymour was formerly a resi dent of this city, and here he was In itiated Into the mysteries of the world of mechanics In which he afterwards became so distinguished. i MANY SPEAKEASY ARRESTS. Large Number of Cases Tried by Mayor Moir Saturday. Saturday was n red letter day In Mayor Moir's crusade on tho speak easies, and at the end of the day fifteen arrests had been made. Thomas Dnrnlng, of 007 Cayuga avenue, was committed to the county Jail for thir ty days In default of n"?."0 fine. John Jenkins, of 2G"9 Jackson street, and AVUliam Gannon, of 1S02 Swetland street, each paid ?.'iO into the munici pal coffers, and Mrs. Carey, of Price street, was let down with a $25 fine, on account of extenuating clrcum- stances. James O'Hoarn, of Luzerno street; John MeNulty, of 317 Twenty second street; Mrs. Anna McNally, Peter Tlgue, of 16C4 Keyser avenue; John Mofflt, of 1050 Brick avenue, and Airs. Ann Morgan, of "Walsh street, wore all lined ?50 apiece. Stephen Flannghan, of Beech street, was fined $75, and the following per sons will be given a hearing today; Will D. Tally, of 405 Putnam street; John. It. Nenry, of Mary street; Mich ael Horn, of 521 Putnam street. In default of ball, Bernard Barrett, of 20(1 Broadway, nnti James Black, of 2635 Prink street, were both committed to Jail. Dr. Hand's Condensed Milk with Phosphates and Hypophosphites Added The Best Milk for Family Use. Condensed milk Is produced by evap orating fresh milk to which a certain amount of cane sugar has previously been added. The quality of the prod uct depends on the richness und purity of tho milk and sugar used and on the care taken in its manufacture. Dr. Hand's Condensed Milk Is pro pared from only the best of rich fresh milk, and by a special process which permits the uso of a smaller quantity of sugar than Is necessary'in ordinary brands of condensed milk. During the manufacture of the special brand there Is added to the fresh milk the phos phates of lime and soda, which build up the teeth and bony structure, the hypophosphites of potassium, which builds tho brain, nerves and all tho tls ues, and tho hypophosphites of man ganese, which enriches the blood by in creasing the number of Its rod cor puscles. These elements are necessary to make a complete food and are al most, if not entirely, lacking in the or dinary brands of condensed milk from tho fnct that during the usual process of manufacture they are either driven off or destroyed by tho high tempera ture used. Thes adltlons do not change the tnsto or in any way tend to make the milk a medicine, but Improves It for general use, It Is a perfect' food for young. and old. IJablos thrive on it, Invalids llnd it a superior body builder and for tho nevrous and ovorworker it does wonders in restoring used up energy and strength. It Is the best mollk for family use and can bo used for all purposes thot fresh milk Is UHed for, and with more beneficial result's. It is for sale- by grocers and drug glbts. If you have dlfllculty In obtain ing it write to tho Dr. Hand Condunsed Milk Company, Scranton, Pa. GUERNSEY HALL. Piano and Organ Sale Today. Great bargains will bo offered In beautiful upright pianos of nearly all makes, A large number of slightly used pianos and organs will bo offered on Monday and Tuesday only at prices that will tempt anyone who wants to purchase a good Instrument cheap. Dpn't fall to call, as this opportunity will not bo repeated, Ouernsay Hall, 314 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. J, w, Guernsey, Prop. 5,00 to Niagara Falls and Return via the Lehigh Valley Railroad October 0, 1000. Tickets will be on sale October Oth, limited for return passage to October 8th, inclusive, and will bo honored on any train except the Black Diamond express. For further Information, con sult Lehigh Valley ticket agents. Tickets on sale at Lshlgh Valley city ticket oillcri, 309 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pu. Big Bargains. Ttummago Sale, October 3, 4 and E, at 137 Penn avenue. Second-hand fur niture clothing, etc. - H V Pianos and Organs at) extremely low figures today at J, AV. Guernsey's, 314 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. .) i -. 'i j!'.!... ... -,..,. w , , kMumM&&mi"j, tg-toMjitMiiiiiUiiMi BRIEF MfcNTION OF MEW OF THE HOUR THE HONOR BESTOWED UPON DR. H. B, WARE. National Organizer Frdjl Ditcher, One of the Plcturesquo Figures of the Present Strike Management. Kind Words for Lieutenant Colonel Wint, of the Sixth Cavalry, Who Has Distinguished Himself During tho Recent Events in China Man Who Finished Coghlan's Work. Dr. II. U. "Ware, who was Inst wpek at Wllkes-Bnrro elected president of tho State Homeopathic society, Is being warmly congratulated by his friends upon tho distinguished honor that has come to him and Incidentally to this cltv ns well. It Is an evidence of the doctor's popularity among his fellow physicians no loss than of his stand ing In his profession that he has been made tho olllelal head of the organiza tion In Philadelphia. While the doctor does not devote himself to any great extent to tho gen eral practice of medicine, he Is re garded as one of the lending special ists of the state on diseases of the oye, enr and throat and has. frequently dis cussed the diseases special to theo organs at the local and state meetings of homeopathlsts in papers that have aroused the liveliest Interest among the members of his profession. Before locating In Scranton the doctor studied In this country and In Europe, and he has also been nn extensive traveler both In America and Europe. He will bring to tho duties of state president a cultured mind nnd broad professional experience which will mukojiis term of otrico notable. When tho state convention of the honieoDnthlsts was, held In this city several years ago, "Dr. AVaro was un remlttlnc In his efforts to make tho convention n success, and to send ench delegate home with a favorable Idea of the hospitality of the city. An Interesting character has been In troduced to Scranton by the minors' strike. He Is Frederick Dilcher, of Xelsonvllle, Ohio, national organizer nnd member of the national executive board of the United Mine AVorkers. If ever a man found his proper sphere, Dilcher Is that man. He Is lacking In nothing that should be found in a man occupying his position. Ills big, sturdy physical mnke-up, a commanding pres ence, an Inborn shrewdness that stands him good for any want of academic training that his early years" In the mines might be responsible for, a happy, hall-fellow-well-met disposition and a store of energy and aggressive ness that finds cramped quarters oven in his massive frame, are tho chief characteristics that would be enumer ated as befitting In connection with his occupation. His tact Is probably best displayed In the manner In which ho handles the newspaper men. He knows . that a newspaper man wants news and not much of anything else, and ho proceeds to give It to him In full and plenty. He also knows that the average newspaper man Is not a gullible sort of creature, nnd ho carefully avoids 'telling him anything as a fact that ho feels the newspaper man is liable not to accent as fact. Ho manages, however, to keep himself well supplied with facts br things that he Is sure newspaper men won't be able to distinguish from facts, nnd there Is never a time when ho is too busy, bo it day or night, to get in close communion with a newspaper man and give him these aforesaid real or apparent facts". AVhlle ho was permanently In this city, before 'being called to Hazlcton, he issued "greetings" to tho mine work ers onco or twice a day and uastod It on a letter file hung In tho front room of strike headquarters. This wa? eagerly scanned by all frequenters of headquarters, and came to be known among the newspaper men as "Tho Daily Dilcher." Since his going away tho "greetings" have been discontinued and a fruitful source of "filling" for the newspapers has been cut off. The New York Commercial Adver tiser of Saturday contained a splendid photo-engraving of Lieutenant Colonel T. J. Wint, of this city, who Is now In China with tho Sixth cavalry, and In connection with It the following: "Lieutenant Colonel AVint, who lej the splendid charge of the Sixth cav alry, together with tho Bongalese Pun jabis and Japanese cavalry at Tion Tsln, killing 400 and taking 300 prison ers, has a most gallant record. He was born at Scranton, Pa., In .1845, and en listing as a boy in the Sixth Pennsyl vania cavalry served In some of the hardest-fought campaigns of tho Civil war. Ho was at Antletam, Fredericks burg, Stonemnn's Bald, Cold Harbor, Smlthflold and other battles and skir mishes. He was a captive for a brief period In Llbhy prison. Ho partici pated In the Indian campaigns from 1SC5 to 1SC9 in Texas, Indinn Territory, Now Mexico, Arizona, North Dakota, and Montana. At tho head of the Tenth United States cavalry he stormed San Juan Hill with his dusky brigade, In that engagement before San Juan a Muusor bullet ontorcd his side. Of Colonel Wint, General Joe Wheeler wroto; 'I desire to recom mend him for appointment as brigadier general of volunteers, Ho was among tho earliest to reach thu crest of San Jersey Peaches Saturday's Peaches, (delayed) are in fine condition and will be sold today, White and Yellow. Orders should be placed very early, 75c to $1.50. Fruit Jars, to close, 45c per dozen, Crabapples for Jelly, 35c per half bushel basket. E. G. Coursen 429 Lacks. Ave, 4 Juan Hill. Ills services wero meritori ous In tho hlglfest degree.' "New lustre Is added to the fame of the splendid Pennsylvania soldier by his exploit In routing a great horde of Boxers at the head of a vastly interior attacking force." Charles AV. Boyd, who has recently been In tho city In tho Interest of tho production of "Becky Sharp" at the Lyceum this week, Is not only a news paper man of note, but Is also a dramatist of unusual ability. Mr. Uoyd, who Is best known ns tho former dramatic editor of the New York Press nnd for his theatrical reviews on the World, accomplished a dllllcult task In completing the version of "Uecky Sharp," which was commenced by the late Charles Coghlan. Upon the death of Mr. Coghlan only three nets of his dramatization of Thackeray's well-known novel had been written. Mr. Boyd was asked by Miss Coghlan's managers to complete the work. He reluctantly consented, well knowing the dllllctiltles that at tend an effort to carry out the Ideas of another In work of this kind. How well tho lnbor has been performed, however, has been fully demonstrated by the success of tho remarkable pro duction. ' SICK MAN HAD A NARROW ESCAPE His Residence Set on Fire in Four Places by Some Unknown Person. Bassell's Condition Serious. A dastardly deed was attempted Sat urday morning nt the homo of D. It. Bnssell, of North Main street', Peek vllle. Mr. Bassell has been danger ously 111 for tho pnst week, in fact his death was momentarily expected on Thursday and Friday, but he was con sidered somewhat improved Frldny night. At about 2 o'clock Saturday morning ho was awakened by dense smoke which filled tho bed room. He quickly awoke his wife, who opened the bed room door, when it was discovered that a lire was burning briskly in tho center of tho parlor floor. A large quantity of clothings, papers and chairs had been plnced In a pile and were being consumed by the flames. Mrs. L. F. Bassell and Mrs. Albert Brltton were the only other occupants of the building. They were quickly aroused, but mcnnwhlle" with fnlterlng steps and weak from his severe illness, Mr. Bas" sell carried water and succeeded in gaining control of the flames. The neighbors were awakened by the alarm given forth by screaming at the Bnssell residence and they quickly responded. It was then discovered that four places in the house wero on fire. In the parlor, the kitchen, cellar and upstairs in a spare bedroom. The doors had all been opened so as to give a good drnft to the flames, and but for the timely discovery no doubt the occupants of the building would have been suffocated or burned to death. The family having attended Mr. Bas sell night and day for several days were completely worn out and in fact slept so soundly that they dia not hear the person who gained entrance to the residence nnd boldly attempted their destruction. Mr. Bassell after the first excitement and when tho Are In tho parlor had been extinguished, fell to the floor un conscious and Is now in a very pre carious condition. Tin building was insured in tho agency of D. G. Black, of Nicholson. Considerable damage was done to the house furnishings. AUDITORIUM REOPENED. Interior of Penn Avenue Baptist Church Made More Inviting. The auditorium of the Penn Avenue Baptist church was reopened yesterday and presented a fresh and Inviting ap pearance. New carpets have been laid, and a largo amount of renovating done In tlte way of papering of the walls and repainting. Dr. Pierce last night gave a general dissertation on the making of church services attractive, and In endeavoring to secure a larger amount of attend ance from the male sex. In tho course of his sermon he re ferred to the ancient custom of watch men patroling tho streets nnd calling the hour, with tho usual accompani ment of "All Is well." Said Dr. Pierce: "It Is now the midnight of tho world and Christian churches are sinking Into a restful state and crying 'All Is well.' All Is not well when millions of men are dying with souls bluck with sin?" Ho spoko of church advertising, and said he believed in It, One strong opin ion that ho expressed was the follow ing: "If 1 had my way, I would secure a largo number of bill boards and would pltieo them around town, and on these every Sunday would bo ad vertised our services, and during the week nil special services. You may say this Is the method of the play-houses. Yes, and tho play-houses are generally well filled, Is It right that people should only know when tho duvll is coming to town, nnd be Ignorant of where God Is every Sunday?" THE TREASURER'S REPORT. Action Was Taken on It by Congre gation of Grace Lutheran Church. A business mectbig of tho congrega tion of tho Grnee Lutheran church wnu held yesterday, morning and tho annual report of Treasurer James Matter, which was referred to nn au diting committee tit a leccnt meeting, wns presented. The committee, AV. C, Lnndt, D. L, Flckes und Edward Unas, reported favorably, Tho report shows tho fi nances of tho church to bo In excel lent condition and makes special men tion of tho excellent work done dur ing tho year by tho Ladles' Aid so ciety of the church. GUERNSEY HALL. Great Piano and Organ Sale today at J, AV. Guernsey's beautiful and extensive muslo warerooms, Twenty-flvo or thirty Instrument's, em bracing many beautiful and very lino upright pianos, In excellent condition, and but slightly used, will bo sold at a great reduction In price. Don't miss the opportunity, but call and see what a small amout of money will buy, Guernsey Hall, 314 AVushlngtop, u'e nuo, Scranton, Pa. J, AV. Guernsey, Prop. Opening of Night Schools Postponed, si Owing to tho small number of night school pupils registered, the opening of night school has been postponed. Prlnclpuls will continue to register and report the number registered to tho superintendent Saturday, October 0. Geo, S. Howell, Supt. OFFER OF THE OPERATORS tConchittcil from tMtfe 1.1 Irtlt.A.t l.tt titttltn t'Httiilltt nnd aimtinft 111 tntP lln IUIIIVII ilj jJU.Fliv. r-j lii'n twj niio nnii'.. .-- ---. --- manili tor Justice, nnd Imping that those at the head of the tntntng companies will recognize tho tlKhlcousncM of our cntue, wo are, Itespccttiilly yours, T. I). Nichols, Dlttrlct President. John T. Dempsey, Seerctary-Trcnurer. Adam llasccwaBC, I llcnry Collins, ' John 1. Kearney, H. V. Coiirtwrlatit, Nicholas Burke, Thomas J, Llewellyn, r.xecntlve Committee, Probably Bo At ipted. Making due allowance for what the diplomatic exigencies demand In the wny of "bold front," It can be safely prophesied that the proffer of tho oper ators Is going to bo accepted by tho strikers. One side is quite ns glad to lot go as the other. Some men In the ranks will be heard to say they'll never go back till they got this, that or the other thing, but when tho time comes for choosing between prolonging the strike nnd accepting a pretty liberal offer the conservative element will as sert Itself and the offer will bo ac cepted. President Mitchell Is speaking very gunrdedly these days, but he has not as yet said that ho was not disposed to have the miners nccept tho bare 111 per cent, advance, nnd In several In stances left It to be Inferred that If the Increase was Insured by being figured on a fixed basis that It would be, ub he put It, "a great victory." With tho additional concession of nn offer of arbitration of all other griev ances, It Is a pretty safe guess that President Mitchell will not long hesi tate to advise his men to forego the matter of method and go In for results. It resolves Itself Into this: The men want that the arbitration should be general. The oDerntors refuse to bo dragged Into nny general pow-wow, feeling positive that It Is Impracticable, be cause of tho diverse conditions that prevail, when the region Is considered as a whole, and resenting the propo sition that outsiders should Interfere between them nnd their employes. The miners are satisfied to deal with their respective employers, but claim that whenever they have attempted this they wore told that their demand could not be acceded to, because other operators were not making similar ac cessions. Agrees to Arbitrate. Now that dlfllculty Is removed. Every operator agrees to arbitrate with his employes. The operators won't meet nil the employes of all the companies in a general conference, but they place no bar to the employes of all the com panies meeting together, If they want to, and agreeing on uniform action. That the operators expect the minors to do this is not improbable. It is now up to the 'miners. All de pends on them as to how soon the strike will be ended, nnd the commun ity rescued from the business blight under which it is now prostrate. If they do not make demands that the operators can not reasonably be ex pected to grant, tho strike Is as good as settled. Yesterday's dispatches had It that a convention of the United Mine AVorkers was likely to be held tomor row in AVllki'S-Barre to discuss tho proposition that was expected would come today from the operators. As no proposition will come from the operators as a body, and ns the propo sition that is to come from them In dividually to their respective em ployes will not bo posted till tomor row, the likelihood of the AVilkes Bnrro convention tomorrow is small, unless tho Mine AVorkers" officials will take cognizance of the newspaper re ports and anticipate the notice. There will, however, bo a big rally of strikers In AVlikes-Barro tomorrow, in which all the men of the upper Luzerne region will participate. Rev. Thomas Ducoy, of Now York, has been Invited to bo tho principal speak er. Organizer Fred Dilcher, William Farley and Benjamin James are the others expected to make addresses, and there is a possibility that Presi dent Mitchell will attend. The question of opening a direct cnmpnlgn against tho wnshories was discussed at Saturday's meeting of tho district executive board, but no denlto action taken. The impending settlement of (he strike and the fail ure of Organizer Dilcher to be pres ent to lend his counsel, occasioned this. FUNERAL OF EDWARD MELLON. High Mass of Requiem Solemnized in St. Peter's Cathedral. Tho funeral of the late Edward Mel lon was held on Saturday morning ATop Notch Creation Colored Shirts more perfect, if possible in every particular than ever before; pat terns that are dis tinctly new, orig inal and novel, $ 1 to $2. "r WllUnjtgn AwMMr C. F. BECKWITH & CO., DEALERS IN ' Mine and Mill Supplies, Machinery, Etc. OFPIGE-Dlaie Bauk Building. J "W, '" irii -V"i from his late homo on Franklin ave nue. A high mass bf requiem' was sol emnized by Itov. P. J. Gough In St. Peter's cathedral, which was thronged with the friends of the departed man. Interment was made In. 'the Cathedral cemetery. ' . . The pail-bearers were ns follows! B. 13. Leonard, T. C. Motvln, J.' J. Brown J. J. Mnghran, AVIIIItun Murphy and AVillinm Conwelh Piano Sale Today at J. W. Quern soy's, Guernsey Hall. Don't miss It ns you can get a beau tiful Upright Piano titer today for $150. Don't miss It. The sale will not bo re peated. - Liver complaints cured by Doecham's Pills. " The World's Best. The Crawford Shoe Often Imitated, Naver Equahd, For men, made in Velour Calf, Box Calf, Vici Kid and Patent Leather, lace and button, all styles, one price 3.50. Clarke Bros Carpetings and Draperies P.M'Crea&Co Solicit Your Inspection of Tbeir Superb Stock at 427 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Store and Stock New SPECIAL PRICES. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA IWTG CO rtuv your umlirellas direct from manufacturers and save middleman' profit. Repairing and re covering promptly done. All goods and work guaranteed for one year. 313 Spruce Street. COLLEGE OPENING. International College of Music VltOl'. h. W. 0ARI5, DIRECTOR. The "Uuiy People's Course" at tlila college opens Monday cvenini;, Oct. 1. I'.vcry lover of ini'sic can learn, as I'rof. Carr c.plnin it, and mam' voung ladles and stents who are inisy throutili the day are rcKlslerinjf fur it. Tlie pir.fess.or informs ua that hy lili method of et pialnlnK the intertals any one who can count ami Ilis a love for music can learn. Tins being pn, doubtless scores of young ladles nnd uents will vltlt the college nlflce In the llurr building this month and legist rr and be ready to begin Oct, 1. In fact all who love muslo will want to avail themselves of such an opportunity. Gill evenings and register. Terms und rata within the reach of all. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, Steam and Un afore Hot Water ncdlBlOi f JSJ-Stt PENN AVENUE. WAUKIIOUSE-drccn Ridge Bfrennas CUNSTER FORSYTH t leg MATTHEWS BROS 320 LncknwnuiKi Arc. Wholesalo and Retail. DRLlQGI sts ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. FRENCH ZINC. Ready Mixed Tinted Paints. Oenvtnlent, Keonnmtcal, Durable) Varnish Stains. Producing Perfect Imitation of Expensive Woo Reynolds' Wood Finish. EpceUlly Designed for lnsldo .totk. , Marble Floor Finish. Durable and Drya Quickly. Paint Varnish and Kalso . mine Brushes rURK LINSKED OIL.TUKPENTINE I If you're buyiug men's wearables, buy at a man's store. It's our business ta know men's tastes. Hats, Neckwear, Q loves. CONRAD 9 305 .Lfickiuvuiinu Avenue. J r tides for every d.iy use in the kitchen1 are found In great abundance at our store. The only thing; cheap about them is the price. Dover Kgg Heaters lOo Sink lira-lies 3c Km Whips Co Nutmeg (iraters zo KttLhcn Sandstones Via Knife Polish 20o Bath Uriek ,...10c Foote & Fuller Co, Hears Building; 140-43 Washington Ave Pierce's Market, Penn Avenua This will he about the last week of peach! feason. We will rccelic dally a limited 'luantlty of .lerscv. Voile state and Michigan fruit. It you have not bought do not neglect to lcavd y.nir older tills week if you want peaches. Wo would call attention to thu pal ticularl fine nu.illty ot our oysters, Maurice Wer dives, lloiliiiwnys, Duck Itlvcrs, Mill l'onds, lllut Points, etc., etc. neniember we make a specialty of Dlue PolntJ delivered on half bhell in cairiers. W. H. Pierce, IP Lackawanna Ave. 110, 112, 114 Penn Ave. The Dickson 31111111010(1111313 Co. jcrauton and Wilkes. llarro, i'A, .Manufacturer of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENCHNE3 Uoilen, llolstlnc; and Pumplnz Machinery. Oeneral Office, Scranton, Pa. KttKCt !$3.50 For $j, $6, and $7 Rockers. The offering is so great that to give it a truer ring we'll ex plain that these Rockers are odds and ends from factories, secured for our August sale. No they did not arrive too late but we could not dispose of all during that month, so now you have another chance. Polished Seats, Cobbler Seats and Up. bolstered Spring Seats1 are among them all woods nud fiuishes. Credit You? Certainly 231-2S3-S85-S37 WyomlngAvo 1 M M l ft ft fl I IMfl The Popular House Fur- Mil W niching Stor. mm II te te. v K tf te te v te te te v te te te te te S ft M X a x & X X X x x ft X X X X X X X X X X X X 5- X X X ft