The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    51. -irT - -,
fi. X
jvr"'i,r'''vw'' "?.' ,
Ice Cream.
9C Pef
gc Quar
Telephone Ordsre Promptly Delivered
apai A dim Avenue.
Scranfon Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Offlco D., I. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone 025.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office Hours a. m. to 12.90 p. ro.: 5 to I
Williams Building. Opp. Postofflce.
COAL LAND l.i:.KI) 1.1 M. Hi ill) has
lcacd frelin Allied Iljixoy twcnty-lliuc aucs uf
coal I.iikI in (lie Tlilnl waul uf tills lit).
sr.wi:ii contk.ut ri:nTii'ir.i. contioiicr
Unwell certified tin- cnntrait foi tin- lonstiuitinn
of tlic ltallroad avenue sewer mi Saturday last.
The eontr.ictois arc O'll.u.i lliiithir.
Itlf! I1LOCK Or (lltAMTi:. One of tlio big
Mocks of gianitc on whiih the great shaft uf tlio
soldiers' momimtiits is tu u-st .nriiod in tlio ilty
on Saturday ;ind will he hoislcel Into position to
day. It weighs exactly sixteen tiuis, or iU.UUO
rxiox i.i:.ntT. mixtixi!. The t'nion league
v.ill meet toinonoiv night at tlie Contial Ifi-puh-ileuii
dill) lOuiiH mid will lie :iddiosod In Atteu-nej-s
M. V. l.ory nnd A. .1. Ciilhoin. Tin- He
publican candidates lute hem invited tu sitttnd
10 in iKc addresses.
AX OWl, CAPTfTKKI). A young owl was up.
tureil on I'ridaj niKlit last hi tlie house of .lolin
II. Wnlklns, of Putnam street, having flown in
ihmiigh tho window. Mi. Walkiiis presented the
bhd to the park iiimniissiontrs foi the m5ii igol ie
at X.iy Aiis lurk.
FiJXiiiiAii or ittim:iiT m .vnnitisv.-Tho
funii.ll nf the late Itobeit Mi.xbcri) will lie held
this afternoon at 2 o'clock fiom tlie famll) resi
lience at t!21 HailroaiPauiuie. Senices will he
lOndueted in St. Luke's cIiuilIi and interment
will be made in Finest 11111 toinclci).
CONCERT 'll'IMJ.W NIlillT. The benefit con
ceit foi the Young Women's Chii-.ti.iu assneiition
af the Stianton Iliijcle ilub house tomoirow
night promises to In; one of the boot attended etoiits of the hrnsnn. The object is a
xvoi thy one mid the loiucit will be sitpiih.
I.KCiriti: O.N l'SMOX PLAY. An illustrated
In tore on the OlH-r.iiiiniciR.iii Passion Play will
1m- delivered :il the Suanton lliciele club house
on Thursday and I'riil.iv evenings for the benefit
of the Rescue Mission by He v. W. Robert tios,
uf Jeisoj City. Iho Iccltiio will be lllil-ll.ilid liy
motion pic lines of this je.n's icpicscnlatinu.
tiii: wi:i:k's cr.i:.nixt?s. The dialings foi
list week as lepmted lij the Sir.intuii ( 'Idling
House Herniation wen- as follows; Xluudi),
$lS8,70n!il; Tuesday, is.lH,tih,'i.lil; Wnlnisdai,
sVI.'iS,TGI.i2l; Tliiuvljy, SiV),732.lnli l'lidiv, S17J,--on.lS;
Saturday, s.ltu.T.'ii.iil;, SI .2-i,sa". 1 1.
'J he total for the month of Sciilcniber was "!,
IM.iiii.n, and for this inonlli jiai, 'l,.llii,
csi:.:n. l:XCi:i'T10.S ril.i:i. Atlnmet Walter Hilu,
on bchilf of Torre .1., has tllnl riopfioiis
tho finding of ("omniisv.ioiier in Ids
report upon the iiiiltllelm.s of back iwauiia
township. In i-su-plioiis it is maintained
thtt ciders cliawn by the nupmisois on the
tirjr ore not piiuia facia etideine of township in
debtedness; that supeitisiiis hate not power to
jsib orders op tliu township fund-, ami that,
thcrefmr, an art ion cannot be maintained on null
an ordir. 'J lie exceptions will bo licaiil at aritu
melt court.
Joafeph Mora, the Victim of John
Vrabel's Knife.
John Vrabol, a Throop minor, xvas
committed to the county Jail last night
ihy 'Squire Cummings, of Olyphant, on
the charge of feloniously wounding Jo
seph Mora, also of Throop.
Tlac latter claims ho met Vrabol Sat
urday night, and that a quarrel en
RtieiS, In the course of which he stabbed
him with a knife. Vrabel denies this
nnd &ays that he merely pushed Mora
into a ditch, that the latter fell and
cut his hand against h piece of glass.
At tho hearing last night It was
claimed by tho prosecution that Mora
was walking along the Thioop road,
when ho was mot by Vrabol. Una
iblood has been between tho two men
for nomo time, and ugly words passed.
Uoth Mora and A'rubel grow excited,
and flnnlly tho hitter drew a clasp
knife nnd stabbed viciously at Mora.
Tho latter shows a badly cut hand as
the result of the nffrny,
Vrabel gave tho version of the af
fair stated above, and claims that
while ho struggled with Mora, it was
jiuruiy an accident thut ho was In
jured. ,
.After tho fracas occurred Saturday
nght, Mora Instantly swore iout a war
lunt. but Vrabel's xvhereabouts could
jiut oo uiseovoreu until lust evening.
Home of John Decker in Dunmoro
Gutted by Flames.
An alarm of fire was turned In at 1.40
o'clock this morning from box 24 In
Dunmore, and, on three of the borough
cqmpanles responding, they found the
lioroe of John Decker, on Pine street,
near Elm, in flames. Tlie structuro
was a two-story wooden frame build
ing owned by Patrick Ourkln. of this
In spite of all the firemen could do
tfjo flames spread rapidly from the
ground floor, wheio the blaze origin
ated und the interior of the house was
completely gutted and merely the shell
of Ute building left,
Tlia cause of the flro is unknown. It
started about 1.30 o'clock and tho fam
ily, Being awakened by (he smoke, es
cannl from the house, but xvore unable
to rftmove any of tho furniture,
t Pianos and Organs'
Nllinos us low as $40 nnd organs ns
low (is 10 today at Cluernsey Hull. Cull
ear)7 and see xvliat money will buy. J.
W. ifcuernsey, Prop,
Denth of Sister Benedict At St. Ce
celia's Convent.
. The oiliest nun In the order of the
Immaculate Conception In tho dlocoso
of Scriuiton, Bister Benedict, formerly
Miss M'orron, of Philadelphia, passed
nway early yesterday mornlnir nt St.
Cecelia's convent, on Wyoming nve
ntio, after an Illness extending: over a
period of several yearn.
The dead sister was 04 years old,
was born In Philadelphia, and was
professed exactly forty years ago. Af
ter her profession she was stationed
nt Susquehanna for a number of years
and went from there to Dushore, whero
she xvns mother superior for some
time. Slle camo to this city from Du
shoro somo eight yenis ago and had
been stationed here ever since.
Her deep piety and her wonderful
patience during her long Illness 'won
for her the respect and love of every
sister In the convent. She Is survived
by two sisters, both of whom reside
In Philadelphia. The funeral will bo
held tomorrow morning at !U0 o'clock,
when a solemn high mass of requiem
will be solemnized In St. Peter's cathe
dral. Interment will be made In the
Cathedral cemetery.
Men's Union Is After the Official
Scalps of Constables Joseph
Woelkers and Hugh Collins.
The Men's union Is now after the
ward constables.
Its attorneys made an application
to coutt Saturday for a rule upon
Constables Joseph Woelkers, of the
Eleventh ward, and Hugh Collins, of
the Seventh ward, to show cause why
they should not be removed from of
fice for neglect of duty in falling to
return to court the names and loca
tions of certnln speakeasies in their
wards. The rule was granted and was
made returnable at the next argu
ment court.
This application Is the sequel of a
story already told in The Tribune. t
will be remembered that Detective,
Harris was sent around to several of
the wards just before the Republican
primaries, in tho role of en electlonerer.
It is claimed that he secured introduc
tions to these two constables and that
he Informed them that he had visited
all of the licensed places and wanted
to be shown thtough the unlicensed
ones that he might "set them up"
for Candidate Blank,
It is claimed that these constables
jumped at the bait and showed him
through every speakeasy in their re
spective wards. In each case, of
course, tho detective bought drinks
for the crowd nnd drank to the suc
cess of the above-mentioned Candi
date Blank, whoever he was.
The clay after this exploit each con
stable Is said to have received a letter
from the Men's Union, warning them
that if they didn't return these speak
easies the next time the grand jury
met, proceedings w'nuld be bepun to
tomove them from office. They didn't
leturn nny of the places, hence the
application for their removal.
Entertainment to Be Given at Bicycle
Club House.
An open door of hope on Franklin
avenue, in our city, flnds many a child
of adveislty and leads them fiom sin
(o God and restores them to home and
Mielefry. The mission takes that one
xho Is a peril to .society and clothes
him with true manhood, it says to tho
one who has fallen into hin, though all
the woild condemns you, Jesus Is your
friend and will help you. The inls.slon
Is doing a great work in this eity and
It depends upon tho chutches for sup
port. Tho mission is needed by the
churches, as It reaches it class the.v
cannot, and finally places them in the
A benefit' entertainment for this work
will be given in the Bicycle club house
on October 4 and fi, nt S p. m at which
time the .Sublime Passion Play, the
Morse version, xvlll be rendered with
musical and stereoptlcon effects. This
entertainment Is highly endorsed by
the clergy, the public and flic press.
Crowded houses have greeted this pro
duction. Itcv. Itobort Coss, who
gives tho entertainment, is himself a
mission worker In New York, and de
sires to help the mlslson In this way.
All interested in such xvoik should not
full to assist it by their patronage.
Tickets will be on sale at Powell's
music store and at tho door.
Tho Morgan Store Barn Is Destroyed.
Loss, $000.
About 12.30 o'clock Sunday morning
tho large Morgan store barn at Pcck
vlllo xvas discovered to bo In (lames.
The lire had gained good headway be
fore discovery; tho flames were leap
ing up fiercely, An alarm was turned
In from Box 0, at Woes' drug store.
Tho AVIlsons quickly lesponded and
soon had two heavy streams playing
on the flames. Tho large stoto was
saved by the firemen. Tho Are wns
quickly under control after tho llremen
arrived. The building was completely
mined. Tho Jesaup Hose company also
lesponded to tho alarm, but their ser
vices were not required. In the barn
was stored a delivery and butcher
wagon. Both wero destroyed, along
with a pair of sleighs. The Morgan
store and barn were given up over a
year ago. Tho stock and building were
purchased by the Pockvllle Store com
pany and the stock wus removed.
The loss will amount to about $600.
It was Insured. Tho origin of the flio
Is not known.
Monday and Tuesday, the 1st and 2d
of October nt Guernsey Hall,
About twenty-five Instruments, jno3t
of them hut slightly used xvlll bo of
feied for sale at great bargaliiH for
cash. You may never have an oppor
tunity again. Be sure nnd see what
money will buy today at 314 Washing
ton avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
His heen used for over FiFTV YEARS by
WHILK TEET11INU. with 1'uUPr.Cri! SUCClS:?
U tlio best remedy for DJAItUHOEA. tijfd by
L)U(vUt in every part ol the world. Ho euro
and ask for "Ut. Wlnslow's Boctbln? Syrup,"
nJ taka no other klncL Twenty. flvn rnni. ..
Said Creeds Should Be Taken Into
the Heart nnd Not Tucked on
Shelves A Right Creed Is Neces
sary to a Proper Development Re
vising the Creed la Despising It.
If Much More Is Washed Out There
Would Remain Only a Gospel of
Sound Instead of a Sound Gospel.
Rev. Dr. C. M. Olffln, pastor of tho
Elm Park Methodist Episcopal
church, delivered a sermon before a
largo congregation last night on the
topic. "Why Stick to a Creed?" He
found his text In Epheslnns Iv: 14:
"That xve henceforth be no more chil
dren, tossed to and fro, and carried
about with every wind of doctrine, by
the sleight of men, and cunning crafti
ness, whereby they lie In wait to de
ceive." Among other things, the doc
tor snld:
"There are a great many folk who
don't believe even the cardinal facts
of the creed of the church to which
they belong. There are some 'churches
In which the ordinary personals nex'er
expected to assent to the ciecd. Only
the clergymen and elders are ex
pected to do that. When peoplo are
not cajled to nssent to u creed there
Is no reason why they should feel ob
liged to stick to a creed. It'H not a
personal matter with them. In such
cases, a creed becomes simply a the
sis written by doctors of divinity and
pinned upon the door of eccleciastl
clsm, "One of the things I like about my
Catholic brethren down on the corner
is the thorough way they have of
educating the children and Impressing
on their minds their particular dog
mas and beliefs. I am of the opin
ion that if our young people xvore
told n lltttle more about what they
believe and why they believe It, that
xe xvould have more steadfast devo
tion and loyalty to the cause 'of
Chi 1st.
"Don't you know that when the
body of a doctrine Is transferred to
the en re of the clergy that the people
are apt to say, 'this Is not for me to
meddle with.' I remember a pair once
xvho were talking theology and one
asked tho other if he believed In In
fant damnation. The other said he
believed as Parson Parrar did on that
question. On being asked what Par
son Tairar beliex'ed, he said ho didn't
"He didn't know, but he believed.
That's trifling xvith the eternal truth.
AVe shouldn't take our creeds tenta
tively. Wo should take them to our
heatt. A creed should not be simply
a literary production to be tucked
axvny In n musty corner of a library."
In leferrmg to the conceit of some
of those who believe In formulating
new creeds, the doctor said:
"If you measure tlie mental out
put of your life with tho intellectual
cieatlons of the. earlier ages of. Chris
tianity, It wIIIHjo a lebuko to your
mental conceit. The colossal self-ap-preclittlon
of these er.'ed revlserfl re
minds me of the boy xvho once stood
next to me. his head reaching my hip,
and said, 'See how big I am.'
"There are very few of us xtho can
sit down and follow the Fathers of
the Church sti night through and yet
there are those xvho ciaxvl out and
call them old fogies:. lt' a slander
against strength. , Stick right to your
ci oed in order to gl-e poxrer and de
velopment to yourself. A (limy faith
never made a great character.
"Theie is one power that Is over
looked too often. That Is the poxvor of
a tight creed; tho power of bringing
about a right development by a right
doctrine. One can't be tight If he does
not think right. In this autl-dogmatlc
age. If you want a bigger brain you
can obtain it better by trying to mas
tor tho plan of God than of trying to
understand the plot of a novel.
"What a surprise there xvould be If
one "f tlio fathers of the church xvho
studied, not skimmed, his tlieoloarv
should come Into a modern pulpit and
unfold nn immense argument In de
fense of some dogma. Your modern
insiphls in twenty minutes would fall
away from brain fag.
"I pray xvith all the earnestness of
my soul that no confession or creed
shall over bo laid down until saints
and sinners are on a level. Life can't
be right If one's creed Isn't light. Jesus
said do the right, but there are raanv
who do xxithout tho tight. The xvorld
can never be made better by cuttlr.f
off the great fertilizing Influence of
Christian doctrine.
"But some say, 'Where Is our creed?'
We're not troubled much, It's true.
They can't revise tho Methodist creed,
because the Methodist church is found
ed on u faith that is unalterable. AVe
are only Interested in our brothers. I
must say, however, that what is wrong
should be put out.
"This talk of some peoplo who tell
about getting a formula of faith that
can be 'placed under tho linger nail
puts me In mind of this talk of living
on five cents a day. I've been study
ing some of thoso menus and I And
that you can't build up a healthy body
on them, Revising la despising the
"This getting away from tho early
divines and washing out to a colorless
Practically speaking, a prodigal.
One xvho spends lavishly and la
wasteful, And every prudent per
son knows xxiiat a host of prodi
gals aro walking the streets of nil
great cities today. A mlnd'o-eyo
plciuro shows tho crowds heading
direct for the poor house and a
pauper's grave.
A pity to bo Buro- Hut any at
tempt to halt the gay procession
xvould be almost useless so few
xvould heed timely advice. Termed
a "spendthrift," the larger num
ber would each consider himself
or herself. Insulted. Strange, In
deed, but why should such folks
envy tho prudent the SAVINQ
After seeing Its effects on other
lives, xve know of no counteraction ,
to habitual spending so great, as
Is one of our neat deposit records,-'
furnlshed each saver, ,Suro to be
handy on pay day, and down goes
the sum saved.
Savings Department
Cor, Wyoming and Spruce
Insipidity our notions of religion will
make of It like something I recently
saxv advertised In a magazine wind
pills. Wo xvlll have a gospel of sound
rather than a sound gospel."
Pointed Question Asked by the Rev.
James Hughes.
Rev. Jnmcs Hughes, In the Adams
Avenue Presbyterlnn chapel, last night
preached a sermon In which ho asked
tho question, "Why do men not attend
church more regularly?" Ho said, in
I think It Is aciirrally admitted that there Is
a xcry great reluctance en tlio wrt of many
men to attend chpr-h, It In xcry obtloui that
tliero h a xcry larirc prt pondci uncc ol woman
nt our church gerWccn, oven In tlio inornlni
when domestic duties might he pleaded as an
excuse (or many of them vtnying ut home.
No one, t think, can fall to sec nit immense
number of men sitting on their xcrandas, stun
terlni: around their gardens', or strolling about
the ultcets of the city dining the hours of tliv
Ine worship. .Now what can bo the secret of tins
willful nrctlcil of the house of (luil?
If this conduct were oonllncd to men ot very
mcaiier mental powers and of no education, an
adequate reply tnlfdit be easily (otind, tut when
wc tlml such a tajt number uf skilled iirllrans,
unci ci'ii piiftsloiial men, and other also en
ilottul with considerable powers of mind and
nduriiiil xvith many accomplishments, when te
find Midi men liablliially iibsent llieiiuehes fiom
the services of the tuiicluirj we nie confronted
with ii problem of no easy solution.
Possibly, Mime would asdlbe nil this to the
moral e'.ejjtncralp condition of the people about
whom 1 urn hpcnklng. Such n reply would ap
pear to mi- as liehnc wholly misitlsfuctory.
I appeal to the men now picselit, and I do so
with nil earnestness und much perwinal icspect.
llrnther men, what Is the secret ol all ttil-t
obvious reluctance on the pait of so many ol
uur se to attend (lie sanctum?
It cannot be tliat lln-y hillexe that there Is no
food In religion or any benefit accruing from
ntlrmllnc rellulotH senices, fur many of them
mid their diitilien to the Sunday school, and
Insist on them attending illtlne worship, and
some of them are ctcn pleased to encourage
their wltcs tc utlend church.
Such men would reter acl thus were they not
convinced that It was the proper thins to do,
and that rrood would be the result.
When any of the family ale daiiKcrously ill a
minister or ioine faithful member of the church
is sent for to pray or minister In spiiituil
thincs to the sutTeicr a x-eiy risbt thing to
do nnd should d:ath enter the home, a clergy
man id generally expected to try to comfort the
bcieaved and conduct a funeral hcrvicc, which
request Is alwavs responded to at any hour,
night or day.
l- en the most pronounced nmi-churcli-goer
would he shocked if any Christian refuseel to
prny with and for his djlng child, or If any
minister refused to oflieiale at the funeral of
his deceased wife; and jet possibly such a
peron does not xisit the house of !od once in
six months,
Now wero jou to charge such men with in
consistency, they woulil lesent such a charge
with indignation, jet it would be most ilimeult
to point out xv herein their consistency consists,
ijiey encourage theii wives ami cbildrin to
attend tho services of the house of the Lord, and
they desire the services uf a Cluislian minister
in case of domestic alllictlnn or painful beieate
ment, and jet they themselves will f-eldom ap
pear in a place of worship Is this consistent?
Ought we not and skill we not honor flocl by
assembling together in Ills house to worship
llini, xvho is the gieat Ihot cause nnd lixing
fountain of all the blessings which have come
down to us thiougli human channels. lucid-Jug
in volume nnd rlcluie-m with the (light of time I
My friends, find expects us to meet foi worship
and i-piiitiial institution, lie aim expects us to
he faithful with each other anil faithful to ourselves-.
What xvlll be the effect of your minimi on the
life and destiny nf jour sons? How many joung
men have been vviecked on the batien iniks er
a f.itlier'tt example?
Then what xxlll lie the ultimate elicit upon
joui-stlvcs? To xvhnni much has been given,
fiom them shall much be reipiiieil. The spirit
of (ieiel Mjc, "Neglect not the assembling or
juiiisclvcs together."
ejtiv. I). .1. S.iiiluilie, of Wavilj, spoke .lis
ten! ly In Finn's chapel, liimi llnUe. hlu
morning and i veiling.
Itcv. ('. A. Spanieling will lead n piper this
morning before- the ltiptlsl ministers' confeicnec
on '"Hie r.itheibood of Coil."
'J lie Kink and I lie Kejs" wis the topic- of
itcv. Dr. ('. II. HnbliisiHi'i, senium last night,
it the N'lond I'lesbjteiiiin tliinili,
"The School for Hod" nnd "Sell Eicileil
Monuments" won- the themes spuken on jcstu
day by liev. .1. W. Messlngcr, pastur ot Stion
L'uitecl tliinili.
n espis i.illv elaborate pialc senile of song
was given hist night in tlie l'11-.t I'reshjleriaii
rlimili by tlie exiellent i hnlr. 'Ibis wjs the
tn-l of a series of song seiviees of a
high indei to be iicn liming the whiter on
the list Solid. i.v ivcniiig of each inontli.
Kev. .lames T, Kendall pleached nn eloquent
Million jesfeidaj' looming in (iiacc- K.augeliial church, taking as his theme, "'Hie
run ci'tftfiil l.eadei," In the evening ltev. Luther
Hess Waring spoke on "Seranton's Xeed."
t the Itaihoad Young Men's Christian aso-
nation jestcnlaj' afimioon, llev, llngcii lsiael
nnd Hie surpliicil choir of Sir. Luke's eliurilt gave
the full l.'plsiopal ton lie. Mr. Israel gave a
ny piai Ileal talk on the "Talents," taking the
lissun fiom the tvventy-tiitli ihapter ol St. Mat
thew, Itcv. Ir. Mnnie, of Kingston, occupied tlie pul
pit of the Providence .Methodist Episcopal thuiiti
jesterilaj1 morning, lie preached an imprcs-sivo
sermon with n niasteiful ileliver.f. In cone hill
ing Dr. Moore made a plea for the Wjoniing
seuiin.ny, hoping tliat the people nf North hiiau
Ion would assist llieui in building u ladies' dor.
inllnry. The levciencl gentleman is
seiietuiy ot Iho scminaij'. lie Is a ripe scholar
and a force till spiaker.
Took the First Game for the Prize
Cup Saturday.
Tho Scranton Country club's golfers
defeated tho team representing tho
AVyomlng Aralley Country club Satur
day on the Scranton links, In tho first
of the series of games In the annual
golf mutch for tho prize cup offered
by the directors of tho two clubs. Tho
score xvns no to 0, tho now system of
scoring In which every victory counts
a point, being followed. Ten men
played on a side. In tlio subjoined
score, the Hrst named of each pair
Is the Scranton player:
.1. II. Ilrookn , ,., 0
Johnson 0
P. C. roller , ,,.. s
Woculriift .,, ,
II, (?. thaler
Turner ,,,,,,.
w. j. Torrcy
1'iico ,,,..,,,
T. 1!. llrooks ...'.,.. , , 2
I'red llllhiuu ,,.,,., ,,,, 0
8. II, Kingsbury , ,.,,, 5
Ccorgo lllllnun ,,,,,,, ,,,,
lUair , ,,,,, . ...
I'tilock .j,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,, .......
ii. It. Fuller ...,,,,
Uccmer ,,,,,..,..., ,,
J, II. 'I'viirey
,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
V. Jones
,,,..!.,,,, ,,,,,,,,. ,
A, L Hunt ,,....,,...,, ,,,,.,, ,,,,,....,,, .1
0, W. Hlxby .,,,.,,.,,,,., .,..,.,,,,, 0
Tea was served by Mrs. E. B. Jer
inyn. Miss Elizabeth Blulr, Miss AVar
ren, Miss Dlmmlck and Miss Moffat,
and at the conclusion or the game the
visitors were entertained at a dinner
given by the Country club goveauiors.
s IWkUffl Jiiuit; V fll UU I1U,CU Oil
the third Saturday In October, on tho
links of the AVyomlng Valley Country
At the Hend of the List Appears the
Name of Edwin E. Everhnrt, Who
Is Charged with Hiring a Man to
XillvHis Father The Bribery and
Speakeasy Cases Occupy a Good
Portion of tho List Judges Who
Will Prosido During tho Two
Weeks of tho Torm.
District Attorney Jones has com
pleted tho criminal trlni list for Octo
ber sessions, which begin Monday, Oc
tober 8. Ho has placed every Indict
ment upon the list, which numbers 477
During the first week the folloxvlng
Judges will preside In the respective
court rooms: Hon. R. AV. Archbnld In
court room No. 1; Hon. Cyrus Gordon,
president Judge of the 'Forty-sixth
Judicial district (Clenrlleld county), In
court room No. 2, nnd Hon. John Q.
Love, president Judge of the Forty
ninth Judicial district (Centre county),
in court room No. 3. During the second
xx-eek the following Judges xvlll preside
in the respective court rooms: Hon. II.
M. Edwards in court room No. 1; Hon.
H. M. McCIure, president jy.lgo of tho
Seventeenth Judicial district (circuit of
Union nnd Snyder counties), In court
room No. 2, and Hon. Henry K. AVennd,
of tho Thirty-eighth judicial district
(Montgomery county), in court room
No. 3. . ,
Tills order xvlll be subject to change,'
for possibly Hon. It. AV. Arhnbald may
exchange weeks xvith Hon, H. M,,.:Ed
xvards, and preside in court room No.
1 during the second xveok. The list l
headed by the Everhart case. It is as
follows for tlie first week:
Monday. October 8.
1. Edwin T. Exeihnrt, inciting murder; I. P.
Everhait, pios.
2. J. 11. ltoberts, rape; P. V. May, proa.
fl. Anna E. Ames, adulleiy; Thomas Tj'slion,
4. C. II. Knapp, adultery; E. E. Ames. pros.
5. l'atiiek O'Donnell, nnlieious mischief; Eiank
Holding, Jr., pros.
0. .Michael Juritskl, silling liquor without li
cense; fliehard Uairon, pios.
7. William llobinsoii, felonious wounding;
Kiank holding, Jr., pros.
8. Chailes Kvveenej-, nssault and battery; Ira, pros.
9. Wan en Tuppm, assault and battery; Eliza
beth Tappin, prox.
10. Charles Miller, assault and battery; 1'iank
Holding, Jr., pros.
11. James .1. Carilcn, assault and battery; Ed
ward ltobhhw, nras.
12. William II. ltcigliinl, assault and battery;
Mrs. XV. II. Duggan, prox.
I.I. Mike Thornton, selling llemor without license;
liobut Wilson, pios.
It. Cathiiine Ciinnnn, sidling liquor without li
cense nnd sidling liquor on Sunday; lloheit
Wilson, pros.
l.'i. John Edwards, selling liquor without license;
Robert Wilson, puis.
in. M.iiy .Molliij-, selling liquor without license;
Thomas U-jslmu, pins.
1". Joseph Oelrel, Clinics llossa, selling liquor
on hiuiday; Thomas Lejshon, pros.
IS. Jclfiij- I'owus, Thomas 1'ord, Jr., selling li
quor without license and selling on Hunilay;
Thomas Lejshon, puis.
11). Anthony lhinlcavj-, selling liquor without Ii
cense; Kohirt Wilson, puis.
20. Snail Crane, selling liquor without;
Hubert Wilson, pios.
21. Thomas Cm no, selling liquor without lliense;
Unbolt Wilson, puis.
22. M. .1. (iilhiide, selling liquor without liiense;
Unbelt Wilson, puis.
2.1. M. II. I.iiiuen, selling liquor without license;
llinij- II. Pieiin, pios.
21. Thorn is Sen Inn, selling liquor xxithout license;
I limy II. l'icue, pios.
25. Hugh I'liie, selling lieiior without license;
llcnrj II, Picue, pins.
Tuesday, October 9.
2(1. (Icnltj-, selling liquor without li-';
Itobert Wilson, pios.
27. John Molfalt, selling liquor without Iiiciisc;
Unbelt Wilson, pros.
2S, 1'iank Sliumiel, selling liquor willmnl liiense;
lluiij II. I'iene, pros,
211. Dennis i'ninig.iii, selling liquor without li
cense; lleiuy If, I'iene, puis.
ilO. Anna Mi Hale, selling liquor without license;
lluliut Wilson, pros.
51. William Howells, fornication and baslaulj;
Until Phelps, piox-.
52. Philip Elliot, Charles Davis, keeping a gam
ing house; End E. lleers, pios.
8J. Jacob Ellin in, assault and battery; James
Xl.ij-, pros.
.11. .laconic S.iliio, assault und battery; Savino
Propose, pios.
05. George llelssel, selling liquor without license;
Unbelt Wilson, pros.
3(1. Hum-, selling liquor without lliriuc
and selling on Siindjy; ltolicrt Wilson,
37. Ceoige ltosln.iiska, assault and biltciy; May
Sullivan, pi ox.
88. James .1. Padden, selling liquor on Sunday;
'Ihuitias Lejshon, pros.
.111. Tony Mlnottl, assault and battiry; Ann Wal
ters, pio.
40. E. S. Westcott, blasphemy; Thomas Lejshon,
It. Annie llaruin, assault and finitely; Pelogla
MlcliaUki, pros,
42. Ilrldget Welsh, selling liquor nn Sunday:
Thomas Le.vshou, puis,
41. John T. Kenneilj, .selling liquor on .Sunday;
'I hum is Lejshuii, plus.
41. Thomas Mitiiiire, ns-atilt and lnllcry; Hen-
Jimlii Xanglian, pios.
45. David J, Davies, assault and batteiy; Doia
E, Williams, prox
III. Michael .1. lloi.ui, selling liquor without 1
lense; Hohert Wilson, puis.
47. Thomas E. Jones, selling liquor without li
cense; Itobeit Wilson, pros,
4S. Margaiet Kciiucd.v, selling liquor wllhout li
iense; Itobert Wilson, pins.
49. Henry llie-h, selling liquor without license;
Unbelt Wilson, pios,
50. Mike Cullagher, selling liquor without license;
Itobeit Wilson, pios,
Wednesday, October 10.
61. Ilh tun! f.lttle, Michael J. O'Toolc, libel;
Ezia II. Hippie, pros,
fi.'. lllchanl Little, M. J. O'Toole, libel; Jusepli
Cross, pios.
SJ. Ulihaul Little M. J. O'Toole, libel; John
Kelly, nios.
31. Itlihard Little, Michael J. O'Toole, libel;
Jacob Ellmau, pros,
6.1. James J, nettings, selling liquor without li
cense; llohcrt Wilson, puis,
SO. Patrick J. Gljnu, selling liquor without li
cense; Itobeit llion, pios,
57, Calurlna Ilofswltz, assault and battery; Eliza.
belli lliuili, piox.
OS. lilclnul Utile, Michael J. O'Toole, libel;
Joint I', Kelly, pros.
59, Alcxinder flooelvvln, ussault anil battery; Til-
lie Van Worn, pion,
59. Alexander (!uoivvlu, assault anil battery; TU,
1 to Van lloin, piox.
CO. Mjitln WiiLh, Assault ami batteiy; 'laidnlg
Hernhardt, pros.
(11. David Davis, Charles (Iraliam, alias .Slaughter
(huham, Ilany Hill, Ki.incU Whiwooel,
Itatutory burglary; 1'iank Holding, Jr,,
pios (r'loicy & llrooks),
0. Charles (Iraluui, alius Slaughter (Irahaui;
lllchanl Allen, alias Harry Allen, Hurry
Hill, I'rancU Wlnwoud, larceny ami rccelvt
lug; Prank Holding, Jr., pros.
03. Anton Stein, breaking and entering IrcUht
car; Martin Crlppcn, pros,
04. Itobert Hand, Ihrt Williams, (larlleld Wil
liams, John Jones, statutoiy burglaij;
l'iuik Holding, Jr., pros.
Ci John Koslinun, laricny and icielvlng; Stephen
Pjer, pros.
CO. Chirks Graham, alias Slaughter Graham,
Itklurd Allen, alias Harry Allen, Harry
Hill, Francis Wlnwood, David Davis, statu.
lory burglary; Frank itobllug, Jr., pios.
O'lorcy & llrooks).
When You
find that we can sell Chinnl, Glass. Brle-a-brao, etc. at ill
same prices or less than out-of-tcjwn
much when we ask you to spend
you determine what values we ct
see P For quality you will find
rect from European manufactory
earliest possible moment and oftentimes before others. Xf you
want to buy a sift, a piece of bUo-a-brac or china, nil wa ask is in
look the stock ovor, get the pieces and we will leave it to jour
better judgment to do tho rostl
Oeo V Millar &
Wo make teeth to suit j-ou and your friends.
We. guarantee to please you or no pay.
We keep work In repair free of charge.
Wc examine and extract teeth free of charge.
Our Crown and D -5
Bridge Work... VO
All wotk guaranteed for 10
and have jour teeth examined,
or no pay.
years. Call
(Trade Mnrlc Registered.)
Cleans you so clean
that nothing else
seems to clean you
dainty housewife may use costly toilet soap
and lemon juice to remove the stains from her
fingers, but ZEN OLA
and leave the hands soft.
At drocersand Druggists, sc and 10c (Zenola Toilette 15 Cent,)
CUSHMAN BROS. CO.. Distributors
New York Philadelphia Boston
P M I W kji ill t aSSBlts
W 7l O M aS m tsaBaataw .. A BBSW .BBti AaSA. taSaVBBBK
The J. A. Banister
Best in the World.
At Vienna in 1873. At Philadelphia In 1876.
At New Qrleans in 1884.5. At Chicago in 1893.
fl". James Jordan, JI. II. Jordan, foigciyj Ilany
Me Council, proa.
CS. William Uoth, selling llmior without llce.i'.a;
J. W. Clark, 11103.
CO, Wolf llosinbiirg, Lewis llon-nliug, selling ll
mior on Sunday! Thomas l.ejhon, in cm.
yf f r
70. .Tcnkhi llairls, selling liquor on Sunday; Fred-
click II. lbeis, pros,
71. l hnles (liiihain, "II u Slaughlei (iralmni,
lliihiid Alien, alias Hairy Allen, Hairy
Mill, I'uncU Wlnwood, Dniil Davis, statu
tmy buiglirj; 1'rank Holding, Jr,, pios.
(Sji.iIi I'hillips).
72. John lliowu, John Lawless, John Morilmm,
larceny and rvcclvlug; IVank Holding, Jr,,
1 J. fialvatoie I'eudola, lihulanei I'endnla, iissuult
ami balteiyj J'rank Holding, Jr., pros.
71. II. -I, 1'iossley, attunrit at lapo; i'miik Hob-
Una-, Jl., pios,
'o, IMvvaul .ijuii, laieeuy ami retelviug; I'ranl;
Itobllng, Jr pros.
7U. ilinry II. I'iene, awault ami battery; An
thony lloldiii, puis.
77, lliiiuiil Jlaekcy, assault nnd battery; l'atiiek
Diuii, pios.
"3. Kaiuiiel Van Welt, assault und battel) I Annie
Vjii Writ, pros.
70. Willi jiii A. lK'.in, assault ami battery; Free-
man lord, pros.
0. Tlioiuaj Nolan, assault ami battery; Maggie
O'llojle, piov. '
Thursday,- October 11,
1, Thomas Hall, larceny and reletting; Frank
Holding, Jr., pros.
Si. I'ramU liogau, alias Kugenu F, llogau, Mark
llulfy, Martin (ioblen, T bonus Connor,
iiiallelou, mUchlif; Frulerlik llurdick, pios.
SJ. FraiikWIlllams, larceny and receiving; Maitln
t'lli'iH'u, prui.
stores, are we requesting too
your money in Scranton P Can
n give you unless you oome and
ufa better anywhere. We buy di
which gives us new goods at the
Co m Wjomimr Ayenia
Has His Hobby
And ours is to giva you a
little more for your money than
you expect. For instance,
Duffy's Malt Whiskey-
Others ask $i.oo; our prico 89
cents. Everything in our lino
at equally low prices.
216 Lackawanna Avenue,'
Scranton, Pa.
$5 SET '5$
Potter come in and talk to us
about your teeth. Wo believe you
xvlll appreciate the work and our
low prices. .We xvill save j'ou
nearly one-Halt on all'' dental
We make a specialty of Crown and Bridge
work and if you have any old or decayed
teeth, come to us and we will make new
ones out of them for you.
Dr. Beyer. Dentist
514 Spruce St., Opp. Court House.
The swarthy engi
neer may use strong and
harmful soap to clean
his oil-grimed hands ;
the busy servant may
use alkaline flesh-eating
soap powders to wash
her kitchen floor; the
would serve each better,
Cos Shoes for Mer
Always in the Lead.
81, Allele Sl.mko, iiKillcloin inUclilof to railroad!
Martin Ciippcu, pros.
kj. Michael Cunulngli.ini, aggravated assmlt and
battery; Jidiu Astoik, iiras.
SO. I'uiilc Mariichlm, selling liquor xvitliout 111
iinsc: II, Livingston, pros.
S7, Steven Mlllio, selling liquor without license 1
II. Livingston, pios.
S3, Andrew Ivoehlrr, falso prtcnecs; llalph U.
Weeks, pros,
60, John i'ciiza, larceny by bailee; S, I), Martlno,
IX), Thomas Moffatt, felonious wounding; 1', May,
01, Cliarle.s Viazcr, malicious mischief; Joseph
Flesher, pros,
li.'. James Koova, (ie.itoini C'hlodo, pointing; pistol;
1'atrlik llealey, pros.
Ii.l, I'.itilck F. (errlty, selling liijuor on Sunday;
Thomas l.ejshou, pios.
Ul, Miiliael Smith, selling liquor without license;
II. Lhingston, puis.
03. Mary Carey, selling liquor without license snd
silling liquor on Sunday; Itobert Wilson,
W. S-aniuel Mm ray, M. 1). Illcvvitt, J. 11. Miller,
M, J. Wheilan, keeping gaming houvi;
Fieel 12. lleers, pros.
l7. ltoso llepp, keeping bawdy houo; Llule WJ.
Hams, pros.
OS. Andro 1'arhh, malicious inUchlet to railroad;
V.. J. Neary, pros.
00. William bhnins, felonious xvounding) Frank
Hobllng, Jr., pros.
100.1 Frank it. Katcrba, larceny and receiving;
' Fiank Itobllng, Jr., iros.
Friday, October IS.
101., Thomas l Mills, fornltation ami baitardyj
Annlo A. tSulllvan, prox.
m r
ConthiuiU on l'ugs 10.
-. St s